Monday 15th Oct '12
Be careful what you wish for ... your wish might come true!
I could have titled today's post "Poor Arnav" again
Or should I say ... Poor Baby! He's had the entire house and all his friends and colleagues terrorized over the last so many years about not wishing him on his birthday ... one crazy klutzy girl enters his life, turns it upside down, showers him with her love, and he forgets all his self-imposed restrictions ... and spends the major part of the day waiting for her just to wish him! 
In fact so certain was he that she would not listen to his instructions, that he was thoroughly disappointed when she followed them faithfully! On top of which, his entire family has obviously not wished him for decades, now he fully expected Khushi to have converted them as well!
Besides her crazy behaviour when she was taking his measurements under the guise of romantic moments, made him very suspicious ... can't blame the guy for getting his hopes up!
That measurements scene was classic ... vintage Arnav and Khushi ... Arnav getting all turned on, while Khushi is completely on her own spin ... San's expressions there as she squints to check the measurements were epic!
And was that a message for the audience? Sabra ka phal meetha hota hai?
Breakfast ... nothing special ... toast and butter and fruit ... healthy breakfast
Lunch ... he perks up when Khushi comes in, sure that she will have a seven course meal ready for him ... he gets dal, chawal and karele ki sabzi
He can't believe it! Poor man!
He even asks Akash to wish him, and Akash is obviously in on the act ... 'bhai, you don't like anyone to wish you ... you always say so.'
Even Aman is in on the act ... sir, did you want anything else?
Evening ... return home ... by now fully expecting a surprise ... family busy watching Salman Khan trailor
And the unkindest cut of all ... Khushi sends back his cake! Because he said he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday! She's just following his wishes.

She chooses now to follow his wishes?! Like, really??!!!
Reverse psychology at its best
So what has Khushi planned? And Arnav is fuming mad ... and when he's mad, Khushi gets mad too ... no fainting, crying bahu for her ... she gives as good as she gets.
The episode
Khushi in full flow planning Arnav's birthday ... Anjali, Mami and Akash try to tell her how Arnav hates birthdays, his own and other people's. He doesn't wish anyone, he doesn't like to be wished. Bas.
Was that ever good enough for Khushi?! Being told what to do?
Especially if she doesn't agree with it?
Anjali tells Khushi that Arnav hates other people doing anything for him ... Akash corroborates that Arnav hates being even wished ... and hates wishing other people.
Khushi doesn't agree ... he's changed after marriage. Akash and Anjali are still worried that Arnav will be angry with Khushi.
Akash, Anjali, don't you know that Khushi can handle Arnav's anger? And Arnav can't handle Khushi ignoring him ... wait, you don't know that one yet. Koi baat nahin, tumko yeh bhi pata chal jayega ... soon enough!
But in the meantime, Arnav appears and confirms Anjali-Akash's views ... he hears Khushi happily ordering mithai, and draws her away ... very politely and calmly, and Khushi thinks she's won this round ... see, he knows what she's doing and he's not angry at all ...
He's not angry ... no. But he doesn't want his birthday to be celebrated. Bas. It's just a normal day.
She makes a face. Now what?
And he already knows she's not going to listen ...
NK hears more horror stories about how people who wished ASR on his birthday are barely alive to tell the tale.
Khushi comes in all disheartened, and Anjali and Akash are sympathetic in a "We told you so" way.
But of course Khushi has not given up ... how can she let his birthday go by without celebrating it? At least a gift, if nothing else?
No, she won't listen ... if he's like 'this', she's like 'this' too!
Leaving NK a bit confused ... what's the difference between his 'this' and her 'this'?
Mami decides Sunny Deol's anger is better to watch than Arnav's ...
Anjali sees that Khushi has not given up, and goes to warn her gently again ... Anjali, I appreciate your worry, but do stop interfering between husband and wife ... leave Khushi to handle Arnav! She's more than capable!
Khushi has to get fresh meaurements for Arnav ... she tries to sneak out a suit, he catches her ... and he knows she's still planning for his birthday. Despite all her innocent talk ... he's not buying it one instant! See, he does know her very well!
And he takes his suit away in one smooth move ... leaving her frustrated like heck! How is she to get his measurements now?
Easy as pie ... verbally seduce him into confused non-thinking state, and hey presto! Her job is done!
Well almost ... she succeeded a bit too well, hubby is turned on ... 'okay, you come on here now' ... in a sexy drawl, and his eyes open as he finds himself hugging empty air ...
because she's reached the pant measurements now ...
And Arnav is flabbergasted ... why is she kneeling at his feet?!
Oops, busted
... She quickly hides the tape measure, and tries a super-sweet 'my world is at your feet, swami' type line ... but he's not buying it, too much for him to swallow ... 'Khushiii ... enough!' Stop the act now ... and to push her buttons, he tells her she succeeded, its romance time ...
But Khushi is pressed for time, she needs to send those measurements pronto ... so she gets out of that one and runs ... coming back for one last word ... a smiling, teasing, innocent, not-so-innocent promise ... 'wait, intezar ka phal meetha hota hai ...'
It could have been a wife telling her husband coyly to wait for the night ... it could have been the cv's telling the audience to wait for a while ...
And Arnav knows she is planning something big ... he has absolutely no doubt in his mind. And from the looks of him, he's not angry ... far from it.
Morning dawns and with it, Arnav's birthday. And he's relieved at her bright smiling greeting ... now he will find out what she has been planning ... he told her not to plan anything, now he'll have to yell at her ...
She wants him to go to office ...
Office?! WT* She doesn't want him to stay home on his birthday?!
She picks up a box on her dressing table ... okay, she's got him a gift ... he told her he doesn't want gifts, didn't he? Then why did she ... this girl never listens ...
WT* ... it's her bangles ... no gift for him? Then what is she up to?!
So he asks her ... tell me what your plan is, I don't like surprises.
'What plan? Oh, for your birthday? But you yourself said you don't like to celebrate your birthday, no cake, balloons, gifts ... you said you don't like all that ...' Sweet smile, she's the perfect undemanding obedient wife ... and she's off to get his breakfast ready ...
WT* ... she really doesn't have any plan? He said it and she listened to him?!
A call early morning from Aman ... must be to wish him ... doesn't his staff know he doesn't like to be wished? But he thanks him anyway ... doesn't bite his head off for wishing him ...
Aman has set up a meeting ... and what are the thanks for, Sir? Anything else?
WT* ... even Aman doesn't remember his birthday?!
A very pleasant 'Good morning' to Nani and Mami ... a very pleasant smiling 'Good Morning' back ...
WT* ... even they don't remember his birthday?!
Khushi bustling around getting his breakfast ...' so what's special for breakfast today?'
'Toast, butter and fruit ...' with a bright beaming smile ...
'And ...?'
And nothing ... NK is not even at breakfast, neither is Akash, Anjali is in a hurry, Mami is enjoying a simple breakfast after a long time, Nani is worried about her knee pain ...
And the confusion and that hollow feeling of being let down starts ... 'no one even remembers it's my birthday? I thought with Khushi being here, she would carry them all in her sankiness, but ...'
And he tries to console himself ...
'It's okay .. this is what I wanted, after all ...'
Awww ... poor baby ... is it really what you wanted? Am torn between laughing at poor Arnav and wanting to give him a hug at his crestfallen face ...
He gets up to leave, Khushi runs after him ... with his phone ... and a smile ...
'Thanks ...' for nothing!
He's not a happy camper ... this is not what he was expecting ... not at all.
Office ... Akash is totally involved in work ... isn't he forgetting something? 'It's my birthday.'
Of course Akash hasn't forgotten ... but bhai, you don't believe in birthdays ...
Yep, he doesn't, he almost forgot ... but WT* ... that doesn't mean everyone else forgets too ...

