Wednesday 24th Oct '12
Doc repeats the diabetes report ... Khushi asks Sheetal whether she or Aarav's dad have diabetes, Sheetal avoids the question about the dad. If Sheetal was trying to make Khushi suspicious, she couldn't have done a better job!
Next person to notice the Arnav-Aarav resemblance - Akash.
Khushi trying to decide whether or not to invite Sheetal ... cute! And the family loses no time in seconding her.
It seems that Arnav and Khushi are the only two people who have the right to decide who comes to stay in RM ... the rest of the family jumps in only once either of the two give the nod. First Shyam, and now Sheetal.
Loved the way Khushi got upset with Nani for remarking on the resemblance again ... here she was trying to be good and selfless, and there Nani goes upsetting her again!
Loved the way Arnav was actually angry with Khushi for inviting Sheetal. And that set up a really cute scene ...
Poolside interrogation ... damn cute!!! Uske baad? Uske baad? Uske baad?
Arnav Singh Raizada, if you didn't figure out what your wife was getting at, you are officially declared DUMB!!!! But it was a hilarious scene ... Barun-Sanaya at their best! And loved that last 'Crazy woman!'
Khushi's new thinking spot - the cupboard. Arnav's amused understanding when he sees her ... cute!
The new Kamlesh Khabri is better than the old one. But the Khushi-Khabri scenes are still OTT. Fortunately confined to barely 2-3 minutes, hope we don't get more than that.
And we probably won't ... as NK tells Khushi about DNA testing ... in Sheetal's hearing.
Quick edit - just adding points in each scene.
Doctor's report ... Sheetal has something to hide about Aarav's father, and she's not making any attempt to hide the fact that she has something to hide
Adult diabetes isn't that uncommon an illness, it's juvenile diabetes that is less common. But Sheetal goes all silent and pareshan, and makes a very obvious change of topic. Like I said, if she was trying to make Khushi suspicious, she couldn't have done a better job! 
Don't know whether the actress is bad or she has been told to have that enigmatic (read blank) look on her face the whole time.
Arnav Aarav watching football ... they should have had Akash there too ... all men look the same when watching sports
Instead Akash gets one inane line to say, joining the rest of the R clan in their chant ... how much Aarav resembles Arnav! *head desk*
The way Aarav was imitating Arnav was rather sweet, more than inherited way of watching football ... hey bhagwan, talk about being UNsubtle!!! ... if it had been shown how Aarav is totally taken with this new male figure in his life, something he has been missing out on ... and so is trying to imitate him all the time.
Liked the way Arnav smiles instantly on seeing Khushi, then realises she is worried, so is Sheetal ...
Khushi seemed far more worried and upset about Aarav having diabetes than Sheetal was. And what was that brave declaration from Sheetal about ... 'I will manage the way I've managed all along ... I am a single mother.' Fishing for sympathy? Yes, of course.
SN - Yes, I'm biased
The conversation between sweet natured selfless Khushi worried about a sick child and his homeless mother, and jealous wife Khushi ki bachhi - too cute!!! And sweet natured Khushi wins, although jealous wife Khushi gets in a word edgewise - this will help her ferret out the truth of Aarav's father.
Loved how Arnav was absolutely fuming mad with his wife for inviting Sheetal, knowing she was already disturbed about Sheetal, and that she was trying her best to hide it. He loves Khushi, he doesn't want even the slightest chance of any more MU's coming up between tem, he knows he was jealous of NK, and he doesn't want Khushi to feel jealous or insecure about Sheetal. Sheetal could stay in a hotel anywhere as far as he was concerned, much more important was that Khushi be comfortable.
But he also saw the tender hearted Khushi, who's generous to a fault, who felt so bad for Aarav's diabetes, that she overcame the misgivings of the disturbed wife ... her selflessness gets her into a lot of trouble, mostly for herself, but that's the Khushi he knows and loves.
And loved the entire poolside exchange - Barun and Sanaya are so good at the quick witted rapid fire conversations ... Arnav's 'And why do you want to know what I do on a date?' was epic!
Buddy, because you've never taken her on a date yourself, remember?!
Though I really wonder - did Arnav really not understand what Khushi was getting at ... she made it pretty clear what she was asking about. Uske baad, uske baad ... what did you do when you were both alone? How much more clearly could she have spelled it out?!
Or maybe he felt that his bholi bhaali innocent biwi couldn't dream about premarital sex ... hello, what happened at the farmhouse then?!
And the jalebi innuendo was classic!
Or has Arnav slept with Sheetal? And he knew what Khushi was asking, he knew she was already very disturbed about Sheetal, so he avoided the answer? Not realising Khushi isn't worried about Sheetal as much as she is about Aarav. And he must have been careful in college if he did have affairs, so he didn't make the Aarav connection.
I would go with the second, because Khushi is getting so hyper that the truth of what she is asking is going to emerge very soon, and Khushi will believe Arnav over a DNA test any day. So he has to have slept with Sheetal at least once. But also depends on how Sheetal is going to play this ... will it stay between Sheetal and Khushi for now? And is she really as innocent as she seems so far ... or is she going to turn grey?
Kamlesh Khabri appears again ... my least favorite character on the show ... and with him, OTT Khushi ... so all I can say is, am glad he is apparently going to be short-lived, as NK is already into the act in the precap.
Addendum - RIP Jaspal Bhatti ... really sad to hear about his untimely death. Have watched so many movies of his, and his TV shows Ulta Pulta and Flop Show were favorites for my hubby and me. Always ready to poke fun at the establishment, his satire filled shows were great fun to watch.
Doc repeats the diabetes report ... Khushi asks Sheetal whether she or Aarav's dad have diabetes, Sheetal avoids the question about the dad. If Sheetal was trying to make Khushi suspicious, she couldn't have done a better job!
Next person to notice the Arnav-Aarav resemblance - Akash.
Khushi trying to decide whether or not to invite Sheetal ... cute! And the family loses no time in seconding her.
It seems that Arnav and Khushi are the only two people who have the right to decide who comes to stay in RM ... the rest of the family jumps in only once either of the two give the nod. First Shyam, and now Sheetal.
Loved the way Khushi got upset with Nani for remarking on the resemblance again ... here she was trying to be good and selfless, and there Nani goes upsetting her again!
Loved the way Arnav was actually angry with Khushi for inviting Sheetal. And that set up a really cute scene ...
Poolside interrogation ... damn cute!!! Uske baad? Uske baad? Uske baad?
Arnav Singh Raizada, if you didn't figure out what your wife was getting at, you are officially declared DUMB!!!! But it was a hilarious scene ... Barun-Sanaya at their best! And loved that last 'Crazy woman!'
Khushi's new thinking spot - the cupboard. Arnav's amused understanding when he sees her ... cute!
The new Kamlesh Khabri is better than the old one. But the Khushi-Khabri scenes are still OTT. Fortunately confined to barely 2-3 minutes, hope we don't get more than that.
And we probably won't ... as NK tells Khushi about DNA testing ... in Sheetal's hearing.
Quick edit - just adding points in each scene.
