Monday 1st October
I loved today's episode ... I love thinking heroes and heroines!!!
The Dil half -
The past is not yet dead ... it's been pushed under the covers, but the hurt has not gone completely. As Khushi realised when he told her to go and change ...
He came back for Khushi, because he knew nothing was more important than marrying her and not leaving her waiting at the mandap ... but that just means that other things were less important ... not that they were completely unimportant.
Loved the first Arshi scene
... the way Khushi just assured him she was there, but he didn't need to talk ... loved the way Arnav started to talk, haltingly, slowly ... yet managed to tell her his feelings. For a man not used to sharing them still, this was huge.
Enjoyed the siblings scene ... the interruption of the SR that actually wasn't
Thanks, NK, for knocking down the flowers ...
Liked Anjali for once ... when all she asked was for Arnav to always be with Khushi.
The Dimaag half -
Arnav's shatir dimaag wakes from its long slumber ... even the anger is held in check ... and Khushi is with him every step of the way.
How I LOVED Arshi getting together to solve the problem of Shyam
... liked the way Arnav acknowledged that his Di is blind as far as Shyam is concerned ... so that's one truth he has seen already. And they start putting together the clues ... the credit card bill, the strange wire ... don't know how they realised that there were multiple cameras, but it was logical. Shyam had four screens open on his laptop ... does that mean four cameras in their room itself? Eww ... no wonder SR got postponed indefinitely!
Shyam sweating in his room, and then wondering where the two had disappeared, harassed by his ever-loving wifey being her usual dimbulb smothering self was highly satisfying
This week's shiddat post already got a few ticks ... and it's the first day of the week!
How could I forget the precap
Another loop closed ... Khushi says, you, me and our little world, I don't need anything else.
Arhipathy ... Khushi, I don't need anything. I don't need anything.
I am looking forward to this track.
The End of Season One IPKKND ... the end of Nafrat Paas Aane Na De.
Now starts Season Two ... Mohabbat Door Jaane Na De.
Happily married Arnav Khushi ... married and lived happily ever after is usually the end of a love story. But not for Arnav Khushi. Their serpents are very much around in the Garden of Eden ... more than one ... the ghost of the past, recently resurrected, not dead and buried ... the bitter grandmother still refusing to come to terms with the past ... the chief serpent slithering around the house silently ... which one to tackle first?
Arnav carries Khushi up directly to their room ... no stopping for post wedding rasams ... lays his bride down tenderly on the bed, ready to seal their long awaited marriage at last ... but the recently aroused ghosts come between them again. And face changing, he withdraws. Too much has happened too soon ... he needs time to assimilate everything ... He had to make one big decision very quickly, the biggest decision of his life, and he did ... but it's not without its ramifications ...
Ready to withdraw into silence again, ready to isolate himself, into his peetal bartan ...
But now she's not having it ... she won't let him be alone, isolated. Whether or not he wants to share his thoughts, his doubts, it doesn't matter ... she is there, silently by his side ... always.
She knows Daadi was unhappy with their wedding, and he married her anyway, sent off his own grandmother ... and she feels bad about breaking the family, always her first concern ... it happened because of her ... an apology for that ...
And he assures her it's not her fault ... Dadi left because she refused to see the truth or accept it.
Anjali interrupts Shyam (1)
happy about Arhi wedding ... jale pe namak!!! Shyam says his client made a big mistake and he has to sort it out or the client will be punished ... by client is he referring to Dadi or himself? He left it to Dadi to break the marriage, Dadi failed ... But he's not defeated yet ... He didn't hear this part of Arhi convo ... he put his headphones after that.
Arnav still distant ... eat something ...
She's not hungry.
'Ok, then you change ... wait, I'll change first ...'
He's there, but not there, mentally retreating into his peetal bartan, even if sitting there physically with her, because he can't hurt her again, so trying to be as normal with her as possible ... but he forgot, she knows him inside out now, she can read him like a book.
And she stops him again ... quietly, without a word, her face showing her worry, her concern, her love ... as he stares back at her ...
A first aid box, some balm to the wound on the cheek ... and some for the soul ... as he sits in stoic silence, not letting any pain show through. Or so he thinks.
'Does it hurt?'
A silent shake of the head.
'By hiding it, the pain doesn't lessen.'
A simple statement of fact, spoken very quietly ... and he looks sharply at her ... how does she know? And they both know which hurt she's talking about.
She keeps talking quietly, gently ... 'I can read your pain in your face ... you can't hide it from me. But don't worry ... you don't have to say anything. Sometimes there are things we can't share with anyone.
I just want to tell you ... I'm there ... with you, beside you ... always.'
Even if he tries to go into his peetal bartan, she won't let him. Not alone, She will never let him be alone again.She knows that putting the past behind him is easier said than done. The past ruled his life for fourteen years, he cannot forget it overnight. He put it behind him for long enough to marry her, but it's still there, still hurting. He doesn't want to talk now, but he will one day. And till he does, when he does, she will be there for him.
And somehow that gentle undemanding reassurance, the loving hug, does what so many years of isolation never could do. Open his mouth, open his heart ... the words come slowly, haltingly ... unused to expressing his deepest feelings, his emotions, used to bottling them inside for so many years ... now finally they start trickling out drop by drop at first and then a slow steady stream unspoken apology for keeping her waiting for him at the mandap, trying to explain what he was going through ... where he was ...
'When the truth ... when I heard it all, I didn't know what to do ... I felt trapped within myself ...'
What an admission for the man to make ... the man who claimed he made his own destiny, who was always right, who was always certain of his decisions ... to admit he was lost, unsure ...
'What had happened with my mother ... I was never able to forget it ... But since the day you came into my life, I started to forget all the bad things ...'
Loved her expressions as she closes her eyes at this, sits with her head against his shoulder, pain on her face, feeling his pain within her, and absorbing it into her, to allow him to let it out ...a slow painful catharsis, or the beginning of it ... letting out the pain bottled inside for so long.
'The moments I spent with you, I started remembering those instead ...' the softest, slightest of smiles on both faces at this ... and then his face changes again, the pain, the anguished helpless anger back ...
