Friday, April 13, 2012

13/4 - Epi 230 ... Acting, Reacting, Overacting ... am confused!

13th April Friday

Am confused as heck today ... no wonder poor Khushi doesn't know whether she's coming or going, with this very confused man and his acting and reacting ... now is what Anjali said to him true or is what he said to Khushi true? Whatever it is ... either ways, he deserves whatever Khushi is going to dish out to him ... more of Swami ... god help us! Buster, if you don't want her to feel bad, aren't there other ways of going about it than making her mad by telling her it was all an act - and you can act as well as she can? Ah, okay, you want her to get mad, because you like the fiery Khushi much better than Gopi vhau ... perfectly understandable ... I can't stand Gopi vhau either (the original one, not the Khushi avatar - that one's fun!). But this plan just backfired on you a little, because now Khushi will do more of the Gopi vhau act ...

Unless of course, you secretly enjoyed the Gopified Khushi, and knew that by doing this, you would get her back ... in which case, why the whole drama in the first place? *head desk* ... I give up!

All I can see ... stepping back and looking at the bigger picture ... is that Arnav is enjoying playing games with Khushi again ... as long as he wins. Very much in character. But Khushi when she gets mad, is going to bounce back ... again, very much in character ...And slowly, they are both getting to know each other more and more ... even if only to push each others' buttons more and more.

Today Sanaya definitely got some time off, and even Barun's screen space was a little less ... good thing, they both need a break after holding the show together for the last so many weeks. Miss B is getting her time with Payash and Mami ... as a filler track, it's all right, Payash will face some trouble in their Paradise and will ride it out ...

Anjali's little lecture about the childhood picture was OTT, along with that sickly sweet smile ... if a glass breaks, get it replaced ... is that so difficult? So she broke the glass, and Arnav lied and said he broke it, not her - lied to her?! So that she wouldn't feel bad? Arnav is emerging as more and more of a soppy character - don't like it! Would have preferred if he went quietly and replaced the glass without telling her, rather than preserving the picture with the broken glass for years and years. Please, cv's - don't make Arnav so soppy ... keep him practical and logical thinking ... wait a minute, what am I saying? Forgot he's as emotional, if not even more than Anjali!

Anyway, I guess the point was to show that he is doing the same things for Khushi that he does for his Di ... she has become as important to him as his Di is ... except that he can't tell her that. He can only show her ... and hope that she will understand ...
Which frankly, is doubtful ... after watching the entire episode, and listening to what Anjali said, I still had my doubts, so what chance does poor Khushi have? As far as she knows, she stayed awake the entire night, worried herself sick about him, blamed herself, felt horridly guilty for something that was only partially her fault ... only to be told that it was all an act, done by him to scare her out of the Gopi vhau act ... now if he doesn't expect her to get hopping mad and bounce back with something crazy, he really doesn't know her as well as he thinks he does! Or maybe that's what he's waiting for ... and enjoying ... Now if she comes back with more Swami, he needs to push her buttons more, and respond to her loving ways ... that will scare her silly, and be really fun to watch!


  1. haven't watched the epi yet, but found this on IF -

    and now we know the raaz behind khushi's OTT behaviour.. if the writer himself potrays her as "weird", no wonder we are getting soo many of those scenes these days! Also another line that struck me was "its very difficult to get all of us on the same page.." which really got me thinking, exactly HOW many people are working on one episode/track? I don't know what goes on behind camera...but doesnt the saying go "too many cooks spoil the broth"? Is that what is happening to IPK these days? :S

    1. Mads, read this ... one more thing struck me - the most important one ... they are still working on the track of Khushi realising her love for Arnav. So as of now, she has not yet realised she loves him ... can't say after tonight's episode that I blame her in the slightest! She stayed up last night because of guilt that she had contributed in some way to his hypoglycemia ...

      And that's also why they have not been showing any introspection or fb's on Khushi's part, because as far as the writer's are concerned, there are none! None to show she is in love with him, that is ...

      Too many cooks - writer, channel, producer - that's three mentioned here, how many more?

    2. u nailed it..I was so lost in the "too many cooks.." thing that I forgot to mention it ... and now it also makes sense to me why they are showing such weird versions of khushi.. because they don't know how she will be like when she finally faces her own feelings! Whether she will walk away from the marriage the instance she realises this..or whether she will keep on holding onto the sham marriage .. just to be with him! I don't know... or whether the MU will end the end she realises her feelings for him.. I also read somewhere on IF (don't know how true that is), where they were saying that when A clears the MU he will be too ashamed to confess his feelings..and if K has realised her feelings then, it will be a double hurt for her.. how A will win her back with his limited display of affections and his uber huge ego and reservations abt things is beyond me..

      anyway...I hope they atleast use this stupid track to show that they kind of know each other a bit better ... that would then help K understand later on when he walks down the RTR..

    3. the previous article.. said that once he knows that he ruined her life and that she waas innocent, he will go all angst.

      maybe the CVs/brainstorming group had no idea what to do after the wedding, so they followed every IF suggestion :)

      Devi maiyya, unki dimaag ki batti jala do!

  2. yep!!! me first !!! ROFL !! your update just cracked me up !! dam needed that after a hectic day.. watched the episode in tit bits, I was confused,thought I missed the major chucks. looks like I didn't miss anything.

    Will come back on Arhi after i watch the episode again. Now what's the TF/RRR SMH upto?? Man can't they show a proper impression of the key on the soap? As far as i know the locker keys can't be duplicated?? *head desk* and ment to ask this long back , why ASR the mighty isn't using a digital lock? Hope it is aleast the computerised key for which no duplicate can be made.
    And for the failed lab attempts of RRR i want Khushi to use soap for washing her clothes !!* shiddat Alert*

    1. That's the first thing I thought of too, Aaru ... that Khushi uses the soap to wash something - her clothes, her hands, Arnav's face ... anything!

      Wasn't much of ArHi today - just that one confrontation scene. I didn't mind - if they are going to go at snail's pace, let SaRun get a break. Why is Barun so tired, though ... Khushi has the bulk of the dialogues, not Barun ... and she usually has more scenes too ... though in recent few episodes, BS/SI have had lion's share of the screen space. I was actually starting to wonder why the other characters are getting so little screen time, and how long BS/SI can hold out ... they must be exhausted!

    2. Dia don't say that!! Once a week toh he makes a tiny move if Arhi foil that also where how will the story progress??

      He's such a lame villain... Rather lethargic villain... In a decent comic book series he wouldn't even make the cut for sidekick super villain...

  3. I somehow didn't mind the 'I faked being sick' part and nor did I mind the " he faked the 'I faked being sick' "...Quite in character for both ASR and Arnav (I'm officially going to start referring to them as two different people)

    I really didn't like how they showed it...

    They should have shown some gap between the Khushi Arnav and Anjali Arnav least give the viewers a moment to say...'Oh yay ASR is back'...and then later on (like Monday) go 'Awww what a twisted little weirdo but look how much he loves her...'

    By sticking the scenes together they lost the effect and ended up with an audience that's saying...'wait what happened? did he or didn't he?' ....and we aren't dense we don't need a photograph metaphor/ similar situation to understand...

    Dunno if its the editing or the script or the filming but very choppy scenes...Also sudden entry of Guest appearance villain? No atta patta...he's STILL trying to find the key?? how slow is he? Snakewa...more like Snailwa

    I wish they hadn't shown Khushi sleep standing ...she's not a giraffe for heavens sake...:-(

    I liked the Payash and Miss B part...You know Dia when you said Miss B has a little crush on Arnav it clicked in my head...but I think its Mr. A she has a little crush on...

    Also liked the scene where he tells her to call Payal Bhabhi...oops no Babs...

    I really liked the tel part...ok how many of you have had that done to you? kid not a 26 yr old albeit but still - my mum used to do it to me all the time...I'd go to sleep oil-free wake up smelling tel...(wish he'd washed the tel out of his hair though!!)

    Also soooo glad they ddn't insert an RV when Arnav catches the tray...!!

    All in all only thing to see was the Arnav Khushi and Arnav Anjali scene...which they kinda mucked up:-(

    I miss NK, and Mamaji, and Nani...somehow didn't miss slimy snailwa...

    SN: I'm very disappointed to see the reappearance of that fluorescent yellow sari (head bang) and pls CV's give Barun a break 12 hrs solid sleep and get him to the salon pronto...did you guys notice the reappearance of the 'rugby' sweatshirts that Khushi threw out...does this mean no new wardrobe?

    1. "she's not a giraffe for heavens sake" LMAO that line is precious! in fact, it was too much to see her snoring.. why couldnt she just lean on the wall asleep or something?

    2. Yep, that sleeping standing and snoring was ridiculous ... why do they have to make her so stupid?! It's these little things that spoil Khushi's character ... and they're not even needed, for heaven's sake! Completely unnecessary - just show her yawning, or leaning against the wall in exhaustion ... more than good enough!

      I'm still wondering about Ms B and how she will play a part in the ArHi story ...isn't that the buzz? That's why I said she has a crush on Arnav ...
      As for Akash, I was chatting with my brother about an uncle of ours, whom we were both very fond of when he was a bachelor - he was younger than my dad, he used to visit a lot, and take us for rides on his two-wheeler, so we loved him and looked forward to his visits, 'cos he always had a lot of time for us. When he got married, those visits and rides stopped ... although we never hated his wife or anything like that of course, we did feel his absence was due to his marriage. So I can a similar thing happening with Akash and Ms B - that she resents the presence of Payal in Akash's life, because it's taken away her special time with him. Not exactly a crush, just a slight resentment - and since this is a soap, it will of course be blown up a bit. I guess the Payash-Miss B part is to give Barun and Sanaya some time off - they need it!

      But again my crib ... why oh why, instead of getting these useless fillers, can hey not have a few serious scenes of Payash discussing Arhi's wedding - is Payal so blind and lost in her MIL woes that she doesn't see Khushi's upset and tears? Anjali sees them, why can't Payal? They don't have to do anything about it, they just have to TALK about it, to show that they're not blind! Poor writing ... VERY poor! When the wedding happened, I was happy they were showing everyone's reactions - it made the show more realistic - now they have gone the other way and made everyone blind, deaf and dumb again!

    3. very true Dia, the fillers need to be upgraded.. so many interesting characters, so many talented actors.. why cant someone write them some scenes!

  4. DIA: Biiiiiiiig Hug to you. Good to know I am not the only one who is utterly confused.

    Had guests dropping by suddenly just caught up with the episode, What was the point again? Is there even a point?

    With you, Baaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, get the damn glass replaced, why is the broken frame still around? Anjali of all people should know that there is something about not hanging on to something of glass that is broken?

    Why lie to Khushi? Just so she won't worry?

    How long have you known Khushi Arnav, you of all people should know how even more hurt she will be when she finds out she was lied to?

    He recently lied to her about the allergy too, didn't he catch her reaction then.

    Agree with you some might drool about what an unselfish guy he is, today it looked really stupid on his part.

    His di knew he lied to her and she went along. Duhhhhhh, if she loved him back, she should have told him then and there she broke it and taken responsibility.

    Now I really wish Anjali knows about shyam and between the argument between the siblings, he will say he did it to protect her and Di will say she thought he loved khushi and he married her.

    ASR, make up your mind, if you care about khushi, why the heck aren't you wooing her so she forgets Shyam?

    So what if she supposedly loves Shyam, Woo her dammit or else let her go.

    Do something and think if she loved Shyam, she wouldn't have stayed up all night to a guy she does not love.

    Sorry for the rantwa...

    Swami act continues, OKAY.

    I WANT Arnav to get really irritated and go along...You call me swami well how about doing your kartavya which involves you know what...

    Get lost in the moment and either do it or Drop the ridiculous swami act once and for all.

    Payash, Bratty B, Mami playing Scrabble..What is the point or should I say how much point each of them made, was anyone even keeping score.

    So shyam gets the key and will Arnav misunderstand Khushi...again*yawn*

    1. ROFL..shwetha!!! :D ur update gave me a complete insight into what happened in the epi..and I m soooo not looking forward to watching it now... :P thank you for saving my time! :P

    2. madsie, watch it for ASR smirking and smiling at KKGSR.. worth it!

  5. Dia, haven't you realised yet that we should stop asking ourselves logical questions as far as this show is concerned? It is getting ridiculous by the day and we will have more trash in store for us because the CVs seem unwilling to apply their brains and hope we do not have any.

  6. just read the rang munch article ,how will khushi realise her feelings for arnav cos he will not reciprocate it .... Katy perry's hot n cold is the best song to describe him... Finally shyam the party pooper reappears after his houdini ac

  7. Ladies,
    what was that episode?? truly Dia, i was very confused..was he acting?? concern?? i mean come on!!did he really have to go to such lengths??
    oh Miss B definitely has a crush on her Mr A!!! the looks she was giving his wifey!
    where did Shyam come from?? where did he go??
    you know i was watching old episodes, and i honestly miss ASR..where is the ruthlessness??the arrogance??the intensity??you could really feel it all when he made an appearance!!! i dont mind him being emotional, that makes him human..but this ASR is more Barun than the character the cv's created!!
    losing the IPK love!!

    1. true anita, I think barun has more say in his character's portrayal now.. we are seeing a more romcom ASR now, and it smells a lot like shravan.

      CVs, WE DONT LIKE IT! we want M&B ASR!

    2. i knnooowwww...brooding ASR was awesome!!!
      romcom ASR is bblllaaahhhhhhh!!!!

  8. This Arnav- ASR character is so confused that even he needs help to realise what his actions mean...There is the ever obliging Di to help him out...
    He tells Khushi he is faking...and then his Di tells him he is doing this becos he cares for Khushi....He wonders"Is that why I behaved so?, Thanks, Di what would I do if i did not have u to interpret my actions..stay close always so i know what i am doing"

    God.....what are these guys upto? what have done to my fav soap?

    1. True, Rekha, seems the guy needs a nanny! I was actually confused after the scenes - what is the truth? What he told Khushi or what Anjali told him? And did he realise why he did what he did only because his precious Di told him that? *head desk*

      So does he need Di to hold his hand and tell him he's in LOWE? Then next, he'll need Di's hand to hold on his SR too ...we were joking about Akash needing Bhai, here it seems, Bhai needs Di! Kya family hai!

    2. Dia, ROTFL! (no wonder bitwa was so upset seeing her all pretty on his bed on SR.. he dint know what to do!)

  9. One thing one has to admit. Yesterday many (including me) felt that Arnav may think that Khushi was acting as if she cared for him so that she can then boast about it to his family and may yell at Khushi demanding that she stop faking it. The CVs turned right around and surprised us yet again by make Arnav make Khushi believe that HE was faking it to show that he is still in control of their relationship. So we are still going around in circles in the entire faking and pretend faking drama. If they keep this up, the viewers will dump the show as they would feel that they have been cheated out of an intense and passionate love story and instead are being forced to watch this fake show.


    1. so true opti.. now we are MUing the MU.. did khushi MU? did Di MU? did arnav MU how bitiya will react? LOL

      crazy yaar, sometimes a head desk does not cut it!

  10. Thanks for the article link Mads - seriously, the WRITER is calling one of the lead characters "weird"???? The orphan but bubbly Khushi who had a lot of self-respect and dignity has obviously been totally slaughtered in his hands..........
    @Dia - I too was confused at ASR's reaction today - he seemed very annoyed at hearing Khushi's praises being sung by Anjali and his decision to lie about his hypoglycemia seemed more playful/ vindictive rather than anything else.......oh well, since we all had often said that Khushi's love of theatrics will land her in trouble with Arnav, I guess it's now our turn to use the same phrase for ASR.............where did HE disappear to.......... :(


    1. So last time he refused to acknowledge that Khushi had anything to do with his throat getting better, hence he lied to her that it was still bad ...

      and now he didn't like Anjali praising Khushi's looking after him, so he told Khushi it was all an act and she needn't have gotten worried at all? And dear worshipping Di Anjali thought he did this out of the goodness of his heart, to make Khushi mad at him so she wouldn't feel guilty?

      Dear God, this man is twisted!!! Either ways ... whichever one is the truth!

  11. I am a little worried about the way this show is going after that article from the writer, tbh ...

    Read this - and some of the replies - echoes my feelings ...

    Ved Raj said it himself - Khushi is weird ... from a girl with self-respect and strong moral values, she's become 'weird' ... My fear is that the PH seems to be going the Geet way - as per some of the writers on this post, where in order to preserve Maan's character and make him the ideal male, Geet was made all OTT and stupid. I agree with this TM's view that most of the SP audience is housewives, and they need a strong female character to identify with and enjoy the show. And this is reflected in the dropping TRP's ... when Khushi was more comic during the NY episodes, the TRP's dropped, they recovered during the love track and Teri Meri, where both were inching towards love, and Khushi's character was very strongly preserved - NO comedy there, or very little. The last few weeks, the comedy has been back sporadically, and seems to be increasing, and there has been NO effort made on Khushi's character development at all ... see the episode yesterday where she is all worried and guilty ... instead of progressing to her realization or some development, today it swung back again strongly to making Arnav the hero of the hour by showing it was him doing the silent sacrificing ... and Khushi going back to Swami. And the TRP's continue to drop. Have a strong hero by all means - but the heroine has to be equally strong - the Khushi of the guesthouse episode, or the one who broke down at Diwali ... when she faced Arnav after that, she wasn't all bubbly and OTT chirpy, she was serious and tense about facing him ...

    You can't run a love story on one lead, however strong he is ... and definitely not at the expense of the female lead. On SO it might have worked - remember SO TRP's are way lower than the mainstream GEC channels, and the bulk of the viewership is online ... they were happy with a strong hero ... but the bulk of the TRP and even the mainstream audience is NOT ... they need a strong heroine. DABH and SNS have strong MILs as well as strong female protagonists, however bad they are in their acting skills, so does BV and YRKKH ... as a female watching a soap, I need a sensible female lead - the guy can be eye candy and be a wall flower, or have a decent character, I don't really care. Decent character is a bonus, if not, as long as the girl is good, I will watch. One of my all-time favorite shows, Astitva, had a beautiful female lead, Niki Aneja, the male lead was a slimeball, played brilliantly well by Varun Badola ... that show was superb, because the female lead was fabulous. Not just the actress, but much more importantly, the character.

