Shiddats ...
Shyam exposure to start slowly, Arnav to grow a brain, Khushi ditto. Both work together on this. Start with discovering his camera tricks asap. Tackle him with more dimaag and cunning like Khushi showed during the kidnapping rack, lulling him into a false sense of security, then exposing him with a big dhamaka ... this time with proof.
Anjali to take baby steps towards accepting her 'aap bhi naa' is a scumbag ... but she doesn't want to admit it ... that's fine ... if she did, the show would be over. A small rift between the siblings when Arnav realises that Anjali went behind his back to meet Shyam ... as he realises the extent of the damage he and the family members have done Anjali by keeping her cocooned. Khushi helps him sort out Anjali, by getting out of her Di Ke Liye mode and helping Di face facts, rather than hiding them.
A cute funny love story for NK where he keeps asking Khushi's advice, much to Arnav's annoyance ... of course Khushi messes things off and on and Arnav has to step in. Finally though, both Arnav's and Khushi's efforts pay off when they work together.
Arnav battles his demons slowly and the whole truth of the past emerges ... hopefully including sabotage by chachaji, so that Arnav's mother did not actually commit suicide ... thus laying his demons to rest about his mother abandoning him.
A whole new story about revenge on Chachaji ... that is if the show lasts that long. Shyam can be retained as a stooge of the Chachaji, or using Chachaji as his puppet, the way he used Dadi. So far they haven't given Shyam a real reason to be such a villain, apart from lust for Khushi ... so either give him one, or make him a puppet for somebody else. And clarify his motives clearly.
Lighter tracks about Khushi trying to settle into Arnav's world and adopt his more Westernised ways in public, while retaining her klutzy self in private.
Less noble shiddats ... in other words, more MIG ones
Honeymoon for Arshi in London.
A proper first date with soft music, romance, a close dance, the works.
I don't think they can beat the night of the big C that was/wasn't
... so let them not try.
Shyam exposure to start slowly, Arnav to grow a brain, Khushi ditto. Both work together on this. Start with discovering his camera tricks asap. Tackle him with more dimaag and cunning like Khushi showed during the kidnapping rack, lulling him into a false sense of security, then exposing him with a big dhamaka ... this time with proof.
Anjali to take baby steps towards accepting her 'aap bhi naa' is a scumbag ... but she doesn't want to admit it ... that's fine ... if she did, the show would be over. A small rift between the siblings when Arnav realises that Anjali went behind his back to meet Shyam ... as he realises the extent of the damage he and the family members have done Anjali by keeping her cocooned. Khushi helps him sort out Anjali, by getting out of her Di Ke Liye mode and helping Di face facts, rather than hiding them.
A cute funny love story for NK where he keeps asking Khushi's advice, much to Arnav's annoyance ... of course Khushi messes things off and on and Arnav has to step in. Finally though, both Arnav's and Khushi's efforts pay off when they work together.
Arnav battles his demons slowly and the whole truth of the past emerges ... hopefully including sabotage by chachaji, so that Arnav's mother did not actually commit suicide ... thus laying his demons to rest about his mother abandoning him.
A whole new story about revenge on Chachaji ... that is if the show lasts that long. Shyam can be retained as a stooge of the Chachaji, or using Chachaji as his puppet, the way he used Dadi. So far they haven't given Shyam a real reason to be such a villain, apart from lust for Khushi ... so either give him one, or make him a puppet for somebody else. And clarify his motives clearly.
Lighter tracks about Khushi trying to settle into Arnav's world and adopt his more Westernised ways in public, while retaining her klutzy self in private.
Less noble shiddats ... in other words, more MIG ones
Honeymoon for Arshi in London.
A proper first date with soft music, romance, a close dance, the works.
I don't think they can beat the night of the big C that was/wasn't
Dia, with you on all but the bit on Shyam's revelation. I don't want that prolonged too long. I want his two-facedness ripped off by Durga Pooja and Anj herself should kick him out after finding out that he was behind the kidnapping. The cradle is still in the store room. So a store room visit to get the decorations for the puja should do it. After he gets thrown out he can team up with wicked chacha who feels equally wronged and they can try something to thwart the threesome.
