Wednesday 10th October '12
Or da end of da Da part of the di-rama ... if you get what I mean
So Shyam did try to pretend madness ... and he gets a bit carried away and confesses to his crime of killing the baby, of kidnapping Arnav and planning to kill him ... something strikes home at Dimbo Anjali finally and she breaks off her mangalsutra ... her DP (Dimwit Pati ... sangat ka asr bura hota hai
) realizes too late that he went too far in his "I'm crazy" act and Anjali has taken him very seriously, which means his free meal ticket just walked out on him ... and he tries to retract every statement he made ... and that's when he goofs up again ... Khushi and Saale Sahab wanted to throw me out, it's all their plan ... I came back for you, I fed you with my own fair hands, I climbed the walls for you, I slew dragons for you ... Khushi brought me back because she had her eye on me ... I loved my rajkumari, how can you believe I could harm her ...
Yet his first confession was about the abortion pills ...
And the rest of the family stands struck dumb ... or maybe just waiting, giving him enough rope to hang himself ...
Khushi doesn't trust Anjali's brain power too much so she runs after her to warn her ... don't listen to him, he's lying ... she needn't have, because Anjali wasn't going to listen to her at all, but even Dimbulb couldn't ignore the proof presented to her today ...
And it did help that Dimbulb knew that at least part of the story was 100% true, the part she was complicit in ... so the rest had to be true as well ... finally Di's blind trust in Shyam helped to trip Shyam himself ...
Anjali finally breaks her silence ... and thwack!!!
And the entire family seems to think Diwali came early!!! So happy are they that Di has woken up from her slumber ...
Akash was positively beaming, Mami had this fiercely satisfied look, Nani also beamed happily ... the Sleeping Beauty awoke!
Anjali's monologue was good ... fierce, angry ... she finally realizes how he played her for a fool every single time, she stood against her entire family for him, and all she wanted was his love, nothing more ... I felt for Anjali at that point ...
And she finally tells him to get out ... Arnav was waiting only for the royal command ... and he sprints to catch Creepwa's collar and throw him out as he did before ... fortunately, NK has had more sense and the police are waiting ...
Anjali goes to her room, tons of happy Creepali fb's
... and she screams "Nahiiiinnn!!!" and I wonder, has SP taken over the show completely? Or maybe Ekta maiiya ... 
And she starts taking out Creepwa's clothes from the cupboard and bundling all his things into a suitcase ...
Family all huddled downstairs ... did they really leave the woman alone in her state? ... They come rushing up hearing the banshee scream ... to see Anjali apparently packing for a trip ... no, wait, those are her erstwhile DP's clothes ... she's not going anywhere ... of course not, she's stuck like glue to her brother's house ...
Anjali brings kerosene from some hidden store ... resourceful woman, I must say, wonder what she used it for on daily basis ...
She closes the suitcase, zips it up ... I do like a neat and tidy person ... and then drops kerosene all over it ... hey, I just said I like neat and tidy people, that's not neat ...

Nani does venture to ask what she's doing ... but DB (Dimwit Brother ... it pains me to call him this, it really does, but he deserves it today) says 'Di needs to do this' ... Di lowers a match to the suitcase in slow motion and proceeds to drop it ... I think Nani intervened once again and DB stopped her again ... again saying "Di needs to do this ...' And Di sets the suitcase on fire.
Di obviously skipped all the lessons on flammable and inflammable materials in school, as she did the ones on fire safety ... and Arnav had a hyper-sensitive fire alarm installed in his office which went off with the flame from a diya, but no fire alarms in his home? Oh wait, he's perfectly happy to let Di light small fires inside the house on a carpeted floor if it makes her "happy" ... Physics extra classes for him as well, please ...
And I think Gul is slowly taking revenge from all those who threaten to walk out of her show, or blackmail her into better deals of screenspace, monetary deals and the like ... Arnav was well and truly destroyed today ... first he didn't even have the brains to arrange for the police, NK did that ... he didn't open his mouth when Shyam was badmouthing his wife -again!!! ... and now he encourages his Di in her pyromaniac tendencies inside the house. Keeping Di happy again, bitwa?! We know where that got you the last time around, remember?The open poolside is just a few steps away ... open your eyes!!!
And Daljeet cannot carry an episode at all ... the episode today was as loopy as yesterday's was taut ... by handing over the entire episode to her, Gul got her revenge on DB and her demands for screenspace.
Arnav failed as a brother when - he first learned about Shyam's infidelity from his own mouth, and kept the truth from his sister. Instead he married the woman he thought responsible, punishing her, and gave his Jeeja another chance. The chance was Anjali's to give or not give. She had the right to know about what her husband was up to.
He failed as a brother again when he threw Shyam out of the house for deceiving his Di ... the decision was Anjali's to make. He acted only as a husband there - see below.
He failed as a brother yet again when he refused to allow Shyam to meet Anjali ... again the choice was hers to make.
He failed as a brother - this is hypothetical ... when he allowed Anjali to marry Shyam because she was happy with him, without doing any background checks on the man. I am presuming this from the way he behaved when he first learned about Shyam's infidelity and did nothing to check out the facts for himself.
No wonder Anjali went against her brother ... she was never given the full information or the right to decide for herself. She was expected to have blind faith in her brother. But she chose instead to have blind faith in her husband. And from the flashbacks in her room, I don't blame her so much ... there was not one instance where Shyam was anything less than loving or caring, the perfect husband.
Arnav failed as a husband when he married Khushi forcefully after hearing only one side of the story from Shyam.
He failed as a husband when he disbelieved her and didn't bother to check out any part of her story.
Arnav redeemed himself as a husband when he threw Shyam out of the house after the kidnapping, for deceiving and badmouthing his wife. That was his decision and his right, to stand up for his wife, and he did so.
He redeemed himself as a husband when he finally believed her, without checking out any part of her story for himself ... of course, the proof was difficult to miss, considering she almost lost her life trying to save him, considering his own cousin stood up for every word of hers, considering Payal unknowingly corroborated Khushi's story.
He redeemed himself as a husband when he defended Khushi against Dadi every single time, and upheld her position in the house as his wife, with all the rights that entailed.
He redeemed himself as a husband when Khushi brought Shyam into the house behind his back - she went against his wishes, yet he did not countermand her decision, he gave her the right to make that decision ... the right that only his wife had, of going against his orders and wishes, and getting away with it ... because Khushi is his other half, her decision is his.
Khushi failed as a wife when she chose to keep Shyam's truth from Arnav after she got married. Note, not before - then she made the right decision to quietly withdraw from Anjali's life, and throw Shyam out of her own. As did the Guptas.
She failed as a sister-in-law and a woman when she kept quiet about Shyam pursuing her even after her marriage - she should have told her husband, knowing that her sister-in-law's marriage was still a sham.
Khushi redeemed herself when she told Arnav the whole truth when he confronted her.
She failed as a wife and a woman when she wilfully deceived her husband in order to clear her name to him.
She redeemed herself when she realized the result of her deceit and went all out to get him back, uncaring of her own safety and even her own life.
Today Arnav redeemed himself as a brother, and Khushi as a woman, when they brought the entire truth in front of Anjali and allowed her to make the decision for herself. They finally treated her like an adult and she responded like an adult.
Anjali failed as a mother when she walked on those glass pieces in search for her husband, without paying any thought to what she was doing. Also, it showed her complete and utter lack of common sense and any iota of brains, but let's not get into that.
She failed as a mother when she threatened to not take medicines, food until she saw her husband, without any thought to the safety and health of her growing baby inside her.
She failed as a mother when she wanted to kill her unborn child because it would grow up without the security and love of its father, not seeing the loving family and the support system she had around her.
She redeemed herself as a mother today when she broke all ties with the man who killed her unborn baby and threw him out of the house.
Anjali failed as a sister when she went behind her brother's back to meet her husband, knowing full well that her brother hated him.
She failed as a sister and as a daughter when she helped Shyam back into the house in disguise, deceiving her brother and entire family.
She has still not redeemed herself for that. She needs to confess and acknowledge her own contribution to making it so easy for Shyam to deceive the entire family, including her brother.
Anjali failed as a wife when she didn't take a stand and walk out with her husband if she believed in him so much. Or didn't even mention the possibility or the intention to do so. Painted her in very unflattering shades as a sister who was happy to sponge off her brother's money and life, without making a single sacrifice for the marriage and husband that she claimed was so important for her.
Anjali failed as a woman when she didn't acknowledge that Khushi was equally a victim of the same man who had deceived her so badly.
She failed as a sister when she didn't acknowledge that Khushi saved her brother's life, or express any gratitude for that. Or any remorse for the sacrifices that Khushi and Arnav have made to keep her dream world intact.
She has still not redeemed herself. But give her a chance here, she doesn't know most of it.
Let's see if she redeems herself for any of these failures.
Am not going into the fact that Anjali had ample scope and opportunity to discover or realize the truth for herself but she chose to remain blind.
One last point - since we're on the topic ...
The Guptas failed as parents when they failed to inform the Raizada family about the son-in-law's truth, that he had lived in their house for six months as a bachelor and gotten himself engaged to Khushi. After Payal's engagement in the same house, and especially after Khushi also got married into the same house, it was the duty of the elder Gupta ladies to inform someone in the Raizada house about Shyam, preferably Nani the elder or Arnav the decision-maker.
They have still not redeemed themselves. But then the Guptas never get told about anything happening in the Raizada house.:))
Or da end of da Da part of the di-rama ... if you get what I mean
So Shyam did try to pretend madness ... and he gets a bit carried away and confesses to his crime of killing the baby, of kidnapping Arnav and planning to kill him ... something strikes home at Dimbo Anjali finally and she breaks off her mangalsutra ... her DP (Dimwit Pati ... sangat ka asr bura hota hai
Yet his first confession was about the abortion pills ...
And the rest of the family stands struck dumb ... or maybe just waiting, giving him enough rope to hang himself ...
Khushi doesn't trust Anjali's brain power too much so she runs after her to warn her ... don't listen to him, he's lying ... she needn't have, because Anjali wasn't going to listen to her at all, but even Dimbulb couldn't ignore the proof presented to her today ...
And it did help that Dimbulb knew that at least part of the story was 100% true, the part she was complicit in ... so the rest had to be true as well ... finally Di's blind trust in Shyam helped to trip Shyam himself ...
Anjali finally breaks her silence ... and thwack!!!
And the entire family seems to think Diwali came early!!! So happy are they that Di has woken up from her slumber ...
Anjali's monologue was good ... fierce, angry ... she finally realizes how he played her for a fool every single time, she stood against her entire family for him, and all she wanted was his love, nothing more ... I felt for Anjali at that point ...
And she finally tells him to get out ... Arnav was waiting only for the royal command ... and he sprints to catch Creepwa's collar and throw him out as he did before ... fortunately, NK has had more sense and the police are waiting ...
