Monday 26th November '12
Episode discussions here please. All discussions on show ending in the previous post.
Continuation of Friday's Rabba ve ... broken by Khushi ... she really could write that book Arnav was talking about ... 101 ways to kill romance!
Sam the trainer wants her to lose weight, ASR the sponsor agrees ... but Arnav the husband wants her to put on weight ... it's quite obvious what the guy is getting at ...
Another loop closed today ... on Friday it was closure of wearing a revealing outfit loop ...
Today it was the closure of the first red saree loop ... this time a midnight blue spangly sleeveless evening dress does the trick ... as Arnav stops in his tracks to see a stunning, though nervous Khushi weave her way down the stairs ...
And his words ... 'Beautiful ... Amazing ...' give her the confidence and reassurance she needs to carry on ...
Sanaya has beautiful eyes ... and so expressive ... the eye talk between Arshi was beautiful today ... all the conversation was aankhon aankhon mein ... And Arnav couldn't stop smiling with pride to see his gorgeous biwi ... who looked every inch Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada today ...
A talent contest ... and all the contestants come up with novel ideas ... we saw a floral dress and some magic tricks ...
Khushi's turn ... and she exhibits one of her major talents (she has quite a few actually) ... mimicry ... and gets the house laughing ... including one very proud husband ...
Wardrobe malfunction ... engineered by a jealous Amrita ... why is she after Khushi? Does she realise that Khushi is actually big competition? And a watchful Arnav comes to the rescue ... and restores the back of her blouse ... a Dori 360 ...
*Edited* ... took a long time to get into the mood to edit today
But it was a beautiful episode ... if we had known the show was ending, we could not have asked for anything different, or anything better than the closure of all the special Arhi loops one by one. So here goes ...
Continuing the Rabba ve by the poolside ... till Khushi remembers that she's not supposed to be romancing with her husband, she's supposed to be trying to reduce half an inch on her already non-existent waistline. Hey bhagwan, Sam ji, bachhi ki jaan loge kya?!
How much can she reduce from that tiny waist?
Arnav understandably is a bit baffled ... he seems to have the same question. But biwi takes everything very seriously, if Sam ji said lose half an inch, she has to lose half an inch ...
And Arnav has learned the best way to rile his wife is to agree with her ...
so he agrees that she's a bit fat
much to her indignation ... like all supportive husbands who value their domestic bliss, he was supposed to tell her she was gorgeous as she was ... but adds ... as a sponsor, he agrees ... as a husband, he wants her to put on a bit of weight ... in all the right places 
Was that a hint about a baby? Bitwa has been in the mood for quite a while now ...
Khushi doesn't get it ... she can't put on weight right now till the competition is over ...
Arnav gives her a zinger about her career being more important than her personal life and leaves ... leaving Khushi confused and distressed ... torn between Sam ji's directive and her patni dharm to please her husband
Next day, Sam warns the girls not to behave like Khushi or risk professional suicide ... Khushi tells Sam bhaiyya she's ready ... he objects to bhaiyya ... strenuously ...
But Khushi gets the bhaiyya feeling from him
Amrita gets alarmed that Khushi can do a decent catwalk ... and sabotages her costume ...
Red saree 360 ... Arnav enters talking to the reporters ... and gets totally gobsmacked as he suddenly sees a vision in blue descent the stairs ... a very nervous, self-conscious Khushi, who is completely nervous about wearing a dress for the first time ... and completely unaware of the vision she is in that long spangly figure-hugging sleeveless blue gown ... she looked a dream, her eye makeup was gorgeous, and for once her accessories were perfect, delicate waterfall diamante earrings, and two big diamante spangled flowers at one wrist, neck and other arm bare ... simple, graceful, elegant and oh so stunning!
Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada to the T!
Khushi's nervousness at this unfamiliar outfit was so apparent in her eyes, her face ... the way her hands kept going nervously to her shoulder to tug at the straps, at her neckline ...
And have to admire Sanaya's acting here ... she wears short mini dresses in real life all the time! Khushi looked as though she was wearing such a scandalous outfit for the very first time!
Don't know why the other girls were sniggering ... at Khushi's nervousness? Couldn't be at her outfit - she looked gorgeous ...
And Khushi stops as she sees Arnav ... and looks at him very nervously, her eyes asking him a question ... do I look all right?
And his eyes say ... my darling, you look wonderful tonight ...
In case she missed what his eyes were saying ... he repeats it for her benefit and hers alone ... when a reporter asks him what he thinks of the contestants ...
'Beautiful ... Amazing ...'
And his eyes never leave her ... leaving her in no doubt who he's talking about, he has eyes for no one else ... and her trembling smile dawns, acknowledging his message ... and with it, returns her confidence ... he thinks she looks fine, that's enough for her ...
SN - Seems like Sam loves her, he gave her a rather nice long dress, while all the other contestants got mini dresses, one was a floral print! and Amrita got red leggings
Phatichar PH - didn't even try to make this look authentic!
And all through that press conference (I use the term loosely
) as Arnav talks, his eyes stay on Khushi, with that smile, that pride shining through clearly ... and hers stay on him, as though drinking in his approval, and feeding her confidence with it ... a final questioning look as he winds up with the reporters ... enough confidence that she even starts to do a mini catwalk just for his benefit, with a touch of mischief in those beautiful eyes ...
Only to be waylaid by a reporter trying to maro line ... 'you look beautiful, very different from all the rest ...'
Arnav starts to get a bit worked up ... is that guy hitting on his wife? Khushi sees his mood change and quickly deals with the guy herself ... thanks, bhaiyyaji ... End of reporter ... end of Arnav's gussa, and he relaxes again, Khushi is capable of dealing with pesky guys on her own ...
The show begins ... every girl has to display her talent ... Natasha makes a dress with flowers, quite an unusual talent, actually ... Amrita does a magic trick ... I think she got the worst costume, red leggings?!
And Khushi is worried, everything she thought to do, has already been done ...
Amrita watches gleefully as Khushi is called on stage ...
Arnav watches carefully, on the lookout to step in if she needs help at any time ...
But Khushi is Khushi ... resourceful is her middle name ... Mimicry ... first of Riya, Jai, then Sam, then Amrita and Natasha ... and she even has the starchy Riya smiling and applauding ... Vikrant nods reluctantly in admiration ... the girls are laughing ...
And Arnav can't stop smiling in pride and delight ... that's his girl!
Khushi gets lost for a moment in his eyes and his admiration ... recalled by Sam to the contest ... starts to walk with complete ease and confidence ... and discovers a wardrobe malfunction ... as her hand sneaks behind her back to check out her torn strap ... and a very quick, very worried look at Arnav, who has already picked up her unease, there's something wrong ...
Did he see Amrita's smirk?
And the lights go out ... Khushi is yanked to the side, and Arnav quickly does the needful ... a few judiciously applied staples and he's back to switch on the lights ... Khushi is back in position on stage ... and he puts down the stapler on the table with a slight smile, to show her she's safe ...
SN - Staples???!!! Really???!!!
Khushi continues her catwalk with more confidence, love, pride shining in her eyes ... as the applause breaks out, Arnav looks around with even more pride ... that's for his wife ... and he claps too ...
And Khushi looks at him with her love shining in her eyes ... she did it! And he was behind her, helping her, supporting her, every step of the way. As he always has been.
Loved the look in their eyes as they look at each other ... almost bursting with pride, love, joy ... be it in a sea of people, or alone together, their world is the two of them together. No one and nothing else matters.
SHIDDAT ... I want the contest to end with a 360 of Khushi falling into Arnav's arms on the ramp, AFTER she wins ... and the whole world coming to know she is Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada ...
