Tuesday 30th Oct '12
Whole cast back with a bang after almost solo show by Sanaya yesterday. Got so used to seeing her all the time that I was missing her when she wasn't on screen!
First office scene was as silly as expected ... and as expected Khushi did not find Arav's name.
Surprising that Arav actually saved her.
And Khushi still wondering about the DNA report!
Arav gets 2/10 for his painting ... marks for Art? For such a small kid? Sheetal Arav scene was sweet - Sheetal wants to cheer up Arav with BB.
Arnav is suddenly very pally with Sheetal ... a slanging match about who's better at BB ... Arnav or Sheetal, mostly between Arnav and Arav ...
Khushi decides to mano her husband with BB match. *Head desk* woman, manao him with your strengths ... your cooking! Not something you know nothing about! But then she wants to do things his way.
Whole family plays BB.
Khushi jealous of Sheetal ... finally reacting normally, like a jealous wife. Arnav totally ignoring wife in favour of ex-girlfriend ... another slanging match, as though egging on Sheetal purposely.
Has Arnav finally seen what Khushi has seen all along and decided to get to the bottom of it?
Or is he expressing his annoyance with Khushi about the DNA test by being extra pally with Sheetal?
Or neither - he's blind as usual?
Precap - Arnav Arav Sheetal together - watched by a morose Khushi, suddenly realising she's pushed her husband towards his ex-girlfriend in her misguided zeal.
On the whole, I didn't mind the episode although the execution still has a lot of holes, but I can see some glimmer of where this track is going and how thery're going there. Just a glimmer though ... cv's need to make things clearer still, and recheck their old graphs of the basic characters, because they're being compromised big time!
Do I blame Khushi for hyperventilating and having doubts? No I don't ... because however you look at it, however much you argue that Arav being so much like Arnav is sheer coincidence, the fact remains that so many coincidences cannot be a coincidence. And if the CV's make out in the end that this was really all in Khushi's mind, and there is nothing fishy about Sheetal, then I as a viewer will feel very cheated. Not saying Arnav is the father, just saying that Sheetal has some ulterior motives. Whether Sheetal is Arav's maasi, Mystery Man Dhruv is Arav's father, Sheetal is typical vamp out to get Arnav ... whatever ... just give me a really good reason why Arav is a clone of Arnav's down to the What The's ...
I didn't care much for the first scene, but I was expecting worse, I thought I would be cringing and I did not. I think the complaint has reached the cv's, and the mindless OTT comedy has been scaled back. As expected, the peon adventure yielded no result ... so what exactly did the scene accomplish? Was it just a filler? Stupid one if so - and why use the main lead - she's overworked enough as it is!
Another complaint which seems to have reached the cv's is Arav's outright rudeness with Khushi - today he was better. Still a bit precocious, but the outright rudeness was scaled back thankfully.
2 on 10 for that painting - naainsafi indeed!
For the first time I felt a normal mother-son relationship between Sheetal-Arav, as she tries to cheer him up with his favorite game ... that was a sweet conversation.
And also for the first time, Arnav did something uncharacteristic - he had been avoiding Sheetal all this while, probably out of regard for Khushi ... now maybe because he's miffed at Khushi for the DNA stunt, he didn't make any attempt to avoid Sheetal, but instead he went out of his way to chat her up, and reminisce about college days, pull her leg a bit, even goad her into conversation.
SN - This is exactly what I would expect normal college friends to do.
SN2 - So was Arnav really a normal college guy all along? And here we thought he turned into ASR at age 14 and stayed that way for 14 years till Khushi came into his life!
SN3 - or was it just a miffed Arnav, still annoyed with Khushi, thinking WT*, I stayed away from Sheetal for her sake and she doesn't even trust me this much! Well, too bad, I'm going to act normal with my old friend, let's see how Khushi likes that!
Sheetal stayed pretty aloof throughout the conversation and made no attempt to take up his challenge, in fact she tried to get away as soon as possible.
Khushi overhears, sees Arnav getting uncharacteristically animated about BB, and arranges a match.
Again - like the family movie outing, like Arnav's birthday party - Khushi arranges something which she thinks Arnav will like, WITH THE ENTIRE FAMILY ...
It doesn't seem to have entered Khushi's head yet that to manao Arnav she needs to do things for him in private, with just the two of them. Her insecurities again? She alone is not good enough for Arnav ... for him, his family always comes first.
The BB match didn't include Sheetal - Khushi included all the rest. So she wasn't being such a fool ... she just saw Arnav getting excited and animated over basketball and tried to arrange it for him.
Has Arnav really gotten over the DNA test so easily?! And not given a second thought to why Khushi was worried enough to get it done?
Match begins ... Khushi dressed in her usual Anarkali and trainers. Sheetal dressed in bb gear and strips off her jacket on court, and then does her stretching exercises ... as NK ogles. So did Akash for a wee bit.
Arnav merely looked superior and smug ... you can't win.
The reason Khushi didn't wear sleeveless Tshirt and leggings - no one would have looked at Sheetal if she had. CV's knew that. They had to provide a contrast.
I did not see the need for Khushi to kick the ball ... really, cv's? What is need to show her so foolish?
Again more deliberate contrast.
And finally Khushi sees Arnav and Sheetal playing ball together ... NOT the way that sounds
... and the green eyed monster bites hard.
Will it be green eyed monster or will it be her insecurities? She's not good enough for Arnav, she's not from his world, not educated enough etc etc ...
Arnav ... I didn't feel he felt anything for Sheetal. But his insensitivity to Khushi's concerns did surprise me. He is the first person to have picked up her insecurity, he was the one who insisted she exert her haq on him ... I thought that once he knew the reason for Khushi's insecurity was Arav, not Sheetal, he would deal with that accordingly.
