Wednesday 31st Oct '12
A basketball match ... organized by a penitent wife to apologise for hurting her husband ... and watched her husband bond with a child not her own ...
A match ... where she feels suddenly how out of place she is in one part of his world ... an outsider, looking in ...
An outsider in the match? Or in his world? Or in his life?
A daydream ... or a day nightmare ... out of place with her jalebis in his world of salads and fruits and pasta ...
A family gathered together ... a man bonding with a boy ... a shared game, a shared disease ... while she looks in from the outside. A stranger in her own home.
A note from the past ... Awesome Twosome ... or threesome ... but still not including her.
Old photographs from a misty shared past ... is it really the past? Or are fingers of the mist creeping into the present?
Precap - Aarav wants to meet his father. His mother had promised ...
BB match continues ... next to do a foul and leave is Manorama Mami ... trying to cootchie coo Arav into giving her the ball ... Mami annoyed that she can't even express her affection on court!
Khushi marks Akash ... Sheetal trying to tackle Arnav ... a close moment ... and Khushi turns and watches, suddenly shocked ... so shocked that she doesn't register Sheetal throwing the ball to her ... nor does she register Arnav's automatic "watch out!" ... shell-shocked into stillness at that almost eyelock, oblivious to the shouts from the onlookers, Arnav pauses to check on her ... Arav takes the ball from her with ease, and Arnav's attention is distracted back from Khushi to the game and to encouraging Arav ...
Arav tries to score a basket, fails ... poor child is disappointed ... Arnav scores for him ... and he's happy, the child in him emerging from the mini ASR ...
Is that because mini ASR is not really him, it was all the training? Or is that because he's actually flowering with all the love and attention, especially from a father-figure, which he was lacking all his life?
I don't play BB myself, but I have watched games ... don't really understand why it was necessary for Arnav to keep challenging Sheetal in the middle of the game!
Khushi trips Akash and cries foul ... Akash next to exit ... loved the way Mami happily sided with Khushi over her son ... team comes first! As did all the ladies, of course!
And so it's down to Arnav Arav against Sheetal on court ... as Khushi stands by on the sidelines ... and Sheetal scores thrice and Arnav once ... scores level ... loved Mami's little soda pop dance
She is actually very much like Khushi when she forgets to be nasty!
Arnav challenges Sheetal again ...
And Khushi gets the ball, can't pass, so runs with it, scores, and does her victory dance, much to the joy of the watching ladies, who don't know the B of basketball, and to the amusement of everyone, including Arnav ... but of course it's a foul and she's out. Akash bursts their bubble ... and Arnav walks up to Khushi, flicks her nose in his trademark gesture, and ruins it by telling her rather dismissively, 'go learn how to play basketball first, it's basket, not goal ...'
Sheetal is actually sweeter, when she tells Khushi what she did wrong ... and assures her she'll manage on her own ...
And now the game is actually over, it's all about getting Arav to score his basket ... he gets the ball, with everyone egging him on ... tries, fails, and Arnav hoists him on his shoulder to try again ... and he does!
Much to everyone's joy and cheering ...
And Arav is just a little boy now, all delighted with his first basket ... as is the entire family as they rush to congratulate him ... His mom is thrilled, Arnav is smiling at the little boy's joy ...
All except Khushi ... left on the outside ... looking in ... Arav's joy, Sheetal's pride ... and Arnav's smiling pleasure ...
Arav does his signature handshake with Arnav ... then with Sheetal ... and hugs Arnav ... Sheetal with a very strange expression on her face ... (the woman needs to emote!!!) ... and Khushi's face becomes smaller and smaller ... as she walks away quietly from the court side ... alone.
Khushi back home, making jalebis, her stress buster ... trying to console herself ... 'of course, they're happy, they won after all ... what's there to be upset about?'
And a nightmare in the middle of the day ... Khushi's worst nightmare, Arnav telling her to leave, because she's just not good enough for him ... while Sheetals looks on smugly ... and they all laugh at her ...
It was her imagination ... Khushi is nearing the edge now ... nearing breakpoint ...
Family comes in ... none of them wondered about Khushi till now?
Arav still in seventh heaven about his basket, next year he'll be tall enough to shoot his own ... a simultaneous "Of course" from Arnav and Sheetal ... seen and heard by Khushi.

The family discusses the fun they had ... and no one remembers the person who organised it
as Khushi watches from outside with a lost look on her face ... 
No one is missing her, wondering about her, thinking about her ... they're all enjoying the aftermath of the match ... NK praises Sheetal and Anjali chimes in about how Sheetal is a modern girl and can manage games and raising her child ...
Arnav chimes in about what a great team they were in college ... they could take on the rest of the college ...
Seriously?! After you just spent the morning saying how Sheetal always used to lose to you and wasn't a good player?!
Give it a break, Arnav! Unless you have short term memory loss, and have also completely forgotten about your wife's insecurities!
Sheetal add they were the 'Awesome Twosome', Arav chimes in now they're 'Awesome Threesome!' ... a very awkward hi5 between Arnav Sheetal ...
Nani says fondly she remembers Arnav's childhood ... and Arnav finally feels a little awkward ... halleluiah! Are all men this dense or is Arnav extra thick?! Maybe because Khushi brought it up, he now feels a little awkward with the talk ... but will it ever hit his thick head that his wife might just have a reason to be uncomfortable with this constant discussion about Arav resembling him?!
So he looks around belatedly and asks where Khushi is ... and Khushi's small face lights up for a moment, that he actually remembered her ... 'hum yahin hain' ... so insecure is she that even a crumb is gratefully acknowledged ...
But more heartburn ... Mami offers her jalebis to Arav, Arnav and Sheetal simultaneously say 'No!' ... The family knows why, but Arav doesn't ...
Has Sheetal not even explained to him about his illness till now? What the ...!!!!
So Arnav tries to explain by sugar-coating about being a good basketball player ...
I have a friend whose son has juvenile diabetes ... his doctor explained to him when he was first diagnosed at the age of six, that taking injections will soon become to him a habit like brushing his teeth. That boy is now in the throes of college applications, and his college essay is titled "Taking Injections is like Brushing Teeth." I've read his essay - it's truly inspirational. So I was not impressed with Sheetal's handling of Arav's illness at all.
Anjali is impressed with Arnav's handling of Arav ... and the whole family hints openly about his own kids ... Sheetal looks very uncomfortable ... Khushi looks even more distressed ... Arnav's reactions were barely shown ... in normal circumstances, he would have looked at Khushi and smirked, the way he did during Janamashtami, but that was when he was head over heels in love with her and scared of losing her ... now he's just seen and heard Nani talk about Arav resembling him, he knows Khushi is upset over the possibility of Arav being his ... so his smirk should have died when he saw her distress. But they're not showing Arnav's reactions at all ... probably because this is all from Khushi's pov, and she doesn't see his reactions either right now.
And further fodder to fuel Khushi's upset ... Sheetal is looking at old pictures, with a soft reminiscent smile on her face. When Khushi tries to probe about Arav's father, Sheetal refuses to discuss the matter. And leaves, conveniently leaving three fallen photographs for Khushi to pick up and see.
Arnav and Sheetal. Playing basketball.
Leaving Khushi to come to the obvious conclusion that Sheetal is not over Arnav at all.
SN - at least Khushi has better manners than Sheetal, she says sorry for entering without knocking ...
