Thursday 25th Oct '12
First scene - Arshi ... cute. Have played the hypnosis game in childhood a lot, never got hypnotised even once
And nice to have a small Arshi dose. The man can hold a stare ... and he looks good doing it!
Seriously, Khushi give it up ... the guy only thinks about you! And if Arav's mom is not planning on claiming Arnav as Arav's father, then just leave well enough alone! Let sleeping dogs lie!
NK flirting with Sheetal ... hmm. I don't like Sheetal yet ... though to be fair, she's done nothing to make me actively dislike her.
Is this a family picnic? Everybody going to school for Arav's admission?
School scene ... Khushi was too nosy. Better to ask Sheetal straight out, rather than all that silly and very obvious peeping. After all, Sheetal is staying in her house, she can do that politely. Better than that very undignified behaviour in school. She has to remember she is Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada now. And definitely her probing Arav was wrong.
Arav - I did not like him with Khushi. Plain rude. Attitude is one thing, rudeness to adults is another. Not cute. And he is staying in her house, regardless of how weird he thinks she is. Although his attitude partly seems to stem from his being fatherless ... felt bad for both him and Sheetal in that one scene when the principal asked his dad's name.
So he has been told by his mom that he is exactly like his dad. Has he been encouraged in those traits too? Sheetal certainly doesn't tell him off for his rudeness.
Arav is smart all right, don't know whether that is coaching from his mom, or just a child's instinct. He doesn't like Khushi, he likes Arnav. And he makes it very plain. Again, his attitude towards Khushi is just too rude.
Arnav-Arav bond ... I can see where this might go. Arnav likes Arav, Arav doesn't like Khushi, and he can justifiably claim that Khushi doesn't like him. Family likes Arav. Family likes Sheetal.
Khushi gets the idea for DNA testing from NK. And Sheetal is worried.
Then leave, woman! They're not holding you with chains, are they? Just say you got your keys and leave.
First scene - Arshi ... cute. Have played the hypnosis game in childhood a lot, never got hypnotised even once
Seriously, Khushi give it up ... the guy only thinks about you! And if Arav's mom is not planning on claiming Arnav as Arav's father, then just leave well enough alone! Let sleeping dogs lie!
NK flirting with Sheetal ... hmm. I don't like Sheetal yet ... though to be fair, she's done nothing to make me actively dislike her.
Is this a family picnic? Everybody going to school for Arav's admission?
School scene ... Khushi was too nosy. Better to ask Sheetal straight out, rather than all that silly and very obvious peeping. After all, Sheetal is staying in her house, she can do that politely. Better than that very undignified behaviour in school. She has to remember she is Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada now. And definitely her probing Arav was wrong.
Arav - I did not like him with Khushi. Plain rude. Attitude is one thing, rudeness to adults is another. Not cute. And he is staying in her house, regardless of how weird he thinks she is. Although his attitude partly seems to stem from his being fatherless ... felt bad for both him and Sheetal in that one scene when the principal asked his dad's name.
So he has been told by his mom that he is exactly like his dad. Has he been encouraged in those traits too? Sheetal certainly doesn't tell him off for his rudeness.
Arav is smart all right, don't know whether that is coaching from his mom, or just a child's instinct. He doesn't like Khushi, he likes Arnav. And he makes it very plain. Again, his attitude towards Khushi is just too rude.
Arnav-Arav bond ... I can see where this might go. Arnav likes Arav, Arav doesn't like Khushi, and he can justifiably claim that Khushi doesn't like him. Family likes Arav. Family likes Sheetal.
Khushi gets the idea for DNA testing from NK. And Sheetal is worried.
Then leave, woman! They're not holding you with chains, are they? Just say you got your keys and leave.
Oh no... It's beginning..
ReplyDeleteYou know the end is near when there are no comments at 9pm on a Thursday:-(
Well when someone logs in pls pls gimme an episode synopsis - still no cable:-(
Let me try Gargs..
Deleteso Khushi drags ASR to some place in Shantivan saying she wants to spend sometime alone with him...and she makes him stare into her eyes and then tries to hypnotise..all an attempt to tell her what she wants to does not work on him..alright scene...he lifts her and takes her to bed...
then Khushi makes tea for everyone..enter Sheetal and ASR (J)..NK is smitten...
the kid is joining ASR's school..Khushi decides this is the best way to find the dad's school..all her attempts fail...
admission done..Arnav comes to meet them..bade and chote bond..and its back home..
Mami reads a report that says some parents couldn't identify their children and NK mentions DNA tests..and Khushi's brain lights up...
Precap..she pulls a strand of hair off Arnav's head while he is sleeping...
that is the gist of sure someone will do a better job!!!
Thank you!! Ani!!!:-)
DeleteGargi epi starts with hypnotizing scene. Great ArHi for first 5 mins. Khushi wanting some ekant time and Arnav stating how oxymoron that is. They start playing games. Few dialogues that I loved -
ReplyDeletek- "aap hamare liye itna bhi nahi kar sakte"
a - "concentrate warna har jaogi"
a- "if you say so"
a- "love=bharosa"
and boy man can stare ....he was totally tasting her.....haayyeeeee
he feels sleepy and before khushi could protest he just lifts her and take her to bed.
