Thursday 8th Nov
After the mayhem of the off screen drama, the episode was surprisingly good. Make that very good.
After many days, I felt BS was involved and emoting properly, and the characterization was good.
And I swear to God, the cv's are stalking this blog! They seem to be laying out the track exactly as I said here quite a few days back. Hope to God it does go that way!
Khushi breaks the news to Arnav ... he reacts angrily, she shows him the DNA report and he is flummoxed ... it's not possible. Khushi says Sheetal confirmed it ... Arnav's face changes ... ok, his dimaag is finally starting to wake up. And when Khushi tries to tell him Arav has a right on him, Arnav is not interested. Khushi is important, Khushi has a right on hm, that's it.
Is this the first hint that Arnav has registered that Khushi's fears were not without foundation, they were not all in her head, she was not just being a jealous wife? But in fact those fears had been carefully planted and nourished purposefully ... Sheetal confirmed that he, Arnav was Arav's father ... Arnav's face changes on hearing that ... yes, why would Khushi not believe her? Especially when substantiated by substantial proof - that DNA report. It wasn't a simple misunderstanding like what he had seen on the terrace ...
But on the terrace Shyam had lied about Khushi being involved with him ... and Arnav KNOWS for a fact that he did not sleep with Sheetal, at least not as far as he can remember. So it's Sheetal's word against his ...
In normal course, his word should be enough for Khushi, but Sheetal's word is backed by a piece of paper that even he can't negate.
Does that piece of paper make Arnav realise that he is up against a carefully thought out plan here? Or does it merely puzzle him as to how this report could be positive when he knows his own innocence? Khushi could only infer that the report is positive, could Arnav decipher that the report didn't necessarily mean father, but could mean a more distant relative also? So there are two possibilities - either that the report is tampered with and is part of a plan, or that it is true but it means only that Arav is related to the Raizada family, not necessarily to him alone.
But for the moment, Arnav merely stalks out in anger that Khushi could still be so insistent on Arav's rights, but not her own ...
The thinking probably starts later that evening, when the family sits for dinner. Arnav, furious with Khushi, refuses dinner, and doesn't come to sit with everyone ... Sheetal sees him walk away, and she has to stop him ... she needs to push Khushi harder into taking the decision to leave.
So a public announcement ... she and Arav are leaving the next day, thanks for everything ... with meaningful looks at Arnav ... main bechari dukhiyari akeli abla naari ...
Go woman, go! Who asked you to stay?!
But he doesn't react at all ... only Khushi looks worried.
The family tries to make her stay, a glowering Arnav doesn't utter a word in support. Nani promises to come meet Arav, but the kid is only interested in Arnav ... he does an emotional number on him ...'will you come to meet me? I have no friends except you.'
Me thinks the kid is a tad ungrateful ... the whole family fusses over him and he claims he is alone and friendless ... yeh bhi maa ne zaroor sikhaya hoga.
Arnav remembers Khushi's words and bends to console Arav ... 'I'll come, you're not alone, don't say that.'
And as Arav hugs him, Arnav very slowly hugs him back and reassures him ... and Khushi looks worried yet relieved. Sheetal looks suitably morose, the family goes all sentimental, and Arav is happy.
Arnav Khushi together (the second of many good Arshi scenes today
) ... actually communicating completely ... sitting by the poolside together talking quietly, in tune with each other ...
'Now what?'
'We face it ... together. As long as you're with me.'
So they confront Sheetal together ... Sheetal looks a bit startled to see them enter together, and she starts crocodile tears and very filmy melodramatic dialogues ... they looked totally fake, and Arnav seemed to think so too.He listens with growing disbelief, changing to skepticism ...
'I don't want to disrupt your married life ...' yeah right, woman, then why were you fasting for Arnav and drinking Khushi's water?
'Arav is my son and mine only ... don't take him away from me ...'
Arnav interrupts ... 'no, no ... you've got the wrong ... no one's taking him away from you ...' meaning ... I don't want him it's my wife who's got this bee in her bonnet about the kid.
Darn it, that's not what he was supposed to say!
Next try ... 'I don't want your help, I don't even want your money ...'
Uh oh, he wasn't offering that either actually ... Arnav looks slightly flummoxed, the idea hadn't even struck him.
Sheetal goes on bravely ... 'forget everything, Arav and I will go away from here, you live happily with Khushi, I will live happily with Arav ...'
Arnav looked as though he thought that was the best thing Sheetal had said so far! But he looks more and more puzzled ...that goes without saying, he wasn't offering to break up his marriage or make Sheetal a long term guest here ...
Sheetal goes on ... Arav will forget Arnav with time ... don't worry ...
But that's not what Arnav is worrying about at all, he's bothered about something far more basic ... if the woman would stop shedding tears and let him speak!
Darn it ... she doesn't stop speaking, but now Khushi chimes in ... totally taken in by Sheetal's emotional nonsense that she doesn't even realise Sheetal was throwing big hints as to what she expected Arnav to do ... but Arnav did ... Khushi has fallen for Sheetal's emotional blackmail completely and stops Arnav from saying what he really wants to ... and he strides out impatiently ... followed by Khushi.
And Sheetal gives a very tiny triumphant look.
And Arnav now knows exactly what Sheetal is up to ... blackmailing his emotional fool of a wife ... so that she can stay here longer and make trouble, either in their marriage or for money ... she's spelled it out herself.
Another Arshi scene ... again talking like normal couples ... wow!
Khushi wants Arnav to stop Sheetal from leaving, he doesn't want to stop her ... Khushi has to understand what he's getting at.
But she doesn't ... she's too worried about an innocent child ... to see through the nefarious plans of the mother ... and he knows Khushi won't listen or believe, because of the damn DNA report.
So he tries to reassure her, he'll make everything all right ... she has to trust him ...
And Khushi decides as usual that no, she will make everything all right, and as usual, that can only happen if she goes away ... Sheetal's poison finding its mark ...
So she tries to leave later at night as Arnav sleeps ... but this time finding it so much more difficult to do than ever before ...
He's not accepting Arav because he feels it will hurt her ... for the sake of the child, she has to leave ... however much it hurts her ...
Fortunately she comes back for one last kiss ... equally fortunately Arnav knows her very, very well by now, knew she would try something like this ...
One last kiss, one last caress as she looks at his sleeping face, tears falling down her own ... remembers her promise never to leave him ... but also remembers Arav's joy when he said 'Dad', when he hoisted Arav on his shoulder ... the child needs him more ...
But Arnav doesn't agree ...
A tug on her dupatta ... she turns incredulously, to find him holding firmly, looking at her steadily, without anger, without surprise ... he knew she would do this, because she always puts others first, and this was about a fatherless child ... it wasn't even a question ... not after Sheetal's emotional words, which he knew had found their mark ...
