Friday 26th Oct '12
This is what I wanted for this track ... I can feel the tension still even after the episode has ended. Now we're talking ... can't wait for Monday!
And the moment Khushi is in character, the episode just falls into place. The way she sweetly agreed to massage Mami when both Arav and Arnav refused .. now that is Khushi.
Mami sleeping instantly
Good to see the entire cast being used today.
Liked Arav better today - at least the kid apologised. Although didn't like Arnav encouraging him to talk about his wife ... he should have nipped that in the bud straight away. (SN No wonder my kids called me Hitler, this is something they would never have been allowed to get away with!)
The entire female Raizada clan getting one very irritated boy ready for school ...
Arav hiding from them when he came back ... even more
and perfectly understandable! Cute A-A bonding there.
SN - he didn't change his clothes after school till night? What exactly was Sheetal doing all day that she wasn't there for him when he got back? And why is she entering Arshi's bedroom without knocking? Family beemari got her too?
Sheetal is Sheetal Kapoor - and she has no answer for why Arav is ASR.Why exactly does she need to rest? She's not even working yet ... all she's doing is lounging around in RM as a pampered guest. Doesn't she need to look for a job?
So the DNA test got done ... rather liked the way Khushi blew up Arav-Arnav duo - wish that had been for real, they both deserved it!
Arnav gets to know that Khushi has got the DNA test done ... and so does Peeping Tom Sheetal. And as expected, he's furious. *rubbing hands in glee*
Arnav is still crystal clear that Aarav cannot be his son. What will the test show? Or will she even read it?
In keeping with the SBS segment, comments on Sheetal today are from angel Dia and devil Dia
Khushi remembers NK's words and manages to pluck out a hair from Arnav's head ... he wakes, grabs her hand and sleeps again. Hair today, gone tomorrow ... gone tonight, in fact.
SN So cv's finally remembered that Arnav likes sleeping holding Khushi's hand.
SN - Like this? Really???
SN - And what's wrong with Khushi? So into her DNA testing that she's forgotten all about sleeping cuddled up with brand new hubby? No hint of romance, love, passion?! And in the excitement about getting that hair, she forgets the serious question of why she wanted it in the first place?
Again ... cv's, really?! Your pea brains can't concentrate on more than one emotion at a time?
And this is one actress who can deliver those mixed emotions with just her eyes. Idiots!
Raizada female clan, all four, getting one small child ready for school.
Sweet ... the entire family was, not so long ago, getting excited for the entry of a new baby in the house ... all the maternal instincts squashed at that tragedy, now rise to the fore again with a child to lavish them on. Said 'baby' doesn't appreciate so much attention at all!
Arnav hiding behind his newspaper
SN - In the drawing room? Hasn't Sheetal been given a guest room?
SN - Would have been nice if Anjali had shown some shadows in her eyes, some wistfulness, as she fussed over Arav ... after all, she was expecting her own child such a short time back, these are dreams she would have seen.
Again, cv's ...
pea sized brains, and memories to match ... can't concentrate on more than one emotion at a time! And again, Anjali could have delivered this much.
Sheetal smiles - the first honest, open smile she has given ... seeing her son getting so much love and family attention. And the Arav-Sheetal hug was sweet ... open, spontaneous, loving.
Arav goes 'What the ...' umm, really?! You said it, Sheetal, you are not a good mom! You let him get away with that? Because you wanted to show the resemblance again?
And Arav is pretty unappreciative, I must say ... that exasperated look when Nani tells him he can call the family if he can't reach his mom ... I get he doesn't like the fussing, but simple manners ... a Thank You would have been more in place ... and Sheetal should have told him so.
Sheetal is overcome ... she has been alone with Arav all these years and she's touched to see the love of a family ...
SN - fishing for sympathy?And besides, what were you doing the whole morning while the family got your son ready for school? You didn't even make his tiffin ... when your son has just been diagnosed with diabetes the day before.
Mami makes the most sensible suggestion .. then get married, and give your child a family. And Mami actually meant well.
NK chimes in ... good idea! And the family smiles.
What was that sad dying duck look from Sheetal to Arnav?
I can't forget your love, I can't think of marrying anyone else ...
And why did Arnav look like that at Sheetal? Ok, he had a fling, he himself said it meant nothing, he doesn't think Arav has anything to do with him ... so why that look? Why so disturbed at the thought of Sheetal getting married? Why not nod or smile in agreement? He should offer to do kanyadaan instead!
Khushi catches that exchange between Arnav and Sheetal ...
And I now don't blame her for getting more suspicious and insecure ... Idiot Arnav!!! 
Why did you have to maro paon pe kulhadi and get that woman into your house, Khushi? Ab bhugto!
Khushi's nest attempt to get hair sample ... tel maalish. Really, Khushi? In the morning ... when everyone is getting ready for office/school? And Sheetal drags Arav out quickly ... bus time.
Mami wants maalish instead ... Khushi being Khushi can't refuse. And Mami goes off to sleep peacefully.
Are the family having breakfast or lunch? Liked Nani's one-liner - putting mami to sleep isn't very difficult.
Why does Khushi have to serve while everyone else sits? Don't they have HP for all this?
Arnav remembers that Sheetal had an allergy ...
Okay, no big deal, everyone in college knew she had an allergy.
But he remembers this. After so many years. And why? Because he brought her a salad in college which set it off.
Arnav, you are an idiot! Yeah, yeah it 'meant nothing'. Saying this in front of your wife? When you know she's already disturbed?
Poor Khushi!
Khushi asks a very pertinent question ... you're Sheetal Kapoor? But your son is ASR?
And Sheetal goes conveniently into a coughing fit ... and then is so unwell, she needs rest. And the rest of the dimbulb family, including her shatir dimaag husband, forget all about why Sheetal Kapoor's son is called ASR.
And Khushi sees that again and again Sheetal is avoiding the topic of Arav and his father. So she's even more determined to get that DNA test done.
Sheetal is definitely playing Khushi's mind. Surely this is not the first time she has been asked about her son's father? Shouldn't she have a cover story ready for the world?
NK always comes to Khushi's aid, wittingly or otherwise. So 'gum' or 'ghum' for Khushi ... as she murmurs, Khushi's life has only ghum.
Maybe that is the root of Khushi's problems. She has learned only too well to never expect lasting happiness in her life ... and now she can't believe in it.
SN - Raizada house, a hugely rich family, and steel plates? Seriously?! At the start of the show, they had silver. Can't they afford china at least?
Khushi still stuck on getting her hair samples ... gum gives her an idea.
Evening ... how late does Arav return from school anyway? Cute, the way he's hiding from the female clan ... Arnav first puzzled, then understanding.
Poolside ... again too coached. It would have been cute if Arav kept peeking to see what Arnav was doing and copied him ... a fatherless child caught up in awe of this new male figure in his life and trying to be like him ... But spontaneously walking, talking the same way ... either cv's can't be subtle to save their lives ... or they're telling us that yes, Arav has definitely been coached.
Okay, Arav has definitely been coached. About Arnav's family he is polite, reasonably so ... they pinch my cheeks, feed me, do my hair ... I'm sorry but ...
But why does he have to keep talking about Khushi to Arnav? Khushi is Arnav's wife, whether Arav likes it or not. To criticise her to his own mom is fine, to criticise her to her husband, that too, a man he just met a few days ago, is ridiculous and insulting. And when he talks about Khushi, he only demeans her ... she talks too much, she's filmy and over dramatic ...
And felt like hitting Arnav on the head when he agreed with Arav ... hello, you just told Khushi you respected her ... now you agree with a pint sized brat that your wife talks too much and he'll get used to it? Give him a clip on his ear and tell him he has no business to talk about adults like that!
I would have been perfectly happy if Khushi's scolding had been genuine ... both of them deserved it.
When AA went oops and then apologetic, I so wished this was Arhi with their own kid ... it would have been so sweet ... a father-son ganging up to laugh at the mom. But this way, I wasn't happy at all.
Arav Khushi ko samjhane ki koshish kar raha tha? He need a whack! Grow up and learn some manners before you start samjhaoing other people, kid! Especially an adult whose house you are living in!
The dupatta holding and cute was cute though ... again, how I wish it was their own kid! And finally Arav does say a genuine sorry ... at least I think it was genuine.
And Khushi loses whatever Brownie points she got from me, by going back to her scheme of getting the hair samples ...
Go down on your knees.
Well done, Khushi ... they deserve it!
What?! What?! Two voices, identical tones
And stop talking at the same time!
Oh, I so sympathised with Khushi at that one!
I loved Arnav's incredulous yet half-resigned 'Serious?!' when she told him to get on his knees
A man can be the biggest tycoon in the world ... in front of his wife, he's still just her husband.
So Khushi gets her hair samples and sends them off for testing. Again mixed emotions would have been in place here, rather than just glee at her victory.
Sheetal joins the Raizadas in their bad habits of walking into Arshi's bedroom without knocking ... hello, this is not a seaside promenade or Mumbai Central station, it's a bedroom, and not yours either! And she finally wakes up to her maternal duties ... Arav needs to change ...
A stilted conversation between Sheetal and Arnav in which she emphasizes again that she is here only for a short while ...
While Arav does a handshake to tell Arnav he will always be with him ... And Arnav looks after Arav wistfully as he leaves ...
Khushi overhears the AA conversation and looks after Arav with a troubled face ... poor Khushi!
SN I just hope that soft Arhi music was for Arnav-Arav and not for Arnav-Sheetal
SN - so will Sheetal leave and Arav stay? Is she really not his mom, and is only trying to bring a child to his natural family? In which case, why doesn't she tell them so straight away?
Arnav is drawing the child Arav out of the too grown up and serious ASRjr. Much the way Khushi drew Arnav out of ASR.
SN - More of Sheetal's coaching ... his mom taught him this handshake, did she also tell him to use it only on Arnav? Like she taught him that his way of walking, talking is like his dad?
Next morning, Khushi restless, pacing, waiting for the results ... Anjali sees her worry ...
In her bedroom, Khushi tries to work up the courage to read the report ... this can change her life ... and she's more restless than ever ... should she read it or not ... she remembers all the instances of Arav's similarities with Arnav ... 'no, it can't be' and she finally takes the plunge ...
And Arnav enters, and sees her hiding something behind her back ... she tries to deny it, but he can see it in the mirror ... and he sees it ... DNA test of Arnav and Arav ... and he is furious ....
Precap ... Arnav coldly furious ... open it, and once and for all get rid of this hangup that Arav and I are related ...
while a worried Sheetal peeks from outside their room ...
If Sheetal's intentions are good, and Arav is Arnav's son, she will interrupt their scene, not allow them to read the report and get rid of it, later substitue it with a negative one. Or she has already done so.
If Sheetal's intentions are less than pure, she will keep quiet. Or if she knows the report is negative, she will interrupt and somehow not let Khushi read it. Thus Khushi's suspicions will persist, and worsen, thinking that Sheetal stopped her from reading a Positive result, while Sheetal actually stopped her from reading a Negative one.
Has she already substituted the report for a positive one?
Is Arav Arnav's son and Sheetal either lied to him years ago about not being pregnant, or he had a drunken night or something he doesn't remember? Because from the precap, Arnav is sure Arav is not his.
If Arav is not related to Arnav, why is Sheetal eavesdropping on a husband-wife conversation at all?
I have lots more thoughts - will surface during the discussion, I think!
Whatever Sheetal does on Monday, she could be up to no good ... or perfectly innocent - but in that case, still doesn't explain what she is trying to do peeking into Arhi's conversation.
Will Khushi believe Arnav and tear up the report? In that case, do her suspicions still persist? Ref the SBS when Sanaya said that Khushi is going mad.
*Edited again* posted this on IF, re -posting here.
This is what I wanted for this track ... I can feel the tension still even after the episode has ended. Now we're talking ... can't wait for Monday!
And the moment Khushi is in character, the episode just falls into place. The way she sweetly agreed to massage Mami when both Arav and Arnav refused .. now that is Khushi.
Mami sleeping instantly
Liked Arav better today - at least the kid apologised. Although didn't like Arnav encouraging him to talk about his wife ... he should have nipped that in the bud straight away. (SN No wonder my kids called me Hitler, this is something they would never have been allowed to get away with!)
The entire female Raizada clan getting one very irritated boy ready for school ...
SN - he didn't change his clothes after school till night? What exactly was Sheetal doing all day that she wasn't there for him when he got back? And why is she entering Arshi's bedroom without knocking? Family beemari got her too?
Sheetal is Sheetal Kapoor - and she has no answer for why Arav is ASR.Why exactly does she need to rest? She's not even working yet ... all she's doing is lounging around in RM as a pampered guest. Doesn't she need to look for a job?
So the DNA test got done ... rather liked the way Khushi blew up Arav-Arnav duo - wish that had been for real, they both deserved it!
Arnav gets to know that Khushi has got the DNA test done ... and so does Peeping Tom Sheetal. And as expected, he's furious. *rubbing hands in glee*
Arnav is still crystal clear that Aarav cannot be his son. What will the test show? Or will she even read it?