Later she sheetal and arav goes to school for his admission where khushi is unsuccessful in knowing aravs dads name. Arav looked very much part of the plan today. Poking exactly at the right point saying the right things to convulate khushis mind further. Office scene was dragged.
Arnav arrives to see how its going. Khushi sees 3 from far away and wonders again.
I love Arnav-Arav chemistry.
Back home precap plays out. Precap shiws khushi plucking Arnavs hair when he is asleep.
NK was shown trying to get in conversation with Sheetal.
Thank you Sam!! The conv sounds cute!
Deleteoh wow..this has never happened before for me..since the time i started reading the blog i mean!!
ReplyDeletewhere is everyone??sab theek hai??
Episode was meh ... I guess that's why no one is around.
Deleteyea i know Dia..but we have seen worse so was wondering!
DeleteMe too, actually!!! Am off for the night now, will catch up tomorrow.
Deletei must say sheetal and asr(if he is sheetal's son) fly away with NK...:))
ReplyDeleteArnav definitely knows his beloved wife is all jealous and insecure...loved the way he play along with her in all her pagalpan - enjoy all the teasing and finally give a cute romantic rabba vey in the end...
why not khushi solve the mystery by simply asking for full name of aarav...??
Exactly, Ayesha ... I found Khushi very silly today ... an when Khushi is silly, I don't enjoy the episode. All that peeping and peering was plain silly, and then probing Arav was very insensitive ... the kid must have a chip on his shoulder already about having a single parent. Don't probe and make it worse.
DeleteKhushi would do better to ask his mother straight out ... she's staying in her house, Khushi can strike up a casual conversation with her and ask her. If she doesn't tell Khushi, Arnav doesn't think there's anything fishy, then leave it alone! If the mom is not interested in claiming Arnav as Arav's father, Arnav doesn't think he's Arav's father, why go looking for trouble?
But then, that's Khushi's insecurities speaking ... and with the way they're building the dislike between Arav and Khushi, there are going to be tense times ahead.
just read the LUs and dia's post...
Deletehave no enthusiasm to watch the episode today...altho there have been a lot of bad episodes in fact the epis having no logic are the toughest to sit thru...but we sat thru many baffling tracks/epis becos there seemed to be hope at the end of the tunnel..Is is the worst by far?not really.....
Now, when was the last time she behaved mad..this mad....suicide attempt....but is there a diff in that k and this k today? according to CVs apparently not....and i wonder why?
I have no idea really how a person who is insecure behaves when the bad news is not a reality but a possibility...i guess there would be a variety of behavior exhibited ...questions, inquisitions, riot act being read out, snooping, anger, irritation, withdrawal, quietness, sadness....if u add Khushi to the mix, i guess i will allow for all this with a touch of her quirkiness....becos of who she is
I feel people cope with the reality of their issues a lot better when there are prepared for the outcome or atleast they have thot about it..they are able to deal with it after a period of adjustment...Khushi appears to have not thot that far....all her foresight is only for issues concerning others never hers...
so, whats is actually wrong with k?
what will she do if she finds that ASR is the father..she discussing it in a frazzled manner as if it as if this is just another matter that she needs to find out....what if it were true....why does she not think about it? is she blocking that thot...and what will happen when the thot hits her...becos she has made no plans for that....she is going to go silent.
there is a conversation between them that says...
DeleteKhushi - Pagal......and ends with rishta - pakka...
sandy has elaborate a lot on the past
There lies in the clue of what K will be when the shit hits the roof..and that she will lose her sanity...i can never read clues in episodes but i always thot there will come a time for arnav to nurse this relationship to a greater emotional graph...for him to realise who k is really all deep inside, all the dichotomy, all the non congruence in Khushi...its not necessary for her to lose sanity for that but there will be withdrawal of the kind not seen before for sure....
well if BS stays on this will happen...else it will not succeed..
Now, when was the last time she behaved mad..this mad....suicide attempt....but is there a diff in that k and this k today?
DeleteRekh,if you are talking about Kamlesh Khabri fixation, I can try toanswer this:
Khushi has not changed.
1. This is the Khushi who believed ASR had done black magic on her and fed him the kaada.
2. And the Khushi in the suicide track you mentioned .
3. And the Khushi who thought the chaaku would be the only thing that can bring ASR's voice back, when all remedies failed.
She has some blind beliefs and they are not going to change overnight.
"and what will happen when the thot hits her...becos she has made no plans for that....":
This Q of yours reminded me of the GH track post kidnap, where she bravely left RM for Anjali's sake...she never thought about how she'd answer her parents. In fact, even when ASR asked her, (we will not play any more games waala episode)she had no answer. K never plans that far ahead.
For me, the CVs have no scope for a mahaanta (ref: ASR apologising and thanking K for keeping his sister's mental stability in mind while bringing Shyam back) in this track, because ASR has been very supportive and expressive all through this track. There is no excuse for mahaanta here.
This is one thought I got from the black magic and kaada....
Delete'Khushi decides her own punishment. She drank the rest of the potion.'
Is a there is a pattern in the way k deals with problems?
Deletei am trying to draw a comparison..or a contrast...not sure what...will list out
1)How did she deal with this shyam issue on the two occasions?...kidnapping..and ouster..she was a bit filmy on both occasions but effective.
