Friday 2nd Nov '12
Sheetal lied to Aarav about meeting his dad, and he knows it.
Then why does he go anyway to the cafe she mentioned, and wait for him?
Sheetal gets a call from school that Arav is missing, gets distraught, because she herself put Arav on the bus. Then gets caught out by Mami that no, she actually didn't. In the next minute, she confirms on the phone that Arav was not on the bus to school.
Arnav Khushi are ready to leave the cafe and head home, thinking that Arav would have returned. Sheetal stops them, saying that no, he wouldn't because he'd know he could never meet his dad again if he returned. So he's still here. Made absolutely no sense given that Arav supposedly thought Sheetal lied to him in the first place.
Unless of course, Sheetal called Arav and told him that his dad would indeed be waiting there for just one meeting.
Sheetal is as blackwa as the proverbial daalwa.
And Madhura cannot act.
Chota packet on the other hand is a really good actor.
Khushi has never seen Arnav as worried for anyone as he is for Arav. Sweetie, that's because you never saw him worried about you when you went missing. And he was far less cool and collected about it too.
Liked the way the entire family blasted Sheetal for lying to Arav.
Sheetal's "I'm such a bad mother" act is getting unbelievable. Yes, you are, we already know that. And she seemed more concerned about showing the Raizadas what a brave, struggling, bechari single mother she is, rather than thinking about where her kid could be.
Last scene ... when the family leaves with the doctor, Sheetal coolly leaves her just rescued from the freezer son, and comes out with them as well. What the ...!!!
And she stands right next to Arnav. Was she hoping for a shoulder to cry on? She didn't get it ... instead she got a very furious Arnav.
We hit 400,000 today ... YAYYYY!!! Thanks, girls ... to all of you, the regulars, the occasional posters, the silent readers ... thank you all!!!
Episode -
Arav and Raizada family ... Arav protesting to Sheetal he doesn't want to go to school, he wants to meet his dad, Sheetal ignores him as though not hearing a word he's saying ... and Arav knows his mom is lying ...
Khushi again veers back to 'Arnav is Arav's dad, that's why Sheetal can't take him to meet him ...' now the next, far more dangerous layer added ... 'what is Arav's fault in all this? He's just a child who wants/ needs his dad ...'
Khushi, don't ... don't go there!!! All fatherless kids need dads ... that doesn't mean you and Arnav adopt them all!!!
Or that Arnav fathered them all 
Poor little Arav is heartbroken ... all his excitement deflated ... sheer disappointment, heartbreak, hurt, as he gives a last look back to his mom and slowly leaves ...
That little chota packet is a damn good actor! Especially since he shed the mini ASR skin and started acting like a real child.
Khushi and the entire family are annoyed with Sheetal ... this is no way to behave with a child, by lying to him and giving him more heartbreak. Khushi ticks Sheetal off, the family joins in ... another reason for Sheetal to be pissed off with Khushi? She wanted the concentration to be on Arav's longing for a dad, not on her lying to him about it. But here everyone blames her ...
So Sheetal does a pitiful dukhuyari aatma act from the 70's ... 'main majboor hun ... uske savalon ke javab nahin hain mere paas ...'
Umm, is she really a modern, educated single mom from the US? Single moms are a dime a dozen there and she and Arav must have seen quite a few too. Tell your kid his father is dead, is missing in the war, make him into a hero for your son ... what is this self-pitying abla naari act for? Idiot woman!!
Mami actually hits the nail on the head ... Sheetal is a pretty careless mom, that's why every other day Arav has some problems ... getting almost kidnapped, fainting in a shop, now this upset ... Sheetal obviously can't manage being a single mom ...
So have all these been set ups by Sheetal, hoping one will hit target and get her to meet Arnav 'accidentally'?
Nani ticks her off, Sheetal is doing her best ... but yes, lying to the child was not right ... Sheetal overhears - again she's being faulted for that one ...
Problem with MN is she has no expressions ... have no idea what she thinks or feels ...
Khushi in the kitchen ... does no one else in the house do any work? Sheetal throws her a really dirty look ... that was the first time Sheetal had some expression, and it wasn't pleasant ...
Sheetal gets a call, and moves from the kitchen to the living area where the entire family can hear her conversation ... yes, from today Sheetal is black to my mind, till proved otherwise ...
Sheetal has sent a cheque with a five year old to pay his school fees ... if she was a working mom, I could understand, but why exactly could she not go and pay his fees herself?
And she gets the news that Aarav hasn't reached school ...
Mami asks, 'are you sure?' so Sheetal realises to be realistic, she can't accept the statement at face value and asks a few questions ... 'check here, check library, bb court, classroom ...'
Sheetal can't understand, she dropped Arav to the bus herself ..
Mami points out that 'no, you didn't drop him ...' You let a hurt, disappointed, crying child go out to catch his bus on his own ...
Oops, caught ... Sheetal fumbles ... another phone call fortunately gives her respite ... so she asks the relevant question ... bus driver also said he wasn't on the bus ...
Mami wonders if someone mistook him to be a Raizada and kidnapped him ... Sheetal cries loads of crocodile tears, 'where oh where could my little boy be ... what will I do without him ...?'
Khushi calls Arnav ... he picks up the phone on first ring ... wow! Wish I could train my hubby to do that!
And heads for home ...
Khushi, Sheetal, NK roam around with Arav's pictures ... NK calls the police ...
Arnav returns home, asks for details ... finally showing signs of being a businessman in control of tense situations ... 'tell me exactly what happened ...'
Sheetal starts her crying martyr act again ... 'it's all my fault ... I shouldn't have told him ...'
Arnav cuts the drama, asks 'what did you tell him?' ... and Sheetal recounts her promise of meeting Arav's dad ... 'what a bad mom I am ... main majboor thi'
Arnav tells her it was a stupid promise to make when you can't fulfil it ...
Sheetal says 'main majboor thi ... main kitni buri maa hun ...' she thought Arav would forget about it in the morning ... like, really???!!!! The kid's has been dying to meet his dad for ever and you thought he'd forget about your promise like it was a candy bar?
When did she talk to the bus driver?! Jhoothi!
Again cries ... 'I don't know where he is ...'
Arnav least concerned about her tears ... 'forget that ... where did you tell him to meet his dad?'
At least he's showing some logical thinking ... although why would Arav go there if he knew his mom was lying to him, I don't know, but a place to start ...
Arav searching for the cafe ... and tells a fib to a passerby that his mom dropped him there ...
Arnav Khushi and Sheetal hunting for Arav ... Sheetal does some more nautanki ... 'I don't know where he is ...'
Arnav not sympathetic at all, gives her an earful ... 'tell him who his dad is, and stop lying to the poor kid ...'
More nautanki by Sheetal, more reassurance by Arnav ...
Khushi feels she's never seen Arnav so worried about anyone (apart from his Di presumably) ... umm, Khushi that would be because you've never seen him lose his cool over you ...
Arav waits for his dad ... really didn't understand why he felt his dad would come ... didn't Sheetal indicate she had been lying about meeting his dad?
Arshi and Sheetal reach restaurant, just as Arav is sent off by a fairly decent manager ... and Arav sneaks into the freezer.
Manager asks Arnav if Arav is his son ... Khushi looks at Arnav, Sheetal looks mysterious again, Arnav snaps back with a hint of exasperation ... 'No, he's not my son ... where did he go?'
