Friday 12th October '12
Scenes I liked ...
The telling off in the bedroom after the movie
The telling off in the office after the fashion show ... Arnav, not Arnavji
that part was damn cute. Scratch that, that was the cutest part of the episode.
Khushi blissfully planning Arnav's birthday party, sugar-free cake, his favorite colors, food ...
The way Arnav managed to get a seat next to Khushi, and pulled her down to sit firmly there
Tolerable today ... the movie scene ... Arnav's attention all on Khushi, he can't even see her tears in a movie
Khushi's attention on Arnav ... once he sat down next to her, she was happy and could enjoy her movie wholeheartedly. She didn't realise Arnav wanted more than just sitting next to her 
Cringe-worthy ... the whole fashion show in office part.
Why couldn't she wait till Arnav got back home to coax him out of his anger, rather than land up at his office to do that drama? And why couldn't Arnav shut her up or just switch on the light so that she saw they weren't alone? And why are the cv's bent on reducing Khushi to a buffoon?! Haven't they realised yet that clown Khushi gets TRP's down, not up?! 
And the office scene was ridiculous ... AR got the contract because of those clothes??!!! Like seriously?!
The only saving grace was that the clothes were all nice, especially the second and third ... she looked seriously hot in the red top and tight jeans ... No wonder he didn't want her to change!
But the scene after that was good ... and glad that he got the point across that this was his office ... she couldn't do her sanak there, regardless of being alone or not. Hope she remembers that. And the way he makes her say his name was the best part ...
Liked the communication ... he told her exactly why he was angry ... she told him exactly what she had planned to make it up to him ... finally they are talking to each other!!!
Wonder if this track is also going to be about the growing of Khushi into a more mature wife and increasing her level of sophistication ... she does need it!
A quick edit because there was less than five minutes of watchable content in the episode.
All mentioned above ...
Movie hall scene ... Arnav's entire attention on Khushi, sulking because he couldn't get to sit next to her ... Khushi's attention also on Arnav, she knew he was angry, but couldn't quite figure out why, passing him mathris, calling out his name instead of Salman Khan's ... once he was sitting next to her, she relaxed and enjoyed the movie. But seriously, in one and half hours post interval, he couldn't manage to hold her hand even once?! CV's already starting to stretch things here ...
Bedroom scene ... rather than try to guess why he was angry, I would have much preferred it if Khushi had realized ... after all, this is the woman who knew what was hurting him the night of their marriage, who could understand when he was torn by the past yet came back for her, the woman who has always been attracted physically to Arnav even when she didn't even like him ... her arguments should have been more about being sorry that she called the entire family but she didn't want to leave Di alone ...
But still, it was okay ... he told her exactly why he was angry, and she wanted to do something to make up immediately. Getting the tickets for an English movie for the two of them would have been quite enough ... wearing Western dress would have been more than enough ... after all, she did that sexy "Namak Ishq Ka" for him in the privacy of their farmhouse ... that was sweet and funny and loving all at the same time ...
The office fashion show was simply not required ... it was cringeworthy and in horrible taste! Whoever wrote it apparently has the IQ of a two year old, and a toilet sense of humour!!!! The only saving grace is that they didn't make Khushi wear any revealing clothes ... these cv's are so lunatic that they can't be trusted an inch where Khushi's character is concerned!!!
I watched the old office scenes immediately post GH when Khushi goes to hand in her resignation, and blasts La and her bimbos, then goes to RM and blasts Arnav without even raising her voice ... that Khushi was the original Khushi, the initial character sketch, the one who is smart and funny, who can do nautanki in the privacy of her home, yet knows very well how to behave in public ... she went through all the crap that Arnav dished out at her in the initial office track without losing her dignity, she was an employee, she was helpless and she behaved that way ...
Now she is Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada, and she goes and sings loud tuneless love songs for him in his conference room? Agreed she thought they were alone, agreed she wanted to make up for her thoughtless behaviour earlier, but they are married, she could have waited for him to return home ... why go to office to do this drama, when anyone can walk in at any time?!
And why did Arnav not stop her earlier?! That is even more senseless and ridiculous ... she didn't know, but he knew that he had clients sitting there ... if he couldn't interrupt her in full flow, he could have just switched on the light, instead of just standing there helplessly holding her clothes!!!
Idiotically written and directed scene ... complete and utter crap!!!

I seriously could not sit through it again ... even to do the uncut ... I skipped it completely.
And the clients liking her clothes and giving him the contract on that basis ... like, seriously???!!! CV's, you expect us to swallow that?! In that case, you should have at least given Khushi some really stunning stuff to wear ... not that idiotic fairy dress fit for a five year old, then a Chinese dress, then a very ordinary plain red shirt and jeans ... what exactly is so unique and remarkable about skinny jeans?! Every girl in the country wears them! Agreed, Khushi looked damn good in them ... but a new fashion line??? I hardly think so!!!

Arnav telling Khushi off after the clients leave ... I wouldn't have minded if he had been even angrier ... he had to get his point across, that this was wrong of her to do ... to carry their argument into the office. A fight between husband and wife should stay at home, inside their bedroom ... bas. The same nautanki if she had done at home, would have been sweet, even funny. In office, a big NO.
But the rest of the scene was very sweet ... his anger, her abject apology, his understanding ... I loved the part where he asks her ... so what are your plans? Happy that his wife is thinking about him so much, she's so upset about upsetting him that she's done such a huge drama, just to pacify him, she's wants to do what he wanted to do originally ... a movie just for two.
And loved the way he gets her to drop the 'ji' from Arnavji ...
Shiddat realised here.
Khushi making preparations to celebrate Arnav's birthday ... her enthusiasm and excitement was sweet ... I just hope we don't go into another cringeworthy track, with more OTT nautanki ... Can we please get some decent stuff here, without reducing Khushi to a buffoon?
The track seems to be about the growing up for KKG into Mrs ASR ... when Lavanya was around, and her friendship with Khushi had blossomed, I remember hoping that La would train Khushi in some of the niceties of modern society living. This is a new thing in the regressive soaps of today ... to show a traditional Indian wife ready to embrace the more Westernised side of her husband. Normally most soaps show that anything Western is bad, everything Indian is good. In that sense, Khushi doing her best to mould herself to her husband's thinking and way of life is really good ... but only if they do it as subtly and slowly as they showed La's changing from completely Westernised to seeing the good things about traditional Indian values.
So far they are failing abysmally!
Scenes I liked ...
The telling off in the bedroom after the movie
The telling off in the office after the fashion show ... Arnav, not Arnavji
Khushi blissfully planning Arnav's birthday party, sugar-free cake, his favorite colors, food ...
The way Arnav managed to get a seat next to Khushi, and pulled her down to sit firmly there
Tolerable today ... the movie scene ... Arnav's attention all on Khushi, he can't even see her tears in a movie
Cringe-worthy ... the whole fashion show in office part.
And the office scene was ridiculous ... AR got the contract because of those clothes??!!! Like seriously?!
The only saving grace was that the clothes were all nice, especially the second and third ... she looked seriously hot in the red top and tight jeans ... No wonder he didn't want her to change!
But the scene after that was good ... and glad that he got the point across that this was his office ... she couldn't do her sanak there, regardless of being alone or not. Hope she remembers that. And the way he makes her say his name was the best part ...
Liked the communication ... he told her exactly why he was angry ... she told him exactly what she had planned to make it up to him ... finally they are talking to each other!!!
Wonder if this track is also going to be about the growing of Khushi into a more mature wife and increasing her level of sophistication ... she does need it!
A quick edit because there was less than five minutes of watchable content in the episode.
Movie hall scene ... Arnav's entire attention on Khushi, sulking because he couldn't get to sit next to her ... Khushi's attention also on Arnav, she knew he was angry, but couldn't quite figure out why, passing him mathris, calling out his name instead of Salman Khan's ... once he was sitting next to her, she relaxed and enjoyed the movie. But seriously, in one and half hours post interval, he couldn't manage to hold her hand even once?! CV's already starting to stretch things here ...
Bedroom scene ... rather than try to guess why he was angry, I would have much preferred it if Khushi had realized ... after all, this is the woman who knew what was hurting him the night of their marriage, who could understand when he was torn by the past yet came back for her, the woman who has always been attracted physically to Arnav even when she didn't even like him ... her arguments should have been more about being sorry that she called the entire family but she didn't want to leave Di alone ...
But still, it was okay ... he told her exactly why he was angry, and she wanted to do something to make up immediately. Getting the tickets for an English movie for the two of them would have been quite enough ... wearing Western dress would have been more than enough ... after all, she did that sexy "Namak Ishq Ka" for him in the privacy of their farmhouse ... that was sweet and funny and loving all at the same time ...
The office fashion show was simply not required ... it was cringeworthy and in horrible taste! Whoever wrote it apparently has the IQ of a two year old, and a toilet sense of humour!!!! The only saving grace is that they didn't make Khushi wear any revealing clothes ... these cv's are so lunatic that they can't be trusted an inch where Khushi's character is concerned!!!
I watched the old office scenes immediately post GH when Khushi goes to hand in her resignation, and blasts La and her bimbos, then goes to RM and blasts Arnav without even raising her voice ... that Khushi was the original Khushi, the initial character sketch, the one who is smart and funny, who can do nautanki in the privacy of her home, yet knows very well how to behave in public ... she went through all the crap that Arnav dished out at her in the initial office track without losing her dignity, she was an employee, she was helpless and she behaved that way ...
Now she is Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada, and she goes and sings loud tuneless love songs for him in his conference room? Agreed she thought they were alone, agreed she wanted to make up for her thoughtless behaviour earlier, but they are married, she could have waited for him to return home ... why go to office to do this drama, when anyone can walk in at any time?!
And why did Arnav not stop her earlier?! That is even more senseless and ridiculous ... she didn't know, but he knew that he had clients sitting there ... if he couldn't interrupt her in full flow, he could have just switched on the light, instead of just standing there helplessly holding her clothes!!!
Idiotically written and directed scene ... complete and utter crap!!!