Doctor's report ... Sheetal has something to hide about Aarav's father, and she's not making any attempt to hide the fact that she has something to hide
Don't know whether the actress is bad or she has been told to have that enigmatic (read blank) look on her face the whole time.
Arnav Aarav watching football ... they should have had Akash there too ... all men look the same when watching sports
The way Aarav was imitating Arnav was rather sweet, more than inherited way of watching football ... hey bhagwan, talk about being UNsubtle!!! ... if it had been shown how Aarav is totally taken with this new male figure in his life, something he has been missing out on ... and so is trying to imitate him all the time.
Liked the way Arnav smiles instantly on seeing Khushi, then realises she is worried, so is Sheetal ...
Khushi seemed far more worried and upset about Aarav having diabetes than Sheetal was. And what was that brave declaration from Sheetal about ... 'I will manage the way I've managed all along ... I am a single mother.' Fishing for sympathy? Yes, of course.
SN - Yes, I'm biased
The conversation between sweet natured selfless Khushi worried about a sick child and his homeless mother, and jealous wife Khushi ki bachhi - too cute!!! And sweet natured Khushi wins, although jealous wife Khushi gets in a word edgewise - this will help her ferret out the truth of Aarav's father.
Loved how Arnav was absolutely fuming mad with his wife for inviting Sheetal, knowing she was already disturbed about Sheetal, and that she was trying her best to hide it. He loves Khushi, he doesn't want even the slightest chance of any more MU's coming up between tem, he knows he was jealous of NK, and he doesn't want Khushi to feel jealous or insecure about Sheetal. Sheetal could stay in a hotel anywhere as far as he was concerned, much more important was that Khushi be comfortable.
But he also saw the tender hearted Khushi, who's generous to a fault, who felt so bad for Aarav's diabetes, that she overcame the misgivings of the disturbed wife ... her selflessness gets her into a lot of trouble, mostly for herself, but that's the Khushi he knows and loves.
And loved the entire poolside exchange - Barun and Sanaya are so good at the quick witted rapid fire conversations ... Arnav's 'And why do you want to know what I do on a date?' was epic!
Buddy, because you've never taken her on a date yourself, remember?!
Though I really wonder - did Arnav really not understand what Khushi was getting at ... she made it pretty clear what she was asking about. Uske baad, uske baad ... what did you do when you were both alone? How much more clearly could she have spelled it out?!
Or maybe he felt that his bholi bhaali innocent biwi couldn't dream about premarital sex ... hello, what happened at the farmhouse then?!
And the jalebi innuendo was classic!
Or has Arnav slept with Sheetal? And he knew what Khushi was asking, he knew she was already very disturbed about Sheetal, so he avoided the answer? Not realising Khushi isn't worried about Sheetal as much as she is about Aarav. And he must have been careful in college if he did have affairs, so he didn't make the Aarav connection.
I would go with the second, because Khushi is getting so hyper that the truth of what she is asking is going to emerge very soon, and Khushi will believe Arnav over a DNA test any day. So he has to have slept with Sheetal at least once. But also depends on how Sheetal is going to play this ... will it stay between Sheetal and Khushi for now? And is she really as innocent as she seems so far ... or is she going to turn grey?
Kamlesh Khabri appears again ... my least favorite character on the show ... and with him, OTT Khushi ... so all I can say is, am glad he is apparently going to be short-lived, as NK is already into the act in the precap.
Addendum - RIP Jaspal Bhatti ... really sad to hear about his untimely death. Have watched so many movies of his, and his TV shows Ulta Pulta and Flop Show were favorites for my hubby and me. Always ready to poke fun at the establishment, his satire filled shows were great fun to watch.
soo.. does that count as granting my shiddat request of white shirt and jeans combo? NO. but was he deelicious? yes. yes. yes.
ReplyDeleteoh.. the episode..
ReplyDeletekhushi: shital, do you have diabetes? "no." does aarav's dad have diabetes? "uh! look at the time! i'm coming to RM with you!"
khushi: "you can stay with us.. aarav needs home food and good care while you work.." noonono.. "we'll extract payment by making aarav sweep n mop the mansion" aarav shocked. awww
akash: sitting there, they look like senior and junior! thunderclap in khushi's mind.
khushi: arnavji, what all did you do when you were dating shital? "went to movies, walks" then? " went to restaurants sometimes" then? "dropped her back home!" then? "what the hell is wrong with you khushi?" but arnavjee "what?" lets go eat jalebis! "aww my crazy beewee" hug
Pls pls give sequential update:-( cable is cut:-(
ReplyDeletehaila! me and sequential update? where is shwethu when we need her?
DeleteJ pls!! Any small update will also do:-)
Deletecopy pasting the liveupdate, (with minor edits by me)
DeleteThe show begins with doc handing medicine for Aaray to Sheetal while Khushi is lost in her own suspicion. Flashback of what Manorama said and Doc saying daibetis is heriditery.
After they come out of doc Khushi ask Sheetal does she or Arrav's father has daibetis ? Sheetal feels akward and she doesn't answer. Sheetal says she should go to house and get Aarav back.
Arrav and Arnav is watcing the football game, doing the Judwaa thing again. Anjali and Akash sees them and says doesn't they look like Son-Father.
Khushi and Sheetal reaches home. Khushi tells Arrav has daibetis to everyone. Everyone is sad. Sheetal tells Arrav to bring bag to leave. Suddenly Sheetal's mobile rings. The landlord says Sheetal he wont be able to hand keys of new apartment today. Sheetal now has no place to stay.
in her head, khushi1 is fighting with khushi2.. finally khushi 3 intervenes. she ask Sheetal to stay there. Sheetal first refuses, then when whole family insists she agrees .. she leaves to bring her luggage from hotel.
Arnav scolds Khushi why she asked Sheetal to stay. He expalins S was his will be awkward for K. .He goes to poolside. Khushi follows him and tries to ask DID he and Sheetal ever... got intimate but cannot ask ... after asking here and there questions.
Khushi finds a perfect place to think properly. So she hides inside cupboard to think. All flashback of events where everything pointing Arnav is Aarav's father. Arnav searches for Khushi and finally finds she is inside cupboard as she is talking to herself. arnav knocks on the glass.. (cute scene)Khushi says wait.. then opens door, he asks what are you doing? i am cleaning cupboard... Arnav tells her we have many people here paid to do that, come out. Khusi tells she will go to clean kitchen. arnav holds her, sits her down on the bed, gives her the tv remote. Arnav tells her to watch tv and goes out.
She watches TV where kamlesh khabri tells her how to know hidden secrets of your husband. Khushi is glued ... to VASHIKARAN technique which KK is going to teach her. how to make anyone tell all those hidden secrets...
NK tells Khushi ... in today's time there is so many technology to find out father of the child. He says DNA test which can be done just with HAIR of child and parent. shital has some peculiar expression.
G, speak up....are there any hints in the epi that will decide the tears are going be gham ke ya Khushi ke aansoo for us?tells tells....*Hugs*
Deletelet me help... i'll try to give a gist minus analysis k?