    Again, Arnav is Gul's vision, according to this interview ... so it Gul so focussed on making Arnav the HERO that it is at the expense of Khushi? If so, the show's days are numbered for sure - the general audience, like I said, needs a strong female lead ... already we've seen the result of tampering with Khushi's character in the form of falling TRP's.

    Arnav's character has been preserved all through, yet the TRP's are falling - that should show the cv's that even though ASR and Barun have become immensely popular, keeping the focus entirely on developing him AT KHUSHI'S EXPENSE is NOT working, and that is something they have to rectify immediately.

    1. i agree almost every story the male lead is strong, opinionated and the female lead always compromised!! and i see that happening here!! how come a strong woman who was the perfect match for ASR suddenly turn into this intolerable, silly joker out to irritate her husband!! its just too unbelievable..and why is he tolerating it? he never had a problem putting people in their place before!! Khushi softened him, yea...but plz!! he is suddenly this tragic hero who needs guidance at every step!!! gggrrrrrrr
      they are killing beautifully built characters!! you could actually sympathize with Khushi in some i am like god please not more silliness!!! Childlike i am all for, no likes!!
      i love stories with a strong female lead who can stand up to the guy and make her presence felt be it Elizabeth Bennett, Whitney or others and the sad part is..they HAD a strong female lead..not anymore...Barun did find popularity but the way the show is going it'll soon fade..remember how crazy people were about Rajeev Khandelwal( Sujal) from Kahin To Hoga?? he is around but that craze is gone...
      honestly Dia, the whole IPL excuse is getting old..people addicted to the shows will watch them irrespective of what else is happening..look at the other shows! every story is progressing except for this..
      if not clear the whole MU, make one person at least aware of the truth and take it from there.. what is the whole point of Miss B and a new MU between TQ and A???Payash are just not appealing/strong/convincing enough characters to watch for 5 mins everyday!!
      sorry for the rant!! Arnav's confusion got me confused and annoyed!!! banda aakhir chahta kya hai??

    2. Dia,

      You know when Ved Raj's 1st interview came - around the NYE track when eevryone was rueing the comedy post La leaving and you know what he had said then - That we are giving audience comedy because it is seen to work. Everyone else was like has this guy lost his mind.

      In a recent interview, Hitesh? kaivalya, mentioned Khushi and Shyam are his characters and he writes their dialogues. Ved Raj seems to be the alternate writer and maybe the one who gives us epis which make us go huh!

      If they decide to make IPK go Geet way the PH is weird because they will essentially be repeating their mistakes. For now they seem to be caught in this web of muleiple cooks spoiling hte broth.

      Khushi going back to Swami may not be a bad thing but I wish they enviage teh scenes differently for execution rather than plain vanilla OTT. The thing is it is the PDA that Arnav loathes. Khushi can still deliver them in a slightly not so gawaar manner - stil give him chai, medicines and all. Also Arnav now knows the Swami thing was an act so if Khushi goes back to that he will be better off to be shown ignoring her and Khushi needing to change tactics to get to him. Arnav knew Swami is not real cos just the night before she had admitted to Lakshmi that she would keep herself so busy teh whole day thet he would not need to see her which he overheard and then she went into in his face. Best is to make her presence felt yet not be around him.Make him feel the brunt of the "pativrata naari" but also be the Khushi who will give Arnav Singh Raizada exactly what he wants.

      Panga is this way again it will b him missing her. They are trying to create scenes wherein she will also gradually miss him. Stuff like Arnav closing his eyes and always seeing Khushi needs to happen to her now. Times when Arnav mistakenly called Lavanya Khushi needs to happen to her now. Basically he needs to be getting under her skin and the PH seems to be confused how that needs to happen.

      They are not wanting to tamper with Khushi's character but the way the scens are happenign unfortunately that is what teh ausidence ends up feeling.

      Make sense?

  12. Dia / Shweths / Gargi,

    Saw that RM article too. You recall we once had a discussion on the blog as to whether Khushi had realized her love or feelings. What were we saying? - that she realizes she has something for Arnav some feelings but she does not characterize it as love isn;t it? (this ould have been late Feb and till ealry Mar till before Holi)

    I can't find it though I trawled quite a few posts. And all those wanting some chilled out time go check out the 24th feb post and the comments. The serial was gripping then but u just have to read teh comments below, some are just too hilarious :)
    I was also reminded that I still need to fill out memers Intro Post!

    What will happen when Khushi realizes she loves Arnav?
    "Kaash hum aapse nafrat kar paate"

    Khushi will end up loving Arnav not because of his love for her or what he has done for her but despite all the hurt and pain and things he has done to her. Thus she will end up loving Arnav and his ASR persona - much like Parvati loving the mid mannered and tempestuous Shiva.

    At teh end of the office challenge Khushi lost but it was Arnav who realized he had done her injustice. At the end of this get thrown out of Rm swami track, maybe Khushi will again lose by realizing her feelings but she will have the guilt at being the cause of Arnav's angst by hiding about Ahyam's evil nature.

    The day Arnav realized his feelings for Khushi were love was the day he percived himself betrayed. If they want to make a similar impact with khushi's realization, the day she connects teh dots and realizes she loves Arnav will be the day she will become aware of the reason he married her. If she realizes he married her for his Di and has in the course of that sacrificed his life (not knowing his love) she will release him from the bond. And he will let her walk because he knows he wronged her and no longer considers himself worthy of her.

    he will fall into the pits of hell condemning himself resulting in a blackout of sorts like yday (low sugar) and teh entire family will be worried. It will be Khushi who will come back to him (like Parvati came back to Shiva's life to ease the loneliness and sorrow caused by the departure of Sati) because he loves him and cannot see him in the pain. (i had once said on the blog that when Arnav repents he will be so harsh on himself that it will take Khushi's all forgiving nature to prevent him from causing himself severe self harm). Khushi will leave as Sati (Sati sacrificed herself for her husband's honour which her father maligned and Khushi will sacrifice her love for Anjali's sake - maybe by this time the contract is ending, Anji has had her baby, Arnav tells her teh truth, she breaks down and Khushi walks away to let Arnav's focus remain on Anji alone). And later realizing his loneliness and self torture, she will come back to him as Parvati and they shall live happily ever after!

    1. Sandy, I agree with what you said here:

      The day Arnav realized his feelings for Khushi were love was the day he percived himself betrayed. If they want to make a similar impact with khushi's realization, the day she connects teh dots and realizes she loves Arnav will be the day she will become aware of the reason he married her. If she realizes he married her for his Di and has in the course of that sacrificed his life (not knowing his love) she will release him from the bond. And he will let her walk because he knows he wronged her and no longer considers himself worthy of her.

      I too feel this is how they will proceed with the story.

    2. Sandy,
      Agree with you there too ...
      So according to you, Khushi will realize her feelings for Arnav and the reason he married her almost simultaneously ... much as Arnav realized his feelings for her and saw what he thought was her betrayal almost simultaneously. And just as Arnav didn't realize HER feelings for him, she in turn will not realize HIS feelings for her, will think that he married her ONLY for his Di, and will walk out ... perceiving that as releasing him from an unwanted bond. And he will let go, thinking the same thing ... that she hates him for what he did to her, and that he is responsible for turning her love into hate. Because once he knows the truth, he will also know that she loved him all along.

      But then, what will push him into bringing her back? Will it be Anjali? Or will it be Shyam - Arnav realizing also that by releasing her, he is leaving her vulnerable to Shyam - while she was married to him, she had his protection to some extent, at least, but now that she is alone, she has none?

      So for the time being, however much we want to see it, we will not see Khushi's feelings for Arnav developing ... we will only see her trust in him breaking piece by piece. I think the Gopi vhai track now will also misfire on her, he will turn it back on her, and leave her even more hurt. My only hope is that the cv's don't turn Khushi into a comedian in all this, and start showcasing her strength more now ... with such a serious track, you can't have the heroine being a comedian! *head desk*

      They really NEED to finish this phase fast ... there is so much more to show ahead!!! WHY are they dragging this so much?

    3. Sandy, Dia, i agree completely!

      "just as Arnav didn't realize HER feelings for him, she in turn will not realize HIS feelings for her, will think that he married her ONLY for his Di, and will walk out ... perceiving that as releasing him from an unwanted bond. And he will let go, thinking the same thing ... that she hates him for what he did to her, and that he is responsible for turning her love into hate."

      but the writers said that ASR will go pretty wild in his guilt.. and I think anjali will be the one to bring khushi back into RM.. this time with a proper wedding! (she has always been the reason khushi enters the RM.. however unwillingly.)

    4. Dia,

      I have tried to answer your point on how she return in my bak bak.

      Also I realized while I wrote my thoughts that wouldn't it be of greater impact if Khushi realizes she loved Arnav after knowing of his mistrust in her? By then he would have done the worst possible to her by breaking her trust on him. If despite all this she realizes she cannot hate him - what would be the depth of her love?

      So now I am not sure if she should realize her feelings anytine soon. I am gunning for arnav's confusion, Khushi's wonderment at Shyam's contribution in this business, Arnav's MU clearing and Khushi learning teh reason behind their wedding


      agree with what you wrote above. mirrir my thoughts.

  13. Sandy, I remember vaguely about the post u r referring to, I think Dia and I also added some comments to it...something to the effect that when Khushi realises the depth of her feelings, there is no going back for that what u are talking about?

    sandy, while i agree that there is great potential for this story but if only they get a move on....its just stagnating....the thing that rankles the flip-flop in the narration. I feel IPK, now has too many continuity issues, apart from all the aspects that we have discussed.....

    U can't have a serial where the leads do not introspect ever, the entire thinking process is in limbo...even the villain goes AWOL, only in this case with official permission.

    that magic is on the wane....i feel so bad thinking about it......

    1. Rekha,

      The very same one. And yes I agree we all said that once Khushi realizes she loves him no going bac for her. That is why they are delaying her confession.

      Jaya had recently mentioned it was the channel's call to add the 6 month caluse and though there is a plausible excuse to it chances are of the PH did not have 6 months in mind, Khushi's realization may hav happened sooner. Now with this 6 months thing the timelines of events seem to have gone haywire. Where earlier every month one major event seems to be happening, now it is like on a freeze since the Feb MU Holi and HR happened but they have not been tied in to the overall story well therefore not leaving that impact. Agree with you on the what rankles bit.

      When I saw Thurs epi, trust me I had to fish back in my memory all the way back till pre / post wedding scenes to make some sense of certain things. And they are not showing monlogue so far because monologues encourage character's thinking and then if they do not take teh next step in thoughts and move on it will be even worse. Things slackened around SPA and then the whole team seems to have gotten compacent or busy with their newe venture. Agree that is sad.

      They are not doing the flowchart to tie up the story pieces. One thing R&R has been talking of again and again is how come Payash never wondered about ArHi getting married. And even now their focus seems to be getting diverted with Ms.B.

      Someone spoke today about Barunification of ASR. That feeling has crossed my mind too in the past 2 weeks. And IPL is seriously a non-excuse. If teh serial is gripping wnough people who want to watch it will grab the remote and watch.

      They seem to not have planned the post wedding story events well and now appear completely at sea. Pnaga was they needed a dhamaakedaar Holi sequence whereas the story till then was still in very high MU and hurt and HMC.

      Shooting in a hurry is affecting the scenes, their delivery, even expressions at times and consequently the impact.

      If they let teh serial take a nose dive it will indeed be sad. Because yes this story has and still had so much potential. They shoudl just go ahead and get teh storyline taughter and the rest will fall inot place. Bad feeling that they are under teh scanner and the channel may be poking thier noses a tad too much?

  14. Heyyy guysss! lolzz some familar ppl here! How you all been??

    ok I was soo annoyed after todays epi...then saw a post in forum about sanaya being a side character.. finally got some of it out there! lolzz but offcourse you get these barun fangirls who think its all about screen space! i mean who cares? sanaya actually getting loads! but whats the point? she aint doing anything meaningful!
    IPK is really getting on my nerves.. have to say im only watching for san at the mo... I do like arnav and arhi offcourse, but I hate that khushi is not getting any of the treatment that arnav is getting! That Gul woman is too obsessed with arnav that khushi has become a joke of a character!

    And they really need to sort out the story because this jokergirl khushi isnt really working... esp if we're meant to see arnav finding out the truth and repenting... but repenting what exactly?? If all khushi is doing is having fun?! Its really not making any sense!


    1. Hey Naz, I vented on the same post you're talking about ... the writers are concentrating too much on Arnav, and it will not work! We can already see it happening with the falling TRP's. I really don't know what they're doing - they HAVE to work on Khushi's character development as well, they can't keep her goofy and immature all her life, how will the story progress? After a while everyone will wonder why Arnav should be in love with Khushi at all ... as for me, I'm wondering with the guy blowing so hot and cold, how can Khushi love him either?
      I'm watching only for San too ... and also because nothing else is really catching my interest at the moment - nothing at all.

    2. Exactly! Theres nothing else to really watch! And yes you have the fangirls after barun who think why should arnav love a kid.. and well same about khushi... the way arnav acts why would she love him at all?? They do really need to show khushi growing up so that things can move along...

  15. If Arnav lied that he was faking it so that Khushi can stop beating herself up and worrying herself sick, then why did he pretend that he had not got back his voice when Khushi was blaming herself for his loss of voice? In fact that time he let her work herself to the bone to keep things spick and span for him, secretly enjoying all the attention. The circumstances are similar in both case - Arnav getting affected by Khushi's thoughtless actions. Yet in the first case he lets her wallow in her guilt for longer and in the other, he takes the blame? What crap. The only thing that can satisfactorily explain his behaviour in both the instances, without any contradiction is that he hates to admit that he needs her help at times and she is great in nursing him back to health every time he falls ill. The answer lies in his big fat ego which refuses to be cowed down.


    1. but that is the beauty of the contrast.. the first time, when he lost his voice, he was not emotionally invested in her.. he had a big ego and enjoyed her tension and guilt.. then after that, Ranjha happened.. and ODB accepted that whatever happens, he is in love with her.. whether she is cheating him, whether she is cheating his di, anything .. "(in khushi's words, it was ASR who said that "if there was another place where we could be, then whatever I said or did to you have no meaning.. the only meaningful thing is that I have always..")

      after that revelation, he cannot take her being in pain. even if it is about him, so he tries to divert her into anger.

      he knows now that she truly cares for him.. cue the dandaa rabba ve and the midnight rabba ve. which is very important to him.. like I have said before.. in ASR's world, actions speak louder than words.

  16. I am more irritated with the creative team now. Mr. Vedji you had three good opportunities for Khushi to realise her feelings and what did you do ??? Passed it as weird Khushi???

    Agree with you girls!
    Remember i was saying that Both have to see their love above their hate.. Now writers had 3 good opportunities - one the B&B, next the convo with Anjali and third Bitwa fainting.. And what did they do with all these .. turned them to stupid Khushi with her antics ??
    Again for Bitwa to realise, did he realise that HR day, yes for me he did , but then yesterday action and over action confused me even more, was the HR a farce or yesterday??

    The whole track has so much loop holes that it looks like a weekend serial which are 2-3 episode based stories without any continuity where the leads are same but the story is different something like CID, Adalat* head desk*
    Now even if Sarun are having large screen space it isn't moving the story anywhere , I can't see the trust building , nor Khushi realising her love, neither Bitwa using his brains to clear his MU and worst is not even the lame villain is attempting anything worthwhile and getting caught for not even getting close.* head desk*

    Dia remember in MJHT this was the case the show going down after Neil track and then where they included stupid slapstick comedy to bring Nupur back and by the end of the year they had to shut shops. With the attitude of this writer saying Khushi is "weird" and butchering her character will take the show down even if they cash on Arnav/ASR. And Gul dear even in the M & B the Grey shaded handsome hero uses his brain comes to understanding the MU but isn’t able to express, because his ego is more than his love, did you miss that ??
    @ Sandy agree with you on Barunification of ASR

    1. You both are being kind - I think it's more like Ahem-ification of ASR! Ahem bleats mom, mom all the time, Arnav bleats Di, Di all the time ... and he needs his Di to show him that he's in love? Sorry, I like my heroes a little more proactive and manly than that ... this wimpy Di-worshipper, who needs to be spoonfed as to what his own feelings are, is not to my taste at all.

      I would have actually preferred it if Arnav had said all that to Khushi out of sheer bloody-mindedness and ego, that would have been ASR t me ... or had admitted to himself that he did it to make Khushi feel less guilty - his Di pointing it out to him just got my goat!

    2. Dia u said it right!!

      That Di dialogue was surely taking the cake, nay bakery...I hope Arnav just dismisses all this Di talk and settles for " i don't care a damn", that's his only redemption or he gets Shweths danda....bahut dino se use nahin kiya...
      Whats' di talking about finding Chotte's lies..chotte has been lying to her for the last several months and she has not caught on to anything

    3. rekha, dia, what I understood from the episode was two things..

      one, ASR was being totally confident when he said he lied to ODG. even when he turned away his face(maybe signifying a lie) his expression did not show it.. (now forget the whole Di track for a moment), either the CVs did not tell barun that arnav was lying... or arnav was not lying, he really did fake the faint. his tom-and-jerry expression underlines the fact.

      now bringing back the di track, anjali DOES know when arnav is lying to her.. she does not know exactly what . she was confused from his wedding.. he is lying to her a lot after that.. about the pag phere, about the kangan, et al.. (WHICH IN ITSELF is highly unlike the ASR persona, he is rude but honest!)TQ gets to know the truth about most of his lies. but she thinks he is doing it for khushi.. especially after the holi drunk act, and sees how much he loves his girl.