And the clients liking her clothes and giving him the contract on that basis ... like, seriously???!!! CV's, you expect us to swallow that?! In that case, you should have at least given Khushi some really stunning stuff to wear ... not that idiotic fairy dress fit for a five year old, then a Chinese dress, then a very ordinary plain red shirt and jeans ... what exactly is so unique and remarkable about skinny jeans?! Every girl in the country wears them! Agreed, Khushi looked damn good in them ... but a new fashion line??? I hardly think so!!!
Arnav telling Khushi off after the clients leave ... I wouldn't have minded if he had been even angrier ... he had to get his point across, that this was wrong of her to do ... to carry their argument into the office. A fight between husband and wife should stay at home, inside their bedroom ... bas. The same nautanki if she had done at home, would have been sweet, even funny. In office, a big NO.
But the rest of the scene was very sweet ... his anger, her abject apology, his understanding ... I loved the part where he asks her ... so what are your plans? Happy that his wife is thinking about him so much, she's so upset about upsetting him that she's done such a huge drama, just to pacify him, she's wants to do what he wanted to do originally ... a movie just for two.
And loved the way he gets her to drop the 'ji' from Arnavji ...
Khushi making preparations to celebrate Arnav's birthday ... her enthusiasm and excitement was sweet ... I just hope we don't go into another cringeworthy track, with more OTT nautanki ... Can we please get some decent stuff here, without reducing Khushi to a buffoon?
The track seems to be about the growing up for KKG into Mrs ASR ... when Lavanya was around, and her friendship with Khushi had blossomed, I remember hoping that La would train Khushi in some of the niceties of modern society living. This is a new thing in the regressive soaps of today ... to show a traditional Indian wife ready to embrace the more Westernised side of her husband. Normally most soaps show that anything Western is bad, everything Indian is good. In that sense, Khushi doing her best to mould herself to her husband's thinking and way of life is really good ... but only if they do it as subtly and slowly as they showed La's changing from completely Westernised to seeing the good things about traditional Indian values.
So far they are failing abysmally!
Enjoying the return of the lighthearted comedy ..however, just putting a thought out..have not seen today's episode
ReplyDeleteIn the rush to get shyam out , they forgot about the pag phere rasam...
But that is one rasam they did not do on the forced marriage - atleast did not do it right..
It may have been deliberate to give themselves time to think how the next ASR-Garima interaction has to be penned..
I do want a proper closure to the ASR -Garima friction..they need to get the skeletons out and air them out for a clean closure..not just bury the past and move on.
I want Nani to remind ASR to not hurt Khushi by his rukha bartaav with her family before he goes to pick her up from pagphere..I want Anji to go with him ..
I want that airing out conversation with Anjali, ASR, Khushi,and Garima in the room...preferably payal too but that might be a stretch..
And then from there ASR takes Khushi to his mom's garden for the full circle on closure.
It frustrates me that the CV's opened so many beautiful threads but do not finish the thought..they do not even have to create new situations , the old ones they started if they just close the loops , there is enough material to last 5-10 episodes - flashback and 360 - will keep all the fandom happy too :)
Chikan kari ki quality finishing se parkhi jaati hai..however intricate and elaborate the design, loose hanging threads make the end-product look shabby :(
Sanaya ... WHY do you make me feel bad about the fact that I'm a girl and hence can't drool openly on you??? :p GOSH..she looked HOT in that last outfit...not wonder even her colleagues couldn't help selecting that outfit (waise outfit per say was nothing extra ordinary.. :P).. and in his cabin too, no wonder arnav couldn't help flirting with her and didn't want her to change so soon.. :P
ReplyDeleteBTW..ppt scene WOULD have been embarassing, had they not shown it put to good use later on...but was totally with arnav when he told her off in his cabin later on..and good that khushi too realised her mistake pretty soon.. so hopefully we wouldn't have the society differences bit coming up..
Deleteanyhow, I read two new spoilers on IF today.. one that khushi is upset that arnav spoils her plans on his bday and arnav decides to cheer her up..and khushi meets someone exactly like arnav and is speechless ...
second, harshad chopra is about to make an entry in IPK..
I have an uneasy feeling abt the two new spoilers.. anyway, unless anything is confirmed I wouldn't believe the one abt harshad chopra making an entry, but khushi being upset that arnav spoiled her bday plans is pretty much believable with today's episode...
I hope this stops any further dramas in the office ... seriously I feel strongly about that one. The beauty of Arhi was that their story was private, hidden from everyone ... I didn't like the first water fight in the office ... washing your dirty linen in public, and this office scene was totally horrible!
DeleteHarshad entering IPK ... I know I put a ban on discussing entries and exits ;) so I won't say much, except to hope that he is not for Anjali - that would be a waste :D
Khushi being upset about Arnav spoiling her birthday plans ... am apprehensive the way they are taking this ... can I hope TRP's drop on the days Khushi is OTT ... make that OTT AND BRAINLESS ... so the makers realise that this is NOT the Khushi we want to see!!!
girls, haven't looked at the LUs yet, so whats the verdict for today?
ReplyDeleteSri well said this
"It frustrates me that the CV's opened so many beautiful threads but do not finish the thought..they do not even have to create new situations".....that has been my constant rant...
and the beautiful thing about chikankari that u a person with connection to that part of the world....i must share this thot...we learnt to sift the best work with that parkhi nazar, turning up our noses at, i say, things mediocre when choosing......absolutely true....the CVs work has these loose threads that stops us from going all out in praise
rekha, watch it if you wanna feel excessive love for arnav again.. khushi was being khushi as usual.. a replica of their first date where she behaved utterly OTT with the chapagne bottle..those kinda stuff happened today.. well, she still manages to get a smile on your face, but not the quintessential ArHi stuff that u would imagine when one of them is upset and the other wants to make up to them..
DeleteI don't know, others may differ in their opinion, atleast I felt so..
watch second part of epi..for hot Sanaya.. :P and then later on an ultra cute cabin scene b/w them both..
the rest of the epi was dedicated to arnav's fruitless efforts to spend time with khushi in movie hall, try holding hands with her etc (yes, he does manage to sit next to her after interval)..and then khushi deciding to plan something special for arnav's bday and R family members warning her not to coz bitwa doesn't like celebrating his bday..
DeleteI just watched the epi online....
m thots in a jiffy....
first part was contrived....almost as if they wanted to end y'day scene didn't care much for it apart from the one thing that Arnav said...u don't understand me (that scene...not sure why they made Khushi a sensitive person otherwise to look dumb in that scene tho)...i took that to mean the track is probably is going to be about Khushi knowing some more about her pati..
then came the ppt scene...again contrived in terms of how it was constructed but i put that to cinematic liberty issues so i will move on....
But the epi moved to a totally diff level when Arnav brings Khushi back to his room...those moments between them were magical...and i just realised all it had was SARUN written all over it...All Arnav asked was Khushi to call him Arnav...and i actually felt it one of the most romantic moments on telly.....
Another thing that i must say...The point that is being made is perhaps that social diff,whatever they may be at the outer level between these two, has no bearing on what Arnav feels for Khushi...
u scrape the surface and u will see an Arnav who accepts wholeheartedly that Khushi is a jhalli or ajeeb as she called herself...and minor irritations apart, he can live with these contradictions or differences...its that graph that the makers are perhaps hinting at ...its their (ARHI) love story and we can cock a snook but what the hell...
About how two apparently socially mismatched beings can have a love story and a gud one at that...idk what can happen in real life and thats another matter but one of my initial pull to this story was also about this in a way i am glad that the makers are addressing in their own way..they can certainly choose more creative ways to show it tho...It is in this place that stronger writing is required..MAker's vision would the point above but how u convey it is a CV call and that makes or mars a scene....
yes, rekhs..that cabin scene was very cute.. :))
Deletethere was something really beautiful about arnav telling her to drop the "ji" and she also taking his name just "arnav" shyly.. :))) it meant she had a new right over him now.. that they both were indeed equals.. :)
I hope they continue with it from now on.. :))
Khushi blushing red + red shirt + ultra cute hug.. :) adorable scene that was!
Hmmm.... Sanaya looks stunning in red- it is absolutely her colour. That outfit was so simple, but she looked really hot.
DeleteIs that why they made red ASR's favorite colour???
Rekha, Sri,
DeleteWhy are they not finishing the threads?
I agree that it totally ruins the continuity, but this is my hunch about it. Arhi does not talk about the past, no mention of how she suffered at VLR's hands, how he himself mistreated her- other than that beautifully said sorry... Can the Cvs really be this dumb?
I feel it might be to add to ASR's angst if there is a separation track in the future, say, K gets kidnapped or something like that.
I am not having too many hopes for it, but I can't find any reason for them wasting such perfect opportunities.
On Payal and GH coming to know that K married in haste to save Payal's marriage, I am almost giving up- no one knows this truth, do they want to keep it between Arhi?. But Shashi is not well yet, means Shyam is not over and done with- ...I mean, there is no reason to keep Shashi paralysed any more-there is more to all this... we'll get closure for all this...I have a good feeling all this will happen.
Rekha / Su
DeleteYeh CVs bade loops hi nahin close kar rahen I don't really have any expectations of them delving into development of Khushi ...Itni soch hoti to Khushi ko itna OTT idiot nahin banate..they would have kept the sensitive Khushi , just oblivious to ASR's desire for me time...
So many missed opportunities...
A simple thing like Arnav's bemused "ghar me to aise nahin soti" was such a beautiful opening - an insight into Khushi - they should have closed that ...
Little things like - maa ke jhumke - khushi did not wear those for her wedding...
Khushi's dream wedding - the suhag ka joda she described - went into a black hole
ASR's gifts/sarees...
List is endless
Maybe we give the CVs too much credit..may be they are just accidental/filler bits of writing that they never had a cohesive plan for or had any intent of taking further...
its only our imagination that makes it more magical than they were and our need for closure that demands continuation :)
Note to self- stop seeing everything as the begining of a thread - live in the moment - future CV's ke sanak pe chod do :)
Well, Mona has been telling dia and Sandy, Opti to write a lovely story.....i am so hoping these girls do it....we will all chip in with the editing, proofreading, brainstorming and all that....only thing is we wouldn't know which medium will sell our story ...LOL
DeleteSo what if no one else sells the story - it would still make a good read ..I used to play the old game with my kids on long starts a thread and everyone takes turns to extend the story - we used to come up with some really hilarious stuff..:)
Reading R&R SKDs reminds me of that - all of us building on each others trains of thought :)
girls what was the precap? I watched online and they didn't add the precap in those links..