ReplyDeleteI can quite believe that Shyam with his avarice for money and an obsession for Khushi can stoop to any extent. Don't require a stronger motive than that.
Would like to see Arshi help Anj cope with the aftermath of Shyam revelation and help her become strong. Maybe she can get a new partner in the process.
If Barun is quitting in a couple of months, I dont want them to start any new tracks but fortify Arshi's love, even while working on Shyams' revelation and closure of Arshi past once and for all. Don't want any loose ends when the show winds up. All questions should be well and truly answered.
Dia, I think as per the original plans they were to have a honeymoon or a meeting for Arshi in London in November (the reason why they timed that visit then) after the completion of the wedding by end-October. The original plot could have involved Arshi physical separation as Arnav could not come to terms with his past. The references to Shakuntala story would not been for nothing.
ReplyDeleteArnav may have realised Khushi's value after she had left him and may have gone in search of her. The London trip could have been a honeymoon, after a simple wedding here or it could have been a chance/planned meeting of Arnav and Khushi in London where he could have gone on business visit/express purpose of hunting her down.
Since they left a lot of ambiguity in the big C, maybe they were also toying with the idea of a baby (which case this London meeting could have been after a leap of 4-5 years).
We'll never know what the real deal was but there has definitely been a change of tracks. The PH and channel have realised that they cannot afford to have a separation now when the trps are already low. The kidnapping track had already dented them.
The change of track could also be because Barun wants to quit and they are trying to tie up all lose ends before he leaves. Alternatively, the PH itself does not want to continue the show any longer as they want their best talents for their new show 'Qubhool Hai' and SP is not willing to put up with continued low trps. Geet witnessed a decline when IPK's shoot began as the best brains were shunted there. To thwart viewer unrest, the PH kept floating rumours about star tantrums, channel problems etc. So history may be repeating itself.
If the show is to wind up in two months I doubt that the channel would want to spend in taking their stars to U.K. So I guess we have to play the waiting game till one of them (the PH or the channel) to come clear on this issue.
DeleteRegarding not wanting to continue the show any longer I strongly doubt that. They have started two new shows after IPK - Humse Hai Life and Suvreen Guggal, and they haven't wound up IPK for either, but they did shift some of the creatives there at launch time.
For IPK they were moving from a smaller platform, Star One to a bigger one, SP, so it made sense for them to put their best resources into IPK.
Also they already have a show on Zee - PSH is theirs as well, and I think LM was directing it for a while. QH for them is one more show, it doesn't mean winding up this one is necessary to start that.
IPK was the first show in three years to challenge BV, they won't wind it up so quickly. Sony and Zee have given up the battle for the 8 pm slot, they shifted their earlier 8 pm shows to different slots because they couldn't compete. Mahadev is a new rival but IPK is still holding reasonably strong ... it would be folly for SP to put in a new show in the 8 pm slot which has such huge competition unless they were very confident it would do better than IPK.
I think the problem is more that they have very few creative people, and they shuffle them around a lot ... it does harm the shows, but then rise and fall of TRP's is also a fact of daily soap life.
One thing I don't understand is how Barun can plan to quit mid-contract. Which is why I don't believe the rumours. The show is 16 months old, he would have signed a 1 year contract, that ended in May, so renewed around the movie time, he could work it into his negotiations. The next contract would be another year long at the very least, as by then the show was going great guns. I strongly doubt Barun would want to pull out mid-contract for whatever reason - unless he has a foolproof BW deal coming up for 3 movies or something like that - what Sushant (the guy from PR) has signed.
And like you said, SP is taking them both to UK in two months, why would they do that if the show was winding up?
So I'm still not convinced that the show is going to wind up so soon. Yes, but the genre might change from love story to more family drama, or better still they could bring in corporate and family politics - they did try that with one of their earlier shows LNMDJ, so they can try that again.
