Monday 8th October '12
Wedding anniversary ... the first of many shocks for Shyam today?
Did Di manage the electric shock in the rangoli through sheer incompetence ... or was she helped by a friendly neighbourhood brother/bhabhi/cousin?
Again Shyam remembered the miscarriage drama ... but only slight worry, no guilty conscience as yet ... because all the incidents have been fairly innocuous, something that could happen randomly, and the result of his imagination ... not tricks by anyone ... so far no suspicion that any of this could be deliberate. And Anjali confesses that she made the rangoli and did the lights ... again a genuine mistake ...
Again Anjali seemed genuinely scared by Shyam's anger and he had to cool it down very quickly ... DB mentioned that Anjali gets upset even if she hurts an ant ... so I guess it's poor acting on her part that it seemed more like fear ... and the incessant crying ...
Oh boy, she actually gives him the pink muffler ... poor Shyam is struck speechless! The guy must be cursing his luck ... he married a rich woman for her money, and she gives him a hand-knitted pink muffler as a gift! Not even a designer wallet or a diamond ring or something similar! No wonder he needs to think of a way to get some cash out of her.
Arnav-Anjali ... I felt for Arnav ... any brother who found out the truth of his sister's husband would feel terrible to be the messenger, and hate doing what he had to do ...
Did he actually keep all the rakhis Anjali had ever tied him? Brother and sister are equal in the emotional department ... probably being the only ones for each other ... they are each other's weakness, but I got the feeling that Anjali is a bigger weakness for Arnav than he is for her ... Anjali's weakness is Shyam, because she knows that Arnav is always there for her. The only time she faltered in that belief was when he threw Shyam out on Khushi's say so, and she resented Khushi ... but after Shyam's return, that belief in Arnav is back. But umm, Anjali ... bharosa on your brother ... where did that go when you connived with your KP to bring him back against your brother's wishes?
And Khushi knows Anjali is Arnav's weakness, so she steps in before he can get too emotional and give away part or all of their plan.
The only time I felt Anjali act like an older sister/mother ... when she gathered the obviously disturbed Arnav Khushi to her for a hug ...
Loved the look Arnav Khushi exchange over her shoulder ... they know what they have to do, it will be difficult, but it has to be done ...
Family scene ... very noticeable that it was only Anjali who was given the wishes, the blessings and the gift! Shyam was completely ignored.
Loved the way Khushi packs off Anjali and Shyam to the temple! This girl has great managerial qualities!
Quick set up in Di's room by Arnav Khushi, while NK keeps guard ... a CD and a phone ... hmm ...
Doesn't Shyam smell a rat at the anniversary decorations? Or does he think it's the usual Keep Di Happy in her Bubble Raizada family doing this for Di?
Two seconds of Khushi encouraging Arnav ... two seconds of Arnav reassuring Khushi ... the best four seconds of the episode :) Apart from the teamwork in Di's room earlier ...
More Creepali ... hopefully the last we have to sit through ... Shyam presents Anjali with a mangalsutra with the price tag helpfully attached, so she can reimburse him for the cost ... smart thinking, VLR! Methinks Anjali gave him the extra 2 lakhs for the cost of mental stress of living with her ... or maybe she does know somewhere that money is what keeps Shyam attached to her.
Shyam is her trophy husband, deep down she probably knows that he's with her for the money, ... or, being an insecure woman, she feels she has to keep him chained to her with her money, like she keeps Arnav chained to her with her blackmail threats of not eating, not talking, or when those don't work, of leaving him ... her insecurities run very deep.
So does she give Shyam money from her own allowance? She must be having a generous one from her doting brother, to be able to dole out 5 lakhs without blinking ...
And a baby cries ... and Shyam finally starts to lose it ...
The precap was from the promo ... Shyam has already changed his clothes ... so the scene will be different. Do we go into the Karz/OSO drama tomorrow?
Wasn't sure I would edit today ... have people over for dinner tonight
... but here are some quick thoughts.
Can I say I felt actually sorry, in a wicked way
for Shyam today?
The guy marries a woman with very low self esteem, a non-existent IQ, an over the top EQ and is expected to worship her night and day, because the lady in question crumples up like a two year old any time he shouts at her, the way every normal husband shouts at his wife on occasion. On top of which, he has to suffer her unique taste in gifts
... if a shocking pink hand knitted muffler is the best she can come up with, then obviously he has been smart in planning the surprises all these years and not leaving them to her. I was very impressed with Shyam the actor today ... he managed to say the pink muffler was the best gift he could imagine receiving ... that too, with a straight face
My husband would have taken immediate steps to have me certified!
Don't know what the cv's intention was for today's episode ... but if they were trying to garner sympathy for Anjali and more revulsion for Shyam's character, it back-fired for me ... if I had even an iota of respect for Anjali left, I lost it all today. The woman is living in her brother's home with her husband, she knows her brother hates her husband's guts, yet she happily squanders his hard-earned money on her KP (okay, it's probably out of her allowance, but the allowance is from her brother's earnings, she hasn't done a thing to earn the money!) ... and does not have enough respect for herself or for her husband to say - you give me what you can afford as a gift, out of your own earnings and I will be happy with that ... I don't need extravagant presents. No, she doesn't say that ... neither did she say even once when her husband was kicked out, that if he did not get respect in her brother's house, she would follow him to wherever he went. She comes across as a woman who wants to live the lifestyle she is accustomed to, with a trophy husband by her side, a husband she has bought with her brother's money and intends to keep chained with ties of silver and gold. Maybe because she knows deep down in her heart that the money is what keeps him chained to her, that is why the overdone claims of love and happiness ... reiterating it again and again in the hope that it will come true some day. BUT not able to take any steps which might expose herself to any hardship ... like walking out of her brother's house and trying to live on her husband's earnings. Giving him the money for her own gift ... can any woman be so blind not to see that her husband takes the money happily without a word of protest? Or is it that she knows ... knows that is the only way to keep him chained to her? And even the baby seems to have been a means to that end only ... awful though that sounds ... Anjali would make a terrible mother in her current self-obsessed state.
That's why the Anjali Arnav scene did nothing much for me today, except to make me feel very sorry for Arnav and a bit impatient with him as well. Mother-son relationship - hell no - it's a father-daughter one here ... a fourteen year old boy grew up overnight to try to look after a weak, parasitic clingy older sister, who became his biggest weakness - she was all he had left of family, so he would not lose her at any cost ... even if the cost was pandering to her every whim till she became self-centered and self-obsessed in the extreme. Fortunately he has lost his blinkers enough to see that her happiness is a bubble, and a fragile one at that ... otherwise if he had any sense, he would have done a background check on Shyam when Shyali first got married, kept track of his frequent mysterious 'work trips', even suspected his convenient disappearances whenever Khushi was around ... but he too was happy in his bubble because Anjali was happy, and never bothered to dig deeper.
I always notice in the Anjali-Arnav scenes that it's all about a brother protecting his sister and looking out for her happiness ... but she is the older sibling ... has she once said that she will sacrifice her happiness, her everything for her brother's happiness? She is happy when her brother is happy, but has she ever gone out of her way to ensure his happiness? No? Then how can she be called a mother figure?
Although for the first time Arnav going on about how Di's happiness is most important for him didn't bother me so much ... Di's happiness is very important to him all right ... any brother would want his sister's happiness at any cost. His wife is a separate issue ... Khushi is with him, inseparable, there is no question of choosing one over the other, no conflict there at all.
Why does Anjali need another MS anyway? And if she's so bothered about her husband's hard-earned money, why doesn't she tell him to return it because she already has one? Would have been nice to see Shyam's face at that!
Anjali bitiya, one of the seven vows is to earn a living by righteous means ... that does not include sponging off your brother for your wedding gifts. If your husband wants to gift you something, let him do it with his own money. Or accept smaller gifts which are within his means.This was so much like paying him off to stay with you, it was pitiable.
It would be really nice if someone from the family were to come in and not hear the baby's cries that are beginning to drive Shyam mad ... not Arshi or NK, but someone else ... Payash or Nani would do just fine. But they need to be very short and curt about it ... not over-friendly. The way the entire family snubbed Shyam in the marriage wishes while congratulating Anjali was good to see ... making it very clear to Shyam that he is just being tolerated for Anjali's sake, no more. Though again, where does that place Anjali in terms of self-respect and respect for her husband ... ready to live in her maayka where her husband is despised ... doesn't speak much of her love for her husband at all. Anjali to me is a failure as a sister and as a wife both.
Wedding anniversary ... the first of many shocks for Shyam today?
Did Di manage the electric shock in the rangoli through sheer incompetence ... or was she helped by a friendly neighbourhood brother/bhabhi/cousin?
Again Shyam remembered the miscarriage drama ... but only slight worry, no guilty conscience as yet ... because all the incidents have been fairly innocuous, something that could happen randomly, and the result of his imagination ... not tricks by anyone ... so far no suspicion that any of this could be deliberate. And Anjali confesses that she made the rangoli and did the lights ... again a genuine mistake ...
Again Anjali seemed genuinely scared by Shyam's anger and he had to cool it down very quickly ... DB mentioned that Anjali gets upset even if she hurts an ant ... so I guess it's poor acting on her part that it seemed more like fear ... and the incessant crying ...
Oh boy, she actually gives him the pink muffler ... poor Shyam is struck speechless! The guy must be cursing his luck ... he married a rich woman for her money, and she gives him a hand-knitted pink muffler as a gift! Not even a designer wallet or a diamond ring or something similar! No wonder he needs to think of a way to get some cash out of her.
Arnav-Anjali ... I felt for Arnav ... any brother who found out the truth of his sister's husband would feel terrible to be the messenger, and hate doing what he had to do ...
Did he actually keep all the rakhis Anjali had ever tied him? Brother and sister are equal in the emotional department ... probably being the only ones for each other ... they are each other's weakness, but I got the feeling that Anjali is a bigger weakness for Arnav than he is for her ... Anjali's weakness is Shyam, because she knows that Arnav is always there for her. The only time she faltered in that belief was when he threw Shyam out on Khushi's say so, and she resented Khushi ... but after Shyam's return, that belief in Arnav is back. But umm, Anjali ... bharosa on your brother ... where did that go when you connived with your KP to bring him back against your brother's wishes?
And Khushi knows Anjali is Arnav's weakness, so she steps in before he can get too emotional and give away part or all of their plan.
The only time I felt Anjali act like an older sister/mother ... when she gathered the obviously disturbed Arnav Khushi to her for a hug ...
Loved the look Arnav Khushi exchange over her shoulder ... they know what they have to do, it will be difficult, but it has to be done ...
Family scene ... very noticeable that it was only Anjali who was given the wishes, the blessings and the gift! Shyam was completely ignored.
Loved the way Khushi packs off Anjali and Shyam to the temple! This girl has great managerial qualities!
Quick set up in Di's room by Arnav Khushi, while NK keeps guard ... a CD and a phone ... hmm ...
Doesn't Shyam smell a rat at the anniversary decorations? Or does he think it's the usual Keep Di Happy in her Bubble Raizada family doing this for Di?
Two seconds of Khushi encouraging Arnav ... two seconds of Arnav reassuring Khushi ... the best four seconds of the episode :) Apart from the teamwork in Di's room earlier ...