ReplyDeleteno precap mads
Deletewaise..did anyone else also feel that movie scene was excessively stretched??? :S
ReplyDeleteI seriously feel Gul and all want us to like arnav more and that when time comes to choose between arnav the character and the actor who plays him, the choice is easy.. :S
hmmm maybe!! but some how I feel its more like a future track for some days like arhi finding a balance in their relationship with reality.. Family and with your spouse.
Deletewhy was the movie READY shown ?? which was released a year and half, couldn't they show some recent movie arghhhhhh head desk? even the ek tha tiger - latest movie release of SK is not showing at the movie theaters or did READY with those particular scenes had hints of coming tracks ?
ok I have a mixed reaction to today's episode... Poor poor Bitwa, angry bitwa and the no nonsense bitwa - telling his jhalli wife that i wanted spend some time with you... now that she understood why that so stupid OTT with the other 2 outfits, she could have directly entered with the last one .. even a jeans and shirt .. was more for her to wear or she could have come in a skirt itself why oh CVs why do not understand from your mistakes that too much of OTTT khushi is not accepted ...
ReplyDeleteBut loved loved the Arhi scene dam cute .. shows how long the ASR has come .. a guy who would have blasted her off in front of his client was understanding husband who known his khushi ... but being the ASR he has to have the upper hand by asking her to call him ARnav .. at last that ji is out i hope so ???
Can we have a private b'day for Arnav bitwa just him and khushi at the farmhouse under arnav's planetarium just a chai and some chat maybe ??
khushi do you remember you havent gone to the garden to take arshirwad off your saasu ma so take bitwa out there have a table with candles under the sky with stars twinkling .. may be just lie down on the grass and watch the stars ???
arghhh asking for tooo much arthi
Aaru,its down to poor writing....aren't there less OTT but more creative ways to show that love triumphs over class distinctions...if the intent of the track is indeed that...
Deleteah..aaru and rekhs, I get you both now.. so basically this is the EXACT opposite of the Payash track ( if it IS indeed what they wanna show).. there, Akash was visibly embarassed that payal couldn't adust to his social stature..and that brought about differences b/w them and their love too got a major setback (sadly that track wasn't really explored much)..
Deletehere, they prob wanna show that inspite of khushi embarassing arnav so many times in public, he has no qualms about her social stature...and infact loves her and accepts her as she is.. and (hopefully) khushi takes pains to adjust into his world and becomes successful at that..
having said that, I doubt if the writers have the credibility to pull it off as beautifully as it sounds...m sure they are gonna mess up the climax like always..
Hey Madsie,
Deleteidk if that is the intent of this track.....u know me..i am useless at all this...forecasting bus....
i only shared my thots based on what was the pull for me in this story...
two people having an inter-linked past,having diff ways of dealing with life, coming from diff strata of society, having reasons to hate each other yet can't stay apart.....
meaning sab kuch against hain par phir bhi pyaar hain....none of the turning points in IPK have gone the way i had envisaged but the magic in their love story keeps me hooked...mera kuch nahin ho saktha, hey DM , rakhsha karna....
No, rekhs...completely get your point.. its basically one of the things that I strongly think about many times ... "opposites attract, but can't stay together" it really true?
DeleteSo..if they wanna explore that aspect, then it would be really nice.. something different too..if they both could go on meeting the other half way..and then, together, grow as persons.. arnav has already come a long way from ASR...its now khushi who has to tread the road towards Mrs. ASR... if that's the way they are going, then would be wonderful.. :)
'arnav has already come a long way from ASR...its now khushi who has to tread the road towards Mrs. ASR... if that's the way they are going, then would be wonderful.'
I hope it is that, not only about the social differences, but also their basic thinking. She is from a different world altogether- but she can adjust easily to social differences- yes, there will be more OTT cringe-worthy moments as K learns to adjust to his society, I really hope it is also about a woman awakening fully to her sensuality, and not feeling ashamed about it. Yes, it has happened in bits and pieces, but even in the haldi track though she melts with his touch, she is quick to turn it in to a light moment- to which he responds by that passionate aggressive stride. ...thud...
Deletelike ur point about K awakening to her own sensuality....tho it will be a tall order in a telly show at 8 deserves to be told with honesty and should ideally be a high point of this story...I would definitely like K to understand A the passionate,arrogant and possessive lover....(always remember u, UJ for the way u described A several times and not just for this description)
the story is skewed in favour of Arnav becos the tracks dealing with K have always focused on K's spirit of sacrifice...where was the place for her to think about herself....Sandy has talked of the need for Khushi to introspect several times....hope this track is a pointer to that....the words of Arnav"u don't understand me" gives me some hope.
Good writing can make it happen even with constraints on telly shows without them having to resort to any gimmicks...i hope so....just like the threads that u have mentioned above....
Ufff.. It took me this long to find something interesting in the epi.
ReplyDeleteBecause there was nothing I liked about it other than Arnav shouting at K (for a very good reason) and theArhi hug.
I did not even like dropping the ji from Arnav, which I remember was on Dia’s shiddat list some time back.
But now, except for that really OTT act in the conference room, everything else was fine.
This track seems to be more in favour of Arnav than Khushi.
He is the one who wants to hold her hand and she is the one who does not realize the importance of stepping on to the physical aspect of their relationship. Other than a few friendly hugs and two kisses (one after ASR sorry., the other stringed one at the farmhouse), K has not gone further.
Each time Arnav is the one who initiates, K holds him tight only when she feels he needs to be mothered or she herself needs his support or as a gesture of appreciation. She is still a kid, this is why I refuse to believe any thing much happened in that farm house.
If the big C happened, they really wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off each other…which means the makers are not planning to give us a C soon,. They have given us a mile stone in the last track with the kiss and we’ll have to wait for the next milestone. You see, the heroine is not ready. She is busy working her OTT head on ways to make HIS family happy, which is what any good wife should do AFTER she has fulfilled her duties towards her husband. This one knows all about what a marriage is supposed to be- it is about supporting each other, loving each other, felling each other’s pain…hell, does she know the importance of that beautiful 3 letter word. Indeed, Arnav spoke the TRUTH today- you don’t know me. (You don’t know my desires, you don’t know my needs- poor guy, he is not even that demanding. My heart goes out to him.)
On dropping the ‘ji’:
It took me sometime to realize why I could not accept it. Because this is the very thing that happened to me. (*head desk*- it took me sometime to figure it out)
I was all for affixing a respectful tag to my hubby’s name- he is older than me- in the true tradition of Indian women. He would not hear of it having been brought up abroad. So I had to concede and start calling him by his name. It is fine in our friends’ circle but sometimes among relatives, there are a few aunties who raise their eyebrows at my ‘arrogance’, not that I care.
So, I think it is really nice that K calls him Arnav, because this is what HE wants to be called, and it is important since she’ll be moving more in his circle. It will be embarrassing for ASR to have his wife calling him ji.
And anyway, La called him ASR, so why not K?
Also, no one else calls him Arnav. (Though nani- Anji – dadi call him that rarely, but mostly Chhote). And Payal also calls him Arnavji, so K has to call him something different.
Arnav, it is. (Frankly, it will take me some time to adjust to K calling him that.)
DeleteYou can believe that the big C did not happen if you want to but the fact is even the director who directed that scene admitted that he did indeed shoot the big C. Unless the director himself did not know what he was supposed to be shooting, it is unlikely that the big C did not happen. I feel there was a purpose to have that scene before the marriage. Arnav has changed his beliefs and his thinking for Khushi. So that scene was to show how much K appreciates that and is willing to reciprocate it by letting him get physically intimate with her before marriage. While she would have not allowed premarital intimacy before, she wholeheartedly gave herself to him because she believes, like he does they are already one in mind and spirit. So it was only the next logical step to become one in body. It was also to show that she completely trusts his love and wants to give him what he desired at that moment.
I don't agree with your view that a couple can't keep their hands off each other once they have had their C. That's not the case in telly world at least. The s**l tension prior to the C is what makes couple yearn for physical proximity. After C, couples in shows are generally shown to be more comfortable with each other but for the occasional heating up of scenes. My experience with this PH in their earlier show also bears this out. The s***l tension cooled off a bit after the big C although the couple did have many comfortable hugs. That is not to say that desire completely dies down in the shows. I feel it is better to rebuild that after a break which is what I think they are planning to do with this comedy track with emotional undertones. Soon it will erupt again and frankly it is not all over once the big C is over. If it is, then most couple will not stay married for years. Once the initial curiosity and anticipation are satisfied, couple's marital life assumes more meaning and depth.
Good point you made about the rest of the family not calling him Arnav, so Khushi calling him by his name will sound special to him. I want him to give her a pet name which he uses only when they are alone together. Maan used to call Geet 'Mishti' which was cute. Like Maan, Arnav should think of a cute name for his cute wife.
DeleteIt really does not make much difference to me whether they consummated or not.
There was some confusion on the definition of consummation or some similar word prior to that- I don't remember exactly.
But the fact is that though strict dictionary definitions might tell you only one definition for consummation, there are some informal usages of the word- like 'consummate a kiss'.
There was a lot of confusion around that scene because the whole story had to be changed...I really do not know what is the status of the scene right now in the story.
Probably we will get a more definite answer through the show. (I remember you telling me that it was not clear in Geet- hopefully the PH has come a long way from then.) I accept your explanation of becoming one in body- only, what was the hurry? One day before their mariage.
If Arhi had got separated, I could understand that scene was needed to show that she trusted him to that extent and the decision was that much more difficult or he married her because of that one commitment...
I will not add to the confusion...the marriage was consummated in the real sense of that word.
Couple not keeping their hands off- I meant that there'd be more eagerness- I could be wrong, after all this is telly world- may be I am trying to find an answer to the incomplete feeling in Arhi.
Nice to see you after a long time, girl. Mised you and UJ and Geetu.
DeleteYou still did not get the point. Irrespective of whether the track changed or not, the C before marriage makes a lot of difference in terms of what they wanted to convey as far as Arhi's relationship is concerned. Yes, it was just one more day for the real wedding. So why the hurry? For one, whichever way the story went - a separation or a wedding under the circumstances they showed us, a normal SR would not be possible. So this much in love couple would be waiting endlessly to become one in body and soul.
