Wednesday 8th August
So Arnav's mother did commit suicide.
And Dadi does not like Khushi for some unexplained reason. Which she doesn't even want to share with Nani.
And Anjali has perked up tremendously ever since Dadi's arrival.
And Nani has not yet told Dadi about the absconding VLR damaadji ... and Arnav is annoyed about that.
And Janamashtami is coming ... with it, Anjali's invisible baby? And a mention of twins today by NK.
Khushi tries to be there for Arnav ... am so glad they played the original song ... and somehow was not surprised the way it played out ... although I expected Arnav to get angry at the end ... instead, he bared his heart and his pain ... and then accepted Khushi's comfort ... :">
NOTE TO CV'S ... IN BIG BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS, IF YOU ARE READING ... PLEASE DO NOT CUT SHORT ANY ... REPEAT ANY ARHI HUGS. Linger on them, take your time, show each expression five times over, show close shots and long shots, show them coming out of the hug and looking at each other, then hugging again ... you get the drift ... JUST DON'T CUT THEM SHORT ... especially not with a break!!! I vow I will never buy any of the products advertised if they interrupt an Arhi hug!!!
Dadi loses it with Khushi again ... how dare she pry ... I was glad Anjali spoke up that she had indeed sent Khushi to the store room ... and when Dadi went on and on about the photographs, as though Khushi had committed treason, just as I was about to ask "So What??!!" Arnav came on screen and did exactly that!! Arnav, you really took the words out of my mouth today ... mine were actually more explicit ... more on the lines of "So Bloody What??!!" :)) She just looked at some photographs, she didn't murder anyone!
And again, loved the way he defended Khushi's right to do anything at all in the house ... she is the bahu of the house and his wife ...
CV's ... again if you are reading, please stop making Khushi the typical SP bahu scared to open her mouth in front of her unreasonable Dadi-saas ... let her start rediscovering her fire and her spirit ... instead of cowering in fear when Dadi questions her, Khushi should try to reply back ... she has nothing to feel guilty about and she should show that.
So why is Dadi so prejudiced against Khushi? Is Shyam the culprit? Has he poisoned Dadi's mind, maybe anonymously, to disturb her enough to break her self-imposed vanvaas of fourteen years and return to throw out the woman who has broken her granddaughter's marriage and is now entrapping her grandson?
Or does Khushi remind Dadi of the 'doosri aurat'?
I prefer Shyam being the culprit to Khushi reminding Dadi of the 'doosri aurat' ... but with the blast from the past connection, am a little apprehensive ...
The Episode:
First scene continued from yesterday ... Arnav repeats ... I'm not needed where my wife cannot enter ... Dadi says she doesn't want to say any more (implied - in his wife's presence) ... Arnav says 'your wish ...' and walks off. Realises Khushi has not accompanied him, turns and comes back for her, looks at her almost angrily ... as though saying, 'what are you still doing here?' and holding her hand, pulls her away with him.
NK -Payal ... I am beginning to love this new devar-bhabhi couple :) They are too cute together as Khushi's worried, clueless, confused champions ... the little thump Payal gave NK with the 'dhamaakedar' correction was damn cute! And her worry when she sees Arnav walking away towing a worried Khushi - has Khushi messed up again?! :))
Nani-Dadi ... So this is not Dadi's usual demeanor ... why is she so anti-Khushi after all? What reason does she have? And Dadi refuses to answer.
Aaja Piya ... Arnav Khushi at night ... I love old songs, this song would have worked for me pretty much any which way ... but I liked the way Khushi played it on her mobile, and acted out the words ... Khushi has always used music and dance to cheer up others ... and this song was just perfect in mood, lyrics and message, an 'I'm there for you, always ...'
There are times words are not needed, a hug is the only thing which speaks ... silent reassurance, silent comfort ... I'm here, I'm with you, you're not alone ... I understand, I feel your pain, let me help you through it ... let me hold you tight, and show you that you're not alone ...
Morning ArHi ... morning ArHI scenes are becoming cuter and cuter ... do these two really just sleep off peacefully every night? Kya yaar ... kuch nahin karte?!
Janamashtami arrives in RM :) All the ladies busy in preparations, Khushi moves to help Anjali find her mother's conch ... and gets overcome with emotion when she hears it's Anjali's mother's conch ... her tender heart can appreciate Anjali's loss so much more now that she has heard the story behind ... and she moves to give Anjali a tight hug ... much to Anjali's surprise ... and Arnav's pleasure and pride in his wife and her tender loving heart ... So he flirts a little on the stairs on his way out :"> resulting in a shy smile ... reflected in both their eyes ...
Dadi has no problem with Payal ... does she know that Payal is Khushi's sister? NK mentions twins ... arey baba, inside that flat tummy, one baby seems an impossibility, unless it's a snakechild, two are beyond belief!!! And what about the multiple ultrasounds Anjali has gotten?
Khushi explores the storeroom and finds the conch and other pooja stuff. Knocks down some old photographs and starts going through them ... did she pause at the one of Arnav's dad and mom? Yes, she did ... looked as though she was trying to remember something ... then went on ... founds the picture of Arnav's mother ...
And Arnav apparently agrees ... don't know why the rest of the family is so shocked ... and why Khushi even has to defend this ...
Thoughts: One - Arnav bitwa is clocking up those miles on his RTRW at rapidly increasing pace day by day
Yesterday it was a statement - I stand with my wife all the time, and she stands with me ... we are one. Directed to Dadi alone.
Today repeated in front of the entire family ... including one overdressed glittery lady as well as afore-mentioned Dadi ... my wife has full rights in this house, she goes and does exactly what she pleases, and no one can stop her.
I'm waiting for one last sentence from him ... this is HER house as much as it is mine ... and he will, to my mind have redeemed his words on the day of the forced marriage pretty comprehensively
Also liked the way he took Khushi's hand and took her away from Dadi in the first scene, not leaving her to face Dadi alone. Which it looked as though Khushi was ready to do ... Khushi wants to apologise to Dadi, and she hasn't had the chance yet.
Second - the song ... and more important, the aftermath. And why I was talking about the ArHi HUG in the first place.
BUT ... that hug needed to be prolonged ... Arnav's expressions and their change needed to be focussed ... a man who has spent the last fourteen years locked in a shell, that shell was slowly cracking open with the advent of Khushi in his life... the first crack in the star gazing scene ... and today a huge hole was made, when he admitted his biggest sorrow, the source of his biggest vulnerability, to his wife, his soulmate ... I wanted to see a change in expression, the vulnerability, the anguish, the helplessness of the lost boy, as he finally puts his worst nightmare into words ... the comfort and the love in Khushi as she holds him close, and then the beginning of peace seeping in ... there was so much more needed in that scene, so many more expressions ... the actors are capable of delivering them in spades ... so what was the rush???
So Arnav's mother did commit suicide.
And Dadi does not like Khushi for some unexplained reason. Which she doesn't even want to share with Nani.
And Anjali has perked up tremendously ever since Dadi's arrival.
And Nani has not yet told Dadi about the absconding VLR damaadji ... and Arnav is annoyed about that.
And Janamashtami is coming ... with it, Anjali's invisible baby? And a mention of twins today by NK.
Khushi tries to be there for Arnav ... am so glad they played the original song ... and somehow was not surprised the way it played out ... although I expected Arnav to get angry at the end ... instead, he bared his heart and his pain ... and then accepted Khushi's comfort ... :">
NOTE TO CV'S ... IN BIG BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS, IF YOU ARE READING ... PLEASE DO NOT CUT SHORT ANY ... REPEAT ANY ARHI HUGS. Linger on them, take your time, show each expression five times over, show close shots and long shots, show them coming out of the hug and looking at each other, then hugging again ... you get the drift ... JUST DON'T CUT THEM SHORT ... especially not with a break!!! I vow I will never buy any of the products advertised if they interrupt an Arhi hug!!!
Dadi loses it with Khushi again ... how dare she pry ... I was glad Anjali spoke up that she had indeed sent Khushi to the store room ... and when Dadi went on and on about the photographs, as though Khushi had committed treason, just as I was about to ask "So What??!!" Arnav came on screen and did exactly that!! Arnav, you really took the words out of my mouth today ... mine were actually more explicit ... more on the lines of "So Bloody What??!!" :)) She just looked at some photographs, she didn't murder anyone!
And again, loved the way he defended Khushi's right to do anything at all in the house ... she is the bahu of the house and his wife ...
CV's ... again if you are reading, please stop making Khushi the typical SP bahu scared to open her mouth in front of her unreasonable Dadi-saas ... let her start rediscovering her fire and her spirit ... instead of cowering in fear when Dadi questions her, Khushi should try to reply back ... she has nothing to feel guilty about and she should show that.
So why is Dadi so prejudiced against Khushi? Is Shyam the culprit? Has he poisoned Dadi's mind, maybe anonymously, to disturb her enough to break her self-imposed vanvaas of fourteen years and return to throw out the woman who has broken her granddaughter's marriage and is now entrapping her grandson?
Or does Khushi remind Dadi of the 'doosri aurat'?
I prefer Shyam being the culprit to Khushi reminding Dadi of the 'doosri aurat' ... but with the blast from the past connection, am a little apprehensive ...
The Episode:
First scene continued from yesterday ... Arnav repeats ... I'm not needed where my wife cannot enter ... Dadi says she doesn't want to say any more (implied - in his wife's presence) ... Arnav says 'your wish ...' and walks off. Realises Khushi has not accompanied him, turns and comes back for her, looks at her almost angrily ... as though saying, 'what are you still doing here?' and holding her hand, pulls her away with him.
After their wedding, he made his announcement, and then walked off, leaving her alone to face the family, his and hers ... today, he took her with him ... another statement in itself ... he will not leave her alone to face his grandmother's ire for a fault which is not even hers ... well done, bitwa.
Khushi ... her face didn't show happiness or satisfaction at her place being cemented ... she continues to be worried ... because Khushi being Khushi, she does not like conflict, specially not due to her, she doesn't like 'klesh' in the family ... she wants to win her place yes, but with love and affection, not with threats.
There was a saying I always loved in childhood ... respect has to be commanded, not demanded ... Dadi needs to understand that.
Khushi already knows it.
NK -Payal ... I am beginning to love this new devar-bhabhi couple :) They are too cute together as Khushi's worried, clueless, confused champions ... the little thump Payal gave NK with the 'dhamaakedar' correction was damn cute! And her worry when she sees Arnav walking away towing a worried Khushi - has Khushi messed up again?! :))
Nani-Dadi ... So this is not Dadi's usual demeanor ... why is she so anti-Khushi after all? What reason does she have? And Dadi refuses to answer.
Possibilities - one, Dadi is just sheer obstinate. She made up her mind about Khushi at first look, and she doesn't like to be proved wrong. First impression was that Khushi is a maid, adding insult to injury, a maid who spilt dirty water on Dadi at first meeting ... so in Dadi's eyes, a maid she remains. Much like Arnav at first ... he made up his mind that Khushi was a gold-digger, out for what she could get, and refused to change that mindset for ages, even when repeatedly proved wrong.
And maybe both Dadi and pota's prejudices about low aukat middle class girls/ maids out for what they can get stem from a common source ... their own experience of a low class girl who was out for what she could get.
Two ... a mix of one and two, actually ... Khushi reminds Dadi of that low aukat girl, not just in spirit, but also in looks. Khushi's mother? or aunt or cousin, or some relative?
Three - Shyam is instrumental in sending Dadi here ... maybe anonymously. Thought about this ... but Dadi did not know Arnav was married, she was surprised to hear that Khushi was his wife, and her prejudice had already started before that. And so far she doesn't seem to know that Shyam has been thrown out. So possibility seems more remote than the first.
