Friday 5th October
Not as tightly knit an episode as yesterday ...
Next attack on Shyam ... the Pill Exchange. Already rattled from the Glass pieces that weren't, Shyam develops headache. His devoted Rani Sahiba is prepared with the right pills. Only they're the wrong pills ... courtesy Khushi, of course.
And more yelling at his beloved Rani Sahiba, this time in front of the whole family, for giving him the wrong medicine ... and he develops symptoms to boot. Mami points out he looks fine, but he insists. Arnav annoyed that Shyam is yelling at his wife, wants to interfere, Khushi stops him in time.
Whole family troops to the bedroom to check the pills ... which are now the right pills. Courtesy NK, of course.
Shyam accuses Anji of giving him abortion pills ...
Don't worry, Shyam babua, you're the wrong gender 
Anjali made an interesting protest ... 'What are you saying ... these are not those pills!' At first watch, it sounded like she knew the pills he was talking about, and wanted to tell him these weren't those ones.
Whole family is shocked at the mention of abortion pills (SN even I was shocked yesterday, I didn't know such things existed. Not for third trimester abortions! How educational this show is!
Anjali shows him the headache pills. Shyam babu realizes he made a big boo boo.
NK shows Khushi the right wrong pills.
Shyam needs to rest
Nani isn't letting him off so easily ... how do you know so much about abortion pills anyway?
Shyam's health takes a sudden turn for the worse, rendering him incapable of answering her.
Reminded me of Anjali when Payal was questioning her ... her health suddenly worsened when an inconvenient question was asked too. This husband wife team is very devious.
Arnav not happy to see Anjali pampering her husband.
NK clarifies with Khushi that a man won't be too affected even if he took the pill. Khushi explains that Shyam's health problem was all psychological ... wonder when they'll figure out that Di's problems too are mostly psychological ...
Khushi stops Arnav from going to office ... bechara, ek hi kaam toh theek se karta tha, why stop even that?!
And when asked why, a quick story about the anniversary of their first date. Arnav is as surprised as the rest of the family. 
But he takes notes ... good to see
And smart Khushi spells out exactly what she expects too 
And tells Arnav that tomorrow is D-day, so she needs his help.
And Arnav realizes that tomorrow again his Di is going to lose her smiles.
Khushi getting equally upset ... and worried about the next day ... whatever way it goes, it's going to be unpleasant.
So Arnav cheers her up with a reprise of the imaginary first date. Which makes her all emotional ... he did it all for her ...
And a sweet Arshi hug ...
WHY can't they LINGER on the Arhi moments???
I did mention my views on the ad breaks interrupting them before ... 

Anji baby is really a baby ... and a retarded one at that. She wants to gift her husband a shocking PINK muffler??? For an anniversary??? No wonder Shyam wants to kill her!!!
Liked the complete disinterest and lack of enthusiasm on everyone's faces as Anjali happily babbled on about her gift ... and the universal disgust as she mentioned his love for her. No, this time round Shyam has not succeeded in winning back everyone's hearts ... they tolerate him for Anjali's sake ... and when the denouncement happens, this time they will all be firmly on Arnav's and Khushi's side. The tricks in the last few hours/days have ensured that much.
And somehow Anjali's extreme enthusiasm seemed very forced and out of place ... as though she could see her family's reactions and had to convince them as well as herself of her husband's love ... either that, or she came across so childlike as to be actually retarded.Which woman is so excited about a muffler as a gift???!!!
And Arnav is upset all over again ... tomorrow his Di's smiles will be wiped out again ... how can Di be so blind? And how will she stand it ... on her anniversary?
Khushi gives him a pep talk ... sooner the better, before Shyam gets suspicious and wiggles his way out again ... and Arnav is ready ...
Image of the day ... thanks for the link, mads! Why couldn't they LINGER on this one ... grrr!!!
Can't add the image unfortunately, so enjoy it from the link.
Edit - corrected the link, and here is another one, again thanks Madsie!!!
Thoughts -
So far the mind games on Shyam have been reasonably subtle ... the guy doesn't have an iota of conscience, so he hasn't yet started connecting the incidents with his own actions as of now ... let alone wondering if someone can be behind them. If he does start wondering, the games have been carefully played ... Arnav and Khushi are in character, Arnav has never hidden his anger at Shyam's return, his disbelief in Shyam's 'reformation' or his intention of throwing him out again as soon as he can ... so his continued anger is very natural.
Khushi remains short and curt with Shyam and loving with Di ... again very natural.
NK needed to cut down his pally behaviour with Shyam ... we discussed that would definitely make him smell a rat. Today NK was not pally at all ... he showed up at all the family discussions, Shyam hopefully was so angry that he wouldn't notice NK's late appearance, and would be concentrating on Arnav and Khushi's behaviour more anyway.
Khushi being enthusiastic about Creepali's anniversary celebration ... uh oh
All I can say is, good thing Shyam was not there, it would definitely have been suspicious.
Khushi's story about her first date ... well, she gave Arnav a first date according to his liking, and so far the guy hasn't reciprocated ... a girl has to do what she has to do
Which means spell things out for her clueless hubby. He will do everything all right, because he really does love her to bits ... he just needs to be gently guided 
Besides, she was kind of right ... last year this time was their Nainital outing, he took her to a dhaba, where it was her type of food ... and she did get a new dress, borrowed/stolen.exchanged though it was ...
Seeing the real Arnav under the khadoos ASR ... again, she was right about that one
And he knows it, it was Khushi who uncovered the man under the stone shell and dug him out.
Although why she needed to hold him back so obviously
... she could have asked him in private too.
Was there any symbolism about Khushi helping Anjali choose a new saree? Or was it just to give Arnav some time to set up the surprise for Khushi? Seeing as we all ranted as to how he managed to check Creepali's room for cameras when he went there with Khushi and not before her.
Anjali dear ... you have enough sarees and more ... can you give Khushi some to cut up and wear as churidars? That blue/green/pink you wore yesterday was beautiful, it would make a lovely suit
Or is it to give Arnav his next hint ... his wife needs a new wardrobe!!! She is now officially and legally Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada.
Have already ranted on cutting the Arshi scene short ... I could rant a lot more ... but ..chalo, chhodo!
Anjali (Daljeet) is really overdoing the joyful child bit about her wedding anniversary ... to me it looked very fake! Is she really so blind that she cannot see how uninterested and unenthusiastic her family is about the Creepwa? Or is she overdoing it to convince them ... and herself ... that his yelling and shouting today was an aberration ... he actually does love her very much, the anger and blame is a one off ...
No wonder Arnav was upset ... Love is blind ...
Well love really is blind ... he actually did the same and far worse to Khushi, blamed her for something which was not her fault, and even more, punished her for it without giving her a chance to defend herself ... she still loves him nonetheless ... wish he would remember that once in a while, what Snakewa is doing to his sister, he did to an innocent girl. Anjali is far less innocent than Khushi in the matter. She knows the truth and refuses to see it ... Khushi didn't even know her crime.
But no brother can see his sister in pain ... watching her happiness and knowing it as shortlived made even the stone-hearted ASR want to back off from destroying that smile ... this time, thankfully Khushi held strong, and strengthened his resolve as well. And this time there will be no arbitrary decision making ... this time they will fire their bullets with proof.
Edited - the last scene between Arnav and Khushi was strongly reminiscent of the Arjun-Krishna scene at the start of the Mahabharat war ... Arjun, the brave warrior, falters as he sees his loved ones ranged against him on the battlefield, and realizes that to win the war means to inflict casualties on his own loved ones. Similarly, Arnav, always righteous, falters at the last minute as he realizes that exposing Shyam's ugly face will mean hurting his beloved sister, whom he has looked after for the last fourteen years, whose smile and happiness was the main goal of every action he undertook ever since his parents died and left him as her protector. And today, to safeguard her well being and happiness, he has to wipe the smile off her face.
And Khushi played the part of Krishna, his guiding light, the one telling him right from wrong ... La had said once that Khushi is the only person who has the courage to show Arnav the mirror, to tell him when he's wrong ... That Khushi is back again, as she convinces him that the price of temporary pain is worth paying for the goal of true happiness.
Not as tightly knit an episode as yesterday ...