Anjali goes to her room, tons of happy Creepali fb's
And she starts taking out Creepwa's clothes from the cupboard and bundling all his things into a suitcase ...
Family all huddled downstairs ... did they really leave the woman alone in her state? ... They come rushing up hearing the banshee scream ... to see Anjali apparently packing for a trip ... no, wait, those are her erstwhile DP's clothes ... she's not going anywhere ... of course not, she's stuck like glue to her brother's house ...
Anjali brings kerosene from some hidden store ... resourceful woman, I must say, wonder what she used it for on daily basis ...
She closes the suitcase, zips it up ... I do like a neat and tidy person ... and then drops kerosene all over it ... hey, I just said I like neat and tidy people, that's not neat ...
Nani does venture to ask what she's doing ... but DB (Dimwit Brother ... it pains me to call him this, it really does, but he deserves it today) says 'Di needs to do this' ... Di lowers a match to the suitcase in slow motion and proceeds to drop it ... I think Nani intervened once again and DB stopped her again ... again saying "Di needs to do this ...' And Di sets the suitcase on fire.
Di obviously skipped all the lessons on flammable and inflammable materials in school, as she did the ones on fire safety ... and Arnav had a hyper-sensitive fire alarm installed in his office which went off with the flame from a diya, but no fire alarms in his home? Oh wait, he's perfectly happy to let Di light small fires inside the house on a carpeted floor if it makes her "happy" ... Physics extra classes for him as well, please ...
And I think Gul is slowly taking revenge from all those who threaten to walk out of her show, or blackmail her into better deals of screenspace, monetary deals and the like ... Arnav was well and truly destroyed today ... first he didn't even have the brains to arrange for the police, NK did that ... he didn't open his mouth when Shyam was badmouthing his wife -again!!! ... and now he encourages his Di in her pyromaniac tendencies inside the house. Keeping Di happy again, bitwa?! We know where that got you the last time around, remember?The open poolside is just a few steps away ... open your eyes!!!
And Daljeet cannot carry an episode at all ... the episode today was as loopy as yesterday's was taut ... by handing over the entire episode to her, Gul got her revenge on DB and her demands for screenspace.
Arnav failed as a brother when - he first learned about Shyam's infidelity from his own mouth, and kept the truth from his sister. Instead he married the woman he thought responsible, punishing her, and gave his Jeeja another chance. The chance was Anjali's to give or not give. She had the right to know about what her husband was up to.
He failed as a brother again when he threw Shyam out of the house for deceiving his Di ... the decision was Anjali's to make. He acted only as a husband there - see below.
He failed as a brother yet again when he refused to allow Shyam to meet Anjali ... again the choice was hers to make.
He failed as a brother - this is hypothetical ... when he allowed Anjali to marry Shyam because she was happy with him, without doing any background checks on the man. I am presuming this from the way he behaved when he first learned about Shyam's infidelity and did nothing to check out the facts for himself.
No wonder Anjali went against her brother ... she was never given the full information or the right to decide for herself. She was expected to have blind faith in her brother. But she chose instead to have blind faith in her husband. And from the flashbacks in her room, I don't blame her so much ... there was not one instance where Shyam was anything less than loving or caring, the perfect husband.
Arnav failed as a husband when he married Khushi forcefully after hearing only one side of the story from Shyam.
He failed as a husband when he disbelieved her and didn't bother to check out any part of her story.
Arnav redeemed himself as a husband when he threw Shyam out of the house after the kidnapping, for deceiving and badmouthing his wife. That was his decision and his right, to stand up for his wife, and he did so.
He redeemed himself as a husband when he finally believed her, without checking out any part of her story for himself ... of course, the proof was difficult to miss, considering she almost lost her life trying to save him, considering his own cousin stood up for every word of hers, considering Payal unknowingly corroborated Khushi's story.
He redeemed himself as a husband when he defended Khushi against Dadi every single time, and upheld her position in the house as his wife, with all the rights that entailed.
He redeemed himself as a husband when Khushi brought Shyam into the house behind his back - she went against his wishes, yet he did not countermand her decision, he gave her the right to make that decision ... the right that only his wife had, of going against his orders and wishes, and getting away with it ... because Khushi is his other half, her decision is his.
Khushi failed as a wife when she chose to keep Shyam's truth from Arnav after she got married. Note, not before - then she made the right decision to quietly withdraw from Anjali's life, and throw Shyam out of her own. As did the Guptas.
She failed as a sister-in-law and a woman when she kept quiet about Shyam pursuing her even after her marriage - she should have told her husband, knowing that her sister-in-law's marriage was still a sham.
Khushi redeemed herself when she told Arnav the whole truth when he confronted her.
She failed as a wife and a woman when she wilfully deceived her husband in order to clear her name to him.
She redeemed herself when she realized the result of her deceit and went all out to get him back, uncaring of her own safety and even her own life.
Today Arnav redeemed himself as a brother, and Khushi as a woman, when they brought the entire truth in front of Anjali and allowed her to make the decision for herself. They finally treated her like an adult and she responded like an adult.
Anjali failed as a mother when she walked on those glass pieces in search for her husband, without paying any thought to what she was doing. Also, it showed her complete and utter lack of common sense and any iota of brains, but let's not get into that.
She failed as a mother when she threatened to not take medicines, food until she saw her husband, without any thought to the safety and health of her growing baby inside her.
She failed as a mother when she wanted to kill her unborn child because it would grow up without the security and love of its father, not seeing the loving family and the support system she had around her.
She redeemed herself as a mother today when she broke all ties with the man who killed her unborn baby and threw him out of the house.
Anjali failed as a sister when she went behind her brother's back to meet her husband, knowing full well that her brother hated him.
She failed as a sister and as a daughter when she helped Shyam back into the house in disguise, deceiving her brother and entire family.
She has still not redeemed herself for that. She needs to confess and acknowledge her own contribution to making it so easy for Shyam to deceive the entire family, including her brother.
Anjali failed as a wife when she didn't take a stand and walk out with her husband if she believed in him so much. Or didn't even mention the possibility or the intention to do so. Painted her in very unflattering shades as a sister who was happy to sponge off her brother's money and life, without making a single sacrifice for the marriage and husband that she claimed was so important for her.
Anjali failed as a woman when she didn't acknowledge that Khushi was equally a victim of the same man who had deceived her so badly.
She failed as a sister when she didn't acknowledge that Khushi saved her brother's life, or express any gratitude for that. Or any remorse for the sacrifices that Khushi and Arnav have made to keep her dream world intact.
She has still not redeemed herself. But give her a chance here, she doesn't know most of it.
Let's see if she redeems herself for any of these failures.
Am not going into the fact that Anjali had ample scope and opportunity to discover or realize the truth for herself but she chose to remain blind.
One last point - since we're on the topic ...
The Guptas failed as parents when they failed to inform the Raizada family about the son-in-law's truth, that he had lived in their house for six months as a bachelor and gotten himself engaged to Khushi. After Payal's engagement in the same house, and especially after Khushi also got married into the same house, it was the duty of the elder Gupta ladies to inform someone in the Raizada house about Shyam, preferably Nani the elder or Arnav the decision-maker.
They have still not redeemed themselves. But then the Guptas never get told about anything happening in the Raizada house.:))
And she slapped him!!! loved it!!
ReplyDeleteGood episode!
and she did notice that the evidence was against Shyam...good to know she is not as blind as we all thought!!
Kesa tha epi? Yet to watch. Hope it was worth it.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone *Hugs*
ReplyDeleteFirst things first, thank you all sooooooooooooo much for the wishes, AD is good, kinda in the process of making some changes and focusing on few things, so applying for 11/20/40 days...Ofcourse will be tapkofying beech beech always.
This is home, waapis toh aanah hi hai na:)
Soooooooooo Akshay Dogra aka Akash comes good. *GLOATWA VEY* I said na, HE CAN ACT.....Chance dogay tabhi pata chalega na.
And ofcourse in true Akash Bitwa tradition, the guy give the best performance in 1.5 years WITHOUT DIALOGUES.
Believe me I am actually chuckling here, Kya yaar with shyam gone, my hopes of Akash bitwa delivering Dhin Chak dialogues stunning everyone into silence, guess will remain SKD.
Chalo atleast he proved that given a chance and decent role, he can deliver. This was the Akash I love, Ab dil khush, ab woh bolay ya na bolay, mujhay farak nahin padta cos for his next show assuming he gets out of this PH contract, he can proudly show this clip when auditioning for his next role, See this is what I am capable of in Silent Mode, Full Talk time pay toh.....!!!!
As for the last 2 epis, I will conveniently ignore BS's BD and the on again off again haircut and stubble.
Sanaya looked gorgeous, can they maintain this look for her.
Final thoughts, Anjali burnt couple of books and Shirts of Shyam.
Why did she spare the Pants?
Hai koi jawab?
Till next time*hugs and take care everone*
DeleteDil khush tera lamba post padkar....
AD will soon be allrite...LOTS OF HUGS.....
U dedicated this post our ASR haan?Akash Singh Raizada...
Yesterday, i let a jungleeee wala yahoo when Akash made Shyamu sit on the much so that my hubby thot i had completely lost it...I told him that yeh mere dost ke liye bhi hain...he did not understand that but teekh hain chalta hain...uska janna itna zaroori bhi nahin hain ki hum Akash ke liye kyun itne khush hain....hehehe
Please BG, do drop in....tere dono ASR ab form mein aa gaye hain...
Rekhs: Awwwwww, waisay some secrets best remain with us what say? My hubby still thinks Akash is the older brother*sigh*
DeleteWhen I saw the epi today as in yesterday's epi...At first I was irritated with the C&P shots of Akash. And then the moment I saw him move behind Shyam, Instantly knew, Bitwa ya toh bolega, maarega ya kuch karega...Well he made Shyam sit,lol.
Felt incredibly proud and the smile...uff....They don't let Akash smile or speak or act as much as he should.
ASR is out of form...I don't see him coming back. Look what happened today, Shyam again accused Khushi and what did the guy do,kept quiet and glared at Shyam.
So Gul maatay is taking revenge on BS and the viewers saying do you still love ASR. The downhill journey has begun for the show and ASR, it is a matter of time.
I am out of the show, only watched it cos I actually got pms about Akash, will have to reply to them tomorrow:)
And I watched Madhubaala today...Can I say it is fantastic to watch a show with a very good budget and was pleasantly surprised to see Raza Murad there, still in top form.
The SIL who blasted Madhu was good too, some tough questions there very surprising.
Anyway there was loads of things that were eerily familiar too.