      SN2 he was very rude but did not lie on his wedding.. which is why I think the CVs lost direction AFTER the wedding!... and why I think sandy's theory that the 6 month contract thing insisted by SP derailed the whole track.

      and coming to point 2.. anjali thinks chote was lying.. gives him the whole flashback story,

      SN3. I did not like that they showed us the pic of the kids shown in the FB yesterday! at least make it black-n-white, this pic looked so tacky from the director...

      SN4 TQ took it from her wardrobe, the broken frame was part of a memory.. i liked that...

      and she knows chote lied only because she herself had broken it. so supposing that anjali misunderstood the ASR-KKGSR talk(which happened in their private area, you KMH!) and assumed wrongly that ASR was lying, then arnav's expression in the mirror could be his dilemma over playing with his Di's emotions.

      so in the end, like Dia said, it was a confusing episode. and like Gargi said, if they showed the Di talk in another episode, maybe it would have rang true.. but today, together, I think he really was faking the faint ... or does he really love her that much? ROTFL over the audience dilemma..

    4. and now, just read today's redux.. and the new explanation makes sense..

  17. Although at first glance the episode looked silly, I thought there was some symbolism in it.

    Khushi had applied oil in Arnav's hair when he was sleeping and in her haste had dropped some on the floor - Oil here refers to Shyam (the slippery slimeball). Khushi applying oil in Arnav's head could refer to the many hints Khushi had inadvertently dropped about Shyam. She had addressed Shyam by name when he had called her on the phone. Arnav was withing earshot and did hear the name. The day she found out about Shyam, she was so disturbed when she bumped into Arnav that he soon realised it was something to do with her fiance. Later she looked all shifty when she was introduced to Shyam by the rest of the family and she rushed out, much to Arnav's shock. Arnav knew that her fiance was a PG in their house but then like in the scene where he was sleeping when Khushi had applied the oil, Arnav was unaware of the turmoil in Khushi's life when all these things were happening.

    When Arnav wakes up and sees Khushi closely observing him, asking him if he needs anything, he hurriedly tries to escape her and in the process slips and falls because of the oil - Although all the incidents related to Khushi's mysterious fiance seemed unconnected at that time, now that he knows about Shyam's obsession with Khushi and her supposed interest in him, he should have pondered more about what had transpired in the past but Arnav's brain shuts out when he is angry. His hurry to get away from Khushi and his subsequent fall is a reference to the terrace scene where he reacted in haste on the basis of what he saw in front of him and in the process hurt himself badly. The culprit was the oil a.k.a Shyam. Arnav fell hard on his a** seeing which Khushi is as much hurt as him much like this post marriage phase where both these two are hurting while the oil (Shyam) which was responsible for it is unaffected.

    Coming to the photo frame scene, it appears that Anjali broke the frame but Arnav took the blame. Arnav has been deeply affected by what happened to his sister on her wedding day that it had left his innocence shattered much like the photo frame. Notice that the crack is over the young Arnav and not on the young Anjali. Anjali coped with the difficult times by spinning an illusory world around her but Arnav had turned cynical and ruthless. Although Anjali was in a way responsible for how Arnav turned out, although she did not do it intentionally, he took responsibility for the way he has turned out, showing no sign of remorse. Take him or leave him. This is how he will be.


    1. Opti,
      Interesting post!! I wish to add a few points here..
      The fact that the ARHI story is unusual has never been in doubt...its the reason why even people who never watch soaps usually, swear by it..., its the reason why every action and reaction of its players is dissected in great detail..

      I will confess, i am not a person who can read much into symbolism, this serial has always hidden far more than it revealed...yet it did not stop me, a lay person, from enjoying what it offered in any way. An example, the "bandagement" scene was supposed to be high on symbolism, but frankly, i only saw the treatment, that Arnav causes Khushi pain and he has to rectify went with the flow of what was essentially A's character...
      Of course the symbolism was more apparent in the above scene and so it did not require much depth to analyse point is that either ur symbolism has to be unambiguous or your treatment of the scene has to be bang on

      Of late, the treatment has been slip shoddy...the symbolism is apparent to a few, in fact, in IF sometimes, i come across posts which seem to see symbolism in every scene and frankly that's all beyond comprehension. Of triangles, quadrilaterals, and the rhombuses which no doubt will make sense to a select few, and I don't say this to cause any offence..its just that some among us have greater ability to analyse than others...
      I was drawn to this story becos it was a difficult one. I always knew that A will find himself in a dilemma when he will find himself in love with a person who has caused misery to his beloved sister, someone he places over everyone else. Its this dilemma that I wanted to see unfold on screen in a gradual manner but what i see is a shifty treatment.
      Essentially i don't know why they have not shown A's dilemma well enuf...the best time to show it was after Holi....

    2. Opti,
      To continue,my greatest grouse is that A's state of mind, that of not being able to help himself from caring for Khushi even though she has betrayed him, his family, has not been shown well enuf..
      Scenes, of Khushi banging the door and A calling out, A weakening when K shows care...should have at some point shld have been turned into introspective scenes...the process of hating himself for being weak...should have come up by the Di scene a case for this? Does he feel that he is cheating Di?

    3. the Di scene is starting his confusion.. I hope his confusion will be explored in the coming 2 weeks..

    4. Rekha, I fully agree with you in that the CVs have treating this story pretty shoddily. Since I had seen this PH's earlier show, I was expecting this. They start with a bang but do not know how to sustain the story. Geet Hui Sabse Parayi (their earlier) had a powerful theme but they fritted away what could have been the most powerful track, that of the leads handling the crook (in this case it was the hero's own brother. I see it again in this show. There should have been more introspection scenes from both sides because of the inconsistencies each see in the other and what they believe to be true of each other. That constant battle of the mind and the heart would have made interesting viewing. It is a pity that they did not utilise the story properly to convey the many layers it had. They are swinging like a pendulum from one end (mindless comedy) to the other(mindless tragedy). No wonder Barun once said in his interview that when he reads his scenes he wonders in surprise, "Oh well, so Arnav behaves like this!" Sanaya too seems frustrated with the way this all important track is shaping up going by her admission that things did not look great in recent episodes but she has promised they will improve. Lets see what's in store.

    5. Rekha,

      The treatment of the episodes and the conveying of the story has been weak. Agree with you and it sis sad because we still see episodes that tell us they are capable of doing such a great job if they set their mind to it.

      They have not shown any mind versus heart conflict because that phase of the story is only starting - they should have rightly speaking been mid way there by now but the story dawdled post Holi. The setting up they should have done then has only started to happen in the past 1 week / 10 days. Now they seem to be in a rush to reach someplace and as a result are not thinking out some scenes well or are changing things till the nth minute causing the audiencees to get boggled about what is happening.

      For them to show A's dilemna just after Holi may have been premature because he did not have any concrete reason to trust Khushi by then - even if in serial time it was a month after wedding, till a week before that Holi episode we were grappling with post wedding trauma - the pag pheres and all.

      They should have reached that point about now.

      Also the absence of the villain in the past month has rankled. they could have kept the stpry gripping and developed parallel stories but the pace of story slowed to a stnadstill. Makes we wonder if teh main story writer went on leave.

  18. Dia,
    1.It is obvious that he did not fake the hypoglycaemia. They show him slightly dazed even before he goes to change. Then he comes down and faints.So it actually did happen.
    2.I was surprised when he told Khushi he had faked it. What a beastly thing to say! Anjali's interpretation actually made it OK. Arnav would've wanted to free Khushi of the guilt because he remembers how she took care of him and only they both know it WAS her fault. It was just his way of telling her he is fine and she needn't feel guilty. He added the masala because he cannot go soft on her and clear the MU yet. She shouldn't get to know about
    his feelings.This way she is absolved of the guilt and keeps believing he is arrogant and playing with her feelings which is exactly what he wants.
    3. Khushi doing the Gopi act might actually be a good thing. There will be no ugly fights for sometime because she will consider his angry outbreaks justified since she has willfully directed him.Also we will get a break from the fall and catch RVs (getting enuf of it in IPL- Ha Ha). Instead hopefully there will be more meaningful moments like them checking out each other sleeeping and the bindi kiss ( that was truly awesome).

    1. Su,
      Am not sure about his faking the hypoglycemia - he did ask her very mockingly when he came - aren't you going to sit and eat with me? or words to that effect. So he was already mocking her Swami act. Whether he faked the whole thing or not - am 50-50, although it did look real. But he was irritated with Di feeding him - again, could be a natural reaction, or could be irritation if he really wasn't hungry and she was force-feeding him, and he couldn't stop her because of his act.
      Why was he so angry with her all through the night? I asked that after the episode also ... if he was really disoriented after the hypoglycemia, would he have been oriented enough to be so angry?

      Anjali's interpretation - he did the act to lessen Khushi's guilt.
      When he took the blame for the broken picture frame, both Anjali and Arnav knew Anjali had broken it, so taking the blame lessened Anjali's feeling of guilt - maybe in front of the family? otherwise taking the blame for it didn't make any sense to me if they both knew the truth. Unless she dropped it and he said the glass was already broken by him before she dropped it or something ... incomplete scene. You take the blame for something in front of people who don't know the truth, not for people who know the truth - that's why it was an OTT scene for me - the cv's trying too hard to show Arnav's sacrificing nature (someone please tell them he's not Gopi vhau!)

      When he took the blame for the broken vase (which Khushi broke), he took the blame for her in front of his family ... so she knew he was taking the blame and protecting her ... this made sense - covering for her in front of others who didn't know the truth.

      Now he told Khushi he was play-acting - what exactly did he achieve? Free her of guilt? To replace it with anger and mistrust? Yes, she felt bad about eating his dinner, but was it her fault he didn't eat breakfast and lunch as well? Am going to ignore the medicine part because I assume he DID have his medicine, that with an empty stomach would have led to hypo, not eating medicine would have protected him slightly from hypo.
      So Khushi was upset the whole night because of her guilt, which was anyway partially misplaced ... and because of genuine worry about his being unwell ... he replaces that with anger that he was playacting and a deepening mistrust, that he will do anything to protect his ego ... what exactly did he achieve?! And why does he want to make her angry again? HE wants to stay angry with her, the only reason he would want her to be angry with him is because he doesn't want to feel that she cares ... because that softens him towards her, and he still doesn't want to soften towards her.

      So nope - it was not any altruistic motives on Mr Raizada's part for me ... it was his attempt to stay angry with her, and to fan her anger towards him, not her care. He doesn't want her care - it weakens him. At the moment, I don't think he is thinking about her feelings at all ...

    2. contd ...

      The other thought I had was that Anjali is as blind about her brother as she is about her husband ... sees only good in them, never bad ... and she was completely mistaken in Arnav's motives about telling Khushi he was faking (whether he was or not). The way he reacts to Anjali is very different to the way he reacts to Khushi - he tries to spare Anjali the slightest hurt, but with Khushi, he dishes out his worst, secure in the belief that she can take it. So far she has been bouncing back every time, and strengthening that belief, but I think soon she will reach her break point.

      I always felt that Khushi all through has shown more trust in Arnav by sticking by him, not telling the truth of their marriage to anyone else, asking him repeatedly for the reason for the marriage - she TRUSTED him enough to think that there HAD to be a reason for him to do this. By all these small incidents, her trust is slowly breaking piece by piece, she is being led to believe that he does things only out of his ego and pride ... so that when Arnav gets to know the truth, she will have reached her break point, and will not believe him any more when he tries to repent.

    3. Dia, I think the see saw will continue, by the time the MU is cleared on his part, her trust as you rightly put will be completely broken.

      So either she won't believe him or would be too furious and walk out on him...Separation, Missing each other etc.

      And I think both are at fault at varying degrees, both need to take responsibilities towards their actions and at the end of the day, Arnav will get the best dialogues and Khushi the irritating ones.

      Grr..I better come back tomorrow I am too mad at the show today:(


    check this out

  20. I now get why I was irritated with the episode yesterday. It was lack of Khushi, Khushi's feelings and the lack of respect towards Khushi by the writer and producer.

    Producer is obsessed with Arnav (fair enough) and writer thinks she is weird, if they can't respect their own creation, how will they take the time and effort to develop the character?

    They screwed up a brilliant opportunity when she took care of him by her not introspecting on why does she still care for him so much even if he has hurt her so much.

    And we are back to arnav and his feelings...which we know*yawn yawn*, it is time for Khushi to take the stage.

    I love Arnav/Barun and not taking anything from the character or the actor who are brilliant.

    But this lack of respect towards Khushi/Sanaya the actress is bugging me.

    The last couple of weeks where I didn't have the chance to come here or on IF, I kept wondering why this show fails to excite me as it used to? The answer is clear - It is becoming Arnav's love for Khushi rather than Arnav-Khushi love story which I love.

    Anyway made a post about Khushi's realization on IF

    Will copy and paste it below.

    1. Shweths, well said. Added to which, if you have a strong hero, fair enough, work on him ... but if you don't have an equally strong heroine, then having a strong hero in a romantic story doesn't work. Strong hero and sideline the heroine in an action story, in a war movie, in a suspense thriller, in any kind of show is okay - but having a strong hero and sidelining the character of the heroine in a show which is supposedly about sizzling romance is not just idiotic and stupid, it's suicidal!

      Yes, we know Arnav is in love with Khushi *yawn* ... but WHY is he in love with a girl who is "weird"? WHAT draws him to her? Why would a guy like him be in love with such an erratic childish immature person? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!! You HAVE to have the heroine as strong, as well sketched out, and as mature as the hero for the love story to be anywhere near believable. And ironically, in the beginning of the show, she WAS ... but now with the Barun and ASR mania, the writers seem to think - keep his character intact, who cares about Khushi ... Arnav has to be the ideal hero. And the huge flaw in that logic is very easily apparent in the falling TRP's ... destroy Khushi, and you destroy the show. They did it before, learnt from their mistake and brought her back, and now are hell bent on making the same mistake again.

      ASR's character IS mean, he has a streak of cruelty in him, and he is the one who is to be redeemed ... he is not a milksop sacrificing emotional fool, which is what the writers are making him out to be ... honestly, that Arnav-Anjali scene which the forum is raving about, did absolutely nothing for me ... I found it idiotic in the extreme! I did not understand whether Anjali was right, whether she was wrong and Arnav felt guilty about lying to her ... it would have been far better if they had shown a monologue of Arnav's so that we got to know what he was actually feeling.

      I am watching the show these days with far less interest and concentration than before, because of the circumstances, and it fails to make sense to me. And the bulk of the audience watches it the same way - only a few people online discuss it so fiercely and minutely and try to understand what is going on ... the rest watch it casually, and if they don't understand what's happening, they will switch elsewhere. And the bulk of the audience needs a good heroine ... a hotwa hero will take the show only so far ... heck, if the hot hero was so popular and the heroine didn't matter, then the show would be on top in the TRP charts already.

    2. You know Dia I sort of disagree with you a little... I don't think it's ok to sacrifice one lead at the expense of the other...they're doing that with Khushi now and later on if they do that with ASR it'll be just as bad. If you're telling a story you have to be able to do both characters justice. Equally.

      I do agree that soppy ASR does not work. No offence to Barun but ASR's 'hotness' so to speak lies in his I don't give a damn about what the world think- I do what I want - but secretly do have a softer side.

      I don't want to see the misunderstood male lead being understood by his sister while the female lead is cluelessly unaware. **head bang**

      I want him to be impatient and teasing with is superstitious patronising sister and right now where we are in the story I want him to be gruff and brash towards Khushi and when he does do something nice in his twisted way- keep it to himself. Introspect alone.

      And frankly -again no offence to Barun but unless the stylist doesn't get his/her act together and stop the excessive hair product usage no ones going to watch ASR either...

      And Khushi... They need to show the Khushi post jadoo hai nasha... Outwardly composed, still normal with the family but tension between her and him... Isn't she wondering what the hell is happening? She can't be so out of it... Especially after HR..she's totally forgotten about his 'and what about when you hurt me?' line...she's forgotten about advancing RRR...

      Oh man this is bumming me out.

    3. Gargi, that's exactly what I said - you CAN'T sacrifice one to glorify the other ... they have have done that recently with Khushi, and that's exactly why it's not working! If you have a strong male lead, you need a very strong female lead to balance him, or the world will wonder why the hell the guy loves her in the first place ...

      And now in order to glorify ASR and his love, I feel they are beginning to play with his character too much too ... I loved the relationship he had with his sister in the beginning - he loved her, adored her, listened to her on a lot of things, but was his own man ... now I find their relationship deteriorating to the point that it irritates me! ASR is not soppy, he is not indecisive, he does what he thinks is right, whether it is or not ... where is his introspection, his thinking?

      I don't expect Khushi to think too much about Shyam, to be honest ... Arnav and his blow hot blow cold tactics are keeping her mind fully occupied. As far as she is concerned, the only solution she has to Shyam is to stay out of his way as far as possible ... telling Arnav is not even an option right now. Although I still don't agree with why she can't tell Payal ... in a way, that's Khushi too, she never told her family about the worst of things Arnav did to her, because she needed to keep her job ... breaking up the marriage of the beloved daughter of the house is a HUGE thing to do ... she cannot do it! I don't agree, but I can understand it.
      What I can't understand is why make her a comedian ... I just hope after all this venting, the Gopi vhau part 2 is better, because now Arnav knows what she is up to, and hopefully he will also use his brains and play her along. Otherwise, hotness be damned, his character is starting to bug me ... and I liked the ASR character ... Barun's looks are just a bonus, his character and his acting is the real draw for me.

      A big ditto - the post Jadoo Hai Nasha Hai Khushi please - the tension between her and Arnav, as she plays normal with the rest of the family. I thought after HR, she did sense his feelings, her anger was because he refused to voice them ... like Sandy, Rekha and I discussed some time back, once she knows he loves her, or she realizes her own feelings, she will be his in an instant ... that's probably why they are delaying her realization. So I agree with Sandy's post - she will realize her feelings the day she comes to know why he married her ... and she will leave - for his happiness. And he will let her go - for hers.