Aaja Piya ... Arnav Khushi at night ... I love old songs, this song would have worked for me pretty much any which way ... but I liked the way Khushi played it on her mobile, and acted out the words ... Khushi has always used music and dance to cheer up others ... and this song was just perfect in mood, lyrics and message, an 'I'm there for you, always ...'
And Arnav gets upset ... he's not ready for this, not ready to accept that helping hand, that comfort ... he's kept it bottled up inside him for too long ... and a festering wound like this hurts like hell to open up ...
But open up it has to ... if it has to have the slightest chance of healing ...
And Khushi is horrified that she might have hurt him even more ... she knew he was hurting inside, she didn't know why, and she just wanted to tell him she's there for him ... he doesn't have to say anything, tell her anything, she doesn't want to pry ...
'My mother committed suicide when I was fourteen.'
Stark, plain, almsot brutal words ... statement of fact which doesn't even begin to hint at the pain and anguish he went through ... why his mother chose to end her life and leave her children ... leave him ... what pain was more important than being there for her own children?!
And Khushi stops ... horrified ... and sees the pain ... and is there also a plea in his eyes? A plea ... help me here, help me understand, why did she do this, why did she leave me and go ... was I so undeserving that she couldn't stay for me?
There are times words are not needed, a hug is the only thing which speaks ... silent reassurance, silent comfort ... I'm here, I'm with you, you're not alone ... I understand, I feel your pain, let me help you through it ... let me hold you tight, and show you that you're not alone ...
And Arnav's arms slowly come up to return the hug ... he is not alone, finally he too has someone he can find comfort in, someone he can lean on, show his weakness, his vulnerability, his pain ... someone for whom he doesn't have to be Mr Perfect all the time, someone with whom he can be a child again ...
WHY did they cut the hug short??? :( :( :( See thoughts below.
Morning ArHi ... morning ArHI scenes are becoming cuter and cuter ... do these two really just sleep off peacefully every night? Kya yaar ... kuch nahin karte?!
Khushi's turn to niharofy her sleeping hubby (wasn't that a shiddat as well? :) ) ... upset at saddened at the pain Arnav hides within ... and promises she will be there for him whenever he needs her ...
Arnav catches her not-so-hidden glimpses, 'why are you looking at me like that?!'
'Haan toh?! Arnav Singh Raizada ko dekhne ka tax lagta hai kya?'
Leaving him befuddled, yet amused again, at his completely pagal but cute biwi!! :)
Janamashtami arrives in RM :) All the ladies busy in preparations, Khushi moves to help Anjali find her mother's conch ... and gets overcome with emotion when she hears it's Anjali's mother's conch ... her tender heart can appreciate Anjali's loss so much more now that she has heard the story behind ... and she moves to give Anjali a tight hug ... much to Anjali's surprise ... and Arnav's pleasure and pride in his wife and her tender loving heart ... So he flirts a little on the stairs on his way out :"> resulting in a shy smile ... reflected in both their eyes ...
Dadi has no problem with Payal ... does she know that Payal is Khushi's sister? NK mentions twins ... arey baba, inside that flat tummy, one baby seems an impossibility, unless it's a snakechild, two are beyond belief!!! And what about the multiple ultrasounds Anjali has gotten?
And Anjali is remarkably chirpy these days ... is it all due to Dragon Dadi and her favorite pooja path? Or Rakhee when she was assured of being aankhon ka taara again? Or is there something more?
Nani has not told Dadi yet about VLR damaad. Arnav is not happy at all. Nani says she will wait till after the Janamshtami pooja.
Which means that some dhamaka will happen before that ... ;)
Khushi explores the storeroom and finds the conch and other pooja stuff. Knocks down some old photographs and starts going through them ... did she pause at the one of Arnav's dad and mom? Yes, she did ... looked as though she was trying to remember something ... then went on ... founds the picture of Arnav's mother ...
And Dragon Dadi emerges ... and is as mad as though Khushi was committing blue murder ... and emerges from storeroom clutching the album ...
'Do you all even know what she was doing behind your back? Going through family pictures?! Touching my son and bahu's things, looking at family objects, playing with memories ...'
Umm, her son and bahu are Khushi's in-laws, she's part of the family ... and photographs are meant to be looked at ... so Nani is understandably puzzled ... what exactly was Khushi doing that was so criminal?
'She was handling the pooja things and the conch ...'
Anjali's memory stirs and she clarifies ... 'I sent her there to get the conch ...'
Dadi is not noticeably stumped ... 'then why was she looking at pictures?'
Umm, Dadi, breaking news ... photographs are meant to be looked at ... what is the big deal here, seriously?
And Arnav apparently agrees ... don't know why the rest of the family is so shocked ... and why Khushi even has to defend this ...
Fortunately Arnav is back ... 'So what if she was looking at family pictures? She can go where she wants, touch what she likes ... she happens to be the bahu of this house ... part of the family ...'
Nani and Anjali are happy at Arnav's firm stance ... Mami is a bit shocked, probably worried ;)
Dadi is still trying to assert her authority ... 'If she's the bahu, I am Dadi of this house ... and what I say goes ...'
"sure you are ... and sure we all respect you ... but let me repeat what I said earlier too ... Khushi is my wife. And she can do what she wants here.'
Nani is delighted, Mami is still shocked -is she revisiting PS in her head? :)) Payal is tearful ... probably wishing, can you tell my husband this too? Anjali's expression is non-committal ... and Khushi is perturbed. Grateful, relieved, but worried. Her husband is standing up for her at every step, giving her the confidence in her position in his house and his life, validating her presence in his home ... but that will not be enough to win over Dadi.
And Khushi wants to win hearts, not rule people.
Thoughts: One - Arnav bitwa is clocking up those miles on his RTRW at rapidly increasing pace day by day
Today repeated in front of the entire family ... including one overdressed glittery lady as well as afore-mentioned Dadi ... my wife has full rights in this house, she goes and does exactly what she pleases, and no one can stop her.
I'm waiting for one last sentence from him ... this is HER house as much as it is mine ... and he will, to my mind have redeemed his words on the day of the forced marriage pretty comprehensively
Also liked the way he took Khushi's hand and took her away from Dadi in the first scene, not leaving her to face Dadi alone. Which it looked as though Khushi was ready to do ... Khushi wants to apologise to Dadi, and she hasn't had the chance yet.
Second - the song ... and more important, the aftermath. And why I was talking about the ArHi HUG in the first place.
Not because it was an ArHi hug, or a romantic ArHi moment. Nope, not at all.
REALLY, CV'S???!!! This is what your editing team comes up with???!!! THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE of the episode ... and you fell so woefully short in execution? Don't you know when the commercial breaks are coming up? Don't you know which scenes need to be stretched, where you HAVE TO allow the emotions to seep in??? Show the expressions, the emotions ... and give them time to be absorbed ...
This was not just an ordinary hug ... this was the crux of the change in Arnav ... a defining moment after the first star gazing scene ...
REALLY, CV'S???!!! This is what your editing team comes up with???!!! THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE of the episode ... and you fell so woefully short in execution? Don't you know when the commercial breaks are coming up? Don't you know which scenes need to be stretched, where you HAVE TO allow the emotions to seep in??? Show the expressions, the emotions ... and give them time to be absorbed ...
This was not just an ordinary hug ... this was the crux of the change in Arnav ... a defining moment after the first star gazing scene ...
Watch this scene ... Arnav Khushi - Star Gazing, 17th Nov 2011
Why do we still remember this scene? Because it was a defining moment ... the first time Arnav exposed his vulnerability, his pain to anyone else, not even his sister was privy to this ... Watch the time the camera takes to linger on the expressions of Arnav and Khushi ... especially watch the last bit, as Khushi leaves, turns to look back and ask with concern 'are you all right?' ... watch as Arnav gives that barely perceptible nod, and then turns back to look at the stars ... his torment still there but noticeably lessened ... the comfort he has received registers in his eyes, his stance ... all there, the camera takes time to capture every single nuance ...
Today, the song worked for me ... mainly because I love all old songs ;) My main apprehension was that they would use the remixed version. As long as the original was used, it had to work, because the lyrics are just so apt ...
I expected Arnav to get angry at the end ... but the way the scene played was far better ... the bursting out of raw emotion and pain, exposing a vulnerability he had suppressed for so long, saying out his biggest nightmare, putting it into stark plain words ... a catharsis, or the beginning of one.
Today, the song worked for me ... mainly because I love all old songs ;) My main apprehension was that they would use the remixed version. As long as the original was used, it had to work, because the lyrics are just so apt ...
I expected Arnav to get angry at the end ... but the way the scene played was far better ... the bursting out of raw emotion and pain, exposing a vulnerability he had suppressed for so long, saying out his biggest nightmare, putting it into stark plain words ... a catharsis, or the beginning of one.
BUT ... that hug needed to be prolonged ... Arnav's expressions and their change needed to be focussed ... a man who has spent the last fourteen years locked in a shell, that shell was slowly cracking open with the advent of Khushi in his life... the first crack in the star gazing scene ... and today a huge hole was made, when he admitted his biggest sorrow, the source of his biggest vulnerability, to his wife, his soulmate ... I wanted to see a change in expression, the vulnerability, the anguish, the helplessness of the lost boy, as he finally puts his worst nightmare into words ... the comfort and the love in Khushi as she holds him close, and then the beginning of peace seeping in ... there was so much more needed in that scene, so many more expressions ... the actors are capable of delivering them in spades ... so what was the rush???
That scene left me very dissatisfied and wanting much more :(
Bitwa got a new suit and shirt
ReplyDeleteLooked Yummy:)
Bitiya got a new suit and dupatta
Looked Dummy:(
Grrrrrrrrrr....Update Khushi's wardrobe, Dandaaaaaaaaaa!!!
DB hopes if Anjali is nice, we won't notice her lack of bump.
Does she know no one cares if she lands up in a dump.
Oh and Akash bitwa made a blink and miss with a dialogue appearance wah wah!!!
BG mubarakan .... Akash had 1 complete sentence :D
DeleteShwetha, Sama : Akash Bitwa must be happy he got atleast one dialogue :P
DeleteAnd woh bhi in 5 seconds....warna his average is 5 episodes may 1 dialogue.......I am sooooooooo proud of him today*rofl rofl*
DeleteMe shwets , when
DeleteI saw bitwa in new Shwets and grags are going to happy and he did look good, but why the hell they are making khushi wear the tent...
I find the night suits better..
and yep Akash bitwa did get a 5 sec peek a boo.
loved Payal and Nk convo sweet like bhabi and deawer convo.
Q though .... NK calls payal bhabi .... KhushiJi ko khabi khabi pyaar se hi bhabi bola lete .... or is it that ASR bhaiyon ki bhi lesson lene wala hai bohot jald?!?!
Deletei think khushi ka naamkaran remarriage ke baad hi hoga....even akash needs to learn that part...
Deleteuuffffoooo phirse remarriage ka todh jodh .... kahe IPK kahe ?!?!?!
Deleteitne pyaare miya biwi toh hain ... ladte hain jagdh te hain saath nibhate hain apan ishtylewa mein ... aur kya chahiye star parivaar ko *face palm*
Shweths, I am rolling on my bed with your poem ... good thing my hubby is travelling ... he would pakka think his biwi has lost it today!!! :D
DeleteAkash got a dialogue ... Shweths, aren't you proud of your boy?! :))) Me, I like NK and Khushi/ NK Payal ... Payal is better with NK than with her own hubby!!!
Sama, fans want a grand wedding....also star has approved the budget allocation for it..... trp mata ki jai :P
DeleteDia I am soooooooooo proud of him 5 seconds may 1 dialogue, has to be a record.
DeleteI have this sneaky suspicion Dogra is acting in Arjun as cameo or in some other role in another show, nothing else can explain his continued absence.
Geetu: I want ASR to give DAHEJ to khushi and gift her an entire wardrobe. Grand wedding in RM with recycled decorations. No guest invited let them use that money for her wardrobe.
