Friday 19th Oct '12
Loved the first three scenes ...
NK waiting for Arshi, Arshi come back all happy and content, Mami passes some remark about honeymooning couple
... Khushi blushing, Arnav smiling (damn that SP banner!)
Khushi narrating her day's exploits to Arnav, who just sits and watches her with completely besotted look on his face ... Rabba ve
He tells her off again for her foolishness and says exactly the same words as Aarav did ... Khushi is confused.
Morning - Khushi serves breakfast in bed to Arnav, because everyone else is fasting for Kanyapooja ... very cute morning scene, with smiles, teasing and underlying love ...
Khushi goes toy shopping for the girls ... meets Aarav, he faints and she takes him home ...
In the meantime Sheetal lands up at AR for a job ... did she not know Arnav was the owner of AR?
Why does she not want to work for him?
Why are they both uncomfortable?
Sheetal's cries of what a bad mother she is rang quite false ... her boy was almost kidnapped the previous day and she left him alone in a shop to wait for her the very next day?
And Aarav disappears as all the ladies are trying to decide what to feed him ...
Will edit in parts over the weekend, as I get time
Adding my SKD scenes - there were so many places they could have added some touches to lift the romance from cute to more passionate!
So first scene again ... NK waiting anxiously for Arshi ... since NK is a mouthpiece of the cv's, did his words about revenge signify that this is what the next track is going to be about? Is Shyam behind Sheetal and kid after all?
Good thing NK realised that he needs to do something in the house other than practice his bad Hindi
... the guy is seriously jobless! Can't he start doing part time work at AR if nothing else?
Liked the little millisecond glimpse of blushing Khushi and Arnav smiling in very satisfied way at Mami's talk about honeymooning couple ... obviously the UST is a thing of the past!
Arshi in bedroom ... Khushi describes her exploits with the kidnappers with full verve and gusto, while Arnav sits very contentedly watching her, lost in his crazy biwi and her pagal antics ... and how much he loves her for them ... how she lights up his life with her enthusiasm and her zest for life ... brings back that childlike innocence and enjoyment of the little things in life that he lost when he grew up so suddenly ...
And also a very satisfied possessive touch in his look ... she is his, and after all her mad antics, she will get into bed with him and show him the same generous loving, nothing held back ... that's his Khushi ...
But in the meantime, she sees that he's not paying attention to her story, so she stops ... and he tells her again with gentle amusement, 'you're brave all right, but also very foolhardy ... you could have killed the child with your driving ...'
(Umm, didn't quite agree with either Aarav or Arnav about no danger from kidnappers except for money, there have been too many instances of kidnappers killing their victims even after getting their money)
My SKD ... after he told her that, he told her, 'okay, forget it, come to bed, it's late now, I'll switch off the poolside light and come ...'
Khushi smiles a little distractedly and then stops to wonder ... Aarav said exactly the same thing ... the names are similar, the habits 'What the ...' How come so many things are so similar?
Arshi in the morning ...
Arnav wakes up to a big smile from his beautiful biwi, together with some pampering ... breakfast in bed, made to his taste, recipe culled from internet ... served in style - white linen, cutlery (necessary or not!
) and red roses ...
One small shiddat realised ... Khushi starts making attempts to adapt to her husband's westernised tastes ... even though she thinks it's all very similar to the Indian stuff with a western name
All this because the rest of the family is fasting, so he can eat privately, there's no breakfast for anyone else, and they'll feel hungry watching him eat.
Liked the little gestures ...smiling Arnav catching Khushi's hand so naturally and pushing her down to sit with him ... ''5 star chefs are allowed to sit and eat na ...' the equally natural casual lifting his fork to her mouth to feed her ... Khushi says she can't till the girls eat, Arnav knows what she's talking about ... 'ah yes, kanya pooja' and she pushes the fork back to his mouth to feed him instead ...
the casual chit chat about how he enjoys eating the food she makes specially for him ... and the compliment tossed out as he eats his pancakes ... the way he notices that his foodie wife is getting hungry already
and he tells her to eat quietly, he won't tell anyone, anyway he doesn't believe in all this, Devi Maiya won't like it if her bhakt goes hungry ... but she refuses, she fasts because of her own faith, not for anyone else.
She kept the Teej fast too ... we viewers were cheated out of that one!
Reminded of kanya pooja, he decides to stay away because of the disasters last year ... and they laugh together reminiscing those moments ... how scared she was of him ... a quick challenge, 'so you're not scared of me now?' ... an equally quick rebuttal 'no, I'm not' ... and an opportunity to flirt, tease ... 'prove it' ... and she does ... by pinching his cheek .., and running with a teasing smile ... an exasperated 'Khushi, stop doing that, I'm not a kid ...' her teasing rebuttal 'then why does everyone call you Chotey?' ... and his slow grin ... touche! Nope, she's not scared of him now ... and he loves her this way! His laughing, loving, teasing Khushi.
My SKD ... he gets up and runs after her to punish her for that one ... and she runs out of the room, leaving behind his laughing threat ...'wait till tonight, I'll get you for that one. Child, am I?' A threat with a hint of a promise ...
... and she stops just outside the room at that promise with a small blush, before she shakes herself to carry on with her work for the day.
Office ... Arnav finally reached the office!!!
Before him, Sheetal has reached, and landed herself a job as designer ... but she has to meet big boss before it's confirmed. And Sheetal looks a little apprehensive.
Is she gearing up for her act to begin? Or is it just natural apprehension for clinching her job?
Shopping ... In the meantime, Khushi is shopping for gifts for the girls. And bumps into Aarav, who tries to avoid her at first! He doesn't want another run in with the crazy lady.
But too late, she's seen him.
Why did his mother leave him to wait for alone? In a toy shop? When he doesn't even like toys? And that too, the day after he was almost kidnapped?
Small nokjhok between Aarav and Khushi ... she tries to get him to act his age, he's not interested, he's not a child ... she tries to get him to help her choose toys, he's not interested, not in girls' toys!
Office ... Sheetal steps smilingly into Arnav's cabin (the glass cabin is back?) ... smile wiped off as Arnav turns ... she is very awkward, he is pretty normal ... oh, yes, you always liked designing even in college ...
He attempts some small talk about her son, but Sheetal is uncomfortable ... so he switches the talk to her designs ... he likes them, so she gets the job.
But she doesn't want it.
He asks why in genuine surprise ... but she's very awkward in her refusal, no reason ...
Arnav apologises ... he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable ...
Uncomfortable ... why? Because she was refusing the job? Or because there was something between them many years ago? He is obviously much less affected by it, if there was something ... was it one-sided? Did he refuse her?
She continues to look awkward, he asks her if everything is okay?
It was more like asking if she's okay in her personal life, not about anything between them. So again it doesn't seem that there was anything much from his side ... not enough to make it too awkward for him. A college fling is usually nothing very serious, it happens. He apparently didn't think much about it.
(More later - this is the only part that needs analysis)
Shopping ... Khushi finishes her shopping and tells Aarav to chill and smile, she'll take him for a snack ... in the middle of her chatter, Aarav faints ...
Loved the first three scenes ...
NK waiting for Arshi, Arshi come back all happy and content, Mami passes some remark about honeymooning couple
Khushi narrating her day's exploits to Arnav, who just sits and watches her with completely besotted look on his face ... Rabba ve
He tells her off again for her foolishness and says exactly the same words as Aarav did ... Khushi is confused.
Morning - Khushi serves breakfast in bed to Arnav, because everyone else is fasting for Kanyapooja ... very cute morning scene, with smiles, teasing and underlying love ...
Khushi goes toy shopping for the girls ... meets Aarav, he faints and she takes him home ...
In the meantime Sheetal lands up at AR for a job ... did she not know Arnav was the owner of AR?
Why does she not want to work for him?
Why are they both uncomfortable?