Episode discussions here please. All discussions on show ending in the previous post.
Continuation of Friday's Rabba ve ... broken by Khushi ... she really could write that book Arnav was talking about ... 101 ways to kill romance!
Sam the trainer wants her to lose weight, ASR the sponsor agrees ... but Arnav the husband wants her to put on weight ... it's quite obvious what the guy is getting at ...
Another loop closed today ... on Friday it was closure of wearing a revealing outfit loop ...
Today it was the closure of the first red saree loop ... this time a midnight blue spangly sleeveless evening dress does the trick ... as Arnav stops in his tracks to see a stunning, though nervous Khushi weave her way down the stairs ...
And his words ... 'Beautiful ... Amazing ...' give her the confidence and reassurance she needs to carry on ...
Sanaya has beautiful eyes ... and so expressive ... the eye talk between Arshi was beautiful today ... all the conversation was aankhon aankhon mein ... And Arnav couldn't stop smiling with pride to see his gorgeous biwi ... who looked every inch Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada today ...
A talent contest ... and all the contestants come up with novel ideas ... we saw a floral dress and some magic tricks ...
Khushi's turn ... and she exhibits one of her major talents (she has quite a few actually) ... mimicry ... and gets the house laughing ... including one very proud husband ...
Wardrobe malfunction ... engineered by a jealous Amrita ... why is she after Khushi? Does she realise that Khushi is actually big competition? And a watchful Arnav comes to the rescue ... and restores the back of her blouse ... a Dori 360 ...
*Edited* ... took a long time to get into the mood to edit today
Continuing the Rabba ve by the poolside ... till Khushi remembers that she's not supposed to be romancing with her husband, she's supposed to be trying to reduce half an inch on her already non-existent waistline. Hey bhagwan, Sam ji, bachhi ki jaan loge kya?!
Arnav understandably is a bit baffled ... he seems to have the same question. But biwi takes everything very seriously, if Sam ji said lose half an inch, she has to lose half an inch ...
And Arnav has learned the best way to rile his wife is to agree with her ...
Was that a hint about a baby? Bitwa has been in the mood for quite a while now ...
Khushi doesn't get it ... she can't put on weight right now till the competition is over ...
Arnav gives her a zinger about her career being more important than her personal life and leaves ... leaving Khushi confused and distressed ... torn between Sam ji's directive and her patni dharm to please her husband
Next day, Sam warns the girls not to behave like Khushi or risk professional suicide ... Khushi tells Sam bhaiyya she's ready ... he objects to bhaiyya ... strenuously ...
Amrita gets alarmed that Khushi can do a decent catwalk ... and sabotages her costume ...
Red saree 360 ... Arnav enters talking to the reporters ... and gets totally gobsmacked as he suddenly sees a vision in blue descent the stairs ... a very nervous, self-conscious Khushi, who is completely nervous about wearing a dress for the first time ... and completely unaware of the vision she is in that long spangly figure-hugging sleeveless blue gown ... she looked a dream, her eye makeup was gorgeous, and for once her accessories were perfect, delicate waterfall diamante earrings, and two big diamante spangled flowers at one wrist, neck and other arm bare ... simple, graceful, elegant and oh so stunning!
Khushi's nervousness at this unfamiliar outfit was so apparent in her eyes, her face ... the way her hands kept going nervously to her shoulder to tug at the straps, at her neckline ...
And have to admire Sanaya's acting here ... she wears short mini dresses in real life all the time! Khushi looked as though she was wearing such a scandalous outfit for the very first time!
Don't know why the other girls were sniggering ... at Khushi's nervousness? Couldn't be at her outfit - she looked gorgeous ...
And Khushi stops as she sees Arnav ... and looks at him very nervously, her eyes asking him a question ... do I look all right?
And his eyes say ... my darling, you look wonderful tonight ...
In case she missed what his eyes were saying ... he repeats it for her benefit and hers alone ... when a reporter asks him what he thinks of the contestants ...
'Beautiful ... Amazing ...'
And his eyes never leave her ... leaving her in no doubt who he's talking about, he has eyes for no one else ... and her trembling smile dawns, acknowledging his message ... and with it, returns her confidence ... he thinks she looks fine, that's enough for her ...
SN - Seems like Sam loves her, he gave her a rather nice long dress, while all the other contestants got mini dresses, one was a floral print! and Amrita got red leggings
And all through that press conference (I use the term loosely
Only to be waylaid by a reporter trying to maro line ... 'you look beautiful, very different from all the rest ...'
Arnav starts to get a bit worked up ... is that guy hitting on his wife? Khushi sees his mood change and quickly deals with the guy herself ... thanks, bhaiyyaji ... End of reporter ... end of Arnav's gussa, and he relaxes again, Khushi is capable of dealing with pesky guys on her own ...
The show begins ... every girl has to display her talent ... Natasha makes a dress with flowers, quite an unusual talent, actually ... Amrita does a magic trick ... I think she got the worst costume, red leggings?!
And Khushi is worried, everything she thought to do, has already been done ...
Amrita watches gleefully as Khushi is called on stage ...
Arnav watches carefully, on the lookout to step in if she needs help at any time ...
But Khushi is Khushi ... resourceful is her middle name ... Mimicry ... first of Riya, Jai, then Sam, then Amrita and Natasha ... and she even has the starchy Riya smiling and applauding ... Vikrant nods reluctantly in admiration ... the girls are laughing ...
And Arnav can't stop smiling in pride and delight ... that's his girl!
Did he see Amrita's smirk?
And the lights go out ... Khushi is yanked to the side, and Arnav quickly does the needful ... a few judiciously applied staples and he's back to switch on the lights ... Khushi is back in position on stage ... and he puts down the stapler on the table with a slight smile, to show her she's safe ...
SN - Staples???!!! Really???!!!
Khushi continues her catwalk with more confidence, love, pride shining in her eyes ... as the applause breaks out, Arnav looks around with even more pride ... that's for his wife ... and he claps too ...
And Khushi looks at him with her love shining in her eyes ... she did it! And he was behind her, helping her, supporting her, every step of the way. As he always has been.
Loved the look in their eyes as they look at each other ... almost bursting with pride, love, joy ... be it in a sea of people, or alone together, their world is the two of them together. No one and nothing else matters.
SHIDDAT ... I want the contest to end with a 360 of Khushi falling into Arnav's arms on the ramp, AFTER she wins ... and the whole world coming to know she is Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada ...
IPKKND last epi to air on 30 Nov as per ToI? RIP.
ReplyDeleteEpi discussions here as Dia said.
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say? It was a good epi.
Why is this Amrita female only after Khushi? She does not want to deal with the real competetion?
Loved the three ideas for talent round- the floral dress, magic and BRILLIANT!- Khushi at what she does best- mimicry!!!!
Sigh... such a good epi amidst all this drama.
I love IPK.
Su, have you seen the other competitors? Khushi IS the real competition. In fact, that Amrita female is pathetic - she doesn't even look like a model. Natasha at least looks the bitchy sort.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGreat episode .. God these two just win you in simplest way !!!
ReplyDeleteDidn't Lalit say that you can have a whole episode of ARhi in eyelock and rabba ve ing ... dam they say so much with their eyes ... hayee !!
Sanaya hats off to you girl !! No one, I swear no one would have carried jhali ,kultz khushi with class, naiveté and innocence like she has done ...
Loved the talent that khushi showed -- mimicry which she does the best and Sanaya was outstanding there ...I adore her , feel so bad when her talent and hard work isnt acknowledge by awards for individual performance.. really wished she could have got atleast one award as just khushi !!