DeleteSOCH NAYI indeed.
Dia, Payal is good with everyone except her hubby :P
Deletetoday i had my "ji bhar gaya" moment.... no comments today... just gonna sit back and enjoy all the discussion!!!
ReplyDeletetumhara toh ji bhar gaya, hamara bak bak ka quota nahin bhara, shuru karo apni bak bak:)
Deletecan't bak bak much shwetha... though got loads to tell... may be i'll sneak in during night... got to prepare a presentation!!! sometimes i seriously resent being an engg student!! catch u all later :)
DeleteBEST of luck for that:)
DeleteAll the best!! Krish
DeleteThank you shwetha and rekha... also tnx in advance to all others, who might accidentally come across this comment and would like to wish me good luck :)))
DeleteGOod luck Krish .... now that you have let it out of your system (hopefully almost) !!!
Deleteahh krish I can understand how much a presentation takes...Just got over them on sunday... Best of Luck
Deletewese Aaru how was your presentation??
DeleteBest of luck, Krish! And stop sneaking back here every five minutes! ROFL
DeleteGood luck on your presentation Krish.
DeleteTables turned has a whole new meaning for the man named ASR.
ReplyDeleteKhushi meri patni hai .... She is my wife!!
Ummm has there been a day in last six months that he has not uttered it in all emotions possible.
BFTP has 1 confirmation - Maa killed herself.
Dia when Nani was repeatedly asking Dadi about why is she behaving like and with Khushi only ... I think you are soon going to get your "uss aurat ki yaad dilati hai" moment.
DeleteROFL moment of the day aur cute bhi -
DeleteArnav Singh Raizada ko dekhne ke liye tax lagta hai kya?!
Haaayyyyeeee kitne dino baad pataka khushi boli :D too was expecting it...not now, but later it will....
DeleteDam my whole post got deleted..\
DeleteSama exactly nani asking dadi why she is hating K... uss aurat ki yaad dilati hai" is not far off, although I don't want it to be..
I want to know the myshhtery of her hating K so much. Is it cos DB told the writers, make me look good, let Dadi get hated?
DeleteBut unlike DB .... SC knows how to be bothered just the right amount :D
DeleteHence we 'hate' Dadi exactly the amount needed unlike someone rolling eyes and shooting "it's just a serial"
Sama, *rofl* lets send hate mail to Dadi and see how she reacts :P
DeleteI said exactly the same thing in my main post ... is Dadi going to say that line about the 'voh aurat?' Or has Shyam poisoned her mind and sent her here?
DeleteHave a bad feeling about this one :(
Of all the times he has dragged her away, this had to be the BEST!!!
ReplyDeleteHe tells Dadi, If my wife is not allowed to be here, I don't see the need for me being there either.
A far cry from the day he told her on the night of their marriage, I can't believe I have to share a space with you.
Last Janmashtami, police landed up humiliating her.
This Janmashtami, Dadi lands up humiliating her.
Well almost....(Arnav's one hour meeting got over so soon, WT)
Best scene of the day:
Dadi: I am Dadi, I matter in this house.
Arnav: Ofcourse you do. Let me repeat one more time, Khushi is my wife, She matters the MOST to me. She is free to do whatever she likes in this house. No one stops or questions her.
*whistle whistle whistle*
I am in love with Dadi............She brings out the best protective side in Bitwa, Hayeeeeeeee...
Aaja piya: It was okay not bad not too exciting either. Kind of random to be honest.
But loved that when she gets worried she crossed that line again, she is still unsure of where she stands with him, he finally tells her, 14 years ago his mom committed suicide.
Khushi finally gets a peak into his pain and why he is so guarded about everything.
Wish they had continued with the hug.
*MIG ALERT* They really should get a smaller bed. Bitiya was in full taek-wando pose, Ab bed bada hai toh woh kya kare*sigh*
I am loving the subtle way he is telling and showing her, You matter the most to me.
Will they remember how their last janmashtami was and may be laugh about it.
Will she admonish him for the way he treated her last janmashtami, will he tell her he did come searching for her and saw her sholay suicide act........Why can't these two have such simple moments?
Damn, Anjali is having twins, joke of the day. Ek ka bump nahin and they are talking about twins..........blehhhhhhhhhhh!!
I loved the way Payal corrected NK with a whack, dhamaakaydar,lol
Dumb question: Are Bal gopal and Laddoo gopal same, they are talking about Janmashtami right?
Yes , balgopal and laddoogopal are the same. They refer to the toddler Krishna. Remember those brass statuettes of a crawling Krishna with curly hair, which are placed on a swing during janmashtmi Pooja.
DeleteOkay will Dadi create a fuss over Arnav not participating and blame it on Khushi.
DeleteShwets she will infact , I think A might go in labour when things get heated at the end.. Nani promising A that she will let know about Shyam after the pooja. so there has to be some drama there...which will make nani not tell dadi about shyams kartut...
DeleteAnji goes to deliver, and then shyam enters the at the right time when doctors asks for the husband.. dadi insist ting that shyam be present there and all will let lose
Aaru, I told my mom the SAME thing ... Nani said she will tell Dadi after the pooja, which almost guarantees that there will be an interruption before the pooja ends ... and I also thought it will be Anjali going into labour.
DeleteIn all my years as a paediatrician, I have never seen a woman with full term pregnancy looking like that. And I have seen many, many pregnant women of all shapes and sizes ... of tummy :)
woo hooo "In all my years as a paediatrician, I have never seen a woman with full term pregnancy looking like that. And I have seen many, many pregnant women of all shapes and sizes ... of tummy :)" LMAO
Deletewaise i think the twins talk was a jab at redux :D
Shwetha - i agree - aaja piya was nice nothing fantastic - would have made better sense to me if there had been a part 2 to the hug - some part where ODG either helps ODB go off to sleep (like he did for her after the KN) or he just lies in her lap for a bit - it was a bit abrupt and the stupid adds dont exactly help!!
Deleteand the shankh.. in fact, panchajanya, the shankh was the redux title for 6th august. CVs ka ishaara?
Deleteishaara for what ... they follow redux ... they better not!
Deletenothing against redux but my nanna munna sa brain hurts to read what few of them come up with the simplest thing shown in the show.
I sometimes read Anna in redux ... the simpler ones by her that analyzes only what we saw on the screen. Like Dia and also Sari.
Shwetha, bitwa's suit was not new. It was the same satin lined brown suit but the blue shirt made him look absolutely yummy. No words to praise bitwa today!
ReplyDeleteLoved the epi. It was 'ser pe sawa ser'. Dadi ki daal nahin galne ki.
Ananya: I saw the light blue line over the suit, it looked shiny as in brand new..unless they finally had it dry cleaned and it is back to its original color.
DeleteGargi, Jaya, kindly confirm:)
e lo BG ... purana hai .... office scene me complete and shirt kahi baar pehna hai ... not complaining.
Delete"unless they finally had it dry cleaned and it is back to its original color."
iss PH ke saath sab kuch possible hai!
"face palm" I din't post the link!!
Deleteloved the moment when Khushi hugged Anjali....and Bitwa watching from above.... how much Khushi needed that hug....
ReplyDeleteGeetu: ASR NEEDED to watch that hug most importantly. He was sooooo proud of her hayeeeeeeeeeeeeee
DeleteDamn you barun, if you had got that haircut, I would have gone THUD after ages, sab tumhari galti hai, lol.
Shwetha, ASR is always sporting that proud look nowadays...yesterday also when Nani introduced Khushi as his wife..... She deserves it, after all that he did, she is still there.... she followed her MIL's letter without even reading it.......
DeleteOkay one more rofl moment of the day:
ReplyDeleteSuddenly so many servants in RM...and the laddoo wala whom Mami ambushed actually had a PEN in his kurta pocket......
And one more Dia will want to murder the writers moment:
Anjali having twins and the scan doesn't show.
When it is not evident in Scan how can 20-20 or less than that vision spot it.
DeleteI will come back to this when I stop laughing!!!
shwethu, yesterday i dint comment on the tummy-hurting funny posts because i thought it was too late.. but this one.. (tears in my eyes and tummy pain coz i'm trying to laugh silently :D
DeleteAkash bitwa needs lessons from ASR, how to defend his wife. In font of ASR's protectiveness, Akash comes plain dumb. Even Payal had aanso, must be thinking kash hamare pati bhi aise hote!
ReplyDeleteThe song was some what tai tai phiss for me. It was too random and didnt have the roothna manana to that extent. And why was the hug so short??? They do staring Rabba ve for 5 minutes!
I think this is the RTR I have been waiting for. Bitwa will see first hand how he humiliated Khushi, when he sees his mirror image Dadi doing the same.
Sukhi: Agree it was too random and whose phone did she use, hers or his?
DeleteIn akash's defence(biased ofcourse), he did not MU for 5 months, barely 5 episodes and even in that his whole screen footage and dialogue was less than 5 mintues.
Atleast He got her sexy night suits unlike our bitwa who is turning out to be one kanjoos fashion house owner.
in the defence of that scene....there was no other way to do had to get completed within the time period of that antaras....
Deleteif the song had to be there, it had to be done like that....can't think of any more creative way personally....after all, it can only be dream, a presentation on stage or a song being listened to...bringing back some memories...somehow i could relate to that song on that mobile...
"In akash's defence(biased ofcourse), he did not MU for 5 months, barely 5 episodes and even in that his whole screen footage and dialogue was less than 5 mintues."
DeleteBindaas defense ever ... a total peetal bartan moment for all defense lawyers .... ROFL ROFL
All in 5 .... Dadi ka panch(whatever its called) effect :D :D
Rekhs agree with you on that there couldn't have any other way..infact I didn't find it too random, because I do that when my hubby is not in mood to let me know what is troubling him, I do put some old song and tell him that am there..
Deleteand yes loved the way bitwa lets his angst out, quick as if he doesn’t know if he can’t say it but she has to know and be there for him. Hold him when he is breaking , and that one line that is more than enough for khushi to know why he the man he is, why he fears his loved one leaving him, she knowns why he brought up the contract and blackmailed her to come back..Why did this guy went to the extend of marrying her when he came to know that his Di's happiness is at stake. she always knew the depth today she felt the depth of it.
she understands his lack of trust and belief in love, and expressing his emotions, that fear, that angst was just what showed it made him what he is today.
How long has this guy burdened with out letting out his emotions to be strong for his Di and his family...
I am loving how Arhi relationship is maturing.
esply when they have their little bit of nok jokh with stealing glance and her giving back of ASR ko dekh nekeyliye tax lagta hai kya?? which brings a smile on his face, adoring his pagal but cute wife..
And loved how he tried to get that smile back when she became emotional after hugging Anji.
Me too, I liked the song picturization ... first of all, I was THRILLED they used the original ... after watching five seconds of the remix, I wanted to puke, would have hated it even if they had just used the audio ... And the way she put it on the mobile was good ... I'd forgotten that Khushi can't sing ...
DeleteI know ... HOW can I forget mausam hai suhana LOLzzz
And the old songs didn't have much music in the interludes, the verses were pretty much straight one after the other ... Sanaya acted out the verses pretty faithfully, so it seemed she was changing moods quickly, but it was all in synch with the song lyrics ... I liked it.
"after watching five seconds of the remix, I wanted to puke"
DeleteDia after watching "aja piya tohe pyaar doon" original I am actually interested to go through all puke worthy remixes and hunt down originals.
Sama, start with another beautiful original ... Baahon mein Chale Aao from the movie Anamika.
DeleteDON'T, even by mistake, watch the remix!!! :((( Grrrr!!!
Where is Sandy, Jaya, Gargi and the gang. Why do I keep missing them;(
ReplyDeleteaww hugg swethu.. i'm doing flybys at odd times because there is a wedding in the family.. absolutely no time to sit here as i am doing now.. but kya karein, raha nahi jaata!