Next attack on Shyam ... the Pill Exchange. Already rattled from the Glass pieces that weren't, Shyam develops headache. His devoted Rani Sahiba is prepared with the right pills. Only they're the wrong pills ... courtesy Khushi, of course.
And more yelling at his beloved Rani Sahiba, this time in front of the whole family, for giving him the wrong medicine ... and he develops symptoms to boot. Mami points out he looks fine, but he insists. Arnav annoyed that Shyam is yelling at his wife, wants to interfere, Khushi stops him in time.
Whole family troops to the bedroom to check the pills ... which are now the right pills. Courtesy NK, of course.
Shyam accuses Anji of giving him abortion pills ...
Anjali made an interesting protest ... 'What are you saying ... these are not those pills!' At first watch, it sounded like she knew the pills he was talking about, and wanted to tell him these weren't those ones.
Whole family is shocked at the mention of abortion pills (SN even I was shocked yesterday, I didn't know such things existed. Not for third trimester abortions! How educational this show is!
Anjali shows him the headache pills. Shyam babu realizes he made a big boo boo.
NK shows Khushi the right wrong pills.
Shyam needs to rest
Nani isn't letting him off so easily ... how do you know so much about abortion pills anyway?
Shyam's health takes a sudden turn for the worse, rendering him incapable of answering her.
Reminded me of Anjali when Payal was questioning her ... her health suddenly worsened when an inconvenient question was asked too. This husband wife team is very devious.
Arnav not happy to see Anjali pampering her husband.
NK clarifies with Khushi that a man won't be too affected even if he took the pill. Khushi explains that Shyam's health problem was all psychological ... wonder when they'll figure out that Di's problems too are mostly psychological ...
Khushi stops Arnav from going to office ... bechara, ek hi kaam toh theek se karta tha, why stop even that?!
But he takes notes ... good to see
And tells Arnav that tomorrow is D-day, so she needs his help.
And Arnav realizes that tomorrow again his Di is going to lose her smiles.
Khushi getting equally upset ... and worried about the next day ... whatever way it goes, it's going to be unpleasant.
So Arnav cheers her up with a reprise of the imaginary first date. Which makes her all emotional ... he did it all for her ...
And a sweet Arshi hug ...
WHY can't they LINGER on the Arhi moments???
Anji baby is really a baby ... and a retarded one at that. She wants to gift her husband a shocking PINK muffler??? For an anniversary??? No wonder Shyam wants to kill her!!!
Liked the complete disinterest and lack of enthusiasm on everyone's faces as Anjali happily babbled on about her gift ... and the universal disgust as she mentioned his love for her. No, this time round Shyam has not succeeded in winning back everyone's hearts ... they tolerate him for Anjali's sake ... and when the denouncement happens, this time they will all be firmly on Arnav's and Khushi's side. The tricks in the last few hours/days have ensured that much.
And somehow Anjali's extreme enthusiasm seemed very forced and out of place ... as though she could see her family's reactions and had to convince them as well as herself of her husband's love ... either that, or she came across so childlike as to be actually retarded.Which woman is so excited about a muffler as a gift???!!!
And Arnav is upset all over again ... tomorrow his Di's smiles will be wiped out again ... how can Di be so blind? And how will she stand it ... on her anniversary?
Khushi gives him a pep talk ... sooner the better, before Shyam gets suspicious and wiggles his way out again ... and Arnav is ready ...
Image of the day ... thanks for the link, mads! Why couldn't they LINGER on this one ... grrr!!!
Can't add the image unfortunately, so enjoy it from the link.
Edit - corrected the link, and here is another one, again thanks Madsie!!!
Thoughts -
So far the mind games on Shyam have been reasonably subtle ... the guy doesn't have an iota of conscience, so he hasn't yet started connecting the incidents with his own actions as of now ... let alone wondering if someone can be behind them. If he does start wondering, the games have been carefully played ... Arnav and Khushi are in character, Arnav has never hidden his anger at Shyam's return, his disbelief in Shyam's 'reformation' or his intention of throwing him out again as soon as he can ... so his continued anger is very natural.
Khushi remains short and curt with Shyam and loving with Di ... again very natural.
NK needed to cut down his pally behaviour with Shyam ... we discussed that would definitely make him smell a rat. Today NK was not pally at all ... he showed up at all the family discussions, Shyam hopefully was so angry that he wouldn't notice NK's late appearance, and would be concentrating on Arnav and Khushi's behaviour more anyway.
Khushi being enthusiastic about Creepali's anniversary celebration ... uh oh
Khushi's story about her first date ... well, she gave Arnav a first date according to his liking, and so far the guy hasn't reciprocated ... a girl has to do what she has to do
Besides, she was kind of right ... last year this time was their Nainital outing, he took her to a dhaba, where it was her type of food ... and she did get a new dress, borrowed/stolen.exchanged though it was ...
Seeing the real Arnav under the khadoos ASR ... again, she was right about that one
Although why she needed to hold him back so obviously
Was there any symbolism about Khushi helping Anjali choose a new saree? Or was it just to give Arnav some time to set up the surprise for Khushi? Seeing as we all ranted as to how he managed to check Creepali's room for cameras when he went there with Khushi and not before her.
Anjali dear ... you have enough sarees and more ... can you give Khushi some to cut up and wear as churidars? That blue/green/pink you wore yesterday was beautiful, it would make a lovely suit
Or is it to give Arnav his next hint ... his wife needs a new wardrobe!!! She is now officially and legally Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada.
Have already ranted on cutting the Arshi scene short ... I could rant a lot more ... but ..chalo, chhodo!
Anjali (Daljeet) is really overdoing the joyful child bit about her wedding anniversary ... to me it looked very fake! Is she really so blind that she cannot see how uninterested and unenthusiastic her family is about the Creepwa? Or is she overdoing it to convince them ... and herself ... that his yelling and shouting today was an aberration ... he actually does love her very much, the anger and blame is a one off ...
No wonder Arnav was upset ... Love is blind ...
Well love really is blind ... he actually did the same and far worse to Khushi, blamed her for something which was not her fault, and even more, punished her for it without giving her a chance to defend herself ... she still loves him nonetheless ... wish he would remember that once in a while, what Snakewa is doing to his sister, he did to an innocent girl. Anjali is far less innocent than Khushi in the matter. She knows the truth and refuses to see it ... Khushi didn't even know her crime.
But no brother can see his sister in pain ... watching her happiness and knowing it as shortlived made even the stone-hearted ASR want to back off from destroying that smile ... this time, thankfully Khushi held strong, and strengthened his resolve as well. And this time there will be no arbitrary decision making ... this time they will fire their bullets with proof.
Edited - the last scene between Arnav and Khushi was strongly reminiscent of the Arjun-Krishna scene at the start of the Mahabharat war ... Arjun, the brave warrior, falters as he sees his loved ones ranged against him on the battlefield, and realizes that to win the war means to inflict casualties on his own loved ones. Similarly, Arnav, always righteous, falters at the last minute as he realizes that exposing Shyam's ugly face will mean hurting his beloved sister, whom he has looked after for the last fourteen years, whose smile and happiness was the main goal of every action he undertook ever since his parents died and left him as her protector. And today, to safeguard her well being and happiness, he has to wipe the smile off her face.
And Khushi played the part of Krishna, his guiding light, the one telling him right from wrong ... La had said once that Khushi is the only person who has the courage to show Arnav the mirror, to tell him when he's wrong ... That Khushi is back again, as she convinces him that the price of temporary pain is worth paying for the goal of true happiness.
What's with mishti, I thought deepali isn't staying?
DeleteSuggest you do an Anjali on all spoilers for a while. Will spare you a headache.
DeleteThanks for the reminder. I'll enjoy the show while it last. Speaking of which, last night was a good one. Love to seeing shyam's bothered face.. khushi is very smart!:-) wish slash had something to say.:-( why can't they give him something to do.:-(
I mean akash, typo error..
DeleteAnother lovely episode ... nice pace.
ReplyDeleteCreep torture continues. This has to be the first time precap had only him and I loved it. They are keeping no stone unturned other than planning to kill him, Well with the look ASR had throughout, it sure looked like more welcoming an idea.