Loved the scene where ODB switch offs the lights and staples her dress , the closure to the first scene of him ripping her dori . will they end with her falling in his arms again after winning the Mrs India?
ReplyDeleteLM FB status says all great love story ends in tragedy --
the show started with a broken marriage which brought them together, will it end with them ripped apart by destiny a broken marriage by kismet which he dared to challenge ?
Aaru...don't know what LM meant..but i hope its not the broken marriage route... but could IF is planning to demand a season 2...wish they would just stop!!
DeleteI hope too Anita .. I think the stars have already shot for the death scene , it gives SP/PH chance for season 2 if the news of SP asking for rights of the show then we might get the season 2 with new PH and broken marriage is inevitable. In that case ie if they show ASR dead they better show Khushi managing the AR designs and organize the Mrs India show as fulling/completing his dreams..
DeleteI hear you Aaru..if there is going to be a season 2..with SI and BS..and if ASR is believed to be dead..the new PH should show a strong Khushi who is takes over her husband's company, is heartbroken but strong for his family!!
Deleteheck they can show Anjali also working at AR and finally put a face to Aman!!
If they close the loopholes that this creative team could not be bothered to..then they have another winner in their hands and the show will also run for another year or more...
my grudge with this most of that they could have done so mmuch!!
but the PH is never gonna handover rights of the show, was iconic and the brightest feather in the PH's hat... most popular show on star plus...
Deletedo you think they will let another PH work on that?
yea i know Jaya..i do not expect Gul to do that..i would be very very surprised if she does..
Deletei was just thinking what can happen if she does...
SP will get the actors back ... at least they will get Sanaya. Barun - am not sure, they know he is a huge draw and SP would have proved that, but Barun's interest in tv is the mystery factor. IS he interested at all? Or does he really want to pursue BW? Or was this all a big drama to get away from Gul? If so, why did SP connive? Just for SPL?
DeleteI would like season 2 ... or preferably, if Gul doesn't hand over the rights, a fresh new show ... with BS and SI ... but ONLY IF BS is interested, and will not get itchy feet after a year. Otherwise I'd rather see Sanaya with somebody else.
I said the same thing after MJHT ended exactly two years ago - that I wanted her back with a good actor ... coincidence - that too ended in November, and San was back on tv the following June.
Am guessing that since she is an SP employee, her break will be even shorter this time round ... but hope she gets a main role, not a filler or a host. Well, just as time pass maybe, but a new show soon.
Ok, this is confusing (for me) - can someone please clarify? I thought/heard/read that once a PH proposes a concept of a serial to a channel which then agrees to buy it, then all copyright belongs to the channel - so where does PH's copyright issue come into all of this? I would guess that the PH makes its real killing (in terms of profit) at the time it launches its idea. Post SP purchase of the concept, they would be acting like a service provider by putting together the epis to be aired - the cost of producing these epis would be reimbursed by SP, including (naturally) a profit margin. So, why would SP not be able to produce a season 2 with a second PH? Isn't Barun part of SP team since his contract ended with PH in Nov? He came on to the SPL event and categorically thanked THE channel (no mention of PH) for giving him Arnav - in this case, he can come back in another serial with the same channel. Seeing the kind of response SARUN garnered,SP would (most likely) put them back on screen soon enough.
DeleteMust say tho, SP has stage managed Barun's departure, SPL event and news of pulling the show off the air quite well. It can only mean that all final scenes were canned before SARUN left for UK. inclined to agree with u that BS's departure was stage managed.....SP is big they showed why.. and how.....
Deleteexactly Aki - i said the same too on the previous post = the channel/PH knew they were ending - it was just a tight lipped secret - otherwise who would have spend 350gbp for a show that was ending!! -
Deleteaki, i agree that SP handled the end of the show very well.. thats why they do pay for PR :D .
Deletethis news comes from an SP supporter
Thanks for the link Jaya. She again mentions that the copyright remains with PH - so confusion reigns supreme. Who keeps the copyright? Channel or PH?
Deletelovely episode...
ReplyDeleteI think Sanaya Irani has the best eyes in the showbiz world..
this episode showed me why i am going to miss this couple..speak with eyes..he gives her the confidence she needs..damn will miss them!!!
this is the first time Khushi wore a western dress right?? SI carried it off really really well...that mimicry..i was hoping she would mimic ASR..that would have been fun..
oh the pool side scene at the beginning..hhaayyee..he sure knows how to get to her!! :D
beautiful episode! and the best part was, ASR didnt have many dialogues today, all he said was, "Beautiful, hamesha" hayeee!
ReplyDeletekhushi's idea was so good and spontaneous. is it just me, or was it really more sanaya and less khushi? but she was brilliant! and her eyes, they speak a language of their own, dont they... her bhaiya comment, had dual purposes, it shut up the ove friendly camera man and she proved to ASR ki sometimes she can handle ppl without his help too.... but him she'll always need, just to look out for her!
BS-SI rock in silent scenes... will miss you!!
San's eyes are really the twinkling sparkling kind....easily the brightest eyes i have ever seen on an actor in a long long time...Kajol also has eyes like that....
DeleteBS and SI can speak thru their eyes...thats their special strength as an actor...
i just suddenly remembered a scene of BS_SI in the chudi wala scene on the poolside when she asks him "kyun" (why he got her the BS's eyes....they way tey soften on hearing Khushi's "kyun" and the mellowed way in which San asks this question....its happened numerous times....but i suddenly remembered this scene to just illustrate what these guys have in abundance....
similarly, when K knocked her head against A today, i remembered the older epi HR act....remember the way Arnav/BS looks up at K showering attention on him...completely surrendering himself to the emotion...hayeeeeee...what a scene yaar....when Shwethu says that IPK could have become a cult classic....i so have to had all the signs.....*sigh*
Ah, good old times...the bangle scene was totally hayee!
Delete"when Shwethu says that IPK could have become a cult classic....i so have to had all the signs.....*sigh*"
DeleteAgree with u and shwethu 110% here they had in them to become a classic ...
I really don't mind the show ending with ASR dead more than happy ever after is because , it still keeps the door open for a season 2 .. If the story of SP retaining the leads and asking for rights is true than i can have hope of a season 2 with a chance to become the cult classic ... provided they are more organized and done their homework well
You know though am thankful to Gul for coming up with this story..the meanie in me wishes Sp gets the rights from her and also gets another amazing production house and shows her what she missed!!
Deletei know that sounds really mean..par..woh bohot kuch kar satkithi yaar....
rekha, those were EPIC moments, were i believe BS did have a proper haircut*wink*
Delete@aathi, i prefer ASR missing! not dead plz! yeah, not happily ever after... coz haapily ever after signifies a period(.) where as a dead ASR signifies an ellipses (...), that there is still hope!
i recently wrote an article about it, anybody willing is welcome to check my blog for the same and leave comments!!
i am sorry for the unethical behaviour, couldnt resist sharing... i dnt get much readers, and it is very demotivating when nobody reads what you write...
Deletei read ur post and have left a comment for u there...*hugs*...
infact on season 2 and stuff..i would say...unless there is clear way forward...its best to let it be...
as it is kafi raita phail chuka hain and with that kiddo also being in the midst....i really don't know what chances there are for a continuity angle....
I think the magic of IPK is very special...probably impossible to replicate....
Aww, Krish, feel free to share ... not unethical at all! I have bookmarked your blogs, but haven't had much time to visit ... will do so and leave my bak bak there!
DeleteI was thinking the same, Rekha, with the kid, it's best to leave IPK as it is ... start a new show with fresh characters, as different as possible.