Time for lunch break ... Khushi enters with a big lunch basket ... of course, she's packed him a seven course meal, with a love note ... a smile of anticipation that he's trying to hide ... he knew Khushi would have planned something special for him, now he will tell her again that he doesn't like celebrating his birthday, while enjoying her love and pampering all the while ...
WT* ... dal chaval and karele ki sabzi?! Is that a birthday lunch??!!!

Can feel the temperature starting to rise ... there is nothing quite so annoying as getting what you asked for and realising that you didn't really want it ...
And she doesn't even have too much time to spend with him, she's busy ...
Lunch done, she's ready to leave ... she stops short ...
'Finally she'll wish me ...'
'Hazmola tablets for you ... good for digestion ...' ... loving wife, taking care of all his needs ...
WT* ... not even a wish ... not even now??!!!

And he finally voices it ... she could have at least wished me!!!
Lesson learned? Maybe. Registered? Maybe not yet ...
Return home ... family, instead of having the house decorated and ready for a party, is busy watching a SK movie trailor ...
'What's everyone watching?'
A cake arrives for Arnav ... and Khushi quickly and politely sends it back ... my husband doesn't like celebrating his birthday ... so please try to understand, we're all respecting his wishes, he doesn't like all this ...
'Why did you do that?'
'Because you said so ... you said, didn't you, that you don't like celebrating your birthday?' A smile again ...
WT* ...

And Arnav is fuming mad ... he said so, that doesn't mean he meant it!!! Awww, poor baby!!!
He told his Di that he didn't believe in love, if he ever met a girl for which his 'saansein ruk jaati', he would run in the opposite direction ... and he did ... for a long while, he did his best.
Once he stopped running, he ran equally fast ... in the opposite direction "Tumhare bina jee nahin paunga."
He went to temples only for his Di ... making it very clear it was not his own need or desire ... far from it. He did it against his will.
He went to the temple of his own will ... to get Khushi back, to join her in getting blessings for their wedding ... he joined in the Janamashtami celebrations at home willingly, without a murmur, whereas the previous year, he was tricked into coming down for the pooja by Khushi, on Anjali's urging.
He didn't believe in reeti rivaz of marriage ... heck, he didn't believe in the concept of marriage itself ... living in was good enough ... and he'd given Khushi the sindoor and MS, hadn't he? What was all the fuss about the pheras for anyway?
Khushi wanted pheras, she got pheras, she wanted all the rituals of marriage, she got them all ... the very last ritual, the all-important pheras ... he couldn't leave her stranded at the mandap, even though he'd just got the most shattering news of his life ... but her wishes, her needs were more important ...
He didn't believe in wishing others on their birthday ... birthday was just another ordinary day ...
SN - is that why no birthdays have been celebrated in RM this last year? We saw Payal's and Khushi's ... but none of the Raizada clan's.
Khushi's birthday ... she herself wasn't in the mood to celebrate her birthday at RM, but he went all out to make it special for her, cake, flowers, gift, the works ... and the most difficult of all for him ... actually the simplest ... putting it in words - Happy Birthday, Khushi ...
He didn't believe in birthdays ... especially not his own ... he didn't want a celebration, cake, gifts ... he didn't even want to be wished ... he bit off anyone's head if they were brave enough to wish him ... his entire family knew it, they respected his wishes ... and he told Khushi the same. Told her in so many words ... 'don't celebrate my birthday.'
But he didn't expect her to respect his wishes!!! He didn't expect her to take him at his word ... he didn't expect her to not even wish him, to not do anything special for him ... he didn't expect her to not make him feel special ...
Today he wants to be wished, he wants to be pampered, made to feel special, he wants a gift, a special meal, a cake ... the works ... he wants to be loved. The man who didn't believe in love, who was scared to love for fear of losing his loved ones, now revels in the warmth of his love, soaks up the sunshine it brings to his life and wants more ... more and more. Though he grumps about it for form's sake ... but he knows deep inside him, that his Khushi knows he doesn't really mean it. She knows what he really wants.
Or does she?
Be careful what you wish for ... your wish just might come true ...
Poor Arnav!!!

Khushi ... Arnav's family has always respected his wishes and allowed him to live his life his way, on his terms. Maybe they felt they owed it to him ... he had built up his world again from scratch and included them all in it, he took care of the family without asking for anything in return ... sure they loved him, but they respected him more ... so his word was law.
Khushi looks below the surface ... she sees not only what Arnav wants, but more than that, what he needs ... she dug away at the outer shell of the hard, tough uncompromising Arnav to find the soft vulnerable boy beneath, the boy who grew up far too soon, the boy who saw betrayal and deceit far too early in life and that colored his entire views about love and life ...
Her view is simple ... how can anyone not want love? How can anyone not want to feel loved, special, pampered, adored ...
And so she goes about showing to Mr Arnav Singh Raizada, in her own way, that what he says he wants, and what he really wants and needs, are two different things. And that his family loves him, and he can allow them to show it.
And that she loves him and she's not afraid of showing it. Especially not to him. Though that he already knows.
Be careful what you wish for ... your wish might come true!
I could have titled today's post "Poor Arnav" again
In fact so certain was he that she would not listen to his instructions, that he was thoroughly disappointed when she followed them faithfully! On top of which, his entire family has obviously not wished him for decades, now he fully expected Khushi to have converted them as well!
Besides her crazy behaviour when she was taking his measurements under the guise of romantic moments, made him very suspicious ... can't blame the guy for getting his hopes up!
That measurements scene was classic ... vintage Arnav and Khushi ... Arnav getting all turned on, while Khushi is completely on her own spin ... San's expressions there as she squints to check the measurements were epic!
And was that a message for the audience? Sabra ka phal meetha hota hai?
Breakfast ... nothing special ... toast and butter and fruit ... healthy breakfast
Lunch ... he perks up when Khushi comes in, sure that she will have a seven course meal ready for him ... he gets dal, chawal and karele ki sabzi
He even asks Akash to wish him, and Akash is obviously in on the act ... 'bhai, you don't like anyone to wish you ... you always say so.'
Even Aman is in on the act ... sir, did you want anything else?
Evening ... return home ... by now fully expecting a surprise ... family busy watching Salman Khan trailor
And the unkindest cut of all ... Khushi sends back his cake! Because he said he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday! She's just following his wishes.
Reverse psychology at its best
So what has Khushi planned? And Arnav is fuming mad ... and when he's mad, Khushi gets mad too ... no fainting, crying bahu for her ... she gives as good as she gets.
The episode
Khushi in full flow planning Arnav's birthday ... Anjali, Mami and Akash try to tell her how Arnav hates birthdays, his own and other people's. He doesn't wish anyone, he doesn't like to be wished. Bas.
Was that ever good enough for Khushi?! Being told what to do?
Anjali tells Khushi that Arnav hates other people doing anything for him ... Akash corroborates that Arnav hates being even wished ... and hates wishing other people.
Khushi doesn't agree ... he's changed after marriage. Akash and Anjali are still worried that Arnav will be angry with Khushi.
Akash, Anjali, don't you know that Khushi can handle Arnav's anger? And Arnav can't handle Khushi ignoring him ... wait, you don't know that one yet. Koi baat nahin, tumko yeh bhi pata chal jayega ... soon enough!
But in the meantime, Arnav appears and confirms Anjali-Akash's views ... he hears Khushi happily ordering mithai, and draws her away ... very politely and calmly, and Khushi thinks she's won this round ... see, he knows what she's doing and he's not angry at all ...
He's not angry ... no. But he doesn't want his birthday to be celebrated. Bas. It's just a normal day.
She makes a face. Now what?
And he already knows she's not going to listen ...
NK hears more horror stories about how people who wished ASR on his birthday are barely alive to tell the tale.
But of course Khushi has not given up ... how can she let his birthday go by without celebrating it? At least a gift, if nothing else?
No, she won't listen ... if he's like 'this', she's like 'this' too!
Leaving NK a bit confused ... what's the difference between his 'this' and her 'this'?
