Monday, March 26, 2012

Shiddat Se Maango ... Wishlist for the week

Whoops, sorry, girls, and thanks for the reminder - here is shiddat list for the week!

My first - let Arnav's dimaag return from vacation ... as Khushi is off on hers ;)

Shiddats granted - Khushi moved into bedroom ... yippeeeee!!!! :)) Arnav moved out
So automatically the next shiddat is - Arnav moving into bedroom - and Khushi staying there ... koi shaq?!!! =))

Khushi did start thinking about Shyam ... so next shiddat is ... let her think some more!!! Bitiya ka dimaag thoda slow hai!

ODG thinking about finances at home - we did a get a one-liner, so I'll take that as a start  - so again ... let her think some more ... and let the business venture be about that. Let her tell Arnav that she needs to earn for her family, she can't expect him to support them all. Thoda Bitwa ka dimaag click kare ..

Cv's use their brains ... a big SHIDDAT for that one ... now that the euphoria about SPA is over :)) Let's get back to the story please ... and the love.

Can I dare - Bitwa gets wind of her plan to be thrown out and tells her it's not going to work ... so Khushi abandons it. No more two year old stuff ... she starts thinking of some other way to get him to spill the beans.
Khushi ... *MIG alert* ... ever thought of seducing your hubby?


  1. Dia, glad you put that up - though one question - been bugging me for a bit - the day last shown was the day after the stiff neck - so where did ODB sleep the night??? :D (*Total MIG alert!!*)
    i know - Khushi start thinking! you need lessons in MIG!
    - finally was just wondering - probably very very far fetched but could it be that ODG is bugging ODG/setting up a business to bug him enough to say either throw me out or answer my questions? anf/or she remembers enough of the Holi evening to be doing all this to get him to speak up or throw her out?

  2. One shiddat Done.Arnav moved into the bedroom but on the recliner :).Dia I am guessing your blog will be soon the talk of the town maybe SBS/SBB.

    1. Yippeeeee!!!! That was fast!!! The cv's have a very quick turnover time, I must say :D

  3. reposting..

    my shiddddat.. i want a scene where RRR and ODB are talking, and one sentence causes bitwa to pause.. (hey, sham is not correct, I know for sure that khushi did not do this particular thing) at least one seed. dia, add the shiddat post, i will add more!

    have to say I loved today's episode.. the story is back on track!

  4. ok I just had a brainwave...don't know if it will count as shiddat .. :P but it was due to the "death" dialogue b/w anjali and khushi and all thanks to ashwini who posted a comment on today's episode post..

    my shiddat : summing it up with K's illness track...what if we have a scene wherein K saves anjali from a HUGE mishap (can't think of what it might be) and in the process falls severly ill? leading to A taking care of K as predicted and also the start of A's brain v/s heart dilemna.. that if K could go to this extent to save Anjali then how can she be even thinking of destroying her marriage? :))

    will give the Rabba ve's for phangirls and we will get our storyline too.. :P ek teer se do shikaar! :P

  5. Dm, my shiddat..

    I want nani to talk with khushi.. not now, maybe after 2 weeks.. when she personally asks bitiya.. I have seen the change you made in him.. you opened the doors and thawed his frozen heart.. sure I don't approve of the way you disregarded the rasms and sambars, but he married you out of love (and he never thought highly of rasms anyway).. and I know that if he, who was never gonna marry bcos of what happened to his mom, decided to marry you, then you must be very high on his list of priorities...

    okay, khushi will not believe nani completely, because she knows about the 6 month contract and the way he treats her, but the seed will be planted. that bitwa loved bitiya before the marriage.



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