      I just wish they would reach that point soon - and without the sidetracking into unnecessary comedy! Keep it serious ... leave the comedy, badly-written or otherwise, to Payash-Mami-Bubbly. I don't care about their character destruction ...

    4. Dia, Gargi:

      For most of us, this show appealed cos you had a complex dark hero and a STRONG HEROINE. Now we have a complex mushy hero and a DILUTED HEROINE.

      See why it is falling flat on their faces. How the hell can you not be on the same page vis a vis your own creation - the channel, the storywriter, the producer pull the show, the characters in 3 different directions and there is a furore.

      Every week the story progresses according to the channel, producer, storywriter and after furore, the 4th week, someone steps in pulls it back and goes about undoing the damage done. 5th week again the vicious cycle starts, which is why we have either 3 weeks of madness and 1 week of sanity or 3 episodes of ridiculous stuff and 2 episodes of some sane stuff.

      All the other shows are going gung ho and pretending IPL does not exist, apna show is giving excuses, what crap.

      Farak Padta hai Khushi was one of the best, You were rooting for her, could see why Arnav fell in love with her, she had so much class and dignity while handling him and the rest of the family, now it is ridiculous.!

      IPK fan page is asking for suggestions, those who are on FB, can they recommend this Blog there please. They won't need to look anywhere else:)

    5. Dia, absolutely...That Anjali-Arnav scene has to be probably the stupidest scene ever. as u rightly pointed out...when u have are two people and one has broken a thing, what is the need to put it crudely...when there are two people in a room...and one farts (sorry for using a crude anology!!) can there be any doubt as to who did that?...whats the need to lie?...Silly the name of showing a special relationship..It would have been better to say Arnav assuaged Anjali's feelings of guilt with his talk etc..
      how can they muck around so wonder the actors don't show any conviction in their scenes becos its beyond comprehension...

    6. Rekha: ROFL..Very well said. I seriously want to tie all the people responsible for this mess and make them watch their own show or atleast ARHI SCNES and to realize how they have messed up, grrrrrr

    7. Shweths..I just wish when these guys write a scene, they just stopped to ponder and worked out the inconsistencies in a scene..logic, characterisation, past history etc....
      Its one thing for posts in IF, especially talking of great meaning in camera angles, use of mirror, who is at the base,who at the apex....all that comes to zilch if the bloody scene doesn't mean a thing...u make characters act like zombies, having no power to think, if at all they introspect, they do that in a limited periphery...(Soch ki seema ek hadh tak).

    8. Rekha,

      Yaar aise bhi mat peet mujhe ;) Agle baar symbolism likhne se pehle dus baar sochna hoga mujhe - I personally like the mirrors because they are a reflection of the soul the mind and to me somewhere up ther with the introspective FBs.

      As for whether the audience gets it or not - agree ki agar thoda jyaada hi obscuure hai toh not everyone gets it and teh story loses its charm

    9. No sandy sweetie, I don't have a problem with symbolism and the gud use of props.....absolutely not...I did not have a problem with the use of conches blowing during the bandagement scene...My point has been that the use of a prop/etc in a scene meant to enhance or add to a symbolism will work only if the scene itself is conceived well.
      Nahi yaar....aap log yeh symbolim ke bare mein likhte hain toh scene becomes bearable...its just that..CVS need to appreciate that logic cannot be casualty in a scene.....
      I may have joked about the symbolism but believe me....I appreciate the effort that many take to ire is directed at the conception of the scene...
      Likh yaar tu...pleasee *hugs*

    10. guys, the anjali-arnav scene must have further roots.. I have a feeling that anjali misunderstood the reason arnav lied to khushi.. Di assumes he is all self sacrificing for khushi(like he is for Di), he is NOT.

      now i am accepting that arnav was not faking the faint, and lied to khushi in the morning. I think the reasons are not as straight as his Di assumed.

      also, the broken picture thing.. the way TQ told the story, when it was broken, ODB took the blame publicly. only problem was, TQ knew it was not him because it was she who broke it.. never said that only they were involved.

    11. Jaya,
      I don't know, i may be wrong here becos, i have missed a couple of epis after my my sense of disconnect may be heightened....
      but the Di-Arnav scene did not work for me on first look simply looked as if A needs Di to decode his actions...(what was not clear whether he agreed with her surmise or if he was stumped by her analysis)If, it was the first case, his reaction was all wrong(dunno if BS got it wrong. If its the second case, I wld be highly disappointed that he needs someone to decode his innermost feelings especially since Di has not been reading well at all. If Di had been shown to be able to pick him up at poignant moments, i would find it easier to reconcile to that scene. Their bonding has been about being there for each other...Its not been about Di picking the signs...telepathy or whatever...Also the episode quoted by her was a lame one, they could have chosen something more apt!!

    12. Rekha, the broken picture story was lame, yes. i think anjali is assuming that ASR lied out of the goodness of his heart.. and this assumption (and her conclusion that he loves khushi more than he thinks) vexes arnav. he cannot tell her the truth of why he lied to his wife, but cannot let TQ believe otherwise..

      in this scenario, barun's expressions were right.

    13. Rekha,

      I could not stop myself writing because I needed to write it out to understand some things myself.

      Jaya /Rekha,
      That final Arnav Anjali scene to me was needed - because it set the context to some of the messaging in the rest of the epi.

  21. Part 1

    So we had the biggest Revelation of the show so far - No, not with respect to Arnav or

    Khushi or Shyam even - The simple fact that the Producer, Channel & the Writer appear

    clueless and are on different pages when it comes to Khushi's realization (That is purely

    my interpretation of the interview, feel free to disagree).

    So here is the solution (Brilliant or Bakwas the way you see itLOL)

    Khushi's Realization of Love - K.I.S.S Formula - Keep it Sweet and Simple.

    Present state of Khushi

    She right now is taking Arnav's presence in her life for granted (just like Arnav used to till he had his Ambulance moment.)

    She is going all out to get herself kicked out of RM, the marriage without stopping for a moment and thinking, What will she do in the future...without him?

    So here comes the need for Khushi's own Ambulance moment.

    Scenario 1: Let Arnav & Khushi have another of their bitter argument or not...The thing is let him go to the office and have a small accident...(Aha, Accident, rings a bell?)

    So far the past 2 instances we have seen more guilt from her side for being responsible for Arnav's suffering whatever be the severity of the condition.

    If Arnav's biggest fear is of losing the people he loves, Khushi has the same fear too and
    add to that the accident, let her start experiencing the fear of losing him to something where she has no control.

    Paving the way for the first step towards her realization, He is absolutely important to her.

    Scenario 2:

    Send ASR off to his Mumbai Office to take care of some important stuff and finally the physical separation of the two that all of us have been screaming for happens.

    We have all seen Arnav's reaction when he didn't see her for 2 days. Let Khushi undergo the same.

    All along especially post marriage she has maintained that the Raizada family and her own family matters to her the most. Without taking anything away from those relationships, Let her realize where Arnav figures in this.

    Let the first few hours be her happy self, not having to see her Laad Governor for 2 days.

    And then it slowly starts hitting her, Even though the R family dotes on her, she is missing the most important person - Arnav.

    Let her spend a night alone and think how suddenly everything seems so hollow even
    though she now has the love of both the families starting with the Raizada family.

    Next seeing how much she is missing Arnav let Anjali & Nani send her off to the Gupta family for a day so she feels better. At home again her family is doting on her and everything yet she is not that happy. Let her start worrying for her future - that after the period of 4 months, she will be back at her home and her life suddenly looks bleak without him in her life.

    Have both or either one...I would prefer both and if it has to be one, let it be scenario 2.

  22. Part 2

    Taking it forward:

    Khushi leaves for Gupta House and spends the night there. Around Late in the evening Arnav comes back home finishing his work only to realize with horror and irritation that Khushi has been sent to Gupta House. He enters muttering to himself, fantastic, I can get some peace only to realize that there is on peace without her, his own life revolves around Khushi now.

    Next morning Gupta Ladies come to drop Khushi off with the excuse we will meet your family too, she finds Arnav there and senses the hollowness the sadness is replaced with relief, pure joy & Love.

    Let her once again see the same people, the same relationships have a new meaning with ARNAV back in her life.

    The realization that her life and everything and everyone she loves and values mean so
    much more with his presence in her life.

    As she struggles with her emotions, controlling the tears trying desperately to put her cheerful mask on and fairly succeeding till he sees through that mask and asks quietly, What is wrong, Why do you look upset, Are you okay with concern.

    At that moment she realizes her Raajkumar and Rakshash are indeed the same and she is irrevocably in love with Arnav Singh Raizada.

    Let her go to their bedroom and decide if she wants to quietly leave after the stipulated period as he wants her to or stay and Fight for for him, her love, her marriage.


    Khushi is not the same girl we saw around 9-10 months ago. She is a Young Woman now. A young woman who is married to a complex man and is in love with that Complex man.

    She has seen the best and worst in the past months. That is bound to mature any individual including her.

    Let her love realization be not trivilazed by Dhak-Dhak or with comedy.

    Let her be childlike, don't take that away from her. But do not make her childish or a comedieene. Give us the Khushi we fell in love with.


    Let Khushi's realization of love be something beautiful, poignant that the fans are proud of and you the Team is proud of.

    Give us that moment which makes us fall in love with Khushi, Arnav-Khushi, Love itself all over again, Please.

    Comments welcome

    1. Beautiful Shwetha, especially Secnario 2.Hope the CVs are reading and implementing it. It would be great if she could have flashbacks of all the times when she had witnessed his care and concern for her, while she spends her time missing him. So far they have only focused on the scenes which highlighted the physical attraction. I would like to see Khushi recollecting the emotional bond that has been established between them without their knowledge.


    2. That was beautiful, Shwetha. Really wish the cv's read this and all the comments on Khushi's character. Would love to see Khushi have a really good realization, remember the times Arnav came to her rescue even when they were at loggerheads, the times she leaned on him unconsciously for support and he came through for her ... those times are very few, but they are there ... she needs to remember them.

      Also let the cv's show her maturing slowly from a childish, immature girl to a woman ... Nani always says Khushi is mature beyond her age, let Arnav (and the viewers) see some of that maturity and her blossoming into a woman ... we loved the time when she stayed out of his way, and let him miss her ... let's see her miss him too ... without it being comic.

    3. Shwetha, Opti, Dia, Shiddat!

    4. Opti, Dia, Jaya: Thanks.

      I am glad the murmuring has started with respect to Khushi's character. We need that warna they will be concentrating on the one sided love story only.

      While discussing this in my IF post too, she needs to realize she seeked him out when she had her doubts about Shyam subconsciously, he has done things for her and she continues to care, WHY????

      After the hell he has put her through Marriage without giving her a reason, why does she continues to care for him?

      She needs to focus on her feelings towars him and THEY NEED TO SHOW THAT FULLY FOR ONE EPISODE. Let it be more of FBs and only Khushi (Barun can use that time off for his haircut).

      Only then we all can reconnect with the story. Now it is totally gone for me.

    5. Shweths,
      I think you hit the nail on the head there - the story is becoming too one-sided, and that is the real problem. A love story is a two way street. Right now it's all soppy love from the guy who should be harsh, and comedy from the girl who should be introspective ... but since both their brains have gone off to Siberia, we viewers are left frustrated!

    6. Okay this comment goes through before power goes off, they had wonder ful opportunities to show Khushi's hurt, he missed her, show for a second she also stealing a glimpse looking at him and missing her, the night spent awake, think of the fbs, why do you still care, some sadness, some tears, some sorry something, instead what we got? *head desk*

      The ordinary audience does not have the time to analyze, for them things need to be spelt out.

      I hope this happens atleast now.

    7. Shweths...yaar, tum yeh idea, PH ko bhej do....only then there is some hope!!

    8. Shweths,

      Lovely thoughts. But it is not yet time for this. Khushi's time initially was pre-Diwali. Post wedding it has bene both of them and now it is Arnav's time because the MU is his, the conflict now will be more his leading to clearance. It is only when Khushi learns of how Arnav MUed her will her heart ad mind conflict begin.

  23. Hey went over all the comments...guess everyone's pretty annoyed...hehehe...

    I just have this to add...

    In January come hell or high water, whether I was at work, college, gym, or even out with friends 7:45 I'd drive like a maniac and make it to the tv set by 7:58...

    mid Jan I think Sandy and I joined Shweths commenting...try and see who could comment first...hehehe

    In Feb I'd watch the episode and immediately log onto R&R eagerly waiting for Dia's post and the discussion...still hooked onto IPK and R&R equally

    March somehow it became more about checking in with everyone and reading everyone's funny/insightful/MIG comments than about the IPK obsession...

    April...I'm really not sure if I'd still be watching every single episode if it weren't for the fact that R&R has become an addiction way harder to kick than IPK...

    I know that it must be hard with a daily soap and there are limitations because of budget constraints but it just feels like one of those novels which starts of amazingly well, establishes these complex wonderfully thought out characters and then once you reach page 120 the author isn't quite sure what to do with the characters.

    You wind up spending the next 240 pages wondering what the heck happened and yet being the kind of person who cant leave a book unfinished still reads the whole book.

    What sucks is that while Hollywood makes some amazing television (Big Bang theory, West Wing) but its so nice to have a good desi daily soap...sometimes it can get a little OTT, SP saas bahu-ish, but we don't mind if they give us good chemistry and a good plot in the long run...IPK did that but they seem to be overwhelmed with their own creation now...

    1. Gargs: You said it be, now I am watching the show for friends. Earlier when I was not on IF or R&R, I used to watch it for the show.

      You know the problem is Ved raj comes across as the arrogant guy who has zero respect for Gul or Khushi.

      He writes the story, I am assuming the nuances are brought in by screenplay and dialogue writers, correct me if I am wrong.

      Khushi is such a beautiful character with equal layers as Arnav, unfortunately they have made her unidimensional and it is flopping on them big time.

    2. Shweths,

      The reason I had mentioned his earlier interview here was becaue yes, he came across as someone who writes a story and thats all - nuances seem to be built in by the screenplay writers, dialogue writers and teh director. His halvaai analogy kind of said it all don't you think.

    3. Gargs,

      I joined the bandwagon early feb - around the pre-wedding nok jhok and yes that was a gripping time in teh story.

      If they pace it well, we will again reach a gripping point with Arnav's confusion and the MU clearing. I am just hoping that they plan the story for the week.

      they need that flowchart yaar. When I started to write about Fri, I could not help but write about the rest of the week and that is how the story shoudl be - u will write forward but link it to the past and make teh connects evident.

      Fri epi was really neeed IMO to get things going. Eagerly waiting for more dhamaal with teh villain being back Monday.

  24. Dia ,
    Sorry I had to stop abruptly with last post
    Thanx 4 the response
    Congrats, your wish to see Khushi in white was granted.
    Dia, Shwetha, Gargi, U guys have summed up the feelings of the majority. The characters seem lost. But I must say I felt this week was interesting after a long time. Ms. B is there 4 a purpose. She will prob create a slight MU in Pay- Ash. That will end up in Khushi diverting most of her attention away from ASR (give them timeout). A visit to Mumbai has been promised.So lots of scope to prolong the MU and fall in and out of love. I completely agree that Arnav is geting all the good lines. Be it the holi scene or the HR scene. Khushi had to be content with the B&B and they hurl her back into comedy. Khushi seems lost. I think/hope most of Shwetha's predictions will come true.Khushi has to mature now. But looks like thats a way from now.I know it is dragging a bit, but the CVs have a habit of suddenly coming up with wonderful ideas. The day before the HR scene, I was disgusted at the thought of ASR in a fancy dress comp, but it turned out well. The day b4 B&B I thought: God now a Bachha party! What all we have to sit through! And it was the day Arnav realised he is not only the beast, but also the prince 4 her. When K stood with the sindoor behind a white shirted ASR the most I expected was that she would stain the shirt plus or minus a RV moment(and I really don't find those catches charming)or a fight. And they gave us another cute moment. ASR was affected so much so he couldn't hide it whereas Khushi stood away like a shy child. Looks like she didn't realise the effect she had on him.It also shows us where each one stands in this relationship as of now.
    So hopefully we are understanding the story as they would like us to and they won't let us down 4 all the patience we are showing.

    1. Su,
      When was Khushi in white? Did I miss that?

      When I look back at the last week, I do agree with you, that things are slowly coming back on track. But the treatment and the writing continues to be shoddy and lacks continuity big time. The emotions are all over the place ... I feel Sanaya is not convinced with what she is doing, and it shows in her acting. And I don't blame her ... I feel the same way too. This is not the time for comedy and smiles ... this is the time for Khushi to mature, to be hurt by the bricks that life is hurling at her one after the other, and to withdraw into a shell, lose her trust in Arnav, and start questioning what is happening in her life and why. Whenever we have a serious Khushi, the episode seems good - be it the HR sequence, and Khushi chasing Arnav with questions after that, or the B&B story ... the moment Khushi becomes comic, the entire tempo is lost.
      So the cv's give us good scenes, then follow them up with crappy stuff that takes them - and us - three steps back!

      Let's see how they go this week ... with the TRP's falling, they should get a jolt, and if they do visit IF, I hope they see the general unhappiness with Khushi's characterization, and not just the Barun/ASR drooling posts!

    2. Her night salwar was white:-D

      Dia!! Y are people drooling over ASR?? I could understand that for Oct, Nov, Jan ASR but now his character is also being compromised and his looks too :-s...?? Am I missing something ??

    3. Aadat say majboor I think?

      Where is the Shyam-Anjali engagement wala ASR, The Bandagement wala ASR? Even the Nainital wala ASR?

      Fashion tycoon does not have decent clothes, atleast can get a decent haircut and maintain himself well right?*head desk*

    4. as soon as ASR becomes bitwa again, I guess he will get his hair cut. that means the day of him realizing khushi's innocence. so maybe, that day is near?