The only way Sheetal is pure white is if Arav is indeed Arnav's son, and she's trying to hide it from Khushi, Arnav and the family.
Otherwise she's grey ... as dark grey as a storm cloud ... which she's beginning to resemble more and more closely.
A basketball match ... organized by a penitent wife to apologise for hurting her husband ... and watched her husband bond with a child not her own ...
A match ... where she feels suddenly how out of place she is in one part of his world ... an outsider, looking in ...
An outsider in the match? Or in his world? Or in his life?
A daydream ... or a day nightmare ... out of place with her jalebis in his world of salads and fruits and pasta ...
A family gathered together ... a man bonding with a boy ... a shared game, a shared disease ... while she looks in from the outside. A stranger in her own home.
A note from the past ... Awesome Twosome ... or threesome ... but still not including her.
Old photographs from a misty shared past ... is it really the past? Or are fingers of the mist creeping into the present?
Precap - Aarav wants to meet his father. His mother had promised ...
BB match continues ... next to do a foul and leave is Manorama Mami ... trying to cootchie coo Arav into giving her the ball ... Mami annoyed that she can't even express her affection on court!
Khushi marks Akash ... Sheetal trying to tackle Arnav ... a close moment ... and Khushi turns and watches, suddenly shocked ... so shocked that she doesn't register Sheetal throwing the ball to her ... nor does she register Arnav's automatic "watch out!" ... shell-shocked into stillness at that almost eyelock, oblivious to the shouts from the onlookers, Arnav pauses to check on her ... Arav takes the ball from her with ease, and Arnav's attention is distracted back from Khushi to the game and to encouraging Arav ...
Arav tries to score a basket, fails ... poor child is disappointed ... Arnav scores for him ... and he's happy, the child in him emerging from the mini ASR ...
Is that because mini ASR is not really him, it was all the training? Or is that because he's actually flowering with all the love and attention, especially from a father-figure, which he was lacking all his life?
I don't play BB myself, but I have watched games ... don't really understand why it was necessary for Arnav to keep challenging Sheetal in the middle of the game!
Khushi trips Akash and cries foul ... Akash next to exit ... loved the way Mami happily sided with Khushi over her son ... team comes first! As did all the ladies, of course!
And so it's down to Arnav Arav against Sheetal on court ... as Khushi stands by on the sidelines ... and Sheetal scores thrice and Arnav once ... scores level ... loved Mami's little soda pop dance
Arnav challenges Sheetal again ...
And Khushi gets the ball, can't pass, so runs with it, scores, and does her victory dance, much to the joy of the watching ladies, who don't know the B of basketball, and to the amusement of everyone, including Arnav ... but of course it's a foul and she's out. Akash bursts their bubble ... and Arnav walks up to Khushi, flicks her nose in his trademark gesture, and ruins it by telling her rather dismissively, 'go learn how to play basketball first, it's basket, not goal ...'
Sheetal is actually sweeter, when she tells Khushi what she did wrong ... and assures her she'll manage on her own ...
And now the game is actually over, it's all about getting Arav to score his basket ... he gets the ball, with everyone egging him on ... tries, fails, and Arnav hoists him on his shoulder to try again ... and he does!
Much to everyone's joy and cheering ...
And Arav is just a little boy now, all delighted with his first basket ... as is the entire family as they rush to congratulate him ... His mom is thrilled, Arnav is smiling at the little boy's joy ...
All except Khushi ... left on the outside ... looking in ... Arav's joy, Sheetal's pride ... and Arnav's smiling pleasure ...
Arav does his signature handshake with Arnav ... then with Sheetal ... and hugs Arnav ... Sheetal with a very strange expression on her face ... (the woman needs to emote!!!) ... and Khushi's face becomes smaller and smaller ... as she walks away quietly from the court side ... alone.
Khushi back home, making jalebis, her stress buster ... trying to console herself ... 'of course, they're happy, they won after all ... what's there to be upset about?'
And a nightmare in the middle of the day ... Khushi's worst nightmare, Arnav telling her to leave, because she's just not good enough for him ... while Sheetals looks on smugly ... and they all laugh at her ...
It was her imagination ... Khushi is nearing the edge now ... nearing breakpoint ...
Family comes in ... none of them wondered about Khushi till now?
Arav still in seventh heaven about his basket, next year he'll be tall enough to shoot his own ... a simultaneous "Of course" from Arnav and Sheetal ... seen and heard by Khushi.
The family discusses the fun they had ... and no one remembers the person who organised it
No one is missing her, wondering about her, thinking about her ... they're all enjoying the aftermath of the match ... NK praises Sheetal and Anjali chimes in about how Sheetal is a modern girl and can manage games and raising her child ...
Arnav chimes in about what a great team they were in college ... they could take on the rest of the college ...
Seriously?! After you just spent the morning saying how Sheetal always used to lose to you and wasn't a good player?!
Sheetal add they were the 'Awesome Twosome', Arav chimes in now they're 'Awesome Threesome!' ... a very awkward hi5 between Arnav Sheetal ...
Nani says fondly she remembers Arnav's childhood ... and Arnav finally feels a little awkward ... halleluiah! Are all men this dense or is Arnav extra thick?! Maybe because Khushi brought it up, he now feels a little awkward with the talk ... but will it ever hit his thick head that his wife might just have a reason to be uncomfortable with this constant discussion about Arav resembling him?!
So he looks around belatedly and asks where Khushi is ... and Khushi's small face lights up for a moment, that he actually remembered her ... 'hum yahin hain' ... so insecure is she that even a crumb is gratefully acknowledged ...
But more heartburn ... Mami offers her jalebis to Arav, Arnav and Sheetal simultaneously say 'No!' ... The family knows why, but Arav doesn't ...
Has Sheetal not even explained to him about his illness till now? What the ...!!!!
So Arnav tries to explain by sugar-coating about being a good basketball player ...
I have a friend whose son has juvenile diabetes ... his doctor explained to him when he was first diagnosed at the age of six, that taking injections will soon become to him a habit like brushing his teeth. That boy is now in the throes of college applications, and his college essay is titled "Taking Injections is like Brushing Teeth." I've read his essay - it's truly inspirational. So I was not impressed with Sheetal's handling of Arav's illness at all.
Anjali is impressed with Arnav's handling of Arav ... and the whole family hints openly about his own kids ... Sheetal looks very uncomfortable ... Khushi looks even more distressed ... Arnav's reactions were barely shown ... in normal circumstances, he would have looked at Khushi and smirked, the way he did during Janamashtami, but that was when he was head over heels in love with her and scared of losing her ... now he's just seen and heard Nani talk about Arav resembling him, he knows Khushi is upset over the possibility of Arav being his ... so his smirk should have died when he saw her distress. But they're not showing Arnav's reactions at all ... probably because this is all from Khushi's pov, and she doesn't see his reactions either right now.
And further fodder to fuel Khushi's upset ... Sheetal is looking at old pictures, with a soft reminiscent smile on her face. When Khushi tries to probe about Arav's father, Sheetal refuses to discuss the matter. And leaves, conveniently leaving three fallen photographs for Khushi to pick up and see.
Arnav and Sheetal. Playing basketball.
Leaving Khushi to come to the obvious conclusion that Sheetal is not over Arnav at all.