Sheetal's cries of what a bad mother she is rang quite false ... her boy was almost kidnapped the previous day and she left him alone in a shop to wait for her the very next day?
And Aarav disappears as all the ladies are trying to decide what to feed him ...
Will edit in parts over the weekend, as I get time
So first scene again ... NK waiting anxiously for Arshi ... since NK is a mouthpiece of the cv's, did his words about revenge signify that this is what the next track is going to be about? Is Shyam behind Sheetal and kid after all?
Good thing NK realised that he needs to do something in the house other than practice his bad Hindi
Liked the little millisecond glimpse of blushing Khushi and Arnav smiling in very satisfied way at Mami's talk about honeymooning couple ... obviously the UST is a thing of the past!
Arshi in bedroom ... Khushi describes her exploits with the kidnappers with full verve and gusto, while Arnav sits very contentedly watching her, lost in his crazy biwi and her pagal antics ... and how much he loves her for them ... how she lights up his life with her enthusiasm and her zest for life ... brings back that childlike innocence and enjoyment of the little things in life that he lost when he grew up so suddenly ...
And also a very satisfied possessive touch in his look ... she is his, and after all her mad antics, she will get into bed with him and show him the same generous loving, nothing held back ... that's his Khushi ...
But in the meantime, she sees that he's not paying attention to her story, so she stops ... and he tells her again with gentle amusement, 'you're brave all right, but also very foolhardy ... you could have killed the child with your driving ...'
(Umm, didn't quite agree with either Aarav or Arnav about no danger from kidnappers except for money, there have been too many instances of kidnappers killing their victims even after getting their money)
My SKD ... after he told her that, he told her, 'okay, forget it, come to bed, it's late now, I'll switch off the poolside light and come ...'
Khushi smiles a little distractedly and then stops to wonder ... Aarav said exactly the same thing ... the names are similar, the habits 'What the ...' How come so many things are so similar?
Arshi in the morning ...
One small shiddat realised ... Khushi starts making attempts to adapt to her husband's westernised tastes ... even though she thinks it's all very similar to the Indian stuff with a western name
All this because the rest of the family is fasting, so he can eat privately, there's no breakfast for anyone else, and they'll feel hungry watching him eat.
Liked the little gestures ...smiling Arnav catching Khushi's hand so naturally and pushing her down to sit with him ... ''5 star chefs are allowed to sit and eat na ...' the equally natural casual lifting his fork to her mouth to feed her ... Khushi says she can't till the girls eat, Arnav knows what she's talking about ... 'ah yes, kanya pooja' and she pushes the fork back to his mouth to feed him instead ...
the casual chit chat about how he enjoys eating the food she makes specially for him ... and the compliment tossed out as he eats his pancakes ... the way he notices that his foodie wife is getting hungry already
She kept the Teej fast too ... we viewers were cheated out of that one!
Reminded of kanya pooja, he decides to stay away because of the disasters last year ... and they laugh together reminiscing those moments ... how scared she was of him ... a quick challenge, 'so you're not scared of me now?' ... an equally quick rebuttal 'no, I'm not' ... and an opportunity to flirt, tease ... 'prove it' ... and she does ... by pinching his cheek .., and running with a teasing smile ... an exasperated 'Khushi, stop doing that, I'm not a kid ...' her teasing rebuttal 'then why does everyone call you Chotey?' ... and his slow grin ... touche! Nope, she's not scared of him now ... and he loves her this way! His laughing, loving, teasing Khushi.
My SKD ... he gets up and runs after her to punish her for that one ... and she runs out of the room, leaving behind his laughing threat ...'wait till tonight, I'll get you for that one. Child, am I?' A threat with a hint of a promise ...
Office ... Arnav finally reached the office!!!
Before him, Sheetal has reached, and landed herself a job as designer ... but she has to meet big boss before it's confirmed. And Sheetal looks a little apprehensive.
Is she gearing up for her act to begin? Or is it just natural apprehension for clinching her job?
Shopping ... In the meantime, Khushi is shopping for gifts for the girls. And bumps into Aarav, who tries to avoid her at first! He doesn't want another run in with the crazy lady.
But too late, she's seen him.
Why did his mother leave him to wait for alone? In a toy shop? When he doesn't even like toys? And that too, the day after he was almost kidnapped?
Small nokjhok between Aarav and Khushi ... she tries to get him to act his age, he's not interested, he's not a child ... she tries to get him to help her choose toys, he's not interested, not in girls' toys!
Office ... Sheetal steps smilingly into Arnav's cabin (the glass cabin is back?) ... smile wiped off as Arnav turns ... she is very awkward, he is pretty normal ... oh, yes, you always liked designing even in college ...
He attempts some small talk about her son, but Sheetal is uncomfortable ... so he switches the talk to her designs ... he likes them, so she gets the job.
But she doesn't want it.
He asks why in genuine surprise ... but she's very awkward in her refusal, no reason ...
Arnav apologises ... he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable ...
Uncomfortable ... why? Because she was refusing the job? Or because there was something between them many years ago? He is obviously much less affected by it, if there was something ... was it one-sided? Did he refuse her?
She continues to look awkward, he asks her if everything is okay?
It was more like asking if she's okay in her personal life, not about anything between them. So again it doesn't seem that there was anything much from his side ... not enough to make it too awkward for him. A college fling is usually nothing very serious, it happens. He apparently didn't think much about it.
(More later - this is the only part that needs analysis)
Shopping ... Khushi finishes her shopping and tells Aarav to chill and smile, she'll take him for a snack ... in the middle of her chatter, Aarav faints ...
Loved the episode from start till finish.
ReplyDeleteTeasing NK and Mami had been uttering
honeymoon every other episode ...umm are we heading to it after Sheetal fiasco.
LG's personal 24/7 60 inch TV with 3D settings. Not a dull moment for our LG ever in his life. 14 years mein jitne dull moments jiyein hain unka chun chun ke hisaab hoga!! Karma bites have a whole new meaning!!!
Loved loved morning scene ...each and every dialogue ... Perfect. Oh obviously when SaRun are together in a frame ArHi is perfect. Nazar na lage.
Sheetal is framing alright. Still have to wait for ASRs reactions. Maybe Sheetal did propose but ASR dismissed it without even hearing her out but did like her for her talents, maybe. Dekhte hain !!!
I love love love Chotu. His waking up scene was hilarious. Chotu toh chotu bade bhi darr jaye.
Loved the episode. Ek big bear wala hug to cvs.
wow a really neat episode....something that i have been waiting for ages from IPK...start to finish..see u guys when u pt ur mind to cannot be anything other than sheer magic....the ARHI scenes beautiful, the rest blending so beautifully.
Deletemadhura, buck up girl...altho its too early to comment...
she is in the company of august actors..her concern on hearing about aarav was very ordinary....tho she did all other scenes well i thot inlcuding the clipped tone for the "your wife's phone"
MONU and su, hope all gud at ur end...our wishes to u both!!
ok a doubt..a scene that i wanted to read better...
Arnav sheetal exchange before the phone interrupted....
he was asking her about something
she does not reply....he says something about not making her uncomfortable...(i guess he means about his asking her about her reasons...) and then he is distracted and she draws her attention in that clipped tone.
Rekhs..thanks for the song..still at work..was playing IPK scenes in the background while listening to it here!! love it!! *HUGS*
DeleteMujhe ignore mat kar. Aaj kal kahaan gaayab ho jaati hai bey!!!!
Found a new chotu R&R to hangout kya ? ;)
Hello ladies
ReplyDeleteDid not see the second part but the first halfway enjoyable.
Today was the first time I was getting irritated with NK as I sincerely think he needs character progression as he is becoming stale .never mind mami and her barbs and I love that the couple are never apologetic about spending time with each other or their open admiration in front of the family. Really like it.