2)on remarriage vada - she was almost losing it but remained cautiously optimistic
3)kamlesh kabri - total craziness - what brought that on....a code AR36K but basically her reason for not understanding why arnav married her
4)on other occasions ..have been random pagal ways while dealing with issues...akash staging of suicide, other numerous occasions
5) swami track, started with a normal approach and then she used the swami mode
if u leave out 2, it was actually not a was a situation that presented i will not call it a way of dealing wth the problem, it was a fait-accompli situation...she was presented with the possibility of him not coming to mandap and she could not do anything except wait...
so i am presuming that when she has to solve a problem, she uses strange techniques, some of which we find irritating is another matter...but i guess she is like that i can say not much has changed in u say Su..
Is it safe to say that her behaviour at the mandap was in some ways a clear indication of how she might behave when she has no control over the matter anymore..will she tip over the edge when she perceives rejection...
how she might behave when she has no control over the matter anymore..
Very interesting question.
At mandap- she had no control over the matter.
Now- She has control over the matter is what I believe. In fact, if the DNA test leads her to believe asr is ASR's son, the ball is entirely in her court. She will be the only one who is aware of the secret and what she does with that info is entirely up to her.
1. Will she take pity on the boy and deem that he needs to be with his father and mother,? Sheetalji is not a bad person, she herself said so, "achhi hai", to which Arnavji nodded his head. Arnavji's judgement cannot be wrong, he admits to having feelings for her earlier, loves the kid, and in her imagination he still might be harboring some feelings for the mother.
2. Will she do something in her jealous avataar? After all she did not feel bad about slapping him.
K always will take matters into her hands. And she will act in the best interests of Arnavji. That she is having all these nightmares of Arnavji still in love with Sheetalji shows her deep insecurities, lack of TRUST in ASR. I don't think she will tip over, she will do everything possible to make Arnav's world perfect. Whether she will REMEMBER that she is the most important part of his perfect world...remains to be seen.
Last time when she left him for Anjali's sake, ASR did not know. He thought it was about her ego, since she kept mentioning kuch hi dinon mein, indicating the contract. He thought he just had to prove his love within those days. Even now he does not have a clue that she did it for HIM. May be at the end of this track he will realise that whatever K does, she sees things only from his pov. And hopefully he will teach her the importance of communication at the end of all this drama.
'Before you can love any one, you have to love yourself.'- this is an important lesson K has to learn as a wife and later, as a mother. She cannot go on sacrificing herself any more, any decision she takes regarding herself is not hers to make, IT IS Arnav's, now that they are married.
The mention of Dhruv actually makes the track lighter. Remember they were talking about a new actor entering the show and we all thought it was for Anjali. May be they were on the lookout for Dhruv.
DeleteThe way the track is seems to be showing that arnav is almost better off with sheetal..this is the real picture being given to the lay audience...and i am not talking about us fools...
i wonder what is the real connect for this khushi for the lay audience? her gimmicks but not really beyond a whats the point being made in story telling? or is there a point even?
I accept that Khushi was the way she was ... but Arnav has changed so much in the last year and a half, to accept that Khushi has not changed at all, that all the various troubles she has gone through have not brought about any changes in her, is very difficult. Is there not any better way to show that yes, she is insecure about her place in Arnav's life, and this track is to give her that security?
DeleteWe have all analysed Khushi's character very minutely - given it far more thought than the makers apparently have done ... all of us have reached the same conclusion, that Khushi is selfless to a fault, that she has her own unique way of dealing with the problems that keep coming up in her life ... we accept that she dons that smiling mask to hide her pain. But the smile she used just after Diwali, when Arnav dropped her home was different - it was brittle, shallow, and it showed completely how deeply she was hurt.
The sanak on Thursday in the school scene went beyond that into crass stupidity - for me, at least. I have always said that Khushi can be as pagal as she wants inside her home, but once she steps outside, she is Mrs Raizada, and she has to remember that fact and behave accordingly. She did part of the time in school, she showed her worry and displeasure when the principal also remarked on the Arnav-Arav similarity - but the peeping, and especially the argument with Arav was just stupid.
All along Khushi has been shown to deal very well with kids - lovingly yet firmly - in fact that was one of the things I really liked about her. Yesterday she went below Arav's level ... so again another flaw in the writing. I accept that she is not in the same frame of mind dealing with Arav as she was with the other kids, but she has always been sensitive to other people's feelings - the way she asked Arav about his father was plain insensitive. And that is NOT Khushi. She worries far more about every else's feelings than her own.
We sit here and analyse, so we can find excuses for Khushi's behaviour, but the lay audience will just switch channels.
Absolutely dia....every one of ur points....
DeleteI am presuming there is a deeper reason for her behaviour as this crisis hits her...esp given that she is a mature person when it comes to her perception of pain for i am hoping the Cvs can tell me why she looks at her own pain in such a silly manner...
if the devil is in the detail...i am sure missing it...
my exact sentiments rekha... i'm seriously getting frustrated now. khushi is not a five year old nor is the matter at hand any child's game. y cant the cvs handle it with the due seriousness that it requires? excluding madhura, they have a wonderful cast, and an exceptionally talented lead pair. y reduce them to such immature childish antics? ever since the entry of asr and sheetal, all everybody seem to do is wonder how very much asr and ASR are alike... yes, we get the point... move on pls!