Deletekhushi asks sheetal if she has diabetes. she says no, first then khushi asks whether asr's dad has it, she fumbles and then says look at the time we need to go home and pick up aarav.
at home ASR and asr watching football. family gathers to appreciate again how very alike they are, this time akash does the honours. sheetal gets a call and like jaya said y'day her house owne says key is not ready. khushi has an internal debate she reminds herself that ASR bonds with asr not sheetal and on the basis of insaaniyath she invites sheetal to stay with them ASR not happy. sheetal admits she is a single mother aso that as has diabetes. the entire family coaxes her to stay, citing aarav's health. sheetal still manages to weave out of it. nani makes ASR invite her. he is evidently not pleased with the arrangement but invites her. now sheetal agrees to move in with them.
arnav angry with khushi, what was the need for that? he asks khushi. khushi a bit confused. i was only trying to help her. arnav says it makes no difference if she stays in a hotel for another couple of days. she is his ex and it makes evrything all the more awkward.
khushi then tie to probe him about him and sheetal. did they ever thought about mariage phere bachche. he says he never blvd in any of them before her. what do they do during their dates etc etc. arnav loses his temper. what exactly do you want to know? he asks exasperately. she stutters you and he alone... alone what? he asks. do you eat jalebhis alone? she bluts. and he says eve so cutely, no that is reserved only for you.
khushi hides inside a cupboard for some alone thinking time. he's got to find a way to get the tuth abt the physical intimacy betn arnav and sheetal. arnav find her thee and brings her out, makes her sit down and watch tv, and leaves her... WT*??
she watches her fav kamlesh khabri show... he talks about hypnotysing ppl to get the truth. thats what she is pobably gonna try nxt.
precap: nk talks about DNA tests and their simplicity. khushi brain goes into overdrive. sheetal looks uncomfortably at khushi
how opportune for all these things to come up in IPK i wish for such hints in AD?
DeleteRekhs my cable is down so waiting to watch online...
DeleteAs for hints... I've sworn off spoilers and have told **** that I just don't want to know anything bout future track it and off screen gossip - trying to avoid:-)
More fun that way...:-)
Deletespoiler ban is on in R&R was just kidding...actually i wish we never had spoilers from fe onwards...maybe this show could have been became a victim of its own popularity....
Arnav tells Khushi there are people in RM to do the cleaning ... what I want to know is ... WHERE ARE THEY??? Do episodes se HP bhi gayab hai!!! Do they employ house elves nowadays?
DeleteGargi, we've banned off screen news and spoilers here too ... makes the show much better. Abhi the only two options are - is Aarav Arnav's son or is he not ... bas!
PS - so don't tempt us!!! :)))
there are the gnomes or rather elves like in the shoemaker story u know....
DeleteHehehe no worries Dia am absolutely not discussing IPK except for on R&R
DeletePersonally I think both tracks could be awesome ... If he turns put to be Arnav's kid and there is an exit strategy for the mum- unfortunately untimely death is the only thing that works for the story and we get a track of Arnav trying to reconcile to this and getting Khushi back and accepting this and then eventually the track of them trying to get used to aarav....
Though I'd much prefer it turn out to be nothing and we move onto fun tracks:-) such as Akash and Payal drama and NK and Anji both finding someone!! And Arhi playing Cupid for them...
ugh..last time we got kamlesh khabri, we got OTT suicide track... not this time, too!
bitwa looked extra yummilicious today....
ReplyDeleteaki u idiot u get one line to say and all u say is junior wonder we never give u any lines...bhai ke age bhi kuch socho, there is world beyond bhai...junior or senior...
BG kahan ho aap? given up on ipk? don't give up on us...
the raizada family totally useless family.kuch kaam ke wonder K has to shut out these silly ladies...
Just realised there are these magical gnomes who clean the RM and we thot HP was an overworked household help...che che sorry for MUing u, RM folks..
In for a suicide 360...i don't think so....
can't still decide on sheetal....she looks fishy and so she is isn't does that make sense?
and becos everyone is saying arav is arnav's son, he is...does that make sense?
my heart is ready to break for khushi....there is only heartbreak ahead whichever way i look at it...aiyoo please make my tears go away....
so true rekha.. whenever we see him shaven after that yucky beard, all the other complaints disappear.. today he was angry , he was happy, he was extra caring towards khushi.. perfect guy.
Deleteraizada family.. the way they all congregated at the lounge when it was time for their dialogues! too silly.
akash does seem like the hardworking big brother, who does not have time to drink a glass of water, while his brother spends time watching football matches and chilling out with juniors.
i love barun sobti with vishesh bansal. bol diya.
yeah poor akash. he never gets to work from home and romance his biwi... btw are they leaving the show or not?
Deleteand arnav, is he realy that slow? he really didnt know what khushi was trying to ask? their telepathy needs some major updation yaar...
wondered about that...actually two ways to look at it...
Deleteeither he does not want to talk about his activities to spare her feelings
or there is really nothing to talk about....(all work and no play make asr )
50% chance
Look i have covered probability well hain na? thats how CVs also do it...remember remarriage, will he...won't he? He will he won't...
ha ha :D good point!
DeleteHonestly, i see no reason to suspect that the boy is trained...they haven't focused on his exp a lot but he does seem relaxed so i don't think he is being trained at whatever secret is with sheetal only....this is not going the bubbly way for sure. tho the bit he came form us and does not have an american that oversight or this boy is diff/
DeleteOne thing i don't understand about sheetal but ofc it can be put to her reserved nature too...
she appears to have an inkling about Khushi's suspicions considering she went to great lengths to lie about the nature of her friendship to Khushi at the i wonder why she is not dispelling the doubt in her own subtle way...either i can all her just plain reserved...doesn't want to get into the space of married couple and their issues by sounding patronising to K or she doesn't want to talk about it or wants to create an impression of that....mysterious girl....
Rekha, hi5 ... you said gnomes, I said house elves ...
DeleteSheetal, yes, she is mysterious ... is she trying to make Khushi suspicious or is she trying to hide something and just doing a very bad job? Today am re-thinking again ... the actress is quite bad, and has a deadpan face, so can't make out much. Maybe that's what she's supposed to be!
Ah, and they just came from the US, were living in a hotel ... so what exactly were they doing in a sabzi mandi? Shopping for the hotel kitchen? Considering Sheetal ma doesn't even cook enough to give her kid breakfast in the morning?!
Deletethe only hope for ARHI in the story is if she turns the moment, i am not seeing enuf signs of her being negative and that worries me....they are subtle points but atm more in her favour than against her....irrespective of the points being stacked up every day...
Now only if the opti scenario had to play out there is some hope..can we dare hope
yes the moment not enuf signs of her being negative but i feel Dna test must reveal something...from precap sheetal knows what khushi is thinking and that means sheetal knows khushi is doubtful about aarav being arnav's son...lets see if she tries to deepen that doubt or she tries to erase it completely...
DeleteWhen Khushi said that they should stay at RM because of Aarav's health and Sheetal replied something like yea, his health is a concern; I did not like it. That makes me feel like she did it on purpose so that she is coaxed into staying there.