    5. Shwetha, the difference is more in the length of his stubble.. in the beginning, it was just a 5 O'colck shadow. that works.

      now, it is more like three-day beard, that's what makes him look so tired all the time.

      and the sideburns.. ick!

  25. Perfect heroes are a dime a dozen.. if the heroine is not molded perfectly for his character, the show becomes boring. The initial writeup of khushi.. mature beyond her age, fearless to do even things that carried social stigma, gets up and questions even people who have authority over her.. her quiet dignity in the face of adversity... it was a brilliant character. the only time she goofed off was when she had to bring a smile to the face of her loved ones.. and that was perfect..

    now, I can understand that she has her heart trampled on by the one she wished to love, got herself married as her jiji's dowry, and she may be going through seven kinds of depression and trying to mask it by goofing off, but it has to be portrayed well.. you cannot explain her wanting to work as "have to return his Rs300." there should be a more serious reason.

    I can accept that she did not think of her family or her adoptive father's health even once after marriage ... if it is because she is in turmoil with the emotional rollercoaster.( not because she is jhalli.. that is not her character.)

    I know the week after holi (episodes 211 to 216)became so OTT that even the CVs do not know how to salvage it. who approved of its telecast anyway? (grr)

    So as far as khushi is concerned, what the CVs showed after marriage is.. she does not know the reason why ASR married her. she is stuck - cannot leave for the period of 6 months. so she decides to make this time as irritating for arnav as possible..( why? ) she gets that he is affected by her, whatever the reason(the reason is , he admitted to their hearts being one on holi.. she remembers subconsciously)..

    and then, suddenly, she goes full on pagal.( but he plays along with her.. he likes this flash of childishness in his life. forgets time and place when he is with her. he likes her playfulness almost as much as her beauty..)

    Bitiya accepts her place as his partner, almost demands it in her actions.. They have some public faceoffs, but these happen because they are so involved in each other that they forget propriety.

    She is worried about TF's advances. She, like ASR, does not confide in anyone. She wants an excuse to get out of the house during the day. One day, the perfect opportunity presents itself.. Lo, dabba service! (now was that so hard? CV's where was your dimaag? instead of bashing you for the 300 Rs excuse, the fans would be singing your praises!..)

    and then comes the delhi mein bali. she is mad at him, after Di's death dialogue and the fight that ensued,(where he said "you deserve a lot more pain than this", and where khushi said" I wont show you tears for your stone heart!") and he gets terribly jealous when he sees khushi uninterested in him and snake's eyes on her. he goes into the passion dance, and is surprised and pleased when she submits to him wordlessly. the night they share on the recliner further affirms that she is aware of his changing heart. and that she is not too confused or upset by his physical proximity anymore.

    next day, his voice goes. she becomes his voice. she does understand him.. more so than he thought... him and his ego.. saves the company, without asking or telling anyone.. this is her MO from the beginning. perfectly in character. but then, she explains to akash.. she likes masti too. Later, does not hesitate to do schoolgirl stunts on a public road.. because it is him. her Tom. Her possessiveness is starting. (I hated why she was in the drivers seat.. maybe if he wanted to buy water, asked her to sit in the drivers seat ( because it was a no parking zone) and action of his hand would have sufficed! CVs, give us a plausible reason, not a pagal one!) cont'd

    1. (cont'd)
      next day, his voice comes back..she shouts at him for making her worry..and gets gyaan about his ego. and nani manipulates them to get on stage together. and she has the biggeest revelation.. he does care. he loves her... but will not admit it. and she wants to know why and asks him "why dont you tell me whats in your heart? and the fight gets her an answer.. his hate for her outranks his love... and he's angry that he has to suffer through this temporary marriage with her...see her face... and the next day, after hearing that he feels better when he does not see her face, she decides she will not show her face to him..let him live in peace for two days...and arranges for tuitions in the evening.

      Even though he asked her to stop the dabba service, she cannot stop.. that is her excuse to get out of the house and stay out of sham's way.. and now she has to stay out of ASR's way too. but the bacha party had other ideas.. they pave the way to lay down some ground truths for both of them.

      next morning, Di takes it upon herself to advise the couple. asks bitwa to be a bit kinder on his wife, she has lost her spark, give her some rights...... and asks bitiya to be a bit more loving to her chotey..he does not know how to demonstrate love, and doesnot like PDAs, but he has to feel the love to understand.

      She irritates him off breakfast, angers him out of lunch.. and eats up all his dinner. By the time she figures out, he is unconscious. she keeps up all night feeling guilty and taking care of the ungrateful patient. in the morning, the revelation comes that he was faking it?

      I think the CVs can fix her whole character in a few well-placed flashbacks. I agree with shwetha's suggestion that some fight and walkout and accident(cliche'd as it is) needs to happen to start her revelation track. ASR's revelation has been done and done. eagerly waitng for next episode to see how they handle it.

  26. Jaya,
    Really nice of u to help us recount in a chronological order some of the magic of the days gone by in IPK.

    In a way, it helped resolve some of the anger we feel..
    There appear to be stages that the CVs hopefully want to achieve with these two...
    It has been hinted that Khushi will be unyielding during the time when A will know of her innocence. What will cause that? Her dejection or her lack of trust in him becos of the hurt he would have caused by then?
    The latter does not fit in with the 4th promo logic....does it?Any pointers?

    Also, one important stage that the CVs have yet to cover is the open admittance by A to himself that he loves Khushi altho he hates himself for it...yes..the Heer ranjha came close to that..Have we all accepted that A is in that phase...Or are they going to show A punishing K more and more in the coming days as a result of his tortured state of mind. If thats to happen..I wish the CVs show him deflecting some of his pain ( his dilemma)...rather than show them as disjointed scenes where he is harsh to K...Show him troubling her but also show him troubled by it...else it makes no sense....

    1. Rekha, thanks :)

      he admitted it to himself on the day of havan, to be exact.. the day of the anbulance chase. (p.s. i just realized that anji had khushi's phone in that epi :D) he acted on it too.. got her bangles.. and etc.. and she fainted :D

      so his realization is quite old. then he hated her after the terrace scene. oh, i have no words to describe it, see it for yourself.
      okay, i started it from a bit before, but youll not regret it :) (and oh! that guy who stopped arnav from climbing the stairs after K.. =courier guy!)

      or if you just want to see the betrayal scene, it is here:

      the current track is more of ASR's acceptance of khushi's truthfulness.. her true character. that , i hope, is almost done, and khushi's realization track.. that started with heer ranjha will continue.

  27. Hi Ladies,

    Down with a bad cold. Been reading thru all the comments and for a while my mood was low. But the way teh story is poised now, I see hope if they are able to piece it together. IPK is my one indulgence and letting go is not going to be easy.


    your Khushi realizartion parts are fabulous. I want somee of that to happen too.

    Rekha / Dia / Aaru,

    Understand you girsl are really annoyed right now but I don't think either character has been dumbed down - honest! we feel so because of the way teh story is getting narrated. Yes there have been low points and somehow thinking of teh week as a whole has helped me with soem of my thoughts. Why I continue to puzzle is because somewhere I have fallen hard for Arnav and khushi and am still rooting for ArHi :)

    I wondered if I am hanging on only because of R&R and no I have not yet reached that point. IPK excitement had petered down in the middle but I have got excited about the episodes since last week again. And the FB's and introspection is missing because I feel they are still wondering what path some of the events will take. the FBs are starting so perhaps they have a path again. The last time there was no promo, and teh story floundered was post la leaving when they were wondering how to move forward - (it was at this time that Ved raj's interview came). NK came in at this point and then teh story did move.. So fingers crossed that since we are at an impasse and we also have a new entry things are finally going to pick up.

    Even I am okay with him faking it or him lying to say I faked it - because in either case, I think what he wanted to convey to Khushi remained the same from how I understood it.

    Lastly, I guess I am not going to give up my bak bak so soon - till Dia bodily throws me out one day. Till then as long as I can make sense of the scenes and characters I will come back and write her Because it also helps me understand teh story better.

    Your summary and vishesh tippani have been great to read as always. Btw there is a post on IF I saw which said RM has only one room and one pool - so taht should lay to rest all ur architectural questions :D

    I have reminisced and rambled about Fri's episode while linking it to the rest of teh week..will paste it below.

    It is really long people

    1. hi sandy, hot cups of kaadha for your cold!

      IPK is somewhat questioning itself, today i rewatched the wedding...and was so gripped in the tale.. nothing like that is happening in the current episodes for me, except the heer ranjha act and the ensuing fight. yes, the story is mellowing. hope it gets back into shipshape soon.

      I know the RM sets has only one room and one pool..(actually, above the poolside room is another room.. mami's room... you can hear akshay dogra describing it in the tellytadka tour of RM set.. also, we see a different set of sliding doors in that room..)

      i was pulling my hair out at the IMAGINARY layout (concept) of the raizada mansion.. not the actual sets. sometimes they say anjali's room is upstairs, sometimes, guestroom is downstairs, nani's room is floating, akash's room is a mirage, sometimes they climb up to get to the pool, sometimes they climb down the poolside stairs, I MEAN the set director has no idea about what his dream house looks like.

      so, getting to your omnibus :D

    2. Jaya,

      Thanjs ya! Had some hot souo but it is Mon tomorrow an the runny nose refuses to stop *sigh*

      I am laughing reading to your comments on the set director not knowing if he / she is comign or going ;)

    3. Jaya and Sandy,
      Great to read your summaries for the week ... thanks for the effort :) Helped to make sense of the last week ... as I was not watching with any degree of concentration at all, as you can imagine. Have watched most of the episodes just once, so I haven't been able to put any thought into analysis at all.

      Just adding a few points on Sandy's posts as they strike me, or highlighting the ones which struck me as crucial to the movement ... or which brought out something I hadn't noticed (lots of the last!)

    4. oh Dia, ((HUGS)) of course you're welcome to the bak bak :)
      i was just playing in your yard, making sense and drawing up beautiful verse is your forte, not mine..

    5. Dia,

      Huggs!! Just glad to be able to write bak bak someplace :D

  28. Fri – Apr 13th - Part 1

    In Tue 10th Apr episode, Khushi confesses to Lakshmi that she will ensure she does not make her presence felt around Arnav by focusing on her catering services and the tuitions. Arnav overhears this. He knows it is a fallout of his outburst 2 days earlier where he had rather cuttingly told her that she had made his life hell in that room. After that she stayed out of his way only for him to sense her presence in the room when he looked around and to recall her when looking at the stars, the chimes and other things around the place. Nearly frantic with her continued absence he had searched for her in the house only to find her in the guest room. She was narrating a tale of Beauty and the Beast to the assembled children. As she narrated Khushi mentioned a Charming Prince who is loving and caring to her. Arnav listens to her description of the prince with yearning because he knows she thinks he is the beast. As she narrates Khushi speaks of how Beauty wonders about the Prince and the Beast being one and the same. Arnav is stunned to hear this and recalls his conflicting behavior to her giving her hope and crushing her afterwards. Khushi recalls how during the staircase fight Arnav had told her that she is the cause of all his hatred and anger. Khushi was still grappling with how the Beast and the Prince could be one and the same person. She never got to the point of realizing that Arnav is her Prince. Knowing he is her Prince would mean knowing she loves him. I think the question the Prince asks her in her dreams just before she wakes up is “Why does it matter to you that the Beast hates you? / Shaitaan agar tumse nafrat karta hai toh tumhe kyun farak padhtha hai?” She knows Arnav is the Beast and was in a dilemma about how the Beast and the Prince could be one (“Sundari ko samajh hi nahi aa raha tha ki Shaitan aur rajkumaar dono ek hi aadmi the.”). Khushi by this time was out of the story and into her wonderment about the conflicting personalities of Arnav. Arnav was surprised to hear of the beast and Prince being one but he thought she was only narrating a story and he equated himself to the Beast and the Prince analogies of the story. He did not realize that by that time Khushi was out of the story. Later in one the notes, he told Khushi “Sapnon ki duniya se baahar aao Khushi. Bachchon ko apni tarah mat banaao”. He also said “Sundari aur tum, ghar mein itne saare sheeshe hain, kisi main bhi dekh lo”. Also Khushi’s last note to Arnav did not reach him. It was intercepted by Anjali. It would have told him “Pariyon ki duniya se kab ke baahar aa chuke hum. Jiski aapse chaadi huyi hai, use payiyon ki kahaani main vishwaas kaise ho sakta hai”. So any scope of Arnav’s possible rethink about the story and Khushi speaking in reality was axed by the note being intercepted. Any further introspection by Khushi was halted with the child’s query on the ending.

    Khushi had once said that it is better to remain in the land of dreams as in the real world only hearts break. Arnav also accepts this because to him Heer and Ranjha lived happily ever after in a land of dreams for in reality they died just as his love was crushed and his dreams shattered. He knows Khushi’s dreams have also been shattered but does not know the true reason behind that. Khushi asking him time and again about the reason for his anger and why he hides his feeling to him seems to be her mocking him on his vulnerability and his inability to hide his feelings from her. He thinks she is trying to break his will (like he once tried to with the office incidents leading to the guest house catastrophe).

    1. The feeling I got from last Thursday's episode, their fight on the stairs, was that Khushi knows he feels something for her, something which is overpowered by his hate, the hate for a reason she still doesn't know. And her frustration is because of that - I think she said something along the lines of 'you don't understand when I try to say something, and I don't know what you want me to say ...' She does know that he believes she has hurt him, she also knows that he thinks she should know why, but she DOESN'T ... because she can't even imagine that he could ever think she could feel something for Shyam, even if he did know the truth about Shyam.
      So she knows he thinks she SHOULD know the reason he hates her, she doesn't know, he's refusing to tell her ... she is at a total impasse and her tears at the end of that fight scene were because she knows there is something between them, and she just doesn't know how to get him to admit to it, or to tell her what mistake she made, so she can set about rectifying it. Again, this points to Khushi knowing subconsciously that she cares for him - if it this point she got to know the truth, she would fall into Arnav's arms right away. Can't have that, she has to lose her trust in him completely before that ...

      So again the B&B story-telling leaves both sides incomplete ... she starts to see her Rajkumar in the Beast, but fails to complete the picture and join the two, the mask of the Beast and the Rajkumar inside, much like the mask of ASR and the hidden Arnav inside. Does this mean that again subconsciously, she does know that Arnav has done a lot for her ... her rajkumar 'takes care of her' ...

      And Arnav ... sorry to say, his brain is still in Siberia ... he is startled to realise that Khushi could think the Beast and the Rajkumar could be the same person ... it is very clear that the Beast is none other than him, but it still doesn't click that her Rajkumar is also him. It should have been pretty clear to him, with the analogy about the Beast loving his plants ... and it should have started Arnav's thought process for sure ... if Shyam is Khushi's rajkumar, why is she thinking of him, Arnav, as her rajkumar at all? And this is just after their very bitter fight, when the comedy had not yet started, no nautanki from Khushi to sidetrack the thought process. She has been hurt deeply by their fight, has stayed out of his way for two days, and then he hears her say this.

      When I started to reflect on the week, I realised that Arnav's character is undergoing as much destruction as Khushi's, especially in terms of brain function and thinking skills, but because his love is emerging, it seems more forgiveable.

  29. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 2

    Ok so Arnav having heard the B&B story also hears how Khushi is staying out of his way for his sake. And I think he felt a twinge of guilt. Next morning, he wakes up to state how all the Catering Service is a drama. To him Khushi’s efforts at enterprise are all a naatak covering up for something else though he does not know what. Walking down he encounters Anjali. Anjali, who asks him to let others take liberties with him (meaning let them love him) as she would feel happy. She speaks of how he lovingly looks after her and is aware of her every tiny need and happiness. However when it comes to Khushi, Arnav seems to… Anji left it unsaid but it almost felt like she wanted to tell him that when it came to Khushi he stopped himself from showing his care and concern for her. She voiced about how she feels Khushi is in search of her happiness and there being a reason for her giving tuitions in other words she feels Khushi is not as happy as she should be. Arnav’s eyes cannot quite meet hers as he knows why Khushi is not happy. She tells him not to fight and annoy Khushi as she does so much for the family and cares for them all – Arnav is in no mood to listen to “Praise Khushi”. Anjali send him on his way and decides to speak her heart instead with Khushi.

    When Anjali opens conversation, she speaks of how with Khushi being busy all day she will be unable to spend time with Arnav. She wonders how if they both run away from each other will they get to know each other better. Khushi responds with how she too wants to spend time with him but his office work keeps him busy. Also remembers to put in a word about how he had asked her to use her time constructively. All lies you think just to keep Anji happy? Not really – Arnav though cuttingly did tell her to do something worthwhile with her life. Also Khushi would like to in her heart spend time with him and get to know him better but what can she do if he pushes her away each time. But she is doing the marriage farce for Anjali Di and as always she covers for him so Anjali does not get worried.

    Anjali wanting to ensure they work towards resolving their issues lets in Khushi on Arnav’s biggest weakness till date. This was actually Khushi’s answer on how the Beast and the Prince can be one man but she just does not realize it yet. Even as a child Arnav is shown to be averse to public displays of affection. Just like his mother said, Arnav has always been a person who has hid his vulnerable self within a shell of anger and aloofness. Anjali speaks of his incapability to allow others to love him or let himself love anyone. (He had once upon a time told Anjali that even if he meets a girl who sets his heart racing he will ensure he stays away from her – all the while thinking of Khushi. Anjali had then told him that he would be unable to do that because attempting to do that would literally be like being asked to stop breathing. Arnav has had some heart stopping moments with Khushi’s near death scenarios when he chased the ambulance and when he saw her fall down dead as Heer.But he has never had to face a situation yet when she will be gone away from him with no hope for return –the closest was when he though she had left for Lucknow and it had affected him but his personal feelings then were nowhere near what they are today.)

    1. Agree with most of this ... the AA scenes as well as AnjKh ones ... after that my annoyance with the Gopi vhau track started!