If GH indeed is writing for the show then Don't be surprised if he sneaks in the IPK offscreen drama and writes it in*wink*
Waisay hands down IPK still scores compared to the show, even with the bad direction, sorry the direction fell flat for me, it is still better..No offense to any Madhubala fans:)
Shweths...i get ur point abt ASR...but in defence of that scene..i would say
Deletechodo yaar...ASR's agony in having Shyam around Khushi was never ever fully exploited by the makers for Holi and Dilli mein Bali...and the unkindes cut of all was Arnav apologising to Khushi for being angry with her for bringing Shyam back...They killed the emotion then...
Honestly, today i did not feel bad that when he was accusing her and ASR stood mute...becos, today it was not about was Anji's day...her life,thots being held to ransom by a man who had held her in thrall for long, ASR was waiting for Anji to break free from that hold just as Khushi had promised she will....
At the end,if a someone cuts nose to spite face, its is their face that will look gross...
Deleteaa gayi bg!! gud gud. I am sure you were hiccuping. All of us remembered you with Akash ka dhaasu act ydya.
Yes initially the copy paste of his expressions annoyed me. And thank god I did not imagine I saw BS BD in those bird eye family scenes.
Chal bachche shiddat ki you keep tapkofying for hugs and dandaas from time to time..AD ke liye good luck!!
Shwethuuuuu!!! *Hugs* All our shiddates have been delivered to Godjee, and your AD will be okay very, very soon ... take care and God bless!!!
DeleteSee, even Akash bitwa spoke up yesterday ... just to drag you back here!!!
Oh boy, do I agree with you on Gul's revenge!!! Arnav keeping quiet didn't bother me so much ... he was giving Snakewa a long rope to hang himself ... but NEITHER did he arrange for the police, NK did that, NOR did he even play the laptop with the videos ... ALL he did was hold Di's hand while NK and Khushi managed the show.
And the last bit when he says, let Di set fire to the house, she needs to do this ... I just gave up on the guy!!!! Hey prabhuuuuu!!! Sadbuddhi do ... nahin, usse pehle, buddhi do!!!
Dia and Shwethu,
DeleteThat shatir dimag was a rumour spread on IF by phangurls....
okay he had style ab toh woh bhi nahin hain...ab toh common sense bhi nahin hain...
Should we dread the romance threatening to follow..or like Monu said, should we take the farmhouse as the last epi of IPK and all RIP
shwetha, ((hugs))
Deleteso glad to see you.
i watch madhubala..last friday's episode got me hooked. and yes, i love watching a show with a proper budget.. though the personal scenes are (of course!) not as good as you-know-who, the overall feel of the story is good, mainly because of drashti.
you are in my prayers, girl. get sorted out really soon!
Hey Shwets...hope everything gets sorted out soon!!
ReplyDeleteThe first thot that came to my mind after epi...Su's decription of Anji
Dimwitted and damaged temporarily...i will add a new description, if permitted
Temporarily Dimwitted and Temporarily damaged.
We all live in eternal hope else how will we have an ARHI romance?
So, it seems Shyamu's mind was messed up so he ended up saying all that he did....(itna shatir dimag bhi nahin yeh villain)and then when he realised that he has hanged himself, he tried to untie the knots in typical VLR fashion....only thing it was too late
just wondering if he had not let his tongue slip away at first, would it have been any different...i guess not becos the evidence was too damning....
Oh ASR_Khushi, did u learn ur lessons today? Agli baar bina proof ke bina Di ke paas mat jana..She is not the atoot vishwas kind like ASR....
I am glad they did not make Anji theatrical in her response to Shyam...they kept it pretty real...broken yet angry...
Why Arnav said she needed to do it in the room, without any regard to Safety rules, i have no idea...maybe he liked JWM a lot just like us...he is a closet BW fan...
Why did nani and Khushi react as if they expected Anji to do something else (magic perhaps) with a matchstick in her hand...well..only the director can tell.
"I am glad they did not make Anji theatrical in her response to Shyam...they kept it pretty real...broken yet angry..."
Deletewhat do you mean?
she quoted six different worldfamous (cliche'd) movie dialogues, the only thing left to say was "mein teri khoon pee jaungi"... that scene was so funny i laughed all trough the monologue! (and dia,, i agree with the 'dimbulb brother'.. when di goves the command, he RUNS up to catch snake by the collar!!(facepalm)like someone runs up the stage to receive an award :p
Deleteit could have been worse is what i meant..u know my dread of Durga Anji....i was expecting a fire spewing Anji any u can imagine my sense of relief.....its all relative yaara....
We all live in eternal hope else how will we have an ARHI romance:
DeletePrecap: She is a super woman, wants others to move on as well! *head desk* it is a little too soon, but this is chickenpox shiddat.
We will get our romance now.
I really liked the response, like you said, more realistic than Durga.
Rekha / Su,
DeleteAgree thankfully she did not go all Durga on him. The rstrained anger as a growth from the pain, despair, denial, shock was good. And finally in her room she crumbled alone.
Now I wait to see if sh stand up with a fire in her eyes like her brother did months ago on a deserted roas?
Dia, i am just laughing after reading ur post....the dimbulb and dimwit bro....somebody had long ago written on IF, bhaag Khushi bhag...probably today is the day to do the run...nahin toh she is also in danger of becoming like one of the raizadas....
ReplyDeleteMy song for today's epi:
ReplyDeleteThey say you have not experienced love completely until you experience heartbreak..
So here's one from Anji to Shyam (Rekha dedicated one for Anji from Umrao Jaan on yday post). This is a Kumar Sanu no from Aashiqui
"Ab tere bin jee lenge hum
Zeher zindagi ka pee lenge hum
Kya hua jo ek dil toot gaya
Teri aashiqi bhi ye kya rang layi
wafa maine ki tune ki bewafai
Meri bhool thi main ye kya chahta tha
Kisi bewafa se wafa chahta tha
Tu jane kya bekarari
Bedard, bemuravvat
Ja sangdil haseena
Dekhi teri muhabbat
Ab maine jana tujhko beraham
Ab tere bin ji lenge hum
Zeher zindagi ka pee lenge hum
Sanam tod deta mohabbat ke vaade
Agar jaan jaata main tere iraade
Kise maine chaaha
Kahan dil lagaya
Main nadaan tha kuchh samajh hi na paya
Mere aansuon ke moti
Aankhon mein behta paani
Mere toote dil ke Tukde
Tere pyaar ki nishani
Kaise main bhoolunga tere sitam
Ab tere bin jee lenge hum
Zeher zindagi ka pee lenge hum
Kya hua jo ek dil toot gaya
ReplyDeleteHumne bahut zyada soch liye tha....The makers ke paas capability ya kaho neeyat hi nahin us soch ko nibhane ki....I don't know what goes on behind the scenes and frankly i don't care...
I was shocked that i quoted an antara for Anji...i thot as woman she will have some flashbacks of Khushi's pleadings on that day or some disgust at the vile words of Shyam to her was all i me myself...
yeh kis makaam par hayaat mujh ko leke aa gayee
na bas khushi pe hain jahaan, na gam pe ikhtaiyaar hai
tamaam umar ka hisaab maangti hain zindagi
yeh mera dil kahe to kya, ye khud se sharmsaar hai
Well..yeh padav toh Anjali Shyam Jha kabhi paar karengi hi nahin...
DeleteSorry Yaar.
This is about Anjali. This is about her husband and her baby. What ASR and K had to go through is nothing compared to what has happened to HER.
How can you expect her to think about anything but her loss NOW? How on earth can she be thinking about her brother who supports her.
This was my reply to Sandy also when she asked me why Anjali pushed ASR out of the room after slapgate.
HER PAIN is much more. And I would not expect ANYONE to have a huge enough heart to think of what pain her bewakoof actions might have caused to others, when she is NUMB in her grief.
DeleteThe makers have the capability. Neeyat I am not sure of as of the moment.
Anjali's scene is still playing out. I don't think they will disappoint. Wait to see how it continues.
Honestly it is when we lose sight of I me myself that we are totally adrift in life. And Anjali had done exactly that. In donning the role of Shyam's Rani Sahiba she had forgotten all else. Right or wrong I will not go into because circumstances and the otehr family also palya part when we have to judge. I am not saying ANjali is doodh ki dhuli but I will wait ti see how the night closes before I can summarize Anji this night.
What is good is she woke up today and agreeed that despite what everyone told her she trusted Shyam to do right by her. So it gives credence to our thoughts that she was desperate to beleive that she could not have mistaken him so much. Its just like Khushi waiting at the mandap. She trusted Arnav to not harm her.
Anjali Shyam Jha or Anjali Singh Raizada is still shackled. To me the padav above will only be crossed when she loks at herself and sees Anjali - that mirror scene.
I sense the frustration but the epis seem to be turning. Yes the fact that the character depiction got botched midway is the reason we are facing angst. Had a grieving mum been shown then today we all would have rooted for her and not recalled her self centredness so much.
The problem is in a bid to glorify Shyam they forget nuances of all other characters and like you say the execution falls short.
good point sandy.
Deleteanjali is a reflection of all the wives who choose to believe her husband more than everybody else.. yes, they may seem like they are delusional and escapist, but that MS round her neck is her hope for the future.. "a woman's place is beside her husband, through thick and thin"..
he has always shown nothing but love for her in all the years he has been married to her..( it was only these past two days when he ever raised his voice to her.) when she was expecting, he showered her with love.. brought her a cradle.. wove beautiful dreams of their rajkumari, who would look exactly like her.. what more could a wife ask for? she did not want to see any POV that others told her..
mami told her that shyam agreed to divorce her to marry khushi.. that was the one serious accusation she ever heard. after that, everything happened in a day.. her brother came back shirtless and accused her husband of kidnapping him and kicked him out of the house..
anjali had faith in her husband.. she wanted him by her, but knew that chotte hated him.. so she met him in secret. her husband still loved her, chotte was under a MU.. but she could live with that.. (anjali was nearly fullterm pregnant, so made sense that she is staying at maika.. till delivery and all that...)
SN okay, about timelines.. i am assuming anjali was 2 months pregnant when she got the test results..arnav and khushi went to GH after their 3 month anniversary.. stayed there a week? came back, got kidnapped(another 2 weeks?) so technically, anjali could have been 6 months pregnant at the time of arnav kicking shyam out.. and then, around AK 6 month anniversary, dadi came, then comes rasms and rewedding and godh bharai.. so maybe she was 8months when she miscarried..
or nine, as khushi said about buds blooming by the time of birth..)
after she miscarried, she saw how upset he was.. and wanted her husband near her in the time of great grief.. and she pleaded with her brother for mercy.. no reaction.. went on strike .. and chotte relented, as usual...(as far as she knows, it was arnav who brought shyam back) and she grew strong in her husband's love, but could see that the other family was not accepting him..
but okay, they are all under the MU, so let them be.. they will see that her shyamji loves her, and in time, all will be well..
so his irrational anger over a few imagined glass pieces or medicines strikes her confused.. this guy, who never gets angry, what new avatar is she seeing? he was not simply angry at her.. he was vicious.. and she recoils.
then, the video proof comes onscreen... and she cannot but accept that he is indeed responsible for the miscarriage.. so whatever he has told her over the last six months is fake.. and the words that spill out of his mouth seal the deal!
yes sandy, i am hoping for a mirror scene as well.