SN - at least Khushi has better manners than Sheetal, she says sorry for entering without knocking ...
The only way Sheetal is pure white is if Arav is indeed Arnav's son, and she's trying to hide it from Khushi, Arnav and the family.
Otherwise she's grey ... as dark grey as a storm cloud ... which she's beginning to resemble more and more closely.
I got addicted to IPKKND a few months back - from around the time that Arnav got kidnapped and I was following this serial with a lot of interest. But now I think its time to move on - they shd end it now. Dia ... I must tell u that I watched all the old episodes after reading yiur blog. In fact I look forward to reading your blog... you are really gifted.
ReplyDeleteI felt very bad for Khushi today and I dont think I want to watch the next few episodes. I think Khushi should simply walk out of Arnav's life but after telling him why she is doing it... she deserves much better than what life has dished out to her...
Hi asha,
Deletewelcome to R&R...i guess this is the tufest period in the serial and i completely understand ur sentiments...
at the same time, if all cards are out on the table...there is not much scope for drama becos this is a pair that is attuned to each other (apparently) if they shared their concerns, the fight will go out of the window.....
But my simple question is if Arnav knew Khushi well, he would have gone about finding the core of Khushi by now which he hasn't. He has fallen in love with a fighter..but he doesn't know (for that many of the viewers don't know) that she is a chicken hearted when it comes to her own battles involving her happiness...
keep the faith...this story still has juice...
well after all this, if the makers want to show a new story, it is their prerogative to sell and ours not to buy...Cheers!!
hey Asha...welcome!!
Deletednt loose hope...the track is good and ofcourse a bit painful...lets see how they carry it forward...
Rekha...i feel Arnav will go to any depth after the final breakdown of khushi which may lead her to retreat into a shell or maybe leave arnav-sheetal alone and go to buaji's place for she thinks asr is ASR's son...
as of now we are not shown any of Arnav's thoughts post DNA test and that is getting to my head - how can he be so indifferent to khushi...
Asha, welcome! This story promised angst and tension ... it's the comedy I can't deal with! Khushi's pain hurts us all, that's why the cv's deliberately don't show us much of it, they know once Khushi starts hurting, it's goodbye to sympathy for any other character.
DeleteBut this had to happen for the story to make any sense ... and for any drama! If Arnav had been the perfect understanding husband, the track wouldn't have got off the ground!
Rekha, Arnav doesn't know Khushi well because she has not let him know her well enough. She has kept her mask firmly in place all along ... the one time it cracked was when she was waiting for him at the mandap, and he wasn't there to see it.
He has just started understanding her ... hopefully this track will lead to more of that, the way his kidnapping and blast from the past led her to understanding him.
Thanks everybody for making me feed welcome... here is hoping that we do get our intense love story between arnav and khushi back....real soon....
DeleteFrom LUs, it appears to be decent episode...if u can let aside some creative liberties..
ReplyDeleteKya comments? Kyun, now is the time to rally around for the big dhamaka....
am off to watch today....can't really comment on epi until i watch...
Rekha, watch it ... it seems to be going along the lines we predicted ... and Sheetal HAS a mystery connected to Arnav, thank God!
Deletehey Dia,
DeleteI watched it and actually even before the episode i knew i will like it....
Ideally poising....
A character almost being pushed by circumstances to foul and move out of the game...symbolism much?
I liked the BB scenes...I understand that our possessiveness comes in the way of looking at scenes objectively but to me the scenes on court though it was for quite a while, did not look dragged.
every scene there had a purpose and pretty much all in character..
scenes that i particularly liked
Once a sportsman, always a sportsman....i can identify with that spirit and knowing ASR is competitive, i found all the scenes engaging..
even his war of words with Sheetal at the court i could identify with as well as her goes with the flow of the scene..when u are playing, it follows many take it seriously....
Khushi's insecurities bein heightened in the scene was a natural one...esp when the ball was passed to her and Arnav shouting "watch it" we are used to seeing him say that.
Her natural gay abandon at netting it was also spontaneously Khushi (san was fab)as was Arnav's amusement at her dance..
I am happy that they kept that intact...These are the small things that really determine whether a scene is executed well....
Arnav's sensitivity with respect to aarav is a natural extension of the new found happens to the best of us and he is a little kid so expected.
The slow walk of Khushi after the game done well....i am glad they did not make her part of the scene of would have been a mockery of her characterisation...unless they showed her putting up a brave face
what they could done better :
I understand that the scene of Arnav asking for Khushi could not have been lengthened for obvious reasons but I wished there could be better usage of the screen..a dramatic scene was marred by the use of BDs...the slight play of emotions looked far apart...San and Bs both gave restrained performed here...Its their ability to convey so much when so little is given to them....Kudos
On to other thots...
I can accept a competitive sportsperson back in college times, it does not interfere with his image that was sold to me of ASR becos i accept that the ASR I see today is a reflection of a man who can look back at his time with greater ease but at the same time, writers have to be careful of what they pedal as scenes of Arnav for that period. I am glad they kept some semblance of that when Arnav stopped short of remembering the nickname...its a small touch...but a gud one.
Sheetal is still a mystery...for a woman wanting to keep her past back where it belongs, she is doin an awfully careless job of that!!
precap...: Aarav is the petulant one for a boy who showed a lot of empathy for his mother in the principal's off...ofc it can go anyways...maybe he is genuinely upset that his mom promised him and is now going back on her promise...i still like to think that the boy is not part of any plan....
San was fantastic as usual
DeleteEven I am in a jubiliant mood today, I hope the OTT is over.
This one episode clarified so many things for me (wrote down in reply to Mona), though I don't know if tomorrow will be another confusing day...predictions seem to be changing everyday- the old unpredictable IPK! I don't mind, since I really loved the execution today- loved the BB match. So many points conveyed through that!
Happy for you. *hugs*
i need an Arhi convo or atleast a face to face scene soon...!!!Arnav completely ignored Khushi for 2 complete episodes and no reaction from Arnav when Mami mentioned 'khud ka bacha'...
ReplyDeletewell i think its deliberately shown(sab CVs ka plan hai)... as Dia said yesterday for dhamaka they need to show Arnav-sheetal closeness first...but its heart breaking to see sad Khushi for long...
Ayesha - i disagree - Arnav has not ignored KKG for two episode - he never stopped thinking of her - in fact i had expected him to stay angry longer but he cooled down real fast - come on - all husbands are allowed to think of something other than wifee once in a while
Deleteand after mami's comment - it was KKG's expression i did not understand - as if she can never have children and ASR's long lost love child is the only kid to be had??
Did you all not see this.?
- Showers of blessing for an RV starved heart!
My heart was singing after I saw that.
There is no way bitwa is turning any colour. He is opnly KKG's.
And his "Khushi tum kahaan chali gayi thi"...aaaaahhhhh.....
IPK was back today. Those small moments which make all the difference in the world.
Mona, Khushi's distress is perfectly understandable ... Mami is talking about Arnav's kids as in future kids with Khushi, and here Khushi is worrying herself sick about Arnav's kid as very much in the present, and sitting on the sofa in front of her ...
DeletePlus she had just that nightmare about being thrown out by Sheetal ... so yes, no chance of future kids for herself, at least, ... as in not Arnav's kids with her.
