Saturday 3rd Nov
An unexpectedly good ME, totally centered on Arshi, yet with involvement of the entire cast ... aur kya chahte hain hum? And a smidgeon of progress in the Sheetal story ...
Sheetal track ... Sheetal lies about not keeping a fast, and Khushi (but of course, who else?) finds out that she is ... puts mehndi, eats sargi ...hello, aren't we getting a bit presumptuous here? This is not your sasural, woman!
Arnav amused to see Khushi stocking up for the next day's fast, he doesn't believe in these things, so he challenges her that she won't be able to last the day without eating ... if she loses, she has to give up fasting. So he spends the entire day trying to tempt Khushi to eat. Flashback of last year's Teej and Khushi fainting ... and Arnav breaking her fast ... they both remember it was him who broke it.
Alu pakoras will never be the same again
Loved Khushi Mami interactions ... both foodies, both having trouble lasting out the day, yet both determined to complete their fasts, find kindred spirits in each others' suffering.
Joined by an equally hungry NK ... fasting for Sheetal?
Last Arshi scene by the poolside ... hayyeee ...
The drought of Rabba ve ends ... a reprise of mitti in eye, earring stuck in coat, lots of teasing, some roothna manana, and we even got a song and dance by the poolside ... hayyeee 
Nothing much happened in the episode, yet it was thoroughly entertaining ... and one good scene of Arshi ... bas!!! Like I said, what more do we want?! Cvs, can you get the message now?
Precap ... Sheetal is blackwa as the daalwa.
Now things will get interesting.
*edited ... the Mahaepisode*
Continuation from Friday ... Arav calls out to mom, Sheetal goes in, Khushi stops the rest of the family ... 'let Sheetal handle her son ...'
Khushi bitiya, that's exactly what we're also saying for so long ...
Arav says sorry for troubling his mom, but can't he see his dad just once? Aww, poor baby!
Sheetal tells him (for the first time saying something sensible) that we can't always get everything we want ... and he might have to be content with just her. Khushi hears and smiles ... am sure she feels bad for poor Arav.
Does Sheetal really mean that? From her subsequent actions, doesn't seem so. Unless she knows Arnav is not Arav's dad ... which presumably, she does.
Later in the evening, family sits together, and Sheetal comes to give everyone an update on Arav ... he's better. Arnav says sorry to Sheetal, he had no business to blast her off ... wish he had added that after all, Arav is her son, she knows best how to handle him.
Mehndi cones arrive and everyone is excited about Karva Chauth ... Sheetal says she doesn't keep the fast but she likes mehndi. Jhoothi!
Arnav says he doesn't believe in all these fasts and walks off ... Khushi is annoyed, but not surprised ... she knows her husband.
Anjali's face goes small ... thank God they showed her feelings today ... and her determination to forget VLR and move on ... she's happy because its the first KC for both her bhabhis. Payal teases Khushi and Khushi remembers she fainted, and gets all hot and bothered about being able to last the day without eating
And in a rush for Di to finish, so that she can go and stock up on food 
Nani brings saris for everyone ... Anjali's face goes small again, so Khushi promptly picks out the first one for her ...
Sheetal appears just in time to apply mehndi ... because she 'likes' to ... not because she's fasting ...Jhoothi!
Nani applies it for her ...
Khushi is perturbed ... and leaves. On the way she meets Arav, who tells her that Sheetal keeps a fast for his dad every year ... Khushi perturbed again ... why did Sheetal lie about fasting then? 
Arhi ... Khushi tucking in to prepare for the next day's fast
Arnav totally amused at his wife's childishness ... she doesn't need to do this, if it's so tough for her. But she's determined to keep the fast ... it's her right as a wife to keep the fast .... and she kept it last year for Teej as well, even when she didn't want to ... this year she does.
Yep, you fainted, do you remember?
They both remember ... Yes, she fainted, and he broke her fast ... ahead of time ... not good!
He's impatient ... that was because he never believed in such stupid things then, and he still doesn't ... compromising health for the sake of beliefs is silly ...
Although she's very sure he shouldn't keep a fast because it's really not good for his health ... Salman Khan notwithstanding!
Both completely right in their own places ... she wants to keep her fast for her belief, he doesn't want her to keep it because he doesn't believe in it, and because he feels she's not up to it ...
Her belief vs his non-belief ... his concern for her health vs her concern for his ...
And the squabble results in another challenge ... if she doesn't last out the day, she has to listen to him ... no fasts in future ...
KC - Early morning, Nani makes the food for her bahus, Payal, Khushi and Anjali help, while Mami snores in the background
Anjali again upset, but happy in a different way ... she is moving on, and determined to see her glass as half full, not half empty ... she has her family's support ...
Nani distributes sargi in the morning ... NK joins them ... Nani feeds the three bahus - Mami, Khushi and Payal, kheer ... a family tradition ...
Nani, then why did you feed Sheetal?
Anjali again makes a brave attempt to move on and be happy for her bhabhis ... Nani remembers her husband who used to wake up with her ... sweet! Khushi remembers her husband who is blissfully snoring away instead
... her husband and my husband are so similar, I must say! 
And Slimy Sheetal slimes in ... I woke up because of the chehel pehal ... I love kheer, may I have some? Jhoothi!
Why did Nani have to feed Sheetal? Couldn't she eat herself?
Totally felt Khushi's perturbation ... I was more than perturbed, I was annoyed!
And Khushi wonders ... mehndi, now sargi ... is Sheetal keeping the fast after all? Arav said she keeps it every year, but she denied it to Mami ... And if she is keeping it, who is she keeping it for?
Khushi's nightmare ... Sheetal breaking her fast ... or rather, Arnav breaking Sheetal's fast ... with Khushi acting as handmaiden ...
But Khushi is not going to let Sheetal get near her husband even in her dreams ... you go, Khushi!
Just remember that!
So Khushi has two problems for Karva Chauth ... one, to last out the day without food ... and second, to find out who Sheetal is fasting for.
The first problem is made worse by a singularly unhelpful pati, who's bent on breaking Khushi's resolve, and he doesn't care how he does it!
So a table laden with all Khushi's favorite foods ... torture for Khushi ... and with her, for Mami and NK too
Anjali happily helps her brother, though she's not quite sure why he's troubling his poor biwi ...
Mami leaves the table almost crying ...
NK complains longer and Arnav Anjali wonder why ... to get a good wife, of course!
And he's sure he'll get a good wife ... and Khushi will have to spend the rest of her life with Arnav, sorry!
Khushi nods mournfully, Arnav is unperturbed at this very open acknowledgment from NK that he had a serious liking for Khushi once upon a time ... both he and NK know that NK didn't stand a chance. Khushi belongs to Arnav and always did ... Arnav is completely confident about her love ... The jealousy about NK is a thing of the past.
Sheetal makes an appearance and NK describes the type of girl he wants ... urrghh ... no, NK, back off right there! You don't want a girl like her ...
Raizada bro and sis completely clueless as usual ... seriously the Raizada name comes with brainlessness. Both Khushi and Sheetal know whom NK is getting at ... Anjali is puzzled, Arnav isn't clueless as much as unconcerned - he just doesn't care!
Khushi encourages Sheetal to eat breakfast, Sheetal makes an excuse that the food is too oily for her and leaves ...
Anjali gets back to annoying Khushi, and Khushi scolds her for being exactly like her brother ... and leaves in a huff! Much to Anjali's amusement ... she enjoyed troubling Khushi ... but not quite sure why she did it ...
Arnav explains ... he doesn't believe in all this vrat and pooja stuff, it can't change or prolong anyone's life ...
Khushi of course knows what her hubby is up to ... she's not going to give in and lose the challenge!
She finds a kindred spirit and Mami ... sailing in the same boatwa ...
loved the Mami-Khushi bonding over food and fasting!
But of course Arnav isn't giving up that easily ... he has a challenge to win with his biwi ... and he never plays fair
Tempting her with dahi wadas, then requesting very sweetly for alu pakoras ...
Arhi in kitchen ... Khushi tries to get out by saying she'll get HP to make the pakoras ... but Arnav is not playing fair ... he wants pakoras made only by his biwi, because she makes them 'pyaar se' ... describing each step 'pyaar se' ... seduction with pakoras
Making alu pakoras will never be the same again!
Can a recipe really sound so sexy? 
And of course Khushi falls for her shatir pati's mischief ... Arnav's shatir dimaag is never so evident as when he's scheming to upset his biwi! And she almost loses the challenge ... stops just in time, and accuses him sorrowfully ... 'why are you doing this to me?'
Innocent Arnav ... 'what did I do? You wanted to taste them ...'
'But I can't taste them' ... even more tragically ... and she thrusts the plate to him ... get thee behind me, Satan
But Arnav is full now, he doesn't want them any more ... she can have them ... and he walks off, leaving her staring at the pakoras sorrowfully ...
A quick return to tell her she can eat one, no one is watching ... never stop tempting her, she will give in ...
But Khushi is made of stronger stuff ... the challenge is still on and she can play dirty too ... offers them in front of the entire family ... Arnav asked for these, so here they are ... now he'd better eat them, just as punishment, because she also knows he doesn't like pakoras.
Mami almost wails in tragic grief ... 'why are you doing this to me?'
NK equally upset, hunger pangs speaking ...
Khushi insists Arnav wanted them, he has to have them ... Arnav refuses pointblank ... 'give them to Sheetal, she's the guest here ... look after her ... I don't want them!'
He gets two extra points from me for saying Sheetal is a guest!
Sheetal makes some more excuses, uses Arav's homework and leaves ... Mami wails again when Anjali happily enjoys the pakoras ... Mami was hilarious today and completely in character!
Khushi's antennae on full alert ... Sheetal hasn't eaten a thing today ... she's taken the pakoras to her room, she couldn't keep refusing them without appearing rude ... but has she eaten them?
And some quick jasoosi with some help for HP, confirms that no, Sheetal has not eaten the pakoras ... so why is she not telling anyone that she's fasting?
Evening ... guests arrive for KC ... ask Sheetal awkward questions about her hubby, which she dodges ... again, why can't she just say she's single, or separated or divorced, or her hubby is away?
SN - I liked Sheetal's outfit, love that onion pink color, and liked her earrings ... very delicate and pretty.
Arnav at poolside on phone to Aman ...
Arnav watches his hungry biwi imagining food ... and gets totally distracted from his call ... finally cuts it
Diwali 360 ... then Aman's call interrupted Arshi's kiss, now Aman's call is peremptorily cut off for the more important task of flirting with Khushi
Arnav tries to tempt Khushi again, but Khushi finally snaps ... angry, hurt (and hungry!) ... yes, she's hungry, yes, she's imagining food everywhere, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to keep the fast, or that she's keeping it for show ... it is her belief, and she truly has faith in it ... All she wants is to be with him ... for always ... and she truly believes that always will be longer if she keeps this fast ... can't he understand that?
And he finally does ... she's keeping it not just for him, but also for them ... he just didn't want her to go through even the slightest pain or trouble ... but not keeping the fast will trouble her more ...
'So what can I do to make you feel better?'
A small pout, a gesture to the sky ... get me the moon ... a demand from a wife to a husband who fulfills all her wishes ... with full haq ...
And he does ... he shows her his chaand ... her face in the pool ...
And she smiles ... revelling in his love, his unspoken message ...
Voh dhoop sa hai agar ... voh chaandni raat si hai ...
And for the moment, nothing else matters ... just them and their love ...
Aankhen band kar loon jo main, dekhun bas tumhein ...
Khwabon mein hi keh sakta hun apna tumhein ...
Rehne de ... mera yeh vehem pe hi yakeen ...
Na jaa ve ...
Pyaar ki yah raat hai .. ab na jaa ...
Chhoti si ek baat hai ... ab na jaa ...