The night RV and t,he morning breakfast was very well done. Light and romantic as a husband and wife would be. It really made me think of what a package Khushi is as a wife. Never a dull moment for Arnav. Really cute. In the night or morning I would have really like Arnie to pull her to the bed for a kiss or something. The scenes seem incomplete without it.
The boy Aarav. Is doing well actually. I am not a fan of kids behaving as adults but this one so far is carrying it out well. I hope that the entire track is decent and not loud or tacky.
Also of the opinion that a parallel track needs to start with the other characters. The load once again is on the leads and it cannot be romance between the two all the time.
A balance is required. Much better end to the week than what I expected.
Take care
Ratna, HI5!!!! After the episode, I was thinking exactly the same thing ... they really need a parallel track! There is too much burden on the leads ... the last three days they have been on screen individually or together almost 20 minutes out of the 22, if not more.
DeleteI liked both the night and morning scenes ... in my SKD, Arnav told Khushi after his dialogue about her driving ... ok, go to bed, I'll switch off the poolside light and join you ...
Arey baba, where did he go out so late at night? Wasn't it time to sleep?! Kuch to keh deta!
Loved the morning scene ... very sweet, romantic, loving wife, very happy husband lapping up his wife's pampering and the mutual teasing ... really cute!
And I agree, I'm liking the little boy Aarav ... he was very precocious the first day, but much better today. Still a little rude for my liking, but better.
Sheetal - can't make out yet whether Sheetal is a bad actress or Madhura the actress is ... her act of 'oh my child is sick, I'm such a bad mother!' was very flat and unconvincing. She's acting with really good actors, she will have to pull up her socks!
yes dia,
Deleteabout madhura, i have not seen her before so i have no idea...but she just seems a bit short in the emo scenes...i guess...she appears to be comfortable in the other scenes as it may in her comfort zone....acting a bit mysterious kind....if she is going to be a positive person...she will be stretched i feel.....
and Ratna...agree completely on the need for parallel track...but i guess by not developing it earlier, the cvs have left it too late and so the excess reliance on the buffoonery of nk, which is getting when anji and nani are not actively engaged, the only role for them is going for satsangs and cutting tomatoes
I've seen Madhura in another show (vampire show). She came across as an actress with limited expressions and did'nt seem convincing in emotional scenes. She is better playing the flirtatious girl. This role is indeed more weighty. Let's see if she can pull it off.
DeleteI've seen the boy who plays Aarav in Na bole tum. He is good and does the grumpy character quite well.
ReplyDeleteArnav looking at Khushi thru the kidnap recital - hayyeee:) Now that was a serious Rabba ve:)
The kiddo acts well - hope that attitude gets toned down some more ..
Loved the episode - and even more the title - A set up - I so want it to be a set up - and Khushi getting to the bottom of it as the jagruk nagrik - that would be fun:)
It would also make sense what the kid was doing in bhindi bazar :)
Otherwise it will be all rona dhona:(
Aarav has juvenile diabetes - another flag to go off in Khushi's head ?:)
ReplyDeletethe something that was missing from arnav's side yesterday was there today on coming face to face with he trying to hide it from khushi deliberately or is it just not that important...??
ReplyDeletei was wondering why no one (Arnav Khushi) noticed the similarity between Arnav and khushi did voice it...she took it seriously...
one thing i was thinking...Aarav could not be all like Arnav just bcoz he is his son...???
I agree with you. Aarav behaving and dressing like Arnav seems a bit too contrived. Yes, children inherit their parents' genes but that does not mean he speaks and dresses the same way as a 'parent' whom he has never seen before. Children may copy their parent's dressing and talking styles when they actually see it. They are not inherited behaviour but imbibed behaviour. So if Aarav is acting this way, he has been trained to do so, which then leads up to what motive can the mother have in taking the pains to train her son this way. To me it wreaks of a set up. Then again they showed that he fainted and now appears to be suffering from juvenile diabetes. That can be inherited. So is that just a co-incidence? We'll have to wait and see what is in store for us here.
DeleteSandy kabhi nahi !! Hamare saansein hi ruk jayegi.
ReplyDeletePar its easier for me to access IF and FB. Sometimes IF also does ramanchi not much as blogspot though but FB is always there. Yahan toh kabhi kabar esa bhi huwa hum likte gaye par kabi post nahi kar paye. The day its fine you can see me spamming. Otherwise I make it a point to post before it gets loaded.
This is home .... Jaye bandha jidar bhi jana hai .... Sukoon ghar par hi hai ... Chahe doond le pure jahan pe!
Mona &Su hope everything good at your end.
Dia Sheetal has planned it all but if that's so why would she wait for as long as now for ASR to get married. Let keep the idea of this not being cvs original plan. She was Arnavs classmate alright. Can she also be Shyaams sister. I mean like brother like sister. Lived off a rich guy, so never introduced siblings to in law, live and let live. And was thrown out just like him. Shyaam had been trainning her to get back to ASR but before he could execute he was hand over to police. Now she is taking over.
But then Chotu becomes a biiiiiig question.
someone explain this to me..why did Arnav say he did not mean to make her uncomfortable? he saw her designs..gave her the job..she clearly looked like she wanted to be elsewhere..
ReplyDeletekuch samajh nahi aaya..
ok...this is my version....saw the epi at the regular epi time, he had asked her why she did not want the job and she seemed not ready to answer,a's response was in that regard followed by is something wrong....ofc he got distracted after that query and did not hear the phone ring....
DeleteThanks Rekhs! have to watch it again...he seems a little uncomfy but fine otherwise naa??!!
DeleteTotally agree with you copy mannerisms of parents when they see them day in and day out and not by birth..I know a young man whose mother died in child birth and tho he is a carbon copy of his father but his way of talking and many mannerisms are ditto his step mothers (hate to use the term as this lady has given more than a mothers love )..
ReplyDeleteRegarding juvenile diabetes may b e. Dia and other doctors can enlighten us .my point is that a arnav is shown to be super smart and would have told the Raizada ladies that he needs something sweet..
Sorry read Aarav.
All the best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mona fore her little one and Su for her FIL surgery.
Happy Navratras.
Riya I think he may not have realised he has diabetes. Many cases are detected at around 8-9 years. So this may be his first attack, the reason why the mother and son both have not alerted the rest about the problem.
ReplyDeleteYou title .a Set up seems really appropriate..seems to me Sheetal is not to comfortable doing what she is..her discomfort in working for Arnav ..I also feel Aarav cannot be Arnavs child because Arnav has shown to be an honourable man who even tho he believed Khushi to be his patni never forced himself on her till she was ready hence it's unlikely that as a college studen t he was sowing wild oats..he is going to be framed is what I feel...Khushi
Seems to be puzzled with the coincidenc of same type name and mannerisms..
My two cents worth..
Whatever these guys have in mind, one thing which i hope the approver of the track has kept in mind and by that i mean SP, the channel is that unlike several romances where the third angle of the triangle may be seen as merely a twist in the story to draw more eyeballs...ARHI is not merely a romantic couple for its crazed viewers, its a quintessential love story made very special by two actors....don't kill that for its viewers. call it our atoot vishwaas, if u like...
