Monday, May 7, 2012

7/5 - Epi 246 ... Finally!!! The Dreaded "S" word ... edtd

Monday 7th May

Good episode ... started on a light note ... Khushi leaves the stars for Arnav as predicted ...
Says her farewells, much to the bemusement of all ...

Barun can't dance saala ... but he sure can run :">

The suicide started off as light ... and then the intensity hit ... the fb's beautifully placed ... Khushi's realization already? The love unspoken ... Sanaya was fantastic in that bit ... "aur hum ..." and their fb's ... and then bravely 'hum theek hain ...'
Her breaking down ... tell me why you married me, I know, it was because of Lavanya ...
He - I don't love Lavanya, perhaps I never did ...
She - I don't believe you, then tell me why ...
And finally he says the dreaded "S" word ...I married you because of Shyam ...

So Khushi first makes it clear to any impressionable youngsters who might be watching, that suicide is not the right thing to do ... probably the reason they made the suicide track so light.
Then she gets busy trying to decide mode of suicide ... again worried about cost :)) and 'naak kat jayegi' if she doesn't succeed, on top of which money for hospitalization - pills cancelled. Hanging from fan also cancelled for the same reason - what if it falls, Buaji will have to pay for repairs. Finally the light strikes ... sasta and tikau method of suicide - jump off a cliff.

Sweetie, if you fail to die and merely end up breaking a few bones, then too you will incur hospitalization costs - you didn't think of that?
No she didn't. So jump off a cliff it is - since there are no convenient cliffs in the vicinity, the roof of a building will do.

BG trying to prepare pushto (I presume pasta?) ... Khushi bids them both farewell ... much to their befuddlement ... farewell to Babuji, eat your medicines ... to Arnav, look after your diabetes, and try not to get angry, and if you do, don't get angry on Lavanya, she gets scared ...

A completely befuddled "Huh?!"
Interpretation for those not well-versed in Arnav-speak ... what the heck are you talking about, why this sudden sweet talk and concern for my diabetes and health, when you've spent the last two days screaming like a banshee whenever you saw me and running away from me, where did Lavanya even come into the conversation from ... and what the *&*% is wrong with you?!!! 

She reaches out to touch him gently on the shoulder. 'Don't think too much about what happened ... I forgive you, Mr Arnav Singh Raizada.'
How he hates being told she forgives him, implying he was wrong and she was right ... he hates saying sorry to her ... except for one memorable occasion, he never has ... how can she forgive him?
"What the ...?!"
And how well she knows him and what his reaction would be ... exactly what she was waiting for ... and she knew how to get it out of him ... one last 'What the ...'

And with a small, sad smile, she leaves ... leaving him even more befuddled if possible ... he shoots a questioning look at BG ... Buaji offers her considered opinion in one succinct gesture "Insane!"
He has to agree.

Khushi trying to screw up the courage to make that final jump, and finding as many excuses as she can to postpone the moment. Kids are playing exactly where she plans to jump, she might hurt them, she needs to ump with both feet, this is not working ...

Arnav in the bedroom ... something is missing, it takes him a while to figure out what ... her stars ... He sees the Don't Touch notice on Salman Khan ... this girl is mad ...
And then he sees the note for him ... open this pouch one hour after I've gone ...
So of course he opens it immediately ... Khushi's stars?
And a letter ...
 Arnavji ... I'm leaving these for you. Thought I'd leave you all my stuff - my shoes, my gota, my chunris ... but what would you do with them? I was joking. These stars are the only things of use to you ... because like me, you've lost your parents, and whether you believe it or not, like mine, yours too have become stars ... and so have I ... third from right, the one that's twinkling the brightest ...
(SN Dia's Glowatwa Ve ... she said it all, not only about their parents but about herself too :) )

And the penny drops slowly ... as he moves ... slowly at first, then picking up speed ... out of the house ...
Amma perplexed, Buaji resigned, it was bound to happen, he's been living with Sanka Devi for so long, some of the sanak had to rub off ... =))

Barun can run saala ... :)) :">

Khushi still finding excuses ... it's too hot, maybe a little later ... and then confused as she spots someone who's definitely not supposed to be there ... what is he doing here? Addressing a panicky Arnav peremptorily, as he's trying desperately to call her (I was wondering why she took her phone with her to commit suicide - did she plan to call Devi Maiyya and inform her that she was on the way?) - 'suniye, can you move out of the way ... if I jump on you and kill you instead, it would defeat the purpose of this entire exercise ...'

And Arnav, worried to see her up on the roof ... he didn't look terrified, so I think he didn't yet realise what she was planning ... he merely seemed to think she'd got into some dangerous escapade yet again ... and he ran to the rescue ... yet again ;)
And Khushi a touch exasperated ... talk about non-cooperation, I'm doing this for him, and he's stopping me himself ... then a touch of worry, does he plan to push me and make sure the job gets done?