DeleteRekha, agree with you ... there are not enough signs of Sheetal being negative as of now. I think the explosion will come after the DNA test. Last time Kamlesh Khabri was there, it was the OTT suicide drama and it ended with a big bang. This time he's not around for too long hopefully ... NK is already in the act with his DNA test, so I think the big bang is coming next week.
DeleteRekha, just re-read your above comment - why is Sheetal not dispelling Khushi's fears herself if she is really not planning to disrupt their lives. She did in a way, by playing down the friendship between herself and Arnav, telling Anjali they were just in one class together, she hasn't told Khushi they were bf/gf, it's Arnav who told Khushi ...
DeleteSo take it that Sheetal doesn't know Khushi knows that she and Arnav has a fling, and Aarav is actually Arnav's son, she's trying to hide it, then is her behaviour normal? I think it could be.
So thus far, I would say the cv's have managed to keep things on track ... it could be either way - Aarav is Arnav's son and Sheetal is trying to hide it, and not doing a very good job,
Aarav is NOT Arnav's son, and Sheetal is trying to make Khushi think he is, in which case she IS doing a good job.
Exactly.....dia....something tells me more and more and I have to thank Su for this....she said sheetal is a prop....i called the boy a catalyst...I will say even sheetal will be a catalyst....but their presence will bring change/learning in the lives of arnav and Khushi....
DeleteOk i give up all hope for this track!! Kamlesh Khabri makes a comeback!!! :( :(
ReplyDeleteyeah ott track that was...but the outcome was good - hate marriage secret revealed...
Deletehate marriage secret revealed.. hmm.
Deletewhat secret can this track reveal?
what can it reveal?? ASR had girl friends before La? well i kind of expected that..
Deletethat he is a man of integrity and would not have abandoned a child he knew about? we know that too and would not accept anything less from him!!
that shyam is somehow connected to all this?? we have explored that option too!!
Khushi growing up? how??
Pata nahi yaar..i saw that TV guy and went are back!!
pta nahi kyun - not able to post since last two comments getting lost somewhere...trying again...
ReplyDeleteis Arnav really not getting the point...??what khushi is trying to ask is one thing(their physical relationship) and what she might be thinking(asr is ASR's son)is second thing...both are crystal clear then why Arnav is behaving like a dumb person...???
why point Arnav only...actually the whole RM family is behaving like that...all the members are repeating the same thing in so many words time and they really not understand how it might effect khushi...okay they dnt knw about'Arnav Sheetal seeing each other thing'...but still they knw they were classmates...???and with all those pointers Arnav is not getting the point...??
and to CVs...samajh aa gya bahi asr and ASR are same in every way possible...ab aage bado...i mean 'toast and juice' and 'football match' was too much...
good that Arnav reveals his jealousy whenever khushi-nk are or were together...some relief to poor khushi...she is already breaking and i am already feeling sad for her...abhi to kahani shuru hui hai...this sheetal stay at RM is definitely going to turn fun/comedy in this track to all seriousness...
day before yesterday Arnav talks to khushi about his and sheetal past and all his gf list...rabba vey that followed looks one sided only...Arnav's mind was somewhere else - why and where??...was it put deliberately for some more bheja fry of fans...??same day Arnav said "khushi make me realize love...tumhare aane se pehle mujhe pta bhi nai tha ki pyaar kya hota hai" now they cant show him leaving khushi for sheetal - or will they show him realizing ki jo sheetal ke saath that wo love tha...
last thing...forget the spoilers and track looks good..hope it ends up making Arhi bond stronger and not breaking it...
Gargi do update us if u get any news...
hey DM raksha krna...khushi ka heartbreak nahi dekha jaayega...
oops...just read no spoilers post from Gargi and Dia...sorry... more thing...thank god khushi wore that green-red combination again...i was wondering why good dresses for khushi only for 2 minutes...and then choo mantar...
yipee...dono comments post ho gye...!!!
DeleteGood Episode. Did indian telly just show a
ReplyDeleteconversation between hubby wify about physical relationship?! Wow!!! Not that they got there but they did talk about the ex-relationship.
"mein ne jalebi sirf tumhare saath khayi hai, crazy woman" fultoo MIG. ArHi ka pyaar jalebiyana ...rofl
It was good to see ASR furious about having his ex-GF at his home and moreover his wife deciding for it but he did not guess after so many "kya" that what is "kya". ASR is dumb. Bas.
Loved Khushis monologue after Nanis comment. She is not happy about everyone doting over Arav. Good. "khushi ki bacchi jab "meant nothing" meant sab kuch jayega tab pata chalega" awww poor girl. She is one strong person. Sabse anokhi.
Cupboard scene was cute. ASR is such a jhoota. Bohot sare naukar chakar hain ... Humein toh nahi dikhte :P Oh he smile so sweetly on hearing biwi say "aap kitne acche hain" haayyeeee!! He looked yummy today.
I love love love Chotu. Ma baccha *hugs*
i know sama - chotu ASR is really cute - and somehow he really does look like ASR !
Deletema bacha ko maine ab tak door rakha very clear....heart open karungi toh aa jayega phir mera bacha khushi kahan i am very clinical atm...heart of steel....meanie i am that way!!
Deletelekin tu teacher hain,main tera dil samajhthi hoon...
On a serious note, i am more concerned about how they use the kid, a hint of misuse of this baby...i am going to RANT like never before....uske emotions se mat khelo...simple...woh smart bachha hain..he has been strong in his life till now ..let his spirit remain the same
Oh I liked the ASR(s) watching footbal scene yday. The kid seems to be loosening up. Becoming a kid :)
DeleteNice bonding there.
Am with Rekha here ... my first sympathies with Arshi. If the bachha doesn't threaten their lives, I will like him, not otherwise.
DeleteBas, Bol Diya. :)))
Sandy, from your comment, I wonder whether Arav is part of the plan unknowingly - meaning, he has been trained but he doesn't know why ... he finds out why halfway through and refuses to cooperate? Because he genuinely gets fond of Arnav.
Ok i may be back by ASR's side defending him again - but i don't think he did not understand what odg was trying to say - the "i can do that only with you.." was in a way exactly the answer she was looking for (of course the CT will change as they deem fit depending on what they need to do to twist the story given their staff concerns!) - but as far as teh story goes - i truly felt he got what she was saying and he responded accordingly
ReplyDeleteAnd secondly - if even after finding out that the kid has diabetes - ASR did not even for a fraction of a sec pause to think of him as his kid - ASR (J) is not ASR's kid - for he really did nothing with Sheetal that would warrant that thought!
(unless Sheetal and ASR had a drunken encounter which ASR remembers nothing of!) - if it were a serious relationship - he should have started thinking by now!
(OR the Raizada's have an amazing ability to forget and move on - hence ASR remembers nothing - just as Anji seems to have forgotten that VLR ever existed!! though of course this would not be as per ASR's character at all - not the ASR we know - he could never forget and move on!)
Ps - just wondering ASR does not have type 2 diabetes - he probably had diabetes right from a very young age- then why the surprise from Anji - i had heard of juvenile d??