A brief look at her bag lying at the door ... then back at her ...
'You're going?' quietly, as though he knew this would happen ...
'I have to ... for Arav's sake ...'
Arav's sake, Di's sake, his sake ... never her own ...
And he pulls her down to the bed ... to talk, gently, calmly, to get it into her head that her running away will not solve the matter ... if she leave, things won't magically become all right, she has no reason and no need to sacrifice her own happiness and his, because it will not solve the problem at all.This problem has a different solution altogether ...
'Khushi, let's say yeh sab sach hota ... toh chhod ke chali jaati mujhe?'
So Arnav doesn't believe a word of Sheetal's lies ... but first and most important thing is to make sure that Khushi stays put and doesn't do her martyr act.
'Even if this is true, can you really leave me and go away?'
And Khushi breaks finally ... clinging to him tightly ... she doesn't know, she tried to leave, but she can't leave him, it's too difficult, she can't let go of him now ...for once she can't do what she thinks is the right thing ...
Because it's not the right thing ... it's no solution ... and he tells her so in no uncertain words ...
'Khushi, I know this much ... even if you try, we cannot be separated ... Arnav and Khushi will always be together ... hamesha ...'
Bas ... bol diya ...
And Khushi clings to him in relief ... crying freely ... no more fears, no more doubts, no more sacrifice either ... this is where she belongs ... for always. Arnav and Khushi belong together.
SN - now end the show, dammit! After this, they cannot show Arnav walking away into the sunset with Sheetal!
Next morning, Arnav in deep thought, how to deal with this problem called Sheetal, and get to the truth ...
But his wife makes it more difficult for him, because she's convinced he did father the boy, and she's genuinely trying to get over that ... after all, it happened during college days, he's not completely at fault ... she understands ...
But he doesn't want her to understand!
He tries to explain to his too-understanding wife that the problem lies elsewhere ... he didn't sleep around, he's not sure the kid is his at all, DNA report and mother's story notwithstanding ... he should at least remember sleeping with the woman! Which he doesn't!
And he wants Khushi with him when he goes to clarify matters with Sheetal ... because he wants her with him every step of the way. Everything that happens in his life, she is a part of it.
So Arnav and Sheetal go together to question Sheetal exactly under what circumstances Arav was conceived.
Because he needs to be sure Arav is in fact his son - he doesn't remember anything happening between him and Sheetal.
And Sheetal spins a sob story of how Arnav got drunk on graduation night ...
Arnav is even more incredulous as he listens ... he doesn't remember any of what she's telling him ... and why didn't she tell him herself at the time?!
Because he broke up with her the very next day ... so she was broken and went away ... but not so broken that she decided to have her baby and rear him well even as a single mother ... Arav will not need Arnav, she will make sure Arav doesn't miss a father.
Soft-hearted Khushi tries to stop her ... Arav needs a father ... Arnav doesn't say a word, he's too busy thinking over this new picture of himself that Sheetal has suddenly painted
SN - dare I hope his shatir dimaag is finally making an appearance?
And Khushi tussles with Sheetal on the stairs, Sheetal calls for Arav, they're leaving immediately ... more tussle, while Arnav makes absolutely no move to stop Sheetal, instead just watches her very carefully ... and Sheetal falls down the stairs ... Khushi holds on to Arav, leave Sheetal to her fate ... which unfortunately is only a sprained ankle, nothing worse ...
Whole family in attendance on Sheetal, Arnav is still deep in thought ... doctor diagnoses a sprain and prescribes rest ... Sheetal says she and Arav will leave ... Nani stop her ... Sheeta protests for form's sake and Arnav says one word ... 'Stay.'
And he walks away without another word.
Sheetal is quiet ... she got what she wanted ... or has she really?
So Payash's leaving for America is set.
Arshi again
... yes, Arnav's brain is working full time here.
An apology to Khushi ... don't ask me any questions for a while please ... and everything will be all right.
She knows it will, he doesn't have to say sorry. She loves him, she trusts him ... those are things that will never change.
And Arnav is overcome with love, admiration and respect for his wife and her love.
'How can you be like this?' Not a word of complaint, not a cross word, no feeling of betrayal ... just pure love, pure trust ... atoot vishwas ...
'Because of you ...' because you're like this ...
Again ... end the show on this note, dammit!
A few days back, my shiddat was that Arnav realise that Sheetal is up to something and act as though he believes everything she says, while working to trip her up in her story.
Shiddat ... that seems to be happening!
After the mayhem of the off screen drama, the episode was surprisingly good. Make that very good.
And I swear to God, the cv's are stalking this blog! They seem to be laying out the track exactly as I said here quite a few days back. Hope to God it does go that way!
Khushi breaks the news to Arnav ... he reacts angrily, she shows him the DNA report and he is flummoxed ... it's not possible. Khushi says Sheetal confirmed it ... Arnav's face changes ... ok, his dimaag is finally starting to wake up. And when Khushi tries to tell him Arav has a right on him, Arnav is not interested. Khushi is important, Khushi has a right on hm, that's it.
Is this the first hint that Arnav has registered that Khushi's fears were not without foundation, they were not all in her head, she was not just being a jealous wife? But in fact those fears had been carefully planted and nourished purposefully ... Sheetal confirmed that he, Arnav was Arav's father ... Arnav's face changes on hearing that ... yes, why would Khushi not believe her? Especially when substantiated by substantial proof - that DNA report. It wasn't a simple misunderstanding like what he had seen on the terrace ...
But on the terrace Shyam had lied about Khushi being involved with him ... and Arnav KNOWS for a fact that he did not sleep with Sheetal, at least not as far as he can remember. So it's Sheetal's word against his ...
In normal course, his word should be enough for Khushi, but Sheetal's word is backed by a piece of paper that even he can't negate.
Does that piece of paper make Arnav realise that he is up against a carefully thought out plan here? Or does it merely puzzle him as to how this report could be positive when he knows his own innocence? Khushi could only infer that the report is positive, could Arnav decipher that the report didn't necessarily mean father, but could mean a more distant relative also? So there are two possibilities - either that the report is tampered with and is part of a plan, or that it is true but it means only that Arav is related to the Raizada family, not necessarily to him alone.
But for the moment, Arnav merely stalks out in anger that Khushi could still be so insistent on Arav's rights, but not her own ...
The thinking probably starts later that evening, when the family sits for dinner. Arnav, furious with Khushi, refuses dinner, and doesn't come to sit with everyone ... Sheetal sees him walk away, and she has to stop him ... she needs to push Khushi harder into taking the decision to leave.
So a public announcement ... she and Arav are leaving the next day, thanks for everything ... with meaningful looks at Arnav ... main bechari dukhiyari akeli abla naari ...
Go woman, go! Who asked you to stay?!