'But today ... again today my past came in front of me, and ...'
'Shhh ...' a wife, a mother, a soulmate ... she cups his face gently, tenderly, willing him to forget the pain ...
'I know you can't ever forget what happened with your mother ... it will stay a part of you ... but ...' resolute, firm, guiding light ... 'instead of running away from those memories, learn to face them, embrace them ... remember your parents with love ... and you will find them with you, around you always.'
Something she has always done. She's faced the same loss as he has, but she has never tried to bury it ... she embraced her memories, kept them alive, searched for her parents and found them in the stars, in her mother's payal, and kept them close to her. And thereby she got her strength to face her loss.
And he knows she speaks from experience, these are not mere words, these are thoughts she lives by ... and the result is there in front of him ... she has always embraced life, and been the happier for it ... and the stronger, far stronger than him. She faced the sunshine and put the shadows behind her, embraced happiness and brought happiness and sunshine into his own life as well ...
A small smile finally ... as he acknowledges that ... 'You always know how to make my mood better, don't you?' Just by her being there his day is brighter, his life is happier ... from the start it's been that way ... their challenges, their fights, their oneupmanship ... it always brought a smile on his face, brought him back to life, excited him ...
'You do the same to me.' Simple, matter of fact ... a small laugh as he still stares at her, his sunshine girl ... and she holds him in her arms comfortingly, lovingly ... he needs a hug and she hugs him ... haq se
A knock on the door ... some teasing by the siblings ... is any wedding complete without that?
And Khushi stands up hurriedly, embarrassed already, straightening her already straight clothes ... while Arnav with a resigned look attends the door ...
Four bandars eyes closed ... we don't want to see no evil
... invite themselves in confidently, completely ignoring the unwelcoming glare from Arnav ... and proceed to make small talk ... there's a new Bangalore deal ... no, wait, let's talk about the movie I saw ... 
Arnav tries to throw them out ... Di joins in the bandwagon, handing over a glass of milk, which he immediately gets rid of by putting it on the table
... nope, you can't be with your wife till I give you permission, and I won't give you permission till I get my 'nek' ...
'Okay, whatever you want ...'
And Di goes all sentimental ... you both are very important to me ... so my nek is that you both stay together ... and you keep Khushi happy always.
A promise he's happy and willing to make.
NK is not impressed with sentimentality ... hard cash please.
'Are you my sister?'
Barun killed that line ... seriously!!! It was such a good punchline and he just murdered it!!! Enunciate, for the love of God!!!!
Akash says there's a twist in rasams ... Payal demands double nek because of double rishta ... liked the little smirk of agreement Arnav gave there ... and he finally manages to get rid of them all ... not before NK drops over a tall table with a bouquet ... Khushi says she'll clear it up ... before anyone can offer to help
and they all finally leave.
And Arnav sees the camera.
And for once, he acts ... he doesn't react ... using his head ...
As Shyam sweats as though Arnav is reaching for him directly through the lens ... Anjali interrupts Shyam (2)
Anjali doing good today! Distracts him with babble about coffee, and by the time he opens the laptop again, Arshi have vanished. Must say, I loved Shyam's startled 'huh?' there ... Abhaas, well done!
Arnav and Khushi have their first meeting as Mr and Mrs. Raizada ... complete sharing of information, except that Khushi really needs to tell him at some point soon that Shyam was already in the house and meeting Anjali well before he was allowed legally in.
So Arnav tells her that there are cameras installed, probably more than one, they lose very little time in pinpointing the suspect, the necessity of behaving normally, and remaining alert ... her faith in him that he will manage the situation ...
The story telling in front of Anjali, that they were out for a stroll ... the information from Anjali that Shyam is sitting on his laptop ... immediate exchanged glances between Arshi, suspicions slowly getting confirmed ... which they corroborate verbally as soon as Anjali leaves.
But they need proof, says Khushi, fresh from the disaster of last time, when Shyam escaped scotfree ... well, not scotfree, but without his guilt being proved beyond doubt, which paved the way for his re-entry. Arnav agrees, they need to look for proof. Shyam didn't manage to stop their wedding, that was his biggest defeat.
Khushi wonders since when ... Arnav remembers the credit card bill, Shyam must have fooled Di ... he knows that Di can't think beyond Shyam.
This was BIG ... finally Arnav realises that Di is NOT going to tamely listen to his decisions about Shyam, she is totally blind in her love and belief in the man. So autocratic decision making will not work. Just throwing him out will not work.
Also, they will need to hide things from Di, because anything she knows will find its way back to Shyam. Khushi's little fib came in very useful there.Carried forward into Tuesday, backing up the story. If Anjali tells Shyam she met Arshi outside, Arshi have already said the same thing on video.
Khushi mentions there should be switches, wires, Arnav remembers NK finding wiring that led nowhere ... Shyam must have stored the footage somewhere ... Khushi should know this, she's been through it all before. Khushi wants to find the footage, to know his plan, his aim, and proof. Arnav agrees ... they have to go to his room for that. And behave normally the rest of the time.
Khushi's face shows her discomfort, so does his. That part is going to be tough ... behave like a normal newly married couple when you know there are cameras in your bedroom ...
I loved today's episode ... I love thinking heroes and heroines!!!
The Dil half -
The past is not yet dead ... it's been pushed under the covers, but the hurt has not gone completely. As Khushi realised when he told her to go and change ...
He came back for Khushi, because he knew nothing was more important than marrying her and not leaving her waiting at the mandap ... but that just means that other things were less important ... not that they were completely unimportant.
Loved the first Arshi scene
Enjoyed the siblings scene ... the interruption of the SR that actually wasn't
Thanks, NK, for knocking down the flowers ...
Liked Anjali for once ... when all she asked was for Arnav to always be with Khushi.
The Dimaag half -
Arnav's shatir dimaag wakes from its long slumber ... even the anger is held in check ... and Khushi is with him every step of the way.