Pal do pal ka saath hai, ab na jaa ...
Jadoo si yeh raat hai, ab na jaa ...
Ab na jaa, ab na jaa,
Ab na jaa, ab na jaa, ab na jaa ...
Ab na jaa ... ab na jaa ...
A dance ... with love overflowing ... a love between husband and wife, sheer happiness on her face ... her husband is the silent type, who doesn't express his feelings easily, with mush or emotion ... he expresses them through his care, his teasing, even through the way he takes her for granted, expecting her to be there always with him, because he's completely accepted her as his wife, as his life ... to him, they are inseparable ... Like the moon revolves around the earth, she's his moon, his chaand, he expects her to always revolve around him ... he believes she will always be there with him ... so what's the need of all the fasting?
But she says this is special for her, because she wants to pray for his happiness and long life ...
Will a fast really achieve all that?
She believes so ...
Once he asked her if their parents really became stars ... she said she believed so ... and he found his own comfort in that belief ...
Today she finds comfort in this belief ... and confidence ... that they will be together for ever ...
A reprise of some of their special Rabba ve moments ... the sindoor in eye on Teej, when she refused his help is brushing it away ... mud in eye in poolside when he did blow it away... much to their combined embarrassment ...
Today he blows it away with haq, she allows him to, even demands him to with haq ...
Another almost kiss ... a snatched thaali ... a stuck earring ... on the first hate marriage, her earring got stuck and she removed it herself while he glowered ...
Now he removes it gently, and she expects him to ... even asks him impatiently 'ho gaya?'
Another spot of teasing ... the absent moon ... a small smiling pout and mock anger ...
Another trip and fall ... and catch ... memory of the first time she fainted and he caught her, the first time he broke her fast as ordained by Devi Maiyya ...
Now she tells him 'sambhaliye ...' ... handing herself over to him ... when I stumble, when I fall, you'll be there to hold me ...
He replies 'hamesha sambhalta rahunga ...'
A promise? I will always hold you ...
SN - hate to say this at the end of such a lovely scene, but Barun, please enunciate!!!!
Precap ... Sheetal looks at moon through her dupatta, then screeches out to Arnav, sees him, and then breaks her fast ...
What was the screech for? To show Khushi whom she's fasting for? How has she broken her fast all these years in Arnav's absence?
An unexpectedly good ME, totally centered on Arshi, yet with involvement of the entire cast ... aur kya chahte hain hum? And a smidgeon of progress in the Sheetal story ...
Sheetal track ... Sheetal lies about not keeping a fast, and Khushi (but of course, who else?) finds out that she is ... puts mehndi, eats sargi ...hello, aren't we getting a bit presumptuous here? This is not your sasural, woman!
Arnav amused to see Khushi stocking up for the next day's fast, he doesn't believe in these things, so he challenges her that she won't be able to last the day without eating ... if she loses, she has to give up fasting. So he spends the entire day trying to tempt Khushi to eat. Flashback of last year's Teej and Khushi fainting ... and Arnav breaking her fast ... they both remember it was him who broke it.
Alu pakoras will never be the same again
Loved Khushi Mami interactions ... both foodies, both having trouble lasting out the day, yet both determined to complete their fasts, find kindred spirits in each others' suffering.
Joined by an equally hungry NK ... fasting for Sheetal?
Last Arshi scene by the poolside ... hayyeee ...
Nothing much happened in the episode, yet it was thoroughly entertaining ... and one good scene of Arshi ... bas!!! Like I said, what more do we want?! Cvs, can you get the message now?
Precap ... Sheetal is blackwa as the daalwa.
*edited ... the Mahaepisode*
Continuation from Friday ... Arav calls out to mom, Sheetal goes in, Khushi stops the rest of the family ... 'let Sheetal handle her son ...'
Khushi bitiya, that's exactly what we're also saying for so long ...
Arav says sorry for troubling his mom, but can't he see his dad just once? Aww, poor baby!
Does Sheetal really mean that? From her subsequent actions, doesn't seem so. Unless she knows Arnav is not Arav's dad ... which presumably, she does.
Later in the evening, family sits together, and Sheetal comes to give everyone an update on Arav ... he's better. Arnav says sorry to Sheetal, he had no business to blast her off ... wish he had added that after all, Arav is her son, she knows best how to handle him.
Mehndi cones arrive and everyone is excited about Karva Chauth ... Sheetal says she doesn't keep the fast but she likes mehndi. Jhoothi!
Arnav says he doesn't believe in all these fasts and walks off ... Khushi is annoyed, but not surprised ... she knows her husband.
Anjali's face goes small ... thank God they showed her feelings today ... and her determination to forget VLR and move on ... she's happy because its the first KC for both her bhabhis. Payal teases Khushi and Khushi remembers she fainted, and gets all hot and bothered about being able to last the day without eating
Nani brings saris for everyone ... Anjali's face goes small again, so Khushi promptly picks out the first one for her ...
Sheetal appears just in time to apply mehndi ... because she 'likes' to ... not because she's fasting ...Jhoothi!
Nani applies it for her ...
Arhi ... Khushi tucking in to prepare for the next day's fast
Yep, you fainted, do you remember?
They both remember ... Yes, she fainted, and he broke her fast ... ahead of time ... not good!
He's impatient ... that was because he never believed in such stupid things then, and he still doesn't ... compromising health for the sake of beliefs is silly ...
Although she's very sure he shouldn't keep a fast because it's really not good for his health ... Salman Khan notwithstanding!
Both completely right in their own places ... she wants to keep her fast for her belief, he doesn't want her to keep it because he doesn't believe in it, and because he feels she's not up to it ...
Her belief vs his non-belief ... his concern for her health vs her concern for his ...
And the squabble results in another challenge ... if she doesn't last out the day, she has to listen to him ... no fasts in future ...
KC - Early morning, Nani makes the food for her bahus, Payal, Khushi and Anjali help, while Mami snores in the background
Anjali again upset, but happy in a different way ... she is moving on, and determined to see her glass as half full, not half empty ... she has her family's support ...
Nani distributes sargi in the morning ... NK joins them ... Nani feeds the three bahus - Mami, Khushi and Payal, kheer ... a family tradition ...
Nani, then why did you feed Sheetal?
Anjali again makes a brave attempt to move on and be happy for her bhabhis ... Nani remembers her husband who used to wake up with her ... sweet! Khushi remembers her husband who is blissfully snoring away instead
And Slimy Sheetal slimes in ... I woke up because of the chehel pehal ... I love kheer, may I have some? Jhoothi!
Why did Nani have to feed Sheetal? Couldn't she eat herself?
And Khushi wonders ... mehndi, now sargi ... is Sheetal keeping the fast after all? Arav said she keeps it every year, but she denied it to Mami ... And if she is keeping it, who is she keeping it for?
Khushi's nightmare ... Sheetal breaking her fast ... or rather, Arnav breaking Sheetal's fast ... with Khushi acting as handmaiden ...
But Khushi is not going to let Sheetal get near her husband even in her dreams ... you go, Khushi!
So Khushi has two problems for Karva Chauth ... one, to last out the day without food ... and second, to find out who Sheetal is fasting for.
The first problem is made worse by a singularly unhelpful pati, who's bent on breaking Khushi's resolve, and he doesn't care how he does it!
Mami leaves the table almost crying ...
NK complains longer and Arnav Anjali wonder why ... to get a good wife, of course!
Khushi nods mournfully, Arnav is unperturbed at this very open acknowledgment from NK that he had a serious liking for Khushi once upon a time ... both he and NK know that NK didn't stand a chance. Khushi belongs to Arnav and always did ... Arnav is completely confident about her love ... The jealousy about NK is a thing of the past.
Sheetal makes an appearance and NK describes the type of girl he wants ... urrghh ... no, NK, back off right there! You don't want a girl like her ...
Raizada bro and sis completely clueless as usual ... seriously the Raizada name comes with brainlessness. Both Khushi and Sheetal know whom NK is getting at ... Anjali is puzzled, Arnav isn't clueless as much as unconcerned - he just doesn't care!
Khushi encourages Sheetal to eat breakfast, Sheetal makes an excuse that the food is too oily for her and leaves ...
Anjali gets back to annoying Khushi, and Khushi scolds her for being exactly like her brother ... and leaves in a huff! Much to Anjali's amusement ... she enjoyed troubling Khushi ... but not quite sure why she did it ...
Arnav explains ... he doesn't believe in all this vrat and pooja stuff, it can't change or prolong anyone's life ...
Khushi of course knows what her hubby is up to ... she's not going to give in and lose the challenge!
She finds a kindred spirit and Mami ... sailing in the same boatwa ...
But of course Arnav isn't giving up that easily ... he has a challenge to win with his biwi ... and he never plays fair
Tempting her with dahi wadas, then requesting very sweetly for alu pakoras ...
Arhi in kitchen ... Khushi tries to get out by saying she'll get HP to make the pakoras ... but Arnav is not playing fair ... he wants pakoras made only by his biwi, because she makes them 'pyaar se' ... describing each step 'pyaar se' ... seduction with pakoras
Making alu pakoras will never be the same again!
And of course Khushi falls for her shatir pati's mischief ... Arnav's shatir dimaag is never so evident as when he's scheming to upset his biwi! And she almost loses the challenge ... stops just in time, and accuses him sorrowfully ... 'why are you doing this to me?'
Innocent Arnav ... 'what did I do? You wanted to taste them ...'
'But I can't taste them' ... even more tragically ... and she thrusts the plate to him ... get thee behind me, Satan
But Arnav is full now, he doesn't want them any more ... she can have them ... and he walks off, leaving her staring at the pakoras sorrowfully ...
A quick return to tell her she can eat one, no one is watching ... never stop tempting her, she will give in ...
But Khushi is made of stronger stuff ... the challenge is still on and she can play dirty too ... offers them in front of the entire family ... Arnav asked for these, so here they are ... now he'd better eat them, just as punishment, because she also knows he doesn't like pakoras.
Mami almost wails in tragic grief ... 'why are you doing this to me?'
Khushi insists Arnav wanted them, he has to have them ... Arnav refuses pointblank ... 'give them to Sheetal, she's the guest here ... look after her ... I don't want them!'
He gets two extra points from me for saying Sheetal is a guest!
Sheetal makes some more excuses, uses Arav's homework and leaves ... Mami wails again when Anjali happily enjoys the pakoras ... Mami was hilarious today and completely in character!
Khushi's antennae on full alert ... Sheetal hasn't eaten a thing today ... she's taken the pakoras to her room, she couldn't keep refusing them without appearing rude ... but has she eaten them?
And some quick jasoosi with some help for HP, confirms that no, Sheetal has not eaten the pakoras ... so why is she not telling anyone that she's fasting?
Evening ... guests arrive for KC ... ask Sheetal awkward questions about her hubby, which she dodges ... again, why can't she just say she's single, or separated or divorced, or her hubby is away?
SN - I liked Sheetal's outfit, love that onion pink color, and liked her earrings ... very delicate and pretty.
Arnav at poolside on phone to Aman ...
Arnav watches his hungry biwi imagining food ... and gets totally distracted from his call ... finally cuts it
Diwali 360 ... then Aman's call interrupted Arshi's kiss, now Aman's call is peremptorily cut off for the more important task of flirting with Khushi
Arnav tries to tempt Khushi again, but Khushi finally snaps ... angry, hurt (and hungry!) ... yes, she's hungry, yes, she's imagining food everywhere, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to keep the fast, or that she's keeping it for show ... it is her belief, and she truly has faith in it ... All she wants is to be with him ... for always ... and she truly believes that always will be longer if she keeps this fast ... can't he understand that?