And Arnav reaches to rooftop just in time as Khushi prepares to launch herself into space ...
(I digress again ... Barun can run saala :"> ... what?! I like athletic guys!!! And he looked prettty darn good jumping over the rooftops!!! Lemme drool in peace!)
and yells at her frantically to stop ...

and Khushi turns around in surprise ... and annoyance ... now what?
And as usual, his first reaction is to scold ... 'what the hell are you up to? Get down right now!'
'Don't come near me, or I'll jump ...'
And he suddenly gets a little more worried ... she'd better not do something so stupid, but can't put it past her either ... 'okay, I won't come near ... but why do you suddenly want to jump?!'
'I just want to jump, that's all ... it's what you want, don't you? What you've been trying since yesterday ... the poison, the screwdriver, the noose, the knife ... I can't handle all that, I'll do what you want, but I'll do it my way ...' 
And he finally realises what she's planning to do ... what she thinks ... 

'Khushi, there's no such thing ... relax ...'
'Don't come near' he tries to come closer again ... and he falls back ...
'I'm not ... breathe ...' is he telling himself or her?
'Why do I need to bother to breathe? My breath is going to stop soon anyway ...'

Exasperated look ... she's driving him insane with worry, teetering on the brink of a ledge, and she's in the mood for arguing?

'okay ...' as she sways, he panics again ...'ok, watch it, dammit!!!'
More argument ... 'what should I watch here and there? I'll just look upwards now ... and don't think I'm scared ... I'm not ...' brave smile ... which fades quickly ... 'I won't even bother you or Lavanya after I die by becoming a ghost ... she's so nice ... she so scared of you ...'
Total befuddlement now ... 'Where did Lavanya even come into this conversation from?'
'She's your rose ... and I'm the thorn ...'
He's lost completely ... 'rose? ... thorn? What are you even saying?'

And finally she says something which starts making sense ... kind of .. remotely ... 'Kundali Kamlesh said it all ... the reason you married me ... because there's some dosh in your horoscope ... so you married me for six months, then you can get rid of me,and marry La, the girl you really love ... so why should I wait for you to kill me? I can do it myself ...'
And she almost does again, teetering precariously on the edge, earning a panicky 'Careful!!!' from him ... and he finally gets what she's saying and tries to rebut ... 'Get down, because that's not true at all, what you're thinking ... you know I don't even believe in all this nonsense ... it's not true!'

'It is true! I heard you telling La on the phone, that you will get me out of the way ... and since then, you've been trying to get rid of me ...'

He denies again ... 'I never spoke to Lavanya about you ever ...'
'Don't lie to a dying person ...' Where does she even get these ones? I thought it was a dying person doesn't lie to anyone ... and she tells him she's made her peace, said her farewells, made her will ... 'oh you found the stars already ...'
He looks at the stars ... and then back at her. 'Khushi, enough nonsense, we can sit and talk this one out ...'
No, she doesn't want to talk ... he can talk with Lavanya all he likes, she'll be happy up there ...

And she teeters and sways again, he reaches out frantically, she recovers, stops him with a gesture, and looks back at the faraway ground ...

And a sudden change of mood ... as she looks back at him sadly, the enormity of the step she's about to take hitting her ... looking back at him for the last time, her heart in her eyes ... she doesn't really have any complaints, because she never felt he was hers, ever ... but just a small regret ... 'why didn't you tell me yourself what you wanted? Just once ... and I would have stepped aside, no questions asked. Why did you hide this from me? And Lavanya ... I thought she was my friend ... she also didn't tell me ... if you both love each other, then how can I come in between ...'

He can't let this go ... he can't let her believe this one ... how can she think that ... but he can't give away his real feelings either ... he looks down ... 'Khushi, I don't love Lavanya ...' and back at her, 'and I think I never did ... how can you even think that ...'
'Because that's why you married me ...'
No, that's not the reason, far from it ... 'Khushi, that is not true, I didn't want to marry Lavanya, and that's not the reason I married you ...'

She doesn't believe him. "No? Then tell me ... why did you marry me? What is the reason?'
He's silent.He can't tell her the reason, but neither can he let her believe this, because the foolish girl is actually ready to kill herself over it.

But she's nothing if not tenacious.
'See? Again you have no answer. Again you refuse to give me the reason. I know this is the reason, this is the truth ... you love her ... and I ...'
'and I ...' love you ... hovers unspoken between them ... as memories flash ...
... Teri Meri dance, when he rescued her on stage ..
... Diwali, the almost kiss, when he almost lost control, lost in her ...
... the poolside kiss, her first kiss ... the rain hug in the parking lot when he rescued her from a car ...
... Diwali, walking her out through the circle of diyas, hand in hand ...
... the first time she saw him laugh ...
... the time he returned her payal ... knelt to put it on her foot ...
... when he looked after her in Nainital when she was sick ...
... the hospital, comforting her, paying her bill ...