DeleteLoved that the song blended in with the scene beautifully...not an awkward moment there.....and also liked the rush of dialogues immediately after that scene....
ReplyDeletethe life's greatest truths, saddest moments sometimes come out as a torrent....loved that scene....Its scenes like these that make this EPIC LOVE STORY an like never before....
"dil ki girah khol do, chup na bhaitho, koi geet gaon"
Is Khushi merely a reminder becos of the status or does she bear resemblance.....then is the other woman Khushis mom...the thot is too close for comfort....Nani may not have met the woman in that case.....out with it soon SC...can't bear the suspense
Khushi-Anji hug heartfelt....can't really describe my emotions when i saw that....a woman recognising another one's pain....
Okay girls...for a moment i even forgot one of them was pregnant and was did not even look it....
then reality struck.....i remembered she is having a baby and now by the 'looks' of it "TWINS"....some girls have all the luck in teh world....
"dil ki girah khol do, chup na bhaitho, koi geet gaon"
DeleteI don't know the song so it had the above, awwwwwww..
I was too busy drooling over Sanaya, she is soooooooooooo pretty yaar in that simple night suits can't believe they make her wear such awful stuff.
I unfortunately am the person who goes when hearing something like:
Tumnay pukara aur hum chalay aaye:
*****I forgot my wallet and car keys
*****Damn, they just increased the fuel prices again
*****Can't afford my gym membership anymore
*****Walking is good for health.
Yeah that is me, Chappals most welcome:)
DeleteU R PRICELESS!! thats all i can tell u...
There can never be a dull moment around u, i am sure...there is none in R&R for sure...
Thank god...i don't like the song u quoted.....or the only thing i will remember is all that u quoted above.....
somehow the jaan hatheli par le aaye hum...puts me off....I would prefer more than the jaan on u say....jaan toh hain hi....hehehe
Jaan hatheli pay kyonki I forgot to bring a decent bag for it:)
DeleteROFL Shweths, you are too much bey!!! You lighten up the whole atmosphere here ... am giggling continuously at my lappy like a demented woman here!
DeleteROFL ROFL ROFL - BG - you are fantastic - simply love your posts!! all of them - ab dont do MIA again - without you this blog is suna suna!
Delete"Jaan hatheli pay kyonki I forgot to bring a decent bag for it:)"
Deletegiggling in front of the computer.. dont you know, its the latest craze!! gosh my fingertips got the laughter in them because i am on silent mode :))
My guess is that Dadi knows everything. She is there to get Khushi out of RM. I feel shyaam has met with her and manipulated her. I guess the last straw will be that Bitwa in his anger will bring up 6 month contract, and Dadi will banish Khushi and insult her that the wedding was over. Khushi will be forced to leave and Bitwa will be very hurt. He will see for the first time how his hasty decision ruined Khushi's life. To protect her honor he will leave with her and then Shyaam will enter.
ReplyDeleteI know I am still not making sense in my writing, but in my head I feel I am !!
note to self : NEVER watch SBS henceforth... :)
ReplyDeleteI would have LOVED that sequence 10 times more if they hadn't already shown it in SBS.. it was soo beautiful and touching.. loved the slight touch abt it being played on the mobile.. because IMO khushi suddenly bursting into a song in that tense and sensitive moment would have ruined it.. :) this was sweet and touching.. :)
but Grrrr SBS!!! :S
scene of the day : bitiya hugging anji baby she bitwa watching from the stairs..
Deletethe two most important women in his life.. :)) and the one person who he thought was out to ruin his sisters' happiness is now the one who is standing as a pillar for her.. his smile spoke of tooo many emotions..hence their tiny encounter on the stairs made even more sense to me.. :)) he just realised that he has fallen in love with his khushi all over again.. :))
Madsie hugs!!
Deleteyews I think most us who have not watch the old song woulds have taken it as ArHi moment .... more than SBS I hate Mishti for it. Then again she din't ask me to peek into her post :(
but I liked it nonetheless ... it was sweet and simple ansd as you said the mobile thing made it more appropriate.
That mean the swami thing was an offscreen act ... I was dreading it ... glad to be proved wrong :D :D
DeleteI don't know if can make u guys feel better abot the song but wanted to share my perspective...
IT was the perfect song for the situation becos there is no masti element in it...Khushi was also not OTT, she was only drawing him out
Glad they did not elongate the sequence
It would have been strange if Arnav responded to her then...i am glad he moved was not a seduction scene initiated by was a feel gud thing, wanting to make him feel comfortable and since he was battling with his emotions and at the same time feeling helpless that he was able to put her at ease....
last but not the least, i did not see SBS...may be that helped....tho i read comments
Rekha I liked the song sequence a lot, it was proper khushi and proper response from arnav with what was going on in his mind ... but you know as I said before ... I saw the remix one and never looked back ... but when I saw the old version it touched me instantly .. just loved it. I was ready to be let down in comparison with the original. Yes it was simple and apt for ArHi situation. Specially the "tu sukh mera lele me dukh teri leloon". Somewhere Arnav does not like that IMO. He wants her to have all the happiness in the world.
DeleteAgree with you Sama. The song is beautiful and it fit very well. THE SBS killed it . I wish they had lingered on it for a bit more time. I felt it was rushed...
rekhs, I already love the sequence...I just felt bad that I watched the SBS... song as a whole wasn't random to me at all.. :)) it went perfectly with the flow..each and every word.. esp the last stanza :
Deleteapni toh aankhiyon se..beh chali dhaar si..
khil padi wahi ek hasi..piya tere pyaar ki..
my past is haunting me too..I still feel afraid to sleep in the dark, I feel afraid to sit in fast cars.. but when I think about you and the love that you have for me, I end up smiling inspite of all the tears because I know that I have found someone that can mend all the wounds of my terrible past..
main jo nahi haari, sajan jara socho..
kis liye..kis liye?
I haven't given up on life.. do you know why? I don't want you to give up, too.. please tell me, what's bothering you.. :)
Sama cutie....if u could this, also listen to another song from this same movie....its a fun song but the antaras have a diff mood...i will quote the anataras for here..and link as well....i hope u will like it....the mood of today's song will carry over t this song's antaras as well...tell me if u like it....
DeleteKirnen Nahin Apni, To Hai Baahon Kaa Saharaa
Deepak Nahin Jin Mein, Un Galiyon Mein Hai Hamse Ujaale
Haay Haay, KirNen Nahin Apni, To Hai Baahon Kaa Sahaaraa
Deepak Nahin Jin Mein, Un Galiyon Mein Hai Hamse Ujaale
Arrey, Bhool Hi Se Chaandni Khil Jaaye Re!
Aaraa Raaraa Raaraa Raah La: Ha Aah
Chunari Sambhaal La: Ha Aah...
Pal Chhin Piyaa Pal Chhin, ANkhiyon Kaa Andheraa
Rainaa Nahin Apni, Par Apnaa Hogaa Kal Kaa Saveraa
Haay, Pal Chhin Piyaa Pal Chhin, ANkhiyon Kaa Andheraa
Rainaa Nahin Apni, Par Apnaa Hogaa Kal Kaa Saveraa
I love this song for the antaras tho the melody of the song is lovely too
Oh I have decided to make a list of all the songs that was posted here on R&R and then categorize it. I will be able to work full time next week as I will get my lappy ... yaaaayyyyy .... will post it once it is ready.
DeleteRekha you can see if you want to add more to it :D
off to watch the song.
Me happy I have heard this one before ... not feeling like anadi anymore :D
Deletei haven't forgotten my promise to fact , i am compiling a list composer-lyricist wise...will defin send u the list...once complete....toda weeding out is pending....
Hawwww of course you did not ... I thought of making a list when I saw the YT link you posted so wrote it down. You have posted a lot of your favourites over the passing months so suggested an option.
DeleteYeh hamare beech inti MUs kyoun ho rahi hai?? :'(
Nahin re...kuch MU nahin....i just wanted to reassure u thats all......that i have not forgotten...
DeleteI have been in and out, a bit the delay....
:D :D :D
DeleteARGGHHH... i will not get one slide done in my presentation, if i dont get this out of my system!!
ReplyDeletei’m gng to go backwards....
“so what?? toh kya farak padtha hai ki agar khushi ne yeh photos dekh bhi liye? Khushi mei patni hai aur use jo karna hai, kar sakthi hai, jahan jana hai ja sakthi hai.”
“agar yeh tumhai pathni hai tho, hum dadi hai. Kya is ghar mein hamai marzi ki koi ahmiyath nahi hai?”
“hai na dadi. Hum sab aapki bohot respect karthe hai. Lekhin, mei pehle bhi keh chuka hoon, ab dobara keh raha hoon. Khushi meri pathni hai, aur woh jo chaahe kar sakthi hai.”
Akash bitwa, pick a leaf out of ASR’s book and grow a spine. Now that is how you react when some one insults your wife. A shrug and roll of your eyes aint gonna do the job.
Take that, mami ji. Her expresions were priceless. I guess mami and dadi never counted arnav’s relentless support of khushi. I am inclined to believe that mami may hereafter refrain from addreing Khushi as PS... she definitely wouldn’t want to receive the same treatment from arnav.
Now this is the ASR i fell in love with!!!! kya attitude hai! Also the way he wants to tell the truth about shyam, then and there... no more Mus, made one thing clear, he will under no circumstances allow shyam into the house. And if dadi demands shyam be brought back, he would threaten to walk out and ask the family to choose between shyam and him. If dadi had to choose between shyam and khushi, she may choose shyam, but if its between arnav and shyam.... then shyam doesnt stand any chance.
Now to anji and khushi... it was a beautiful scene. Khushi completed her hug, the one she wanted before she left for GH. And is there some significance in the way she said, “hum woh shank dhundh laayenge”. Does shank in any way relates to good tidings, happy new or in general just happines??? and arnav watching that hug was highlight of the scene. Finally, the Di-Khushi elationship i on the mend. Though whats going on in anji’ mind is still a mystery. Is she real as white as she has been projected, or just pretending to be white, while going greyer inside. But knowing anji, i dont think she can handle all this split personality drama..,... may be she erally is over shyam, or moe probably deluded herself into believing shyam is on an extended tour with mama!!
The lenght of the scene doesnt matter, 30 ecs is anough fo ArHi to create magic.... Seedi va Ve... cute
the whole song sequence didnt do much magic for me. I liked the SBS better, but “haan toh? Ab kya Arnav Singh Raizada ko dekhne ke liye be tax lagtha hai kya?” made my day! That was vintage Khushi. I felt they could have dragged that rootna manana scene... but then on second thoughts may be it wa pefect... she couldn’t manaoufy him, his pain was too much to be consoled in such a short time.... she was afraid she did too much, crossed an invisible line and was already apologizing... still unsue where she stands with him... bitwa beat he to the punch... no its not about you.... i appreciate all you did.... and for the fist time, lets someone into the fortress that he ha built around him. I guess this the first time he told those wods out loud to ome one who doesnt already know it. And that hug wa epic. Some times, its not the million words of comfort but a simple gesture that gives solace to an aching heart... khushi’s hug did that!
Tata bye!!! catch you all tomorrow :) Happy janmashtami!
Dam had written a whole lot of my pov and its all lost...
DeleteOPti its my day i suppose of lost post...
Krish, am so glad....u did the post before getting back to ur pres....loved ur post...
Deletesuper scenes galore,
the hug after that outpouring from arnav...i also liked the rushed manner in which arnav says those words to Khushi as if he can never bear to say those words again but it had to be said to Khushi...and Khushi's immediate say...i am the one that perhaps caused to bring that up but i am here in any way i can help in assuaging ur pain.
and Khushi- Anji's hug; Khuhsi recognising the pain that Anji must be hiding each time she remembers her...a brother who refuses to remember their diffi past, a sister who remembers her mother with an affection tho masking that perhaps Khushi had a glimpse of what these siblings share a bond of pain apart from the bond of love.