ReplyDeletei accept everything can be made possible in the realm of imagination..that is always the challenge in creativity and writers strive for it all the can be justified even but some things are best left untouched..
a dedication to arhi after a long time....a eternal love song from te movie shart....sung by Geeta bali (the song just comes alive in her voice) and the great hemantda...
na ye chand hoga na tare rahenge
magar ham hamesha tumhare rahenge
na ye chand hoga…
nazar dhoondhati thi jise pa liya hai
ummeedon ke phoolon se daman bhara hai
ye din hamko sab din se pyare rahenge
na ye chand hoga…
kahoon kya mere dil ka arman kya hai
tumhen har ghadii choomana chahata hai
kahan tak bhala ji ko mare rahenge
na ye chand hoga…
sahara mile jo tumhari hansi ka
bhula denge ham sara gam zindagi ka
tumhare rahe hain tumhare rahenge
na ye chand hoga…
bichhad kar chale jayen tumse kaheen
to ye na samajhana muhabbat naheen
jahan bhi rahe ham tumhare rahenge
na ye chand hoga…
zamana agar kuchh kahe bhi to kya
magar tum na kahana hamen bewafa
tumhare rahe hain tumhare rahenge
na ye chand hoga…
i am adding the yt vesion and not a great one at that but please avoid the picturisation, it does not do any justice to te beauty of the song
hii i am back!
thnx for the link Jaya...made my day...that pic is absolutely droolworthy...didnt notice that pose so closely while watching epi...:)
Delete***shiddat Alert***
ReplyDeleteI hope (after the drama) and all sheetal disappears/dies/ isn't his real mum wtr ... And junior asr somehow winds up with Arhi ( this is of course if SP convince Barun to stay back)!
It would make a really cute track Arhi dealing with parenthood and their totally opposite parenting styles for a bratty yet actually sweet 8 year old.... Meanwhile Akash and Payal have some serious screen time!! Perhaps Akash Payal and NK can go on fond dee a man mission and we can see a cute parallel travk
why are the writers writing only Arhi scenes? do you remember we had to do uncuts to see them together and the uncut was barely 4 minutes per episode? now the whole 20 mins is arhi..
Deleteand somehow, i feel cheated, right alongside the supporting cast. there has to be something for the supporting cast to do and emote and act.. what else is the purpose of being an actor?
Are thy hiring a new guy to play Akash? that will take time to adjust to...
DeleteDiya *hugs*
ReplyDeleteWhat a half-a-episode and whattay full post !!! I was nodding my head all through it...your post, I mean :) The night and breakfast scenes were so droolworthy....haaye, just I had imagined the two of them to be, when they were alone. It was pitch perfect.....I would not change a thing. Just loved it... Both Sanaya and Barun acted so well..not that they don't always do, but last night it was something else. The natural, easy comfortable manner, smiles, dialogues...everything!
Was dying to share this joy...:)
yes Dia, beautiful update. and Vista, hello hi! happy welcome! yes, it was what I expected ODC to be like in private.. lots of light teasing and oodles of love. she is bringing out the sanka in her husband.. (heart)
Deleteand yes Dia, UST seems long gone. now perfect honeymoon couple :D
hi Vista...!!welcome to this wonderful place...(thanx to Dia and all others for all the warmth that one feels here)
Deletewe all share our joys and sorrows for Arhi here..;)
Hi Vista,
Deletehave been a fan of ur SG hangout posts...only a silent reader there but loved u guys and ur humour....
welcome to the R&R cafe!!
Vistaaa!!! *hugs* Good to see you here!!! Welcome to our virtual cafe! The night and morning scenes were just so cute, weren't they ... I could imagine what happened in between the night and morning scenes to make both Arnav Khushi so happy and perky and content just being with each other in the morning! :)))
Deleteread mishti's new spoiler;aarav-arnavs son.hope its FALSE,a silent reader.
ReplyDeletedear silent reader, i love you, but please dont break your silence to give such heartbreaking news.. i'm in denial till the matter is out on IPK land.. not listening to rumours anymore. (plugging my ears and chanting lalalala)
Deleteah well, even if it is true, we've already discussed it and are prepared for it :D
J i know we were prepared for it..but i read that one line and went ouch!!how will they deal with ArShi now??!!!
Deleteyeah Anita...we were prepared but it still hurts to read that line....
Deletethanx Jaya for the wonderful solution...wait till it comes out in open...i am repeating after u - lalalala...
the perfect antidote to that spoiler:
*what the*...only 24 it the effect of above mentioned mishti's latest spoiler...but Gargi had already warned us of this track...the much awaited BFTP was nothing as compared to this - just realized this sheetal is also BFTP...come back girls - where are u all...??
ReplyDeleteDia...liked the new look...specially the emoticons....
hope things are improving at ur end Mona...howz ur daughter now?prayers for her....
Su...prayers for you for everything to go well....
Hey Ayesha..
Deleteeveryone here is already warned so i don't think it's the track that is keeping them away but a more happening AD must be!!:)
Thanks, Ayesha. Dad is better.
DeleteMona, praying for your daughter.
ReplyDeleteam neutral about the PH...but this was fun to read..
DeleteI read this ages back.
This is one of the reasons why I refuse to believe the PH will spoil Barun's image or try to kill the show. Especially, not with Barun because they have always formed a 'mutual admiring committee', in all sincerity. I hope 4 lions will do more projects with Sarun in the future, the PH and the actors simply complement each other.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly when I saw the suit exchange episode - a 8-9 year old in the exact sweater white pant combo ASR wears and saying what the... really?
But then I was thinking maybe it is the creative bankruptcy at work - they need Khushi to come to the conclusion that it is ASR's son pronto - and they could not figure out a realistic way to make it happen forget genetics and shove inherited mannerisms and dress sense down our throats :) LOL
Ofcourse if it is all a set up - it would fall in place logically :)
But even the set-up look at the options..
If ASR knows Sheetal is claiming he's the father- and he had no relationship with Sheetal he can deny pointblank - end of story and track..they figure out Aarav is an orphan being exploited for Sheetal's avarice- Family decides to adopt him optional based on how popular their handling of the kid gets)
If ASR knows and he did have physical relationship with Sheetal, but the kid is not his..then it will come down to DNA reports that can be falsified etc..
The way I see this going- Khushi comes to know, in her trademark misguided mahaanta -does not confront ASR to save him the anguish of choosing between the two and leaves.
This can take either the totally yucky sacrificing, sob story separation path
Or if the CT is smart, a fairly engrossing character development path I would like to see..separation, anger on ASR's part on her unilateral decision yet again, not getting the chance to explain , resolves the Sheetal issue but freezes on Khushi for her - return of the ASR from Arnav..
Now it is Khushi's turn to grow and learn what I have been carping about - that trust is a two way street and marriage is about doing things together - not just for each other:)
LOL - I just did a flowchart in my head on plotlines ? Sorry - occupational hazard :)
Sri, true ... the way Aarav is ditto Arnav in the mannerisms is fishy ... unless it is creative bankruptcy at work. Being angry with the world in general could fit if he is the son of a single mother and has been teased about his absent father all his life but the dressing and the What The doesn't fit ... these are not inherited traits.
DeleteSo either it is creative bankruptcy - the cv's had no other way of showing us the similarities between Aarav and Arnav and they had to thrust the similarities down out throat ...
Or it is in fact Sheetal's plan all along, making her a typical vamp?
If Sheetal was truly resigned to being single mother, wouldn't she have given her son her maiden name rather than the name of a lover whom she never expected to materialise again in her life? And would she have trained him to be exactly like Arnav in all his habits?
On one hand, Sheetal does seem hesitant about working with AR ... but on the other hand, you would expect that she had done her homework about the owner of AR before applying for a job there.
On one hand, Aarav did not expect to see Khushi at the toy shop, and he tried to sneak away without seeing her ... on the other hand, Sheetal left him alone at a toy shop, presumable near the office, to wait for her, the day after h escaped a kidnapping attempt.
So it could go either way as of now ... a set up, or a genuine coincidence ...
More thoughts on the track as a whole ...
DeleteI really do NOT want Aarav to be Arnav's son.
A movie and a telly show dealt with the same thing - Masoom and Aapki Antara.
In both, the couple are married for years and have their own family. So the question of breaking up the marriage does not arise, the question is only of the wife taking time to accept her husband's infidelity. In both, the real mother of the child dies before the child enters the father's home.
In both, the infidelity was committed when the husband was already married.
Here the situation is very different. Arnav did not commit infidelity, the only thing he is guilty of is carelessness.
Arshi have been married barely a week in IPK time, and have no family of their own.