ReplyDeleteand the way khuhi wa behaving at the school, not at all befitting the role of Mrs.ASR. and what was ASR doin there? he came to check how the admission was going, like really??? the only part that was touching, (relatively speaking, ofc) was when madhura says she is a single mother and very adeptly asr wants to leave the room, to give her some space and comfort. a kid of barely 10 years old was shown today to be more sensible and mature, than khushi..
and honestly, where are the cvs taking this? khushi has absolutely no idea how to react if whatever she is trying to find out is true... she is not even thinking beyond her doubts. and coming to her doubts. what are her doubts? does he doubt whether asr is arnavs and sheetals son? if her shak turns into yakin, then fine.. yes there will be heart ache.. loads of it for all and especially for khushi...
but what if her shak is not true... what happen then? will she be happy? wont she have hurt sheetal, aarav he family.. and most imp of all arnav? wont he take it as a sign of her lack of trust in him? i know most of you blv aarav to be arnav's son... he may be or may be not.. that is not my point.. my point is the way khushi is going about it is all wrong... the way she has taken it upon herself to dig deep into matters that have been put to rest... if arnav says there was nothin between them, then y cant he just leave it be?
m sory, i have no idea what i'm blabbering...
and arnav asking k what are trying to ask?
Deletedumbo....with that sister around, have the 0.00000001 grey cells that u have still have gone to rot?...i take that back...actually now i know where ur so called shatir dimag went..along with the last of ur grey cells it got transfered to that di....dekho kaise safai se shyam ka pata saaf kiya aur apko pata chalne bhi nahin diya.....
Not really have just put in words what most of us are feeling atm. But then, KHushi's character has never been one that thinks of consequences - she just bulldozes into a situation thinking that righting it is all that counts.
ReplyDeleteWatching Chowna's uncut today made me realise that I really missed the old ASR, the one that was wooing Khushi during Payash wedding ceremony - he was lovestruck even then, but had not lost his innate charm - why did I feel like I was watching Barun today?
Even the CV Team seems to be lost. Aajkal toh pata nahin ke CVs ne apne pair par kulhari mari ya phir hamare sar par kulhar??? Subtlety was the essence of IPKKND's storytelling and there was so much to explore with the promised BFTP - it all went tai tai phiss. Why can't they complete the serial within a year? They could present a tight story and keep everyone's interest (including the actors)going. Wrap up after a year and everyone remains satisfied.....or as someone else suggested, do it over a couple of seasons....but not like this.....
I still hope something good comes out of this track - these days only R&R keeps me tuned in.
i just typed Arnav singh raizada and khushi in google images... seeing those pictures that have captured the essence of what ipk was b4 wants me to quit watching the show :(
ReplyDeleteI could not access the blog yesterday. I remember Rekha saying she could not access it from phone 2 days back. Imagine my surprise when I found 80 odd discussions on yesterday's episode and a whole lot of NICE discussion.
Thanks, Rekh, for the sweet thought at the end. *hugs* Everything fine at home, by God's grace.
It was really nice going through all your comments yesterday. Except for Aarav being ASR's son, I could agree with most of the thoughts , esp Sandy's prediction/ hope that ASR will be the first and only one to pry out K's deep-seated insecurities. After all, he has to convince her "Khushi tum har kaam akele nahi kar sakti hai"...and "tu kehti hai mujhmein ego hai, tujh mein ego nahi hai kya?"I guess we are all waiting to see if this is the track that will see a growth in Khushi- how love changes her, makes her trust in love enough not to fear happiness.
If this track ends with ASR showing awe and saying wah wah to K's mahaanta, seriously, Gul, I'll throw chappals at you.
But I am hopeful, after seeing today's episode...the hypnotism and ASR talking about TRUST- I hope that is the lesson K learns from this.
Actually, K feels she has not received a straight answer from ASR on the Sheetal matter because she never asked 'the question'. Therefore the shaq is still valid.But I feel he was being truthful and probably indicated physical relationship with the jalebi dialogue. (Jalebi could very well become a code word for the couple, *wink*)
DNA testing:
DeleteI don't think it is an easily available test. Even if K gets the samples, she might face many hurdles. I think it requires elaborate counselling, legal formalities and both parties require to be present in person and so on. I wonder if the CVs have done their HW on this.
On Sheetal giving that funny look when K perks up at the mention of DNA: Yeah, what a funny expression! I cannot decipher it because it just does not fall in line with the rest of the character. If Aarav is not ASR's kid, why should she bother at all, unless the expression suggests that she is intelligent enough to see what is going on in the mind of her ex BF's wife, would like to clear matters if only K just cared to approach her.
The other explanation is that the CVs want to keep us guessing and buzzing...
On K and Aarav: I don't think either dislike each other. asr finds K funny, ajeeb, but nice.
And I feel K is getting more and more uncomfortable with Aarav not because of the resemblance to ASR which everyone seems to pick up, but also because of the uncanny way in which she can predict him! Much like ASR. She knew he wanted toast at B'fast even before he asked for it- "humein pataa hai".
And she can also read his mind on what he thinks of her...must be quite unnerving to have Arhipathy with the kid too.
DeleteGood to see you back - we missed you yesterday.