In keeping with the SBS segment, comments on Sheetal today are from angel Dia and devil Dia
Khushi remembers NK's words and manages to pluck out a hair from Arnav's head ... he wakes, grabs her hand and sleeps again. Hair today, gone tomorrow ... gone tonight, in fact.
SN So cv's finally remembered that Arnav likes sleeping holding Khushi's hand.
SN - Like this? Really???
SN - And what's wrong with Khushi? So into her DNA testing that she's forgotten all about sleeping cuddled up with brand new hubby? No hint of romance, love, passion?! And in the excitement about getting that hair, she forgets the serious question of why she wanted it in the first place?
Again ... cv's, really?! Your pea brains can't concentrate on more than one emotion at a time?
Raizada female clan, all four, getting one small child ready for school.
Arnav hiding behind his newspaper
SN - In the drawing room? Hasn't Sheetal been given a guest room?
SN - Would have been nice if Anjali had shown some shadows in her eyes, some wistfulness, as she fussed over Arav ... after all, she was expecting her own child such a short time back, these are dreams she would have seen.
Again, cv's ...
Sheetal smiles - the first honest, open smile she has given ... seeing her son getting so much love and family attention. And the Arav-Sheetal hug was sweet ... open, spontaneous, loving.
Arav goes 'What the ...' umm, really?! You said it, Sheetal, you are not a good mom! You let him get away with that? Because you wanted to show the resemblance again?
And Arav is pretty unappreciative, I must say ... that exasperated look when Nani tells him he can call the family if he can't reach his mom ... I get he doesn't like the fussing, but simple manners ... a Thank You would have been more in place ... and Sheetal should have told him so.
Sheetal is overcome ... she has been alone with Arav all these years and she's touched to see the love of a family ...
SN - fishing for sympathy?And besides, what were you doing the whole morning while the family got your son ready for school? You didn't even make his tiffin ... when your son has just been diagnosed with diabetes the day before.
Mami makes the most sensible suggestion .. then get married, and give your child a family. And Mami actually meant well.
NK chimes in ... good idea! And the family smiles.
What was that sad dying duck look from Sheetal to Arnav?
And why did Arnav look like that at Sheetal? Ok, he had a fling, he himself said it meant nothing, he doesn't think Arav has anything to do with him ... so why that look? Why so disturbed at the thought of Sheetal getting married? Why not nod or smile in agreement? He should offer to do kanyadaan instead!
Khushi catches that exchange between Arnav and Sheetal ...
Why did you have to maro paon pe kulhadi and get that woman into your house, Khushi? Ab bhugto!
Khushi's nest attempt to get hair sample ... tel maalish. Really, Khushi? In the morning ... when everyone is getting ready for office/school? And Sheetal drags Arav out quickly ... bus time.
Mami wants maalish instead ... Khushi being Khushi can't refuse. And Mami goes off to sleep peacefully.
Are the family having breakfast or lunch? Liked Nani's one-liner - putting mami to sleep isn't very difficult.
Why does Khushi have to serve while everyone else sits? Don't they have HP for all this?
Arnav remembers that Sheetal had an allergy ...
Okay, no big deal, everyone in college knew she had an allergy.
But he remembers this. After so many years. And why? Because he brought her a salad in college which set it off.
Arnav, you are an idiot! Yeah, yeah it 'meant nothing'. Saying this in front of your wife? When you know she's already disturbed?
Khushi asks a very pertinent question ... you're Sheetal Kapoor? But your son is ASR?
And Sheetal goes conveniently into a coughing fit ... and then is so unwell, she needs rest. And the rest of the dimbulb family, including her shatir dimaag husband, forget all about why Sheetal Kapoor's son is called ASR.
And Khushi sees that again and again Sheetal is avoiding the topic of Arav and his father. So she's even more determined to get that DNA test done.
Sheetal is definitely playing Khushi's mind. Surely this is not the first time she has been asked about her son's father? Shouldn't she have a cover story ready for the world?
NK always comes to Khushi's aid, wittingly or otherwise. So 'gum' or 'ghum' for Khushi ... as she murmurs, Khushi's life has only ghum.
Maybe that is the root of Khushi's problems. She has learned only too well to never expect lasting happiness in her life ... and now she can't believe in it.
SN - Raizada house, a hugely rich family, and steel plates? Seriously?! At the start of the show, they had silver. Can't they afford china at least?
Khushi still stuck on getting her hair samples ... gum gives her an idea.
Evening ... how late does Arav return from school anyway? Cute, the way he's hiding from the female clan ... Arnav first puzzled, then understanding.
Poolside ... again too coached. It would have been cute if Arav kept peeking to see what Arnav was doing and copied him ... a fatherless child caught up in awe of this new male figure in his life and trying to be like him ... But spontaneously walking, talking the same way ... either cv's can't be subtle to save their lives ... or they're telling us that yes, Arav has definitely been coached.
Okay, Arav has definitely been coached. About Arnav's family he is polite, reasonably so ... they pinch my cheeks, feed me, do my hair ... I'm sorry but ...
But why does he have to keep talking about Khushi to Arnav? Khushi is Arnav's wife, whether Arav likes it or not. To criticise her to his own mom is fine, to criticise her to her husband, that too, a man he just met a few days ago, is ridiculous and insulting. And when he talks about Khushi, he only demeans her ... she talks too much, she's filmy and over dramatic ...
And felt like hitting Arnav on the head when he agreed with Arav ... hello, you just told Khushi you respected her ... now you agree with a pint sized brat that your wife talks too much and he'll get used to it? Give him a clip on his ear and tell him he has no business to talk about adults like that!
I would have been perfectly happy if Khushi's scolding had been genuine ... both of them deserved it.
When AA went oops and then apologetic, I so wished this was Arhi with their own kid ... it would have been so sweet ... a father-son ganging up to laugh at the mom. But this way, I wasn't happy at all.
Arav Khushi ko samjhane ki koshish kar raha tha? He need a whack! Grow up and learn some manners before you start samjhaoing other people, kid! Especially an adult whose house you are living in!
The dupatta holding and cute was cute though ... again, how I wish it was their own kid! And finally Arav does say a genuine sorry ... at least I think it was genuine.
And Khushi loses whatever Brownie points she got from me, by going back to her scheme of getting the hair samples ...
Go down on your knees.
Well done, Khushi ... they deserve it!
What?! What?! Two voices, identical tones
And stop talking at the same time!
Oh, I so sympathised with Khushi at that one!
I loved Arnav's incredulous yet half-resigned 'Serious?!' when she told him to get on his knees
So Khushi gets her hair samples and sends them off for testing. Again mixed emotions would have been in place here, rather than just glee at her victory.
Sheetal joins the Raizadas in their bad habits of walking into Arshi's bedroom without knocking ... hello, this is not a seaside promenade or Mumbai Central station, it's a bedroom, and not yours either! And she finally wakes up to her maternal duties ... Arav needs to change ...
A stilted conversation between Sheetal and Arnav in which she emphasizes again that she is here only for a short while ...
While Arav does a handshake to tell Arnav he will always be with him ... And Arnav looks after Arav wistfully as he leaves ...
Khushi overhears the AA conversation and looks after Arav with a troubled face ... poor Khushi!
SN I just hope that soft Arhi music was for Arnav-Arav and not for Arnav-Sheetal
SN - so will Sheetal leave and Arav stay? Is she really not his mom, and is only trying to bring a child to his natural family? In which case, why doesn't she tell them so straight away?
Arnav is drawing the child Arav out of the too grown up and serious ASRjr. Much the way Khushi drew Arnav out of ASR.
SN - More of Sheetal's coaching ... his mom taught him this handshake, did she also tell him to use it only on Arnav? Like she taught him that his way of walking, talking is like his dad?
Next morning, Khushi restless, pacing, waiting for the results ... Anjali sees her worry ...
In her bedroom, Khushi tries to work up the courage to read the report ... this can change her life ... and she's more restless than ever ... should she read it or not ... she remembers all the instances of Arav's similarities with Arnav ... 'no, it can't be' and she finally takes the plunge ...
And Arnav enters, and sees her hiding something behind her back ... she tries to deny it, but he can see it in the mirror ... and he sees it ... DNA test of Arnav and Arav ... and he is furious ....
Precap ... Arnav coldly furious ... open it, and once and for all get rid of this hangup that Arav and I are related ...
while a worried Sheetal peeks from outside their room ...
If Sheetal's intentions are good, and Arav is Arnav's son, she will interrupt their scene, not allow them to read the report and get rid of it, later substitue it with a negative one. Or she has already done so.
If Sheetal's intentions are less than pure, she will keep quiet. Or if she knows the report is negative, she will interrupt and somehow not let Khushi read it. Thus Khushi's suspicions will persist, and worsen, thinking that Sheetal stopped her from reading a Positive result, while Sheetal actually stopped her from reading a Negative one.
Has she already substituted the report for a positive one?
Is Arav Arnav's son and Sheetal either lied to him years ago about not being pregnant, or he had a drunken night or something he doesn't remember? Because from the precap, Arnav is sure Arav is not his.
If Arav is not related to Arnav, why is Sheetal eavesdropping on a husband-wife conversation at all?
I have lots more thoughts - will surface during the discussion, I think!
Whatever Sheetal does on Monday, she could be up to no good ... or perfectly innocent - but in that case, still doesn't explain what she is trying to do peeking into Arhi's conversation.
Will Khushi believe Arnav and tear up the report? In that case, do her suspicions still persist? Ref the SBS when Sanaya said that Khushi is going mad.
*Edited again* posted this on IF, re -posting here.
problem in Indian telly and movies is that no one has yet got it right
how to show normal kids on screen. The only movie to get it right was a
gem called Masoom which we discussed earlier ... the kids there were flawless. Shekhar Kapoor was
brilliant in his handling of the kids' scenes.
And the only show I have seen which got it pretty good was Aapki Antara ...
In both the kids were normal ... they weren't precocious brats, they weren't rude, they didn't act double their age, they definitely did not comment on the behaviour of adults around them, they didn't give lectures on morality at the drop of a hat ... they were mischievous and cute and got reprimanded firmly when they went wrong. And the kid Jugal Hansraj, who was the son of a single mother was quiet, reserved, withdrawn, mature for his age and yet completely polite and well mannered.
Not like our resident mini hero who says "what the" and his mom smiles at it!!!
No other show or movie has left me without the feeling of wanting to take kids over my knee and giving them a spanking ... or at least a major time out!
And yesterday I wanted to give Arnav a big talking to as well ... you do not tell a little kid you barely know that your wife is ajeeb but he'll get used to her ... you tell him that he should not talk like that about adults, he doesn't know Khushi and beta, how was your day at school, have you done your homework?
Very simple rule - you can say what you like to each other in a family, but in front of outsiders, you defend your own. And Arav is an outsider as of now.
I cannot imagine going to somebody's home, and my kids telling their host that his wife is filmy or talks too much. If they did that, they would be in such deep doodoo from me they wouldn't know what hit them. Yes, they can tell me ... that's ok. Tell their host??? You gotta be kidding me!!!
And if the host encouraged them I would have a very poor impression of him as well! Would I like it if some random kid told my husband that I talked too much? And he agreed with them? My husband would be in the doghouse for days - forget it, he wouldn't dream of agreeing!
Which is why I was glad that Khushi ticked them both off ... and annoyed that she did it only to get her hair sample!
She has perfect right to be genuinely angry at both, and hurt at Arnav ... and I wish they had shown that.
Too much zeal to show Arnav-Arav bonding. We have GOT IT ALREADY!!!
And the only show I have seen which got it pretty good was Aapki Antara ...
In both the kids were normal ... they weren't precocious brats, they weren't rude, they didn't act double their age, they definitely did not comment on the behaviour of adults around them, they didn't give lectures on morality at the drop of a hat ... they were mischievous and cute and got reprimanded firmly when they went wrong. And the kid Jugal Hansraj, who was the son of a single mother was quiet, reserved, withdrawn, mature for his age and yet completely polite and well mannered.
Not like our resident mini hero who says "what the" and his mom smiles at it!!!
No other show or movie has left me without the feeling of wanting to take kids over my knee and giving them a spanking ... or at least a major time out!
And yesterday I wanted to give Arnav a big talking to as well ... you do not tell a little kid you barely know that your wife is ajeeb but he'll get used to her ... you tell him that he should not talk like that about adults, he doesn't know Khushi and beta, how was your day at school, have you done your homework?
Very simple rule - you can say what you like to each other in a family, but in front of outsiders, you defend your own. And Arav is an outsider as of now.
I cannot imagine going to somebody's home, and my kids telling their host that his wife is filmy or talks too much. If they did that, they would be in such deep doodoo from me they wouldn't know what hit them. Yes, they can tell me ... that's ok. Tell their host??? You gotta be kidding me!!!
And if the host encouraged them I would have a very poor impression of him as well! Would I like it if some random kid told my husband that I talked too much? And he agreed with them? My husband would be in the doghouse for days - forget it, he wouldn't dream of agreeing!
Which is why I was glad that Khushi ticked them both off ... and annoyed that she did it only to get her hair sample!