More importantly if it happens after marriage, K would not have done anything out of the way for A - a kiss is not on the same plane as the C. Although they have shown her shying off from a kiss, K was more than willing for the kiss on more than one occasion and it was A who had backed out on those occasions. So her giving in to the kiss would not provoke Arnav asking her if she was OK the next day.
Her absolute lack of guilt shows that she does not consider what they did was wrong for in her mind she has completely accepted him as her husband and a societal wedding was not required for them to take their relationship to the next level. That was big change in her attitude considering she was reluctant for the SR preceding their completion of the pheres. It is significant that her apparent reversal of stand took place after he had taken her to the secret garden and introduced her as his mom's bahu. It immediately followed their emotional conversation about their parents and how Arnav can't live without her. So it was her way of expressing that she knew what he wanted and she was ready for it. It also showed how sensitive she was to his physical needs for after all she had led him on with her clumsy seduction dance and later tenderly kissed him after their emotional convo. All this must have aroused the guy and she would have been considered a tease if she had only allowed a lip lock after that.
As I said earlier, a lip-lock does not require the other things he did like untying the dori, removing the bangles etc and that particular way of lip locking was also suggestive of something more - you see a simple kiss would only require him cupping her face, not leaning his body into her.
As to the PH learning from their previous show, many of things we are seeing now, including OTT Khushi shows that they have not. Maybe they think that is what sets them apart from the rest of the shows. Moreover I feel they deliberately underplay the C scenes and leave a lot of ambiguity so that the viewers can take it the way they want to see it.
Whatever was the deal with that scene one must admit that it was one of the most aesthetically shot scenes conveying the pure love these two have for each other.
Interesting points of view, both Su and Opti..
DeleteThe point for a C would simply be becos if it was really only about a kiss....Khushi was willing even tho a bit overwhelmed by the situation in Diwali....or on the several occasions before they were interrupted....if they had to make it a point about her agreeing to the kiss and nothing more...i would say they are too prudish in their love story that they have to engineer such elaborate scenes to drive home the point about the kiss. The audience is far more evolved, in case they haven't noticed..
Having said that, the levels of physical intimacy between two consenting adults is their business alone...if the writers themselves have doubts about the story they wish to tell or are foisting new fangled thots or are becoming conformist to cater to sensibilities diff from thots they are aligned to..can we really blame the audience for its confusion?
The makers started to tell us a story where their leads have a strong pull to each other....we have seen enuf evidence of if marriage is a reason for that pull to go away....are they saying that this inevitable happens when one is married...if so,let them end the story if they have made the point.....
Delete"Khushi was willing even tho a bit overwhelmed by the situation in Diwali....or on the several occasions before they were interrupted...."
Her mind set changes It is not the same, like you yourself pointed out- she was overwhelmed back then at diwali. But he attempted to kiss her so many times during the re marriage track- each time she resisted and found a bahaana.
Even on the consummation, go back to the passion at the hut- she was more than willing- again, suddenly overwhelmed with relief and caught offguard with the passionate lover in Arnav- contrast with the SR night on Janmashtami- she forced herself to think...
K's personality did not change- and all these were not set up for trp, I firmly believe it is about K- how she thinks differently in different sometimes in the height of passion, she will forget her traditional orthodox beliefs...I really don't have a problem with C- I was always for Radhe Shyam...good if it happened that way. But for me, it does not gel with a lot of things. I can put up with OTT, because I am expecting OTT, and a few hiccoughs here and there,but I feel the team really does not mess up the drama content (fully agreeing that the climax and continuity tends to get flawed...)- I am talking about something else here...No, I am not complaining...just wondering... only because I want to know if we should be viewing the current track in the light of this- it doesn't matter. We'll know sooner or later.
Opti, Su, Rekha,
DeleteMy thoughts on that starry night and the reason it strikes a jarring note at times in our minds:
That night they got physically intimate (for a girl of Khushi's nature, letting her man see hr in the nude before pheras would also have been a big thing) because subsequently I think the story was poised on a separation by a trick of fate. He would have battled his demons and would have decided to come back to her to see if he could despite it all live with her but en route has an accident and does not reach. Khushi waits till the last ember is extinguished and then walks out thinking her trust was misplaced. After that there would have been a roothna manaana all over again and perhaps a simple temple wedding with all the family present. But this would have resulted in Dadi and Shyam playing their vile tricks longer.
Howvever for whatever the reasons the intervention of fate was postponed and Shyam's expose was moved up. Hence Arnav reached on time, Khushi's trust was not misplaced and Shyam's true colour came to light. However an intervention of fate is needed because these are star crossed lovers and roothna manaana will have to be a part of the ArHi life, their nok jhok being their style of loving each other. So that is what is playing out now.
DeleteAm with Opti on that one 9just read her second response). It was not just a kiss that is for sure. And why the physical intimacy a day before the wedding because for the first time Khushi set aside her moral beliefs completely trusting Arna's love for her. Knowing he was perhaps aroused and was holding back only for her sensibilities she decided to go ahead and give in to the feelings they both felt at that moment.
Am with Opti and Sandy on this one too ... it was definitely more than a kiss, and probably a full consummation. And that was for the reason you girls have said, it was a big deal for Khushi to set aside her morals and values and give in to Arnav on this ... his taking her to his mother's garden and telling her she was his wife from that day on, had a lot to do with it, for her to take that final step, because she knew by then how much he worshipped his mother's memory. So that day she felt completely wedded to him in mind, heart and soul ... body was the last step and a natural one to take by then. Hence she gave in to her feelings ...
DeleteMaybe the writers meant a separation to happen and the wedding to be stalled, in which case the C before marriage might have been significant. But maybe not ... as far as the family knew, Arnav Khushi had a normal husband wife relationship even earlier ... ref the broken bed ... so a pregnancy, IF it was planned would not have made a difference for the family. It would only have made a difference to Khushi herself. And now that they have been married a few days, Creepwa has been thrown out, there are no cameras to stop them, a pregnancy makes not an iota of difference at all. So I think that scene was only to show Khushi giving in to Arnav because he wanted to ... like he went through all the rituals for her sake.
Yuck - is the only word that comes to mind over that conference room fiasco - seriously Khushi changed 3 outfits and Arnav did not have the chance to turn on the lights to stop the circus? What crap...
ReplyDeleteSo much for SKD :( Is this the level of writing we should expect from now on ?
Sri, CRAP is right ... I couldn't sit through the scene a second time! Writers' brains seem to have gone on a break!
Deletethe writers don't a have clue other than about stereotypes on social diff...if this track is abt that....
Belonging to a lower strata of society does not mean that people do not understand propriety or decorum in situations....this is where the writing failed....if it was about her jhalliness her behav in the auditorium had already made the point (in abundance, i would say)so there should have been a more creative way to address how she went about "manaoing" him...
Extremes are not required to drive home the point esp about a character like Khushi...we know her..
Since I had seen what they did to Geet post marriage I wasn't surprised by the OTT Khushi here. Not that I liked it. As long as they don't reduce Khushi to carrying lunch for Arnav, I can live with such scenes. I am happy Arnav was firm with her about office decorum and hopefully we do not get a repeat act. Am curious to see how Arnav reacts to the b'day celebration. at least his aversion to b'day's has nothing to do with his gory past because he was cranky about it even as a six year old. Maybe he does not like the idea of getting old. I would like to see him lose his cool first but then goes all out to make up to his wife once he realises what trouble she took to make his day special. And yes, I would like them to visit to the secret garden in the evening. Khushi can then promise his mom how she will always look out for her son's happiness always. They can then return home to have their second union, this time leaving no doubts that they are indeed one in every possible way.
Deletea case in point where writers completely lose the plot (well, if there is one?) and i wonder who approves the me it has to be the one who outlines the terms of objective (well, if there is one?)
Deletefor example, Khushi said this was all about involving Anji in the revelry so that she forgets the the Cvs should tell us what part of that revelry focussed even remotely on me it seemed Khushi called everyone and went about exhibiting her uninhibited self from then question is was she playacting her concern or she had forgotten what she wanted to do?
For a person giving out a one-line vision, the first question to the writer would be what is it that Khushi is doing and why? is that so diff to do for an approver of a track...
if she is doing things to irritate Arnav..why is she doing it? becos thats apparently not the aim
if she is doing this to help anji, why has no scene been written to show that?
If its none of the above, what is the bloody scene about?
In short, if u wanted to say Khushi is ignoring Arnav's need to be together in deference to current situation, why does she have to be a buffoon to do that becos just a couple of days ago she was shown to have far greater maturity than Arnav in a situation...
DeleteI think the current part of the story would be Khushi's journey to understand Why she does things and if indeed it is for others then it will have to be in a manner that they would like rather than a solution using what she knows and enjoys.
Case in point being that cocktail party and Khushi's reaction to it. Did she ever truly realize whay that party was given. Yes Payal would have felt a bit uncomfortable but would not Akash have been there to guide her through it?
What would have happened if the deal had fallen through yday? Would Arnav have still handled her as sweetly? Would Khushi have tried to apologize perhaps tried to make matters better and worsened them and once at home if Arnav had lost his temper - what would she have said? What if despite it all she had gone ahead and proposed the English movie plan in that case?
The answer I think actually lies in that statement she always makes: Hum humeshaa kuch achcha karne jaate hain magar sab gadbad hojaata hai. Fact yes but has she ever paused to think Why gadbad ho jaataa hai? I think not.
She once asked Arnav aap aise kyun hain. Today she accepts hum ajeeb hain but does she realize why she is ajeeb. Arnav was what he was due to his past. Is Khushi also what she is because of the same past and her insecurities of people leaving her?
rekha, loved what you wrote above. it seems there are a few differences of opinion among the creative team!
Deleteby the way.. is it because the epi was so bad (or because everyone's AD is so good )that i am writing the 50th comment one full day after the episode aired?
i did not think it was that bad.. and on rewatch, i LOVED arnav's expressions during the client's accolades.
-and how cute was that "call me arnav" scene? awwww
-khushi had her english movie tickets in the back pocket of her magical jeans :D
-those two gunshots.. priceless!
