Friday 23rd Nov '12
Khushi's personal knight in not so shining LG armour ...
He saves her from the wrath of Vikrant and the danger of swimsuit round ...
He rescues her from her own stupidity in refusing his sensible offer of a lift ...
His appearance gives her the courage and bravado to chase off one loitering goon ... with empty threats of judo ... and tangible threats of one solid stick ...
He gets her fat-free pita sandwiches to ward off hunger pangs ...
And he "helps" her with her yoga ... the last was not completely altruistic in motive ... hayyeee ...
Vikrant and ASR face -off ... agree with Khushi, it was good to see THE ASR back in action!!! This is what we wanted - ASR for the world, Arnav only for Khushi!
Arnav-Khushi in office - you didn't want my help, did you? No, of course, I didn't ...
Natasha ... trying to warn Khushi not to get herself into trouble for others ... when has Khushi ever listened to that one?
Precap - interesting ... so Amita is revealing her bitchy self very early ... will Arnav rescue Khushi again? Or will Natasha?
Last week of ASR and Barun ...
An episode which was vintage Khushi, vintage Arnav ...
Khushi .. darti hai par karti hai ... sticks up for her beliefs and values, even if at her own cost ... tells the ogling Vikrant to leave the hand of an obviously uncomfortable Natasha ... and draw his fire upon herself ... but holds her own in the argument. If you're the organiser, behave like one, not like a sadak chhap gunda ...
Vikrant mortified at the sight of the other girls sniggering at his tongue lashing by this middle class girl ... lashes back out with full force of the power he holds ... let's see if you're fit for this tournament ... Walk ...
She does ... and stumbles, to the consternation and concern of the other girls ... all but the two faced Amrita ...
But Khushi might be down, but she's not out yet ... Bully Vikrant fires questions at her, which she manages to answer in a steady tone ... he doesn't manage to bully her, she continues to hold her own ... well done, Khushi!
I always get irritated when girls go silent and dumb at such moments ... am so glad she didn't!!!
Liked the way the other girls were not laughing at Khushi, but seemed to be concerned and worried ... all except the two-faced Amrita ...
So Vikrant tries another tack ... swimsuit round ... and Khushi refuses ...
So she's disqualified ... Amrita is pleased, the other girls are worried ... Natasha hisses at her to say yes, and she will handle things later ... but Khushi is firm ... I won't wear it ...
360 back to another time, another office, another man trying to bully her with the power of his position and her helplessness, to force her out of her place by insisting she wear a short revealing outfit ... And she had refused to compromise with her principles ... and found a way out ...
Today, again she gets a way out ... this time with help ... his help ... the help of that same man ... who decrees that Khushi will not wear anything she is uncomfortable in ... and neither will any of the other girls ... the swimsuit round is cancelled.
ASR is back ... the new improved version ...

Vikrant the bully tries to fight back ... these are the rules, you can't change them ...
Of course he can. He's ASR ... Too bad. I just did.
Wish ASR had done the face off with Shyam in the same ASR way ... would have been epic!
Smile wiped off Amrita's face ... the extras are pretty bad, but Natasha did seem a spot relieved, if surprised.
And Vikrant isn't giving up easily either ... next round - Western dress.
Khushi agrees with Sam ... Arnav saved her not just for this round, but for this entire janam.
SN - thought their rishta was for seven janams?
An ebullient Khushi goes to Arnav's cabin to thank him and exult with him over how he trampled all over Vikrant ... Agree with you, Khushi, Arnav Singh Raizada is really back!
Arnav coolly tells her he did it for all the girls ... and neatly slides in ... 'do you want my help then?'
'No, of course, she doesn't' ... sulky, petulant ... so he didn't do it for her?! Enough to get her all annoyed. So when he wonders how she would have managed if he hadn't come along, Khushi of course has to put up a show of bravado ... she would have managed somehow ... she was managing perfectly well without him, thank you very much ...
And Arnav throws a challenge at her for the next round, because he knows that's how she works best ... when she's bent on defeating him. And this round, he can't get her out of ... she has to fight it through on her own.
So he riles her up satisfactorily, adding to it by telling her to shut the door on her way out, they're not husband-wife here ...
If there was anything left to wind up Khushi for the next round, Natasha provides it by berating her for 'helping' her out ... she would have handled Vikrant, she's used to handling these types ... Khushi needs to stop interfering ...
Khushi is upset, she saw the fear in Natasha's eyes ...
Natasha doesn't deny it, but says she's seen such people before, the world is full of them ... Khushi will get herself into trouble and her too ...
Natasha is another well-etched character ... bitchy on the surface and soft inside, a bit like ASR ... as opposed to Amrita, who's the opposite ... have to give credit to the PH for sketching out some characters with unexpected depth ...
So Khushi even more wound up, on the way home ... grumbling to herself ... she tried to help Natasha, and Natasha showed no gratitude whatsoever, instead yelled at her ... Arnav was right, this fashion world is ajeeb!
And she's sufficiently irritated to shoot herself in the foot when Arnav drives up to take her home ... you said we're not husband and wife here, I can go home by myself thank you, I didn't even bring the car from home because you said I have to be like any ordinary girl ... now go away ...
So he goes
... much to her complete disgust and consternation ... he actually took her at her word and went?! This LG ... first he used to throw her out of the car, now he doesn't even let her get in! 
Completely ignoring the fact that he tried to get her in, she was the one who refused so grandly!
SN - thank god she clarified that Mrs Khushi SR doesn't take autos any more, and does have a car at her disposal!
And Khushi has reason to regret her foolishness very quickly, as a roadside goon with very weird eyes start following her ...
Fear starts to overcome bravado ... till she sees Arnav return ... and with him, her confidence returns immediately ... and she chases away the goon with a thick stick
As long as Arnav is around, she can be brave ... she knows he's there for her ... and always will be ... She doesn't even have to pretend to be grateful or acknowledge his help ... Arnav takes her nonsense with a pinch of salt, yeah right, she didn't know he was there, she could have dealt with the goon on her own, just as she dealt with Vikrant on her own ... now could she please get into the car for his sake?
Magnanimously, she does ... just for him ...
Back home at RM ... Khushi can't eat dinner, because Sam her trainer has decreed only salads for her ... Nani is sweet ... no housework for Khushi while she's in training
Khushi gets tempted by the aloo parathas ... NK rubs salt into her wounds, and Anjali very sweetly tries to console her by telling her the parathas are quite bad ... aww, the family is really sweet!
Everyone helping her out ... including her husband who lands up with special fat-free pita sandwiches for Khushi ... because he knows his jhalli Khushi loves her food, but the determined girl that she is, she will not eat it ...
Khushi fires at him first ... her irritation of the entire day coming out ... you're trying to sabotage my contest, I know you! You did the same at Karva Chauth ...
But he knows his biwi and how to cajole her ... how can you refuse to eat what I've got for you? Can that ever happen?
So she eats ... and stares at him dolefully ... 'what is this? If it tastes so good, it has to be fattening ... and Sam will kill me ...'
'Fat free pita sandwiches ... all the models eat them ... specially for you ...'
Mata pita whatever ... it feels fattening ... and she continues eating hungrily ... because if he says it's fat free and okay for her to eat, it is okay ...
Later at night ... Khushi practices yoga by the poolside ... the determined Khushi ... if she's decided to do this, she will do it properly, and give it her all ... diet, exercise, the works ...
And Arnav stares at her ... his wife, his woman ... determined, strong-willed ... never ready to give up ... bright, beautiful and cute as a button ... she might stumble and fall, but she will always pick herself up ... and try again ... with a smile ...
And while he's around, he will do the picking up ... every time she falters, he will always be there, behind her, her support, her strength ... urging her on, holding her up, keeping her strong ... with his love ...
And she knows it ... however much they squabble, fight, argue ... at the end of the day, they are in each others' arms ... their own little world ...
Arnav Khushi ... Rabba ve by the poolside ... till death do us part ...
Khushi's personal knight in not so shining LG armour ...
He saves her from the wrath of Vikrant and the danger of swimsuit round ...
He rescues her from her own stupidity in refusing his sensible offer of a lift ...
His appearance gives her the courage and bravado to chase off one loitering goon ... with empty threats of judo ... and tangible threats of one solid stick ...
He gets her fat-free pita sandwiches to ward off hunger pangs ...
And he "helps" her with her yoga ... the last was not completely altruistic in motive ... hayyeee ...
Vikrant and ASR face -off ... agree with Khushi, it was good to see THE ASR back in action!!! This is what we wanted - ASR for the world, Arnav only for Khushi!
Arnav-Khushi in office - you didn't want my help, did you? No, of course, I didn't ...
Natasha ... trying to warn Khushi not to get herself into trouble for others ... when has Khushi ever listened to that one?
Precap - interesting ... so Amita is revealing her bitchy self very early ... will Arnav rescue Khushi again? Or will Natasha?
Last week of ASR and Barun ...
An episode which was vintage Khushi, vintage Arnav ...
Khushi .. darti hai par karti hai ... sticks up for her beliefs and values, even if at her own cost ... tells the ogling Vikrant to leave the hand of an obviously uncomfortable Natasha ... and draw his fire upon herself ... but holds her own in the argument. If you're the organiser, behave like one, not like a sadak chhap gunda ...
Vikrant mortified at the sight of the other girls sniggering at his tongue lashing by this middle class girl ... lashes back out with full force of the power he holds ... let's see if you're fit for this tournament ... Walk ...
She does ... and stumbles, to the consternation and concern of the other girls ... all but the two faced Amrita ...