So many memories, so much closeness ... but he loves Lavanya, not her ... and her eyes tear up again ... but no, his happiness is what's important ...
'I'm okay ... I'm ready ...' ready to go ...

And she looks over the edge again, and then looks back for one last look, as though imprinting his face in her mind, as though she wants that to be the last thing she sees ... the last memories she wants to carry with her ... the first time they met ... the first hug in the hospital ... and their marriage - the day she became his, and yet further distanced from him than ever before ...

And she jumps ...
Just as he launches into the run of his life ...the run to save his life ...

and they ... and we ... return to consciousness to find them lying safely on the terrace (ASR must have played rugby in school, that's about the only tackle I can think of that might have got them here) ... with Khushi held tightly in Arnav's arms ... a situation which doesn't give her much pleasure by the looks of it, as she returns to a realization of where she is ... and struggles almost instantly to get free ... almost pushed aside by him,  as he too, returns to awareness of what exactly happened ... his relief finds expression in anger as always, and so does hers ...
What the hell were you doing there ... you could have gotten yourself killed ... and all for nothing, because this was not about Lavanya!
And she's angry too ... she thought she'd finally found a reason for the question that had been plaguing her for months ... but again, she's hit a brick wall ... if not this, then what?! She needs to know, she deserves to know ...she has the right to know ...

and as her angry questions hit him again and again, so do the memories ... the terrace, Shyam's hug, her damning words 'leave Anjali' ... and how he dragged her to marry him (loved the way the fb's built up here with the music, ending in a crescendo of audio and visuals) ... and the words finally spill out ...
'I married you because I know about you and Shyam ... I know you're having an affair with him ...'

And she stares at him in shock ... as he glares fiercely back ...

A good ArHi confrontation, but not one of the best. I think it was because of the lead up being full of comedy ... the intensity didn't get much time to get established properly. Added to which the piecemeal shooting and the expressions were not as intense as they could have been - whether that was cause and effect, I don't know. The cv's probably made the suicide track light on purpose, but they needed the fear of Khushi's death to provoke Arnav into taking Shyam's name ... the switch from funny to serious didn't allow the complete development of emotions. Barun and Sanaya have done far better in the past. And the background music was horrendous, including the cawcaws ... urrgghhh - keeping it light-hearted almost till the end really compromised the seriousness of the whole scene ... right till the part where Khushi's expression finally changes ... and stays sad ... after that it did pick up a lot. And at the end, Sanaya's expression was a bit blank for the freeze ... not as shocked as she could have been.

But hopefully the drama element has re-started and the comedy will be put to rest now.


  1. Perfect episode. Comedy was fun, emotions were perfect, reactions spot on and loved the Arhi music and flashback....

    Loved the unsaid... I don't loved lavanya i never did *I love you, and always have!*


  2. totally agree with you Gargi........perfect episode...the fb's were also too good....and her dialogues awesome..........but why dont bitwa realize the girl who can down her life for him and his can she love shyam.....if she did, wudnt she want to live for shy........

    he is blaming her for trapping a married man......a girl like her who connects so well with his pain, wud she do such a thing.......

    1. @ Gargi same pinch !!THE UNSAID LOVE- That was cheery on the cake.. that whole thing with eyes- haaaaaaaaaaaayeee!!
      Dam where was this direction and intensity gone for last 2 months ?
      Well done CV's

    2. Geetanjali,' why dont bitwa realize the girl who can down her life for him and his love...'Unfortunately we see only this and bitwa sees only the terrace scene.

  3. Dam neat episode exactly the way I wanted comdey,intense, and flash backs and the most important the Love that was always unsaid ! just WOW!!

    And again a excellent precap!

    SN loved San today she was perfect and kudos to BS too he bang on .

  4. shiddat Garnted
    1. Intensity of the story back (hope I am not too earlier to tick this off)
    2. Khushi's realisation or so acceptance of her love for him.

    1. I want to send both Arnav and Khushi to school so they can learn the alphabets, words and learn to form a full sentence so they can say those damn words aloud.

      Kab tak Hum, Main, Kyunki par atkay rahengay.

      Faltu Note: Barun KNOWS how to RUN*THUD*

    2. Yep we need to send both of them esply to learn how to say aloud.. not just with those eyes!!

      Shewts I was waiting for Gargi to comment on that!!Agree with you,that was one kind of run. Loved this one better than the ambulance one.
      I did go *THUD* on BS today?? He was too good and he did enunciate well.