Monu, when has tat anji woman made any sense to anyone...if the devil is in the details, they chose the wrong messenger to deliver it...we don't pay any attention to her words...she is grating on my nerves and also the fact that she has got a slew of sarees as gifts for her jwalamukhi tevar...
DeleteI felt that ASR was telling the truth.. just innocent movie/dinner dates. so he has no problems if everyone in the house comments about how much that boy looks like him...
DeleteRekha - hehe 'that Anji woman' - she does get on our nerves - when she cries, when she giggles..every which way - only time she did not was during the payash wedding!
DeleteJaya - exactly - like i said - if he were in a really serious physical relationship, he would have started thinking himself even if he did not say anything to KKG - and i just cant believe that he did not get what she was trying to ask - we all got it - why would not the threat ASR - ok even if we do not credit him with a brain, we do credit him with understanding his wife real well - so he did get her - and he did answer her
(ps - oh yes i do stash some comfort snacks sometimes - and i guess as my simpleton kid grows into a teenager - the stacks shall grow for then i will need all the comfort!!!)
I think it could be either way ... either ASR knew what his wife was asking, and he replied - twice, in fact - I dropped her home, she in her home, me in mine ... and then the jalebi comment - such things I do only with you *MIG Alert*
DeleteOR he feels that his biwi is so innocent that she doesn't even know about premarital sex, let alone asking him if he did it!
But her questioning was pretty explicit ... So I also felt that he has nothing to confess! That's why he's not thinking that way at all. And the rest of the family don't know Sheetal was his gf - he only told Khushi that. Anjali doesn't even know of Sheetal's existence, gf is door ki baat!
Monu, I have chocolates in my bedside drawer :) and my husband asks me for them every time I take one out :))) We both are equally bad!
AND I have Tictacs or mints in my bag, the whole family knows I keep them, so on road trips, I'm always the source of all these tidbits! And my daughter used to keep biscuits in her bedside table - she still does in her dorm room!
My reading on the situation. Arnav knows Khushi is troubled but thinks Sheetal is the cause -- he has not caught the Aarav connection... he likes a jealous Khushi -- remember where that went last time :-) - so he was playing her. Either nothing happened or nothing of consequence happened between them ( no jalebi eating )... so his conscience is clear..... he is a newly married guy.. should understand that you can only tease so much in these matters ..jaldi seekjegaa to accha hoga!
Deleteash, i agree.. arnav does not know the aarav question yet..IMO he thinks khushi is jealous of shital and hence asking all these questions, and as far as i can see, he is trying everything in his power to reassure her.. gosh how many times can he say that it was just a few dates, i dint love her enough to think about marriage.. i havent loved anyone but you.. i eat jalebies only with you.. (man! i cannot imagine living with a suspicious spouse! how do ppl do it!)
ReplyDeletei was watching episodes of IPK of October 2011 and then read your have described each episode so beautifully..we had great episodes most of that month and you took them to another level..
Thank You for starting the cafe and writing so beautifully!! now, going back to good old ArHi world!!
:))) Thanks! Those episodes were a class apart! These days very few episodes inspire me to make detailed posts!
DeleteGoing by episode 360, the appearance of Kamlesh Khabri signifies a big dhamaka round the corner, and the end of OTT Khushi for a long while ... the intense phase will start soon.
oh those days were amazing Dia!!
Deletei really hope you are right and Kamlesh Khabri will bid adieu by today... i do not want to watch an OTT Khushi!!
Just watched the episode. The look on Shetals face on the precap. Does it mean, I have given enough clues to Khushie and here comes NK and gives her the way to find out the truth that I want to hide. Shetal does not want Khushie finding out the truth. Not sure why, but it could blow up either way, and poor Khushie in in the path of the blast, if it all goes wrong.
ReplyDeleteArnav is just too relaxed with the situation. He has done nothing and I am sure that he knew what his,crazy wife was tring to say. He knows her too well. He knows she is deeply troubled, and he also has to know or have some clue what is going on in her mind. He loves her deeply, and I really can't see him walking out on her for another women even a one who has a son by him. She is the love of his life and he will make it all work for her as well the boy if he needs to.
If Sheetal is really innocent, then the sound of the DNA test and her exchanged look with Khushi should prompt her to leave RM as quietly as she can. That is if she is what she seems - if Aarav is really Arnav's son and Sheetal is trying to hide it. By next week we will know if Sheetal is innocent or is playing games.
DeleteBut I agree, Lin, Arnav will not walk out on Khushi come what may. He loves her too much, he knows what they have been through to reach this point - he even understood her tender heart in giving Sheetal a place to stay because of Aarav's diabetes ... and he loves Khushi for her utter selflessness in doing that, even though he knows she is very troubled by Sheetal's presence.
Deletei don't know about the execution of the plot but just the fact that so many hints are being thrown our way in a wihsy-washy way makes me believe exactly what they are hinting except it will turn in a diff explosive way...
we are talking of paternity here.....the father....but does arnav being the father alone make sheetal the unless we go that road which is not hinted but there all along makes me believe the real twist is there....
i am not going to get in to scenarios of how that is possible (becos u know i suck at scenarios) but a comment from Su on Sushmita sen made me think of this....and Su may probably agree on this tho she has also been saying that aarav is not arnav's son....ofc a scenario when the kid is no one's and still believed to be their's is welcome ramanchi on audience...something that the cvs have doing all along.
i am going to credit sandy with this thot process...This track is about Khushi and i would say her test of belongingness to arnav with absolute haq...Khushi has obviously thot that arnav cannot belong to her completely if he belongs to someone else....this track may teach her their love is above all that sach jhoot, no right or wrong, no past no present...that ties of blood however binding are not necessarily the the only bonds that sandy said shashi's words ka 360 hona ab lazmi hain...
i think tsandy has been saying that the kid is arnav's and perhaps Khushi will learn that arnav will love her despite all that.....
i am going for a scenario where aarav is arnav's kid but sheetal is not his mother...
and frankly it is not about scenarios....its about what the track is seeking to achieve...yes, the cvs have always left some important points undone and Jaya and I had a point of discussion on this and i am crediting her for making me come back to the track objective...
Deleteat the base, u have an insecure K...her deepest insecurity that if there is someone who has higher claim, she has to go down the pecking order....she is going to realise thats not the pecking order. he belongs to her mind, body and soul irrespective of any claim on him..whether they show a real claim or a faulty claim is another matter
If the majority of audiences had sensibilities that could accept 'moving on' as a process in real life and accepting in deed and spirit that real love should always be treasured and if we could stay away from moral, other allied debates, this track could succeed in its objective even while showing that the kid is aranv and sheetal's.
DeleteIf Khushi can accept that arnav loves her irrespective of sheetal being in the picture and aarav being his kid, it would seal her issue of insecurity conclusively.
but what makes it complex is the way we all commonly approach approach the subject of love, the feeling of righteousness in love and then it becomes a potent mixture.. and then our worries on whether we have done right by an innocent(the kid, in this case who never asked to be in this situation in the first place.)
that is why I have always felt judgements are easy to pronounce on moral issues but always difficult to decide.
