Thursday 11th October '12
Anjali recovery phase ... when Di's bulb lit up finally, it lit up with full wattage.
Dekhe kar humne andekha kiya
Jaan kar hum anjaan bane
She had seen everything, but just refused to see it ... registered it but refused to accept or even acknowledge it ...
Now with the blinders gone, she accepts how wrong she was ... how the family tried to tell her, show her, yet she refused to listen, to believe ...
And Anjali even thanks Khushi ... full wattage indeed.
First speech was a bit long-winded ... starting with self-pity and crying, why me ... fortunately changed gears quickly ...and finally accepted the importance of family over KP ...
Liked the Khushi-Anjali scene ... Anjali thanks Khushi and acknowledges that Khushi did a lot for her ...
I thought Khushi would remember that her babuji says the same thing ... dil ke rishte khoon ke rishton se bade hote hain ... I had loved that line from Shashi babu at the start of the show ...
Why couldn't we get a nice Arhi scene at night??? Don't only want a rabba ve ... a soft emotional scene about how worried they were at the start, and how thankful that it went off well, they know Di was hurt but it was better she be hurt now ... etc. etc ...
Morning ... Khushi Lucknow express on full steam ... poor Arnav, how the women in his life manipulate him!!! From Derby to Salman Khan movie ... what a fall, my countrymen!!!
Loved Arnav's baffled expressions when he sees the entire family getting ready for a picnic, then figures out they're all coming on his date ... poor guy again! And Anjali is actually trying to be normal ... dressed normally, instead of the mourning she went into the first time VLR was thrown out, smiling ...
Khushi nautanki at the cinema hall ... if I was a bystander, I would be grumbling loudly at stupid people who can't follow simple rules ... funny onscreen, but not funny in real life! Poor Arnav again - for the third time!!! But it was fun to watch Nani, Mami, NK, Payal all get into the act ... Akash and Anjali watch amused ... cheered up Anjali all right ...
And fourth time poor Arnav ... forced to sit next to Nani rather than his wife ... who's least concerned ... ufff, Khushi!!! 100 ways to kill romance is right!!! Good to see Arnav get boiling mad finally ... now we can hope for some Rabba ve tomorrow.
Precap - what is Khushi up to? Hair open ... his type of movie ... hmm ...
Note to self - keep expectations low, keep expectations low ...
Nani echoed my thoughts ... She'll set fire to the house!!!
But I didn't realize Arnav was prepared for his D's pyromaniac tendencies ... a suitcase which burned to ashes within minutes, and a carpet with magical fire-retardant properties 
Having said that, I liked the scene ... I thought Anjali was going to wallow in self-pity again at the start ... with her 'why me? what was my fault?' ... but she recovered herself ... and it was tough on her ... her first wedding broke with the double suicide of her parents, this marriage broke with the loss of her baby ... marriage breaking is bad enough, but three irreversible losses ... life does look very dark and unfair for Anjali ...
But fortunately she chose this time to look at the silver lining, refused to cry any more, instead learned to count her blessings ... a brother who always tried to protect her, a SIL who did the same ... they saved her from herself, from her own mistakes ... She has a family who always stood by her ... And she vows to never abuse this unconditional love and trust again ... and to look ahead, to the positives of what she has, rather than cling to memories of what never was, what could have been but wasn't.
And Arnav and the whole family is thankful that Di has finally woken up and seen the light.
Khushi-Anjali ...
Halleluiah ... Anjali learned to knock!!! Finally accepting that Arnav and Khushi are one, and this room is not her domain any more.
Khushi - Di, aap theek toh hain?
Anjali - aur aap?
For the first time ever acknowledging that Khushi too has been through a lot, she has suffered deceit from the same man as Anjali has, she has been hurt too ... not least by the repeated abuses hurled at her by Shyam in his bid to come out clean ...
Khushi says sorry for putting Anjali through this ... but this time, Anjali understands .. Khushi did nothing wrong, it was her own blindness that forced such extreme measures ... yes, she was hurt, but she emerged stronger, she finally saw the truth, that her marriage was based on lies and deceit, so the end was inevitable ...
And she says a heartfelt sorry to Khushi ... the fact that she accepted Shyam, believed Shyam, means that she did not believe Khushi fully ever ... true she accepted her but only for Arnav's sake, for his happiness ... and today she says sorry for that, for being rude to her, angry with her, not trusting her, not believing her ...
And of course Khushi forgives her in a heartbeat ... and gives her the reassurance that Anjali was seeking a while ago - will I ever be happy? Khushi reassures her , yes, you will ... look for happiness and it will find you ... keep smiling and life will always give you reasons to smile ...
The guiding principle of Khushi's own life, as Anjali unknowingly echoes a principle taught to Khushi by her loving Shashi babuji ... dil ke rishte khoon ke rishton se bade hote hain ... Khushi lost her parents, she found love in babuji and Payal, two people unrelated by blood, yet they became her own ... this explained Khushi's sunny, happy nature, her self-confidence, rooted in the unconditional love she got from people unrelated by blood even after the biggest loss in her life (Garima is related so not counting her)
And Anjali has found Khushi ... a girl who loves her and cares for her as much as her mother did, as her brother does ... who will always be there for her ... as Anjali was there for Khushi in the first few months of their relationship ... a beautiful Anjali-Khushi bond today restored ... sisters of the heart ...
And Arnav watches the two most important women in his life together, joined by ties of love ...
The show was about a brother and sister, and how their lives change when a girl enters them ... Khushi had changed Arnav a while ago, today she helped to change Anjali ... bringing her out of the darkness of her insecurities, giving her the courage and wisdom she had received from her Babuji - look forward, look at the positives, not the negatives, look for happiness and it will find you ... giving her the strength to examine her relationships and learn to distinguish between real and false ... rather than cling to shadows.
Anjali is finally ready to forget Shyam and move on ... she has her brother ...
Still more lessons for Anjali to learn ... more than her brother, she has herself ... she found strength within herself today to deal with Shyam ... but wonder if Anjali will ever be that self-reliant ... Anjali-Arnav scene was very repetitive ...
There should have been an Arshi scene here when Anjali left ... a soft emotional scene, a mutual acknowledgement of their own tension through the evening, a thankfulness that they succeeded, yet sad at the cost to Anjali ...
CV's, we don't want only HOT ArShi scenes, we want the emotional ones as well, when will you realize this?!!! The ones after the post kidnapping showdown were so beautiful ... why the ramanchi here??!!!