How I LOVED Arshi getting together to solve the problem of Shyam
Shyam sweating in his room, and then wondering where the two had disappeared, harassed by his ever-loving wifey being her usual dimbulb smothering self was highly satisfying
This week's shiddat post already got a few ticks ... and it's the first day of the week!
How could I forget the precap
Arhipathy ... Khushi, I don't need anything. I don't need anything.
I am looking forward to this track.
The End of Season One IPKKND ... the end of Nafrat Paas Aane Na De.
Now starts Season Two ... Mohabbat Door Jaane Na De.
Happily married Arnav Khushi ... married and lived happily ever after is usually the end of a love story. But not for Arnav Khushi. Their serpents are very much around in the Garden of Eden ... more than one ... the ghost of the past, recently resurrected, not dead and buried ... the bitter grandmother still refusing to come to terms with the past ... the chief serpent slithering around the house silently ... which one to tackle first?
Arnav carries Khushi up directly to their room ... no stopping for post wedding rasams ... lays his bride down tenderly on the bed, ready to seal their long awaited marriage at last ... but the recently aroused ghosts come between them again. And face changing, he withdraws. Too much has happened too soon ... he needs time to assimilate everything ... He had to make one big decision very quickly, the biggest decision of his life, and he did ... but it's not without its ramifications ...
Ready to withdraw into silence again, ready to isolate himself, into his peetal bartan ...
But now she's not having it ... she won't let him be alone, isolated. Whether or not he wants to share his thoughts, his doubts, it doesn't matter ... she is there, silently by his side ... always.
She knows Daadi was unhappy with their wedding, and he married her anyway, sent off his own grandmother ... and she feels bad about breaking the family, always her first concern ... it happened because of her ... an apology for that ...
And he assures her it's not her fault ... Dadi left because she refused to see the truth or accept it.
Anjali interrupts Shyam (1)
Arnav still distant ... eat something ...
She's not hungry.
'Ok, then you change ... wait, I'll change first ...'
He's there, but not there, mentally retreating into his peetal bartan, even if sitting there physically with her, because he can't hurt her again, so trying to be as normal with her as possible ... but he forgot, she knows him inside out now, she can read him like a book.
And she stops him again ... quietly, without a word, her face showing her worry, her concern, her love ... as he stares back at her ...
A first aid box, some balm to the wound on the cheek ... and some for the soul ... as he sits in stoic silence, not letting any pain show through. Or so he thinks.
'Does it hurt?'
A silent shake of the head.
'By hiding it, the pain doesn't lessen.'
A simple statement of fact, spoken very quietly ... and he looks sharply at her ... how does she know? And they both know which hurt she's talking about.
She keeps talking quietly, gently ... 'I can read your pain in your face ... you can't hide it from me. But don't worry ... you don't have to say anything. Sometimes there are things we can't share with anyone.
I just want to tell you ... I'm there ... with you, beside you ... always.'
Even if he tries to go into his peetal bartan, she won't let him. Not alone, She will never let him be alone again.She knows that putting the past behind him is easier said than done. The past ruled his life for fourteen years, he cannot forget it overnight. He put it behind him for long enough to marry her, but it's still there, still hurting. He doesn't want to talk now, but he will one day. And till he does, when he does, she will be there for him.
And somehow that gentle undemanding reassurance, the loving hug, does what so many years of isolation never could do. Open his mouth, open his heart ... the words come slowly, haltingly ... unused to expressing his deepest feelings, his emotions, used to bottling them inside for so many years ... now finally they start trickling out drop by drop at first and then a slow steady stream unspoken apology for keeping her waiting for him at the mandap, trying to explain what he was going through ... where he was ...
'When the truth ... when I heard it all, I didn't know what to do ... I felt trapped within myself ...'
What an admission for the man to make ... the man who claimed he made his own destiny, who was always right, who was always certain of his decisions ... to admit he was lost, unsure ...
'What had happened with my mother ... I was never able to forget it ... But since the day you came into my life, I started to forget all the bad things ...'
Loved her expressions as she closes her eyes at this, sits with her head against his shoulder, pain on her face, feeling his pain within her, and absorbing it into her, to allow him to let it out ...a slow painful catharsis, or the beginning of it ... letting out the pain bottled inside for so long.
'The moments I spent with you, I started remembering those instead ...' the softest, slightest of smiles on both faces at this ... and then his face changes again, the pain, the anguished helpless anger back ...
'But today ... again today my past came in front of me, and ...'
'Shhh ...' a wife, a mother, a soulmate ... she cups his face gently, tenderly, willing him to forget the pain ...
'I know you can't ever forget what happened with your mother ... it will stay a part of you ... but ...' resolute, firm, guiding light ... 'instead of running away from those memories, learn to face them, embrace them ... remember your parents with love ... and you will find them with you, around you always.'
Something she has always done. She's faced the same loss as he has, but she has never tried to bury it ... she embraced her memories, kept them alive, searched for her parents and found them in the stars, in her mother's payal, and kept them close to her. And thereby she got her strength to face her loss.
And he knows she speaks from experience, these are not mere words, these are thoughts she lives by ... and the result is there in front of him ... she has always embraced life, and been the happier for it ... and the stronger, far stronger than him. She faced the sunshine and put the shadows behind her, embraced happiness and brought happiness and sunshine into his own life as well ...
A small smile finally ... as he acknowledges that ... 'You always know how to make my mood better, don't you?' Just by her being there his day is brighter, his life is happier ... from the start it's been that way ... their challenges, their fights, their oneupmanship ... it always brought a smile on his face, brought him back to life, excited him ...
'You do the same to me.' Simple, matter of fact ... a small laugh as he still stares at her, his sunshine girl ... and she holds him in her arms comfortingly, lovingly ... he needs a hug and she hugs him ... haq se
A knock on the door ... some teasing by the siblings ... is any wedding complete without that?
Four bandars eyes closed ... we don't want to see no evil
Arnav tries to throw them out ... Di joins in the bandwagon, handing over a glass of milk, which he immediately gets rid of by putting it on the table
'Okay, whatever you want ...'