And he finally does ... she's keeping it not just for him, but also for them ... he just didn't want her to go through even the slightest pain or trouble ... but not keeping the fast will trouble her more ...
'So what can I do to make you feel better?'
A small pout, a gesture to the sky ... get me the moon ... a demand from a wife to a husband who fulfills all her wishes ... with full haq ...
And he does ... he shows her his chaand ... her face in the pool ...
And she smiles ... revelling in his love, his unspoken message ...
Voh dhoop sa hai agar ... voh chaandni raat si hai ...
And for the moment, nothing else matters ... just them and their love ...
Aankhen band kar loon jo main, dekhun bas tumhein ...
Khwabon mein hi keh sakta hun apna tumhein ...
Rehne de ... mera yeh vehem pe hi yakeen ...
Na jaa ve ...
Pyaar ki yah raat hai .. ab na jaa ...
Chhoti si ek baat hai ... ab na jaa ...
Pal do pal ka saath hai, ab na jaa ...
Jadoo si yeh raat hai, ab na jaa ...
Ab na jaa, ab na jaa,
Ab na jaa, ab na jaa, ab na jaa ...
Ab na jaa ... ab na jaa ...
A dance ... with love overflowing ... a love between husband and wife, sheer happiness on her face ... her husband is the silent type, who doesn't express his feelings easily, with mush or emotion ... he expresses them through his care, his teasing, even through the way he takes her for granted, expecting her to be there always with him, because he's completely accepted her as his wife, as his life ... to him, they are inseparable ... Like the moon revolves around the earth, she's his moon, his chaand, he expects her to always revolve around him ... he believes she will always be there with him ... so what's the need of all the fasting?
But she says this is special for her, because she wants to pray for his happiness and long life ...
Will a fast really achieve all that?
She believes so ...
Once he asked her if their parents really became stars ... she said she believed so ... and he found his own comfort in that belief ...
Today she finds comfort in this belief ... and confidence ... that they will be together for ever ...
A reprise of some of their special Rabba ve moments ... the sindoor in eye on Teej, when she refused his help is brushing it away ... mud in eye in poolside when he did blow it away... much to their combined embarrassment ...
Today he blows it away with haq, she allows him to, even demands him to with haq ...
Another almost kiss ... a snatched thaali ... a stuck earring ... on the first hate marriage, her earring got stuck and she removed it herself while he glowered ...
Now he removes it gently, and she expects him to ... even asks him impatiently 'ho gaya?'
Another spot of teasing ... the absent moon ... a small smiling pout and mock anger ...
Another trip and fall ... and catch ... memory of the first time she fainted and he caught her, the first time he broke her fast as ordained by Devi Maiyya ...
Now she tells him 'sambhaliye ...' ... handing herself over to him ... when I stumble, when I fall, you'll be there to hold me ...
He replies 'hamesha sambhalta rahunga ...'
A promise? I will always hold you ...
SN - hate to say this at the end of such a lovely scene, but Barun, please enunciate!!!!
Precap ... Sheetal looks at moon through her dupatta, then screeches out to Arnav, sees him, and then breaks her fast ...
What was the screech for? To show Khushi whom she's fasting for? How has she broken her fast all these years in Arnav's absence?
Hayeee!!! aaj toh Sapnon ki duniya se nikalne ka man hi nahi karega!!
ReplyDeletesee i knew my radha song parody will work. aa gaya na answer aaj
"oh rehne de re kaanha bhoolega tu sataana jo giroongi main banke bhijuriyaa..."
SN: hmm lagta hai poori ki poori daal blackwa hi hai Dia
sandy, aapka answer in one day!! aap ki shiddat itni strong?
Deletewowee episode.
first the uber sexy aloo pakore recipe and then... swoon (thud)
Sandy, j
Deletei have only read the Lus becos it doesn't air until much later and i can't even watch the online ...whata day for Ad to be so busy...
me want pakora recipe.....
can join in disc only later inthe night..maybe u guys will be off to sleep...nahin toh i am game for a full night out (like the ones we did earlier remember while dia was sleeping) tell me!!
i will check later on phone!!
may i join???
Deletewhy do these guys say "run the course" ..just put these two in a frame...wowie apne aap hi ho jayega...story jaaye baad mein...haven't they got it by now?
Deleteani, neki aur pooch pooch....ofc girl....only thing is i can join in late,....have to rush in 15 mins...i have friends coming over for tea now and we are off to see the Guido fawkes fireworks soon...i guess i wll be late to join...but am game.....
Deletehehe..jao enjoy karo..i will be here 95%!!
Deletei may be here too !! :)
DeleteIf I manage to climg out of SKD, I will be here.
Is AD back for today's epi last scene?
DeleteWhen I saw the green shirt (recall rain hug and ASR Diwali waali shirt) in Fri epi I wondered if it was a sign and I guess it was :)
Oh they had to answer back bey!! I mean I was being awesomly creative with my parody they could be creative with story nai?
what parody?? sry, havent had time to chk here..
DeleteNo Krish,
DeleteI wrote it on IF in response to some pos defending the PH and Ash posted it on teh main forum. Here you go :)
I guess it is a case of:
Panghat pe aake saiyyaan, Marode baiyyaan
On FB, twitter, IF, forum 32, the fandom comes and blames teh PH and throws eggs, tomatoes and criticism
And everybody blames it on Radha
And everyone blames the PH (sob sob)
Chede hai humka daiyya bairi kanhaiyya
Our tracks are messed up, our story never gets told, nobody sympathizes with us. Everyone from channel to producers to audience to actors? troubles us
And everybody blames it on Radha
And only we the PH get blamed (sob sob)
Hogaa woh laakhon dil ka chor, humka toh laage bore
IPK has stolen the hearts of audiences worldwide, but we are fed up with the fandom (and the serial?)
Hua hai aisa baavla jo kehta jaaye
The mad mad fandom that just cannot stop saying
Radha teri chunari, Radha tera challa, Oh Radha teri natkhat najariyaa
Radha tera jhumka, Radha tera thumka, Peeche Peeche saari nagariyaa
PH your story , your direction, your tracks,, your ideas...%#@
The entire fandom is being us (sob sob)
P.S: An attempt to infuse humour on a weekend!
cool sandy... ttly ROFL!!
Deletehahahahaha...Sandy u r amazing!!!
DeleteKya yaar, you girls will have fun without me! I shall join in tomorrow :)))
DeleteSandy: Haven't seen the ME yet, saw the pics though, unable to get past comparing ASR of last year with this terms of looks atleast.....dunno if I will watch it.
DeleteAnd offscreen drama pata nahin kab khatam hoga:(
lol at the song:)
Will be back to read everyone:)
DeleteI finally managed to find time in AD to cobble together my thots - lamab waala post karlo and dekh lo . It was a nie epi despite all the offscreen drama.
Oh and Shwethu,
DeleteMy post today all of it is my happy bday gift to you. Hope your day was as special as you are!
today was a good day..back ka khana..and a lovely episode!! we fans are not demanding at all naa?? give us ODC & a good, relevant Rabba Ve and we are happy!!
ReplyDeletei gave up tickets to watch Skyfall to watch the ME & boy am i glad i did!!
Haaayyyyeeee.... SI looked hot in red!!! expected to see her in a chudidaar..waise woh diwali ki saree thi kya?? the blouse looked familiar...
sab jaldi aao..
DeleteIt was the Diwali waali red saree :)
hai naa??? aahhh so 1 year anniversary ke liye the CV's got the saree back!!
nope ladies - the diwali wali red saree was red with bits if green - this one was red adn purple!
Deletemujhe pata tha that u will poiint taht out. :) essentially same saree hai bas they have made border pink / purple and added those bigger motifs (which bt I thot were also on that peach saree he got her for the imaginary date scene)
Btw Monu,
DeleteHow is ur lil one? Back to fitfaat fataak?
after a looong time a haayee episode!! there was RV,TFC, a duet, poolside romance, rememberin teej, ear ring geting tangled, dust in the eye, teasing, fighting and making up!!!
ReplyDeleteAaj to jee bhar gaya.. no??
DeleteJee bharna toh kabhi nahi hogaa but just this mornign I was wondering how long was teh drought from the noght of hate marriage to the day papers drowned in pool RV and wondered whether we were in for a poolside RV. :)
Btw the RV today was the new one with heartbeats which was first shown in the second part of Teri Meri sequence :)
arey yaar... mera tho jee bhar gaya... for me it was like the first drops of rain after a famine...
Deleteyou dont miss much, do u sandy??
Deletethat music with heartbeats I will never cos it was an integral part of my first omni on the blog. The music was one of the things that attrated me to the serial and added to my falling in love and feeling for the serial.
Plus TM was teh first time they did a RV wihin a RV and aaj repeat kiya toh I was bound to notice :)
ohh.. even otherwise, you dnt miss things.. u have th eamazing talent of weaving a beautiful tale out of seemingly random incidents...
DeleteNow I am blushing beet red here. Thank you :)
Waise precap mein Sheetal aise chillai kyun?? to see Arnav's face??
ReplyDeletewell.. for that u'l probably have to wait till monday!!
Deleteu r right of course!! that was quite a screech..
DeleteIt looked as if Sheetal was calling out to an errant boy....
Deleteshital shouted to get arnav to turn to her, so she can see his face.. but in that particular glimpse, arnav did not turn. will deffo wait and watch..
Deleteby the way, shital gave "Hari" HP the pakore without the plate?? and kept the plate under the bed? WT??
p.s. i love that HP got his share of the limelight today :D ...did he walk out and negotiate for more screenspace?
"did he walk out and negotiate for more screenspace?"
DeleteLOL jaya!
there was just one thing i thought they could have done better. khushi spying for her aloo pakores. she could have jst asked sheetal how she liked the aloo pakoras... why did khushi have to make flimsy excuses??
but anyway, at the face of all the romance and bringing back a touch of the old IPK, saat khoon maaf !!
yes abs.....when i saw him gulping pakoras....i was like"et tu, brute? tune bhi party badal di.....and then jaan mein jaan aayi when he ugalwoed the reason........
Deletewell if she screeches like that, not only arnav, akash,hp, nk and all the people in RM will turn...irada kya ladki kya? ofc Khushi will be the only one to turn....baki sab toh selective hearing ke shikar hain
why did naniji feed Kheer...haath mein mehendi lagee the kya? naniji bhi na.....
rekha, naniji fed her kheer.. so definitely she is bahu.. symbolism to samjho yaar!
Deleteshe told everyone in the family that she is a SINGLE mother, yet keeps the karva chaut? that is a lie right there, unless she is divorced. and if indeed she was divorced, she did not have to hide the fact that she was fasting.. (stranger fasting for stranger's husband... no problem to the raizadas!)
the ME is taking forever to stream - so will respond to yesterday's posts:
ReplyDeleteDia - loved your update - except for one bit - KKG saying what is the fault of the boy in all this - that was the first truly KKG thing i have seen in a while - that and getting Aarav out of the sulks with the gardening stuff - that is the KKG i love love! + KKG blasting Sheetal was also very KKG and i loved it ;)
Su - awwww - u actually do read through my nonsense! - yes i was happy yesterday - ASR was ASR and i loved it - l was so happy when ASR lost it with sheetal - both in the car and outside the bedroom - stop being the 'bechari' and start being the mom! - loved it!!
as to why Aarav went to meet his dad when he knew his mom was lying - actually Aarav said - "i knew it, you were lying- you are not taking me to meet my dad!" - so the poor kid thought that the mother was lying about taking him to the cafe NOT about the FACT that his father would be there to see him!