Poor boy felt like hugging and slapping him both at once. Khuhsi did a better job. His better half, wise thinking for him and his family. Love this Khushi ... please cvs after Creep is exposed please don't send her back to being naive and dumb again. It also helps that family does not appreciate their Damaad anymore, not even Mami. Loved Nani "aap ne accha banaya"
"hum pehli baar ghumne gaye the" .. and all believed it .... aiyyo at least Payal Jiji should have remembered Khushi was with her whole day preparing sweets for the function and hating the ugly rakshas with all sincerity. Uffo kuch yaad nahi rehta inko! Sheesh
Loved the scene for their comic timing again. ASRs expressions and Khushi keeping herself at check everytime she looks at her hubby. Hilarious. No hesitation at holding hubbies hand na dhis smile at the end "pagal hai"
They better make sure of loads of ArHi romance after Creep exposure for all the cut they are taking with their scenes. Happy that he found time for his biwi a midst all these. She is hell worried, plan fail kya toh Shyaam will get alert and pass kiya toh they need to handle Di.
Loved last scene. Loved his eyes. Baat seedhe dil par lagti hai.
DeleteThe nainital outing happened rrey! And I think everyone kind of realized Khushi was in her sanak mode just to keep hubby at home for herself :)
Just Married after all.
nanital trip happened way after creepali anniversary ... chalo chado
Deleteloved the scene ... their expressions were bang on ... specially at the end when she hold his hands and he gives her a sweet smile.
wese how about another nanital trip ... recreate hut wale scenes ... this time without BDs ... I want to see something like jugnu again and in peace. woh pehle wale Rabba Ve which took 5 mins to end.
DeleteDekh by that coun anniversary ko bahut pehle ho jaan chaahiye tha - but yes poetic justice that his falsehood comes out on a day they celebrate their togetherness.
Oh pls un dinon ki yaad mat dilaa. I was watching some old epis and realized we were getting 24 or 25 min epis at times then :(
when the PH *ss is on fire, they do come up with wonderful episodes....if pressure makes u put out ur best....may u stay in this pressure zone for long
ReplyDeleteAnji has many new sarees that she needs help to choose from.....Cvs u don't have to rub it in....
Arnav is a real softie....Khushi the tufer of the two....proved time and again..that scene of Arnav having nerves had a touch of reality to was mighty believable despite the tuf exterior ASR that we have seen....then him gaining strength from her true of what ARHI are about.....
Nice cute RHI scene....(but did bitwa spend one hour searching the saree that he had gifted to her on her bday...Kanjoos PH)
Shyam has pills that are white in colour and the former shatir dimag(oops sorry....its an extinct species, last heard) did not recognise it....chalo he is pshyched..Cvs, we will let u win that...
Anji was looking at the muffler and feeling happy and smiling all around when no one was clearly interested in her gift...Directors can u just go a bit easy on DB's happy expressions we know she loves Shyam a lot....
All in all a gud epi.....keep the tempo....
Precap, why is Shyam alone in the bedroom in the night...Anji does a convenient disapppearance??wt??
Arnav loses his brains when it comes to Di ... he gains them when it comes to Khushi. But I did sympathise with him today ... again Di is going to be shattered ... and he will have to pick up the pieces. I do hope this is the last of Shyam for some time ... Di just doesn't give Arhi any time for themselves away from their babysitting duties.
DeleteAnd if the woman would face facts once and for all, she wouldn't keep getting shattered.
Anji looked quite retarded with that extra wide cheesy smile at the end ... not all there in the head. I really wonder if they will take her down the mental breakdown path. And Arnav's worry for her was like that of a parent for a very precious child, one which really needs to be sheltered from all the hard realities of life. Like parents with mentally challenged children ... have seen that extra fondness and complete overprotectiveness, I was strongly reminded of it today.
Dia - i actually agree - it was very ASRish to be ferocious with everyone else but loose footing as soon as Di is concerned - Had VLR not been the ultimate badie and hurt Di's kid, ASR would have jhayloed him - so could really feel for him - he, who could never harm his sister would have to do the worst (though we know its the best) thing to her - shatter her make belief world - he did need the support of his wife there - glad they showed who the two are so in tune with each other but still need to talk!
DeleteTotally ASR-ish, I agree.
DeleteBut this is giving me the creeps. Anji is all smiling like a 100w bulb and now they are going to burst her bubble...
Sama, don't worry, I am not losing it...but the last time Anji had to confront the truth, she wanted to destroy something- at that time it was the baby, and then her coping mechanism went into complete denial!- blind blind Anjali...exactly what ASR was reminding K about.
This time around, again, she is not prepared mentally and how will she react? Will she go suicidal? I hope someone has the sense to prepare her in some small way- however that might backfire too, considering Anjali does not want to hear anything bad about creep.
PLUS, this bit worries me- "aap sambhaalenge unhe"- why not "hum"? Or I am hoping it is only the same reassurance she gave him in the hospital scene- you have to be there for di- you cannot run away into peetal ki bartan- YOU can do it...and also now, there is proof- so blind Anji will HAVE TO SEE-
Since the slap promo is assured, I guess Anjali will slap him and throw him out and go on with her life. Some appreciation track for nanat too.
ahem... K has to select a new saree for her....(one track mind here)
Ending on a happy thot- K said it is time for the buri nazar to lift (waiting for ulta decoding from the experts.)
DeleteAfter this slap, the rona-dhona will happen..and Arnav bhaiya will have to spend time drying those tears...koi choice nahin far as sympathy goes...there is zilch sympathy for Anji becos the PH has butchered her character and "rahi kasar" has been completed by DB herself...with her own "try to understand Anji" speeches
Yes, she was not told the truth by her brother or rather he failed to tell her when he discovered but she did no better when she was confronted with the truth of her husband..nobody buys the truth/proof not being provided in that slapgate episodesbecos she had enuf indications and she chose to apart from saying the token..sorry u had to go thru this....i can't feel more for her...
its not a woman thing, can't see it from that angle at all....its a "grow up" woman thing...
its a catch-22 situation ...imagine there is no sympathy for the woman and on the other hand, she turning Durga will make us laugh...
Dia / Rekha / Mona / Su,
DeleteWell there is the other new show and the rest on Channel V to worry about. But honestly if they are so slimy like Shyam then what goes around wil lcome around - have any of their actors gone back to work with them a second time?
Agree for a man who from the age of 14 had vowed to protect her has to break her heart remorselessly. Tough one. Besides how do you ever tell your loved one that the one she loves so much is a slime bucket?
And yeah why did ANji come across as a total kid today - for us to better appreciate her anger next week?
I had a menal fist pump moment when I heard Khushi say the family is there for her - yes they are and Nani I think will step in and make sure easing Anjali into reality is shared by all.
Anjali becoming stronger in reality ahs to be a gradual process. For the moment when the truth about the child bursts her becmoing like an avenging Kali is understandable - Never earn teh wrath of a mother they say!
But once the moment passes, she will crumble and automatically turn to the other most important person in her life for immediate solace - Arnav and Khushi too.
But yes let the family also be a part of the healing process and let her learn to value just how much she has.
Arnav needd the boost that he will have to be strng for her to sambhaalo her cos he is going to be the one to burst her bubble and he knows how she reacted last time round as well as when she lost the baby.
Actually for a woman like Anji her immediate reaction should be anger at all, then denial, then despair and finally self loathing at having been so blind and dependent when she should have been the pillar for her younger brother.
SN: Happened to go to Telly Tadka site and there was a mention of Anjali going Ma Kali..hmm!!!
Deleteu described anji's graph well.
Anji's immediate reaction will be anger at people close to her for keeping things from her.....but her blocking things coming her way will take time for her to accept about herself) I hope they handle this track well..
more than throwing shyam out....its what follows that will be real thing.....
DeleteASR has always shied away from giving his Di the bad news, facing her tears...So Khushi's dialogs were very apt- he has to take the charge and take on the rebuilding of Di after she crumbles - he cannot watch from the sidelines like he did after the miscarriage ...and using we always dilutes accountability - I and you are stronger:)
Logically Anji's anger cannot be at the family..