  30. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 3

    If his Di’s accident made him go all weak thinking of how he will break without her, Khushi’s death experiences always make Arnav turn inwards first. On the havan day his first thoughts were for how he had told her she meant nothing to him and hurt her. On Heer Ranjha, it was about asking her to forget every hurtful action and word of his because she has always meant everything to him).
    Anjali goes on to say how even if he loves someone, he does not overtly display his affection or love and does not welcome others displaying their affection for him. She speaks of how even her displays of affection are accepted more out of habit than actual liking for them (Whenever Arnav has tried to show a soft side to Khushi when he actually was falling for her, he always covered it up in the guise of something else – be it about letting her know the choice for a sari for her while seemingly yelling at Aman, giving her a hanky to wipe her tears but ribbing her about the need to cry always, kissing her by the poolside but making it a challenge, liking she missed him on mehendi but making a sarcastic remark about how he is going to start thinking she actually worries for him)

    And then the most important bit of info that Anjali shares – If Khushi wants to understand Arnav, she needs to get into his shoes, needs to think along his lines and only then can she figure him out. She again tells Khushi how any overt display of affection will only cause Arnav to build walls around him but if she is able to make him feel the love “pyaar ka ehsaas” then Khushi will see a new Arnav. Khushi already knows this deep down. It has always been her tendency to stand up to him, challenge him yet make him feel for her that has always made Arnav vulnerable to Khushi. But he is yet to feel the “pyaar ka ehsaas” from her end without misunderstanding it in any way. (Intoxicated Holi acceptance in gazebo does not count). There was a moment when he began to feel that – on mehendi when he went missing and Khushi ripped into him on his return about how worried she had been because of him going away possibly due to what she had said and that concern had caught Arnav unawares. Later the same day when he heard her apologize to him for asking him to go away and then realizing she had written an A in her mehendi albeit in a mixup but knowing she had his name on her hand had made him feel good. To top it off Khushi had not rubbed it in his face rather tried to hide it away as she did not want him getting any ideas but he felt good to know it was an A on her hand then) (For some reason I keep thinking back to that payal and earring give and take instances I had thought of during the HR sequence when I think of Khushi showing her love for him but in reverse order).

    Also if Khushi thinks about it, if Arnav is so allergic to displays of love, could his relationship with Lavanya really have been one of love? Lavanya realized this in time and she parted ways with him but no one else has realized this till date. Lavanya was very vocal and hugged him all the time. Arnav never seemed very comfortable with that. He did not even like it when she had wandered into his room late one night. Post the gardening shears incident when Arnav had come to know of Khushi’s engagement, Lavanya had asked Arnav in front of Khushi if he was happy with all that is happening in their lives. Arnav had then told Lavanya that just because she cannot see it does not mean it is not there. I had always felt that he meant that for Khushi that just because she cannot see his concern does not mean it is not there for her. And it was just about then that he had started pushing her buttons with the tumhe faraq toh nahi padhtha hai – and all that had happened was Arnav realizing that usko faraq padhta hai. Now Khushi has begun a aapke koi faraq nahi padhtha hai and somehwhere down the line it will be her I feel who will end up thinking how use faraq padhtha hai.

    1. WE Fri - Apr 13th - Part 3

      Why does the intoxicated confession not count? He does remember that.. He knows what she said.. That her heart speeds up.. She tried to ignore it, she tried to forget it, but cannot. he accepted that she feels it.. that is why he became so tolerant towards her. he does not shout at her every time he gets angry.. yries to control his anger.. he answers her questions.. just like Di said, once he got the feeling of her love, he has become a changed man towards ODG.

    2. Honestly, I felt Anjali was gabbling. Anjali, for all her love for Arnav, sees him only as Chotey, her younger brother. The way he reacts to Anjali is very different from the way he reacts to Khushi. He is scared of losing Anjali, his last link to his mother (I won't call Anjali a mother-figure, because in all respects, she is more like his child than his mother). He is possessive about Khushi - he WILL NOT lose her, or let her go.

      Again, Anjali is his weakness, Khushi is his strength. Even more, Khushi with her fighter spirit, her zest for life, her ability to challenge him is his strength, and is what has drawn him back to "living" from merely being alive. Arnav accepts Anjali's loving gestures out of habit, because he knows she will persist, or sulk or refuse to talk to him, or cry ... none of which he can take, especially the last two. They have been through too much together, when they were just the two of them, he cannot stand a separation from her for too long ...

      Khushi, on the other hand, is Arnav's soulmate ... he can fight, shout at her, make her cry .. with HAQ ... she is his. Whenever she showed him that she cared for him, he always pounced on that fact with glee, because it reassured him that she WAS his - the A on her hand, when she said she cared and was worried when he went missing, when she fed the pattals to the cow and almost blurted out that it was because she was lost in him, when she chose the sari he liked ... he noticed every single time, because he is hungry for that love from her. It is only since the Shyam hug (DDR) that he doesn't WANT to see the care from her end, because he thinks she's acting it all ...

    3. Jaya,

      What you say makes sense to me but pata nahi kyun, I am not able to accept that Arnav remembers gazebo very well or actually takes it to be pyaar ka ehsaas in the true sense. Because right now he feels Khushi has been acting all along. In HR and Holi to him what holds importance is how he feels about her and what he told her under the guise of intoxication or an act. Having realized and accepted her importance he is not able to see her hurt because he does love her. Actually mellowness has been more post HR than Holi IMO.


      Agree on what you have said about Anj and Anj - Arnav. I wrote somewhere in my comment that Anjali knows her little brother Arnav but she has no idea of the demons plaguing the man Arnav. He has changed and he himself has accepted this but she does not want to accept that. She thinks he is still that small boy - ties in with Anjali wanting to always hold on to the picture of her world being perfect.

      Khushi is Arnav's strength. At the fancy dress be it the song tu hi mers where Arnav spoke of NEEDING her love, Arnav as Ranjha said without her he is nothing or being unable to stay long without seeing her or hearing her, his dependance on Khushi is more than hers on him. that is why when she actually lets him have his way with her or guide her, he gets a heady feeling - instances of mehendi, sari and others you mentioned above. It is in these instances she truly makes him feel in control.

  31. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 4

    Anjali who claims to know her chotay inside out has never read his heart. She says she knows his heart but no he has managed to hide himself from her too. She feels his feelings for Khushi are recent whereas Khushi has tormented his dreams for a long long time. Especially after he unwittingly almost caused her immense harm in that fated guest house incident. That night when without actually being at fault he ended up guilty. A night long of torment thinking if anything had happened to her, searching for her at the guest house, taking her home and having to leave not knowing if she would be ok or not. Overhearing Anjali’s call to find out if she was ok but denying her was bothered. Next morning when he saw her at his house, all that guilt came crashing down and he had asked her honestly if she was ok. But Khushi had lost her trust in him by then – to be a responsible employer.
    And why did Arnav send her to the guest house because after that rain hug, he realized he was getting very vulnerable to her because the man who never thought twice about his actions actually felt bad at making her stand there in the rain parking cars. Then she had the guts to reject his offer of a jacket a very unlikely gesture for a man like him.

    Khushi declares war with a new battle strategy. It is when you attempt to put yourself in another’s shoes that you end up understanding the other person better.

    Just like Arnav usually does with Khushi, it is to a sleeping Arnav that Khushi softens but then she is on a mission and KKGSR on a mission means Lucknow Express has left the station. Concern for KKGSR seems to come second nature to Arnav – he just cannot stop himself asking her to mind herself when she is about to or actually hits the door ynder that veil. Similarly Khushi can rib him for all she’s worth but if he ends up hurt, her care just kicks in by default. Arnav again makes the best he can with the situation at hand as his usual clothes having gone missing.

    However in the 11th April episode , Khushi ends up giving him PDA overdose and Arnav in his anger skips meals. The family nok jhok seemed okay because there are times when you are in reality a HMC, you kind of get the family in on some of your nok jhok at a very superficial level. Ever since that raksha dhaaga found its way to Arnav, he seems to be getting DM’s blessings each day. The family is increasingly seeing instances where these 2 seem to miss each other or go out of their way for each other. Family’s perception of how Arnav and Khushi are a HMC without they going out of their way to prove it – it is just happening since Holi. Why doesn’t Arnav initiate any more HMC acts to convince his family about how much they love each other. He is okay displaying his gruff nature to Khushi and not being lovey – dovey. Is it because he cannot bring himself to do that deception to her after Holi and HR or is it that he has accepted her as a part of the family and can be as gruff with her as he usually is with all and sundry. Shyam continues to miss out on all these loving moments because at present he should not get to know of the attraction between them He needs to stay disillusioned about their hate for each other because that will be his waterloo when he tries to curry Khushi’s favour by telling her the truth of why Arnav married her.

  32. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 5

    Khushi’s unconventional show of affection in applying teeka catches Arnav unawares. Like the time Khushi questioned Arnav about him preventing her hurting her head when no one was around, this act of Khushi which entailed some physical proximity makes Arnav wonder why she would have done that. It reminded me of the pre-Diwali scene where Arnav had something of hers and imposed himself on her to put it back on her. Here Khushi for the first time took the initiative and literally imposed herself on him. (imposed in a very generic context and Khushi herself was not unaffected by that encounter at all. For a moment even she was unnerved). If at Holi she just held him back, today very consciously, she held his face and made him look up at her. Makes me think that when Arnav realizes the true nature of Khushi in the future he will only be able to droop his head before her. It will have to be Khushi who will make him look up to her, make him feel worthy of her because she thinks so.
    But of course Khushi is still on Mission PDA and Arnav leaves in a huff. At the office, Khushi’s care for him could have been demonstrated differently without making her do all that she did. Arnav who once publicly dropped her from his cabin, today ensures some privacy while talking to her there finally tells her to Leave and not Get Out! – leave being a bit more polite and not yelling at his wife in the office in front of his staff.

    Later that night (12th Apr epi), with the PDA mission continuing, Khushi decides to wait for Arnav for dinner. Anjali gets cued into the whole PDA that hubby and wife indulged in leaving her all confused. Just the previous day she was speaking with both about how one needs to show more affection and the other needs to be subtle and the exact opposite seems to have happened and her brother seemed to have accepted the PDA too. I think she wondered what Khushi was up to and how she would be successful in making Arnav see her lover for him if she went down this path.

    Nani as usual champions Khushi’s cause and tries to tell Arnav to come home but to no avail. Arnav seems to have been a loner always. With a family full of people, he seems to have missed out on the joys of eating with them or has chosen to east alone. Arnav comes home annoyed at this new naatak his “Pativrata Khushi” seems to have come up with. He casually tells her how he is hungry and has not eaten all day, even sarcastically remarks about does she not want to eat together now (maybe because there was no one around to see her act). But Klutzy Khushi has finished all the food. But smart as she is, she manages the situation with the excuse of serving him hot food. Arnav doesn’t want her making any food so late and also thinks she had not eaten.

    Khushi comes back with food and of course throws in some PDA by which time Arnav has fainted. And Khushi immediately panics because she never meant him any harm (in the office Khushi pranked nowing the outcome will be in her favour. Here she pranked just to annoy him but the outcome was something she had not anticipated – just like the hot tea thrown). What I liked here is for the first time, Arnav is shown to be hurt or in a weakened state and the entire family gathers around him and is in a panic. Though the family always grouses about how Arnav is unfeeling and gruff, they cannot see him in pain. If something were to happen to him, the whole family panics and comes to a standstill. Makes me wonder does knowing this nature of his family make Arnav be the outwardly strong and unaffected person he is. Knowing he is the anchor of this boat, is why Arnav does not give in to anything (feelings) that make him vulnerable?

  33. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 6

    Khushi is the only one who actually steadies the rocking boat that is this family. She understands that he is asking about his medicine and also that his sugar level could be low (from past experience) and getting him some jaggery. If today, Arnav is seen to be holding the family together, what about when he has to do the same without Khushi while his guilt eats him inside? Will he be able to do it alone? Will his family suffer seeing him hurt? Or will he need Khushi to be beside him to revive him and bring him back into a position of strength?

    Anjali makes sure he eats some food because she was concerned but does not overstay or censure anyone. She leaves after reassuring Khushi that Arnav will be ok. Khushi feels guilty about insisting on eating together. She assumed he would have eaten lunch after she left earlier that day. Her guilt is that he has skipped / delayed dinner because of her Swami insistence and the family being involved, he had to comply to ensure the HMC image is intact. Khushi stays firm about letting Arnav have the bed as he in unwell even if she has to tell Di to make sure of it. She can be as stubborn as him when she chooses to.

    Trying to tuck him into bed, Arnav rebuffs her because he thinks it is all a continuation of Khushi’s antics since morning but Khushi persists and Arnav gives in. We all wonder why Arnav has not been able to conflict his mind and heart nor why does he tell Khushi how he feels but why should he? Khushi has stopped persisting. It is only when she persists and drives him to a corner that he blurts things to her.
    When she is only annoying him, Arnav swats it off easy just as he would a fly.

    But Khushi as a person is not one to be reassured so easily. And because she feels she contributed to his condition in some way. Knowing she will fall asleep easily, she paces the room or stands up to make sure she does not sleep off. When she dragged the recliner to face him, it almost felt like the recliner scene from the Deilli maa Bali HM scene. Then Arnav had eased into Khushi’s space, whereas today Khushi eased up into his space – she herself said this was his side of the room. That side of the room is a contrast in black and white be it the wall or the pictures. Tonight when she paced in the light from that single lamp, it almost looked like she is that single beacon of light in Arnav’s otherwise dark and bleak world.

    When Arnav wakes up in the middle of the night for water, she awakens to help him but is again rebuffed and she steps back though speaking words of caution. And then just what she had feared happens. In a jiffy, Khushi is trying to soothe his pain and grant him relief. Her concern and worry are very evident and again Arnav is caught unawares. That RV was more from his end. If on the stairs, Khushi had a RV as she was about to fall but was surprised to see Arnav hold her back, today Arnav was surprised to see Khushi’s concern and worry.
    Khushi helps him settle down again and Arnav raises his hand to protest but Khushi speaks up and asks him to let her. My CCKKP moment “Humein karne deejiye”. And he lets her. Why? Because Arnav wants her attention. For now he thinks he does not have the right to claim it and hence does not demand it. Also thinking she is another’s makes him think that any attention she gives him is not real (Swami act) and he does not want any fake attention from Khushi. If it is from her, he can only accept the real thing. But that night, when she insists, he lets her. The night RV scene was very reminiscent of the Teej breaking the fast water scene where Arnav was concerned and Khushi was nonplussed.

  34. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 7

    The way Khushi worried and paced this night reminded me of how Arnav was restless when she had gotten hurt at the guest house. That day he knew that she was hurt because he had sent her there and not answered her calls in his anger. He had contributed to her state but was powerless to do anything after.

    Khushi who after the earlier low sugar act had also rushed to assure herself that Arnav is ok is literally hanging off his side of the bed (Fri, 13th Apr epi) to assure herself he is fine the next morning. Slightly unnerved to see her up close Arnav dashes off slips and falls only to realize that she had also massaged oil into his hair sometime during the night.
    Khushi can hardly stay awake after that night out caring for him. The nice things here was both sisters come to know of Khushi having stayed awake. But where Anjali is touched to know Khushi cares so much for Arnav, Payal was worried for Khushi. She offers to make tea but then takes on another duty but reminds Khushi to take care of herself. Khushi about to sip her tea is again reminded of how she should give Arnav some as it will be beneficial to him. Anjali is even more touched. Is Khushi doing all this because she loves Arnav – no as of now it is because caring for others is Khushi’s nature and that too caring unconditionally.

    Anjali stops Arnav to check up on his well being – again at the very same stairs where she had just 2 days ago tried to tell him about letting other show their care for him because it would make her happy. Anjali speaks of her happiness that he has a life partner who values his health and well being above all others. Anjali speaks of her happiness at Khushi having taken care of him.
    In the recent past, Arnav had 2 major outbursts at Khushi hearing of her being spoken of highly by Anjali (one was in the Anjali wishing for Khushi’s long life and another was when he heard Anjali speak of how Khushi cares for her after the HR scene and Khushi being sweet to Anjali her only nanad. Both times, Arnav’s blood had boiled that Khushi was being sweet to Anjali while trying to rob her happiness silently. Both times he had spoken to Khushi about some plan that she had in her mind which he will not let her succeed in.)
    On hearing Anjali’s words and thinking back to the past night through his FBs Arnav turns away from them. It seemed to me that Arnav felt he had let himself be vulnerable to Khushi. And when Arnav feels he is exposing his vulnerability to Khushi, he always lashes out on her, turns the tables around and hurts her thereby pushing her away from him. (Him telling Anjali even if I meet a girl I like, I will ensure that I will stay away from her. Here as he cannot stay away from Khushi he tries to push her away from him).

    Khushi walks up with tea and hands over his medicine too. On hearing her voice, Arnav recalls Anjali’s words about Khushi being his life partner and someone who cares for him and is concerned for his well-being. But he knows it is not so. He knows the truth about the wedding. He dare not give Khushi any hopes and dare not get used to being cared for by her. Khushi taking care of him is ok as long as it gives his Di and the family happiness and confirms the HMC act. But somewhere her repeated genuine concern is also making Arnav wonder. When Arnav put the paper down, he almost seemed to resolve something while gathering all his courage to get through with it. Also he recalls Anjali’s words and it is Anjali’s praise f Khsuhi which has caused him to lash out to Khushi twice in the recent past. Today too he lashes out – not by yelling, not by causing physical harm but by causing her a deeper hurt in mocking her concern for him.

    Arnav ribs her about not calling him Swami – somewhere acknowledging that this was his real Khushi, not the “Pativrata Khushi”

    1. oh at last his lie makes sense to me.. thanks sandy!