Nose flick was welcome ... I can't blame Arnav because I am equally competitive when I get involved in a game ... his 'go and learn how to play basketball' came across as a bit insensitive to me, but not more so than any other man, and not deliberately so ... I have been infuriated with my hubby when he comes up with stuff like this too :))) I think most men just don't realise sometimes how sensitive their wives can be. And Khushi is hypersensitive right now.
DeleteBitwa is openly KKG's ... there is NO doubt about that.
My main worry was how they are going to play Sheetal, as Rekha and I have been discussing ... whether this will be in her mind ... and we both agreed that would be totally unfair to KKG ...
And honestly, I cannot blame Khushi for suspecting Arav is Arnav's child ... I am STILL wondering whether they will take it that way, they have left that possibility completely open.
Look at Sheetal's actions assuming that Arav IS Arnav's child, and you will see a white Sheetal, who came to belatedly introduce her son to his dad, thinking that Arnav will definitely still be single, because he never believed in marriage back then ... shell shocked to find him married, and deciding to get out of his way and not wreck his marriage ... but still torn about her son and his need for a father.
Can't believe I am defending Sheetal :)))
Hello ladies
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Dia on your comment yesterday about how Khushi's pain pains us.
Since the start Arnav's angst has been the. Ackbone of the show and Khushi the victim of tha angst. I watched with curiosity and pain while his story unraveled.barunhas dinea fantastic job of portraying that angst and his journey from darkness to light.
Its now Khushi's turn , for her journey from her insecure past to today. For the little girl who smiled through her troubles and simply learnt to give to learn to keep something for herself and hold on to it. Her pain to me is greater , when she cries I cry too and when she laughs I laugh too. Her jealousy may be I'll founded and she maybe making a mountain of a molehill but she cannot be condemned and most of all by Arnav coz who will understand better than him. Till now he does not get it that the women he recently bowed to is fragile more than him and cannot be without him...Sanaya had it been any other actor other than you I don't think I would connect to this girl...brilliant my dear...a simple expression on your face conveys a 1000 words. Bless you.
Dia, have not seen the episode as I wait for it to air on telly which is several hours away. Going by the cursing of Arnies behaviour today icanwellguess what happened.
Love both these actors for making me go thru their story every day...I have made a promise to myself since this is my first desi show this will also be my last where I am so emotionally vested in these 2 characters. Seems silly right for a grown women ?
Take care
Ratna, watch it ... the comedy is fading and the real tension is starting. Sanaya is simply brilliant ... the kitchen scene happened today, and I think any other actress would have made it OTT, but with Sanaya, you felt her pain and her heartbreak and her fear so clearly ... the girl is just brilliant!!!
DeleteYep, Arnav is going to be bashed to high heavens today ... I feel sorry for the guy! He's clueless, like most men ... well, I can't really give him so much leeway now, because he KNOWS what is bothering Khushi. If after that family scene, he doesn't get at least some part of why Khushi is agonizing over Arav, then he is a complete douche bag! He thinks she is the strongest woman he has met ... she is his strength, but he is her biggest strength and weakness both, she will crumble completely without him.
that is exactly the point.. arnav thinks of khushi as a really strong person.. i think he has not realized yet that she is so terribly in need of HIS support . so maybe thats the realization this track is aiming for.. but from khushi's pov, how will that happen?
DeleteThe only way for Khushi to realise that she has to start confiding in her partner can come only if the partner seeks her out on her innermost fears....perhaps even call her bluff on "hum sab kuch akele kar sakte hain", it can be the angsty one, that could make Khushi fight for her love or the highly emotional one....
Khushi has to dig deeper for some answers while Arnav has be the sounding board (figuratively....i would compare it to what K was to A during the atoot vishwas phase)
Dia, the fact that she didn't enter with them, made jalebis should have sent warning bells, but I think as far he is concerned, she tore the report, he has told her there is nothing, so things are cool. She has not openly shared it with him and he has not broached the topic again with her, why did you do it. Also correct me if I am wrong, the resemblance thing, I think yesterday was the first time he heard it from his family members, rest of the time it has always been khushi alone who has heard it.
DeleteWhich is why i say that Mr ASR is Mr Arnav Facevalue Raizada.....
Deletetaking all things at face value or at atoot vishwas level...(i forgot one more thing Ratna Mom FBs too)
some more lessons pending for him while many pendin for Khushi too....aiyoooooo when will they all learn?
ReplyDeleteWanted to share this with you all- nothing to do with IPK, or maybe it has:)
Its a couple months old but something I was thinking of this morning reminded me of this one. Please read - especially so if you have children . The article talks about how what we see(TV) insiduously influences us , our core values and judgement in moral dilemnas...And more importantly , it is the instinctive, non-rational judgement that changes :)
It is scary to think that what we watch on daily TV can subliminally recondition our value system without us even being aware of it...
BTW, happened to see yesterday's epi after a long time and I was like - what show am I watching - who is this Arnav and who is this Khushi ? When LM said new story - I did not expect the characters to do a kaya palat too :) Kya khisri paka rahen hai CTs:)
DeleteI am not joking, I have stopped reading the vernacular daily. I am fed up of the same story- husband murders wife, father rapes daughter- people are just becoming insensitive reading the same story repeated. I mean, there is no shock value to any of these any more. And it is changing our outlooks.
10 years back if having an extramarital affair would ostracise you, the same today is not a big deal and it is fast becoming a style statement.
Ditto with politicians, actors caught in sex scandals and returning with a clean chit. I feel like puking, but this is the world we live in.
The news channels and reality television condition our minds so well, we all get driven into a herd mentality, I feel.
Deletei am yet to read the article, i will but since i have a viewpoint on this....i will share it....
Society evolves over is difficult to pinpoint a single source for the changes in our value system.....
I have wondered a lot does art imitate life or is it the other way around?
One thing is for sure, even if we kept away the influences of TV away, there are many mediums waitin to grab our eyeballs...kis kis se bache or kis kis ko bachaye......
Over a period of time, i have rationalised that informed opinion is a lot better...better to encourage debates on contentious issues...that way both sides of the point are in the domain of discussion....
I will read the article for sure....
DeleteDo read the article - it is not so much about filtering what you see - but about associating what you see as commonplace and thus acceptable - and how the subconscious makes decisions for you before your rational thinking kicks in - that is the scary part
Yes- but reading is actually better in this scenario - because it is requires the words to be processed and you create the mental image, versus readymade images which have a more visceral impact and emotional reaction...:)My son was telling me about an experimental movie where scary images were interspersed fat a high frame speed beyond the brain's processing speed- and people were getting spooked without understanding why - it was because the brain was reacting viscerally to the images but it was not able to process them fast enough for people to even register what they were seeing...
I guess that is why they carefully screen images from war- torn areas to their benefit...Also, remember the recent NE scare - how pics were manipulated by social media.
Unrelated to the pic- post
Sometimes I get the spooky feeling all these HW movies are predictions on humanity's future- Matrix, Inception....our minds and thoughts will not be ours any more.