But Khushi might be down, but she's not out yet ... Bully Vikrant fires questions at her, which she manages to answer in a steady tone ... he doesn't manage to bully her, she continues to hold her own ... well done, Khushi!
Liked the way the other girls were not laughing at Khushi, but seemed to be concerned and worried ... all except the two-faced Amrita ...
So Vikrant tries another tack ... swimsuit round ... and Khushi refuses ...
So she's disqualified ... Amrita is pleased, the other girls are worried ... Natasha hisses at her to say yes, and she will handle things later ... but Khushi is firm ... I won't wear it ...
360 back to another time, another office, another man trying to bully her with the power of his position and her helplessness, to force her out of her place by insisting she wear a short revealing outfit ... And she had refused to compromise with her principles ... and found a way out ...
Today, again she gets a way out ... this time with help ... his help ... the help of that same man ... who decrees that Khushi will not wear anything she is uncomfortable in ... and neither will any of the other girls ... the swimsuit round is cancelled.
ASR is back ... the new improved version ...
Vikrant the bully tries to fight back ... these are the rules, you can't change them ...
Of course he can. He's ASR ... Too bad. I just did.
Wish ASR had done the face off with Shyam in the same ASR way ... would have been epic!
Smile wiped off Amrita's face ... the extras are pretty bad, but Natasha did seem a spot relieved, if surprised.
And Vikrant isn't giving up easily either ... next round - Western dress.
Khushi agrees with Sam ... Arnav saved her not just for this round, but for this entire janam.
SN - thought their rishta was for seven janams?
An ebullient Khushi goes to Arnav's cabin to thank him and exult with him over how he trampled all over Vikrant ... Agree with you, Khushi, Arnav Singh Raizada is really back!
Arnav coolly tells her he did it for all the girls ... and neatly slides in ... 'do you want my help then?'
'No, of course, she doesn't' ... sulky, petulant ... so he didn't do it for her?! Enough to get her all annoyed. So when he wonders how she would have managed if he hadn't come along, Khushi of course has to put up a show of bravado ... she would have managed somehow ... she was managing perfectly well without him, thank you very much ...
And Arnav throws a challenge at her for the next round, because he knows that's how she works best ... when she's bent on defeating him. And this round, he can't get her out of ... she has to fight it through on her own.
So he riles her up satisfactorily, adding to it by telling her to shut the door on her way out, they're not husband-wife here ...
If there was anything left to wind up Khushi for the next round, Natasha provides it by berating her for 'helping' her out ... she would have handled Vikrant, she's used to handling these types ... Khushi needs to stop interfering ...
Khushi is upset, she saw the fear in Natasha's eyes ...
Natasha doesn't deny it, but says she's seen such people before, the world is full of them ... Khushi will get herself into trouble and her too ...
Natasha is another well-etched character ... bitchy on the surface and soft inside, a bit like ASR ... as opposed to Amrita, who's the opposite ... have to give credit to the PH for sketching out some characters with unexpected depth ...
So Khushi even more wound up, on the way home ... grumbling to herself ... she tried to help Natasha, and Natasha showed no gratitude whatsoever, instead yelled at her ... Arnav was right, this fashion world is ajeeb!
And she's sufficiently irritated to shoot herself in the foot when Arnav drives up to take her home ... you said we're not husband and wife here, I can go home by myself thank you, I didn't even bring the car from home because you said I have to be like any ordinary girl ... now go away ...
So he goes
Completely ignoring the fact that he tried to get her in, she was the one who refused so grandly!
SN - thank god she clarified that Mrs Khushi SR doesn't take autos any more, and does have a car at her disposal!
And Khushi has reason to regret her foolishness very quickly, as a roadside goon with very weird eyes start following her ...
As long as Arnav is around, she can be brave ... she knows he's there for her ... and always will be ... She doesn't even have to pretend to be grateful or acknowledge his help ... Arnav takes her nonsense with a pinch of salt, yeah right, she didn't know he was there, she could have dealt with the goon on her own, just as she dealt with Vikrant on her own ... now could she please get into the car for his sake?
Magnanimously, she does ... just for him ...
Back home at RM ... Khushi can't eat dinner, because Sam her trainer has decreed only salads for her ... Nani is sweet ... no housework for Khushi while she's in training
Khushi gets tempted by the aloo parathas ... NK rubs salt into her wounds, and Anjali very sweetly tries to console her by telling her the parathas are quite bad ... aww, the family is really sweet!
Khushi fires at him first ... her irritation of the entire day coming out ... you're trying to sabotage my contest, I know you! You did the same at Karva Chauth ...
But he knows his biwi and how to cajole her ... how can you refuse to eat what I've got for you? Can that ever happen?
So she eats ... and stares at him dolefully ... 'what is this? If it tastes so good, it has to be fattening ... and Sam will kill me ...'
'Fat free pita sandwiches ... all the models eat them ... specially for you ...'
Mata pita whatever ... it feels fattening ... and she continues eating hungrily ... because if he says it's fat free and okay for her to eat, it is okay ...
Later at night ... Khushi practices yoga by the poolside ... the determined Khushi ... if she's decided to do this, she will do it properly, and give it her all ... diet, exercise, the works ...
And Arnav stares at her ... his wife, his woman ... determined, strong-willed ... never ready to give up ... bright, beautiful and cute as a button ... she might stumble and fall, but she will always pick herself up ... and try again ... with a smile ...
And while he's around, he will do the picking up ... every time she falters, he will always be there, behind her, her support, her strength ... urging her on, holding her up, keeping her strong ... with his love ...
And she knows it ... however much they squabble, fight, argue ... at the end of the day, they are in each others' arms ... their own little world ...
Arnav Khushi ... Rabba ve by the poolside ... till death do us part ...
loved it. loved it. loved it.
1 was the ASR -vikrant showdown.. (swoon) i missed the swag so much! confident ASR! (thud)!
barun, tussi na jao!
2. khushi knows karate! and her hubby's smirk there..hayeee
3. the rabba ve! (blush)
full paisa wasool.
why CVs! ab weekend kaise kategi!!
:'( :'( BS plz dont go :( :(...
ReplyDeletemy feelings exactly - BS is not making things easy for us at all..........sigh... i feel I am a teenager once again....
ReplyDeleteChanting like Sam and everyone here
ReplyDeleteTussi ja rahe ho...tussi na jao!!
"I just did" really did i am going to miss this voice....
watching each epi wondering if this will be my last IPK epi....
and i'm watching wondering if this is the last scene of BS. isnt today his supposed last day of shoot? no farewell for him? via SBB/SBS i mean.
DeleteExactly...imagine IPK that never gave us anything realistic ever (causing our BBE to make out a list every epi) will give us a touch of shot of ASR in a car and poof there is the end.....
DeleteAati Rahengi Bahaaren, Jaati Rahengi Bahaaren
Dil Ki Nazar Se, Duniya Ko Dekho, Duniya Sada Hi Haseen Hain....
Wish Sobti the best in a new avatar!!
may Sobti get all he wants, all the very best to him in everything he sets out to explore, but i'll always harbour a tiny grudge against him for this mess, even if i'm called selfish.
Deleteu said it there, POOF... thats what i'm afraid of... POOF he goes, never to come back :(
Rekha, Krishna,
DeleteYou are all making me senti. So one sng from me for BS.
Bekarar karke Hamein yun na jaiye
Aap ko hamari kasam laut aaiyeye.......
Deletei am not able to grudge him at all becos i see him (why him alone, just any actor) a very small cog in the wheel/setup... in fact in the entire drama...even tho he is at the center of it....its just his peculiar destiny that there is a drama surrounding him .....
at one level, many see it only as a decision to stay or not stay but when i think of the power of the medium in respect of actor contracts and all that( altho i don't know the facts in the case, i am actually glad,he is firm in his decision; why should he work in an atmosphere when he is beholden to someone in work choices when he can work freely and on things his heart desires).Its another thing if things will go his way or not but thats another can see the future in any case..
DeleteOn the last day of the Sobti show,let there be a full house on R&R....we can have a marathon song dedication session.....for Sobti/ARHI
Y guys better be there...Sandy,Sam, Shweths,Monu, Aaru,Padfoot, Sri,UJ(if there is any chance u both r reading us still)and all the other regulars and irregulars here
i understand rekha.. i know i'm being silly... i put all the blame on today's epi! may be it wasnt very magical... but it reminded me of all things that go with IPK and hence my silly grudge...
Deletei'm not good with songs, not like you guys.. but i'll be here... you tubing all of them :)
DeleteThe thing about love is that only...there are diff ways in expressing love.....ur way is also not wrong!!not at all.....*hugs*
u r beautiful with words....songs or no songs
Opti, i missed tellng u join....I hope u will join when ever that last 0.5/1/2/3 i genuine understand what u went thru during the decline of Geet....i have withstood IPK's decline for so long and SARUN/ARHI kept me hooked....even one part of that not being there makes me feel bereft
Su,u have to be there ...humara jugalbandi incomplete hoga!! Hugs
Then I have to get my laptop for that. In the iPad it is not possible to do copy paste. Grrrrr.
I have kept a special alvida song for Sobti, my favourite song with tons of tears.
aww rekha *hugs back*
Deletei'm gonna go make a play list.. i might just surprise you all with the songs ;)
Aww, guys ... will we even know it's his last day? I guess we will, there will be an accident or something :( My heart is going dhak dhak even at the thought!!!
DeleteWHY OH WHY did they give us so many good episodes this week with a cleaned up rested shaved Sobti?!