Too much zeal to show Arnav-Arav bonding. We have GOT IT ALREADY!!!
these days, ipk days are moving quie faster than the normal ones. a help with the technicalities plz! are DNA tests really that easy?? i mean all u have to do is pluck someones hair, and send for testing over a night and the results arrive bright and early the next morning? THATS IT??!! isn't that illegal? i mean, testing without the consent of the ppl involved?
ReplyDeleteleaving that aside, the opening scene was quite fun to watch. all raizada ladies, minus khushi fussing over aarav! his expressions were cute, bt bordering rude! but atleast he wasnt vocal about it. and sheetal's timely dialog abt them being alone and mami suggesting she get married... why did she look at arnav?? what passed between them?? arnav looked pensive... sheetal, i dunno.. did they both not blv in marriage?
i ttly missed what barun said abt sheetal and her allergy.... and i dint get it y khushi wud think aarav shud be a kapoor. arnav, from his college days knows her as sheetal kapoor(asumption), aarav wud have gotten his father's surname.. not kapoor rite?
i loved asr and ASR interaction with khushi.. m growing to like this asr, at least he acts better than his mom! sheetal and her dead pan expressions are annoying!
is sheetal finally turning grey??
Ah!! how i wish aarav was born to khushi and arnav! now that would be a great to watch! loved the dupatta catching scene... aarav -arnav dad-son combo wud be a treat to watch, only if khushi is the mom! SKD much???
Ah!! Even I LOVED the dupatta scene- tooo sweet!
DeleteAnd that teny weeny glimpse of ASR as he finds out what she has been doing behind his back.
Me three - I loved the dupatta scene! In fact I loved that entire scene of Khushi blowing up the guilty dou - wish it was really Arnav and his son (arshi's son, I mean) - it would be so cute!
DeleteAnd yes, Krish - Mami! The sharpest of the lot - straight to the point - get married then you won't be alone.
I thought Arnav looked at Khushi at that one ... did he look at Sheetal? Need to re-watch.
Oh yeah, that was good, these two are going to be adorable as parents aren't they,awwwwwwww.
DeleteI interpreted the scene as this:
Mami says get married,
Sheetal looks taken aback
ASR is ya sheetal why don't you think about getting married, look at me I married and I am happy, I highly recommend marriage
Sheetal looks at Arnav and goes Sh*T, the guy I want to marry is already married with sadness.
Khushi sees Sheetal looking at Arnav and goes why is Sheetal looking at ASR is that Regret there? Kya gadbad hai and she is looking at Arnav what is he thinking.
Arnav catches Sheetal looking at him and immediately looks at Khushi and goes WT*, Why is Khushi looking at me and Sheetal like that, oh hell, I have far better things to do.
Obviously I don't today,LOL!! Reading too much into what was probably not there.
could be... all i could say was, something was fishy :P
DeleteKrish - well i felt ASR did look at sheetal but more as an apology - "sorry my mami is like this - did not mean to make u uncomfortable" - that type of silent dialogue
Deletesomething you generally do do with your own generation when an older persons says what they think is teh obvious answer but the younger generation feels - oh no too personal, times have changed type scene!
is sheetal mania affecting BS too?? even on rewatch, i couldnt make out his expression.. :P
DeleteWhat The?? i'm the first to comment? where is everybody??
ReplyDeleteme here, krish but i have not watched the epi...only read the Lus...
Deleteafter much fight with my existing sane(?) and insane side of my brain, i have decided to take a break from episode viewing of IPK...duno how long that will last? hehehe
in fact last couple of episodes, i have only seen a few is the first time, i will not be watching the serial even for arshi scenes...
at some level, i know it is stupidity on my part becos i am aware thru the LUs on whats happening so the decision is actually silly.. i can't watch the serial in a detoxed way so it won't achieve much for me to claim i don't care...
actually i care a am dissapointed with where this is going for now...sometimes the power of an idea is stronger than the idea itself...I cannot watch scenes of intimacy, however mUed etc that will be shown between
arnav and sheetal...can't bear that in the arhi story...
so i would prefer that i am not seeing it...i will still hold on to the old images of love between arHI...i am sure it will come back..but chickenhearted atm..
DeleteYou are not watching?
And you are telling me K is insensitive to asr. How can you say that unless you have seen the expressions of the actors and the exact dialogue? You are just going by someone's update? Not fair. Not fair. Not fair. Hmmmphhh...
(BTW, how do you get these LUs? Through IF?)
Chill, yaar. (I had to tell myself to chill after that 5 minutes of palpitations on seeing the precap- One day soon, I'll get a heart attack!)
Don't worry about today. There were no intimate scenes.
su, u girl, don't tempt me to watch....
Deletesomedays ago I promised sandy that i will not give up on ARHI until she tells me to....hum dono toh pagal hain....I am just giving up "shitty" scenes
Tere optimism se mujhe dar lag raha hain...mera dil bahut kamzor hain.....
on the insensitive chotu.....i will respond in the next post...mujhse bachna namumkin hain...
Rekha, watch today ... I liked it.
DeleteOh ho, ek din bhi mujhe mera embargo nahin rakhne dete....hmmmph...
will watch and get back else how will i fight with Su LOL
Su, Dia, *hugs*
sandy, j where are u girls...
gargi.. did u get your cable back yet??
ReplyDeleteNo not yet:-( my rubbish cable guy refuses to come and fix it:-(
DeleteDependant on grainy urine videos so just relying on Dia and you guys' updates...
Did the test result come back? So is he or isn't he? In my kind that's inextricably linked with the show ending or not ending :-s
Deleteif it is is dangerous as there is a problem looking at shitty's role, she must have changed from positive to negative.....then in my opinion, show ka the end is near...
if it is positive..then there is hope becos she may have changed it, is that right to presume......
Gargs, the test report came back, Arnav caught Khushi with it just as she was about to read it, the envelope says what it is and he's furious. In the precap he tells her - read it and get that idea out of your head once and for all that Arav is related to me.
DeleteSheetal is peeping Tom.
So weekend will be spent trying to figure what the report will be. :)))
DeleteGargi, Dia.........How true is the above?
read that in the afternoon (am clearly stalking R&R and IF!!)..can it be true??i doubt it!!
DeleteGod knows, Shwetha. I did hear that Barun is now with SP - they wouldn't be happy to let him off for another movie easily, once is enough - and that bond clause is pretty standard in most contracts, even in the corporate world. Usually the new employer pays it, so BS would have to work that into his negotiations for his next movie, but it wouldn't be a very big deal.
DeleteBigger deal is crossing SP, the channel - Ekta K got blacklisted, so what field radish is BS? I doubt he would take the risk, not until his movie clicks big time.
Bs may be wth the channel but does it follow he will be with the that a logical question or not?
Deleteor are we going to get confirmed news after uk trip?
Rekha, if BS is with SP, they won't let him leave the show till they're good and ready to ... see Gia Manek, she did Jhalak and was kicked out of SNS. Sanaya was also offered Jhalak, she declined it, she didn't want to get on the bad side of SP, more than IPK, I think. Don't think BS will take the chance till his movie clicks.
DeleteBut yes, I think we will get more news after the UK trip.
Well, I debated for some time on whether to read this spoiler or not.
DeleteI am glad I did!
wow!! rekha, you r telling this? kya din aagaye hain ipk ke... :(
ReplyDeleteneways, i respect your decision, but i guess the key is to watch the epi with a detached mind and ofc zero expectations! i'm getting the hang of doing that .. may be then you wont be so frustrated..
i totally get your pov of not able bardaash sheetal with arnav even as a figment of imagination of khushi.. i dnt feel so strongly abt it, probably coz m not a big romance fan. to me ipk has always been about strong characterisation. each and every character had so much depth in them ki they all felt so life like. esp ASR, coz in sum ways i'm like ASR ( i swear, i'm not bragging) my mom got hooked onto the serial coz she thot the same too :P
for me the sad part is the disconnect in the story and characterization... of not maintaining the essence of all the characters. it seriously pains to watch day in and day out of butchering of every character on the show! i miss A-K of guest house, of nainital and best of all A-K of teri meri!! i miss paayaash prior to their mariage. i miss anji- the nirupa roy... they felt like family!! i want them back!!
actually the disconnect in the story and characterisation was long ago.....aRHI story kept me alive....just the two of them...sarun and the bak bak here!
DeleteI am not going to stop bak-bak ..koi doubt mat rakhna.....this is my safety catch.....i don't want sheetal memories to mar the aRhi ones...
Rekhs, I tried, this still is the better show, if you forget your initial expectations, bloopers and the lambi list, see it as a romcom, it is still better.
DeleteI am however warming up to Madhubala, the guy is okay, much better than I expected, though nowhere close to Barun who excelled in the softening of expressions/ eyes during the initial phases, but chalega.
Dhrashti is okay, she was totally off I felt or was it her character who last time I saw here was pretty friendly, comfy with the RK guy and suddenly she is showing attitude.
And guess what the manhandling thing as in he stops her with the hand thing happens, gee I wonder will that forum be inundated with manhandling post.
The intense moments which was supposed to be there, was just not there, I just couldn't help wondering how SARUN would have excelled in that one.
ps. - how many of us are watching Madhubala, was wondering if Diya can make a separate post on the show, where we can discuss whenever we watch? Is it okay not a daily post, just a single post where we just do random bak bak?
The hate to love phase is anyway the best phase of any show*sigh*
The hate to love phase is anyway the best phase of any show*sigh*:
DeleteTotally, Shwetha.
I watch MB on amd off, sometimes in bits.It is an OK show for me, nothing like IPK. Today was not very interesting, I loved Drashti i the green saree. She is a good actress, I feel Sanaya is far better, especially in comedy.
Shweths, I caught a couple of episodes after you and someone else commented on it. I'll make a weekly post for MB if you like. I'm not interested enough to write on it, maybe not even to follow it regularly, but I like Drashti and can watch it off and on.
DeleteAnd I thought both D and San were pretty much on par, but watching Drashti in the last few episodes convinced me that San is far better. The guy is not a patch on Barun.
Su, me too, I actually like Raza murad aka RK's Dad with his elder son, fultoo ROFL material, especially today.
DeleteAnd the bitchy bhabhi, I like her*wide grin*
Oh and our IPK DM is the best looking DM ever, they had one in MB today, our IPK DM is the best!
Su, I am going to watch it now and then or I am sure there will be some person who will have put up a channel with the couple scenes and do bak bak here whenever I can, ussay zyada kuch nahin...the same with IPK now.
Random note - why does he call her biwi and not that is going to be a historic event when he does call her that when she is about to slip a flight of stairs or her life is in danger with GH at the screenplay, matrix fall toh hoga pucca.
sweths...i am not in to watching shows for regular romance track...sometime i have never warmed up to any aiyvi track...IPK was diff and i don't know why....its not to do with the initial phase of a romance...this is/was diff...par uska kya ho gaya......
Deletei feel to bring the ow angle in this story to bring the point of trust is the most cliched that could be sued...when they could have done in so many other ways....the ow at the most should have been a case if at all, a later stage to reflect how the relationship has matured....
anyways....i am a fussy character..
Dia: San is wayyyyyyy ahead of dhrashti, I too thought the same, both would be almost equal, but today's epi proved to me, nope San is way better.
DeleteInfact, Vivian or is it vivan, he was much better today, he still has to get the softness and the brilliant change in expressions that BS puts across...but to be fair it took BS a while to settle down.
This guy, well from what I have seen:
Gets regular haircuts,
Makes the effort to look good,
diction is pretty good,
gets the anger, sarcasm, fairly good.
The softness in his eyes and expressions that is missing.
He might improve, who knows lol.
Diya that would be cool, something to distract us and maybe detox a bit from this show, It is a timepass show till the next good one comes along:)
I watch that show once in a while Shweta..but i don't like the guy that much..maybe because i watched a few episodes of that vampire show of his..he so did not make a good vampire...Dhrashti is quite good though..definitely not in San's class but good...
Deleteand as strange as it sound..whenever i watch a show for more than a few days i get a feeling that i am betraying i stop :/
He kinda grows on you or maybe it is the character, it is loads similar to ASR in a way.
DeleteThe only sane person in the family seems to be his mom, Dad & Bro are after his money, SIL dunno what her problem is....Bit of a loner, pampered with ego the size of an overgrown pumpkin which is cut to size by the girl..the whole fun deal..The guy is good when he speaks, silent scenes may thoda falls flat agree.
I will watch it whenever I can or the uncut scenes, till it holds interest, tab tak we will know about IPK.
I see what you mean anita, right now I do feel let down by IPK and its Team so am in the detoxing process, so don't mind watch anything else or even liking it:)
sheths...i have seen that fellow in some scenes of a vampire show...he is too wooden yaar...
Deletedhrasti, i have not seen at all...i have not seen even one epi of geet so not quaified to comment in fact i have not seen any off-screen segment also...toh pata nahin
Missed the first half.
ReplyDeletePrecap- Hmmmmm…looks spiceeeey…
The vamp showing her true colours?
I was WT for a moment when I saw Sheetal peeping from the side! Googly toh deti hi rehti haii, Gul-maal!