Have been reading everyone’s stance and I thing I cannot understand why you all think KKG is insecure? So she is human and errs – I get that (for her getting the dna thing done without ASR’s knowledge was wrong – no two ways of looking at it) so she errs, fine – but why consider her insecure? After all she was very secure with a father like shashi – and if we think he did not raise her right then we are being unfair to both - remember the first jalebi making session – The dad handles it so well, much better than her actual dad have done
ReplyDeleteAlso her tag line – darti hai par karti hai – does not mean she is insecure but actually very strongly believes in all she believes in and hence stands for it – the only part she is scared of (the darti bit) is when she has to do it in an environment alien to her – remember her getting the measurements of the models – she found a way of getting it done – that’s her – her ways may be different but as long as she believes in it, she will do it
I also don’t understand why Arnav needs to turn out to be the dad (so basically he needs to fall) for KKG to rise? – for her to believe in him then? What about she learning to trust him as much as he does???? Then what was the purpose of believing in him during the wedding track – knowing he would not lie, that his love for her was greater than everything, even his hatred for the 'other woman' in his mom's life- the reason for her death! And what was the sense in his growth??
Watched the latest episode of Castle where Rick is the accused and though Kate has to do her duty, she does not stop believing in him for a moment – that is something I would have appreciated – what I am getting instead is a very typically ‘jealous wife’ who can’t see her husband enjoy a BB match!! And have to be fair to Sheetal = she made sure kKG was part of it from the beginning to the end
And all the day dreaming by KKG today - she is forgetting one major fact - her husband loves her and has said so so many times -
Sheetal could be grey/could still be hung upon ASR/ Could have had ASR(J) coz of SUI whatever - am ok with any /all of the above
the important thing here is ASR loves KKG - never loved anyone else - and did not father (read have a physical relationship with the other woman) - has said it to KKG in clear terms - but she is the one who does not believe in him completely !
Having said the above - the reason why i am ok with the track is coz in my view (as aam janta) - i find it refreshing to have a heroine who is very human and not perfect! very path breaking for a SP bahu!
"After all she was very secure with a father like shashi – and if we think he did not raise her right then we are being unfair to both - remember the first jalebi making session – The dad handles it so well, much better than her actual dad have done"
Today's episode cleared my mind on 3 things.
1. Sheetal may have started out as black or white, as of today, she is def gray. She tried to hide the pics, keeps KC in spite of wanting to forget the past (Yeah, there are possibilities that it is not her biological child...I am tired of possibilities, I am willing to jump to conclusions for once- Sheetal is Gray!)
2. KKG IS NOT INSECURE for the exact reason you mentioned above.
3. ASR IS NOT INSENSITIVE - not after that nose flick. Haaaayyeeeee.....
Based on this, I don't know how this track is going to play out.
I believe this:
K will not leave him- she held on to him even whenshe imagined him to be nasty to her.
ASR will not fall for Sheetal- he enquired about K as soon as the family came in.
Plus he was surprised when Sheetal shied from the hi5: Oops! he thought it was all fine between them!
Most likely: I am reminded of the Con- brothers track here.
ASR will accuse her for not believing him. But KKG has her own reasons for pursuing the truth...she has seen Sheetal holding on to the past. That bit definitely needs decoding and it is definitely all of K's business since it is HER HUSBAND Sheetal is holding on to...
Which means her shak is valid.
So at the end of it, they will both say sorry to each other.
DeleteTumne jhanjhodne wala question pooch liya....
if this is all only about a gawky woman nosing around for clues ..why are we all so stressed out? why our insecurity about the track?
Arnav likes her as it is and jab miya biwi razi kya karega .......
i am trying to find some answers too but i like ur post.
I like points that are different from mine becos it helps me sharpen my thots...find fallacies in my thot process ....
I am looking at Khushi's characteristics..of little touches here and there and built the premise (larely with Sandy's perspective and others here at R&R)
Who is a secure person?..or rather what are the traits of an insecure person?if we go by only that perhaps insecure may not be the right word to describe her
Her dealings with the world at large don't show that...she is fairly self-assured in her dealings with the world.
Putting herself last in the pecking order of if she deserves far lesser than what she has got....or she can't trust it to last....she must strive for others to be happy to have semblance of happiness in her own to the extent of engineering it. Now if its just a SP trait, i won't worry too much.....but i expect some better layering from IPK even when they deliver sub-standard stuff...
Like Su, says...what we should expect is a good shouting match and a "sorry"......well so much for all our analysis....maybe it is another serial i was watching in my dreams.... I am still not out of trauma from the last winding up that i had during the Dadi_garima track...with that tame rose and thorn FB....maybe there's all there is to it...LOL
DeleteI was expecting this response from you when I read Mona.
I have been oscillating between your and Sandy's thoughts and my faith in Arhi for some time.
Yesterday Sheetal turned grey. You should be happy. Now there is no way you can say Khushi was baseless in her fears. THEY ARE WELL FOUNDED. So, that is one of your prayers answered, I hope.
When Sheetal is clear, naturally, I feel Khushi falls in to place. After the epi yesterday, I thought about myunderstanding of Khushi.
She is a STRONG person. ASR is emotionally crippled, not Khushi. I agree she is not an angel, not a pillar- she is very human.
And I thought about her human characterestics.
1. When she agreed to Shyam engagement, it was not only for the family- it was because she thought she had lost ASR forever.
2. Black magic- kaada- She made a stupid silly assumption and she realised her mistake- punishes herself for it. (I don't think that is going to be the scene here, she is not silly or baseless with Sheetal turning grey.)
3. She made the big mistake of getting the will signed- her intentions were good. She had to regret it. But she did not cut herself off from ASR as a punishment. Her punishment was that she would not find ways to clear her reputation with him, though that was the most important thing for her. I feel it was not K's mahaanta, it is just her way of justice- and it is perfect.
4. When she btrought Shyam back, again we alll cried her character was murdered. In reality, she had a reason to believe what she did, just like in the current track. And once she was proved wrong, she went about finding the solution.
If K creates a mess, she will clear it up.
And regarding ASR, she is selfish and possessive and jealous, like ANY WIFE.
She will not tolerate a chudail or a past girl friend, so I don't find a SP heroine in her.
ASR unlocking K- after I thought about how deep her insecurities are, I realised the same as Mona. She is secure in her family, not the same as ASR.
I guess, for me, K is more like a free bird. She chirps around because she is not weighed down by all the emotional upheavals others go through. I have always felt she is the stronger of the two, and I kind of wish it'd remain the same. For me, it is not a SP heroine thing. I have always felt women are (by and large) stronger when it comes to dealing with emotional trauma.
after a long time, today's episode made complete sense to me ... please bear with me if I say something really blasphemous, but there are soo many thoughts going on in my head that I HAD to get them out somehow...
ReplyDeletea woman...torn between believing her husband and believing her eyes..edged on by her insecurities.
and another...torn between her past and her present..can they possibly merge?
a boy...feeling completely secure around one strange man, yet yearning to know more about his dad.
Today I felt empathy towards all the three...
I will not accept sheetal as completely negative yet and I will admit that for a split second when khushi was sitting down in the stands and ASRjr and sr were playing together with sheetal, it did feel like a complete, beautiful family..then I realised what I was feeling and at the same time, the camera zoomed in on khushi.. and I realised she mirrored my expressions...I had a lump in my throat as I realised what khushi felt was exactly what I was feeling a split second ago..and my heart simply leapt towards her! Poor, poor khushi!! I can still feel the pain.. yes, it may be all in her head, but surely, nobody can deny the fact that arnav-sheetal-aarav are a perfect family..irrespective of whether arnav had any feelings for sheetal..
and khushi's kitchen scene mirrored that emotion to the maximum.. where on earth would she fit I was afraid they would turn it OTT, but thankfully they did not...even when she was kneeling at arnav's knees and calling him swami, all I could see was the pain in khushi's eyes.. at that moment, I just wished she would cry and get all the pain was becoming too much to hold it in for so long!