Barun, mat jao!!! :(((
ANNDDD Dia joins the club :(
DeleteDia..last night i spent reading the blog from May did not like BS much then...then you gradually warmed up to him.. :)
DeleteAm sure BS and SI will get other shows and may even do really well...but they wont be Arnav and Khushi...
as much as it hurts me that there won't be Arnav and Khushi..i will miss the people this team was behind the i making sense??
for me..even if they are great actors..they have to be good people off screen and this team..i mean..Akshay, Barun, Daljeet, Sanaya..showed time and again that they are nice..and their bonding..hhayyee...
how can a fictional story and people you may never meet in your lifetime affect you so much!!
Beats me fact , i never much liked BS in the was probably after the teej episode that i warmed up to him..and Dia's special edit that really marked the way i started to see BS as ASR....
DeleteRekhs...i watched the hospital hug scene..and he was alright i thought...her dialogues were what i liked..and i started googling and found R&R..i read most of Dia's edits and then watched the show from the he seemed fine to me especially those one-liners. i warmed up to him..the off screen segments koi impress nahi karta..
Deletei was re-reading Dia's old posts..month by month and she does take the episodes to another level..
Rekha, Anita - though i do agree that BS has come a long long way as an actor - specially as one portraying ASR but to be fair - i realized something when i was watching some earlier episodes - BS was not bad then -
Deletehe looked, how do i say this, 'lost' like a little boy in an unknown world of love and attraction - he was not in control then (as in the character was not in control when he came face to face with KKG) - he was experiencing new feelings - unknown and confusing - so actually BS was doing a damned good job then too
Monu,I agree....i think it was the staring bit...that had me confused...he aced the photoshoot epi,the rain was just some stiffness that he seemed to exhibit in the earlier episodes...but i now understand and as u are was more of the getting a hang of the feeling...i think BS's main strength as an actor is to bring some specific nuances to the could be something as minute as a look (remember that scene when he looks at Akash during the patao Payal epi) no words yet that look at Akash was enuf fr us to understand the "et tu,brute" feeling....
Deleteactually countless priceless moments..he has been doubt abt that!!
Aww, thanks, Anita! I think BS took time to grow into his character, and I took time to warm up to him ... besides, he was so detestable at the start that it wasn't easy to like him. His and Sanaya's offscreen interviews actually helped me to warm up to him more and start enjoying his acting. The guesthouse episodes - right from the lead up of the simultaneous phone calls - and the resignation the day after were when I really started liking him, and started trying to read his expressions better. After that he just went from strength to strength!
DeleteBy "he was so detestable", I meant ASR was so detestable, not Barun ;)
Deleteah, sorry i'll get my act together...
ReplyDeletewhy oh why did you choose to come back now?? on one side i'm going dhak dhak wondering which is BS's last tscene, on the other hand i get the cool and suave ASR back! HAYEEE
ASR Vs Vikranth, EPIC. wish ASR shyam showdown was like this. ASR is so much more effective when he is cool, collected and suave.
and khushi said it for me, finally after such a long gap we all got to see the original ASR!
the road scene, was funny and ROFL worthy. the poetic touch was the point where khushi derives himmat at the sight of ASR's car and then her karate dialogue... ASR's smirk... *SWOON*
their office convo,
"kyun thum chahthi ho ki mein tumhara madad karroon?"
"humein aapki koi madad nahi chahiye"
"khushi jate waqth door close kar dena. hum yahaan pati patni nahin hain"
i liked the natasha Vs Khushi too. i would like to think this as khushi' first lesson abt Asli duniya.
so lesson learnt today: do not interfere into matters that are not of your concern. you dont need to help everyone and in the process invite trouble for not just you, but also others.
now khushi how many times have arnav told you that, but u never listen!
actualy, when ASR left khushi in the middle of the room, i was expecting an accident and ASR getting killed then and there, THANK GOD it didnt happen! at times, my mind conjure up so many bizzare things, i freak myself out :(
the last rabba very has only left me wanting more...
Krish....well fact,i was reading the LUs today and one delusional paavam was asking whether there will be fight now and a rain sequence after tat...some people have still not stopped hoping....have to feel for them too after some amount of self-pity!!
Deletein all this wondering how is ASR going to exit....mera dil hi baitha ja raha hain i don't want to see that and yet...that will be last glimpse of BS in that role....can reel life cause so much confusion in one's life..
tell me abt it... i have strong urge to go beat up some one of break something. i've never felt so strongly abt an actor or a fiction lately. the last time i was so angry was after i read HP part 5, when sirius died! i mean, one moment he was gloating and goading and next moment, POOF, he went through a veil never to come back! though my rational mind wants to accept that its just a show, my heart refuses to let go...
Deletei totally forgot to mention khushi vikrant! sorry khushi ji... but you were BLOODY Brilliant woman. forget what natasha said, that buffoon deserved every word you said. take a bow !!:)
Deletekrish, ditto! khushi ji... but you were BLOODY Brilliant woman!
DeleteI for one dont think that they would kill Arnav - after all he and khushi were the souls of the show!!! Maybe he would come back of they did that... after his holiday... but then that would be very ekta ish....
ReplyDeletehaven't seen the episode but heartening to see you all swooning again :D:D:D
ReplyDeletejust a thought- when ASR dies (or goes away) and IF the show starts its journey towards the end - will R&R stop too???? just had this though when i was walking home from office and it really depressed me - so please do tell me what we can progress to if IPK shut down - we cant let our coffee house suffer!
i apologise in advance if i'm crossing the liberty here....
Deletemona, defo not... we even stated new posts like movies, other shows and books and music... R&R is permanent, IPK is temporary... may be SI and BS wil get another show, doesnt matter if they get it together or separately... and when SI gets a how, Dia wil make daily posts, no dia???
life doesnt end here yaar, so as long a we are living... R&R will be alive too ! *i hope so*
Echo the i said even if i do not watch an epi of IPK after this, will be here in R&R....
DeletePyar karte karte hum tum kahin kho jaayenge
Inhi baharon ke aanchal mein thak ke so jaayenge
Sapnon ko phir bhi tum yunhi sajaate rehna
Kabhi alvida na kehna...
Beech raah mein dilbar bichhad jayen kahin hum agar
Aur sooni si lage tumhe jeevan ki yeh dagar
Hum laut aayenge tum yunhi bulate rehna
Kabhi alvida na kehna...
That is the favourite song I had kept for Sobti. It is perfect. And so apt. KK has sung it so soulfully.
Kaise keh diya............Alvida
Beautifully put Rekha........for the CVs: @ least they are giving us lovely memories to bide by..........Good luck Sobti - may you achieve your most ardent dream(s)!
DeleteMonu ... *HUGS* nahin, nahin ... R&R will be here as long as you all want to keep coming here ... we can discuss anything and everything we want ... our virtual coffee shop is open 24 hrs, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year! And till IPK is on air, and Sanaya is in IPK, this cafe is open for business!
DeleteAfter that - already started Other Shows, Books, Movies, Music ... yes, whenever Sanaya comes back on a new show, I will definitely follow that, and if BS returns and anyone wants to discuss his show, that too ...
Rekha ... perfect song!!! *hugs*
Deletethat song is urs only....u can do the complete version on tat day *Hugs*
DeleteJugalbandi? *HUGS*
Here is my song for Barun/ ASR.
tu na jaa mere baadashaah ek vaade ke liye ek vaadaa tod ke)
main vaapas aayungaa
jaa rahaa hun main yahaan jaan apani chhod ke
tu na jaa mere baadashaah ek vaadaa tod ke
kudaa kaa tujhe vaastaa lautakar aanaa teraa dekhungi main raastaa
ye vaadaa hai meraa
main agar mar bhi gayaa to bhi vaapas aayungaa
Optimistic me swears by the last line!
Awww. Thank you so much. Hugs back. But I have kept a back up plan as well. He he he he
I am going to crash now.
Goodnight everybody. Will catch up tomorrow.
DeletewOw.....that was some sizzling song and like Benazir waiting for her Badshaah....we all wait for ASR/BS.....remember that write up that Sandy did quoting Khudagawah....miss u sandy...hope u r having a grt time in AD
love u, Su for that optimism...
in fact...some part of me hopes this is all for dramatic effect !! hai maine kya keh diya.....better to keep exp low......
may i say, firstly, that i am very glad all the horrific thoughts in my head after yesterdays episode (read accident!!) did not happen!!
ReplyDeletethat "too bad..i just did".. dammit Barun, you cannot do that to us... i am trying to be mad at you...don't give me that voice, those expressions, those dialogues and rabba ve's!!this is just unfair!!
as much as i loved watching the episode..i can't help feeling sad!!
and can they please not kill ASR in a chota mota accident..please..he is ASR!!!
ReplyDeleteInspite of not wanting to laugh...(becos i am crying)...ur commment,Ani,u made me laugh aloud....*Hugs*
Deletewhen he said "too bad, i just did" sounded as if it was manna from heaven...and frankly we have seen many heroes spout a lot of rhetoric....but this was really something...the Man (ASR) has charm...yaar...and BS infused it wth his own life there....
Line up ur song dedications for THE epi...hope it is not an anti-climactic (actually an end for ASR....whats that?)
the Man (ASR) has charm...yaar...and BS infused it wth his own life there.... soo true Rekhs!! its the little things he added to the character that we all love...even if Viraf does play ASR and does add his own my head i will be thinking..damn BS would have said it like this...