But he doesn't react at all ... only Khushi looks worried.
The family tries to make her stay, a glowering Arnav doesn't utter a word in support. Nani promises to come meet Arav, but the kid is only interested in Arnav ... he does an emotional number on him ...'will you come to meet me? I have no friends except you.'
Me thinks the kid is a tad ungrateful ... the whole family fusses over him and he claims he is alone and friendless ... yeh bhi maa ne zaroor sikhaya hoga.
Arnav remembers Khushi's words and bends to console Arav ... 'I'll come, you're not alone, don't say that.'
And as Arav hugs him, Arnav very slowly hugs him back and reassures him ... and Khushi looks worried yet relieved. Sheetal looks suitably morose, the family goes all sentimental, and Arav is happy.
Arnav Khushi together (the second of many good Arshi scenes today
'Now what?'
'We face it ... together. As long as you're with me.'
So they confront Sheetal together ... Sheetal looks a bit startled to see them enter together, and she starts crocodile tears and very filmy melodramatic dialogues ... they looked totally fake, and Arnav seemed to think so too.He listens with growing disbelief, changing to skepticism ...
'I don't want to disrupt your married life ...' yeah right, woman, then why were you fasting for Arnav and drinking Khushi's water?
'Arav is my son and mine only ... don't take him away from me ...'
Arnav interrupts ... 'no, no ... you've got the wrong ... no one's taking him away from you ...' meaning ... I don't want him it's my wife who's got this bee in her bonnet about the kid.
Darn it, that's not what he was supposed to say!
Next try ... 'I don't want your help, I don't even want your money ...'
Uh oh, he wasn't offering that either actually ... Arnav looks slightly flummoxed, the idea hadn't even struck him.
Sheetal goes on bravely ... 'forget everything, Arav and I will go away from here, you live happily with Khushi, I will live happily with Arav ...'
Arnav looked as though he thought that was the best thing Sheetal had said so far! But he looks more and more puzzled ...that goes without saying, he wasn't offering to break up his marriage or make Sheetal a long term guest here ...
Sheetal goes on ... Arav will forget Arnav with time ... don't worry ...
But that's not what Arnav is worrying about at all, he's bothered about something far more basic ... if the woman would stop shedding tears and let him speak!
Darn it ... she doesn't stop speaking, but now Khushi chimes in ... totally taken in by Sheetal's emotional nonsense that she doesn't even realise Sheetal was throwing big hints as to what she expected Arnav to do ... but Arnav did ... Khushi has fallen for Sheetal's emotional blackmail completely and stops Arnav from saying what he really wants to ... and he strides out impatiently ... followed by Khushi.
And Sheetal gives a very tiny triumphant look.
And Arnav now knows exactly what Sheetal is up to ... blackmailing his emotional fool of a wife ... so that she can stay here longer and make trouble, either in their marriage or for money ... she's spelled it out herself.
Another Arshi scene ... again talking like normal couples ... wow!
But she doesn't ... she's too worried about an innocent child ... to see through the nefarious plans of the mother ... and he knows Khushi won't listen or believe, because of the damn DNA report.
So he tries to reassure her, he'll make everything all right ... she has to trust him ...
And Khushi decides as usual that no, she will make everything all right, and as usual, that can only happen if she goes away ... Sheetal's poison finding its mark ...
So she tries to leave later at night as Arnav sleeps ... but this time finding it so much more difficult to do than ever before ...
He's not accepting Arav because he feels it will hurt her ... for the sake of the child, she has to leave ... however much it hurts her ...
Fortunately she comes back for one last kiss ... equally fortunately Arnav knows her very, very well by now, knew she would try something like this ...
One last kiss, one last caress as she looks at his sleeping face, tears falling down her own ... remembers her promise never to leave him ... but also remembers Arav's joy when he said 'Dad', when he hoisted Arav on his shoulder ... the child needs him more ...
But Arnav doesn't agree ...
A tug on her dupatta ... she turns incredulously, to find him holding firmly, looking at her steadily, without anger, without surprise ... he knew she would do this, because she always puts others first, and this was about a fatherless child ... it wasn't even a question ... not after Sheetal's emotional words, which he knew had found their mark ...
A brief look at her bag lying at the door ... then back at her ...
'You're going?' quietly, as though he knew this would happen ...
'I have to ... for Arav's sake ...'
Arav's sake, Di's sake, his sake ... never her own ...
And he pulls her down to the bed ... to talk, gently, calmly, to get it into her head that her running away will not solve the matter ... if she leave, things won't magically become all right, she has no reason and no need to sacrifice her own happiness and his, because it will not solve the problem at all.This problem has a different solution altogether ...
'Khushi, let's say yeh sab sach hota ... toh chhod ke chali jaati mujhe?'
So Arnav doesn't believe a word of Sheetal's lies ... but first and most important thing is to make sure that Khushi stays put and doesn't do her martyr act.
'Even if this is true, can you really leave me and go away?'
And Khushi breaks finally ... clinging to him tightly ... she doesn't know, she tried to leave, but she can't leave him, it's too difficult, she can't let go of him now ...for once she can't do what she thinks is the right thing ...
Because it's not the right thing ... it's no solution ... and he tells her so in no uncertain words ...
'Khushi, I know this much ... even if you try, we cannot be separated ... Arnav and Khushi will always be together ... hamesha ...'
Bas ... bol diya ...
And Khushi clings to him in relief ... crying freely ... no more fears, no more doubts, no more sacrifice either ... this is where she belongs ... for always. Arnav and Khushi belong together.
SN - now end the show, dammit! After this, they cannot show Arnav walking away into the sunset with Sheetal!
Next morning, Arnav in deep thought, how to deal with this problem called Sheetal, and get to the truth ...
But his wife makes it more difficult for him, because she's convinced he did father the boy, and she's genuinely trying to get over that ... after all, it happened during college days, he's not completely at fault ... she understands ...
But he doesn't want her to understand!
He tries to explain to his too-understanding wife that the problem lies elsewhere ... he didn't sleep around, he's not sure the kid is his at all, DNA report and mother's story notwithstanding ... he should at least remember sleeping with the woman! Which he doesn't!
And he wants Khushi with him when he goes to clarify matters with Sheetal ... because he wants her with him every step of the way. Everything that happens in his life, she is a part of it.
So Arnav and Sheetal go together to question Sheetal exactly under what circumstances Arav was conceived.
And Sheetal spins a sob story of how Arnav got drunk on graduation night ...
Arnav is even more incredulous as he listens ... he doesn't remember any of what she's telling him ... and why didn't she tell him herself at the time?!
Because he broke up with her the very next day ... so she was broken and went away ... but not so broken that she decided to have her baby and rear him well even as a single mother ... Arav will not need Arnav, she will make sure Arav doesn't miss a father.