Family scene in living room, first time I felt that arnav was completely sensitive to khushi's pain.. when nani mentioned abt how aarav is exactly like how chotey was when he was young, something clicked in arnav's head and he immediately remembers khushi and wants to know where she was..
awesome twosome...and then, awesome threesome.. khushi is left again as the outsider and struck with a painful realisation..
The realisation that the guy you love CAN be better off with someone else who belongs to his world, is not an easy thing to deal with.. is it insecurity speaking? probably... but then, she has known it all along that she is not a part of his world and he has always convinced her that he loves her inspite of that... but does he really? He never had anybody for comparison till now...and especially not someone he already knows and had once thought worthy enough of dating (I am assuming here the old ASR was very choosy with the people he wanted to be and all those lata etc were simply to annoy khushi.. if it was sheetal during harvard days, it was lavanya later on and bo other girl in between..I somehow refuse to see him as a lady charmer who could go out with girls every other night)
Try as she might, she will never reach there completely.. what if arnav and sheetal had never broken off? what if they were sill on a relationship, possibly, a live-in one at this moment? And its not been ages, its been just 6 yrs... during an entire lifetime, six years hardly matter.. ASR 6 yrs ago didn't believe in love...but now that he does, will he rethink abt his decisions? Will he realise what he felt for sheetal was love all along and that then it was too early, but now it might not be too late? Especially if aarav is his son? And where does that leave khushi? Is he really better off with sheetal?
DeleteWith these thoughts in mind, I cannot blame khushi for wanting to enter into sheetal's room and pester her abt aarav's dad.. infact I was surprised she was so composed... sheetal looking at the photographs and then hiding didn't feel atleast then that she was doing it on pupose, coz she didn't know khushi was abt to does feel though that she doesn't want khushi to know that she still has feelings for her husband, obviously, no woman would want that...especially when she is leaving in that said husband's house.. khushi looking at the photos transported me back to khushi's world of pain, where somehow there is no solution... because when its all in your head, only you can deal with it and that is, only if you allow yourself too..
Just saw also the promo for ME...looks quite interesting, especially the fact that sheetal fasts on karva chauth for her hubby or aarav's dad... so we will finally find out who it is..or whether the two are the same.. :)
upon watching today's episode, I remembered an episode of, a show that used to air on sony ... the story was based in a marriage bereau, where the protagonists dealt with different clients and suggested perfect matches for them... they once come across this case where a couple has come to them with a strange request -
Deletethey are madly in love with each other since almost 6-7 yrs, but both their parents want them to go in for arranged marriage and hence they tell the protagonists to pretend as though they are searching for perfect matches for them and in that process, make them meet each other 'accidently on purpose'.. so the protagonists agree and during this process, when they are meeting different people just for the heck of it, one such meeting makes them realise that they are actually better off without each other...and infact they now feel that they should find someone their own match.. all these yrs that they were together, they were so used to each other that this thought would never cross their mind, but now they they look at other people open mindedly, they realise that they can find happiness without each other and with someone else..
it was a beautiful episode and handled with so much of sensitivity that in the end you would feel totally justified that the beautiful couple broke up and found their happiness somewhere else.. :)
DeleteRegarding K, I am on the same page as you.
ASR- I feel max,they might show him hugging Sheetal to comfort a friend or something, it will not go beyond that. I don't think they will dare.
After all, the BFTP was planned ages back and they could not go ahead with a simple break up, THEY CANNOT TOUCH ARHI. I think they know that.
Mads, I agree completely with you about K. And she has reason for her insecurities, after all, she is from a completely different world. Her fitting into Arnav's FAMILY was seamless, apart from the wealth, they are very similar to her family, in terms of traditions, sanskar, rituals etc. And she actually helped to bring Arnav reconnect to them, brought him back to his roots. No problems there.
DeleteBut Arnav himself has another side to him, and Sheetal brings out THAT side of him ... which is unknown to Khushi, and unfamiliar. And that is what is making her very insecure, and start questioning for the first time whether she is actually worthy of him, whether she is the right choice of wife for not only Arnav, but also ASR.
Add the kid to the equation and you have a Khushi who is totally lost in confusion.
Add the fact that the mother of the kid is apparently not over the man, plus seems to be on surface a much better fit for ASR ... and it's a bigger mess.
I empathise with the child also, now that he has stopped acting mini ASR and is actually behaving like a child. A new, rather fabulous father figure in his life, for a fatherless child, this must be his dream come true.
I cannot empathise fully with Sheetal unless Arav is actually Arnav's son. Or at least, she genuinely thinks he is. And in both cases she is trying to NOT break up a marriage while still figure out how to give Arav his father, whom he needs and is entitled to know.
Otherwise she is playing some games, and before I empathise with her, I do need to know what she is up to. So far she has been nothing but sweet with Khushi, and very polite and nice with the family, so I can't dislike her either!
Arav is the one who's been ruder. And Arnav has been a bit brusque, and clueless - like most husbands :)) - nothing more!
His last memory of his mom always was of her dying and thanks to khushi he finally put that behind and remembered the good ones of her.
DeleteSo it is okay for him to look at sheetal and be cool with her.
He always used to prefer to work in his room, coming out only when it was necessary....bit of a loner, now you see him spending time with his family.
She is his ex, she has a kid, she has moved, so has he. So after initial hesitation, he is cool around her and finds it easy to be friendly with her.
Whole of last year, we witnessed his love and his insecurity about losing the people he loves. We saw khushi's love for him...but we have never witnessed her insecurities about losing him. The only time we saw that at the mandap when she tells payal what will I do without him.
She has shown and shared how she deals with losses, she is still very insecure at heart....that she has never shown it to him seriously.
Bakwas symbolisms from the episode:
ReplyDeleteKhushi had BB aka Arnav.
She was too distracted to hold on to it, Aarav took it from her.
Aarav might be the reason Khushi will lose Arnav.
Umbrella = Dialogues.
Mami,Payal, Nani, Anjali and Khushi were seen sitting under an umbrella at some point of the time all the time...meaning they all are guaranteed some dialogues some point of the time or all the time.
Akash was not sitting under an no dialogues for him.
Awesome twosome, awesome threesome - Was used for either Arhi or Akash-Arnav or Arnav-Akash-NK....Satyanash CV...Had to ruin this too....
Symbolism -
Seedha poocho, ulta milega
Jo Poocho, woh nahin milega
Jo nahin Poocho, zaroor milega.
DeleteDialogues or not, Akash deserved special mention for yesterday.
His expressions as mami cheers the girls, you are right. He is a wonderful actor.
And Payal too- it was just a one second disappointed look as NK calls foul to Khushi- but it says so much about the bond between the sisters.
Both the characters were well written and well enacted, I felt. I hope they both stay back and get more meaningful scenes like this.
I watched it on youtube, FFed a lot, saw he had some thing to do but was mainly concentrating on Khushi yesterday. And should Barun leave, if Sanaya wants to continue, PAYASH can suPPORT her fantastically, let us see.
DeletePlease bear with me.
ReplyDeleteI cannot stop drooling over that nose- flick.