DeleteI would not really had her taking lunch to him - as long as she has restored her Dabba service - it would be in keeping with the character and the Dabba service owner role - keep it understated, not OTT.
Totally agree with you - the plotline, the character and the execution all seem to be at odds with each other. The story telling is so rushed that it makes me wonder are they trying to patch in scenes they had already shot with the old storyline before they had to change lanes because of TRP and fan pressure ..
Sach kahoon to mujhe nahin lagta the writers now have the ability to delve into Khushi's character - ASR was easy to show the change Khadoos to mushy...Khushi's character changes are more intrinsic...difficult to show mainly because her character has already exhibited parts of the changes in the show- e.g in the convo with buaji about respecting his beliefs - none of the changes would come across as a real change ..even the sensuality aspect already came thru with the hut and farmhouse..
The only change they could potentially show on screen is asking Arnav for an opinion before she takes off ..yesterday's episode had Arnav saying twice - you did not ask/let me talk...
Now that they are talking - they should learn to talk before not after :) Baby steps)
But this kind of story telling is too subtle for the gen audience- so have a side track to bring this out - rebuilding Anji's life is perfect for the platform for both of them to have differences, resolve them ..and please even though I root for Khushi - I do not want to see only Khushi's nuske being right all the time - lets see some of the balance of right and left brains :)
NK ki love story chalao..Payash ki kahani aage badhao ..I would love to see Khushi and Payal running a business together and being successful :)
So much scope to build the story..if the creative team can get their act together :)
ReplyDeleteKhushi knows but she rarely understands the why behind the know. That is what the present story is all about I think.
But yes can they please improve the quality of writing and execution. If I apply my mind to it, I would have ahd the same result they got yday in a different way. Heck I even wrote of a tiff in th weekly shiddat post I think and the family in trying to help making matters worse.
SN: I recalled last Sun there was an episode of Arjun where they dealt with a film star's murder in a theatre. I hope the theatre plan did not happen thanks to them having it at their disposal :S
Thinking aloud:
ReplyDeleteThe 1 thing about K that A could never tolerate were her tears. What is the 1 thing about A that touches & hurts K to that extent?Why was K attracted to A? Why did she always believe him to do right by her? Was she always just reacting to him?
Fri's epi reminded me of:
The scene when K comes to AR to persuade A to stop La. She launches even then right in the middle of a room full of people because she was in a hurry to make sure things mend. A had dragged her out of the room & they had sparred. Then K sent him plants as a last ditch effort to stop him from going & on that basis told La she trusted him to come.
Does K know why she trusted him even then? Does she know what made him come - plants or the need to make her tears go away & see a smile on her face?
K has been telling him she loves him a lot, but does she actually realize what she is saying or is it mere repetition of the hero heroine saga from the films she loves. Where SR is known of but what happens in the days after is never clear.
K realizes the power she has over A because of his love for her & his inability to see her tears. Does she realize the responsibility of nurturing & respecting that love which comes with the power?
A has time & again told K I love you as is don’t change. Still, today she said I thought to say sorry to you I had to become an English film heroine. He has always said he only needs her. That is why he relented the moment she said she was here to 'manao A'. My CCKKP moment was when after taking the pictures he asked her And?. It was nice to see that haq.
Does K realize that it is not the her willingness to change and trappings that pulls A to her. It is the twinkle in her eyes, ability to think on her feet, emotional connect & belief in small things, boundless affection for every person in her life including a Lakshmi that attracts him to her. A loves her & not who she could become for him. Does she realize that though she parrots the line "Hum jaante hain ki aap bhi humse bahut pyaar karte hain". Is this knowledge a reflection of all the movies she adores? The hero saves the damsel in distress & the damsel is indebted to the hero & pays back with love?
Does K realize that it is at times not wrong to think about her own happiness & needs without always thinking how the family would react to it? Love is not paying off a debt.
Why does K want to celebrate A's bday when he does not like it himself? Yes she believes he must live life & enjoy & she wants to make him happy but what is it about the man's basic nature that K has forgotten? She was once very attuned to it. She has the knowledge - she once irritated him in 101 ways ; the way to make him happy would be to not go any of those 101 ways is it not? Anjali had told K that A does not like doosron ka pyaar jataana, laad pyaar & so on. And in the recent past it has been clear that he has adopted a lot of mush because she likes it & he does not mind going mushy for her. But on his bday it has to be about him & how he wants it done correct?
K never minds him getting intimate with her but apart from that 1 time in his room when she had reached out to kiss him just after the repeat mehendi, K shys away. That day when he stoops for his phone, her first thought had been that though he was not thinking it & yet when he leaned in she dismissed the moment with the problem at hand. A let it drop then. (Yes it was all for Di & all that). But does K even understand why she moves back when he moves towards her? He told her not to & also told her to step forward with him. Yet yday she moved back in the office.
Has K realized she is a bride or she is living out a "ghar ghar" play world where she will cook & care for husband & her family & so on? Does K understand that there is a husband & wife equation in every marriage too? The reason why Payal had told her to butt out of trying to solve their issues earlier when the kidnap ended.
Some very valid points you made there Sandy. As usual an unusual post. Don't you think that Arnav also suffered from the same fault of forcing his views on Khushi? He has come a long way since then but he did make Khushi miserable in his enthusiasm to celebrate her birthday as he found fit. He knew that all she wanted was a simple wish from him but he couldn't get himself to say it. He did everything else instead. By the end of the day he finally wished her and that too when he thought she was asleep. That rose he kept by her pillow did not go unnoticed by her nor did his emotional tears. When she found out that the rose was from the secret garden linked to his memories of his mom, she was touched and moved even more. So maybe we will get to see a similar scene play out, with Arnav upset over Khushi's over enthusiasm to celebrate a day he would rather keep subdued but by the end of the day, K will realise what he really wants just as he too relents his harshness. The learning never stops between couple, especially as diverse as these two.
DeleteHuggs! I totally am with you about:"The learning never stops between couple, especially as diverse as these two." Fact of life!
Yes Arnav did force his way on her on her bday. Funnily he tried to give her the lights, cake and flowers, the jashn she always loved but it ended up that from him she wanted only that heartfelt wish.
So here too I think she is going the party way because she has always seen the Raizadas host a party for Anji's anniversary, Diwali and so on. So she feels that will be the way to go only to realize that Arnav too like her would have simply wanted "Kuch Dil Se".
Perosnally I would be thrilled if she eventually got him a rose plant for his garden and dressed up in that red saree they first selected and the red bangles he got her.
(I am hoping for the fact about her selling her bangles for plants earlier coming in this way - just like at raksha bandhan her spilling the beans on the kurta idea being hers and him realizing that she had gauged him way back then just like with the pigeons.)
In my post above, I was only trying to think about what ran / runs in Khushi's mind and tried to keep what Arnav did or did not do out of it. Else I was landing in a lopsided judgemental mess.
I sincerely hope the screenplay improves and Khushi's sanak and realization of Arnav's needs is handled a bit more classily. Yes she jabbers nineteen to the dozen with people she loves but injecting a bit of thought say for e.g. she has this idea and is all set to go execute it and for a second pauses and says Hey DM, unhe yeh pasand toh aayega na, aapko kya lagta hai, a pause which may make her reconsider portions of her plan knowing her man would make a difference I think.
DeleteI differ from you in your reading of Khushi today.
She does not know yet that Arnav doesn't like celebrating his birthday. It's his first after marriage, she is naturally excited about it. Let's see what she does ... will she go ahead, or will she amend her plans ... NOT cancel them completely. I would prefer the latter, I don't want her cancelling them, rather finding a way around them which she hopes he will like or accept. And and in process finding out the root cause of WHY he doesn't like celebrating birthdays, and then tackling it. Otherwise no point just saying Arnav doesn't like celebrating his birthday - live with it!
The family has always accepted Arnav's idiosyncrasies as being what he wants ... not what he NEEDS. Therein lies the difference.
She has not been shying away from intimacy for quite some time now. The kiss in his room was the first one she initiated, she initiated more in the farmhouse. On their wedding night, she was ready ... it was he who backed away, and then of course they found the cameras. And the time when he went for his phone, she was also expecting some move from him ... and he knew it! He was teasing her, but then she went back to the plan, and it was the need of the hour so he dropped the subject.
I think her willingness to change is part of what attracts Arnav to her ... the willingness to change is part of her never say die spirit and her readiness to accept all challenges and try to win them. Their lagi sharts were all about that, after all. The sangeet, the kiss challenge, the hug challenge ... even the very first office challenge. That spirit and fire in her is what attracts him the most. And although he doesn't NEED her to change, when she makes an effort to do things HE likes, he loves it - it's her way of showing how much she loves him and trusts him, and he knows it. When he challenged her to drink wine, she drank it - he doesn't want her to drink if she doesn't want to, but she's ready to drink if he wants her to. That's the beauty of their relationship, and it shows the trust and complete acceptance of each other.
So nope, she's not playing ghar ghar here ... a woman takes some time to realize that the physical aspect of a relationship is really her man's way of showing his love - especially for a man who's not vocal for the most part about his feelings.
I also feel, that since they have already consummated, they must be having a normal hubby-wife relationship now ... after all, it's been two days since the cameras vanished, they have no reason to hold back now ... so Arnav's needs as you put it, are probably being met already! In which case, Arnav sulking because he can't hold her hand in the movie hall is even more absurd! Cute but absurd! And Khushi rushing to manao him in the office, rather than wait for him to get back home in the evening, when she would be able to do it much better, is even more absurd!
DeleteOn the bday plans - fair point she did not know yet and yes perhaps I assumed that knowing his hesitation, Khushi being Khushi will want to still celebrate. If you read my SKD later, even I have wished for an amendment of plans and not cancellation. That way she honours his need to not celebrate in a big way yet she wants to keep it special so plans a twosome something.