Arnav making his stance crystal clear...lovdd his no-nosense way...firm but polite.....a leaf that can be taken from his style for many and i dont mean only men
Krish, glad you made that post ... loved reading it!!!
DeleteLike your message to Akash bitwa ... and hope the message got through to Mami loud and clear too ... and she starts checking herself every time she goes to call Khushi PS :)
I am holding thought on Anjali. If the theme is BFTP and other woman, then Anjali is what she seems.
If Dadi has been sent by Shyam, then Anjali is not all she seems, and we have some fun and games coming up.
I'm completely ambivalent on this ... the past is a huge track, will the cv's want to start it so soon? Before Shyam is fully sorted out? So I can't decide which of the two it's likely to be :)
krish, loved this post! that little tax moment.. awww.
Deletetrust arnav and khushi to find out new ways to romance.. and to add so much fresh cuteness to an industry classic like seedi ve.
and seriously.. when a guy admits that his mom committed suicide.. with so much pain.. on his face, in his stance.. what else can a girl do? that hug was just priceless.. (btw did that smell like a shiddat? bitwa breaking down in bitiya's arms?)
good luck with the presentation!
Lovely post Krish. Enjoyed reading it. Good luck with ur presentation...
Delete*Blushes* thank you :)))
DeleteBTW, mishti mata had said Arnav will be angry with Khushi on something for this song spoiler....he was not angry by any stretch of imagination....i went back to read it*face palm* and realised the read between lines say something about convincing....
ReplyDeletethe song was only one of the scenes of the ruthna manana track?
so is this spoiler yet to play out fully?
you these days none of the spoiler devis get it right .... like for Bday it was said there will be loads of poolside romance .... all they saw was pool being decorated and here all they saw on set was A upset and K manaoing.
DeleteI vow again not to read any spoiler ... lets see how long I hold onto it :S
ReplyDelete"I vow I will never buy any of the products advertised if they interrupt an Arhi hug!!! "
I cracked up completely :D :D :D
Ufff yeh cvs bhi na .... itne nadaan hain ... itna bhi nahi samajhte ... hum kya kuch zyada maang rahein hain?!?!
Sama my presentation was good now have around 8 assignments to be completed by 15 sep..
ReplyDeleteDia agree that I had the same lines " So Bloody what"
And on Khushi giving back she will Dia, at first she needs that confidence from Arnav that he will stand by her and understand why she gave dadi ulta jawab, she need Anji and Nani too , anji to create circumstances and Nani to question Dadi.. So with Arnav standing by her in each step her confidence will increase, and I am waiting for Bitwa to give her that liberty, that when she will actually answer back and not keep quite and wait for her husband to get her out everytime.
And more over there needs to bd reasons for Khushi to build her tolerance so she can blast Dadi the way she did Arnav after GH...
would love to see ASR with proud smile on watching his wife take on his Dadi.
Aaru, I said I want Khushi to answer back ... but I also know she never will. It's just not in her sanskar ... not just an SP bahu thing, but truly not Khushi.
DeleteShe has never answered Mami back for PS or any other jibes. It is just not in her to be openly rude or insulting to older people. Even if Arnav gives her full confidence in her position in the house, her way to win over Dadi will be by winning her heart, never by asserting her rights as Raizada bahu and Arnav's wife. That's why if you notice, she has never looked completely happy at Arnav championing her in front of Dadi, the way Nani and even Anjali looked frankly delighted.
Dadi NEEDS that attitude from Arnav all right, but Dadi will get it only from Arnav. Khushi will try to win her over in her own way. And the confidence Arnav gives her in her position as his wife will help her to make that attempt, even in Arnav's absence.
I think first the contract period has to get over and she has to know beyond all doubt that their marriage is for keeps - remarriage may or may not be included. Then she will tackle Dadi in her own way.
Diaaaaaaaaaaaa; I won't buy those products, Me toooo,grrrrr..
ReplyDeleteAnd you got as far as bloody hell ..I was worried, 1 ghanta ka meeting hai, can't bitwa return having forgotten something...Kuch bhi ho tapak pada:)
I love dadi
I love Dadi
Bhagwan karay woh aisay hi nasty ho
Hamay aisay his tasty and yummy arhi scenes miltay rahain.
ArHipathy .... more like HP (JK wala) seeing through Nagini's eyes ... its time for biwi to be called biwi again ... hence the detour :))))))))
DeleteArnav and Nani Scene:
ReplyDeleteNani comes and sits besides Arnav.
Nani: Don't worry, Dadi will accept Khushi, give her time.
Arnav: I dont care really Nani, I just want her to be atleast civil to her.
Nani: Well I did give a hard time to Lavanaya when you brought her.
Arnav: (Small smile) What is it with you two best friends, you guys have some issue or the other with the ones I bring home.
Nani: Well, I didn't have that much problem with Lavanya.
Arnav(rolls eyes): Oh come on Nani.
Nani: Well ofcourse Khushi played a part in softening me up.
Arnav: (sarcastically): I think I should Request La to come and Train Dadi to be more modern, think that will help?
Nani: (Laughs): It is really good to see you like this you know, Chotay.
Arnav: (Simply nods)
Nani: Besides, Now that I think about it, I guess my problem with La was not her, it was you. I guess I never saw in your eyes the love or that sort of affection you claimed you had for La. The one I am seeing in your eyes for Khushi, one that keeps getting stronger.
Arnav: (after a moment's silece): Is that why you created such a ruckus when we got married.
Nani: No, I guess I really wanted to be part of my Naati's Wedding to the girl I really liked and approved for him. You did deprive me of that you know.
Think about it, what will you do when your niece or nephew asks, Mama & Mami where is your wedding album?
Arnav: Nani you know the circumstance under which we got married.
Nani (gets up): I do, rest of them don't.
Arnav: What if we have a small wedding at home with just both the families, would that be okay say within 7 days?
Nani: Chotay, You don't have to do this for us (unable to hide her happiness)
Arnav: Naah, Guess I owe it to Khushi.
Shmart Arnav!!! :)))
Deletelovely Shwetha, oh how i wish the cv take this up.....wud love to see this convo in the show....
Deletehayee... "guess i owe it to khushi" muah shwetha, for writing this. filed my heart.
DeleteMuuuaaaa!!!! Kya kaha hai. Hayee maza aa jayega aisa hua toe.
You are on a mission today isn't it? Mission haso aur hasao.... Dadi/nani and Arhi ke expense pe..... I hope it works out like this!!! Dadi ki shakal dekhne waali hogi naa if he announces that since Dadi or no one attended my wedding, khushi and I are getting re-married so we can take bado ka aashirwad!!!!
ReplyDeleteASR: Will you marry me?
Khushi: Aur 6 months kay liye?
ASR (Irritated): Shut up Khushi!! I am asking you will you marry me for life and the next 6 janams or whatever.
Khushi (Nervous): You don't have to take what Dadi said seriously, It doesn't matter to me.
ASR(Furious): Khushi, listen to me one last time as I won't repeat myself. I want you to marry me because you want to, you know I love you and for us cos we love each other.
Haan ya Na Khushi, Answer me dammit.
Khushi: (Silence)
ASR:If you don't say yes, I will forcefully marry you and
Khushi(interrupting): 7 Janam
ASR: What?
Khushi: 6 Janam nahin, 7 Janam
ASR: Why this one doesn't count?
Awwww, TOO CUTE!!!
Delete6 janam nahin, 7 janam
Why, this one doesn't count?
*Dia sitting with crazy loopy grin imagining the scene*
Deleteshwetha, why the hell are you not one of the CVs??? i can see the whole scene play out in front of my eyes. SHIDDAT!!!!!
"ASR: Why this one doesn't count?"
DeleteArHi dreamland much !!
"Why this one doesn't count?
DeleteK :For all the trouble u gave me, u have start all over again....
Shweths..i am no gud at answering ur questions...but want to give u a WARM HUG....
Delete*hugs* really cute!
'tit for tat' Khushi!
this scene, SHIDDAT!
DeleteYou rock... ****SHIDDAT**** for this scene to play out. I can see A and K do it really cutely and i am cracking up this this and imagining it past mid night... I must be mad reading R&R at this time of the night instead of sleeping....
ReplyDeleteSex: with Anji check ... with khushi pending ..... ROFLMAO
yeh khudiyan nashe di pudhiyan ... loved it!
I miss shyam/abhaas!! :( :( he really was a treat to watch on screen.. brilliant actor!!! :)) I loved to hate him and I did that with dedication.. :P :)
Deletesama, that video... tu mujhe marwayega.. if they find out from my mad laugter that i'm still up when big things are happening tomorrow.. cant even LOL dammit.. hilarious video!
DeleteAwwww so cute .... I love it when you write hindi :D
Deleteposting the link was worth it !
Madsie with Dadi arounsd I am not feeling his absence much anymore :))))))
ReplyDeleteMwah! Mwah! Mwah!
Thank You for writing what I dream of seeing in the show!
And loved the "Why doesnt this one count?"--Pure Arnav!
1)So dadi has something against KKG only - she seems to have no problems with Payal even though KKG & Payal are sisters! again the possibility that TF is in cahoots with her - is that why she considered her a servant - KKG had started as an employee of the Household
ReplyDelete2)See Dia - this is what i meant in my SN yesterday - she needs to reassure ODB she is not not being inquisitive or prying - just trying to be there for him - give him a hug, reassure him and he will open up - and he did! :D:D:D
3) if i may so - don't know the provocation yet - could be something real bad and i will probably eat my words later but for now could not help but feel that ODB's mother was one selfish weakling - killing herself on the day of her daughter's wedding - traumatizing both son and daughter for life
4) anyone noticed how Di was constantly holding up her pallu - no she did not follow BG's advice and get a pillow but
atleast she is keeping up the facade!!
5)Gargi - i am pretty sure you are dressing up ODB now - can you please dress up ODG as well - the style is BAD to say the least and the colors - the worst shade of teh best colors possible!!!
Delete" ODB's mother was one selfish weakling - killing herself on the day of her daughter's wedding":
Call me optimistic at least here. On watching that nightmare fb of the wedding, now I feel that the shot was an accident or murder that was disguised as a suicide. Nani's daughter wouldn't be a selfish weakling!
PS - and forgot to add - loved how ODB dragged our girl out of the room - like saying "Don't act like a typical SP bahu standing here tongue tied - walk away with your head high - like me!"
DeleteSu - i hope so :D
DeleteI don't think dadi knows payal and KKGSR are sisters. No one has told her that yet.
UJ Dadi knows awful lot of things for a person to be back after 14 years. I won't be surprised if she knows this too.
DeleteBTW aren't they inviting Guptas for Janmashtami. Last year they were the only people other than family. If they miss it this year it will be the worst thing ever. Not inviting in-laws of both their sons.
good point - but then that would reveal the shyam truth completely - coz they would def ask about TF and then they too can add that they knew the truth for so long
DeleteThe Maha QUESTION is - "So what?!" or shall we say after AcharyaJi "So bloddy what?!"
DeleteWhy can't Guptas know that everyone knows about Shyaam truth? Raizadas not knowing still had pointers. After all betiyon ka sasural hai.
Mona, and all ...
Deleteregarding Mona's point "ODB's mother was one selfish weakling - killing herself on the day of her daughter's wedding - traumatizing both son and daughter for life"
I may be completely wrong here ... but I think the whole point of bringing in a PAST story is to clear things out, not just bring it out as a story in itself.
Those here who read WUAS, my ff on Samrat Gunjan, would remember that was what happened there. Samrat had a very skewed view of his mother and hated her for abandoning him in childhood. As the story progressed, you saw that what he had been told was a pack of lies, and the truth was something very different. Thus leading him to finally make peace with his mother.