Delete"as far as she knows, it was arnav who brought shyam back"
J,(sorry, I am speaking out of context)
She knows it was Khushi who brought Shyam back.
She tells ASR to forgive Khushiji, after all she did it only for his sister's happiness.
DeleteMaybe i lack the sensitivity to understand her pain...becos i still don't know what should the sympathy be actually based on?
That she had a KP for a husband...true...its a terrible and sorry situation to be in.But, as a educated woman enjoying far greater privileges than the many others in situations where infidelty is involved, my sympathy can only be token becos her suffering has also been a result of not keeping her eyes open or should i say her willfulness not to question when glaring instances of deceit were pointed out to her. I am purely basing this on what they showed to me on screen
From that perspective, to see that she had the strength not to crumble (kudos to her)when faced with the worst reality of her life just meant she was just like any strong woman....who faces life headon after the initial stumble. For me today, was a day to sympathise but to give a pat on the back...which i will readily do saying...der aaye durusth aye...She showed the man the door...just what any sensible woman should do...
Coming back to her Fbs, i recognise perhaps it was not the day to think of others when ur own world is breaking apart...i am all for self-preservation becos thats what humans do..and i do concede that point to u..
arre kya sorry.. you are right!
Deletewaisey on a totally different angle, i am hating how anjali has a haq on chotte's body.. if khushi gets picked up, di gets picked up in the next episode.. if khushi gets a hug, then anjali gets the same manner hug.. if arnav cups khushi's face, two hours later he cups anjali's face... why this "didi hai saut" approach, arnav? that hug in the episode.. yes, it was completely necessary, the sister was breaking down in the (only family she has)'s arms.. but why did it remind me so much of that kidnapping hug? (ugh, i feel like i should do a dettol rinse)
i am going back to the old episodes.. where arnav was totally hands off anjali, and only touched khushi.. even when he had no haq to touch her.. purely by raabta..
Deletechottey did not relent to get Shyam back. Once he was back, he did not force him out because he saw the change in her. That should have made her pause and think but that is where she let her blindness rules - the dialogue of Arnav to Di about even if he hur her then it would be for her best.
This I agree with you. In real life seeing women of lesser means stand up and face life makes it difficult to easily sympathize with Anjali - a woman with an education, family and means to boot.
And yes she kept sympathizing with him becasue he came to the hospital shed tears and asked back for their child which she could not protect. So yes from thereon till the moment she stopped him from going away Anjali was trying to be there for Shyam because he had suffered the same loss as her.
haha - have to give it to anji - she stores kerosene (or was it petrol - it was blue!) in her cupboard! and burns a few things - inside the house!!! well the carpet def needed burning - have been noticing for quite a few episode how damned dirty it is (was ;)!!!
ReplyDeletea very weak episode for me - as in no one but mami and akash were in character - CTs screwed up big time -
So i get that ASR had to be silent and not defend his wife - that i do get - see, he had to let Di make her decision this time (Di has to do it) - not him coming in and playing the dictator - she had to decide - BUT why did KKG have to go running upstairs ?? i know Dia and all sanaya lovers will so - of course she had to - she was the only one explaining things to Di - BUT here is where the CTs reduced this to a typical SP serial - no one in the house can react, stand by their stance or even think - it has to be the heroine who has ALL the roles to play - the durga, the laxmi, the saraswati the kali - all rolled in one - had she too stayed back and let DB fight it out with TF - it would have made a powerful scene -
(ps and the shock on KKG's face - why is she always so surprised?? - after all the villain has been hit thrice already!!)
ASR - i forgave not standing up coz i thought he wanted to let DI make a decision - but he did not have the brains to even call the police???? In fact he actually looked as if he was really surprised to see them!- Again CT - these two are your leads - don't kill their characters so completely!
And Abhas was overacting as usual - never liked his histrionics (and sorry did not like his acting yesterday - was too ott for me) - was truly impressed by him when he was all calm and creepy leching after KKG in the earlier episodes without any overdoing the shaking hand, face, laugh...he was truly scary then
so for me - not only ASR but both leads (character development wise) took a bad beating today
I need a bedroom like this, a carpeted bedroom, drapes hanging all over, wooden furnitures all around and you can safely make a Havan to purify the place, heal the broken heart without spreading the fire!!! Are they in this planet? May be not!!!
Deleteand then have the strength like in the precap to say like Bauji says to Simran "Jaa Simran Jaa, jeeli apni zindagi" in DDLJ....
Deletethe way Anji was talking like a mahaan that my Di-rama is over, u all can jee le apni apni zingadi...
I know Mona..why did ASR look surprised when he saw the cops?? oh i didnt think of that moment?? or was it more like even after all that S did..just throwing him out bollywood style was enough?? Pagal hero!!
DeleteAnita! how are you? long time no see!
Deletemona, forget ASR calling the cops.. (they are not allowed inside RM remember?) today that running up after di's sentencing.. yaaraa sabkuch khatam! no stalking, no walking, no prowling.. running!!! (head desk)
anjali has kerosene stored in her room.. well, with a pati who stores ether, scorpions, et al, i guess she has gained the habit...
it would have made sense to burn the open suitcase, right? ROFL looked like a samsonite Ad..
and the tv in the poolside wall... where did shyam's shaving table disappear to?? :D
very funny episode today. i'm laughing at myself for liking this show.
Hey Jaya!! am good!! yea been a while...was traveling for a while...took a break from work and came home..finally!! mom ka khana and no work..
Deletethe shock on KKG's face:
DeleteMona, it did not make any sense in the pre-cap, but yesterday it made sense. It is just like ASR slapping VLR- there she was shocked because she had half expected him to not believe her without proof- and yesterday, because she was all geared up to explain to Di patiently, fully expecting Shyam'd brainwash di again- and lo and behold, a new Anjali emerged- a slap happy Anjali who was not blind any more.She had not expected Anjali to look strong and connect the dots so soon. (Hell, I had not expected too- I thought all this burning stuff will come after 2 epis of tears- so so thankful they did it yesterday, and today she wants everyone to move on...thank you....CVs Let us move on.
DeleteYou recall how Anjali reacted to Khushi NK and Payal the last time they spoke of Shyam's illegit liaison with Khushi. Khushi still had no proof of that so she feared that Anjali may yet again refute all the truth due to that one point Shyam brought up. She could not afford to let it happen. Her anger at Shyam for again trying to twist the tale, made her run up to Di, hoping she could physically jolt her to see the truth. Wishing her to choose her over Shyam.
As for ASR, why do we need to forgive him?
For the longest time we have been saying he needs to think before he reacts. He was angry when Shyam confessed. Yet he knew if he intervened he would only make matters worse. He is learning to deal with loss of control - isn't that a growth in him?
Plus until the moment Anjali actually snapped and lashed out at Shyam, ASR did nto know how she would react. He knew she had blind faith and devotion in her husband. So he did not know if the evenign would go in their favour. I would guess his bets were 50-50 because the success of his plan depended on Anjali's participation and he was not sure how she would react.
For if he indeed was ASR of yore, having seen the video, he would have just called the poile handed it al lto them and haded over Shyam. Told Di she had to abide by his decision and faced whatever backlash there was later. Matter finished.
But that would have left him and his family open to the blackmail by Shyam by using Di. So bad move.
Delete"I would guess his bets were 50-50 because the success of his plan "
Ahem... Sandy, HiS plan? KKGSR's plan-50-50 is pretty good considering he did not want this plan in the first place. Yes, it had to be Khushi's plan- it was her revenge for what Shyam did to her 'credibility' on slapgate.
Sandy - that's exactly what i am saying - ASR had to stay shut and not defend his wife - this was about DI making the decision - not a 'i vs you' - so am ok with him not defending KKG
Deleteonly problem i had with him was the look of surprise when the police came in- they could have shown him asking NK to call the police - that would have kept him in character! (or even better if he had Akash to do so - Akash is also Anji's brother and while ASR and Anji have been a unit - akash has only them as his own sibling)
and as for KKG running up - no, she was interfering - she had put the things in front of Anji - now Anji had to decide (just like ASR was letting her decide) - right or wrong, the decision had to be hers - to me it would have made better sense if she had not been the 'perfect, all doing typical SP bahu' - that's been my grudge with the serial from the beginning - the ct does not let any other character grow - only the heroine can do anything sensible (and till the wedding our ASR was allowed to think - that's why i loved the story!)
you know the funny part - when i got hooked on = i liked the fact that we had a thinking heroine, who never shut up in front of the rude obnoxious hero - i was all "u go girl" - but i had thought the CT would use the rest well too (like payash, nani, la etc) but after the wedding the story just started moving around like a headless chicken - bits of brilliance (ala holi and HR) thrown in to keep us glues but the story went for a toss - the ct really need to use their team well - i mean if we can see the good in them, why cant they?
DeleteBy that ken, Khushi should not have even said the dialogue on that day to ASR about looking into her eyes and trusting her.
I know Khushi has been tamed down compared to her ineption but she is not at all assured of Anji's trust. So I am hoping for a scene in the future when Anji and Khushi talk and Anji rues that despite knowing Khushi and her nature so well, she had been unable to assure Khushi of her unconditional trust.
Plus Khushi always jumps in. When Payash were arguing at the restaurant, when Anjali was refusing food with her baby - Khushi rushes in to solve. That is how she has been potrayed so far has she not?
Police - oh well - my hope is aage se they initiate divorce proceedings and in case Shyam excapes from jail, Arnav hires a PD to keep tabs on him.
Yaar Shyam ka character sketch wavers and taht is why hero's brainess also fluctuates.
again - i agree - but then that's just my point - she should have learnt from her experience and not interfered right now! - what did her di tell her - after a point , don't interfere, let the husband wife decide!
Deletefor your future scene - i hope so to but no matter how much anji knew her trusted her - Anji had to give a verdict 'against her husband' - a man she shared everything with - every trouble (remember the times she called him to intervene between nani and ASR) - no knowing kkg was still not proof enough 'against' her husband - sometimes you 'cant' (not just 'wont' ) see the obvious when it concerns your most beloved - so Anji trusting her husband was ok and KKG will understand that too
ReplyDeleteDB (Dimwit Brother ... it pains me to call him this, it really does, but he deserves it today)
Ooh that was rough ...but I am with ya - he is a wallflower these days..
Lekin socho toh it was in keeping with the characters..