Good work there Dia,
ReplyDeletePlease also add a proviso for Anji's backbone rise....strictly should not be on the basis of Ratna Mom FB...varna in logon ka bharosa nahin, like Arnav's accident, they will give one tong on Anji's head one day and then she will say some "humari mumma ne kaha tha ki "aap bhi na" kehna haanikarak hain" or some such anyay please make it very clear to Cvs....they have a tendency to skip chapters to go to Q&As..
DeleteROFL at that tong on the head :)
"humari mumma ne kaha tha ki "aap bhi na" kehna haanikarak hain" or some such anyay business.."
Actually Anji doing that would be in character- Arnav was more difficult to digest :)
Shiddat to all the above.
ReplyDeleteMore dialogues for Akash Bitwa.
Less Offscreen drama
DeleteShiddat to all the above.
Shiddat to less offscreen drama and more Akash dikra's role too !!
Wishing for ANj backbone to rise, for her to shatter under allher loss and then reconcile herself and grow strong. Yep not overnightt but rather a process.
I think the reason for the sudden change of the sudden change in track has more to do with the impatience of viewers with too much negativity ( as also pointed out in R&R )and also how long can you let villains win. And evil take upper hand. Good ness has to WIN . I am glad that PH decided to give us some happiness otherwise viewers would lose faith in goodness and in serial . How many times on this forum itself many have expressed their frustrations and even decided to stop viewing but what brought them back was ARHI ,the stupendous acting of lead couple Sanaya and Barun who literally lived their roles.
ReplyDeleteOne reason for me ( and many others like me on R&R) as I see it. For continuing to watch was our love of R&R.
A BIG THANKS TO DIA AND ALL YOU GIRLS .I enjoyed the discussions here and gained a lot of knowledge esp on mythology from HAA write ups.would welcome more takes from her on the mythology.please oblige....looking forward to it.
Thank you.
Deletetrue, I also feel that was a big reason ... there was far too much negativity for too long, and evil was winning all the time. From kidnapping, they went straight into grey Anjali, then into Daadi ... we got no respite at all! SO if they're planning to show a couple of weeks of Arshi post-marriage romance while Shyam fumes and plots and plans, all good ... his plans fail for some time, even better ... then Arshi start waking up to what he's doing and start staying a step or two ahead/behind him ... THAT would be fun to watch. Like the kidnapping track, where Khushi was keeping pace with Shyam, sometimes a step behind, and then finally two steps ahead.
RR being a reason to watch ... thank you :))) Now is that a good thing or a bad thing, I wonder! :p
DeleteThank you for your kind words. Mythology well UJ, and Dia also contributed a lot there.
When I thought back over the story, my feeling was this wedding was always supposed to be a happy wedding. Him finally realizing the fact that she and her love mattered above all for him
The paths and means to get there and move on from here (tracks) may have been changed but I am glad that I will now get to see a possible story around ArHi together sorting issues and yes that famed ASR brain finally shining bright (something we have been wishing for nearly 7 or 8 month now).
Another thing I like about this is, we usually see love stories ending with a happy wedding or a sad parting. But here we will get to travel with them and see how they lived after their happy wedding and faced the hurdles and some lurking demons.
1. Honey moon for Arhi and Payash b4 the london trip (that can be a business trip)
ReplyDelete2. K and Payal shopping, with the bhais accompanying them to the mall- ASR selecting some good outfits (including lingrie, to fluster her!)for K.
3. Akash to really understand what K means to bhai and apologise to Payal for not standing up for the sisters earlier.
4. If they go for behena wedding, Khushi and Jeevika to dance together(I don't want a solo from K), with their hubbies proudly looking on.
5. I guess I'll be the only one asking for this- wish SR'd get delayed a bit...reason- too much of passion, time for some light romance to draw the trps, followed by passion.