So his sudden cordiality with Sheetal surprised me ... is it because he's miffed with Khushi about thinking he and Sheetal were involved when he's told her repeatedly that nothing much happened between them? So he's making a point to her ... I was keeping away from her for your sake, but you still don't believe me, so now deal with it! For a person who had become so sensitive to his wife's moods and turmoil, Arnav is not coming off well at all ... he seems to have forgotten all his sensitivity after marriage.
If this track is about Khushi's insecurities, they are going to get worse before they reach flashpoint. Today was just the start. And we had better brace ourselves, we're going to see worse days for Khushi before the explosion. The precap was just a starter.
And if Arnav is really miffed with Khushi about the DNA tast, I don't expect much romance from him for now ... I expect him to be the way he was today .. cool, a bit curt, not angry but not completely normal either. He didn't want Khushi to play because he thought she might get hurt ... he handed over the ball to her on court without much fight, in contrast to Sheetal, with whom he was playing seriously ... he stopped teasing Sheetal about their old days when Khushi asked about Ramu ... but as far as he's concerned, he said there was nothing much between him and Sheetal, Khushi has to accept that.
Much the way he expected Anjali to accept his dictum about Shyam without giving her the entire story, without any explanations or proof.
But women don't function that way. And insecure, worried wives definitely don't.
Whole cast back with a bang after almost solo show by Sanaya yesterday. Got so used to seeing her all the time that I was missing her when she wasn't on screen!
First office scene was as silly as expected ... and as expected Khushi did not find Arav's name.
Surprising that Arav actually saved her.
And Khushi still wondering about the DNA report!
Arav gets 2/10 for his painting ... marks for Art? For such a small kid? Sheetal Arav scene was sweet - Sheetal wants to cheer up Arav with BB.
Arnav is suddenly very pally with Sheetal ... a slanging match about who's better at BB ... Arnav or Sheetal, mostly between Arnav and Arav ...
Khushi decides to mano her husband with BB match. *Head desk* woman, manao him with your strengths ... your cooking! Not something you know nothing about! But then she wants to do things his way.
Whole family plays BB.
Khushi jealous of Sheetal ... finally reacting normally, like a jealous wife. Arnav totally ignoring wife in favour of ex-girlfriend ... another slanging match, as though egging on Sheetal purposely.
Has Arnav finally seen what Khushi has seen all along and decided to get to the bottom of it?
Or is he expressing his annoyance with Khushi about the DNA test by being extra pally with Sheetal?
Or neither - he's blind as usual?
Precap - Arnav Arav Sheetal together - watched by a morose Khushi, suddenly realising she's pushed her husband towards his ex-girlfriend in her misguided zeal.
On the whole, I didn't mind the episode although the execution still has a lot of holes, but I can see some glimmer of where this track is going and how thery're going there. Just a glimmer though ... cv's need to make things clearer still, and recheck their old graphs of the basic characters, because they're being compromised big time!
Do I blame Khushi for hyperventilating and having doubts? No I don't ... because however you look at it, however much you argue that Arav being so much like Arnav is sheer coincidence, the fact remains that so many coincidences cannot be a coincidence. And if the CV's make out in the end that this was really all in Khushi's mind, and there is nothing fishy about Sheetal, then I as a viewer will feel very cheated. Not saying Arnav is the father, just saying that Sheetal has some ulterior motives. Whether Sheetal is Arav's maasi, Mystery Man Dhruv is Arav's father, Sheetal is typical vamp out to get Arnav ... whatever ... just give me a really good reason why Arav is a clone of Arnav's down to the What The's ...
I didn't care much for the first scene, but I was expecting worse, I thought I would be cringing and I did not. I think the complaint has reached the cv's, and the mindless OTT comedy has been scaled back. As expected, the peon adventure yielded no result ... so what exactly did the scene accomplish? Was it just a filler? Stupid one if so - and why use the main lead - she's overworked enough as it is!
Another complaint which seems to have reached the cv's is Arav's outright rudeness with Khushi - today he was better. Still a bit precocious, but the outright rudeness was scaled back thankfully.
2 on 10 for that painting - naainsafi indeed!
For the first time I felt a normal mother-son relationship between Sheetal-Arav, as she tries to cheer him up with his favorite game ... that was a sweet conversation.
And also for the first time, Arnav did something uncharacteristic - he had been avoiding Sheetal all this while, probably out of regard for Khushi ... now maybe because he's miffed at Khushi for the DNA stunt, he didn't make any attempt to avoid Sheetal, but instead he went out of his way to chat her up, and reminisce about college days, pull her leg a bit, even goad her into conversation.
SN - This is exactly what I would expect normal college friends to do.
SN2 - So was Arnav really a normal college guy all along? And here we thought he turned into ASR at age 14 and stayed that way for 14 years till Khushi came into his life!
SN3 - or was it just a miffed Arnav, still annoyed with Khushi, thinking WT*, I stayed away from Sheetal for her sake and she doesn't even trust me this much! Well, too bad, I'm going to act normal with my old friend, let's see how Khushi likes that!
Sheetal stayed pretty aloof throughout the conversation and made no attempt to take up his challenge, in fact she tried to get away as soon as possible.
Khushi overhears, sees Arnav getting uncharacteristically animated about BB, and arranges a match.
Again - like the family movie outing, like Arnav's birthday party - Khushi arranges something which she thinks Arnav will like, WITH THE ENTIRE FAMILY ...
It doesn't seem to have entered Khushi's head yet that to manao Arnav she needs to do things for him in private, with just the two of them. Her insecurities again? She alone is not good enough for Arnav ... for him, his family always comes first.
The BB match didn't include Sheetal - Khushi included all the rest. So she wasn't being such a fool ... she just saw Arnav getting excited and animated over basketball and tried to arrange it for him.
Has Arnav really gotten over the DNA test so easily?! And not given a second thought to why Khushi was worried enough to get it done?
Match begins ... Khushi dressed in her usual Anarkali and trainers. Sheetal dressed in bb gear and strips off her jacket on court, and then does her stretching exercises ... as NK ogles. So did Akash for a wee bit.