Di lights the fires, ASR either fans them or ignores indulgently, Khushi fights them with a lil help from Nk :)
BTW,I do have a threory for why "di needs to do this"
Magic nahin mumbo-jumbo ...Anji is poojali...havan ka dhua is the ultimate purifier of the by giving Agni to his belongings ,she is smoking all traces of Creepwa out of her space...her version of the Dettol rinse :)
IPK dekhke apne dimaag ka dahi ho raha hai - kaise kaise logic nazar aane lage hai :)
yes sri, it symbolised a havan..
Deletepoor shyam.. lived there for five(?) years and has only a suitcaseful of clothes/books to his name. no wonder he was so greedy for money :D
DeleteChalo ab ghar ki shuddhi ho gayi , ab thoda shubhkarya ho jaye - the deferred suhaag raatht spend - wait our new , not improved ASR might spend it sobbing in Khushi's lap over bechaar Di:(
heh heh...J, my thoughts exactly! And all he gave her was some puny ring and some cards! Made for each other couple!
DeleteBTW, what about all the kurtas he wore for her brother's wedding functions. She did not have the heart to put them to fire?
I agree Monu about the SP heroine role....and truth be real life..many women get hardly any decision making role to play in no wonder they love this larger than life av avatar of women on screen and lap it much so that SP has found the perfect formula for success....
ReplyDeleteIf I was in Akash's place or Payal's place, i would be indignant that their siblings never thot them worthy of sharing a confidence when so much was happening...they took the help of an outsider makes good drama copy...but the fact that in a family u have to involve people for solutions....
completely agree - if i were akash i would have been furious - this is the second time that ODC did not confide in him, trusted NK but not him!!
Deleteas to your first point - yes that's just it - create a fictional character that can do all - so not the making of a classic - so not the concept of equality -
You know i have seen (and am pretty sure, so have you) very many bechari women - and agree, cant stand it - wish they would fight for themselves (and yes i know its easier said then done!) but i cant stand overbearing women either (with weaklings for male company!)- cant stand men or women who think they are god gift to the other gender!
DeleteI have thrown up my hands on the CTs using Payal and Akash meaningfully within the story. There is still scope for them to bring it up nut I am not waiting for it.
Anjali's need to avnge her baby was needed because they skated over that bit at a time when it mattered.
As for larger than life, that is what movies and telly are all about. Because in real life what are the chances of a Khushi meeting and falling in love with Arnav and vice versa?
Deletei am not critical of larger than life..the very reason why SP has been successful is due to this..Women who can never even talk to their husbands watch some emancipated women making some decisions for the household must be like a shot in the arm for them...who knows...
So dogmatic beliefs aside, doses of this kind is lapped up for this quality only...frankly what sells will be sold..pray tell me where do we find such mahaan women in the first place who do not know the meaning of the word self-preservation...
True Rekhs,
Deleteso we only take away those points which we want to.
Diwali star plus event... Khushi laxmi mata...Arnav is an anchor and Shyaam is Narakasur who fights Krishna ....
ReplyDeleteRadha Krishna are Viren and Jeevika...(who incidentally are together so that kind of cute)...doubt you guys will care about the rest of the cast..
On a more important note haven't seen the episode and have one question before I do... Any hope or scope I Arhi- ness in the next week... This week toh anway Arhi are busy ...
I wanna see some of out fun shiddats come true...!!
Anyway from what I've heard from you guys today it sucks to be Shyaam and Arnav and Anjali - raizada siblings are just plain retarded.
Hi G,
DeleteNew on the blog?
Hope you are joking about the Diwali star plus event bit there!
Sandy!! Gargi here!! It got sent before my whole name got typed out!!
DeleteNope not joking why?
Since youmentioned Jeevika, what is wrong with all these serial heroines?
DeleteWhy do they have to run away from their husbands for xyz reasons?
It seems Jevika is about to join that elite gang soon! *head desk*
Hey Gargs,
DeleteI later realized it cud be you after I closed the lappy!
Haiyya I was just a bit stunned with that bit given how people are already screaming about SPfication of Arnav and Khushi.
After watching the epi all I have to say is:
ReplyDeleteIPK does not know how to deliver climax. Bas.
Today was end of evil in IPK world, that is from the direct link Shyaam had with Raizadas and Guptas. Today was the day they had to address all misdeeds exerted by him over last one and a half years almost. But yet again today he was given complete floor and at the cost of their leads. It did not look from any angle that villain had got his due.
Why are makers hell bent on neglecting their leads I have got no idea? When they can make a mark for themselves even in seconds provided to them with their emoting. *sigh*
All I want now is a Rabba Ve !!
sama, dont ask for a rabba ve.. i remember those times dring the swami track that they gave rabba ves just for the sake of rabba ves.. what a waste!
Deletelike someone said, shyam confessed all his latest sins.. what about all those that happened before?khushi has forgiven, arnav does not know anything, so those tales go into the crypt??
Personally, Sam...i am not surprised that Shyam did not mention his misdeeds....why should he? a villain he had already committed a faux pas in admitting to what he did...why would he do any more.....he let his mind be messed and did that stupidity...
DeleteAs regards his misdeeds, that is for another track if the serial runs for that long.....kuch kaam toh kare ASR ya sab kuch pakaya mile..He has not been a hero in any sense of the word apart from his "i will get u back KKGSR" and that too, was a really silly one....
But u r absolutely right...IPK has been messing the climaxes of the last few tracks...right from the kidnapping track, the dadi-garima track, the miscarriage, Arnav's past..leaving a feeling of yeh kya tha..ho gaya kya?
DeleteThe dramatic climaxes are not just this team's forte..even the earlier slapgate and ASR's first confrontation with shyam after terrace scene was poorly executed..let them stick to their strength - romance ...:)
DeleteI agree with you all on the messing up climax bit.
I don't know why they do it, just like I have no idea why they don't promo.Grr...look at behna- their promo is so much better than the serial. And our promos don't do justice to our serial.
Yesterday, was Anjali's day, not Shyam's.
It was really not Shyam revelation- since he had been exposed to the rest already, so the climax was about the re-birth of Anjali and that is all they delivered.
But two important bits came out yesterday, on Shyam- that he indeed had planned to kill ASR and did kill his own unborn child- both serious crimes. I know Shyam is going to escape, so it is going to look silly if ASR ever lets his guard down again.
ReplyDeletego see.
ROFL Jaya - that was hilarious...the two best one
Washte ho gaya, all the theories, logic, hidden meanings, analysis, deep-dives of millions of fans who made a livelihood out of Theories about Arnav's Past in the Ass , & Theories about Shyam's Sister's Brother's Wife's Brother's Wife's Parents' Daughter's Husband's Sister's Husband's Secrets. "
Oops posted before adding the second one ...
Delete"Washte ho gaya, Shyam's CCTV expenses, and he didn't even get to see A-K sex, Maha Washte"
J and Sri,
DeleteIt is a seriously hilarious post....and as it was too close for want to do a boo-hoo at the washte.....actually i am the joke was on me too...hehehehe
hahah - perfect - the best was:
Delete"Washte ho gaya, all the theories, logic, hidden meanings, analysis, deep-dives of millions of fans who made a livelihood out of Theories about Arnav's Past in the Ass , & Theories about Shyam's Sister's Brother's Wife's Brother's Wife's Parents' Daughter's Husband's Sister's Husband's Secrets." - too too good
waise can i do a little gloatwa ve? anjali was indeed aware of all the accusations her family told her about shyam.. she just put her trust in his love.
ReplyDeletenow that she sees that his love is fake, she stiffened her spine as a true ASR's sister would..
so all the mollycoddling by everyone was unnecessary?
Is liye i was telling y'day it will turn out in the end that the biggest dimwits in this story are Arnav and Khushi....Khushi bigger than even Arnav becos she stopped her tale about Anji becos of that mangalsutra...and that woman just threw the MS today...
Deletekuch reel cans PH ka bach jata....
DeleteKhushi and Arnav are not dimwits. Anjali's mother committed 'suicide' in the same situation and the first time it was revealed to Anjali, she really could not take it- she went and tried to kill that baby!
In fact, I was wondering how they could all stay down sending her up on her own yesterday?
that was indeed a screenplay blooper.. the scene should have been,anjali crying, mami or nani sitting with anjali in the room, a few dialogues by TQ about how loving he was over the years, she quietly packing up all his clothes/stuff, when she orders HP to bring kerosene, mami getting upset, going out and calling everyone, they come in to see her facing the havan.. same time frame, better used.
Deletethe others were not in there because khushi needs to regroup and debrief the younger clan ...yes.. at least include akash and payal in the group , give akash a few raging questions about why he was not involved in the khulasa... even after khushi hid the matter of kidnapping from him, he went with arnav's word KP about being a KP.. so why did they not tell him this time around?
and su, at the time of the MS breaking, khushi did not really know anjali. khushi did not know that her mother committed suicide.. she merely acted on her own decisions, jhalli that she was.
DeleteI was ok with Anjali walking up alone. She had just walked out of that web of love without a crutch. Giving her antehr one so soon would not have been right. The family siting around her - may happen today.
But yes even I hoped that she had called out to HP and asked him to being in the kerosene. And in the meantime Nani Mami Payash, Khushi all protesting but a look passes between the siblings and when she actually pours it on the suitcase Arnav stops Nani saying she needs to do this. Let her.
And if wishes were horses, the younger clan comes out and has a convo today. Khushi apologizing to Payal perhaps for having left her out. Arnav telling Akash, I know you may be angry but I hope you understand why we did not involve you. Could no have Shyam getting suspicious and we had very little time.
DeleteAt the time of MS breaking, K also did not know that Shyam was capable of murdering ASR for money, or would kill his own baby. She really thought there was a chance fo Shyam- Anjali- but she lost it at the terrace when she asked him, "why don't you leave Anjaliji", thought he'd reform atleast after she was ASR's.
Lagta hai kisi ko episode accha nahi laga..
ReplyDeletei liked it..maybe because i was waiting for that slap to happen...i was sooo eager to see just that ke mujhe aur kuch register nahi hua...and then i watched it again at 11..
still liked that slap.. and ladies ASR ne kab defend kiya Khushi ko ke ab karego..i didnt mind that as i have absolutely no expectations from ASR... standing and staring he does best!! baaki sab karne ke liye biwi aur bhai hai naa!!
Anita, that's just it - I am ok with him not defending ODG, he did not need to, it was Di's time to make a decision and not a tu tu main main - so that was fine -but the CT should have atleast shown that he had the police in waiting or even 1 dialogue which showed that he had asked NK to call the police - so just like a typical SP boy, he did nothing, Not in character the CT had sketched out in the begining!
ReplyDeleteAnd did not like ODG running up - was not required (again the typical SPgirl who does everything!) It sounded like a match between VLR and KKG going 'miss miss, he pulled my hair no miss she teased me first.."
Now, yesterday was Anjali’s day.
ReplyDeleteI f you all say you could not ignore her yesterday (irrespective of whether you liked it or not), I can understand. It was all about Anjali- probably for the last time.