THIS is where the cv's fail ... in rounding off the track, giving it a proper finish ... There could also have been a few scenes with Payash discussing the showdown, maybe with NK, Payash asking the details, NK explaining why they didn't tell anyone, to make sure Shyam didn't get a whiff of the plan ... Nani-Mami scenes discussing the same thing, being happy that Anjali's eyes finally were opened ... would have rounded off the episode nicely ... and go into the next morning on Friday ... Use the supporting cast properly, they are good, and they are very popular as long as they don't interfere with Arhi
Next morning ... Arnav wants to take Khushi to the races?!
Man needs some education on romantic dates! Khushi blackmailing him into an SK movie ... typical Arnav-Khushi ...
right from the "What Nahin, POT" days! She could always manage to get
him to agree to her mad plans! This was typical Sanka Devi - Laad Governor scene ... madcap Khushi and clueless putty in her hands Arnav. Poor Arnav!!!
Family picnic planning ... and Arnav's face as he realises very slowly that his romantic twosome outing got converted into a family picnic
Poor Arnav again !!!
The family members all excited about the outing ... with all the heavy emotional drama, it must be a relief to be back to normal life!
Scene at the cinema ... Khushi bitiya, the way to do it is to smuggle things inside that big bag of yours ... not in a big plastic basket
But the family nautanki served its purpose ... to cheer up Anjali ...
It was a bit OTT ... but I enjoyed it, especially the way the entire family, Nani, Mami, NK, Payal all joined in ... and Akash and Anjali's reactions ... amused, resigned ... and of course, for the third time ... poor Arnav!!!
Yes, Khushi is OTT ... but she is also completely confident ... her self-confidence took a huge beating in her dealings with Arnav and the Shyam drama ... but now she is secure in his love and that of the entire family, including Anjali, so she's back to her chirpy loud self ... she is what she is and she's not ashamed about it at all ... and Arnav and the entire family love her that way.
Seating in the hall ... the family settles themselves happily ... and for the fourth and last time ... poor Arnav! No wonder he's boiling mad ...
And when Arnav is boiling mad, can we hope for a good Rabba ve?
Anjali recovery phase ... when Di's bulb lit up finally, it lit up with full wattage.
Dekhe kar humne andekha kiya
Jaan kar hum anjaan bane
She had seen everything, but just refused to see it ... registered it but refused to accept or even acknowledge it ...
Now with the blinders gone, she accepts how wrong she was ... how the family tried to tell her, show her, yet she refused to listen, to believe ...
And Anjali even thanks Khushi ... full wattage indeed.
First speech was a bit long-winded ... starting with self-pity and crying, why me ... fortunately changed gears quickly ...and finally accepted the importance of family over KP ...
Liked the Khushi-Anjali scene ... Anjali thanks Khushi and acknowledges that Khushi did a lot for her ...
I thought Khushi would remember that her babuji says the same thing ... dil ke rishte khoon ke rishton se bade hote hain ... I had loved that line from Shashi babu at the start of the show ...
Why couldn't we get a nice Arhi scene at night??? Don't only want a rabba ve ... a soft emotional scene about how worried they were at the start, and how thankful that it went off well, they know Di was hurt but it was better she be hurt now ... etc. etc ...
Morning ... Khushi Lucknow express on full steam ... poor Arnav, how the women in his life manipulate him!!! From Derby to Salman Khan movie ... what a fall, my countrymen!!!
Loved Arnav's baffled expressions when he sees the entire family getting ready for a picnic, then figures out they're all coming on his date ... poor guy again! And Anjali is actually trying to be normal ... dressed normally, instead of the mourning she went into the first time VLR was thrown out, smiling ...
Khushi nautanki at the cinema hall ... if I was a bystander, I would be grumbling loudly at stupid people who can't follow simple rules ... funny onscreen, but not funny in real life! Poor Arnav again - for the third time!!! But it was fun to watch Nani, Mami, NK, Payal all get into the act ... Akash and Anjali watch amused ... cheered up Anjali all right ...
And fourth time poor Arnav ... forced to sit next to Nani rather than his wife ... who's least concerned ... ufff, Khushi!!! 100 ways to kill romance is right!!! Good to see Arnav get boiling mad finally ... now we can hope for some Rabba ve tomorrow.
Precap - what is Khushi up to? Hair open ... his type of movie ... hmm ...
Note to self - keep expectations low, keep expectations low ...
Nani echoed my thoughts ... She'll set fire to the house!!!
Having said that, I liked the scene ... I thought Anjali was going to wallow in self-pity again at the start ... with her 'why me? what was my fault?' ... but she recovered herself ... and it was tough on her ... her first wedding broke with the double suicide of her parents, this marriage broke with the loss of her baby ... marriage breaking is bad enough, but three irreversible losses ... life does look very dark and unfair for Anjali ...
But fortunately she chose this time to look at the silver lining, refused to cry any more, instead learned to count her blessings ... a brother who always tried to protect her, a SIL who did the same ... they saved her from herself, from her own mistakes ... She has a family who always stood by her ... And she vows to never abuse this unconditional love and trust again ... and to look ahead, to the positives of what she has, rather than cling to memories of what never was, what could have been but wasn't.
And Arnav and the whole family is thankful that Di has finally woken up and seen the light.
Khushi-Anjali ...
Halleluiah ... Anjali learned to knock!!! Finally accepting that Arnav and Khushi are one, and this room is not her domain any more.
Khushi - Di, aap theek toh hain?
Anjali - aur aap?
For the first time ever acknowledging that Khushi too has been through a lot, she has suffered deceit from the same man as Anjali has, she has been hurt too ... not least by the repeated abuses hurled at her by Shyam in his bid to come out clean ...
Khushi says sorry for putting Anjali through this ... but this time, Anjali understands .. Khushi did nothing wrong, it was her own blindness that forced such extreme measures ... yes, she was hurt, but she emerged stronger, she finally saw the truth, that her marriage was based on lies and deceit, so the end was inevitable ...
And she says a heartfelt sorry to Khushi ... the fact that she accepted Shyam, believed Shyam, means that she did not believe Khushi fully ever ... true she accepted her but only for Arnav's sake, for his happiness ... and today she says sorry for that, for being rude to her, angry with her, not trusting her, not believing her ...
And of course Khushi forgives her in a heartbeat ... and gives her the reassurance that Anjali was seeking a while ago - will I ever be happy? Khushi reassures her , yes, you will ... look for happiness and it will find you ... keep smiling and life will always give you reasons to smile ...
The guiding principle of Khushi's own life, as Anjali unknowingly echoes a principle taught to Khushi by her loving Shashi babuji ... dil ke rishte khoon ke rishton se bade hote hain ... Khushi lost her parents, she found love in babuji and Payal, two people unrelated by blood, yet they became her own ... this explained Khushi's sunny, happy nature, her self-confidence, rooted in the unconditional love she got from people unrelated by blood even after the biggest loss in her life (Garima is related so not counting her)
And Anjali has found Khushi ... a girl who loves her and cares for her as much as her mother did, as her brother does ... who will always be there for her ... as Anjali was there for Khushi in the first few months of their relationship ... a beautiful Anjali-Khushi bond today restored ... sisters of the heart ...