Aarav has already missed out on a father's love for eight years for no fault of his own.
Presumably at the time Arnav had that fling with Sheetal, he was the old Arnav, didn't believe in love, marriage, the works. So it made sense for Sheetal to stay away from him, knowing that he would probably not marry her anyway even if he knew about the child.
But now Arnav has changed. He is also most sensitive about being fatherless, and about parents not loving each other. Would he be happy to just pay maintenance to Sheetal for Aarav and stay away from Aarav for the rest of his life, depriving Aarav of a father's love for not fault of his?
Or would he insist on visiting rights etc, and giving Aarav his love as well as his legal rights as his son?
In which case Khushi has to live with a permanent reminder of the fact that she was not the first woman in her husband's life. Yes, she knew that already, but living with faceless unknown women whom you can ignore, is different from living with their constant presence. Because if Arnav wants to give Aarav the father's love which he is entitled to, then Sheetal will continue to be present in all their lives. And Khushi has to live with that for the rest of her life.
Added to which, even her children will not be the first claimants to their father's love, neither will they be their father's only legal heirs.
How difficult would it be for Khushi to live with all of this ... not for a few days, but for the rest of her life?
So this time I really wouldn't blame Khushi if she did try to walk away from Arnav ... giving him at least a chance to see if he can live with Sheetal, the mother of his child. His son deserves that ... his mother didn't give his dad a chance, shouldn't his dad at least give it a shot to give his child the chance at having both parents and a normal family life, which every child is entitled to?
And that is why I DON'T want Aarav to be Arnav's child. Let Sheetal be the cliched vamp, or let it be an attempt by VLR to break up Arshi ... because this is really a very justified way for them to break up. But in the end, Aarav should not be Arnav's child.
Because if he is, then Arshi HAVE TO break up - at least for a while - and Arnav needs to try to give his son a family life with both parents, especially if the mother is not a bad person. The child's needs come first here, because the child is the most innocent one. If that is Khushi's stand, then for once I agree with her. But she needs to do it in consultation with Arnav, not by just walking out on Arnav in an arbitrary one-sided decision. And if they do it that way ... with both of them taking the decision, painful though it is, then the track will rock, because both BS and SI can do those angst-ridden emotions beautifully.
And later once Arnav goes off with Sheetal, he can find out that it was all a hoax and Aarav is not his child at all ... they can drag this track for the next two months on TRP holiday and have the happy ending just when the TRP's return.
That is if they have thought this out for long enough :)))
Deleteloved ur points for why aarav should not be arnav's son....its for the very same reasons i did not want it....never becos of the improbability of this aspect...
also, audiences cannot see it as a love story anymore.
On creative bankruptcy, the show has been abt that only for all scenes that don't include aRHI...
mama goes questions raised, shyam goes away twice,no follow-up...(police procedures last heard...when u file a complaint....the culprit cannot be forever in police custody forever!!, anji behaves as if she just gave up one of her old sarees that she no longer wears..., sheetal if she has a motive, just woke up one fine day and engineered all these co-incidences, and worst of all if shyam has anything to do with this all...must have the most convoluted brain in tellyworld...
imagine, shyam and sheetal are in cahoots....shyam marries cryanji,lives with her for 4 years, engineers the falling in love with k, does a lot of papad-bailing, manages to get thrown out twice and now brings out his trump card....sheetal, maybe his sister....ah the elusive motive...
arre, now i get it,it may be part of frankenshyam's experiment...
seedhi ungli se ghee na nikle toh ungli tedhi karna...
'saale sahab does not believe in marriage,so let me think up a plan where starts believing in marriage and then i will spring up chota packet bada dhamaka on him...phew!! i had to go thru a lot to get the point across but finally did it'
somehow, for the life of me, i am not getting how sheetal/shyam or whoever can engineer all this tho i am willing to suspend all logic just so they keep my ARHI safe.......
however after all this, asr is the father, i would like the solution u proposed...yes kills arHi for me but i would look at farmhouse as my last episode of this arhi story and pretend the rest was all a bad dream.....
DeleteI agree with you. Aarav being Arnav's kid is going to make it that much more difficult to hold on to Arshi love story. The child comes first and sacrifices will have to be made. If this track has been introduced to give Barun his break from the show, then I guess we will see Arnav being forced to give parenting a shot. This would mean that Khushi moves out of RM leaving him and his family and starts out life on her own. They will have to hire a whole new cast for it would be difficult to balance the entire story on Khushi's small family. With Aakash and Payal slated to leave, they may well wind up the rest of the Raizada clan for now. Daljeet is not a crowd puller and Mami I guess will end up collateral damage. It would be nice if Nani can accompany Khushi along with her own parents because I don't think Nani can digest Arnav with another ready made family. Khushi cannot be shown to live in the same city as Arnav as then they will have to keep showing what is happening to Arnav and his new family, which may not be possible with Barun on leave (or quitting). So they may safely bundle her off to another city, maybe Mumbai.
Then as Gargi warned us we may be in for the story revolving around Khushi till Barun comes back. If he doesn't come back, then Aarav being Arnav's kid may become a reality but if Barun gets back, then they may show how he finds out he was duped all along and goes in search of Khushi, reuniting with her.
If Barun is not quitting or taking leave, then this track can either end in Arnav getting ticked off by Khushi not trusting him enough and Khushi doing her best to win him back or if the boy is indeed his son, I'd rather that Sheetal conveniently dies and lets Arshi take care of the kid. Granted this will be a dampner in Arshi love story but if handled well can be heart warming to see Arshi parenting the precocious kid.
Oh god opti,
Deletei was opening up r&R to type of this piece of logic that my pea-sized brain could come up with that
if bs stays, aarav is not arnav's son
and if he does not, aarav will be arnav's son and end with him going away
and i see that u have said the same thing with a lot of more creative options.....
i agree that is why the mishti girl says 'lets see what happens now'...even they don't know.....
on the other hand, why should the ph come with such a convoluted lot if the issue is restricted to bs is what i can't reconcile.....if it was only about that....the day bs decides, they can show an open-ended accident for arnav...why go thru this big jhamela is beyond me....thats why sandy has been saying that this reeks of some really fishy business...either that or like one would say PH likes to really beat around the bush to get across their point
DeleteI can think of two reasons for this convoluted plot. One, this PH think their plots are always unique. An open ended accident is the usual exit route when an actor is quitting/missing. Two, if the rumour that SP is looking out for another PH to carry on the show since this PH has made it clear that they don't want to carry on if Barun quits, is true, then they want to make it hard for any PH to hold the viewers they had taken the trouble to garner. See, if you don't let me do what I want with my baby, I will make it look so ugly, that no one can make it beautiful again.
Why would SP agree for such a plot? The PH may have sold them the idea that this is indeed a unique plot not seen before on any show and hence will make the show more popular.
DeleteYeah, Aarav being Arnav's son brings too man complications to the love story...I think I have completely detached emotionally from Arhi..
I am looking at IPK as the patient on the surgical table - with the CT trying to patch it up with whatever transplant organs and parts they can g their hands on. Have to see if the patient survives and if it does - will it be still be recognizable or a totally different animal? Let's hope the transformed animal does not make us wish euthanasia was legal :)
have to admit, seeing the new chick with our dear cast shows that the girl knows very little proper acting.. only the basics.. i feel let down by the casting department.. the 'son' knows acting better than his 'mom'..
ReplyDeletea VM to raise your dhadkan. the scenes and the lyrics.. perfectly paired..
yaaron...can't we have a peaceful navrathri in AD without SKD interfering like this....fiction stranger than fact?
ReplyDeletegargs, u are saying If SP can make Barun stay back? for show, do u mean coz i thot he is signed up already with sp already?
now if they make a 28 year old a papa of a 10 thereabouts boy, can we really blame him....either it has to be gamble that can go terribly wrong or who knows win him some more new fans? so, whats it going to be? going by that arnav-aarav chem, they do seem to have a sure winner on hands....I hope the track sizzles whichever way...BS sure does whenever he is in the for that madhura....seriously, tell me, where is the space to squeeze in between these two?....she must be one courageous female if she meant to get in the frame edgeways...