It is ASR saying, "My dear paagal cute biwi, stop this nakhra.
I know you were acting back there when you got Akash out.
And rules are rules, there is no way you are scoring over me here. And don't you dare confuse between basket ball and football. Sacrilege!"
And he followed it up with, "Khushi tu kahaan gayi thi?"
Rabba vey, 4 lions. I asked for a break, got it.
Now, 'all the best' for QH- I hope things get better for you guys.
I feel:
DeleteIf they are aiming for a mini- separation at the end of this track...both will be justified in their POVs.
ASR is justified if he gets angry, because he was crystal clear when he said Aarav cannot be his son.
And K's shak is also understandable, since she saw something HE DID NOT- that Sheetal had not moved on.
ASR has a slight edge over her as of now.
But going by K's promises, "Hum kahi nahi jaane waale hai- oopar, neeche, daaye ya baaye", I am not sure if there will be a physical separation.
Also, what will happen on KC?
Is Sheetal keeping the vrat for ASR because she feels he is her soul mate even though he belongs to K now. It cannot be for the father because she has said she does not want to remember Aarav's father.
Did she come down from US in search of ASR, wanting to renew their relationship. Did she unwittingly promise ASR as Aarav's dad?
Aarav is her sister's and Dhruv's kid, sister died in child birth, Sheetal took over as mother- now she wants to give him a father, a man she loved long ago...unfortunately, ASR is already married. ???
Whatever happens between Arhi,I want Sheetal to apologise to Khushi very nicely at the end of all this.
Su: I am not going anywhere i interpreted it as Sanaya is not leaving only Barun is?
DeleteHeh heh, Shwetha,
DeleteYou expect them to be so transparent?
They are not giving us any off screen news, why would they disguise it in the form of a dialogue.
I thought their message was clear, 'we don't have to answer your queries all the time.'
Especially, since no one, including I guess Barun, has any definite idea as to whether he will be there or not!
I don't exactly remember when this was mentioned but I remembered it today when I wrote about her leaving him and walking out of the marriage, he once asked her right, only a fool would walk away from being Mrs.ASR.
DeleteThat and Khushi's dialogue about Jaayiye ASR aapko maaf kiya on the terrace suicide thing...I believe both the above were directed at BS.
So they do this:)
Random Ramble
ReplyDeleteMain hawa hoon kahin par theharti nahi
Ruk bhi jaaon kahin par toh rehti nahin
Maine tinke uthaaye hue hain paron par
Aashiaana nahi hai mera
A verse from the movie Fiza picturised on the heroine who bore the burden of her unresolved painful past and tried to come to terms with the unspoken fervent hopes of her mother from the present and future.
Khushi is like the wind in this verse who does not stop anywhere. Even if she stops she feels she cannot stay. She carries dbris, pieces of her life on her wings and not her home. (The colorful spots are more like daag she would rather hide than be proud of)
Khushi - titaliya. Butteflies immediately evoke an imageri of flitting from one flower to another. Constantly in motion. Restless. No one forces then, no on tells them to get off but they do, it is their nature. They settle on a flower, once done, they look out for and move on.
Ghane ek ped se mujhe
Jhonka koi leke aaya hai
Sooke ek patte ki tarah hawa ne har taraf udaaya hai
From the lush green tree that was her life with her parents, at age 8, she was wrenched by a gust of wind / fate. The wind then has been tossing her about like a dry leaf. A dry leaf that has no colour and no connection to a tree. It is adrift in this vast universe and tossed about as the wind feels fit. A dried leaf with no control on its life.
Hey, aa na aa ek dafa is zameen se uthe
Paaon rakhe hawa par zara sa ude
Butterfly, formed when it emerges from the cocoon created by the caterpillar. The first time it emerges and sees the world, what plagues it? Could it be fear? Fear that is is the caterpillar whose life it is to eat and eat and eat and get fatter and spin that cocoon around itself. DOes it for a moment not realize that it is now a beautiful butterfly? One who can soar the heavens, free to fly. But wait, having had the security of the cocoon (or the nest for a bird) how terrifying is the thought of freedom though it is intensely desired. What if I fall, what if I am hit, What if I don't do it right, What if I don't know what to do?
Khushi is like that baby sparrow or just emerged butterfly. Eager to fly yet sccared teh moment her feet loose contact with a surface. But each time she is booted out of the nest forcibly, she flies beautifully but forgts bcos at that point she is too angry :)
Fear of freedom and a connected fear of loss yet a desire to be free
"Chodiye hume. Soch lo. Ek baar jo maine tumhaara haath chod diya tih ohir nahi pakdoonga. Aisa kyun kahaa aapne. Aisa mazaak humein bilkul pasand nahi hai.
Agli baar hum aapke jaal main nahin phasne waale. Ret ki taraha aapki ungliyon se phisal jaayenge. Aur mauka milte hi itni tezi se bhaagenge ki aap humein dhoondh hi nahi paayenge"
Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect. Eleanor Roosevelt
The last time 2 janam came up it was in the context of Arnav and his past burdens came to light. Now Khushi speaks of needing 2 janams to get her dil ki baat on her zubaan. Ab it is the turn her fears bubbled to the surface.
Random Ramble (contd.)
DeleteTu hawa hai, fiza hai, zameen ki nahin
Tu ghata hai to phir kyoon barasti nahin
Udti rehti hai tu panchhiyon ki tarah
Aa mere aashiyaane mein aa
The above verse is sung by the hero who tries to draw the herione out of her caged life. The other day I said Khushi needs the crutch of a name KKG or KKGSR. Why I wondered? Then it came to me. Because it gives her the crutch of a family, a crutch of belonging.
Arnav was hyper aware of Khushi when he was desperately rying to avoid her because it would then make him stop breathing. Today she is a part of him and like we breathe and not think much, Khushi's presence is a done deal except when he cannot see her for a while. He has told her time and again he had nothing to do with Sheetal. ANd has not Khushi assured him on his bday that she can never disregard his word (hum aapki baat taal nahi sakte). Today his affection for a child took me back to the night he wanted to havea SR and spoke of Nani asking the children to start their families. It was kinship with another child who seems to not have a father growing up.
Arnav has always percoevd Khushi to be a himmatwaali. What he does not know is like his strength was but a glass palace, her himmat is a mere illusion.
Ek armaan is paar hai
Ek armaan us paar hai
Humne khud hi banayi thi jo
Raaste mein woh deewar hai
Ek khushi dil ne kya maang li
Har khushi ko nazar lag gayi
Zindagi jab kareeb aayi to
Zindagi ko nazar lag gayi
SANDY, awwwwwwwwwww!!!
Truly awwwwwwww!!!
Teri Khushi aur meri Khushi ek hain....
Tera ASR aur mera ASR ek hain...
Bas pata nahin in Cvs ke ASR aur Khushi kaun hain.....i don't recognise anymore.....
Shwethu...trolled ur posts on IF yesterday...
Loved ur nombu comment on RM family.....tujhe yahan miss karti hoon....diya aur bak bak is not the same without u...*hugs*
Sandy ... wowww!!! beautiful!!!
DeleteHope the cv's have the same Arnav and Khushi in mind as we go through this track.
Back later ...
Shweths / Rekha / Dia,
DeleteHuggs! and thank u :)
Btw that last verse is from a song in Kareeb - Haan Judaai Se Darta Hai Dil, a Kumar Sanu no.