Mami decides Sunny Deol's anger is better to watch than Arnav's ...
Anjali sees that Khushi has not given up, and goes to warn her gently again ... Anjali, I appreciate your worry, but do stop interfering between husband and wife ... leave Khushi to handle Arnav! She's more than capable!
Khushi has to get fresh meaurements for Arnav ... she tries to sneak out a suit, he catches her ... and he knows she's still planning for his birthday. Despite all her innocent talk ... he's not buying it one instant! See, he does know her very well!
Easy as pie ... verbally seduce him into confused non-thinking state, and hey presto! Her job is done!
Well almost ... she succeeded a bit too well, hubby is turned on ... 'okay, you come on here now' ... in a sexy drawl, and his eyes open as he finds himself hugging empty air ...
And Arnav is flabbergasted ... why is she kneeling at his feet?!
Oops, busted
But Khushi is pressed for time, she needs to send those measurements pronto ... so she gets out of that one and runs ... coming back for one last word ... a smiling, teasing, innocent, not-so-innocent promise ... 'wait, intezar ka phal meetha hota hai ...'
It could have been a wife telling her husband coyly to wait for the night ... it could have been the cv's telling the audience to wait for a while ...
And Arnav knows she is planning something big ... he has absolutely no doubt in his mind. And from the looks of him, he's not angry ... far from it.
Morning dawns and with it, Arnav's birthday. And he's relieved at her bright smiling greeting ... now he will find out what she has been planning ... he told her not to plan anything, now he'll have to yell at her ...
She wants him to go to office ...
Office?! WT* She doesn't want him to stay home on his birthday?!
She picks up a box on her dressing table ... okay, she's got him a gift ... he told her he doesn't want gifts, didn't he? Then why did she ... this girl never listens ...
WT* ... it's her bangles ... no gift for him? Then what is she up to?!
So he asks her ... tell me what your plan is, I don't like surprises.
'What plan? Oh, for your birthday? But you yourself said you don't like to celebrate your birthday, no cake, balloons, gifts ... you said you don't like all that ...' Sweet smile, she's the perfect undemanding obedient wife ... and she's off to get his breakfast ready ...
WT* ... she really doesn't have any plan? He said it and she listened to him?!
A call early morning from Aman ... must be to wish him ... doesn't his staff know he doesn't like to be wished? But he thanks him anyway ... doesn't bite his head off for wishing him ...
Aman has set up a meeting ... and what are the thanks for, Sir? Anything else?
WT* ... even Aman doesn't remember his birthday?!
A very pleasant 'Good morning' to Nani and Mami ... a very pleasant smiling 'Good Morning' back ...
WT* ... even they don't remember his birthday?!
Khushi bustling around getting his breakfast ...' so what's special for breakfast today?'
'Toast, butter and fruit ...' with a bright beaming smile ...
'And ...?'
And nothing ... NK is not even at breakfast, neither is Akash, Anjali is in a hurry, Mami is enjoying a simple breakfast after a long time, Nani is worried about her knee pain ...
And the confusion and that hollow feeling of being let down starts ... 'no one even remembers it's my birthday? I thought with Khushi being here, she would carry them all in her sankiness, but ...'
And he tries to console himself ...
'It's okay .. this is what I wanted, after all ...'
Awww ... poor baby ... is it really what you wanted? Am torn between laughing at poor Arnav and wanting to give him a hug at his crestfallen face ...
He gets up to leave, Khushi runs after him ... with his phone ... and a smile ...
'Thanks ...' for nothing!
Office ... Akash is totally involved in work ... isn't he forgetting something? 'It's my birthday.'
Of course Akash hasn't forgotten ... but bhai, you don't believe in birthdays ...
Yep, he doesn't, he almost forgot ... but WT* ... that doesn't mean everyone else forgets too ...
Time for lunch break ... Khushi enters with a big lunch basket ... of course, she's packed him a seven course meal, with a love note ... a smile of anticipation that he's trying to hide ... he knew Khushi would have planned something special for him, now he will tell her again that he doesn't like celebrating his birthday, while enjoying her love and pampering all the while ...
WT* ... dal chaval and karele ki sabzi?! Is that a birthday lunch??!!!
Can feel the temperature starting to rise ... there is nothing quite so annoying as getting what you asked for and realising that you didn't really want it ...
And she doesn't even have too much time to spend with him, she's busy ...
Lunch done, she's ready to leave ... she stops short ...
'Finally she'll wish me ...'
'Hazmola tablets for you ... good for digestion ...' ... loving wife, taking care of all his needs ...
WT* ... not even a wish ... not even now??!!!
And he finally voices it ... she could have at least wished me!!!
Lesson learned? Maybe. Registered? Maybe not yet ...
Return home ... family, instead of having the house decorated and ready for a party, is busy watching a SK movie trailor ...
'What's everyone watching?'
A cake arrives for Arnav ... and Khushi quickly and politely sends it back ... my husband doesn't like celebrating his birthday ... so please try to understand, we're all respecting his wishes, he doesn't like all this ...
'Why did you do that?'
'Because you said so ... you said, didn't you, that you don't like celebrating your birthday?' A smile again ...
WT* ...
And Arnav is fuming mad ... he said so, that doesn't mean he meant it!!! Awww, poor baby!!!
He told his Di that he didn't believe in love, if he ever met a girl for which his 'saansein ruk jaati', he would run in the opposite direction ... and he did ... for a long while, he did his best.
Once he stopped running, he ran equally fast ... in the opposite direction "Tumhare bina jee nahin paunga."
He went to temples only for his Di ... making it very clear it was not his own need or desire ... far from it. He did it against his will.
He went to the temple of his own will ... to get Khushi back, to join her in getting blessings for their wedding ... he joined in the Janamashtami celebrations at home willingly, without a murmur, whereas the previous year, he was tricked into coming down for the pooja by Khushi, on Anjali's urging.
He didn't believe in reeti rivaz of marriage ... heck, he didn't believe in the concept of marriage itself ... living in was good enough ... and he'd given Khushi the sindoor and MS, hadn't he? What was all the fuss about the pheras for anyway?
Khushi wanted pheras, she got pheras, she wanted all the rituals of marriage, she got them all ... the very last ritual, the all-important pheras ... he couldn't leave her stranded at the mandap, even though he'd just got the most shattering news of his life ... but her wishes, her needs were more important ...
He didn't believe in wishing others on their birthday ... birthday was just another ordinary day ...
SN - is that why no birthdays have been celebrated in RM this last year? We saw Payal's and Khushi's ... but none of the Raizada clan's.
Khushi's birthday ... she herself wasn't in the mood to celebrate her birthday at RM, but he went all out to make it special for her, cake, flowers, gift, the works ... and the most difficult of all for him ... actually the simplest ... putting it in words - Happy Birthday, Khushi ...
He didn't believe in birthdays ... especially not his own ... he didn't want a celebration, cake, gifts ... he didn't even want to be wished ... he bit off anyone's head if they were brave enough to wish him ... his entire family knew it, they respected his wishes ... and he told Khushi the same. Told her in so many words ... 'don't celebrate my birthday.'
But he didn't expect her to respect his wishes!!! He didn't expect her to take him at his word ... he didn't expect her to not even wish him, to not do anything special for him ... he didn't expect her to not make him feel special ...
Today he wants to be wished, he wants to be pampered, made to feel special, he wants a gift, a special meal, a cake ... the works ... he wants to be loved. The man who didn't believe in love, who was scared to love for fear of losing his loved ones, now revels in the warmth of his love, soaks up the sunshine it brings to his life and wants more ... more and more. Though he grumps about it for form's sake ... but he knows deep inside him, that his Khushi knows he doesn't really mean it. She knows what he really wants.
Or does she?
Be careful what you wish for ... your wish just might come true ...
Poor Arnav!!!