Hopefully Arnav is also starting to get irritated with the constant 'Arav is like your son' remarks ... and will realise what Khushi went through ...
Arnav starts to lose his cool, Khushi calms him down, 'let's look elsewhere, he must be nearby ...' Sheetal stops her 'no, voh ghar nahin jaa sakta ... he'll be around ... he won't go home ... he knows this was his last chance to meet his dad ...'
Again did not understand the logic of this at all ... did Sheetal actually make another call for Arav to tell him that? And why did Arnav also agree to that? Bad writing for Arnav ...
So they feel Arav would be in a spot where he can't be seen, and yet can see everyone ...
And they see the freezer ... or rather, Sheetal sees the freezer ... and they find Arav.
Arnav picks up Arav and runs out with him, Sheetal running behind him, bleating 'Arav, tum theek to ho?!'
Back home, Arav in bed ... another injection ... for hypothermia?
Family files out after the doctor, Sheetal tucks in Arav and comes out as well ... what the ...?! Kaisi mom hai yeh, bhai?!
And she makes straight for Arnav's side, opens her mouth ... am sure more of 'I'm such a bad mom, what if something had happened ...' drama was going to start ... but Arnav shuts her up with a curt 'think next time before telling your son lies. He's sensitive. For his sake, be careful ...'
And he walks off ... leaving Sheetal with a very What the ... expression on her face.
This she didn't expect. Maybe she got too used to seeing the softened Arnav, and his friendly attitude towards her ... and didn't realise it was for Arav only, not for her. Maybe it's not only Khushi who got the wrong idea about Arnav's unexpected niceness towards Sheetal, maybe Sheetal did too ... Maybe Sheetal has totally underestimated Arshi's bond ... well, no maybe about that one ...
Note about spoilers ... new one says Sheetal will tell Khushi Arav is Arnav's son, and ask her to not tell Arnav. In normal course of usual sacrificng SP bahis, Khushi would be expected to move away quietly, thinking that Arnav, Sheetal and Arav make a nice family and she should leave them to it and walk out. Maybe that's what Sheetal is counting on, Khushi's self-sacrificing nature, and the fact that she has been silent till now.
But the spoiler says Khushi tells Arnav ... and Arnav flatly denies it. So now how will it play out?
In my last show, MJHT, Suhani, Samrat' sister is first discovered by Gunjan, Suhani asks Gunjan to keep quiet because Samrat hates his sister, and Gunjan does so, thus leading to Samrat's hurt, more at Gunjan's betrayal than at Suhani's truth. And we discussed there that Gunjan's first loyalty was to Samrat, she should have told him.
Here according to the spoiler, Khushi will tell Arnav what Sheetal has claimed. I hope it IS Sheetal's claim, not Khushi's inference. Then the ball is in Arnav's court, also he has to see why Khushi jumped to the conclusions she did ... because she was being manipulated.
For those still believing Sheetal is white, the way I see it - only way she can be white is if she herself believes that Arnav is Arav's dad. In which case she is not Arav's mom.
Unless she did sleep with Arnav - which makes him a liar ... and slept with the London Eye guy too, who is the real father. Since that makes Arnav a liar, that's not happening.
Sheetal lied to Aarav about meeting his dad, and he knows it.
Then why does he go anyway to the cafe she mentioned, and wait for him?
Sheetal gets a call from school that Arav is missing, gets distraught, because she herself put Arav on the bus. Then gets caught out by Mami that no, she actually didn't. In the next minute, she confirms on the phone that Arav was not on the bus to school.
Arnav Khushi are ready to leave the cafe and head home, thinking that Arav would have returned. Sheetal stops them, saying that no, he wouldn't because he'd know he could never meet his dad again if he returned. So he's still here. Made absolutely no sense given that Arav supposedly thought Sheetal lied to him in the first place.
Unless of course, Sheetal called Arav and told him that his dad would indeed be waiting there for just one meeting.
Sheetal is as blackwa as the proverbial daalwa.
And Madhura cannot act.
Chota packet on the other hand is a really good actor.
Khushi has never seen Arnav as worried for anyone as he is for Arav. Sweetie, that's because you never saw him worried about you when you went missing. And he was far less cool and collected about it too.
Liked the way the entire family blasted Sheetal for lying to Arav.
Sheetal's "I'm such a bad mother" act is getting unbelievable. Yes, you are, we already know that. And she seemed more concerned about showing the Raizadas what a brave, struggling, bechari single mother she is, rather than thinking about where her kid could be.
Last scene ... when the family leaves with the doctor, Sheetal coolly leaves her just rescued from the freezer son, and comes out with them as well. What the ...!!!
And she stands right next to Arnav. Was she hoping for a shoulder to cry on? She didn't get it ... instead she got a very furious Arnav.
We hit 400,000 today ... YAYYYY!!! Thanks, girls ... to all of you, the regulars, the occasional posters, the silent readers ... thank you all!!!
Episode -
Arav and Raizada family ... Arav protesting to Sheetal he doesn't want to go to school, he wants to meet his dad, Sheetal ignores him as though not hearing a word he's saying ... and Arav knows his mom is lying ...
Khushi again veers back to 'Arnav is Arav's dad, that's why Sheetal can't take him to meet him ...' now the next, far more dangerous layer added ... 'what is Arav's fault in all this? He's just a child who wants/ needs his dad ...'
Khushi, don't ... don't go there!!! All fatherless kids need dads ... that doesn't mean you and Arnav adopt them all!!!
Poor little Arav is heartbroken ... all his excitement deflated ... sheer disappointment, heartbreak, hurt, as he gives a last look back to his mom and slowly leaves ...
That little chota packet is a damn good actor! Especially since he shed the mini ASR skin and started acting like a real child.
Khushi and the entire family are annoyed with Sheetal ... this is no way to behave with a child, by lying to him and giving him more heartbreak. Khushi ticks Sheetal off, the family joins in ... another reason for Sheetal to be pissed off with Khushi? She wanted the concentration to be on Arav's longing for a dad, not on her lying to him about it. But here everyone blames her ...
So Sheetal does a pitiful dukhuyari aatma act from the 70's ... 'main majboor hun ... uske savalon ke javab nahin hain mere paas ...'
Umm, is she really a modern, educated single mom from the US? Single moms are a dime a dozen there and she and Arav must have seen quite a few too. Tell your kid his father is dead, is missing in the war, make him into a hero for your son ... what is this self-pitying abla naari act for? Idiot woman!!
Mami actually hits the nail on the head ... Sheetal is a pretty careless mom, that's why every other day Arav has some problems ... getting almost kidnapped, fainting in a shop, now this upset ... Sheetal obviously can't manage being a single mom ...
So have all these been set ups by Sheetal, hoping one will hit target and get her to meet Arnav 'accidentally'?
Nani ticks her off, Sheetal is doing her best ... but yes, lying to the child was not right ... Sheetal overhears - again she's being faulted for that one ...
Problem with MN is she has no expressions ... have no idea what she thinks or feels ...
Khushi in the kitchen ... does no one else in the house do any work? Sheetal throws her a really dirty look ... that was the first time Sheetal had some expression, and it wasn't pleasant ...
Sheetal gets a call, and moves from the kitchen to the living area where the entire family can hear her conversation ... yes, from today Sheetal is black to my mind, till proved otherwise ...
Sheetal has sent a cheque with a five year old to pay his school fees ... if she was a working mom, I could understand, but why exactly could she not go and pay his fees herself?