Arnav merely looked superior and smug ... you can't win.
The reason Khushi didn't wear sleeveless Tshirt and leggings - no one would have looked at Sheetal if she had. CV's knew that. They had to provide a contrast.
I did not see the need for Khushi to kick the ball ... really, cv's? What is need to show her so foolish?
And finally Khushi sees Arnav and Sheetal playing ball together ... NOT the way that sounds
Will it be green eyed monster or will it be her insecurities? She's not good enough for Arnav, she's not from his world, not educated enough etc etc ...
Arnav ... I didn't feel he felt anything for Sheetal. But his insensitivity to Khushi's concerns did surprise me. He is the first person to have picked up her insecurity, he was the one who insisted she exert her haq on him ... I thought that once he knew the reason for Khushi's insecurity was Arav, not Sheetal, he would deal with that accordingly.
So his sudden cordiality with Sheetal surprised me ... is it because he's miffed with Khushi about thinking he and Sheetal were involved when he's told her repeatedly that nothing much happened between them? So he's making a point to her ... I was keeping away from her for your sake, but you still don't believe me, so now deal with it! For a person who had become so sensitive to his wife's moods and turmoil, Arnav is not coming off well at all ... he seems to have forgotten all his sensitivity after marriage.
If this track is about Khushi's insecurities, they are going to get worse before they reach flashpoint. Today was just the start. And we had better brace ourselves, we're going to see worse days for Khushi before the explosion. The precap was just a starter.
And if Arnav is really miffed with Khushi about the DNA tast, I don't expect much romance from him for now ... I expect him to be the way he was today .. cool, a bit curt, not angry but not completely normal either. He didn't want Khushi to play because he thought she might get hurt ... he handed over the ball to her on court without much fight, in contrast to Sheetal, with whom he was playing seriously ... he stopped teasing Sheetal about their old days when Khushi asked about Ramu ... but as far as he's concerned, he said there was nothing much between him and Sheetal, Khushi has to accept that.
Much the way he expected Anjali to accept his dictum about Shyam without giving her the entire story, without any explanations or proof.
But women don't function that way. And insecure, worried wives definitely don't.
ReplyDeleteKya kissi ne epi nahin dekha?
Guess it was one of the lowest points of IPK...
it is going to be until we know one way or the other...
I only read the LUs,and all i could gather is that Khushi's jealousy has surfaced...well about time, i say...
More pain is there around the corner...so will wait for the storm to subside...
i saw the episode Rekhs...BB match happened..my heart went out to Khushi today..poor thing..her husband was too busy playing a match with his ex-girlfriend..
DeleteThis was organised by K...right? had to be a stupid idea....arnav had warned her it will be awkward for her...now he has let it pass for now due to the writer's laziness..else how will we o ahead with the tarck?
DeleteK will slowly get an idea of the world around her...her mind works in a diff manner..I am told she felt the chuban, the jealousy....which in some ways has been singularly missing in this track....her single minded pursuit of the paternity issue has not let her mind focus on the perils of courting trouble...
well looks like she will court more trouble...
Rekhs, awkward for K chod..why is arnav giving those looks to sheetal?? totally looks like he is enjoying reminiscing some old times with his ex-flame... forgetting the fact that he is now married and has a wife...
Deleteand WHY is K still going on abt the DNA reports, saying they still have to come??! was this epi supposed to air before the scene where she tears away the reports???? what is wrong with the editors???
but most imp question : what is wrong with the writers???? why are they hell bent on selling a badly cooked KKHH replica???!!!
ek baat samajh lo writers :
hum ek baar jeete hain, ek baar marte hain aur KKHH bhi EK HI baar ban sakta hain..
for audience who have started watching the show now, I'm sure they will be curious as to why arnav is married to khushi at all, when he clearly still has feelings for his ex GF... that's the message I go from today's episode... either it was bad acting on Barun's part or it was intended to be that way...
mads..she tore up the test results right?? she called them to ask for another copy..they told her that it will take a few days...that is what she is waiting for!!
Deletei know..for Arnav it did not seem like Khushi even existed...what is his problem??!!
Rekhs...Khushi did organise it but i don't think she planned on making Sheetal a part of it..it was meant to be for ASR and the family..and then Sheetal butts in and changes the equation...
Yes, Anita, I think it was for Arnav and family ... but why basketball? How did she know he liked BB?
DeleteArnav is acting very strange ... today he was suddenly very pally with Sheetal ... till now he has been awkward and quiet around her. Today it seemed he went out of his way to talk to her, challenge her ... was that for Khushi's benefit? Or am I being stupid still hoping for his shatir dimaag to surface?
Shatir dimag ki koi gunjaish nahin....woh hain hi nahin...
DeleteShall i make a silly comment here., i am not watching the epi but i am enjoying this track...i hope it doesn't come to bite me later..
I am seeing this track as a path for a confrontation to emerge ...pure and simple....difficult to otherwise engineer in a couple that is so high on emotional closeness...so we need to give a wide berth for creativity in this phase....
If i have understood, why do i not watch?.
When creators sell a story or an idea, it must have the power to help people buy-in to that idea
at the moment, i don't have the confidence in the CVs to sell me a situation where Arnav is out of depth in understanding his wife's legitimate concerns,(becos for me, he could gauge the slightest change in her moods)Its anathema for me to think that
But at the same time, i agree that the situation had to be explosive enuf to bring about a confrontation...
I understand their plight becos they have created a Goliath of expectations with teh ARHI story....so unless they do some out-of-box thinking,few will buy it happily..
I want to see a creatively managed track of which i am seeing some positive signs...lets see where they go...
I am have not seen Arnav's exp for sheetal becos if it means nothin, why bother and if means something, then ARHI story has changed...then none of these discussions have any meaning....
Dia, the channel has to have a deathwish if they are selling us a diff story...it wont be bought by the online aud for sure and for all those back there who watch it with passion every day...