Something similar could happen here ... what Arnav Anjali and even Dadi think is the truth, may not BE the whole truth ... and the whole point of re-visiting the past is not only to explore Arnav and Anjali's psyche, but also to heal them.
Which is why I said in a comment o UJ yesterday, that IF Khushi's mother is the other woman, the story would ONLY work if she was NOT actually involved with Arnav's dad.
I will add also, it will work if it is revealed that Arnav's mother was actually killed and did not commit suicide, and that the father was NOT the villain of the peace ... thus allowing Arnav to make his peace with both parents, and actually punish the real culprit.
Which is also why I think I keep harping on the wicked chachaji and the BFTP :)))
oh i so hope so - want some more secrets unearthed :D
DeleteAS for link between shyam and ODB's parents and KKG's parent - so far i am not convinced - they all are too fantastic for me to accept as of now - so will play the wait and watch game
on rewatch, a few more pointers...
ReplyDeletethe way ASR drags khushi from dadi's room (or is it nani's room??) reminded me of mothers taking their reluctant child away from something unpleasant, fiercely protective. he was like, "Khushi, its over, we can go, bhaad me jayeen dadi. stop worrying youself over her" all of this rolled onto one single look.
song was perfect for the scenario, but i wish they had dragged the hug.
"I vow I will never buy any of the products advertised if they interrupt an Arhi hug!!! "
ROFL Dia... seriously of all the types of KMHs we had to deal with, breaking up of a hug with a commercial break must be the height of it!!!
we have all agreed time and again that sanaya is too good with emotional scenes, but today i had my eyes set only on barun. his anguish was so plainly written all over his face and eyes! the reluctance in hugging khushi, relectuance to ahow his weakness. but then finally lettin git all go.... the break spoiled it big time at the end
and about the increased number of workers, i remembered a tweet by akshay where he ays there are 13 and half prakash brothers... i guess all of them were roped in for tmrw's pooja!! mami called OP not HP!!
Shwetha, tnx for the ride, into Arhi dreamland with your post :))
Arhi: haayeeeee…. Watched the SBS, didn’t get to watch it on the show uninterrupted, loved the bits that I saw.
ReplyDeleteDialogue of the day: Arnav Singh Raizada ko dekhne ke liye tax dena padega kya?...You don’t have to, we have to!
Loved: Khushi – Anji hug and the way Anji tried to silently reassure K when dadi started heaping her allegations on her. Almost could see Anji mouthing ASR’s dialogue on dadi yesterday.
Excited to see ASR’s parent’s pics- his father does not seem like a villain, thank God!
And now we actually get to see their faces though they are still nameless! (beta and bahu Malliks)
PS - question to all - This house is Raizada House - right - so if it has been in existence for long - why is dadi ruling over it as if its her's? how does she know if there is a storeroom and what is kept there etc etc??
ReplyDeleteIf this is a house ODB built after he built his fortune - then dadi should know nothing about it, right?
raizada house is old.. and dadi and nani were childhood friends. so i guess she would know the layout.
Deletedadi is not ruling over the house.. she is ruling over her grandkids and her new bahu. she was perfectly polite to payal, and requested her to prepare puja stuff by herself.. means dadi gives payal the status of raizada bahu. (i guess, in her mind, khushi is mallik bahu)
polite?? my god if that was polite!! ordering someone else's bahu like that - but i guess i get your point - in her mind she thinks Payal is a Raizada and KKG is a malik
ReplyDelete“please stop making Khushi the typical SP bahu scared to open her mouth in front of her unreasonable Dadi-saas ..”:.
This was the last thing, so this made a lasting impression on me.
Did you see the danger in ASR’s dialogues?
The more Arnav supports K, the more angry dadi is going to get. And the last dialogue could easily be read as “She can do whatever she likes, as and when it pleases her!” It doesn't sound nice at all if you take it like that.That is not how K would want ASR to defend her. It is HIS cut and right way of saying things, which suits his personalty, not hers- which is why she feels like apologizing for HIS actions.
I don't know if I am putting this forward clearly, there was something about that dialogue- a hint of double meaning if you want to take it like that ...or something like that.
I am not refuting your point that she IS scared of dadi saas. It is just that your point reminded me of this dialogue and scene.
Delete"Did you see the danger in ASR’s dialogues?"
DeleteI could wrote it in a comment below. But not story rather general impact wise. They must now find other ways for establishing Khushi as Badsi Bahu. ASR know all the rituals as Anjali never never leaves a chance to blackmail him into attending even if her is not performing. He can Nani politely just like the mathura aloo scene or Nani may herself ask Khushi to organize it all. Otherwise it will look very strange that they allowed khushi to do everything when she was just an employee but now that she is the Badi Bahu no one is even asking her to take responsibilities (well if they don't show khushi doing anything we will assume as so) other than her Hubbie shooting his mouth.
Yes long overdue and now done. Move on and find a subtle way to do it now. Deeds not words.
Dia I don't fear khushi being a typical SP bahu ever. They have failed miserably whenever they tried. Today also she started clarifying her stance at once. Dadi was not allowing her at all is a different issue.
Guys, read my reply to Aaru above. I said that out of sheer frustration because I hate it when the heroines stand by and shed silent tears instead of speaking up for themselves. But going by Khushi's own sanskar, she will NEVER speak up in front of Dadi ... or rather, will never speak rudely to her, or try to shut her up.
DeleteAnd I don't fault her at all in that ... those are my own sanskar as well. Whatever my inlaws or elders in their family say to me, I will never answer them back. I will grumble about it to my husband, and let HIM deal with it. And yes, I WILL expect him to deal with it. If his family thinks he is under my thumb, so be it. Dadi will anyway think that - that is the kind of person she is.
So yep, Khushi's way of dealing with her Dadi saas has to be her OWN way ... which is winning her heart. Not by saying anything at all. That has to be left to Arnav, and he HAS TO DO IT. He will do it HIS way, and she will deal with Dadi HER way. He can be rude to his Dadi, she cannot.
DeleteCompletely agree that khushi wud never back answer and she shouldn't. She has a strong firm hubby, she should let him deal with answering. She can deal with dadi in her own sweet khushi like way.
So completely agree with you - i would never ever back answer my in-laws or elders in the family. That's just not done but if i am unhappy about something I would sure speak to my hubby and expect him to sort things out. Afterall that's how it should be isn't it?
I hope I don’t get chappals for this:
Are these ominous signs?
1. Dadi mentioned she wants to see Anji’s laddoo gopal(LG!!!): Gopal aka Shyam?
2. She also wondered whether damaadji will come for janmashtami?- Me too, dadi, I’ve been wondering for a long long time!
3. The count to 13 days falls on Aug 10 th- Janamshtami- it looks like we’ll have yet another long day in IPK- prob starting from thurs- going on to fri and Monday(13th aug)? Will we get ME?
4. Crazy crazy thought to fit in with my crazy doom and gloom theory: Hope I am not hurting anyone’s religious sentiments here- Janmashtami- birth of Lord Krishna- could it be the re-birth of Shyam?
5. The Conch: To announce yet another battle?
Added to the last point - Su when ODG promises Di she will get the shank for her - got me thinking - could it mean that ODG will cajole ODB to allow TF back - for Di's sake? - yuck ddr ddr!!!
DeleteYuck ddr.....but Mona....looks possible.....anji was talkin of the shunk as if it were the VLR himself.....khushi don't do this....but tum ho aadat se majboor
DeleteI thought the same. Conch to announce another battle and battle it will be don't you think? When dadi finds out about shyam and what happened and gets to know khushi was involved she will despise khushi even more. There will accusations again and war of words. Only difference being last time bitiya was the senapati this time bitwa will lead the war!!!! * SHIDDAT* for bitwa leading the war. Bitiya has done her bit and more. She has done all that she can and done it to the best of her abilities...
Can't se bitiya getting carried away about Shyam. Bitiya is naive, innocent but she will not want to bring VLR back knowing VLR almost killed Arnav. She can do lot if silly things but not deliberately put Arnav's reputation and life on the line....
Shyam will come back but coz of dadi rather than khushi. Atleast this is what I hope to see happening.
NOOOOOOOOOO !!!! I will murder cvs if they use Khushi as bait AGAIN ... Let Dadi or Anjali herself do the deed. Even Mami would do ... she can scream at the top of her lungs that "I don't care what he is, right at this moment Anjali bitiya needs him and hence he will remain till Anjali bitiya wants him to" if the labour scenario plays out. I will love Di if she demands what she needs. If Shyaam has to come back ... it better NOT be Khushi. I haven't forgotten the idiotic honeymoon dialogue yet, as if there could not have been anything else to be said.
DeleteAnd I also want Nani or Anjali(maybe not as we don't know whats in her mind) to make a mark infront of Dadi about Khushis right in the house. This constant she is my wife and she can do whatever she wants will again make ASR look like someone who does not respect even his elders. We know its not the case but if he continues this it will be.
Khushi being khushi should at least ask him not to be so angry with Dadi in her own hesitant manner. ArnavJi hum theek hain aap bas Dadi se istarah naraz mat rahiye ... woh badi hain humse. Exactly the way she tried on tuesday about the marriage issue. She has to, it goes with her. I want something like this because after a while to general eyes it will look like khushi gives a damn to how her husband is behaving with elders at home as long as he is supporting her. Now that does not go well with an SP bahu.
I know what Arnav did is the thing to do and it was long overdue. Now its done. Cvs just find other ways than constantly cutting down Dadi's words by ODB. It makes ODC look like they don't care a bit which is not at all the case.
Only if cvs din't make their leads shoot at each and everything, there was no way any other character could have won favourite beti other than Khushi at SPA. No one has gone to such extremes to live upto her adopted families believe.
Mona, Rekha,
Delete"could it mean that ODG will cajole ODB to allow TF back":
This thought occurred to me 2 months back when I was catching up on the old epis.
I'll elaborate on it sometime later if it comes up, as it does not seem relevant at all right now.
Mona, I don't think K will do that NOW, since that'd mean putting ASR and Anjali in danger again. She has seen how ruthless Shyam can be- he kidnapped bitwa and almost got her KILLED- Khushi in her right mind should NEVER do it.
"Only difference being last time bitiya was the senapati this time bitwa will lead the war!!!!":
Point to ponder: ASR left for 1 hour and that was the time Dadi raised her accusations against K. She was lucky this time that he came back to defend her.
The next time it happens, will he be around? Those photographs on his wall: all about railway stations and clocks? Is he supposed to be going on a journey soon? Yes, journey in to his past, for sure. Could it also mean that he might be some place else when the battle happens?
The other reason why I wonder if ASR will go on a journey is because I am almost sure that if Shyam is to return in person, he might avoid a direct confrontation. He might sneak in when saale saab is not around and win dadi's confidence.
But there are no promos showing Shyam coming back, so I am not sure.
Delete"Khushi being khushi should at least ask him not to be so angry with Dadi in her own hesitant manner."
This is the point I was trying to make with that 'danger in ASR's dialogue' above.
I think the CVs are deliberately doing it for a purpose. They WANT dadi to feel K is used to having her own way because she has her hubby nicely wrapped around her little finger!
Su let Dadi think it. Why make viewer have the same impression? They did it with ASR in bring back Biwi andolon. Characters intentions need to be made clear. We are all tired of saying this. Will point out again. Khushi's OTT would have been most welcome if they had few instances where she was herself hurt to make a living hell for a guy she was married to. Make ASR feel the wrath why viewers??