And she gets the news that Aarav hasn't reached school ...
Mami asks, 'are you sure?' so Sheetal realises to be realistic, she can't accept the statement at face value and asks a few questions ... 'check here, check library, bb court, classroom ...'
Sheetal can't understand, she dropped Arav to the bus herself ..
Mami points out that 'no, you didn't drop him ...' You let a hurt, disappointed, crying child go out to catch his bus on his own ...
Oops, caught ... Sheetal fumbles ... another phone call fortunately gives her respite ... so she asks the relevant question ... bus driver also said he wasn't on the bus ...
Mami wonders if someone mistook him to be a Raizada and kidnapped him ... Sheetal cries loads of crocodile tears, 'where oh where could my little boy be ... what will I do without him ...?'
Khushi calls Arnav ... he picks up the phone on first ring ... wow! Wish I could train my hubby to do that!
Khushi, Sheetal, NK roam around with Arav's pictures ... NK calls the police ...
Arnav returns home, asks for details ... finally showing signs of being a businessman in control of tense situations ... 'tell me exactly what happened ...'
Sheetal starts her crying martyr act again ... 'it's all my fault ... I shouldn't have told him ...'
Arnav cuts the drama, asks 'what did you tell him?' ... and Sheetal recounts her promise of meeting Arav's dad ... 'what a bad mom I am ... main majboor thi'
Arnav tells her it was a stupid promise to make when you can't fulfil it ...
Sheetal says 'main majboor thi ... main kitni buri maa hun ...' she thought Arav would forget about it in the morning ... like, really???!!!! The kid's has been dying to meet his dad for ever and you thought he'd forget about your promise like it was a candy bar?
When did she talk to the bus driver?! Jhoothi!
Again cries ... 'I don't know where he is ...'
Arnav least concerned about her tears ... 'forget that ... where did you tell him to meet his dad?'
At least he's showing some logical thinking ... although why would Arav go there if he knew his mom was lying to him, I don't know, but a place to start ...
Arav searching for the cafe ... and tells a fib to a passerby that his mom dropped him there ...
Arnav Khushi and Sheetal hunting for Arav ... Sheetal does some more nautanki ... 'I don't know where he is ...'
Arnav not sympathetic at all, gives her an earful ... 'tell him who his dad is, and stop lying to the poor kid ...'
More nautanki by Sheetal, more reassurance by Arnav ...
Khushi feels she's never seen Arnav so worried about anyone (apart from his Di presumably) ... umm, Khushi that would be because you've never seen him lose his cool over you ...
Arav waits for his dad ... really didn't understand why he felt his dad would come ... didn't Sheetal indicate she had been lying about meeting his dad?
Arshi and Sheetal reach restaurant, just as Arav is sent off by a fairly decent manager ... and Arav sneaks into the freezer.
Manager asks Arnav if Arav is his son ... Khushi looks at Arnav, Sheetal looks mysterious again, Arnav snaps back with a hint of exasperation ... 'No, he's not my son ... where did he go?'
Hopefully Arnav is also starting to get irritated with the constant 'Arav is like your son' remarks ... and will realise what Khushi went through ...
Arnav starts to lose his cool, Khushi calms him down, 'let's look elsewhere, he must be nearby ...' Sheetal stops her 'no, voh ghar nahin jaa sakta ... he'll be around ... he won't go home ... he knows this was his last chance to meet his dad ...'
Again did not understand the logic of this at all ... did Sheetal actually make another call for Arav to tell him that? And why did Arnav also agree to that? Bad writing for Arnav ...
So they feel Arav would be in a spot where he can't be seen, and yet can see everyone ...
And they see the freezer ... or rather, Sheetal sees the freezer ... and they find Arav.
Arnav picks up Arav and runs out with him, Sheetal running behind him, bleating 'Arav, tum theek to ho?!'
Back home, Arav in bed ... another injection ... for hypothermia?
Family files out after the doctor, Sheetal tucks in Arav and comes out as well ... what the ...?! Kaisi mom hai yeh, bhai?!
And she makes straight for Arnav's side, opens her mouth ... am sure more of 'I'm such a bad mom, what if something had happened ...' drama was going to start ... but Arnav shuts her up with a curt 'think next time before telling your son lies. He's sensitive. For his sake, be careful ...'
And he walks off ... leaving Sheetal with a very What the ... expression on her face.
Note about spoilers ... new one says Sheetal will tell Khushi Arav is Arnav's son, and ask her to not tell Arnav. In normal course of usual sacrificng SP bahis, Khushi would be expected to move away quietly, thinking that Arnav, Sheetal and Arav make a nice family and she should leave them to it and walk out. Maybe that's what Sheetal is counting on, Khushi's self-sacrificing nature, and the fact that she has been silent till now.
But the spoiler says Khushi tells Arnav ... and Arnav flatly denies it. So now how will it play out?
In my last show, MJHT, Suhani, Samrat' sister is first discovered by Gunjan, Suhani asks Gunjan to keep quiet because Samrat hates his sister, and Gunjan does so, thus leading to Samrat's hurt, more at Gunjan's betrayal than at Suhani's truth. And we discussed there that Gunjan's first loyalty was to Samrat, she should have told him.
Here according to the spoiler, Khushi will tell Arnav what Sheetal has claimed. I hope it IS Sheetal's claim, not Khushi's inference. Then the ball is in Arnav's court, also he has to see why Khushi jumped to the conclusions she did ... because she was being manipulated.
For those still believing Sheetal is white, the way I see it - only way she can be white is if she herself believes that Arnav is Arav's dad. In which case she is not Arav's mom.
Unless she did sleep with Arnav - which makes him a liar ... and slept with the London Eye guy too, who is the real father. Since that makes Arnav a liar, that's not happening.
hey girls !! how are you all??? Sorry for MIA for a long time - exams are just around the corner
ReplyDeleteand the main reason is this track has made me lose complete intrest in show including Arhi.. that is something am not liking.
Today after a long time i did watch an episode , and guess what couldn't handle it more than 2 mins .. this is not IPK I had loved... everything is missing !!!
at least I used to watch uncut arhi scenes with WU. now even that has no motivation.
So how are you girls , Shewts how is everything at your side?
Twine you were MIA even before me - hows you?
Rekhs, Jaya missing your bak bak and bloppers.
Dia how was your vacation? and kuddos to you for atleast hanging there...
Missing the R&R so much !!!
Madsie - still in india and when is the wedding??
Su, Sama girls a big hello to you both !!
Will catch you all when i get time
aaru...oye m back to Germany for my PhD.. :) wedding not for another yr.. :)
Deletehow are you? and yes, IPK is going stedily downhill..only thing that could keep me hooked is Sanaya/Khushi.. :)
Aaru, glad u dropped in...hope u r doin well....all the best for ur exams
Deleteyeah yeah ipk is just about breathin for now...can't say for how long tho...
Just waitin for a ending high note (hoping rather)....would be cruel if it happened any other way...
Today the highlight of the LU was the SUV scene where everyone commented happily that Khushi is in the front seat...I was amazed really...imagine for an epic tale to see these days that one should become happy to see a married woman be seated in the front seat in a vehicle driven by the husband...
aaru, good to see you bey, best of luck for the exams.
DeleteAaru, good to see you ... you picked a bad episode to come back, full of Sheetal. I'm actually looking forward to next week from the spoilers ...