6. K- Payal- Anjali- nani bonding
7. ASR back in his office and at least act like ASR there.
8. NK- slightly in danger of getting over exposed, so Dia's idea will be really really good.
9. Shyam to break both his legs to render him inactive and twitching as usual- means we don't have to tolerate him in the same frame as K.
Su, your SR delay wish has already been shot down. Spoiler pictures of SR and morning after have been posted in FB.
Yeah, I saw that.
At least doesn't look like much 'passion' there.
The laptop and the mobile got more screen space. Hmmmm...
Can't these two just go to sleep?
With all the emotional turmoil and accident and all...and that is hardly the attire for SR..Hmmmphhhh...Bitwa had lots of time to plan.
Or his brain stopped working after K-con- fusion?
Su ... yeh kahan se ulti ganga types shiddat bol dali aapne :D :D
DeleteI would love hindi telly world specially SP to show it as normal part of life.
For me they did it already ... that's what I thought the moment I saw it & my mind is peaceful with that equation between ArHi. They meet mid-way as far as their believes are concerned.
DeleteI just saw all the pics and looks like Shatir dimaag made an appearance..
Bitwa spotted camera - warned Khushi, hence the downplayed SR,doing inbhestigation - the laptop recliner is not their room - they are checking out shyamwa's laptop ?
Would love that to be tru ... Or am I in lala land?
Mobile -finally the details on where the cameras were delivered or an inbhestigation report on Creepwa that he finally asked for after finding Shyam had met dadi nd a follow up to "lekin Khushi mujhe shyam par bilkul bharosa nahin hai"...
DeleteSKD much ?
Though I cracked up at the comment on FB -he's texting Aman not to disturb him on his SR :)
My shiddats
ReplyDeleteNo off-screen drama.. CV's put all your energies into making the ko maaro goli..
ArShi fighting Shyamu together...
and loads and loads of romance.. and CV's please remember Akash and Payal are young as bhi kuch role dedo!!
Btw..spoiler pics on IF..looks like a few of the shiddats will come true :D
am i allowed to post a link? or are we staying away from them??
spoiler pics
though i have to admit i do not like the idea that a bahu automatically has to wear sarees! so what was khushi these past 6 months?
Saree- Hopefully for the rest of the rasams only- the kitchen rasam is due the next day, right.
ReplyDeleteWhat was that with the mobile and laptop?
Camera, mobile, laptop- intended or not, I am getting reminded of the kidnap track. Shyamu is the one who brings all the gadget stogether, so he is back in action? Already?
Looks like he is going to get kicked out soon.
Phir family show hi reh jayega- Rasam, sambar and saree- naheeeeeee....
Can't be that bad, right.
what i see from the spoilers.. the camera has LED lights on it (Head Desk) so arnav finds it.. and they sleep in their old night suits (why no shaadi ka joda on bed- pic?) next day,in matching clothing, they are investigating shyam's laptop.. because it was di's room..
DeleteHa ha ha...
DeleteAt least one prediction coming true then, Shyamu will get kicked out soon. Ab toh cupidwa ki zaroorat bhi nahi hai! (I can't make up my mind on this, I like seeing Abhaas, but I cannot stand seeing creep in the same room as K, esp after the haldi)
On the night suits.
Actually I find it very cute if they have SR in that...
The camera: Was it not hidden btn the plants? There are no plants usually in Arnav's room- they are all by the pool side. The scenario could be right.
Sama, sweetie,
I've no problem with SR.
I feel the drama has been very draining emotionally, and they need to rebuild the romance before they show SR (if they intend to show it like Kiss- con).
Again, the pics are really cute. She is casually standing there and he pulls her on to the bed and under the blanket. Really, damn sweet, if it plays like that.
From the spoiler pics I thought they caught the hidden camera cos the see themselves on TV- but then they have a hand with camera- NK's most likely andd then they will brush it off as one of his pranks..
ReplyDeleteAnother thought followed that one - now if they do find cameras -will shyamwa be able to blame NK - after all pehle bhi NK ne anji ke room mein camera lagaya tha...