And Arnav watches the two most important women in his life together, joined by ties of love ...
The show was about a brother and sister, and how their lives change when a girl enters them ... Khushi had changed Arnav a while ago, today she helped to change Anjali ... bringing her out of the darkness of her insecurities, giving her the courage and wisdom she had received from her Babuji - look forward, look at the positives, not the negatives, look for happiness and it will find you ... giving her the strength to examine her relationships and learn to distinguish between real and false ... rather than cling to shadows.
Anjali is finally ready to forget Shyam and move on ... she has her brother ...
Still more lessons for Anjali to learn ... more than her brother, she has herself ... she found strength within herself today to deal with Shyam ... but wonder if Anjali will ever be that self-reliant ... Anjali-Arnav scene was very repetitive ...
There should have been an Arshi scene here when Anjali left ... a soft emotional scene, a mutual acknowledgement of their own tension through the evening, a thankfulness that they succeeded, yet sad at the cost to Anjali ...
CV's, we don't want only HOT ArShi scenes, we want the emotional ones as well, when will you realize this?!!! The ones after the post kidnapping showdown were so beautiful ... why the ramanchi here??!!!
THIS is where the cv's fail ... in rounding off the track, giving it a proper finish ... There could also have been a few scenes with Payash discussing the showdown, maybe with NK, Payash asking the details, NK explaining why they didn't tell anyone, to make sure Shyam didn't get a whiff of the plan ... Nani-Mami scenes discussing the same thing, being happy that Anjali's eyes finally were opened ... would have rounded off the episode nicely ... and go into the next morning on Friday ... Use the supporting cast properly, they are good, and they are very popular as long as they don't interfere with Arhi
Next morning ... Arnav wants to take Khushi to the races?!
Family picnic planning ... and Arnav's face as he realises very slowly that his romantic twosome outing got converted into a family picnic
The family members all excited about the outing ... with all the heavy emotional drama, it must be a relief to be back to normal life!
Scene at the cinema ... Khushi bitiya, the way to do it is to smuggle things inside that big bag of yours ... not in a big plastic basket
It was a bit OTT ... but I enjoyed it, especially the way the entire family, Nani, Mami, NK, Payal all joined in ... and Akash and Anjali's reactions ... amused, resigned ... and of course, for the third time ... poor Arnav!!!
Yes, Khushi is OTT ... but she is also completely confident ... her self-confidence took a huge beating in her dealings with Arnav and the Shyam drama ... but now she is secure in his love and that of the entire family, including Anjali, so she's back to her chirpy loud self ... she is what she is and she's not ashamed about it at all ... and Arnav and the entire family love her that way.
Seating in the hall ... the family settles themselves happily ... and for the fourth and last time ... poor Arnav! No wonder he's boiling mad ...
And when Arnav is boiling mad, can we hope for a good Rabba ve?
Love last 5 secs .... Kya expressions? One thing not to be done in future. Lesson learned. Koun kehta hai ke IPK mein social message nahi hota. Rofl!!!
ReplyDeleteAnjali redeemed in all rush that there can be. Do I mind ? Absolutely not.
What I mind is sobeh ka suraj dekhna without knowing what these 2 might have discussed after storm has subsided. A crucial point IMO. Zaruri nahi hai yeh dono hai toh HOT dikhao. Par ek ansoon aur thank you wala RV to banta tah na. Kuch zyada mang liyata kya?
Tomorrow is another day !! Rabba Ve Rabba Ve
Hi Sama.
DeleteEk Ansoo, ek thank you, definitely- could have been elaborated on- I guess all that was done in one expression that ASR gave as he watched his wife and sister hugging each other.
I wanted an Arhi scene at night *pout*
DeleteRemember the beautiful one after the first Shyam showdown?
Why, cv's, WHY???!!! Believe it or not, we don't want only HOT scenes, we also want the emotional Arhi, not just emotional Arnav-Anjali and emotional Anjali-Khushi. Though thank you for keeping the bro-sis short today ... the Anjali-Khushi one was more important.
DeleteThat means my shiddat for a nice scene like the silent poolside one post kidnap did not happen..*sigh*
Then I now demand that they both fall into the pool - Bas bol diya!! (ofc cleaned pool)
NAH sandy...nahin hua....but the precap does look interesting...couldn't figure out what Khushi was wearing, it had exagerated her shoulders...almost like an armour...kya majra hain?
Deletesandy, SHIDDAT the falling into pool scene !!
Deletemaybe she is in a suit? Kaadal Sadugudu types?
DeleteAbsolutely agree - there should have been an Arhi convo- after such a huge day - if nothing sharing relief, concern for Di,something to give it a proper closure... - I think they were in too much of a rush to get the comedy track started...
While Sanaya rocks at comedy , I do wish they did not turn her into a dimwit for comedy :( the whole picnic basket thing felt juvenile - so Khushi is down market (??) - but the Raizadas are not - do they have no clue of the rules of cinema halls ? Felt for ASR in that line..
But as you all keep reminding me - logic gaya tel lene :)
Delete"kaadhal sadugudugudu kaNNae thodu thodu
*Love is a game, touch me dear
alaiyae sitRalaiyae karai vandhu vandhu poagum alaiyae
*Wave, small wave, one that touches the shore and goes
ennaith thoduvaay medhuvaayp padarvaay enRaal nuraiyaay karaiyum alaiyae
*You touch me gently, spread and dissolve like bubbles
tholaivil paarththaal aamaam enginRaay arugil vandhaal illai enRaay
*Seeing you from afar, you agree.. When nearing you, you disagree
nagila nagila nagilaa oa oa oa vilagidaadhu nagilaa oa oa
*Nagila, stay away
pazhagumbozhudhu kumariyaagi ennai velvaay peNNae
*During our meetings, you become a girl and win me
padukkai aRaiyil kuzhandhaiyaagi ennaik kolvaay kaNNae
*In the bedroom, you kill me becoming a child
kaadhal sadugudugudu kaNNae thodu thodu
neeraattum naeraththil ennannaiyaaginRaay
*In the shower, you become my mother
vaalaattum naeraththil en piLLaiyaaginRaay
*At play, you become my child
naanaagath thottaaloa muLLaagip poaginRaay
*When I touch you on my own accord, you become a thorn
neeyaagath thottaaloa poovaaga aaginRaay
*When you touch me on your own accord, you become a flower
en kaNNeer en thaNNeer ellaamae neeyanbae
*You are my tears and my water, my beloved
en inbam en thunbam ellaamae neeyanbae
*You are my happiness and sorrow, my beloved
en vaazhvum en saavum un kaNNil asaivilae
*My life and death are in the blink of your eye
un uLLam naan kaaNa ennaayuL poadhaadhu
*My life is insufficient to see your heart
en anbai naan solla un kaalam poadhaadhu
*Your lifetime is insufficient for my love to be told
en kaadhal iNaiyenna un nenju kaaNaadhu
*Your heart wouldn't find love like mine
aanaalum en muththam sollaamal poagaadhu
*Even so my kisses won't leave without bidding farewell
kondaalum konRaalum en sondham needhaanae
*Having you or killing you, you are still my possesion
ninRaalum senRaalum un sondham naandhaanae
*If I reamain or leave, I am your possesion
un vaetkai pinnaalae en vaazhkkai vaLaiyumae
*Behind your gestures curves the path of my life"
Ah! Sandy,
Alaipayuthey...Such a perfect love story.