I have no problem if she turns Durga/Kali as they long as they show it happening for the right reasn.Even the meekest woman turns to a tigress when her offspring is threatened/harmed. Creepwa killed her child has to be depicted as the trigger of her turning Durga/Kali to avenge the murder of her child...
Nothing else will make sense with the personalioty they have built so far...she was shown as too weak to suddenly gorw righteous indignation at Shyam's infidelity or lies :)And if they take the right track - she will not crumble because that fury will fuel her , not letting self-pity come in till revenge is complete...
After that it will not be the helpless woe is me - but making reparations for what her refusal to see the truth has put others thru...she has been shown to take the right path - like in accepting Khushi after the first marriage and so on ...
That would be the good road to take... a repeat of the post miscarriage whine track would not sit well with the viewers either :)
If that happens I can check off one of my shiddats - Khushi-Anji doing the Durga/Kali in tandem to bring Creepwa down - Jai ho Devi Maiyya:)
Love your Samudra manthan thought :)More mythology...
The story that kept coming to mind when I saw Shyam committing atrocity after atrocity was Shishupala-vadha.
Shishupal was allowed 100 mistakes and was killed by Krishna after the 100th...Killing the baby was Shyam's hundredth mistake.
Another story - the asura Raktabija kept resurrecting till mother Kali spread her tongue to catch every drop of blood spilling from him...
So I am hoping this time Anji turning Kali will mean the end of that resurrection too..another reason I was against shyam's blood in next gen :)
Nice analysis Diya...Shyam is further getting embroiled in Khushi and NK's jaal....exposing himself.
DeleteI wish my hubby was like ASR.. Khushi ne bol diya aur kaam hogaya!! SKD much!
The two moments that sort of stayed were
1) Arnav's sweet gesture to Khushi
2) Arnav breaking up on Di -- he is worried that Anji will not be able to stand this expose and it shows. He has been her mother/father/brother for 14 years... he has seen her lose stuff and knows that she may break... now hope Khushi's "aap sambhalenge" works and the "sambhaalenge" does not take too much time.. too much anji on screen does not work for me or the viewers!
Why couldn't they linger on 1? SN totally ... ! Two was appropriate.
Rest was a bit meh ... especially when Khushi stopped ASR from going to office... can't they have these discussions in private... just because the cameras are not on.. does not mean he does not have strategically placed microphones!
Wonder why Khushi picked the anniversary day... a day or two more wouldn't do any harm... this pace is getting to me .... hope they have something more than Anji breakdown to show after this.
And I so want the sizzle back... these two are behaving like bro and sis ( will not say old married couple for obvious reasons)
DeleteLike the rakthabheeja thought.
But for every drop of blood spilled - need to see if the maiming of babuji comes in or is reserved.
Actually shishupala vadha I felt applied when Arnav throws Shyam out of the house - a brothers's vow to his sister to pardon reaches a trheshold. Was also thinking that perhaps the samudra mathan had started since then and at that time the amrit Rahu (Shyam) got was Anjali's trust and faith in him and his life was spared.
So now if they confront and his drop of blood his spilled, they expect him to fade away and die but then like rakthabheeja he ressurects and eventually Durga and Kali come together to finsih him off once and for all. Hmm!!
The manthan continued since then and then recently the poison that is a father killing his own child came up. Arnav is reigning it in big time for he would like nothing more than to lash out but he has realized his sister's faitha nd trust need to be broken for her to begin to see the truth.
Shyam for now reminds me of Basmasura - the demon who attained the power to reduce one to ashed by his touch and attempted to use it n Shiva whi had granted him the boon. Finally he was charmed into placing his hand on his own head thereby reducing him to ashes (Shyam is going to confess his own deeds as per the plan). If and how they weave in the Mohini entrapping Basmasura to let his guard down and lead to his downfall will be an interesting watch.
Babe SKD much - hubby like ASR who say your wish is my command!! :)
DeleteMohini Bhasmasura bhi ek round ho gaya na- Khushi playing Mohini - getting his pen drive and signatures on divorce papers...
koi baat nahi, wash, rinse, repeat :)This time he will burn himself with the confession coming out of his own mouth:)
The only thing I will not stand is showing Creepwa turning over a new leaf- I want Khushi to learn a lesson too that not everything is worth redeeming - the bad has to be annihilated to make room for good :)
DeleteYep no wanting creepwa becoming good or such. Like you said sometimes tehre are some people so rotten that they just need to be made away with.
hmm..yes khushi was mohini then way but this time he will burn by his own confession from the looks of it hence the thot. Wash rinse repeat is standard operating procedure :)
SN: Blog is very hsaant today - what happened everyone feels AD better than SKD?
AD? whats that? SKD =sapno ki duniya
Deletewas busy with dinner, guests over
AD is asli duniya monu...
Deleteohhhh - thanks Rekha :D
Deleteanji makes a PINK muffler for shyam?? like, REALLY???? :S No wonder shyam wants to stray and lust after other women... :P
ReplyDeleteepi was OK-ish.. when they cut out ArHi time epi automatically becomes dull for me...and that's what they did with the bedroom scene..could have lingered a bit on their feelings and talked some stuff there instead of concentrating for the nth time on DB's sugary sweet happy puppy love expressions.. they were making me PUKE! :S
Deleteagain, CVs...if you are trying to gain sympathy for anji, its NOT working...instead people end up feeling sad for arnav coz he has to make his beloved di see the truth.. so the so-called irony of how happy di is now and how devastated she will be tomo didn't at all come out that well for me..she brought it onto herself..
and when everything is out, I DO want arnav and the others to know how she had been sneaking around behind everybody's back to meet her hubby dearest...she HAS to know somewhere that it is partly her doing..taali kabhi ek haath se nahi bajti..
Delete^^ WHY can they not linger more on this???? :((
DeleteHey that image was a lovely one fact the image was loveier than the actual moment in the epi.....
I guess, the Ph should go ahead and shoot some suggestive romantic action for the leads becos now that they are in the room and no cameras on them...what is the need to shy away....just ease into it thru camera angles....or some morning after scenes or mussed hair scenes like J said.seriously even i have to agree they are resembling Om bhaiya and Parvati bhabhi now...
let the fandom be assured that theirs is a proper marriage...where the passion is not given the go by...these no-fire ASR kisse ke gale nahin uthregi....
Or do they want to give the wrong message to young girls ki shadi ke baad sab khatam...silly fools...
Mads, today am TOTALLY on the same page as you ... PINK muffler for your hubby? As an anniversary gift???!!! No wonder the guy strays ... and wants to kill her!!!
DeleteThe cutting short of the Arshi scene spoiled my mood :((( I HATE it when they do that! And for what ... an extra long look at Di's extra wide retarded smiles ... ufff!!!
Thank god for that Arshi scene today though ... otherwise today again I felt the cv's are going down the Too Much Di path ... haven't they got it yet??? NOBODY wants to see Anji blindly in love with a psychopath killer!!!
DeleteShaanth hojaa..BP kyun badhaa rahi hai...lambi saans andar baahar. Keep looking at the pic Madsie shared and the youtbe links I left in ydya's post for you apne aap all iss well ho jaayegaa.
I know pink muffler - shudder - my hubby wud have shipped me off to mental asylum ages ago if I had done that to him.
Totally with you, like SHyam blamed Khushi alst time, let him smear muck on Anji this time and make sure the family knows how Anji abetted him.
Girls-- I seriously pity Shyam-- no chappals/tomatoes please
Delete1) Guy has brains and is saddled with Anji who is brainless
2) She is overpoweringly sweet -- sickening to say the least... there has to be some tempering of that ... you will get diabetic with all that sweetness
3 She is overprotective... wanting to keep track of his movements all the time.
All of these can get too much for any guy........... pink muffler ( shocking pink ) one... give shyam a break!
None of the above justifies his deeds and straying .. just saying!
Delete:D Just saying huh..
Delete"anji makes a PINK muffler for shyam?? like, REALLY???? :S No wonder shyam wants to stray and lust after other women... "
Arre yaar miya ka taste hi aisa hai - he wore a bridal red sherwani for the wedding - so why not a magenta muffler
".she HAS to know somewhere that it is partly her doing..taali kabhi ek haath se nahi bajti.. "
taali ek hah se nahin bajti par thappad ek haath se lagta hai ..