At this point I think that Sheetal is not a vamp out to break Arshi but a single parent who had adored ASR at some point and is trying to make a life of her own. The reason I am giving her the benefit of doubt is because although there have been too many co-incidences of late, it still does not look like all this can be planned. How can she know that Khushi had given that suit for stitching and end up getting her son's suit also stitched at the same place and sending him to get in exchanged? The kidnapping at the vegetable market was even more ridiculous. Even if she had hired those goons to kid the boy, how would she know that Khushi would spring into action and save the kid and that too be driving off with the kidnappers car? Leaving him in the gift shop also does not look pre-planned. How did she know that Khushi was in the same gift shop? Even if she had seen her enter and then sent her son in, why was the boy trying to escape before being caught by Khushi? He should make himself visible, isn't it? It is quite possible that she did not know that Arnav was the owner of the company. It is called AR designs and not ASR designs (an acronym she is used to).
ReplyDeleteHere is what I think of this track.
Arnav and Sheetal were college mates and Sheetal had a huge crush on Arnav. Arnav with his cynical outlook may not have been interested in any affair but may not have been averse to her adulation. he may have made it clear though that he is not the falling in love or marrying kind. Maybe on the last day of college they could have all been partying and Arnav may have been tipsy, thanks to Sheetal who may have either poured too much wine or spiked his drink. Sheetal may have seduced him in in that drunken or drugged state. Now that could explain why he was not using protection and also why he would just have a casual fling - the guy was not in his senses. ASR would then be partly redeemed.
When they get back to their senses Arnav apologises or if he was really gone, may not even remember having laid her. They would have moved on with their respective lives.
If the boy is not Arnav's kid, Sheetal could have hooked up with another man and the kid is his. The relationship may not have lasted but being so hung up on ASR, she raises her son exactly like him. Being a single parent she has a hard life and ends up in Delhi looking for a job to support her son and herself, least expecting ASR is in the same city.(I am assuming that they had met at Harvard where he is supposed to have studied and since ASR was never one to open up to anyone, she may not have had any idea of his family or his roots). This would explain why she was uncomfortable seeing Arnav and even more uncomfortable knowing he has indeed got married and is obviously very much in love with his wife.
If the kid is Arnav's, she may have kept ASR in the dark because she knows ASR's aversion for love and family. She came as fiercely protective of the fact that the kid was hers, giving the impression she does not want him to find out about it, maybe fearing that he will claim parental rights which she does not want to give, especially now since she knows he is already married and she may not have room in his life, even if her son has.
Will Sheetal remain innocent? I think not. Seeing Khushi's insecurities and also coming to know her better (especially her sacrificing par), she may try to play up on it so that she can win Arnav over using the kid. Khushi's investigations will lead her to think that Aarav is Arnav's son. If later they say he is not, they may show how she had doctored the DNA report. If not, then the DNA reports were indeed right.
How Arshi will handle this new storm in their lives would depend on Barun's and PH's future in the show
DeleteHi5 ... that was another possibility I was thinking of ... a one night stand when Arnav was really not aware of what he was doing. And again I would prefer if Sheetal got married and pregnant very soon afterwards, so even she wasn't too sure of who the father of her baby really was ...
else, she got married soon after, doesn't have a happy marriage and so raised her son to be like ASR, a guy she not only had a crush on, but also admired.
I also felt the same ... when she told Arnav, 'this is my son' ... the inflection was on both the words, she doesn't at the moment want to tell Arnav that Aarav is his at all - if she has that doubt, or if she knows Aarav is his for sure, either way.
Also if she is a single mom, then she might actually be scared that he might want to take Aarav away from her (if she thinks Arnav is his father) because obviously Arnav can give him a better life than she can ... plus Arnav and Khushi can give him the love of two parents, which she can't. And later show Sheetal turning a shade of grey as she sees Khushi's nature and thinks she has a shot at getting Arnav for herself ...
There was a movie Dil Kya Kare ... with Ajay Devgan, Kajol and Mahima which was on a similar track ... Kajol turning grey and wanting to break up Ajay's happy marriage because she was the mother of his child after a one night encounter ...
So they could weave quite an interesting track out of it ... and it could be different from the usual vamp roles that Madhura has done till now.
I remember seeing Madhura in Dil Mil Gaye for a bit ... didn't follow that for too long, so I don't remember if she went grey there. She started off as positive.
So far I'm assuming that Barun is staying on in the show for arguments' sake ... rest will see later. ;)
Deleteread ur scenario with interest.....loved the logical way in which u have put forth the entire track....see.....the beauty of ur track....u have used no cliche in ur plot yet managed to keep all the characteristics in tact....and still shown something fresh as an idea....
really loved ur thots and dia...urs for the takda too!!
ReplyDeleteUff ... I think I am going to ban Mishti's spoilers now ... the woman creates more confusion than she is worth! She's obviously a PH plant! Plus she's confused ... she doesn't know herself what is happening. The only spoilers she gives accurately are the promo ones.
DeleteWe go back to discussing the story as it unfolds, girls ... no spoilers. Spoilers only on the Spoiler Post.
Dia IF mods have officially banned any spoiler other than official website :D :D :D
DeleteIf they don't want to kill Arnav off just in case they can persuade him to stay around why don't they send him for some urgent business to set up new office somewhere else in the world, and then sending Khushi off to meet him some times.
ReplyDeleteI know he had to have had a life before but why ruin a wonderful story. As you are all saying, lets wait and see what happens.
I am not very good creating alternate scenarios but I hope they have put some thought into this track.
It will be a real shame if Barun leaves but life will go on, it won't be easy but it will go on.
Hi Lin,
DeleteI agree, it won't be easy but life will go on.. kinda sad but let's wait and see..
ReplyDeleteSorry about going off-topic ..
:( Saddened to hear of Yash Chopra's demise much of how we see romance today on screen, including IPK has been colored by this giant's creativity in portraying pure romanticism on screen...Truly the king of romance
RIP, Yash Chopra,
Deleteone of my favourite yash raj movies has been kala pathar...not in the mould of traditional romance yet it had an oddly romantic track of AB and rakhee.....those smouldering looks of a man who had kept hidden a painful unsuccessful past....
yashji's movies were always known for wonderful music too...
one of the lesser known songs (from that movie)
Baahon Mein Teri Masti Ke Ghere Masti Ke Ghere
Saanson Mein Teri Khushboo Ke Dere Khushboo Ke Dere
Masti Ke Gheron Mein Khushboo Ke Deron Mein
Hum Khoye Jaate Hain
Khwaabon Mein Jisko Tanha Jawani
Barson Se Takti Thi Tu Wohi Hai
Chhoone Se Jiske Seene Mein Mere
Lau Jaag Sakti Thi Tu Wohi Hai
Kuch Khwaab Mere Kuch Khwaab Tere
Yoon Milte Jaate Hain Dil Khilte Jaate Hain
Lab Gungunaate Hain
Bikhra Ke Zulfein Jhuk Jaao Mujh Pe
Milne Do Saaya Tapte Badan Ko
Maine Hamesha Teri Amaanat Samjha Hai
Apne Jaan Aur Tan Ko
Tu Saath Mere Main Saath Tere
Roohon Ke Roohon Se Jismon Ke Jismon Se Sadiyon Ke Naate Hain
DeleteFound this beautiful VM of scenes from his movies..
Kaala Patthar was really good
I loved the Amitabh-Raakhee combination, they had some really good movies together. I liked their romance in Kala Patthar ... it was very understated and beautiful.