On the willingness to change - yes Arnav likes Khushi doing stuff because he likes it agreed but without changing her essence or doing things she is not comfortable. Watching an English movie her poitn was it was not paisa vasool. But with the clothes she said she would never be able to wear something of that sort is it not. Ok how do I explain it - my thought when I wrote that was Khushi's willingness to manao him is what matters to him most. As for her doing stuff because he asked her or challenged her - recall she had a bit of a hesitation, a kind of dislike if I may to the kiss one and drinkign wine because they weere a bit outside her comfort zone. Whereas sangeet or wearing decent Western clothes she was still comfortable with. The difference between a one off adaptation and a permananency with change, does that make sense? For e.g. will she continue calling him Arnavji or would it have been a one off Arnav. One off is not really change right?
Ys he does not need her to change but by hanging herself for him, would it be fair to Khushi in the long term, I wonder? For e.g. Arnav is not parying to God daily is he. The mandir visit was a one-off. It is more tolerance for the others like than changing oneself to fit into the other's like is it not?
Ok on th physical intimacy bit, I am not saying they are not having their fair share of action. When I meant films only show so much after which things blur was my indication that in most movies you have the wooing phase, couples get married and then they sit about adapting to the families. The heroine is more about settling in and putting family first while hero sneaks in and tries to steal time with her, initiative almost always being the hero's (the difference between men and women like you guys have highlighted).
The mention of ghar ghar was also me wondering that perhaps as she was growing up she never saw her parents carve out and spend time with each other always putting family matters first. It would have been natural to not see Garima and Shashi not go out for a movie or a drama without the full family. Khushi told Arnav he should have told her; he did right by saying he was taking her to the races but she on her own changed it into a family outing. I was just wondering why she would have done that.
Also that day post the kaanch in sock scene, it was clear when Arnav caught onto what she mean he did lean in and perhaps they should have shared a quick peck but Khushi though she thought of it stopped short and changed topic. Its not so much Arnav getting action as every woman being justified in having physical needs.
Sn: the thinkign aloud was no just abssi toay but general wondering about Khushi.
Khushi changing herself for him ... why not? Has Arnav not changed himself for her? She never asked him to change either ... she also told him that she doesn't want him to change. And in life, the only constant is change ... I am not the same person I was 20 years ago, before marriage ... we change with the different stages of life. Will Khushi not have to change, mature, become less impulsive when she becomes a mother for instance? The question is - does she change because he asks her to? No, because he doesn't. Except for the name - from Arnavji to Arnav.
DeleteAnd other changes ... he doesn't want her to change for him ... she wants to change because she doesn't want to be an embarrassment to him, she wants to fit in his world. Again VERY understandable ... I have an aunt who didn't know a word of English when she got married, she learnt, she persevered at it and now speaks very decent English. When change is about improving yourself, there is no harm in changing at all, as long as you don't compromise your core beliefs ... and as long as you're not forced. Here, if either of them change, they change out of love for the other, so there is no question of force. That's why I DO want them to show Khushi trying to adapt herself to Arnav's world outside, while remaining the Raizada bahu inside the house. It's a role play many women have to do, and it would be really interesting to see, considering that wearing skirts and drinking are considered the prerogative of vamps, not heroines, in tellywood :))) If they pulled this off, it would be quite a thing!
Actually the drinking part I can relate to very well ... I never drank before marriage - not a family ban or anything, I just didn't. When I got engaged, I started moving in my husband's circle of friends where all the wives drank ... so I started drinking socially, I still do. My husband never pressured me, my in-laws were perfectly okay with it ... so I changed.
Changing the races to a family outing - did Khushi realise the race program was for only the two of them? Considering that till the night before, all Arnav's thoughts were only about Di? That's why that night scene between Arhi was so important ... a closure of the Shyam chapter between the two of them and thoughts about ab aage ... but they didn't give us that ... grrrr!!!!
I agree though, Khushi she should have thought a little about it ... it would be quite strange to take the whole family out to a race the day after such a big showdown ... it was equally strange to go out with the whole family to a movie ... but like I said, I felt that WAS more understandable, Khushi did not feel comfortable going out to enjoy herself just the day after Di's marriage broke, so it was to take Anjali out and not let her sit moping at home.
DeleteI have nothing against people changing by heir own will for the ones they love. Just had a few not so good and happy experiences around it myself and I guess that memory came out on paper.
But yep agar Khushi raazi toh mujhe kya aitraazi :)
And pleej I can whack someone for not finishing off that expose night properly with the rest of the family, even Khushi Payal and Arnav Akash and straight off going to the races.*sigh*
I am all for the heroine wearing skirts - actually I hope they do show it - it would be refreshing!
SN: Looking at the caps I was reminded of my buddy who would scold me this way over email :)
Ulta Decode from that office scene
ReplyDeleteTumne kaha tha ki tumne kpi plan banaaya hai mujhe manaane ke lye. Whats the plan?
You guys said you had a plan to make it up to all of us for putting up with all the onscreen and offscreen drama? WHat is it?
English movie. 2 tickets for an ENglich movie.
Fandom, we have th upcoming UK (England) trip with Arnav and Khushi, so videsi tadka maarke
Aur hum skirt pehenke jaayenge. Sari ya suit nahi.
Fnadom, bowing to your demands for a wardrobe upgrade, yet not hurting sensitivities, Khushi will wearks skirts and tops / kurtis no suits and saris on the trip. And to add to tha tadka she will speak only in English. And perhaps also call her LG Arnav
So Happy guys? :)
And Are you READY to see all this? ;)
ah sandy..kya ulta decoding kiya hain yaar!!! :))
Deletetruely, the only thing that keeps me hooked now is SaRun.. and I'm actually looking forward to their trip in UK.. :)
DeleteBefore the UK rip which is a month away there is still so much possible. Let's see kya hota hai.
Sandy, tu eternal optimist hain yaar.. :)) tera naam Opti-part 2 hona chahiye.. :P haha.. :)
Deleteanyway, friday ka epi was total bakwaas for me apart from the cabin scene.. let's see what next week has in store.. :)
Deleteisiliye to my handle is HAA - hopelessly addicted to arhi :)
fri epi left much to be desired for me too. i alwasy look to se how they could have doen it better because when they set their minds to it they do a fab job. And yes this happens to be the only serial still worth watching. Plus I am so used to seeing subtlety ki in my face excess puts me off.
okay.. it was a very good thing that i saw the episodes very late.. gave me time to read up on the live updates and avoid the first-watch heartbreak.
ReplyDeletewith that in mind, i liked the last 2 episodes.( i watched them together, so this review is for both)
di did an about face and went back to the anjali we saw in the beginning of the show. i have to say i loved how she is showing her understated elegant dress sense again.. yes, i loved the yellow sari and its accesories.( i had been thinking that manorama mami's stylist had hijacked anjali di. )
was it just me or did i hear "mein teri khoon pee jaungi" in the episode? and a reference to running around trees? (am i going so arhi-mad that i'm developing pre-cog abilities??)
i loved the way he is just putty in her hands.. and she knows it!! she knows that she is ajeeb and he loves that about her.. and she accepts that they are one.. they are arshi, no facades between each other... and even loved the way she told the horses lovestory.. still giggling at the story. (writer, sanaya, well done!)
the nautanki at the movie hall door could have been handled better.. i wanted anjali to enjoy that scene more.. i it was all for di's benefit, at least let her burst out laughing when khushi said arnav is the biggest SK fan..
i agree that the raizadas were rich enough to buy the cineplex if they wanted to,(petty thought i agree, but i wanted Arnav to slip a note to the security to let khushi take the basket inside.. ) and they went to see the movie and were begging and pleading with the security guy like they were school kids, but maybe this post coloured what i think. read it, it is a refreshing perspective.
My SKD scene.. the family decides via eye glances to not let AK sit together.. NK refuses to move, nani-anji share a smile..payal invites khushi to come sit with they can enjoy the movie like they did in younger times.. arnav-akash share a longsuffering glance.. and both agree to let the jhallis sit together.. (was a much better scene. so there.)
kostin.. if they took so much food to the cinema, why was khushi so excited about popcorn?
and during the break, the brothers decide to divide and conquer, sit on either side of the sisters.. and again the missed handholds et al dont make ME frustrated ..
back at home khushi is genuinely surprised why he is mad.. i liked the scene.
the office scene left much to be desired, but i have to be happy that the AR glass building finally made a reappearance!! and now they have a reception and all... see this is why a good director makes a difference!!
someone fire that extra actor once called "mohan".. he is in too many frames each week and today he was almost acting to stay in the frame!
the dress change scene was yucky.. not only the feel but also the execution.. bits of dress left in his hands.. she packed for a magic act inside that duplicate designer bag??
and the dialogue by the clients.. ROFL ROFL CMEO... how dare the CT butcher a scene and then PUBLISH it?? i really hoped there was a scene in his cabin(hey, where is the glass cabin?) where he took a moment to appreciate how hot his biwi looked. a closeup of his eyes, the old rabba ve, realization slowly dawning in her eyes, and then that dialogue.. (who said anything about changing?" in that sexy voice of his..
instead, they tacked on the birthday details.. forgetting that his birthday is in august. (well, who cares, right?)
Deletethat SKD scene with the family conspiring, yep I agree if it had been shown that way it would have been more fun. Nuances and thehraav like we always say. When we are unable to savour a scene is when we feel bereft.
For bday with all her big plans and knowing what she does, she tells teh family she would have liked to have a big jashn but if Arnavji does not like it then she will plan something smaller for just the 2 of them. Some good naturd ribbing but the family eventually gives in and tells her CHotey will be very happy to spend time with her.
Khushi then goes ahead and arranges a surprise by the poolside or on the terrace. Arnav is late, Khushi tries calling him but then he keeps cutting her call or just does not answer. Khushi gets annoyed and fries up a mountain of jalebis muttering all the while. Family watches in earnest but Nani stops everyone and smilingly says aaj toh yeh choohe billi ka khel badaa mazedaar rahegaaa.
Finally when Arnav does call Khushi she is so pissed off she first cuts the call and when she then answrs it she gives him an earful. He gives as good himself. When he walks into the house the whole family ignores him and continues to play dumb. He huffs up to his room to see it all dark. Switches on the light to see Khushi missing. Goes out to ask his family who hrmph around him, checks in the kitches sees a mountain of jalebis and wonders why Khushi would have been upset. Finally HP tells him he had seen Khushi bhabhi go upto the terrace. And he walks onto the terrace to see a table for 2. Balloons stuck on the gazebo with fairy lights. Flowers on the table, candles, a small cake.