    3. I dunno honestly if I would have noticed his run if someone at Redux hadn't mentioned it,so I paid attention today,lol.

      Oh I hope he has a good role in the movie and his footage doesn't get edited out or something as it happens in movies:(

    4. Aaru yes on the enunciation part .... I was happy for Dia!!

      His run yes *THUD*

      Redux analyzed on run too!!

    5. Haha ... yes, I actually understood every word he said! :)))

      And for the first time, I noticed his run!!! Without Redux


      hehe ... agree with Shwetha ... bachhon, proper grammer seekho ... poora sentense bolo ... Subject, Verb, Predicate ... this stopping at hum, kyunki, lekin ... all creates confusion!!!

    6. yes but also creates the magic ;)

    7. Lol Dia, someone mentioned at Redux that they could watch the whole 20 minutes of Barun's running and only that...And I was, Woah, I can't do that, Damn I am getting old:(

      And paid attention to his run and came to the conclusion like you said, Barun can Run Saala:) Unlike Aamir who tends to flay both his hands while running and especially stopping, the road running at Sarforosh still haunts me what to do, lol.

    8. The RUN Decoded at R&R ha?

      I saw him run at the mandir (matrix sequence -short run up..thot not bad) and then after the ambulance...(longer run up thot pretty gud)..and now this terrace one...(long and with the climbing of stairs as well - thot very very gud!)

      Have to agree...he can run saala!!

      Have to agree..sometimes the physicality of the actor in such sequences goes unnoticed becos its not merit attention!! when an actor can force u to pay attention in a sequence like this...where u are already occupied by the drama unfolding is amazing...

      Shweths..with u on the sarforosh run....also AB in his many movies...when he had such sequences, again due to his physicality

  5. Pretty straightforward episode and despite shooting with BDs in some shots, the performance was top notch.

    Fav scenes: Arnav busy with file and subconsciously noticing something is missing. Goes back to the file and not able to concentrate and realizes her stars are missing.

    She says open it after 1 hour and he immediately opens it, ROFL.

    And it clicks, Oh Sh*t, Moment.

    Khushi the emotional khushi and the fbs, Hayeeee Waited soooooo long for this Khushi.

    GARGI:The unsaid, PERFECT!!!

    Geetu: Exactly, will it click for him that she was out to end her life just so he can be happy.

    Will it click for her that he came all the way running just to stop her when he could have cared less?

    Aaru: Loved the FBs, It was CVs way of reminding us, see this is what we are capable of, you stuck with us for so long, be a little bit more patient.

    1. shwetha : re-watching the whole thing, i think he did wonder when she was standing on the edge....but the moment she tried wriggling out of his arms, he took it as her feelings for shy and so got angry again.....this or maybe he thought all the suicide thing was just a drama to gain his sympathy

    2. You stuck with us so long, be a little more patient...

      Exactly the sentiment of the last two months:-)

      Fbs were a much needed reminder:-)

    3. "will it click for him that she was out to end her life just so he can be happy."

      Shwetha and Geeta it will it will agar cvs ki meherbani huwi toh ...... it should otherwise what was the point of prolonged delay in MU confrontation ..... it could have been spitted out right after she came back home losing 2 hours challenge ..... then Holi would have made perfect sense

    4. I have to rewatch it preferably in HD, caught live on some blog via starplayer, My eyes were paining.

      Geetu, First impressions he was upset that she misunderstood him that he was doing this for La and that he loved La.

      Pata nahin re, I am searching for some HD links now,lol.

      Garg: More than Khushi or Arnav it was for us, remember this, I just wanted to scream, ofcourse WE DO, YOU MORONS, IT IS TIME YOU STARTED REWATCHING YOUR OWN SHOW FROM THE BEGINNING AND REALIZED HOW YOU HAVE TOTALLY MESSED IT UP, GRR.

      Sorry for shouting, as much as the epi was good, the events leading upto were not that good, oh well, atleast yeh to mila.

      Btw, Barun will be on leave for 11 days, Gargi, How did Barun look when you saw him As in GH or in Terrace?

    5. Semi stubble, long hair not really gelled... Totally awesome!:-)

    6. Sama: Watching this show is like playing peek a boo, the most poignant moments happen when you least expect it and it hits you out of the blue and when you expect good, you get OTT. Hai re nandkishore..

    7. Sama : you are right, cv's ki meherbani ho toh sab hoga.....and it shud take for him to click then the repentance track will make sense.....

      Shwetha : yeah he was upset that she mis-understood him over LA, but why blame her for trapping seen in the precap (though i shudnt discuss without watching the episode)

      the precap did confuse me, but i guess its the whole character trait of ASR, when he speaks without thinking and regret later (the way he told LA while thinking that she is Khushi)

    8. Geetu: Ya I forgot about that, why didn't he think Shyam could have fooled her when Shyam himself said he NEVER loved Anjali at all. He has always accused her of being a gold digger, bitwa kay dimaag may yeh baat kyun nahin aayi ki Shyam is not exactly rich, if money was the criteria she would have been angling for him. Ofcourse in anger he doesn't realize a damn thing.

