Sunday, April 8, 2012

Shiddat Se Maango ... Wishlist for the week

Shiddats for this week

Khushi continues to feel hurt and act distant towards Arnav.

One more person in RM gets to know TF's truth ot at least get a little suspicious ... Akash? Payal? Nani? Lakshmi? Who's the person who is most likely to keep quiet?



  1. 1. HMC act initiated by Khushi in front of RRR.
    2. Khushi continuing to not talk to Arnav- not getting lost in an argument and forgetting about her resolution to not speak; like she forgot last time.
    3. A fun Arnav/Akash scene... Something akin to Akash giving marriage gyaan to his older brother... But longer scene...
    4. Perhaps they haven't stitched a white suit for her? So let's give them another about Arnav ishaara this time... Arnav in a hoodie?:-)

    1. i am hoping to see Arnav paying attention to little little things..
      this new girl maybe the other person to find out the truth about Shyam..and may help Khushi convince Arnav!!
      and i really really really want a wardrobe change for Khushi..Plzz!!

  2. first shiddat - want Dia back writing for us!! (meaning her dad Has to get better!)
    Don't want a drag for a story and this blog as the only saving grace :(

    1. Ditto to your shiddat Mona!!First and foremost.

    2. Ditto Mona!! that’s first and foremost shiddat

      1. I want Khushi to initiate HMC act infornt of RRR( this one is long pending one Gargi,)
      2. Don’t want anymore KMH between Arhi. Let the new girl be all for Payalash. They too need some track to give Arhi some break.
      3. Want Khushi to continue the silent treatment to Bitwa.
      4. With they bringing Nani as cupid between Arhi and with Friday’s Nani-Shayam-Arnav scene, I want Nani to know the truth (Main reason being Nani always uses emotional black mail with Bitwa only for his benefit, and she is emotionally strong compared to others). Would love to see Devyani Raizada in action. Payal,MB,Mamaji or even Akash knowing the truth will not benefit Arhi because they will never be able to take any action against RRR or Bitwa. It has to be someone who supports Khushi and Nani has always been there for her.

  3. Adding to the shiddat for having Dia back on the blog in an active mode - SHIDDAT SHIDDAT SHIDDAT - pls pls DM we can wait for some of the IPK shiddats but this is very urgent - pls na!

    Adding to the other shiddats:
    1. Yes want a HMC act in front of RRR initiated by Khushi

    2. Call RRR jeejaji in front of Arnav

    3. Yes no more KMH b/w ArHi. They are doing a good job as is

    4. Khushi's continued indifference to Bitwa

    5. Next person to know the truth - Nani - she will be teh best placed to move things and she is the most perceptive right now about trouble in paradise. her talks of a changes Arnav and spoliers on his childhood Fbs - yes Devyani Raizada is the next in line.

    Khushi's huge shiny earrings had white stones (the one she flung away) also her heer earrings & maangtikka had red and white stones. Arnav wore a waistcoat and teh white shirt.

    But yeah, Arnav in that white hoodie this week - can :) khushi in pastel yellow?

    And yes some bromance scene - missing a fun Aakash Arnav conversation.

  4. Oh and one more shiddat! - I want the blog genie to come back to the blog. Her absence has translated to some angsty time for all of us.

    SO shiddat - The Blog Genie retruns to be active on the blog.

    1. Come Back Ginie ! Come Back !!! ...... Need you more than ever ..... put that shirt back permanently on Arnav ..... me wants no more shirtless scene !! *pulls hair*

    2. Whoa Sama hope Barun doesn't ever happen upon this comment... Poor guy will be seriously mortified! LOL...

      But yeah Shweths where'd you go Yaar...need you and Sandy for the MIG moments... Waapas aaja rey!!!

    3. gargi,

      Samam said shirt back on Arnav and I agree. barun need not be mortified at all. He anyways does nto identify much with Arnav but the subtlety is gpoing out the window looks like. Aiyyyooo!!

      We are again going to get a khushi revenge in a near childish style. and we were wishing for indifference.

    4. sama, yoour shiddat was sort of granted.. the cowdung rabba ve has the shirt on!

  5. Dia, wishing you and your father the best of luck.. we are all praying for you both.

    IPK shiddat this week..
    we saw her wardrobe come out of the expandable jutebag. I want that green velvet suit once more.. we saw a glimpse of it in the dilli mein bali episode, but it needs more screen time, dont you think? she can wear that for the bitiya-nani heart to heart that was my shiddat last week.

    I do not think nani will get to know shyam's secret, but she and mami are the perceptive raizadas.. maybe mami? some "phati saadi stringing every man" comment? naniji can be khushi's champion like always, and let me see this new entry before I comment on what I want from her :)

    1. ha ha green suit shiddat granted.. and better than nani talk, she used it in the tikka scene :D

  6. now that they have an episode bank shot, i don't think it will be shown this week, but I want a scene when he buys her a mangal sutra.

    I dont care if he puts it around her neck or keeps it on her dressing table, or even throws it at her, but make some scene where her current one gets damaged.. he notices it or overhears someone asking about it.. and he buys her one.

    reminded me when I was watching the MS-stuck-scene again. It should have happened before, because he married her with a borrowed MS.

    maybe there is a scene shot already, that was not aired?

  7. Dia - first and foremost shiddat of all visiting your blog ........our prayers are with you and your family and wish all the best for your Father........... hope to see you back at your best.....take care.........


  8. Just saw the SBB segment Why this kolavari Di CV's!!!! Shewtha we need your Dandaaa ASAP!!!
    *Head Desk* turning K into stupid comic ???? And why shirtless ASR?? If these Garden/Sunny shirts are temp arrangement for ASR's new style wardrobe, then am all for it!!!
    But pls don't turn K into that childish idiot pls CV's!!! We love the mature K .

  9. I want Khushi in a saree.

    I want Anjali to conduct some pooja for Arhi which paves for the MU to be cleared or atleast both having a Menthos moment on each other.

    After this hypoglycemic incident, I want Khushi to start introspecting about her future more importantly a future without Arnav.

    I want Khushi to change the decor of their bedroom back to what it was, telling him that now that the days of her stay will are gradually decreasing, she is making sure she is wiping off all trace of her presence, so that when she is gone, he won't miss her.

    I want Khushi to call Shyam Jijaji infront of Arnav with pure venom something that is fully noted by both the men.

  10. Jaya, your one shiddat done ... Khushi in green suit! :)



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