*When I touch you on my own accord, you become a thorn
*When you touch me on your own accord, you become a flower
PERFECT for Arhi- I feel Arnav is a patient, as well as passionate lover.
DeleteDo watch the song. It is a real treat!
Whatta song girls... would be great for these two ... loved the original !
DeleteThis week has been raining shiddat realizations for me. Wow! I need to check my horoscope and see if the good fortune applies to AD too. Hmmm….
ReplyDeleteSo, shiddats realized today:
1. SIL bonding in private- CHECK (I also said this, enough of bro – sis, for a change, show me the SILs.)
2. No baby sitting track- CHECK
3. Anjali chapter closed and honeymoon track open by thurs- CHECK
Hmmm…if Gul Maata is still in a blessing mood, should I ask for SR tomorrow?... at least by next week? I loved the precap, scared to expect too much.
Who is the new KMH in Arhi? NK? (Uff… did he ask for more screen time too?...kidding, NK fans.)
Actually I can’t remember much about the second part of the epi, except that it was a lot of comedy.
I think they’ll tone it down a bit over the track and it will be more seriously romantic in the latter part. The whole team must feel like taking a break after the intense romance and drama- they must be totally drained.
a purely ROFL episode.... the entire raizada family dancing to the tunes of KKG!! so adorable! and finaaly Di-rama is put to an end.... the lack of follow up scenes from the other family members, esp A and K felt unreal. a man who was trusted and respected for almost 4 years, was finally convicted, thrown out and put behind the bars... and the family is happily making plans for watching movie? khair chodo... i was getting fed up of all the twitching anyway... so glad it was all over... and glad anjali had the grace to apologise! her redemption, though rushed, atleast did happen at the end... the CVs always rush the apologies part!
ReplyDeletekhushi does know how to get things done with arnav... one cute pout and puppy dog eyes, arnav will move mountains for her!! HAYEEE...
the last 3 mins was complete ROFLMAO moments for me! was good to watch! the freeze on a boiling mad arnav, cherry on the cake!!
'the freeze on a boiling mad arnav, cherry on the cake!!':
DeleteHi Krish, perfect description ROFL.
Long time, no see. You fine?
m absolutely spiffy!!! been busy with assignments and exams...! missed this place... finally found time today to do sum bak bak...
DeleteLOL. What a day you and I chose! I am usually not around at this time, peeped in to say hi to whoever is around, I felt too , the epi was very light- a welcome relief after all these days of intensity.
Deletei'm pretty amazed to find it empty.... i was expectin atleast 25 comments... usually i peep in to read the update around 2 at night... or 7 pm, just before the nxt epi... thats y i dnt usually comment...
Deletewhere is everybody???
it was refreshing.... the epi i mean, no offense to Abhaas, but shyam was getting under my skin with his insanity... i'm glad to see him gone, even if its temporary... can i hope for a strong romantic track for the leads atleast now?? there are no KMHs either... two parallel romance tracks... no make that 3... one for anjali, one for nk.. both light hearted romances and one for arnav and khushi... the passionate love story i was promised!!
that way all three busy in their lives, will not meddle into others' lives :P
You were glad to see Shyam out, and I was glad to see the last tears on Anjali- and I was getting starved of Arh- imagine just 3 days, yet. Glad they finished off with it and now we can get back to the love story.
DeleteAll 3 busy, ha ha that way, Anji or NK will not be KMH.
Anjali- yes, the way Khushi said, promised that she will eventually find all that was denied to her, her dreams will come true...strong indication of a romance there...too early right now, I feel.
with our CVs i dnt think its not too early... they def need a parallel track... also, the anji slapping shyam wasnt expected to happen too soon either... remember, at the start of the "throw-villain-out" abhiyan... it was arnav who found the camera, and khushi was shown to be clueless to the evil ways of shyam... i was going halla bol for the return of the much famed, yet never seen shatir dimaag of our bitwa... and when khushi did all the planning, i thot she woudl fail the first time, and then nxt time arnav wud put his brains to use (yeah the one that was trained at harvard) and DO something... my hope was renewed when arnav insisted on going to police, and khushi didnt agree... i was expecting an "i told you so" scene... but see how that turned out... at the end, khushi did everythin, NK helped her and arnav was left clueless, he dint even inform the police, when he was the one who wanted to do that in the first place...
Deleteso i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the romance track will kick start pretty soon for anji..
DeleteBhelcomes back!! Good to see that smiling profile pic on the post :)
SANDY!!! good to see you too :) i didnt know you returned :)) all is well???
DeleteKrish, welcome back! I think family didn't need much follow up - for them Shyam's going was good riddance, he had been there on sufferance anyway ever since he came back. They were only too happy to move on ... and I guess relieved that they didn't have to babysit Cryanji again. Plus she was now normal, not in delicate condition of pregnancy either ...
DeleteHey Krish,
DeleteGud to see u yaar...keep popping in...our disc are going on without a let-up...join in more often....*hugs*
and u r right yes the second half has to be taken with humour...after all the first half was emotion heavy...and i have to agree..Raizadas cannot be expected to spend any time thinking about that dia said Good riddance to rubbish
Yep Krish all well.
DeleteI have been here for a while now and actually blazing the bak bak past 2 days :)
rekha *hugs back*!!