Khushi ... Arnav's family has always respected his wishes and allowed him to live his life his way, on his terms. Maybe they felt they owed it to him ... he had built up his world again from scratch and included them all in it, he took care of the family without asking for anything in return ... sure they loved him, but they respected him more ... so his word was law.
Khushi looks below the surface ... she sees not only what Arnav wants, but more than that, what he needs ... she dug away at the outer shell of the hard, tough uncompromising Arnav to find the soft vulnerable boy beneath, the boy who grew up far too soon, the boy who saw betrayal and deceit far too early in life and that colored his entire views about love and life ...
Her view is simple ... how can anyone not want love? How can anyone not want to feel loved, special, pampered, adored ...
And so she goes about showing to Mr Arnav Singh Raizada, in her own way, that what he says he wants, and what he really wants and needs, are two different things. And that his family loves him, and he can allow them to show it.
And that she loves him and she's not afraid of showing it. Especially not to him. Though that he already knows.
absolutely lovely episode if you keep away the equation that they just got married.
ReplyDeleteI rofled @"khushi tum wahan kya kar rahi ho?"
lovely use of family members. After a long long time.
BG Akash bitwa got full 5 lines and around 10 mins of screen space ....chalo zyada bol diya par phir bhi. NK has toned down. Good.
Ab bas take romance bas a notch higher. Please pretty please!!!!
Aiyoooo...the boy who cried wolf.....
Deleteboo-hoo...did he look cute getting all upset that Khushi was not wishing him....chhhhho chweet....
and while i expected his arms to go around faster, but that was a serious come hither hug call "okay, u comeon here now".....really awww...
San was really too gud in that scene....whatever the writers lack...they do have a funny bone!!
Pata nahin kal kya karegi really summed up the ARHI relationship...he so knows that with her u have to expect the unexpected....*nazar utaroing for these two bacchas*
actually sam, i am having a goofy grin on my face and i have seen that "okay, u comeon here now".. some 4 times now.....seriously, the writers can do magic with these two....who can imagine a scene like that will turn from funny to romantic in a fraction of a second....
Deleteis there any reason to doubt our ARHI/SARUN madness?
Rekhs, Sam did he say that with THAT MISSED HUG thingy, totally missed that one.
DeleteKya baat kar rahin was the cutest scene fact i was beginning to wonder at ASR-turned_Om...luckily he turned back to ASR in the nick of time and how..
DeleteOye you are still not confirming did it happen with the missed huggy thingy?
DeleteShwethu...bhaat? cross connection? Are u asking whether he said that....YES YES
Deleteofc he said that....and for the first time, i heard it loud and clear!!
He said wahan kya kar rahin ho too? if u are asking abt that as well.....
DeleteTeri mind kya gutter pahunch gayi?
I am rofling here - you girls are hilarious!!!
DeleteYes, Shwethu, he said that ... ok, come on here now ... in a totally sexy turned on type of drawl ... only to find himself hugging empty air ... epic!!!!
And then he sees her crouching at his feet, and comes the 'tum wahan kya kar rahi ho? *ROFL* Poor guy, he is so heran pareshan the entire day ... just one big overgrown baby he is!!!
Yes, Dia...that was one sexy drawl.....for once i am spending some time dissecting a MIG scene..........actually while watching that scene, i was laughing at San antics and then wondering...whats wrong with u,bitwa....can't u just pull and hug her tight...(make the most of the chances u get)and then he did that mind raced to the gutter in a jiffy....well as u can see my mind is stuck there still LOL
Deletea link to that scene
I don't know what to make of this scene . I am alternating btn ROFLing and guttermindedness- cute and funny and sexy!
DeleteWell- written scene- what dialogues! I really loved the bg score of this scene. The funny bit music was not OTT or distracting.
AD sucked today, so figured would tune in today:
ReplyDeleteOMG OMG OMG.......
Akash Bitwa spoke a sentence.
He spoke another sentence.
He spoke continuously for a full 60 seconds...He probably spoke as much as Khushi spoke today.
Miracles do happen in this show.
Yeh dialogue writers bitwa par itnay meherbaan kaisay?
Basically this means, you will see Akash bitwa speaking again in the next quarter...This was their way of saying, le bhai bol le, jitna 5 mahinay may nahin bola,ab bol de...Full TALK TIME ka faayda uthao, Kal say waapis silent mode par, samjhay ki samjhaon?
Chalo he acted last week minus dialouges, He acted with dialogus, issay zyaada koi ummeed mat rakhna:)
Random thoughts:
Bitwa's new suit - Wardrobe is being upgraded.
Was Sanaya really wearing a decent fitting suit for a change?
Akash bitwa got more to speak today - NK+HP Combined, Wah Wah!!
Y&C...Young & Cute Om Bhaiyya & Parvati Bhabhi very looking borderline ASR & Khushi of the old especially ASR whose Gutter Mode was full on when she told him patience ka phal meetha hota hai.....I think that is what she said, well there you go, SATYANASH Moment right there - Unhay Meetha Mana hai na:(
Hmmmmmmmm....Birthday Lunch, SP to IPK Viewers: Ek UK dinner ki keemat tum kya jaano, Hum say poocho, Ofcourse hum nahin batayengay....Khud hi dekho and samajh jao*wink*
Hugs everyone!!
The whole Don't you dare wish/celebrate my birthday to How dare you are not wishing/celebrating my birthday....Original nahin par cute hai:)
DeletePS - Have I ever mentioned I HATE that shirt Akash bitwa wears soooooooooo often...had to end it again with Akash bitwa, LOL.
Hugs BG !!!! :D :D
DeleteAD will get better soon......*wishes ur way* and Lots and lots of hugs coming ur way from the ladies of R&R....
Aaj i could not focus on jr bitwa altho he was spaking so much becos our sr bitwa was behaving like a baby demanding some attention....sara screen ka dhyan was on that bitwa only today....esp if he is changing from Om to ASR...kyun chance chode hum....
arre yaar btw, uk dinner toh sirf birmingham main hain...what are these guys going to do apart from that....i see no ads for any London events..
HUGS AGAIN..Shwethu...
Rekhs, there will be a noreen khan interview and other media appearances promoting SP as a brand and who knows they actually might show (if they have the brains), some shots of Arnav and Khushi on their honeymoon in UK...Some random outdoor shots and then reshoot the ones in Mumbai...They can do anything with it, assuming it is for a week....the trip that is.
DeleteThanks Rekhs, I am better, did my Anjali bit, honestly that always helps, am loads better and raring to go.
Yaar aajkal arhi have zero effect on me, sorry to say, even Akash bitwa was a pleasant is like they have absolutely no idea where to go for the next 2 months.
I would love to see a bromance scene with Depth, you know both brothers discussing how things have changed for the better, Akash feeling happy that he is finally seeing the Arnav of the old...Enough bro teasing, thoda emotional scenes would be fantastic.
Again Akash Khushi scene....see these can be random scenes, not necessarily a track..but will always work.
Par problem yahi to hai, they gloss over the main stuff and drag the useless.
Shwethu, *hugs*
Deletewas remembering you today the moment Akash bitwa started speaking ... see, he knows when your AD sucks so he tries to make it up to you by doing some dialogue baazi!
ASR toh gaya ... now it's all Arnav ... with a strong dash of Mamma's Chotey! He wants his biwi's attention and her love and pampering 24/7!
Deletehugggssss bey!
Gud to see you pop in and take a break from AD.
Rekha .... Come here now was too good ....what followed even better ... Pyaar ka mausam khatam ho gaya and she said to sabar for pyaar ka mausam and so akele time ... Hayeee
ReplyDeletecan we dare hope.
TRP meters are out till Jan as they are digitilizing. Good din't want to know about the TRP disaster that could have been with Sarun away in Nov. Jo hota hai acche ke liye hota hai :D
Oh so no trps till Jan, means they can get away with murder..oh wait they already have.
DeleteSo what is the offscreen drama now?