Khushi herself wondered why BB naa Dia, soon after Sheetal joined them..she said suji ka halwa hi bana deti!!
DeleteHe was very strange today..maybe it seemed sudden because till yesterday he was just polite to her...or did all that excitement come at the mention of basketball?? i doubt if its his shatir dimaag!! Arnav sees only what he wants to see..nope..his shut-most-of-the-time dimaag would not have made an appearance suddenly...
why did he act like Khushi did not exist? bond with ex-girlfriend and son to teach Khushi a lesson for the DNA test??
Yep, Rekha, that is my hope too ... that this has to work towards strengthening that Arhi bond ... and for that, Arnav Sheetal getting closer has to happen first ... at least in Khushi's eyes. And that has to build up towards an explosion ...
DeleteWill Diwali be a 360 of last year? Last year Arnav broke her heart by coming close and then backing off ...
Anita, that was my thought as well ... is he actually punishing Khushi for doing the DNA test by becoming so pally with Sheetal? Till now he was keeping his distance.
there is no other explanation for it Dia..the old Arnav would have come back to Khushi, accepted her apology, appreciated the thought that she was doing something for him...but this guy is more interested in bonding with the kid(which i do not mind!) and proving Sheetal wrong..knowing that Khushi is insecure about his earlier relationships..
Deleteand seeing her in a headband and all..we'd have gotten a completely unnecessary rabba vey before..but he did not even spare her a glance...looked mostly irritated..if he is punishing her..that is really below the belt!! or as you said were Barun's expressions off?? he usually does a decent job so i don't think that is the problem..
Diwali 360?? we will all cry with Khushi Dia if that happens..there is news of heartbreak and drama anyway!!
What are the CV's trying to show? i doubt if they sorted it out themselves!
Hi Dia
ReplyDeleteHave missed the last few episodes due to power cuts on the east coast and also haven't been liking this track or should I say the way it is being written.
We all wanted to see a jealous Khushi and now that we are getting it I for one am not liking it as I feel her pain and her burning jealousy .
The free time from the power cut gave me a good insight to what this track has been so far. It is from Khushi's POV and her incompetence in dealing with the real world. In her attempt to be a good and understanding wife, a cool wife and a modern women she is unable to express her deep seething insecurity about this women she has bought in. As Arnav said how could u be so careless.
She trusts her husband but cannot get rid of the doubt about aaravs father. She is not a mean person hence the only way she can do this is thru a DNA test, OTT scenes dressed as a peopn , or read diaries. That's the only way she knows how even during Arnavs kidnapping she broke into security house etc... It is bound to reach a point where she will either fight this other women OR back off. You are bound to see her hurt. Will this end with a mature Khushi ? I thought she always was in her thought process though her means were childish but the new team of writers do not know this. Will see how she ends up.
As for Arnie it also can go two ways. I think for now he is playing along as he is angry at her for not trusting him and wants to give her a taste of her own medicine. That I told you so....Khushi bought her at home and is now pushing him towards her so maybe it is to get back at Khushi. Or it could be that according to him it's no big deal anyways. He has been very clear that Sheetal is his past and nothing happened between the two . He is just being friendly to the two and Khushi needs to get over it.
If I went with the precap then I would think the Aarav hug indicates that he is oblivious to Khushi's pain and for him it is all done. It would be wrong to give a little boy this kind of attention.
The atoot vishwaas is on the test now and I expect emotional scenes in the coming days.
Why for the life of me did they not put some intense scenes between Khushi and arnav today while playing. Would have loved to see that. Maybe to figure out this one I will have to wait for the next storm and power outage.
Take care ladies. Apologies for spelling mistakes.
Nice post Ratna...
DeleteHope u guys stay safe , take care..
actually if we all had hope real hope that the CVs don't plan anything nasty...we could all enjoy this becos we will see this all as an irritation to be dealt with but the anxiety is heightened also for the poor execution of the track almost giving us palpitations on where this is leading....i have to say maybe they are killing ARHI to give us a new ARHI...
Nice, Ratna.
DeleteI agree with you. I don't think he will punish her like that. He has seen her tear up the DNA report, so he feels the issue does not exist any more now. Just llike he does not feel jealous about her friendship with NK any more.
Take care, our prayers are with you all.
DeleteHope all is fine with you and your family. My kids are in NY, was getting all the reports from them and from friends ... NJ and NY seem to be the worst hit.
I can feel Khushi's pain now ... so I am glad they're done with the OTT comedy, that was diluting the emotions big time. The problem with Sanaya is that the moment Khushi is sad, upset or helpless, you feel her emotions so clearly that everything else fades into the background! So her emotional tracks are difficult to watch because she does them so well. That one glimpse of Khushi in the precap was enough to get me feeling so bad for her ... even though I tell myself she did bring it on herself.
But it's time the cv's concentrated on her feelings ... all along, IPK has been from ASR's viewpoint, we saw his emotions, his pain, his jealousy, his angst, his love, we saw Khushi's only in glimpses.
Arnav - I think it's a mixture of those two emotions - he loves Khushi, he's angry with her that she won't take his word for it that he has nothing to do with Sheetal. From his viewpoint, he's told her the truth, and now he will be normal with Sheetal and Arav.
But what is Khushi to do with all the things that point her in the opposite direction? Have atoot vishwas in Arnav and ignore them all? Anjali did the same with Shyam and look where that got her. Not that Shyam and Arnav are the same .. but just a comparison.
Besides, Arnav HAS let her down many times ... the last time was almost on their wedding day, when he took his time to reach. Granted he had his reasons, in fact he has always had his reasons for letting her down ... his reasons, his emotions ... this time she has her reasons for doubting him, and they are not ones which can be ignored.
Just hope the execution improves ... now the OTT comedy is over, and Khushi's real emotions start surfacing, it should be good ... tough watch but good.
DeleteHope ur kids are safe...our best wishes to them...
Its usually the southern coast that faces the fury...insn't it?