Deleteyeah, i can see that :)
wen i meant follow up scene... i was talking abt all of them heaving a sigh of relief abt the good riddance... no probs!!
sandy :)) i skimmed thru a couple or ur rambles, have saved it for leisure readin... dint have time :P
DeleteAnji does not have a concept of too early.... Remember she forgot the loss of the baby and turned chirpy miraculously in a couple days in IPK land...And that was a loss she grieved...unlike Creepwa she has deliberately put behind her:)
Falling in love on the rebound is a definite possibility for Anji-though I cringe at the thought of watching Anji simpering over "inhone' version 2 - But can we see the newly weds set their own lovelife straight before fixing Di's :)And also poor NK's :)
Irritating can even another English educated woman behave the way Khushi does in a cinema hall..she claims to be a fan of salman khan so obviously has been inside cinema halls and should know basic etiquette in cinema halls ..she is living in Delhi and not in a village ..has worked in an office where she could hold her own not only against La and her dimwit friends but also against ASR .. (in the resignation scene at RM) so for me to degrade Khushi to a nincompoop is unforgivable..
ReplyDeleteEven NK has not covered himself in glory by refusing to shifth to another seat so the newly weds can sith next to eat h other..even strangers shift when they find that a couple needs their seat and NK is supposed to be Khushi friend..
Sorry for the rant ..
uh-huh riya... take it in a comical spirit yaar... as it is, u know ipk style. when ever they was comedy they dumb dwn khushi... wen they was emotion and drama they dumb dwn arnav.... they make full and wise use of their leads only in the passion and chemistry dept... lately, even that is not working for them!! wel, as far as i cn say, i needed this break... yes, it was insane comedy, but it was refreshing after all those glycerin induced tears...
Deletecheer up!
DeleteKhushi was born and brought up in Lucknow, I suppose she is not used to multiplexes- much like Pyal was a misfit in Akash's party. But our heroine is good, she will not bow down to their stupid rules. She will bend them by hook or by crook.
Derby and Dhobi- she is India's answer to NK's hindi!
Derby and Dhobi- she is India's answer to NK's hindi!
so true !!
DeleteKhushi was funny on screen ... a person like that in real life - I would be grumbling to my hubby about why people make such a fuss and hold up the line!
(And why they can't smuggle in their drinks and eats inside their big bag like normal people instead of carrying huge picnic baskets *giggle*)
heh heh, Dia, have you tried that? Don't they ask you to open the bag and reveal the contents?
DeleteActually, I hate that rule, was happy to see K win this fight on capitalism. Way to go, girl, we are a democracy.
Didn't have anything against Khushi wanting to take the picnic box in but I was shocked when I saw Nani and Akash gathering food and drinks to be taken for the supposed picnic. *head desk*
DeleteI am sure they knew more about watching movies in multiplexes.
I do that all the time ... in most countries where I've lived, they don't examine your bags, but they are fussy about food and drink, and we always take it as insult ... WT*, the food and drinks inside are double the cost! Chor kahin ke! So very often we used to smuggle in our own food, I've smuggled in kathi rolls and parathas with achar with friends, when our hubbies were joining us straight after work for a movie - we knew they would be too hungry to sit for three hours without any food - they wouldn't do it! We even switched bags for the outings - made sure we carried big bags to hold the stuff!
DeletePlastic baskets ... no! But even in multiplexes in India when I've gone for movies with friends, we smuggled in stuff especially when our kids were small. It's a stupid rule ... and what annoys me is that the food and drink is so expensive inside ... they're out to rook you, that's all! So I don't have too much compunction about breaking it! :)))
Diya -- I agree with Riya on the whole basket scene... did not work for me... these are the Raizadas -- they are supposed to be super rich -- they can buy out the whole snacks counter in the multiplex ... why the whole drama .. for me the problem is not only the scene but the fact that it took away from what possibly could have been a close out of the previous track with NK and A-K... and maybe Payash too...remember that Akash and Payal also had an MU last time about Khushi when Anji was not well ... a good closure ... and a hug and then onto the morning ....... tai tai phish!
Deletebtw, beautiful updates dia!!! loved reading all of them! i must say, everytime i felt betrayed by the ipk team for poor delivery, it was R&R that lifted my spirit and rekindled my hope!!! kudos to you and all the lovely ladies here! :)
ReplyDeletenever thought a day would come when I would say that I felt for Arnav and Anjali Singh Raizada more than what I felt for KKGSR!
ReplyDeleteYet to finish watching the epi...elaborate more when I come back..
First things first :
DeleteThank you have indeed proved you are the wisest by voicing the concern about fire lighting up the entire room...something which Harvard pass out MBA ASR couldn't realise when he went on saying she needed to do it.. (btw that scene reminded me of a scene in FRIENDS when Rachel, Monica and Phoebe decide to burn things up of their exes on V-day, coz they are upset and have no dates...and then they end up going on a date with three handsome firemen, who have come to rescue them from the fire that lights up in their living room ofcourse! :P)
Anyhow, Anjali thanking and apologising khushi - well done, Anjali! :)) Although KKGSR didn't need it, it was necessary that she understood what wrong she did.. now another apology to arnav for meeting KP behind his back, please... although I doubt it would come at all.. anyhow, I HOPE now...finally, they show anji getting independent, wouldn't mind if they even show her searching for a job to keep herself busy so that she finds it easy to move on in her life... now that would be turly nayi soch...
I liked that she didn't shift to her plain saris like she did after shyam left her..indication of the fact that she will try to move on and not remain trapped in her sorrow.. :) Good, I would like this anjali.. :)
ulta decoding part 1 : anji apologising to khushi for getting angry and being upset at her despite her telling anji the truth makers way of apologising to us for introducing the DKS track in b/w despite us telling them that we DONT want to watch it! :P
ulta decoding part 2 : khushi saying to anji, I would have behaved the same way had I been in your makers' way of telling audience, let by gones be by gones..even khushi would have reacted that way, so please stop hating anji and putting khushi up on a pedestal.. :P
khushi telling anji that time heals everything and that as long as she keeps smiling, life will shower her with happiness..quintessential khushi! :))))
The rest of the epi...really, WT* would be an understatement... ONLY time I did feel for khushi in the second part of the epi was when arnav suggested that they go to Derby.. really, Arnav??? Are you forgetting that you are married to khushi kumari gupta and NOT someone like Lavanya??? Now Lavanya would have LOVED to go out on a classy and sophisticated date like that..NOT khushi... :P
or are the CVs forgetting that ArHi ARE actually married and NOT in their courtship phase?? The way they both were quarreling about hollywood v/s bollywood made me think of a young couple wanting to go out on their first date.. CVs, MUST you turn khushi into a clown everytime you have to show something light hearted???
And what WAS it with the OTT excitement abt cinema?? Felt more as ift he family was excited that the di-rama is over...or the cast, actually.. everybody was looking quite relaxed..
FELT for arnav -
Delete1. His embarassment at the pathetic way his family was behaving outside the movie hall..really, WHO does that?? Business tycoon ASR must have wished he apparated from that place at that moment..