Rekha / Dia,
DeleteAfter seeing the epi last night it struck me. Khushi seems a firm believer of
"Zindai tere gham ne humein
rishte naye samjhaaye
Mile toh mile dhopp main mile
chaanv ke thande saaye
Muskuraaon kabhi toh lagta hai
Jaise hothon pe karz rakha hai.."
For a minute I wondered, a girl so attached to her foster parents, who carries her amma's payal why does she keep nothing of her real father? Why is she so sure that each time she smiles life will wipe away that happiness? What was her childhood like before she found Shashi? Plus despite so many she needs her DM for that solace and confirmation (why? bcos she will listen without telling Khushi you are paglayat, sanki, khuraafati, weird idea, thinking too much?)
What happened the night her parents died in a car accident. Yet her mother seems to have had time to give jhumkas to Garima and make her promise to keep Khushi happy. (Could be bloopers and inconsistency or not)
About driving a car, she told Arnav she had not driven one in ages but she knew. However she never ever attempts driving.
She is innocent but she is aware of many things. She understands the kind of intimacy needed between a man and woman to result in a child. Yday made me wonder, these things make her blush and a tad embarrassed but it is not that she does not know about them. So the bollowood fan girl does seem to understand the man woman dynamics well. And from her movies realizes that even a one night stand is enough to result in an Aarav.
Khushi is very good with creating make believe. Children who have that tendency are usually loners or they are trying to block out some unhappy memories. She always pretneds she is fine even with dear ones - why the need to pretend when you call them your own? Unless directly confronted with proof Khushi tries to wrangle out.
She who speaks of dil, jasbaat and pyaar needs the validation of societal rituals as a validation / confirmation of love. Her mind demands it.
She feels as deeply about her real parents as Arnav. The way Arnav reacted in the car on janmashtami, Khushi did on the roadside after GH. All Arnav asked her was how do you look into the eyes of your parents and Khushi erupted telling him not to even speak of them. Why is it so important for Khushi to be able to nazrein milaana with her parents?
Anjali tried to never think about what happened to her mum in a bid to keep the same fate from befalling her.
Is Khushi too trying not to think about her mum and dad in a bid to keep the saaya of their lives away from hers. Does she want a fairytale which they never had?
If Arnav and Anjali are hungry for love, Khushi's hunger for love and affection is the most. Yes she gives her love to all but she also seeks it in great measures from people around her and somehow all the love she received still feels not enough to fill some void in her heart.
SN: Thinking aloud not trying to lot any storyline.
DeleteIn times when the makers of ipk were really serious about their creation..i would jump at all these points becos u and many of us here have analysed these things to instant connection with ipk based on the 4th promo is something that i guess, will always remain unanswered...whether the makers even had an inkling, i have now no idea..
khushi has been the most difficult to unravel and ramanchi at diff points of this serial have ensured we may perhaps never really know her or what makes her who could make a man as complex as arnav believe in love yet herself has doubts about the makers think of this dichotomy, was it ever meant to be thot of and does this ever bother, strike, or worry anyone other than perhaps the two of us (ok, make that some more here at R&R too!), i will never know.... LOL
I have to conclude, that the makers have this special art, they lead some silly people like us on a wild goose chase and then leave us in the wilderness. how soon we find our way back from this wilderness is the real thing of consequence...
i am finding some way out of it becos i think, the passion to tell the story as it was meant has undergone some what u have now are snatches of that intention..just hope this tale ends on a high note.....bas itna sa kwab hain
DeleteMy fervour with the serial is much lower than it has been in the past. But these days there is a flicker that perhaps something will come up again.
Khushi is the most complex because she seems the most transperent. ven now she has caught onto a problem and she has run full steam ahead. Not for a moment has she stopped to wodner what the effect of the outcome would be on all of them.
They were showing Bhool Bulaiyya over the weekend and I wondered yday, Khushi seems so much like Avni from the movie. Subconscious need to mete out justice time and again.
SN: It would be awesome to see her get hypnotized when she tries it on Arnav and for her to blurt out her inseurities to him.
With this Aarav business,
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. - Marcus Aurelius
There is no such thing as a harmless truth.- Gregory Nunn
I have been saying Khushi needs to undestand her need for Arnav but yday I felt esp with the devil angel talk, she knows how much she needs him. She is scared witless with the thought of losing him.
But why is she thinking so much about losing him when he has time and again told her he will always be with her. Does she feel destiny will rip him away from her and she will not have a choice only to realize that destiny has always written only that which she has chosen to write for herself?
Plus there is the guroor on her name. What is in a name. For Arnav and Anjali it made a diff because it proved to him he was a man despite his father's deeds, to Anjali it gave her a sense of identity as a wife.
Khushi pos guest hosue / resignation told Arnav that her name Khushi Kumari Gupta held more importance to her than any piece of paper. Today she is Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada and she keeps repeating it as if willing it to therefore become true. I wonder if she purposely does not call herself Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada?
She jokingly told Sheetal not to worry but they will recoup the price of letting them stay by making aarav do housework. Has Khushi had to pay a price in the past for being given a home? Has she faced neglect under the guise of love hence needing validation in the form of rituals?
Dil hai ki maanta nahin
Yeh bekaraari kyun ho rahi hai
Yeh jaanta hi nahin
Kyun? Why?
What is Khushi's sabse majboot and atoot vishwaas which she is trying to protect under all those smiles?
Sandy, Rekha,
DeleteI WISH, I really wish ... the cv's would go into Khushi's past with as much fervour as they did into Arnav's ... no, scratch that, with far more fervour. Many of your thoughts, Sandy, we have discussed here on R&R, and I've always wanted to dig into Khushi's past, her psyche, because like you said, she is the most transparent, and simultaneously, the most layered character.
Adding to the points you wrote above,
when Dadi gave her the Malik kangan, Khushi told Arnav this was too much happiness for her, she was scared it would be taken away. Why is she scared to believe in happiness for herself, why is she stirring up trouble for herself unnecessarily? Sheetal so far has not made any trouble, she's kept aloof and tried (ostensibly) to stay away, Arnav has not encouraged Sheetal at all, why is Khushi going looking for signs that Arav is indeed Arnav's? Is it because like she said, she can't believe that happiness is truly hers at last, that there has to be something wrong? Does she need validation all the time?
Arnav said their marriage was valid and legal, but she wanted the social sanction, she wanted the entire world to witness it, so that everyone accepted it. As though his love was not enough, she was scared it would not be lasting, she needed more to tie him to her.
Does she also have similar abandonment issues like Arnav? Her parents died and left her when she was a child too. She says accident, but Garima didn't mention accident when she spoke to Khushi about the night her parents died. And would Khushi's mom have had time to give jhumkas for Khushi if she died in an accident? Is there more to their death?
And will we ever get to see her story?
And I will go with both your thoughts that Arav is Arnav's child, Sheetal is not the mother ... it gives Khushi closure ... she stays in Arnav's life as his undisputed queen, there is no other woman, and she has to look after a child not her own the way her Babuji and Garima looked after her when she was not their own ... and she realises for herself that 'dil ke rishte khoon ke rishton se bade hote hain.'
when she was in the mandap waiting for arnav, her fear at abandonment was cloaked in guise of what u could refer in hindsight as "dutch courage", she looked to be losing it but obviously by arnav turning up, khushi regained that strength back...