1. Any way, the precap reminded me of a movie I had seen years back.
There, the heroine suddenly enters the bachelor hero’s life with a baby. They had an affair in college and she claims the kid was the outcome of that. The hero vehemently denies it because they never had a physical relationship. But she goes on to win the family’s trust, breaks his engagement and pretty much convinces every one that he is the father.
Turns out his married cousin brother had an extra marital affair with her sister who was dying now or had died and she wanted to make sure the kid was well looked after. She trusted this guy enough to believe he’d do a good job of it (the reason she broke up the affair was the hatred for his family knowing how his brother had duped her sister)…they go on to get married and look after the kid.
If this track is inspired by that story, Sheetal could be the realmother (and a good mother seeing how concerned Aarav is for his mom’s feelings), asr has inherited the traits from his father (praying for cousin Dhruv). Sheetal might be suffering from some terminal disease and wants to make sure her kid is loved and looked after by the Raizadas as one of their own.
OFC, the whole thing does not make sense because she can always tell them all the truth. Why is she trying so hard to keep the truth from the family? May be she feels this round about way will make it really look like it is Arnav’s kid. She can say that she tried to hide it, but now that it is out ASR has to accept the kid???
Or may be she is doing it for her son’s sake, she knows he wil not accept kindness from strangers. Now she will point out the guy as his dad, it is easier for him to move on after his mom’s death.
2. Or may be she is the vamp in which case the kid bonding with his mom does not make sense.
3. Or may be it is ASR’s kid, but he is so damn sure it can’t be his, so I am with bitwa. It can’t be his.
If it is the roundabout way, will there be a lot of drama with ASR denying it all. Will K believe him? Will the family get to know? Will a mother put her child through all this drama? Or may be there is no Dhruv and Sheetal is an orphan who is about to die. She just wants to keep her son with a loving family and ASR is the one person she can trust? Or may be she made up this plan after having met Khushi or after seeing the loving Raizada parivaar who welcomed her son with open arms? And she switched the samples! But that does not explain the similarities and diabetes. So, welcome, cousin Dhruv and a track with endless possibilities.
pardon me.. but who is dhruv? another new entry.. pray tell me this, when they are not capable of of using their already full cast, give them proper scenes and dialog, why are they going for new entries? if that is the case, atleast bring in some replacement for mama first! plz...
Deletei'm with bitwa too... but whose side are cvs on??
Deleteme too Su...loved last 2min and the precap...
Deletemy thoughts are sheetal is a vamp...DNA test results wont match but a MU/tension between Arhi = work done for sheetal...
i think they are seriously overdoing asr and ASR similar in whatever way possible...soon we will get a dialogue from nani"ye to saans bhi chote ke jaise leta hai"...
am so happy khushi asked for full name of aarav...
and Arnav must not say such things about khushi to anyone...specially not a child and the one who entered their lives few days ago...what did he meant "dheere dheere aadat ho jayegi"...u are madly in love with this woman mr.ASR...remember...this ruined an otherwise beautiful poolside asr and ASR scene....
DeleteDhruv is supposedly Akash's half bro- his dad's son from first marriage. Apparently there was a mention of him in the earlier epis, and someone has come up with this name again now!
I guess he is estranged from the family and hence his absence all these years.
ayehsa.... ditto on the last part!!
omg! raizadas have some serious memory issues.
Not really. They go by this rule:'Out of sight, out of mind'!
DeleteI guess you could call it memory problems too. We'll get them a family psychiatrist cum neurologist who can be Anji's guy.
Su, my dimaag ki batti is off at the moment, so Sheetal may be dying is that why she brought Aarav here, is that a possible track from the movie?
Deletewoh koi angle se dying nahin la rahin hain...i feel khushi looks the part atm
DeleteTHe premises are so similar - an ex lover turning up with a kid, I am not seeing any vamp traits in Sheetal so far- all she gives is some puppy looks which are supposed to be undecipherable (I suppose) like the blank calls that Anji got...yes I am suggesting that she might be dying or something. She might turn negative in her son's interests.
Rekhs: ROFL:..Okay remember there was this star one show earlier where the current collector of BV starred - The guy's bro has an affair who was or was not married, the girl never tells the lead's bro that she has a kid or she tells him and he flatly refuses to take the responsiblity, the lead's bro dies, the younger brother then finds out that his bro fathered a child, goes in search of him, tracks the kid down who is now being brought up his maasi as in the mother's sister I think.
DeleteIs that what Su you were hinting the track will be about, Sheetal is single, takes responsibility of her friend or younger sister's child as she realizes Arnav will do the right thing or something, sounds interesting.
Su: So we can assume Sheetal didn't fully get over ASR, now finds herself with Aarav's responsbility, decides to come down and meet ASR and who knows may be rekindle their relationship but finds out that he is happily married, so is unsure as to what to do currently..interesting....I still don't see here with NK though,lol.
DeleteSo that would mean Dhruv would have to be a negative character and as usual Dhruv enters, Akash exits, pity you would think Akash would have had a role considering he is his half brother*sigh*
DeleteI feel the kid nay be hers, going by the way he left the princie's office to give mom privacy...some bits of it may be happening like she realises the kid has diabetes on top of all this, some bits she may be fabricating...
may be she is unsure now that ASR is married...I kind of feel sometimes that she looks apologetic here nad there. May be it is just in my head. I don't have any particular love for this character...but I am missing any vamp traits.
Dhruv could just be missing, she cannot trace him...for all you know Dhruv was the reason ASR was sent to US for higher studies...bro was already settled or something...who knows? BTW, how did Dhruv come up? Any spoilers? I feel that is a good idea for the kid's father.
Su makes sense, she could be an estranged sister or a best friend who sort of lost touch and was told and handed over the responsibility only recently. The kid knows, maybe not the full details, only knows Dad subject is a taboo so avoids the same?
DeleteI don't know saw it here and maybe on Forum that it could be Dhruv's kid, don't remember exactly.
correct me if am wrong, u r talking about scenarios where sheetal is not aarav's mom, rite? are v woried abt aarav being arnav's son or sheetal's son??
DeleteI felt the kid is definitely Sheetal's (typo there)- but now with Swetha's scenario, I remember the 'what kind of a mom am I' dialogue ...she could be an aunt too...that ways she does not have to die (for the kid's sake) or turn an absolute vamp.
Poor me, I hate too many negative characters. Shyam more than satisfies all the negative requirements, I want to have only positive characters to balance out his evil. And I don't want people dying on a show...behna almost killed the grandmother( a show I have absolutely no taste for) and I clutched my heart. It turned out she was just sleeping.
which means, the kid is arnav's, and arnav had an affair with another woman, to whom sheetal is related??
Deletewouldn't that complicate the matter?? i mean, now it means, arnav had an affair that ended in a child. and he never mentioned anything abt it to khushi? not even when khushi specifically asked abt his ex-gfs..?
so sheetal cant be his aunt. the kid is sheetal's. whether or not arnav fathered it remains to be seen! i wish the envelope remains closed!!
or are you equating dhruv factor?
behna grandmother is alive?? WT*?? i saw it in the passing, then wat was all that halla about?? khair chodo... hota hai!
DeleteYes, the Dhruv factor. The kid is Dhruv's and Sheetal's or her sister's.
DeleteShe has come with the intention of leaving the kid at the Raizadas- that is where he belongs rightfully. She has even named him Aarav Singh Raizada?
Why did K not ask the kid his full name? He'd have told her, right?
DeleteI agree Sheetal has been pretty innocuous till now. The only definitely suspicious trait I have seen in Sheetal is that she's lurking around Arhi's bedroom while they're having that fight, which she really has no business to be doing. Now either Arav is Arnav's son, then it's explained ... whether her motives are good or bad.
Or Arav is related to the Raizadas somehow, the mysterious Dhruv or whatever ... again explained that she's lurking there.
If Arav is NOT Arnav's son, and Sheetal's motives are pure, then the DNA test shouldn't bother her one way or the other, right? So why is she there?
So she definitely has something to hide - just from that precap - that to me is the first firm indicator.
And she asked Sheetal in front of everyone what SR stands for ... Sheetal had that coughing fit. Arav took Khushi out of the room so that Khushi would not overhear Sheetal's convo with the principal, and he wnated to go to the washroom when she asked him another question about his dad ... he has been told not to say anything about his dad for sure. Not even to give a cover story - which is what makes it suspicious.
DeleteI read a story ages back where a girl has a child from a one night stand, and she has a cover story ready for everyone - my kid's dad died in an accident. Simple. Why has Sheetal not given Arav some story about his father at all? Isn't this just increasing Khushi's suspicions? And is that deliberate?
let me update for you!
ReplyDeletethe precap plays out, khushi plucks out a strand of hair from arnav' head, arnav wakes up, grabs her hand and gets back to sleep. the hair is lost!
next day morn, all raizada ladies(minus khushi) fuss over aarav and get him ready for school, arnav a silent yet amused spectator... wonder where sheetal was... it was cute scene, and then sheetal enters and says he is grateful for all their love and affection as being single mother, they have always been alone. mami suggests she should get married, NK chips in hi agreement... sheetal looks at arnav, he looks back pensively... then they hurry to catch aarav's bus. khushi dint miss those looks shared by SH-A.
khushi calls arnav and aarav for maalich(again for plucking that goddman hair :/) but ends up massaging mami's head as arnav refuses.
at breakfast table, arnav promptly stop khushi from serving sheetal some dish... apparently sheetal had some allergy for nuts... khushi's unease grows.
later aarav tries to sneek in to the house without gettign caught by the overly fussing ladies. arnav rescues him and they pace around poolside... again reinforcing that they have some sot of connection(yeah cvs we get it !!) both of them dicuss khushi, aarav says he talks too much and anav say you get used to it after sometimes and says she is a bit filmy... khushi over hears that and get all dramatically angry. both of them cower at her anger and she makes them kneel down and apologise and she plucks out both their hair, sends them for testing and nxt day morning the reports come.
a very flustered khushi bumps into anji, makes sum excuse and runs to her room... she debates whether or not to open it... dumps it into the wardrobe.. then assures herself that it cant be true... and when she is about to open the envelope arnav comes in. he catches he with the envelope. reads the title which clearly says DNA test report of ASR and asr... goes WT*
precap: ASR wants her to open it then and there and clear all confusions that asr is not his SON, period. sheetal watches them from behind a curtain!!
Krish wasnt it annoying when she is serving and not sitting with him for breakfast just like everyone else? Have they ever eaten together after marriage?
Deleteyeah they did... the first day after remarriage, remember??
Deleteit is one thing for her to be serving HIM, but it is a wholly another thing to be serving sheetal and him, instead of sitting... and did you notice there is no place for her on the table... definitely irritating :/
so true.. and the CT decides such things on a whim.. there has to be some sense of continuity on such matters! bahu serving, bahu sitting down.. where is payal? where is khushi's empty chair near arnav?
DeleteSo you have a city hospital that does DNA test...err..forget the easy part, aren't they expensive.
ReplyDeleteSo khushi has access to money, her days of counting and breaking her gullaks are over.
And this hospital couriers the report*rolls eyes....really CVs??
Anyway glad that it is over and done with and ASR knows Khushi is suspicious about him and aarav.
Khushiji, as you like to call yourself, what were you planning to do once you find out aarav was indeed ASR's son?
Fight for Aarav's rights for a father's name?
Fight to unite ASR with Sheetal to make a sukhi parivaar even though the guy is in love with you?
Hai koi jawab?
Why is my wife suspicious or insecure?
Do you blame her, you have indeed broken her heart cum trust quite a few times, yes, you went against your dadi, ignored Di's reservations, past revealations to stand by her...but before that you made Khushi go through hell by pushing her into hell and ofcourse Khushi had to prove her love to you, you didn't maybe ask for it (sorry can't remember, my IPK memory is not what it used to be these days)
So karma dude karma, let us see what you are going to do, prove your innocence, your love or take off in your suv for 11/20/40 or forever days.
The scene by the pool where ASR softens a bit looking at Sheetal was shot later and separately, editorji and directorji, arrey baba, you forgot how you shot the previous scene with lights and all, tsk tsk!
And why WAS the DNA Envelope scene shot with a BD, SUCH a crucial scene and you have these two in sepearate shots*head desk*
and the whole of RM parivaar has nothing better to do to than dress up Aarav, while her mom just watches, Haiyyo bhagavaanay!!
And ASR is the boss, he can chose his timings, why is sheetal always at home even during office hours?
Shweths ... just want to say a big DITTO to all ... :))))
DeleteExcept that today I didn't notice the BD's at all ... thank god for that!
What exactly is Sheetal doing - she hasn't taken the job at AR, and she won't now ... she doesn't even get her son ready for school, or pack his tiffin ... she happily lets the Raizada ladies take over?! Great house guest, I must say! And then she tells Khushi she needs to rest! No wonder she told Arnav she was comfortable!
I noticed it during the dinner table scene, at the poolside with Sheetal and during the DNA Envelope scene where they did a much better job of hiding the BD by focusing on the actors only one at a time.
DeleteWhy is there a BD in the first place, BS already started preparing for his vacation/break or whatever?