DeleteArshi story is over and done with, they got their happy ending. Now I'm watching the show just for Sanaya ... as long as Khushi is reasonably sensible and I get my sunshine dose every day, I'm happy.
If you want another show to watch, which will not hook you like IPK, but is a really good watch so far - see Veera. Director is the director of Maryada, writer is the writer of Astitva and BV. With that team, I don't think they can go very wrong.
Hi Aaru,
DeleteAll the best!
It is good the show is not very gripping now, concentrate on your studies.
Sama, Geetu, UJ,
Where are you guys?
aaru! (HUGS) so glad to see you! good luck for the exams.. and seriously, read RnR and dont see the episodes, thats the way to keep the dream alive!!
Deletebest of luck for you exams!
Twiney..Huggs bey
DeleteAll the best for ejjams!!
Was out in the evening, didnt see the episode, read the Update...not going to bother watching it either.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for the dumb UK dinner to get over and these Peole come out officially if they are going to continue or not...BS looks unlikely to continue and frankly dont see why SI should either with this PH which has been totally unfair to her, let us see
Oh and haPPY KC to those who celerbated it today. take care
DeleteWhy o why do you and I play hide and seek :S
All girls at R&R who fatsed..happy KC :)
"Sheetal is as blackwa as the proverbial daalwa.
ReplyDeleteAnd Madhura cannot act.
Chota packet on the other hand is a really good actor."
That scorching look she gave Khushi in the kitchen- 'why can't you just roll over and die? My life would have been perfect if it was not for you'???
Yes, Sheetal is COAL BLACK today.
I don't care what her sob story is- I gave up my life and love for my sister's kid, Don't I deserve a little bit of happiness for myself' - or whatever- THIS WOMAN DESERVES A NICE TIGHT SLAP!
I am wondering who'd be the best person to do that.
1.NK, the Lakshman/ hanuman: No no no, Sheetalji, yeh aapne khushiji ke saath tikka nahi kiya.... uffff....
2. Payal, the tigress sister:Meri Khushi ke saath aise karne ki himmat kaise hui....unfortunately her character is still being written in...
3. Anjali: Aapne hamaare...hamaare Chhote ke saath aur hamaaare hamaare Khushiji ke saath....sorry, Anji is just a defleted balloon right now.
4. Nani: Aap aisan kaisan kar sakat hai...Not spicy.
5. Maamiji: How dares you? Tum chipkali...tumne hamaari phati saree ke marriagewa mein apni black black buree nazar daali...tamaaar..*slap slap slap*
*clap clap clap*
Hell, I am furious with this character and I really feel bad for the actress.
Poor thing, she was screeching like a parrot today, with the exact same amount of expressions of a parrot!
Seriously, I hope they are not planning to show a regret and redemption track for this she- wolf.
Otherwise, the epi as a whole was OK, predictable, watchable. This is exactly what I expected for today.
They made K nonsensical- With Arnav plainly telling Sheetal in front of Khushi that she should tell Aarav about dad- Mona's Q from yesterday has become more valid today. Mona will be very happy today. ASR's characterisation was perfect.
Going away for the weekend. I'll be missing the ME.
I really hope it is more than the she-wolf drama.
CVs, KC comes only once a year, can we please expect some romance between the newly married couple? At least from Arnav's side?....pretty pleaaase....OK, I'll try not to hope for too much.
Su, *rofl* Screeching like a parrot with the expressions of a parrot!
DeleteTrue, her voice modulation is pathetic ... and her abla naari act of 'main majboor hun' got to me today!!! That's a dialogue for a woman from the 60's, not a supposedly modern woman of today, educated in the US, no less!
Unless they make K nonsensical, how will the track progress? I am okay with that - or rather, I've made my peace with it :( ... as long as Sheetal is not white and this HAS been her plan all along.
Dia, you say your looking forward to next week based on spoilers.
ReplyDeletePlease tell what spoilers are these?
Anon, I added them in the edited post.
DeleteNaam batao, please ... are you new or did you forget to write it? :)))
Hi Dia
ReplyDeleteYou seem is bit pissed off , if I may use the word....going by the love story has ended statement .
I for some reason in a very calm state of mind with the show , it on screen and off screen drama. Something or the other keeps happening every second day which annoys the lot of us. I am so sure now that I will watch as long there is SaRun there and after sometime if I am unable to tolerate even them I will disconnect. No other show will do , I tried.
As you said somewhere on IF. That we would be a happy bush if we got an uninterrupted dose of a lovestory which a cloud of misery hanging over them all the time. The reason been given it is because they are star crossed lovers and will undergo trials throughout. I too for a bit would like a break from this doom and gloom but what is the other option. If it is OTT Khushi then I don't think that to be much of an option. There is so much that can be done with this story only if the cvs took several steps back and once again examine their creation. Whatever they do with it what I do not want is more explanations...
Coming to the episode . Unclear about the purpose. Was it to show how bad a mother Sheetal is, how desperate the lad is for his father thus Sheetal's reason for disclosing the dads name and destroying lives. To showcase how Arnie cares for the boy or show why Khushi will give up her place as Arnies wife to accommodate the awesome threesome.
The boy acted very well . His disappointment truly felt by all. Can't say the same for the mother who seemed shallow thru and thru. But if a women took care of a boy for however old he is she cannot be that bad. Everyone seems to be sure that it is a setup. I am not sure at all. She is upto something but is she devious thru and thru like soon to have a character like that in the show...
Khushi last scene yesterday froze on a happy face to have a sad one the very next minute. Bad screenplay, direction , bad what ???? Both Sanaya and rain look so tired that I feel like asking them to take a day off and rest.
I am desperately hoping that the ME is somewhat decent and we get a happy KC but with the precap it seems that Khushi happiness can never be untainted.....I believe this track will last till the TRPS are back so much more to go....
Meantime really can we have a Khushi makeover. She has started to look like the maid of the house not the mistress.
Take care all
ratna, i for one felt that there was no doom and gloom in today's episode.. honestly, i was laughing every other scene.. from the moment mami reminded her that shital did not see aarav to the bus today, it was comedy circus.
Deletethe way S,K,N, went out on the road and was showing photos, the way barun sorry arnav ran in with akash, the way aakash had just one eyeroll in the whole episode, the way the 3 ran as if to a running race towards the hotel, the way shital said "he will hide somewhere he can keep an eye on the hotel(like a spy)" the way the 7up bottles were stacked in the "freezer"... today was total comedy.
the doctor came, gave yet another injection, (the CT decided that little boy cannot swallow tablets, so now its injections !) and made his way out through the wall of supporting actors (truly! what purpose? decoration? none of them have dialogues!!) and then, like dia said, the mom leaves with the rest of the cast. gets a solid earful from ASR, leaving KKGSR miffed.
sucks to be arnav.
first time he has decided to be a little sensitive, following biwi's example, and now biwi herself cannot stand it! (eyeroll)
ratna, watch veera. you won't get bored.