Su and Sandy - i kind of agree with you two on this - Sheetal is not all black BUT she is selfish & STUPID, a stupid ans selfish mom and friend
ReplyDeleterest i think is not clear - simply coz i think the CV are taking their own sweet time to see how they want to turn the story based on viewer acceptability and more importantly 'actor availability!'
what in the name of freaking pyaar was that!
a rabba ve to remember.. and rewatch .. a rabba ve for wintry days..
today's episode was a tribute to the old IPK.. to the end of an era.
diwali 360.. another almost kiss, with mia biwi razi..
almost every scene that made a place in our hearts..
almost every adaa that made a place in our hearts.. from the what the! to the challenge.. and phonecall to aman.. and lift.. and dance.. and stuck earring... and , like sandy said, the diwali green shirt and red saree.. hayee
... and like dia said, aloo ke pakore will never be the same again.(sobti boy, fantastic alternate profession for you.. cookery show host!)
raised the expectations of all unmarried girls :D
Deleteraised the expectations of all unmarried girls :D...too true!!
ArHi magic toh hamein mila..another thing i appreciated was the attention CV's paid to Anji's pain..i expected them to forget that something happened to her very recently..but so glad they remembered and showed her trying to be happy for her sisters-in-law...
DeleteTo the aloo pakore for sure !!
Aloo pakore will truly never be the same again in AD...
Never i am going to make aloo pakores withot these sweet nothins whispered in my ear!!
girls any one u still around!! i just got back so wanted to check!
yeah i loved the silent expressions on anjali's face.. and her repeated reassurances to everyone else.. and most of all, i love that she, who puts great faith in these things, DID NOT observe KC.. thats huge, i feel, for her.
Deleteanjali was so much more likable y'day! even she got to be the anji of the initial epi, loving caring and sweet. is this the high before a huge fall?
Deletem glad dere was no rona dhona on her part, instead she was shown to be strong was even teasing khushi along with arnav. afte a long time i liked an arnav-anji scene!
how come she gets a make over, but khushi doesnt???
Deletei have been saying this is the dull phase before the dazzling one....else how will be introduced to the new improved K.
i am very sure (can't say much for the logic) that they are doing this for a reason....
if you guys ever get time, do try to drop in there.. the first one is my ex-blog and the second is my current blog.. i dont write much, just once in every two or three months... jst felt like sharing :)
krish! wow!!i have to say i feel privileged getting to know you! thanks for the links!
DeleteThank you for reading them :)
DeleteJust been reading J says privileged to know u....tribute was reading the rest.u r defi much much more than a "bedroom writer"
hey i got confused on how do i leave comments in there....please guide took me a long time in R&R to figure that out....
well, there are two ways... u either clickon the title of the post... it takes you to the post, where at the bottom you find a comment box.
Deleteor at the home page, when a post ends, there is a link at the below, 2 comments or 3 comments. you can click on the link and it takes you to the current post and you can comment...
i aspire to be much more than a bedroom writer!! so thank you!
DeleteYou have real talent ..don't give up on journalism..engineers can be specialised journalists..
Bravo ! Girl !
We already have a doctor on the Blog in Dia..and in HAA a very talented writer with always a unique perspective.
Do keep it up..all the best for your exam
thank you so much meera!! means a lot to be encouraged :)
DeleteRekha, did you figure it out yet?? i combined both the blogs as one... so you don't have to juggle between the two!!
Krish, u are already there!! really gud going!!
Deletelovely snap...i get the feeling looking at ur eyes there that the snap is from a special dance recital..i presume ur arangetram may have been much earlier...right?
thanks, will do that...
thank you!
Deleteactually i haven't done my arangetram yet! i'm an independant soul... dont want to impose my arangetram expenditure on my parents... so i've planned to do my arangetram when i can afford it myself!
yes, a special dance recital, dancing to almost 9 songs of my guru!
sorry dia, didnt mean to interrupt the discussion here, just felt like sharing!!
Deletei missed it the first time, it was here..
I just left a comment there....(i hope the girls in R&R don't say now" eh lo, starts the bakbak gadi there)LOL
well if u keep writin, i will keep yakin...forewarned is forearmed...hehehe
well, both are blogger.. so i guess its the same...
Deleteyou are most welcomed to do ur bak bak there... would love your inputs... and if you keep bak baking.. i'll keep posting atleast once in a month!
DeleteRain check on ur blogs. Been a crazy weekend.
Thank you for your kind words.
Krish, just got onto your blogs ... wow! Bookmarked ... you are talented, girl! Will reserve time to read at leisure.
DeleteWow. Really loved it. It is defiantly a touch of the old IPK. Loved the teasing, challenge which he knows she will not back down from. Brought back one of my favourate episodes, the Teej, when she faint and he is there to catch her. I go back and look at that episode a lot. Very fond memories of the,first eye locks and the awareness just starting, and Khushie's nervousness with Arnav right beside her.
ReplyDeleteArnav is so naughty, the way he asks Khushi to make him something to eat. He can even make the humble potatoe sexy. Khushi was stunning again in red. She can wear anything and sometimes does but then we get these times when she is just gorgeous. Arnav eventually realising that it isn't a joke anymore and that there is a seriousness behind her beliefs and her reasons for fasting for his long life. Then the best, romance. Arnav and Khushi style. Who could want more from one episode. Best episode for a long time.
"i'm sorry.. what can i do to help?"
ReplyDeleteshe pointed to the moon... and he gave it to her! hayeee totally silent convo.
director, camera guy, makeup guy, cinematographer, actors...applause to everyone..
at last the poolside is cleansed. with diyas and flowers.. and jalebis and hugs..
the air, water, fire, sky,
sindoor going in her eye..
gosh i'm turning lyrical .
better stop.
i'm totally forgiving the CT for the way arnav indeed broke shital's fast (even in a dream).
""i'm sorry.. what can i do to help?"
Deleteshe pointed to the moon... and he gave it to her! hayeee totally silent convo.
*Haayee... drool... swoon.. thud* //repeat//
J, Krish,
DeleteThe "sambhalta rahooga" had an dreamy feel to it...
these two can make commonplace dialogues reach dizzy levels of joy; one look, one glance....mountain of expectations....
well rekha that was when i went THUD!!
Delete"hamesha sambhaloonga" so many memories connected to these words!
"hamesha sambhaloonga" hayee
Deletethat was part of why i said that ASR is gonna give lofty expectations for unmarried girls everywhere.. married girls can vouch for the fact that real live heroes dont use such flowery words.. but the shyams of the world will.
a very nice post...
DeleteIn many ways it echoes some of the thots that we have expressed esp during the remarriage track....and sandy and i have strongly felt( tehre are others too) that it is now about to make a comeback.. Like in Vee05's post...two things stood out for me in the episode
belief in rituals - and the promise to protect....
360 of bandagement day.
Its not about what some rituals actually achieve, its the promise they hold for the believer...and the urge for the non-believer to accept this.
I will not go into personal sensibilities here becos then i shouldn't be watchin a hindi in the first place.
If a ritual does not demean another creature/faith in its practice, one would not want to be a spoilsport about simple as that!!
yes some ramanchi with characters will happen...some administrative convenience might happen...but i am goin by atoot vishwas on ARHI (they are bigger than the makers for me right now, becos yeh sach jhoot ki baat nahin hain)
too good an epi to put forth in words...actually we've had better before, because frankly yest I thought BS looked quite tired/disinterested during the romantic scenes... :S but then, after the drought, this has to be the BEST... :)))
ReplyDeleteone thing worth noting : arnav called HP as "hari"???!! :D
I agree mads. I too felt BS looked tired/disinterested in the romantic scenes, particularly near the pool. Somehow I got the impression he was simply fatigued in the scene whhere he was supposed to have this intense desire filled eyes as Aranv romanced his wife and swung her in his arms. I also found that impromptu dance very sudden and their steps were quite out of sync with the music. Maybe the constrained space made it looked even more awkward than it would have been. But for this aberation, the rest of the episode was good and loved the dialogues - even simple lines spoke volumes.
Deleteopti, i felt he was shabby with his hair and beard, but IMO he looked completely mesmerized by his wife. like someone chanted on IF, it was eye sex, eye sex.. all the way.
Deleteand he had absolutely no need to dance with her, he just did it to make her smile.. because he knows that she likes it, and that looks like another of his 'angry biwi manao' techniques :D
see she was shouting at him, and he shows her his moon (err that came out wrong) and kisses her hand, and dances with her.. shows her that she is indeed the queen of his life.. and she rewards him with a hug.
the reason arnav was not smiling during that sequence is because there was a thread of angst in there.. she is his precious.. he simply cannot have her mad at him.. //ab na jaa//
madsie, HP was not hari, it was another guy :D
ReplyDeletewish u a very happy birthday!!
Hope u have a great time!!lotsa lotsa love from the R&R girls
shwethu! haappy birthday too yoo
DeleteHappy birthday too yooo
Happy birthday dear blog genie
Happy birthday too yooo!
Happy birthday shwetha!!!
DeleteHapppy Happpy Birthday !!!!
Huggs BG
Awwwwwwwwwww thanks rekha, jaya, krish, sandy, dia and everyone*Hugs*
DeleteJust came from IF and wanted to give you guys a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug for being there for me all the time*Hugs & take care everyone*
Happy Birthday, Shweths!!! *HUGS*
DeleteUnexpectedly busy weekend ... will be back tomorrow with Other Shows, Books and Movies and update of ME :)))
what - it was BG's B'day and i did not even know?
DeleteHappy Birthday girl - have a great year and a great evening - and may all your shiddats come true and may you never have to use the Dandaaaaaa :D
aww shwethu, missed your bday!!!! :( anyway, hope you had a blast!!!! :)) lots of best wishes and hugs from me.. :))
DeleteBelated Happy Birthday Shwetha........wishing you good health and happiness always!
DeleteHappy belated Birthday Shweta!! hope you had a great time!!
ReplyDeletefood for thought :D
Random Rambles
ReplyDelete“Kya Kahoon Kya Pata, Baat Kya Ho Gayi
Dillagi Yeh Mere, Saath Kya Ho Gayi
Ek Ishara Hai Ye, Dil Pukara Hai Ye
Is Se Chura Na Nazar
Pyar Kar”
Well for a girl who has time and again asked for one sign from her DM, she herself accepted last year that DM had given her so many. Yet Khushi perhaps is yet to realize the biggest signboard she has got about her soul mate from the time she thought he was not even hers and she felt nothing for him.
“Humaari amma kehti hain ki jisse dil ke taar jude ho, agar uske haath ki chunari aapke sar par gire, toh un do insaano ko shaadi ke bandhan mein bandhne se koi nahi rok sakta”
Even today she began the Karwachauth vrat as a ritual but by the end of the day she had realized to herself and verbalized to Arnav that she wanted to do it despite the food craving because she believed it would grant her wish for a Happily Ever After with him, this janam and every other. To both it is never about truth or false. For her it is about vishwaas / belief, for him it is about what the act means in the context of his love / ‘bas is baat ka matlab hai ki’. Their ways may be different but their goal is always the same. “Khushi don’t walk backwards when I walk towards you. Walk forward, rather walk with me and let us walk together into the future”.
“banaaya hai maine tujhe apana saathi
rahe kis tarah phir mere hosh baakee
najar yu behakane lagi hai ke jaise
mere saamane koyi jam aa raha hai”
At Teej she had fainted, he remembers. She recalls he broke her fast but misses on the significance that ishaara from her DM had that day. Buaji had told her that evening that teeja ka vrat karne par shivji kie jaise pati milenge. Is not her Arnavji just that? But no jhalli Khushi is not thinking all day about her hubby rather she is craving food. Arnav challenges her knowing a challenge will help strengthen her resolve as has been the case.