Shyam was a creep before Anji went into denial..
I don't think we can put Anji on an equal footing with Creepwa.On the IPK righteousness laddder, Shyam is at the bottom, Anji a good many rungs above that, ASR a couple more , Khushi some rungs above that -I demoted Khushi a couple rungs after she brought Shyam in without talking to ASR.
On the top of the ladder is NK- like the hanuman flag atop the chariot - love that character - uski ek love story start karo CVs- chat friend ko naam aur wajood dedo :) My vote goes to La - her character has already been established - let khushi do the matchmaking :)
have seen just the first five minutes and can't stop laughing:
ReplyDeleteVLR has another dresser in the room or requirements where he keeps his shaver with his comb!!
AND - he has a headache + tummy ache + chakkar - chu chu chu! VLR babuwa - the pills were for inducing abortions - not pregnancies!!!
poor VLR who does not even have a bathroom mirror of his own..(what is the use of having snagged a rich wife.. cannot afford decent razors..oh he CAN buy watches worth 75,000, but not proper non-disposable razors!)
Deletei remember that VLR topless episode, (DDR) where there was anji's dressing in khushi's room... and the second-moring-after the first wedding when khushi got a dresser(where she removed her necklace and flinched..) and that wrought iron-framed mirror that was khusi's for a little while..and that white-framed mirror and small white shelf in arnav's room that does guest appearances.. and gopi-krishna painting that seems to hang on ALL the bedroom walls in shantivan..migrating mid-scene to a new wall, sometimes!
i can accept that the PH is kanjoos ..but this is not about buying new stuff. i cannot understand this absolute disregard for consistency.. whether it be in the characters or the props.
is it so difficult for the guy who places the props everyday to take a mobile phone picture of how the room looks as the shot concludes?
DeleteYep total headdesk moment - actually it wud hav made sense he wanted to sit by the poolside with a small mirror and do the deed but then whr wud Nanhe hide.
And yes the consistency is shot - that table with the miror and razor had all the god waale murtis in just the prev epi.
The whote dressing set from Arnav's room has gone and they just hang a painting here - actually offlate no mirror at all I think in his room. Also his room had a corner with that painting - tree and such pata nahi usko bhi udaa diya hai kya.
Their new show on other channel starts mid this month. Will not be surprised ki stuff has been smuggled out.
It is not about not able to but rather not wanting to - pure laziness and no one to spank the knuckls of the guys involved.
You also realize Khushi in her free tim in her room these days keeps folding and refolding night clothes. Would it kill them to get her a knitting ring and make show as if she is making a chikankaari patten or some gota work? She excels in that does she not. An odd phone call to Shuklai asking him how things are or perhaps insisting her recipe for a dish is better or some such. She cooks in kitchen yes but why not have a scene where Nani and she discuss the raat ka menu or better yet she tells HP what to make and perhaps asks Arnav what he would like to eat. There are no Nani room scenes. No Nani - Khushi scenes thinkign about what happened at teh wedding - nothing.And WT No Payash scene to disuss the wedding toofan?
The breakneck speed makes me wonder if tehre is an expiry date on creep availability in Asli duniya for the show.
Timelines Anyone??? - Anji and Shyam's anniversary was in August not October!!
ReplyDeletei knew it - when ODB gets back to formals - it will be the shiny brown suit with the black shoes!
want the day to end so that ODG can change her suit atleast!! - will she wear the saree ODB gifted her? on her birthday? or the one given today - though given the kanjoos PH - those sarees are probably back at the showrooms!
if they are working on the plan together then why does KKG have to come up with a Canterbury tale in front of everyone to stop ODB form going to office? Oh - the CTs have been stalking R&R and realized we wanted some elements of romance back!!
loved ODB's expression when bitwa was describing her dream date! and when everyone was doubting him :D:D:D:D
For a bit, i thought she was referring to the nanitaal trip (futile Nanitaal trip) which did happen exactly a year ago!
DeleteCTs definitely stalking here. They made NK ask million dollar Qn - what happens if a man eats such pills :D
Oye - I think it was a referencce to the nainital trip which happened a year ago by teh CTs at least.
I hope she wears the saree he gifted her today - can we have a nice dori tying scene in front of mirror with ArHi? And a nice moment too wherein someone has to literally beat the door down for them to come out of the moment :)
PS is MAHA KANJOOS. Lordy other shows daily wear looks so much better than ours.
Thought they used the same sari as the one he gifted on her bday, it was the same color I thought- did anyone check ?
DeleteAtleast now bitiya knows how to get romantic dates out of bitwa - she just has to spell it out clearly and he will follow instructions faithfully :)
DeleteI felt it was a deep shade of peach yesterday,. On her B'day, it was red and had more heavy work, can't say for sure since it was neatly folded. If only bitiya had opened it and showed it!
Kosten is, when is she going to start wearing all these sarees- starting with the one from Payash wedding ?
And the bigger kosten is, why did he not gift her the bracelet??? What big moment is he waiting for???
Sri - def. different sarees - this one was a peach with a blue border and gota work, the other was a pinkish red with crystal work - but why does she not wear them - well seems the Kanjood PH gets them on hire - and send them back before even the wrapping is undone!
DeleteGargi would be the right person to answer that one
DeleteNahii the bday saree and yday saree were diff though the colour was similar. Bday saree wud have been hayye on Khushi with all those crystals.
Kabhi Kabhi toh I wonder if they just fold duppattas and keep in boxes to show as sarees.
And please can they get Khushi blouses like she wore for her 1st chula poojan - not this pleated horror she is given now.
Bracelet - well I am guessing it was on hire for that one shot - when it comes back she will be made to wear it - for that matter why no scene yet to make her wear the pearls that he gifted her?
Shiddat: Can we have a unhurried normal getting ready bedroom scene for ArHi before the party. Arnav on phone making sure things are in place. Khushi in her jitters dropping stuff tripping etc. Some nice eye locks, hayee moments (passion not cute pleej), Khushi's payal to come back - better yet make her lose one and she goes frnatic and realizes Arnav found it and is hiding it from her. (Anji anniversary last year was the hiding in cupboard and dropping the payal by poolside scene). Some FBs of the previous year and how he found her, how her sweets were spoiled - another mami confession?
Arnav / Nani recalling what Khushi told ANjali about life partners. A mutual ArHi laugh on the La item song fiasco.
Am puting and sulking to realize behena show has promo for every wedding event and yahaan pe slap romo nahi aaya hai. Bas arjun and chakravyuh aata rehta hai. *grouch*
And I am still pissed that he did not get her a red saree and they make her wear it with those red bangles he gifted her. Those bangles were so beautiful!!!
DeleteKhushi ki sarees to baat mat karo -they get sucked into some black hole - she has not yet worn the first green-red saree he picked for her- loved that scene with Nani snarkily going "chote aapka saree pasand karna ho gaa ho to phone rakh dijiye" :)
Would have loved to see both of them remembering that moment -par shayad saree showroom wapas gayi:) itne sare ache mauke hai FBs ke and CV's are wasting all of them...
The payal FB would be perfect too - cupboard wala though would be turned into comedy, and I want the sizzle :)
The La FB would be the perfect segue to launch Khushi on the La-NK matchmaking abhiyan I wanted ..pull ASR into it -have some more of the comedy they are so good at together :)
DeleteMy SKD for the bracelet: I hope he gives it to her the morning after the SR- let that be the big moment he is waiting for- after they both feel their loved ones are once and for all rid of that evil named Shyam and the passion and romance is back.
Question : is the show ending?
ReplyDeleteIt's moving so fast and villain is going home soon... Hmmm
well his going means nothing - VLR just plays villain from the outside - joins hands with a business rival type of stuff
DeleteAnd even if the show is ending - have YT - was watching all late sep/ early oct episodes - wow the show was really amazing then - really wish i was addicted then! R&R would have been fun
DeleteYep with VLR thrown out let him link hands with a business rival and lot from outside. Or bring in the chacha from the past.
Villain has survived a year and a half and we feel he is going so soon :)
Hi Dia,
ReplyDeleteI was home today hence had the oppertunity to write here.