Deletesongs..hhmmm...i dont remember songs though i listen to a lot of them..aap log playlists do aur mein download karungi.. :D
Viraf CANNOT play ASR ... even Gul apparently said in some interview that he will come in as a new character.
DeleteGive us a leap ... of the three options - Viraf as new ASR. Viraf as new man in Khush's life, and Viraf as grown up Arav with a completely new love story with a new Sanaya ... I like the last option the best! Or Sanaya as Arshi's daughter with Viraf as her love interest.
ReplyDeletedoes this make me a phangirl??
DeleteWelcome to the club!
We are all discovering the phangirls in us.
Mat jaa!
Ani, we are all in the same boat today ... Arshi are SaRun and SaRun are Arshi ... BAS!
DeleteSome scattered thots:
ReplyDelete1. The beard: What was the purpose of the beard?
Did they shoot the 'accident' already and the bearded Barun as the lost ASR?
Sorry, if I am giving false hopes, but I cannot imagine why and how a show named iss pyar ko kya naam doon can continue after ASR dies. Not possible. Forget about Barun and Sanaya and Gul, even Ekta Kapoor wouldn't be stupid enough to kill off the male lead and start Khushi's pyaar story with another guy. And Gul and Suzanna cannot be stupid not to realise that no one can replace Sarun as Arhi.
2. The catch and fall RV today: How far I have come from those days when I used to laugh at the catch and falls!
And sigh... yoga romance! Aren't these CVs supposed to be depressed like us? HOw do they come up with these perfect situations...and I am not going to talk about 'the ASR' and that dialogue by WAS meant for fandom.
3. "inhone humein poore ek janam ke liye sambhaal liya hai"- what happened to saath janam???
4. Off track: Watch behna to see the difference in execution of a reality show. I don't think we will complain about Mrs. India after that.
hehe Su - said almost teh same things too :) and was wondering about the one janam!
DeleteSu ...
DeleteInhone humein poora ek janam ke liye sambhal liya hai ... does this mean that there will be NO other guy for Khushi than Arnav ... and the story will continue with a leap? Next generation? With Sanaya as Arshi's daughter?
Please let that be so ... that will be the best option if they want to carry on IPK for a long time, and Barun is definite about not returning. He can always come back for some flashbacks.
SAZISH!!!! Sazish - that what it is - just when we had kind of accepted that we had to detox - ASR for the world and Arnav for KKG returns!! with the huskiest voice ever!!! and the sweetest rabba vey!!! - and the cutest arguments and the sexist smirks!!!!!
ReplyDeletethe stupid grinning baffoon (me) is back too!!
ok am i reading too much into this OR was the cast talking to us:
= just did - meaning - yup, i just quit
= ASR is back - "yup we plan to torture you all by bringing back the original and then killing him off" CTs muhahaha evil laugh!
= "i can do it, i dont need your help" - I can pull off the show on my own!
Am going back for a rewatch - something i have not done in ages!
Sazish, indeed!
DeleteThis is Gul's revenge!
i just rewatched it... *sigh*
Deleteu nailed it there... sazish it is :/
"with the huskiest voice ever!!! and the sweetest rabba vey!!! - and the cutest arguments and the sexist smirks!!!!!" haye hayeee
Yeh kaisa nashaa hai?
Puchho zara puchho mujhe kya hua hai
Kaisi bekarari hai yeh kaisa nasha hai,
Tumse dil lagaane ki sazaa hai.......
Sarun, tumse dil lagaane ki sazaa hai....
Su,beatiful...i used to love this number.....loved AY's voice in this...esp when she sings...tumse dil lagaane ki sazaa hain....
Deleteall i can say in reply is....
Pyaar deewana hota hai mastana hota hai
Har khushi se har gham se begana hota hain
Shama kahe parwaane se pare chala jaa
Meri tarah jal jaayega yahaan nahi aa
Woh nahi sunta usko jal jaana hota hain
Har khushi se har gham se begana hota hain
I think or prem for SARUN/ARHI was meant to happen....i guess romantics at heart have not been able to guard their hearts....once their assault began....
SAAZISH is right ... the last month we got an unshaven, dishevelled disinterested Arnav ... I had switched off completely and gotten ready for the new guy ... and this last week, we get THIS!!! NOT FAIR!!! ASR with just the right mix of Arnav, Khushi with the right mix of brave and foolhardy, with her knight always ready to rescue her ... and the chemistry which made us all go crazy ...
DeleteBarun, why the HECK do you have to go? :(
I disliked that movie (Raja Hindustani) with a passion ... didn't like Aamir in it, didn't like Karishma ... but the songs were good.
BTW - how many offices does ASR have?? wonder what happens at AR now - ASR id always switching offices - somethings its a construction company - sometimes an event/show management
ReplyDeleteloved the car and office fights - too cute!! what did ASR say just before "really" - the download was not clear
Just couldn't resist today .. hope this wasn't the last Arhi, Sarun RAbba ve .. Dam i going to miss this !!!!!!
ReplyDeletethere is no doubt that my arshi were back today ... for the last time I suppose ...
CVs just a small request pls , when ever you end this show pls pls end it with Arhi like today !!!
Precap - KKG is still in an old suit - arrey ek nayee saree hi deydetay!
ReplyDeletehave a feeling all the poolside niharoing (minus the rabba vey ofc) and the dinner scenes were shot separately - so good job editing team - gues these guys must have been in a hurry to finish shooting - leave for UK - BTW are they in UK as yet?
There was a tidbit somewhere - I think on tellytadka ... that Barun shot his last scenes today with a BD, Sanaya was busy shooting elsewhere with Viraf.
DeleteThe dining table scene was definitely with a BD ... and the niharofying was shot separately ... the Yoga Rabba ve was of course the real thing ... Haayyeee ...
That was so up close and personal, there was NO WAY they could have shot that with BD's ... and thank God they gave us one final good RV.
I believe they left for UK last night. Should have reached by now. Haven't been on IF today, so no idea if there are any reports - but it's still night in UK, no programs would have started yet.
ReplyDeletethese two are soo funny!!
Na Jao Saiyyan Churake Baiyyan Kasam Tumhari Mein Ro Padungi !!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what song is this ...its history or any underlined issues but when I heard my cousin sing this line repeatedly, all I could think was .... Barun Sobti hum ro pade hain.
For the first time in life for someone in TV it his character or actor himself..... Hum Ro Pade Hain !!!
that song from saheb biwi aur ghulam (guru dutt, meena kumari, waheeda rahman)
Deletemeena kumari eternal tragic queen.. suma - imagining you or any barun fan girl like meena kumari in that song .. youtube that song.. you will get the reason for my chuckle.
Meri Duniya Mein Ake ....Mat Ja .....Mat Ja .......Yunhi Mat Ja !!!!!!!! :'( :'(
ReplyDeleteYou once promised to be seen ... I better see you around soon Sobti !!! In good health and role.
ReplyDeletededicated to Barun -
:(((( will miss you tremendously!!!!
alvida alvida....ab kehna aur kya?
Deletejab tune keh diya...alvida.. :(
ReplyDeleteNEVER knew how much I loved BS until I realised its his last day shooting today.. :((( I am watching att the episodes except ArHi scenes half heartedly these days, because AD is busy and also coz the news of BS leaving has kind of shut me off IPK...
ReplyDeleteReally sorry, but after today's last rabba vey, I simply CANNOT accept anybody else as ASR/Arnav... for that matter I can even accept khushi walking down the sunset with another guy but not another face as arnav.. its true that character is larger than an actor, but for me, ArHi was and will ALWAYS be SaRun... there's nobody that can replace them...nobody.. :(
CVs are MEAN...if they are indeed replacing BS by Viraf they shouldn't shoot such amazing scenes..and WT* is it with BS? why has he started looking all well groomed and interested in acting again??? :((( not making it any easy...
sorry for the rant.. :(
Mads, SAAZISH, that is what it is ... not only do they give us such good scenes, but BS is back with shave, rested and looking good ... and acting well! The last few weeks he was SOOOO disinterested, I had no problem in switching off and getting ready for a new guy ... and this week, the idiot had to get his act together, look good, act well ... this is just MEAN!!! *rofl*
DeleteI want a leap now ... I just cannot understand HOW they can show Khushi falling in love again after this past week ... especially with her words - humein ek poore janam ke liya sambhal liya hai ... this means that for her in this lifetime, there can be no other man.
We are all waiting for the inevitable to happen. What will be Baruns last scene and how will,we feel when we can't see Arnav and Khushi together again. I also feel a little angry at Barun leaving, and can't understand why they just didn't give him his leave and then let him come back to finish it all with the happy ending we want so desperately to see.
ReplyDeleteBS will always be ASR/Arnav the same as SI will alway be Khushi. The two just go together, it's impossible to think of anyone else playing these roles.
Please Dia, don't ever close down R&R ever, because even if I don't watch any other programme I just would miss coming here. I know I don't do a lot of posting, but I like to think that I can make a small contrubtion. I enjoy reading all the posts, and knowing that around the world somewhere I have meeting some very special people in a very special place.
I will also be here on Baruns last day, I may not be able to give any song titles, but I know that we will all be together to give him a good send off and bless him for his future endeavours. And maybe hope,that we see them playing opposite each other again.
Lin *hugs* R&R will be here for as long as you all keep visiting ... I can't do without this virtual cafe and all the chit chat here! Each and every person here is special ... you all make this place what it is!
DeleteAs long as Sanaya is on the show, I will follow IPK ... and once IPK is done, or even before, we'll find something else to discuss ...