Soft-hearted Khushi tries to stop her ... Arav needs a father ... Arnav doesn't say a word, he's too busy thinking over this new picture of himself that Sheetal has suddenly painted
SN - dare I hope his shatir dimaag is finally making an appearance?
And Khushi tussles with Sheetal on the stairs, Sheetal calls for Arav, they're leaving immediately ... more tussle, while Arnav makes absolutely no move to stop Sheetal, instead just watches her very carefully ... and Sheetal falls down the stairs ... Khushi holds on to Arav, leave Sheetal to her fate ... which unfortunately is only a sprained ankle, nothing worse ...
Whole family in attendance on Sheetal, Arnav is still deep in thought ... doctor diagnoses a sprain and prescribes rest ... Sheetal says she and Arav will leave ... Nani stop her ... Sheeta protests for form's sake and Arnav says one word ... 'Stay.'
And he walks away without another word.
Sheetal is quiet ... she got what she wanted ... or has she really?
So Payash's leaving for America is set.
Arshi again
An apology to Khushi ... don't ask me any questions for a while please ... and everything will be all right.
She knows it will, he doesn't have to say sorry. She loves him, she trusts him ... those are things that will never change.
And Arnav is overcome with love, admiration and respect for his wife and her love.
'How can you be like this?' Not a word of complaint, not a cross word, no feeling of betrayal ... just pure love, pure trust ... atoot vishwas ...
'Because of you ...' because you're like this ...
Again ... end the show on this note, dammit!
A few days back, my shiddat was that Arnav realise that Sheetal is up to something and act as though he believes everything she says, while working to trip her up in her story.
Shiddat ... that seems to be happening!
aaj episode dekhke mein bohot emotional not usually the crying at movies types..par when Arnav said Arnav aur Khushi ko koi alag nahi kar sakta..i cried!!
ReplyDeletemaybe it is all that off-screen drama and drama in asli duniya finally catching up or just seeing ODC together...hum log Khushi ko kisi aur ke saath kaise dekh payenge?? *sob sob*
anyway..doesnt look like ASR bought Sheetal's story..bechare ko kuch samajh nahi aaya..but he has her support!!
damn loved that bedroom scene...and i was thinking i wont take long to detox!! this is soo sad :(
Anita, those tears falling on the porcelain cheeks, the sad rabba ve, the "kyun dard hai itna" they literally used every sad tune they had.. we poor arhimaniacs.. hamara kya hoga!
DeleteHaan J!! aur bitwa ka dialogue..tumhe kaya laga..tum chali jaogi aur sab theek ho jayega...
Deletehamara kya hoga!!!!
and, that was a ferrari paced episode..
ReplyDeleteyes, khushi decided to leave RM to get the awesome threesome to get a life.. but arnav caught her out.. just in time. shital told arnav that aarav was indeed a product of SUI.. and arnav was genuinely confused, coz he "wasnt that type of guy in college"... still ASR made no appearance, it was all tongue tied arnav.
khushi managed to make shital fall down the stairs while she was leaving, bag and all.. so she sprained her leg. doc Rx rest..shital insisted she's going.. Arnav said "Stay."
back in their room, khushi reassures arnav that she does not begrudge him a mistake of his past.. and arnav asks "khushi, how can you be like this?" ..."because of you".
no precap.
wow. great episode. yes, i have missed parts, but you HAVE to watch it.
waisey, loved shital's tank-jeans outfit.
Girls,am i stupid to ask this?ofc i am stupid
DeleteIs the ARHI dream still alive? i am a sucker for punishment....
Jab ghaav ka dard bardasth ke had paar kar jaaye toh woh nasoor kehlata hain...
rekha, lambi saans andar, lambi saans bahar!
Deletethe arhi dream is still very much alive.
arnav will not leave until after the diwali 360.
me personally, if i can see shirtless sham touching my girl (shudder) and bardaash it, i can see whatever they will do to arhi. i'm planning on sticking to this show..
ghav pe malham lagaane ke liye one sondg dedication:
DeleteJ..that scene in the bedroom brought tears to my ani, i was crying....i can live with just that promise that arnav made to Khushi today....
thanks for the malham.....much appreciated
i'm angry at khushi today.. the man told her "tumhare bina mein mar jaunga"(cheeesy!!) and still she decided to leave him??? however much she cried.. apne bitwa ko chod kar ja rahi thee???
DeleteYes yaar......but i was so happy when she huged arnav and said...humein nahin pata...San was so gud in that scene...cutie pie....i can't bear to see her with anyone other than BS on screen (stupid of me to say that but SARUN have spoilt me for any couple on telly screen) I am waitin to see SRK spin some magic on big screen in JTHJ.....I am waiting for an Anushka-SRK magic not katrina-srk..( i hope there is some romance for that pair)
DeleteI somehow like SRK in the jiya re song....he is looking gud after quite a while!! (sorry if i hurt sentiments of any SRK fans...for me SRK is the SRK of Chak De, Swades (DDLH is folklore!!)...
What was that? Channel speaking to viewers? or PH trying to placate us?
ReplyDeleteOpti - thanks for the rundown on how this PH operates. Will be wary of watching/getting hooked on another serial in the future.
i dunno who was talking to who.. but one thing's fo sure, A-K cannot be without each othe.. may be it means, if they are continuin, its gonna be with them, if they are shuttin down, still A and K will be together.. HAMESHA!!
DeleteAki..there were a lot of 'Hamesha's' and dialogues which did seem to be aimed at the audience..chill karo tumhare A & K hamesha ek saath honge..BS phir se aayega...
DeleteGiven the furore over the past couple of days, I guess they finally got the hint....Seriously tho, going by Opti's comments and my one previous outing in the world of hindi serials (many moons ago), have these guys not got the art of storytelling yet? Altho that serial was not as badly mauled as this one, phir bhi kheecham taani uss mein bhi ki channel walon ne.....
DeleteI think that was the PH/channel telling us that even if BS is leaving, the Arshi magic will stay ... they won't let Arnav ride off into the sunset with Sheetal.
DeleteThe way the episode went, I think Arnav's shatir dimaag makes a belated and final appearance, gets rid of Sheetal and then there will be an accident or something (details of his exit are still being worked on, according to reports) ... and he will disappear.
Dhruv will make an appearance after Arnav exits.