And Di goes all sentimental ... you both are very important to me ... so my nek is that you both stay together ... and you keep Khushi happy always.
A promise he's happy and willing to make.
NK is not impressed with sentimentality ... hard cash please.
'Are you my sister?'
Barun killed that line ... seriously!!! It was such a good punchline and he just murdered it!!! Enunciate, for the love of God!!!!
Akash says there's a twist in rasams ... Payal demands double nek because of double rishta ... liked the little smirk of agreement Arnav gave there ... and he finally manages to get rid of them all ... not before NK drops over a tall table with a bouquet ... Khushi says she'll clear it up ... before anyone can offer to help
And Arnav sees the camera.
And for once, he acts ... he doesn't react ... using his head ...
As Shyam sweats as though Arnav is reaching for him directly through the lens ... Anjali interrupts Shyam (2)
Arnav and Khushi have their first meeting as Mr and Mrs. Raizada ... complete sharing of information, except that Khushi really needs to tell him at some point soon that Shyam was already in the house and meeting Anjali well before he was allowed legally in.
So Arnav tells her that there are cameras installed, probably more than one, they lose very little time in pinpointing the suspect, the necessity of behaving normally, and remaining alert ... her faith in him that he will manage the situation ...
The story telling in front of Anjali, that they were out for a stroll ... the information from Anjali that Shyam is sitting on his laptop ... immediate exchanged glances between Arshi, suspicions slowly getting confirmed ... which they corroborate verbally as soon as Anjali leaves.
But they need proof, says Khushi, fresh from the disaster of last time, when Shyam escaped scotfree ... well, not scotfree, but without his guilt being proved beyond doubt, which paved the way for his re-entry. Arnav agrees, they need to look for proof. Shyam didn't manage to stop their wedding, that was his biggest defeat.
Khushi wonders since when ... Arnav remembers the credit card bill, Shyam must have fooled Di ... he knows that Di can't think beyond Shyam.
This was BIG ... finally Arnav realises that Di is NOT going to tamely listen to his decisions about Shyam, she is totally blind in her love and belief in the man. So autocratic decision making will not work. Just throwing him out will not work.
Also, they will need to hide things from Di, because anything she knows will find its way back to Shyam. Khushi's little fib came in very useful there.Carried forward into Tuesday, backing up the story. If Anjali tells Shyam she met Arshi outside, Arshi have already said the same thing on video.
Khushi mentions there should be switches, wires, Arnav remembers NK finding wiring that led nowhere ... Shyam must have stored the footage somewhere ... Khushi should know this, she's been through it all before. Khushi wants to find the footage, to know his plan, his aim, and proof. Arnav agrees ... they have to go to his room for that. And behave normally the rest of the time.
Khushi's face shows her discomfort, so does his. That part is going to be tough ... behave like a normal newly married couple when you know there are cameras in your bedroom ...
Diiiaaaaaaaaaaaa dimaag for both leads makes a come back !!! Yay yay yay
ReplyDeleteek BP ne bitwa ko itna badal dala ... NK 6 mahine pehle kyoun nahi aya idea.
Precap haayyyyeeeee "aap hum aur hamari choti si duniya"
Sama is that you on IF? .Sama?
Deleteyup its me .Sama. Changed it from sma121
Deleteis it me or others are having problem accessing through pc too??
I do have problems off fact i am not able to upload comments from phone
DeleteI am happy ... very very happy!!! Dimaag at work - and two heads are better than one. Besides apni Khushi is experienced in detective-giri.
DeleteWanna bet that they will have a pretend fight soon, so as to not raise Shyam's suspicion about not having a SR?
Guys, I changed the settings because I was also having problems, removed the emoticons ... you're still having issues? Will check settings again in a couple of days ... holiday tomorrow so might not get time, hubby is home.
Sama: What is BP?
ReplyDeleteBump in the head?
Bachelor Party ;)
Delete*Rofl*, didnt think of that.
DeleteBP - hahaha - perfect - yes he needed the BP to get his mind working - so now bitya knows how to jump start his brains!!!
Deletewonder how work at AR ever progressed!
We wanted them to have conversation.
ReplyDeleteWe wanted them to discuss Shyam.
Did it have to be today? Grrr........
Okay admit it , Who ROFLed WHEN Bitwa said, Khushi tum change karlo and Khushi looks at him with a WT* Look that says, You want ME to change, I thought you were going to help me with that.
And Bitiya was in Fultoo SR Mood.
*sigh* Bitwa was looking so gharelu and sharif today and tomorrow's precap.
When will I see that Badtameezi wala ASR?
Even Behna Senior couple looked better full mood.
ASR is fultoo failure as Badtameez bitwa ... he didn't remember SR till bitiya got worried that their marriage was incomplete, then he was in all-fired hurry ... chup chap he could have taken her to the temple and done pheras, but nooooo, he has to make such a fuss about it and want to do ulta stuff, that Dadi hears them, so he has to go through full rigmarole ... ab shaadi ho gayi, toh he can't even think about getting a sexy nightdress for his bride??!!! Kya fashion tycoon hai!!! :D :D :D
DeleteLa kay engagement time par dress shopping kiya, jewellery shopping kiya, apni shaadi par ek lingerie shopping bhi nahin?
Akash bitwa is wayyyyyyyyy ahead.
You are advertised a Badtameez product, asli product nikla gharelu and sharif.
Who wants to see that?
Exactly, he also managed his SR with no fuss for that alone, i will give Akash bitwa more marks than Arnav...any day....
DeleteGood from far but far from gud this ASR bitwa....
Waise among all derailed SRs excuses common in tellyworld , i will say the IPK one is the most imaginative....,, wins award hands down for creativity.."no SR becos i have a camera in my room"....great....Telly world is full of creative people i tell u
DeleteI would have agreed with you all before I saw the episode, but not after.
DeleteHelloooo ... did none of you realise WHY bitwa is holding back? Bitiya realised it ... my Bitiya is really smart ... her dil makes her dimaag extra sharp.
Though I agree with Rekha, now they have the perfect excuse for no SR ... but am happy about that too, because that means there will still BE a SR later ... we might even get that honeymoon in London.