I think Barun wants out ... for whatever reasons, professional, personal ... he has been clear about needing a break, and has stayed firm on his stand despite the tremendous pressure from fans and channel to change his mind ... guess we will never the know the entire truth of why he wanted out, but have to respect the guy for sticking to his stand in the face of the pressure.
And if the channel and the PH really do want to continue the show for a long time ... I think that is true for the channel, don't know how true for the PH ... and Barun does want to explore other options, ... then he's doing the right thing by going now. The first time he went, it did derail the show ... the PH never managed to bring it back properly. So let's see ... now they can't blame him, the onus is completely on them, so is the pressure. They have claimed all along that the character is bigger than the actor, now is the time to make good that claim. Bring in a new character, and make him into as big an icon as ASR ... or else, eat humble pie, and give the credit to your actors ... that BS and SI made Arnav and Khushi - they were the ones who translated the vision of the makers into larger than life reality.
I think that comment by SP that characters are bigger than actors implies that they are not planning to do away with ASR the character but replace the actor playing the character. With no visible signs of giving an exit to ASR, I think we will see Viraf playing ASR, whether we like it or not. The reason they have not openly said it is because of the SPL. They may not want a commotion during the programme. I read somewhere that Barun was giving Viraf tips to play the angry man. Now why would he have to do that if Viraf is playing a new character? Viraf is not a new comer. He can play a new character as he perceives it. If he is playing ASR, then he would need to know how to get into the skin of an already established character. While I am not too happy to see someone else play ASR, I would prefer that option to the one where they have to show ASR's death and Khushi's pain followed by a new man entering Khushi's life. A leap and a younger Sanaya (Khushi's daughter) with a new man would have been better but they have not explored that option. So given the limited choice, I guess my love for Arshi may overcome my unhappiness at not being able to see Sarun together in the show.
DeleteI have mixed feelings on the matter. :)))
I too can't see Khushi with another man, although in real life, and even in most shows, I would be happy to see a widow move on ... But Arnav and Khushi are made for each other, I'd rather see see a new Arnav than a new man for Khushi. A leap would have been the best option for me, but if they're not going that way, then Viraf as Arnav is acceptable.
The only thing is, this means the love story is a done deal, so what further can they show? Khushi's makeover and evolution into Mrs KASR ... then?
Having Viraf as a new character would stretch the story for a lot longer ... Khushi in grief, in denial, Viraf as the new person helping her first in professional matters, handling the company, then slowly bringing her out of her grief ... a repeat of the ASR to Arnav story in a way. Besides this PH does the pre-confession love story much better, post confession they run out of ideas.
And I will find it very difficult to see Khushi romance a new face so soon ... if her relationship with Viraf takes time to build up, it might be easier to take.
Let's see what they have to offer. I will watch with an open mind ... I liked Viraf a lot in Kismet, so am inclined to give him a good chance.
DeleteWhat you say is true. The show can go on for a lot longer if Viraf is a new character but then do they really want the show to go on for long? It does not appear so. We are looking at another two months at the most before the show is replaced with a new one. The PH does not appear to be in the mood to run the show for long so the pre-confession story is not something they would want to have with another pair (that is what I think). Moreover, if the time line for the show is two months, it is too short a time to show Arnav's dealth, a grieving Khushi and Khushi restarting her life with a new man. It would be too rushed and more difficult to digest, given the bond Arshi has already formed. They will have to bring in a leap of some sorts then - may be five years or so before she can move on. My suspicion that ASR is here to stay gets strengthened by the fact that BS has already shot his last scenes and there has been not ending for his character. Showing Arnav taking off in the middle of an event he is sponsoring, especially when he knows that Khushi is flaterring, also does not seem logical. So the only logical path seems to be Arnav staying around and seeing to it that Khushi wins this one without letting her know that he is there for her. The pageant itself can take up a month's time. The last month may go in Arshi playing cupid for Anjali or Aarav's real father coming along and staking claim just when the adoption is getting finalised and Arshi having to let go with a heavy heart only to realise that Khushi is finally in the family way. The show then may draw curtains with baby Arshi's arrival. I know it is unthinkable to see this picture perfect scenario with one half of Sarun missing but it is still better than to show a hurried moving along for Khushi in the next two months.
Khushi is 'faultering' not 'flattering' in the above post
Deleteopti and dia, agree with you... about retaining ArHi rather than the actors...and who knows? Viraf might d justice to the show... they must be thinking of DMG.. each ridhima had her own fan following, I personally love sukirti more as she was more spontaneous and a much much better actor than shilpa could ever manage.. all shilpa had was looks..and her chemistry with KSG... ridhima's character built up more with sukirti..soo well, we never know, Viraf might surprise a few of us.. but the thing is, BS is also a BRILLIANT actor...he took a bit of time to get into the shoes of ASR, but once he did, man..there's no looking back..also he has built up the character of ASR so well..IF BS had quit back in Feb and Viraf hd replaced him then itself it would have been easier to accept him...because they could have taken some time to build up the story..since ASR totally hated khushi then.. audience would have been able to prob accept the new face, but now...ater EVERYTHING that they have been through, its difficult to accept a new face...he may create a better chemistry with Sanaya as ArHi, but ArHi will always be SaRun.. because its not like ArHi story is left incomplete, they are together, they got married, they adopted a kid... its complete in every possible way.. :) I can happily live with this ending, rather than wait for n official ending for them via the show... :)
DeleteIf Viraf is entering as a new character, then I am totally fine with it...would still watch the show..and if its true that they have shot for one week's worth of episodes in advance and that BS was shooting with Sanaya's BD while Viraf was shooting with Sanaya, then I am still hoping for a decent farewell to ASR in the next week... :)
btw...I don't think TRP audiences' reaction is different than the IF audience... one of my cousins who loved ASR/BS and therefore IPK was sooo saddened with the news of BS quitting...and she is not on any forums...she said she wouldn't watch the show too..
DeleteI have another cousin who also loves the character and esp his played by Barun soo much that I can imagine her not watching the show as well..
this was just within family though and that's not such a large scale...but that kind of gives an overview..
in all this, I feel terribly bad for Sanaya...she has been giving more than her 100% to the show and yet people are upset and want the show to end coz BS is leaving... :(
while I don't know if I will watch the show or not if Viraf replaces BS, I want the show to go on for Sanaya's will be a test for her MJHT it was so easy to romance Mohit, he was her real life in IPK, SaRun had a kind of comfort level and understanding which made them do intimate scenes with ease... if she is able to create the same kind of chemistry with Viraf and attract new fans towards their jodi, then I would say she has TRULY succeeded as an actor... :)
DeleteI doubt they would have canned one week of episodes with Sarun, even if they had shot with BDs. This show hardly had any banks till recently. They also had to rehearse for SPL. Sanaya is doing two dance sequences and Barun is hosting the show. So where was the time to banks so many episodes before they took off. I think they would have banked at the most two to three days' scenes till Sanaya got back from U.K.
Madhubala seems to have atleast two weeks bank. The Karva chauth episodes which are yet to be aired were supposed to have been shot more than two weeks back. Even the lamp and wick show has quite a lot of bank episodes. It is only this show which is forever scrounging. To make matters worse the story turned lead centric with not much for the supporting actors to do. No wonder BS actors feel burnt out while Aakash and Payal felt wasted in the show. Now we all are paying the price for the folly of the PH.
I agree with mads here. IPK is one show in which Barun is ASR and ASR is Barun and this is true across all the fans - online and TRP ones. This is one character which is impossible to replicate and if Viraf is replacing Barun then it is going to be a suicide for this show. Actually I felt that on IF we scrutinize this show to the extremes but when I talked to my family friends who are the normal TRP audience and who are not aware of the show and the rumors surrounding the show, surprising their take was also the same.
DeleteMy Friend's mom was saying why is the show gone so bad after Sheetal track was introduced and I told her it is to show some separation between Arnav and Khushi due to Aarav and pat came her reply "They could have separated due to past but that they are separating due to a small kid is ridiculous". That means every one knew the PH blew up the story when they closed the past in 1 episode. Everyone was okay with the leads separating due to past because the past was hyped from day 1 and the first episode. And then the strangest thing is that everyone is feeling the serial is going to end soon. The way Shyam's exposure was done and he sent out everyone I knew where "oh okay, this serial is going to close shop soon,pity they had such good cast and story but now it will be over in 2-3 months".
So TRP or non-TRP audience this serial doesn't have much in to attract them if BS is gone. I am so feeling bad for Sanaya. Wish her hardwork pays and she is appreciated. It would be so bad to see if Khushi's character is further reduced to a clown and a crying baby. If the creatives end with strong Khushi who carries in life happily with her memories of Arnav I can at least think of forgiving the PH at some point later in life. If they show her forgetting Arnav and go romancing the new lead in 1 week straight, this PH is gone for sure.
sarada, i agree that separation due to the past was expected... and them changing the basic storyline there, (apparently because SP demanded it) must have lost them at least 50 episodes worth of storyline.. and i am speculating that THAT is when they gave that ill-fated letter on F32.. that the story is now finished.
DeleteMads, I think Sanaya already had her test with Barun ... she didn't know him from Adam, her pairing with Mohit was well appreciated, and she went on to make history with Barun. She's up against a very tough job though - the Sarun pairing is obviously far more popular than the Monaya pairing ever was ... but for me, the fact that she has been part of two consecutive hit jodis says a lot.