Shwets..i didn't notice BS ka BD but in the envelop scene there was SI's BD..notice the hair...
Deletethe poolside bd was quite obv... i wish they use a BD who looks like BS atleast... the BDs get proper haircuts, BS doesnt... and arnav doest always stand with his feet that far apart... he doesn't stand like that now AT ALL! that was my old ASR!! wish the BDs give more attention to that..
Deleteas u guys know, i did watch the serial...(not under any duress...just becos i am Haa and dia and su told me to watch)...LOL...
they did not show sheetal when the dressing the boy scene happened...i was saying yaar..kismat ho toh aisi..shital does get to run away from all the work...who is the lead in the serial?
Good girl, Rekh.
DeleteI hope you liked it.
I guess Sanaya and Barun must be practising for the UK show and hence the bds.
Deletei did not like background music when sheetal left the room...
why is arnav becoming so domesticated in front of sheetal
Baki all fine....sheetal ka expression couldn't catch but madhura is bad actor or sheetal is a bad actress, can't that breakfast scene...she was stuttering even with that cough...she looked ill at ease in the scene itself.....forget what she was supposed to convey...
Dia, didn't sheetal get a job at AR designs? Didn't pay much attention to that office scene was too busy with jeffery archer's false impressions at that time. IPK & False impressions *sigh, kaisay din aa gaye?*
ReplyDeleteNo, Shweths, Arnav was going to give her the job, she refused it, he said he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable ... and then Khushi called saying Arav had fainted.
DeleteSo where is she going to office, didnt she say she was going to work?
Deletewhere did mama go on his official trip??? to la la land ofc ;). but i think she said she had some errands to run... like picking up flat keys etc. she didn't say she was going to work, only that she was loads of work..
DeleteOn the kidnap day Aarav gave directions to 'mom's office' and she says she just shifted from US.
Or she is working in the Indian branch of a US firm and is looking out for a new job.
Or like Dia says, there is something fishy about her...beginning to smell it now. was an ok it was definitely better than yesterday..
ReplyDeleteI did NOT like Arnav looking at Sheetal with that look when Mami said Shaadi..what she proposed or something and you refused? or you know some secret of hers?? did not like it..
and what is with the ladies helping the kid get ready?? what was his mother doing? though the scene was cute..through out that part i was thinking what she was doing...
and what did Barun say at the table??after saying she is allergic to nuts? he mumbled something...
ASR rescuing asr was cute..pool side..Arnav should not have encouraged the kid..(sorry he was being rude!!)..i did not expect Arnav to say 'aadat ho jayegi'..i thought he would say naa..she is not so bad!!ggrrrhhh
last scene me liked!! Clearly he is very very sure Aarav is not his he was not intimate with Sheetal?? now what??
i expect Sheetal to turn negative soon...
barun said everyone at college knew that shital kapoor was allergic to nuts.
Deletethe boy was not rude, he just speaks like grown up people.. 'dude, your wife talks a lot!' "true, but after a while you learn to live with it" honest answer, i felt.
exactly, he is a kid and is expected to act like one. even other wise, if someone comes upto me and says yaar, your mom is so filmy and talks a lot. my first response would be to defend her, even if whatever is being said is true. nobody other than me can call her filmy and dramatic..
DeleteSN: i used my mom as example coz m still single!
why are u guys all saying u expect sheetal to turn negative soon? on the basis of standing behind the curtain...
ReplyDeletethe report is going to turn negative...(viewers will heave a sigh of relief) and there will be a big fight between the two....then things will go on....Khushi will be lookin to placate arnav...and that in the coming days arnav will have the same doubts....his behaviour from then on is going to be the turning track....of where the serial is headed...the end....Of sarun....i dont see Bs as the father of that kid in the serial...unless they have a solid reason why sheetal changes the report...which i think she will...
if it turns positive..phir toh i will do a yippeee!! kyunki the shit will hit the roof time to play basketball mateches and do karva chauth....
the very fact that these things are happening means sheetal changes the original report to negative (reasons i don't know)
This serial will survive only if it shows aarav is not the father of this kid...
sorry if i sound morbid....
okay, is dere a possibility that khushi wnt open the envelope? when arnav says that there is no connection between him and aarav. will she take his word, trust him that if he say there is no connection then there is no nee for any DNA test... the results are immaterial. her trust in him is worth more than the report..
ReplyDeleteon rewatch, arnav says that the entie college knows about sheetals allergy... some introvert and reserved person she is...
btw, why was there that bg music when sheetal left the room and asr looked at her...why are they doing this to us...nowadays there is more tenderness in exp between a nd shitall...she is giving me the creeps...please turn her negative and i promise to love her....
Deleteplease turn her negative and i promise to love her....!!
Deletewith you on this rekha...
u know that tender look shud have been for khushi, for when she went... i thot it was misplaced
no sorry, that look was for aarav. the gowing bond between him and aarav... their mutual liking for each other.. nothing to do with sheetal at all!
Deleteits only natural rite, he never liked kids. may his dimaag ki batti finally jal padi, even he is noticing the similaities between them character and mannerism wise!
possibility of not opening the envelope is the best proves Khushi has passed the trust test even tho she did start on a wrong foot...ball is back in arnav's court...
Deleteahem ahem.. rekha so finally u did watch the epi.. kya hua tumhaara vaada?? *wink*
Deleteyeah, may be khushi can burn it.... fire has some imposible obliterating property when it comes to raizaadas..
DeleteKrish..uske paas aur kya option tha??hehe
Deletekiske option ki baat ho rahin hain..meri ya Khushi ki?mera kuch nahin ho saktha..
Deletebut seriously guys...won't u guys find it odd if it turns out negative...i will have more worries if it turns negative than it puts sheetal in great light...(if she changed positive to negative)and puts K in a bad light..if it is actually negative toh story mein kya rakha hain...pull push grab....i doubt it....
yaar mera dima ka dahi ho chuka hain....chalo i am loggin off...will be able to chat on sun only, kal busy in AD...nahin toh mera pull, push grab ho jayega....not even the asr variety...hehehe
baat obv aapki hi ho rahi rekha ji ;P.
Deletethats why i dnt want K to open it at al... that way the mystery remains for us. khushi has decided to trust arnav above everything else... but is still restless, coz of the glaring similarities... the internal debate still continues...
I also feel the envelope won't be opened at all ... either Khushi will tear it up, or Sheetal will interrupt ...
DeleteBut hopefully now Arnav's dimag ki batti will be jaloed as to WHY his biwi is getting so paranoid ... that should make a difference.
If we were going to get a complete 360 ...
Arnav mistrusted Khushi, she worked on Shyam, pretended to believe in him and managed to expose him ...
So here Khushi mistrusted Arnav, so Sheetal should somehow manage to convince Khushi that there was actually more between her and Arnav than he let on to Khushi ... and Khushi goes crazy, can't trust Arnav because she thinks he's just trying to spare her feelings ...
And it's Arnav's turn to play Sheetal, pretend to believe her, even let Khushi leave because he realises that nothing he says will convince Khushi that Arav is not his ... so he does a 360 on Sheetal to expose her. Will give Arnav a chance to show that his 'shatir dimaag' is not a myth after all.
But all the spoilers say that this track is Khushi centric, so don't know if that will happen.
Unless, like the kidnapping was to build Arnav's atoot vishwas in Khushi's love ... this track is to build Khushi's faith in her destiny, that it lies with Arnav, and to lay her insecurities to rest once and for all.
Yes, I know ... am sounding confused :)))
i felt that the tender look was for the words that aarav left with.. "that special handshake means that we'll be together forever"..and that is an awww thought for arnav, who has lost everyone.. and suddenly feels a kinship with the little boy..arnav likes the thought that aarav wants to be together with him forever.
Deletetruly aww moment, because that is the first time arnav bonds so well with a child... before, arnav did not like children because (usually), children were childish.. and aarav is not.
Deletei get what u are sayin here....
left to itself..the moment was exactly that...a subtle change in arnav and aarav...the circumstances that brings them together irrespective of the link or not...a man becomin more aware of how bonds are formed....a young boy learnin to forge a new bond
honestly, it should be read like that only including the look from arnav to sheetal on marriage.. when sheetal looks at arnav after mami..and arnav's look can also be interpreted as "hey, why indeed have u not moved i have" or something like that..
we are seeing things becos of possessiveness for ARHI...nothing much to crib otherwise.....
atoot vishwas for arnav....its not for Khushi yet....arnav will learn that....Khushi still does not have it and Khushi will learn to have it...
the child and woman the cliche in the story but what i am looking at its treatment from here has to be different which ipk is capable of...
Yesterday she tried to hypnotize him and today she pulled his hair out - A hint as to how marriage seems like to men? They are initially drunk on their wife's beauty and later end up losing their hair to them?
ReplyDeleteAfter a long time I could see some symbolism in the gum scene. She soils both her husband and little asr with her suspicions which are blown out of proportion and end up hitting her hard just like how the gum stuck to her face.
Though I did not like the scene between ASR and asr by the pool, especially ASR concurring with asr and mocking her behind her back, I was satisfied that she got him to go down on his knees for that one. Poor ASR - what love has reduced him to?
and i did not like that she made her husband kneel.. for whatever reason! AND i did not like that arnav knelt.
Deleteto be fair, i would not have liked it if arnav made khushi kneel for some reason either.
khushi promised to pull the hair off any chudail who entered arnav's life.. and when someone seems to have made a claim, she pulls HIS hair?? WT?
(sanaya would have had a ball pulling barun's hair - onscreen, no less! and that too, twice!)
uh-huh jaya... it wasn't barun... actually it was a BD!!
Deletethe fingers were not khuhsi's... but i did not watch with any concentration donno if the head was BD or not.. huh. if it was not barun's head, good for him! one more overgrown hair :D
Deletein fact, night out after a full day is not my usual MO.. but now have to.. because if i sleep now, i wont wake up in time for tomorrow's jampacked schedule.
sorry about this dumb question..par....will we be happy if the result is positive or if it is negative?? (i missed the discussions all of you had..and i swear i will read them and will not ask anymore stupid questions :D)
Deletepromise i had logged off and then i checked on phone for one last time for Krish's comment...for mere pe vishesh tippani..then i saw ur question and koi bachha doubt ke saath sona nahin i am givin ans:
best option don't open envelope....but ASR or Khushi will come to know it is positive later...(that can be negative sheetal ka kamal or whatever) and then there will be turning and twisting in the plot. intense pain and separation etc....track
else i feel, it should be positive if the envelope is opened....and then also the track can begin...
If it turns negative...genuinely...without any intervention from Sheetal then what is the point?
story hi nahin rahegi..i will be fearful for why has sheetal turned it negative....socheka padi should mean that asr is father....that will scare way or the other....
LOL rekha... you can never detox!! m sure even when the show ends, and we all probably start watching some other show, even then you'll be reminiscing abt IPK and arhi magic!!
Deletehaila.....mera obituary ho jayega.....
Deletei can't watch another show with this much passion...ever honestly for me, krish, it has never been about the rabba ves or the pull, push and grab..there were a mighty part of the attraction but i loved the story as it was woven around a character that spoke so less, but expressed so much altho it was always Khushi who was in the screen crystallising each thot ...but the story was always asr's to tell...and i am waiting for it to turn back to his pov...he has become silent off late, laidback....
heh heh: we are still undecided!
DeleteI want it to be negative, but I am pretty sure it will turn out to be positive.
Why else was Sheetal hiding behind the curtain? She wanted to know the outcome of the result, so obviously she did something...that was why Madam was 'busy'- she was probably spying on K.
1. She made it look negative. Why?
Whatever connection she has to the Raizadas, she wants it to be hidden. She does not want her child to be taken away from her.
2. She made it look positive. Why?
This woman has come with an intention, good or bad, we will see now.
a) The looks that she is exchanging with ASR seems like...' I know you are a nice guy, I am sorry I have to hurt you for the kid's sake. I am doing this for Aarav.' (Actually those expressions are pretty unreadable to me, ditto with ASR's expressions towards Sheetal- may be the CVs want it that way for the suspensewa.)
b) She has an eye on the guy and the money...turns out bad for the kid, he is being used.
So I guess it will turn out to be positive, as was promised by the spoilers. 'The kid will be made to look like Arnav's, but it will actually not be Arnav's!'
So when *hit hits the roof, ASR: denies it.
Khushi: wants the best for the kid and the father.
Family: wants the kid and Khushi.
Sheetal: What will she want?
And if Khushi decides to go with the report, and the undeniable signs...who can blame her? But the moment ASR denies any physical involvement, how will K react? Won't she believe him? Kostens...kostens...
I think they purposely did not show the result to be positive today. Had they done that IF would have murdered ASR over the weekend. Now we are all left discussing this scenario with great interest. Not bad, the CVs are shmart! Shatir dimaag! (At least I can apply it to some one on the show!)
but the story was always asr's to tell...and i am waiting for it to turn back to his pov...he has become silent off late, laidback....