Will miss Arnav and Khushi, though :(
Thank you for the comment rekha!! made my day :)
Deletethe biggest problem with sarun as fresh characters in a new show is the expectation level. no doubt they would be fantastic, but they wouldnt be arnav khushi. comparisons would be drawn for before and after and if the show does not meet the standards set by IPK, again loads of drama! in such a short time, the fans wouldnt have forgetten what IPK offered and if the new show doesnt offer that, there would be a lot of negative vibe with no fault of the makers of the show.
thanks dia, i'm sure you'll find time some day :) looking forward to it :)
Delete"Will miss Arnav and Khushi, though :( " so very, very much.........loved the magic these guys had woven, but I agree with you and's best to leave IPK as is - the magic spell remains intact......sigh!
DeleteApologies for the earlier post Dia - I had not noticed that you had opened a separate one on the closure topic.
Dam good article
Amazing epi..!
ReplyDeletemy only grudge, though was at the start...the whole 'kamar se 1 inch ghatana' convo... have the CV's SEEN Sanaya? it seems they havent, coz if she were to lessen her waist anymore, it would be non-existent!
And what was the whole snickering going on with the other contestants when Khushi stepped out in that gorgeous dress! God, she looked so beautiful!
exactly what i was thinking - and as i am a humongous woman - this bit came as jalley pay namak :D:D:D
Deletebut loved ASR - the husband heres:) - too cute!
well, i loved his reply.. yes, as a boss in the fashion industry, to be a model, she needs half inch off (thank devi maiyya it was half inch and not two inches!)
Deletebut as her husband, he wants her to put on some weight.. (wink) gutterminds anyone? if my ASR were to comment that, i know where he wants me to put on some weight ;)
hayee long time since there was something to discuss in the episode :D
what else i would is.... ASR dies and khushi gets to know she is pregnant... season 1 end with it....
ReplyDeletein season two, BS as Aarav Singh Raizada... khushi has a daughter (you have a bro-sis angle, like before)
khushi will be played by another actress (but ofc), who is old, mother of two grown up adults, never remarried.
anjali remarried, has a son (akash-arnav link)...
paayash have a son, who can come in late (NK angle)
now, so far everything is like the original IPK, excluding the cast who'll be diff, all except BS. now comes his love interest, who is SI... a biz tycoon and competitor of AR. she can be some one who was newly appointed yada yada..
but, in season two, i want the roles reversed. BS to play a cool, loving romantic guy and SI a cynic... and we get a whole new set of rabba veys!
i do sound quite lunatic no???
Deletewould love a role reversal in season 2 your future plot is good .. I really wish for a cynic SI and Cool romantic BS
Aarthi!! Solace :)
Deletei always loved a bold and beautiful heroine, and who better to portray it then SI??
and we get all the old RVs in FB!!! that would be a double treat!!
comments while epi is streaming -
ReplyDeletevery true to life - all the romance goes out in a head but post marriage ;)hehehe
in true IPK style - ODC have eyes only for each other and everyone else is blind... reminds us of last diwali, numerous RM encounters...
KKG looked absolutely stunning (was it just me or was her make very similar to the red saree wala time?)
the diwali jadoo he nasha he... was truly sublime.
i did not get the same effect here, this was more like the office wala first rabba ve.. she made his heart sing.
but then, showing him talking to others while speaking .. did not gel. i wanted him to be struck dumb.. maybe with vikrant or some other guys talking to the interviewers.. and honestly, the UST was not there, as mona said, khushi has really forgotten the UST now that she's married :p
hey Jaya - thats what i meant too = the first time she wore the red saree - the calender shoot - the first time lighting struck ASR ;)
Deletewhats UST?
UST =unresolved sexual tension... that hot lust in his eyes as he looked at her on diwali.. barun sobti made it look acceptable, and pure.. that was (still is) the pull of that scene.
Deleteacting with their eyes.. my friend calls them actors with no expressions.. i say she has not learned to read eyes yet.
and that is one of the reasons i think sobti and irani are better on TV.. closeup eyeshots are rare on the silver screen.
oh i agree- they are too good at it
Deletethey just talk with their eyes - the last shot up on the stage - you could feel KKG pouring her heart out to her husband - the love, the respect, the 'thanku' all was very well done!
J, Monu well said....
Deletewhich i will never tire of see SARUN scenes...even unkempt look, bad wardrobe notwithstanding...jab woh aankhen bolti hain...dil sunne lagtha hain....hayeeeeeee
This made my day
Deletethat was hilarious..saw a new side to Kokilaben too!!
Deletewant to see better quality video though..
Kali is airing 8 pm from dec 3rd.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling they will end with Khushi winning the title and probably not show the death scene. It will be an abrupt ending, probably.
I really hope there is no other PH taking over the show.
From what I have seen of Drashti and Gurmeet after Geet- I HAVE FULL FAITH IN SANAYA AND BARUN AS ACTORS- but I don't think any other team can give them the script that has been the other strenght of IPK. If Barun and Sanaya get together again, I hope it will be with the same team- any one else wouldn't be able to do justification to this great pair!
Seriously, I can't imagine Sarun playing MB or PV or DABH or PKDH- that would be wasting their talent!
Sorry, Dia.
DeleteI saw some disc on the PH change here, I guess I should've posted this in the show ending post.
ROFL. This Kali fellow also comes in a helicopter!!!!
DeleteAnd this means Sanaya gets loads of time for nach baliye...yippeeee...But I guess that is a weekend show.
DeleteWell, I guess beggars like me cannot be choosers!
At least something is better than nothing.
I really wouldn't mind SI in nach baliye the chances are high since now she has time and even mohit's role at present in his show is less- that gives them time for nach for at-least 5-6 episodes out of the 16 weeks scheduled for the show season..
DeleteAiyooo Su....i am scared of anyone who comes on an helicopter kyunki uska exit vahaan ka pata nahin....humare ASR ko hi dekh lijiye...ek baar hi helicopter mein dikhe ab toh SUV bhi naseeb nahin hain...
DeleteLOL. The exit vehicle is the buffalo?- Yama vahana!!!
DeleteIt is sure to be the Kali fellow's, ASR ka pataaa nahi.
ASR's will be the common man's do paiya...(of the leg variety) A_Kthey will both walk into the sunset...
DeleteSo Sam bhayya is actually sweet - he gave ODG teh prettiest dress, and the longest one too - so ODG was comfortable!
ReplyDeletethe ASR jealous moment + his smile at his jhalli wife's perfect answer was cute!
Now i am sure - the ending is not sudden - they are def working towards it - the episode today was exactly the perfect ending - teh epitome of understanding between the perfect couple!! - all ankhon ankhon main - both understanding and responding - Arhipathy of a different kind!! today they closed closed all open loops - he had removed the dori - the pearls and though he had restored them in private, he did it in public now - and in a way where she did not even have to ask for help - he could sense her trouble and she knew he would come - all she had to do was look at him - he responded - and she thanked him with so much pride in her eyes - just amazing!
oh forgot to add - the KC too - was the 360 of the diwali (hence the pheeki diwali this time) - i know you all liked the KC episode - it was like a rewind of all the iconic IPK stuff - the teasing, the trip, the fall the ear thing - well i had had a feeling then that had Sheetal not been around - i woudld have thought that that was teh last episode - it was not a rewind - it was a goodbye - on the perfect iconic Arhi note!
DeleteHugs, Mona.
It is amazing....the ending seems just perfect.