I have family on both sides of the coast and my sis is in NJ...so have been continuously watchin for news!!
DeleteI don't know how the current writers think...but when the story was promoted, i saw a strong possibility of a track that highlights their differences and a conflict/drama arising out of that...in my imagination, i had not expected a cliched OW track in the story to bring that abo
ut..having said that i understand that the writers had to use a cliche becos these two have ben shown to be emotionally very close..so there has to be a valid reason for distance to creep in ..so what better than an off-spring from a past fling...
Khushi's character has been flogged a lot...if it is to give Arnav a perspective, understandable but somewhere it has to be about growth for her too...
I wonder how they will achieve that...I thot one way would be for arnav to get the jolt of his life about the news and since K has been piecing it forever, i wanted her to step in and resolve...it would give some semblance of justification for all the ill-advised tactics she has been using..(SP will love this track..becos the woman again gets to call the shots)
But the thread is highly focussed atm on the perception is reality game...so idk f K will fall into that trap...even that track has major possibilities...as i said i love how it is poised....
I am waiting for ME..i will start watching from tat epi onwards...
btw, i did catch the precap...becos i had not seen San for two days and i wanted to watch her..she aces it with just a glance...how i love her!!
Please do read redwine post today on DC, a wonderful take..
ReplyDeleteShall i make a silly comment here., i am not watching the epi but i am enjoying this track...i hope it doesn't come to bite me later..
I am seeing this track as a path for a confrontation to emerge ...pure and simple....difficult to otherwise engineer in a couple that is so high on emotional closeness...so we need to give a wide berth for creativity in this phase....
If i have understood, why do i not watch?.
When creators sell a story or an idea, it must have the power to help people buy-in to that idea
at the moment, i don't have the confidence in the CVs to sell me a situation where Arnav is out of depth in understanding his wife's legitimate concerns,(becos for me, he could gauge the slightest change in her moods)Its anathema for me to think that
But at the same time, i agree that the situation had to be explosive enuf to bring about a confrontation...
I understand their plight becos they have created a Goliath of expectations with teh ARHI story....so unless they do some out-of-box thinking,few will buy it happily..
I want to see a creatively managed track of which i am seeing some positive signs...lets see where they go...
I have not seen the epi...becos i can't bear to sit thru asinine scenes to get me the real worth of the episode...maybe i am wrong, maybe i should try to sit thru..anyways, thats a thing i will battle with later in my mind
But when i read redwine's perspective, i could sense that somewhere our possessiveness of ARHI is making us probably miss the real intent of the track..though a big cause is the poor execution too....
sorry guys...my old post got posted above again hence it is appearing disjointed...cut it...LOL
DeleteI went through redwine's post and that picture she has put up- ASR,Aarav, Sheetal and K being the outsider...that wasthe last shot- K gets a jolt- a rude awakening, it was so sad to watch.
''they have created a Goliath of expectations with teh ARHI story....so unless they do some out-of-box thinking,few will buy it happily..
Their out of the box thinking makes me want to cry, I really feel for Khushi.
I hope they follow it through...
I remembered you while watching the BB match ad thought you made such a wise decision to not watch. Today was for Brave Hearts, and I am not one of those...but the last part was really worth it. I love Sanaya- she gave two extremes in that BB match. Hats off to her.
My decision is to also to avoid forming opinions that are not actually meant for the viewers, but the characters...in tracks like these, it is difficult to say what is exaggerated for character benefit and what is genuine emotion..no point in getting into a tizzy ..if i were watching , i would have shot out 10 page rant by now and eatin up my everyone's brains...LOL
DeleteGive me a break, 4 Lions.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. Uffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff……………………………….
Hated the BB match. I am really sorry, but K looked like a retard there. There was no need to make her look so silly. Opti, I am remembering your words on Geet turning silly after marriage. Khair, Chhodo….this too shall pass.
1. Loved mami the most today. And she was the least comic today! Which means even she was out of character, WT! (I liked Sanaya’s comedy In the office)
2. Best part was the last part: Khushi turning melancholic! Hey, Devi Maiya, OTT khushi phir nahi lautegi naa…too early to say.
3. Bitwa ne ramanchi kiyaa aaj, Bas! There is no other way of saying what transpired between Sheetal and ASR today- THEY WERE FLIRTING! Very harmless thing to do in Harvard, but when you are married to a girl who does not know the meaning of ‘seeing someone’ you ought to have a little more sensitivity, even if you have the excuse that you are ASR. If you don’t have that sensitivity, you jolly well have to pay for it.
4. I don’t care whether it was bitwa’s fault or not, Shetal wouldn’t be here if it was not for her bright plans…If bitiya cries, BITWA HAS TO PAY. It is as simple as that.
I want him TO FEEL HER PAIN…
I want bitwa to come late on KC, Sheetal to wait up for ASR, bitiya timidly raising the issue of him coming late with a spontaneous comment on Sheetal, which should drive bitwa to the point of resignation and indignation to confirm cruelly that it might be true.
And I want KKG to leave, not in anger…but in pain. Because that is the haunting look she left behind with the last shot today. I FEEL FOR HER.
And bitwa to realize why she left. What drove her to forget his love , how he had fuelled it with his careless words and actions. And I want him to burn in the fire of guilt, anger, fear…
Sorry, KKG’s growth can be another track or that can happen simultaneously with all this.
I am very angry today. First with the CVs for making K do a Sri act (reminded me of Sri in surmai ankhiyon mein) and for lifting a scene word by word from KKHH. But I will forgive them because I really liked San’s comedy in the school- at least there was no embarrassment there.
But I am VERY angry with bitwa for making K give that look- as if she has lost EVERYTHING dear to her…
Back to my senses…they are probably going to give us more OTT. That ‘pair padna’ scene is still there…and God knows what is happening on KC.
Most likely K will faint and Arnav will win some brownie points being the perfect husband.
Sigh…this guy always has it too damn easy. WHY?