    9. yeah...the only reason i can think is...that he just blurted out something in the heat of the moment and will regret it later...if he gets time to ponder b4 the kidnapping drama...

      remember the time when he apologized to LA thinking she was KKG....before their engagement when he said,' main sochta nahi hu, bas bol deta hu, aur fir regret karta hu, par mai aisa hi hun'

    10. Geetu i really hope that he ponders before Kidnapping, but I doubt it because, the moment he goes to RM, He will know about Anjali's fall that will be enough for him to keep the temper, more so if he sees the Will tampered, that's it, he will lose it again and will lash on K. The only time he can think will be when has been kidnapped, when there is no distraction for him no Khushi, no Shyam and not even his DI around not the psycho RM vasi or crazy GH. He has to be alone to even start pondering. So may be the time in arrest will when DM will enlighten him!!LOL

    11. We wanted a Time Out for both of them.
      We wanted a Separation Track for both of them.

      Isn't it funny that Life sometimes gives you what you wished for but not in the exact wish you wished for.

      I am sure none of us had Kidnapping in our mind when we wanted the above.

      Lesson learnt, be specific and not just careful in what you wish for:)

    12. Aarthi : so true......but Shyam said not to tell him bt Anji's fall....lets hope they stick to it :P

      Shwetha : i have learnt my lesson...when the terrace hug promo was aired i was just wishing for a marriage....when LM had stated on his fb account be a possible seperation....and see what we was like cv's teasing us, 'u want marriage, we will give u a marriage you guys won't like at all', that was the time when ODB had banished ODG to poolside and called the air surrounding her as m not wishing for anything now....will just watch what they show.....hehehe

    13. Geetu and Shwetha - i think he was just to damned scared (of her falling) that he was not thinking of anything but getting her safely off the ledge - once she was in his arms - for a few seconds it was as if he was so relieved that he could not let her go - once he knows she is safe - then his anger flares up!

  6. gosh, i missed seeing the epi...was out....i will miss more if we can have gud epis throughout...catch u girls later.anything for arhi

    1. So cute Rekha... Anything for Arhi it seems

    2. Rekha, awwwww, come back with your bak bak:)Itna tyaag mat karo yaar in Cvs kay bharosay,lol.

    3. Gargs...Shweths.....hey saw the epi....hayeeeeeee!!

      really will watch only after u guys comment if ARHI story can move forward yaar...

      My fav scene...Aap Lavanya se pyaar karte hain aur ham..... (the expression on Arnav's face....then was not of anger but helplessness..kassh tum mujhse pyaar karti----unsaid...and Khushi's expressions of a lost love)

      Hain isi mein pyaar ki aabru
      Woh jafa karein, main wafa karoon
      Woh wafa bhi kaam na aa sake
      Toh wohi kahe ke main kya karoon!!

    4. Lovely Rekha !!

      Ufff Sandy ko abhi jana tah .....BDJ's marathon .... sone pe sohaga hota !!

    5. Beautiful Rekha

  7. Agree Girls, .... Hayyeeeee for the unsaid

    glad cvs kept suicide track comedy (except the horrible BG score combo) given that IPK has huge adolescent fans. Few moments were enough by SaRun to take your senses over with grief .... specially "hum tayyar hain"

    liked the scene where Arnav connected her "sabse chamak ta huwa tara" ..... later that flickering moment of joy in Khushi "arrey aapko toh tarein mil bhi gaye"


    where confusion took over rage in Arnav when khushi said "aap ne humse shaadi kyun ki?!" before she jumped

    for the funny part loved buaji's one liner,

    "har pal sanka devi ke sanghat pe rehkar aur kya ho sakat hai"

    1. Hey I liked What The one too !! that was so Khushi she had to hear atleast once - meri aakhari icha poori ho gayi...

    2. oh okk her convo with Arnav got scrambled .... so din't catch it .... will re-watch .... that should be an awwwww moment !! :)

    3. Someone was defo missing the WTs..I just watched it again on star plus site and the way she says, it is okay I AM Fine and gives an innocent smile which turns to sadness, Ufffffff Sanaya!!!

  8. More faltu points: Did Barun have his haircut, he was clean shaven in GH and by the time he came to the terrace, his hair and stubble have grown.

    Sanaya shot the arnav GH scene of Arnav and Babuji separately.

    1. she shot both the scene AB and BG separately it was her BD with them and vise versa

    2. Yep, they shot the GH scenes separately ... when she puts out her hand to touch Arnav's shoulder it was very apparent.