I hope they had planned beforehand, since the decision seems to be very sudden, unless SP was waiting for the right time to break the news.
yes Su i am positive (though ofc we shall never know the truth) but in my head you cant take such decisions one week before end date and start a new show by then - i am very sure the PH/Channel was already working towards it - and this so so headed towards the perfect "happily ever after"
Deleteoh i am not saying they did not try to keep it afloat but they knew Arhi was Sarun and they accepted it - hence the no more confusion - hence old quality episodes are back - they know what they are doing and giving us near perfect episodes (in terms of acting and couple dynamics - they still are not bothered about sets etc - why else is an entire pageant happening in a room, with only three people as judges and 2 hosts - no backstage people etc - IPK was always about relationships not the mundane 'logic' of logistics!)
But Mona,
DeleteWhy did they get Viraf then?
Something is not adding up.
It is like something pushed this decision- it seems to have been a little too sudden when I think of poor Giraffe who had to sit and get criticised for nothing- though he enjoyed it thoroughly!
And Sanaya was so positive that the show would go on...did Gul and SP develop cold feet after seeing the overwhelming response Sarun and very particularly Barun got at SPL?
Even Sanaya was sidelined, I felt.
God! What a drama!
add to this LM 's new FB status..
DeleteOuch....i am awaiting Shwethu's special take on it....
truly the drama never ends on sum total the drama off-screen always exceeded the on-screen one
that was truly ouch Rekha!!
Deleteso now the guilt is on the crazy fans for pushing SP..
as Su just doesn't make sense..they are not acting like it was preplanned...maybe they are just great actors..but there seems to be something missing...
replying to the original post.. you know where i have seen sam bhaiya before? he was the host for heer ranjha!
Deleteand wasnt the appreciative cameraman the same "mohan" driver/office worker/ extra? or did i imagine that because of the kohl in his eyes?
NAhin re.J...that host was a shorter guy...this sam bhaiya is defi new....
Deletemohan ka pata nahin....u may be right...kohl, stubble mustache ho saktha hain....
ReplyDelete"Pyaar hua ikraar hua hai pyaar se phir kyun darta hai dil
Kehta hai dil rasta mushkil maaloom nahi hai kahaan manzil
Kaho ke apne pyaar ka geet na badlega kabhi
Tum bhi kaho is raah ka meet na badlega kabhi
Pyaar jo toota saath jo choota chaand na chamkega kabhi"
"Yahaan na sahi magar kahin aur ek duniya hogi jahaan Arnav aur Khushi kabhi juda na honge"
And I shall make my peace to see "Arnav aur Khushi humeshaa.."
"Raatein dason dishaaon se kahengi apni kahaaniyaan
Geet hamaare pyaar ke dohraayegi jawaaniyaan
Main na rahoongi, tum na rahoge
Phir bhi rahengi nishaaniyaan"
For a change AD seems to have been better than SKD. So it is finale time..chalo koi nai I will go for catching up all that I have missed and reruns from next week :)
"Kyun Paakar Bhi Tumko Khoya Hai,
Hum Kyun Na Ban Paaye Hum
Kyun Dard Hai Itna,
Yeh Tere Ishq Main
Rabba Ve Rabba Ve"
I wish the show had run longer, I wish I could see Arnav and Khushi on my screens longer, I wish I could see all the storypoints that seem to have gotten lost over the past 18 months but what I have seen will always remain with me. My first ever soap that I have followed, thought and written about, made new friends thanks to it and seen how story telling on Indian TV can be nuanced and heart touching.
So thank you to one and all in Team IPKKND! But without IPK it is time for me to fall out of love with soaps for a while until another such tale and I cross paths!
*huggggsss* Sandy,
DeleteSo nice to see you today!
Sharing your sentiments here: What I have seen will always remain with me- very close to my heart.
Sandy - good to see u - glad to know your AD is better now :D
Deleteas for the SKD - well i for one am happy - i love happily ever afters - can never understand the "i love him/her so have to get out of his/her life without telling him/her" - don't like unnecessary separation- life is short and if you have someone to love you and cherish you (even if you do fight now and then) - if you have someone you can gladly come home to at the end of the day - i say you stick by them and you are sorted!
Hey Sandy baby...u r back and whataday to be back
DeleteU and i can mope over the high points this story missed...its one topic i will never ever tire of bak baking....the wat could have been......
Glad u had a lovely time in AD....may AD always be better than SKD, even tho it may seem like a kurukshetra at i say the real romance of life is there only....the SKD are the precursors for want of a better term..they give u the impetus to see AD differently....
as always, beautiful :)
DeleteTwine ,
Deletewe have and we can mope and go on and on what this story missed ... I really wished they show the end Khushi being the strong, confident khushi - the true Mrs ASR/KSR ...
Mona agree with you that they had planned for the end for some time .. I think was right from the TF being exposed in front infact I will say from the Arhi marriage -where they didn't use their trump card Arnav - khushi past ... the way they closed it was crap - where even after the marriage they could have contd the theme of the story of Nafrat paas aane na de - mohabat door jane na de .. thing in much more matured and beautiful level when they had two outstanding actors.
kyaa se kyaa ho gayaa, bewafaa tere pyaar mein
chaahaa kyaa, kyaa milaa, bewafaa tere pyaar mein
chalo suhaanaa bharam to tootaa
jaanaa ke husn kyaa hain
kahatee hain jis ko pyaar duniyaa
kyaa cheej kyaa balaa hain
dil ne kyaa naa sahaa, bewafaa tere pyaar mein
tere mere dil ke beech ab to
sadiyon ke faasale hain
yakin hogaa kise ke hum tum
yek raah sang chale hain
honaa hai, aaur kyaa, bewafaa tere pyaar mein
hey sandy I left these same lyrics from pyaar hua ikraar hua for the A-K story on ur babuji dheere chalna post in IF a few days back....u probably never saw it before u left on ur holiday....but ditto on the rambles
Huggs all of you...
DeleteWhat has happened has happened. What the future holds we do not know. I have been catching up on news and stuff and have an opinion but now that I am told the end is near, I want to just relish the last moments this jodi will create. And hope that kahin na kahin kabhi na kabhi they will come back to weave magic again on my screens as 2 new characters and I shall fall in love all over again.
"Tumko dekhkar aankhain muskuraane lagti hain
Tumse milkar dhadkanein gungunaane lagti hain
Aisa hota hai kyun, Mujhko khabar nahin
Pehle kabhi hua, aisa asar nahin
Jo mere dil ke paas hain naye jadoo naye ehsaas hain
Inko main kya kahoon toohi bataa tu hi bataa
Iss pyaar ko kya naam doon"
When I saw the rumour about Arnav dying, I wondered for to make this tale truly tragic it would have been Khushi's death I thought. She came as a gust of wind and wrecked havoc in his life, and just as the dust settled, the storm disappeared, leaving behind an Arnav to battle loss and be tricked again at the hands of destiny - a destiny he believed he wrote.Yet again alone with his sister and a pile of memoories but with Khushi twinkling down upon him from the heavens, her words and memories engulfing him and him enshrining her immortally by embracing her zest for life. It is a tragic end, he plans, she embraces fate perhaps it was time for him to embrace it as well - Khushi's echoing words at the temple.
For Khushi is like the wind, the flittering butterfly whose aim it seemed was to spread happiness and cheer amongst everyone she came in touch with including herself and now that the goal had been attained perhaps she was needed elsewhere in another form to be someone else's angel. But she will never be alone ever again..