DeleteThey are flirting becos the writer has no imagination to make K jealous otherwise.....
Do u now accept why i don't want to watch the epis...i know closing my eyes cannot make the hurt go away but the asinine ideas are too diffi to sit thru....
i wnt to keep my arhi safe atlesast in my imagination...i can't bear its mutilation....that too by its makers....
Actually, rekh.
DeleteRedwine is bang on.
YOu can't really blame him in our part of the world. It was just some harmless catching up between two old friends. But that is not what it will look like to Khushi.
And I feel the track has been building up Khushi to this point. Every minute thing is going to get magnified now for her. He was not rude to her, just slightly brusque. Slightly old ASR-ish? The laa-parvaa type. Because that is his nature. It comes out spontaneously at times, I guess. When I think about it, he flatly refused the tel-maalish. that was firm too. Only there, Khushi was after the hair sample and she did not notice. TODAY, SHE NOTICED.
Is this what you meant by her tipping over?
DeleteK will not go mad, but her mind will start pointing out and exaggerating certain things to her, causing her to fall in to an abyss...
If this is what is happening, I feel it is beautiful.
Sandy and i discussed this as one of the possibilities during the mandap track..
DeleteI have always said this is Asr's story, we thot Khushi is the sutradhar becos we saw her actions and thots explained to us but who will explain the real Khushi to ASR? he has to get it the hard way....
the abyss is possible if this Arav-sheetal mess is a smoke wthout fire...i may favour a track where she goes crazy...in that case
The reason but i have mixed feelings about it..If they had not shown this stupid Khushi and her underhand methods, i would have favoured that track but today i am more in favour of an atoot vishwas track becos that is only way they can redeem this mass butcherisation...
But in any Arnav has no choice, he is goin to burn in his private hell...
I agree with redwine on arnav's reactions. bang on.
Deletetoday, i went straight to the tv.. no LUs, no spoilers, i just steeled my spine,"jo bhi hai, dekhega" and i have to say, khushi deserved every second of that sad expression in the end.
ReplyDeletei have to admit, i fell asleep halfway through yesterday's episode, so dont know the physics of khushi in a peon uniform.. but i loved her charlie chaplinesque antics with the broom and a room full of empty file folders.
last week, khushi fell down in the school corridor, and i made up an explanation.. arnav was not there to catch her.. today when she was about to fall off the stool, aarav caught her!
i am watching with an open mind, i dont see shital as a vamp anymore.. i'll believe that when i see it, so far she has been a stranger.. and wow, she's pretty! no wonder NK is literally falling for her!
aarav is indeed shital's son. that conviction shouts itself from the boy's words. arnav , who had been given a 'forever' promise handshake by aarav, wants to bond with the boy.. but when he hears that SK is BB champ in her son's eyes, he cannot believe it, they have a playful banter about it..
so khushi hears it from arnav himself that he was pretty good at BB. what prompts her to organise a BB match? she wants to manao her HH.
why? because he is mad at her for thinking that he and sheetal made a child.. ODG accepts that aarav is not arnav's son, but after seeing the boy's depressing paintings, she wants to find out and gift him his dad. so she sets out on a "find aarav's dad" mission. check the DNA reports, check the school records.. (ROFL the page got wet,ink spread!) no leads.. so what is next in line? ask shital?
nani, anji and payal.. cheerleaders. raizada men: arnav, akash and aarav(!) women: hot hot shital, maamee and joker. joker who does not even know the game. joker who plays BB in anarkali and runners.
yeah. the CT proved that they did not burn that baniyan yet. lucky baniyan, you see.. first pehalwanpur, then kidnapperland, then KKHH land. NK got a haircut. looking hot. akash.. aww you cutie. arnav, clueless as always, and droolicious. shital, ten points to slytherin, just for being so easy on the eyes.. mami, mm mm good. khushi... freaky. sorry girls, she had too many emotions in one episode. maybe they are intentionally showing her that way, as we all say.. but she couldbe certified insane for the amount of varying emotions flitting across her face. finally, after pushing her husband and his ex-GF togethr with her own hands, now she is feeling left out? like seriously?
the character feels like an an-padh gawar in the middle of the yuppie gen. sorry, after today's episode, i dont feel sorry for khushi.
i reiterate my declaration that IPK-S1 ended at the wedding, this what we see is a cheap imitation.. so i am feeling all OK with this track.
su, i went and read redwine's post. liked it. basically, what R's saying is, khushi feels insecure about her place in the yuppie gen. arnav knows it, but does not know the depth of said insecurity. this goes against my reading of the episode, will wait and watch..
DeleteI absolutely agree Jaya!! The way Khushi has been depicted since the mini suit mix up I'm not feeling any sympathy towards her at all. On the contrary she's kind of annoying...I haven't been able to watch whole episodes - even though I had access to SP I ouldnt make myself sit through the episodes. So I get my espy overview from R&R and then take a call on whether to watch or not.
DeleteAs soon as I read the first comment I was like Head desk- BB to fuel past college romance- really now. BS is not SRK and Gul ain't KJo. Stop trying to copy success when you already have a hit formulae. Really!!
They really need to fix Khushi's character ASAP. Its turning completely idiotic.
Actually Khushi has always been crazy with her ideas about how to fix things....this track has only exaggerated it...and since we have a sophisticated sheetal beside for comparison the difference gets accentuated....
DeleteAs sandy says, she says white lies (reminds of the movie Jhooti starring Rekha, a compulsive liar) all the time, her modes, methods, sanak, were all there.....what the Cvs have done is upped the ante...tuned up the sanak volume......this exaggeration is as much a creative failure as much as as a need to get the point in the track in the going (if there is one)
I can read it the same sanak in these ways
1) Creatives have exaggerated beyond character brief
2) The exaggeration is an indication of her actually goin over the edge becos she now has no ability to think thru her actions in respect of how it looks to the outside world. "shayad tum bahar ki duniya ke liye ajeeb ho")
3)Even in her exaggerated actions, her own innate understanding of not belonging to this world may come about....coupled by the world aiding/abeting it...her world _ Arnav could unintentionally add the fuel to the fire....or it could be her own perception of their non congruent worlds.