      Even some of the terrace shots, when they moved between her face and Arnav's, I felt they had shot separately ... her expressions were bang on, his were a little off, not as intense as they could have been ...

      Oh well, am willing to overlook it as long as the intensity is back and the comedy is gone :)

    3. Dia, ditto, they shot the scenes twice once with each other and with the respective BDs. I think they added some of Khushi's dialogues later especially the part where you see a constant cut and paste of Barun's expression, cos if the original dialogues had been there, Barun would have done it brilliantly even with a BD. Since they added those parts later, the director had to do cut and paste job:(

  9. Sama - Who is AB and BG?

    1. Arnav Babuji ..... Buaji Garima

    2. Samaaaaaaaaaa.....That was a good one and I was thinking why is she talking about Abhishek Bachchan and Background,lol.

    3. Ah, thanks!! Never would have guessed :-) Good One for sure!!

    4. arrey ... Buaji Garima is BG since GH started ..... I just added AB today :P

      Abhishek Bacchan *ROFL*

  10. Waisay apni Sandy badi chaalu hai, she has timed her vacation just when Barun is on leave, koi insider info mila kya sandy?

    1. Hahahaha...I know perfect coincide;-)

  11. Gargi bey One more question:

    I could be wrong but watching SBB I had a feeling that while shouting at her, he stops cos he sees someone OR he could have just forgotten the lines, dunno.

    My point is what if some of the kids had intimated the GH ladies and both BG had come rushing in, even though they do not hear the full convo, simply hear the word Shyam and assume Khushi has just told Arnav about Shyam and substantiate what Khusi must have told Arnav earlier about how Shyam betrayed everyone.

    So now Arnav knows the truth and Khushi is furious with him for not trusting her and then the scene what you saw happens.

    He tells her it is time to go and she says she is taking out her clothes and the sarcastic remark from her about getting new clothes.

    How did Arnav sound, irritated or guilty?

    I didn't know how else to put it shortly sorry,lol.

    1. You know what Shweths I just realised. they rent out the sets and now the only scene we'll see of GH are the ones shot that day. what they showed today was shot that morning...and they probably shot all the remaining GH scenes before moving to this set.

      He really didn't say much ya the bidaai scene very little and the clothes drying scene also mostly expression of exasperation.

      But Khushi was her normal sparkly self so dunno...either they're hiding it from BGB or they're not going to use those scenes...:-s

    2. Oooooooh I am actually waiting to see what comes out in the epi tomorrow.

      If BGB were around she wouldn't have taunted about the new clothes right?

      Ughhhhhh, I am really excited about the epi now:)

    3. Ok, so we don't know whether Arnav won't believe her only temporarily i.e. just after she tells him, or whether he will continue to disbelieve her for some more time? As we don't know whether BG will corroborate her story ...

      Gargi, you're guilty of the same thing Arnav did on the terrace - vahan gayi thi, poora scene nahin dekh sakthi thi kya? :D

      How would Khushi be her normal sparkly self if he still thought she was having an affair? And Arnav accused her before they go back to the GH, so when they do go back, wouldn't she tell BG that Arnav knows about Shyam, you please tell him the truth?

      Unless, like you said, they decide not to use those scenes and prolong the MU a bit longer, till after the kidnapping is over.

      Uff, what a long wait till tomorrow!!!

    4. Hehehe sorry guys but I was really there for something:-)

      Maybe it's simply that they don't involve here families and the dupatta scene gets axed

    5. Okay I AM CONVINCED NOW that Gupta Ladies will tapkofy and clear the MISUNDERSTANDING.

      They can't drag it now. When Arnav gets kidnapped, Khushi has to be hurt and furious and in his absence realize despite everything he has done, she LOVES HIM.

      I am guessing after Barun comes back they will push for a confession around June for the anniversary even if Shyam does not get exposed.

    6. Shwetha : Aapke mooh me ghee shakkar.....wish it happens like this, afterall you are our resident genie, hai naa........

      SN : what if she is doing all the chirpy natak to show-off BG that all is well......and she wouldnt want to involve BG if he thinks so badly bt her, then involving BG means he looses all respect for them and whatever bond BG have with him will be broken......also Payal's marriage is at stake if that happens......

      i think the whole reason they got them to GH was so that BG bond well with Arnav, giving KKG a reason to not involve them......

    7. geetu, she never wanted her family to know anything more than that she was happily married.. so of course she will not tell them..

      the GH visit was to show him that she had an excellent upbringing.. what made her who she is. he had to see for himself that despite her lack of money, she grew up in the rich atmosphere of love. now the confusion will gear up in his heart.. (he actually asked in the SBS clip.. despite your excellent upbringing, how could you have an affair with a married man??)