Last heard, BS dumped PH and signed up with SP*Smart bwoy, You can take panga with PH but NEVER with channel*
So whatever happens, his TV Career is set, assuming the contract is for one year atleast, he will get his visibility, SP can milk his popularity.
And if he wants to continue TV, he would have negotiated with SP that they allow him the required 11/20/40 days break and next time it would be a PH which would have money to shoot bank episodes, so you will not even miss his absence.
Win win situation for the actor and the channel.
Who loses out 4 Lions.....Panga with audience and Channel....Hmmmmmm...not good, not good at all!!
Little birdie also said that whether SP stays with the PH is also open to kwostin ... IPK has not just 4Lions but another PH also, so IPK is safe. 4Lions has lost out big time with this panga ...
DeleteAnd further off-screen discussion is banned here :)
very good episode..
ReplyDeleteit was a transformation in the person..the ASR who hated everyone making a fuss for his birthday, is actually hoping that his wife will go all out and make this first a memorable one.. the little boy in him is alive again.. and he is wishing for HIS khushi to make him feel special on his birthday..
but he makes a boo boo. when he catches her making plans for celebrations, he wears his khadoos avatar and scolds her.. says my birthday is just a normal day.. and khushi takes offence. and so, no one acknowledges the day. akash does his bit.. he tells tall tales of ASR's birthdays past- when he was as angry as a lion with a sore..
but today i feel so, so sad.. how can the sadness of a fictional character bring tears to my eyes? poor bitwa.. how would you feel if no one wished you on your birthday? the whole episode was sad.. at least they could have ended on a hopeful note!
Deleteu said it...actually at the end...i really wanted to give bitwa a hug....poor bachha...we were right...uska emo age 14 hi hain....i hope someone explains that cute chota Arnav to us someday....
chalo...koi nahin...his 29th bday and all bdays from now on will be different...becos of his Khushi....
CUTE POST...DIA.....LOVED IT..and as always u made it a notch cuter with ur comments...HUGS
ReplyDelete:))) Thanks, Rekhs *hugs*
DeleteThroughout the epi, I was on bitwa’s side, pleading with bitiya, “Khushi, don’t be so mean, please…”.
ReplyDeleteA few minutes later I asked myself this question. What should a wife do when she is faced with a boneheaded husband who has an issue wishing his wife ‘happy B’day’ and makes an ISSUE of not celebrating his B’day?
IMO, there are 3 options she has.
1. Obey his wishes
2. Go in the right opposite direction, INSIST on her way.
3. Take an extra effort, surely it can’t ‘hurt’ this kind of guy a lot, to make this point across- ‘IT IS A SPECIAL DAY, for EVERYONE’.
He may not want to celebrate it, but his wife, his sister, his grandma, they all would like to wish him without him making a scene about it. And they’d all surely appreciate it if he returned the favour.
Now,I am with Khushi, it is not about changing the person that he is. It is only about making him right some of the wrongs he has made a habit of…which should have been corrected long time back…. Thus the education of Arnav Singh Raizada continues…she taught him to be a lover, now she will teach him to be a husband, and a better human being- just a teeny weeny bit of him that needs correction .(May be there are many more teeny weeny bits K will come across- BOL, bitiya.)
*Bitiya kept her promise- she did ruin most of his B’day!*
Nice to see all of us liked the episode.
Cute episode ...Loved it ...Esp the "Come on here now " tab tak I was like 'What the '..abhi abhi shaadi hui - bitwa mein chemical locha hai kya ?:)
DeleteAgree with you Su and Dia - be careful what you wish for :)Bitwa know bitiya's likes and dislikes- but he still underestimates her ability to stay 2 steps ahead of him :)
Khushi's on the right track here - I would have hated her going I will do it my way.. because bitwa would continued on his high horse....Now that he is where they want thim to be , atleast all her efforts to celebrate will be appreciated by the man - expecting a celebration on the terrace tomorrow - with all the stops pulled out :)
It would be nice if she took him to his mom's garden to get her blessings after the celebration atleast:)
Really loved the episode. It has been a while since I have enjoyed such a cute Arnav Khushi moment. Done to perfection by Sanaya, this girl is so talented. How they keep straight faces I will never know.
ReplyDeleteIs she really going to let his,birthday go without even a small celebration. He is just shocked and upset that for once she has done what he asked. She never does any other time. Khushi has her own way of doing things and her husband will learn from her how to live life to the full and celebrate.
ultra cute episode!!!! :))) unlike you all, I did NOT feel bad for arnav at all...that spoilt kid has brought it on himself.. :P first he blasts off khushi for making preparations for his bday and then he is irritated that she doesn't do that very thing?? :P hmpf.. he gets no sympathy from me at all.. :P
ReplyDeleteleast of all in the precap when he shouts at her... and looks like he's gonna have a hard time manaoing her now.. ooooh how I LOVE THIS!!!! :D :)) sadistic I am.. I know!! :P
no time to write in detail as I'm gonna be busy packing now for the next couple of days...m finally flying to Germany on friday.. :)) so will do a hide and seek here..
you dint feel bad for him? the way he was so excitedly talking about lunch with akash.. awww. my heart melted right there.
Deletewaisey, that box of bangles was the box of rakhees.. and the box of garima's past.. and the box of ma's kangan, i guess.
and where are all the rest of arnav's sweaters? only a hot pink one,week after week.. to kill off all his good looks...
btw... arnav wears suit to office, shirt-sweater combo at home and tshirt/trackpants to sleep? this guy has major problems i tell ya.
good luck with packing.. i'm so excited for you!
DeleteGood Luck packing and safe travels! :)
Yes I wanted to kill the team on seeing that box being reused so liberally....eesh!
Safe travels, Mads ... and all the best for your next phase of life! Keep popping in here whenever you can!
DeleteAll the best keep popping in here when u have the
ReplyDeleteYour last comment yesterday- very nicely put. You have reviewed the physical aspect of their relationship really nicely.
K was willing for SR on the night of the wedding...the memory of the previous night was still fresh in her mind. However, once the cameras were removed- that scene where Arnav moved towards her- I think he really intended on a small moment there- but she spoiled it again-'hum yeh sab karne ki baat nahi kar rahe the'- and he tried to look innocent, at least there he could score on her- "What were YOU thinking of?"
Now, after that, bitiya got majorly distracted with Shyam revelation.
That night at the farmhouse had happened after many attempts by Arnav to settle her in to the relationship- plus all the emotional moments they spent visiting the garden and the stars...
Now, maybe, bitiya needs to be wooed back to where she was that starry night... she has gone back to the ajeeb behaviour, the cute Khushi that he loves, but is not in the mood for intimacy.
In the light of that sexy drawl yesterday, and bitwa’s attempts to woo biwi with the movie, trying to hold hands etc… is Bitiya playing hard to get?
Mausam itna achha hai na, lets spend some time together.(It is only the second day since Shyam was thrown out. Day1: Movie and ASR manaofy…did he hold her hands at the English movie? She would’ve selected some hard core action movie. Day 2: B’day planning Day 3: ASR’s B’day.)
Suhaana tha. Pyar ka baadal nikal gaya.
Intezaar kijiye, intezaar ka phal meetha hota hai.
Bitiya playing hard to get?
What will be the ideal gift for him? (She has made him wait, so ideally,the best gift’d be herself.)
Whatever it is, he just might end up ruining the surprise she has planned for him.
Su, agree with you...bitwa stops thinking and appreciating everything around when he is boiling mad..m sure he
Deletell end up ruining the surprise bitiya has planned for him.. thus hurting her even more.. :)
my SKD is this :
after their fight in their bedroom bitiya storms off, out of the house...the whole family is down below with the surprise that bitiya has planned...when bitwa comes running down, he finds the surprise and whole family wishes him...he is touched, but also guilty fr ruining the surprise and bitiya's mood and rushes off to find her in his SUV.. finds her in DM mandir...manaoes her in presence of her DM...both had a late night drive in SUV and then go home... I want lots of rabba ves.. :)))
DeleteCute SKD. I hope they give us something romantic at least- intezaar kijiye, bola na...sigh...