At the end, Khushi can go into an abyss or she may withdraw enuf to no longer show care to be part of his world....this seems to be the thread in the narrative..This will be directly proportional to how her own perception of realty is shaped in the comin days...not necessarily the truth.
Dikhayi Diye Yun Ke Bekhud Kiya
hamein Aap Se Bhi Juda Kar Chale
(I feel distant from you even as i am lost in u)...the extent of Khushi's love that she is unable to see the emotional distance even as she is one with him...various ways to see it....the distance creepin in when the attempt is to draw near..bekhudi...
Bahut Arzoo Thi Gali Ki Teri
So Yaas-e-Lahoo Mein Naha Kar Chale
In Khushi's current context i read it as
I always desired to be near u so much so that i am now not separate from u even when i have left u bodily --all desires have submerged, only the love remains
For me all this madness has to reach one of these conclusions....her going out of her mind or her complete withdrawal from her world(her world-arnav)....the song i quoted has been roaming in my head for a while, i said this earlier too..
THis is ofc dependant on two things...how does the reality (or perception) build itself in front of her....in the form of arnav's withdrawal from her and/or how aarav's link to arnav is established.
If arnav remains clueless about her plight and indeed there is no smoke without fire...i hope it reaches this stage for Khushi. I say this Khushi will never reveal her state of mind to anyone consciously...Arnav will know only thru her withdrawal/tipping over the edge
However, if indeed there is a fire,(even if it lagayi hui) i would rather Arnav get the jolt of his life surrendering his moral high round in this situation...becos he has been out-of-depth in understanding his wife...
DeleteI am thinking if either of them is at fault?
YOu can argue it from both their POVs. (The 'whose side are you on' kosten again!)
Like, I started out defending KKG and blaming Arnav, but ended up understanding bitwa also.This is a similar thing I found with Anjali also(not going into details).
The dynamics of K's perception- it changes with every small situation. OK you can say she is at fault, invited this on herself.
1. But did she not have faith in him when she invited Sheetal to stay over? She knew the Sheetal who adjusted the collar for Arnavji was just a figment of her imagination. She wanted to solve the mystery of asr- ASR connection and it started out just as that.
2. Even when she ordered the DNA test, she was only trying to connect the past, Sheetal was never a visible threat to her present.
3. When she tore up the test, she re-iterated her faith in him.
4. When she saw Aarav's painting, she wanted to help the poor boy find his father, believing it was not ASR.
5. Then she read the diary- against DM's wishes...that was the one wrong step she took again, which roused her shak, still on a PAST connection. I cannot blame her here, because yes that decision she took in that millisecond was wrong (OK, it was more than that.)- but does she deserve so great a punishment for reading someone else's diary?
6. THe K I saw yesterday in that last shot has lost EVERYTHING in that one game.
I know I cannot blame Arnav, IT IS JUST THE DIFFERENCE IN THEIR WORLDS...he has adjusted to hers easily, she has not.
And this was a huge demand on her, NOTHING like what he had to go through, irrespective of whether it was only in her mind or not.
And in a way this is also a test of whether he can truly empathise with her and understand why she felt the way she did.
ASR pulling K out of the cupboard: She hits her head the first time, the second tine he shields her. So even if he reacts in anger (or may be that is the DNA test scene), he will come around soon, I believe.
I will never call K a silly girl, however Sheetal turns out. There was enough proof to make her suspicious, there was so much spoken by others...any wife would suspect her husband with this amount of evidence.
After all, even we as viewers suspect Aarav could be his son!
Deleteexactly, there was enuf proof for her to suspicious..NO DOUBTS there...how she went about it is another matter...
I don't know if i can present my POV clearly here but i will try...
If they make this a track of Khushi having a bee in her bonnet...and then pulling her up about her it, it will not be a far one to her, despite all her shenanigans....becos i have said this before too, u can't lay a trap and then say, hey u got caught in it" So, even if the whole world says Khushi u have to leave well enuf alone, i will still say K, i can understand ur concerns....
That is why i have been saying Arnav's perspective in the story has to emerge...there are always two sides to a point in argument(if we call it that)
So, if this is a scenario of bee-in-the-bonnet, i would rather have K in a dazed state, so that Arnav atleast understands the scenario is big enuf for her to set off on this paranoia, that there are better ways to handle such situations being the underscoring point or he atleast gets some pointers to why she is so persistent with such things...
what i suspect tho is it might be exactly the opposite...Arnav will shout and Khushi will whatever.....some RVs/angry-young man and hot head ka pull push grab....
well, its not my story anyways...just putting a train of thot
I am seeing two things here...
I am making them converge..presuming that they are not parallel tracks
1)Khushi is highly insecure..settin off an path of self-destruction, whether of her own makin or circumstances which her immediate environment is unaware of.
2)There is a time bomb in the name of Aarav-Sheetal that is ticking away slowly and steadily...
I AGREE!!!! :)))
DeleteAgree with Jaya and Gargi that the Khushi they have been showing the last few episodes has been little short of annoying ... and sometimes not short at all.
But like Su says, there are two sides to every coin. I can see Khushi's irritating behaviour because it's so 'in your face' ... but I also see a husband who is clueless about his wife.
Quite understandable ... most men are pretty clueless about the convoluted emotional thought processes of women, and when a man is as straightforward as Arnav, even more so ... but when a man has been through so much to get his wife, has been shown to understand her feelings, shouldn't he spend a little more time trying to fathom her motives? She's gotten a DNA test done for heavens' sake, not a blood group match! Shouldn't he probe her why she went so far? And try to think himself what could have pushed her?