This is my prediction only ... and my predictions have very poor success rate :)
"loved shital's tank-jeans outfit"
ReplyDeleteJ, that was going to be my first observation too :).
i watched all three epi back to back and then logged onto R&R to check y'day's edited update before catching the serial, read all the comments and with dizzying thots went and sat in front of the tv only to watch BS (once again) stumble thru anchoring, and abhas as narakasur (he really does villain roles well) and precap showed SI dancing to a peppy BW number. my first thot, SI wasn't so comfortable with classical dance. i may be prejudiced, coz i never appreciate the filmy adaptations of classical dances, bharatanatyam esp, they always get it wrong :( sory, i am digressing...
anyway, show started.. and for the first few mins, i couldn't make out head or tail of it. why isnt somebody anybody angry??? bitwa ur wife is saying u have a son and has proof for it, arent u angry ki she over ruled ur word? shudnt u be angry at least at sheetal for corroborating her story? all he did was act bewildered, like sheetal was speaking pig latin. and the oh-so casual way he said,
"look khushi told me abt aarav, but i dnt think he is my son."
was it intended to be so comical, or is it just my deranged sense of humour?
and wat a pace? in one day, arnav gets the truth, khushi tries to leave, stopped by arnav, sheetal says it was SUI, and now arnav wants to get to the bottom of it. will arnav's shatir dimaag make a brief appearance at least now??
is sheetal white or not??
and that expression on arnav's face when khushi was saying, sheetal ji aap ghar chodke nahi jaa sakthi, i felt BS was trying hard to maintain a straight face. even i went WT for a moment
but then BS/arnav/ASR said those golden words, arnav aur khushi hamesha ek saath rahenge and that settled everything for me! i'l watch the show for as long as sarun are in it... i will continue watching it for sanaya if there is a decent story line and if they make her a strong khadoos business woman, just like ASR. yes, i am a BS fan, and i wud feel bad if BS left the show... but as long as the show is always abt ARHI where AR is always BS, i can live with it, do i make sense?
Krish i noticed that expression too..guess BS was laughing off-screen..he hurriedly changed that expression..for a second i thought arre ASR ko hasi aa rahi hai Sheetal ko seediyon se girte dekh..
Deletei just heard an audo clip of BS saying he is taking a break..and it does not seem as big a deal as everyone is making it to be..he said that he doesnt know if it will be short or long..but he just wants a break..he sounded tired..makes me wonder if he is unwell..
Deletewell Anita, he does look a bit sallow, weak and in diwali celebrations, he looks so thin.. is it his normal build? i dunno..
and well, i have long since given up on the offscreen drama... m watching the show only for the story.. just to know how it ends.. u know at times u start a book, its very engaging for sometime, then suddenly things dnt go quite well, but u read, just to finish it and get it over with.,.. i'm in that state of mind. i dnt mind who leaves and who stays, just get on witht he story, dats all!
Oh it happens to me all the time with books...i start with great interest and don't like it..but just finish it because i cannot imagine leaving a book in between...
Deletei am trying to just watch it for the story!! a bit hard...felt very bad seeing them together today..will try and try to watch it just for the story!!!
krish, you havent seen his fido dido photo? yes, he is VERY thin.. thats why he wears those sweater-shirt things :D
Deleteand that actor who lifted him up.. said barun weighs less than a girl :))
yeah.. i know exactly what you mean when you read through an 800 page book.. just grit your teeth and read through pages 500-700 because it is nowhere near as good as the first 200, just to get the full story instead of turning to the end :)
i remember doing that with The Hobbit by tolkien. may be i was too young, bt it took al my patience to ead ti the end, and though i complained abt this and that, i could neve really stop reading...
Deleteabt BS and his skinny looks.. may be i'm over imagining :)
and in reply to your original post, arnav seems VERY sure that aarav cannot be his son, even if there is a DNA report to support the claim.. and he is trying to see this seriously instead of laughing out loud, to be kind to khushi.. because his face all through was just incredulous.. he is trying to see if there is even an iota of truth anywhere... and shital's filmy dialogues (did she grow up with salman khan movies too??) are the ultimate ridiculousness... so much that he cannot decide what to say...
Deleteand khushi the sanka devi takes over..
every step of the way, he wants his wife with him on this delicate matter.. casts a bad light on his wife, who seems to be making all the decisions herself in her flightiness!
aah.. tolkein.. you simply cannot reading.. even if your eyes ache, you want to know what happens next.. you dont want to miss even a little bit by skimming the paragraphs.. you want to memorize the elvish.. you want to dream of the lands described.. wow thanks krish,today, my SKD has other languages :D
DeleteJust imagine for a moment, someone new tunes in to watch the show.. they'll c a mom, dragging a kid away from the house, a lady pleading her not leave coz she cant take the kid away from his dad. the kid looks tearfully back.. camera pans to BS, he stands there almost about to laugh out loud!! anybody would obv think this was a blooper show or a behind the scene segment! no?
DeleteJ, ditto on tolkein!!
Deletesorry to interrupt such a nice convo on books and all that...
Deletebut seriously when u r stone drunk, can u do it?*wink*
maybe Bs remembered something of his stone drunk days!!
DeleteOMG rekha!!! i choked!! and now am having a coughing fit! aap bhi naa... patha nahi kya kya sochthe ho *wink*
Deletei vow to myself, never drink water while readin R&R!! not good fo health ;)
FYI, yes... you're not drunk and lying in a ditch somewhere, you are nicely buzzed and having a great time.. problem is just that you dont remember anything the next morning, unless you're in a strange bed with no clothes on ;D (example.. 'what happened in vegas' and umpteen hollywood examples.. unless someone expressly reminds you that something happened, you dont even try to recollect)
Deletebut of course, looking at arnav, it is pretty sure that shital has fabricated the whole story.. and before arnav can say NO, shital ran off the room.. and arnav was truly amused by his pagal biwi - trying to manao the chudail to stay- he was indeed laughing..
ROFL krish.. so you know.. 'drinking' is injurious to health :D
DeleteREKHA!!!HHHAAAWWWWWW....i almost choked on my strawberry flavoured cornflakes (my after dinner snack this evening!!)
did you guys read LOTR??its amazing!!Aragorn!!hhhaaayyyeeee
J.....accepted buzzed..i am presuming thats what she is talking....mera question was more technical of the stone drunk variety and whether u fit for any thing...much less any spectacular performance!!
DeleteGod....he was actually controlling his laughter tehre....BS...u wicked guy....
yeah.. read LOTR.. took me many days, nights and more, but i did read that. could not put it down. forget aragorn, i fell in love with strider.. and later, when he emerged to be aragorn, i was cheering and grinning. and when i see the movie.. aragorn.. and arwen (hand on my heart) hayeee
Deleterekha, sorry, i dont think stone drunk and SUI mix.. unless the girl was equally pickled, and imagined the whole thing.
how can BS be wicked? it was natkhat arnav..(aww i miss natkhat arnav)
BS can be wicked naughty of that i have no doubt!!....natkhat arnav...miss him too!!
Deleteshe was pickled for sure...did not let go of my hand and all that!! no wonder arnav was wondering yeh sab kaise ho gaya...SP style conception!!
J and Rekha... hillarious convo!!