Ok, Dia, snap out of SKD fast!
DeleteNo No stay there. This SKD is being good :) And yes once ASR sees the footage, the nager against Shyam will be out in full force.
I want a ArHi tiff when Khushi confesses to having seen Shyam sneaking into Di's room and realizing why Di needed VLR. And if ASR yells at having not told him for her to yell back saying when I wanted to how did you react?
SR will never happen at RM - ASR knows that. Farmhouse, car, Nainital or London - am game for whatever they show :) Best yet when they go to London, ASR makes Khushi wear western clothes :)
Btw one dialogue which caught my attention Anji said - hum tumhaari behen hain, jab tak humein humaara nek nehi milta tumhe Khusiji ke saath rehne ki permission nahi hai. So until Anjali's nek is pending, SRve full blown toh nahi hone waala hai - yep Dia London is what I am betting on too :)
And did you notice, Anji started calling VLR Shyamji. She usually never takes his name. Blooper or finally the knowledge that her brother's happiness is secure so time to tackle the creep? I am waiting to see if they show Anji heard what Arnav said on Payash wedding night but then in a desperate bid to to keep Shyam to herself pretended she never heard it. Plus the baby also gave her hope. And that is why when the baby dies she became so hysterical about Shyam because in her mind her last leverage to hold him in her life is gone. (Yes I am still miffed that Anji has not thought about the baby beyond the paalna. What about those zillion booties she made and kept kntting all the time. She came across none of it?)
And yes I am still waiting to see a scene where the contrast of the 2 flowers in his garden comes home to Arnav. Both roses, both bruised yet one still a bud while the other is a full bloom. One does not want the thorns but the other wants to bloom knowing she will have thorns around her. One who has secured his happiness by always giving away her happiness. And the other who has secured his happiness just by securing hers even if it caused the brother pain.
There is one other scene which I thought was left open-ended with future implications as needed - At the hospital, post the misrraige, the Arnav Khushi doc scene in the corridor. Not sure if they will do a baby survived the day but was not expected to live long or some such in the future.
The other moment that cause me to pause was Arnav starting to tell Khushi - jab sach pata chala, and then saying jab sab pata chala - hmm so yes there is more of the truth left there. (past, Dadi, the fact that Dadi lied to Arnav, the fact perhaps that VLR knew and plotted with Dadi and perhaps even the past itself in some manner).
The door that Anjali had opened, she today asks Arnav and Khushi to check and ensure is plugged (reminded me of the roka day and the mohabbatein sng). Yes Shyam has entered the hous but like they say keep your firends close and enemies closer - keeping tabs on him will also be easier for ArHi.
Oh and one more shiddat - Khushi asking Nani about Ratna - the kind of person she was, asking to know more about Arnav's childhood or perhaps Nani herself telling the girl more about her family's past.
And yeah please that shiddat we all have had forever of Khushi calling VLR Jeejaji and Arnav having a nice smirk on his face.
HMC scenes before VLR to make him burn :)
I have LOVED this epi much, much, much more than the big C that was/wasn't!! :P This is the ultimate seal on ArHi bond.. nothing and nobody can even attempt to break it now..
ReplyDeleteand ArHi v/s shyam..bring it on!!!! See what happens when you put two intelligent minds together (TG for the dmags making a come back)...they figure out the truth in less than 5 mins.. :P now I know why CVs didn't bring both the dimags simultanously together.. the show would have simply ended!!! :))
for the first time in soooo many episodes, I am excited for tomorrow!!! :)))
When you put it that way Mads,
DeleteNaahhhhhhhhh, it should have happened tonite.
I had no interruption today could have watched peacefully, kal pura family present hoga.....Dammit, will have to watch the epi on wednesday:(
Thank you Cv's for the SR before marriage.. since chotey put his chotey into use his dimaag is back in working ..
DeleteAnd me happy ... and i say bring it on !! at last
Now only if I can have the Shrew ASR back nothing like it !!
yes mads that was an ultimate seal on their bond.. no one and nothing can break them !!!
Shwets show is wrapping up, we have to wait and watch if they are connecting to something else like the chacha... then it might go for some time.. but if they show no connection then I doubt it is going to last max 2months..
but happy that they are closing all the loops and getting brains back for arhi , i will be able to let go the show in peace without kosofying it for making arhi dumb till the end.
WHY do you all think the show is wrapping up?!
DeleteMaybe I'm refusing to see it ... but from what I see, the past is not yet closed, for one, today that was made clear ... and Shyam - well, we always said that once he's kicked out of RM, then he will be villain from the outside, and even more dangerous.
DeleteI know i wil lend one day - and whenever taht is it will be - mujhe bhi uske baare main abhi nahi sochna. I was so thrilled with that scene of Shyam moving backwards as Arnav moved towards the camera - that creep is so afraid that his sins of the past are going to reach out and grab his thriat now :)
And yep he neds to be thrown out of RM by Anjali and then becme the evil creep from the outside.
New promo out.
ReplyDeleteArhi in the same lappy watching scene and see Anji falling and Arnav realizes, Shyam must be responsible.
Khushi tells him, we have to trap Shyam.
Courtesy IF.
Show toh pucca ending ab, Koi baat nahin...Just give me Badtameez ASR and Dimaagwala ASR till UK Dinner and you have a satisfied customer here:)
Where is everyone? Kuch nahin hua yaar tapak pado, I feel like I am talking to myself...Which I am btw, Nahiiiiiiiin*Full Nautanki mode*
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for the episode, but am happy already ... the Dimaags made a come back!!! Dhin chika dhin chika :D
DeleteCouldn't have predicted a tamer end to IPK...if someone had told this to me on Thursday, i would have said bullcrap....Friday had me doing a double take....then some offscreen drama and then all settling much so like Shweths above, the fans have all accepted that the end is near.....we have come out with some teeny meeny requests like batameez ASR etc....
ReplyDeleteOur BBE will of course predict bloopers in the epi....such like how the camera was re-fitted back into position without the persons now is the time for Shyamu to lose his at any given time only one shatir dimag can be present on premise....