Yes, major major gloatwavey on Anjali a she is ‘revealed’ (???)- though it was quite clear to me all the time-
Bewakoof Anjali with a lot of ‘bharosa and vishwaas’ on her husband- in her own words!
So it was all about Anjali’s ATOOT VISHWAAS in her husband.
The epi as such was very average with a lot of head desk moments.
Liked this:
DeleteNo durga Anjali: Rekh, you must have heaved a sigh of relief.
In fact, a broken down Anjali who almost fainted, (gloatwa vey), and was too shocked to react.
But a STRONG Anjali, who once the blindfold was removed did not want her brotherS’ support- she needed to work this out HERSELF (APPLAUSE on characterization- once the blindfold was removed, Anji regained her self- almost like Tom Riddle had departed from Ginny Weasley)
And she slapped VLR because he came begging for it again.
I will not say Anjali’s characterization was manipulated yesterday, because this is what I saw coming. But I’ll agree that Anjali could have been done better.
And Anjali breaking down in her room on her own- collecting herself- STRONG Anjali- J, your chicken pox shiddat worked. (I don’t know which poor guy got it, hope it is not Gul!)
Can’t gloatwa vey on NK bringing the police- I had sarcastically said ‘smart NK hopefully is smart enough to bring police’- but shiddat realized- Grrr… why did ASR not do it?
*head desk* moments:
1. ASR seemed to be running up and down. WT!
2. Nani and Khushi’s expressions when Anjali threw the matchstick- well, she poured kerosene – what were they expecting? Did they think she was going to light a candle now?
The only thing I liked about ASR yesterday: He told nani and all to let Anjali go ahead with what she was doing- SHE NEEDED TO DO THIS- a brother who knows that his ister has come back, she is not blind anymore.
I guess this is the reaction he had expected of her after slapgate and that is why he had not elaborated on the Shyam deception story. He expected his sister to trust his judgement, but Anjali went 'mental' and tried to kill that baby! And then she went off on a totally different tangent, he just could not understand or predict his sister anymore. Yesterday, SHE WAS BACK!
So now, since the Anjali chapter is closed, can we move on to the love story, CVs?
I am starved of Arhi here.
Delete1. he didn't open his mouth when Shyam was badmouthing his wife -again!!! ...
2. and now he encourages his Di in her pyromaniac tendencies inside the house. Keeping Di happy again, bitwa?!
This happened just after Di had refused his support and again Akash's attempt to support her. Anjali left everyone in shock. And Shyam bad mouthing K is only like a drunkard ofr mad man talking in delirium- no point trying to defend his wife- it is not needed. I thought he was fine there. And Khushi did not run up to DEFEND HERSELF, she only wanted to makesure Shyam did not brainwash her again- not needed at all since Shyam was contradicting himself with every statement. None of his statements made sense. K misjudged Anjali and thought she might believe Shyam and ASR misjudged and wondered if Di was normal at all. OFC, he got the answer when she wanted to set fire. SHE WAS READY TO MOVE ON.
Di's pyromania- reminded me of jab we met- the best way to exorcise an ex...happened too soon in Anji's case.
ANJALI WAS NOT A WEAK OR NEGATIVE CHARACTER, from the beginning. Yes, she had a weakness, but only because she BELIEVED in her version of Shyam. If you are expecting Anjali to redeem herself , I don't think it is happening, because she really did not wilfully hide something or harm any one.
Meeting VLR behind ASR's back- it is already exposed. VLR himself mentioned it and the parivaar knows about it. I don't feel she deserves punishment for it, she was only meeting her husband because she BELIEVED he was innocent. That was not a crime.
Dia, I feel one of the reasons they brought in Dadi was to give credibility to Anjali's actions. She had the blessings of her dadi through all this, so she does not need to redeem herself for this.
DeleteJe baat!!
ANJALI WAS NOT A WEAK OR NEGATIVE CHARACTER, from the beginning. Yes, she had a weakness, but only because she BELIEVED in her version of Shyam.
And Khushi did not run up to DEFEND HERSELF, she only wanted to makesure Shyam did not brainwash her again- not needed at all since Shyam was contradicting himself with every statement.
K misjudged Anjali and thought she might believe Shyam
DeleteIf Anji was not a weak character, she did give a very good impersonation of it all these 350 odd episodes..she kept her poor family in constant dread of what would happen if her perfect world broke....
Buddhus....all...see nothing happened only a suitcase with some clothes and books were burnt...saste mein nipat gaye kiddo was only feeling upset about the hangers...she said"use kyun burn kar rahin hain"..she was right...her ever growing saris would need it....
KAhan poor Khushi thot she wouldn't be able to bear the news of her marriage breaking in the earlier episodes....or poor Arnav who thot that his pregnant di
won't be able to take the news....chalo koi nahin...u learn from ur mistakes only...
I have a simple explanation for Dadi's was done so that the negativity/blame on demanding Shyam back in the house is not placed at Anji's door....
DeleteI actually have no problem with Arnav not defending Khushi ... it wasn't needed at all. There was not one person in the room who might have believed Shyam's rambles, and they only served to underline how deep the man himself was falling. I WOULD however have liked an angrier expression on Arnav's face, a clenching of jaw, then visibly restraining himself not to say anything because he knew Shyam would try this ...
I also didn't have a problem with Khushi running up to Anjali ... she wasn't trying to defend herself, again she didn't need to ... it was only to convince Anjali not to listen to Shyam's lies ... and I feel she didn't really need to do that either, Shyam had done enough to dig his own grave. It was more to get Anjali and Khushi there together ... the two women that Shyam had wronged the most ...
Anjali is a VERY WEAK character ... that is where I differ from you. And I draw this from Gul's words ... if the creator of the character feels this way, I am forced to think along those lines and see if Gul has followed that vision ... and every time I come to the conclusion that yes, she has. A weak damaged character ... not negative, but weak ... a woman burdened with low self-esteem from triple blows in her life - her handicap, a broken marriage, both parent's suicide on her wedding day, she sat at home for the next nine years ... and whose faith in pooja path, rituals, aartis, havans, the works grew because she needed a crutch. Needed multiple crutches in fact ... her brother, her husband ... did you never feel that the excessive 'I'm so lucky to have you, we love each other so much' jaap was a manifestation of her fear that her marriage was NOT as perfect as she wanted?
I also have NO problem with Anjali wanting to set fire to Shyam's things ... more power to her ... but I have a HUGE problem with her wanting to do it inside her room on a carpet!!! The poolside is three meters away ... she wants to light a fire inside the house on a flammable surface???!!! Has she NO common sense at all??!!! The same question I asked when she walked with glass pieces in her feet - the first thing anyone above the age of two does when they get a splinter is stop to take it out. When a plate breaks in my kitchen, the first instruction is for everyone there to stand where they are till I make sure they all have shoes on - and I get them the shoes immediately.
Emotional drama does not make me blind to simple common sense. If Anjali had thrown all the clothes out by the poolside and started the fire, I would have applauded her.
Where I DO want Anjali to repent ... I want her to stop and think how she in her blind faith in her husband, against the advice of her entire family, actually facilitated the death of her own child. That itself will be punishment enough for her for life ... a guilt she will find it difficult to shake off. And that she does deserve ... her behaviour then was pathetic, refusing food, medicine without a thought for her baby ... and she was hoodwinking her own brother. If she felt her husband was innocent, why did she not have the courage to meet him openly? Why did she bring him inside the house when she knew her brother hated him? Why did she not have the guts to walk out to be with him?
It was not a crime to meet her husband - I said that then itself. The wrong was the WAY she met him, by deceiving her whole family.
And not even mentioning the fact that this was a man who had lusted for her SIL ... the wrong she did to Khushi she does not even realise yet.
Delete*Rofl* at your kiddo moaning about the hangers ... I did the same!!! Shirts phenk do, keep the hangers!!! And why pack them in a suitcase? Isn't cotton more flammable than leather? Or plastic ... and yuck, plastic will melt, not burn, and the smell ... Or is it a metallic finish suitcase .. in which case, a waste of spirit ... spirit jal jayega, suitcase ko kuch nahin hoga ...
By the way it was methylated spirit, not kerosene ... methylated spirit is blue ... though what Anjali was doing with a tubful of it, I can't think!!!! A bottle of nail polish remover would have been equally effective ... it has alcohol in it ...
The second half of the episode, starting with Anjali's NAHIINNN ... you don't want to hear more of my comments!!! I was *ROFL*ing through the whole thing ...
DeleteGlass shards, burning suitcase in the room- part of the theatre in IPKKND- I liked glass shards, did not think twice about fire- yes, you have a point, inside the room?
But you can hardly expect ASR to say, "wait Di, I 'll take all these out, I don't want you burning the carpet and the house...", or maybe this was 'her' way of getting a new carpet. *LOL*
On GUL's version of Anjali:
What exactly did Gul say?
She only said that Anjali , there is no telling how she will react when she is hit with a major crisis. I have not read anywhere Gul calling Anjali weak- then, what happened yesterday was a total misrepresentation of Anjali. She should've cried and cried and emptied buckets of tears. I could only see Anjali as a blind person, too STRONG in her beliefs about Shyam.
She was STRONG in all these past instances.
1. Standing up to ASR.
2. Wanting to leave RM with Shyam, because she felt it was time to move out.
3. Questioning Shyam when he said "saaree jaaydad"- and she was firm and clear back then- "I will not tolerate such kind of talk, even in jest."
4. Thanking Khushi for getting ASR to wear the kurta as RB present for her. She could've just ignored that bit.
5. Having NO PROBLEMS bringing up her parents when ASR was the one who could not stand the mention of the past. Anjali had learned to move on much much earlier.
DeleteROFL at the hangers - I choose to suspend all logic in some cases else I will be out there baying for CT blood. But her burning it in her rom, because that is where she had meories fo them, of their life together so fitting that it met its end there.
That thot abotu Dadi being brought in to stem teh negativity on Anjali's character crossed my mind - those were horrific days even in AD for me. They messed up like they did with Bubbly (sometimes I wonder if it was the team's revenge on DB for making a public tamashaa of her negotiations). And DB's acting left much to be desired in those days.
Dia / Su,
Anjali was never a weak character - hmm now let me see. She could be strong and stubborn when she wanted and weak and frail when she wanted.
She had convinced herself that she needed crutches to walk the journey
So I guess I am agreeing with Dia that Anjali' repentance would have to be her realization of how her choices have been the biggest culprit in her life. - an opposing view to what Khushi told ASR in the temple. He professed it was his choices but she tells him there is a higher power. Anjali always believed she was living what a higher power chalked for her but somewhere it was also her choices.
I guess Gul said Anjali was the most damaged character. Because the facts were before her but she resolutely refused to see them due to her low self esteem.