Once Arnav has set her soul free and her spirit truly rises to the heavens above, Arnav sits down and stops breathing, üski saansein ruk jaati hain"and we are left to wonder if there is a meadow of gold in the skies above where these 2 lovers shall laugh and love, hug and kiss, but be together, live together forever and ever and ever.... for Arnav Singh Raizada never breaks a promise and he always fights life to forge his own ath, his own destiny.
Destiny deals him a check but he plays out the checkmate - the final move.
The ArHi story becomes a legend in the family to be carried on by Anjali and Aarav under the wise eyes of Nani and the affectionate natures of mami and NK.
"Hum Hain Is Pal Yahaan
Jaane Ho Kal Kahaan
Hum Mile Na Mile
Hum Rahein Na Rahein
Rahegi Sadaa Yahaan
Pyaar ki yeh daastaan
Sunenge sadaa Jise
Yeh Zameen Aasmaan"
P.S: Looks like I missed a musical jugalbandi on one of the posts :S
DeleteNo jugalbandi took place, i wanted it on the last BS epi day but ab toh woh last IPK day ban gaya....
tere geeton ke bina woh jugalbandi puri thodi na hoti....
anyways on ur thots of the merging of "the baaye se teesra sabse tez chamakta sitara....and saansein hi ruk jayegi" is brilliant.i always thot it would have a place in Arnav's and Khushi's fears .and BFTP was perhaps the right time for it.....
my thots about reel stories has been that they must make u go thru the emotions that could threaten the fibre of every thinking have ever had....jolt u to question ur long held beliefs but they must give u the space to live out ur newly learned lessons.....whats the point of it else? I am always against a sad ending to love stories....
A khushi without Arnav is impossible not becos it is not possible in AD but becos it is unimaginable in SKD? why becos their love has been about being together....and while AD cannot always guarantee that can't the SKD be abot that hope...of being together in this world....(now if its another world...a world i don't even know about, i haven't stopped to think)
Deletesandy, aap aa gaye... kya baat keh diye..
wow. what beautiful prose..
missed you. and your writing.
"Tumko dekhkar aankhain muskuraane lagti hain
Tumse milkar dhadkanein gungunaane lagti hain
Aisa hota hai kyun, Mujhko khabar nahin
Pehle kabhi hua, aisa asar nahin
Jo mere dil ke paas hain naye jadoo naye ehsaas hain
Inko main kya kahoon toohi bataa tu hi bataa
Iss pyaar ko kya naam doon"
seems the title song was right.. it fit IPK perfectly. and it fit us fans perfectly. beautiful SKD about arnav .(applause)
Mona, Su, Rekha, Biraj, J
DeleteMona - AD is loads better because I made it happen babe :)
Su - Huggs bey! and IPK gave me R&R and all of you so never can begrudge taht
Biraj - Saw your comment this evening and when I summarized it all today that was the only song which played in my head (so thank you)
J - That verse does seem apt na. Its been amusical journey for me and for that IPK will forever be cherished
Rekha - ArHi humeshaa and yes it is better to live and learn but perhaps they have fulfilled their quota for this janam. (You recall there was once I wondered if IPK would go the Ek Duje Ke Liye way).
Sometimes I wonder if a story such as this would have a traditional happy ending or a star crossed happy ending - one in which love wins just not in the manner you thought it would.
Imagine a scene from that alternate world where Khushi is busy swinging from the low branch of a tree peeking into Shantivan, Laxmi Nagar and teh US keeping up a steady stream of news updates about family. Arnav meanwhile is WTing about no internet, no bluetooth and most importantly no Aman (ha ha!!)Some nok jhok and takraar, she pouts, he smirks, she starts to get down, slips and neatly lands in his arms - Rabba Ve!!
(my golden meadow somewhere where they will always be together)
And yes I wrote it on the blog knowing it is stalked and hoping that creatives who gave me such a beautiful pair will give me a wonderful ending to this story whatever may have been the river that has flown under the bridge...
Krish / Aaru,
DeleteKrish -Thanks :)
Twine - Well mope we can but recall the good times, leave behind the rest and you shall only be left with the best :)
The things that have not been exploered or only partially explored are many but I guess the time to debate what could have been has passed so lets jsut hope they give us one last fling to cherish before we part ways.
DeleteI loved ur thot...its a different a way it would have bring some poignancy to the tale which was missing for quite a while...its just my problem with star-crossed tales....its something like that scene in Hum dil de chuke sanam scene when they talk about what destiny as to write for them nahin toh taaron se lad padungi...loved ur lyrical prose....ur prose flows as if it is i am always drawn to it...
and what a strange coincidence...i was humming this song from EDKL today morn...
Solah Baras Ki Baali Umar Ko Salaam
Pyaar Teri Paheli Nazar Ko Salaam...............
Duniya Men Sab Se Pahele Jis Ne Ye Dil Diya
Duniya Ke Sab Se Pahele Dilbar Ko Salaam
Dil Se Nikalane Vaale Raste Ka Shukriya
Dil Tak Pahunchane Vaali Dagar Ko Salaam
Pyaar Teri Paheli Nazar Ko Salaam ...................
Jis Men Javaan Ho Kar, Badanaam Ham Hue
Us Shahar, Us Gali, Us Ghar Ko Salaam
Jis Ne Humein Milaaye, Jis Ne Juda Kiya
Us Vaqt, Us Ghadi, Us Pahar Ko Salaam
Pyaar Teri Paheli Nazar Ko Salaam ....................
Milate Rahe Yahaan Ham, Ye Hai Yahaan Likha
Us Likhaavat Ki Zer-o-zabar Ko Salaam
Saahil Ke Ret Pe Jo Lahara Utha Ye Dil
Saagar Men Uthane Vaali Har Lahar Ko Salaam
Yun Mast Gehri-gehri Aankhon Ki Jheel Mein
Jis Ne Humein Duboya Us Bhanvar Ko Salaam
Ghoonghat Ko Chhod Ke Jo, Sar Se Sarak Gayi
Aisi Nigodi waali Chunar Ko Salaam
Ulfat Ke Dushmanon Ne Koshish Hazaar Ki
Phir Bhi Nahin Jhuki Jo, Us Nazar Ko Salaaam
Pyaar Teri Paheli Nazar Ko Salaam.............
ofc IPK wasn't about rebellious love....however i relate this song as an actual tribute to the makers of IPK....for giving us this tale...i am saying this with humility....the song has a rebellious hue to it but that is not the reason for me to remember this song..for me it is an ode to romance..and is not a day to hold recriminations but a day to celebrate the high that IPK has been....
Sandy - never doubted you would bring about the change in AD - :D:D
Deleteas for your post - lovely as usual - except i dont want a sad ending - i for one cant like sad ending in a love story (and that if the IPK kinds!!!) - there is enough heartbreak in AD (generally - not me specifically ;))- so i always prefer to see dreamy happy ever afters :D
SAndy, *HUGS* bey ... good to have you back ... just in time for the wind up! I actually loved your thoughts about Khushi dying as the end, and Arnav just sitting down and joining her ... shades of the Barfii ending came to mind, although there of course it was at a ripe old age ...
DeleteHey all ... have been busy today trying to catch up with all the posts and all the news on IF ... haven't been able to post much ... but it feels so good to see the blog buzzing again! Pity it's the last few days :(((
No matter, hum hain yahan ... aap sab yahan ... and the bak bak continues!!!
when Arnav said he wanted her to put on weight..he was talking about pregnancy??
ReplyDeleteayyo..dumb me didnt get it at all!!
ooo really - and i thought he was just being Arnav and bugging her!! - boy am i dumb!
Deletearre Mona..i read Dia's edit and watched the repeat..i am guessing that is what he meant..on first watch i thought he was just teasing her...