Deletei'l join ur club! it was ASR's story... his journey to find true love... and when he did find it, now its his responsibility to unravel the mystery that is his true love!
its high time he realises that he knows khushi, bas upar upar se... she is more than that meets the eye and only he can understand what she is! and he ha to be extremely careful, coz the deeper he dig, more fragile khushi is..
su, are you saying, the reports are negative but sheetal made a switch, for what ever reason to make it positive...?
Deletethat makes sheetal grey (based on her motive)
arnav turns out to be a liar
khushi is heart broken
aarav is one hell of a confuse kid, plus if he is really like ASR, then he'd start to hate ASR!
family shocked!
fullto drama !!
"But the moment ASR denies any physical involvement, how will K react? Won't she believe him?"'
my point exactly, arnav clealy denies any connection with aarav. shouldn't that be proof enough for her?
may be she says, if you say he is not your child, then fine... i dnt want any sabooth for you honesty. bt ASR in his anger, tears open the envelope jut o that theres abs no shred of doubt, with proof. and the report says POSITIVE!
DeleteLoved your WHAM!
Shiddat to that happening!
krish and su,
Deleteshiddat to that happening but one more scenario...he says open it, she says no...he says, i will and she pulls it and tears it.....but the word "positive" in the report in the dustbin must be shown to viewers....
Aur raaz raaz hi banke rahega?
Deleteps - should the DNA report not be more technical as in saying how many markers match and chances of a relationship - its not a +ve or -ve --- but then this is IPK!
Deletemona, a DNA report that says the names of the subjects on the envelope.. how much more illogical can it get!!
DeleteJust wondering
ReplyDeleteODB – started off with a fairly good character sketch (including the shatir demagh) – after all he had the brains to had put in the hard work to create an empire and was able to buy back Sheesh mahal – His character was assassinated many time when he was not given anything to do (and i have cribbed about it loads so wont repeat here but i mean instances like post marriage/post holi/posy HR/post kidnapping etc etc, where the hero just did not do anything!)
BUT when the CTs did pay attention – he did grow by leaps and bounds – he grew from the “I don’t give a damn” to “I can’t live without you” – from “I will run away from her” to “I will never let you go” – basically the non believer to the believer. the biggest test he passed, and with flying colours was - not just coming back to marry KKG but also taking the arshirwad of Garima - he had to come, that was his growth and all the funda about growing trust, but he did not have to forgive G so soon - yet he did, for KKG and that was his ultimate test
ODG – started off with being better than the hero – gutsy, filmy, lovable, sankadevi – darti hai ar karti hai! Loved the fact that she never shut up in front of ASR, she always gave him as good as she got!– so she was near perfect and like all SP heroines needed no ‘journey’ – she was already there - but what made the character real were little things - she taking on more then she could chew (tum sab kaam akelay nahi lar sakti) and ODB helping her there
But why can she not be shown to grow as well? what about her concepts of trust and bharosa??? she can ask a kid about his father, a topic he is obviously sensitive about, she can talk to Sheetal who is a little more than a stranger BUT she cannot ask her own husband??? - ok the first time (the jalebi dialogue) was cute and understandable - she did not know how to broach the topic - but three days and she still could not ask? - you all have been saying that she was insecure - but tell me something - she has always been very secure in her belief in DM and her family - she totally trusted ASR (even when she hated him, she trusted him) yet now when she knows he loves her like no one can - she is all of a sudden insecure???
does not make sense to me - and that too of something that happened years before she even came into ODB's life???
And getting a DNA test done (forget the fact that you cant just get a DNA test done so easily!) without ASR knowing - i am sorry that is just wrong - she wants ASR to trust her and she does not need to trust him??? or is this track all about her trust growing???
Coz i saw both Thursday's and Fridays episodes together - my reactions are for both episodes -
- sorry did not like KKG by the pool side - yes the chotu was being rude but KKG had rubbed him the wrong way till now - no i was not sorry for her - she is being stupid beyond permission and i am on ASR's side right now!
- ASR & ASR bonding - too too cute (ASRJ can act!)
DeleteI think you are asking the Q that Shwetha asked above.
What was the point in K doing the detective work? What did she want to achieve?
I feel K needs to know. And she just cannot initiate that talk with him. The wrong questions come out. So she wanted to be absolutely sure without hurting her husband's sentiments. And she has every right to know, because ...till now he has not told her clearly that there was no intimacy.(Why she cannot ask her husband: she is just not comfortable discussing such things with him and this is only a shaq, she did not want to offend him.)
What did she want to do with the info?
If it turns out to be her husband's child....
Will K let the child go?
No way. She will never be happy knowing a part of her husband that rightfully belongs to him is taken away from him. And the kid also deserves his father. I think she'd have taken the route any second wife who loves her husband'd do- embrace the child. Let the mother rear him in a separate home, but the child should definitely be allowed to bond with his father.
But she has to be sure in the first place.
Su, I agree that she will not let the kid go and i agree that it will be really tough on her and all that - believe me i understand that it must be tough on her on accept that her husband was in intimate with someone else (that he did not love her ever is also not as imp as the fact (if it were true) that he slept with her)
DeleteBut my point is - what about her trust = what about her growth in character - she cant talk to her husband - cant bring up the topic but can go behind his back and get a test done??? if i were ASR i would be furious - this woman talk of love being bharosa and she cant ask - oh i agree that once he says it out right, she will believe him - but he needs to be asked and she needs to ask - after all she has the haq to ask! but if she cant even ask him now, then when ever another such problem arises (may not be related to a kid!) but anything else that demands her trust - she will go about it in this manner and not ask the one man who would never knowingly hurt her(and that she knows!)
Actually, Mona, this time I can understand both sides, Arnav and Khushi.
DeleteKhushi did try ... she tried a lot to ask Arnav ... she asked him what he and Sheetal did when they were alone ... usse zyada kitna explicit ho sakti thi? Other than outright accusing your husband that he slept with another woman before marriage, and that carelessly enough to have a kid ... if the accusation was false, Arnav would be equally hurt that she thought he could be that way. Or maybe he wouldn't be so hurt because for him it was an acceptable thing ... but for Khushi asking him something like that if it wasn't true is like insulting him of having a loose character and sleeping around ... a serious accusation to make, even more so if it wasn't true.
So she's said all she could without actually saying the words ... I understand her point.
Arnav will be furious that she did all this without asking him that question even once - I agree with his viewpoint too. He has the right to be angry, he has been open with her about his relationship, as far as he's concerned he told Khushi it was nothing serious ...
Now the big question is - does he also include sleeping together casually as nothing serious? Given his thoughts on sleeping together, affairs and live in relationships? Or does he feel that nothing serious automatically means they didn't get physical and Khushi should have understood that?
What do you as a viewer feel? Did he sleep with Sheetal or not? If we are confused when we do understand Arnav's westernised lifestyle and pov, would Khushi not be even more confused?
She should actually ask Arnav what she asked Sheetal - why does Sheetal call her son ASR when she is Sheetal Kapoor. That might light his dim bulb and make him ask Sheetal the same question!
Whatever, now that he knows what she was agonising about, at least he will be on the watchout for Sheetal ... unless he behaves the same way as he did with Shyam - Sheetal is innocent, you're suspecting things for no good reason ...
in which case I will give up on his dimaag completely - shatir or otherwise!
I have very mixed feelings about this,episode and the way this is going. Shetals is acting strangely and seems to be handing over the care of her child to the women of the house. Mind you they don't have an awful lot to do do it will keep them all occupied. Khushie knows that if the results come back positive then her life will not be the same. Arnav will never ask Khushi to leave, he loves her soo much and it has taken a lot to get them this far. He won't give her up, but she could be the one to make the move and leave for the sake and future of the child. If the child is around, so will the mother and Khushi can't cope with the possibility that Arnav may start making comparisons between the two of them and Khushi's insecurities will come to the head and she will just go away and shatter into tiny pieces.
ReplyDeleteArnav is very sure that the child I'd not his, even asking her to open the envelope. He is that confident, and will be furious that she didn't ask him and didn't trust him enough to ask. We will soon find out next week and if it is positive, the ****will hit the fan and go everywhere. I hope Arnav tries to understand Khushi why she has done what she has. I don't say it is,right, but she is not getting the answers from the mother, who is being very evasive, and that is what has,been making Khushi react the way she,does.
What will Shetal gain from this. A father for her son if the results are positive. An income for life or does,she want more. The father, son, money, house, and the name that Arnav once told Khushi that no women would ever want to give up. Except Khushi, she will give it up if she thinks that is the best thing to do and suffer for it later.
I quite like the kid, he can act far better than the mother. Don't like any Shetal Arnav scenes. Just doesn't look right.
Lin, a long post from you! nice!
DeleteI did not like the raizada ladies taking over aarav duties. I especially did not like it that they prepped him in the living room.. maybe, if they were in shital's room,it would have been a bit more believable! did not like the execution of that scene AT ALL.
you make an interesting point, the raizada name is indeed khushi displayed in the principal's office.. and many ladies would not give it up.. but shital has not yet laid claim to the name, it is khushi's overactive imagination giving shital a claim.
and that paints her somewhat white in my book.
arnav-shital scenes, from where i stand, seem to perfectly fit, as an ex couple who parted with no hard feelings. shital and arnav, both introverts, dont want to trouble the family with another bit of gossip, but neither wants to avoid each other , they are perfectly cordial as old friends.
I feel the test will be positive but it will be Sheetal's plan. There are too many coincidences, Aarav requesting to go to the bathroom at the right moment, Aarav refusing to name his father and most important why the heck was Sheetal peeping into their room. I am sure Sheetal was watching out for Khushi ever since NK mentioned about the DNA test. It is possible that she messed with the reports.
ReplyDeleteI seriously feel the kid is a setup. There are way too many similarities. Even the school is same. Is Sheetal obsessed with Arnav?
Arnav was not lying when he told his Di that he did not love Khushi when he married her. In the word association game he clearly said that love means trust and he did not trust Khushi when he forcefully married her. Trust kicked in much later, when he had all the time in captivity to think things through and realised the woman is just incapable of doing all the things he accused her of. So his love really began from then on. All that preceded it was a strong attraction which paraded as love till he really understood what it was. There is no question that Khushi trusts Arnav. If she did not, she would not have surrendered herself to him before marriage. She would not have waited for him eternally on their wedding day. So she does trust him. In this case she knows that if she had worked up the courage to boldly ask what is on her mind, he would have given her a truthful answer. That is not the issue. The issue is here is a child which could have been the product of a relationship which he had well before he met her. It isn't impossible that he would have had a physical relationship before marriage because he clearly thought there was nothing wrong in it. Coming from a conservative background she cannot tactfully ask him exactly what is on her mind, although she did try quite a few times. So she went behind his back and did the tests. So more than the lack of trust in the man, what was at play was her inability to broach such a delicate subject to him and also concern not to hurt his sentiments.
ReplyDeleteIf Arnav takes this to be an indication of her lack of trust in him and gets wild with her for it, I'm pretty sure she will throw aside the report before opening it and assure him that she does indeed trust him. If he had any physical contact with Sheetal, it would be Arnav who would then start wondering whether there is more to the matter. The ease with which he interacts with Aarav and Sheetal would then change and this would then restart Khushi's insecurities. She knows her husband loves only her but being Khushi, she would want to do right by the child. So she would again try to establish the real link between the two so that she can take a decision which will be right for Arnav and Aarav, even if she ends up being the sacrificial lamb. Whether she is right in deciding for other people's lives? No. But then that has always our quintessential Khushi trait.
Deletei feel the word trust is used very casually in this matter it is not about trust in one matter but very much about it in a related matter...
For K it has only been about the possibility of the occurrence not how could it be...similarly for anyone looking at the issue from the outside...not how could he and all that?
she chose an underhand method to find if her suspicions were baseless or not due to her inability to broach the topic...but she stands guilty on facing the current situation with a trust deficit ...but there is no high ground for arnav ...he will only be justified to ask K why did she not share her concerns with him and demand that she should have been honest with him about her doubts but K would be also be justified in saying why did he not think of putting hr mind at rest considering the past history as she did make attempts to broach it.
My point is if it was a matter after they were in a relationship and such a thing surfaced, arnav can ask" did u not trust me enuf' now it is a question of not trustin enuf to ask the an issue of trust yet not completely so....
I like the way ur train of thot is proceeding becos i always felt that there would come a time in this serial when arnav should question some of his fondly held beliefs..that of pronouncing guilt on face value....while he did accept that Khushi saved his life and he was was more of a lover's reaction of pain caused..hardly an introspection that the situation merited...He will feel what it is to be in that boat to really understand what K went thru at the moment...
so i am all for a track that makes arnav doubt this aspect and the two worlds he will have to saddle,among the many other things that k and he will have to learn and accept...hopefully there will be light at the end of the tunnel...i only hope we have some deliverance in settin the love story on its course...which looks derailed atm
DeletePyar - Bharosa. Humein bharosa hai aap par aapke pyaar par.
She has always trusted him and his word. Bas she needs to learn to wholehartedly trust the depth of his love for her.
DM ki itni badi bhakht is yet to realize that every time she says DM shakti dena, she has sent Arnav to Khushi. Each time her himmat seems to dwindle, he is there to prop up her courage (be it a father's illness or a simple sangeet competition).