Basically, I am scared to hike up my hopes so much after one good episode.
BTYW, What was the suit for? Don't tell me she is getting him a suit based on the 4 measurements she took...and those alarms...may be the suit was there only for the scene- afterall, she took it in the night and it can't be ready the very next day. Not impossible, yet...
the suit was to tell us that bitwa thinks his ghusa-pita two year old suit is brand new..
Deletewhy does it give me the heebie jeebies to think that khushi will get him a new suit in one day?
where are the nights in the story? SP glossed over it for fear of burning up our TVs.. so here are the nights from the wedding, till now? VM by zoha.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful update for a lovely episode.
Loved the thoughts in red and blue too :)
As the epi finished, I was reminded of 2 scenes - one when post the shopping fiasco, Khushi comes to ASR's room and tells him dos he even have any inkling how much others love him and care for him. His words hurt them.
The second was when La just brfore leaving tells Khushi you are the one who can tell him even that which he does not want to hear. Sometimes he himself does not know what he wants.
It is a bit of a tussle with this and ASR's latest I dont think you understand me.
I am waiting to see how the precap plays out and what Khushi replies on the at least a wish part.
SN: Wonder why no wishes when it was only the celebration that he said he did not want? Lets see the precap playing out.
Besides how cute were the I am sure she has not followed my instructions because she invariably always never does (except for the sangeet moun vrat which ld onto that sangee shart). Hang on did no Khushi do a lagi shart with Akash on Fri?
SH: (plus shiddat) an they give ASR's room a fresh coat of colour, not use the same bangle stand for Khushi and Anjali, Colour co-ordinate the dressing table properly, change the brown quilt to some combination of muted + pastel shades suiting both personalities and do something about the flooring. Make it all parquet looking or just change the yucky carpet (Monu with you yaar!!) It looks downright like a scruffy hen now :S
DeleteOne more thought from my end: The whole day he expected her to make him feel special in one of her many thoughtful ways(it was his bday) while respecting his demand for not celebrating the birthday with a party.
Much like her just wanting to hear him wish her a simple "Happy Birthday" and not really get her expensive gifts and celebrate it.
SN: Hmm..aaj kya hota hai dekhe ka pari!
Deletei get ur point...i wondered abt it too....
its to accentuate the whole thing, i guess...if u see there was a small incident related by Akash to NK, in K's presence which in reality if Arnav had done, would actually make him look silly...why shld u choose to bite somebody's head off if he wishes u....anyways...those i call some creative liberties taken...
i have a feeling that khushi knows exactly what is in arnav's heart and just like she taught him love, she is teaching him emotional growth.. not to be an attention-seeking teenager and actually ASK for what he wants emotionally..
Deletehe is locking up his emotions and sitting on the key, hoping khushi will decipher his heart and do accordingly.... ODG wants him to actually open his heart.. ask for a little love .. yes, him opening himself up seems like a big risk to him, but she is trying to bring out the fact that his heart is safe in her hands..
yes, she was planning his birthday with all intention of making him happy.. he knew it.. why did he have to call her up and tell her to treat it like a normal day? he did not trust her enough not to go overboard.. he did not trust her to know his heart.
big mistake bitwa, she has telepathic connection to you.. she can hear that what you say and what you think are two different things.. ab bhugto!
Interesting J...
DeleteAt the same time, Sandy has a point as well...
while we do think that Arnav was reconciled mentally to Khushi's antics for the date...kinda resigned to his fate or should i say secretly reveling in it his irritation in Khushi totally ignoring the day was also a way damned if u damned if u don't...
Hypothetically, if K had just wished him in the morn...and just behaved would have been interesting to see how Arnav really bore it...that would have been the time when he would have to really spell out his disappointment....idk why the writers didn't take that route...that would have also been a interesting scenario...
DeleteBINGO on the connect with that earlier La episode ... I had the same episode in mind, when she tells him, you don't understand how much your family loves you, and how much you hurt them by pushing them away from you.
More thoughts, carrying on from there ...
One I mentioned earlier - no birthdays have been celebrated in RM as far as we've seen ... so does Arnav bitwa's hangup about birthdays also includes those of everyone in the family? Bit unfair on the family, isn't it?
Two - La telling Khushi, sometimes he himself doesn't know what he wants.
Leading from there ... he told Khushi not to celebrate his birthday, not to make it anything special ... when he heard her ordering mithai, he knew she was planning a celebration.
But he would have been happy if she had wished him quietly, had planned a special meal for him, had planned to spend some exclusive time with him ... happy kya, he was fully expecting it.
But his entire FAMILY is not allowed to wish him, to celebrate with him ... Akash told NK the story about someone wishing him, and getting their head bitten off ... Anjali told Khushi specifically that Arnav doesn't like anyone to even wish him, nor does he ever wish anyone. Not 'celebrate', mind you - even wishing is not allowed.
And if Khushi had done just that, followed his instructions, wished him quietly in the morning, the same pattern would have persisted. She would have wished him, he would have grouched "I told you not to wish me ..." maybe she would have given him a gift, he would have grouched again that he didn't want it, she had already planned that seven course meal he wanted, he would have grumbled and eaten it ... she would have felt bad that she did something he didn't really want but that he accepted it for her sake, he would have felt the same way ... not realising or admitting to himself that this was actually what he wanted.
contd ...
DeleteSaying 'Sorry' that first time was SO DIFFICULT for Arnav, he's said it a dozen times since then ...
Saying I LOVE YOU the first time was so difficult for Arnav - he needed to be at gunpoint before he could get the words out ... second time was also forced out "I love you dammit!". He's found it easier every time since then to say the words again ...
Wishing Khushi ... it took the whole day to get the words out ... a simple wish, yet so difficult to say ... yet I get the feeling that the next year will be easier, the year after easier still ... and what about when they have kids? Easy as pie ... how can a dad not wish his own kids on their birthday?!
Now accepting birthday wishes from everyone, not just Khushi ... but the entire family ... they all love him, they all want to wish him, but he has terrorised them for so many years that they quietly follow his wishes.
Do they actually wish him every year, and get the same spiel back from him ... 'I told you not to wish me?'
Or have they really stopped wishing him for the last so many years? Anjali, Akash and Mami all were very clear that Khushi should NOT do anything for his birthday. Not even wish him?
In which case, why is he surprised that nobody wished him? Because he was expecting Khushi would have changed them all? Expecting ... and WANTING?
Because he has taken the first baby steps to accepting love ... he has always done things for everyone, taken up the burden, but never expected anything back ... in fact, he's kept himself aloof from the family in that regard ... has kept his heart and his feelings locked away ... learned not to have any expectations because when you expect then you're disappointed, then you get hurt ... as long as you don't expect anything, then you won't be disappointed when it doesn't happen.
He didn't trust that his expectations would ever be met ... that he would get that unconditional love and acceptance ... he's used to locking himself away ... but now Khushi won't let him ...
When we started discussing this yesterday, my thoughts were that the whole point of showing his hangups is so that Khushi can get rid of them ... not respect them.
And the other side of the coin, the point of her barging into his office should hopefully be to show her that even with the best of intentions, she can't do that ... their private interactions are best kept private. In his office, she is Mrs ASR, and she has to behave that way.
The learning continues ... for both of them.
Absolutely Dia...
Deletein fact its about two people and their unique situation...if u had to apply it to would have to be diff and probably the same yardstick cannot be applied..
I think the writers wanted to make a point here of Arnav wanting this badly enuf from a stage of not wanting it in the past, worried that he will be disappointed if it doesn't come thru, to start expecting it but not going the whole finally getting upset that Khushi is not doing that for him... a whole journey laid out for the viewers and we can actually connect to this aspect of his behaviour....of what love for Khushi has done for this man...beautiful....and to imagine, it was just a simple scene...