I have been liking the episodes in the last two days . Though logic has been missing and the hurriedness to get Shyam out is evident , I for one am just happy that it is being done. I am like that kid who cheers everytime the bad guy gets punched in his face or gut.
Shyam has been on our nerves forever and the creatives have prolonged his story and deeds for just too long. I was annoyed yesterday by the comic and light handed manner such a serious issue as Shyam's revelation was being handled but by the end of today I got the satisfaction that Arnie is concerne as to how it will impact his sister and this is not child play.
I hope Khsuhi and Arnav have a solid plan and he is thrown out of RM for good.
The romance between the newly wed has been put on the back burner which seems so very unrealistic. A couple so much in love are behaving as if they have been a couple for years but I guess the hugs are better than the missed kisses which I was geting very annoyed with. what about a quick peck here and there ? but yep dont let me sound like a teen here.
I hope after the revelation the cvs have good tracks lined up coz hell i do not want to see a hen pecked husband and a SP bahu with a Rajshri family. For now will keep te future where it belongs and enjoy the show. I am liking the newly wed and tehir communication and waiting for the mushy Arnie to turn into the lusty one.
Till later
Hi Ratna!
DeleteYes, the pace is a bit too rushed ... they really need to slow it down. Each scene can be fleshed out and stretched a little more ... especially the Arhi scenes ... they know that the longer the Rabba ve, the better for the audience ... WHY rush them?
Henpecked husband and SP bahu ... I would rather look at it differently. Arnav has ALWAYS been the more fragile person emotionally, and Khushi has been the strongest. And this is the breakup of his sister's marriage that he is talking about, not only talking, he's actually setting it up to break. I don't blame him for being more worried about the emotional impact on his sister, and the one more angry with Shyam about it ... and when Arnav is angry, he does not think. That has been his character trait from the start. The only difference now is that Khushi is able to calm him down to the point that he can accept her viewpoint as to how to handle things... I would rather call it a growth in Arnav ...
We had this discussion on the last post too ... Yes, they could go to the police, hand over the laptop and get Shyam arrested. Shyam would wiggle out of every accusation ... with Anjali as witness ... because Anjali knows most of what they found out. She KNOWS Shyam was there as dhol player, she knows he was sneaking in and meeting her ... I wouldn't be surprised if she gave Shyam her credit card herself, and he didn't steal it at all. He would drag her down with him, or he would twist facts to prove that he did it all with her knowledge ... and a bracelet is not proof of identity. His face is nowhere in the films.
Unless they get admission of his role in Anjali's miscarriage from the horse's mouth, and that it was deliberate, there is NO WAY Anjali will lose her faith in him ... the rest has all been done with her knowledge.
Shiddat to the last ... a good solid romance track for the newly weds please!!!
ReplyDeleteI was going through all the discussions yesterday, and I don't really know if anyone at all is to be blamed for the PR mess out there. Sorry, Dia, I don't intend to refresh the topic- just a small thought.
'There cannot be smoke without fire': In case of IPK, the fire will always be there- BS is GOOD and HE WILL keep getting offers which no one can control- so no point fretting about it religiously every month. I'll send him off wishing him all the very best because he deserves it.
About the PH:
1. 4 Lions did clarify it in fb post- this is not the first time they've had to deal with this mess- they had to deal with similar problems with Geet too.
2. This PH has to be applauded for the RIGHT casting (I think Opti mentioned this too)- they are the ones who have created magical pair(s)- so, this curse is going to follow them through ALL their shows.
3. YES, they should get a well organised PR department.
4. Arhi or Sarun in the hands of any other creative team may not be as magical as what we have now- again, Opti herself spoke about Gurmeet and Drashti not shining so brightly in their current shows, plus BS himself says he is a Director's actor- the director brings out the best in him.
So I hope this team continues till it is possible-when it has to end, yes, I'll gracefully accept that all good things have to come to an end.
Deletei guess in showbiz, u can benefit from bad buzz as well good buzz...its a double-edged sword....if u benefit sometimes, u can get bitten as if one is okay with that...this game is fine.
actually public memory is short....we are in it at the moment, so we have some strong views....but who will remember this a few days once its all over.
Fans are ranting/bashing/calming etc at the moment...but this will also will all be forgotten soon.some emotional person will have a longer memory but thats will soon become distant memory for all.
sorry dia, missed ur comment in the last post that we have decided to stop this discussion on the that topic...this is absolutely the last from my end..its a fine goes ad-nauseum and nothing comes of it..
DeleteBtw, how do u delete a post, can one of u tell me?
please consider my above post as deleted...
Rekha / Su,
DeleteChalo a happy waala ulta decode for the hungama:
"Ishq ke naam pe karte sabhi ab raas leela hain
Main karoon toh saala character dheela hai"
:D :D
No worries, Rekha, we'll stay off the topic as of now!!!
DeleteThis day last year
ReplyDeleteBabuji spots Shyam at the mandir with a good looking woman who seemed to know him very well.
And the next day Khushi and Arnav indeed did leave for the aww inducing Nainital trip; their first outing.
Deletewhat pointers for today's epi from ur end? was there any special ref in the way Khushi brought out that story..was cute but strange too even tho it had khushi written all over it!1
1)Khushi could have just as easily asked him to not to go to work
2)arnav could have just as easily made a memo eve for her..
or am i reading more than necessary into that?
DeletePointers - well I wrote to Sri's comments above - I am still sticking to samudra manthan and I thot of Bhasmasura.
Khushi asking Arnav to stay back - well I saw it as her finally realizing his adage of her not being able to do it all alone. Him going off was perhaps because in the past she has always maanged on her own and he let her go ahead. But this time she is worried because Di will be hurt and seeing Di's hurt, Arnav's happiness will be impacted - and for Khushi Arnav's happiness always matters.
As for family nautanki gives him a good reason to be at home in case Shyam wonders. Shyam though he has not been accepted by any should not get anymore suspicious on ArHi after that bulb incident. (apart from the very obvious excuse of giving us a ArHi scene which did not reveal the plan for creep).
Bas abhi ke liye itna hi.
I also saw it as an equal partnership ... this time they are together every step of the way, he knows every detail of the plan and is in it with her ... and when she gets nervous, as she is now, she wants him to be there with her. As he realizes ... hence the little morale booster in the form of her favorite food.
DeleteAnd when it's his turn to get doubtful and worried, she's the one who's right there with him, egging him on, keeping his courage up for the fight ahead. They are both worried for Di, they both know it will be catastrophic for her ... for Khushi of course the extra burden is Arnav's happiness as well.
DeleteNice one on the start of the Mahabharatha war in the main post.
Yep Khushi calmed Arnav's warring senses and NK did it for Khushi.
I ahave also been offlate seeing how Khushi and Arnav always are a part of the family yet they also step away and stand as the custodians of this family. Earlier both protected the same family however alone and in their own ways but today they are together.
Arnav still does not gush at Khushi's nautanki or auto accept what she says but he now knows she does what she does however crazy with a reason so he has learnt to ask her why. It is alos heartening to see him realize just how blindly his Di has loved and trusted her husband and why it was easy for him to manipulate the whole family. He kept her happy and the whole family was happy at Anji's happiness.
And while Arnav is worried for Di's happy bubble being shattered he is also concerned for Khushi being caught / hurt. He knows what happened the last time. Both Arnav and Khushi are worried because if they fail to make an impact this time, they yet again stand to lose the trust of Anjali perhaps forever. That would shatter Arnav and in turn Khushi.
SN: Left you a note on the IF post under a new handle
SN: Mona I agre with you Shyam looked bettre and actd better earlier, since past few months it has become a parody
DeleteYes, I forgot to add that ... weekend has been unexpectedly hectic :)))
Yep, Arnav now knows that when Khushi acts crazy or tells one of her crazy stories, there is always a reason behind it ... 360 of the office episode when those gangster brother are trying to hoodwink AR and she held them off. Then he was angry at her crazy tales, Akash said that whatever Khushi does, its for a reason ...
Today he knows that himself, so he doesn't bat an eyelid, doesn't contradict her in public, and merely draws her aside to ask what she actually wants. The man has gone a long way in understanding his Sanka devi!