    2. And HAA
      when his di said - you do know your wife stayed up all night for you - he goes - i know - to me, his tone and the way he said it was very indicative of what you have said above - "But somewhere her repeated genuine concern is also making Arnav wonder. When Arnav put the paper down, he almost seemed to resolve something while gathering all his courage to get through with it"
      I also felt like he was not willing to accept that she cared for him or that he had been so dependent on her - he has to stop this feeling of 'loving her and being vulnerable to her' and has to stop her getting close - so he has to be rude and tell her it was an act just like her swami act - and as he knew it was an act, she too should know 'his fainting' was an act

  35. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 8

    Arnav speaks of how well his idea worked and how he can now tell her the reality. He asks her how it felt to feel guilt without being at fault. How it felt to have worried all night long (I was reminded of Arnav feeling guilty and concerned on the night of the guest house incident)
    Khushi is nonplussed wondering where all this is leading to. Arnav asks Khushi how long she has known him and also states sometimes it is difficult to know a person however long you may have known them (he had once told Anjali that had their mother been alive today she would not have recognized the person he had become).
    Anjali starts overhearing from this point on. Arnav goes on to tell Khushi nothing had happened to him the previous night. That he was well. Khushi is flabbergasted. The world as she knows it begins to tilt (the tilting tray) but Arnav catches it in time and rightens it. If today Khushi is stunned what will happen on the day she realizes how low Arnav thought of her. Her entire world will turn topsy turvy. But something tells me Arnav will be there to ensure she does not keel over that her world rightens itself.

    Arnav goes on to tell her that he had eaten his medicine, had taken his food and also not fainted for real. Khushi and Anjali are stunned to hear Arnav say this. Arnav tells Khushi it was all a naatak. Khushi wonders why he would do such a thing.

    “Poori raat parehsaan rehkar kaisa lagta hai? Kaisa lagta hai bina galti kiye guilty feel karna?”

    Arnav was sick in reality but lied to Khushi as he still does not want Khushi to give the credit for having taken care of him so well. So he just decides to tell her the whole thing was a drama from start to finish.

    Arnav who had spent the night of Payash wedding worrying for his Di and her happiness. Who had to live with the guilt of having loved the very girl who wanted to break hi Di’s happiness. He had not committed any mistake in loving her but had been made to feel guilty on account of it.Somewhere he wanted her to know what it feels like in some small measure to be in his shoes.

    Arnav is never able to lie to Khushi when she asks him a direct question. Intiially he lies to her because making her believe he was faking it is important in this mind game. Also in the process, he makes sure he reminds himself why he has got married to her and not to get carried away by her concern
    Ssomewhere during the night and in his FBs with Anjali, Arnav realizes Khushi’s concern for him was genuine. But how can he accept genuine concern from the very girl who is hell bent on breaking his Di’s world. And so he lies to her at having faked it. Because by lying he negates all her good work, he makes her feel he was always in control, he tells her it meant nothing to him. And thus telling himself that though her concern may have been genuine, she is still a home breaker and he is justified in breaking her heart by telling her that he was playing mind games with her.

    1. "But how can he accept genuine concern from the very girl who is hell bent on breaking his Di’s world. And so he lies to her at having faked it. Because by lying he negates all her good work, he makes her feel he was always in control, he tells her it meant nothing to him.And thus telling himself that though her concern may have been genuine, she is still a home breaker and he is justified in breaking her heart by telling her that he was playing mind games with her."

      "He dare not give Khushi any hopes and dare not get used to being cared for by her. "


    2. Thank you!

      You know we all say Arnav will walk RTR and he is such a rude fella and all this is his doing but sometimes I wonder - how would I feel knowing I want one thing but having to behave the exact opposite because of some other responsibility and scope for resolution by communication is near zero.

      Like Gargi says - Sucks being Arnav :)

  36. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 9

    But that dialogue of Arnav’s “Poori raat parehsaan rehkar kaisa lagta hai? Kaisa lagta hai bina galti kiye guilty feel karna?” also makes for alternative thinking:
    What if Arnav was faking it all?

    If I take this alternate thought and think back to the Anjali Arnav scene, when Anjali speaks of Khushi’s exertion to ensure his well being and health, after his FBs of Khushi taking care of him, Arnav is actually riddled with guilt at having troubled her thus and hence when she comes with his tea he decides to tell her the truth so she will stop worrying – unlike the voice loss situation where he had continued to act and she had stayed worried.

    He came home all set to put up with the latest naatak and eat dinner. But then she went on to cook fresh food and all that and somewhere he decided enough is enough, let me see how she reacts if I actually make her believe that I have fallen sick because of her. He had not expected her to freak out as much and was definitely not prepared to see so much care and concern from her end. Maybe he thought she would feel guilt awhile but had not expected her to let him rest while staying up the whole night to make sure he was ok. Also it seemed that he had again ended up proving to the family how much she cared for him with his falling sick act.

    But this second thought though befitting ASR somehow does not gel in with my overall take of Arnav and ASR. And if indeed he was faking it, he would have sat up the previous night the moment his Di got worried and wanted to call the doctor. No it was the unexpected concern from Khushi and Anjali’s praise of that concern that made him lie.

    The whole time he speaks to her his eyes were gauging her every expression and nuance in her eyes. Khushi is really really surprised and asks Arnav why he would do such a thing? He replies it was to get back at her for her PDA act and having annoyed him no end the previous day – to make matters even. Of course he has a valid reason to give her. Indirectly he also tells her that all her Swami and Pativraat concern for him is fake. He did not mock her concern at night – just asked her how it felt to feel guilt – because somewhere he knew that Khushi was not to blame for his not having eaten the whole day. She did bring lunch for him and he could have always eaten at office.

    Khushi accuses him of having fun when she was going out of her mind with worry and Arnav casually asks her “Oh so you were worried?”. (Made me think of the poolside scene on mehendi when he had said “Careful Khushi warns mujhe lagega ki tumhe meri fikr hai”
    And as he tells her that, he was not only proud to have made her fall for his trick but somewhere he was also happy to know that she did have concern for him.

    1. and yes, he did tell her that he was going to have pasta for lunch..

    2. I dont think he was faking it because they showed that he was feeling dizzy when he went up to change. At that moment Khushi wasn't around. So he really had not had anything to eat. I agree with you that he told Khushi he had fake it because he wanted her to believe he was still in control. He did not want to expose his vulnerability to her.


    3. Yes Opti,

      Agree with you. Just that one dialogue was causing some confusion. But previous night had he been faking it he would have stopped bcos his Di was getting worried - so yes he was really dizzy.

    4. yes opti, youre right.

      gosh why can't the CVs be more clear! they are being so obscure in their symbolisms and all, that normal tv audience (heck, even audience that watch multiple repeats!) do not understand what happened here. we have to put our heads together and think for 2 days and brainstorm.. to get an inkling!

      we asked for flashbacks, they gave us almost 5 minutes of flashbacks..but that did nothing to enhance our understanding of the plot..

      we should give some clear shiddats this week!

  37. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 10

    The last time he played mind games with Khushi was when he told her he would break the Payash wedding if she left. What resulted is Khushi thought he was doing just that with the medicines when in fact he had nary a clue about the whole incident. This time too he may have emerged victorious in making her believe he fell sick but he has killed some more of her trust in him and the next time she will not believe it easily when he actually falls sick ; Khushi would rather just suspect him of having an underlying motive when he may not have been meaning anything at all.

    In either case, the bottomline is Arnav wanted Khushi to understand that whatever she may do, he is still in control of this relationship. She can fool the world with her concern and affection but not him. He will not let himself get vulnerable to her and in this battle that Khushi is waging with him, for every action of hers, he will have a befitting counter attack. Like he is waging a war with Shyam about cutting off any financial help, not falling for his loving son in law or loving husband act. Also in Arnav’s mind, like Shyam is hurting him by hurting his Di, he can hurt Shyam by hurting Khushi. But in the process of hurting Khushi, each time, Arnav finds himself in a situation where he dies a bit too.

    Khushi speaks of how chaalaak Arnav is and he corrects her saying shaatir. A Shaatir insaan is capable of strategizing and planning, leveraging his smartness to make the world bend his way. Chaalak or sunning alone without strategy is of not much use.

    So Khushi now knows 2 things that make Arnav Singh Raizada – ego and shaatir pana.

    Anjali finds Arnav as he leaves his room and takes him along to hers. She assumes that her brother has lied to Khushi for he wants her to feel less guilt. But her presumption is wrong. Yes, she may be able to catch her brothers lie (and hence I feel that my initial thought is more apt - that Arnav was truly sick and lied to Khushi not to make her feel less guilty but to actually make her realize what it had been like to be in his shoes even if for a short while while undermining or rather making a mockery of her genuine concern for him. Arnav knows she was truly worried but he cannot soften towards her yet).

    Anjali speaks of an old photo with a broken frame that actually broke by her hands but Arnav accepted the blame for the same. So that Anjali does not feel bad about the only memoir of the past they had being broken or damaged.
    Anjali here accepts that Arnav is capable of concealing the truth at the cost of accepting blame on himself if it will shield her from unhappiness. There will come a day when Anjali will realize that is exactly what Arnav did by marrying Khushi. But he went a step ahead and killed every opportunity of happiness he had for Anjali’s sake by gradually eroding Khushi’s trust on him so that she be punished for causing hurt to his Di.

    The photo is broken over Arnav’s part. Though he does not show it, how broken has the past and present events left him. In order to ensure Anjali’s life remains whole, how much has Arnav broken apart. As to why the frame has not been changed, for a person like Anjali who attaches enormous significance to things, a photo from the past especially the only one from their childhood that they have needs to be kept as is – anything done to change it will tamper the memory and sentiment attached to it. Is she not still living in the past in some way? Because if you know that your sentiment to the past is attached to the person that is Arnav and not that picture then changing a broken glass will not tamper with that memory in any way.

    1. and conversely, the broken photoframe signifies that anjali will not admit the truth to arnav..

      she knew she broke it, she knew he took the blame.. yet she did not say "it was my fault" when he said he broke it. why does she not care enough for her chote that she can tell him the truth?

      she kept the broken glass to remind herself of his devotion to her?

    2. Jaya,

      The photo with a broken frame is a reassurance that her chotay will do anything for her happiness, to esnure she is not caused worry. Shyam has always expressed in words but all she has are Arnav's actions. Plus this object was linked to Sheesh Mahal and their childhood. Anjali would not have wanted to change anything on it though it was damaged.

      Your converse point is interesting.

      It actually told Arnav that his Di is capable of subterfuge / concealment even if it means Arnav bears the consequences of this silence.

      Why does she not tell him - convoluted answer : she knows he knows it is not his fault. she knows he did it to protect her and ensure she is not worried. she thinks if he comes to know it was her mistake from her then he will feel bad that she had to step in to lessen his blame and he would feel bad at having caused her worry.

      She always thinks she knows why he does something but all she is right about is his having done it for her. Rest is always what she has presumed.

      Now again makes me wonder if Anjali heard arnav tell her her hubby was having an affair but has chosen to not let him know she heard him tell her. She thinks she is doing it becasue she does not want Arnav to worry about her but in fact it is because she needs her picture of a perfect marriage to be untarnished

      Also went to show how from a young age Anjali has alwaqys depended on Arnav to protect her and secure her happiness.

    3. sandy, that does not make sense, that anjali would keep lying to protect her brother from worry. if i broke a frame and my brother accepted responsibility, if i loved him that much, i will immediately say that it was my fault.. how will that make him feel blamed?

      anjali and arnav were evicted from sheesh mahal when he was 15 and she 18.. not too young i guess.

      are these evidence of anjali's shades of grey? after all, she is ASR's sister..

    4. That is you Jaya.

      I think Arnav knew Anjali broke it and to protect her from any scolding or reprimand took it on himself. Anjali just did not own up it was her fault.

      It was to tell us how he always has protected her, how she has always let him protect her though she may know the truth. Yes to me also this scene reminded me of shades of grey in Anji.

      She justifies her slience to herself by saying she kept quiet to ensure her brother stayed happy knowing she was not worried. I thought what they tried to sya here was that wnever something bad happens, Anjali just waits and depends on Arnav to protect and rescue her - she does not take action. Her dependance on him supersedes her love for him.

    5. ha ha so it was the dialogue's fault(err, my understanding of the dialogue).. i thought ODB told TQ that he broke it... what you are saying is ODB told everyone else that he broke it.. your version makes sense.

  38. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 11

    When she mentions Khushi, Arnav for a moment thought his game was up. That she knew of the true nature of Khushi’s and his relationship which he had come up with to ensure Anjali’s happiness. But Anjali mistakes it for his heartfelt concern for Khushi’s well-being.

    One thing which Anjali said which is true but which she has not told Khushi yet is that in order to ensure that those closest to him are not hurt, Arnav can go to any extent irrespective of the consequences. Arnav at this point of time is still thinking only of his Di and his lie to her.

    Anjali speaks of how to lessen Khushi’s guilt at his having fallen sick, Arnav lied to her about having been ill.She presents it as her case to prove how much he loves Khushi – the true extent of which is unknown even to himself. Did he realize his love at this point. No. It is when he hears of Khushi’s goodness from Anjali that Arnav time and again is reminded in starker contrast of Khushi’s betrayal.

    Today Anjali’s words cut him through because yes he cares for Khushi when he should not. But worse how he cannot accept her concern or show her concern in return. He is reminded of how in return for her care and worry all he can give her is hurt. He recalls how she took care of him and how he had no choice but to tell her that his falling sick was all a farce to begin with so her concern was misplaced and of no value. Looking into himself in that mirror, Arnav feels sad for himself, for what could have been and for having to hurt the only girl he loved and for having to lie to his sister to ensure she remains happy.

    I think the past also came in because the last time she had such a heart to heart with him Arnav told her how he has changed and their mother would not have recognized him. Anjali still holds on to her impression of Arnav the little boy. But she is unaware of the demons plaguing Arnav the man.

    I had felt that Khushi would have kept a fast today for Arnav’s health but his lie to her has put paid to that too. And for the first time, Khushi stops before she demands answers. She realized that it has been her mind game that has affected Arnav to some extent – because he did accept to her that she had irritated him with that act all day long. Even when she went missing, it did not get a rise out of Arnav but this made him retaliate with a mind game of his own (or Khushi thinks he planned an elaborate ploy while all he lied about was faking sickness). So it encourages Khushi to continue with her antics.

    1. khushi was not planning a prayer-fast for arnav's health.. she was planning to forego food as penance for making him suffer the same.

    2. Jayu re

      Agree with you on teh nature of Khushi's fast . Sheesh did what I write seem like she would go on prayer fast - nahi nahi.

      penance fast hi tha.

    3. Will come back with more comments later, but I will say here why the Friday's scenes did not work for me.
      Arnav tells Khushi that he faked the whole thing, to teach her a lesson to stop the fake Swami drama and by extension, the whole false loving wife act.

      The next instant, Anjali tells Arnav that he faked faking the whole thing, and she interprets that he did so because of his concern for her, and that he didn't want her to feel guilty.

      As an audience watching the show for half an hour and not introspecting or discussing it, I would wonder which of the two scenes is the truth - I definitely would not stop to think that NEITHER is correct, and the truth is actually a third interpretation - that Arnav said what he did to Khushi because he didn't want her concern, he wanted her to be mad at him again, stop her loving wife act, to justify his own anger at her ... and his nazarein churaoing from Anjali was his guilt at lying to her yet again. Too much thinking involved for the average audience ... which is why it would have made much more sense for Arnav to have a monologue and clear the confusion. So I agree with Gargi the Anjali-Arnav scene was too rushed - ideally they should have kept it for Monday, and followed it immediately with Arnav's monologue clarifying the truth. Barun's expressions were not good enough at first watch for me to decipher ... and I still haven't watched the episode again to judge.

    4. dia, at least the audience who watched friday's epi will surely watch today's epi to see the truth.. it was the CV's idea of a cliffie! and it works :D

    5. Jaya,

      agree with u there - it was a cliffie :)


      I am hoping there is an explanation in today's epi. If not well too much to hit the audience with in one go expecting them to get it all.

      Either Anjali is going to come and tell her version of teh truth to khushi confusing the girl some more but at least she will know that he had not faked the dizzy act. As to why he lied to her if she goes with Anjali's version of caring then Khushi will wonder about how he will care for someone whom he hates so much - so what is she missing.

    6. Jaya,

      My CCKKP moment for the epi - when my heart broke just a little bit for Arnav

      "Iss se pata chalta hai ki tum khushiji se kitna pyaar karte ho aur kitna yeh toh tum khud bhi nahi jaante ho chotay"

      And Arnav has tears in his eyes - because yes he loves Khushi but thinks she does not love him back even a little bit. And to top it off she happenes to be the girl out for his Di's happiness so of what use is all his love for her - so futile it seems to him now.

    7. Sandy, I read ur comment above just now...Its my belief that it is in this precise point that the CVs have not been getting it right...the fact that
      "And Arnav has tears in his eyes - because yes he loves Khushi but thinks she does not love him back even a little bit. And to top it off she happenes to be the girl out for his Di's happiness so of what use is all his love for her - so futile it seems to him now.
      There is potential for so much angst in the scene above but it was lost in translation...if it ha even been interspersed with the FBs..of the terrace scene, it might have been more fluid...
      See, the problem is the potential in the story makes us such difficult customers...we are not satisfied until that pain is heartfelt...(that almost sounded sadist!!). I meant we start looking at expressions, build up and start to get disappointed...but I do know agree u have nailed it very well in terms of interpretation of that scene...

  39. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 12

    Khushi is actually in a position of power now. She has nothing to lose – knows of a perfect way to get to Arnav and is hell bent on ensuring she makes life miserable for him – and why should she not – she has had enough of all his hate and his hurtful antics. So she feels justified in annoying him some.

    Waiting to see how Shyam re-enters the picture because with him around something is going to happen causing Khushi and Arnav to react to a single event but perhaps leading to different results in each case.