DeleteYash Chopra pioneered different romance in Bollywood ... changing from the flowers and birds and bees to a more mature genre ... Lamhe, Silsila, Kabhi Kabhie (loved the songs of that movie) ... I liked his angry young man movies too - Deewar, Trishul, Darr. Amitabh and SRK both owe a lot of their success to him - he gave them some of their biggest hits.
RIP, Yash Chopra.
Arav is not Arnavs son. "gunde jese dikhte hain iska matlab ye nahi ke gunde hain"
ReplyDeleteKhushi is not doing any mahantaa act. "hume koi irada nahi hai apse door upar niche daiye baiye kahi bhi jane ka"
Arnav never had anything to do with anybody. "mene yeh khabi kisi ke samne nahi kiye kyoun ke tum mere liye sab se special ho"
Baki Sheetal jitna peelana chahe peelaye tandai ... hume koi faraq nahi padta !!!!
DeleteWonderful decoding!!!
'Baki Sheetal jitna peelana chahe peelaye tandai ... hume koi faraq nahi padta !!!!'- bilkul!
Hi girls,
ReplyDeleteThank You all for your wishes and prayers. FIL recovering quite well, by God's grace.
So, what's happening in our show?
I am kind of liking this new drama, decided to strictly keep off the off-screen drama.
I think I'll try the 'beginning - end' technique and may be things will just fall in place as the track proceeds.
1. The beginning:
Arhi firmly in love.
Sheetal enters with ASR look-alike son (Haaye, complete with a scar! How cute!), mom and son seems genuine, looks like Sheetal is suddenly reminded of her feelings for ASR going by her response to Khushi as Arnav introduces her as his wife and her nervousness at the office. And seems like she is not a great mom- good insight there she has, that she is a bad mom- her kid says WT at this age + she leaves him unattended a day after the kidnap.
2. The end.
The kid is not ASR's. K will not leave ASR, since the trust building and promises track is not taking a break.
3. My attempt to fill in the blanks.
They are friends from college.
Sheetal had a huge crush on ASR which he did not reciprocate.
On a rebound, she had an affair and got pregnant.
Starts working for ASR- old feelings keep coming back- hates Khushi and feels they are a mismatched couple- looks down on K.
K, on her own starts connecting Arnav and Aarav- ASR unaware of what is happening in pagal biwi's head- away on a trip- back home, a bitchy Sheetal hints that Aarav MIGHT be ASR's son...distressed K leaves home for GH to seek solace in Amma- gets kidnapped on the way???/ has an accident???
Uff ...if they are going to involve the whole family in the kid drama, it is going to become more complicated and embarassing...I really hope they pull it off well.
As of now, the track looks nice.
Deleteso glad to hear that ur FIL is recovering well...
just hope for glad tidings on Monu's front too!! praying for her....
on the track u wrote about...i suppose there will not be any misuse of the kid...okay the point of 'what the' is an exaggerated aspect these guys have put in for drama without any logic...(if sheetal taught her kid that...she is indeed a moron, whatever else she be!) i u idolise someone, u teach them gud things about them not the abuses they may hurl...however oddly cute it may sound to people....
so far, they have kept the bubblying out of the track...hope they will do...i have read opti's, dia and ur reading of sheetal...very gud....
remembering the best scenes
oh that was great to watch!!!thanks J!!!
that girl.. is now so insecure that she thinks she needs to conform to his way of life to gain his love. WHY creative team?
Deleteor is she just adjusting a little bit, like every married girl?
DeleteI don't think K is insecure now.
I feel K has become more assertive.
And she has grown so used to her sasuraal that she does not feel the need to hide the small Arhi tiffs from them. The big jhatkas like kidnap, OFC, she will spare them and she will still blush at the mention of honeymoon.
But after the wedding she has made sure he had HER way- twice, with the B'day and the kidnap- both times she made her displeasure known and got hubby to conform to her way of thought. *wink*
su and j,
Deletestrictly, there have not been consistencies thru so difficult to point out one instance an say khushi will only behave in this manner...actually his b'day could have shown her in a diff light...but that was a half-baked instance, having potential but not explored...
in fact, i always curious to see how will deal with this difference....they have done it pretty decently without trying too hard to make a point...
people do make some changes in their married, but i don't think khushi has been portrayed as a person with insecurities about where she comes from....if u see even the dialogue on pancakes, she was flippant enuf to say...its not a very diff thing...on the contrary, she has always been mildly scathing about the other so called 'modern' way of life.....cases in point, cocktail party, idk if the track is to make her another pov...
in some cases, these instances actually reflect the prejudice of the writer ..not necessarily the character..
showing a khushi self-assured at the same time, eager to appreciate a different pov can be natural graph for this character if the makers have the patience.
his birthday was so halfbaked that they had to throw the cake and make do with birnt jalebis!! in fact, i am doubtful whether sanaya was even informed of what exactly her character was going through. OR they changed the idea midway, but had already published the first episode so could not backtrack..
Deleterekha, khushi kumari gupta does not have insecurities about her place in his life..that is why she decided that they would go to the movies instead of the derby, and he agreed, as she knew he would.. she wanted a more entertaining option, as she clearly explained to him.
Deletethe pancakes were made because they were something arnav liked.. and she is a good cook, can master internet recipes easily, (SN cannot understand why they made her pooris watery/burnt.. if she added salt twice, would have been more natural)
once she decides something, KKG has no insecurities at all... that is what wavered last week. with the whole birthday drama... arnav was not angrily shouting at her to cancel her plans.. so why did she?
Deletethats exactly what i said above....
the comment on being mildly scathing...i clarified could be a prejudice of the writer rather than a character...
sometimes writers take extreme position and start justifying the character in those terms...unless they wish to make the point of reverse-snobbery in khushi's case(for want of a better word)
i understood khushi chose it to be more entertaining option but there would have been nothing wrong even if she chose to go to the derby to see how the other world lived, liking it or not, is another matter.
Su, J, Rekhs,
DeleteInteresting discussion ... I don't think Khushi is insecure either, not about her position in Arnav's life, nor about herself ... if you see the previous Diwali party, and even the cocktail party, she mingled with the guests very comfortably, in contrast to Payal. Neither is she over-awed by the westernised side of Arnav, she calls a spade a spade ... she made pancakes because she thought he would like them and she is a good cook ... agree with Jaya completely there. Also agree with Rekha that she could have agreed to go to the Derby just to see what it was all about ... again she didn't refuse because she felt she would feel out of place, but because she thought it would be boring!
The birthday fiasco ... well, I think she called off the plans precisely because Arnav did NOT yell at her or get angry ... he was actually very reasonable and nice about it ... AND very clear ... he didn't want to celebrate his birthday, it was an ordinary day, and should be treated as such. And because he was so clear and definite about it, Khushi went along with his wishes. The problem was that he changed his mind ... or maybe he didn't tell her clearly enough that he wanted to celebrate it but only with her, not with a huge party. But then the family also made a big deal out of the whole "Don't even try to wish him" part.
The whole thing was badly written and badly handled ... it would have made more sense if Khushi did make a cake, the family wished him in the morning and then said nothing further about it ... and in the evening when they sat down to a dinner of all his favorite dishes, he repeated he didn't want to celebrate, so Khushi told HP to not bring out the cake, and he saw the family feeling bad that she had done everything but tried to make it look as though she had done nothing as per his wishes ... then his apology would have been in place. The way they did it was very stupid ... one day they made it seem that she was doing this all on purpose just to make him realise that he did want a celebration and that she would have one ready ... the next day they showed that she had cancelled it all because he said so and had nothing ready at all ... so they built up something and showed something completely different. I think the writers had no idea what they were actually aiming at.
have you rabba veyed today?
ReplyDeletedo not miss this..
Ragini is too good!!! *rofl*
DeleteI watched the first half of friday only now.
ReplyDeleteHaaayeeee....bitwa devouring bitiya with his eyes!