What i found diffi to accept in the epi was the absolute lack of emotion on Arnav and Khushi too (writing,directing, acting failure??) when the camera was discovered......comeon Arnav should be have been boiling with rage, Khushi should have felt some disgust enuf to stop calling that scumbag Shyamji....*head desk* and Arnav nodding as if its all in a day's work in RM.....khair now all that is of no use now.....par yeh dil ke hain ki manta nahin..ranter ki aatma ghus gayi hain....*please leave my mind, ranter*
DeleteNo comments. I don't want to add to your burden. Agree with everything you wrote.
The epi as such wsa cute on re-watch. I'd say an OK effort- considering they had to change everything.
Don't watch the promo- hopeless.
Hopefully the track is not as bad as the promo.
*head desk*
Shyam getting thrown out is fine-it is just that I don't understand why they need to waste a whole track after seeing the footage which in itself is a BIG evidence.
*head desk*
DeleteWT ladkiyon..ArHi together fighting off creep is a dream shiddat.
I am all for duting that shiddat about feeding him pineapple and setting him off on an allergy.
hmmm i am the weird one out today loved the epi ....was so happy to see things proceeding normally ....chalo chado.
ReplyDeletenahin yaar...u r not odd out...these are all cckp......its just that i feel they can still tighten execution on whatever no of epis they have to deliver.....
Deletewhy give a bad product just becos its ending or whatever...tighten the execution and make the time count.....we have realistically set our expectations now...but the fact is that this is an important phase in the serial...many possibilities that the script can take even now, shouldn't the PH go out with a bang rather than a whimper.....
Sam, me with you...I loved the epi too!!! :)) was sick of the continued negativity... heck, love stories aren't always supposed to be sad yaar, true Ari had that bit of gloom in them, but the gloom was overpowering the happy stuff and its time they got back the happy stuff now..
Deleteas far as I see the ArHi story, I LOVED what they gave us, if you count how far they have come together.. :)))
Add me to the list ... I loved the episode today, some positivity finally coming in after so much negativity ... and I don't see it wrapping up soon either. And even if it is, it still has 2-3 months to go at minimum, so enjoy it while it lasts!!!
Deleteme too - loved the epi - but have to agree with Su and Rekha- a little crisper scenes (the demagh part) would have been better - like ODB's expression adn voice when he says Di cant see beyond that man..
DeleteAm not a naysayer in fact, i have loved the soulfulness in ARHI scenes always....My only point is that the cvs don't have to lose sight of it, esp now. The ARHI convo on the bed was beautifully done....
DeleteI have always believed the negativity was not so much the issue, it was the lack of positive reinforcements in the midst that was the problem....Its a known fact that hero will only win at the was the attempt to show that only one brain ever worked that got our goat over this period...
But a welcome to the brain that works and glad they made it an ARHI thing....
Dia, i don't see any reason it should wrap up if they tighten their storytelling which is really their strong point and if they pay attention to ARHI this crucial phase......
DeleteLet us concentrate on the positive aspects only.
Always makes things better.
The only depressing thing for me now is that the show is ending in june. I always hoped it'd go on for 3 years.
All good things have to come to an end.
This track is not going to be as bad as suicide and Grr.. kidnap- nothing can be as bad as that. And anyway, the majority is looking forward to it.
I guess when it ends in Shyam- bashing, I should not ask for too much brains from bitwa- the ends justifies the means and the brains. So long as I get to see some proper action at the end...
I really hope this means the trps will rise, I want the show to do extremely well now, I want both Barun and Sanaya to win those ITA awards, and by the time it ends, I want it to be the highest trp grosser- hopefully they'd have revamped the defective trp system also by then.
So, positive things:
Hey, will I get my shiddat?
SR delayed at least by a week- like I said, rebuild the mood and then...
(hahaha Rekha, talk about creativity there- can't have SR because I have hidden cameras in my room- these guys really take the cake! How can we not admire the CVs now? )
LOVED the Arhi talk- where K tells ASR not to let go of the past, but to EMBRACE it as it is. WELL DONE, girl! I always said this- she will make every wrong in to a right- every bad memory into a good one, so that he does not remember his parents with anger or sorrow- she will make him come to terms with his past without having to forget it.
And she'll get dadi back, and make HIS family complete again. After all, it is all about loving your family TOO- kabhi khushi kabhi gham.
Precap- Haaayeeee...rebuilding the mood.
Priya from Crooner -
ReplyDeleteoutcome of SP meeting with 4Lions &SaRun ... Show to end in June 2013. Barun as said earlier not quitting show. He will stay till it airs.
Sama, where did you get the ending in June 2012 part? I went through the Crooner briefly this morning ... all I got was that nobody's going anywhere, he's here to stay.
DeleteOkay, I don't want to know ... let me stay in my SKD. ;)
2013, not 2012 ;)
DeleteI was chatting with SGs that's were I got the info .. did not read crooner myself though. Good point .. next time will cross refer before posting.
DeletePS: one of the SGs was chatting with Priya and letting us know ... can't recall if she said it was in Crooner.
Someone did mention 500 episodes, right? It will be 500 by June. I think your info might be right, Sama.
DeleteBy then Barun will start getting new offers and the whole drama will start off again. So, I guess they want to plan it and wrap it up properly than be caught off guard. Makes sense.
Chalo, chhaddo ... let's enjoy it while it lasts ... and if they ARE planning to wrap up within the next 2/3/6/9 months, they have a deadline so their stories will progress, unlike the usual daily soap stuff where nothing happens for months on end.
DeleteSeriously, all soaps should come with a deadline ... it will make for much better story telling!
Loved the episode, loved that finally they are working together, complementing each other..
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely loved the little talk between them...
Rekha- agree the rage should have beem more apparent - but I will make excuses - its been a long draining day , everything that can go wrong has already gone wrong ...they are both exhausted - so I will cut some slack :)After all Bitwa is now in the acceptance state - accept what you cannot change - Shyam will not change.