What I have written is based on the Arnav and Khushi on screen - so the one the CVs are showing us.
Btw the basketball match made me think of Lonney Tunes Space Jam; the one where Michael Jordan plays to bail out the loonies!
This song struck me out of the blue (from the movie Kuch Na Kaho) and when I thot back, it involves a single separated mum, her son (a hubby who comes back to claim her when he let her go to begin with and she brought up the child on her own). There are scenes where the kid and the male lead bond about playing, sports, guys being guys and so on. The child begins to look up to the male lead as his father rather than the real one who never wanted him to begin with
mujhe tum chupke chupke jab aise dekhatee ho, achchee lagatee ho
kabhee julfo se kabhee aanchal se jab khelatee ho, achchee lagatee ho
mujhe dekhke jab tum yuh thandee aahe bharte ho, achche lagte ho
mujhko jab lagta hai tum mujhpar hee marte ho, achche lagte ho
tum me ay meherban
saree hai khoobiyan
bholapan sadagee, dilkashee tajagee
dilkashee tumse hai, tajagee tumse hai
tum huwa hamnashee, ho gayee mai hasin
rang tumse mile hai sare
tarif jo sunke tum aise sharma jatee ho, achchee lagatee ho
kabhee has detee ho aur kabhee itra jatee ho, achchee lagatee ho
DeleteI am also readin the same Khushi and Arnav as the Cvs have always hinted/shown but i have this fear that they make sharp turns....every now and then....yet to get out of some of the sharp bends that this story has taken
Remember Khushi was the one who was responsible for his past?? anji-arnav conflict on Shyam's return, Garima OW, some woman peekin thru the curtain at funeral? Garima's sach and jhoot all fizzled out on the basis of an opportune FB....yes one can claim Khushi was the one to make him reach that i said its possible to prove anything.
If i had to a see a typical ove story...i wouldn't be watchin IPk in the first place..its the utopian element in the story that was the draw....concepts of atoot vishwas, being united in hate, arhipathy...drew me in...,tho it has so many gaps in logic thru out.. if it has to be made pedestrian...whats the diff between YRKKH and IPK?
loved ur fiza song...
Rekhs, I went there after ages yesterday, saw the ridiculous post about how CV know inidan tradition, duuuuuuuuuh...Seriously got to me, last year Teej, this year KC, Next year kya karengay yeh log, dumbos.
DeleteSometimes we get so drawn into the web of what we are seeing that we miss the sunset so busy are we glaring at the tree's lengthening shadow.
IPK still draws me. I am watching sporadically bcos AD has its set of constraints but I am still drawn. Whereas no other serial draws me in.
The chaos, craziness and all we see is because it is Khushi who is the narrator. It is thru her eyes. It will consolidate as it usually does with her and then the emotion will hit us.
SN: The ME promo Sheetal looked so sad. And honestly if you are unmarried or separated yet have to do the karvachauth to assure your child your father lives, it would be so heartbreaking for a woman.
Would it not be interesting is Khushi who has it all a loving husband, caring family, so much of love and people yet feels adrift and insecure. On the other hand there is Sheetal with just Aarav and her memories yet feels secure in the little she has.
The precap looked promising. It is Aarav who is now unravelling things. I wondered how a child who is always alone and has been brought to India presumably on some promise by Sheetal would react having seen the diference to his life with a family and a father figure to look up to. He is now rebelling and that is where the chinks in Sheetal's plan will be made.
That painting where he sees a man with a child on his shoulders walking away while he is left behind (almost like a contrast b/w the kinds of life Arnav and Akash would have had as children). Also like that flipbook in Taare Zameen Par where the child sent to the hostel gradually distances himself away from the rest of the family.
Funnily Khushi saw the 3 photos Sheetal dropped and assumed a truth never thinking that the few which did fall into the drawer which were on top of the pile may have a different story to tell.
sandy, you brought back the magic i was missing.
Deleteit all comes back to perspective.
lloved the way you wove that fiza song (one that holds a special place in my heart) around the episode, and it all made sense(!)
and this little bit on KC: " if you are unmarried or separated yet have to do the karvachauth to assure your child your father lives, it would be so heartbreaking for a woman."
wow. and you look at khuhsi's insecurity (about arnav's yuppie family ) from the pov of ("Khushi who has it all a loving husband, caring family, so much of love and people yet feels adrift and insecure." )
strikes the chords of my heart in a way that the episodes fail to impress.
Thats what Sandy always does....
Deleteshe raises the episodes to a level that u start examining the various angles till then ignore or layin buried...
Even in my extreme skepticism, i can see the world of ARHI shinin thru....
world of ArHi shining - makes my dil go hmmmm :)
SN: Fingers crossed for Sheetal is not using the child to get to Arnav. At the worst, Sheetal herself has a MU that the SR in Aarav's name stands for Singh Raizada and she auto thinks of Arnav Singh Raizada and so mistakenly believes it is his child.
Khushi should first retreat to bring out the ASR at GH - kis mitti ki bani hai yeh and the guy who cornered her on the road. He should goad her to an extent so she spills but this time round, once the ruption happenes, it will be Khushi's turn to introspect.
SHIDDAT: Arnav will break ONLY Khushi's fast on KC. (Shweths, KC and Chhat are celebrated in parts of UP - had a few friends who would follow one or both depending on their household)
DeleteBrilliant post.
'Sometimes we get so drawn into the web of what we are seeing that we miss the sunset so busy are we glaring at the tree's lengthening shadow.': *HUGS*
'the hero who tries to draw the herione out of her caged life.':
I know this is beautiful, though I cannot imagine how it'd play out.And since I cannot imagine this, I don't know whether to expect it. You must be seeing something very beautiful. I have a feeling that very subtly they MIGHT bring us to that...let us see.
The more I think about it, the more I get confused. Did we see a bit of this play out already?
I guess the difficulty for me is in imagining Khushi as a caged bird.She has always bounced back. He was never able to kill her spirit, though he succeeded in confusing her all the time.
And at the mandap, he came back.
More than that, she expected him back...humein pataa tha, Aap aayenge.
And post wedding, she has not shied away from exercising her haq...the B'day bit.If K is insecure from her past, have the CVs shown it till now?
Her eagerness to make everyone's world perfect, is that not a part of her personality? Is there something in her that needs correction? Or a void that only Arnav can fill which he has already not done?
Like I said, I am confused.
Rekhs, J,
DeleteBtw the one stanza from the Fiza song I did not use
Chal chalein hum wahaan
Koi rasta na ho
Koi rehta na ho
Koi basta na ho
Kehte hain aankhon main hoti hai aisi jagah
Khushi's eyes which Arnav claims always tells him the truth. Once he has her pinned against him and looks deeply into her eyes, she will be disarmed and her eyes will tell him what is in her heart.
Delete1. Tum har kaam akele nahi kar sakti.
2. Tu kehti hai mujh mein ego, tujh mein nahi hai kya?
I guess these issues will be visited...some time or the other?
DeleteSandy and i always imagined the hero bringing the heroine out of the caged life...the heroine has already done the deed for him.
here caged life is a figurative how we see K..or we saw A earlier
i am sure we all have some cageyness in us and frankly it is soemthing we live with a romantic story, it becomes a concept begging for artistic treatment