Yep, that scene when Sheetal is uncomfortable with the mention of DNA test actually makes me veer towards her being vamp again.
If Sheetal is what she seems - she is Arav's mom, and Arnav is NOT Arav's dad, there is really not much reason for her to be so very uncomfortable. Yes, he's an old fling, but he is happily married, he is not uncomfortable with having her around, neither is his wife - why should Sheetal be uncomfortable? And especially no reason for her to be wary at the DNA test.
If Sheetal is Arav's mom, and Arav IS Arnav's son then the question is - why did she come back to India? To introduce Arav to his dad? And now why is she hesitating? Because dad is happily married and she can't decide whether she should tell him or not. She came with good intentions, she doesn't want to rock his marriage, but she feels - belatedly - that he has a right to know about his kid.
So what is she waiting for? Why is she not trying to set up a meeting with him, maybe not to tell him right away, but to gauge his feelings? Why is she behaving peculiarly with Khushi and avoiding all mention of the dad in such a way that Khushi WILL definitely get suspicious?
And now that she has been invited into his house to stay, she needs to make up her mind even more quickly as to what she is going to do. Because it's not only her son's life at stake here, its also a marriage.
So now that she can see Khushi's mind going towards DNA testing, what was that expression about? She sees that Khushi is suspicious about Arav's dad, so she's worried ... but what will happen if Khushi does the test and finds out that way. Won't that make Arnav even more angry with Sheetal, that she not only hid his son for 8 years, but now when she came, she STILL didn't tell him? So if she came with good intentions, knowing Khushi might do the test should push Sheetal into telling Arnav about his son BEFORE Khushi does the test.
BUT IF she knows that Arav is NOT Arnav's son, she wants Khushi to do the test, she will change the result to positive, and hope for Khushi to be sacrificing and distance herself from Arnav. Or even if it's negative, she will let Arnav know that Khushi did the test, Arnav will get so angry with Khushi for doing the test and not asking him that he and Khushi will get distanced. If Arnav knows Arav is not his son, Sheetal will not enter his anger zone at all, it will only be about Khushi and the trust between them.
Is that what Sheetal is hoping for? Again, why? He doesn't care about Sheetal either way - maximum he will offer child support for Arav if Arav is his son, he's not going to break his marriage for Arav.
I am trying to figure out Sheetal's motives here ... till the mention of DNA testing, she could be perfectly white, now depends on how she reacts to the testing. Also we have to see if Khushi actually manages to do the test. From the SBS, she might not even do it.
hi girls, AD is a bit too busy right now, and my net time is also restricted. had not seen the episode, but caught it now..\I did not mind the hypnotizing thingy, but why did they not have the late night rendezvous at the poolside? khushi called him arnav there, as he was picking her up.. so she has started calling him that in private.. cute!
ReplyDeleteyesterday i read an OS that stated that khushi is 19.. because that is still the age on the star plus website.. and i am tending to agree... arnav treats her like a teen. and she has all the impulsiveness of a teen, especially in this jhalli avatar. "haan BUT humein ekanth chahiye tha" sanaya peeping in from khushi's dialogues?
yes, i also see far more of barun than i want to see in ASR. but since i am not the director, i'm letting that go. it is obvious that audience satisfaction, or perfection of product, are not an issue to the CT anymore.
the morning .. NK seems to have forgotten all of his aussie english.. is this any way to impress a girl?
yet another HP?? haila!
in the school scene, i am quite impressed that aarav is so protective of his mom. the way khushi was obviously acting like some cliche-d gossip aunties around his mom would have obviously ruffled him. in fact, i am fairly certain that manorama raizada would not behave like that, in the same situation. eww. for a moment, i was very much on shital's side.
if arnav came to delhi when he was 14,the teacher could have taught him in 10th.. but she worded it like she was his class teacher for 10 years.. blooper?
how dare the teacher say aarav looks like arnav? his wife is sitting in front, just said that shital is arnav's old friend.. did the teacher think it was her souten?
aarav seems to know about his dad, and has been told to hide his identity..
"1.arnav 2singh 3raizada.. hmm time toh lagega" ROFL
duhhh what a stupid way to fall down yaar, who taught you that step! seriously, aarav the teen year old is more adult than khushi the 19 year old ajeeb-and-proud-of-it Raizada.
"congratulations..zz zz"should have been said inside the office. the extra actor wanted an extra line of dialogue? " you can now go and pay the fees at the accountant" would have been a better line.
i am seriously loving the ASR asr jodi. that boy sure can act!
back home, arnav says he dint have to go to ensure admission.. must be talking about the weight of his name, right? he does not know that his wife used it for him.. :p
when khushi clears her name , shital looks terrified.. she does NOT want aarav's dad to be identified.
as i take my leave, i have to add.. @teambarun tweeted.."anyone remember dhruv?"" manorama mami's second son, currently studying in the US.. " that is more information than we had before..
i do not know the reliability of teambarun's spoilers, so do not take this as certified news, just a way to divert speculations.. what do you think?
typo.."when khushi clears her name" when khushi clears her DNA doubt...
Deletealso, the scene was cut haphazardly.. NK was answering payal.. but payal had no question.. the editors are eating dialogues now?? is that why payash dont have dialogues?