DeleteLOTR!!! Aragorn...takes me to another entirely diff SKD!!
you know LOTR movie is the first adaptation of a book i actually loved!!it was exactly as i imagined when i was reading..Aragorn and Arwen were hayyeee...loved that elf also..who helps them? i cant remember his name...
Deletethat way HP movies were a big disappointment...
Hey Krish,
DeleteJ and I were having a serious convo....WT?? she was educating me on a technical point..see how seriously replied to my qestion
and i just realised my poor manners...i wrote a post saying sorry for makin u girls choke and that so so sorry!!
so true anita.. i STILL sit and watch if i see one of those while channel surfing... aragorn, legolas, even gimli and sam.. sigh! arwen.. beautiful imagery.. the elvish jewellery.. the costumes, the casting.. viggo mortensen.. the serene flow of the story, even during the wickedly violent scenes..
Deleteyes, HP movies get boring after a few repeats. twilight movies.. once is too much. narnia movies managed the magic once.. repeats not.
waisey another on the repeat list is POTC.. i love johnny depp.
i have IF and R&R open in tabs whenever i'm online.. and i tend to believe that it is no break, it is actually quit. so sad for the fans who actually went to the shooting location to protest.
J..since the time the news came out..i checked IF and these people are really really upset..their feelings for BS and SI are quite deep..they are willing to do anything to make them stay!
Deletepata nahi appreciate karte hain ke nahi..but i feel bad when i read their posts...for their sake i hope BS is not leaving...
this fandom can get intense....they love and hate with a passion....its also about being in the moment..kuch der baad it will get ok.....for everyone..
DeleteOfc decisions can't be based on these sentiments alone...for it the actor,Ph or ch...
No doubt the passion of fans may have taken IPK to dizzy heights but at the end of the day...these things have a shelf life...ab kharab lag raha hain.kuch dino baad ..kuch likha jayega kuch yaad kiya may become a sweet fading memory....
transience is the name of the game!!
rekha, in answer to your technical question ... yes, you can :))) Personal experience, as it were ... no, I was not the one drunk, so I remember! :D
DeleteI don't know how much of this is on IF ... I haven't been there in a while, was chatting with some of the girls on FB, and Barun is taking off for six weeks.
Fans are going mad calling the channel to retain him and cursing the PH. But from reports, even from the BS supporters, he is the one who handed in his papers. BS supporters say he was forced ... he was protesting against the storyline of ASR going away with Sheetal ...
But Padfoot's news was that the storyline was brought in for his exit in the first place.
If PH changed script for Daljeet, wouldn't they change it for Barun? Or does Gul and PH really have some personal vendetta against him? Could be possible - but again, not completely their fault, if the guy wants six weeks leave every six months for his movie career, he can't stay as lead in a daily show in that case.
My conclusion, he did want out, but PH is being vengeful and destroying his name and reputation in the bargain. And with Akshay and Deepali leaving at the ame time, I doubt the show will last too long ... maybe the channel just wants it on air till a substitute is ready. SP has lots of shows lined up, depends on what is ready to take over the slot.
dia....thanks for answering the technical question!! *very illuminating*
Deleteback to IPK
U may just be right .....actually when we are not privy to info..we are bound to catch the one element that we see to put an end of our misery...
Personally i began with the theory of posturing...i still believe every news sells...but later when Padfoot's theory and what got reported in IF matched...i thot there is some sabotage for sure....koi gala goes on for everyone!!
I am going to avoid star-crossed love the plague...scarred for ever!!
DeleteWonderful edit.
I guess you canot pinpoint anyone singularly as at fault.
It is a collective responsibility- the four estates (SP, PH, Actors, Viewers) share the fault here, I feel.
Some things in life cannot be helped. It is not fair. But barun really looks like he needs the leave for whatever reason. Even if it is for a movie, he really deserves it and all my best wishes go with him. Sanaya and he are working like donkeys, plus Barun has the responsibility of his family. It is more difficult for him, being a guy who has to probably prove a lot to the world. It must be tiring, being tied down to a show, which the channel or PH does not want to end any time now. Compared to Gurmeet in PV or any other telly heroes, Barun has to put in more screen space (along with Sanaya who is a darling, but wouldn't we want her to go in search of her dreams too when opportunity knocks?), because this is only a love story, nothing more than that.
On the PH, they probably want their story to be finished off nicely, they definitely don't want a repeat of Geet, for which they have apologised so many times to viewers. Unfortunately, THEY WILL CONTINUE TO BEAR THE BRUNT of the accusations, the actors are always more popular and SP is untouchable- someone has to bear it. Tough luck!
SP still feels things can be worked out in everyone's favour, I really hope the PH too stays. And whatever differences Gul and Barun are 'SUPPOSED TO ' have will be resolved like two mature individuals. Because this TEAM IS GREAT! They should give each other breathing space. So should the fans, I say. Let Barun take his leave and come back. From Nishi (with whom I am very cross with that childish bashing post on Barun, BTW), Payash is not finishe. We could consider they are also taking a well deserved break from a long period of joblessness. The will come back when The PH can think up a track that involves them instead of hanging around like living props.
kshay chose the wrong time to quit, the way he quit makes it look like IPK is a sinking ship. His and Barun's reasons for leaving are different, but the fact that it happened at the same time has landed the PH in a big mess- something they may not be willing to forgive easily. But I must say I HAVE GREAT RESPECT for this guy. HE STUCK TO HIS DECISION. Kudos to him, he proved he has a spine. I only hope he has not ruffled too many feathers and will be back after a hiatus, probably for a short term at least to show god will. I feel really bad for the team,esp Barun, because they really had a good time with him on the sets.
With SP stepping in a big way, coupled with the fact that this couple is it- no other couple will have this chemistry, I am really hoping to see more of Sanaya and Barun in IPK or some other show. Ofc, to recreate the magic, the creative team has to stay on too.
6 weeks? That is all it takes to shoot a movie? Bollywood has come a long way!
So Sanaya is at the top of the celebrity ranking in IF. Looks like fans are punishing BS for wanting to take a break.
ReplyDeleteapparently SI & BS got emotional and broke down on the sets today..poor kids ya!! :/
ReplyDeleteYes i am stalking both R&R and IF...
Dia, LOVED your edit today.. and the spotlight on shitals filmy dialogues :D
ReplyDeleteand big hugs for updating !
waisey, i was watching veera right now.. wow yaar, what a gripping episode!
I'm going to make a weekly post for Veera, and update every day. Not so much to discuss there, but I love the show and the acting is superb!
DeleteI normally avoid tear-jerkers....but the boy has me in thrall....he is born to act!!
the interaction among the kids was fantastic...that girl gunjan and her bro..were so cute!!
WOW for the episode.
ReplyDeleteIf SP is buying over the rights to the show, I really hope they hijack the creative team too. How well they have delivered when all this offscreen drama has been going on for god knows how many days!