He perhaps did not trust her before the marriage but he did love her (he is yet to realize that) because that night as he stepped up to teh terrace after his convo with Akash he told himself, "aaj main khushi ko bataaongaa ki mujhe faraq kyun padhta hai"
Khushi has buried the moments post Payash getting together and prior to her wedding because she always takes his word as truth. He told her he married her for Di and later realized his mistake. The day she realizes he has always loved her and only her, her trust on his love will be complete.
My gut tells me there is another Khushi monologue which will happen where unhe kyun faraq padhta hai will be crystal clear to her and that he was lying when he told her she and her things meant nothing to him that Diwali night(her recent dialogue by the pool of waise toh yeh humse kuch nahi chupaate and Arnav apologizing for not telling her). Therefore today when he says Sheetal and his past with her means nothing he means it truly. He had troubled her because for him it always was "kyun khwaabon pe tere saaye hain, dil kyun hai tanhaa mera". His anger filled eyes always unnerve her but she has to see teh anger comes up because tehre is hurt nehind them and the hurt could only be possible if there was love to begin with. Each time she sees his anger she feels she has lost him but all that is needed is for her to reach out to him and the anger will slip away to reflect his love for her in his eyes.
"kyun nazrein teri yun anjaan hai
aankhein hai meri bhi nam"
"aise hi humaare chhote, nak pe gussa magar dil main bahut saara pyaar. gussa bardaasht karna, aur pyaar soodh sameth waapis dena"
Because that night after their marriage by the poolside when he said he hated her, he did not hate her but he thought she did nto love him, she would reject him. For a man still to come to terms with his mothe's rejection of him (by her suicide, rejection a the hands fo love is an unresolved issue)
DeleteVishwaas could mean faith / trust or even confidence.
Faith is unshakeable whereas confidence can have its weak moments if you think you are being over confident.
DeleteI am not doubting that Arnav loved Khushi before marriage. I am just saying that he felt justified saying that he did not love Khushi when he married Khushi because in his own words, love means trust and he had failed to trust Khushi at the time. So he could truthfully tell his Di that he did not love Khushi at the time of their marriage. Love has several definitions and to Arnav, love meant trust - a trust his father broke- which is why he never felt his father ever loved his mother. A trust he thought Khushi broke and hence to him she did not love him and later when he found out it was his lack of trust in her that brought out all their problems he felt his love too was strengthened only after he trusted her and was not worthy of being considered love at the time of the hate marriage. That is why he would be deeply hurt by what he would consider Khushi's failure to trust him as undermining her love for him.
DeleteOn what Arnav told di being the truth, I am with you.
This is what I feel about the convo:
When ASR explained the premise of his marriage to Anjali:
1. Why did Anjali ask the Q?
It was not because she felt insecure about his wife. She was stating that Chhote has been hiding things from her the day he got married. He never gave her the reason for marriage. The issue was not the new woman, the issue was 'hiding things'. And it became quite believable to Anjali then that ASR wanted to keep Di and Khushi separate.I think Anjali was lamenting the right of a sister to know about her bro's marital plans. Quite a fair demand.
2. What did Chhote tell Di?
He told her the truth.
He did not rush in to the marriage because his feelings for K could not wait.
In fact, it was the right opposite when they got married. He fell in love with her all over again, after the wedding. A simple truth, which we have all seen played out.
OFC, he did not bother to explain in detail to Di that Shyam was the cause of the hatred, because he assumed she'd connect the dots, considering he had just kicked him out. ('Assumption is the mother of all ****ups', as they say!)
'there is another Khushi monologue which will happen where unhe kyun faraq padhta hai will be crystal clear to her and that he was lying when he told her she and her things meant nothing to him that Diwali night..':
Will we really get this?
I thought they wound up all that past in a simple fb of the bandagement on the roka.
"Hum tabse aap ke hai".
It will be really nice if we can get a nice long monologue.
But she keeps saying, "humein pataa hai"....
This is what puzzles me on the track.
She knows.
She knows how nuch he loves her, how much he needs her...
So, how can Sheetal create a rift there?
Unless, K's mind starts making associations of Arnav suddenly wanting to go back to Sheetal on account of the child...isn't that what her imagination is telling her?
Hubby kissing Sheetal, hubby enjoying Sheetal lavishing her attention on him, remembering minute details about Sheetal from the days of their courtship(though I feel no one'd forget it if you fed someone nuts and they got an allergy), bonding with 'their?' son...
DeleteTotally agree with your 2nd commnt. I read urs and Rekhas and was thinking aloud here. I agree Arnav loved her before the marriage too but it seems he and Khushi are yet to realize the same. and that is where I was speaking of her trusting hsi word always but his love she has just begun to trust since that night when he came for her at the mandap.
Fingers crossed fro good execution. Diwali around the corner and I hope the 2nd Nov anniversary isa good one !
after a long time of calling arnav a liar, today, i defend him. at the time of marriage, arnav did NOT love khushi. at the time of marriage, he hated her with a hate enough to take revenge for every bad thing that happened in his life. to make a mockery of her belief in marriage, to give her every pain that she well and truly deserved... that is why he married her.
DeleteThat quote will remain a mystery until we hear anything specified...
DeleteIn a subtle story telling style (which ipk has followed for a gud part), this interpretation will remain a matter of doubt dependin on what we see in the story at a given time...
I thot the point of him marrying her on that day was for the very reasons that J mentioned but a big part was his non-acceptance of his real me that realisation for arnav is still pending in the reason...i thot the bring back shyam abhiyaan would have caused for the pointers for arnav...and i did a yippeee when that happened but zilch...he went ahead and said sorry to there u far as i am concerned he has not realised that he spoke something without accepting something very elementary n this tale mentally,so he is not a liar in that sense...but yet so....
havin said that, idk if there is any scope for it to resurface at any point.....
maybe it can come today tommo....
of knowing no matter what...son or no son, shyam or no shyam.. he cannot part with khushi...his peetal bartan ot whatever...will wait to see if it happens...i think the day he says to K, that i would have never let u go in any circumstance is the day it clinches it for K(not in the bland way i put it)
beautiful update Dia!! seems like Devil Dia has won hands down against Angel Dia. what does SBS say?? link plz?
ReplyDeleteOn the sbs thing, my sense is arnav would be upset after this incident and Khushi goes to the store room to make amends to cheer up arnav not to dig....
Deleteif she has accepted that arnav is not the father on his words, or if the report is negative, why should she do this digging...tat would be gross butcherisation of her character, rather one of the many nails now being increasingly used to put in bad light and i wonder why?
somehow i feel Khushi will now be in a happy state but it is arnav who wll face the heat...the heat may turn eventually on to k is another matter....
I did try to be fair to Sheetal ... I promise I did! :)))
DeleteSBS had a segment where they showed Khushi dressed as angel in white with a halo, and in black with two horns, having an argument with herself about something, couldn't catch what. And real Khushi dressed in same peach dress of Friday is in the storeroom taking out an old album of Arnav's.
So carrying fwd from Rekha's post, Khushi knows Arnav is upset, he reiterates he and Sheetal were just friends, so she goes to find something they did together in college and organise a repeat, to make up for her blunder. And in digging out the album, she finds something else.
A random thought just struck me ... what if Arnav knows who Arav's dad is, and that is why he has never questioned the mannerisms of Arav? And he knows it is a) Akash - good way to give Akash an exit
or b) Dhruv - good way to give Dhruv an entry.
And he doesn't connect that even if Arav's dad is Akash or Dhruv, then DNA will match to some extent, though not as completely as parents. Hence Sheetal's fear at seeing the DNA report.
Okay, this was totally random! :D
DeleteLooks like Khushi is not going to stop her nosiness if this article is to be believed.
Deletethe only thing is if he knows that someone known to him is father...his reactions to her entry to RM will not be so aiyvi-taivi...ok, it need not bother him but he would have been shown to wonder...tho it is still possible that he might consider other possibilities later on...uska dimag tubelight bhi to hain..but .akash called her sheetalji...satyanash of any such hope...
dhruv only possible if gul-decides to have mercy on us...
Hmm, true ... okay, not Akash or Dhruv ... a common college friend? Or he knows that after him Sheetal was involved with someone else, but he doesn't know the outcome of the affair. That might explain Sheetal's diffidence ... though again, it doesn't explain her lurking around for the DNA report.
DeleteRandom rambles – busy weekend.
ReplyDeleteShyam teri bansi pukaare Radha naam
Log karein Meera ko yunhi badnaam
Arnav whose every breath only spells Khushi. Even when asked to think of another girl he can only think of Khushi. Yet Khushi at some level perceives the earlier ASR as "character dheela" simply bcos of his beliefs then on love, marriage & children. Is a progressive outlook always to be frowned down upon?
I am still holding onto Sheetal not trying to rip apart ArHi.
Sheetal is plainly uncomfortable being around her old bf & she can sense Khushi's unease as well as she is aware that Khushi is wondering about Aarav's father a lot. She does not want to make a mess in Arnav's life yet she needs to do something she owes Aarav too. Arnav realling - this is what he cautioned Khushi about inviting Sheetal & Aarav to stay & in her present state of upset, it is adding to her unease.
Bankelal - Krishna is worshipped in Vrindavan synonymous with Krishna's childhood as Banke Bihari.
When all the Raizada women were getting Aarav ready, it reminded me of how Krishna was pampered & fussed over by the gopikas of Vrindavan. His birth mother was Devaki but he was eternalized as "Yashoda's Nandlala".
Aarav S R
The SR stands for Singh Raizada - a name that even Arnav has adopted. So if Aarav is indeed a Singh Raizada then all Nani's & Mami's dialogues about him being a child of that house, no one being able to force the Raizadas to do anything kind of makes sense.
They mentioned Aradhana - a movie where the heroine has a son out of wedlock & he grows up to be a replica of the father but he is raised by foster parents.
Kya Hai bharosa, aashiq dil ka
Aur kisee pe yeh aa jaaye
Agaya toh bahut pachtaayegi tu
Khushi trusts her Arnavji it is the ASR that she believes was character dheela & badtameez. Was recently seeing old epis & Khushi herself made a dialogue about how aukaad & haisiyat may differ but a person's true gauge can be made by a saaf dil. Khushi's dil is a bit murky at the moment. When the storm subsides she will see only the moon (herself) reflected in the vastness of the ocean that is Arnav.
Kati Patang - A movie wherein a young widow lands at a doorstep of an elderly couple claiming to have gotten their grandchild. She was neither their son’s wife nor the child's mother. Her aim was to ensure the child got his right & family's name. Eventually the child wins his rights and is brought up by a man considered a son by the family & this lady who goes onto become his wife & they adopt the child as theirs.
And finally bcos of the roses & gardening - Baghban - where a couple adopt a smart child & give him their name just so he does not call himself an orphan.
Baaghon ke har phool ko apna smajhe baaghbaan
To wind up:
1. Aarav is a Singh Raizada
2. Seeing Arnav's conviction that he cannot be his son & his neutrality & admission to Khushi by the pool, he may not be Arnav's son
3. When you marry a person, however much you know each other there will always be some unknown from the past which could potentially affect the present & future. Khushi who encourages others to view life as a cup half full needs to stop seeing her own life as a cup half empty.
Apni Kabhi To Kabhi Ajnabi
Aansu Kabhi To Kabhi Hai Hasi
Dariya Kabhi To Kabhi Tishnagi
Lagti Hai Yeh To
4. Sheetal does not seem to have proof to substantiate her claim about Aarav being a Singh Raizada (I am guessing the DNA report will be negative & Sheetal is not Aarav's mum in reality).
Arnav needs to realize how superstitious Khushi is about her getting happiness, Khushi needs to learn to be as secure in Arnav's love as she is in her babuji's (the crutch of her name - Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada)
DeleteInteresting plot you have got there. If they show it I will credit them with more brains than I thought thes possess. Remember all the wonderful tracks you and others had thought up during the kidnapping track and later when the Garima truth was being unraveled? We never got to see the Shatir Dimag you had resumed ASR to have. Arnav married Khushi simply because he lost his brains, which remained frozen for a good three months - not because he wanted to get under the bottom of the truth. We never got a deep and involved plot surrounding Garima's past. She was shown to be the other woman in Arnav's father's life. We are yet to get a plot which shows Shyam's objective for entering RM to be anything other than greed for money. All we have got so far is what we saw at the first instance. The plot never gets thick. All they succeed in doing is put up a smoke screen after giving us an initial glimpse of the reality of the situation, thereby making jalebi out of our brains and once the smoke screen clears, we get to see what we had initial seen but found hard to believe. So I wouldn't be surprised if this plot is also just skin deep.
I guess being the only one in this forum who had also watched their earlier show, I have come to expect very little depth from this PH. I have to give it to them though for luring scores of sane people and turning them insane in love for their jodis. They do work up our grey cells and our creativity which is in a way good because these will come in handy for our dealing with AD.
Sandy, I was waiting for your take!
DeleteKati Patang ... when we were talking about Sheetal not being Arav's real mother, that was the movie I thought of.