Does anyone know who Dherv Riazada is. I have just seen it mentioned and it would seem that Nani also spoke of this person at the beginning of the,series. Could this be the mystery of the,child's father. Maybe I am just clutching at straws. I so don't want Arnav to be the father, and with Khushie collecting her evidence will this cause a problem with the results of the DNA test if the father is Arnavs cousin.
I am also for this connection... seems Dhruv was mentioned in the first few episodes... I guess I missed it .. and he is Maama's son by his first wife. Think of Sheetal in this context and everything sort of falls in place. The DNA test will come as a positive match for a raizada... Aakash ruled out... Dhruv missing or unknown from Khushi's perspective ... and she will plonk for Arnav.
DeleteClue is in Maami's dialogs -- she has been saying keep Arav , keep Aarav-- more than once..........the kid is a raizada and not a malik!
Whether we get to see Dhruv or not... this atleast means that the kid has not been trained and is Sheetal's!
Ok mama has a son from the prev marriage? i did not think abt it that way...i thot the scandal in the mami case was about her...that figures...i wrote below that it is not possible...but now that u say...i understand why mami has not mentioned by him but why mama and others has never mentioned him...guess the RM guys are like that only...bhul gaye toh sab bhul gaye.....aiyooooo rama!!
DeleteEven I got the impression that there is a character like that. I thought I read it in one of the discussions in R&R that mami was brought to look after the first wife and ended up marrying maama after the wife's death. May be she was a distant relative of the wife or something. And Dhruv would have left the house in anger not able to accept a step- mom- the skeletons in maami's cupboard? Explains why this characer did not make an entry till now, was absent during all the weddings...he simply did not feel like he belonged there.
Also explains Sheetal's cautious look- she knows asr's father is a Raizada. asr- Aarav Singh Raizada? Kudos to the writers if they are really bringing him in. Excellent!
Yep, I read an interview of Manorama Mami's fairly early in the show, they must have been given their character sketches. She said she had been brought in to look after Mama's first wife, and when that lady died, Manorama snared Mama. That's what Nani used to go on about.
DeleteDhruv has not been mentioned except for one episode very early. I don't remember if I read it somewhere, but I think it was my surmise that he could be Mama's son from the first wife, hence Mami wanted to keep him at a distance, but he was still Nani's grandson, that's why Nani mentioned him. But I think I also read somewhere that they abandoned the idea of Dhruv somewhere down the line ... now they might decide to revive him.
However, after last night, I am not in favor of Arav being a Raizada. The kid is unbearably rude - he needs some serious time out and lessons on manners!
yes whatever points Vishesh bansal for his naturalcharm gets all deducted from aarav for his irritating manners with elders....ok i guess the mom is to blame here but since he seems all grown up otherwise....and can say all the firm things at other times without being rude..i wonder why selective rudeness...
Deletefeel like crying? let me help you.
ignore the typing and concentrate on the scenes.
Only 25 comments, hmmmmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteOkay I have been watching the epi on and off and LOLing...Well it is easy...just hypnotize yourself that last year was meant nothing and this is a new young and cute Doordarshan wala couple and I am watching a romcom....sort of actually makes the epis and the show tolerable.
So bak bak from my end:
The kiddo act, THE MOM cannot..simple.
So ASR has jalebis with Khushi only...what was that supposed to mean?
I have had jalebis with you only *Yikes and we thought the only reason he got diabetes was cos he had too many jalebis with too many women, oh well!!
The jalebis I have with you are the ones which are special to me, rest was meant nothing, oh whatever!!
My disappointment with BS continues and there is huge sadness, never thought he would be soon joining the who cares tribe, it is a size-able tribe in my life.
I get it he has no control over what scenes he gets to do, what he wears, grooming is completely in his hands right?
ASR = Teej/Bandagement look ASR. Period!! The way he looks is entirely upto him right?
The reason he still has not joined is HE CAN ACT, HE is still the best lead actor on TV at the moment.
I am warming up to Madhubala, watch it now and then....actually loving Raza Murad there, the rishab madhubala scenes are okay, nowhere near what Arhi used to be once upon a time, so dunno if I will watch it cos I am catching up on books and movies when I get time in parts,lol.
I have never been a fan of this Khushi so if at all I am even liking khushi a bit, it is cos of Sanaya. What was that at the principal's office when she falls down....Show falling symbolism maybe!!
The writers continue to take jab at the audience, I DON'T even find it funny anymore.
Akshay Dogra, logged in IF today and found out you quit, was Oh finally, then what are you doing in the show still...I hope serving out the notice period which in IPK land seems to be 11/24/40 days, I hope you do the right thing and actually quit. You have earned a lot of respect cos of this show from everyone, hope you don't lose it by doing a deepali or db on us. Waisay bhi your life, your career, all the best.
SARUN are still the best on Telly right now and the support cast is still the very best, pity things have come to where they are now. I genuinely hope years from now everyone who was directly or indirectly responsible for creating a mess of this show, you REGRET how you goofed up.
Saw in IF that Dhruv might be entering and noreen is going to talk to Barun today, Oh weekend drama shuru I guess, must be interesting*wink*
Hugs everyone, hope you & your family are all doing good, will try to tapkofy more oftne*fingers crossed*
Dia, Thanks for the home Dia*hugs*
BG!!!! *hugs*
DeleteMy AD has been getting busy so have been spending less time here ... good to log in and see your lambaaa vala post!!!