DeleteGlad to see someone else still on the fence with Sheetal. Oh I accept she is some shade fo grey but I have not yet consigned her to black. You see I am all for some of the blame for the subsequent toofan to be laid at Khushi's doorsep too. A case of leaping without thinking 9ok she is thinkign but she is not thinkign straight)
Today's epi was a filler but it established the following:
1. Sheetal has been lying to Aarav about his dad for a while now
2. Sheetal lies
3. Aarav is so keen ot have a father figure in his life it will be difficult for him not to lath onto the ifrst sensible male he meets and likes
4. The family taking note of Arnav's fikar for Aarav (and him alone)
Hi Jaya
DeleteThe entire other women angle has been bought in too soon. Arnav and Khushi have hardly settled in their marriage and new characters have been bought I when they still had issues to solve as to what happened to Shyam and where are the Guptas and arniesbehaviour to Garima and most importantly the after marriage romance. Now that this track is here so far I think they are doing good by IPK latest standards , by that I mean , if you get an episode that does not require fast forwarding is a good one. Gone are the days for repeats and repeats.
As long as this boy is not Arnav's son I am fine with it coz that would have been very unfair to Khushi. In my mind Khushi is being silly with all this doubting . How can she believe a complete a complete stranger than your own husband who has been denying any relationship. But Khushi is no Anjali so it is ok that her antenna is up regarding this women but so far she is being played. I am yet not convinced that Sheetal is an conniving as Shyam.
I hope KC is decent with some decent expectations though.
In regards to other show Jaya I am not a desi soap fan, never was and will never be. I got sucked into IPK and want to finish what I started. I did watch bits and pieces of Veera and the boy was good. Thanks for the recommendation. Dia too was saying that it is by writers and director she likes...
Thanks for your response
DeleteArey no yaar, the love story is finished was a response to that silly 4mojos post ... I'm not done with the show yet, not as long as Sanaya is there, and Khushi is not made a complete caricature.
Whether PH has given up on the show or SP is taking a bigger hand in it, seems the love story has indeed taken a back seat ... but then, if this is a track about building differences between Arnav Khushi, then they can't show them being lovey dovey and communicating ... the entire track is built on miscommunication! As in almost all dramas on telly ... this is not the only one!
I said this on IF today ... Khushi's doubts would be perfectly valid if they hadn't shown Arnav tell her flat out he couldn't be Arav's dad, after he saw the DNA report. Because of that one scene, her doubts are out of place - she HAS TO trust her husband over this stranger, and instead shift her focus to figuring out why Arav is so much like Arnav, why has Sheetal trained him to be so. Rather than worry about how much Arnav and Arav seem to be bonding.
If that one scene had not been there, I wouldn't blame Khushi for getting nervous at all ... hubby and gf were 'dating' during the right time, son is carbon copy of hubby, she knows hubby's ideas about living together and casual sex are pretty open ... in fact, I would call Khushi an Anjali if she accepted it all as coincidence!
But since Arnav was so categorical, I wish her suspicions would shift to Sheetal's motives rather than Arav's parentage ... oh well, Khushi's character is the most expendable of the lot for the cv's, definitely if it is for the sake of preserving Arnav's.
I will be completely upset however if it is also for the sake of preserving Sheetal's ... that is why I much prefer a grey Sheetal. :)))
dia, why should khushi trust arnav's word over shital's?
Deletegoing by my theory that this is IPK 2.0 (forget the atoot vishwas, the telepathy, the trust), why should a wife believe that (what her husband tells her ) is true? wont she be committing the same mistake that anjali did?
Dia / Su,
DeleteTo me the trust factor is about Khushi trusting herself - which of her thoughts to believe. Tried explaining it in my random rambles comment below.
ReplyDelete'which is why i was all prepared for a diff track at re-marriage becos for me it was a question of Arnav coming to terms with some aspects of his past. That they chose to end it in half-episode was the greatest disappointment but i moved on accepting that it was perhaps my over-zealousness to see the conflict resolved in a better manner as against a tame opportune FB..':
You have my full sympathy, yes it was promised.
1. It's a walk down the Flowery Lane….. Happy moments were spent on the way
2. It was a walk on the edge of a cliff….. the path would then be lonely with no one at all
3. It was a walk down a decorated alleyway…. Sadness walked along giving them company
4. As they continued walking on the same pathways…. When someone would silently join them along their way
Do you remember this?
This was Perfume’s spoiler before the suhaag raat on Janmashtami.
I think it was the the next 4 tracks that were planned.
1. Happy moments: What we got through the re- marriage track, all the ceremonies.
2. On the edge of a cliff: The effect of BFTP- remarriage cancelled- Khushi bears the brunt of the badnaami. Probably Shyam adds fuel to fire. May be babuji gets more sick, K blames herself and walks out of her house (remember there was a spoiler K goes missing for 2 days) . ASR realizes the enormity of his actions and goes back for her.
3. Sadness walked along: Arhi re-union, but they need to be reconciled with the family.
4. When someone would silently join: Haaye, my favorite fiction within fiction- Khushi’s chacha…
I believe this was not a prank spoiler. It was so detailed and too beautiful to have been cooked up. It may have ben the CVs letting us take a peep in to their plans for Arhi.
It may have been what I wrote, it may have been something else.(btw, I don't remember if I wrote the same sometime back too.)
But they had to throw all this away…
And come out with an entirely different track, which is what we are getting now. Who is to blame? Fandom? SP? I think it is the latter.
They should be allowed to tell their story. If they are not allowed, it is not their fault.
But I really feel this track is not all that bad. I am really happy Sheetal turned out to be black! I am a little tired of grey and veiled characters...too early to tell... I guess she has her own sob story too.
Hello ladies. Well this episode was better than the last couple. Arnav very no nonsense and not happy that the child has been lied to. Arnav will tell no lies so when he says,the child Is not his, then the child was not conceived by him, unless something happed that he I's not aware of. He is quietly angry with his collage friend and he is seeing a different side to her. I know there are no manuals for bring up children but when you have a intelligent boy who wants answers to questions he has had for a long time, making a promise to him and then thinking he will forget it by morning shows that she really doesn't know her child at all. The child will start to distrust his mother if she can not at least explain some of the circumstances why he can not see his father.
ReplyDeleteKhushie is not happy at all. She is nervous and worried about what may happen next, when is Shetal getting the keys,to her new place. The sooner the better for Khushie. Maybe Shetal will disappear but she might leave her son behind. Anything is possible. I just want to see Khushi smile with some romance throw in for good measure. Then I will be happy.
Random Ramble
ReplyDeleteI saw the whole week's epi properly and liked them all. I wonder why the whole brouhaha this week about ArHi characters.
"Never make promises you cannot keep"
An adage Arnav Singh Raizada defines his life by.
He promised his mum never to forgive anything that hurt her.
He promised Di that he shall always protect her and her happiness and he did.
He told Khushi, main aur tum humeshaa and he stood by it despite Dadi's tricks, still does and always will.
With Aarav, he playfully reciprocated a hand gesture only to realize he made a promise of always togerther - in happiness and sadness, one he has since been trying to keep.
Aarav a child who has never seen a father yet must have grown up with snippets of information that he would have memorized. I look just like my dad. I am a big guy, very mature just like him and so on.
When they moved from the US to a new way of life, he happened to cross paths with ASR, a man uncannily similar to him. Fate made him stay with the man and he hears various family members remark on the similarities they share. After the baskeball match Nani spoke of him reminding her of Arnav's childhood and Aarav paused to look again at a man he had grown to admire. He found ASR cool. He felt Mr. ASR or Mr. Arnav could be respected, he did not treat him like a kid, called him big guy and Aarav liked being around him. Subconsciously Aarav began to see Arnav in the role of his father. The first male figure in all these years to have made a mark on the child.
Tday yet again as he waits for his dad, it is Arnav who comes for him, Arnav who seems to understand how this child's mind would work.