Now time to thande dimaag se plan and take him out...and things happened in quick succession - him seeing the camer, talking to khushi , Di lettingt ha ct out that creep is glued to laptop - his instant recall of wires and bills - when the let brain analysis is in full swing - emotions take a backseat :)
Love it :)
Shiddat complete - Arhi and Dil-dimaag working together :)
ReplyDeleteSo Swati Chitnis is gone for good - back to Ashram ?
Hum aur hamari choti si duniya - as long as that inner core is stable - the world can churn around all it wants:)
That is what we want to see :)
DeleteDadiji ke hone se hi poora parivaar is complete. Her stint is over. Par picture abhi baaki hai mere dost!
She, Anji and Shyam have yet to learn their lessons. Toh wait and watch I say!
I OK-liked the episode. As I FEARED, Shyamu on his way out- reason I know now - show ending in june... hey, cheer up, is that not good news- it is lasting that long!
ReplyDeleteWhat I did not like one bit: The promo- they show K and ASR seeing Shyamu connecting the wires on the video- I really hope it is not as plain as that in the show- b'coz after that, bitiya and bitwa need not waste a whole track on 'getting him caught in his own web' as the promo describes. Badly done promo too, I felt.
Promo- bitiya stopping bitwa from reacting after seeing the footage- which bhai can stay calm after seeing that creepwa killed his siter's kid and almost got her killed too?
And where is ASR's shatir dimag that he has to listen to K when his brains should tell him he has enough evidence in hand already?
Yea, yea, I know, the actual scene will not be so conclusive, I really hope- because if it is otherwise...suicide track was much better.
DeleteItni jaldi on his way out - creative team ka favourtie character hai. Even if he is ousted he will do tamashaa from outside - bhale hi uske liye they bring misguided daadi back.
and dekh yaar show would have ended some day. thinking about that from now itself why spoil the fun fo watching whatever they show hereon.
some points from a certified nutcase!
ReplyDelete1) i am a nutcase - while i enjoy the episode, i am watching it and thinking of what we guys will end up chatting here!!!
2) whatever the Raizada's pay HP - he is under-payed! - while they were all at the wedding venue, the poor guy was getting the room done up - aawww! - so i forgive him the shady motel feel - after all he probably hasn't seen better - the two hearts were sooo tacky (ok i had said get rid of the horrid orange flower on the wooden piece, did not mean replace with with hearts!!) - but HP did a better job then Anji - her attempt was just lame - cant forget the horrid candles in the wrong stands!!!
3) Aaaaewwww ODB has a brain!! in fact ODC couple has a 'shatir demagh! - i am in seventh heaven - yipee
4) they will get together to fight the badiee - yippee again!!
5) Ok dear girl - when you hold back your hottiee husband - dont talk if the mood-killer dadi - like seriously - think of a better topic!!
6) So glad that though the water is under the bridge - it will still take time for the waves to ebb
7) please please can you now talk of your past - the unthinking jealousy during your respective engagements - why you broke it off - when you found out etc etc - me wants a rerun of history - but in your words!!
8) family actually played a part - and a normal one - cool!!
9) loved the epi!
Just loved the episode ...hope nowd TRPs hit the ceiling and PH wakes up to what all has been said here about changing track from negativity to positivity.. Good going R&R..
ReplyDeleteWatched a bit of diya and bati ..the heroine catches on to the evil tricks tho is yet to nail the perpetrator
..leaves one with a good feeling that good is triumphing ..
Now we can look forward to our own Bitwa and Bitiya doing dhulai of evil slowly and surely.More power to them
have to add - mom was alone so watched her serials with her -
ReplyDelete- the serial with Mona singh - a whole army of 'social workers' barge into a private home ... shouting 'mona singh hia hia!!!'... to protest against the guy she was getting engaged to!!!
could not stop laughing for hours! - (and of course took affront to the picture they paint of social workers - all ladies - all wearing the same saree, like a uniform, and shouting slogans branding the woman as the culprit when the suppose cheat is a guy!!) - God it was hilarious!!!
ReplyDeletewhat could have been..
yeah right. hunky dory episode. everything is fine in lala land.
ReplyDeletearnav romantically places khushi on the wedding bed.there are dhak dhaks in the BG. he leans in for a kiss.. but then withdraws. khsuhi's expression: WT?
then she remembers.. he is still reeling from the BFTP. so she pulls him back..and says " i'm sorry dadi had to leave, please forgive me" my expression: WT?
anjali now announces entry into her own room. no thought of removing the jewellery.. advises her husband to not keep awake for too long ..and leaves. my expression: WT?
arnav advises khushi to eat something.. WT? he is the diabetic, not her! and where would the food be?
oh well, "then you go change". khuhsi's expression:" WT? i thought you'd help me with that?"
and arnav.. "no, i'll change first" my expression: WT? he just asked her to change, and second breath, he wants to go first? CT, maajra kya hei?
and a dialogueless scene.. when she bought a box, i thought she was bringing him a present of new clothes to change into..
and she wipes the paint on his cheek.. uffo khushi, there was blood from his forehead, remember? uh oh, they wiped that blood soon after some of it dropped onto her makeup, so everyone forgot about that cut. :D *(just like everyone forgot that blood on the back of khushi's head during the end of kidnapping track.)
.. "aapke chehre ka dard"? very new terminology, that. :D
but the dialogues that followed were truly heartfelt.. and applause to the actors who elevated the scene to something truly sublime.
and the knock on the door.. sanaya, you cutie! khushi's shyness.. new bride, husband's hug.. family knocking.. so cute.
di's nek? "like khushi is important to you..." thunderbolt in my heart. will she say "shyamji is important to me too"? thank you devi maiyya that she did not. but What The? promise to always keep his wife happy? arnav, dont you know that even gods have failed at that? you should have said I'll try di, not i promise di. oh well.
btw loved that little byplay of di handing the milk to arnav.. who places it on a table.. thank CTs there was no tablet with it..
look at akash bitwa all through NK's dialogues. that guy is absolutely hilarious!
absolutely loved how shyamu reacted to arnav coming closer to the camera.. pull off headphones, lean back, close his eyes.. he learned from khushi or what?
and anji came, touched his shoulder.. she dint see the screen? WT?
coffee for the hardworking hubby.. we at R&R has a special pineapple blend that you can use, anji!
arnav uses SMS to call khushi outside.. so it should have been arnav waiting and khushi coming.. .. oh well. ... arnav doing the talking.. good. somewhere he does have a brain.
di came this way with the coffee? WT? or does di and shyam live in the outhouse now? oh she came to check the doors. hmm. chalega.