Anjali ... I am actually very happy that Arnav's blinkers are coming off wrt to Anjali. So far he has put her on a pedestal ... DI can do no wrong, and her every wish has to be pandered to, her every command obeyed, and her happiness is paramount. Now he has realized that Di CAN be wrong, she has her weaknesses, the biggest being her blind love for Shyam, and what that has led to for the entire family, especially the repercussions on Khushi, and on himself too. And that the happiness he tried to keep intact was a myth all along.
To keep Di's marriage intact, knowing what Shyam felt for Khushi, he married Khushi and gave her hell, but Shyam got away scotfree ... because of Di's health he accepted Creepwa back into the house - yes, Khushi brought him back, but he allowed him to stay ... he didn't tell Anjali about Shyam's truth when he should have, instead he just told her that he married Khushi to safeguard Anjali's marriage ... all the times he has contributed to keeping Anjali in her bubble, because he couldn't bear to see her unhappy ... now the walls of that bubble have strengthened and it will take some major force to break it.
ReplyDeleteReporting this here for a little cheer and pick me up for teh mood over the weekend.
These to me are the quintessential ArHi :)
Sit back and enjoy the show, and baaki sabko goli maaro! :)
Hayyeeee!!!! :)))
Deleteawwww akdu ASR.. i miss him sooo much!
Deleteespecially that second link.. (lost in SKD)
thanks for the links sandy!
Finally, made it here!!! Hi Dia!.. can I just tell you, first of all, how nice it was to read a take on the episode again? And the fact that it totally ignored the off screen drama??? Cherry on top....I feel better now not being on IF.
ReplyDeleteThe episode: my take, get done with the shyam exposure and move on. I want to see these two actually acting and behaving like a couple happily remarried and on to doing what happily just remarried folks totally into each other and not into samaaj seva. Instead they behave like a SP couple who has been together ages ... why???? why???
Anjali: After this Shyam exposure, I hope they show her getting independent and trying to have a life of her own, standing on her own two feet instead of depending on chotte to pay her bills. Bas.
Hi Veeps,
DeleteWelcome to R&R ArHi madness :)
Ha! is the search for madness that brings me here....but the right kind of madness. ...
DeleteJust popped in to welcome veeps ...nice to see so many of the Spice girls here :))) Hopefully we can get some of your awesome takes too ... just saying!
DeleteSHIDDAT to that one, veeps ... that's R&R lingo for 'May the force be with you' ... lets hope for a return to romance, and less of the samaj seva!!! They don't need to babysit Di 24/7 ... not the second time round!
Hectic weekend in AD ... will be back later.
call me crazy but what is wrong in Anji depending on Chotey for her bills - as in why should she be independent now - is it independence in lieu of a happy married life??
Deletei mean - i loved the episodes where nani said KKG should work just for work and not coz she needs the finances (coz she is married to a millionaire - albeit from a maha kanjoos PH!)
so if anji was independent (financially) before and continued to do so = perfect - but if she was dependent on her brother and continues to do so (irrespective of VLR) - even then its ok for me -
Having said that - the ideal would have been option one - independent from the word go! (but i guess then story nahi banti!!!)
So Veeps - welcome to R&R and yes we (read 'me'!) do go off tangent at times and come up with crazy topics for discussion :D
ReplyDeleteRead last 3 lines ... hum sabke dil ki baat :D
I am going to miss Abhaas after this comedy track- seriously! I always liked to think of him as a buffoon villain, until I saw the kidnap track.
DeleteIf all these had happened immediately after the miscarriage or even after the wedding without all this comedy, I'd have been glad to see him kicked out. But this OSO track is really funny. Shyam losing his mental balance- the shatir khiladi- and that too brought down by KKGSR- yes, sweet revenge indeed.
Now all I hope for is the CVs to take the story forward showing minimum of Anjali. Actually, to me, it does not look like they intend to. Anjali is useless without Shyam. And yes, a redemption and appreciation track will be welcomed, more than that...not likely.
If they are not ready to show us a full blown honeymoon track yet (yday they gave us the reason- Khushi, main janta hoon tum Shyam ke waje se pareshaan hai- so, when that reason is not there any more, what is stopping them/ 'her'?), I really wish they'd concentrate on Payash. There are still so many possibilities with these two characters, please make use of them. I want to see some jeeju -saali bonding also.And K pulling Payal's leg- there are so many nice family moments they are not giving us.
The dinner scene was a little forced looking for me, but I really appreciate the effort they took to give Arhi .
I really liked this scene yesterday: K convincing ASR about the need to make Anjali see the truth with the happy family in the bg. Reminded me of the discussion Dia had on an old scene when ASR looks on happily as an outsider as Shyam distributes sweets, one of the earlier episodes.
ODG and ODB as a team looking after the family- making sure every one is happy...some thing really cute about that scene.
DeleteA glimpse of the tigress.
Durga seems pretty OK- the colours of Anjali Jha!
Su, thanks for that reminder ... this is what comes of rushing the scenes ... grrrr!!! You're very right ... this was another 360 of that scene ... earlier Arnav was alone is safeguarding the happiness and well being of his family, now he has Khushi with him every step of the way ...
DeleteThe family laughs and celebrates, completely carefree, as Arnav and Khushi stand on the outside as the guards. The difference being now that because of Khushi, Arnav is no longer an outsider in his own family ... In the earlier scene, Arnav Khushi were sitting with the family drinking tea, when Shyam comes hollering down about his medicine. Khushi has drawn Arnav into the circle of his own family as well ... while joining him outside as the karta dharta ...
hey girls how are you all ?
ReplyDeletejust finish watching the episode ..
Dia agreed with you that not well knitted episode, but again not a drag fest, and characters still in their characters esply Arnav/ASR and for a change even khushi..
Nani you make me fall in love with you all over again, you know to ask the right question at the right time ...
hmm was it me or did anyone else felt Arhi date scene was missplaced. I think it should have been at the last ?? was it an edit boopler ???
now will this get over by next wednesday ?? if so then what next ?
DeleteAa gayi :)
I have a feeling they will only bring the MC to light as regards SHyam. His misdeeds vis a vis trying to kill Anjali and Babuji may yet not see the light. So send him off and he comes back again more vicious.
The date scene gave me deja vu of the Khushi bday Mahaepi - same dresses and similar hazy environs.
And what was with the placards for the dishes?? :S
Aaru, the date scene could easily have been done at the end, you're right ... and Sandy is right, deja vu of the birthday episode ... same dresses, but so much difference in mood! :)))
DeleteKhushi's character is slowly being resurrected ... hope to God that cv's, especially Gul have realized that the tigress Khushi and the righteous Khushi are what get the TRP,s not Khushi the bimbo.
Don't hold your breath for Shyam's exit ...
What i dont want -
ReplyDeleteguests at anniversary party - if ODC wants to phodo VLR's bubble - show all the footage (OSO style + KKG mentioned a screen) - After all Anji will have to face the embarrassment of being married to the creep - don't make it a public embarrassment at least
What i want - ODG to get entangled in the lights and ODB help her out - ala episode 103!
Baas Keh diya!
DeleteSoch le - that light unentanglement is an epic scene. You want to give these dhakkans a chance to ruin it?
Yaar I want a nice poolside scene between the leads - kitne din ho gaye!! (And yes Sama the earlier epis all have like 2-3 min RVs...hayyeee)
Yep let it be a private party pleej - no guests. Family poori haazir hui toh wohi bahu hai!
just wondering - if anji shyam face off is about to happen - then no one will never get to know what he did to shashi?
DeleteI think for now to break Anji's spell only the miscarriage will come out. And then perhaps she will believe the rest about him too.
Shashi Shyam faceoff should be a high point of its own.
true - and i too just remembered coz am on a re watch spree- all episodes from end September to end oct :D:D:D
Deletemust say - i have never been a fan of abhaas as an actor (though Shyam as a villain is good) but i feel he was pretty good then - he did not twitch like a ferret and came across as pretty conniving and ruthless with over-dramatizing it (and without seeing him as if being re and re and re introduced in bodyparts!) meaning whoever was the director then was good with him
DeleteThis is what I feel about the characterisation and traits of Shyam- it is intended to be theatrical- the overacting, the twitching, everything is a part of theatre- kind of like to project his villainy.Though all of us will agree that his villainy does not need to be projected.