Arav seems to genuinely love Sheetal ... note the hug he gives her after he's been fussed over by the R ladies.
Sheetal herself says she's not a good mother. Is that because she's not had enough practice? Because she was only an aunt till now? Or a friend?
Garima hoped she was a good mother to Khushi after her own mother died.
Sheetal has mentioned again and again that she is here only for a few days. Arav said he would always be with Arnav.
Mami told Sheetal to get out and Arav would stay.
The child actor of Arav has done a long role in his previous show - he was less prominent than his sister, but he was a permanent member of the cast. But that show is returning with a Season2 in Jan - will there be a leap there? Or will he go back to it?
When was Aradhana mentioned?
However, I am afraid that like Opti says, this PH starts off great tracks, and then meanders aimlessly into cliched tame ends. So Sheetal may turn out to be cliched vamp after all.
DeleteThe boy who plays Aarav quit Na bole hum long before it ended (at least a couple of months before I think). Another little boy was playing his part. So even if the show returns with a season 2 which will not be before Jan I think (because big boss has to get over), it will not have a bearing on his continuance or otherwise in the show. It is another matter that the show itself may not last beyond Jan-Feb if it does not rack in the mullas (read trps). There is a Sanjay Leela Bansali show waiting in the wings which may or may not replace it.
DeleteReally nicely wound up.
I was on the same page as you yesterday.
But today I am totally confused.
I watched the week's epis back to back today. (When did they re-start that?)
And I agree with Dia on one point I had totally missed.
At the doctor's, Sheetal did give a funny expression. Like she was happy to have planted that thought there on Khushi.And when she asks K if she is alright, she lights up a bit as if she is glad that the whole act got the desired effect.
All those puppy dog expressions...
And Sheetal peeping into Arhi's privacy.
That gets me all confused. This cute kid cannot have a vamp as a caretaker/ mother.
The spoiler pics suggest that K's sanak continues...that means she tore up the report but shak continues? And inbhestigation is still on...
What is the track really about?
Is it about the vamp?
Or is it just someone who plants a seed of doubt in K's mind, lets her imagination take over.
Does it really matter who Sheetal is and what her intentions are?
I really hope it is about Khushi's insecurities and ASR's frustration when he realises he was not able to convince her of his innocence.
In that case, is Sheetal worried about her plans creating havoc in ASR's life?
I hope they are not messing up the track, because things just don't add up.
Dia / Opti / Su,
Well yes they could simply go the normal route here too well if they do, what can I do nothing much :)
Aradhna was one of the so called gf's Arnav listed to Khushi
Sheetal seems desperate to make Aarav a part of he family. If she has no pictures, marriage certificate her only hope will be triat similarities and any genetic illnesses. But a DNA may backfire. The Sheetal peeping and Arnav Sheetal convos are all there to keep us guessing.
SN: If you think about it any new entrant except Dadi has always been a relative of Manormana Mami (NK, Bubbly, Masala Mami :))
I am all for Aarav being Arnav's son but a part of me also wishes that they clearly enunciate that people who believe in dating, live in relationship and in not marrying are not necessarily t have fathered love child(s). Plus these people may have their views yet they can still respect women and their boundaries.
DeleteThis track is all about Khushi understanding that her happiness is not always jinxed. Ki uske zindagi main ghum hi ghum nahi hain. And also to get an understanding of why life alwyas gives her 2 Qns in return for 1 instead of answers - because she goes looking for the problems.
Plus I loved the mirror coming back after ages on Fri. Arnav manages to see something Khushi hides, something she knows yet perhaps does not visibly acknolwedge / realize, something that scares her but which he has caught a glimpse of - Khushi is scared that life will snatch her loved ones away from her and once they go away they will never return to her and all she will be left with is memories. Plus a some corner she is still holding onto the diffeences in their personalities and lifestyles in her heart that fuels her impending possibility of loss.
DeleteThat was really nice about the mirror and Arnav finding his wife hiding something.*hugs*
I am giving up on Sheetal after reading Mishti's spoiler. No point decoding her or reading too much in to her.
Like you said, it is all about Khushi. Even the spoiler pics could be another of K's nightmare- her apologising to ASR with asr and Sheetal looking on- what she fears her role in his life will be once Sheetal stakes her claim?
DeleteI loved your take on the mirror ... Arnav seeing that Khushi is hiding something - symbolism after ages. He sees the two sides of Khushi - the smiling mask, which he has learned already hides her pain, and her hidden fears.
Read a take on IF - Priya's Crooner, which made an interesting point - that this track is all about Khushi, it is being shown from her viewpoint, probably for the first time, otherwise the tracks have all been shown from Arnav's pov. This time we're not seeing Arnav's pov at all ...
He is outwardly very casual about Sheetal, but he does remember little details about her like her nut allergy ... although when NK wonders that he remembers such a small thing, he plays it down by saying that everyone in college knew about it. He hasn't tried to have any private conversation with Sheetal, not even the usual 'do you remember A/B/C from college' which would be quite normal for any college mates meeting after so long, as Khushi remarked the first day, isn't it nice to meet old friends after so long.He has shown NO interest in her personal life, no curiosity about who the father of her child is ... any old friend might be slightly curious at least, don't you think? Since Arav was apparently conceived very soon after Arnav Sheetal knew each other.
From Arnav's pov, he knows Khushi is insecure about Sheetal, so he's going out of his way not to be very friendly with her. He likes Arav, so he's happy to spend time with him, not realising that it's Arav and not Sheetal who is worrying Khushi!
Now what will happen next week when he does realise that, we'll have to see. From the spoilers, Khushi's worries have not subsided ... will it now become about insecurity about herself? That she is not good enough to be in Arnav's life and Sheetal is outwardly much more suited? Or will it be to finding out about who Arav's father is, and why Sheetal calls him Arav SR, and has raised him to be a mini ASR when he is not related to Arnav. Especially since none of the Raizadas have given it a thought!
But then there is only one thinking brain in the show at a time ... mostly it belonged to Shyam, ever since the plan to oust Shyam started, it seems to have moved to Khushi!
Hey Sandy,
DeleteU here finally....*hugs*
i just came on to this post...after the books one...suddenly a bit disconnected with i am going to read ur take in peace...and then do bak-bak....u have sewn thots from ur older ones and it looks like we have an interesting one here again..but are these tangential thots?? Is ARHI story moving away from its core or it is actually goin to converge.....after the atoot vishwas track, i have not seen much of a clarity in the story tellin just loop closures bein sewn in....
DeleteI was just thinking - Khushi is sanka devi very close to shanka devi. Shanka - suspicion. Good in moderation, harmful in excess :)
Yes it is all from Khushi's POV. The small things that get highlighted, and a general zeroing in on things that worry her at the exeption of others. Plus Arnav warned her that he had felt jealous about her and NK too at the start and Khushi inviting them was careless. She was so focussed on finding out about Aarav's father that she missed how she would feel about Sheetal and Aarav being around Arnav all the time.
Kabhi Kabhi insaan wohi dekhta hai jo woh dekhna chaahta hai - just like Khushi told Arnav that he saw what he wanted to see that fateful night. Now she is seing what she chooses to see.
Saagar kinaare, saanj savere
halke ujaale, halke andhere
kyo hain ye dooriyaan, kyaa hain majbooriyaan
dil jo poochhe, kyaa kahoo
gham ki geharaaeeyaan, aise tanhaeeyaan
haay kaise main sahoo
too naheen paas to, kyaa mere paas hai
ek hee khwaab hai, ek hee aas hai
teri hee yaadein, teri hee baatein
beete naa ye din beete naa raatein
teri diwanee kab se soyi naheen hai
saagar kinaare dil ye pukaare
tu jo nahin to meraa koi nahin hai
Arnav who is like the ocean who each time the tides recede from the sandy beach tends to leave tracks or debris of things that hide within the ocean's depths. Yet there is always only the reflection of the one moon that the ocean reflects.
sandy, loved this take. sorry, no time to elaborate.
DeleteU are my SOMH for a reason.....I stayed away from the thots of IPK for a major part of the day..but i meant to give ur earlier post a serious thot....and when i came back i read another of ur brilliant post...echoing some of my fondly held beliefs of iPK...don't know whether writers think like that and i don't care but it suffices for me to keep the "epicness" of the romance...that Sarun made it so is the real feather in the cap...
I will add a song that is roamin in my head for a week and it fits in well with the train of ur thot...dikhayi diye yun bekhud ke liye, a song that has many interpretations
In Khushi's current context, i interpret the first couplet
Dikhayi Diye Yun Ke Bekhud Kiya
hamein Aap Se Bhi Juda Kar Chale
I feel distant from you even as i am lost in u...the extent of Khushi's love that she is unable to see the distance even as she is one with him...
The second couplet reads
Jabhi Sajda Karte Hi karte Gayi
Haq-E-Bandgi Hum Adaa Kar Chale
In Khushi's current context, i interpret the second couplet as
In my adoration for u, i will also pay the price of my ownership/right over this sense the bandhagi ka haq ada karna is about that paying that price...thinking what is gud for arnav and doing tat..what sandy, u have also described above...
The third couplet reads
Parastish Kiya tak Kiye Buth Tujhe
Nazar Mein Sabonki Khuda Kar Chale
In Khushi's current context i read it as
my worship for u has reached dizzying heights, and i will ensure that u always remain blemishless for the world at large, always doing right (the unsaid part is it will be thru her actions)
The fourth couplet reads
Bahut Arzoo Thi Gali Ki Teri
So Yaas-e-Lahoo Mein Naha Kar Chale
In Khushi's current context i read it as
I always desired to be near u so much so that i am now not separate from u even when i have left u bodily --all desires have submerged, only the love remains
sufism equates the existence of any person with existence of desires. once the desires cease, the existence ceases, only love remains..(i took this meaning to put across the last couplet)
This is not the actual meaning of the song as this song has many meanings but sandy, Jaya, Opti thank u some of ur thots above have let me get a cogent meaning of this song from K's perspective...
I loved all parts of ur post,sandy...and will write tommo morn when i get time...HUGS
I forgot to add the YT of the song
Deletefor anyone keen to hear this beautiful khayyam tell me what u thnk of the song..if u go thru for its meanings there will be several and really not one wrong really..thats why i love this song
Dia...beautiful update...and thanks for the new posts on movies and other shows...
ReplyDeletewas watching friday's epi again...(i actually enjoyed it specially the last part)....
i love Mami - she gave a very genuine of the RM ladies are ready to keep asr and sheetal with them forever...
i love NK...a true friend to khushi...didnt think asr-ASR similarity as son-father...atleast didnt say it loud...
DNA test result - negative or positive - will not help the viewers...sheetal could have doctored it either way and either way could lead too sheetal positive or negative...
first, can we have a door bell for Arhi bedroom(a real big one)...seriously sheetal u r a guest here(u keep mentioning that time and again to Arnav) came just a day ago and already moving around like its ur own...oh u just remembered u have a son...but atleast knock before entering someone's(a newly married couple)bedroom....i already hate her for that(even if aarav is Arnav's son)...
second, why they are giving that soft music when sheetal and Arnav are in same frame...please stop that...
third, can we have Arhi sleeping like a couple...this is not difficult at all..i am sure Sarun can give that shot very comfortably...please...
Spoiler pics on FB if anyone is interested...ahem!!
ReplyDeleteWill say more when at least one of you has seen it!! :)
uh-huh.. looks like another one of khushi's wild imagination!! did hp make a comeback?
DeleteI hope it is just her imagination!! looks like one of the Prakash brothers is back!!
Deletehow cute was the younger Raizada looking??aaww
u are talking about akash rite? damn cute and those sweatsuit, is it the same one arnav wears??
Deletei use to wonder, do they use akshay as BD for arnav???
so akash is definitely leaving.. why else would he get to show his glamor avatar!
DeleteKrish, i dont think he was ever the BD..Barun's BD has a weird shape (i mean he doesn't suit Barun!) and Akshay is taller than Barun, isnt he?
Deleteyea was a surprise to see him like that!boy definitely looks better like this...
yeah.. i know.. i was jst a pasing thot... btw, who i leaving the show now??? DB is vey much there, new and improved if i mite add.. deepali is also there, so is akshay... and lastly Barun too... what was all the uproar for?
Deletezi thought it was LM in an Arnav like casual dress whose leg Khushi was holding.
Deletetu kithe hain? mera mail ka reply kyun nahin ki*sad face*
DeleteAD main thodi fight hai..i will reply..sowwiiee
And a spoiler that will start new interesting discussions here :D
ReplyDeleteSorry Dia!!!
spoiler?? i dint see any...
Deletei hope Dia doesn't ban me for this!! Mishti posted spoilers on her twitter..
Deletetest is negative and basketball match is on..Sheetal will be gone in 10 days...
Sorry Dia!!
Madhura in an interview did mention the bb match ... she also said she doesn't know how long her role will be. Let's see what happens.
Deletei read abt a bb match... u know what this remind me? bb mathc of kuch kuch hota hai!! i know, shouldnt even have thought abt it...
Deletemadhura is leaving so soon? good for us...
ReplyDeletebeautiful VM, tribute to the best of IPKKND