He has always wanted her to succeed in anything she does and it is his way of telling her fine do the vrat but if you lose, then no torturing yourself year after year. He cannot see her so worried and glum. As with any challenge, he puts up a good fight with planned strategy. Today it was confirmed that the person who glued Akash to that bed was the boy Arnav : ) And as usual by the end of it, his pressurizing her backfires because all he wanted was to see a smile on her face and instead she had tears in them. Those tears make him pause and once he realizes how she believes that this will give them happiness forever and ever just like the pheras, he just wants to make her smile again. Just like the day she came to get her mehendi redone and he had joked about letting go unwittingly scaring her and then just hugged her tight so she felt safe and secure. Even today he hugs her letting her know that she and her beliefs are very precious to him.
She asks him for the moon and he gets it for her just like she told her amma once – her perfect husband who could do anything just to see her smile. Together they stand, the pool reflecting them reminding me of the time when they had both reached into the depths of the pool to retrieve a bangle. Today their love is no longer hidden but visible to all and aglow on the surface. A smiling Khushi draped in red time and again make Arnav lose sight of his surroundings.
Random Rambles (contd.)
Delete“Aankhen band kar loo jo mein
dekhu bas tumhe
khwabo mein hi keh sakta hoon
apna tumhe
rehne de mera yeh vehm pe hi yakeen
naa ja abhi”
One day Arnav Singh Raizada walked down the stairs at AR speaking on the phone to be greeted by a vision in red. Then on whenever he closed his eyes or even slept, she haunted his thoughts and dreams. Later that night while trying to be stern, he could not stop himself from being run down by a car and Khushi clung to him in the pouring rain. That night for the first time since they met he felt he might be being unfair to her. Even when perusing calendar shots her eyes tugged at him. He claimed to hate her but in his mind she was his – to protect, to possess, to call his own. When she said she would go away from his life forever he was tormented. He wished he could see her again and he did – in his cupboard : )
“pyar ki yeh raat hain ab na jaa
chotti si ek baat hain ab na jaa
pal do pal ka saath hain ab na jaa
jadoo si yeh raat hain ab na jaa
ab na jaa”
They kept parting and meeting. And on another night when they knew they felt something undefined for each other she stood on a stage about to lose a challenge he had thrown her. But the knight walked to her, took her hand and they ended up dancing oblivious of the world to Teri Meri Meri Teri Prem Kahani Hai Mushkil. That night it was important to him that she not lose irrespective of whether he won or not. That night they forged a tentative friendship but he was unable to tell her to stay back. Destiny intervened, clouds overshadowed their lives and they were forced to enact a farcical marriage and honeymoon for their families. Even then his feelings overpowered him and he twirled and caught her and danced with a passion that left them breathless. He wanted to hold her to him forever then but he could not. However the shoots of their buried friendship started to bloom again. She could hear him even through his silence and he realized she did care however much he tried to deny it.
But tonight another magical night when she is again in red and there are no calls from Aman to intervene, he holds her to him, letting his passion show, letting loose his feelings for her and showing her just how much ‘ehmiyat’ she has in his life and how precious she is to him. At the place where he crushed her unexplained feelings with “jadoo hai nasha hai” tonight with “jadoo si yeh raat hai” he tells her not go, not now not ever. He holds her close to his heart. He wishes time would just stop.
“sambhaala hai maine bahut apane dil ko
juban par tera phir bhi naam aa raha hai
jahan raj koyi chupaaya na jaaye
muhabbat mein aisa mukaam aa raha hai”
Overcome by their feelings and desire, Arnav and Khushi hug. Khushi speaks of how this is a special night, for on this night she proudly fasts in his name as his wife. Much like on haldi he is enamoured by her, her belief that all these rituals which make no sense to him mean so much to her. He believes in her, in her belief.
As she readies her Pooja thaal, she manages to get sindoor in her eyes. Last Teej they walked into each other and she got sindoor in her eyes. He could only stand by and watch her but today he goes closer to remove the offending irritant. Tonight Khushi is sure of why she feels a tug within her when he is close, unlike last Diwali and the dust in her eyes. As always Khushi’s closeness ignites the desire in Arnav and he snatches away her thaal before his titali can fly away. She realizes what he wants but KKGSR gives as good as she gets. However her earring gets stuck on his kurta and he lovingly frees it for her. The first time it had happened, he had asked her for the first time ever, “Tum theek ho” and Khushi had been shocked by this side of her Laad Governor. The other time it happened, he had professed to hate her, could barely be near her, yet he had gently untangled the offending earring. He had tried to step away then but DM seemed to have bonded them with that one earring.
Random Rambles (contd 2.)
Delete“Aayi Hai Chandni Mujhse Kehne Yahi
Meri Gali Mere Ghar
Pyar Kar”
But his eyes have not had their fill of her, her smile so he tricks her into thinking the moon is out just to see that dazzling smile on her face much like when he planted those 2 silver coins in a detergent packet. As she yet again tries to fly away, he tries to stop her. She almost falls but he catches her before she could.
“Sambhaal liya
Humeshaa Sabhaalta Raha Hoon / Humeshaa Sambhaalta Rahoonga”
From the day they have met, each time she is about to fall in any sense, he has caught her. Each time she prayed to DM for strength or protection, Arnav was there to catch and hold her, to hug her, assure her, to make her feel secure.
“Hum donon ek jaan hain
Do dil ek armaan hain
Lekin ab is mod kar
Dekhein daaman chhod kar
Waqt ka hai ye faisla
Hum tum ho jaayein juda
Maangein khushiyon ki dua
Ek duje ke vaaste”
“Mat jaao!” Arnav had said on a night which had plunged into intense darkness from immense happiness. One moment he had been enjoying flirting with Khushi, admiring his initial on her palm and the other his sister had lost his baby. This night is yet to end. Clouds are on the horizon yet again. Sheetal observes a ritual meant only for married woman but she is supposedly single. She has a child who has never met his father. Is Sheetal lying to her child about being still married (though separated) to his father and are all her actions to hide this one lie?
She deceives her way into being part of the rituals of mehendi and sargi. One way to look is Nani applying mehendi and giving her sargi / kheer marks her as a bahu of the house but how is that possible? (Btw what is Nk’s last name?)
Arnav treats her politely as he would a guest and though he is attached to Aarav he realizes and publicly acknowledges that he has no right whatsoever over mother and son. Khushi’s doubts about Sheetal are growing as are her nightmares but she will hopefully stand back and fight for her right as Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada, not for the riches and luxuries but for his love and her right as his wife, his soul mate.
What Sheetal and Khushi have forgotten for now and will need to soon realize is this time round, it is a child in the crossfire. One whose heart could be crushed if given false hopes and later wrenched away from them to see a bitter truth.
Deleteread ur post with interest.. (u know I always do)
It is very necessary to see IPK thru ur eyes, esp from now on, to build some semblance of continuity to see the point in the story..Personally for me, the threads are all strewn in different directions....(bikhre hue taar ki tarah) ….i will put out some of those threads below :
I can't really disagree on much that u have said above; though some powerful visages of Khushi continue to confuse me, when i look at them in totality, they somehow don't add up and yet they do..
• The Khushi who cried into the phone on hearing arnav's voice and break into momentary exhilaration of the "i loveu" and later had that defining monologue "how some relationships do not have a name"
• the arhipathy that told her that he would call out to her when he needs her
• The Khushi who promised that to save Arnav, she is willin to stoop to any nadir...
• The Khushi who said that she was willing to go away from Anji_arnav's life so as to reduce any conflict
• The Khushi who refused to enlist any help of arnav during the rent fiasco
• The Khushi who came back to RM when prodded by arnav about not giving her relationship a chance
• The Khushi who was worried about the lack of pheres tho thrilled to hear the "i love u damnit"
• The Khushi who looked at every approaching day of the wedding with eagerness...yet trepidation at the ominous signs
• The Khushi who gave support and courage to Arnav when anji had a miscarriage, was with him every step of the way
• The Khushi who went against his wishes to bring back his enemy home
• The Khushi who who waited at the mandap hoping with every breath in her body to will her Arnav to come back to her putting away years of his hatred
• The Khushi who took charge of the situation on discovering Shyam’s true colours, even giving Arnav the courage to face the inevitable.
• The Khushi who has become a yo-yo in the face of this new awesome threesome crisis
Khushi stands at a difficult stage of her life…yes some of her ideals on life and love may seem confusing to me at the moment, I am not be able to explain her sometimes strange behaviour in the midst of all this mayhem but one thing that I remain sure of is that Arnav will find a answer to this maze called Khushi and will be her anchor guiding her and hopefully helping her finding herself…
DeleteI love the powerful visage of Khushi you sketched. She will become that soon (I hope). It is now all about playing out 2 things that came up during remarriage track - Khushi main aur tum humeshaa always and Mat jaao. The humeshaa being for the past as well as the future.
See that dialogue of sambhaalna again has humeshaa and I told someone (guess on IF) that a "I have always loved you dammit" from Arnav is somewhere the undercurrent in this track. (again my POV)
You recall I had once said perhaps Khushi will realize that her meeting with Arnav and all the rest that followed was DM's marzi that she never lost sight of Khushi even on that night Khushi cried to DM after her hate marriage to Arnav. It is all strewn now because it is strewn in Khushi's mind too. The day she links it up, we will get our pearl necklace.
Besides Khushi is yet to understand what La meant that night about ASR and samajhdhaar hona and samajh jaaogi. She still does not realize why Arnav broke his engagement with La. Besides after the ILU dammit scene she thought back to near accident payash havan night. There is one more powerful faraq padhtha hai dammit to link - the day he came to know of her engagement to someone else. that day she was engaged and he could do nothing about it so he punished himself by deciding to get engaged to La asap. However the man who writes his own destiny and others finally did not do that even though he still thought Khushi was engaged to someone else.
SN: Even if thsi what happens, it will happen over time and not over a week or two so don't get your hopes too high.
SN2: I hope an Aaina like climax plays out where Arnav cottons onto gaps ins Sheetal's story and brings it to fore in his way (much like Khushi put up with Shyam to reach ASR and that was a defining moment in his trust of her)
Sandy, read your take ... so many ditto moments! Back soon with a longer reply.
DeleteFinally grabbed some time to spend here :)
DeleteSandy, loved your rambles as always ... I always like to take my time to absorb them before I reply.
Few thoughts in my mind as I was writing, and remembering what you have been saying about Khushi understanding all the isharas that her DM has been sending her, that Arnav is her soulmate as she is his.
One missed opportunity? When they both remember the first Teej vrat when she fainted and he broke her fast ... even though she never intended to fast, never wanted to ... she did, and he broke it ...
Her crib - he broke it before time. Thus complaining - you didn't follow the ritual to the T because you don't believe in them.
What she didn't register - HE broke it.
Buaji said this fast for unmarried girls was to grant them a Shivji jaisa pati ... her Shivji jaisa hone vala pati appeared to her for the first time, and claimed his haq by breaking her fast. And at the moment he did so, the temple bells rang (or the conch, I forget which). But it didn't register - all that registered was that she broke her fast early ... because it was just a ritual for her.
Today she wanted to keep the KC fast because all married women do so ... a ritual to be followed, her initial concentration was on how much trouble she has to go through, she wants to eat properly the night before, men don't have to go through such nuisances ...
She completed it because it was her HAQ as his wife ... her fast was to wish for togetherness as a couple ... hum aapke saath rehna chahte hain, aur yeh hamesha thoda aur lamba ho jaye.
During the Teej fast, she tried to sneak a puri, and Buaji rapped her knuckles for it.
Today Arnav tried to sneak her pakoras, jalebis ... she refused them ...
Karva Chauth started off in her mind as just a ritual, it became a belief ... like her faith that her parents are stars watching over them, so her faith that this fast will give her more years of togetherness and happiness. Not just for HIM ... but for THEM.
Because only a WIFE has the right to fast for her husband. Completing the fast for him is a testament to their bond, their marriage ... and that is what is the most important thing.