DeleteBut I agree that it will be very difficult to win the TRP audience back ... for one, SaRun has become an iconic jodi, and secondly, most of the Indian audience is not ready to see a woman move on with another man. Opti pointed out two instances - BV and Na Bole Tum, but in BV, the first was a child marriage, and there was no iconic love story alongside it (Opti, correct me if I'm wrong), and the second was of a widow whose first husband was never really shown except in fb's. Here the first love has been the main story, and a hugely popular one, so even more difficult for audiences to accept the woman moving on.
Personally if it was done well, I would say, why not? That would really be Nayi Soch. It would have to be taken REALLY slowly and sensitively ... and ideally, after this sort of love story, the new love story would have to be a different sort of love ... not the passion and angst of Arshi, but something very different, maybe a friendship and companionship that builds up slowly. But as I can see even here, it seems audiences are NOT ready to see this.
The main problem here is not going to be Viraf or whether people accept Khushi with a new man. The main problem is whether the PH is really serious about this new innings.
If they are, then I would prefer a new man in Khushi's life ... maybe just a friend, another nameless relationship, that doesn't have to culminate in love or marriage. A companionship between two lonely people. It could be a really mature story if done well. Or else a story like Tum Bin ... a small film with unknown actors, which was a surprise hit because it was done so well and sensitively.
But if the show is really going off air in a couple of months, then I would prefer Viraf to be ASR. No new romance within two months please!
And I will watch anyway ... I would watch Sanaya in any new show she comes in with a new actor, so why should I stop watching this? For me, the Arshi story has had its happy ending after the remarriage - they are done. Arnav and Khushi are happy in their happy-ever-after world, rabba vey-ing by the poolside.
What we've been watching since the re-marriage has been complete timepass with no story at all ... if I could sit through that, I can watch the new innings as though it's a new show with new characters.
But it's only die-hard Sanaya fans like me who will feel this way ... I think the bulk of the audience feels like Mads, Sarada, Anita, Rekha ... so the show's days are limited. Unless the cv's can pull off a complete turnaround. They are capable of doing it ... the last week's episodes showed that. But are they willing? That is the big question.
*A rant alert*
DeleteBS leaving the show is not my reason to quit watching me BS leaving just signaled the duplicity in positions adopted by the powers-that-be....
on the one hand, they were constantly looking over their shoulder for every track......sabotaging every turning point, and finally when the lead walks out and they are unable to retain him, they go all out and say....the character is bigger than the actor and in the "show must go on spirit" want to continue with the act...
well, for me it was the last straw in the camel's back....if the "character was always bigger than the actor" and the "script was the only hero"....itne din yeh sab kya mazak chal raha tha....if Viraf is indeed their ASR, the new hero,why the hesitancy in giving him a proper introduction....why did they not continue with their original story line (its obvious that there were changes made to every important track in IPK for reasons best known to them)
I am no passionate fan that will watch a serial for an actor, even being an admirer of San, i did not watch MJHT even tho i knew she was in it...just becos college romances are not my idea of a soulful love story...owe no special allegiance to any one on that and accord no actor a demigod status (actually in that respect, i am useless as a fan,i treat much of an actor's work as their job, simply believe some better than others in their work and unfortunately took to commenting on their work on which i have no authority and a right probably conferred on their work being in public domain)...the closest i have ever been a true fan is that of MS Dhoni...and even then i can call myself a fan of the man,the leader not really Dhoni the cricketer...
*Rant over*
Phew happy its off my me.....LOL
Rekh ... shaant, gadadhari Bheem, shaant!!! :D
DeleteOn second thoughts .. rant away ... that's what this place is for ... see my tagline for the blog - I need an outlet!!! So do we all!!!
Yaar, I say again ... Viraf will not be new ASR ... I think even Gul, after her recent interview will not go down that road ... she herself has admitted that nobody can be accepted as ASR after Barun, and I think she will stick to it.
And like I have always felt, the Arshi story is basically done ... in the PH's own words ... they have no clue how to take it forward. We as an audience keep pointing out so many open ends and untied loops, but they are unable, or simply unwilling to see it! The two big stories - the BFTP as well revealing Shyam's entire truth, not just the deception but also his murder attempts - ALL have been swept under the carpet.
Maybe as Opti says, they just don't have the capability to show anything other than a good love story. Maybe again as Opti says, they lose focus, they stop thinking, no attention to the side characters, only on the leads ... and can keep a story afloat only for a year maximum without letting it fade out. As a PH who have just graduated to a mainstream GEC, they have a LOT to learn, and I hold them most responsible for the debacle that IPK has become.
I am an average viewer like you for most shows, in fact for almost all. I watch a show till it holds my interest, and stop watching when it's done, I don't remember a single show that I have followed from start to end. IPK is the first ever show I have followed since the beginning.
I have detached from Arnav Khushi since quite some time, because like I keep saying, for me, a strong female lead is essential to keep my interest up. Ever since Khushi became OTT and too childish, and I stopped relating to her, the Arnav Khushi love story for me is done. Maybe that's why I'm able to watch with more detachment and continue watching even after Arnav is gone. And if Khushi becomes stronger and mature, then it will revive my interest.
Till then, I want to watch for Sanaya ... she pulled me into watching MJHT, I never knew of her before that show, and I sat through some pretty crappy stuff because she managed to make it worth a watch on most days ... as long as I enjoy watching her on screen, I will watch. The day I stop enjoying Sanaya, I will stop watching. I have already stopped enjoying Khushi as much as I used to, as you can tell by the length of my write ups :)))
DeleteHugs....when i hear the Shanth,Gadadhari Bheem,Shaanth....all the fight and petulance just goes out of me...i do feel silly now about the rant...LOL
actually for most part...i have been the "all the people have their own reasons for all this has and nothing much to it beyond a sense of desolateness for emotionally invested fans"...Its just that bitter after taste when u start scratching the surface and see little signs of the use of the position of power....
I guess to an extent, the quote abt character bigger than actor really got my goat...becos if it is really so...why cop out on the character....and if it was a public posturing to an online audience, wouldn't it have been just better to say that while the fact is tat the character is bigger than an actor every once in a while there will be that someone special who will steal the hearts of viewers with their special portrayal....and then go on to do whatever they want....which they anyway will and anyone who wants to see will see....i guess this haath keechna when it comes to giving praise where it was wholly due hurt me....
well the dust will settle on this too sooner or later...
Man ka samundar pyaasa hua, kyu kisi se maange dua
Lahero ka laga jo mela, toofaan na kaho usko
Phir kahin koi phool khila...chaahat na kaho usko
Dekhe sab woh sapne, khud hi sajaaye jo humne
Dil unse behel jaaye to, raahat na kaho usko
Phir kahin koi phool khila...chaahat na kaho usko
Its not a rant anymore...more a resignation to things..*sigh*
Yes, I agree with you COMPLETELY on the last one ... the actors have been generous in their praise of the characters, the story and the script ... and NOT ONCE have those behind the scenes come out and praised them openly for making those characters larger than life. Especially in view of the shoddy script and screenplay and direction in the past few months, the viewers that IPK has managed to hold on to, are only sticking on because of the actors. I'm sure even the powers that be recognise this ... that is precisely why SP tried to hold on to Barun, so many negotiations, the SP trip ... I don't think they would have bothered two hoots about Gia. One wrong step from her and she was out.
DeleteWhile for Barun, they bent over backwards to accommodate his movie plans in April, forcing the PH to change the storyline etc ... if the character was truly bigger than the actor, then why did they do all that? And if the PH has faith in their story and their writing, then why did they bend? Or when Barun came back, why did they not try to go back to what they had originally written for the story? This is their job, their profession ... they did a pretty shoddy job, and the audience clung on for the actors only ...
Ah well ... all water under a bridge ... the show became a victim of its own success, and probably the first step that started the whole thing was Barun's movie ... the domino effect began from there. At that time, maybe a new face for ASR might have been accepted ... not now. And Barun has taken the step again of walking out ... so Arnav has to die. I'm just glad that Arnav Khushi got their happy ending before he left.
Madsie .... My YT is blocked but the line is so true .... Ab kehna aur kya jab tune keh diya .... Alvida !!
ReplyDeleteAaaahh feel much better after random stupid joke session with cousins and repeatedly reminding myself that what's happening in AD is all that matters not someone who does not know about my existence.....though I completely support him ....he has all the rights to decide for himself &so wished fandom will not interfere par chalo chado.....even then I had to help myself with triple helpings of chocolate mousse!!!
All support and logic aside final parting really hurts. If the guy had done something stupid or said something mean there could at least have been some issues to subside this feeling. Parting on good terms sucks it AD or SKD.
True, Sam... :( parting on good terms TOTALLY hurts... :(
DeleteSarun at the airport:
Thanks Opti..these two are so cute...
DeleteThanks, Opti ... they look so cute! And so young ... like college kids! Especially the one where they're both sitting on the floor. Awww ... will miss them and their off-screen friendship.
DeleteThanks, Opti.
DeleteCho chweet...both of them. Sanaya is a real cutie pie.
It seems on nov 29 there will be no IPK.
I just caught a snippet of some Khoj for nayi soch with Aamir Khan- manorama mami was there with sandhya's mil.
awww soo cute!!! :)) I want SaRun back in a new show.. BAS, BOL DIYA!!!!
Deletethanks for sharing, opti.. :)
thanks, opti!
DeleteHOW can somebody else create this kind of magic???
:(( I know Viraf is a decent actor and all that, but as a new character, NOT as ASR, please...
and interestingly, NEITHER of the reports that have mentioned Viraf so far have said that he is a replacement as ASR...they have always said he will be the new male lead... none of them have confirmed that he will play ASR... for all we know he may end up with anji...
also, if reports are to be believed, both SaRun have shot in advance for onc week worth of their scenes...