Deletekhushi has been a person who can handle anything provided it does not involve the rejection of her by her loved ones in an explicit manner.
be it words, deeds, circumstances...
words at diwali, deeds at first marriage, words after anji's abortive attempt, it was the turn of circumstances at remarriage but that was again another set of circumstances is out there to threaten that fledgling happiness, which she is always is scared of trusting wholeheartely becos she is not sure if it is for real...
if arnav does not reach out to this part of khushi, he will never really know her becos he has taken a lot of things at face value in respect of K....she is noble, she is gud, she is caring, she is brave, she is crazy ....that she is insecure is not known to him at all...she has never let anyone see it so far...
I have said this story is told from arnav's perspective and so the point of Khushi can come thru in the narrative only when he gets that perspective...we are smart viewers so we have cottoned on to it.....
Rekha / Dia,
DeleteI wish they give us more glimpses into Khushi's past too. She is yet to understand that it was her himmat to keep on facing him despite any problem he threw at her that attracted him to her.
Himmat - courage - which he set out to break but the first time she voiced that her himmat had broken fearing the loss of her babuji, it broke something within him and then he softened towards her. Because despite that momentary breakdown, she still showed the guts to pick herself up and walk.
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” - Lao Tzu
Khushi's love for Arnav gave her the courage to face the bad times, go looking for him, rescue him, put up with Shyam's inapporpriate advances and all that.
Babuji who though unrelated to his bitiya always loved her sanak and all. He guided her, blessed her, encouraged her, cheered her up and never mocked her. His love for her gave her strength to face the world. Hence Khushi Kumari Gupta had the himmat to give it right back to ASR and that name was more precious to her than the world's riches.
She still calls herself Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada because it is their combined love that gives her strength. But she still needs the crutch of her babuji's name to make sure she is deeply loved. The day she can let go of his name after hers perhaps will be the day she will realize Arnav's love for her is deep enough for her to take on the whole world. Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada or just Khushi Singh Raizada.
Yes I am waiting to see how they unravel this part and weave in Arnav's hand in bringing Shyam into Khushi's life initially as well as getting her engaged to him. A 360 of "tum meri zindagi main aayi hi kyun?"
Plus Sheetal mentioned a key. The elusive mannat ki chhabi? The one he dropped and she picked up and held in the palm of her hand as if holding in it hers and his happiness. The day she returned it to him, fate and DM intervened and bonded them in the temple.
Arnav said Khushi technically tum meri ho - tabse
whereas Khushi was technically his from the day after they met - from that day at the mazhaar / dargah - when he went to tie the lock as per Anjali's mannat.
hahahaha!! Absolutely agree Dia...If Arnav couldn't figure out what she was getting at then he's really really dense!!.. But was very Arhi scene...him clueless and her crazy!!
ReplyDeleteAlso loved the cupboard scene...okay she's insane - he knows- he loves her inspire, despite, because of...
Hope the track is about the kid not the mother...dont want to see romance between anyone except the 2 couples..
And why oh why are they not introducing some sidetracks? - Anjali and a new guy? Payash? pls pls pls!!
DeleteThe track is about Khushi and the kid will be the focal point. I mean Sheetal getting any bhaav in Khushi's mind makes no sense yaar without the kid.
Given the mishmash these people make, let them focus on this for now and as teh track tapers get the next new one in.
Let them just figure out how to use the entire cast first before they get another new one.
And G,
DeleteBeen thinking, perhaps by exit of Arnav the powers that be referred to a simultaneous entry by ASR the angry young man? ;)
Some thots post yday epi:
ReplyDeleteIn that precap scene, Sheetal seemed to be hiding something. Is she hiding a lie she has told her son about his father & coming to look for him?
Did Sheetal show Aarav Arnav's picture & say he is your dad. You should grow up like him & Aarav has modelled himself on ASR. He looks smart & must have access to the internet. (ASR is supposedly a fashion mogul so publicly news will be available).
She never expected to bump into Arnav & now she is worried about trouble & confusion esp in Aarav's life. Hence the evasiveness for there is a wife who could also be hurt.
Why does Khushi simply not ask Aarav, so what is ur full name & what does your dad do?
Aarav keeps getting himself invited to the house. New place, no friends, used to being along with just mum, perhaps no family. So he naturally reaches out for more love & affection. Plus a boy usually craves some fatherly figure & ASR is so like him, Aarav likes to be around him. Plus if Sheetal has lied then all the more allure.
Diabetes at times skips a generation. It is the first valid point which could raise a doubt about parentage here. Arnav's nonchalance makes me wonder if his relationship with Sheetal was just like with La. No nonsense & very low on PDA & any actual affection. At most a one time physical intimacy post which they felt nope the sparks gone b/w us.
Why do I keep getting a feeling that the DNA test will turn out -ve but the child is going to blurt something. Then there will be Sheetal's evasiveness all leading to the thought of the test results being falsified.
(I would like to see Aarav as Arnav's son, one he knew nothing about, info Sheetal does not want to share for her reasons. Right or wrong she is in withholding, I cannot judge.She seems awkward when in contact with Arnav & family. She does not ask him for any help & neither does he offer. I liked the touch of the family butting in only after Khushi offered Sheetal to stay, it is after all Khushi's house. Arnav is simply being polite.
I always think of Gauri / Parvati & Ganesh. She created him from her flesh & bones & gave him her identity "Gauri Gajanan". He refused to acknowledge Shiva until she so chose. Even today it is when she holds the baby's hand & points at someone & says papa does the child acknowledge.
sandy, i saw ur point but Aarav has not given any indication of recognising arnav at all...and he is a forthright kid...he would ask some questions...what stops him unless sheetal has specifically told him not to...but even in that case, there would be ood glances between them atleast...which is also not the case...
Deletehe just looks at asr and is comfortable....yes he seems to have warmed up to him....but no indication of any such doubt..if cvs pull that out..i would say it is silly...
DeleteSheetal is being evasive about something. Guess she came back bcos Aarav started asking Qs about his dad only to come here and realize that things have changed so much she cannot just say what she came to say. (I am stil lwaiting b4 I call her a vamp cos I like the kid and am not cool about him being a pawn).
She may not have told Aarav anything but she is worried that all this talk of him being similar to ASR is going to give the boy ideas. Perhaps she has pics of ASR in their house?
Plus if the truth comes out, she is definitely in a custody battle. Perhaps another reason she is skating the issue with Khushi and does not want Khushi to get too many details about diabetes and DNA.
Arnav is still thinking Khushi is insecure bcos of Sheetal just like he was with NK, but when the actual worry hits him, he is so gonna be blindsided.
I know i am mad becos i sit with 10 scenarios and all look possible to me...