Heart attack moment of the day: when K packed her bags to leave.WT!
Loved all the Arhi convos: Yes, the message is loud and clear. No one will touch Arhi.
ROFL moment of the day: Doc to Sheeatl: YOu leave all the running around to the other people: (Can't remember the exact dialogue in hindi thanks to stupid SP blocking the 11 pm slot- yeh sab bhaag daud or something like that.)- a dig at the off screen drama for sure!
Girls, if u can, please read redwine's post on DC, its beautiful..
ReplyDeleteI am glad some can keep away the off-screen drama to enjoy the beauty unfolding on screen...actually today's episode was really beautiful....even with all the aspects that u want to question...(i mean on-screen), the ARHI scenes just brought alive the feeling why we fell in love with this pair..even without the magic of the IPK of yore, it was sublime....
it brought home to me again why we are so affected by them, their story...
DeleteToday's epi was so beautiful.Sukoon aaya!
Kal khel main hain hum no ho
Gardish main taare rahenge sadaa
after seeing the epi I felt sorry for the actors and the PH. No you are not hallucinating. I said I feel sorry for PH and not that they are not liars. Maybe this one time the panga for circumstances is elsewhere though not at all aided by the gimmicks and past history of PH.
Har pyaar milan toh nahi, kabhi kabhi judaa hokar bhi hum pyaar ko nayi makam dete hain
Ek dooke se hue judaa jab ek dooje ke liye bane
When Sheetal was introduced, and I thought of Vrindavan, I thought of Putana. Hmmm!
Before Aragon could return to claim Minas Tirith he had to contens with Boromir's father. Besides there was a period when he lived in anonymity as the ranger until the time came.
Hum aapke aane ka intezaar karenge. Agar ma samaan insaan putana jaisi nikle, then Aarav is entitled to his yashoda maiyya Khushi. But she will always want to reuntie him with his father much like she searched for Arnav. Especially if the only other role model in his life falss into the Thames and goes missing.
When Krishna set out to seek his uncle that he met his real father Vasudev.
Give me some sunshine
Give me some rain
Give me another chance
I want to grow up once again
Deletetujh se lipat kar jo ro lete ham
aansu nahi the ye moti se kam
tera daman nahi ye aansu dhale bhi to kya hai
ek tu na mila… sari duniya mile bhi toh kya.....
Of course they are stalking this blog Dia! They are getting some of their best ideas here..........
ReplyDeletespeaking of ideas, here's one from Rag1ni entitled "the unbearable lightness of jalebis".....enjoy..........
Thanks Aki!! dil ko sukoon mila early morning!!
Deletelovely VM!! isko dekhne ke baad aur bhi yakeen ho gaya ke hum sab SI ko BS ke alava kisi aur ke saath nahi dekh sakte...
ReplyDeleteLoved the edit waiting for the update tomorrow.
DeleteLoved the updated post. For a second was confused then realized you adopted a new style of merging edit later and quick update.
DeleteAfter yday's epi, looks like it will be all about ehmiyat this Diwali
Tu Hi Meri Shab Hai Subah Hai
Tu Hi Din Hai Mera
Tu Hi Mera Rab Hai Jahaan Hai
Tu Hi Meri Duniya
Tu Waqt Mere Liye
Main Hoon tera Lamha
Kaise Jiyegaa Bhalaa
Hoke Tu Mujhse Judaa
Khushi once thought herself to be & also was told she was the thorn in Arnav's life, Arnav later clarified to her that she was the flower surrounded by the thorns of his life. Today he sets out to show her that she has ALWAYS been THE flower in HIS life.
Main Agar Kahoon Tumsa Haseen
Kaayanaat Main Nahi Hai Kaheen
Taareef Yeh Bhi Toh Sach Hai Kuch Bhi Naheen
Tumko Paaya Hai Toh Jaise Khoya Hoon
Kehna Chaahoon Bhi Toh Tumse Kya Kahoon
Kisi Jabaan Main Bhi Woh Lafz Hi Nahi
Ke Jinme Tum Ho Kya Tumhe Bataa Sakoon
"Khushi jo bhi hoga sab tumhaare saamne hoga"."Haq, mujhpar kiska haq hai yeh main achchi tarah se jaanta hoon". Arnav has told her he needs her but now he has set out to show her why he needs her.
By standing up before his family & accepting that nothing mattered beyond Khushi's love & perhaps once agin standing up before all to say nothing matters beyond Khushi.
Saath Saath Chalte Chalte
Haath Choot Jaayegi
Aisi Raahon Main Mil Naa
Baatein Baatein Karte Karte
Raat Kat Jaayegi
Aisi Raaton Main Milo Naa
Kya Hum Hain Kya Rab Hai
Jahaa Tu Hai Wahin Sab Hai
Tere Lab Mile Mere Lab Khile
Ab Door Kya Hai Jaana
Tere Waaste Mera Ishq Sufiyaana
"Ärnav aur Khushi humeshaa saath rahenge. Tum chaaho bhi toh inko kabhi alag nahi kar paaogi"
Khushi mujhe chhodkar mat jaao main tumhaare bina jee nahi paaonga.
Sochoon Tujhe toh hai subah
Sochoon tujeh toh shaam hai
Manzilon Pe Ab toh mere
Ek bas tera naam hai
Tere aag main hi jalke
Koyle se hira banke
Khwaabon se aage chalke
Hai tujhe bataana
Tere waaste mera ishq sufiyaana
A story of love, trust, honour & sacrifice.
Red the colour of relation - the bond of blood
Red the colour of love - the bond of heart
Seemingly important relations because they share a bond of blood without support from the bonds of heart will be soulless.
Today I felt the story has always been centred around Khushi. The story today is poised where the dhaal of ASR will open to encompass both Arnav & Khushi irrevocably uniting the two hearts. The one dimaag which will always see reason when two hearts are overrun by emotion.
Each phase has had Arnav connect more with her emotions with an increasing parallel connect in Khushi to his reality.
Arnav once told Khushi "Pati hoon tumhaara, haq hai tumhaara mujhpe". Today it seemed he will fight to give her that haq on him.
Khushi tum aisi kaisi ho. Aap ki wajah se. She has perhaps always seen something in his eyes that reflected his sincerity & goodness despite what he was saying. She has seen the pain those eyes carried nd the happiness in them when he is with Aarav. It is perhaps that happiness she wanted to secure though she told herself it was to ensure the boy had a father. She may have given him happiness but each time there has been pain mingled in too.
Today another person joined the ranks of people to be protected in ASR's shadow - Aarav.
"Hum Khushi main bhi saath hain
dukh main bhi saath hain
Hum humeshaa saath saath hain"
The already lost little big guy needs to be protected from the harsha realities that life thrust upon him & Khushi. So Arnav will wage the battle but without hurting Aarav even if it means hurt for himself.