And when he sees that her fast is for THEM, that's when he also backs off and stops teasing ...
The Rabba ve reprise ...
Deletesindoor in eye ...
earring stuck on coat ...
the trip and fall ...
All done before, every time repulsed by one or the other ...
Sindoor in eye at Teej ... he reached out to wipe it involuntarily, she repulsed him ...
Earring - the first time, they were at loggerheads, the first close moment, both felt awkward ...
the second time ... after the grihapravesh ... he helped but out of compulsion, and with anger ... and pushed her away immediately thereafter ...
The fall at Teej ... he ran to save her without thinking ... she recovered, then pushed him away ...
Now he reaches out, she demands his attention as her right, her haq ... even scolds him for being slow ...
Khushi's ever present chant ... hum kar lenge, hum sambhal lenge ...
The BIGGEST change for me today ...
Sambhaliye ... ASKING HIM to steady her. Again with HAQ.
Hamesha sambhalta rahunga ... his promise ... I WILL.
Have Sheetal and Khushi forgotten there is a child in the crossfire?
No, I don't think so.
Unfortunately, I think Sheetal is using the child ... to what extent, and whether she is really his mother or not, don't know ... after the precap, I can't think otherwise.
And for Khushi, the biggest dilemma IS the child ... Sheetal herself is of no consequence. In both her nightmares, that is clear, she will not tamely hand over Arnav to Sheetal. In the kitchen she refused to leave the house, last night, she refused to let Arnav let Sheetal close to himself ...
But her worry will be for Arav ... as she said on Friday, Arnavji Arav ke pita ho ya no ho, iss mein bechare Arav ka kya kasoor hai?
DeleteI love your defining moments of Khushi ... they define the strong Khushi for me ...
Opposing emotions ...
The Khushi who tried to go away from Anji's Arnav for his di's happiness, which by definition was HIS happiness ...
The Khushi who promised him on BP night that she would never leave him
the Khushi who when scolded about being careless in running after the kidnappers, assured Arnav that she will be around, daaye, baaye, aage peeche, upar neeche ...
The Khushi who is scared to believe in her own happiness
The Khushi who assures him that he can handle Anji, and she is with him ...
Khushi when Arav went missing, called Arnav immediately ...
the Khushi who went with Arnav to speak to Sheetal ... when he spoke to Sheetal, it was as a couple ...
I don't see a Khushi who is insecure about her place in Arnav's heart ... but is she equally secure about her place in his life? Especially with the added equation of Arav?
DeleteAs u see, all the opposing emotions have been borne out of her pecking order issue...(unless they strictly make it about the SP mahaanta syndrome)
TO me, Khushi not exertin haq on arnav will come about only when she sees a person who in her view has greater haq on him...this is due to a reason...
U remember, i have said that Arnav needs to recognise the point that he married Khushi becos he would not have it any other way...he told Khushi that he married her for a reason...I don't Khushi has ever forgotten that..I haven't yet...she still believes, she lucked out...she still believes that Arnav fell in love with her after her saving him....she does not know that for arnav there was never a choice of not marrying her...For me this is the defining aspect of Arnav-Khushi bond...Both love each other but both don't know one very important aspect about the other...
Thats how i have read ARHI irrespective of all the intervenin mayhem
I don't mean that she doubts his love...she knows that he loves her immensely...she knows that arnav would never want to see in tears..but she always keeps that conditional....maybe it is my romantic notion, but i always wanted Arnav to confront that old memory of why he married her...i am not sure that the serial is thinking abot it in that vein...its just a ramble frm my end...
Deleterekha, arnav could not have fallen in love with her 'after' her saving him, because he said ILU 'before'. thinking back, arnav never gave an explanation for his love. when she rescued him the first time, she was terrified of that ILU ringing false.. remember the cardboard box rabba ve? she could not believe that a guy would do such a quick 180, yet she agreed.. because, by that time, she had come to the realization that she loved him even if he hated her,in spite of his hatred for her.
Deleteand hence, when he hit her unconscious and hid her among the hay, that was the first proof she had, of his love for her..
and yes, i would love it if khushi actually remembered to questio WHY he married her. dare i add a SHIDDAT?
DeleteIf I could I would reach out through the miles of cables and the screen to give you a big jhappi. HUGGS bey!!
"What she didn't register - HE broke it" - Exactly! Khushi ki batti ab tak nahi jali hai.
I loved:
"She completed it because it was her HAQ as his wife
And when he sees that her fast is for THEM, that's when he also backs off and stops teasing .."
Echoes of Hum jo shuroo karnege use aap poora keejiye. She has begun the search, he will help her complete it (as always)
"Khushi's ever present chant ... hum kar lenge, hum sambhal lenge"
Preisely why their reflection in the pool made me think back to that day when the bangle fell in and again she refused his help saying she would do it alone and he had kissed her on her cheek (dhak dhak)
As for the biggest change, I thought of it as Khushi for the first time acknowledging that he had steadied her, supported her, caught her before she fell. (else she was humein aapse chot khaane ki aadat hai - the coffee throw scene in memory rewind time). And Arnav reminding her that he has and always will support her, catch her.
Looking at urs and rekha's posts, I all the more wish for an Aaina like ending wherein
aadami aaina nahi hota
waqt ko kuchh mana nahi hota
jhut ki ummar tab tak hoti hai
jab talak sach ka saamana nahi hota
na tutega kabhi saathi yeh waada zindagi ka hai
tere iss pyaar pe mere siwa haq na kisika hai
baandh leti hai jo jism se jaan ko
aisi janjeer tu dekh le
aaina hai mera chehara
koyi parda nahi rakhata haqiqat khol deta hai
mujhe maalum hai ki aaina sach bol deta hai
yeh bhi sach hai ki aaina toh aksar phut jaata hai
jarasi thes lagati hai, toh girake toot jaata hai
jaan-e-mann jaan-e-jaan rang laayi hai kya
apani takdir tu dekh le
aaina hai mera chehara
Initially Khushi in her quest to restore Aarav his place in Arnav's life is going to lose sight of her place in Arnav's life. Arnav is going to watch her weave the web around her (just like today when she initially was all about I need to do this and he let her, challenged her tempted her but let her but only offered help to make her feel better when she realized and told him that it was them and their happiness which matterd to her )and when she is tangled in it just like she was in those Diwali lights, he will come and gently untangle her making her realize that just as he needs her, she needs him too - that is why her heartbeats increase(d) whenever she came close to him
SN: Aarav is not Sheetal's real son. Chances are his real dad is married and has a family of his own (perhaps always had). Sheetal seems is now wanting to have the support and warmth of a family in the Raizadas and will gradually play on the chinks in Khushi she has observed and the similarities between Aarav and Arnav to try and make her place in RM. Ha Ha Sheetal - you dare mess with a bond DM has ordained, She will have the last laugh :)
DeleteI may got some timeline wrong here....but the point i am making is there is that little chink somewhere...
why ?
Becos u remember at the hospital when they have this conversation, where Arnav reiterates, i married u for point is more related to that....I guess it may never come to questions...its in the black hole probably...
I'm asking this here because I know this is the right place to ask! I always get good answers here.
ReplyDeleteSo again, I'm not Hindu so not entirely sure what was going on in that precap there..WHY was Sheetal yelling Arnav's name? It was so unexpected that I sort of freaked out. Is that part of Karvachauth? (Never seen that in any Indian movie!!) And then, if someone could explain the rest of the rituals with Karvachauth that would just be fantastic because then I'll understand when Sheetal tries to complete those things with Arnav. Thank youuuu!
DeleteGuess you will need to wait for Dia or one of the other girls who actually observe the fast.
My knowledge is coutesy Wiki :)
DeleteBriefly, on KC women fast for their husband's long life, health and happiness.
The ritual part - we wake up in the early morning, before sunrise, and eat ... usually the traditional meal is parathas with veggies, and seviyan kheer. This is tradition - I never do this, because I never wake up in time!
The mother-in-law gifts stuff to the daughter-in-law for her 'shringar' ... things to beautify herself with, so saris, jewelry etc. That was what Nani gave Manorama, Payal and Khushi.
We can't eat after sunrise, not even water.
At around 4-4.30, we all dress in our best, many ladies wear their wedding sarees, with jewelry, we put sindoor, bangles, apply henna - basically almost like a bride. That is tradition - mostly now we just wear something red/pink and wear some nice jewelry, henna is usually done even now, in fact in Delhi and many parts in India it's very popular.
We have a pooja where we get together with other married ladies, and recite the Karva Chauth story or katha as it's called. Different families have different traditions of doing this.
After this we sit around in all our finery :) and wait for the moon to rise.
When the moon rises, I place a diya which I lit during the afternoon pooja ... on the rim of the sieve. I look at the moon through the sieve (not directly) - my mom used to see it through a specially made mathri, which was available only during karva chauth - it had a hole in the center. Then I pour out water, which I kept in a glass during the afternoon pooja, I offer it to the moon, then I look at my husband's face and he makes me drink the water, breaking my fast. I'm supposed to touch his feet at this point ;)
Then he gives me some sweet to eat ... I usually make halva. I give him the same. Fast over ... we sit down for dinner!
Nobody calls out the husband's name ... I think Sheetal did that to make Arnav look at her, so that she could see his face, after she looked at the moon through her dupatta.
Ahhh!! Thank you! That makes sense and is very interesting. Off to watch today's episode. Thank you!!
Delete to watch!!
ReplyDeleteI loved the ME because it underlined the deep loved Arshi have for each other.
ReplyDeleteThe girl wants to fast, despite being a die-hard foodie- because she wants their life together to be lengthened. Note that she wants her husband long life because she wants to spend her life with him. Clearly shows that this girl has no intension to leave him unless under dire circumstances. By voicing it out loud to her husband she has made him aware of just how much she treasures their togetherness. If she leaves him inspite of this, the man would know she did not do so willingly but felt compelled to do so.
The guy wants to break her fast, not only because he does not believe in rituals. He has never come in the way of his sister's beliefs unless her fasting has led to her ill health. Here too he is concerned about his wife's health for he has first hand knowledge that she cannot withstand the rigours of fast. He also know how much Khushi loves her food. So he does not want her to give up on her favourite food only for his long life. So he actively goes about trying to break her fast after he makes her promise that she will never hold a fast in future if she cannot hold this one. He can never stand to see his girl suffer at any cost and will try to stop it at any cost, even if he has to pretend stuffing himself with all the food he detests or seductively getting her to cook the food she loves.
That brings me to the kitchen scene - an interesting one which made me do some net research on the subject of eroticism of food. There is a term in the urban dictionary -'organism of the mouth'-which is defined as "something very delicious that makes a fiesta in your mouth when you eat it. Your tastebuds will salivate at just the thought of eating something so delicious." Arnav showed to Khushi that he is not only an adept lover in bed but can also get her to have a big 'o' of the mouth with just his seductive words. Sad that Khushi had to restrain herself from going all out and enjoying it to the full. Goes to show how much she is willing to give up for more years with her man.
If after all this she slips up as she did in the pool and decides to remove herself off from his life so that he is not forced to give up on the awesome threesome, he is there to pull her up and take care of their relationship always as he assured her.
The girl asks for the moon and he gives it to her by pointing to her reflection in the pool. This scene signified two things to me;(1) She is his moon, brightening up his drak life; (2)He will make her reflect on who she is and what she wants if she dares to leave him at some point.
She accidentally smears sindoor in her eyes and he helps to clear it. Sindoor is a symbol of a married woman. Sheetal and her ASR replica are the threat to Khushi's happy married life. Right now they are the irritants in her life much like the dust of the sindoor being irritant to her eyes. Good that her hubby is there to clear her vision and make her see things as they are.
'organism' should read as 'orgasm' in the post above.