SARUN are still the best on telly right now ... 100% agree to that, that's the only reason why I'm still here, even with the deteriorating storyline ... scratch that, storyline this time is actually very decent, but the treatment is SHODDY!!!
And again they're making the same mistake they made with Shyam ... letting the negativity overpower the positivity ... if we got some cute newly-married scenes, then Khushi's worry and sanak would be easier to handle. Here they behave like they've been married for years ... not asking for cozy scenes every single day, but those little extra touches which make so much difference. And her sanak is all over the place - Sanaya was onscreen the entire episode yesterday, and has been for the entire week! They HAVE to show family scenes and give her and Barun a break!
Barun really needs some grooming. The guy wants to enter BW looking like this?! Thank god he's started shaving that stubble more closely, it looks better now, but the gel is still too much.
Me too, I am not a fan of klutzy Khushi, so the moment she goes OTT, it spoils the episode for me as a whole. It's only for Sanaya I still watch, any other actress and I would have switched off the tv by now. Today I didn't watch the entire repeat even once - watched the first two minute Arhi scene and switched it off. Normally I keep the tv on even if I'm not watching.
Dhruv entering ... is that a rumor or a spoiler? Or just someone's imagination? Because I read they had scrapped the character ...
Are you planning to give Qabool Hai a try?
I truly hope and pray that we get the magic back...oh there is still so much story left!!
ReplyDeleteTo me the story is still unsaid until it is seen from ASR's perspective. To me, Khushi is still a puzzle becos arnav has not yet decoded her.
ReplyDeleteHe has had many learnings along the way..but Khushi is still a puzzle and atm he doesn't even know it..He thinks he knows everything about her but actually he doesn't...he is in a happy space becos all things have fallen into place. Its only when he gets an idea about what is it that is troubling her,will he get even a iota of understanding of where this comes from.
some people are calling this is the trust track....of arnav being pained by lack of Khushi's trust in him. i disagree vehemently and if the track is indeed abt that then it will be one more case of an expectation down the drain...(maybe idk how to view stories!)
when there was no hope in the relationship, she has trusted him so isn't it strange that when there is so much hope in their relationship, she cannot trust him? so, the track has to delve deeper....i am expecting some flashes of not that shatir dimag but an evolved arnav to scratch the surface and think this thru...
maybe i am hoping too much...
Mere pyaar ko kisi saboot ki zaroorat nahin...famous last words there.....
1."of arnav being pained by lack of Khushi's trust in him. i disagree vehemently and if the track is indeed abt that"
Delete2. Mere pyaar ko kisi saboot ki zaroorat nahin...
With you on both these.
On 'Arnav being pained..', I want it to be about the lack of trust, but I want him to be angry...
Remembering yesterday's discussions on K's childhood:
1. K reacting strongly to ASR's accusation- 'leave my parents out of this'.
2. Garima reminiscing about the early days of K's stay with her, how she thought the child would never accepth her as the mother.
I feel K had a very happy childhood and when that was taken away from her in one stroke...the light totally went out of her life. Until little Khushi learned to trust her aunt, but trained herself to fear happiness for herself, lest it brought disaster in its wake.
And she decided that her happiness lay in the happiness of those around her, that was enough for her.
OFC, Khushi knows she is ajeeb, one of a kind-"hum aise hi hai". But sometimes she feels "baahar ki duniya ajeeb hai"- she cannot fathom the anger, the hatred...she knows only of love. And therefore she wishes the duniya contained only him and her, then she wouldn't have to worry about keeping everyone happy, which she knows is an impossible task, but she cannot stop trying.
DeleteFrom above.'i wonder what is the real connect for this khushi for the lay audience?':
I can totally connect with Khushi. I probably think differently from all of you because when I started watching the serial, I thought Khushi was downright silly. That was the Nainital trip, i did not find her cute then at all. (OFC, I feel differently when I watch the same scenes now.)
And through the hate marriage, I used to urge her, "C'mon girl, pick yourself up. Give it right back to him. If you can't, at least run away to make all of them feel bad about ill-treating you".LOL.
But Khushi picked herself up and tried to behave as normally as possible. I thought that was too much mahaanta, but I admired her spunk.
What made me fall in love with her was the K- G convo.
I never thought such a simple conversation could throw so much light into a character. And it was not even btn the leads! OFC, I did not expect her to bear any grudge. But the way she reassured Garima, "you are my Amma. You don't have to answer to anyone": I WAS FLOORED. That was Khushi at her maturest. That was the moment I understood and RESPECTED the character. I have not had look back ever since. I have accepted that she is simple, silly at times, can go OTT... I don't care. All that matters is that I love her as she is. She may not dress like me, talk like me, act like me, think like is like ASR confessed in his mother's garden, "no one can be like her".
It is not about the mahaanta or sacrifice or is the love in her- pure and giving.
She is like that fire fly she admires- 'That which is within us will always illuminate us and those around us.'.
I don't know if the lay audience connect with her this way. I guess for them it is just about the entertainment the half hour provides...and why should they give a second thought about Sheetal? They must be watching it interestedly to see what this character is up to? And loving that kid of hers...totally unaware of the offscreen drama.