Reminds me a lot of the movie Kuch Na Kaho. A single mum and her son who loves her to bits. But he misses a father. He misses having a Dad to showoff proudly at school when he gets picked on. His mum has told him nice things about his father yet he has no pictures only a vague mental map. Into this scenario walks a guy who gets along with this child famously. He even steps up to be his pretend papa at school. And the child uncaring of societal pressures and norms of right and wrong addresses this man as his Dad. A dil ka rishta.
I was also reminded of Shammi Kapoor's movie Bramhachari. Orphans who grow so fond of the man who has nurtured them that even when a child is placed in a foster home, he is unable to forget his "real" father. (Main Gaaon tum so jaao, sukh sapnon main kho jaao).
Random Rambles (contd.)
Delete"When you have been alone for a long time, even a little love goes a long way"
Sheetal and Aarav who in the US had only each other now stay in RM amidst the love and affection of an entire family. Children always hungry for love and Aarav loves the attention that he receives at RM. Much like Arnav at GH. No need to be strong and mature, you are indulged.
Being a single mum is tough business. Bills to be paid, work to be managed, a child to be raised, homework to be attended to, household chores and so on. No time to sit back and let go. Always need to be strong for a child. Suddenly when you have a family's suppor, you realize what it is that you ahve been missing. Makes you yearn for the life Khushi has surrounded by loved ones.
Sheetal is lying to her child. She knows his father but cannot disclose details. Lives will be impacted she says, whose? Arnav's? Khushi's? or Aarav's himself?
I would believe Aarav himself. What if his father knew of him and still chose to not acept him? or had in the past deserted them for another woman / family?
Is Aarav better off not knowing rather than knowing and not being able to approach his dad? (Kannathil Muttamittal a movie where an adopted child when told of the truth goes missing from school. She is attached to her dad still but yearns to know more of her real mum who gave birth to her)
Aarav is a Singh Raizada for sure. But Arnav says Sheetal and he did not have any such relationship and he never lies. Akash seems not to know her.
At times it feels Sheetal has a sinister motive.
Mostly it simply feels like she came to Delhi to seek Arnav's help in becoming the so called father of Aarav to give the child closure even moulding him to be an Jr. ASR. But the plan was messed up as he was now married but the initial damage has been done.
If Sheetal is unmarried or if Aarav is not her kid, KC makes no sense but she does it anyways for Aarav's sake. So he feels his father is out there and alive and is still married to his mother.
DNA test - do they establish relationship or paternity or it depends on the type of test? Is that why Sheetal was releived Khushi tore teh test because it would have only complicated matters?
Is the diary Sheetal's or Aarav's real mothers? In 2006 Sheetal and Arnav were in the US but the diary speaks of a person in London. Or did Sheetal go on an exchange program to London and meet someone?
Is Sheetals' censure of herself as a mum more so that Aarav can be adopted by the Raizadas, his family and not about him being Arnav's kid?
Into this potent mix has been thrown Khushi who knows Sheetal still likes Arnav, Arnav and Aarav have a liking for each other and Aarav is desperate for a father in his life. When she could shoulder burdens for Anjali without being related, what will she attempt to do for Aarav?
SN: Mami saying attempted kidnap of Aarav assuming he belongs to rich Raizada family - Interesting
Besides she was the one who had earlier raised the point about getting married to Sheetal and she had demurred. Why because she is already married yet calls herself a single mum?
Delete'At times it feels Sheetal has a sinister motive.
Mostly it simply feels like she came to Delhi to seek Arnav's help in becoming the so called father of Aarav to give the child closure even moulding him to be an Jr. ASR. But the plan was messed up as he was now married but the initial damage has been done. ':
I agree with you that her motive is not all that sinister, probably.
1. She knows she still has feelings for the guy, by the way she reacted to the hi-5.
2. She knows there is tension between the couple since she witnessed the DNA report scene.
3. Keeping fast for KC, to pacify the child when she has clearly told K that she does not want to remember about Aarav's dad- with the spoiler saying she implies to K she kept the fast for Arnav...may be she fels he is her soul mate, and she is keeping the fas t for next janam...too much from a Harvard educated woman, really.
When she knows she has no future with ASR, she is misleading the kid and creating tensions between Arhi, she should just leave or clear matters with Khushi, especially since she put that Q across quite bluntly. That is the only dignified way to handle the situation.
I call her black because she lacks that dignity and she is REALLY STUPID the way she is handling this.
My shiddat is that by the end of this track, Sheetal will not be a 'meant nothing', but a 'nothing' to ASR.
I want him to cut her off totally the way she misled K, knowingly or unknowingly. If it is the latter, she is dangerously stupid. (The point is also that the kid could have got killed in the traffic or in the freezer yesterday, and there was no remorse from her. In the kitchen, she seemed to be busy giving angry looks at Khushi after she got blasted by the family. Yeah, she cannot be the biological mother.)
Loved the way Sheetal got blasted yesterday, even NK did not spare her. That was a wonderful touch of reality in a seemingly unreal scenario.
DeleteYour words on Arnav ... *applause* Very true, spot on! He is a man for whom a promise is sacred, binding ... (Wish he would follow through on his promise to make Shyam's life hell too though!)
Aarav ... my reading is the same. A lonely fatherless child, living in the US where life CAN be very lonely ... brought up by his mother in a strange way - all 5 year old kids I know live in Tshirts and jeans/shorts, not collared shirts and sweaters! Has loads of attitude, apparently encouraged by his mom, because it reminds her of his dad?
And now comes to India, pitchforked into the middle of a loud loving family, who fuss over him, spoil him, give him attention, openly express how much they love having him around ... the child starts emerging from inside the scared lonely little boy.
Arnav went into the ASR shell at age fourteen, Arav seems to have gone into it earlier still ...
Arnav emereged from the ASR sheel with Khushi's love,
Arav is emerging from it with unconditional family love ... learning to be a child again ... much like Arnav in GH, where he can be just Arnav babua ...
And the new admirable male figure in his life ... Arnav, who's smart, rich, well dressed, plays his favorite game like a champion and has time to coach the little boy and make him feel good ... Arav has fallen head over heels into hero worship of this wonderful man in his life. And I have to give it to the cvs ... they have brought out this change very well. Helps that the kid is a great actor.
Punar Vivah is playing the same track - a kid without a dad, now adores his new stepfather, and doesn't need any other dad in his life.
Sheetal ... does she really think Arnav is Arav's father? In that case, she can't be Arav's real mom. But that still doesn't really explain her silence till now ...
She talks about worrying about others' happiness ... whose happiness will she ruin by saying Arav is Arnav's son?
I think it will be a shock to the entire family, not Arav. Arav will be delighted ... and he is too young to understand the ramifications. Besides if it is true, Arnav will not abandon Arav. So no, it's not Arav's happiness she's worried about.
Is it Khushi's? If so, why her silence? She knows what Khushi suspects ... all her actions are feeding Khushi's suspicions, not allaying them. No, it's not Khushi's happiness she's worried about. If it was, she would leave RM gracefully and try to explain to Arav that his dad had died.
Arnav's happiness? Arnav would be shocked ... if he believed her. She would have to give more proof and she knwos that. She heard Arnav categorically tell Khushi he cannot be Arav's father.
In that case, why has she not tried even once to talk to Arnav about Arav's father and who she believes Arva's father to be? Twice Arnav has spoken to her about telling Arav about his dad ... why is she keeping quiet in front of Arnav too?