DeleteLoved this.
Arnav / ASR has always believed in Khushi and in her conviction of her beliefs in rituals and such but never in the rituals themselves. He knows what she says the rituals will make possible become possible because of the extent of her belief and committment in them in making them happen. And committment and strength he understands :)
opti, yeah, we understood :D
Deletethough somehow, i cannot connect with your POV today.
she knows that arnav does not like aloo ke pakore. she knows that he does this to incite her.. yet, she falls for his food po** and makes pakore. not simply falls for the food imagery, but flustered by the voice in her ear. and he coolly refuses! even leaves the area! tempting little ****. I love how khushi just leaves him be after that.. and I love how mami accuses her of jumping ship.. err sailboat.
forget the fact that arnav did not know the ABC of cooking when he went to make jalebies..(IMHO, arnav did not need to be SO clueless in that jalebi scene..) now he knows the exact recipe of aloo pakore.. pyar se.
he tells her that she is his moon... and she lights up. it takes so little to bring a smile to her face.. a little filminess is all it takes.. and her bwoy is learning fast. chaand sa mukhda, a little private dance routine, a small gesture of haq... it takes so little to make her beam in happiness.. and her smile lights one of his..
DeleteIt is precisely for the reason that Khushi knows that he does not like pakores and still does it, not being able to resist his husky seductive voice painting that imagery for her, that I underlined the guy's expertise in bring her to the big 'o' of the mouth with just his words. As to how he knew the eact recipe of aloo pakore, I guess we will have to leave it to the creative liberty of the writers.
Agree, it takes little to get Khushi to bring back the smile, but then the real test would be when the Sheetal bomb really blasts. Now how quickly can Arnav bring back Khushi's Khushi (not to mention controlling his own rage at not being trusted ) only time can tell.
waisey, that pakore scene could be a dig at DABH... see, this is how you teach your wife cooking :D
Deletethe bomb blast that is shital, will take time i feel. right now, shital thinks that, khushi suspects aarav to be arnav's son.. and I personally think that shital is going to play it for whatever it is worth.
and it will be between khushi and shital, because arnav has remained clear on this issue to his wife. he cannot have clarified it more. and khushi has drawn battle lines in the ME.. she will not let shital get in the middle of arhi. if the execution remains good, this will be a catfight worth watching... and will result, I hope, in khushi's realization.
DeleteDABH dig....*rofl*
aiyoooo that paavaam is scared of his mom, bechara woh Opti described orgasmic culinary fest kya kar pata..forget his wife, his mom will have a heart attack if she heard him describe pakoras thus....she will ban all cooking in the house thereafter...
every time i read this i burst out laughing.. good thing my hubby's not around to see his biwi going pagal..
Deleteyeah.. he's definitely a good boy.. and our bitwa's a baaad bwoy.
oh, fels so good to finally feel so hopeful towards the story.. last week was sheer torture in AD as well as SKD..
*rofl* at the dig at DABH ... that Bhabho will ban pakoras for ever after in her kitchen if she saw that recipe!
DeleteIn Arnav's defence, pakoras are not rocket science ... while jalebis are definitely more complicated to make - speaking from personal experience at least!
Opti, very true ... Khushi fasts for their togetherness as much as for his long life ... and when she spells that part out, then the man realises and backs off ... of course, tab tak it's almost time for moon rise!
It was a not just clash of belief vs non-belief, but also a mutual voicing of concern - his concern for her health made him want to stop her fast, because he was the only one who knew she had fainted last year ...
and she refused to make him fast because she knew it was bad for his health ...
DABH had its own style of hubby teaching wifey to cook scene. This was one of the early episodes - a cute one at that. M-i-l discusses with her beloved son the list of things bahu has to cook the next day for her friends. It is a prestige issue for M-i-l who wants to show off that her bahu is an excellent cook.
DeleteNow hubby is worried because he knows wifey cannot even make a cup of tea let alone elaborate Rajasthani cuisine. So he comes up with this bright idea of giving her a practical session of how to cook without making her feel that he was teaching her. He suggests that she helps him prepare some things which he wants to distribute to the poor children who visit the mandir in the morning. Wifey agrees and the two go to his sweet shop where he keep giving instructions as to what to do, stepping in to help whenever she was doing things wrong. He gently repeats every instruction which she needs to note, also giving reasons as to why certain things are done the way they are, so that she remembers them. When her hair falls on her face while she kneeds the atta, he gently ties it up in a bun. When her pallu comes dangerously close to the fire in the stove, he wraps it around her waist and tucks it in, reminding her to always tuck her pallu whenever she is in the kitchen. With his expert guidance she manages to finish the cooking and the two then go to the mandir to distribute it to the children there.
Later in the day, the M-i-l tells her bahu (the wifey) to prepare all the dishes she has already learnt to prepare the previous night. The girl (who is quite sharp) remembers her hubby's instructions and goes about preparing a delicious lunch for M-i-l's friends who are in turn mighty impressed with her. She then realises why her husband had taken her to his shop for the night cooking.
The hero there was nowhere as hawttwa as our hero here, nor his loving cooking lessons as seductive as our hero's but the scene had its own charm and showed just how sensitive the hubby was towards his wifey who he bearly knew at the time. To me it was subtle romancing which gives a feel good effect.
aww opti, the way you write it, it seems so warm and fuzzy.. but the snippet i did see of it, was like so stilted and awkward and cringeworthy that i did not even wait to see the full scene.
Deletebut of course, the scene underlines sooraj's "good boy" image :D
Jaya, with a show like DABH, you need to have immense patience (as it is slow paced) and also the ability to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the general loudness of the characters. I have learnt that art over the months. For me if a story is well narrated (which includes closing all loops at some point or other) I'm willing to put up with the cringeworthiness of the loud characters or incompetent actors. Ofcourse, that does not mean I watch every episode of the show (in fact, it has been some time since I last watched the show as the overbearing M-i-l is driving me nuts). And surely I'd not addicted to that pair as I am to our Arshi.
DeleteHowever, I liked that scene I narrated (the reason I could recollect it frame by frame without having to rewatch it) because it showed for the first time how sensitive a traditional hero can be. I think it appeared silted and awkward to you because of the heroine's hopeless acting. The hero can act.
DeleteAgree with you about DABH. Whenever I have caught snippets in channel surfing, what struck me is a simple man from a small town, fearful of his mum yet making an attempt to know his wife to get her to adapt to adapt to her in his own way.
The characters maybe loud but the underlying story is simple and something most women would want in their lives esp if you are from a similar setup - No wonder it rules the roost. And yes a consistency in story despite avergaely skilled actors mostly.
Also I guess the gradual unwinding of a Mil who over time reviews the way she looks at her bahu is also a note close to home for many I guess.
DeleteI agree it does have to fall in to conventional/non conventional ideas of romance....i can absolutely relate to DABH's connect with the female target audience, many in real life may have husbands who just don't care or show any sensitivity at see that part is something they could relate to and also importantly be in tune with the aspirations of a woman...thats sone pe suhaaga...what more can be more romantic for many women than saying their husbands are attuned to their needs...thats powerful according to me, i may just be the set of audience they cater to bu i can appreciate the message well....
I think Anas Rashid is a decent actor...i have seen a few snatches here and there...he seems to fit the role of the supportive husband very well..Its the girl who can't emote...
I meant it "doesn't have to fall"
Deletefor those who wanna remember "aaj mausam hai suhana"
how could i have missed this!!
ReplyDeleteand how did the CT forget this!
20th time or 200th time.. i never tire of this scene.. the angst on each and every face.. the music.. the inherent heartbreak and the denial on not one or two, but so many.. beautiful scene, the first griha pravesh..
and dia, she did not remove the earring herself.. in the middle of all the hate, he still had a mini rabba ve there.. held her hand (dhak dhak) and removed it himself. oh-so-carefully.
DeleteD agree with J,
Deleteboth times her earring got stuck in his coat, Arnav untangles it :)
Jaya, u are in one mean mood today....
Delete*rofl* I didn't remember ... or rather, i thought so, but the fb only showed her attempts to remove it and I didn't check the whole scene :)
DeleteNo No No Dia, no ARHI fan can say that.....sacrilege!!
DeleteThose days...we used to see every aRHI scene with a toothcomb...every look, very glance, every mumbled word...He actually stilled her fumbling hand. Then i wondered for a moment, is he feeling the heat...too close for comfort situation..I read it more as his need to still his erratic beating heart...(no harm in hoping in those angsty times) hayeeeee those days.....
dia, check the link i pasted right above.. that IS the original griha pravesh scene :D
Deletewaisey, here is the hate dance scene..
on rewatch, it conveys far more than it did when it aired..
Jaya, I just watched that ... yes, HE removes her earring ... he holds her hand after she fumbles ... is that, as Rekha says, to still his own heartbeat? Is it because the closeness bothers him so much that he has to wrench it free as soon as possible ... he can't bear her closeness, thinking she doesn't care for him ...
DeleteRekhs, *rofl* arey yaar, kya karein ... yeh log galat fb's dikhate hain! I THOUGHT he removed her earring both times... my memory was not off!
Jaya, that hate dance was another epic scene ... so much of angst and controlled passion in those tightly choreographed movements... the control bursting at the seams. The problem was they ruined it with the next scene with Khush recovering so quickly and being chirpy ... they should have shown her being silent and upset a while longer. She had started off that way, determined to not speak to him, to obey him silently, because she knew that got him even more riled up, and she was upset as heck ...
Really, if you look back, the cv's have a habit of messing up their tracks themselves ... as though they don't trust their own story.
dia, J,
Deletethat angsty conveyed so much....even when they did not show much...that has been the power of arhi!
I still remember arnav tunring to Khushi and noticing her apparentt lack of involvement for a second and him turning all green...
In fact, there was so much that could have been achieved in that phase, that they kept reined in for soem reason, partly AM's absence....
That morning after when he looks at Khushi after both ending up on the recliner......that has to count among my favourite ARHI scenes..he looks at her with desire and devotion (BS aced that scene) in his eyes, savouring her nearness, wonderment, is she mine? can i dare to hope? agile to her discomfort, reaching to make sure she is nestled in comfort .....ahhhhh i can go on....
dia, i would credit the mess up to the shots being filmed out of sync. i remember recently, a fan went to meet the cast on location, and could not, because shooting was cancelled for the day, because the script was not ready..
Deletethings like this keep happening in IPK. so even with a brilliant storyline, bloopers like "i dont eat such oily food in the morning" and "naw..i dont want that.. its too oily" come in the same episode.
considering that the cast works full days, how can they not have at least one week's script ready? no wonder the leads are over-utilized, the supporting cast is barely used, the story seems disconnected from one episode to the next..
ReplyDeleteA post about the colour red in ArHi love story.
SN: My comment below the main post too ;)
Dia, loved the edit.. but you missed a very crucial point.. khushi said //"sambhal liya"// and arnav said "hamesha sambhalta rahunga ..."
ReplyDeletewaisey, on rewatch, arnav called "HARI"" it was not HP, but another person who came.. so now the servants share firstnames (hari), not last names(prakash) :D
Did she say 'sambhaliye' or sambhal liya?
DeleteI couldn't decipher whether he said 'hamesha sambhalta raha hoon, or sambhalta rahunga ... anyone?
DeleteI guess they made ti sound that way so you took what you wnated to from it.
I go with Sambhal Liya / Humeshaa Sambhaalta Raha Hoon 9with the Sambhaalta Rahoonga implied) :)
i heard hamesha sambhalta rahoonga.. lipreading as well as listening :D
DeleteIt was most definitely....sambhaliye and humesha sambhaltha rahoonga.....koi doubt mat rakhna...bas bol diya
ReplyDeleteBeautiful edit.