DeleteSama and Su - dont worry ODG will speak up for dadi - she always takes 2-3 episodes to speak up the first time and the the lucknow express is on - remember :D:D
DeletePlus after ODB gave the all imp "ok as you like it" bit (standing on that side of the door) he first walked away and ODG was looking at him and dadi - so thought process was def. working on how to bridge the gap
(SN - as HAA - "K .. has her hubby nicely wrapped around her little finger!" - aawwww - how we wis :D:D:D)
Mona that's not a Side Note ... That is the Note. ODG has to do absolutely nothing for it. ODB has ensured with his ruthless actions that he remains that way whole his life. I see him getting more and more wrapped with like draupati's saree :D
DeleteAaah kab ayenge woh din jab Khushi will intentionally make him do something for her. All biwi way ... bola chachiye toh chahiye. Long way to go. *sigh*
Sama, Mona, Su
DeleteI somehow did not feel ASR was being ruthless or disrespectful to dadi. He is just being firm about a frw things and rightly so. Why should khushi have to take those insults? Just brcause she is the bahu of the family. Beti ke liye ek treatment or bahu ke liye completely opposite??? If he keeps quiet and lets khushi bear the insults and suffer he is in a danger of turning into a typical SP hubby.... He has not raised his voice or said anything disrespectful at all to dadi.
Dadi did not allow khushi to enter the room, treated like an outsider, outright untouchable even and all he said was if my wife is not allowed to come in then no reason for to. Nothing wrong about it. A simple sentence said in a firm tone.
What so wrong about looking at family pictures? If they are dadi's beta bahu, they are khushi's saas sasur and if she looked at their pictures what is the harm? Why create such a scene as if khushi has robbed something or even committed a crime.... All he did was remind she is the bahu if the family and she wants to go to the store room and have a look at things then that is perfectly fine.
Were we not all waiting for ASR to take a stand and support her? Now that he is supporting her, I for don't have a problem. Although saying 'meri patni hai.... ' again and again can become monotonous....
Was he not exactly like this during La track? Firm with nani about La but never disrecpectful.
Delete"after a while to general eyes it will look like khushi gives a damn to how her husband is behaving with elders at home as long as he is supporting her.":
I feel:
Both the times(of ASR confronting dadi) Khushi's eyes started welling up. I felt it was not just because she got emotional about him supporting her so publicly, it was ALSO about how bad she felt that she was the bone of contention between dadi and grandson. She was about to apologise or explain when he grabbed her back into their room. I wonder if they'll show K trying to apologise today, since she ended with that sad expression yesterday. Even if she does, it is only going to bring out an acidic remark from dadi. You are right; she should tell him- then he can tell her to shut up and stop being such a doormat and her stand also becomes clearer.
BTW, looks like dadi has totally gobbled up Anji's position now. Instead of worrying about bro- sis, now K can start worrying about dadi- pauta!
"All biwi way ... bola chachiye toh chahiye."- *sigh*
Deleteoh don't get me wrong - me is all for ODB talking back to dadi - albeit politely and firmly - and that is what he is doing! - i have loved all the dadi ASR moments simply coz ODB has been firm, calm and very clear without being disrespectful - which to my mind says a lot about ODB - (actually made him the perfect hero)
honestly had i been in his place, i doubt i could have kept my cool with a dadi who did not bother about me when i was a 14 yr old and now has the audacity to question my moves!
DeleteI am not saying he was disrespectful.It was not about his attitude-he SHOULD be firm- just the choice of words. It came out a bit harsh, I felt and very possible to be MUed by dadi.. And it was probably intended to be so, by the CVs.
Oops I did it again !!!
I LOVED ASR. Have been craving to see this ever since their marriage. He have said khushi is his wife before but not with such impact. Also been craving for Khushi to accept it. Since wednesday she seems to be taking baby steps again. Loved the way it boost her confidence.
What I don't want -
Cvs to go overboard with it. Find other ways than Dadi-Pouta confrontation all the time. 2 days and we already had 2 big ones. DO NOT make ODC look less in any manner. Cvs have done it often to get them going.
La days or anything last year was clear other than the man named ASR. Its the opposite now. They love the suspense game and usually its khoda pahad nikla chooha.
What I want to say is with La we had understanding of both the sides Nani and ASR, their POVs were clear hence their conversation too. So no bad taste left even if some of it was repetitive.
I am fine ... hum bilkul thik hain.
It was just a panic thought that came to my mind when I read khushi will get shyaam back. Hence the blabbering.
UJ, totally agree with you on the danger of ODB turning into SP hubby if he doesn't stick up for his wife.
DeleteAnd agree he has always been blunt but firm to his elders. Not only during the La time ... I remember Nani very early made one abortive attempt when she first heard about La, to fix his shaadi - she brought ladkivaalas home to fix an alliane ... and Arnav nixed it immediately straight off to the ladkivaalas. Said very politely and firmly - I am not interested in getting married, you've been brought her without my knowledge, please don't waste your time. I have no intention of getting married to your daughter.
All very politely and firmly ... and I was damn impressed ... wow, here's a guy who actually tells his own family and the girl's family straight out, no beating around the bush at all ...
So what he doing right now with Dadi is completely in character for him ... and he has been this way all through. Dadi might MU this, she might be meant to ... but there are enough people to tell her that he has always been like this. The question is does she want to listen? And if she doesn't, nothing anyone says will persuade her to the contrary. Like I said, she is like Bitwa was in his earlier days ... bol diya toh bol diya.
Is it dangerous for Bitiya? Probably, Is it going to change the way Arnav behaves? No, it isn't. Khushi might try to reason with him that he is causing more harm than good, he will not listen, and she will do things her way - which he will continue to support. Although he might scold her in private ... but that's fine. That's why they are a good team.
And I agree completely with UJ, I am loving this side of Arnav. The caring, concerned, loving supportive pati .. it's high time we saw this side of him.
Su, Mona and Sama
DeleteKaan pakad ke maafi humne aapko MU kiya.
Sama glad aap bilkul thik hai....
"NOTE TO CV'S ... IN BIG BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS, IF YOU ARE READING ... PLEASE DO NOT CUT SHORT ANY ... REPEAT ANY ARHI HUGS. Linger on them, take your time, show each expression five times over, show close shots and long shots, show them coming out of the hug and looking at each other, then hugging again ... you get the drift ... JUST DON'T CUT THEM SHORT ... especially not with a break!!! I vow I will never buy any of the products advertised if they interrupt an Arhi hug!!! " - To be added to Shiddat list along with no BDs to be used during intimate/intense scenes EVER!
ReplyDeleteShwetha: Thanks for the scenes - loved them & hope it plays out as you scripted it :))
Dadi seems really peeved and her repeated queries about Damaadji really makes me think that Shyam is behind her entry...her ego being dented at ASR's decision to wed a woman of his choice & on his terms doesn't quite cut it!
So far, all we know is that AA's mother passed away at the time of Anjali's first wedding (which presumably then, did not take place), she died of a gunshot wound, Chacha Malik threw his nephew and niece out of the house, there is another woman involved (in what capacity, we do not know yet) - am sure we are going to be thrown a googly here - the other stories floating around IF seem to be too predictable. Shyam may be just another greedy creature who found an easy way into the Raizada household through Anjali as a weak spot - all greed or is there an element of revenge? If it is meant to be revenge, then why not take it from Chacha Malik who usurped all rights and assets? Why demand it of Arnav/Anjali who were equally wronged? Kuch baat ban nahi rahi hai....
Also loved Mami's expression when ASR was telling Dadi off that Khushi has the right to do as she pleases - Mami was like 'OUCH' - let's see how much of a change we get to see in her attitude from now on....
DeleteMami made me laugh with her expressions on my second watch.
Such a wonderful actress!
Loved the episode. What a cracker of an episode. Loved ASR today, loved the way he protected khushi, loved how he was so proud of her when she hugged Anji. The pride shown in his eyes... It felt as if he was wondering how do you do it KKGSR, how do you break down, get up and walk again. How do you hide your own pain and lend support to everyone else. Thank you fir supporting Di and thank you for being there for her. I know if you are here with me, we will slowly bring Di back. This is what I love about you and this is what i am so proud if about my wife about my KKGSR. love you honey....
ReplyDeleteThe song sequence was beautiful. Touched my heart... She was just there fir him. No questions asked, no terms and cinditions at all, no sobbing, blackmailing or manipulating, no haq of being his wife and hence has a right to know kind if thing. Just there fir him, guvung him the strength to fight his demons, giving him confidence to Find strength her, giving cinfidence to confide in her if he wishes, silently telling him it's okay to cry, it's okay to be upset, it's okay to breakdown. In all this if you need me I am here for you. I promise you I will be always there for you in all ups and downs, I will here for you whenever you need, in every circumstance that you need me. You need not run away from me. Share your pain with me, you are not obiliged to but because you want to....
Twins.... Anji having twins not a hope in he**. She can hardly justify one, do ka toe chance hi nahi hai.
ReplyDeleteSo what dies the twin imply? Also dadi wants a laddoo gopal and nani a bitiya so NK says can have both... So a brother and sister combo????
1 shyam and his sister are twins?
2 khushi's dad has a twin sister who is Shyam's mum?
Payal corrects NK 'dhamakedaar' and janmashtami is round the corner so watch out... Do we get VLR's entry or more blast from the past.
Ho na ho dadi knows lots more about the current situation in RM than she shows.
I watched dadi's entry again. It felt as if it's not khushi's face she dusliked or reminded her of something. It's khushi's demeanor that she does not like. Is it coz her knowledge of khushi is influenced by Shyam and she has already made a character sketch of khushi from Shyam's description.
Still unsure if Anji is white or grey. She is surely not black. She genuinely returned khushi's hug. She is really there for khushi in the scene although silently but her nod said it all.... So for the moment i am unsure of which way she is swaying. Although i would rather imagine she is white until proven otherwise i.e not guilty until proven beyond doubt.
ReplyDeleteYou completely cracked me up with you note for CVs.... Yes would have liked for CVs to linger a bit more on that hug which was so so cute. Hope the CVs do read ur note. Can you not tweet them? Those commercials are hardly worth watching anways. I mean it's a ni brainer right would the audience rather watch a commercial or 30 seconds more of Arhi? Duuuuhhhhh!!!!!!
Looking forward to your edit!!!!
Btw quiet a few miles redeemed for bitwa today.... Loved him throughtout the epi but specially when he holds her hand takes her away and when he say politely but firmly, yes we all respect you dadi but I have said it before and I am saying it again that khushi is my wife and she can do as she pleases. In this scene, it seemed like Anji was happy and approved that chotey had supported khushi... Whether Anji was really approved it or it was just DB's wrong expressions I don't know....
ReplyDeleteIt's the same suit he wore during the wedding prep an nor is the shirt and not is the tie:-s it's just been put together in a diff combination .... Yes he's finally not in all black or all shiny brown... Dark suits and lighter non shiny shirts are far far better!
As for Khushi- unfortunately hers is new:-( wholesale velvet they bought....
What happened to the dress she wore the first time they came back from GH after the terrace scene? The orange and lace one? - which she sew the button in? And The pink airport one? And that holi wala sari? The blue and green one ...??
Really gargi - i thought this was a new suit - i thought the old one was grey - this one was blue
Deletewill have to check the old episodes again ;)
No Mona its not ... I have posted a link to BGs comment above which has pic of the shirt and suit ODB wore at different occasions.
DeleteEverytime it has meant separation too but yes for Khushi to find more firm ground in his life.
I can't for the life of me figure out why these two can't have simple scenes of all their times, so here goes:
ReplyDeleteLast year Janmashtami, remember how Anjali called him up all the way from office so he can get the pooja samaan as he does everyear.
This year, I hope ( Yeah I know, she alreadly has done the shopping this time)
These two get sent away together cos it is the first major festival post marriage.
Khushi hurries to get her purse (money)
Arnav is surprised and asks her why do you need the money, you are coming with me right?
She glares at him but hastens to get the purse.
On their return home, she is again a bit quiet.
To break the silence he asks her
ASR: why did you have to go and get the purse?
Khushi: Aapka bharosa nahin hai, beech raastay main GET OUT bol diya toh, Hum ghar waapis kaisay aayengay?
Even if I reach, Your family will not question you why you turned up alone, They will question me right?
Arnav FB:
Last year on JM he threw her out of the car
For her Ghar means RM.
She is not thinking of going back to GH.
If I threw you out Khushi, what would you do, Send me to Jail? What was that...ASR suit boot may chakki peesing and Pessing.
Khushi's FB:
Her whole suicide act and how she felt he was around and it was indeed his car she thought she saw that night in her home.
Khushi: You came back looking for me? (shocked)
ASR: Ofcourse I did, Lagta hai half of my last year was spent looking for you.
Khushi: No you didn't.
ASR: Who came for you at the Guest house?
Khushi: Who sent me there?
ASR: Who came looking for you in the middle of the night?
Khushi: Who threw me out of the car?
ASR: Who was searching for you in the Forest on our way to Nainital?
Khushi: Who put that stupid condition of keeping quiet?
ASR: Achcha who got you home from the temple after marriage? I didn't send you there.
Khushi: It was your fault.
Khushi: Dekha, I knew it.
ASR: We have reached home just GET OUT!! And remember, I will bring you back every single time.
*faltu, cheesy, mushy, bakwas...whatever*
Happy Janmashtami everyone*Hug*
"And remember, I will bring you back every single time." - aawww - Shwetha all i can say is - i hope the CVs are stoking this site!! :D:D - you just might get a new job offer real soon
DeleteNot cheesy, not mushy, not faltu… Shwetha, you really ought to be on that creative team!
DeleteIs there a way u can be smuggled into the creative team at IPK?
shiddat to that!!
why o why can't GH think of anything such!!
DeleteLoved it! ... I din't like Di going from "har saal puja ki samagri koun lata hai" to "humne sab intezam kar liya hai".
Cvs another ramanchi. This year bitwa would have loved to be reminded by pyaari biwi that it's elichi not kesar.
aww!!! Shwetha... will you plz join the CVs team, by hook or crook?????
DeleteHayyyeeeee ... Shwetha ... I WANT THIS SCENE!!!! So totally ArHi ... bickering, fighting, loving all together :)))
DeleteArnav always stood up for Khushi and did not tolerate anyway roughshodding her even when he was under the impression she had betrayed him. The difference this time is that Khushi sees that he really means it when he says 'she is my wife' and 'she is the bahu of this house' whereas earlier she thought it was all a play-act for the world (as he led her to believe).
ReplyDeleteI don't know what was going through Khushi's mind when Arnav revealed that his mom committed suicide but I think (or rather hope) that she had realised why he was so petrified seeing her on the terrace wall that day and lost his mind enough to blurt out the real reason for the forced marriage, something she couldn't make him do all those months. She must have realised that her actions that day would have seemed like a replay of his mother's untimely death. Losing someone so close in a gruesome act like suicide would then explain this complex man's actions. If she later comes to know the reason for the suicide (an extra-marital affair by the father, as we suspect), she may better appreciate why Arnav went all hyper and wanted to protect his Di at all costs. Who knows, the demons of his past must have scared him into fearing that Anj, who appears to have an equally weak mind as his dead mother, could also take the extreme step. So that one statement of Arnav 'I was 14 when my mom committed suicide' spoke volumes about why Arnav is the way he is. She has got the answer to her oft repeated question, 'Aaap aisa kyun hai'.
The other thing I liked about the scene is that Khushi hastily explains her actions and tries to clear that she did not mean to interfer in his life. She did not prod him with any further questions when he mentioned his mother's unnatural death but just rushes to give him a comforting and empathetic hug. This is very untypical of our nosy, opinionated girl. Shows how far she has travelled too along with Arnav. She is willing to accept him as he is without wanting to change him as she did in the beginning.
There was a closure of a loop in the Anj-Khushi hug. Many months back, Anj had given her a comforting hug realising how disturbed Khushi was about her parents' death on the day of AA's parents shrad. Khushi reciprocated that act of kindness and empathy after a new found knowledge of how this woman lost her mother.
I am happy that they did not turn Anj grey but I suspect that she may get into some complications during childbirth (it is now more apparent that she may go into labour during the Janmashtami puja)which may get back Shyam in to the picture.
I wouldn't mind having a partial amnesia track for Anj where she forgets everything that happened in the last one year. This would mean that she does not know who K is, let alone she is married to A. This may lead to K leaving the house at the end of the contract and a restart to A and K's love story.
Delete"Khushi hastily explains her actions and tries to clear that she did not mean to interfer in his life.
She is willing to accept him as he is without wanting to change him as she did in the beginning.":
Both speaks volumes about her.
This is why I loved the song sequence. When I watched the SBB, I thought he wouldn't be able to tell her and she will understand his pain and worry about what lies beneath.
The CVs gave me cream on the cake with K's outburst in way of explaining her actions and Arnav's response to it. He told her what he had refused to discuss with di or nani or dadi. And she didn't prod him further- a beautiful understanding there on both their parts.
He knows she deserves to know the reason and she knows he can't open up completely, not yet. And she knows it is not a blemish on the perfection of their love, either.
DeleteBeautifully summarised. Yes, K has started getting answers to 'aap aise kyun hai' a long way to go though before she fully realises and understands her complex hubby's actions completely.
Her monologue about 'itna dard.... ' in the morning was beautiful. She has started realise how much hurt and pain he is carrying and for how long.
If she has indeed connected the dots to understand his actions and what he might have gone through seeing her on that terrace wall I would like a monologue to explain that. As sensitive as she is if she has not connected these events she soon will but a few monologues will be very welcome.
Opti - wow - i so so agree with you
DeleteODB always stood by her but led her to think it was an act (or arrogance)
So hope ODG understands why the suicide thing shook ODB and
Hope she understands why ODB acted as he did when he MUed her - he was not being just a good brother - he was also reliving the horror of his childhood.
Hence will say again - dont think ODB is exactly like dadi - dadi chooses to see what she wants to - ODB did not choose to see (and infer) that ODG was involved with TF! but he chooses to believe in what he sees
Deletebeautiful thots....liked what u said abot the rushed manner of Khushi's speaking and her maturity graph....she was always sensitive but she displayed great maturity yesterday...a life partner in every sense of the word
also the Anji-Khushi hug....a nice recollection.....
Opti, loved your post! I too loved the hug, just a silent reassurance that she is there for him ... no more questions ... Yes, she doesn't want to change him, she doesn't want to pry, she doesn't even want him to tell her anything. She has come a long way.
DeleteCan any one tell me who is the actor playing Arnav's dad? I've seen him, just can't place him now.
ReplyDeleteIf you have seen him as an actor, Su, then I am sure the person is going to make a grand entry soon. He just won't stick to photo albums like Arnav's mom.
ReplyDeleteFriends, I have a reason to grumble on. We had asked for Khushi in a red suit at the time of Arhi milan. We got it. Now I am just fed up of cut-copy-paste versions of the same suit.
Puhlease CVs, we know that Khushi is so beautiful that she would look gorgeous in rags also. But it doesn't means that you deprive her of all beautiful dresses. :((
DeleteI am usually not good with faces and I don't watch serials too frequently. This guy, I must've seen him in some movie or something or may be he just reminds me of someone else. Any way, the feeling I had on seeing that photograph was one of pleasant surprise. Can't really explain why. If he is supposed to be dead,I don't know if they'll show detailed fbs.
fed up of cut-copy-paste versions of the same suit: Agree with you. I am just concentrating on the duppatas now. I loved the combo of that rare green and maroon yesterday. Was disappointed there was no trace of that green on her suit, though.
ReplyDeleteLoved your edit. Very beautifully written. Loved ur description of the song. The sequence was beautifully done and ur edit makes it even better.
On the twins bit though, i am not convinced it was just meant from Anji POV. i mean NK did not just come up with the remark did he? There ought to be more to it.
The thought nagging me is this
Anji is 32 years of age isn't it? Well considering Arnav was 14 when his mum died and Anji was getting married the first time she was at least 18 then. So she is 32 now.
Khushi's story mentioned unmarried daughter of 32 living in mimbai.
Shyam I presume is same age as Anji (this being just a guess). So Shyam is 32 as well.
Hmmmm.... Food for thought..... I know i know i am the only one hammering on about shyam's sister being the other 'aurat' but it just seems too coincidental that Anji is 32, khushi's story had an unmarried daughter of 32 ....
How will Khushi know that Shyam has a sister the same age as him? Why should her impromptu be a pointer to the future? If it is, how does one explain the daughter-in-law who illtreated the old lady? I don't think Anj fits the bill as she is shown to be kind even to strangers. So why would she throw her mom-in-law out? And who is the niece of that old woman? Do you mean to say that Khushi is Shyam's cousin? Would the old woman (shyam's mom) then be related to Garima too? I certainly don't want Khushi to be related to that Snake in any way.
DeleteBy the way, this while Shyam's sister angle has been floated by doods whose earlier prediction of a terrace show-down between Arnav-Khushi-Shyam, given the start of MU was in terrace, did not materialise. In fact the showdown happened in RM hall in the midst of the entire family.
By the way, Shyam's date of birth was shown as 1984 in his driver's license. If that is true then he is as old as Arnav and younger to Anj.
DeleteThanks for reminding me about the driving licence. Had forgotten about that. So Shyam's twin is out of the window....
Just seems a bit much for NK to talk about teins (a son and daughter) at this stage of pregnancy for Anji. That's why i am thinking twins is a hint at something. I am pretty crap at predictions so this might not come to anything at all....
I don't know who doods is.... This was a discussion between Sandy and me the day khushi told the story....
Deletedoods writes in IF in the post named as Redux....her posts are a lot about guessing where the track is headed...
if i am not mistaken, around the rose petals epi, doods introduced this theory about the didi ka saut....Shyam being the brother of the woman who is other woman in ASR's dad's life...and on that day, she also mentioned that Khushi's parents perished in a accident, which was the cause for Malik family doing an about turn from the mandir visit to come back home to view an unholy love scene (ASR's dad and the other woman) playing out before them..which in some ways was recreated that rose petals incident day when the family walked in on Khushi-Arnav having an intimate moment.
while this may all be true....what i find diffi to accept is the tenuous link being attributed to Khushi...
come on, even if Khushi's parents hadn't persihed in that accident, the affair of ASR's dad with Shyams sister would still have been known at some stage, thru someone somehow...
How is Khushi responsble in all this, i just fail to is like saying every bystander is responsible when an accident occurs...why... becos he witnessed it?
I wuld much rather go with a theory that there has been a misunderstanding in the past that recreates-reconnects these people in some way....which will show how things are different yet the same....or some such thing...
Lovely update dia!!!
ReplyDelete"THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE of the episode ... and you fell so woefully short in execution?" CVs cant u limit ur kanjoosi to khushi's wardrobe alone??? do you have to bring it into ArHi moments too?? the forme is atleats tolerable to some extent... the latter is too much!
"Payal is tearful ... probably wishing, can you tell my husband this too?" *HA HA*
opti, beautiful post!!
heylo ladies!!!
ReplyDeleteLovely post Dia!!
All of you have described the episode soo well..will have to read all the posts!!
i am really happy to see ASR supporting his wife...didnt really like Dadi's treatment of Khushi..and i would really like to see Payal take a stand and not run for cover everytime tensions escalate!!
umm.. will v get a teej celebration or not??? and wen is anji-shyam anniversary??
ReplyDeleteit was before JM so they skipped it!!!
ReplyDeletejust managed to read your edited post now.....I can't read it in a hurry....if i do that, i can't do justice to every single nuance in the epi that u pick and write about....
loved every bit of it......*applause*
ReplyDeletefun post girls