2. Wanting to sit next to khushi and she not being bothered about it...rather, NOBODY being bothered about it.. poor guy, I felt like giving him a hug! the ONLY thing good abt this movie for him would have been holding hands with wifey dearest and his family, moreover his wife doesn't bother abt it at all..
I must say here, Arnav does love khushi to bits ... today he has proved it much more than he did ever before.. :P Not only was he chilled out about the fact that she invited the rest of the family to this so called date of theirs, but was VERY patient throughout the entire bakbak outside the hall AND inside when he patiently held her hand and made many efforts to arrange two seats together... ALSO, the fact that he did agree to go to a hindi movie for her..truly, love can reduce anyone, to anything... :P AND from the precap looks like he isn't too angry with her too.. :P
wah wah...pati ho toh aisa! :D
precap : is khushi gonna do a pole dance for him??? :P So do we get another Fantabulous Friday??? he went to a bolly movie for him, so she created hollywood for him??? :P oooh la la..can't wait for tomorrow!
This has been Arnav right from Swami days...Khushi can get away with any atyachar on him..San and BS aced the scene on derby-dhobi.....his not-so-exasperated giving in each time for Khushi's haan "okay we will do it ur way" was too gud...
Deletethe convo was quite cute... though felt a bit disconnected... the couple who planned all had no discussions after the execution?? strange... phir be, A and K were on a roll!!
DeleteReally sweet take on Arnav. *hugs*
On K telling Anjali she'd have behaved the same way. I always felt this, K or Sanaya will have to come out and support Anjali for the audience to connect with her. DB should have just kept her mouth shut.
The lack of convo- really...i am breaking my head over this. Why could they just not give us a meaningful 1 min dialogue and a 1 min hug there?
Lack of convo at night ... TOTALLY agree!!!
DeleteArnav Khushi - mads, Khushi has ALWAYS been able to get Arnav to do exactly what she wants ... right from Lavanya days, when La and Anjali both saw it - they both sent Khushi to get him down for the pooja, the family participated in her plans to manao him for the Payash sangeet ... now he does it out of love, but earlier she tricked him into falling in with her plans. What's new? This is vintage Arnav Khushi!
Classic example ... What Nahin, POT!!! The very first time he had to play along with her to save his own girlfriend ... and he did!!!
I will add though ... not only was this vintage Khushi, but it was also pretty realistic - look at the situation, Anjali has just been through a major trauma, she's trying to pull herself together, now Arnav's duty to his Di is over and he suddenly remembers that he has a wife as well, and wants time with her ... well, good for him, but as a woman Khushi is definitely more empathetic to the trauma Anjali has been through, and it would seem quite insensitive on her part to waltz off with her husband for a date the very next day. Arnav being the man of the house would get away with it, Khushi as the bahu might not. Her wanting to include Anjali and draw her out to cheer her up - I think every woman would do the same.
And Khushi felt the same after the first showdown - Arnav wanted to celebrate her birthday, but she felt Anjali's pain and she did not feel like celebrating at all ... which he never understood.
Happens in real life too - when my inlaws visited, hubby was always ready to take me off for a dinner alone because he wanted his time alone with me, but I would feel awkward, that no, they're here for a visit, we need to spend time with them, not waltz off for a date.
The sitting together part was equal neglect from the family, not only Khushi - they all know Arhi would like to sit together, why didn't Nani or NK move? Again a bit awkward for the bahu to insist ...
DeleteYOu have brought out this point beautifully- the difference in the way men and women think.
What you described about your husband, I think it is universal for men- that part of their brain just does not work!
Lovely POV Diya and very valid indeed... Khushi always thinks and puts family before self... was very Khushi ish to do what she did -- include the whole family in the outing ....
DeleteDo you think she deliberately did not try to fix the seating issue? Is she riling him deliberately or saying -- too soon ?
I felt she did look at him apologetically through the movie.
DeleteNani simply was not listening when ASR asked her to move. She was busy talking. K could do nothing other than sit since the movie was to start and people were already telling them to sit. It looked a little rude because she pushed him and said 'hatiye'- K was not romantic there, she was just eager to enjoy a movie with the family.
But she kept glancing at him in btn, in fact I doubt she enjoyed the movie at all.
Very true Diya...altho there may be an element of OTT involved in getting that point across but this is actually true to life...
DeleteIn life, women do end up making these decisions..and many times its not even done grudgingly becos they do understand their unique position in the family.
Even families usually tend to write off the men...and as long there are no grudges or name-calling on either side, (i mean the inlaws and the DIL)its fine..that they accept that upar-neeche ho saktha hain....ofc good natured ribbing is welcome all the time!!
ReplyDeletehumare khayalat kitne milte julte hain....tho idk in what sense u meant it...
My thots on the epi...first half
I was actually very moved by the first half of the epi it was taut....and irrespective of how they reached this point and i have been rather loud about my views on the matter...I do think it was a lesson in moving on...something i guess everyone has eventually to do when faced with calamity, whether brought on by forces unseen or their own choices.
Had to feel for Anjali esp when she talked of the murky past.
Su, u talked of sympathy for Anji in the morn post...and i responded saying i am not sure if i can feel for her in the same vein as u do...but for the first time, when she compared her fate to that of her mother and asked how could she have thot that she could escape was actually poignant moment...really not sure how to console a person who has weathered and probably lived with these thots and insecurities all her life..Sometimes the hard reality of moving on can be difficult and any words would seem like lip-service...
My applause for the CVs on the way the scene was written...tho i wish u had dwelled more in the past about some of the things that Anji talked about today in the subtle manner that is really ur forte...
rekhs, agree with you...khushi-anji scene was touching.. really nice... :) and arnav watching over was cherry on top.. :))
DeleteBtw what did Arnav mumble to Khushi yaar.. when they were entering the theatre?
DeleteRekhs, he mumbled "bache, main aur tum.." in that husky voice with that intense look.. :)))) BS should REALLY start working on his diction.. bollywood gaya toh yeb sab nahin chalega! :P
DeleteI was watching that scene with bated breath, praying that the CVs won't mess this up, this was the last chance Anjali had- I was not expecting any redemption track any time. It simply puts ASR's sister below his wife, I have no problem with it, but I knew the moment Anjali would open her mouth, K'd just shush her. I really loved SIL bonding- it was all I ever wanted.
Loved that Akash was keeping her company and both were enjoying K's comedy at the theatre.
Moving on from Anjali...hopefully it will be a long time before I have to write on her again, never perhaps....
What was NK's excuse for not shifting? He needs to work on his diction too.
And really glad about this: NK has some t shirts other than divide and rule.
K may not be wearing any of the sarees he gifted, but she has decided to put the purse to good use.