Deleteoh and how could i forget - it was also a revisit of the iconic teri meri - ODB helping out ODC without any request made - the music was the same too :D:D
ReplyDeleteyes i know i am spamming - but am too busy grinning ear to ear
well, they had to put that there.. "mere bina jaisi koi baat banti hi nahi tumhari" "you cant accomplish anything without me!" yeah.. without him (and that stapler ... how will i look at another stapler without thinking about arhi) she would have lost all confidence! and the dori 360... how do they make so many 360s with one scene? are the original creative team back together for the final stretch?
DeleteDia - Beautiful post, really looking forward to watching the pisode tonight.
ReplyDeleteSad news for IPK fans today but with Barun leaving this was my preferred option anyway. I did not like the idea of seeing Khushi w/o Arnav or with someone else.
Really hope they come back with a new show very soon. Hope SP finds them an awesome PH to work with.
Just a clarification since I have not been upto date on the all the off-screen rumors. Is ending the show a reaction of the fans' reactions to Viraf coming onboard or was this on the cards from the day Barun put in his papers and SP was holding the news because of the event in UK ?
If ending the show has been the plan , why let go of Payash a month early ? Would have loved for the entire cast to be on screen when the curtains come down .
DeleteI don't quite understand how this PH operates.
I think the PH was really not serious for a long time ... I was just looking at the pics from the first few episodes and the sets were so different then and now!!! The sets for this Mrs India pageant ... tacky doesn't begin to describe them!
DeletePayash did not quit, or so I have heard ... their contracts were just not renewed. And no attempt was made to find replacements.
I think PH wanted to drop the show, SP was pressuring them to continue ... they saw the response at SPL was mainly for Sarun ... and their theories of 'the character is bigger than the actor' went out of the window ... stars of their top TRP pullers, DABH and SNS, were zero compared to Sarun.
But I think SP had made the decision at least 2-3 weeks ago, when Barun refused to stay on ... latest news I got was that even Sanaya did want to quit, but SP did not let her ... I felt that maybe they thought she could pull the show back, but in London they felt Barun was the main attraction, so dropped the idea of even giving it a try ...
I still didn't understand though ... if Barun is the main attraction, he was leaving the show anyway, and would be free to join SP in whatever show they wanted. Why pull the plug on IPK, if they felt that Sanaya alone could run it a while longer?
So I thought maybe they also want Barun Sanaya together ... they saw that not Barun, but Sarun together, were the main draw ... but then Sanaya is with SP, they can withdraw her from IPK and put her into another show whenever they want ... it's all very confusing.
So my feeling is that they were willing to give the PH one last chance, this is what I did feel all along ... and something happened in London that made them feel that even that last chance was not going to work. This is more like booting the PH out ... because now both Barun and Sanaya are with SP. The fact that they did not let Sanaya withdraw from IPK might just mean that they wanted her to stay put and wrap up the show with Barun ... and they had decided already to announce it after SPL. Maybe that explains Sanaya's rather fiery replies about the show ... she wanted to quit, but could not, and she knew it was SP pressure, not Gul's. She obviously had no clue about SP's intentions either.
The response to Sarun at SPL just put the seal on the decision. They were checking not the level of protest, but the actual popularity of SaRun.
All these are my theories ... I do NOT have any insider news. :D Even the news about Sanaya wanting to quit - am not sure how true it is - I just read it on FB.
PS _ Anyone dared to go to IF today?? :D:D
ReplyDeleteMe me me..its crazy out there..they are planning to ask for more..inka jee nahi bharta!!
Deletei checked this morning again Mona..and may i say along with the crazy phangirls.. there are some sane ones too...
Deletesome are celebrating that they won..showed SP what fans are made of..
some are still calling SP, trying to find out what is happening..are being told show is not ending...
and then there are those who have realised that they did exactly what SP wanted them to do..and played right into their hands..and it was SP which actually won...
episode reviews @ DC
Loved the episode. Sad about the news, but think this is probably the best way to end such a unique, beautiful story.
ReplyDeleteThe actors are giving us classic IPK and have to say I am just loving it. At least hopefully I wiill have good memories of the end of this serial. Sanaya is stunning, so beautiful with the most expressive eyes. She has so much talent, I hope it's not long before we see her again. (I will be relying on you ladies to keep me updated for any news of Sanaya's and Barun's next endeavours). Glad that Barun is putting in more effort and is less bored that,he has been of late. Desperately needs his hair cut, but maybe that's his protest or his disguise so that no one will recognise him on his holiday.
Waiting up to watch the rerun.
Sorry Su - somehow cant answer to the thread - so this is my take on the situation:
ReplyDeletelike i said - the PH/Channel definitely did try to save the series, they did introduce Sheetal as ASR exit and must have planned Viraf as replacement for KKG - (here i feel they always wanted to keep Sheetal black and play on ASR's consciousness towards being a dad as the reason for going away - that ways whenever he found out Sheetal was black - he could come back (BS or any other actor, depending on KKG's acceptance with another character as hero!)
ok - then the world erupted against the plot (maybe the actors too had a problem there??) - so somewhere down the Sheetal track they realized its best to end - and the beauty pageant thing was just that - the last track - the perfect ending to the perfect couple - a relationship that needs no words - is just perfect and complete! and they decided to keep shut about it for the SPL. also the viraf dude played along to keep the people guessing (after all there have been no pics of KKG and Viraf shooting - its all hearsay - so hard evidence so far!) -
Add to this that more than half the cast was already leaving - they had been planning to leave for a long while - had given the PH enough time to get their act together and give the cast a better script - but the PH failed and the cast WAS leaving - so it must have made better sense to shut shop than continue with 4 characters (5 counting HP!) + KKG!!
Why i say this is coz it is not possible to organize and change such large events at the drop of a hat - if they realized the sheetal thing is not being accepted - this must have happened after the SPL thing was underway and then they had to keep it going till then - you cant expect people to pay for a show that is ending (plus even they will have to accept that ODC WAS the crowd puller!!!)
so basically what i am trying to say is that this is the first time the PH has actually pulled the PR thing properly but staying mum on the exit till now!
And that i cant believe that the leads did not know what was happening - after all, they have contracts and you cant just end something as big as this without planning
Deletethough i do feel sorry for KKG - she will loose out yes, but i guess she is still employed and will get another show on SP and she will nail it again! (just hope its not one of those weird reality star shows kinds - saw bits of something like that on V yesterday - it was pathetic - could not stand more than 10 minutes of it!)
If all this was preplanned, fine.
DeleteI really don't mind the fandom being taken for a ride thing.
If it was not, Barun must be hopping mad now.
Because however much we can be understanding to him and his privacy, the fact remains that every write up on the show will end with ' the show was suddenly pulled off the air at the peak of its popularity whne the male lead played by Barun Sobti quit the show for no apparent reason'.
I feel bad for Barun, it will ultimately become his cross to bear. No one is going to talk about the tracks and loops left open when the show was ened like this.
Like Barun said, it is his decision, whether it is right or wrong, it is the decision he made.
The PH can always wash their hands off this saying, it was a love story and when the male lead wanted to take leave 'indefinitely', there was no way they could take the story forward; they could only end it on a happy note, esp with big bro breathing down their neck.
IPK has created history in more than one way!
I am more worried about Barun than Gul or Sanaya now.
And I don't think we will be seeing Barun on the mini screen after this- at least not on SP, I think- whosever decision it is.
DeleteMona, I think you are pretty much right in your surmise .. I had thought along similar lines. I feel you're right ... the change must have happened around the end of the Sheetal track. I don't think the cast knew ... they only knew the official line that the show will go on with Sanaya and Viraf, as Barun is leaving.