I don't know if this makes sense. To me, the villain is a little more bearable when he is unrealistic- why I laughed at Shyam through the chaavi locker scenes.
Even Anjali's miscarriage, I did not hate the character, because there was a lot of theatre and loudness with the glass pieces and Anji walking around like that, the dhol in the bg- it helped ease the pain of the situation, kind of a reminder to me that all this is not real. Ditto with the kidnap track- tying up K and all that.
When he becomes realistic, he is UNBEARABLE- like staring at K's legs during haldi. There was no theatre there- it was plain lusting. (I want to strangle the guy there.)
Saw this comment on youtube ..
ReplyDeleteFirst khushi slaps Shyam promo
Then asr slaps shyam promo
Now Anjali slaps shyam promo
Lol very true - so here's my prediction based on the comment above
Babuji slaps shyam
Dadi slaps shyam
Mami slaps shyam - this one should be fun
Buaji slaps shyam
Payash , nanhe , nani, garima? Thoda mushkil hai :)
Order is immaterial but till all the thappads are accounted for - picture abhi baaki hai :)
Shahshi slas Shyam and Nani shows hand to Dadi promo toh deffo banta hai
why miss HP....shyamu has been mean to him on a couple of occasions for sure...lage haath, ek do saaf kar de....
DeleteLOL - how could I forget,HP and the godlike omnipresent,omnipotent,omniscient yet invisible Aman:)
Shiddat to Nani shows hand to Dadi :)
ReplyDeleteA nice post on the track as a whole.
erm.. dia, that link you posted is the spoiler link.. madsie's link is different :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jaya, corrected it ... and added the other one mads posted ... the second one is a winner!!! Breathtaking!
ReplyDeleteno matter how many times I watch it!!! :)))) it STILL has the same effect... ArHi are hands down the MOST sensuous couple on screen...wait, haven't I already said this a million times before??? :))))
*going to watch that scene* :))
Just watched one of the SBB/SBS on the thappad- and it had a scene where shyam is eavesdropping on Khushi and Arnav ...the slap seemed to be in Anji's room not the hall with the family-
ReplyDeleteMade me think Anji's slap is not the really for the expose...and Shyam is getting slapped for a minor(fictitious?) misdemeanor as opposed to the real crime :(
After all this build up if Shyam still goes scot free..CVs ki khair nahin...
Sri - i felt the same too - the slap was defo in ANji's room but it was not clear if it was the actual shot or the promo (anji mentioned 'promo' somewhere)
DeleteHave a feeling Anji will find out something - will get all upset and hurt but will not throw him out immediately. she will treat him like filth, punish him first - (so the track stays on for longer) and by that show a change in her personality. the final shyam downfall will happen after all his misdeeds are shown - including what he did to shashi - so dont worry TF will def not go scot free :D : Promo
Delete"Apne inhi haathon se iss ghar ki saari khushiyon ko maar diya!"
Yippeee... If he stays after this promo, they are killing the show.
Double yippee...looks like Shyam is a part of BFTP!!! SBB
Where does it mention the BFTP?
Deleteand what waste her durga avatar? meaning she will have to get angry once more on knowing the truth abt that gruesome event....nahin would be silly...
DeleteIs delusion contagious? it so seems...
'Apne inhi haathon se iss ghar ki saari khushiyon ko maar diya!"
Khushi and arnav are what is shyam so happy about now?...saari khushiyan kaise mar di?....he is one confused villain...
DeleteIss ghar ki- He is out to ruin the whole household!
Anji was just a means to get entry in to the house.
He is most happy about having ruined EVERYONE's happiness by killing the child!
Khushi just came along the way- was not a part of his original plan- the original plan was to target the house- now the revenge track will include Khushi and the rset of the Raizadas.
I feel he is somehow linked to the past- both Arnav's and Khushi's.
hehe - right rekha- but that is just a dramatic line - by killing the first grandchild of the house - he did depress all
Deleteto ur first point - matlab? she has to know the truth and when ever she finds out she will get all angry - right??
Su, Mona,that eavesdropping is some cut paste effort that SBB are quite famous at....
Deleteon BFTP,yes....while the clip says nothing....i would still think there is some connection for the simple thing that
This villan wanted Khushi and wealth (premise for villainy known to us)
he does not get khushi or the wealth and yet is deliriously happy...ya toh woh pagal ho gaya hain sadme mein or kuch aur majra hain.(BFTP??)....ya phir yeh bhi ho saktha hain ki hum sab pagal ho gaye hain.....LOL
Mona, mera point rhetorical tha...ofc any woman will go crazy with rage on knowing that....for me that track is the worst...a man would have to be deranged to do something like that but even then the gruesomeness was too much.....imagine the planning....
DeleteI feel Shyam has been wronged by the Maliks in the past, got married to Anjali as a part of revenge plan, fell in love with K- felt she rightfully belonged to him..
I am waiting to see if there is any link to K's past- as in, may be there is some part where the Maliks have wronged K's family also(Unrelated to Garima) and they are also waiting for revenge. We don't know anything about K's father's side.
Did not get the eavesdropping part. I am talking about the promo.
DeleteU know, i have always said people commit crimes for a motive (however unreasonable they be)or they are plain deranged beings.....when a murder is committed, everyone asks, including the law, whats the motive?
His reactions are terribly i am inclined to go with u on this....for a certain while, i thot he can just be termed a psycho case....if they don't show a motive.
But now i am not so sure....
He wanted two somethings...he does not get both yet he seems to feel he has accomplished his there are only two possibilities...Anji's delusion has transferred to him completely or he has actually achieved some part part of his goal......
so, CVs better clarify and don' chuck this in the black hole or su and I are going after them...
Su Rekha - well if VLR has some BFTP motive (unrelated to Garima) - me will be happy -
Deletecoz you guys are right -
earlier, i did not think there was any need for BFTP as the VLR wanted the girl and the money (and as any poilcewala will tell you - the oldest reasons for crime - passion and money!) - so fine -
but now the BLR is doing nothing, not getting the girl or the money and is only content with attempting to make adult movies out of odc (and hence keeping them apart :(!!!
so yes i do agree that a BFTP is needed now to get the VLR thinking!!!
having said this Su, I would prefer the Cvs focus more on the psychopathic trait of Shyam rather than the aspect of revenge for a wrong in the past....whatever the wrong in the past, a person who acts in this manner is a deviating from that....and let the CVs not even go that trail....they can be no redemption for Shyam...he is madman and thats all...
DeleteWith you there - let there have been a motive from the past making him target the family to begin with. However the day to save his duplicity he resorted to harming life let it be clearly shown he crossed the line fo being justified and became a plain psychopath.
And I have always said, no redemption for Shyamu especially after having the audacity to harm one own's child.
Sandy, Rekha,
DeleteExactly on the same page and line as you as you on this thought.
I really hope CVs don't make the mistake of redeeming Shyam- revenge or no revenge- BFTP or no BFTP- this is the guy who tried to MURDER his wife as he fell for a girl.
And the guy who REVELS in the fact that he did MURDER HIS unborn child-and used THAT as an excuse to win back his wife's confidence- PSYCHOPATH HE IS!
Anjali should not be made to reconcile with the man who killed her child, and K SHOULD NOT be forced to live under the same roof as the guy who continued to lust after her in spite of making her revulsion for him crystal clear. (That scene at haldi- YUCK!)
CVs, Samjhe ya Samjhaaoon???
Late in posting but loved your post Dia, I am loving Shyam getting what he deserves though it is not nearly enough it is something and I am glad it is Khushi who is the shaatir dimaag behind this and not Arnav, reason being because she is one of Shyam's biggest victims. I have watched Khushi endure so much because of Shyam, it is time she get some justice and awaken from being so naive. Kudos to Khushi for finally realizing no good comes from keeping the truth, she is right in wanting to out Shyam right away.
ReplyDeleteThe Khushi and Arnav scene was too cute, it was really well incorporated into the drama and I am loving the fact Arnav continues to do things for Khushi and not for himself or that lame Di Ke Liye excuse like in the past.
The promo was good, looking forward to Shyam being exposed I just hope CVs do not go back to focusing too much on Anjali since that was a TRP disaster!!