In that Arnav Anjali scene all this time whenever Arnav quesioned Anjali with whether these rituals would change the course of life, she would almost always tell him, "Haan aisa hota hai magar tum nahi samjhoge"
But today all she had was a knowing smile because despite all her vrat and poojas, she could not stop her husband from straying, she could not change the course of her life.
Arnav's comment on: "Sabki apni zindagi hai, kitna jeena hai, kab marna hai, yeh vrat rakh ke hodi na change kar sakte hain"
Because finally keeping the ritual alone is not enough. They are but a reminder that when the time comes, you may have their confidence to find within you the himmat to fight for what is right, what is yours. (Just like I told Opti above, in khushi's case he believes her belief because she makes it happen by the power of her will or tries to make it happen to the best of her abilities).
On the vrat and the sabki apni zindagi hai dialogue, in context of the temple scene where she tells him that one day he will realize that whatever he had written was what DM had made him write, I had wondered sometime back whether it would be Khushi herself who will realize that whatever happened in her life, sheesh mahal, shyam, the marriage, sheetal was all DM's will. Her ishaaras were always there for her to see bas Khushi samajh nahi paayi unhe. (Arnav already begged her back once in the backdrop of a temple in the woods post his rescue)
All the incidents that have happened between them, Arnav is the one who always recalls and reminds her, even during remarriage. Besides the last Khushi monologue was about a nafrat ka bandhan between her and Arnav since they met. Perhaps in the course of the Sheetal drama she will realize that even back then it was his mohabbat for her that made him care for her, save her, catch her and help her with babuji?
All his "tum theek ho" and "faraq padhtha hai" were due to that mohabbat that kept them running into each other amidst all the nafrat they professed.
Though both did not realize it, behind all that angst it was this that defined his attitude to her and eventually made him break up with La. (Khushi post terrace scene thought of the near accident on havan night she has still not linked it upto the day she told him about her engagement and he reacted).
What do you think?
SN: Extra hugs that you thought of Teej sindoor scene cos everyone looked at it purely as a Diwali 360 but to me this was more a Teej and Sangeet / Teri Meri 360. Diwali 360 abhi honi hai IMO (ehmiyat of her in his life)
agree that it was more teej 360 , even though all the outer signs pointed to diwali 360.. last month we were discussing about her not keeping teej vrat this year.. even anjali did not do the teej specialities, which were 'oh so important' when she was anxiously awaiting sham at the mandir.. this year, we assumed that khushi kept teej vrat, because she alluded to keeping teej vrat in some conversation.. and we all called rangmunchy.
Deletethat day when they were virtual strangers, meeting after saying goodbye, she put sindoor over themselves.. watch it here:
and their awareness, the way he was a stranger with no haq to touch her, and yet his hands rose to do just that..he was a guy who never noticed others' discomfort, yet he wanted to remove her trouble.. hayee what a scene.. what a repeat..
one VM that hit my heart today:
Deleteaaj tune hum par ARHI baarish karne ki taan li hain kya?
In fact, when he did that shushing her to blow into her eyes...the first thot was of that teej day....when his hands moved involuntarily to remove the speck in her eyes....oh those moments.....and then "mitti" scene at diwali and the Holi scene, all done earlier but ...yesterday was total haq....ah the arhi journey....
when he removed "mitti" from her eyes before diwali, he was reacting with a certain amount of haq that his heart always felt for her...even got lost in the moment..until K brought him back to terra firma...he could not do much then...he was committed elsewhere....and he was just beginning to let warm his heart...
then on holi day when she was struggling to remove the speck of dirt in her eyes, again he moved to do that, (for him it was by then an involuntary action, like a moth to a fly...he couldn't stop himself, in that state of "modhoshi" was just beginning to understand that he perhaps has no control over his feelings for this woman. for me Holi defined the arnav who will love Khushi becos he does not know how not to love her. If I were to describe it in Hindi" woh ab uske bas mein hi nahin ki woh use pyaar na karein"
And then yesterday, no doubts, no questions, his Haq all over....
sorry i meant moth to a flame....too many typo erros..maafi
Deletetypos maaf kia ;)
Deleteafter all, we all make them.. but even if typos are there, we learn to read over them, read between them, get the gist of the text sometimes even without reading.. because we know what is being said!
" woh ab uske bas mein hi nahin ki woh use pyaar na karein" swoon...
not in a mean mood rekha, just have a lot of time today after an awfully long time.. and after khushi slipped and arnav caught her, she said "sambhal lia" or rather, in english,
"you caught me" -"i'll always catch you"
yes yes yes....i want u to have this kind of u can tempt us with all the arhiness.
Deletesorry i also meant sambhal liya....but the voice quality almost made it sambhaliye...
For me Arnav has always to be that guy in the story...for whom not lovin Khushi was never an option. He had to love her when he was unavailable, when she was unavailable...
he had to love her when both are/were free to love but circumstances did not favour..
the beautiful Khushi, sexy Khushi, crazy khushi, irritating Khushi, kind Khushi, buffoon Khushi, sensitive Khushi, capable Khushi, confused Khushi, happy Khushi, sad Khushi, in fact Khushi in all hues...
Thats why this is a Arnav story for me..
Yes, Khushi's realisation will come like Opti says...
probably like Madhuri's abodh or Rajni sharma's "bade acche lagte hain" thats why i always thot K was 18 years..not that 23 year olds can't be like Khushi..
J, this song is for u today....
DeleteI had stopped connecting songs to Arhi for some time now...lacked inspiration..
but two stanzas that just occurred to me from a Jagjit singh song solely becos of u...
Meri nigaah ne ye kaisa khwaab dekha hai
Zameen pe chalta hua mahathab dekha hai
Meri aankhon ne chuna hai tujhko duniya dekhkar
Meri aankhon ne chuna hai tujhko duniya dekhkar
Kiska chehra
Kiska chehra ab main dekhoon
Tera chehra dekhkar
Meri aankhon ne chuna hai tujhko duniya dekhkar
Bahut khoobsurat hai aankhein tumhaari
Bana dijiye inko kismat hamari
Usay aur kya chaahiye zindagi mein
Jise mil gayi mohabbat tumhari
awww the songs are back in R&R!!!
Deleteand for me? haaw! aisa bhi hota hai kya?
here is the imitation of all the fabulous VMs that the fans make:
( on rewatch, adorable.)
DeleteSOMH - aaj toh madhhoshi kaa aalam hai - aapke alfaaz, J ke gaane - hayyee!!!
you know with all this talk of who is aarav's papa and what is his name, I thot of the Raj Babbar Smita Patil movie which has a witness protection program and the family hiding their identity. One Pankaj Udhas I have liked
Mitwa Mitwa re Mitwa
Purab Na Jai Ho
Pachchim Na Jai Ho
Mere Dil Mein Rahiyo
Chaaron Dishaayen Pardes Jaayen
Pardesi Waapas Aaye Na Aayein
Ghar Se Nikas Ke
Ghar Se Nikas Ke Dhoka Na Khaiy Ho
Purab Na Jai Ho
Pachchim Na Jai Ho
Mere Dil Mein Rahiyo
Jamna Ke Tat Par
Milen Ka Vaada
Paniya Bharan Ko Aayegi Radha
Bansi Bajaiyya Bansi Bajaiyya
Jee Bhar Ke Jee Ki Batiyaan Karenge
Batiyaan Yeh Saari Ratiyaan Karenge
Kuch Meri Suniyo
Kuch Apni Kahiyo
Purab Na Jai Ho
Pachchim Na Jai Ho
Mere Dil Mein Rahiyo
Mitwa Mitwa Re Mitwa
DeleteI wanted an interpretation of that look between Anjali and Arnav when he made that remark about vrats and poojas not being enough ... you got it spot on! :)))
About Arnav's remark, I also wonder will a time come when he begs DM for his Khushi, and promises he will do anything to bring her back? i.e a time when her life is in danger or something?
Or will they leave it as his beliefs and hers, and how they co-exist peacefully?
Which is not a bad thing ... beliefs are all very well in their place, as long as they don't become blind.
I would call Dadi's beliefs as blind and hypocritical, and Anjali's as blind faith ... Dadi did all the pooja path without understanding the basic tenets of the goodness of the faith she claimed to practice.
And Anjali used poojas and vrats as her panacea for all her fears ... blind faith in her husband, so unquestioning of his mysterious absences, his strange presence in her brother's room, but panicking when her mangal sutra broke, or if he wore a white shirt when some pandit told him not to ... to me, that is blind faith ...
Khushi's belief in DM has not been like that ... she prays to her DM for guidance, for strength, and then tries to do what she thinks is right. She doesn't sit at home waiting for things to happen. She is not ritualistic in that sense. The only thind she is guilty of, IMO, is of not interpreting DM's gestures correctly ... but then, can't really blame her for that.
I think Arnav has always been more aware of Khushi ... probably since the day they met ... he was definitely first to realise that this girl had got under his skin, and try his best to get her out. And also to accept that he could not ... why else that violent reaction to her engagement, to the fact that he lost control at Diwali ... a reaction that he turned onto her by announcing his engagement to La?
That is why I still maintain that when he told Anjali he married Khushi out of hate, he lied, to himself more than to Anjali. Only a violent, all-consuming love could have turned so instantly to that feeling of extreme betrayal and hatred ...
Khushi knew this man meant something to her, she knew his opinion mattered, even when he insulted her, when he denounced her, it hurt her ... out of proportion to what the man was in her life. The day after guesthouse showdown, when she blasts him at his own house, and he listens quietly, she walks out, and then looks back as though to ask ... that's all? You'll let me go without saying any more? Without telling me I can't leave, I have to complete the conract? Without trying to make me stay?
So both their realisations are incomplete ... but I wonder if they will ever take their story to the end and complete them ...
Depends on the actors and the PH! ;) And also on how well their new baby does!
DeleteBang on...
I am not at all sure of what they wish to achieve..its gud that i don't know...
On beliefs, i would say, bandagement scene had set a a writer, u have to take a position...else it will be half baked..if u say there is no meaning to it, u have show why and if u say there is meaning to all this, u need to again show Its not abot an individual sensibility..becos u can;t really cater to that at all.
I know there will be that section which will get disappointed if Arnav is shown as a person converted to the faith...actually for me, its not a issue of conversion or non-conversion...its about conviction..IF i was a non-believer, and my life experiences taught me a new perspective, idk why i should be repulsed by converting or even the other way round from a believer to non-believer.
DeleteAgreed, Khushi has never had blind belief, she has looked to DM for help and support but always taken steps to find her solutions to the situation.
Yes she has not connected the dots of DM correctly yet but theek hai, she is not wrong for that just ignorant as of now.
And yes though the thought of mighty ASR breaking in front of DM and begging for Khushi is a powerful visual, to me a co-existence of both their beliefs is nayi soch indeed.
Even if he goes to the temple, it should be more like a challenge to DM over their tussle for Khushi's happiness.
Perhaps something like Deewar and the ending temple scene.
If Arnav ever breaks and begs it would be before Khushi has been my feeling (plus that roadside scene) like he did when she almost died on that cliffop. To him she is his God, his destiny.
DeleteTo him she is his God, his destiny. swooooon!!
"Koi meri aankhon se dekhe toh samjhe tum mere kya ho"!!
my Somh, hum log is powerful visages mein hi beh jaate hain...but i agree a deewar will not be can u trouble ur bhakt?
and this is another review i like, detailing the shital track
Oh wow so many discussions...
ReplyDeleteThanks J for all the links!!
Will get back after i read all the discussions!!
ReplyDeletethis. here. was IPK 1.0
this stage has definitely passed.
what do you think?
that stage is long gone J!! but that was one gripping video!! very well made...
ReplyDeleteone photo.. did not think that photos could be this steaming hot!