I have only one kosten. What stopped him from pulling her on to the bed, the way he did the first night after the re-wedding?
Nope, I am not complaining. I am wondering if there is something very subtle there. Arhi is behaving like two best friends who got married, but they are much more than that.
Khushi, I expect this from her...what is stopping Arnav from showing his passion? There is something very cute and adorable about Arhi here, I feel...RESTRAINT?
Trying to connect it with the morning Arhi scene..."Khushi, stop treating me like a child"!
And with the last scene on thursday, when bitwa's respect for his biwi grew by leaps and bounds when he realised Khushi's selflessness is not limited to her family or his family, she extends her kindness to absolute strangers, any one who is in need of help.
The night scene came after that confession and here he was feasting his eyes on his bride who was re-enacting her day, like a child...
What was that expression in his eyes? Admiration? Pride? Love? All of these.
Su, he went to close the door and bolt the stairway, make sure no one interrupts! :D
Deleteand also, he had to give her time to have those flashbacks and bite her nail! (hate that, CVs.. i know that you have been showing that character trait for a few episodes now, but i repeat.. I HATE THAT!)
SHIDDAT to hints of passion.. okay, they might be having oodles of fun in bed, but we dont wanna see that.. we want to see that intense lover ASR in tiny bits, little gestures.. remember how he caressed her arm before blindfolding her and drawing her moustache? that type of tadka, during any boring scene..
those kind of moments.. YES we know those two love each other.. but Devi Maiyya please let it not be om bhaiyya and parvati bhabhi!
the gharwale are all getting used to the "jab dekho honeymoon" couple.. now the audience is getting sort of frisky, we miss the intensity in arhi scenes!
have to admit, i LOVEd the pancakes scene. the whole thing.. from the casual way he pulled her down to sit and offered her the first bite, to the completely unconscious way she directed the fork back to his mouth.. and her leaning on the table while talking.. hayeee did i mention i loved that scene?
Deletetalking of getting frisky, just for some diversion, i happened to watch part of an epi of EHMMB...there was these scene of manvi asking her husband to accompany her to a store room to hunt some albums.....hardly the behaviour expected of newly wed couples? imagine being married for what days and wanting to snoop around for love tales of the family? case of all world loves a lover or maybe misery loves company?
so i am just wondering, are writers so creatively challenged that they find it diffi to engage audiences well in post-marriage love scenes ...or is it the creative hindrances of not being able to show intensity beyond a point....
yrkkh has been showing a married couple for something like 4 years now and i presume no one is looking at that serial for their romance...its has a different pull in perhaps being able to engage the main cast while centring all tracks around day-to-day issues...thats for a diff set of audience, i guess, who just like to see everyday life in magnified hues...
tuf this creative business and imagine we are churning out shiddats after shiddats...
Yes, but why is it that we sitting here in our homes, married for donkeys' years (speaking for myself at least ;) ) can think of so many ways in which to show light hearted romance and passion between a newly married couple ... and the writers', whose job it is to do that, cannot do so?! I could think of at least 2-3 scenes to throw in on the Friday episode itself ... I wrote some in my SKD, they would be perfectly appropriate for an 8pm show, and would add a dash of passion into the "cute" mix. Don't the writers have any romance in their married lives at all? Or are they all unmarried and unable to imagine cute scenes after marriage?!
DeleteDia, Rekh, J,
DeleteMost likely, the writers are not sure of how much passion to show now, since they are still developing the sheetal story and K's reaction to it. They must be keeping some reigns on Arhi passion to show that the couple did not have time to bond post marriage.
Even after marriage, Arhi had theses obstacles- camera, Shyam, Movie disaster, B'day stunt, kidnap ....The point I was trying to bring out is this: There is a SUBTLE thing here.
The romance is very much alive, in fact it is growing each day as the couple goes about discovering new things about each other and adjusting.
The passion on the other hand is INTENTIONALLY kept in reins...we will probably see why as the story unfolds. I am pretty sure this is not to support an Arhi rift, it is probably to take things up slowly. I really hope that is the reason. I don't think it is writer's block either because the friday scenes, both were written rather nicely.
The B'day- was not written well.
Hmmm.. I think the point was to have 1. Bro- bonding and 2. ASR making jalebis to appease Khushi.
What did K have in mind? ASR asked her why she did not wish him, and she gave the reason. But he could have told her any time during the day that he expected her to wish him, and make it special in some small way, much like he expected. WHY DID HE NOT SAY THAT DURING BREAKFAST OR LUNCH? Why did K have to send that cake back to irritate him enough to get THAT CONFESSION out of him?
I think the point was that he should have been honest with her and clear from the start, the way she was on her B'day. She told him exactly what she wanted...gave a reason for refusing the gifts...there was nothing for him to decipher there. Why was he not that forthcoming with her?
I agree the writing may have suffered here a bit, because we did expect she had something planned...may be she had, like someone in the family mentioned...she had planned and had expected Arnav to come out with his wishes earlier on in the day. He did not, so she resigned to his way- but it was clearly shown that she knew what was expected from her, so the only reason she did not go ahead with her plans was because she needed ASR to learn the lesson himself thru the day, since he DID NOT, she decided to go all the way to teach him herself...and the point is, the LESSON WAS LEARNT.
DeleteHe went towards the bathroom, I thought.
That could explain a clean shaven ASR in the morning. He shaved before bed! Hmmm.. more hints on passion on the why-s of that....
More than that, the thought that I have is: Yes, they should definitely show us passion in subtle ways like you all have mentioned above. Why are they not showing it? I'd like to think it is not writer's block. It can't be hard to show a morning after tug and pull... so...??? May be, I am wrong.
And there was a spoiler on thurs that ASR'd be talking about having a baby. If it is true, Why?
I mean why does a husband like ASR have to discuss that aspect so early on in marriage, unless he is just teasing her?
Conphussed...I'll not blame the writers YET.
Deleteidk if i missed ur point on on lack of intensity of arhi scenes (passion quotient):
"The passion on the other hand is INTENTIONALLY kept in reins...we will probably see why as the story unfolds'' and the 'There is a SUBTLE thing here.'
my point is we as an audience has seen the passion explode between them even when they were strictly not involved with each other frankly as an audience I am presuming that given who they are to each other....some serious action is happening which i can understand the cvs can't show...but why are they not showing an morning-after or any scene that does some justice to the promise of passion in their bond. However, i will kept that point at bay for a while.
Now if u r hinting there could be a reason for the passion to be in reins in the story itself and ok if i accept that , then shouldn't i as a viewer have some idea what is the cause? frankly, this is not a point that can bear for subtlety..
imagine these two love each other...they are married..and i am presuming that they have a rocking marital life (ok...not shown to me!!) and now they will spring the surprise that they haven't gone beyond the friendly hugs and cuddly bear gudnites..are u saying that this is all they are doing and the passion is at bay for SOME reason? WT???
unless the leads don't want to shoot passionate after-morn scenes twice over (once now and then once again when the sheetal lehar is solved and gone)lol
DeleteYou got the gist of what I was trying to say.
In fact, I've been saying it for some time. That aspect from the farmhouse has been left incomplete when there are a thousand ways to show it...why?
This is why I was highlighting the romance. The understanding between the couple is growing...they are learning to do things for the other, especially ASR for whom this caring for another person is an entirely new game. He has learned from the re- marriage track, he has become less assertive and demanding now, hasn't he?
I don't know...that is why I am full of Q marks.
May be the Cvs just don't want to trivialise the passion by showing it every now and then. So they started with rabba vey and now will follow it through...who knows?
But the impression I get as a viewer is that (don't throw chappals at me)-' they haven't gone beyond the friendly hugs and cuddly bear gudnites..'...Why can't they just show it otherwise? It has to be there!
Monuu!!! Hope all's well and your kiddo is recovering fast! Praying for her ... do drop us a line to tell us she's fine.