And sitting by the side Khushi in that red saree they chose / or bday saree wearing red bangles or maa ke kangan looking morose. And Arnav melts. He feels like a heel for having shouted at her.
Some eye exchange but Khushi is not relenting, her eyes spitting fire.
He goes back down (Khushi is even more annoyed) and then comes back with a plateful of jalebis to manao Khushi. She gives him no bhaav so he goes on to wish himself a happy bday and is about to bite into a jalebi when KKGSR goes her usual "aapko meetha mana hai" Arnva raises an eyebrow and smiles. Khushi then as usual launches into her list of complaints ending with a WT Arnav, aap aisa kaise kar sakte hain...
Alrite I am stopping right here and getting out of my SKD kyunki Actual scene will be something else only and I will still see cos of my love for ArHi..
sandy, kya SKD bana diyaa.. beautiful!
Deletethough i'd slip in a hollywood slice about the two going all guns firing and suddenly, to shut her up, he pulls her into a kiss.. and a scene like the rose carpet (that was a reluctant hug turned into a consenting hug.. here the rating went up a bit .. of course, SKD mein sab jaayaz.)
Hey Sandy,
DeleteU have just given perhaps 18 mins of an epi for the makers.....
and a beautiful one at that....and something i think SArun can top off brilliantly just by being in the frame....
j, to top it, ur skd is the cheer on the cake....
abs awwwwwwwwworthy!!
Monu, i have to say this...the allure of the past scenes is what makes us all so crazy...when Arnav could show so much love in the hate phase, his love in the love phase should top it, hain na? This is where the Cvs have to think of what they have created....a mountain of expectations...and dwell deeper to come up with scenes that does justice to the benchmark they themselves have set earlier for the story...without compromising on ARHI's basic characteristics....actually its not diffi to do as u ladies here have shown time and again...
Hayyeee, Sandy, shiddat for that SKD!!!
DeleteI want this beauty in writing back ...
and this intensity too ...
DAMN..I know m asking for too much!!! :(
awww how cute was arnav bitwa when he first felt khushi's pain... bitwa to ekdum pighal gaya.. no wonder he became so soft after falling in love..
DeleteASR to his enemies and bitwa to those whom he loves..
ohh the fairy lights rabba ve.. look at him.. touching her as if she was a butter statue.. sooo close, but so far..
"khushi ulajh gayi thi" and their expressions there.. hayeee
too much? no yaar, they still know how to get us there.. they simply do not want to. hai devi maiyya, the writing, the intensity... SHIDDAT!
Those were classic scenes that elevated this serial above the others :)
DeleteBut rewatching the scene I just realised Bitwa does not know how to operate a light switch :) Ladki lights mein phasi hai - the first common sense reaction would be to turn off the the first common sense option yesterday would have been to turn on the switch :)
aawww...those were good days!! thanks mads for the links!!
Deletesri, how can he use his brain when all his blood is flowing in another direction ;)
Deleteyou know, bitwa was always demonstrated that he can only think one thing at a time.. whether it was about khushi or about shyam.. once he thinks one thing, that is that.. the constraints of being a fictional character... :D
Dia, Sandy, Opti,Jaya
ReplyDeleteHats off to you ladies - how you managed to say something nice about the episodes, wow! Tried to view the episode as a non HAA so that I don't expect too much, even then - have to say - lousy seems too good a word!
Most of you feel it was an attempt to make ASR the good guy and KKG the cartoon, to me both were ridiculed today
the business tycoon? the guy came across as a complete idiot, he could not manage to hold his wife's hand, even after 3 tries!! Seriously!
And he could not stop his wife change clothes, three time, along with accessories! What if she came in something more revealing? He could shout at her under the smallest pretexts but could not tell her he was not alone??? Ok, he did not want to hurt her but why could he not tell the guests to excuse them for a bit, switch on the lights??? And what was the thing he was left holding each time - so his wife was shedding clothes nad he still did not ask the guest to leave (if he could not shut her up!)
Yuck is actually the best description!
The fight was actually a relief but he gets convinced so easily?? - what happened to his famed anger?
Finally - he had said he did not want KKG to change - but was ok on her wearing a skirt? (have nothing against skirts - its just that it goes against what he had earlier said to her - i live you as you are!)
Supposedly she took the family out coz of Di and never mentioned her, talked to her, tried to sit with her
And she of course could do nothing as boring as manaoo her husband in their house, of course not!
And she is at it again = planning without asking - hello she is not the only one related to ASR how about asking other for ideas/feedback??
The guys like the clothes - seriously - pick up a 'new line' from the 'fashion house' which is obviously easily available in the market!! (and clothes like those - ***headdesk headdesk***!!!)
And ofcourse they had to get teh contract because KKG is an SP bahu, even when hse messes up, she has to be the winner - hence ODB's anger also dies so soon
Look i totally understand that it takes time to understand one another - despite completing each others sentences and being totally tuned in to the emotional stuff, they need to adjust to normal life too, so would have liked the track if they had used their brains to show it - it just was a bad job
people may change but old habits die hard - had ASR remained angry it would have made sense - of course they could have shown KKG hurt and ASR then having a convo with her - in their room/by the poolside!!!
mona, relax and watch this!
DeleteYou said precisely what all of us felt - this disconnect was necessary but it could have been depicted differently
And yes I wonder why they always show Khushi's harebrained schemes succeding - mentioned this in my comment too. If that deal had fallen thru, I am sure the reaction would have been different.
DeleteAu contraire,I wanted (yes, only if i am under duress and great threat to my life, becos thats the only way for me to yes to that scene) that the contract be lost...khushi all apologetic and Arnav angry not about the loss of contract but the fact that she does not seem to think before she leaps...and telling her in so much words...I don't know what that scene would have achieved...but i hope one step in letting Khushi know that there are perils in being reactive....and at the same time, it would have shown an side of Arnav that when it comes to Khushi, his patience is like a mountain...both characteristics remaining intact...but a point made...
and with ur post much above, i am seeing more and more of the Khushi that u have talked about time and again...i have no hope that the makers even think like this about K....u were the among the first to point out these inconsistencies in K's character...and much before this phase. Dare i hope they have shown this to showcase a new understanding for K...albeit in a haphazard manner or is this SKD too much?
sandy, khushi's harebrained plans succeeding.. have you watched Bewitched? (
Deleteits all about the biwi's good intentions...:)
so what if every single plan of hers fell flat before marriage? so what if he was ultra successful before marriage? maybe it was a transfer of luck that happened because they got married? i'm hoping this REmarriage sets things right, horoscope-wise :D
mona, his wife was not shedding clothes.. how do you explain a full sleeve red shirt under a short sleeved tight white gown? yeah, they exaggerated the costume changes, because of the situational comedy it demanded.. and it all happened under a minute in the scene, but think of the hours of make up and re- makeup that sanaya had to go through! i was actually more impressed with the songs she was singing, in tribute to hollywood songs..
ROFL if those "aaaai luuurve yoooo a'navji!" was her impression of hollywood love song, i'm pretty sure our bitwa is doomed !
btw.. was that THE red shirt? "laal jhadi maidaan khadi"??
DeleteFrankly girls, I am not thinking about Friday's episode in any way as being representative of the characters at all ... so no character analysis from me. Except for Khushi including Anjali in the movie plan ... no, she doesn't have to sit next to Anjali and keep talking incessantly to cheer her up ... just bringing her out of the house and not letting her sit alone in her room was enough, IMO. We discussed earlier after the first Shyam showdown how the family let Anjali sit alone in her room, even eat meals alone, and how strange that was.
DeleteBut the rest of the episode was about missed opportunities and pathetic execution.
The exaggerated nautanki about bringing food inside the hall could also have been done deliberately to cheer her up without making it too obvious ... but if that was the plan, the execution failed ... just a few side glances by NK, Nani, Mami at Anjali, noting that she's getting amused by the drama would have made the point that it was more for her benefit. Without that, it came across as completely crass without that context.
Arnav trying to sit next to Khushi, failing, managing to sit after interval, and then failing to hold her hand in 1 1/2 hours of movie time ...again grossly exaggerated, as was Khushi's complete absorption in Salman to the exclusion of her hubby ... they wanted to show Arnav getting angry with Khushi, but had no clue how to manage it ... so this stupidity.
I had major issues with the intent behind the Arnav-Khushi bedroom scene too - just a week ago, they showed how beautifully they are in tune with each other, how Khushi knows that it was a struggle for Arnav to come to the mandap, he did it only for her but he hasn't managed to completely get over the Garima truth yet ...
and today they show that she has no clue why he was so angry! *head desk*
Far more believable would have been her apologising ... I know you wanted us to go out together, but how could we leave Di alone ... and Arnav getting angry, that you said the whole family is there for her, then why couldn't we leave her with them? Or even better, more like Khushi's birthday time, when she honestly does not feel right about going out on a date in the middle of the day, while he feels there is nothing wrong with doing so, it's their private time ... a conflict between the bahu and the wife in Khushi.
Which is something every wife does have to face. Again, as I said yesterday. a man can get away with doing this in his own house, it is always his wife who will be blamed for keeping her husband under her thumb. Last time Anjali got all hot and bothered that her Chotey was spending time alone with his wife instead of being totally shattered on her behalf ... so it would be natural for Khushi to fear the same happening again ... feeling that Di needs Chotey, so she doesn't want to take him away on a romantic rendezvous.
But whatever, a newly married husband wife and not have fights over these kind of issues? They always do!!! The first year of marriage is the period of most fights, because the most adjustment takes place then. There is always a tug of war about adjusting the time spent with each other, and usually it's the wife who worries, because hubby's folks will be quick to call him joru ka ghulam and blame her.
But back to the bedroom scene, if Khushi did feel that way, then the office scene is even more ridiculous ... yes, she knows he is upset, he will be back in the evening, it would be much more sensible to wait at home with the tickets, or go to the office just before movie time and take him with her directly. That Hollywood heroine acting was just cringeworthy ... typical GH brand humor!!! And Arnav was even more ridiculous ... SHE at least had the excuse that she didn't know they weren't alone ... what excuse does he have to let her continue? He can't find the light switch for five minutes??!!!