      SN- I said yesterday that they show SBS/SBB scenes to show a little more of the scene, before the editors cut it, that ultimately does not make it into the episode! if they do not show that dialogue in today's epi, i'm sure the SBS was planted.

      bitwa, start with the doubts already! or will you wait till you are all alone?

    8. Jaya : your explanation makes more sense.....but then why doesn't she ask him to talk to BG.......or wait maybe she will.....we should not take precap at face value....

      even monday's precap when she walked on the edge, the camera angle was so odd....her whole churidaar was visible till the crotch...i didn't like it at all....but yesterday, they edited that part maybe they will do something similar with the episode today...

  12. After a Very long time I feel like writing about the eppy and not just normal list of what went wrong and how xyz could have been better...:-)

    Return of IPK...

    The moments that made the list...

    1. Arnav looking around and not quite able to place what it was that he was everything ok?....finds the poster- no yep everythings ok my wife is still crazy.-All good

    2. The stars-R&R called that one;-)-she did leave it behind for him...loved how he immediately thinks 'Khushi ke taare?'

    3. Him rolling her eyes at her instructions...The most sparkling star, third from the left...

    4. That run--Thud thud thud-- I'm naming it the superman worthy sprint;-)

    5. Khushi's perfect comedy. Nothing OTT and everything was genuinely funny. 'Please move aside or I'll fall on you and defeat the whole purpose!'

    6. Loved how he comes running and the moment she says don't come any further he raises his hands...I won't just don't do anything stupid!....very realistic!!

    7. Even when she's literally standing on the brink of 'the end' they argue about their faith or lack thereof in Arnav's case..its rubbish! is not! is too!...awww

    8.khushi's 'marte hue insaan se kabhi jooth nahi bolte!'.....ROFL how did she even come up with that?

    9. When finally it all makes sense to her she has no issue with him...'koi shikwa nahin' her only issue is that he didn't ask her...thats khushi for you-crazy, illogical but full of love...the part where she says..lavanyaji, humme toh laga tha woh humari dosth hai-felt a little heart break even though I knew it was all nonsense.

    10. My favourite scene of the day. she's barely even uttered the words...'jab aap lavanyaji se pyaar karte hai toh hum aapke beech...
    He doesn't even let her complete the words... she's 90% heartbroken and 10% wistful...even now when he thinks the worst of her he wants her to know there's no one else. He may not have said he loves her...but he wants to make it damn clear that there's no one else...that unspoken I love you not her, always have always will...stuff of great screenplay..hayeee

    11. follow up of my favourite scene...khushi's broken 'aur hum...?' you love her, what about me? what about us? what could have been, what she had quietly begun daring to hope for....and they relive India's favourite Rabba ve moments...

    That fuzzy feeling:-)

  13. Sakhiyon, plzzzzzzz mujh par raham karo, I am a big FAT ZERO when it comes to songs, plzzzzzz yaar if you can give me youtube links for the awesome songs you guys quote, that would be awesome.

    I for some strange reason do not register senti lyrics most of the time, funny and spoof ones YES.


  14. Shweths...done yaar, next time, all songs will be quoted with proper links...

    for the one i quoted above (from the movie Anpadh)

  15. ok shwets i had this in mind ever since the MU the song is Hum Bewafa hargiz nahi the
    Tumne jo dekha suna sach tha magar
    Itna tha sach yeh kisko pataa
    Jaane tumhe maine koi dhokha diya
    Jaane tumhe koi dhokha hua
    Is pyaar mein sach jhooth kaa
    Tum faisla kar naa sake
    Hum bewafa hargiz na the
    Par hum wafa kar naa sake

    1. Here is the link:
      I even love the remix english lyrics

      Will you be there... do you believe it..
      darling you know that I can make it happen...

      I know you'll be there... and I still believe it

      darling you know that I can make it happen...

      We can make it, we can make it, happen...
      There is this another song I love to bits its like don't know it fits? but this just came to mind because of the Gori Teri Aankhen Kahe....
      Aur Taare Jaante Hain Sabhi...
      but here you go - Song is Gori teri

    2. Awwwww, thank you so much you all, now it helps A LOT!!

    3. Rekha: That is a beautiful song, simple lyrics, simple music and beautiful acting!!

      Aaru: I used to love this song the remix version, I wouldn't be surprised if they use this in the show, It would be cheaper to get the rights for the song too.