Rekha -- thanks for asking the question... that scene turned up around thrice during the airing and I didn't get what he said -- I thought he said something romantic ... and even rewatched it on YT.. didn't get it !! He seriously needs to brush up the diction..... especially when he is being romantic. He is OK when he is being mad .. then the uccharan is very spasht!
Deleteash..he said "bache, main aur tum.." close enough to as romantic as he can get in those circumstances, I guess.. :P
Deletepatah nahi deviyon I usually get him at first go and I do have hearing problems like literally. Yes he mumbles and his diction is not clear par itna bhi bura nahi yaar !!
Deletebittu...i don't know about others but i do feel he modulates to keep the tone a notch lower in such doing that he makes it breathy kind of tone, which is also probably closer to his natural voice but if he could work a bit more on clarity of diction/tone, it will be fab combo.... get that "bedroom voice" going!!
yaya we don't only analyse characters...haan sama...aisi analysis bhi kar lete hain...LOL
BBhhaaaat, the suitcase burns to cinders and stops miraculously in Hogwarts/RM and yet the dirty carpet survives!! and the stain lives on...
ReplyDeleteso the RM women do not believe in taking off the jewelry any time soon (be it di now or kkg after the miscarriage)- theek bhi hain...hya pata kanjoos PH kab wapas laylay ?
funnest dialogues - "hurry or we will miss the trailer!" - very true too :D:D
am so glad Akash was annoyed too with KKGs tricks but mami and nani were enjoying themselves! - again good use of family!
best part - when anji was rambling on and on - ASR was just nodding and did not say a word - very nice bit - when someone you love accepts they were blind, they are hurting and apologizes for being blind - you rally cant say much "told you so!" is not an easy thing to say then!
Ultra decoding (or wishful thinking...)- Anji saying - now i get what family means and i will never hurt u again (or something like that)- the PH saying "ok we get t, you guys want all family members to act and not be wallpaper - we promise more family..
DeleteMami- made me wonder- does this mean she will never utter phati saree or KBT ever again? there a small dialogue of mami redemption coming up?
I felt this strongly- ASR was back- everyone said they had killed him, but for me he was suddenly back today.
SKD much?
ReplyDelete12th Oct 2011 - angry ASR in black - dhaaba - badtameezi - "suhaag raat" - 360?
btw was it me or did anyone feel arnav had company in that precap? - chudail recall from farmhouse?
if they want to use a song, I wish they use jaadu hai nasha hai again or atually use tumhi dekho na completely without a switch to or from RV
and yippee bluetooth is back :)
SKD three much - Khushi in white wearing a backless dress or tha white halter from AR days which she switched for a red saree.
dunno why the udi udi / kaadal sadugudu song from saathiya / alaipayuthe made its way into my mind - naughty nok jhok one that.
DeleteYep ,his dialog, tone and expression made me think he had company too - maybe business meeting or something and Khushi gatecrashes...hope she does not further embarrass herself and him - or is that the new track ? Social differences ?
Or maybe we are just reading too much into his tone :)
Sandy - here' my SKD..
DeleteASR gets mad and walks off from the theatre using office ka kaam as a pretext..
Gets to office, fumes for a bit , then thinks she is doing this to cheer up Di, cools down and gets down to getting some work done..
Khushi - entrusts Nk with DI and the family and sneaks off...and lands up in his office
Bitwa totally surprised as he thought she was at the movie - that would explain his tone/exp in the precap..
Khushi doing the catwalk in a micro mini dress- red please..- back to their first meeting on the catwalk, his demand for the photoshoot And it would be her answer to his dialog in the morning -"haan jaanta hun, tum aise kapde pehen hi nahi sakti"
Ambivalent about a TFC here ,would be a good 360 to the first TFC, but this is Khushi's answer to his 'lagi shart', so I don't want her to trip..
either way Bitwa stunned /floored..some serious romance followed by SR? Kisine already farmaan jaari kiya ki SR ghar mein nahin ho sakta - ghar na sahi office hi sahi :)
Followed up by the conversation to the first TFC/him confessing his reaction to seeing her in the red saree or even the conversation that did not happen today...
It was Arshad Khan who directed that beautiful poolside scene after the kidnap drama,and the hut, right? I am looking for a mix of both .. Who is at the helm now ?
Sandy, Sri,
Delete'chudail recall from farmhouse'
ref to girls wearing next to nothing in HW movies:
Is this about Bitiya's jealousy?
I hope bitwa is not there to approve some lingerie wear
- if he is, he's had it!!!
My SKD.. he looks embarrassed and a bit put out so I thought he was in the middle of setting up a private SK screening for her and she interrupts with her English film... both want to do what the other wants.
DeleteI do not want more embarassment for Arnav.. they had enough already -- throwing water at each other in the office , Dabba service etc.
They can fight all they want in private and make up.
Having said that ... if this track is to show differences .. then she surely is going to fall on her face ............ yuck!
DeleteTrying to get a link for pre-cap.
I got this from IF: Apparently, she says, aap aa gaye- means it is at home- TG! I don't want to see either of them getting embarassed.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe first thought that came to my mind when I saw the precap was that Khushi is again speaking at an inappropriate moment. Like when she would enter his dimmed conference room and keep blabbering until she realizes that she is speaking in front of the board. Arnav kept trying to shush her and had his eyes down, what was he hiding? :O Seems like there was somebody else there.
I think they are yet again repeating a scene from Geet. Geet kept trying to talk to Maan in office ut he keeps walking away before she reaches him.Finally, she barges into his rooma nd starts talking..just like Khushi in the precap.Maan keeps trying to tell her,"Umm..haan Geet par..par." but she doesnt let him get a word in edgewise.Finally Maan turns her around to show her that he was on a video=-conference call all the time she was rambling her apology...;-)
ReplyDeleteHe then turns it off and Geet stands there embaressed and apologises for that as well.
Even if they copy it I am sure they will do a good job as Sarun are great actors.
Waiiiiting for the romance track now...sigh!..:-)
Shwetha - My best wishes to you.Hope evrything is fine in your life again and you have a smile on your face always.:-)
I came across the link to your blog and could not resist clicking the link as I enjoy what you write at IF. Hope you do not mind my following this.
My two cents on yesterday's episode. Normally I do not comment but I have read too many posts of everybody cringing and so did I when I was seeing it live. Then My son told me,can you believe it, that is not fair to YOUR Khushi. How many friends does this female have to go out and chill with. Is there anybody in the world who did not think that abhay deol's fiancé was being an interfering so and so when she barged in n the friends' time in ZNMD. So this girl has to live here and die here, show her good face here as well as her idiocies here only with the family. So give her a break MA. We act stupid with our friends and sophisticated with our families. Poor girl, she is stuck.