More Creepali ... hopefully the last we have to sit through ... Shyam presents Anjali with a mangalsutra with the price tag helpfully attached, so she can reimburse him for the cost ... smart thinking, VLR! Methinks Anjali gave him the extra 2 lakhs for the cost of mental stress of living with her ... or maybe she does know somewhere that money is what keeps Shyam attached to her.
Shyam is her trophy husband, deep down she probably knows that he's with her for the money, ... or, being an insecure woman, she feels she has to keep him chained to her with her money, like she keeps Arnav chained to her with her blackmail threats of not eating, not talking, or when those don't work, of leaving him ... her insecurities run very deep.
So does she give Shyam money from her own allowance? She must be having a generous one from her doting brother, to be able to dole out 5 lakhs without blinking ...
And a baby cries ... and Shyam finally starts to lose it ...
The precap was from the promo ... Shyam has already changed his clothes ... so the scene will be different. Do we go into the Karz/OSO drama tomorrow?
Wasn't sure I would edit today ... have people over for dinner tonight
Can I say I felt actually sorry, in a wicked way
Don't know what the cv's intention was for today's episode ... but if they were trying to garner sympathy for Anjali and more revulsion for Shyam's character, it back-fired for me ... if I had even an iota of respect for Anjali left, I lost it all today. The woman is living in her brother's home with her husband, she knows her brother hates her husband's guts, yet she happily squanders his hard-earned money on her KP (okay, it's probably out of her allowance, but the allowance is from her brother's earnings, she hasn't done a thing to earn the money!) ... and does not have enough respect for herself or for her husband to say - you give me what you can afford as a gift, out of your own earnings and I will be happy with that ... I don't need extravagant presents. No, she doesn't say that ... neither did she say even once when her husband was kicked out, that if he did not get respect in her brother's house, she would follow him to wherever he went. She comes across as a woman who wants to live the lifestyle she is accustomed to, with a trophy husband by her side, a husband she has bought with her brother's money and intends to keep chained with ties of silver and gold. Maybe because she knows deep down in her heart that the money is what keeps him chained to her, that is why the overdone claims of love and happiness ... reiterating it again and again in the hope that it will come true some day. BUT not able to take any steps which might expose herself to any hardship ... like walking out of her brother's house and trying to live on her husband's earnings. Giving him the money for her own gift ... can any woman be so blind not to see that her husband takes the money happily without a word of protest? Or is it that she knows ... knows that is the only way to keep him chained to her? And even the baby seems to have been a means to that end only ... awful though that sounds ... Anjali would make a terrible mother in her current self-obsessed state.
That's why the Anjali Arnav scene did nothing much for me today, except to make me feel very sorry for Arnav and a bit impatient with him as well. Mother-son relationship - hell no - it's a father-daughter one here ... a fourteen year old boy grew up overnight to try to look after a weak, parasitic clingy older sister, who became his biggest weakness - she was all he had left of family, so he would not lose her at any cost ... even if the cost was pandering to her every whim till she became self-centered and self-obsessed in the extreme. Fortunately he has lost his blinkers enough to see that her happiness is a bubble, and a fragile one at that ... otherwise if he had any sense, he would have done a background check on Shyam when Shyali first got married, kept track of his frequent mysterious 'work trips', even suspected his convenient disappearances whenever Khushi was around ... but he too was happy in his bubble because Anjali was happy, and never bothered to dig deeper.
I always notice in the Anjali-Arnav scenes that it's all about a brother protecting his sister and looking out for her happiness ... but she is the older sibling ... has she once said that she will sacrifice her happiness, her everything for her brother's happiness? She is happy when her brother is happy, but has she ever gone out of her way to ensure his happiness? No? Then how can she be called a mother figure?
Although for the first time Arnav going on about how Di's happiness is most important for him didn't bother me so much ... Di's happiness is very important to him all right ... any brother would want his sister's happiness at any cost. His wife is a separate issue ... Khushi is with him, inseparable, there is no question of choosing one over the other, no conflict there at all.
Why does Anjali need another MS anyway? And if she's so bothered about her husband's hard-earned money, why doesn't she tell him to return it because she already has one? Would have been nice to see Shyam's face at that!
Anjali bitiya, one of the seven vows is to earn a living by righteous means ... that does not include sponging off your brother for your wedding gifts. If your husband wants to gift you something, let him do it with his own money. Or accept smaller gifts which are within his means.This was so much like paying him off to stay with you, it was pitiable.
It would be really nice if someone from the family were to come in and not hear the baby's cries that are beginning to drive Shyam mad ... not Arshi or NK, but someone else ... Payash or Nani would do just fine. But they need to be very short and curt about it ... not over-friendly. The way the entire family snubbed Shyam in the marriage wishes while congratulating Anjali was good to see ... making it very clear to Shyam that he is just being tolerated for Anjali's sake, no more. Though again, where does that place Anjali in terms of self-respect and respect for her husband ... ready to live in her maayka where her husband is despised ... doesn't speak much of her love for her husband at all. Anjali to me is a failure as a sister and as a wife both.
Bhaaat abhi tak no comments, sab theek to hain?? How was the episode? Too good or too bad for words?
ReplyDeleteArreh bolo mat ...full of creepali romance. Saving grace was crreps dialogue with a creepy smirk "rani sahiba aapko bewakoof bana na kitna asaan hai"
Deletebro-sis moment was good ...would have loved it if anjalis dialogue "haan aap par pira bharosa hai" had an iota of truth.
Purpose of scene was preparing Anjali. All I felt was arnav plight. Well yeh toh hamesha se hai.
10 secs of ArHi stood out. *sigh*
Aiyyo .... Pati ki kamai itni mehnat ki ke Biwi par bhi na spend kare aur Bhai ki kamai baatne ki mitai ! Satyanash!
ReplyDeleteFew more days few more days.
yeah right.. he buys her a mangalsutra for her annivesary.. and puts it on her neck with the pricetag safely cellotaped to the pendant.. and she reads it, 3 lac.. "ohho your hardworked earnings.. you really should not.. " and writes him a cheque of 5 lacs.. and he happily accepts!!!
DeleteJaya bewakoof biwi ne faide .. Sheesh
Delete&her claim bharosa hai app par Chote. Holy woman !! Match made in hell ... How easy they lie - creepali.
I need Dia ASAP today.
truly satyanash.. the last minutes were unadulterated shyam... grr DDR second half!
ReplyDeleteHugs Jaya .... Today truly was satyanash ... How can a woman have no perspective whatsoever?
DeleteI feel for people like Anjali in real life and people around them. It must be 10X harder to deal with them in real life.
Pati mehnat se kamate hai. Question yourself why is he always for easy on accepting her money - fine her bro but she considers as her (there are real characters like this - last I heard was "fine if Dad is not giving us money we don't need it, use credit cards"...... None of them earns)
sama, if i was a husband bringing an anniversary gift for my wife, and she gave me a cheque, i'd be offended like hell. maybe that was the point of today's episode.. to show how truly vile this jamai raja is..
Deletebut seriously! the last few minutes.. (it felt like more than five to me) i kept watching to see if there is something further ... but no! more and more histronics from that same face! (when he closed his ears, i thought he would find that the noise dimmed.. that too did not happen.. dimaag ki batti goom!)
DeleteHe made up the whole 6 month story to gain her sympathy, right.
And later he himself says it is so easy to fool Anjali.
So, basically, he knew how she'd react to the story and she reacted as predicted- another one of Shyam's successful plots- Anjali is a fool who has always fallen for her hubby's tricks. What is so surprising about what happened yesterday? She was dumb and blind before, continues to be so...and in future...if she continues to be dumb...VLR will make use of her again.
that is the major gripe i have with the current storyline.. anjali WAS NOT dumb. in the beginning of the story, at least until the hate weddding, anjali was shown to be intelligent, shatir even, and fully ASR's sister. her priorities were different, yes, she knew all the pooja vidhi etc, she loved her touring husband, yes... but she was never dumb or delusional.
this is the anjali di i fell in love with.
whoever made her into this current dimwitted anjali deserves to get chickenpox! ;)
whoever made her into this current dimwitted anjali deserves to get chickenpox! ;)
I never loved Anjali to that extent.
For me, if ASR and K loves Di, I'll love her.
If they hate her, I'll hate her too.
The shock of her husband planning to divorce her- accusations and counter accusations btn her husband and her bro's wife- the shock of her husband being driven out by her brother without proof- the angst that drove her to almost commit a heinous crime- repeatedly hoping her bro made a mistake for once- repeated brainwashing by her hubby who seems so forgiving and innocent- AND DADI SEEMS TO FIND HUBBY INNOCENT TOO (can dadi make a mistake too?)-
Anjali in a nutshell post kidnap
Just to make you feel better yaar.
Characterisation sucks here and there, so hopefully when the script writer gets back after the chicken pox, Anjali will be back to your old normal, intelligent Di.
After all, she is going to be released from the dementor's clutches.
Mona, Su your shiddat granted .... No guests.
ReplyDeletethank god for small mercies :D
DeleteSama, Jaya, Riya and Mads:
thanks for the warning - wont bother with the episode! and that will be a first since i went HAA - so this is the CTs way of detoxing you - and also the first time that all dozen posts on an episode are saying exactly the same thing!!!
but seriously - if the woman can 'pay' back her husband for a gift (that she pays back even more is irrelevant) - she is a certified nut - and she does not realize that she is offending her husband - meaning a normal husband should have been offended!!!
Miyan ka paisa mehnat ka aur bhai ka paisa kya haram ka hain?
Felt truly sorry for Arnav..but at the same time feel. Rather wish that he would grow up and be a man and not the fourteen year old still trying to shelter his elder sister from the hard realities of life.
ReplyDeleteSorry if I sound too harsh but I found the bro sis scene too mushy..not my cup of tea..
In my world it is the duty of elders to look after younger siblings and not vice versa..and Anji fails miserably..
Sorry for the rant..may be rant would have been less even if there had been one worthwhile scene between ARHI..
it was that bad?? came home for a break...waiting for 11!!
ReplyDelete*RANT ALERT*
ReplyDeletea complete HEADDESK episode for me...not one moment stood out.. ArHi acting like samajsevaks taking care of di's every tiny happiness...planning for anjali's anniversary and NOT spending one single moment together when infact they've been married barely a couple of days ago is irking me beyond imagination now!!! there's a limit to everything..
and making shyam feel ashamed/afraid abt all his deeds is in itslef very, very laughable...the last scene with baby crying was tooo stretched out and everyone keeping intact anjali's smile and wishing her a happy anniversary for a marriage that was never true is making me horribly can a family handle a crisis like this?! anyhow, they have always been like this and its just today that I'm getting irritated..
arnav-anjali scene where arnav kept on saying "what if I hurt you di.." and anjali kepy on saying "that can NEVERRRR happen" made me want to bang my head somewhere (even more surprising to me was the fact that barun apparently was quite emotional while shooting this scene :S).. and khushi's "di..I haven't got any present for you, but will take your aashirwaad instead" made me go WT? :S quite frankly, didn't see the purpose of that scene..
a completely filler episode IMO...could have gone directly to whatever slideshow these buddies are planning to expose shyam (yeah ArHi look more like buddies than newly weds to me :S)..
only good thing was NK deciding there should be only family members for the evening party/dinner.. TG for small mercies..
anji being dumb enough not to notice shyam's motive behind putting the 3 lac pricetag on a cheap mangalsutra and shyam accepting 5 lac ka check in return for spending his hypothetical 3 lacs didn't really surprise me...infct made me yawn and tell myself, ok, I know how dumb she is..I know how greedy he can we just move on???
precap already showing the promo scene..WT* are they planning to show in the slideshow then??? :S is it to tell the entire family??? oh, but wait...breaking news - they already know it!!