DeleteYes, Barun must be furious, he has been made a scapegoat of sorts. Now it all depends on what perception SP has of him, and what actually transpired during those million closed door negotiations, when SP was apparently trying to "retain" Barun. Did he want to leave for personal reasons which he has clarified to SP, or was it really because of Gul and her mismanagement?
Sanaya ... like I said earlier, she also apparently wanted to quit, but she is with SP, and they did not accept her resignation. So she is safe. Barun has just worked out his notice period with PH, so now he is free ... which he was anyway planning to be. Depending on what has happened with SP, he will either pick up an SP contract or be booted out for good - channels usually are wary of actors who can create such fan hysteria. So it might or might not work out for him.
So it's mainly the side characters who are out of jobs ... but again, Mami has another show, and Nani will not find it tough to pick up one. Although neither might get such well etched characters for sure.
PS - am really enjoying the episodes right now and had i not known the backstage drama i would have been really happy - so am just going to enjoy the show till it lasts!
ReplyDeletewas rewatching.. and why is no one surprised at khushi speaking flawless english in the mimicry part?
ReplyDeleteyes, it was an adrenaline rush to have her butcher the competition in two simple steps.. but really? was she taking english classes from her susband? starting with what the?
(hmm that is indeed a possibility.. considering the amount of english her hubby uses on a daily basis, i guess her english vocabulary and accent would have grown by leaps and bounds..) am i making excuses?
Jaya - that is coz she was mimicking - not creating sentences on her own - just parroting what she had heard earlier (talk about us being obsessed!!! we will find excuses no matter what :D)
DeleteOn that mimicry thing- I read redwine in DC. She has described what I felt too when I saw that scene- I was breaking my head over what Khushi will come up with to better the floral dress and magic...and she comes up with this!
DeleteThat was very good thinking from the team- I've not read LM- if he says fandom pushed SP to this...well, he is right. If we had shut up and taken it like SNS or may be even with ASR leaving to come back later....
I wonder how IPK would have been had it aired at a time when there was no internet or trps...we would have got to hear the creator's story without any intervention; Barun wouldn't feel his privacy is being evaded. the movie guys wouldn't have seen how popular he is...Sigh..
But then, there would be no R&R too...well, you can't have the cake and eat it too!
Before i forget this has always all about a lovely pair ARHI/SARUN that i grew on to love like my own.....actually two pairs of eyes in this story captivated me... two pairs of eyes that told this story like no other....
ReplyDeleteDo Naina aur Ek Kahani, Thoda Sa Badal Thoda Sa Paani, Aur Ek Kahani
Chotsi do jheeloon mein woh beheti raheti hai
Koi sune ya na sune kaheti raheti hai
Kuch Likh kar kuch zubaani
Thoda sa badal Thoda sa paani Aur Ek Kahani
Do Naina aur Ek Kahani
Thodi si hai jaani hui Thodi si nayee
Jahan ruke Aasun wahi puri ho gayi
Hai to nayee phir bhi hai to purani
Thoda sa badal Thoda sa paani Aur Ek Kahani
Do Naina aur Ek Kahani
Ek khamat ho to doosri raat aajaati hai
Hooton pe phir bhule hue baat aajaati hai
Do nainon ki hai ye Kahani
Thoda sa badal Thoda sa paani Aur Ek Kahani
Do Naina aur Ek Kahani
DeleteThose eyes and the beautiful story they told us...
Why did this happen to these wonderful people?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
though i love the song and "tujhsay naraanahi" from Masoom - i cant listen to them - my heart just goes thud!! its soulful and so very sad
Deleteu r right...its so soulful and sad....but at the same time....its a very contrary song for me, if u go by the lyrics and not the voice of the a way Gulzar's lyrics have this enigma....u can take it anywhich way u want...
for example....
Thodi si hai jaani hui Thodi si nayee
Jahan ruke Aasun wahi poori ho gayi
i see it more as a will to stop the tears, to let life take a new course....
Chotsi do jheeloon mein woh beheti rahti hai
Koi sune ya na sune kehti rahti hai
Kuch Likhkar kuch zubaani
I see it as if those eyes were meant to play a tell a story...."behna" not to mean only tears but to say something.... therefore koi sune ya na sune kehti rehti hain....
I have this silly habit...i pick some lyrics in a song, give it my own twist and then i own the song and love it....HEHEHE
i am too bad at decoding poetry but to me too the song meant what you are saying -
Deletethe problem with me i cant bear sad songs/tunes - they just depress me so :(
(that's why i always stay out of ghazzals - qawallis i like, ghazzals a strict no no for me - i get too swayed by the sadness and that gets to me - all peppy happy songs for me :D)
I love both those songs ... tujhse naraaz nahin zindagi is just such a beautiful song ... it gives me goosebumps every time I hear it, and I love the words.
DeleteDo naina ek kahani ... again such a soulful song, the lyrics are amazing.
though of course the story is ending - so no chance of this happening but just wanted to know what you ladies feel (plus i wanted to complete the century today :D:D:D)
ReplyDeletewhy some people dont want to move on:
- if the past was bad - i can understand that they are scared of history repeating itself
- if the past was good - are they scared of history 'not repeating itself'?? OR are they just so happy with the past, so complete that they don't want to move ahead?
what would ODG have done - not the SP/PH regulated character - but the character they had originally built - the KKG we had loved??
Don't know, Mona.
DeleteKKG came across as a 'one man woman' to me.
But then, circumstances change- we all change according to it. Khushi would go ahead and do it if she believed in it...that she had to move on without him. But does that mean a woman cannot live without a man in her life?
Any way, this is what I feel about Khushi- There is only one person she can rabba vey with...such was the intensity of their Arhipathy ...their dhadkan beat as one.
my thoughts too - dont know about the one man woman thing in generally - but ODC was def a one man woman for me too :D
DeleteFor me too ... in fact I did write what I felt about the continuation ... Viraf enters as a friend, a support, the family tries to get Khushi to marry again, but she refuses ... for her, her Arnavji and his memories are all the support she needs ... she is a strong woman, and his last legacy to her was not just a comfortable nest egg, but her own company, her own project ... his message to her that she can survive on her own in the world, if anyone can take his place, it is only Khushi.
DeleteAnd Khushi becomes the de facto head of the Raizada family, and hands over to Arav when he grows up, and then peacefully joins her Arnavji ... in that land beyond time, when they will be together again forever.
But now we get a happy ending and a walk into the sunset ... all's well :)))
PS - anyone know what is Kali? there was a play earlier about the badminton player by that name - so how come a new show has the same name??
DeleteHere, Mona.
Not my type of show.
oh - so wonder its the same name - its a season 2 of sorts - another true story dramatized into a play - got it!
Delete(ps - i agree with you - yes i know its true and in real life i do keep tabs in human rights issues - but in my free time - i prefer a dreamier Utopian world, that helps me sleep with a smile on my face!)
ReplyDeletelink for SBS. alvida to ipkknd.
one more bit.. the SPL coverage via SBS
and in this video,, along with the supercute barun gagnam style practice, the narrator says that khushi and arnav were informed of the show ending.. in london. coupled with the rest of the news trawling IF, i guess they were told after the show. :(
DeleteLovely Dia... i have only one request... long posts for the last epis plz!!
ReplyDeleteand shiddat to the end you suggested!
DeleteGracefully worded-no blame games- ending on a positive note!
su, see how gracefully Rajesh Chadha worded his praise.. professional..
Deletereading between the lines is really risky and not worth my time.