DeleteI take your point. I too have my thoughts about the family being forbidden and Arnav bringing up at least Khushi as his wife should have wished him in the precap. If she is allowed why not the family?
As for the family and Aman, I thought it was more what he was habituated to. They would have wished him or mentioned it anyways every year despite his hangup given that he found it weird that Nani, Mami or Akash did not wish him. The only discordant note there was Akash telling NK how severley ASR reacted to people wishing him - was it more to just emphasize to Khushi in that scene that ASR did not like birthday celebrations? Pata nahi
Anyways I want to see how it unravels today and how it adds up to the overall understanding the hubby and wife have of each other.
esp look at Arnav when he says to will be a seven course mean with a personal note to start with....
Deleteits exactly what Dia mentions above "Expecting ... and WANTING?"
My kid said ...."oh ma...this is like that moment in life when someone says the expected and u rush to say"oh...its ok..think nothing of it" and then when they don't, u r crushed"
It assumes a lot of meaning when seen in the context of this special male called ASR...
dia, you wrote it exactly as i understood it.. yet i have one more point to add.. the raizadas have always left him alone to live as he wishes.. yes, he was a beast.. yes, he was always angry.. yes, he thought his care was unnecessary , only his prescence/presents were necessary to pay his debt to the family who raised him..
Deletehis only emotional relationship was with his di.. once he said, saari duniya ek taraf, di aap ek taraf.
now that khushi has entered his life (recalling that conversation under the stars) he has started viewing life from another angle.. the simple joy of bringing a smile on someone's face.. thinking about other's emotions before reacting.. he was being honest.. she did indeed change his life.
now this new improved arnav feels hurt that his family does not wish him on his birthday.. is his family so dumb that they cannot see it? i think not. i think it was indeed bitiya's moun vrat plan in action again.
yes, he expected khushi to prepare at least as much as he prepared for her birthday.. his idea of a simple private celebration.. but no.
he is so upset that he cannot see that his biwi came to eat lunch with him..though she put absolutely no romance spin on the lunch date.
i am raising my expectations of the episode today.. but cant help it :(
and this dedication for dia's lamba wala comment
Deleteeven without my wanting it, i have raised my expectations for this episode....there was something special and understated about y'day's epi....i didn't want to expect but somehow can't stop myself from wishing for a more special one...keeping fingers crossed
J, thanks for that link ... what an episode that was ... the tension between the two those days was so thick you could cut it with a knife!
DeleteI am trying to figure out what Khushi has planned ... has she really planned a celebration, knowing he didn't want it? And what kind of celebration in that case? How will she tread the tightrope between obeying his expressed wishes and following his unspoken ones? Balancing his need to be loved with his fear of being disappointed by his loved ones? It was a light hearted episode but with a lot of depth ... I have my expectations up as well ... will be interesting to see how the cv's take this.
DeleteI feel ASR expected everyone to wish him. From what I gathered, his family is allowed to wish him every year, nothing more than that. (Since he fully expected it from all of them, and even reminded Akash.) Even Aman is expected to wish him. He does not like odd people wishing him (like the guy who got his head bitten off ) or any celebrations or any SURPRISES (as he mentioned.)
On what he'd have done, if K had just wished him and planned a small celebration or made a special lunch...I feel this...she'd have missed an opportunity to teach him a lesson about respecting his family's feelings and the importance of wishing someone close on their B'day.
ASR did not want a B'day celebration ever. Like all guys, he is eager to prove that marriage has not changed him- hence the comment to K in private, I don't like that aspect to be tampered with. This is who I am. And that got K in the fighting spirit- how dare he?- I believe that B'days are special days and I want to make it SPECIAL for him.
DeleteASR fully expecting a surprise from her since he knows her well- therefore disappointed that she kept him waiting and when he mentioned it, she said 'yeah I decided to do it your way- it is just a normal day'- but every guy expects something special on the day, the first B'day after marriage- all he is asking for is a special lunch- he'd have probably admonished her slightly for it, but proceede to enjoy it with her- like he was so happy to see her at the office.
Definitely, he did not want what K had in mind initially- a big celebration and she can never get him to want that- that is not him. I feel what K hopes to achieve with this exercise is to make hm realise he cannot go about being rude not wishing other people on their b'day, bcoz he feels it is have the humility to acept their wishes and gifts thankully. The way he is going about makng a scene about 'don't make my b'day a special day' is downright silly.
aawww such a cute is soo good to see a sweet episode when AD is getting very confusing!!
ReplyDeletedidn't someone's shiddat come true? i remember reading someone's asking for Khushi to get lunch for Arnav..
waiting for their first fight today!!after marriage i mean...
Dia, just read ur edited post...a crown to add to the episode....
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to add one more thot to all those u have so beautifully enumerated.....
There's this subtle change which the writers ( i would like to give them credit for it) have highlighted in the journey of love for Arnav.
Arnav has always been upset when he does not get the attention from the way his heart secretly desires/d....
U can go back to all the episodes...thats a pretty much common thread.....
diwali car ride,faraq padta track, khushi giving him the silent treatment after HR and other he has gone one step further to verbalise when he is upset.....a big plus in a relationship....Opti, sandy....the learning really never stops in relationships...
In relationships, when u r upset with ur partner, its natural to expect that the partner should divine whats bothering u and well while that's a fair expectation too but at times, being able to say whats bothering u is also a beautiful establishment of complete "haq" on ur partner....
Yes, the learning never stops in a relationhsip and here is something that happened just recently in my relationship with hubby, which by the way is 17 years old.
DeleteWe were to go to the same place, each on our respective official work. I wanted to travel with him and asked him to let me know which flight he was taking so I can book in the same flight. He asked me to decide and let him know. After I told him which flight I was travelling, he ends up booking in another flight, reaching nearly an hour and a half later. When I asked him why he did not book the same flight as me, he said that my flight was costlier and his company would not allow it. I was annoyed that he did not fix up his schedule earlier as I had suggested so that I could have then joined him in his flight, for my organsiation had no restrictions on the flight I was taking. I felt he did not care enough for me to want to fly with me and lashed out at him in anger. It took me some time to realise that he has always been this way and it is not so much his lack of care but his inability to relate things better so as to maximise benefits for both. He went out of the way to make peace and normalcy was restored.
A week later we again had to travel to the same place but decided to take different flights as we were required at our work spot at different times. I told my hubby that it is OK even if we cannot meet up later in the day as our schedules were different. I did not want him to take the time to weave his way through the evening traffic just to meet up with me for a couple of minutes, especially since I knew he would be tired after taking an early morning flight. I least expected him to land up at the place I was staying just for those couple of minutes. He told me that he was just checking up on me.
Here I was expecting him to do something the previous week which he did not do and got me upset. The following week he does something I was least expecting him to do and I was aghast. It is not for nothing that they say men are from mars and women from venus.
Deleterekha, of course bitwa felt it when khushi ignored him.. from the moment when she asked him to put his di in her jeeji's position.. and so clearly when khushi ran away without listening to him, after resigning..
he is upset, and he can say that he is upset.. learning to say WHY he is upset is character growth.. honestly, with the amount of thoughts(i mean, dialogues in his head) that arnav had this past episode, it was crystal clear to everyone who watched the show yesterday that he was expecting her to make it a big deal and that he was disappointed.
this is a big change from the initial days.. when nobody's thoughts were verbalized. we had to read the eyes of the actors to decipher a scene. (lucky that they had good actors).. and since the thoughts were not clear, there were a million ways to decode an episode.
i think there is a new storyteller on board the CT.
this change is good, for the lay audience who think of it just as a timepass serial. sometimes in the recent past the track was so subtle that we all got different readings from the same episode.
you know, i'm sort of missing redux.. all the symbolisms were almost like another story to read daily.. ipk itself with only the outer plotline, these days, seems too silly.( yeah, i am fully de addicted. )
somehow, we all feel it, and that is why there are so few comments here.. there is so much less to clarify or comment about.
honestly.. the way we interpreted the initial takraar and the rabba ves in between.. the way we knew arnav and khushi were involved.. all those lost its sheen when arnav confessed to his di that he did not love ODG when he married her.
if he was in the raabta stage, why did he go up to the terrace? why did he faraq?