Anyway, have to see the episode again in a new light.
Sorry if I have barged in. Apologies.
Hey A,
DeleteWelcome to this virtual cafe ... all crazy IPK fans are welcome here! :))) No need for apologies at all!
Yep, I agree with your son ... we ALL act crazy with our families and loved ones, with the people we feel the most comfortable with. I've cringed at Khushi's OTT antics earlier, I didn't really cringe yesterday ... all I felt was OMG, why the huge picnic basket ... which Nani and Payal were packing, btw, not Khushi! They were all trying to cheer up Anjali, I felt even the nautanki at the cinema was exaggerated by the family for that reason, with Mami, Nani, NK all joining in ... Arnav after forgetting all about romancing his biwi as long as Di was unhappy, suddenly remembers her once DI is all right, and expects her to be all lovey dovey immediately ... the feminist in me rebels! Khushi went through her share of trauma too, she had to listen to Shyam throw more crap at her, just to get him to expose himself ... no wonder she can empathise with Anjali. So let Arnav stew for a while ... it will increase his longing ;)
DeleteThanks Diya :-)
I know. It was fun reading all the posts. So let us see what is thrown at us today. Before I used to watch this addiction alone and now everybody in the house joins me to give their point of view. I don't know whether to be happy or angry about it.
I am still enjoying the episodes and have not felt the need to change the channel. And this time I am not sticking to it because of an addiction to the forum as well. So I am happy:-)
Hi A,
Deletea warm ur point with interest....infact how like the younger gen to point out this to us....Your kid did make a wonderful point.....
As parents we want to be conscious of what we are conveying thru our thots, actions to gen next and are always pleasantly surprised that our children are really forming modern and should i say truly liberated views on life in general...yes they box us into corners all the time with their questions and we still have to make that tight rope walk saddling two gens of expectations and thot...interesting!!!!
welcome again....
hahhahahah..was watching old scenes and caught up with a statement on YT... HAS to be the statement on the year for me -
ReplyDelete"there are sooo many kisses misses that Barun's wife and Sanaya's boyfriend must also be saying .." get it over with already!!!"
I rem when asked once how his wife and family reacted to the close scenes he did with khushi, Barun had once said that they all are worried for arnav and khushi and whether they both will ever get to be together!! :)
rofl really ... yeh kab tha !!
Deletesam..kya kab tha? comment on YT ya Barun ka comment? :P I don't rem which interview was Barun ka was in an article I read I guess... :)
Deleterofl really ... yeh kab tha !!
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL VM... :)) loved how she has depicted khushi's desires ... we have always seen Arnav's desires in the show, but in this one she brought out khushi's desires beautifully.. :))
I actually don't like the line in the song "jhoota hi sahi pyaar toh kar.." but in this one, she has used that PERFECTLY.. :) LOVED IT!
def worth a watch! :))
ReplyDeleteIts not just us, every generation has that tightrope walk - parents between the world of their parents and their children :) and as society changes faster the generation gap to bridge widens ...
Good point on the seating. I don't fault the family in the theatre either - a family outing is a family outing - they came to spend time with family - it was not a date night that they need to be left to sit by themselves - only asr did not make that switch in his head of date to family :) the rest of the family is oblivious to that :)
Ahh!! I know its too late to say this but loved the episode and waiting for today// dam its been ages that I have waited for an khushi OTT episode so much ...
ReplyDeleteDia "
Dekhe kar humne andekha kiya
Jaan kar hum anjaan bane
these were khushi's lines na ?? when did she say this??
Thank you CV for making Anji strong acceptance of reality, acknowledgment of it and moving forward.
Dia anji will be dependent now not only on her chote but also on khushi for that emotional support .. if Arnav is her emotional support for weakness, khushi is going to be her confidence to move forward... so yes she will be dependent on Arhi for a long long time..
Anji- khushi scene dam beautiful, the whole scene reminded me of one line from English Vinglish - more from khushi's point of view a women not just needs love which she gets almost from everyone from her family, but needs respect to make her whole ... that's what we saw today, the old confident khushi back , she did receive love from everyone but she did not have that respect today she earned that back with Anji's sorry, with Arnav love when he see his khushi, his pillar, his strength being the same for his sister. And hats off to CVs for this, giving khushi her respect back with that simple sorry.
And CVs please round off the tracks properly, couldn't we have a little Arhi scene about how the whole thing went ?? how are they going to handle Di, a simple 30 sec scene Arnav or khushi asking the other if Di is really alright? ( I would have preferred Khushi asking Bitwa that because Arnav was more confident about Anji today)
Sorry girls am not able to come much here because of my studies. exams are in Dec so just too caught..
Dia, Sandy, Opti,Jaya
ReplyDeleteHats off to you ladies - how you managed to say something nice about the episodes, wow! Tried to view the episode as a non HAA so that I don't expect too much, even then - have to say - lousy seems too good a word!
Most of you feel it was an attempt to make ASR the good guy and KKG the cartoon, to me both were ridiculed today
the business tycoon? the guy came across as a complete idiot, he could not manage to hold his wife's hand, even after 3 tries!! Seriously!
And he could not stop his wife change clothes, three time, along with accessories! What if she came in something more revealing? He could shout at her under the smallest pretexts but could not tell her he was not alone??? Ok, he did not want to hurt her but why could he not tell the guests to excuse them for a bit, switch on the lights??? And what was the thing he was left holding each time - so his wife was shedding clothes nad he still did not ask the guest to leave (if he could not shut her up!)
Yuck is actually the best description!
The fight was actually a relief but he gets convinced so easily?? - what happened to his famed anger?
Finally - he had said he did not want KKG to change - but was ok on her wearing a skirt? (have nothing against skirts - its just that it goes against what he had earlier said to her - i live you as you are!)
Supposedly she took the family out coz of Di and never mentioned her, talked to her, tried to sit with her
And she of course could do nothing as boring as manaoo her husband in their house, of course not!
And she is at it again = planning without asking - hello she is not the only one related to ASR how about asking other for ideas/feedback??
The guys like the clothes - seriously - pick up a 'new line' from the 'fashion house' which is obviously easily available in the market!! (and clothes like those - ***headdesk headdesk***!!!)
And ofcourse they had to get teh contract because KKG is an SP bahu, even when hse messes up, she has to be the winner - hence ODB's anger also dies so soon
Look i totally understand that it takes time to understand one another - despite completing each others sentences and being totally tuned in to the emotional stuff, they need to adjust to normal life too, so would have liked the track if they had used their brains to show it - it just was a bad job
people may change but old habits die hard - had ASR remained angry it would have made sense - of course they could have shown KKG hurt and ASR then having a convo with her - in their room/by the poolside!!!