I have no idea what they are planning to tell henceforth... completely losing interest in the show.. :S
madsie .... I believe makers don't have much trust where DB/AM specially DB is concerned to make an impact so they feel the need to spell it out. This has always been the case from the beginning. Abbas excels in his dialogue delivary as result when left to emoting it always looks rediculous.
DeleteWhere as a 10 sec scene between ArHi conveyed a lot. IMO
Deleteno better way to detox....actually IPK ne marz diya tha pehle ab uski dava de rahen hain...god bless them....LOL...the withdrawal will be easier to manage..
btw,what were the CVs indicating in that scene of Anji writing out a cheque for Shyam so that he does not spend his hard earned money...Anji's brand of socialism....take from the rich and give it to poor...a modernday lady robinhood eh? just a trailer of the Durga Anji, whose onslaught we will have to whine and bear it!!
so, now this woman will hear that her baby was murdered by her husband and then hell will break loose...somehow just not able to muster any feeling for this only feeling...please can we get it over it quickly?
Delete"di..I haven't got any present for you, but will take your aashirwaad instead":
Khushi is asking for aashirwaad for the successful exposure of VLR. She is getting di's aasirvaad which will help her bring out the truth, which will hurt Anjali for the time being, but is the best thing for Anjali- just like ASR promised her that whatever he does is only for her good, even if it ends up hurting her.
I felt the scene was very good, followed by the trio hug.
ASR's re-assurance that he will be there for her no matter what (so that she does not run off and commit suicide now like her mother) was really warranted.
And Anjali cannot imagine the extent of damage he is going to do, but this time he will give her the full proof- so yes, bharosaa she will have on her brother's decision.
'when left to emoting it always looks rediculous.'
- I feel they are making a mockery of the villain, intentionally. He is reduced to a caricature so the audience can laugh at him. The over acting is really intended, I feel. (heh heh...are you going to call me Shyam- bhakt or AM bhakt now? Really, that will be SO MUCH more better than DB- bhakt or Anji- bhakt! *ducks*)
Please no chappals.
Can't resist this:
"so, now this woman will hear that her baby was murdered by her husband and then hell will break loose..."
This woman will also see for the first time in her life that she is married to a creep, that her brother was right all along, that she had been blind all these days.
And then she will feel he raped her soul over and over again with every unkind kind word he ever told her, that all those moments of happiness she held on to was nothing but a farce...that he KILLED her baby!
Any normal woman'd kill the guy if all this revelation occurred in one day (It wouldn't happen to a normal woman...heh heh..). But since Anjali cannot hurt even an ant, I guess she'll make do with a slap and faint. I wish ASR'd take over and slap- slap him until the exit.
OFC, no hopes that he'll hand him over to the police! No proof for the police, you see.
Unless smart NK was smart enough to videotape the confession.
"so, now this woman will hear that her baby was murdered by her husband and then hell will break loose...somehow just not able to muster any feeling for this only feeling...please can we get it over it quickly?"
DeleteRekhs, agree with you...I don't know exactly how its gonna play out and if it pplays out like the promo, exactly what all crimes will shyam confess can't judge it as of now..but my point is, she will burst into durga coz shyam killed her child - now I agree its something unforgivable, but then, what about the times that he actually cheated on her? Being a daughter of a father who had an extra marital affair and coz of whom her mother died, shouldn't THAT be brought into perspective too? Infact, that could even give justice to khushi...for all the times that she has resented khushi after shyam was thrown out...shouldn't she also blast him off for ruining her marriage AND the life of an innocent girl too?? And now since garima's side is also out and heard it shouldn't be difficult for her to understand khushi's side too..
plus, after her miscarriage, when has she ever really shown to be upset abt her child's loss?? Only once in the hospital did she think about her child, ever since she returned home it has always been "get my husband back" mantra...not a single thought given to the baby.. I won't even go to the point where she tried to murder her own child coz she thought her child would be all alone without anybody's she loved her child so much, she would have him and care for him..moreso, if she really claims to love shyam so much, she would give birth coz it was HIS child..and she would like to keep that as HIS nishani..(they only had a blink and miss dialogue about that as far as I remember)
so I really doubt, exactly how much she loved that unborn child...and NOW when she hears that shyam murders her child, she suddenly turns into durga.. it seems very baseless IMO..if they could get the truth in front of her that shyam WAS having an extra marital affair, that khushi was right all along in shyam's confession...THEN her turning into durga makes more sense..
again, like I said, I don't know how its gonna play I'm willing to give it a chance to see for myself.. thanks to dia's update I am again slightly positive.. :)
bhai ka paisa
ReplyDeleteLOL one smileworthy thought from IF.. today for the first time, khushi interrupted a Daiyya Ve :D
ReplyDeleterevenge for all the interrupted rabba ve's?
ROFL!!! :D That has to be the line of the decade!!! :D
Delete:D:D:D .... Humo bhi wahi socha!!
DeletePar badla kahan huwa ...creep toh lambhi sans bahar choda soch kar ke lo jaan chuti.
Hamare pyaare ArHi ke liye toh hamesha saza hai. Not that they look like at all in need of any RV. Honestly speaking unse zyada humein zaroorat hai at the moment.
gosh dia...your update makes the epi seem much better than what I percieve it to be.. :P how DO you manage to do that everytime?? :)
DeleteDitto Madsie.....everytime......
esp the shyam-Anji scene....LOL....i was angry when i saw i am laughing.....hehehe
Naam hi Dia hai. I love you dammit!!
Delete4 secs tha kya mujhe laga 10 secs. Chalo chado.
2 lacs extra for jeloying her. Roflmao
Dia- 2 lacs for jhelofying Anji- ROFL that was priceless;)
Delete"the shyam-Anji scene....LOL....i was angry when i saw i am laughing.....hehehe":
DeletePrecisely what I was trying to say to Mads below.
I don't feel sympathy for Anjali there, am I supposed to feel sympathy for her?
I was definitely laughing the first and second time, for Shyam's expressions. Anjali is just a cry baby, what more do we expect from her??? She is so predictable, I don't even bother about her expressions or feelings. And definitely, I don't feel sympathetic towards her.
??? Yesterday, to me was only about ASR standing by his sister and Shyamu sweetie going mad....(Sorry, I find him cute when he goes mental- though I hated that middle parting!)
hehe - could not detox! - despite the warning had to see the episode:
ReplyDelete_ CTs - we had said poolside Arhi romance- not brother sister bonding!! - but that actually was the best scene of the day - so ok - was actually touching to see brother trying to tell his elder sister, if you ever doubt my actions just remember i do everything for u
- And btw - the pool needs cleaning!- make sure the water is fresh and clean before u dunk our dear boy/girl in it!
- so the PH has some decorations unused from the wedding? that's why the doing up of the house - from the precap it does not seem it will be used?
- the men of the house do nothing apart from decorating their house? how the hell does the business run??
- Abhaas was at his shivering, shrieking worst and just did not deliver the scene well AND the twirling cameras did not help
(Note to CTs - invest on theses camera moves only with ODC - with anyone else makes your show a kekta kapoor show!)
And so he starts connecting the dots - the guilt (ala mecbeth) is starting to raise its head - but then why the happy smiles and announment of his murder?? did not make sense to me at all - Unless it plays out differently
- finally today i lost all sympathy with Anji - she actually had the audacity to pay off her husband for a gift (that he took it is another matter) and that too coz her husband was hard working - what about her brothers??? ok lately they just run around their wives , helping with decoration - but still - woman use your brains!!!
A juvenile episode they planted a phone with a crybaby ringtone (Cryanji se kaam chala lete :) )
ReplyDeleteAnd a CD - showing what ? Shyamwa's camera footage - were they able to make a copy of the the "special" folder ?
why could they not have returned Creepwa's favor and mounted a camera in his room- his if he is actually speaking his monologues...
And how come they are back in their morning outfits in the precap? Sot his is after the party or they showed the promo precap since they have not shot the real sequence yet ? too many logicwa questions.
Good thing is expose is tomorrow - probably last scene - wednesday will open with thappad - and rest of the episode will be thappads in quick succession ? My SKD.
DeleteAnd then Thursday on we can move on to a new track :)
" rest of the episode will be thappads in quick succession ?"
DeleteAh... Sri, my SKD too.
And yes, hoping to move on to the next track by thurs.
"And how come they are back in their morning outfits in the precap? "
Uh oh! didn't notice that. But Shyam has changed... CVs, no ramanchee...
ReplyDeleteDetox mushkil hi nahi namumkin hai .... Hume hi dekhlo .... Kan pakad utak betak karliya iss bar .... Ek tagda ArHi scene and I run back like a mad dog !!! Its easier if you got net trouble and busy AD combined. Daily routine mein koi chance nahi *sigh*
HI ,
ReplyDeleteA quick note before I start to talk of the episode. There’s something to be said about the no. of tracks happening at one time and the attention given to each. Not sure how the creative plan it but there was a time after Arnie’s return from the kidnaping and Shyam’s ouster , his time was spent on wooing Khushi with her b’day, jumping out of the cupboard etc and Anjali was totally neglected leading to the start and end of Didi ki saut . Then there was a time in August when more than 3 tracks were running in parallel – Dadi entry, start of remarriage and the past. And now we are back to single thread with Shyam’s revelation putting ArHI romanace on the back burner which is so odd for a newly wed. I understand that Shyam needs to go pronto but hell why is there no genuine RV between a couple having the hots for each other since day 1. Seems very fake .
Now that I have that thought out – The episode. Mondays are generally a warm up day for the proceedings of the week . The Shyam revelation is so overdue that I can hardly wait to see him kicked out. Don’t know what is in store next but for now I am so wanting to see the last of this character and actor .
The focus today was Anjali and her brother preparing her for the next big jolt in her life. I for one have stood by her till the very last , supporting her during the didi ki saut genuinely feeling her numb pain of loosing her husband in the midst of accusations , was with her till the time her miscarriage happened as no women deserves that . The time I truly gave up on her was after the miscarriage when she like a petulant child demanded her husband back and was happy as a bunny the next day with the misery of her child loss totally forgotten. Was it bad writing , bad acting , whatever was the reason the result for me remains that I have no sympathy for this character whatsoever.
People in real life face much more and every tragedy teaches them something more of life . People break yet find a way to emerge in a new lifeform . Darwin’s Survival of the fittest. Anjali continues to be that baby with everyone around her treating her as one.
The opening scene of her wanting to surprise her husband with a rangoli and she sobbing like a child at his displeasure. Wanting to give him money for the MS that he bought her and cupping her brothers face at his concern makes me literally wanting to slap some sense into her head and whoever that is writing her character and definitely the actor who is doing such a bad job. Do such characters really exist ? and if they do then I am sorry to say they deserve what they get . Anjali for me is lost forever and a new avatar if there is one will have to really impress me to change my opinion.
The bro – sis scene. Appreciate and understand the brothers need to assure and be assured that the sister will be okay and she will understand why he did what he wants to do. Unlike some his statement about – “ Your happiness is the most important to me “ versus Khushi’s place in his life does not bother me because I truly believe he sees Khushi as part of him . And I liked this scene only and only because of the brothers feeling and concern as for Anjali’s reaction , again no sympathy coming from me.