Time approaches for Arnav to regret what he said to Khushi by a roadside months ago. That her parents would be ashamed of her, that being his wife meant status & luxury to her. That sometimes it is essential to not break the atoot & gehra vishwaas that a person has on another.
Rambles (contd.)
DeleteWhat if Aarav gets hurt in the days to come, meets with an accident? Will Arnav end up forging a bond of blood where only a bond of heart exists thereby giving that child protection against the world?
What if the story takes a twist to show "Shaayad yahaan nahi magar ek aisi alag duniya hogi jahaan tum aur main humeshaa saath saath rahenge". What if Arnav & Khushi's legally adopted child Aarav Singh Raizada grows up to continue the legacy of his parents love? With his bua & NK chacha as guardians & the memories & stories of his parents love, a man of heart & mind, his father's attitude & mother's spirit steps out of a chopper at Sheesh Mahal & looks up to the heavens as if saying "We are finally home"
Loved the epi today. Arnav''s confusion, can not believe what he is hearing, something is fishy, but he will get to the bottom of it, that I am sure about. Khushi being Khushi and so self sacrificing but finding it too hard to leave her sole mate, the only one her heart beats for. His worry for her pain trying to think and work out how he can't remember what happened.
ReplyDeleteAnd he can't believe that she will bear anything that comes her way just for her man. She is one in a million and he knows it.
I really feel for the actors, all this offscreen drama must be taking its toll on them. They work long hours, this can not be helping them at all. Hopefully people will start to see reason and sense and calm down and give them all a much needed break.
Your edit was brilliant Dia, looking forward to more.
Kis mitti ki bani ho tum?
ReplyDeleteand other questions answered for Arnav.
Read nandalala's response to indi's post. Both written beautifully.
Nice post Su. Thanks!
DeleteA post on the main IF forum from me.
ReplyDeletePadhna hai toh padho :)
DeleteNice, sensible thoughts- the need of the hour.
On this new guy: How about a business rival to ASR who secretly falls in love with Anjali not knowing she is ASR's sis- Khushi protective about Di in Arnav's absence- fights with this guy- later knows his intentions are good- helps him win over Anjali. (Can run for 6 weeks- the new guy looks good- too good for DB actually. They can incorporate some long distance romance between Arhi, dream sequences, nice fbs...)
ASR returns from business trip- confrontation between arch enemies (he can be the guy who he acused K of working for when she ruined his fashion show)- Anjali quietly and firmly withdraws- she will not even dream
about going against Chhote's wishes-....
It is upto Khushi to bring the brothers -in- law together and reconcile Anji with the guy. May be K can rope in NK/ mami/ nani in the process.
One problem with the track is that if Anjali gets married and goes away, it is one more actor less in the already depleted cast.
So, may be ASR requests BIL to let Anjali stay in RM during the day- he wil drop her at home when hubby returns(Oh he is an orphan too, so Anjali wil be left alone with the servants in the big house any way.)
By then they can think up a good track for Payash and get them back.
Sandy, Su...
DeleteUFF HO!!ek addiction se nikle nahin tum log toh haath dho ke peeche pade ho....veritable and fertle field of imagination....u wonder CVs ki nazar tum logon par hogi...apna CV ready rakhna...
Uff, girls ... been on FB almost the whole day ... behind the scenes politics here is crazy ... and very, very dirty! Two sets of people here - the PH busy blaming Barun and his movie, saying that he wanted to leave ... and another set blaming the PH, saying Gul forced Barun out, because she wants the show to be called off, and if Barun leaves, the fans will pressure the channel ... all because she wants to concentrate on her new baby.
ReplyDeleteOpti was right ... exactly the same tactics as in Geet.
I cannot believe a PH can be so unprofessional ... the only good thing is they have burnt their bridges with Star Plus for good with all this tomfoolery, I would think!
News is there is one final meeting going on in SP office, with Barun, Sanaya and Gul ... outcome will decide whether the show stays or goes, whether Barun stays or goes, and whether Sanaya stays or leaves.
Amma amma...IPK dekhe phas gaya yaar....they should make a serial out of the off-screen drama...
DeleteThis PH certainly does not have the capacity to handle two serials...that goes without saying...they couldn't even handle a talented cast here...putting too much of pressure on the leads esp San...
If ur heart is not in it and there is bad blood, it will reflect in the workspace so best for it to end..Fans will get over all this and esp if they get a good ARHI happy ending...they will be delighted...and as far ending of the serial...its a marvel that a love story lasted so long...usually love stories have a short shelf life.. max a year at most..before they become stories about other things after a while....FOr me Arhi will always remain a special love story every single moment of their being together...and as Sandy, su said above, we will always treasure those moments...Just the other aspect of Sheetal walking off with arnav is unpalatable so as long they don't do is absolutely fine...
Dia...thank you for the wonderful job with R& this point, I have to acknowledge what you have given all of us girls on a daily basis....IPK and R&R go together for episode of IPK was complete without a visit to R&R. While I have not contributed to the comments in a long time, I have read each day's posts and comments avidly.
ReplyDeleteIt has been being in love!
I just have to say that the PH did not realize what they had created with this team! BS and SI ARE amazing; But the PH did not know how best to utilize all the actors...whether it was developing a story for Daljeet or giving Payash more to do; If they had approached this in a more balanced manner, there were infinite possibilities for different tracks...God knows how many beautiful and powerful story ideas are sketched out on this blog. This would have kept the other actors happy and productive and given our two leads some much-needed rest! There is a problem with TV serials if they cannot factor in breaks for their actors and the rest of their teams.
In the meanwhile, Gul has decided to start QH. When I watch that show I realized that she has indeed treated IPK like a stepchild...the leads are not given decent clothes, the sets are nowhere comparable to any of the other serials, much less QH.....while KSG might be a good actor, I don't see him in the same league as BS.....(this is not to bash KSG...I have not seen him in a full-length serial). I can only comment on BS and say that there is a certain un-selfconsciousness in the way he acts which is what makes him so real. The female lead on QH is nowhere near SI....not by a yard, not by a mile! So if the PH thinks that they are going to recreate the magic of IPK with QH, good luck!
I understand that BS' movie career might have put a spanner in the works and they had to accommodate with the kidnapping track; but it looks like Abhaas had quit also. Dogra has quit, Deepali has quit; Daljeet threatened to quit and we dont know what is going on there. The only person who has not made any waves and is an absolute trooper is SI! So this PH is definitely not top-notch! I hope that SP can rescue this situation....let BS take a much deserved fact shut things down for a couple of months, let everyone have some rest and peace...and come back for a season 2 or another serial with a different PH. And let Gul & Co stay with her new baby!
It is all very sad.