DeleteLovely post....
I know ur shiddat is for no SUI...while my heart says yes...can i choose a middle path for some drama here and for that sheetal has to be choice
i may be wrong but i always thot once ur stoned, u r stoned...there is not much u can do......what if arnav was in a situation that he was tricked into drinking something...and but nothing happened....and sheetal somehow uses that memory to manipulate...
actually i can't believe that i am choosin such a cliche for the drama to move ahead but honestly, i am doing this more to keep some part of the love story alive for this...
if not, what was the point for this drama? to teach Khushi to believe Arnav's word.I agree Arnav's word after DNA test should have clinched the matter for her but for a woman who has already accepted that knowingly he may have not done, i can appreciate it is the unknowingly done deed that is unsettling her..I am presuming her doubts exist becos the peckin order of happiness still exists or such other issues like not confiding fear exists(if the makers are sayin that those issues are resolved becos of past instances of arnav showing her that she matters, PLEASE CAN THEY JUST CLARIFY WHAT IS KHUSHI'S PROBLEM RIGHT NOW apart from being afflicted by the SP BAHU SYNDROME)
So, Sandy, for me atoot vishwas was all about arnav finding the meaning of trust and Khushi's happiness that she meant so much to him in his life..
so i am able to cut some slack for both in this regard..and am able to see the issue as circumstantial even when seeing the chance for perspectives to emerge on both sides...lessons in trustin but also understanding it is not a mere word for people who live with scars.
at the end of it, if they show it was all a stupid mountain out of the molehill, i will be the first to say Arnav should walk out with Sheetal, blasphemy thou it may sound becos they would have killed Khushi for me completely
Rekha, you and I are on the same page on this one ... but I want to add another facet to this issue ...
DeleteAnjali trusted Shyam against all the evidence against him, against the word of witnesses like NK and Payal, she believed in him blindly ... and we all flayed her for closing her eyes to the truth and ONLY believing her husband's word, when there was so much proof against him.
Tis was a woman who for three years had seen nothing but love and tenderness from her husband, and protestations of everlasting love and faithfulness, down to renewing their vows every Teej and all such drama ... yet we expected her to open her eyes and look at all the suspicious circumstances surrounding Shyam's actions, like his long absences, his appearance in Arhi's room etc ... and of course the eye witness accounts ... She didn't, she ignored each and every one, and we flayed her for doing that.
Now we flay Khushi for doing exactly that? Question Arnav's word? Why? Because WE know he doesn't lie ... but he doesn't have such an unblemished track record with Khushi that Shyam did with Anjali, does he? And he HAS lied - to himself most of all, by not admitting yet, that he married Khushi the first time round because he loved her, he felt betrayed by her ... would he have married ANY other girl he saw with Shyam?
He never told Anjali the entire truth of what he saw on the terrace that night, he still hasn't - was that to spare her feelings?
He loves Khushi at least as much as he does Anjali - is he not telling the entire truth to Khushi to spare her feelings? Because he knows she's already disturbed by the Sheetal-Arav connection?
Here the ONLY thing in Arnav's favour is his own word ... all the circumstantial evidence is against him ...
Khushi is NOT doubting the Arnav of today, she knows he would never betray her for another woman ...
She is doubting the Arnav of six years ago, the one who has admitted that living together and by extension, casual sex were not taboo for him ... who admitted that Sheetal was his girlfriend ...
She is NOT doubting that as far as Arnav KNOWS, he is not Arav's father ... she is doubting that he could have UNKNOWINGLY fathered the child.
A mother always knows who the father of her child is ... would Sheetal accuse Arnav of being Arav's dad if she wasn't sure she could substantiate her claims? Why has she TWICE kept quiet when asked if Arnav is Arav's father - once by the principal, once by the cafe manager? What is she trying to prove and to whom?
That's why I said at the start of this track, that for it to progress very long, Arnav had to have slept with Sheetal at least once, even if unknowingly ... otherwise it's all Khushi making mountains out of molehills ... which the way this whole track has been set up, is quite unbelievable.
Su / Dia / Rekha,
DeleteWell on second thought Sheetal seesm to be guarding only her happiness. Hence her silence to the Raizada family and Aarav. Lying to him, keeping Khushi in mystery, seeking sympathy from all.
She wants Arav to have his dad yet not lose Aarav to them?
Stoned / SUI - Why I am against it - Like Dia said, I believe it is the ASR Khushi had initially met that she distrusts or rather does not completely rust. Because his ideologies and way of life were different. Live-in, dating, girlfirneds. I recall scenea in his room and in the car after janmashtami when Khushi called him character dheela for living in with La. She till data has not retracted that and hence I want no physical relationship under lost memory circumstances. Khushi was wrong in her judgement of Arnav's character. Perhaps a contrast between La and Khushi too where La though not traditionalist eventually learned to not judge / condemn people hastily.
Also a mother would know who the father's child is. If Arnav says Sheetal and he had no such relationship then Sheetal knows it too. She would also know that anything she tries on Arnav will need proof. Such is his nature. And she does nto have it except for a diary with torn pages. She suspects Arnav to be Aarav's dad but has no proof.
She was looking for someone to help her without her having to ask (hence she is grey) in helping her establish Aarav in the family so she could enlist their support and care. Khushi ended up being that person who cottoned on to Aarav being related to the family and Sheetal is letting Khushi fight teh battle of proving it so as her word will mean more than Sheetal's to the Raizadas and especially Arnav (knowing him if she has married Khushi then it is a big statement and Sheetal knows it)
Single mums - Sheetal and Garima. Both having a past which they hide from their children. Garima met Shashi told him the truth and got married to him. Sheetal does not want to get married (if she is like the old ASR she too does not believe in marriage and family right?) but has to take care of Aarav. Unlike G she is wagering Aarav's happiness.
As for Khushi, I guess her foundations of vishwaas on people was shaken up very badly after the Shyam being the cause of the baby's death came forward. She had believed him then too and felt he was affected by the pain of his loss only to realize it was a farce. Her experience in dealing with outsiders - read Shyam has been, he was a good guy who was her friend, he wrangled to being her fiance while being married, she got married and yet he would not stop hounding her. The perv then became a killer attempting kidnap and kill of Arnav. He manipulated Dadi for his means and then finally killed his child when Khushi the samaritan had believed him and got him home for Di.
Over the past year Khushi's trust and belief in another person has only given her betrayal. Hence her self confidene to judge a person is at an all time low with Sheetal atm. Added to this her incomplete trust of ASR and his beliefs / ideologies, Khushi is living out Arnav's NYE prophecy - the world is a hard place. Sticking false flowers and lights does not change this fact.
I suspect since the CVs themselves don't know anymore, i am just accepting whatever u girls say here....u are all saying a lot more and lot more sensibly than the narrative in any case.
DeleteTo me they meant to say many things but lacked the conviction to say it...Su, i can't lay the blame at SP's door alone for this....SP is a channel that will look to sell what sells best..make no mistake, they are the leaders and so obviously there is something right that they are doing here...agreed their shows cater to sensibilities diff from ours in many ways however they also chose to give credence to a different sensibility in having done some out-of-the-box thinking, SP needed to be convinced that all is actually well.
if SP was basing their calculations on an online audience they would be the biggest fools becos the online aud would cry and weep, but will not give up on Sarun or as long as PH convinced them that they would keep these elements in mind, I would say SP would not have interfered in the decision beyond setting some parameters..the only place where i cld see a clear interference was the remarriage track...but then that was already a lot of water under the Thames by then ...there was also absolute lack of conviction on the PH develop cold feet on the matter..or whatever that was the issue then...