Shyamwa knows he cannot turn Anji against Khushiji , so now NK caused the galatfehmi ??? Another track to paint NK the villain...
My shiddat is for the above NOT to happen :)In addition to all Dia said should happen :)
ReplyDeleteOn Khushi messing up and Arnav fixing it - I thought it was divide and conquer - remember Khushi was the one who fixed Payash - the right brain emotional stuff - ASR dealt with the materialistic Mamiji- the left-brain ...
I talked about Ardhanariswara on the ring on left hand question - it is the iconic ultimate union, the end of duality..of Shiva and Parvathi..
There are multiple stories on how that came about but the most popular one is this one..Parvathi in a playful mood closes Shiva's third eye for an instant-well an instant for Shiva is an age for the- the world goes into disarray, people are suffering ... Shiva rebukes Parvathi see what you did - Parvathi to atone for that decides to leave Kailash comes to the earth as Annapoorna and then Kamakshi- to undo the damage and give succour to her children on earth..all the while with shiva in her heart..
After peace is restored, Shiva comes down to earth to take her back and Parvathi asks that she should never have to be away from him and they merge into Ardhanariswara- right half is Shiva , left half is Parvathi..
I take that iconography to neurology/psychology - the right half of the body is controlled by the left brain - the logical,rational dimaag side - the male aspect..While the left half is right brain - the emotional,creative, dil side- the female aspect..
To me Arnav and Khushi have always symbolised the two contrasts - the left brain Vs right brain and why I wanted them to start working together - not at odds with each other.
Ofcourse with bitwa's shatir dimaag doing the disappearing act, I started questioning my take on the symbolism - hoping they do bring
dil-dimaag finally working together aspect back :)
I want for 4Lions to act like Lions. Grow up !!
ReplyDeletetell your story ... humein dekhna hai toh hum dekhenge ... don't come with excuses ... IPL se sun rahe hain ... excuse ki koi kami nahi. If they cannot clear air ... not to come up with anything that fuels and hamper both their show and actor involved. Not to dig opportunity out of rumours and speculations to come out with excuses for lack of their focus and creativity.
~~When kidnapping drama was going on .. I had in the back of my mind ... Creep will be exposed once and for all, so accepted all loop holes cvs delivered & of course we got to see them working on khushis feeling and her maturing, her bonding with everyone. At the end we know what happened ... if they din't want to expose Creep ... so as well should have just kept it to business trip by ASR to london for 2 weeks and at home a case of lust as shown, misunderstood at greater extent by Anjali, DKS would have made better sense. Should have shown a detailed peetal bartan and journey of Arnav coming to terms with his feelings &lady love. If BS could shoot for fight sequences in a day .... he would have done staring into nothingness better in a hotel room or office, FBs toh the hi. His eyes speaks volumes. Should have worked with his strength~~
Reason I am blabbering is I want them to keep things simple ... dramatics is something they are not apt at so better not to complicate things that hampers the show. Keep it simple.
I want them to leave their cryptic behaviour until they are stable at TRP race. As its not doing them good. Every week something or the other is changing because of TRP so rather speak its language. Yes with out losing touch of storytelling.
Loved ArHi ki shaadi sirf pyaar ke liye. I want them to keep that intact. Do not do an about turn. If creep MU and Sr.M-G fiasco did not matter nothing should.
I want show to run even if Barun is leaving. Yes my heart aches to say this but its Sanayas show too. As long as she wishes to work hard I don't think IPK is in danger. As we all know hindi serials thrives on strong lady characters. Yes I want ArHi story to end before that happen. Love Dia's idea of leap.