That is why I prefer to concentrate only on the show.
I have kind of made up my mind that Barun is not leaving. OFC, I know it is not perfect- I have a major issue with the PH regarding the use of side characters...but I can thankfully connect with the rest of the show.
But I'll rant for Akshay. It is so unfair that people like Madhura Naik will come for a month or two and get more screen space and appreciation than a guy who has been around for 1 1/2 years. Grrrrr....
DeleteU know my reason for loving this unseemly pair and yet will connect....if u see within those parameters everything that K and a do should be ok...becos they will be ok for arnav or khushi...arnav loves this pagal...Khushi loves him..who am i to say why this why that..agreed...
but an essential part of the connect for a character is also some of their characteristics...khushi in her greatest sanak cannot be insensitive to a child's situation even when it affects her..its not about mahanta...i am not saying why she is like this becos u have never shown me a K like that before..
for a woman who went against her husband's diktat to get his enemy in the house....i am not expecting mahanta this time around....i am not expecting anything from her this time, becos i am waiting for Arnav to unravel this Khushi i say it is his story not her story
the only diff in our love for arhi is this...u cannot see anything amiss in their love story...i am saying it is not yet a perfect love story...its a few steps away from it....its in the steps that arnav or khushi or both will take to make this that kind of a story....
btw, what is this new nonsense of dhruv sing raizada? i am sure its a misleading can u have a son for mami and never mention it ever...
ReplyDeleteOr How many skeletons like dadi do these guys have in the RM cupboard..
if he mami's son from a prev marriage, i can understand why he is not here but then he is not a raizada...and not blood related to arnav in any case...mami not remembering is another matter, she does not remember her husband also..
if he is mama-mami's son, why has he been mentioend only once in the serial...
so, there is no chance of this turning true even going by all the convoluted logic that Cvs have thrown our way everytime...kuch toh unke le bhi hazam karna mushkil hain....badhazmi ho jayegi...
arre..these people don't do justice to the people already in the show..ab aur ek naya character?? though am all for Aarav being this Dhruv's person's son..
Deletetoh mami is mama's second wife?
Yes anita -- she was brought in to take care of his first wife -- she was some sort of maid in the Raizada house and maama married her after that .
Deleterekha -- he was mentioned one in the the context of a bad marriage.. so I guess there is another skeleton there. Maami we know was a servant who came to look after the first Maami and graduated to Maami herself. This is a good time to introduce this character... otherwise like Sama says another kid and mother are butchered in IPK!
DeleteCould also be SKD/wishful thinking rolled into one ! But one can hope right?
ofc i will clutch at all straws right now...even the illogical ones..if they can somehow restore my arHI's love story.... sab unke haath dooke peech pade hain...principal in that Khushi herself...idiot!!
DeleteThey could have introduced NK as imagine a bro/cousin bro who did not even attend his bro's wedding.......and he could be aarav's dad, ewwwwwww.
DeleteDon't like sheetal and NK jodi bas,bol diya!!
Shwets me too no likes that jodi!! NK needs someone else!!
ReplyDeleteNot able to reply to your post.
'.khushi in her greatest sanak cannot be insensitive to a child's situation even when it affects her.':
Are you saying that K is insensitive in her curiosity to find the truth? In what way?
I agree with you that the love story is incomplete- there is lots more to discover about each other.
DeleteI think Rekha was saying more that Khushi cannot be insensitive under any circumstances ... especially not to a child. And I agree with her, that's why the scene with Arav at school annoyed me. It was just not Khushi's character to be so insensitive in probing a child of a single mom about his father. No normal person of reasonable sensitivity would do it - they might probe the mother, but not the child.
Is Khushi being insensitive in her quest to find out the truth? I don't know whether I would call it insensitive or unthinking. If she stopped to think, Sheetal, Arav's mom is not doing anything to claim Arnav as Arav's father, Arnav has not even thought of the possibility ... so why should she be so bothered?
What are her motives? Has she tried to decipher them for herself?
Is she scared that Arav is really Arnav's son? Yes.
Is she scared that if Arnav finds that out, that discovery will impact her marriage? Yes - because of her insecurities, she cannot feel that Arnav will put her above Arav if he finds that Arav is his son.
Okay, Arnav will want to claim Arav. Does she then feel that he will want Sheetal back in his life as Arav's mom? And will ask Khushi to leave. Probably YES. And there lies her insecurity. That Arnav will put someone else's happiness above hers - the happiness of his son. Not the son's mother, but the son.
So logically, since Arnav hasn't connected that Arav could be his son, Sheetal has made no attempt to make the claim, Khushi should just sit quietly and let things be. The issue needs to be resolved between Arnav and Sheetal first.
But she can't sit and wait for that to happen, because she has no faith in her happiness being lasting. So she'd rather go out and bring in the unhappiness, rather than wait in dread for when it will hit her.
Quite similar to Arnav when he married her - he didn't have the courage to ask her if she loved Shyam, out of fear that she would say yes.
Why do I feel that sheetal has got the DNA tests doctored ? I dread the thought ESP. When Arnav is shown as being absolutely sure about the platonic relationship he had with sheetal..what I fear now is his anger at Khushi for not trusting him..and thereby the separation..
ReplyDeleteWould welcome more thoughts..