(i had more but had to cut it short coz of size. maybe tomorrow )
Till later
Dia - loved your edit - and your thoughts - exactly what i thought too. Today i lost all sympathies for Anji (and if the CTs wanted me to feel sorry for her, it just back fired big time) Have been with Su (mostly) trying to see Anji in a better light, especially coz of her history - but today - cant like her even a bit
ReplyDeletedont know if this is how the character is but the Cts could have done a better job. they could have showed Anji giving VLR 5 lacs but under some flimsy pretext - not immediately as a payment - "you thought of me - good - here is your reward" - the characters would have come out better - the villain (knowing why he is getting the money) could have kept his facade of a self respecting man and Anji could have come across as a caring wife - caring about her husbands money and his self respect! (i would still have hated her for siphoning off ASRs money without thought - but she would not have become dirt for me then!)
Sama - totally agree - detox seems impossible adn R&R does not help either ;)
"Anji could have come across as a caring wife - caring about her husbands money and his self respect!"
DeleteMona, REALLY not defending Anjali, but only defending the story.
VLR said he had accumulated money over 6 months for the MS. Now he gifts it to her. She feels bad that he spent all his hard earned money on her. What should she do?
'Should she order him to take it back?'
It was Anjali's choice to fall in love with an orphan (since Shyam has no relatives.) And after her marriage, her bro gifted her sheesh mahal. He checks her accounts and spendings. NEITHER have a problem with that. He does not ask her why she spent her money on this or that, nd she does not feel bad that he checks her bills. The siblings trust each other, and cash is not even an issue btn them. Yes, Anjali spends her rich brother's cash on herself- lavishly spends on sarees, buying gifts for her hubby, and believe it or not, she uses Chhote's money to even buy HIM gifts. (All those wasted Kurtas that he swears he will not wear.)
I feel, since Anjali or ASR don't have any issues with her spending his money, (really, it is like a mother spending from her son's earnings- she does not have to feel guilty since he is so stinking rich!)-
and the husband will feel bad if she does not accept her gift,
the best thing Anjali can do is to gift him a cheque for the anniversary- after all, he got her a 3 lakh jewellery and all she got him was a stupid pink sweater!
If you look at it this way, she cared about her husband's money and also his self respect(which would have taken a severe beating if she had returned the gift)
Su - i am with you on this - Anji could not return the gift and her receiving money from ASR is totally ok with me (in fact on the Friday post - i had said i don't want anji becoming independent now - as an aftermath of her breakup - its not in lieu of a happy married life - she depended on ASR earlier and its ok if she does so now too)
DeleteMy problem is that the CVs could have shown more depth of character - they could have shown ANji paying back her husband but in a more subtle way - not as payment but as a thank you of sorts but done subtly not 'in your face'! - so my grudge is that the CVs should not reduce IPK to a kekta sort of uni-dimentinal stuff where things are crude not subtle
DeleteAnjali only has her brother's wealth which he unconditionally shares with her and her love to give. Even her love I someime wonder if she truly gives or is scared to after what happened to her parents.
Anjali becoming independent - more in thought initially and to some extent look at engaging herself with some NGO or som such would also work. Financially could also be on the list though not only option.
But yes I think DB invited the chracter mess with asking for more screen time in the post Shyam throwaway period and nowadays her acting also does not strike all the right notes always.
SN: Someone please tell her to stop painting her nails a glaring red. Gosh I know sh has long nails and all but those long red nails make me think of witches and vamps when they are on screen. Can she please keep them nude?
since we are onto anjali more than ever today, here's something for you all to enjoy... :D the irony of it makes me ROFL everytime I watch it!!! :D
P.S. Su, keep away.. :P
Deleteok, this one's even better!!! :D :D it has the entire IPK cast... :D esp the end ka NK waala part..its sooo adorable!!! :))
LOL- thanks, Madsie.
DeleteI really have no problem with Anji bashing or DB bashing.
I'll definitely watch it later.
What surprises me is that, I think I ignore most of Anjali wheras all of you concentrate more and more on her. I dont know why.
I mean, in yesterday's epi, I saw only the brother hat is ASR in that scene, and the creep that is Shyam in Shya- Anji scene- I truly feel that is all that was there to it.
Then I rushed thru all your comments and all of you are seeing only Anjali!
We ALWAYS knew she was a weakling, I never had great hopes from her- she is neither strongly positive nor negative, she is just a weakling.
May be she will emerge stronger with this revelation, who knows? I don't have much hopes of ever seeing a strong Anjali.
Are there characters like this in real life?
Well, I bet there are lots of houses where the unmarried or widowed sister stays with her brother, and this is a joint family, so It is natural that Anjali will stay with ASR. I am just so glad she is not like swamini bua or the 'punarvivah' bua - sometimes, I wish she was, she'd at least really DESERVE all this negativism.
arey Su, when the entire epi is centered around her how can I ignore her! :P I would LOVE to ignore her yaar, believe me.. :P
Deletein all seriousness, I do know of such insecure nanads in real life and the experiences or knowledge of those experiences weren't exactly nice..which is why I don't like anjali all the more...yeah, she is much more larger than life insecure, but then, she reminds me of certain real life people and it makes it VERY difficult for me to like her.. :) bas, isiliye you would find me biased against her.
about feeling for Arnav, the brother, I would have felt a lot more for him in yesterday's epi had the scene been something novel..the same old dialogues, the same old essence, the same old expressions...I rather felt fr arnav the other day when he was watching anji happy with family and telling his worry to khushi.. in yesterday's anji-arnav scene the only thing I found touching was that he has saved all the rakhis from day one.. typically Arnav! :)
ReplyDeleteLoved the epi.
ASR- ever so vulnerable when it comes to Di.
I wished last week that someone’d talk to Anjali before they burst her bubble, and that is exactly what happened yesterday.
Somehow, I really liked the brother in ASR yesterday. The kid brother who keeps the rachis from childhood- really sweet. I love men who can balance all their female relations, and Arnav is exactly that. Only, it does not take much effort for him because both the women are not selfish, they don’t fight over him. Unlike a dadi who tried to show she is boss over his wife, and he had to let her go.
Anjali- If she was widowed or a spinster, her brother’d have taken care of her- so she will stay in RM under the protection her brother offers her. Liked the trio hug and Arnav and Khushi looking at each other during the hug.
Celebrations: Is it necessary to up Anjali’s mood so much, with all these decorations? It is the 5th anni- so I suppose celebrations are warranted, and should not raise VLR’s suspicions. Also, there is no one outside of the family. I gues they have to celebrate in a grand way so as to make the play and the slideshow look in sync (love the idea there- hope it looks good in the epi too.)
Shyam: Maanasik santhulan kho chukaa hai- hmmm… hmmmm....
Yes, very much in tune with his character- he is the one who loves to blow his trumpet- it will not take nuch to unsettle these kind of shallow people- plus- reinforces my theory that he escaped from a mental asylum.(LOL)
What was this? HONESTLY! :
NK wishing di in UNISON with Arhi???
Hello, agreed the guy is a good friend and brother and all that, but can you please keep him out of Arhi? Yes, it is very good that he is a part of the plan and that he is playing jeeju to K’s Anjali. I don’t want ASR playing Shyam, so that casting is very good.But, don’t over expose the guy.
He is a Hanuman to ASR’s Ram and Khushi’s Vaidehi- let him stay at that.
ASR, Khushi and Anjali:
If Anjali is his weakness, Khushi is his STRENGTH.
I will not say Di is a burden UNTIL Arnav OR Khushi feels she is a burden.(The day ASR starts hating his Di, I'll join the Anji bashing club- *wink*) But, ASR has to bear the burden for his Di, and K will keep him strong to bear that burden, like she promised- aap sambhaalenge unhe.
Great take Diya and the edits !!
ReplyDeleteChalo - as Sama and i discussed... the start of the "karz" drama to expose shyam to Anjali... A-K and NK scheming to get everything ready for the same -- the war is starting ...
Anji -Arnav convo-- liked it from an Arnav perspective. She will break and he is reassuring her that he will be around for her always. I would not want to compare this to his relationship with Khushi... the two relationships are different and he has managed to make peace with both of them.
Looking back , while anji broke at the last revelation , she went back to some sort of delusional world and accepted Khushi... the relationship has strengthened. If she had broken completely last time , Khushi would have become her enemy as there was no trust... and then A-K would have had problems getting together so we need to thank anji for being delusional ( back handed hi sahi!)
When she breaks now -- and she will -- she will have both Khushi and Arnav's support to pick up the pieces... that hug that she gave them means that she trusts both equally now.
So enough of singing praises to Anji--- what a dimbulb she is .. A-K give enough hints on the coming storm and she picks up nothing ... the happy bubble is strong! Pink muffler -- I guess everyone has covered it. Return gift -- cheque for more than the value off gift? SN SN SN!
The war has begun for the unmasking/death of Ravan. Arnav will first take away his amrit(anji) and then Anjali should become a DM on him.............!
DeleteYes Anjali will break but I want her to actually speak up and say, I need to handle this myself. I need to come to terms with this. Not push them off or stay aloof in the room. But be a part of teh family and live daily life and when asked if she is ok by her brother perhaps say Nahi but also add that par humein pata hai ki tum humaara saath doge is mushkil waqt main.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, if ur first take made me laugh, the edited made me think....
U know i have always had issues with this bro-sis relationship and been "shouting" (not that anyone will hear) for some perspective to come in......its not now...we have been talking of this long makes me mad that the CVs have opened the issues so many times....yet done nothing to deliberate on it....its swept under the carpet every time....they make her dumb dumber much so that i am going to cringe when she turns Durga.....
Su, its diffi to ignore Anji becos she is sole reason that Arnav has this huge discrepancies in his personality....he towers over everyone else(even Khushi, if i may say so) but he just crumbles in front of Anji.....I get it that Khushi is the one to knock some sense into him (in as subtle a manner as possible). I also accept there is a lot of baggage but no more than what they could not have dealt with in sanity in all these years.
Imagine, he has to knock it into her that if i am going to hurt u, remember its for ur own good...(he did say that with a lot of emotion but i could only see the irony in the situation). Yes, if Anji was mentally challenged and she was in situation not able to decipher her own exploitation, i can understand Arnav's hesitation or his kid glove approach....but this is silly.....and unfortunately Khushi can't even say...."arnav, when will u stop baby sitting ur sis?"
DeleteKhushi herself babysists Anji. Today her dialogue to Anjali by the poolside was her own confession that however difficult the truth, it must be told immediatly.
And today I felt it was more of Arnav reminding Anjali that when the time comes she needs to remember and trust him to do right by her. And not withdraw and distrust like the last time.
Delete"Khushi herself babysists Anji"....thats why i said, unfortunately she can't say that...manni-nathnaar travails....LOL..HEHEHE
"she is sole reason that Arnav has this huge discrepancies in his personality....he towers over everyone else(even Khushi, if i may say so) but he just crumbles in front of Anji....."
She is not the sole reason.
"Tujh mein maa dikhaati hai"- he sees his mother in her too.
Seriously, I think none of us can understand this bond because we live i nuclear families.
What about the scores of Indian women who have to stay with their in-laws? There are sons who hand over their salaries to their mothers and the dils have to work and live acording to the MIL's wishes.
Anjali is like a mother to ASR, minus the villainy and haq and insecurities(though she had insecurities earlier).
Anjali is an inseparable part of ASR- much like his mother- and NOTHING is going to change that.
Even if she double crosses him, he knows Di is plain stupid, but really harmless. So whatever she does, even if she does not believe him, ASR is not going to hate her.
"And not withdraw and distrust like the last time.": yes, this is what I felt too.
He is a very forgiving brother.
DeleteI hear you - yes he ses his mum in her because she and he are of the same blood, the same parents. Nuclear family notwithstanding, such deep bonds need to be propped by good understanding. Ideally when Arnav started to say if ever I hurt you, Anjali should have heard him out and said, I know, even if you d, you mean well and not hav said, you will never hurt me.
It is this blindness that is unhealthy. Like ASR has just learnt that sometimes keeping his sis happy also means giving her pain and not his earlier paradigm of you will keep smiling under all circumstances, I will bend myself and others lives to make it happen. But what he has realized is by doing this he is only postponing the inevitable because all said and done, he can maintain a facade but he can never make Shyam fall in love with Di; just like Dadi could not mek Arnav fallout of love with Khushi.
Delete"It is this blindness that is unhealthy.":
I feel when she says her brother can never hurt her, she does not mean that he will always keep her happy, no matter what.
What she means is that nothing that Chhote ever does is going to make her unhappy- purely because he is her chhote, and she will forgive him EVEN if he hurts her- because SHE KNOWS he will not do it intentionally.
That bro- sis scene is not just about ASR, the brother, it is also about Anjali the sister who says she will forgive him no matter what he does and HENCE he cannot hurt her.
Delete"that nothing that Chhote ever does is going to make her unhappy - purely because he is her chhote, and she will forgive him EVEN if he hurts her - because SHE KNOWS he will not do it intentionally"
If indeed this is the case, why did she initially refuse to speak to him when he threw Shyam out?
And what you are saying did play out in that scene when she walked to chote's room and asked him for Shyam back saying she needed him. But she clearly said what chote did made her unhappy and the only reason she has always taken his word is because she loved him. She neevr mentions trusted him and his word
blast from the past
i miss this clarity i miss this dialogue-meshing... i miss this intensity..i miss how the episode sucked you into the story and kept you there.. through every parallel track. i miss how every actor had lines.. i miss how the leads were given lead space!
gosh Rekhs...kya episode de diya yaar!!! :))) I'm on a re-run spree now... :))) THIS is IPK for me...THIS is the "star crossed love story" that I was promised..."nafrat paas aane na de, mohabbat door jaane na de".. THIS is it.. :)))
Deletelage haath watch this too..the next one -
Sanaya at her best.. :) I know it was a shrieking scene...but only she can make it look powerful without making it OTT.. I remember Sanaya quoting in one of her previous interviews that this was her fav scene, simply because she could get to yell at Barun.. :P :) sweetheart, San!! :))
DeleteKya din yaad dila diya...this is the epi that made me say "this is something different"....
i watched the earlier epis of IPK before the GH one with half-heartedness, surfing channels or missing a couple in between.....but this epi onwards, i was riveted to i crave for scraps of that magic....jane kahan gaye woh din
sorry Jaya..galti se mistake ho gaya! :P I read rekhs ka post above and then succession mein tumhara, wanted to reply to her post, but then ended up watching the epi you gave and replied to yours! :P
DeleteI could not even watch the scene u posted becos it is not showing up for me..but just that it says epi 27 and i know what was in epi 27....such was my craze for IPK then, that i had committed to memory some of those epic scenes..I was hooked to IPK from GH epi precursor....maha epi July 2011
I want this Nani back.
DeleteRandom Rambles – 9th October 2012 – P1
ReplyDeleteAll I need is love!
"Yeh na jaana duniya ne tu hai kyun udaas
Teri pyaasi aankhon main pyaar ki hai pyaas..."
A girl jilted at the altar, loses her parents to suicide & faces the loss of her dadi. All she had left was her brother who suffered the same loss. Maybe she could never grieve her loss properly & buried it within. She perhaps plastered a smile on her face to show the world all is well & tried to move on but the grief buried in her heart was always there - the thorn that would forever hurt this rosebud. She also suffered a limp & always needed a physical crutch. Emotionally & physically she could never do enough for her brother whom she saw slipping away. But she held onto her belief in God that one day all will be well. And they will be happy again.
Then one day in answer to her prayers to DM for some love, she finds a man who constantly shows his affection & love for her, professes it, & speaks it unlike her brother. He does small things, gestures which reaffirm their love & the bud blossoms into a fragrant flower. Life seems like a bouquet of roses without any thorns. That elusive happiness which she once hoped would be hers had found its way into her life. She then wished the same for her brother with all her heart. By this very poolside, she even wished upon a shooting star that her brother would find love & someone who would be the balm to his troubled & torn heart. She wished him the same happiness she had found.
My family is complete – a loving husband, a doting brother & a child to love!
Just before her sister’s wedding, Khushi realized the belief & faith Anjali had in Shyam & how deeply attached she was to the relationship.
Later when Arnav & Khushi had a fight by the roadside, Arnav had asked Khushi how she could hide the truth from his sister & let her go on worshipping such a downtrodden man. Khushi’s reply had been that she could not yell & shout the truth because she did not find the courage to break Di’s “sabse atoot aur gehra vishwaas”.
On one brother’s wedding night, Anjali had said to Arnav – “Humaari har saans pe jaan denewaale humaare yeh bhai”
Arnav tried to tell his sister that night but the thought of her joy at being a mum being wiped away at his hands, made him weak & he let his sister go on living with a lie.
Then on a later day when both their lives were endangered, both Arnav & Khushi realized Di had to be told of Shyam’s duplicity. They knew she loved & trusted him but did she not also love her brother immensely & trust him to do right by her?
However her love for Shyam, her gratefulness at him having carried her from darkness to light & the child in her womb that they had made, tied her to him in a manner such that when she was parted from him, she wilted as would a rose plucked from the bush. The assurance / memory that she was still a part of the bush/garden seemed to have been forgotten.
Finally, a gruesome truth has emerged. Suddenly they have realized that Anjali is like a flower on a cactus in a desert. Her happiness is a mirage of an oasis. Finally ArHi decide that Anjali will need to be reminded that she is a rose flower & not a cactus flower.
Random Rambles – 9th October 2012 – P2
ReplyDeleteRemember my promises to you, I will always look out for you should you be lost in darkness!
“Dekho, hum tum dono hai ek daali ke phool
Main na bhoola tu kaise mujhko gayi bhool..”
The 1st time ArHi tried, Anjali’s pregnancy & happiness intervened. That day too Anjali had gone to visit DM in the morning, had an accident & she fainted. Arnav tried to tell her, Shyam was an adulterer.
The 2nd time they tried, Anjali had just returned from DM temple. The truth that Shyam wished to divorce her & had tried to kill Arnav tumbled out.
Today yet again she returns from DM’s temple to be eventually faced with the truth that her child was murdered by Shyam.
Today before breaking the truth, ArHi wanted to first remind Anjali that they would always only have her happiness & best interests in heart. Arnav has tried to protect her happiness while Khushi has wanted to protect her from hurt & not break her vishwaas.
Arnav reminded his sister that her happiness is what he has lived for & he will always place her happiness first – even before his. Khushi reminds Anjali that she has to trust them to do right however bitter the truth & difficult the fight maybe.
Finally reminding Anjali that they will always be there to hold her up & support her (when the trio hugs). The last time they tried, Anjali had not trusted in them but this time if she does not trust them, then they stand to lose her to that vile man forever. She may sever ties & go away with him only to be faced with a bigger heartbreak or perhaps death. Today they are up in battle against the blind love & immense trust on Shyam that Anjali has. They need to not just shake it but shatter it into pieces. It is a tough task & Arnav has to don the role of being the one to do so when he has always promised his sister that he will let no one come between her & her happiness. Today he is the man who stands between Di & Di’s perceived happiness. He is going to extinguish her very life breath by what they have planned.
Hence Arnav comes to get his mum like Di’s blessings while Khushi sends bhog to her mum like DM for they need all the well wishes to succeed. Arnav recalls his mum telling his dad, You never thought of me, us; you never loved me & she went on to kill herself. Khushi knows the last time Di lost Shyam, she tried to kill herself & the baby. This time if they fail, they may just lose Di altogether.
Random Rambles – 9th October 2012 – P3
ReplyDelete“Jeevan ke dukhon se yun darte nahi hain
Aise bachke sach se guzarte nahin hain”
When Anjali spoke to Shyam of perhaps not having joined the “taar” properly, I recalled gat bandhan & Khushi’s monologue wherein she speaks of a gaanth in Arnav & her relationship forged under nafrat. In her bid to just find happiness & keep it chained to her at all costs, Anjali has feared to see a knot in her relationship with Shyam.
In her bid to ease the knots & keep the thorn in her heart from hurting, she has forgotten knots ensure thread(s) do not easily break. Today when the process of removing the thorn of her heart begins, she will bleed copiously for in her bid to forget, she herself has pushed it deep into her heart.
Even with Arnav, she fails to realize that she symbolizes their bond by knotting the raksha dhaaga on his hand, then why does she emphatically deny the possibility that her brother may at times knowingly or unknowingly hurt her. Sometimes I wonder if Anjali has been in denial since the night of Payash’s wedding. She has heard every truth but has denied to accept it just for her child, because knows she is weak & would be unable to have a child born to a broken home. She needs the love she found after all the loss in her youth & she needs her complete family to prevent a repeat of her fate for her child. And if she has heard & denied then today she will realize that she has with her own hands written her destiny wherein to protect her child, she has caused its demise in her womb itself.
It was after Payash wedding when ArHi were at GH that Shyam once joked to Anji about wanting all her wealth & property. It is since Payash wedding that Anji as a person began to change. Her attitude to her bro, the family changed a notch & even a bit of aloofness in her dealing with Shyam came about. Somewhere within her she realized that it is her money that chains him to her & she uses it to keep her hope for a family & happiness intact. She keeps talking of his love for her hoping it will one day indeed become true where he only speaks of being unable to provide her material happiness. She satisfies the only weakness she sees in him, that of not earning enough to keep her happy.
Arnav thought love made one weak, Anjali thought love meant feeding one’s weakness. It’s Khushi who has taught them that love neither weakens nor does it dwell on propping weakness. It is about strength & finding courage.
with this third part, you answered every question i had regarding anjali. (applause)
Delete"Today when the process of removing the thorn of her heart begins, she will bleed copiously for in her bid to forget, she herself has pushed it deep into her heart. "
sheer poetry, sandy! wow.
DeleteThanks! I was inspired to write after ages. Funny how I write so much on seemingly flat epis :)
DeleteReally beautifully written, though I cannot agree with the third part, because it makes Anjali really SHALLOW.
If she knew all along that her marriage was not perfect, I can never forgive her for putting Arhi thru the rose carpet and the cake cutting- it makes her pure jealous and demanding...
If she knew VLR was not the perfect husband he appeared to be, there is not much sense in the durga avataar especially since she took the miscarriage itself so well, after he was back. She forgot her baby for the sake of one imperfect relationship- a delusion she wanted to hang onto?
I feel it will be the unmasking of Shyam- every evil bit of him in one go, that will push her in to the durga.
DeleteIf she knew bu pretended that it was all a MU, it maakes her DESPERATE. Very insecure and fiercely possessive of her happiness and need for a happy family. Basically very human albeit a weak one.
Desperation to not have the same fate as her mother. Desperation to not have her child be born into a broken family having suffered its effects herself. Like Khushi and Arnav kept quiet for Di's baby, she too chose denial for the sake of her child.
She overlooked it all but now when she realizes that the reason she kept forgiving him and willed herself to deny and forget was killed by him, instant anger would be ustified. He misused her chances. Of course she had no right to unilaterally play the denial act and affect all the family into putting up with this man plus and for that she should be reprimanded and suffer pricks of her conscience.
Also, the rose flower and cake cutting happened after Shyam was thrown out and before his first blank call to her. At that time her need for a happy family and happiness was notbeing met - so she was sulking. She felt just like they were lying about all the atrocities they said her husband did, they were lying about who got flowers and what Arnav intended to do in the name of a meeting. She was in massive denial. Yes jealous and demanding too because her one source of comfort and happiness had been snatched away so she wanted to be able to lean on the other crutch, her bro as and whens he needed which did not happen.
A woman who can tell her mami on her face that she was mistaken about her husband, a mami who had always wished her happiness and given her a mother's love, she needs to have been stubborna nd strong willed ina not wanting to come out of her dream - happily ever after with Shyam. She had succeeded where her mother failed!
Her mum gave up her life, she would live with her eyes blinded.
As for hurting her broter, perhaps that is why ArHi fights initially aggravated her so much and she kept wanting to ensure that they indeed loved each other. Khushi worrying after Arnav leaves, Arnav telling Khushi he lied about being sick and so on. Because if they were not in love then she could not live in denial about why Arnav married Khushi if she indeed heard what he said that night.
"Her mum gave up her life, she would live with her eyes blinded.":
What I am saying is, if she really is innocent and just blind, she need not be punished.
If she willingly MADE HERSELF blind for her selfish reasons, her mum's fate was better.
Anjali should just die.
If she knew it, why did she send Khushi with VLR to buy the medicines? And then told her to keep it from Arnav...she was willingly adding ghee to the fire of MU.
Ah Su,
DeleteBut she did not know there was a MU. She knew Arnav and Khushi had feelings fro one another from before Payash wedding.
She also knew Khushi was not a loose charactered girl. She after all spoke of family, marriage even made La Nani acceptable by Nani, so how could Khushi be bad. If she knew her mental dilemma would have been like when she asked Nani - I know Shyamji cannot do such a vile thing but I also know Arnav would not lie, then what is the truth. The truth was one of the two was false and if I know Anji well, she knew then if one of the 2 was false, her brother was speaking the truth and her life with Shyam was a falsehood.
"If she willingly MADE HERSELF blind for her selfish reasons, her mum's fate was better"
Well this is what rekhs and me were saying about NOT WAKING UP.
Jaaneke anjaan hum bane
Dekhke andekha humne kiya
Think Gandhari Su. Did not she know her sons were wrong. She did. But yet she chose to side with them, blinded by her love for them.
Death is the easy out for Anjali. True courage would mean living with the wight of these choices, looking into yourself and making a better person of yourself.
But did she not mean well for Arnav and Khushi - Nope - she wished them well. She was thrilled to see love triumph in their case. But she was weak as she herself accepted and she needed Shyam just like Arnav needs Khushi now.
Really, if this is what Anjali is, then I can TOTALLY understand you all hating her.
DeleteI want to strangle this Anjali.
No redemption track is going to make her better- and IF there is a redemption track for this Anjali- really my heart is not that big- I'll say, 'to hell with her!'
But if she is going to go unpunished- she will be unredeemed???
I don't know, probably for the first time, today I am getting the POV you all are seeing so clearly, and I HATE Anjali.
But there are'll wait and see if there is a redemption track. Really, I'll hate her then, because nothing can redeem this Anjali for me, sorry CVs.
She really should be in that Ashram with dadi!
Deletethe reams we spent(figuratively at least) in discussing Anji was for this reason only...She is not a character that people can normally understand....the CV's chickenpox has ensured that...(that was lovely J)
I don't agree that Anji deserves to die becos she has been selfish..becos in this selfishness, it is she who has suffered the most...don't u think.....Khushi and Arnav have suffered becos they could also never muster the courage earlier to face reality Khushi in not divulging Shyam's duplicity and Arnav in not doing the same...thats a choice and they have lived by it and have imbibed the consequences.....good or bad
Anji had a choice to question when the truth was before her, she chose not to go that is in that decision she chose her make believe world over the harsh reality....agreed she may not have realised the nadir to which this man would today is the wake and smell the coffee day....its not her redemption day. IT IS JUST THE DAY WHEN THE WRITING ON THE WALL CANNOT BE IGNORED ANYMORE....
DeleteThen why was she cold and aloof towards Khushi after the rose carpet?
So much so that K sensed it and left RM because Di khush nahi hai.
Why did she feel she was losing her bro when she always knew Khushiji was the perfect wife for her perfect Chhote and all the imperfections were in herself and her imperfect Shyamji- what was that inhone nahi kiya hoga?
Anjali is becoming more and more complicated... I really don't know if this character is really SO important.
Is this not a love story?
Gandhari- yes, Sandy - I'd equate her more with Dadi
- selfrighteous and proud, always on her offspring's side.
DeleteDon't hate her - pity her / understand her because she is like many women - weak.
We may despise and want to throttle her but not everyone is strong. This is our dream Anjali. CVs may go the simple route of Anji was clueless till her bro and his wife told her with proof. But honestly if I was DB, I would want to be dream Anjali.
Like Arnav became khudgarz by marrying Khushi on knowing the truth, Anjali became khudgarz in wanting to protect her happiness and thereby protect her bro.
But yes there have been so many discrepancies so we will wait and watch.
Btw when Anjali says, pyaar aapko badal deta hai - does she mean love changes you or love transforms you?
change can be good or bad. transformation usually into something better - like a caterpillar to a butterfly?
DeleteASR said, 'how can someone be so blind?'
Not, 'how can someone be so tolerant'.
I feel she is BLINDLY IN LOVE, not 'fallen' in love.
I am not expecting anything more than that...let us see.
Deletewake and smell coffee day ROFL!! :)
and yes that day when she asked Nani about the discrepancies between SHyam's version and Arnav's decision, she never pursued it after - so yes she ignored by choice or again she heard to what Shyam said, she heard Arnav saying I married Khushi for you and have now fallen in love with her and never found the courage to question it again just like she never questioned him about the past. She just swept it aside. Arnav kept having FBs, Anji never really did.
Even her ma's bangles and her ma's conch were nani and dadi reminded.
DeleteCVs may go the simple route of Anji was clueless till her bro and his wife told her with proof.
Really, when you watch SBS ivs, I think that is all there is to it.
'Anjali needs proof.'
DeleteI hope u now get why i have always said, i don't want a Durga Anji....a flawed Durga...takes away from the dramatic aspect of that picturisation a Durga would would seem that i am saying flawed people can't fight...tho thats not what i mean...
IN this drama, Anji turning durga earning applause is symptomatic of people just reacting to a situation on the surface....I am only questioning...didn't Anji have enuf opportunities to dwell on Shyam's truth...why did she not? She did not becos she was scared to face the truth....tho she may not have know how ugly the truth really was..
i am not saying she cannot fight Shyam tommo....shyam is her culprit but her own actions in this drama are not above board. So my request to CVs, don't make a virtue out of a necessity.
Deleteshe was cold and aloof after rose arpet because she thought her brother lied to her. She was so broken, he had always held her hand, vowed to ensure her happiness. And when she was at her lowest, she felt he lied to her about going for a meeting insted of fessing up about wanting to be at home with his wife - her perception.
As for Khushi, it was anger that she had accused her husband of attempted kidnap, trying to kill her brother, adultery, divorcing his wife. If Anjali believes her husband's goodness then she would feel Khushi had insulted her husband and like Arnav threw Shyam out she ignored Khushi. Until when arnav came and told her he loved her a lot and then for his sake in the hall before everyone she spoke to Khushi and asked after Buaji - for her bro's sake.
And much later when she accepted the flowers from Khushi, sh had already started seeing Shyam behind the family's back and he must have assured her that it was all a MU. So then she graciously gave in and accepted Khushi's peace offering knowing what she meant to Arnav also.
But this is my view. Anjali has been able to look out for others pnly when her world is secure. The moment her family is askew, she immediately drops all else and exclusively looks into her world first.
Delete"CVs may go the simple route of Anji was clueless till her bro and his wife told her with proof."
Its quite possible that CVS's Anji may be what u described...well then it would then be another nail in the IPK coffin....i have lived with the disappointment in this tale on many occasions so one more will not make much dent...Proof is not something that defines all our daily actions and reactions....luckily our AD does not involve the drama of people having to go to great lengths to make people understand simple facts of life....but then this is not AD!!so drama ke naam pe kuch bhi chalta hain...
DeleteLike Rekha said, I can live with Anji not knwoing the extent of rot but th symtoms and signs were there. And any woman always wonders about her husband. Plus yes her hand in this mess needs to come out though I am hoping Shyam does the honours there.
I also meant to say ealier Anjali is the cornerstone of this story. Yes she is that important.
It would be good if they prove how he killed her child and she turns on him in anger and starts to accuse him - Ma Durga only for the death of her child. And shyam being the jackal he is, retorts witha pot calling kettle black and lays out Anji's role in the saga post his being thrown out - family disbelieves but then Anjali agrees she did do it - similar to him asking Khushi if she did not tell him she wanted to see Arnav's downfall and Khushi agreed but her reason was just - she needed Arnav rescued. Here Anjali would have no other reason but her weakness.
Yes Sandy,
DeleteBaandh ka toothna ek event par hoga...that would be the knowledge of the gruesomeness of Shyam's actions.....tat will turn her all would
an yes her role she will have to face, thru Shyam or her own inner voice, idk....hamare skd se kya hota hain...wohi hogi jo manzure CVs hain...
DeleteSorry, I had to go off so abruptly.
I am still not convinced about this new Anjali you all are showing me.
And I am pretty sure, the CVs have a simple dimwit Anjali.
So, in all probability, if there is no Anji redemption track, instead of Anji- bashing, I'll be seeing a lot of CV- bashing.
OK,I am just putting together two my posts today at two different places.
Because this is how I explain Anjali, and she seems pretty OK, if you explain all her actions post kidnap as some kind of post traumatic stress disorder(some weird variant of it- LOL),plus a lot of dim-wittedness.
whoever made her into this current dimwitted anjali deserves to get chickenpox! ;)
I never loved Anjali to that extent.
For me, if ASR and K loves Di, I'll love her.
If they hate her, I'll hate her too.
The shock of her husband planning to divorce her- accusations and counter accusations btn her husband and her bro's wife- the shock of her husband being driven out by her brother without proof- the angst that drove her to almost commit a heinous crime- repeatedly hoping her bro made a mistake for once- repeated brainwashing by her hubby who seems so forgiving and innocent- AND DADI SEEMS TO FIND HUBBY INNOCENT TOO (can dadi make a mistake too?)-
Anjali in a nutshell post kidnap
Just to make you feel better yaar.
Characterisation sucks here and there, so hopefully when the script writer gets back after the chicken pox, Anjali will be back to your old normal, intelligent Di.
After all, she is going to be released from the dementor's clutches.
Please no chappals.
Can't resist this:
"so, now this woman will hear that her baby was murdered by her husband and then hell will break loose..."
This woman will also see for the first time in her life that she is married to a creep, that her brother was right all along, that she had been blind all these days.
And then she will feel he raped her soul over and over again with every unkind kind word he ever told her, that all those moments of happiness she held on to was nothing but a farce...that he KILLED her baby!
Any normal woman'd kill the guy if all this revelation occurred in one day (It wouldn't happen to a normal woman...heh heh..). But since Anjali cannot hurt even an ant, I guess she'll make do with a slap and faint. I wish ASR'd take over and slap- slap him until the exit.
OFC, no hopes that he'll hand him over to the police! No proof for the police, you see.
Unless smart NK was smart enough to videotape the confession.
Delete"but th symtoms and signs were there. And any woman always wonders about her husband."
This is the crux of the matter. What happened yesterday too. How VLR knows Anjali like the back of his hand and every time she had even the slightest suspicion, he masterly averted it with excuses and more reassuring lies- everytime he took advantage of her belief in him- this is why I said,
when the truth comes out, she will feel like her soul has been raped- also why I feel she cannot have the strength to go beyond a slap, a whimper and a faint...
Delete"but th symtoms and signs were there. And any woman always wonders about her husband." quoted by Sandy....i will agree...and they did show Anji to be that in the earlier episodes.....
soemtimes CVs forget it but we as audience have seen an Anji to be the usual wife, wondering at signs so her refusal to not dig deeper made us suspicious.....the thing is the CV can twist it any which way becos they have not made Anji verbalise anything....
one of the instances i must point out....esp becos of Sandy's remark abov...
this was when Khushi called up Shyam to inform him about their plan to go back to Lucknow...Shyam is on the phone and behaving as if he is talking to some guy's mother that he has talked about to anji earlier...becos Anji is around him...Anji then remarks that "i think u love Rajiv's amma a lot and i am sure she loves u a lot too" Shyam looks at Anji and says "Do u really think like that?" and wears lovelorn exp....just watch Anji's exp...its that of a woman whose female intuition is right there....
they chose to make this Anji a dumber woman later on....thats another matter...
"i think u love Rajiv's amma a lot and i am sure she loves u a lot too" Shyam looks at Anji and says "Do u really think like that?" and wears lovelorn exp....just watch Anji's exp...its that of a woman whose female intuition is right there...."
DeleteI've not watched this but what is this?
She knew back then he was having an affair?
And still said, "inhone aise kuch kiya nahi hoga"?- If she knew it all along, why did she go into depression and worst of all, try to KILL THAT BABY!
What kind of a woman is this Anjali???
And what can redeem her???
Delete"For me, if ASR and K loves Di, I'll love her.
If they hate her, I'll hate her too."
for this statement of yours, I believe that anybody on this face of earth, upto a certain extent in incapable of judging their own family members, especially their close, mom, dad and siblings. If you think about it, I believe that mostly, since we have grown up with them, since their are our blood relations, we are incapable of seeing faults in them after a certain limit..or even if we do, we somehow end up justifying matter how objective or pragmatic you are, you will never be capable of judging/hating your sibling, especially the one you are so close too..and in Arnav-Anjali's case, they were the only ones for each other for a long, long time...we see even strangers bonding strongly after going through a rough path in life together, so real siblings is toh totally justified..
My only point is, I agree tha anjali IS a mother figure to arnav, or the closest thing to his mother after his mother's death...but, so far, the character of anjali hasn't shown ANY motherly traits at all...the biggest quality of a mother is that she sacrifices her happiness for her child's...and so far all the examples in IPK have been the exact has been the child that has been sacrificing the happiness, while the so-called mother acts like a tantrum throwing 3 yr old... so yes, nobody can doubt the respect and love arnav has fr his sister, that is indeed something really, really, beautiful...being a sister myself and having tons of brothers (cousins though they are), I can totally understand how beautiful and amazing that feeling is.. but when I look at the arnav-anjali relationship from a third person POV, I see that anjali has been nothing but a child in their relationship, like dia says its more like a father-daughter relationship..
as for khushi hating anjali, I believe khushi too, is incapable of judging people fair and square..she is the type who would look for some good qualities even in the devil ..or atleast hope that he would change.. which is EXACTLY why she couldn't stop falling in love with ASR.. she knew somewhere deep down that for all his follies, he has to have a good side to him...and its her love that has unearthed that "rajkumar" from within the "shaitan laad governor".. and her judging or hating anjali is completely out of question, especially since she has seen shyam's sinister face, in her morality ladder, shyam will always be below any person she has ever met in her entire life...and ofcourse she would feel that anjali has been decieved, so she goes up the morality ladder automatically for her.. and especially, now that she knows just how much arnav means to her, each and everything that arnav values, she automatically values...she and arnav are inseparable, and their common weakness has now become di..
so ofcourse, both are totally incapable of hating her...and for them, she IS on the topmost pedestal - has always been, will always be..PERIOD. So if one would look at anjali from their eyes, she would be the epitome of goodness, who cares so much for everybody around her, who is the most beautiful and innocent soul in this world, who deserves nothing but happiness and has infact recieved sadness..
but, when a third person watches this story from the outside, well...atleast to me, anjali is anything, but that..innocent she might be, but she is totally dumb and good she might be, but not without layers of selfishness to it..
actually, dia is right...a better actress would have probably changed my perception about her...DB just doesn't make complete justice to what anjali was supposed to be like..
Rajiv's amma is some old lady,Su...not a young woman....Anji was innocently saying that Shyamu's friend's mother must love him a lot....she was not thinking of it like that...but the moment Shyamu has a lovelorn expression, she looks at him in a funny manner...all i am saying is Anji was not shown a dimwit...she was maha smart...tho she had her "humare this and humare that" but basically a woman who was not wet behind the ears, if u will....
Deletethis was around episode 47-49..not sure which one....
Delete"the biggest quality of a mother is that she sacrifices her happiness for her child's...and so far all the examples in IPK have been the exact has been the child that has been sacrificing the happiness,":
Arnav is the one who has sworn to protect his Di, not vice versa.
This is because he knows Anjali is emotionally very fragile from childhood. However, I'll not say Anjali has been selfish.
She always brought peace btn Nani and ASR, btn Arhi, was always unselfish with Arhi before the VLR slap gate....
Yes, this is more like a father- daughter relationship. What is wrong with that?- what matters is that they both love each other. Not who gives more and who takes more. When ASR and Anjali don't keep accounts, why do we?
DeleteToday the CVs are at a point when one of their important characters is to know what a scumbag the husband is and imagine the amount of sympathy she will have....pretty much nothing....whose fault is it? was this intended?
I won't go into the merits of the actor becos i have maintained that its important to have a good writing to back such characters who are not in a position to verbalise their thots on screen
Today if Anji turns the way Sandy has described in her post...i would say the CVs have done a difficult job altho they were in the dark for a while...they have resurrected the story pretty much to the point they had earlier envisaged..this is not becos i support that view of Anji.
Its only becos this is only way in which the drama until now can be justified...else it all peters down to the inability of Khushi/Arnav to have brought this matter to light in front of her...IT makes Anji the herione and Arnav-Khushi the sidekicks.
DeleteLook below.
Sandy's post: who will get the sympathy?
Lets continue disc there. I am getting confused.
"Arnav is the one who has sworn to protect his Di, not vice versa"
DeleteIf it was really a selfless bond from both sides, it wouldn't have mattered who has sworn to protect whom .. all that mattered is that both protect and care relentlessly for each other, bas.. and I'm sorry Su, but your statement infact makes it sound a totally one-sided relationship to me..just because anjali hasn't sworn, doesn't mean she shouldn't...
"When ASR and Anjali don't keep accounts, why do we?" .. because they are telly characters and we are audience sitting and watching their story from the outside.. :) they will ofcourse not keep any accounts, coz their characters are written that way, but we can judge the characters, can't we? :)
anyhow, I think neither of us will reach the same page wrt anjali, so its better to agree to disagree I guess.. :)
DeleteI am talking about real life.
In any relationship, it is better not to keep accounts.
Especially, btn husband and wife.
Even btn siblings...though for us, siblings don't remain as crucial as it is for Anjali- we all have better support systems, starting with ourselves.
P.S. don't mean to offend you, Su.. :) sorry if I have done that unknowingly.. :)
DeleteI did not get offended, sweetie.
Did I give you the mistaken impression?
Comes with having discussed a certain conphussing character.
@Su...again, repeating my statement real life, we are incapable of judging our siblings, that's true, so ofcourse we don't keep I said above, we love them unconditionally.. but that's when it comes to OUR own life.. when I am a third person looking objectively at a certain relation and if I do find a flaw in it, because I am capable, since I am in no way related to them, I WILL end up judging the characters without being influenced by what my own real life relations are.. what I mean is, just because I, in my real life wouldn't judge a sister like anjali, won't stop me from being able to judge a sister like her if she is unrelated to me.. :)
DeleteI hope I am clear..I do have a problem in putting forth my POV precisely and that has been a prob, many times, but I hope, its finally clear.. :)
I just felt that coz I came across quite strongly when I read my own reply.. :) anyway, all good then! :)
ReplyDelete"Arnav thought love made one weak, Anjali thought love meant feeding one’s weakness. It’s Khushi who has taught them that love neither weakens nor does it dwell on propping weakness. It is about strength & finding courage"
A beautiful thot and lovely summation...
Dia has said pretty much the same on many occasions....Anji's character can have some meaning only if they show this very aspect that u have highlighted above.....
This willfulness to deny the writing on the wall but there comes a time when the force of thinking breaches every cannot be ignored anymore.....
I would see some sense to the CV POV if this reasoning sees the light of day.....that day i will happily say it has reached a deafening crescendo...I hope the CVs don't let it peter away.....please don't make this a sobbing saga of a woman's loss.....becos its not that at all...its not about not sleeping..its about NOT WAKING UP.....and somehow its not the same...
Loved ur post, Sandy.....the weaving of Anji, the personality...
Rekha, perfectly said.
DeleteDia, Sandy, you have been shining beacons of hope for this serial and elevate each episode to another plane.. what the normal audience cannot see, you see.. and then write about in such beautiful prose.. no wonder R&R is a bigger addiction to me than IPK.
(yes, i know there are more masterni-s.. these 2 are here today, so i address the post to them :)
DeleteThanks Rekhs :)
To me the bro sis scene today with Khushi walking in was all about reminding Anjali to remember her promise to trust her brother and his wife.
Because Arnav and Khushi already found strength & courage in that scene the previous day when they look on at a smiling Anjali and decide that even a momenary dimness in that smile is acceptable. And Arnav saying yes, I will bring out the truth before her.
And I agree - I hope they potray the NOT WAKING UP part well. Anjali misses her acting cues at time so fingers crossed. That is where a part of me wants her to have heard Arnav that fateful night before she fainted. Hope they weave in all the instances of her own thinking, HP finding the bill for a ring, Shyam in Arnav's room, Shyam with Khushi when Khushi obviously loves Arnav so much and so on.
And Anjali should crumble for having been the cause of her child's death with her choice to not wake up, not see and then turn that despair into anger directed at Shyam - at his inability to love her despite the chances she kept giving him.