My additions to it. After creep exposure ... few years down ArHi pass away. Arnav due to his health condition &khushi joined him right after ... not khudkhushi types but sometimes life cease when you don't want to live - that sort.I don't want hand of creep in it. They can show creep to have blackmailed Anjali into handing over property to Creep for the sake of 2 daughters - ArHis (Sanaya) & Creepalis (Daljeet) ... Start again from lucknow ... 2 sisters living with old clan of Guptas and Mami(widow Mama toh wese bhi nahi hain) and Nani (because I love her). Won't have to go back to family drama and can start with 2 or 3 (Payashs son - if they still want reference to it) new love stories with different flavours.
Rest shiddat to all Dia said and all above ... everything sounds good except Su's idea of delayed SR - Nahi humein SR chahiye ... yeh dono hain toh every week dhikhaye no problamo. If Barun is indeed leaving please cvs do revisit jugnu like moment that were done with BD and give us huge chunk of YT list that we can rerun :D :D
Spoiler pics dekha .... desperate times desperate measures ... SaRun ke bina ek pic nahi. Ab aya truck poolwa ke niche :P :P. Jab jodi itni khubsoorat hai toh iss bakwas decorations ki kya zaroorat thi ... though I liked lamp table deco with flowers and candles.
the tackiest were the two hearts!!!! - i was in splits!
DeleteLOL Mona- yeah the deco was tacky - but remember rasam is Anji and Creepwa decorating the sej - that gave him the opportunity to stick the camera in the flowers ?
DeleteMy first choice is to see Arshi working in tandem..but if Barun is leaving - It will be difficult to see anyone else as Arnav/ASR.
But they can show San taking over the reins of business, raising a kid too..that's an option ..
Expanding on your storyline of next gen - San can totally throw a different personality in as the daughter - the stiff , uppity, ASR-ish businesswoman- bring in a jhalla loverboy - role reversal so to speak :)
Lots of ways to build on the family story - going to love story - like they did in PR- not that I watch it - but Sanaya is a big enough draw
sri and sama.. that seems to be the startings of a masterpiece.. leap 20 years. the kid's lives.. fantastic opportunity to replace barun if he is quitting (and grabbing new TRP audience with more love stories)
Deleteyaar i like this SKD.. kuch scenes bhi likho na.. pleez?
Sama- I guess fairy light decorations are cos Khushi likes those:) Table lamp deco creepwa ka camera chupane ke liye...
DeleteSpoiler pic mein blooper - rose petal hearts on bed missing when ASR pulls khushi on to the bed..
Like your plotline - Bitiya San rising to success from ashes, just like her dad - with the combined clan behind her ...
But I want Creepwa to be punished and no nasl daljeet kiddo unless it is with Daljeet's new hubby:)
I will leave the scene writing to the more creative girls here:)
Correct me if I am wrong and were the 2 hearts framed too....and aiyyoooooooo did they really have to show the fugly bathroom white tiles too in the pics....*head desk*
DeleteSee my Akash bitwa his THE BEST..He got his wifey sexy lingerie....yahan toh apna fashion tycoon toh poora kanjoos nikala........
Why oh why? They could have used the wedding dress...oh wait did their designer take it away so she can cut and paste it for another outfit.
I DO NOT LIKE bitwa in those awful sweaters thingy.
Especially now that he is going to be tackling Shyam, he should be back in formals and that waist coat thingy atleast....THAT WAS ASR...........
Oh just random thing, sorry...but 4 lions = IDIOTS!!
ROFL Shweta - Keep an eye out for the lehenga border to show up on some anarkali - or they can use the lehenga in one of their other shows- now that the have so many running reuse kar lenge.
DeleteI remember when I would find outfits from telugu movies in hindi movies - Like Sridevi's black dance of fury outfit in Lamhe is the same she wore in the telugu movie Kshanakshanam in a song;)
Aaj Lamhe ki bahut yaad aa rahi hai - was thinking of that story line with San playing second gen bitiya :)Except NK is too old and too closely related :)
Just a quick one, reply to Sama ... no Creepali's kid please ... let Creepwa be exposed and thrown out, Anjali marry a nice sweet guy and the three kids be Arhi's daughter - Sanaya, Payash can have son (Akash, as Deepali wants to leave), and Anjali plus new hubby can have daughter (Daljeet) ... you have three new love stories in waiting!