No idea what the CVs have planned!!!! :S just when I thought it was easy to detox BS comes up looking sooo sauve and handsome and comes along the most passionate rabba vey that I have seen since a long, long time!!! :(
a VERY touching SBS -
I swear I cried listening to the lines in the beginning -
behti hawa sa tha woh..udti patang sa tha woh.. kaha gaya use dhoondo..
humko to raahe thi banati, woh khud apni raah banata..girta sambhalta, masti mein chalta tha woh.. :)
Deleteat the beginning of SBB..they showed Khushi (SI's BD) fainting and BS running to hold soo curious to know what happened..why a BD?? that too for his last scenes!! ggrrrhhh..
he did look sound emotional though...kya yaar yeh..wish he could stay back!!!
aww the reporter made sobti sad..
Deletepoor guy is between a rock and a hard place.. and he is obviously muzzled. but still he said that he is against SPL concept.. he did not jump into the dreamworks business at 17..he has seen life, it is not all fun n games, etc etc.
while trying to avoid the main topic, he said a great deal about the periphery :)
mads, thanks for the link!
ani, do you have a link for sbb?
main mar nahi raha hoon yaar:
Love this guy's simplicity and humility.
He just wants his privacy and his life.
This is a beautiful vm I got from the sbs link.
Very sweet and nicely made.
got sbb link
just wondering - was it a BD fainting or is this how he dies? trying to save someone else?
Deleteany takers??
they don't look all that bad together, I'd say..
no mads sorry!!
Deletei am still stuck in the BS only with SI phase!!
and i think this Viraf person should stop tweeting..IF is taking offense to everything he is saying..though i also wonder what he meant when he tweeted.."woh karein toh chamatkar aur hum karein toh balatkar"!!!
Yikes way!
DeleteKaran Goddwani or Karan Wahi make a better pairing than VP...........but ARHI can only be SARUN, no replacement!
Not Karan Goddwani ... please!!! Karan Wahi would be good.
DeleteThat's not a great picture of Viraf. My memory of him is from Kismat, when I didn't know him from Adam ... he is good looking, and made an excellent suave sophisticated businessman, born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
ROFL ... the guy has a great sense of humor ... people are being so unbearably rude on his personal twitter account, he's obviously having fun at their expense!
Okay if it was a brand new show, with Sanaya and viraf, I would have been super duper excited. Now..well I just wish, this was indeed a new show with two of them together.
DeleteLooks like I am out of BS-SI pairing too, I am totally cool with seeing them with other people provided the ones can atleast match them in terms of their acting abilities.
Jaao Sobti Jaao,
ReplyDeleteApni Zindagi Jiyo.
Jahan raho khush raho!!
Ensure you don't become another David Caruso, Amar Upadhyay or Mohnish Behl.
As for Viraf, good luck and loads of patience & sense of are soooooooooo going to need it.
Although the logic of entering a show when it is rumored to be going off air in a month or so beats me, but hey it is better than sitting at home I guess...AND if this sets him up for something bigger, fair enough:)
I have not watched the shows since ages, have effectively moved on.....want to hold on to the good memories.
Oh and I am a shallow person*glares at godjee and is making sure godjee restricts my shallowness to reel life characters and not real people*
Since the haircut didn't happen, it was far more easier for me to get over ASR/BS.
Will I watch the show now, has always been the characters and since Khushi no where resembles the one I loved it, I will watch it probably after a month or so to see if the they do something really fantastic with Khushi and viraf's character.....If at all one character deserves to be handled with respect atleast from now onwards and the actress to it is khushi/sanaya.
I have moved on officially from this show, I am watching MB now and to be honest, Vivian totally humbled me, the guy is getting better everyday...seems to be regular with his haircut, enunciation is pretty good and he is slowly mastering the nuances of the character...he might or might not reach the level of sobti when it comes to nuances, but the fact is RK is now a completely differnt character now and for me despite the eerie resemblances to IPKKND not withstanding, i have started enjoying the show.
Unfortunately just like Khushi, MB looks like is headed the goofy way,but this time I am better prepared to handle it, besides even if MB's character goes for a toss, there is Raza Murad as Mr. Bhatia...actually the entire bhatiya family is too blood brilliant to watch and ofcourse the surprise element the actor who plays bittuji is fantastic.
More on that later in another post.
Sorry guys, AD and powercuts are keeping me away from being regular, hopefully in next week will be back if not for IPK but for MB:)
Hugs everyone
Shwethu *hugs*
DeleteWatch MB, watch QH, watch anything ... but keep tapkofying here ... we miss our BG and her chats with Godjee to keep the CV's in line!
MB reminds me too much of IPK, there are far too many similarities, so I have not gotten hooked to it ... although I agree to being pleasantly surprised by Vivian. While he doesn't have the expressive eyes of Barun, his dialogue delivery is way better, and his character has been better sketched as well, compared to the ASR after the hate wedding. Surprisingly Drashti, whom I always liked, is coming across as less impressive. Maybe the scenes I have caught have been that way, they've shown Madhu to be a pretty standard weepy helpless type ... I haven't seen the fiery ones where she stands up to RK, except for one when she emptied his liquor bottles, in which she was OKAY, not more. The one I liked was when she breaks down after Mukund leaves her ... nothing else has impressed me too much.
IPK - the Arnav Khushi story is finished for me ... I will now watch for Sanaya ... to see Khushi's new innings. I just hope the makers give her character some respect now, the way they did during the kidnapping. Hopefully now that the whole drama of "Is he going/ is he staying/ is he coming back" is over ... the cv's might remember they have a show to run. The last week has given me some hope that they can pull it back, now that the decision has been made.
IF they want to pull it back at all, that is. That itself is a big IF.
DeleteYes, MB has a lot of similarities with IPK but I think there is way more depth brought out in the character of the male lead. They are also making good use of the supporting cast and script wise I feel MB scores over IPK. The jodi is also clicking - may not be as magical as Arshi but I think with time they will come close. Viv is really impressive and is improving with every episode.
MB was shown as a very strong character in the beginning but right now she is in the lovelorn phase and hence some goofiness is to be expected. Drashti is not as impressive as she was in Geet. In fact even Gurmeet is not as good in PV as he was in Geet which makes me wonder if it is their jodi in that show which was bringing out the best in them. One needs to wait to see if Barun is able to do as good a job with another co-star in another character as he did here. We already know Sanaya is quite versatile and has aleady proved her worth.
Opti, Dia,
DeleteI agree with both of you.
Dia, I loved Drashti in that scene where the boy friend leaves her- I thought she was amazing there. That is why I m very disappointed with her.
I agree with Opti that she is goofy and silly now, rightfully so- she has just realised she is in love. I guess I don't like the script as much, though I liked the 2 song sequences. Looks like Madhu is headed towards some heart break, RK does not look like he is ready for love. Vivian is getting better by the day.
I think Barun will also do well with another co star going by the response fangirls gave him and Sheetal.
But the jodi has to click.
I have absolutely no doubt San will do well with any co-star....she has that edge....its unfortunate that her character Khushi was written with least attention....almost as if the only role she had to play was to get Arnav to realise being in love with her......the very fact tat San made a diff in this role, and won our hearts when the attention was principally on ASR's role is entirely to her credit.....
Deletei am yet to see MB, is it too late to start watching this serial hearing u say such things abot this serial?
Shwethu,read ur post...
DeleteJust love u damnit!! teri baaton mein kuch jadoo hain!!
If BS ever reads ur post....he will know haircut na karna kitna bhari pad gaya.....
What is this MB serial?
Deleteits Madhubala - ek ishq and something, i dunno the full name. its aired on colors tv, with drashti and vivian as the main leads.
DeleteNaturally everyone has a view abot the future of IPK....i guess the channel is exactly hoping for view negates another and some sort of equilibrium is even if the pre-BS IPK hysteria is not achieved,there is some semblance of acceptance so that the show can go a medium,their only aim is and rightly would be continuation of their business plans.....just as the fans plans would be to decide whether to continue to watch or not.
ReplyDeletei have no idea about the future of IPK and frankly should i care? the channel and PH have indicated in clear terms that the character is bigger than the actor and the story has run its the medium is essentially telling me that i was wrong to place so much of expectation in the story and the actor who played the character.
Since,i feel my judgement abot the actor who played the character ( i still believe BS made ASR memorable with every passing day ) and the story not living upto its promise is not wrong.....i will desist from believing the channel or the makers on anything that they are now going to tell me.....
Viraf may or may not do well as will be a real test of fandom here.....personally,for me the issue is not about Viraf coming in as ASR or not....its my irritation as a viewer to have been taken for granted for long by the makers and the have been dished out crap and me taking it all in the hope that there is some light at the end of the tunnel..agreed yes no one forced me but i look the fool here at the end of the day...and i retaliate in the only way i can legitimately do...STOP WATCHING IPK as my emotions count for something...
Rekha, Agree with you. I have no idea about the future of IPK - will it run or will it not run but what is really making me irritated is that I have been taken for granted and taken for a ride. The story which was promised to me in the promos never was shown.
Delete- Where was the past overshadowing the future
- Where was the Nafrat pass aane na de - Mohabhaat door jaane na de tagline.