"usne har jagah cameras lagaye"? how did he know that? he saw only the one in the bouquet.. that dialogue should have said he saw at least two more cameras.. in the room, poolside or hall.
and now arhi planning.. felt like secret seven, to tell the truth. arnav should have been more ASR ish in that scene. bitwa looks so excited.. NO. he should have been calm and deadly.
snake wants to know where they are.. get up and go out to look!
and that last dialogue was cut and pasted from the previous scene! WT? editors??
When di said, doors check karne aaye the....i was thinking of u BBE, that they have put that dialogue so that u don't point the incongruity of it all...
DeleteBut bloopers tho hone chahiye...else how we have this fun...its just like the old times with the added joy of a working brain for ASR...(aided by ODG)its going to a gud joy ride...
'di came this way with the coffee': Good that she came- she gave that info about Shyamji staring at his laptop.
DeleteAb oopar jaake yeh mat bolna, Anji- 'Chhote and Khushiji are so odd, they are standing and talking outside the house.' Uff..She just loves talking, this woman.
BBE ki jai
DeleteIf you are back in form matlab all is really well in IPKland :)
The Cvs should seriously look at the Arnav_Khushi convo scene...just to know what is their real potential...they can deliver such magic even when there is so much of confusion around them...(ofscreen and all that)just that confidence should help them along the a situation of playing for pride and u give the performance of ur life.....
ReplyDelete*applause for that scene*, it was so real....and the actors took it to an even greater level....
latest from SBS : Sanaya off on a vacation with Mohit... to London! I'm happy for MoNaya...sad for IPK.. :P I don' know how they are gonna manage it and how will they deal with khushi's absence... arnav's they could have easily dealt with, saying he's off on a business trip...but what bahana can they give for khushi? :S
ReplyDeleteCan't blame Sanaya for taking some time off and wanting to spend some time with her BF though...poor guys, must be hardly getting any time to be with each other...
I can guess that ArHi play act a fight ... how else do they convince Shyam that they haven't discovered the camera and are still not consummating? :p So Khushi goes off to GH ...
DeleteBut agreed ... even a day or so without Sanaya in IPK makes it seem less bright ... how will they manage more than that?
When is the SP UK trip? Has Sanaya gone a few days early and Barun and the rest will join her?
Isn't Mohit shooting for his show too? How has he got the time?
Chalo, sanu ki?! :))) Arhi together tackling Shyam ... we've been waiting for that for so long, let's enjoy it!!!
dia the shooting of mohit's show has staled indefinitely apparently coz of some budget issues.. :S I guess San wants to keep him company or something.. and the SP trip to London is supposed to be in Nov... so you may be right abt San going there first and the others accompanying her..
Deletebut you are right, IPK without Sanaya/Khushi is soooo dull! :( I m already not looking forward to those days... and dare they shoot romantic scenes with BDs!!!! unki khair nahi!!! :X
ReplyDeleteWhen I first saw the epi all I did was ulta decoding in my mind and it was howlarious. Shweths, am surprised ki toone ulta decoding nahi ki!
I realize why I love IPK - there is the dialogues for the scene, the same dialogues are also indicative of what may have happened in the past or would in the future and then there is the ulta decode referring to real life drama.
Sandy, bol bol ... tell your ulta decoding peleej!!!
DeleteSandy, ab toh bol.....whetting our appetite and then chup.....tells tells..we are all ears!!
DeleteDia / Rekha,
DeleteUlta decoding - Well this is seriously Shweths forte.
But I thought Shyam Anji dialogues about client and messing up and the final scene between Anji Arnav and Khushi with lappy pe aankhein gaddake baithna, and stuff was a recap of the weekend - he is he is not fiasco.
The total PR fiasco and foot in muth that happened. Relisten to he dialogues from that angle and tell me if you end up laughing.
Actually, this whole thing is we laugh at them and they laugh at all the time....well, who is the one laughing all the way to the bank is the important thing...SP or PH or sponsors or all?.....they can all thank us for a lil bit of the booty if they do laugh!!LOL
Deletehamara kya hain...we wanted a good narrative, we got it....
Madsie ... hugs .. kya haal chaal .. back to Germany ya abhi bhi India??
ReplyDeleteHi sam.. :-) nahin yaar, not yet back to germany..actually was diagnosed with typhoid and malaria last week, so was hospitalized till m back home and fever's gone..but have to take complete rest for the next 15 days coz I still feel loads of weakness..will now fly to germany on 20th.. :-)
DeleteOh Madsie...please take gud care of urself....hope u recover very
Deleteoh no! you poor sweetie.. must have been very tough! get well soon! hugs and magic healing wishes sent your way!
DeleteDouble whammy babe!! Jhappis and wishes for a get well soon. I hope the fiance is doing the needful with the flowers and "tum theek ho" calls!
On the brighter side you ar home for Navrathri :)
Get Well Soon
@rekhs, jaya and sandy...thankssss a lot for the wishes girls!!! :))) *tight jhappies* to you all.. :)))) and @sandy, nope, he is just making the "tum theek ho" calls.. better remind him abt the flowers .. ;) thanks! :P lol.. and yes, on the brighter side, ofcourse I'm gonna be home much longer now...that makes my parents elated! :P as for navratri, its not celebrated that much at our place, so not too excited abt that.. :)
DeleteMadsieee ... omg, kya karti hai ladki!!! Get well soon, and enjoy all the pampering at home while you do! Hope you feel better now ... sending hugs and best wishes your way for a quick recovery!