DeleteAnd Shyam goes away, cons another rich woman into marriage, and his son grows up swearing vengeance on the family which destroyed his dad - like father like son. So we have ready made villain also!!!
We just need a new Hottie Hero :(((
But better than ALL this is if Barun just stays on for another year ... after Creepwa is thrown out, he tries to sabotage from the outside and we can go into a family/corporate politics LNMDJ type of story, which this PH has already done, so they have some experience of it.
And we can also have some angst from the past re-surfacing and causing some Arhi tension ... we still haven't got a full story from Garima, is the only difference between her and Khushi the fact that she was in love with AD, while Khushi was forced into engagement with Creep? If cv's have some imagination, they can spin another story there, but they will need lots of fb's on that ... so pata nahin! In present form, it has to be more about Arhi than about the past ... Arhi/SaRun are the main draw of IPK and they will always be!
What does LNMDJ stand for ? Can't
Love Ne Bana Di Jodi.
DeleteDia .. I said Creepalis kid as it makes for a revenge story already, otherwise no creep kid is the best ... bratty creepali kid out to destroy her own father (DB will ace that ... even when she tried to be angry she came out and out bratty)... bro-sis clash (keeping in mind your addition of where Creep would be) contrast to what we saw now.
"Arhi/SaRun are the main draw of IPK and they will always be!" so true .. if they had drawn parallel of garimas story with khushi and made it a slow learning proses for ASR ... we could have got beautiful marriage .. not too sugary ASR nor hideous humiliations that took place.
Well honestly speaking I am loving what I am watching on screen .. baad ka baad mein sochenge.
Actually I like the saree, its a pretty saree, she looks good (needless to say) and it saves us from more of those 10 inch velvet border suits!!! Just hope ODB gets back to his suits and aviators!!!
ReplyDeleteOh and coz mami is one of my fav char. Can we please have a better role for her, no kitchen politics but more of the reverse psychologist manorama bond type tracks,
R&R detectives, you were right!
so bulleting points for easy visibility, our shiddat list !
ReplyDelete*arnav, give khushi that bracelet that you were planning to give her before BFTP
* we want arnav and khushi to go on a shopping trip.. for some raizada-worthy clothes.(for both of them! for one of the richest men in delhi, that man has pathetic clothes yaar! stitch him a new suit or two! and get khushi some pretty sarees/suits.. inspiration(sarees).. anjali in the first 50 episodes, (suits) madhubala.
*yes, deepali is gone.GIVE a reasonable excuse for payal's absence.. it is okay.. we know casting takes time.. or are you trying to ignore that character from now on?
"I WANT A PAYAL!!!! Bas, bol diya!!!
Get a side actress who is happy to act dumb, but you can't do away with a character just like that. They did it with Mama, after making him witness to a few of Shyam's misdeeds, now they're doing it with Payal ... Hadd hoti hai, yaar! As it is, it's such a small cast, if you don't retain even the ones you have, how can you run the show? Barun, Sanaya, Abhaas, Daljeet, NK ... five people cannot take the show forward without collapsing out of sheer exhaustion!!! "-Dia
*bring NK and Akash into the 'Secret Seven"... if not, give reasonable excuse!
the Raizadas knows that shyam is vile..arnav accused him in front of veryone, and everyone accepted it.. now the only reason the family accepts shyam is because anjali suffered a miscarriage and wanted shyam with her.. if they know that shyam caused the murder, what will their reaction be?
* bring ASR back into character.. he is Arnav Singh Raizada.. he does not need to go visit random tacky dholwalas to get proof. call aman to hire some detectives, install CCTVs of his own.. he is a rich business tycoon , not khushi kumari gupta dammit! dear CVs, please remember the arrogant smirk.. pretty please.
*khushi is smart .. she can think on the go.. but that lands her in innumerable sticky situations.. why is arnav taking the same road?