DeleteTruth be told...actually i am enjoying the episodes...but my threshold of pain if it involves Khushi is low....i become anxious when i think abt it...certified pagal...not
But the fun aspect in the episodes is if u see it is the way in which the track is poised, everything is proceeding perfectly towards an MU of sorts..its quite possible that they may turn this all on its head
as of now, the family is being natural..they have not considered any possibility so why will they think it at has always talked of the resemblance never directly to arnav and arnav has also not thot about it in those terms....becos maybe his nature of relatonship with sheetal never merited the thot...
sheetal is the joker in the pack but it can turn all harmless as a major arnav fixation which she is trying to fight....''
end result an MU the size of a football field....
DeleteMU of sorts - what is an MU - finally a difference in pereption. I really wish they had a better actress for Sheetal or they are purposely keeping her expressions vague for they are unable to make up their mind on whether she remains good or become grey.
Khushi deseves duniya ki saari khushiyaan. Btw do you think Khushi's vishwaas on all things love and heart broke that Diwali night when he came to her doorstep and told her in sab baaton ki, tumhaari, meri zindagi main koi ehmiyat nahi hai?
For some reason the constant use of 'meant nothing' makes me wonder if Khushi is using her own self as a yardstick here. After all for a long time she was 'koi faraq nahi padhta' and 'it means nothing to me' only to become his wife and most special today. I wonder if Khushi's hurdle in verbalizing her need to Arnav is a result of that Diwali night when he cruelly broke her heart on her doorstep.
And until Diwali Khushi was a firebrand, sure of herself, her place in the world, sure of her DM's ishaaras.
sandy.. you stepped on a gem here.
Delete"meant nothing" and "koi faraq nahi padta"
yes... socheka padi.
Rekha, Sandy, wow!!! Yep 'meant nothing' = 'farak padta hai' ... the first and worst heartbreak of Khushi at Arnav's hands. In that case, I really hope that during this track, Arnav gets to know how Khushi was forced into the engagement with Shyam, and more importantly, the day it happened - Diwali, after she returned from RM.
DeleteRekha, family is also not considering the possibility at all because Sheetal has said she wasn't a very close friend of Arnav's in college. Anjali didn't even know of her ... and Anjali was surprised at that, so she apparently kept tabs on her Chotey's friends. And of course Arnav wouldn't tell Anjali about his flings, especially if they weren't serious (thinking of my own brother here :) )
So for the moment, only Khushi knows that Sheetal was Arnav's gf, so only Khushi is putting all those similarities together and making a big issue out of it. All the family is doing is thrusting them down her throat ... and so are the cv's! I hold to my thought that Sheetal has brought up Arav deliberately to be like Arnav, the reasons will become clearer later, whether it was out of genuine love and the need to have her son resemble his dad/the man she loved, or whether it is more recent training when she decided to bring him to India to meet Arnav. not realising that things had changed for him.
I too felt like Sandy that the Sheetal-Arnav fling was like his affair with La, more for name's sake, the necessity of having a gf in university - the peer pressure there is huge - and the PDA was minimal, maybe just that one night after which they both knew the spark was missing so they called it off. Hence the awkwardness.
DeleteI write the big posts...LOL. J writes the succinct ones and is the one who connected the gem in sandy's gem of a thot!!....
J, sandy, u all girls....soul sisters all!!absolutely HAA!!
ReplyDeleteNow I get why you don't reply to my posst where I say arav is his son. You are biased :P
I thin kArnav go what Khushi was aiming at and he perhaps did not want her to know he had had sex with Sheetal because he felt it would unsettle her further. She is already quite worried from the looks of it.
Sheetal well kya kahen - bad actress plus I think need for blank expression as storywriters are still finalizing the nature of their twist ;)
SN: I loved Flop Show. And I thot Jaspal Bhatti as the guard in Fanaa was so cool!!
Sandy, *rofl* I told you I was biased!
DeleteActually, if Arav is Arnav's son then it opens up a whole can of worms, and Arav becomes permanent on the show - two reasons why I don't want that to happen. Or rather, I don't want the first, and I don't think the second. Because I don't think the PH can handle sensitively the concept of a man balancing two women, one his wife, the second the mother of his child. And face it, it is a difficult situation for all concerned, especially if the mother still has feelings for the man.
So I prefer your scenario of Sheetal not being Arav's mom ... my bias again :p
Ah, am glad you agree about Arnav not letting Khushi know he had sex with Sheetal. My feeling is that once the question of the DNA test comes out, then Sheetal can persist with her story of Arav being Arnav's son only if they have had at least one night together. Otherwise he will throw her claim out of the window.
So the fact that he did have an affair will unsettle Khushi further, and worsen her fears about being the only one in Arnav's life ... if this track is about Khushi's insecurities, then they have to worsen further before they settle.
Are we looking at a separation, I wonder? When is the Sarun UK trip? The length of this track might hinge on that.
Deletethe best scenario is the one above (quite like Opti's)...and followed by this MU the size of a football field that arnav has to plough to get to his Khushi...becos she has presumed far too much for him to just call back and clarify.
let him bring her back from that dark to sunshine again and then gon on a honeymoon, fulfill all phangurl fantasies permitted on telly land they can talk of making babies, and after that if they have nothing else to say they can say goodbye to all of us...
DeleteMuah!! :)
I am sincerely sitting to wonder how they now weave in:
Kash hum aapse nafrat kar paate
Kaash main tumse mohabbat kar paata
Kyun nazrein teri yun anjaan hain
Aankhein hain meri bhi nam
Kyun paakar bhi umko khoya hai
Hum kyun na ban paaye hum
Kyun dard hai itna
Tere ishq main
Rabba Ve Rabba Ve
SN Rekha: The last time I ddi so much of psycobabble stuff was on Anji way back in Feb and they finally brought it all to a head in Sep. Toh ab maine Khushi ka kiya hai toh give it at least 3 months to come to a head ;)
SN: Dia,
1. Shyam turned out to be Anji's hubby, he was he kidnapper, he was the baby's killer
2. Garima turned out to be the otehr woman
3. So Aarav is going to end up as Arnav's son. (Now I have no idea how he can be his son and Sheetal not be his mum. Yeh maine kab kaha?) -
Deleteyeh tune nahin, yeh maine kaha....kyunki i wanted that scenario of sheetal not being in the picture but i know i was not fair becos frankly even that is not fair to chotu becos she has reared him and actually she is his mum...all said and done....uska bacha ho ya na ho
so ofc if aarav is arnav's son, it complicates scenario only becos of all moral angle debates....Indian audience sensibilities....phir woh sahi galat ki baat nahin ki nahin hain....
Some how this thought came into my mind. Last time when this OTT kamlesh Khabri track came, it lead to a very intense Kushi & arnav confrontation which ultimately lead to Arnav's kidnapping. This time will it be other way around ? Kushi is going to spurt out her MU to Arnav, then Arnav trying to prove it is not so, after which kushi's disappearing from arnav's life.
ReplyDeleteI just wrote the above, and read this!!!
DeleteAlso, if the cv's wanted a separation at the time of the remarriage and they had to change tracks, then this might be when they bring in that separation. Let's see.
Su, all well at ur end, i hope....
ReplyDeletedo drop in when u r free!! missing u!!