You know when I was thinking on Anjali feeding Shyam's weakness with money, I realized an irony. Arnav always believed people and emotions could be bought. It was about the right amount. Anjali always believed in love and feelings of heart but eventually she has been chaining her husband to her by throwing money just not being outspoken as her brother is.
In yday's scene, if Anjali indeed loved her husband as he was, she would have returned the MS to him and told him your loves is enough for me. Get me a rose and I shall be happy.
If Anjali feels indebted to Shyam for having her as his wife, this marriage was always doomed because they were never equals and like they say, husband and wife are like the 2 wheels of a car - need to be equals for the car to run, one being a bullock cart wheel and one being a scooter wheel would never work.
Rekha / J,
DeleteWas also thinking, Arnav's mum taught him never to hurt the flower for the pain caused him by the thorn(s).
Today to rid himself and Di of the thorn called Shyam, he has no choice but to hurt and bruise the rose flower. Justice for all the times he bruised Khushi?
J....very true....
DeleteI have had answers to most of my questions on epis from Sandy or Dia....I will never forget Dia's answer to my question of the epi,Anji's volte-face on rose petals when Sandy put that very Anji in perspective (i don't know if the CVs think this and frankly i don't care)...i remembered Dia's explanation of Anji....and it all starts to fall in place....As u said today....for me this Anji is resolved only if see her self-loathing...there is no justice or righteousness in seeing a woman suffer and then rise in rebellion.....The world doesn't need such Durgas who sleep thru all the pain and wake up when the noise gets to them....
I am responding to ur comment here itself...
I have said this before too...its not about abandoning ur blood....its only about the big picture, does Arnav become a bad brother or Khushi a bad SIL just becos they will look to drill some sense into Anji. It may make bad drama...thats another matter..
DeleteIs that not what they are doing now?
They are drilling some sense in to her- at last!
Wait and watch, even here they might end up making a mistake, leaving one final loophole for VLR- one of the end tracks- let us see how this drama ends for now.
DeleteYep they are drilling sense into her. How she reacts and how they resolve let us see. I would love a weak Anjali deperate to hold her happiness and having made mistakes rather than an ignoran one till it was pointed in her face. Of course obliviou of the child bit.
VL will go away to come back one last time when Babuji gets better and teh dots connect on Anjali's accident. My view.
Am loving all the discussions on Anjali ... one of the most flawed characters on IPKKND. And she is important ... the story is based on a brother sister pair and how a girl changes their lives. The show can go on without Abhaas, but not without Daljeet ... make that, not without Anjali. If they had a better actor for Anjali, it might have made a difference to our perceptions of her.
DeleteRekha, I need to go back and read my own take on Anjali *rofl* ... I think it's pretty much the same as it has been for some time. Will come back tomorrow and elaborate ... I think Mon-Wed we will have lots of Creepali drama, so the discussion will be topical.
Rushing off now, I have people for dinner and have been busy cooking the whole day, though I kept popping in to read the discussions! :)))
DeleteLOL.... u don't have to go back to ur posts...i can tell u that...u have always had the same opinion on Anji and the clearest of ur takes on Anji was on the rose petal day.......
I was again flummoxed with Anji on the RB day but Jaya's take after the Anji-Shyam aankh mein choli came to light, "power of suggestion" quote made me do a re-think and i was reconciled to a woman hypnotised (not the literal hypnotism ofc)by Shyamu...which i still go partly the reason for Anji's behav....the leaning on VLR comes from there despite having a strong family support...
I would say..despite the CVs best efforts to confuse us about Anji, the Anji in my mind has been fashioned by the thots here on R&R...thank u girls.....
DeleteNow since all of you have started confusing me, and I am stubborly sticking to dimwit Anjali,
Could one of you answer these kostens for me?
1. At what point exactly did Anjali supposedly know?
If it was on the night of Payash marriage, why did she INSIST that Khushi go with Shyam post HR for the medicines?
If it was much later, why was she not in the least bit caring about K and Shyam being in the same rom?
Even at haldi, she seemed to think that Shyam was innocently filming Shyam and gave a reassuring smile.
2. What kind of a weird character is Anjali, if she did all this in spite of knowing the truth, and preferred to be blind?
'Shyam was innocently filming Khushi' Sorry.
DeleteLets accept that there are two versions of Anji as read by is the anji who is just dimwitted.(by that logic she is not damaged!)...and the other is that she is damaged,she has low self-esteem and she can do things to keep her world happy....
So, Su are u saying that there was never a problem with Anji...she only had to be shown that premise of this today when she is shown proof, she will throw Shyam out of the that point is if that is so...why the hell have Arnav and Khushi been walking on egg shells until now...according to me, it makes them the greatest dimwits in the story...
If u accept that Anji is damaged, u will accept that some of the things that we are saying above of Anji is possible.....
This still does not have any bearing on what the CVs show....they can come with one unique combination of DIMWITTED AND teri baat na meri baat.....but then they can't make her a durga...which they are hell bent on doing now....
DeleteI have been saying this from slapgate!
Post traumatic stress disorder!
She does not have a flawed character trait- if she had that, Anji will have to be re- born after all the hideous things she has done with this character trait- Trying to kill the baby, tolerating Khushi and Shyam in the same room- which means she is encouraging her husband to lust on K!!!
DeleteNow CVs will play safe and make sure audience will empathize with Anji so they will keep it simple. She was duped for believing in her hubby. She was cheated.
She did not know of anything at all. Her faith made her overlook all the signs. Bechaari Anjali.
Rekha teri aur meri drema anji ki tai tai pish ho jaayegi!
Delete"why the hell have Arnav and Khushi been walking on egg shells until now...according to me, it makes them the greatest dimwits in the story...":
Because they have been trying to break it to her slowly, unfortunatelt with each attempt she is falling more and more in to her SKD- because they do NOT have the PROOF- So now, they are building up the proof for her.
They have to walk on egg shells, because she just might react the way her mother did...and she herself has that history of having tried to hurt herself to kill the baby--seriously, IS SHE NOT MENTAL there?
Deletearre yaar...i was rhetorical there...
Arnav and Khushi are the biggest dimwits who did not know that Di will only believe the PROOF...why did they take so long to get it? they could have saved their producers some reel if they had done so....U see the DI only believes the spoken word by her hubby...LOL
Deletewhy did they take so long to get it? they could have saved their producers some reel if they had done so....
You want to know the truth of why they took so long.
ASR made a huge error in judging his Di- he really did not know she was so dimwitted.
I swear, I am not joking.
"I never knew one could be this blind in love"!
DeleteGUD ONE...
Actually the CVs forgot to tell my version....esp after the chickenpox attack...(j, tune yeh kya kiya....CVs ko chickenpox deke unke saath khoon maaf kar diya...LOL)
Something I thought of:
ReplyDeleteOver the years you have blessed me and wished my happiness
You have trusted me to protect you and keep you happy
I have always vowed to protect your happiness
When the storm hits and the lights dim, recall my vows and your trust
I will always hold your hand but will you remember to hold mine?
Oh and I was reminded of the song..Dream...Remember from You've Got Mail
today's song, dedicated to the scene where shyam accepts anjali's gift of a pink 'muffler'(pun anyone?):
was watching the teej episodes (40-41)again..
ReplyDeletethe way shyam's bag dropped when he saw khushi in the saree.. and the way arnav almost dropped his phone when HE saw her.. i think, had NK been anywhere around, we'd have another similar scene.. :D
and the way they elaborated on the ladies getting ready.. the bangles, the nehendi, the shringaar... awww those filler scenes never looked like fillers!
and the way arnav did aarti, and the CT had the audacity to tell us that arnav did not know to aarti in the later story.. dont they know that teej was a classic episode that every arshi fan has seen at least ten times?
DeleteHaan seriously,
DeleteAnd the look that Khushi gave Arnav when they hands briefly touched over the thaal...incidentally the post by dia on that day is among my favs....please do read it...girls if u have not yet read it....
I LOVED those Teej episodes ... they were simply mind-blowing! And the guesthouse ones ... watched one of those in bits today from the link ... just couldn't resist! That IPK was just something else ... intense, dark, riveting!
DeleteI was watching episode 50...where Arnav brings Anji to the shiv mandir in Laxmi nagar.....every single instance from the time Khushi barks the "Khush ho jaiye Hum hamesha ke liye ja rahen hain", Arnav is trying hard to forget but is not able....He comes to drop Anji to the mandir and almost against his will looks at the locked door..His expressions don't give him away..but its as if he trying to exorcise her being from his mind....every single of those episodes were so full of meaning....
and then he comes face to face with her in the closet in the MAhaepisode and then ASR's loses his mind completely....I will join BG's demand to see ur post for that mahaepisode yaar and speaking of BG, where is Shwethu....hollering for u.....
DeleteBG ka AD is a bit demanding at the moment. So she is focussed there. got a PM.
ReplyDelete"If indeed this is the case, why did she initially refuse to speak to him when he threw Shyam out?
And what you are saying did play out in that scene when she walked to chote's room and asked him for Shyam back saying she needed him.":
Both are instances when she was at the heights of emotional turmoil- nothing the sort of which ASR had to go through.
Compare with ASR, and what he did to his loved one. He had two emotional moments too- when Shyam- K connection was revealed- OFC, the relationship was too young there.
But post kidnap, after all that she had done- his outburst- 'why did you come into my life?'- both brother and sister act in the same way when disaster strikes. You'll see a different face- but that is not the real face!
Applicable to both ASR and Anjali.
Anjali is ASR's sister.
DeleteThe same mother brought them up.
The same nani nurtured them after that.
I can understand a weak Anjali, but how can she become so horrid and conniving and jealous and selfish?
If all this is true, she really should have moved out to Sheesh mahal or at least sold it. She did once want to move out with Shyam, have her own house, in the babli track, so I cannot buy it that she wants to keep Chhote happy at all costs because he is the banker.
DeleteNothing about ASR being banker. Yes both brought up by same parents, Nani's genes but mum did commit suicide.
Wasn't the mum weak? Could she not have lived for the children even if hubby cheated?
Tu chill yaar. 1 or 2 days we shall know which version of Anjali we getting.
DeleteCan you imagine being hit with so much of negativity in one day- I am seeing an entirely new 'face' of Anjali- and hating her!
Sign, when will KKGSR understand?
ReplyDeleteAnd here we demand passion...
Khushi's plan leaves Arnav surprised in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?
Gosh..WT* is wrong with khushi????? do the makers want viewers to really, REALLY hate khushi, so much so that arnav steps up the pedestal and the character of arnav is sooo loved that even if BS quits, anybody can pass off by playing him??? :S
DeleteI've gone mad.. :P God knows what the makers are planning to show..TG I'm gonna be very busy from November in my AD.. hoping to detach now, more than ever!! :(
DeleteUntil she understands, she is stuck with the same velvet uniforms!
That shall be her punishment! Uffff....Bitiya, aakhir WHEN?
DeleteIt is only a movie.
She does not plan to leave!
yeah, Su, I meant that already khushi's character has shown soo much of inconsistencies and to add to that she now spoils the time when ASR wants to spend some quality time with her.. :S
DeleteAnd I was talking about BS quitting yaar, not SI.. anyhow, dia has banned that topic so let's shut up, else dia bans us from her blog.. :P
DeleteIt will be to build up romance after the VLR overdose- hopefully won't be that bad.