- Where was the star crossed love story a love story worth the Romeo - juliet , Heer - Ranjha
And I strongly disagree that the story ran its course. There were many places which the loopholes were left and which closed properly could have extended the storyline for another 6 months with easy
- First and foremost the past and the complete disclosure of past of Arnav and Khushi and how they were related and the tussle that could have followed would have given the story a minimum 2 months of life.
- Grooming of Khushi, her fitting in Arnav's world could have been done better with much more sensibility than the Mrs.India contest.
- Development of Anjali storyline, showing her strong and self-dependent and along with her a life partner to her would have given the story a better feel
When we who are writers in real life but who have read some novels will growing up can come up with much better storyline, what are the creatives and PH of this serial doing. It is point blank clear that for PH they got money they intended to make and now this show is a money making machine and they want to jettison it and move on to bigger pastures. Then should I stick around when there is no incentive to be. Nope. I don't think so. I already feel like fool for being taken as granted and I wish to call quits before it becomes more bad.
Sorry in the earlier post I meant
DeleteWhen we who are *not* writers in real life
Link to Barun'a last interview from IPK sets:
looks like the link has already been posted. Poor fellow happened to mention that San and he live in the same building or rather in the vicinity and that has started lot of rumours in IF with people even starting a chat club thread to discuss the non-existent 'affair' between the two and this being the reason for Barun quitting becuase his wife got to know of it. It is really appalling how people can come up with such crap. They did it the earlier two jodis I was addicted to (Michi and Maaneet). I was happy atleast Sarun were spared and now even after one of them left, phangirls seem to still spin such yarns.
DeleteTheir SKD, Opti. Fortunately Sanaya and Mohit are seen often enough in public together to nip most of the rumors in the bud, and they have a very healthy fan following of their own. And Barun has always made it a point to mention his wife in all interviews. Plus it does seem that the couples are all good friends .. Mohit Sanaya, Barun Pashmeen, Daljeet Shaleen and Akshay and his wife. It's actually so much easier for couples to be friends if both sides get along well. Even at SPA one could make out when Sanaya received the trophy from Ridhi Dogra, who is Akshay's sister, they already seemed to know each other well ... Sanaya and Barun attended Ridhi's husband's birthday bash ... they all seem one big happy group. And the fact that they are all couples or committed (as in Monaya) makes it so much easier.
Deletethanks dia, for the positive post.
DeletePicture of Sarun in bus ... I think from UK.
ReplyDeleteKokilaben is obviously under the happy impression the photographer is clicking her.
Dia - is episode ka "edit" to banta hai - please, pretty please, with a cherry on top!
ReplyDeleteMonu ... will do, later tonight maybe ... weekends are always a bit hectic, but you're right, this episode does deserve it!
Deletedont know why BS is leaving but if he is leaving for the sake of his wife - hats off to him - he is actually trying to save his marriage, spend time with his wife, stand by like she stood by him! - if he is going for other movies - well he has every right to, all of us want better jobs always :D (but am sadder with this part as it effect our ASR!)
ReplyDeletebut the PH cannot be let off so easy - a list of tracks that were just that - did not lead to the flow of the story - and tracks they could have built on and tracks i would have liked to see:
- Anji finding a better person
- Anji doing something worthwhile!
- And if they wanted more family involvement - some scenes on KKG-Anji relationship - a sensitive and +ve way of showing how KKG took over the reigns from anji
- Payash staying on and their story progressing - Payal fitting into Akash's world
- open threads - HOLI!!! they never talked about it - even though ODB knew what had happened
- Ma kay kangan
- References to past arhi history like diwali, nanitaal, gh, etc etc
- Khushi learning to do business with ASR as boss (clash of egos could have been a good track)
- Shashi improving and someway getting TF punished
- some follow up on the gupta world
- And needless to add - the very pheeka BFTP!! - that had soo much potential
- AND what about the Gupta house - who bought it?? and they accepted it without even a thnaks?
madsie.....which is why i don't care for this holier-than-thou attitude of the channel and Ph in making it as if "oh but what could we do when BS did not want to stick on" question what did u do in the time he was there...fat use u made of his presence...and if the serial has to still to go without his presence what stopped them from telling their story...
Deleteon a totally diff note,London weather is acting up has been raining continuously from the morning....very gloomy here...Birmingham will be no diff today...hope BS and SI get to experience better weather tommo....the forecast is for a sunny day tommo....
Everyone seems busy today :(
ReplyDeleteventured on to IF after a long while - and boy - are they spewing venom or what!!! its not even funny anymore the way the (twisted in their heads) fans are preparing to protest! and the poor viraf guy is in danger! BS all of a sudden i am ok with you leaving - these crazed females really will not let you live!
infact i was wondering of these crazy ladies continue this nonsense, SI an dBS will def nover pair up again - their respective spouses will not allow it - fearing for their lives!! Crazy women!!!
crazy doesnt even begin to cover it!
Deleteviraf seems to be having a field day at the expense of barun's fans... his replies got me totally ROFLing...
ROFL.Yeah, he is a cool guy.
DeleteWonder how they manage to get such cool people on the sets!
May be that is a part of their job description- you gotta be super cool to be able to handle the mad females we attract?
I also read one tweet where he was explaining to a sympathetic person that the mad fans bash him out of love for the show- such an understanding fella! I am looking forward to seeing this guy now.
I really hope he does not infect Sanaya with this twitter mania- woh jaisi hai theek hai.
She said she and Barun are not in to social net working, good for them both.
on a totally diff note,just caught a glimpse on Star TV,a small snippet where the SPL stars are about to board their flight to UK and all of them mention an short intro and all add the part about flying by the carrier (air India,their sponsor...guess what only BS forgets to mention this part.about the carrier..he is a real cutie...actually San and he (apart from Salim-Sulaiman) were the only ones who sounded blase about the whole thing...well well...BS somehow naturally treats all this very that aspect abot him...dunno why....
some updates
scroll down to naz's post
Thanks, Rekha and Jaya, thanks for the links ... have not ventured on to IF today except for the posts you mentioned.
DeleteIn view of Monu's post above, I am glad to hear that the protests are a damp squib ... am even more glad to see that for Barun and Sanaya, it seems to be just business as usual, and they are perfectly cool with the situation ... I can allow myself to hope that they WILL come back together in a another show some time ... yes, I know - SKD!
And although I feel a bit bad for the other stars, am glad for one more thing, that SP has also seen that BS/SI are the main draw ... yes, they already knew that, that's why BS was roped in for SPL, and the tickets prices hiked ... but seeing this in reality would hopefully reinforce to SP that they need to bring BS back soon. That is of course, if he really doesn't have any movie plans lined up ...
Thanks Rekha and Jaya for the links , BS/SI seem blase as usual. why did i feel that the lamp and wick were just pathetic with trying accents !!! agrr !!!! i hate when ppl try to do it !!
DeleteMona agree with you if BS has quit for his wife hatts off to him!! and if for better oportunity then again who doesn't want a better job, and I blame the PH/SP for this for not giving the actors the story that would have made them stay back.
whatever it is for me BARUN IS ASR BAS !!! now
if the protest seems unimpressionable, I am happy. I may be a saddist here , but I really don't want BS back after this because of fans request , last show down with ASR alive is fine for me would be the last option, I would rather be happy with no ASR at all , Khushi being the single mother and managing the AR strong and independent may be a end scene with Aarav taking over AR ... but BS returning back after a break because of fans is something I am dreading ... It so much reminds me of "Return of Di".. the PH will just ruin him completely with their saddist attitude
ReplyDeleteI think there is a video on youtube on this ...
DeleteFound it :)))
DeleteA befitting tribute to the epic love story of Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta. I got so emotional watching it today ! I just miss them so much. Will we ever see such a compelling story onscreen again?
aaahhh thanks Dia..
DeleteASR fangirling video.. put a smile on your face
crack vm.. LMAO
hahaha seriously funny!! perfect songs for the right scenes - loved the :main yahaan hoon" for mamaji - too good!!!
Deletei wont object to this guy for khushi
bankaylaal - now did the CVs not think of casting him ;)
Delete<3 arshi.. the journey
One of the stupidest interviews of Barun I've heard. The interviwer clearly did not know what to ask.
Agree with you, completely ridiculous interview!
DeleteGod, what crap - the interviewer was really clueless - i could have done a better job - obviously he does not even know the shows!!!
ReplyDeleteDia, loved the update..
ReplyDeletevintage Dia.. (hayee)
am trawling tumblr today..
so another snippet'
Dia - thank you for the edit - and you did justice to it (as always!) - just when i was trying to detox, it had to be sooo good!!!
ReplyDeletebtw - i too was very happy the CVs finally mentioned a car!!! it has always bugged me ( and have ranted about it so often) could not stand why there was never a car or KKG or her family (even during the numerous weddings!!
i guess it was always assumed that once khusi got 'properly' married to arnav, she would begin using his stuff as her own... she did not feel that she had the right, while she was a contract wife..
Deleteshe did mention buying jewelry and clothes on raksha bandhan.. that was right after the 'proper' wedding.
Beautiful edit Dia :)
ReplyDeletenow what???
Beautiful edit Dia , but heck what the articles about IPK ending on 30th nov abruptly !!! I am fine with it !! but what it means it will end with end of Arnav ???
ReplyDeleteI will kill them if they end it with his death at least show an epilouge after some years with khushi handling AR to aarav ???
DIA , sorry for the CAPS!!
I really want an happy ending now ... dam if its ASR's death I wouldn't be able to take it agrhhhhhhhh !!! Khushi/Sanaya will make it impossible for me to get over within hours and worst is i cant even come here for a long time !!!
do any of you have the link for PCA of sarun?