Oh and Dia,
DeleteOn ASR clenching jaws - Looking at his and NK's expressions they knew that was coming. They wer prepared to hear him malign her again and somewhere I thin kKhushi also knew Shyam would do it.
hahaha ladies - same here - could not get it out of my head that the steel from the hangers and the plastic from the suitcase would be hard to remove!!!!
Deletebut then like i said - the carpet needed to be burnt - it was that dirty! (even had a huge stain in the center!)
Dia - aap ko kya ho gaya - common sense in IPK is as rear as a flawless emerald!!!
anji - weak? strong? manipulative? humm cant say - she actually has more hidden facets to her personality than ODC - them, we can predict - but anji???? (though i did not mind her blind belief in VLR - after all we would have said it was common sense if ODG had to defend ODB ;))
Delete"Because the facts were before her but she resolutely refused to see them due to her low self esteem."
A person with low self esteem would not stand up to her husband and telll him firmly, "I don't like this kind of talk".
If you say Payal has low self esteem I'll agree- that is what we saw in chameli ka tel. Now she has full faith in herself because she is secure in Akash's love. Poor Anjali- she thought she had her husband's love too (all her fbs yesterday- BRILLIANT- wish they had shown the same fbs when she asked naniji- kaun scah bol raha hain- VLR telling her he will protect her from every evil...poor Anjali)- so there was no need for poor self esteem. (Also considering how she was treated like a princess at home- the apple of her brother's eye- her world was perfect- no place for insecurities there, I believe.)
Deletei never had a problem with her belief in VLR, on the day the slapgate happened, i said Anji should walk out of the house once she gains some composure... its what she did with that belief that i could never understand...anyways its not very important Su and others have been pointing out...
Anji was temporarily sab confusion mein aa gaye hain...hota hain....acche accho se galti ho jati hain..phir yeh toh story hain....
I will still say, perhaps we misinterpreted Gul (hell, our fair share of MUs too!)- because what I saw yesterday was a STRONG Anjali and that could not have happened in a day!
DeleteIf she was weak, it'd take a whole lot of babysitting by K and nani to make her strong- no, I believe we are not getting a baby sitting track.
It is possible to call anyone manipulative, yaar.
If I want to help a poor person on the road you can always misinterpret me and say thay I am doing it for the glory of it, or you can say I am just helping some one. You can misinterpret each and every one of my actions and words- afterall,
**"Aapne wahi dekha jo aap dekhna chaaahte the"- The truth and nothing but the whole truth.**
yup - agreed - hence my thinking that we cant categorize her so easily..
Delete(unlike all other SP single sisters/aunts - every story has one btw -
keep warning my sil - be careful, - every story has an unmarried/divorced/separated SIL who is simply horrid but the next generation is all 'bua's bhakts!!! ;)
Sorry if I sound emotional since I wrote the above thing in haste.
DeleteI am sorry if it sounds personal, did not mean to at all- someone I know is going through this MU mess currently, in a big blown out of proportion- no one close to me, but I know the guy is innocent- what to do? Most people think otherwise even when there is no proof to incriminate him.. Sorry, girls...really hope I did not upset any of you.
Ah Mona,relieved.
Aaaww Su - come on - you can say what you want here -
Deleteand believe i am with you on this - cant stand women being MUed but that does not mean that all men are crooks!! - infact i have always felt - the 'shareef wala' suffers - if its a he and is stuck between a demanding wife and mother- poor guy!! and if its the woman - well no need to put it in words
DeleteAh..the bane of stereotypes...difficult to ignore....the sad part is people will not take the time out to clinically assess the merits in a case....
Rambles - 10th Oct epi – Part 1
ReplyDeleteI liked the epi because to me it struck the right notes though execution / final edit of it was not up to scratch. It was more Shyam and the family’s reactions that felt weak to me. Arnav Khushi NK and Anjali were fine.
Dushman na kare dost ne woh kaam kiya hai
Umr bhar ka gham hume inaam diya hai
On the first night this story began, we saw a sister step out from the shadows into the light. Standing under the shadows of Sheesh Mahal, she requested her brother to let go of the painful memories & move on. Despite the pain life had inflicted & the shards of broken dreams, Anjali held fast to her faith in DM & was blessed with Shyam - a husband who loved & cared for her & soothed her pain.
Pehle toh hosh cheen liye zulmo sitam se
Deewangi ka phir hume ilzaam diya hai
Umr bhar ka gham hume inaam diya hai
But things have not seemed okay since the past few months. Something seemed amiss with her family being hit by a spate of disturbing events. Today the wave of tsunami proportions crashed on her doorstep & left her life in pieces – scattered like the black beads of her MS. The day this story began her brother had scattered white pearls on a girl’s dress for even daring to even think of his Di’s broken marriage. Yet today, Anjali willingly broke that bond she had revered & held onto with blind love & deep faith, a bond that had become a noose suffocating her.
When the MS broke, Rani Sahiba (RS) fell. She had broken her crutch called Shyam. In her many years of marriage, the love from her husband had coated her giving her an armour / shell but of porcelain; fragile & beautiful – Rani Sahiba. So used to holding his hand had she become that she had forgotten how she once had walked on her own. She forgot the strength she had in her. Her true self remained hidden within, forgotten but not lost. Today RS fell but Anjali stood up without any support & crutch.
Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come - Rabindranath Tagore
She has always been loved by one & all – today realized she was trapped in a chakravyuha! (she was in the centre with the family all around her in that scene). Today the Anjali within stood up by her own will without any support & walked out of the chakravyuh. Alone she crossed the boundaries set by the black beads that she had accepted once.
Rani Sahiba was dead. How then would the pleas of a desperate man looking to find that one tinka to keep him afloat work? In his need for glory & addicted by his habit to gloat, Shyam had spilled all the venom in his heart. He needed people to praise him for the cunning he had shown & the games he had played under their noses. But when he saw the black beads broken, silently without any noise, he was jolted. Just like after telling Arnav, challenging him he was assailed with the doubt that he just may tell RS about Khushi, then what? Similarly today too, in the heat of the moment he had gloated, raved & ranted but when the moment passed, Shyam realized he had jeopardized his golden goose. He needed to check if she would still be an avenue open to him in the future. So he begs pleads inadvertently spilling more secrets – him meeting her secretly without the family’s knowledge. Trying to make her culpable & finally hitting the wrong note again – how would he ever harm his little princess when mere minutes before he had claimed he could do anything, kill anyone for money! Just like he goofed with Arnav by saying he loved RS when he had clearly told him he had never loved her ever. (Btw, he said he never loved Anjali but the obstacle in his path was RS – interesting even then he differentiated because it was the blind RS who was his key to the wealth).
Rambles - 10th Oct epi – Part 2
ReplyDeleteToofan main humko chod ke saahil pea a gaye
Nakhuda ka humne jinhe naam diya hai
Umr bhar ka gham hume inaam diya hai
And Anjali snaps when he speaks of loss – for what would he know of the loss she has suffered. And had he not said she would have even lost her brother if not for Khushi. Khushi whose love for Arnav she had witnessed. No one reacted to Shyam’s claims about Khushi – pleas on deaf ears I thought. Arnav & NK expected nothing less from him. The family realized how he had turned the tables & planted doubt the previous time. Khushi ran because she was not sure about the extent of Anjali’s trust on her. A trust she had lost & earned & reminded her about but what if Anjali rejected it again? Would Arnav be made to choose between her & Anjali again? Too much at stake for her so she runs to Anjali to explain & pleads her to listen.
Last time when Arnav had to choose between Shyam & Khushi, he chose Khushi. And today when Anjali had to choose between Khushi & Shyam, she chose Khushi. In Arnav’s case the trigger was the cheating Shyam was doing to Di & his bad intentions on Khushi. For Anjali it was the false love for her child, a child that would have cemented & unified their bond in a way like none other – a gaanth of love forever!
Anjali sees the evil that has been her husband & chooses to not have him in her life anymore. She tears apart all their promises of forever & turns her back on him. She who kept looking at him the last time, desperately believing that he would never harm her today has faced the brutal truth – she was inconsequential to him. And Anjali does not forgive easily.
ASR a man who claimed to write his destiny & that of others today stood aside because Arnav recalled his mum’s lesson of patience. A tree would grow but it would take time. At the hospital he had told Khushi that he had tried to keep Di happy but he had failed. Each time her happiness had shattered. Today he knew he failed because he tried to write her destiny. So Arnav waits for his Di to choose so he may write her destiny by her choice & not by his will. Once her choice was clear, Arnav did exactly what he had been itching to do – weed out the poison ivy from his garden & throw it out. (Arnav not calling the police, well possibly he was unsure of his Di’s choice. There could have been a doubt about whether she would still not see beyond her husband though he hoped otherwise).
And having thrown out Shyam, Arnav in relief runs to his sister & hugs her again to assure her that things will be fine. That they will be happy again. (Hospital scene, Arnav telling Khushi how a 14 year old boy tried to assure his sister & failed but the man before her today knew they would). Arnav found closure for that dark night on the night of his wedding. Anjali found closure for that dark night on the night of her wedding anniversary.
Sons get to burn pyres & get tangible closure whereas with girls it is always about saying farewell to their loved ones. Today Anjali though assaulted by memories of a shared past, realized the biggest truth of her life that she trusted her brother to always do right by her whatever maybe his actions & with that knowledge she set fire to the ghosts of her past. She burned the carcass of Rani Sahiba. Anjali was willing & would face the Agni Pariksha with her family by her side. Love that had taken root & creeped up her life turned out to be poison ivy rather than a flowering vine - to eradicate it she needed to burn it - the tree would be singed but it would survive.
The scene is still playing out so I will wait to see – but like Arnav approached her the other night, I am guessing Anjali will come to Arnav before the night is over to speak her mind. I only want a ArHi conversation before or after Anjali’s The event should have struck Khushi too. If she was affected the night Arnav came back after the kidnap, she would be affected tonight too.
DeleteAs usual beautiful post *applause*
Anjali walking out of the chakravyuh ... the web of lies spun by Shyam time and again ... this time he spun a web and trapped himself ... because Anjali KNEW already part of the truth ... that the dhol player was Shyam ... Did she also know about the cameras that he had installed? She saw the bill for camera equipment, am sure she knew that Shyam had used her credit card ... so she knew that Arnav spoke the truth about the footage from the cameras being from Shyam's laptop. The rest of course was Shyam tripping himself up in his own lies ... Khushi and Arnav planned to throw him out, Khushi brought him back, he used Dadi to bring him back ... one lie tripped the other ...
I liked a comment you made yesterday ...
Last showdown, Arnav tried to take Di away, Shyam made her stay because his story was all prepared, he had had the time to get ready for Khushi's accusations.
This showdown, Shyam tried to leave, Anjali tried to stop, but Anjali made Shyam stay, and Arnav made Anjali stay because he and Khushi were prepared for all the accusations that Shyam would use, and Shyam was unprepared.