DeleteAs for the guys liking the clothes .. *head desk*
So I am not commenting on what track they are aiming for with this ... if the characters are so out of synch, I don't even want to go there. I would like it if it were about Khushi learning to live with Arnav's world, like I said, that would be more progressive for me ... the fact that Khushi is more than willing to meet him halfway and adapt to his world is a new thing in the first place. Normally all SP bahus are purely Indian, and wearing Western dress or doing anything 'western' or 'modern' is a big sin. And of course, that she stops to think before jumping in ... but that is Khushi, so no hopes that will change any time soon. If she feels she has hurt someone, or has done something wrong, she wants to rectify it immediately. So her rushing off to the office was still in character, her getting the tickets very much so, her dressing up in Western - if they had just kept it at that, would have been fine ... maybe let her meet the clients in jeans and they get shocked ...
I have no problem with her wanting to plan Arnav's birthday ... yes, she should ask the others but then she's not exactly unfamiliar with Arnav or the family, so that's not such a big deal. And she's not keeping it a big secret from them, they find out well in time to tell her ... not a big deal.
dia, you put a sane perspective here. yes, after khushi causes someone to get upset, her immediate instinct is to do some sort of nautanki to make them smile.. forget the hurt.. so IMHO, if it was just the gunslinger outfit and the besura song, the scene would have worked, and be in character.
Deletethough the clients liking the clothes enough to order them was literally jawdroppingly cheesy.
and really, applause to sanaya for making it look as if it was khushi wearing western clothes, and not just sanaya in jeans.
DeleteOn the theatre scene, I was thinking they could have still shown Arnav leaving post interval fiasco and Khushi was so lost in the movie she realizes it a little while later, assumes he stepped out for a call, is distracted by NK and then at the end of th movie realizes Arnav went missing. Comes home to see him sulking and the same scene could have played out.
I agree Khushi is always who rectifies immediately and Arnav's anger at being disturbed could have even been a combiantion of calls on the mobile, landline followed by an office boy being sent in and telling him Mrs. Raizada wanted to speak with him urgently. Arnav stalks of and walks in to the cabin to see her in the red shirt and jeans and she launches into whatever act she had planned leading to a tiff and Arnav letting her know that work time is important and interrupting is not done. And again the rest plays out.
I know people said it was in Arnav nature to be patient with Khushi and in Khushi's to rectify mistakes immediately but could they not have stuck to that and had the laying of boudnaries and the mini tiffs in a different way - I think yes had they but thought of it. Unless they were aiming for the easy way out and quoting the normal TV watching audience. I will not be surprised if Fri epi bags low TRPs because somewhere even teh aunty's have come to view Khushi differently from the other SP bahus. They look up to her being able to do things in a good way I think.
I love Bewitched. Used to watch it on TV all the time. My point was in real life when you pull stunts like this there is always a chance it backfires. Khushi has done it with the catering service, the Sethi brothers, the water fight and now this once without any repurcussion whatsoever? kuch jyaada nahi ho gaya?
Some late reactions to the beautiful analysis above. Khushi's intentions were good... I think she went to the office with the tickets and the clothes... and we can't completely blame here on the whole conf room fiasco... she was waiting there , went to change and found arnav when she came back.. and knowing how impulsive she is ( just like a certain young man who wanted to say sorry !) .. she has to jump in............... again there is a change in Khushi that she did not barge into the office like earlier..she has put in an effort to change for her husband (although he did tell her not to change). She has to learn not to be so impulsive ... ASR's character has grown in this respect .. but Khushi's hasn't and if they handle this track decently... would be good to see growth.
DeleteI however have my doubts... madam has immediately rushed impulsively into planning his b'day.......... without thinking -- she was there last yesr .. she did not see it being celebrated... so was there a reason? Is there a reason why he does not like b'days-- others too as he does not wish people?
The CVs conveniently seem to forget stuff -- she keeps regressing ... and that is very confusing..........that is the reason that Khushi gets bashed so much ( I am a diehard Khushi fan but that office scene made me cringe...)
Sandy, my interpretation is that while Arnav was sitting on the other end away from Khushi, her entire attention was actually on him ... she saw him muttering into his phone angrily, so she passed him the mathris, at one point she called out how well Arnavji's plan had worked ... she meant Salman ... so her attention was on him till he sat down next to her ... once he had sat next to her, she relaxed and enjoyed her movie. No, she did not expect him to hold her hand ... he is not the romantic kind! He was next to her, bas, she was happy. So his leaving the hall would not have worked as per my interpretation - she would have known the moment he left. Yes, he could have gotten angry at that point and the scene played out from there ;)
DeleteAsh, the cabin scene ... uff ... nothing can justify that crap!!! Agreed she didn't know he wasn't alone, but doing that infantile singing act in the office???!!! Doing it anywhere???!!! That's one of the scenes I want to obliviate from memory!!!
Arnav doesn't celebrate birthdays ... I was trying to remember - I don't think any birthday has been celebrated in RM at all. Am I right? We've seen Payal's and Khushi's, but none of the Raizadas'. Which means that because of Arnav's hangup, no one celebrates their birthdays in RM.
See, my thinking is - Arnav's hangups are all there for a reason ... and the reason is so that Khushi can help him get over them. NOT for her to respect them :))) When he told Garima that he can't call her Amma, we all thought that there will come a time when he WILL call her Amma ... that's why he said that he can't. Maybe that time will come ... I don't know if the BFTP is actually over and done with or more is to come.
He said he couldn't wish anyone Happy Birthday - he ended up wishing Khushi.
He could never talk about his mother, never remember anything except the last memory of the day she died ... because of Khushi, he started remembering the older, happier memories as well. He started talking about his mother, about his dad's affair ... Anjali said to Shyam that even she had never been able to talk to him about it.
Nobody knew where he went on his mother's birthday - he took Khushi to his mom's garden, so we now that's where he used to go.
Similarly, he has helped Khushi get over at least one of her hangups - her fear of the dark. Well, more or less ... the fireflies, his appearing when the lights went out ... if she's not over it yet, he's been there for her ...
She thinks of her parents as stars ... he threw away the stars over her bed, but now brought the stars for her ...
So I fully expect that at the end of the whole birthday fiasco, he will have at least told her why he doesn't like birthdays - that is, if the cv's have thought up a good reason at all. Maybe it will something as simple as his mom died on his birthday - though that doesn't explain why he didn't like birthdays even as a kid :) But he was khadoos and possessive about his mom even as a child, so maybe something related to that.
ReplyDeletewatch the first scene.. an example of subtlety.. the amile at the end.. in both their eyes, not on their face.. applause to the actors and especially the director.
Zoha is amazing yaar!!!! :))) every VM of hers brings a smile on my face..and this one was no different..I was smiling from start to end..
Deletewould love to see more of ArHi on old songs.. :))) thanks, Jaya for sharing..
I wanna make a VM on pyaar hua ikraar hua hai.. :) that's one of my all time fav songs..
madsie, yes, zoha and shy make VMs almost every weekend.. and such quality that usually are better than the original scenes!
Deletesee this one
Jaya...I was TOTALLY transported to a different world with that VM yaar... :) :) its sooo beautiful.. :) :) and this one is actually better than the original scene.. :)
Deleteand everytime the pace of song increased, I could feel my heart beat increasing.. and everytime 'in lamhon ke daaman mein' came all I felt was like, "wow these two are SO amazing" .. :))
Deleteits actually one of my all time fav songs..and I thought hrithik-ash looked absolutely royal, both in the movie and the for a long time I felt nobody could match them, but clearly, SaRun have proved me wrong... :)
dia, shiddat post?
Deletemadsie, true.. that is one fantastic VM.
waisey, when are you making that pyaar hua ikraar hua VM? :D waiting to see what scenes you'd add to it!
btw what are you on IF? can you buddy me ?
ok..I'm off on a VM watching spree now..
watch this one, Jaya.. :)) as she says, it will plaster a smile on your face for the next 24 hrs..IMO the actual VM begins at around 1:00 min or so...and then its simply a RIOT!!! :))) love watching naughty ASR.. :)) name's mads on IF too.. :) what's your name on IF? wait, will give you link to one of the topics I recently replied to..
check out this page.. :)
yaar I wanna make VM on saiyyan too...was soo dissatisfied with the hut scene, plus I wanna use the whole song and make VM coz I think that song perfectly represents khushi's feelings for arnav.. :)
and abt pyar hua ikraar hua, I listened to the song again and realised its too mushy for arnav.. :P but will try and see what scenes fit.. let's see.. :) haven't made a VM in like a long, long time..2 yrs, to be precise.. :P so its gonna take a lot of getting into the skin and basically inculcating lots of patience!! :)
Oh, these are so beautiful! I loved shy's vm!
DeleteMaking the shiddat post ... add your shiddats, girls!!! I can't think of too many today ... except for NOT making Khushi go back to infantile comedy!!!
madsie, try this one:
my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.. i always knew that khushi's smile was infectious.. but arnav.. when he smiles.. hayee
now lemme see if i can find a matching one with khushi in it..
jaya..watched it!! :)) and there's one with the other barfi song too.. :))) "aashiyaan" its about khushi and its soooooooooo cute!!!! :)))) ultra adorable!!!
Deleteah here it is -
simply other words!!! :))
awww such fluffy cotton candy! adorable is right!
Delete(never thought ASR would suit that song, but our bitwa fits it perfectly! thanks for the link!
khushi's plan for arnav's birthday:
will she? won't she?
DeleteI loved that scene. Ok so jalebis in my b'day SKD were not too off the mark :P
Good one!! Mithai and macchar chhap!!
Delete****SPOILER ALERT****
misthi's spoiler its pretty accurate..I know you banned spoilers, but just putting in this one coz hers is always accurate...
dunno whether we should discuss it or not...m highly skeptical as of now... :S
yuck.. now that i know it, i will have to suffer through all the anticipation scenes ... like i knew who bubbly was, so two episodes of anticipation were wasted for me.. someone shoot mishti! and girls, really.. if you ahvent cheched it yet, DONT!!
Delete*if you have not checked it yet, please do not read the spoiler. it will only spoil your next few episodes!
Deleteand the non-episode part of the "spoiler" has me boiling mad! not a good combination for a monday evening..
a teeny tiny OS that made me smile
that scene! ROFL