Su, with u I praised Gul's vision to the skies..but whats vision without conviction? I don't know their compulsions frankly but their conduct has been highly suspect so i would say a huge accountability for the mess should lay at the PH door...
so now, its no use to say n veiled words, we couldn't say it the way we wanted to...that only shows u have radical minds but not the fire in the belly to bulldoze ur way in to traditional strangleholds...
Zee may be provide them with the chance with QH, for Zee i guess, it is a gamble becos they are not the leaders, such experiments are a lot easier to do for the underdog than the established.
ReplyDeleteWill wait for your edit.
My shiddat - no Sex Under Influence for Arnav. Till date he has been shown to be a chracter in control of himself in public and SUI does not go with my image of him!
Khushi to focus on her KC pr perhaps trip in her hurry to know whose photo Sheetal uses to break her fast and land in Arnav's arms :) Arnav shall only break Khushi's vrat!!
The ink from GH's pen seems to be flowing in the SUI direction. Madhubala has the same track. My son asked me this morning what is the meaning of administrative convenience. Does this qualify, I wonder. :-)
Under the term creative liberty/convenience we have seen a lot of things,an arnav being clubbed with Sheetal as an awesome twosome and almost a jolly good fella when he played administrative convenience can cause anything to happen...
DeleteI define admisinstrative convenience in this case as the vision team saying, "no change in arnav's charateristics meaning he can't have sex casually or in unprotected manner" and writer uses the administrative convenenience route" make him stoned him without his knowledge" heheheh
DeleteRekha, I like your version of administrative convenience. :-D
He he he
Deleteme too ... like your interpretation of administrative convenience ... :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats Dia on the 4,00,000 achievement. Great cafe. Cheers :-))
This sheetal's single mom act from the US is irking me so much.
My husband told me that even in the 1960s when he just started schooling in the US, and he was much younger than aarav s shown, he came back one day and asked his mom if she was his father's second wife or third wife. His mom was shocked and he was very disappointed when he had to g back and tell that she was the only wife and his only mom, no step moms round he corner. And this was in the late 1960s. And are we not now in 2012. I so agree with the single mothers being dime a dozen and not being prepared is so stupid especially if you call yourself a mom.
I can take all of khushi's antics because I attribute it to exposure but sheetal is meh.
i was rofling at shital's story.. "he dint go to the playground because kids come there with their dads.".. which country did they live in?
DeleteI was wishing my hubby had heard that one ... I don't think he's taken his kids to a playground ever in his life!
DeleteUsha, exactly ... a single mom in the US is no big deal ... they have the highest rate of teen pregnancies for heavens sakes! This bechari single mom act for a US-returned girl is totally false!
DeleteROFL about your hubby's disappointment.
Today single mums are even a respected norm even in India. We have one on our blog too.
Sheetal is being shown as a contrast to La I guess. Both with foreign exposure and progressive thinking? Where Sheetal is creating trouble with her silence, La showed her maturity and inherent good nature with hers.
The age old paradigm: WOman can be the creator and the destroyer of a house.
And Sheetal succeeds because Khushi is letting her get away with it so far. Lets see KC pe if a onfrontation happens.
Btw I have not forgotten, Arnav sirf Khushi ka vrat todegaa...Bas Bol Diya!
Sheetal ke liye NK hai na
Tathastu :-)
ReplyDeleteCongrats for hitting 400 000..
EXCELLENT EDIT AS USUAL..btw.who is this London eye guy Sheetal has supposedly slept with ?when was this shown? I seemed to have missed it.
I feel if they show Arnav to really be arnav dad it will not only be butchering of Arnav s character but absolute MURDER of IPKKND...all and I mean all viewers will lose faith in the PH and their ability to show something it is they always drag the suspense part completely forgetting that this is a LOVE story of two diametrically opposite individuals..
The closure of Arnav kidnapping came very late when snakewa admitted then most viewers had even forgotten that A was kidnapped and K put her own life on the line to save him..
The much awaited RTR of A that the fandom was waiting for was tho done beautifully ( no thanks to PH but to excellent acting by BS in that one scene when he comes late at night to see Khushi and apologises for all the hurt he has given her starting from the first meeting,the hell he gave her in the office and the many many times he is not aware of when he hurt her..
Now it is time we have a closure on this Sheetal saga too before too much damage is done to Arnav s character bec. If they show him to really be Aarav s father it be painting the hero not only as a liar but also as a philanderer..and that will be blue murder of the he has been shown to be an honourable man who even tho he hated Khushi when he married her never tried to force himself on her and later when he genuinely believed that she was his patni in all respects did not force her for the suhag raat till she was ready..
This is my two pennies worth..
Thanks again Dia for this vi.rtual coffee shop..
Dia, congratulations on 400,000.
Deletemeera, london eye detail came out in the diary that khushi read.. after spoiling aarav's painting.
i have a feeling that blue murder of the lead is indeed the intention.. after Arnav said in so many words that "aarav is NOT my son", if the DNA test returns positive, LOL.
that is, if the creatives remember that khushi had re-requested the DNA result.. these creatives, they forget a lot.
Hi Meera,
DeleteWell well well I am glad you brought up the philandering aspect. As I have been telling the girls here, just like Khushi got closure for his accusation of not having a character, I have been hoping somewhere along the current story plot they show Khushi realizing that her view fo ASR having been a character dheela was not right. ASR mind it not her present day Arnavji.
ReplyDeletei'm a silent reader of this r&r for more than a year...i love to read ur updates abt this show and discussions...congratulations for hitting 4,00,000
Welcome Ammu :)
400,000 Cool! ;)
Thanks, all!!!
DeleteMakign the new post early ... am out for a concert, I might catch the ME only tomorrow.
DeleteSo cool - jao jao enjoy karo!! waise what kind of concert?
Deleteenjoy...and congrats on the 4,00,000 mark!! R&R rocks!!
Dia congratulations on reaching 400,000
ReplyDeleteR&R is just the best. Thank you to all
and just when i thought why the blog seems quiet.. you're all bak bak-ing on SG?
DeleteI went lookign for all of you there when I found the blog quiet 2 days ago :D
But this is my pehla pyaar. IF only gets snippets of my bak bak here :)
DeleteR&R is my first sandy says....i always will make a comment here first...that even Dia knows....
awwie sweeties.. here's a VM dedication... its magical.
awwie sweeties, here is a dedication:
its magic!
ReplyDeleteReaction to spoiler I just read and I had to react somewhere.
So Dia, sorry, but it is here that I am rambling.
I live akash and Akshay, though cannot for the life of me decide which one I like more.
But for the life of me, I cannot understand why any actor worth his salt would want to replace Akash Singh Raizada in IPKKND.
If it is based on his character now, I compliment the actor because maybe he really wanted a unique experience of being a pillar.
If it is based on what has been chalked out in the future for him which is so fantabulous that akash is going to be the hear and soul of the next track, why isn't Akshay staying back for that track.
So as I said, why would the makers want a replacement for akash as he is now. He can be permanently in office and they can keep showing is close up in editing for the next few months, nobody will even notice. They have enough shots of him saying Bhai.
Comment over. Phew !
Forgot to put my name.