(if there was a running commentary from his brain during that track, i would not have been addicted, to tell the truth.)
so this completely clarifying each step of the way as if to explain to the DABH audience (might help the TRPs, but) is putting me off.
i'm more interested in the PKDH drama between the elders ... at least they emote!
awww opti, that is adorable! your guy totally loves you to bits!!
Deleteand yes, sometimes it does feel that their brain is wired differently.. and to follow the book, its always about communicating.. constantly!
DeleteFor me Arnav has never needed monologues...for one,his actions/words have always clarified his thots even the contraian ones...and yes i agree the only time, i found his words sound untruthful was the very instance u mentioned above...
However, i do see his need to verbalise to Khushi as part of his emo growt..nothing out of the ordinary...u can communicate with words or action or sometimes if u are so attuned to ur partner even the lack of it can communicate all that is necessary for the other to understand...
If there was a jarring note in y'day's epi were the monologues of Arnav, seemed a bit odd but i have seen this happens when the writers forget character traits when they want to drive home a point very badly...they do this all the time wth K...they have done it perhaps the first time with A.
In IPK,the graph has seen so many ups and downs and honestly, anyone can say...the magic of yore is not there any more and so we are setting the benchmark low...happens in all stories...and at diff times..and for diff reasons..
Opti....that was a really cute thing u related!!
DeleteThat is a really cute thought. Yes, he has grown to verbalise his demands whereas earlier it was a stare or a traumatising pull on her hand- he did not know how to make himself understood.
Now, bitwa has learned the art of communication- the fear of rejection is not there anymore (long time gone, in fact!). This growth has been there for sometime, when I think about it, right from the days of "I love you dammit"- once that was out, there was no stopping him.
Opti, Awww... So sweet.
Guess this is just the stuff guys are made of. And ASR is just a typical male. Heh heh...and K was totally the reverse psychology expert yesterday, the stuff we need to pull out to get our hubbies to understand our POV, since we smart women have long given up on tears.(Loved K in form yesterday.)
"all those lost its sheen when arnav confessed to his di that he did not love ODG when he married her."
??? I did not get this. Are you referring to ASR- Anji convo after rose carpet?
On everything being explained...don't have much hopes for it (in your and my case, don't lose hope.)- they will go back to old style...actually, situations are different now. In light of ASR's transformation and newly learned art of communication, K or the audience will not have much difficulty explaining him.
Previously, K was clueless about ASR. As she has learned to decode him, there will be no confusion regarding his actions or emotions now. K can read him like a book and she will explain him to us...and if she is wrong, he will correct the fri epi where he said, "you don't understand me."
I feel the dialogues to self were absolutely important yesterday- because he was getting a kela after each dialogue .LOL.
DeleteI think J's point is that the hallmark of this story has been the subtlety always...and even with the graph of a hero learning new things....that needn't be compromised..i agree with that view...becos this story's beauty is abt that....
the monologues yesterday were a bit jarring in my opinion too and that is also perhaps the reason for Sandy to put across her thot? The only monologue that i thot needed to be there was the one where he says, i thot with Khushi this year, she would have involved them in.....that was the most telling one,
other monolgues involving family, aman were actually redundant unless they meant to say that Arnav was always this eager (but then his rudeness is unexplained, hain na? As Dia said, it would be a case of a guy who terrorised family and they chose to stay away rather than make attempts to involve him but today his expectation hit the roof becos of K
Opti, that was sweet!
DeleteI agree with Jaya, the subtlety that has been the hallmark of the storytelling has been absent for the last couple of weeks. I felt a change in the last flashback of Arnav and his mom, when she told him to forgive the rose for the thorns - that was a very UNsubtle fb ...
But then, for the current track, there is not much subtlety required ... the hidden meanings, the conflicting feelings were there during the love-hate phase. Now that they are happily married, the main theme is two different people learning to live together, beginning communication, the fact that Arnav is learning to be vocal ...
I'm still confused as to what the family did ... Akash told NK that if he tried to wish Arnav he would be glared at and yelled at ... so why did Arnav expect his family to wish him? Because they always did? Or because they usually didn't, but he expected that Khushi would have changed that? So again a case of the writers going a bit overboard to make their point.
Deleteu r saying that mom FB was an unsubtle one....THAT FB CAUSED THE A_K MARRIAGE...very opportune one..nahin toh ASR kya karta...he would still been crushing that rose in his hands and ruing his fate...followed by wolf cries...
seriously that was the height of opportunism milked-for-all-its-worth-FB
DeleteI felt they always wished him on his B'day, that has been the norm. Only strangers get glared at and gifts and celebrations are a no-no. I've tried to explain it in the upar disc you guys were having.
That rose- thorn FB: opportunistic to the core...but I felt it was a beautiful way to justify the fizzling out of BFTP- they had to have an explanation for it, afterall....and if it was inserted to support the change in story, I thought it was a brilliant idea.
DeleteSu, that's what I'm saying ... it was not only strangers, Akash told NK also not to wish Arnav. He said if NK tried to wish him, he would get glared at as though he alone was the cause of AR shares dropping. That was what got me confused about the family's attitude.
DeleteAnd Akash was very cool when Arnav asked him why he hadn't wished him ... Akash said it very matter of factly, that bhai, you don't like it, you always say it's a normal day. Not an 'oh sorry, I forgot to wish you this year, I normally wish you so let me wish you now that you reminded me.'
Monu, Geetu, cheng,aaru....where are u guys...hollering for u all,come drop in soon
ReplyDeletegeetu, u have been missing from R&R for a while..hope all gud at ur end?
Just had to mention this ... we grumble about Khushi's outfits ... watching Behna show, Jeevika's sari/lehnga thingy has all the seven colors of the rainbow and then some - I counted green blue yellow red orange pink purple gold ... And another 3-4 colors in her jewelry! And on SBS, I saw Maanvi with about 5-6 colors in her outfit too - I don't even know what she was wearing! *ROFL*
ReplyDeleteActually, K's marriage outfits were simply classy. No other heroine in any other show has had such a beautiful range to wear- each one of those party wears were exquisite, I felt- what keeps me hoping that her suits will change slowly, as her tastes will change.
DeleteBTW, behna- Maanvi's daily wear is worse than K's- they don't even have a point to make there!
K's wedding outfits were beautiful ... I loved her wedding lehnga, the parrot green, shocking pink and cream-gold was just classy! I loved her haldi white and red sari too ... the mehndi and sangeet outfits were good, but the first two were my favorites.
DeleteA hilarious post
I have to agree ... I miss the Rabba ve's ... the last proper one was the BP night.
hai devi maiyya! all my shiddats for the old ASR... you did not have to go that old...
ReplyDeletesuch a cute episode today! awwwww..
***Spoiler Alert***
ReplyDeleteI'm soooo sorry guys I've know for a few days now nd I just can't keep it to myself anymore...
I promise this isn't idle gossip or news from the grapevine - this is matter of fact from the horses mouth kinds...
The creatives need an exit for Arnav by November and since the show is still doing well they plan to carry on khushi's story And revolve the story around her... Their exit strategy for Arnav...he falls in love with another woman and leaves Khushi - enter madhura naik...
It's total suicide and will ruin the show..if they do this they clearly haven't understood the USP of the show-Arhi magic.... I really really hope they rethink this crazy idea and just end the show on a good permitting of course....
Dia I'm Sorry I know you don't like spoilers on the chat but have been so bummed out by this haven't been able to enjoy last few amazing episodes ...
Bloody hell!!!! Gargi, you sure about this? Are you on IF? PM me - I'm DiyaS