Also liked the part you wrote about Arnav writing destiny ... nope, Sandy, Arnav did not get ready to write Anjali's destiny again ... he saw the mistake he had made earlier in trying to write her destiny himself ... and withdrew from that decision. It had to be Anjali's decision and hers alone ... SHE had to make the choice. He was there as her support to implement it. And that was the biggest mistake he had made earlier ... that he tried to write her destiny forcibly without giving her the right to make her choice.
And when I thought about it, Arnav's decision to throw Shyam out the first time was justified for himself and for Khushi, his wife ... he threw out the man who tried to harm HIM and HIS WIFE ... they both knew the facts, the judgement was theirs and so was the punishment. This was a fair trial - after knowledge of all the facts. I put Arnav Khushi together in this, as Khushi was in possession of the facts, she passed them to Arnav, he ALSO heard Shyam's arguments, and then made his decision.
BUT it was NOT fair on Anjali - she heard the facts, but she came to a different conclusion ... besides, she didn't hear ALL the facts ... not then, not later when Arnav cried on her lap about why he married Khushi. So there was always room for doubt in her mind, and Shyam played on that completely.
Today Anjali saw both sides of the argument ... all the evidence in Arshi's possession, and all the pleading and twisting of tales from Shyam. And of course the brilliant set up from Arshi ensured that Shyam gave away far more than he intended to ... the biggest being that he HAD got abortion pills for her. And she was finally able to make the right choice.
Is it about trusting her brother to always make the right choice? I hope rather that is more about taking off her blinkers and making the choice for HERSELF ... realizing that her brother had done so all along, would continue to do so always ... but also seeing the wrong choices she made on her way, such as wilfully ignoring all the pointers, all the evidence and believing blindly ... her atoot vishwas was betrayed today.
And enough about Anjali ... today was her day and it had to be ... but now I want the spotlight back on Arhi. And I also want an ArHi scene, when they both admit where they went wrong in shielding Anjali too much ... a mistake they BOTH made.
DeleteYou have resurrected Anjali, THANK YOU.
Shiddat to the conversation scenes.
Deletei wrote a lamba post and whoosh there was an error...but i will still make an effort to get bak bak across..
I read ur post with interest...
I have accepted that the makers wanted to convey an Anji who would believe the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth....
So, if it was all about Anji believing the things as they were presented to her and no culpability for anything else...why were the Raizadas and Khushi in constant dread of her ability to take the truth...some serious lapse of judgement on their part or some great playacting by Anji??
So it all comes down to this...Was it the flawed judgement of the leads (i thot these were) Arnav and Khushi that resulted in all this mayhem....something they could have well avoided...if they had applied reasonable common sense..Well, i like flawed heroes/heroines...its only now i know why...
1. Was it the flawed judgement of the leads (i thot these were) Arnav and Khushi that resulted in all this mayhem....
DeleteCP-ing from above in reply to one of your posts,
Khushi and Arnav are not dimwits. Anjali's mother committed 'suicide' in the same situation and the first time it was revealed to Anjali, she really could not take it- she went and tried to kill that baby!
In fact, I was wondering how they could all stay down sending her up on her own yesterday?
How can you say their judgement was flawed? Anjali has a history of something akin to suicidal thoughts...there is no trusting how she will react.
2. "or some great playacting by Anji??":
This is how Anjali reacts when she TEMPORARILY lost her mind. There is no other way you can explain a mother trying to harm her child.
DeleteThe best way this should have been handled, had it been real life- get a psychiatrist, get her in to counselling- before she worsens.
But Anjali seemed normal after that, because she suddenly came up with a new theory- Khushiji made a huge mistake in judgement, poor SIL of mine. I have a huger heart, so I'll not have that against her.
And Oh, I cannot be wrong since dadiji also believes this. Hmmmphhh.. you think my dadi can be wrong as well?
And she was thinking of ways to reconcile Chhote and Shyam when second disaster struck- too much for deranged Anjali!
This is why it was important that ASR spent some time reassuring her before the third disaster- this time she was prepared in advance- at least her faith and trust in her brother remained unshaken.
DeleteRaizadas based their drad of her learning the truth because they believed her to be weak like her mther. Yes Arnav denied it to nani but I hink in his heart he knew she would be weak. I feel in the execution if they had shown more of how Anjali reacted when she lost her parents and was left at the altar, It would be easier to swallow why Nani and Arnav were worried for Anjali knowing the truth. The closest they came was Anjali telling Khushi that her mum said if you want to cry then you should cry all the grief out. And that shot of Anjali crying over her parents bodies.
Even today I think if it had been about her and Arnav, she may have still clung on but it became about an innocent life who was punished. And finally it was the mother in her who gave Anjali the strength to face the truth today.
Khushi had seen a small incident make Anjali go into a tizzy. She as a person can never harm anyone knowingly. So she decided to stay mum to Anjali.
As for lapse of judgement, it has been so in the case of all.
But mainly the rle of Payal's life being affected by Khushi speaking teh truth after her marriage, teh lack of thoughts at her end when Shyam relentlssly pursued her after she was married are the rasons we are left with a slight after taste today.
"Khushi had seen a small incident make Anjali go into a tizzy.":
DeleteWhat about the big incident that made Anjali want to kill her baby? Why are you all missing that?
DeleteRhnx bey!! I loved what you said about Anjali realizing the role played in her life by the choices she made (said it elsewhere today too)
What I meant is Arnav was ready to help write Anjali's destiny based on her choice and not his will - same as what you said.
And the part about Arnav stopping Anjali and Anjali stopping Shyam. Anjali has always protected Shyam - made sure he is not hurt in any way by what she says or does just like Arnav always tries to protect her is it not?
Her stopping him as he started to walk away made me thin kshe wanted to tell him she was there for him, they would face this loss together and thsu asking him to stand by her.
Sandy you and Dia should write to the CT and offer your services - you two can def. save the serial from degrading into a run of the mill show and resurrect it as a classic!
ReplyDeleteBalki - Jaya - you should do so too - save the bloopers from coming up! and if you can get Gargi to do the dresses, and Su do the PR management then we are sorted!
btw where is Opti?
i just realized something - we all are saying almost the same thing - almost - in almost 100 long posts!!!
ReplyDeletelong live R&R :D:D
mona, big bear wala jhappi for you.. reading through the blog took me 2+ hours today.. and my brain is mush right now..
Deletegotta go be busy in AD, but mind will be here..
mona, if the CV's ever wanted help, they would have long ago contacted the brilliant minds on IF for scene ideas.. (in private, mind you!) the fact that they did not, shows that they really look to the internet only for reviews, not inspirations.
our shiddats to devi maiyya come true only because of the force of the universe i guess..
(or CT, prove me wrong and give me a scene with a white shirt-jeans Raizada (remember holi?) in the coming 2 weeks :D)
Shiddat to white shirt J,
DeleteBeen ages :)
haha - white shirts - yes please!
Deleteand while we are at it - Can nani have her dignified earnings back - this gold monstrosity does not suit her - her original earrings were just perfect for her
click through for a laugh
hahah - knew i had seen the qurta before (after all know the sangeet episodes like the back of my hand :D)
DeleteJ, accha yaad dilaya white shirt ka
yaar woh white shirt aur jeans wapas fact that white-beige combo which Gargs saw HH in flesh and blood in will also do when her heart did a dhak-dhak....
mmm yes.. the white shirt tucked in.. thanks for the visual, rekha!
ReplyDeleteIt has been fun reading what everyone had to say. Bottom line we are communicate and clarify - the very bane of daily soaps :)
Well well well, now that I have detoxed Anjali from my system (well almost) I wonder how Shyam will strike back at Khushi. He once told her he was a man who would hit the khulaadi on his own leg with caution. He had also warned her never to come between him and his goals.
Since then Khushi has been the reason and MC for Shyam's true nature being revealed andhis ouster from Shantivan. Shyam has lost every possible way of ever retirning to Shanivan. But he will surely lie low and then take revenge on Arnav and Khushi - on Arnav for having what he has always wanted - power, money, Khushi and on Khushi because she tricked him, put paid to his plans, rejected his love and mocked him.
Garima is a weak link at the Guptas. Last she knew is what Khushi told hr about Shyam having changed - well I sure hope the G's are called and informed by Payal about the latest developments. If not Garima is a weak link.
It will be easy for Shyam to hurt Khushi by hurting Babuji. And Khushi who is central to the happiness at Shantivan, if her happiness is attacked, the entore house's happiness is attacked - ghar ki khusiyaan!
Plus Khushi has yet not realized the depth of Shyam's obsession for her. He said he came back to Shantivan - he spoke of money but he also implied the need to be near Khushi. I am reminded of Arnav constantly saying badtameezi toh maine abhi shuroo bhi nahi kee hai. Will Shyam show Khushi true badtameezi? Will this trigger Arnav and the rest of the family to truly lash back at Shyam?
Or will Shyam attack Arnav and Khushi again thereby earnng the wrath of Anjali - their mum like figure?
Baako Anjali is going to be forgiven for believing and secretly meeting SHyam in a jiffy by both Arnav and Khushi. No hopes of Nani scolding her a bit as she will be busy being proud at ANji's new found strength. Payash well I think their quota for the month has been exhaused. NK may decide to go off for a backpacking trip for a while. Mami and Nani will be busy with Navrathri, G's will be happy and cozy in their home. Anjali redeeming herself - well TRP maiyya and fans furore at the minimal ArHiness will keep that at bay..
so I foresee good times ahead and some ArHiliciousness :)
but somehow, arhi is not arhilicious until there is a thread of angst somewhere.. if i have to see them running around trees and having chaat and gol gappe, i might just puke..
DeleteHmm J,
Deleteangst ke liye hain na - past ka bhooth, di ka akelapan. but maiiyya there needs to be passion. ab toh achche se shaadi bhi ho gayi. I so want ASR to unnerve Khushi ala Janmashtami - Nani's wishes and all :)
Maybe use the bump she sported in the play to..
u know tug pull is so possible if Khushi being jhalli keeps taaloing ASR - he is not going to be patient always ;)
Now that the suits are back can we have the dont are about the world whn i want to romance my wife man back too golgappas and trees notwithstanding.
OO Imagine Khushi is happily stuffing golgappas and Arnav chooses that one moment to do something naughty - after all easier to deal with Khushi when her mouth is shut :P
Deleteu beautifully summed my problem with this story in the least words possible....they have taken every point that could develop into angst and just nipped it in that kaanta which Arnav threw away...ab kya kaata aur kya phool...we will just be happy watching whats on offer...a watered down passion...with Sarun...that will be a great deal....
sandy, aww those scenes you wrote.. natkhat ASR..big grin on my face. devi maiyya, SHIDDAT!
Deletehappy VM