    Also when Ms.B entered, there is a mention of how she maintains a list of things she would like to do with Aakash. There is another list in existence which Khushi maintains on ways to annoy Arnav. Would these lists have any role to play? Need to see.

    Ms. B seems to be around to be KMH in Payash relationship. And Payal being Payal is going to perhaps confide her fears and doubts in Khushi. Would something click in Khushi’s mind as she advices Payal? The last time Payal was worried about Mami’s acceptance Khushi was able to tell her that if Arnvaji had said he would handle things then he would – showing an implicit trust in Arnav the person which she had developed over the time she had started to work at RM.And Payal had remarked about Arnav was not what they had initially thought him to be. Would a scene like this happen in the future too while Ms. B is around? Arnav seems to not give Ms. B too much of attention either. Would Khushi in easing some tension of f her realize something about Arnav or would she see Aakash saying something to Ms. B that will make her think.

    Khushi hid and continues to hide Shyam’s truth for Anjali’s sake. Khushi hid and continues to hide Arnav’s hurtful actions for Anjali’s and Payal’s sakes. By looking out for Anjali, Khushi ensures Arnav’s happiness because Anjali’s happiness is his happiness. The day he learnt of Khushi’s supposed betrayal Arnav fell only to rise like a phoenix. But the day he realizes his betrayal of Khushi’s trust in him he will only fall into a bottomless pit. He would have with his own hands wrecked his world apart, set fire to his dreams and changed a happy sweet innocent girl into a cynical woman mistrusting of his love and affection.

    Like all of you have said, Khushi has always at some level trusted Arnav to do the right thing though his means may be sit well with her. See how easily she believed him when he told her that hefaked his illness. She could have said like in the green room after HR act that no you had not faked it but she did not because she has no proof otherwise. Either it will come back to bite Arnav as with the medicine mix up or Khushi will figure out / learn that Arnav lied to her about faking his illness. If she learns that he faked it will be one more clock in her confusion of why he would hurt her willingly?

    Khushi’s antics in the past have only led to Arnav conflicting his mind and heart. The end of this Pativrata Khushi is going to lead to more confusion in him about who is the real Khushi – the prankster or the one who jumps up in concern when he is hurt.

    1. My comment on Friday ended up very neechay, dunno why:(

      Anyway, my theory why Khushi is hiding Shyam's truth is this:

      Who can she confide to that Shyam is harassing her?

      Arnav/Anjali/R family - Obviously no.

      Payal - Khushi as usual will think Payal has enough problems with Mami, so will keep quiet.

      Payal-Gupta Family - If she goes to them, the obvious question will be why don't you tell Arnav? You guys had a love marriage, you even eloped, so tell him that his wife is being harassed.

      Khushi can't tell them the reason why she is not going to Arnav cos none of them are aware of the circumstances of arhi marriage, so she is keeping quiet and is not fighting back. All the places where Shyam has confronted her have been public If I remember correctly, so if she does anything, R family particularly Anjali might know the truth.

      So that I believe is her dilemma and hence she is keeping quiet.

    2. Shweths,

      Agree with u on why Khushi is keeping quiet. Either Arnav gets to know from Payal or from Buaji.

      That could only happen when Shyam's truth is out in teh open at large. Will Arnav;s MU of Khushi clear without him knowing of SHyam being Khushi's ex-fiancee. because if that is how it goes and she realizes he had Mued her then if he comes to know her part of the story he will have to live with having exposed her to Shyam's lecherous advances by marrying her in haste and further having messed up her as well as his Di;s life.(Opti had written about this sometime ago).

      You know somewhere I want the MU to clear on its own merit (like Dia and all u girls had once said)nasically shyam;s actions guve him away and Arnav connects it with Khushi's actual behaviour which does not add up to Shyam's picture of her.

    3. Shweths,
      I agree with you completely - I have always said that Khushi cannot break her silence now, except to Payal. Arnav will not believe her, Anjali is out of the question, she has just won back Nani's trust and love, how can she tell anyone that the much-loved and respected Damaad of the house is lusting after her, when his wife, the even more beloved daughter of the house, is pregnant. And she knows she is there only for 6 months, her only course of action is to keep quiet and stay out of Shyam's way, knowing that after 6 months, she will be leaving anyway.

      My only crib is that they need to SHOW this thinking of Khushi's ... show her thinking that the dabba service keeps her busy at office, where Shyam cannot touch her, and her tuitions keep her busy at home and out of not only Arnav's, but Shyam's way also ... as all the ladies know about the tuitions and could pop into the room intermittantly to help Khushi, plus kids are notoriously loud-mouthed, he can't take a risk of doing anything in front of them.

  40. Fri - Apr 13th - Part 13

    If Khushi’s realization ought to be as impactful as Arnav’s, I am guessing hers will happen around the time she realizes of his betrayal. But there is another thought that niggles at me – what if Arnav realizes she is innocent and Khushi realizes why he married her and she is yet to realize her feelings as love. In this scenario, Arnav will repent but Khushi will not want to forgive him – his bina galti kiye guilty feel karna will come back to bite Arnav big time. She will stick on to fulfill her contract for Anjali’s sake – like he has always maintained at the start of this marriage. But Arnav would have begun to trust her and it will be cemented on the day he realizes she is truly innocent. Once Arnav realizes the truth, he will ensure Shyam cannot get to Khushi even if he moves strings behind the stage.
    She will try to hurt him but will not be able to because she would be able to relate to why he did what he did and because it is not in her nature to do so. She will become indifferent and that will hurt Arnav the most. She would find it difficult to believe him when he says he now trusts her. And finally when the family learns of the truth perhaps leave again for Anjali’s sake – how any why I am not sure at this point in time. And it is in separation that Khushi realizes the beauty of the bond they share (Shwetha’s scenarios) and finally accepts that she loves him.

    I think Khushi will come back of her own will to Arnav. He will not bring her. No it will not be because she is weak but she will realize that despite all he has done to her she loves him and maybe somewhere she would have had a chance to think about what she would have done in similar circumstances - would she not have gone to the ends of the earth to ensure her sister's happiness. Also finally she will realize that the present resulted from not just her or him but both their actions.

    Arnav will never try to bring her back because when he realizes her innocence he will deem himself unworthy of her. He will again stay awat from her for her sake. But Khushi will come back to him for his sake - because she will somewhere have figured out the bond they share and how he has always loved her in his own way.

    1. Sandy, I am yet to read your omni but let me thank u for doing this....i was feeling a bit unsettled with my rant...especially when i believe in the potential of this story

      Going back to read it right now

    2. Rekha

      sweetie huggs

      No thanks and all yaar. Initially I was al lost wondering what the hell Arnav was upto. It was only late afternoon yday that I started to pen my thoughts and only as I wrote I could explain some things to myself. At least whatever was my understanding. I was still confused on some bits and that is why I was not even replying to any comments here on the epi.

      True I am hanging on because the story still has potential and the actors are really good. Fingers crossed the team pulls together its act

  41. Sandy,

    Beautiful comments...
    I am going to quote some of your points below for a little emphasis.

    “Khushi about to sip her tea is again reminded of how she should give Arnav some as it will be beneficial to him. Anjali is even more touched. Is Khushi doing all this because she loves Arnav – no as of now it is because caring for others is Khushi’s nature and that too caring unconditionally”

    “Arnav was sick in reality but lied to Khushi as he still does not want Khushi to give the credit for having taken care of him so well. So he just decides to tell her the whole thing was a drama from start to finish”

    “it was the unexpected concern from Khushi and Anjali’s praise of that concern that made him lie”.

    “So Khushi now knows 2 things that make Arnav Singh Raizada – ego and shaatir pana.”

    “Today Anjali’s words cut him through because yes he cares for Khushi when he should not. But worse how he cannot accept her concern or show her concern in return. He is reminded of how in return for her care and worry all he can give her is hurt. He recalls how she took care of him and how he had no choice but to tell her that his falling sick was all a farce to begin with so her concern was misplaced and of no value. Looking into himself in that mirror, Arnav feels sad for himself, for what could have been and for having to hurt the only girl he loved and for having to lie to his sister to ensure she remains happy.”

    Sandy, in some comment above, I have said that the dilemma that Arnav faces has not been portrayed well enuf...U have analysed A's dilemma from a viewer's perspective...Kudos to all that have been able to see that in clear terms.

    I still maintain that the narration in the serial is not as powerful as the commentary that u have put forth above. I really wish these aspects are woven in to the scenes, it would make for a such a moving story, the intricacies are there, it just needs a fluid presentation...for crying out loud...

    Sandy....thank u for the lovely post...some of my at rest...
    This is only fiction...This is only fiction...I have keep reminding myself

    1. Rekha,

      thanks yaar! Trust me I kept going back and forth between the 3 interactions in that epi a few times before I could come to some reasonable explanation of the events.

      You know it ws the RV in that lastscene that made many of us feel that Arnav could have lied to lessen Khushi;s guilt. But like Khushi's care is not love for now, Arnav's gestures cannot reflect care because he is disgusted with her.

      Also that Khushi ko kya in between for a second could be easily nistaken to be Arnav's care and not the fear of Anjali having possibly caught the lie that is their marriage.

      Like u said the hopping between serious and comic at times makes u forget what the mindset of the characters is and then you get messed up. Fri's epi was one of the better ones in recent times though.

  42. Sandy, I am coming neechay se upar for all the comments here here goes.

    I want her to realize her love for him first and then Arnav to find out about MU truth...They come closer, Khushi finds out the truth of the marriage, is heartbroken and decides to leave Arnav. Heartbreak for ARNAV, Karma catching up with Arnav and then him letting her go and she coming back cos she loves him and now knows it has not been easier for him too.

    Would prefer to see that and then they join hands together and kick Shyam's As*...

    1. Shweths,

      I was thinkign about it and now I am ok with her realizing her love after the MU is cleared. Somehow makes her love all the more powerful that she comes back to a man who actually mistrusted her.

      Khushi can get to know of Arnav's truth about the time his MU clears 0 he gains trust on her she loses it in him but yes they come together for Anjali to play tricks against Shyam.

      However earlier I had thought that if Khushi's realization of love is as imapctful an event as Arnav's then the day she realizes her love will also be the day she realizes why Arnav married her - basically ur scenario where the next big MU is from Khushi's end as she thinks Arnav only did it for his sister and not because he loves her. That realization comes later. Then it makes sense for her to leave.

    2. Sandy,
      Sorry yaar, hows ur cold? Sab comments ke chakkar mein, poochna hi bhul gayee...try crushed ginger(grated, boiled and drained) in warm water with a generous dose of honey, will beat the "**T* out the cold/cough....time tested naturopathy cure

  43. Hi ladies.

    Dia, glad to see you all active and responding on the blog (even if it is to vent out your anger on the progress of IPK :D)
    Interesting to read everyone's views (angst, more like!) (HAA - have to read your omnibus though) -
    Personally, i loved the serial earlier - the positives: amazing lead actors - great chemistry - interesting story line and most importantly a serial where the heroine had the guts to talk back to the hero, a hero who was actually a strong character (rude and all that but a complete character*, not a 'yes mom/sister/boss male as is portrayed in every hindi serial i have ever watched!(*ok that did not sound right - but you get what i want to say!!) - so to me it was worth a watch because BOTH leads were strong - perfectly equal.
    then just after the wedding - it went all down hill - remember asking on this blog all i felt on the continued disconnect, ODG not asking the right questions and all that - in short - it was obvious that the CV had lost it - lost the story, bad editing/bad writing/shoddy scenes, it could not be saved even by the great leads - end result - have lost the obsession for the series - only watch it now coz of R&R!! (statements like - 'She is not a giraffe/snakewa, more like snailwa are what keeps me smiling!)

    When we were kids we used to play a game, one cousin would start a story. say a few lines and leave it and then the next would build on it and then the third and so on - so all cousins being different - the stories turned out funny and all kinds if things happened - from comedy to space ships landing on earth and aliens trying to capture the world type of twists happened - i feel this is exactly what is happening here - the story is told by one set of CVs and then shifted to the other set and then brought back to the first set - hence the continued disconnect between the 'sets of episodes' (specially since the wedding!)-
    For eg - i know we have debated whether ODG knows her heart and i have always said she does (flashback to the bindi scene, the mirror message scene and now the HR scenes - where she is actually upset coz she realized that ODB will never say what she wants him to say!) - Now i hear that the cvs are debating how she will have her realization? - what the???? if she has not realized why was she upset at ODB's yet another half confession during the HR?? i really feel the sets of CVs have no taal mail amongst themselves - hence the story that was going well just lost it - (another example - they brought in a hugely romantic holi sequence which has all but faded into the background - no reference to it nor any buildup after that) - (yet another example - the all caring sister Payal , does she even remember her sister? - why is she not noticing anything - for that matter, why is she not asking ODG if snailwa is bugging her or not - why does she have amnesia?)

    in short - if the PH wants to retain viewership till its first anniversary - they will have to tighten their script and keep their characters strong - this wishy-washy treatment will defiantly not create the excitement the ASR and Khushi of pre diwali did!

    1. Having said that - here is my take on the last week -
      i really didn't mind the 'I faked i fainted' thing at all - in fact it was very like ASR BUT could not stand how they dealt with it/showed it - Agree with Gargi completely - if they had shown some time passing between the two scenes it would have made sense + will go so far as to say that the example his di came up with was the stupidest thing ever - they could have just said it in a much better way + there was no need for ODB to look into the mirror as if questioning why he faked it - he knows why he did it and they should not have shown him looking all question-ingly into the mirror - they should have shown him acknowledging it- it would have flowed better
      As far as this being different from the sore throat thing is concerned - it is actually different - the sore throat thing was after a tom and jerry match between the leads and this one was after the HR act + he starts by doubting her coz of her gopi vahu act, he thinks she is continuing her GV act - once he realizes that she was actually concerned - to the extent of staying up all night - he felt bad for her - for her guilt and went about in his twisted ASR way of making her get angry and 'normal' rather than worry about him!

    2. Mona,

      Huggs bey - you are back!

      Good to see your comments.

      I was ROFL reading your analogy of CV team and the game of childrem. Sach main aise hi lagta hai kabhi kabhi.

      You know it is your 1st comment which helped jalao my batti on a point I have been grappling all weekend - about Khushi's realization.

      Mona, Khushi has not realized she loves him yet else she would move heaven and earth for him and never think of leaving him - Did she ever leave the Guptas though they spoke of her as an orphan from time to time - similarly.

      In the mirror incident and bindi incident, in a continuation of pre-Diwali kiss Khushi felt Arnav will finally tell her ki kyun farak padhtha hai and chances are had he said it she may have reciprocated because then all her acidity and dhak dhak have a name and are justified. That is why at Holi she still asked him "Why does my heart race - becasue she does not know it is love"

      Even after HR she was nagging him to tell her what he felt.

      Nahi hazam nahi hua, koi nahi :D

      Also in Fri's epi, in that last scene it was an acknowledgement they showed - of arnav knowingly haven thrown back Khushi's care and concern in her face and of being unable to accept it because of who he thinks she is.

    3. mona, essentially that is what ved's interview told us.... there are three sets of idea-givers, and the pot is boiling over. they are transferring the storyline to please each set.. totally botching the storyline.

      I just posted a video link from the "amazing lead actors - great chemistry - interesting story line and most importantly a serial where the heroine had the guts to talk back to the hero, a hero who was actually a strong character (rude and all that but a complete character)" that you were talking about..

      wish they'd go back to that "look" for ASR.. it seems once they did a whole month of shooting for the wedding with a 3 day beard, the actor and everyone else forgot the look he had before that..

      his questioning look in the mirror.. i think sandy explains it well.. he does not want to be acting as he is, but he has to.. not exactly revelation of his great love as anjali thinks, but more his angst.

    4. Jaya,

      One more thought hit me last night - If you see the scenes from Holi with Anji being sober. Anji keeps seeing active demonstrations of Arnav;s love for Khushi. For now her only grouse is he is not opening up to her but she has no doubt about him loving her - even back to the havan scene she was sure he loved her but hid it. At Holi too she did not really see Khushi's side fo the story more about how Arnav had changed for Khushi in that video playback.

      With Khushi she knows feelings are there but I think she is yet to be convinced of the extent of her love for Arnav. She asked Khushi about how she would spend time when she is always busy and then Khushi did some Swami thing which Anji has not compeltely bought.
      Only after Khushi satys up a whole night and takes care of Arnav Anji begins to get convinced that khushi cares for Arnav.

      She told Arnav of Khushi's fikr but later tells teh same Arnav of jo unke sabse kareeb. So are they trying to potray that Anji thinks Arnav loves Khushi more than she loves him. And with her feeling of khushi searching for her happiness and knowing she spoke of broken dreams in her note, when teh truth about her hubby comes out, is Anji going to convince herself that Khushi does not love Arnav? Then she would be ok to send her away convinving herself it is in her brother's best interests and she would have misread his heart again (consistently she misreads him)

    5. Di knows that her chote is changing himself in his love for khushi.. and he loves his wife more than vice versa. if TQ finds out the partial truth that sham was having an affair with khushi, would that not be a trigger to get khushi out of the house? yes....

      but after that, seeing how khushi's absence affects her chote, would di not be compelled to bring her back?

      I am seeing twilight parallels here..

  44. Gargs,

    You said you have an exam about now right - All the Best!


    It is good to see you back in action nearly full time on the blog. Huggs and wishes to u and ur mum and the rest of ur family.


    Wish you all a good week ahead!

    1. Yep last one... Randomly ten days after all the others...its Monday so

      Will catch up with all the comments tonight... Last I checked we were at 70 something!!

    2. best of luck gargi!

  45. cckkp.. an intense episode to remind us what was...

  46. Good luck Gargi!! do well!!!
    mine start from friday!!!
    hope for a good week in ipk!!!

  47. Gargi, wish u the very best!! take care....

  48. SBS segment

  49. Am probably too late - but all the best Gargi - and remember the examiners are all duffers - they know nothing!! ;)



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