And I agree completely with Rekha ... if they show in the end that all this was in Khushi's imagination, I will cheated as a viewer ... what was the point the cv's were making then? That Khushi is so unstable that any little smoke can start off a violent fire in her life? So Arnav has admitted to about ten past girlfriends ... will she react as violently when any one of them show up? If you look at Khushi's actions under all the craziness, they are very logical ...
she is ascertaining the time frame when Arnav and Sheetal were together, she is asking simple logical questions - Why are Arav's initials ASR when his mother is SK, it is Arnav's family who is pointing out the resemblances, they are not only all a product of her own imagination ...
And the cv's are adding to the mystery by making Sheetal snoop around near Arhi's bedroom, give that strange expression at the DNA test, not approach either Khushi or Arnav to clear matters ...
After all this, if Sheetal is shown to be pure white, and have no ulterior motives for the way Arav is, it will be major ramanchi with the audience.
ReplyDeleteWatched QH.
What is wrong with 4 lions? Have they hit the rock bottom?
Seriously, there were so many blooperes in the second episode, I preferred yesterday's IPK.
The omnipresent gusht of wind there also, only it is like a tornado twirling the heroine three times around!
The cast, except for KKG and the heroine and one of the cousin sisters (one pretty girl wearing a green salwar- actually I liked her the best, nore than KSG also), NO ONE impressed me.
The younger bro does not know how to act. He was hilarious in the hospital, does not help his dialogues sucked too.
(Big bro got stabbed and lying in hospital, and he whines, "yeh sab mere waje se hua na doctor...maine bhai ko phone nahi kiya hota to...Give me a break again. He talked like a girl!)
The scenes look so forced, it stares at you. The mother rushing in, younger bro on the look out for the mysterious beautiful girl, bros fighting the goons...forget that it was all cliched...if only it had been done with more finesse!
I am pleasantly surprised.
First of all, there was not much hype around QH, compared to how IPK had started.
On top of that the cast is not up to the usual 4 lions' mark- Arjun has a better cast.
And the creative team is definitely not the same as IPK, so it does not look like they shifted their best to QH. May be Gul is just oiling her directorial skills...it will get better.
On the whole, QH might go on to become the best serial in Zee, it is def better than PV (exception again being the cast- WT again! But the leads will manage to hold it together)- but it is never going to be a competition for IPK- THANK YOU, 4 Lions.
Barun and Sanaya ROCK!
I saw a trailer, o some other channel. seriously, i liked when thy posted KSG's pic on fb.. but seeing him, omg i cannot watch that actor!! sorry to judge by appearances, but men with big eyes freak me out. gurmeet i have made my peace with as maan, (i think that's because he has a beard, too) but in PV i could not stomach him. same with ksg.. sorry to any fans out there, but my personal preference.. wont be watching QH.
Deletesu, thanks for the update. cliches from the beginning? thanks for the warning :D
Deletei can always join the gripe on KSG....pata nahin kyun, use dekhte hi i have the urge to say "Stop puckering up ur lips, not everyone is dyin to give u a kiss"
heard that he is a decent actor...no idea at all...but his acting on JD was really gud tho *wink*...(he managed to convince his then-wife)
Glad to see like-minded souls here ... I watched the first episode and was completely UNIMPRESSED! Amateurish writing, amateurish acting ... the girl is passable - barely! The younger brother is OTT and hamming. KSG was the most restrained of the lot. The supporting cast is quite bad uniformly. Nothing which appealed. let alone was arresting.
DeleteOn the other hand, people - WATCH VEERA!!!! I was cribbing just a couple of days ago about the lack of good child characters and actors on TV - the little boy in Veera is just adorable and so REAL!!! Saw the second episode this evening and I am hooked! And the good thing is the show is written by the writer of Balika Vadhu, so hopefully the characters will stay true to type. Plus it doesn't have the over-dressed over-jewelled characters of BV, it's got very sweet simple relatable characters. I LIKED!!!
Hi5 Dia,
DeleteI watched that boy in Veera..he is what u call a born actor.....he has that "chamak" in his eyes, i have been following the promos with interest...
I think i am in love with him already, my kiddo and i went gaga over him when he tried to shut the little kid's ears over the noise; totally totally adorable...i don't know if i can continue watching becos of the timins too late, i wonder why its such a late show considerin there are kids on the show..but lets see..what i have seen i have liked..
Btw the mother and father on the show are decent actors
DeleteMother , i have seen some snatches of her in some show on NDTV imagine long ago and th fathr is Sudhanshu Pandey, emotes with ease not bad....i like him...
So it is a Purnendu Shekhar thing..gud..I liked Astitva a lot, gave Saat pheres and BV a miss (not my kind of shows) and Jyoti, i saw bits and pieces of it...in fact the mother here is from that show...i was just wondering where i had seen her...just placed her....
DeleteThats a gud thing....but i wonder what the theme is.... haven't read anything abt it....otherwise the moment the kid grows, i will lose interest....
Hugs, Dia.
DeleteI loved Veera too.
It is from BV's writer? EXCELLENT! I believe BV is the best written show airing curently- if I happen to start watching an epi, usually I don't get the itch to reach for the remote.
SP has bagged one GOOD show for sure.
I loved the parents also, and the romance between the couple was so sweet and real. Beautiful!
I thought it will be difficult for it to come through in the 10.30 slot with PV, BALH and Parichay.
Looks like I was wrong, Veera is going to give all of them a run for their money!
THIS is the IPK and khushi I fell in love with -
please give this back to me.. NOT the charlie chaplin caricature of khushi I'm watching these days...neither the KKHH replica.. :(
madsie.. ((HUGS))
Deletei saw that and almost cried.
the death of a dream..
well, i have accepted that the serial ended with the scene where arnav says "i'm not so hurt that i cannot lift my wife".
the rest, fanfiction. poorly made, at that. my heart goes out to the actors.
Wow Hayeeee....J.....that should have been the end really we would have all died and gone to heaven...
DeleteHope all safe in the path of the Nilam cyclone!! stay safe...take care
ReplyDeleteAND NOW: