Monday, August 27, 2012

27/8 - Epi 328 ... Double Date

Monday 27th August

I love you just the way you are ... you may not be perfect, but I'm not perfect either ... and that makes us perfect for each other.

I want my perfect world, with my perfect husband and my perfect family ... so what if they don't really exist.

Nice idea, something got lost in the execution ... and can they stop playing comedy music during Arshi scenes?!!! Loved Sanaya's hair and makeup, especially her eyes, reminded me of the heroines of yesteryears ... liked her outfit, except for the big gold band at the bottom ... should have been just black and silver, why the gold?!!! *head desk* do they actually TRY to ruin all her outfits? Maybe they do, actually ... how else can they show Khushi's jhalliness changing to sophistication ... the moment they give Sanaya anything halfway decent, like the red or green saris, she looks far too stunning to pass off as remotely unsophisticated.

Something seemed to change in Anjali with that narrow escape ...


Had an early night for once, so had time to write an episode update :)

Arnav offers without even thinking much about it, to drop Di … and Dadi too … no problem. And at any time in the past, probably Anjali would have taken him up without thinking on his offer, it’s completely natural on his part, and what he would do always … after all, her is her Chotey, he takes care of her always, he would never dream of letting her go alone at night … 

But when dil mein chor ho, when she is hiding things from him, it’s the last thing she wants. And Anjali being Anjali, she can’t confront, can’t refuse outright, she can only prevaricate and pretend she’s saving him the trouble, not that she doesn’t want him to drop her … and Dadi joins in the pretence. Both women lying to him, both so certain that he is in the wrong about what he has done, that they don’t see the very obvious truth in front of them, the truth evident in his every gesture, in the unthinking care and concern for Di … the truth that he would never do anything to hurt Di.

But of course they know he wouldn’t, it’s just that he has misunderstood things … and instead of trying to make him understand, they have to resort to lying and deceiving him. It’s all because of Khushi, he’s under her spell, so he will not listen to the truth about Shyam … 

How exactly meeting Shyam on the sly will convince him about Shyam’s truth is not explained. How has Shyam managed to convince both women that he is innocent, but he still needs to hide and skulk and lie … that he cannot simply come straight out and tell the Raizadas that I’m sorry if you think I was lying, but I love my wife very much, Khushi has got it all wrong, and I cannot live without my wife, so I want to take her away with me. 

But no, both women are gullible and easy prey to Shyam … one because she can’t bear to see her perfect world crumble, she needs the support of her husband’s sweet nothings as well as the more practical solid money support of her brother, she needs to feel the love and need from both … and the other, set in her rigid thinking, sure that Arnav was wrong to blame his father so many years ago, when father was caught in the love of an undeserving woman, and now the son is repeating the same mistake, caught in the love of a worthless woman, and blaming the wrong man. Of the two, Dadi is the more to be censured … and pitied … her blind faith in a son-in-law she has apparently never met earlier, overrides her belief in her childhood friend and her own grandson. Which is why I feel sure that by the end of the past revelation, Dadi will come to realize her own mistake in the past … from the mistake she is making in the present. 

Anjali is lost in her blind love … but can Dadi not see from the very fact that she has to tell lies about Anjali meeting Shyam, that she is doing something wrong? Why should she, or indeed, anyone, have to lie about a husband and wife meeting each other? Why should anyone have to abet that lie? Dadi is a very stupid woman! 

And felt sorry for Arnav … he does try to do his best for his Di … the only mistake he made was not telling her the complete truth about her KP … It’s time he learnt that hiding bitter truths from Anjali is a mistake. But then again, maybe she will just conveniently faint again.

Arnav-Khushi date … Arnav waiting at the restaurant for Khushi, alerted by the sound of her payal, looks around to see a new Khushi … all in black, hair tied back, an attempt to look like the glamorous sophisticated ASR-type lady she isn’t … but Arnav is spell-bound nevertheless … Khushi looks beautiful. More make up than she normally wears, eyes darkened, long earrings, and no other jewelry than her MS, an epitome of grace and elegance … even the slightly loud gold border of her dress can’t take that away completely.

Is this the first time that someone wanted to do something for ASR? In his way? The way they thought he would like? A reservation at his favourite restaurant, even though she doesn’t like Italian food, doesn’t know the first thing about it … dressing the way she thinks he would like, in his favorite color … even wanting to pull out the chair for him because he once did the same for her … his own family, including Anjali loves him a lot, but they stay the way they are, they don’t try to do things the way he likes … he’s on his own in his world, and he joins them in theirs … but now Khushi wants to join him in his world too.

And she does it all, deals with all the mishaps in true Khushi style, without getting fazed … wrong date for the dinner? No problem … sweet-talk the waiter into getting her a table, while Arnav looks on indulgently with a ‘can’t believe she can get away with this’ look – similar to his look in the kerosene-for-water switch … only Khushi can do this! 

Doesn’t understand the menu? No problem … order by number … living so many years in the Far East, we still order from pictures in Chinese menu cards :) and by number too.:)

A contrast with Payal, who ran away at first mishap … Khushi will not give up. 

And Arnav goes along with her … lets her order for both of them (I vaguely remember a dinner with La where he ordered for both of them without consulting La) … he knows she won’t like the bland Italian food, so he spices it up to her taste. 

Sniper couple enter, get a table in an alcove, and can be safely ignored for the time being. :))
And he finally asks her what she’s up to … and she tells him … she’s trying to become like him. 

Trying to be a part of his world, a world which is so different from hers. But if he can set his beliefs aside to do things that make her happy, if he can enter temples, and take part in all the wedding rasams which are so important to her, then she can do the same, she can do things foreign to her nature, because they’re what he likes, what he’s used to. If he can reach out to her, she wants to reach out to him.

Sniper couple … Anjali the non-confrontationist … wants Shyam to come for the godh-bharayi, but will Arnav be there? Because it’s Khushi’s mehndi as well. And Dadi promised Shyam would come, but how? Anjali as usual, happy that someone is there to fight her battles for her, because she can’t fight. She can only cry and cling and moan, she can’t take a stand. Not alone.

When Arnav wanted La in the house, Nani opposed, Anjali had support, so she could voice her opposition. But when Arnav insisted, Anjali found middle ground between Nani and Arnav, because she didn’t want him to leave the house, and allowed La into the house. Again when Arnav married Khushi, Nani opposed vehemently, Anjali had support … but when Arnav threatened to leave with Khushi, Anjali found middle ground and repeated some of the rasams to allow Arnav Khushi into the house. Now Anjali wants Shyam, Arnav will oppose, but this time, so will Nani, Anjali’s solid support … so Anjali was quiet till now. Now she has Dadi. But will she threaten to walk out? Don’t think she has the guts … but she might do that, and that might be what forces Arnav to allow Shyam back into the house … 

Dream Couple again :) - Arnav-Khushi continue their date happily, Arnav has to explain that the food portions here are small, Khushi is dismayed because she doesn’t like the food, he spices it up for her and she’s upset that he did more for her, whereas today she wanted to do everything for him the way he liked it …

And Arnav makes his point … he asks her to drink wine. Khushi is dismayed again, but he wants her to … so she bites the bullet and drinks. As he watches … she will really do anything for him …
Didn’t get why Khushi acted drunk when she wasn’t … that was stupid direction …:(

But the nicest part of the episode … as she realizes this wasn’t wine at all, and Arnav tells her that he doesn’t want her to change into ASR.

Khushi wanted to do it for him … because he was doing so much for her …

And he asks her … do you want me to change?

She shakes her head … no. she already told him that once … she loves him as he is, she doesn’t want him to change, she’s there for him as he is.

And he’s the same … he’s going through all the rituals, not because he believes in them, but because even though he personally doesn’t, he has no problem with them per se, and so he happily does them all for her. After all, he sees the rituals in his family all the time, they are not unfamiliar for him. But for her, his way of life is different, she has no idea about it … she did it only for him, even though she had no idea about it all. 

And that’s what he loved … he loves her the way she is too … he doesn’t want to change her either.

I would love a follow up to this later, maybe after marriage, when she tells him, I know this is your world, and I want to be a part of it for you … so I want to learn. I don’t want to embarrass you in front of your friends and colleagues, and there is no harm in learning new ways, as long as you keep your traditions and values intact. So I want to learn … try different foods, learn how to eat with knife and fork, even dress in modern clothes, while staying within my boundaries.
That would truly be Nayi Soch !

The last champagne part was superfluous … absolutely did NOT like the comic music at the start … although I completely empathized with the champagne popping … from personal experience :) And I did like Arnav cheering up Khushi when she felt bad that everything went wrong … although the teasing was totally BS! Wish they had lingered on that, and gone into some more small talk and sweet moments, rather than switch to Sniper couple. So Dream Couple wind up their date happily, with Arnav paying the bill, and both leaving together in perfect accord with each other … an evening well spent … a mental tuning … further acceptance and strengthening of their bond.

While Sniper Couple on the other hand go through mental trauma at danger of being found out, Shyam hiding under table, and Anjali turning her back quickly and getting all heran pareshan at the thought of being seen with her hubby by her brother … and their evening winds up quickly as she insists she has to leave before her brother finds her out. Even though Shyam tries to calm her down, but Anjali is too upset and panicky.
Anjali cannot afford to antagonize Arnav … nor does she want to. Not even for Shyam. Or maybe - especially not for Shyam. Maybe Anjali does know in her heart of hearts that estrangement from Arnav will not be good for her … she is attractive to Shyam only as long as she has Arnav’s support, and more importantly, his money. 

Find it interesting that Shyam gives gift to Anjali for his own daughter, and Anjali needs to thank him. Shyam has to always keep making gestures of love, because the feelings are absent, he has to over-compensate. And Anjali has to over-compensate in her turn … her appreciation, her gratitude, her joy … that he is thinking of their child. As though each needs to constantly prove to the other how much they love and are loved … 

Precap - Garima enters RM … has she finally plucked up the courage to meet Dadi?
Anjal looked like a Christmas tree … and an over-loaded, extremely gaudy one at that. So did Manorama.

Khushi’s choli is totally sexy … and there has been mention of fairy lights more than once recently … Payal said Khushi has this propensity to get entangled in them, and Akash and NK are making sure there are lots of fairy lights. Fortunately I don’t have too long to wait for the next episode. 


What worked for me … the date – ArHi has been characterized by conflict, and for the first time in their relationship, there is no conflict whatsoever. So this is a very new, very different phase of life for them both. Differences are there in the nature of the worlds they come from,in their backgrounds, and that was highlighted in the date. But the similarities overcome those differences, because for both, their nature is now to do things for the other, to go out on a limb for the other … 

Arnav has no difficulty, or not much, in assimilating into Khushi’s world, because he has seen where she comes from, and his own world has similarities … the emphasis on family, on values, on traditions. Khushi has not till now, seen much of Arnav’s world, but she is very confident, sure of herself, comfortable in her own skin … unlike Payal, she doesn’t get fazed by her circumstances but tries her best to adapt, to assimilate, to learn. And now she’s doing it for Arnav, whom she loves more than anyone else in the world, Arnav, who has done so much for her, who has faced all the opposition from his own family and hers for her, who has made it clear to everyone that she comes first for him. So she will do anything for him … even go against her own ideals, like drinking, just because he wants her to … because she trusts that he will be there for her if she makes a fool of herself, he will be there to sort things out. Finally she has accepted that she doesn’t have to do everything alone, that she has someone of her own. And she’s ready to adapt to her new world … to his world … for him.

They could have made the date mushy and cheesy, but that would be very un-Arhi like. So they made it comic. Things going wrong – very Khushi-like … Arnav sorting things out … very Arnav-like, he has always been there for her, after all. Situations were pretty true to life … a champagne cork popping in the wrong place is so typical! 
My crib :( - they could have made it less comic though, especially the music. Music bugged me big time at many points. And I absolutely did NOT see the need for Khushi to act drunk before she realized it was kala khatta she was drinking – that was a horrendous and completely brainless idea, whoever thought of that should be shot! X(

Khushi can’t become sophisticated overnight – this is just the start of her journey, and it will be nice if they actually show that journey, especially as Sanaya is actually very sophisticated in real life, and would be completely breath-taking at the end point, once she reaches it – as the true Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada.

Anjali – don’t have time to write much, agree with Su on some points, agree with Rekha, Mads, Opti and others on others … Anjali is damaged, she is NOT normal. So I don’t expect normal reactions from her, I don’t try to justify or explain them, because there IS no explanation. Anjali avoids conflicts … completely. And she cannot stand and fight for herself, she needs a crutch always. Till date most of her conflicts have been with Arnav, and she had Nani whenever there was a conflict with Arnav – be it La, be it the sudden wedding with Khushi. The only time she was alone in a conflict, it was with Mami over Payal, and she only had Akash as support … which is worse than useless, so she never fought with Mami over Payal. Never ever. Only when Arnav entered the picture, did Payash sort out, and then Nani was as happy with Payal as Anjali and Arnav, so Anjali could show her support openly. 

Now the conflict was over Shyam, with Nani and Arnav on the same side. So Anjali did not fight. She just moped and cried and did things on the sly. Because she cannot go against Nani and Arnav, especially Arnav. The way she encouraged Akash to meet Payal, but said nothing in front of Mami, swept the Payal matter under the carpet, she did the same here … she encouraged Shyam to meet her, she enjoyed the feeling of being loved and cherished, but not at the expense of her relationship with Arnav. The only time she did oppose Arnav was when the storm first broke, when she refused to call him Chotey, when she threw him out of her room.  After that, she went out of her way to win him back … the abortion drama, the plea to Chotey to restore her world … but she got no support from anyone else to bring Shyam back … not from Arnav, not from Nani … Nani avoided her question on who is right or wrong … Nani knew very well what Anjali wanted to hear, because Anjali at that point said, I want a son like his father … Nani’s silence was her answer. Even Mami, who was bitter towards Khushi, never once said to throw Khushi out and bring Shyam back. Anjali knows she is alone in this one. Hence no confrontation, avoid conflict, and her extreme fear of being caught by Arnav … she cannot stand for a minute without Arnav. But her need to be loved is too strong, her need for her perfect world is too strong, and Shyam plays her like an expert … Yet he also knows she will not go against Arnav without support … he of course is useless as support, besides, he doesn’t want conflict between brother-sister unless he’s sure sister will win. So he knows Anjali needs stronger support to fight her brother for him … and he gets Dadi as support.

But will even Dadi be enough? Because Arnav can go against Dadi also … Arnav will not give up Khushi for anything or anyone. Definitely not for Dadi, … if he did not give up Khushi for Anjali, Dadi has no chance. 

The only thing Shyam can do now is try to get back into RM somehow … and again, try to stall the ArHi wedding. Though I don’t know if that will be of any use … Arnav is so determined that the Arhi wedding will get done by hook or by crook. The only thing Shyam might do is to stall the SR. Again, what that will achieve, remains to be seen … and also whether he will be able to create a rift between ArHi at any point. Living outside RM, he cannot … hence his need to get back inside.


  1. Important thing first: Had a pm from sandy, she is okay...but the things that are bugging her are still there, she is dealing with it.

    So let us have a collective shiddat that it gets sorted out soon and she comes back.

    *Shiddat Sandy, we want you back asap and happy *

    1. Shiddat on side too shwets

      Twine i know things will sort out soon so please hold on there .... our collective shiddats are there ...

      Godjee pls

    2. Shiddat to that Shwetha...hope it all works out soon for you Sandy ...

      Opti: thanks for shedding light on Anji - ok, will try and not cringe next time she is on, but really, her self- centredness is irritating, to say the least....let's see how the PH deals with it.

    3. Shiddat to that, Shwetha.
      Sandy, really missing you.

    4. Un-Rambly Sandy :)

      Girls, I am ok. Just a trying phase in life with me trying to sort out the jalebi that my life has become.

      Jis din the jalebi sorts our to become a golgappa, I will be back, bak bak and all.

      Huggs to all of you gals for hoping things sort out. Ab tum sab ne dhamkaaya hai toh issues ki majaal that they don't begin to sort themselves out from my life soon.

      Thanks for putting a happy waala goofy sa smile on my face in the middle of the day!

  2. hmmm loved the date .... expect why they had the other couple.. but happy they didn't ruin the ARhi time although i would have loved some more of it ...

    Thank god they make my ASR cheesy, and was hoping he would say that she need not change for him do something which she isn't comfortable .. bitwa you just gained lot of browine points there ...

    And on side note which Italian resturant serves Kala khata.. but will say that was dam neat way to explain it to her..

    And the last convo after the bubbly fisco loved his teasing .. thud there although it was all BS there

    1. * agrrhh typo error "thank god they didn't not make my ASR Cheesy"

    2. Aaru, dint like the teasing, same reason, that was BS :(

    3. Geetu I loved it purely on part for the dialouges .. it was BS but loved it only reason is for the intent and not how it was executed...

    4. What is kala kattha? They are struggling to get the ASR-Arnav balance right, it wasnt that bad.

      You know what was bad, working on it right now:(

    5. shwets it is the dark purple colour juice which is put on golla you at beach... its got lot of kala namhak in its and they add lime .. hence Kala Khatta ...

      And yes they were struggling to get the ASR-Arnav balance hence I liked it .. because ASR in him did have jab on her everytime , but the Arnav allowed her to take the lead as he knew that she as trying to blend into his world for him ...

    6. Personally, saw nothing wrong in the ASR-Arnav is a given that one's responses when one is in love and the other half knows it is markedly different from when one is still unsure of the other person's feelings...

      It is a natural thing....ASR/Arnav can't act like the man he was before becos this is a new will take some getting used to...that is all....

      I liked the way he let Khushi take over and at the same time, looked to step in if she was uncomfortable...that worked for me....
      What did not work was having the sniper couple around...

    7. exactly rekhs,

      the other couple did take that charm out ...

  3. no comment Guys....what happened ?

    personally i felt like they made a mockery out of their first wasnt magical...just a bit funny...but ASR said what we already know that he loves her the way she is.......

    precap : nk is around, guiding the electricians,will he find out the cctv ?

    Hey Opti, ur comment in the previous post, u got me thinking...
    if the cv's take Anjali the medical help required route, then maybe...but as of now, i'll just wait n watch....cause even after ur proper and detailed explanation, its a bit difficult for me to sympathize with her....maybe cause she lied to the person who spoilt an innocent girls dreams for her......anyways, i might not judge her now onwards, because your explanation does make a lot of sense :)

    1. Geetu, array haan, cctv, they better.

    2. want the cctv out before SR, hai na.....waise SR have a long time to go... :P

  4. Epi:

    Dadi lies to Arnav so much for being in the Ashram and tells him she is going with Anjali and asks Anjai to drop her at Mandir. I see Staying in the Ashram has done wonders for her, lying, arrogance and all. Can that Ashram's licence be cancelled?

    Date was cute, same in AR office redecorated with the same set of extras, new waiter this time. I am not complaining, I liked it, wish we had seen him dropping her home atleast. Oh well.

    Shyam Multi Professional who excelled at nothing except being a lying creep.

    Anjali a self centred sister, who has no qualms about meeting her husband on the sly, a husband whom her brother believes betrayed her. Anjali, if meeting your husband was so right, why did you get scared, here was an excellent opportunity for her to say to her br other - I know you are wrong about my husband, He did not do anything wrong, I am getting back with my husband and if you have any objection to that, I am walking out of your home with my husband to his home. Ahhhhh, She won't will she?

    I am sooooooooo looking forward to Arnav-Anjali confrontation now and it better be good and not the tai tai phiss confrontation when Shyam got exposed.

    Precap: IPK Team, You guys seriously think we are interested in the hide and sake game between Garima and Dadi on a day when Khushi's Mehendi is scheduled? Hai re Nandkishore, TRP maiyya aap par kripa karay.

    1. Shewts

      I wish Anji would have done that, perhaps she knows that her good for nothing husband can't take care of her designer sarees when he uses her credit card which is paid out by her so called MU bro ...

      Me too waiting for Arnav - anji confrontation .. and CV's it better be a good one..

      and for Garima and DD I think it going to be there till the wedding pheras..

      and for Khushi's mehendi ... Shwets the PH isn't even promoting the wedding forget mehendi and sangeet ... whats wrong with them and why the rush in all the rasams ??? they had payal akash marriage track for almost a month...

    2. Shwetha : read Opti's comment on fridays post....she has explained it very well, how Anjali has some mental disorder and needs help, she has explained this behaviour of Anji's as well......

      though i still don't sympathize with Anji completely, but Opti's comment does make sense...if the cv's take it that way

  5. Shweths glad u put in the comment, i saw the shiddat comment from Dia on phone but i could not revert with the same PM message that i had from Sandy ( i just can't type on the damn phone!!ugh!!)
    ....since all were worried here...was waiting to get to R&R to post and tell the same message.....

    Adding to the force.....

    hope all gets sorted out soon...

    About epi.....can't really decide what to write becos for the first time i had a stop-start feel to the ARHI scenes.....However the message "i love u as u are",was pretty much well delivered.

    Maybe i did not like to see Anji-Shyam in the vicinity...

    Barun's dialogue delivery has undergone some change,can't say was measured and slow for a change...

    1. Rekhs, gale lag, even I can't, HATE it actually:(

      Rekhs: I think ASR aka Arnav was completely at ease and relaxed today. He is at peace with the fact that he loves her, she loves him and he is positively happy and glowing and in a good mood, indulgent, chilled out, expecting the unexpected with her and enjoying the same too.

      I liked it, they could have lingered on those moments though.

      It is Aman who is directing now, Arsad was off for Eid holidays, I am guessing he would have come back today atleast.

      So let us see what happens.

    2. Sweetie, i liked the ARHI scenes, i only did not like the sniper couple...that spoiled it for me....the stop-start feeling is more becos of that yaar....I absolutely agree with what u said about ASR....(have written pretty much the same above as a reply to Aaru/geetu post)

      If Arnav was not going to see them, what was the whole point of having them in the is not as if seeing Arnav-Khushi is some sort of a shock for Mr and Mrs sniper

    3. Rekhs

      The best way is to wait for the uncut arhi scenes.. I do that regularly now a days --- Cant stand the other

      and now a days Stopwa ..
      So i don't watch the repeat just wait for the arhi scenes to uploaded go into my Arhiland

    4. Shwetha,
      Agree - jab dil mein sukoon ho , to chehra khil jata , gussa nau do gyarah ho jata hai aur sari duniya haseen lagti hai...

      Barun did a great job or portraying a man whose heart and mind are finally in tune with each opposed to the chidh-chidha ,conflicted soul he was...

      That said , I agree with Rekha it had a start stop feel to to - it was more a string of gaffes - wish they had shown some conversation outside the comedy to make it like a date :)Would have loved to see them reminisce some old times..but no the CVs are ina rush - don't know why ...


    5. Rekha, Sri,
      Even I had the same feeling- like some parts of the scene Barun was distracted or may be it was the director.
      On the whole I liked it, though it was just a comedy and may be I'd call it a filler if it was not for that one thing he said,"I don't want you to change for me."That was an important point and it had to come out and probably this was the best way. I know I'll like it better on second watch.

      On Anjali: Even she seemed comical yesterday, like a frightened mouse.

      What will happpen if Chhote sees her?
      1. Will he slap her? No
      2. Will he slap VLR? May be not in a public place,if it was at home he might.
      3. Will he drag her back home? Yes. BUt Anjali was willing to drag herself back home putting an end to this date even after Chote had left.
      4. Will he feel disappointed that she didn't trust him? Anjali knows YES, and this is why she has been feeling so guilty all the time.
      I also felt this: Anjali has allowed ASR to take all the decisions for her and him all her life.
      She loves Chhote in spite of everything, even the MU.
      And now if she has to take a decision in her life, to stand up for what she feels is the truth- even there, with her so called pati parmeshwar sitting in front of her wining and dining her, SHE CANNOT-
      BECAUSE CHHOTE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CREEPWA, her actions clearly showed it.
      If chhote sees her now, like this, he will be hurt.

    6. The look on Shyamu's face- "I can't believe it. After all that I've done and said, your bro still has this effect on you."
      He seemed pretty bugged when she insisted on going back home.

  6. Was it not BS's voice in the epi....couldnot tell properly becos it was online....

  7. My husband continues to think Akash Bitwa is the older brother is the older brother who has nothing better to do than to put on his specs and attend random poojas, havans or office.

    Today too what happened, he came, he said something and went up the stairs.

    So here is sincerely hoping atleast from tomorrow or in the coming days ahead he has more to do. Join me in praying and singing (Oh it is pathetic, my version of this beautiful song. Well, it is meant to be pathetic).

    O Dialoguewaalay, Laptop - MS Word waalay

    Tumre bin hamra kaunon (DIALOGUE) naahin
    Humri uljhan suljhaao GUL BEHEN
    Tumre bin hamra kaunon (DIALOGUE) naahin

    Tumhe humka ho SHOW MAY LAAYE
    Tumhe hamre rakhwaale
    Tumre bin hamra kaunon DIALOGUE)naahin

    Paper mein tumhe to bhare ho DIALOGUES rey
    SHOW mein (MERA) DIALOGUE tumhe sey

    tumhe to diye ho DIALOGUE ITNAY KAM

    GUL BEHAN, yeh CHARACTER tumhe na sanwaaroge
    To kya koi sanwaare

    Tumre bin hamra kaunon (DIALOGUE)naahin

    Jo suno to kahe WRITERji hamri hai binti
    Dukhi Bitwa ko dialogue do

    Bolay voh kabhi Dialogue DO
    Tum Bitwa ko Dialogue do

    Bol paaye Bitwa sukh se
    Bitwa ko Dialogue do

    Bitwa ko Dialogue do

    Show ke jo WRITER ho, itni to araj suno
    Har Track mein Sideline na ho
    Dedo vardaan Main Track may ho

    O Dialoguewaalay, Laptop - MS Word waalay

    Tumre bin hamra kaunon (DIALOGUE) naahin
    Humri uljhan suljhaao GUL BEHEN
    Tumre bin hamra kaunon (DIALOGUE) naahin

    1. sorry for the typos:(

    2. Shweths,

      Joining in this rantwa song for bitwa....koi hamara haal na jaane.....tere do nahin das bol sunne ke liye humre kaan taras gaye re!!

    3. Shwets and Rekhs

      your Rantwa song is too good ...

  8. What is in Garima's hands.....i hope not some dhul to jhokao in Dadi's eyes....

    1. *rofl, that would be awesome. She was just clenching her fists the same way khushi does.

    2. rekhs i wish it falls on shyam too ..

    3. Ok Shyam is electrician tomorrow--- so will sure will cut the poweroff with khushi escaping to meet bitwa Arhi together romancing ( can we have the adhura kiss ), Garima escaping and Shyam gives his hajaari to anji and kidnaps her to neverland...

    4. Rekha,
      Mirchi bhi chalegi - infact ek pe ek free offer- dadi ke saath shyam ki ankhon mein mirchi free :)


    5. Aarthi..there is no point in Shyam posing as an electrician without creating a dhamaka!! its not like he loves his wife soo much that he'll come to see her in disguise!! so expect something to go wrong..or rather right for our couple!!

  9. I dont know ladies, I so wanted KKG to show some sophistication and impress ASR..everytime CVs show the comedy with KKG they just over do it and make her look dumb. Thats what happened today, I just didn't find it cute and at moments KKG came out plain stupid.
    I mean they could have made the date funny and cute with KKG's innocence without making her absolutely ridiculous.


  10. I think Khushi was looking very pretty today... But all credit goes to hair and makeup .... Didn't like the suit up close,,, liked the style, loved the colour but the gold band the gold bag ... The outfit wasn't what I'd built it up to be over the weekend.., lol

    Things I liked...
    I loved how floored he was when he saw her... Staring and quite lost for words - very unASRish and it was damn cute

    I loved the entire date... Maybe it's me but I love the cliched date where everything goes wrong... I was cringing and going awwww throughout their entire date... Every time she pulled a Khushi and he indulgently teased her, went along with it or fixed it... I dunno I think I knew they would struggle between ASR and Arnav but I think they pulled it off... What worked was that a lot of the times he was very matter of fact about it. Even being in love for him is almost logical... It's like he was after the Teri Meir dance... Family cornered him and he was totally nonchalant and unperturbed... That's why today worked for me ,.. Not mushy let's feed each other but sweet and funny moment which he would have earlier blown up at now he finds cute and endearing...

    I liked the extras .... Heheh I think this ph always ha excellent extras... I was remembering the other waiter from the coffee shop... That whole episode was to cute and what a contrast to today:-)

    Things I'm confused about- feel free to explain if you know:-s...

    Is dadi nuts? I don't get her... Is she angry at Arnav or does she just speak that way with him - that tone of I'm annoyed at you for being happy- how dare you!! And the best part is he doesn't give a rats ass lol...

    Ok ... Anji can take care I herself?? Since when?

    Why'd they skip the car drive home :-( don't they want a trp bump? Hmm this new jaiyash guy who has replaced Ved raj is much better but rushing I feel...

    Do they have a deadline?

    Hmm anyway loved the episode very cute date ... Personally really enjoyed it good mix of humour, awwness and anticipation.., just wish they'd added a pick up and drop off bit and pulled it over two days:-)

    1. Gargi - seriously are you my alter ego, kid?? wrote exactly the same words for ASR - loved taht he was so matter of fact!!!

      me too - the black gold and silver - no no - hair ok but would have been better without the pins

      And yes me too liked the teasing and wanted a car ride home :D:D:D

    2. Gargi, Mona
      " I was cringing and going awwww throughout their entire date... Every time she pulled a Khushi and he indulgently teased her, went along with it or fixed it...'

      Did we all do this?
      Agree with you both on the suit, on the hair- was not that impressed.
      Car ride- ditto..... What is wrong with the CVs?

      Gargi, really loved your post- you made the epi better. Now I know it will be GOOD on rewatch.

      On dadi: Felt at first (friday) she was weird.
      Why so stern?
      I think it was an indulgent, "I know you love your sister to bits, but you are messing up her life royally, Arnav."

  11. Ist thing first - Hugs Shwetha for letting us know Sandy is fine - Sandy, hope you sail through all your troubles and meet us at R&R real soon

    1) have to go back on my self imposed ban on SBS - i saw a bit of it and was thinking to myself - ODG getting drunk - so not classy - was so ready to rant but - The CVs pulled it off just fine - really liked her explaining what she was doing - being ASR, loved him saying so mater of factly - i love you the way you are (no dammit-s required - just a very natural fact :D)

    2) did not mind the teasing - though for half a min it was BS - still was ok with it

    3) wondered how confused the poor headwaiter (or maitre d'hotel of the fancy Italian restaurant) must have felt at a girl with sindoor and MG talking about her fiancee :D (the old MG is back though!)

    4) found her dislike for the bland food very natural and ODB adding the salt was really cute

    5) would have liked if they had shown ODB dropping her off and saying thank you!

    6) Nahh, don't think NK will notice anything - feel TF might try and do some mischief - a short circuit type thing - create tensions - send Di into a tizzy and jump in to save the day - thereby ensuring that dadi lets him in!

    7) So will Garima finally see Dadi? - will something happen here - why do i get the feeling that even if Dadi sees Garima she will do nothing as yet - she is waiting for something bigger (i could be just imagining it - its easy to imagine when IPK is on your mind 24*7!!!)

    8) don't want to sound moralistic but can't help but think what a bunch of hypocrites we are (as a nation in general!) - Nani eg minded the 'western culture' - as she did not approve of La's dress code - but KKG is wearing a barely there backless choli and no one seems to mind - as long as the dress is 'Indian' - its ok! - funny isn't it

    9) oh and finally - the dress was nice but i would have preferred a black and gold OR a black and silver - not a black and both! - also cant stand the toffee wrapper at the hem of her dress - its so tacky!!! - and finally - a pony is what i have wanted for so long (since the bangles scene!) and now i get it but with tic tac pins!!!! - someone please steal her side pins - please!!!

    10) Best part - TF had to hide!! and TQ's day was ruined!! hehe sadistic me enjoyed TF's condition :D:D:D:D

    1. Ditto! Ditto!! Especially on Pts 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10!!! Hehehe

      Yeah the dress was botched up.... I think my new shiddat for her wardrobe is just a plain chiffon sari and one of those super skimpy blouses that nani approves of ;-)

      The salt part was cute and also all of Arnav's expressions... Think BS did a great job... There were very subtle touches but it made the distinction between Arnav and BS... Like when he was mimicking her he stopped saw her expression and then just smiled and then went back to his come on sit down you crazy girl... Rather than just laughing...

      And I know I'm repeating myself but he was so matter of fact was very nicely done:-)...

      I liked that he let her take charge, let her goof up and clean up what she could and helped out when she couldn't ...

      I just didn't like that stupid one liner bout Bunty Aur bubbly ... Was random and rey don't need to emphasise that she's dumb but just from a different world...

      Oh I was gleefully cheering when T(Q+F)'s date got bamboozled ... But of a downer your husband hiding under a table from your brother...anyway let's see what happens at mehndi- hope we get in some cute scenes before any big bang

      Oooh shiddats for mehndi .... Can Arnav tease her about this with a... Haven't we already done this rasam also? Khushi kumaaaaari guptaaaaa?

      And NK and Akash giving Arnav tips how to sneak into the mehndi... Or rather how not too... Arnav rubbishing them with a I can go wherever I want to .. Then let TF have some timing and let us get a cute RV

      Also a cute Arhi scene where she has mehndi in her hands and he's fully teasing her and a stolen kiss maybe before the drama really hits the roof

      And for rekha and Shweths sake I want a nice proper Akash Khushi scene where he's teasing her a little and she teases him back maybe with a ' now I'll be your badi Bhabhi Jiju' or even Akash and Payal having a moment reminiscing but not in mushy boring way but fun way

    2. "Also a cute Arhi scene where she has mehndi in her hands and he's fully teasing her and a stolen kiss maybe before the drama really hits the roof": *shiddat*

      What is creepwa up to?
      If there is a power shortage... all the times we had that we got beautiful Arhi scenes.... So go ahead, Shyamu, play the cupid again.

    3. Mona,
      "hehe sadistic me enjoyed TF's condition":
      I can't help laughing after reading what you've written.
      ha ha ha! Uff... it feels good to be sadistic!

    4. feels good to be sadistic! - you said it girl :D:D

  12. Shwetha - cant reply to your thread but your song was hilarious - loved it

    Sama - aaj tum kahan ho? tumharay bina yahan sama nahi bandh raha!

  13. Sama's post:


    Miss you guys a lot. I just can't access R&R ... actually any blogspot page since last 3 days almost.

    Hug Hug Hug

    About the Epi ...

    I don't know anymore. First of all I din't get the reason of Mr. &Mrs. Daiyya Ho there. Second I was forcing myself to like the epi even with so much ArHi Confused.

    Today I need to voice something that has been nagging me for a while. Still I could give some explanation why it was enacted that way but today it was a lot of SaRun and I don't think ArHi is ever going to make a come back, I mean the original one. That is just not dependent on actors and their understanding of eachother but a lot of factor and almost all are missing.

    Why are they doing this?? Why o why are cvs making ArHi look like some comic couple on SAB TV? Khushi is funny ... Arnav is in love ... how does that equivalents to comedy I SERIOUSLY DON"T KNOW ANYMORE???

    Maybe it is the comic background scoreDead which pokes me to think they are funny &I don't like the feeling AT ALL. I want to feel the humour and fun myself.

    There was so much to love specially with:

    "Aap KKG bansakte hain to hum bhi ASR bansaktein hain" Blushing

    "I love you the way you are ... tumhe badal ne ki koi zarurat nahi" Blushing

    I have decided to get off this addiction. I was waiting for them to deliver a complete ArHi centered episode with a lot of understanding between them. I got it almost the way I wanted and I din't like it. I feel sorry for myself if it was a likable episode and I just could not connect after investing so much emotionally to it.

    Will miss all of you a lot. I never thought it is in me to connect with people whom I have not seen ever in my life. Tech is not my thing but all of you made me feel comfortable and be myself (well most of the time way too much LOL )

    Thanks Dia for the wonderful virtual cafe. Love sab ke liye par sab se zyada aap ke liye.

    Will say hello hi bye bye once in a while ... If&when I can access R&R.

    Hope Sandy & Opti is back &Gargi, Mona and Anita is happy with Khushis lehenga Big smile

    I wanted to share this ... My bros GF is hooked to IPK now and is on watching spree of previous 300 epis. Divine justice I would say. Bhai ki bolti bandh. No more tane about blog/forum ROFL. He absolutely agrees its necessary as his GF has no one to discuss with but fears that it will take over their time if he introduces her to it I think.


    1. hey sama (jaya if you can please send this off to Sama) -
      1) don't worry kid - i know exactly what you are saying - we all do - yes we loved the original Arhi and yes they are changing - but they have to - otherwise the story will not change.
      2) BUT they are not Sarun - they are Arhi (stop watching the SBS and whatever and you wont know what Sarun is and then Arhi will make perfect sense!)
      3) i get this feeling sometimes - like the magic is over but not yet dear - oh the obsession has to end but let it ease out of your system - don't kill it yaar! - SO give the CV a chance - once the BFTP comes up - the fire in them (Arhi) will come up too - its very like real life - you reach a peak - stay there for a while - go down a bit and then go up again
      4) And finally you get divine justice - Enjoy - never again will you get your brother to shut up ;)

      so on behalf of your seniors here - i forbid you or Gargi or anyone of the younger lot to drop out - we need the breath of fresh air (read views from young minds) - see you soon

    2. ps - and thats why i did not want a full blown wedding - the story gets sidetracked and we get sickly sweet stuff that is romantic - but boring (like Payash) we like the fight! the charm the magic of Arhi! (that's why i liked that ODB was not sickly sweet yesterday - very matter of fact! - even though i was not looking forward to a boring date - boring for us, magical for them!) - am so looking forward to a few dhamakas - that will bring back the fire (i hope)

    3. Sama,
      I guess you will not be able to read this, since you do not have access right now.
      Sam, when you rant, I hope it means we are getting a good epi soon.
      I can understand it was a disappointment yesterday, I was beter prepared only because I got to see SBS and was expecting this comedy. I swear, that is the only reason I am not ranting today. Even then, I did not really like Arhi today.

      Sama, don't lose faith, Arhi will be back- I think we all feel there is something lacking in Arhi right now.


      OK, what you 've written sounds like a goodbye, at least for some time now, but I really really hope you wrote all this is your frustration.
      I am hoping to see you back when the anger settles and your access improves.
      *hugs* and take care.
      Missing you a lot.

    4. Mona,
      I feel it all makes better sense when you are not expecting a full blown wedding, and is on the lookout for another major dhamaaka- definitely WILL set the fire in Arhi going again- whichever way the CVs take it!

    5. Sama,

      I can understand you frustration, having once gone through the exact same phase during the khushi-suicide attempt.. that was something I could never understand and even now, after countless discussions and re-watches, cannot! I had given up completely on IPK during that phase..had stopped watching completely and it didn't help that I was extremely busy with my thesis too in that time..

      how and when I got hooked back again is still a mystery for me then...probably my work ressure reduced and my vacation started and also, I tried to NOT get myself to hope for things and thats when I started loving IPK and ArHi again...

      whatever you are feeling right now may or may not be a phase...if it is indeed a phase you will jolt back and start liking Arhi again...and if you do, them my advice to you,would be, like someone above said, stop watching SBS.. that way you wouldn't know what SaRun are..what they are doing..agreed it is slightly difficult, but if you wanna try and enjoy the epis,then this is one sacrifice you gotta make..

      if this isn't a phase, then I guess you will deffo make fruitful utilization of your time, rather than catching up on a TV show again and again and then discussing it endlessly on a blog and wasting a few hrs of your life you would rather invest somewhere else..

      sorry dia, you know I have nothing against this space ofcourse, its brilliant for us addicts, but just to give sama a positive outlook.. :)

      all said and done, all the best for everything if it is indeed a good-bye...but hope to catch up with you soon, otherwise.. :) take care.. *hugs*

    6. Mads, Mona,
      Did something happen between Barun and Sanaya?
      Another MU? Tell me they are OK with each other, please.

    7. Su, no yaar...don't worry, nothing's wrong b/w SaRun.. they are good friends (from what I have last heard...and that was yest :P), just that sama feels she cannot love arhi anymore coz she sees sarun in them, so we were suggesting her to stop watching sarun in order to enjoy arhi more.. that's it.. :)

    8. Sama, to add to what Mona says....

      ASR was destined to undergo change when in happens to everyone who falls in love, i mean really in love.....Sorry to remind u of Anji's bol to chotte "tumhe in sab baaton mein waqt jaya karna accha lagega"

      we saw the changes to ASR even during the Payash marriage phase but becos it kept his original dumdaar character in sight....we felt it was taking the ASR to greater heights of glory....just for a moment accept that terrace never happened and ASR went to propose love to Khushi then....what would have happened....yes probably an arrogant ASR in love, an inexperienced Jhalli Khuhsi in love..and their travails who knows where the story would have traveled but that was not to be be....for this star crossed pair.....they had to tread steeper they are in a state of bliss, reveling in it.....there will be moments when ASR will not be himself and Khushi will not be herself but all for that great cause...LOVE.....

      when i saw y'day epi, blocking the snakewa's scenes, i actually saw a languid date....even in its frentic Gargi, Mona and Mads described a date when things went wrong yet they looked right.....matter of fact ASR and quintessential Khushi....not a frame out of place...

  14. had not watched the episode yet.. now stopped at the bubbly..

    two days ago i said i saw ASR in a BHPH clipping... now i have to say i saw shravan in IPK.. for the very first time.. and yes, i laughed out loud, but i did not like it.

    ...but yes, i am watching only because i want to, (dekhna hai to dekho -GH) but CVs, you have truly cured this addiction of mine with this one episode. and yes, most of my dislike was because of the background score. i cannot believe that the sound editors who gave us such fantastic episodes like the heer-ranjha scene can dish out this quality too..

    1. on rewatch, loved the bubbly scene.. aww shooo cute!

    2. Jaya,
      I watched a few of the BHPH clippings after your comment, and I swear, I could not find ASR any where there.
      Then I went bak and watched the VM I posted, and I did not find ASR any more. I feel I saw ASR first time, because of the later get up and the RTR thing there, but Barun's expressions are different there.He is a good actor.
      Yesterday, I saw Barun and not ASR in the scene where he acts like her apologising to him. I felt the actor and director were distracted there.

      BTW, I tried to answer your Q on Anji y'day.

      I feel the CVs have clearly shown Anji's mind with the 'GALATFAIMY' dialogue on friday and I don't know if we will get any further explanation.

      I enjoyed writing what I wrote yesterday, because I really believe in what I see in Anjali.

      May I add to y'day's post:

      *Anjali did stand up to VLR once before- when he tried to joke about 'humein aapki saari jaaydad chahiye' or something like that, she made her displeasure shown clearly.*

      Try to concentrate on the good points in Anjali's character- there are plenty around. I hope I am giving you a correct explanation, otherwise also I hope you can make your peace with the hero's sister.*hugs*

    3. err hit enter too soon..

      the way he sees her getting upset about the cork.. her eyes filling up.. and does a KKG on her, to make her smile.. bitwa seems to finally understand what makes bitiya tick.. he FINALLY tells her that he loves all of her, just like she is.. and proves that he means it. he knows her inside out.. wherever you go, blasts will happen... and he is cool with it :D

      she does not understand that high society has certain norms.. if he pulls out a chair for her, she assumes that she should pull out a chair for him.. he sees this, but does not correct her, just to indulge her need to do something for him. i really hope he will start teaching her his social manners.. and she teach him hers.. will be lots of fun, just let it be private moments, not public!

    4. ' i really hope he will start teaching her his social manners.. and she teach him hers..'
      And yes, it is good on re watch.

    5. Su, i really dont hate anji.. like i said in my reply to opti, i just hate that she is KMH :D but of course, some kebabs require a bit of haddi to truly enjoy the haddi-less ones.

      as far as i can see, anjali's character is wavering between white and grey.. some of it can be attributed to being ASR's sister.. some shatir dimaag toh bnta hai yaar. some of it is indeed blind devotion to her brainwashing husband. but then, sometimes they show the scenes in such a way that anjali looked suspicious of shyam's explanations.. now why does all that get forgotten?

      she needs a dad for her baby.. is that all that matters to her right now?

    6. Jaya,
      Just wanted to know,do you still feel she is a KMH now?
      I feel she accepted Khushi as the first priority for ASR, (very calmly, in a very dignified way after that RB), and went on to VLR not because she feeels Chhote let her down, but because she wants to get to the root of the problem. She did not contact VLR first, he contacted her- when she was ripe- she was lonely and was waiting for someone to tell her things will be back to normal.
      J, everything that Anji did during the post kidnap track can be explained as stress, hormonal, dependent personalty9disorder or trait)- all of these or some of these.
      She has always had this inf complex and that is why ASR was always overprotective about her. He will be when he comes to know about VLR brainwashing her. I think he will kick himself for not telling the entire truth (which she oh so deserves to know)and for neglecting Shyam like that-
      A guy who got him KIDNAPPED!!!

      Or do you mean KMH in a figurative way?
      That she will be. Dadi and mami will also be.
      Quoting you, "of course, some kebabs require a bit of haddi to truly enjoy the haddi-less ones."

      "she needs a dad for her baby.. is that all that matters to her right now?"
      NO. Anjali is not selfish. She just wants a perfect world where her husband and Khushiji are both blameless.
      This is why she encourages Shyam now, because he is not accusing Khushi right now. He is playing 'GALATFAIMI'- which is acceptable.

      IF and when he accuses Khushi, it will be with proof- he must have something up his sleeve- because he is planning a confrontation for a month now- and if he proves that.......
      Anjali might actually believe him and really hate Khushi for playing with her brother's feelings.....(if all this happens)

      "they show the scenes in such a way that anjali looked suspicious of shyam's explanations.. ":
      Yes, Anji may have looked suspicious, when everything was perfect. Then she was at leisure to do as and what she pleases.
      Now she is CRUMBLING.... her world is not perfect.... it is not about the baby...If ASR gives her concrete evidence that VLR did all that he was accused of and NOT a "I TRUST KHUSHI, THEREFORE", ...if she gets concrete proof she will herself kick him out.

      All those suspicious moments will come back to her then, or when she realises Chhote is shattered... may be then she will put the pieces together..right now, she is happy with galatfaimy.

      C'mon, Anjali has a character. She is ASR's sister, nani's granddaughter...she may be a weakling, but she definitely has a character.
      Even MM has a character though she throws barbs at Khushi in spite of all they did together. Why is Anjali the only one MU-ed? Because she is married to Shyam? That is not her fault, it is her weakness.
      She will support what is 'RIGHT' always.

    7. Su, to your last para, anjali will support what is right, or what SHE THINKS is right? There's a huge difference and I think therein lies the frustration of most of us here.. that she is sooo pathetically subjective and at the same time selfish in her approach..that's a dangerous combo!!

      you are right, she is ASR's sister, so like him in ways like seeing only what she wants to see..difference being, it hasn't caused harm to anybody else except is that good or bad? that is for everyone to decide on their own... personally, I would never wanna make things perfect in my world if I know somewhere deep down they are not...which is why I cannot relate to her...and I think, most of us cannot..

    8. Anjali supports what she thinks is right now, when she knows the TRUTH she will be devastated, but she won't be a cry baby, she will hopefully emerge strong enough then.
      I asked this many times before,
      She asked, "Nani, kaun sach bol raha hai?"- that was not a cry baby who wanted a perfect world, that wasa woman who wanted to know THE TRUTH.
      No one gave her an answer.
      And now Shyam gave her the PERFECT answer, "BOTH- Actually, Khushiji and me- we both MU-ed each other."

      Anjali does not connect the dots,
      1. She is too tired emotionally to think it out.
      2. She trusts her husband more than her SIL.

      Things will change later.

      All I am trying to say is, don't overlook the goodness in her character because you feelshe is KMH in Arhi.

      "I would never wanna make things perfect in my world if I know somewhere deep down they are not...which is why I cannot relate to her...and I think, most of us cannot..":
      I am the only one who tries to, because deep down I feel she is supposed to be a good person and honestly that is what I see too. (Aapne wahi dekha jo aap dekhna chahte the)

      We may not react the same way- we did not have parents committing suicide, live with the stigma of being a lame girl, have an overprotective brother who looked after every small need and got us married to a seemingly nice guy only to slap him and throw him out WITHOUT PROOF- why is it that we demand Anjali should connect the dots HERSELF- why is it that ASR or nani has not done it for her- if one of them bothered to explain it to her properly- and then she behaved like this- I agree with you all.

      What I mean is there is so much of negativism towards Anji that the good points are overlooked. Now even her actions in the past can be misinterpreted as 'selfish'.

      I wrote on this yesterday in detail.

      Why did Anjali thank Khushi for making ASR wear the kurta at RB?Why didn't she just ignore it or pout if she was a KMH?

    9. su, the reason anjali is a KMH is not because she walks in when arhi are trying to get close. the actual reason, for me, is that she makes me focus on her troubles instead of arhi's wedding and hopes.

      IPK has always been this way, but thankfully i had YT to escape all the KMH's.. but when i have to watch a new episode, i cannot avoid these KMHs, right?

      Dia, hope you are having a GREAT vacation, because we are all missing your updates like crazy!

    10. (She asked, "Nani, kaun sach bol raha hai?"- that was not a cry baby who wanted a perfect world, that wasa woman who wanted to know THE TRUTH.
      No one gave her an answer.
      And now Shyam gave her the PERFECT answer, "BOTH- Actually, Khushiji and me- we both MU-ed each other."

      Anjali does not connect the dots,
      1. She is too tired emotionally to think it out.
      2. She trusts her husband more than her SIL.

      Things will change later.)

      this part, i agree with.. but i have to say, if anjali asked nani that question with full seriousness, i did not see the conviction.either DB did not act well, or the CT did not highlight the scene well. of course, i did not see the following anjali scenes with any concentration, so will have to wait a few more weeks to rewatch and re-evaluate.

  15. about ArHi's date and episode yest ..

    what worked for me :

    1. I am a sucker for dates where you have the 'expect the unexpected' theme..where everything goes wrong...I would rather enjoy it than get frustrated, that would infact be the most special date for I thoroughly enjoyed khushi goofing up everything, coz khushi being khushi she had to goof up keeping up with her "hum jabhi bhi kuch acha karne ki koshish karte hain, sab ulta ho jaata hain" .. so starting from making the reservations on the wrong day/reaching the hotel on the wrong day to trying to "hum sab kuch akele kar sakte hain" to opening the champagne bottle coz arnav drinks champagne.. I felt it was a nice idea...

    2. They have highlighted the age difference b/w ArHi in the while khushi was acting the child-woman she is (the child more prominent), arnav was being the patient elder figure in their relation... now a lot of couples I have seen previously have shown the guy being the child of the relationship, here its the opposite, so it worked for didn't help that sanaya does look a lot younger than barun (although in reality its the opposite).. arnav's smile at khushi's incredulous "bubbly?" and the way his smile vanished immediately at her horrendous PJ "agar yeh bubbly hain to bunty kaun hain?" conveying exactly how he felt abt her sense of humour..another example is him making the food likeable for her and then asking her very gently "ab taste karo, kaisa hain?" worked for me, BIGTIME!! :))

    3. I won't lie that I wanted khushi to surprise arnav with her sophistication like arnav did with him being present for the rituals, but we gotta remember here that arnav has been brought up in a religious house, he CHOSE not to participate in them..whereas khushi has NO IDEA what sophistication and classy behaviour is all he put it correctly "yeh sab tumhari soch se ekdum alag hain" to give her credit, she did try her best to come out of chamkili suits for him and she could have been worse wit her antics (read : 'mausam hai suhana' category, but thank you for giving us the khushi that we saw yest), but she did not.. dia, I agree with you, they purposely give her horrendous suits to make her look was proven without doubt in yest's epi...also her very horribly accented "how dare you" made me cringe and made me aware that its khushi and not sanaya.. :P so sanaya/director made their points.. *APPLAUSE*

    1. contd ...

      4. I love you the way you are took the cake.. I read somewhere on IF that ppl are pissed that they had to have this dialogue b/w them again, but IMO this was the first time he had said that out loud in so many different words and thats why it means a lot to her.. khushi is shown to be quite a morally strong person who would not change her principles for anybody, but when it comes to the people she loves, all that becomes momentarily unimportant and only the happiness of the people around her matter...also, in her dictionary, doing something for arnavji is not changing...its just proving to herself and to him that she loves him so much as to try and do something he does, just to make him happy.. and she needed it to hear from him that she need not get adjusted to his lifestyle in order to live with him... (akash, this is how you console your wife who is petrified of adjusting in your social lifestyle!)

      5. Chivalry with a big C - I actually do not personally like makes me feel as though I am I would never appreciate my guy pulling my chair out for me...or paying for a date when we go together..I would pull my own chair and I would pay for half of the date.. khushi pulling out arnav's chair for him got one step further than mine in the attempt to have equality and/or because she thought thats just his lifestyle - when a guy and girl go out on a date, both pull out chairs for each other..shoo cute!!! :))) and when arnav paid for the bill, it gave me a feeling as though he did that so as not to embarass khushi further, incase she did not have enough money..he was afraid she might keep her earrings or something! :P

      6. last, but not the least : arnav imitating khushi.. yes, it did work for me! :P Agreed it was a lot Barun than arnav, but then I thought to myself, what if I didn;t know who the actor playing arnav was..what if I hadn't heard any of his offscreen segments, didnt know what he is like when he speaks...what is his tone of voice...if I were to assume that I dont know Barun Sobti, then that scene is very, very enjoyable...because once before arnav has imitated khushi's devi maiyya conversations.. and infact, these tiny moments are the ones that show just how well they know each other .. I have watched that scene on rewind many many times... :)) if he wouldnt have said it, khushi would have said the exact same words to him as an apology.. infact I had even imagined her saying that in her drunken state which sadly, did not happen.. :(

    2. Mads,
      Perfect.Agree with every line you have written here.

    3. when arnav paid for the bill,

      I felt he was taking charge here. Because he, for a moment does not believe they are not married, even when she is happily chirping about the functions and addresses himas her mangetar, for him, she is still his WIFE.

      and she needed it to hear from him that she need not get adjusted to his lifestyle in order to live with him... :

      I wondered if the point has been driven home, or will she still ask, "what have I done for him?"

    4. Su, I hope the point is well and truly hammered in her head now..and if she asks again, arnav should say that you tried to give your life for my safety and not just once, but twice.. I haven't done that even once.. what do you wanna say to that?? :)

      btw, is it just me...or even this phase of their relationship is somewhat like "lagi shart?" him doing something for her..she wants to outwit him at that too.. although for him, there are not challenges anymore.. :))

      also, notice her expressions when he asks her "tumhe hlp karu kya?" for a moment she is seriously considering asking for help, then thinks "noo..I have to do this for him..I have to!" and then orders the first thing she sees on the menu card.. :P hilarious!!

    5. Mads,
      "even this phase of their relationship is somewhat like "lagi shart?" him doing something for her..she wants to outwit him at that too.. although for him, there are not challenges anymore.. ":
      This is what I was trying to tell. Has he driven the point home?
      ASR is sure of her reactions and he is confident about her love.
      Khushi somehow seems to think that she has to prove something- like may be she has to prove to herself she is good enough for him. She does not realise she has already done more than enough for him?
      Like you said, he is mature and she still behaves like a child woman. Makes me curious, I don't mind.

  16. contd from my post above, for some reason, I cannot reply to the same post..

    anyway, what did NOT work for me :

    1.having Mr and Mrs Snake Jha around..if they were not gonna meet up with ArHi, what WAS the freaking point??? just to tell how creepy and disgusting shyam is?? oh wait...we already know that! or to tell how pathetically two-faced and weak anjali is?? oh wait...we already know that too!! then pray, please answer, CVs...what WAS the whole point of stuffing in two dates in once episode??

    2. the horrendous BG music...what WAS it all about???!!! especially the one where khushi drank kala khatta/wine..whichever it was.. and really, if she wasn't drinking wine, why was she acting as though she had drunk one?? :S ok ok, I get was to stage up arnav's next stream of dialogues of how he loves her the way she is, but then, could have done that AFTER the champagne incident...and atleast left US with a smile..then we would have also forgiven you for not showing a ride back home..AND not showing ATLEAST a hug, if not, a goodnight peck on cheeks.. if everything is left to viewers' imagination, why are we watching your show???

    3. precap - is it khushi's mehendi or no???? then why is anjali's godbharai getting more footage?? and the hell wants to watch garima-dadi hide and seek after soooo much of faltu waala suspense now?? I doubt anybody is even interested in BFTP now with shyam making an entry back in RM, DB/anjali dressing like a dulhan on her godbharai and khushi somewhere amongst the extras, albeit looking stunning in the red-yellow lehenga..

    CVs, you finished off roka in 0.5 epis...wanna break your own record by finishing off mehendi in 5 dialogues??? I dare you to prove me wrong.. will happily accept my mistake...after all, its all my pleasure! :D

    1. Mads,
      I felt the point was to show how Anjali reacts when she thinks Chhote will find her out.
      It showed that VLR's presence does not give her a feeling of security. She knows Shyam can never measure up to Chhote, at least subconsciously.
      And Shyam's response to her reaction. I don't know, I didn't mind them much on first watch. Who wants to rewatch them any way?

    2. Mads - loved your post - a big yes to all that worked for you - liked it too! - all those that did not - agree

      However - the mehndi is for KKG but remember for the world she is already married why would she have another event whereas the godh baraie is all imp for Anji and her first child - infact the first child of this generation in RM! hence the importance to her

      I had written something yes but it seems to have been lost - very much what you just said - i really liked that the CVs were able to clear the difference between ASR's and ODG's social upbringing very well in this one episode whereas Payash - they started the track but were unable to do justice to it -
      Also I have always maintained ODC have a solid relationship and they understand each other much better that Payash - Payal always seems intimidated by her husband and he is always trying to calm her down but not understanding where she is coming from in the first place!
      so very well handled - finally what i really liked (and hence was very very pleased with no OTT drunken stuff) - was ODB saying he does everything for KKG + he is ok with them - whereas she is not OK with somethings hence she should not change- That to me was the best part of the episode

  17. am late as usual...and after reading Sama's post am sad..and Sandy, hope everything falls in place for you soon!!

    liked the episode..though i would have liked a bit more of the date (as all of you have already said!!)

    why was Anji scared? she as usual irritated me..i guess i can't stand two-faced people in both real and reel life...

    Sama..hope you get time to read this...

    DON'T give up on ArHi...all of us have put in too much time, brains and energy not only watching the show but discussing it also..
    i totally get what you are feeling..coz..though i didnt mention it..i also skipped watching the episodes in between and used to come read Dia's edit and all the comments and be happy with that..but with this couple..there is a certain appeal and something that pulls you back to please..take a break and come back!!
    to get over the unsatisfied feeling, i watch old episodes and read all the old posts...that works for me..try it!! and yea.. SBS/BB are a big no-no...
    don't say BYE yet!!

  18. A completely relevant question...

    was it just me or was Sanaya showing more skin than usual?? i mean more by SP standards...

    1. whaddya mean more skin? forgot the suhagraat and that red lehenga with no dupatta?

      speaking of skin..
      this OS is a bit of a blast from the past, but, well.. arhi all the way!

    2. J, speaking of this... this does not belong to SP's 8 pm show with their purani packaged soch........although i know our ARHi can do complete justice to it any day....



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