  16. I posted this earlier but I have to repost...

    I find this song soooo perfect for Arhi;

    Pyaar Hum Ko Bhi Hai
    Pyaar Tum Ko Bhi Hai
    To Yeh Kya Silsile Ho Gaye
    Bewafa Hum Nahin
    Bewafa Tum Nahin
    To Kyon Itne Gile Ho Gaye
    Chalte Chalte Kaise
    Yeh Faasle Ho Gaye
    Kya Pata Kahan Hum Chale
    Pyaar Hum Ko Bhi Hai
    Pyaar Tum Ko Bhi Hai
    To Yeh Kya Silsile Ho Gaye
    Bewafa Hum Nahin
    Bewafa Tum Nahin
    Kyon Itne Gile Ho Gaye
    Chalte Chalte Kaise
    Yeh Faasle Ho Gaye
    Kya Pata Kahan Hum Chale.

    Shweths I usually cant identify songs so quickly either...but this one really worked for me...wish someone would make a vm of this song...:-)

    1. Apt Gargi how did I miss this song, I was just thinking of it yesterday with songs I mentioned!

    2. I remember you posted this song earlier - I felt then too that it was very apt.

      Even that one Aaru posted - Hum bewafa hargiz na the ...

    3. @Aaru, Dia- Yeah from Shalimar- Hum bewafa- beautiful song, with all that tribal singing in bg. One of my all time favourite movies too(Though there he had willingly, knowingly created the bewafayee).

    4. Gargi, nice choice.

      Aaru: I replied in that post why they better not do a Roja lol.

      I am not sure it is a lead, it has to be a strong supporting role cos if he was the lead, how could he shot for both simultaneously.

      It has to be a Fantastic Banner, Could it be the SRK-Kat movie, what other big production houses projects that we know about.

      I always figured I would see him as the uber cool investigative cop or something who completely steals the thunder from whoever big shot he is acting opposite.

      One thing for sure, in the movie he sports a long hair:)

    5. Shwetha : m thinking its an Aamir Khan production.....had read the news on youtube video's comments that he is talk for a co-lead role alongwith sharman joshi for Aamir Khan productions.......i hope its that........will be good for him.........but will miss him....Sanaya is good but together they are lethal......even with crappy direction its watchable only because of them......

  17. Gargi - My all time fav song, thanks for reminding me. Very app for Arhi.

    I speed watched today's epi on YT. Loved all the moments that you gal pointed out, but ARnav's 'Breathe' just made me go 'thud' :-)

    And yes, boy , can he run or can he run?

    In the midst of all this, I'm a little depressed that , now that it is time for MU to clear, Barun has to take 11 days of leave. Why ? So , do we have to manage with BDs of Barun for the next 2-3 weeks? How will they manage shooting w/o him?

    1. I hope he is the lead in whatever he's doing otherwise im not sure how worth it it is

    2. Comming to the Kidnapping part however stupid it seems to get kidnapped at airport.. I was reading a post on IF - So are they going to do a Roja on us??
      The plot seems good. If they keep that intensity, perfection of today the track will be worth watching. And more so the character of Roja fits with K the never give up attitude. Anything less will just fall on back to crappy comedy!!

    3. I hope so too!! Nothing but good wishes for him. Would love him to be known as a good actor in Bollywood.

      But IPK ka kya hoga , yaar? I know I'm being selfish but can't help it

    4. Yes, as long as there is no crappy comedy, that's all. I think there won't be ... the cv's should have realized by now that OTT Khushi leads to fall in TRP's ... they can't risk OTT Khushi with missing Arnav - suicide!!! So fingers crossed we should get intense angry fighting Khushi ...

      I am still annoyed with Barun for his movie thing, now especially with the timing ... yes, I know I'm being selfish, but I am!!!

    5. Sahana,
      Its not just you, we all are so selfish- we want both for him. But its difficult. So hope this one isn't the lead but a good second lead where he is able to give his best and test the waters at Bollywood, After IPK ends he can get a lead...

    6. It's just bad luck for IPK. Whenevr time comes to push the gas pedal, either Sanaya or Barun has some commitment or the other. I'm getting really tired of this .

      And Dia - Yes, Very annoyed by Barun's timing but again, not his fault thatthe CVs took so long to clear the MU.
      Abhi bhugto?

    7. i guess IPK is jinxed that a ways - just when the story gets intense one or the other gets sick/takes a leave etc.

      SI seems to be loosing her voice again - now with ODB gone - if she looses her voice, they wil have to use a voice over and no one can match hers :(

      but after today - i am pretty happy with the editing team - most of the shots were done alone yet they did not seem like that - so am pretty sure they have a bank of half shot episodes for when ODB is not around. also must say was bowled over by the acting skills of our lead pair - without looking into the intensity of their partner's eyes - they can still shoot with such precision! wow!

    8. I know ... idiot cv's ... they drag the MU for so long, and finally clear it when Barun is going on leave?! And they would have gotten ample notice of his leave ... really foolish on their part.

      But I pity them too - I believe he took leave earlier also, then Sanaya had to take part in SPT and then her UK trip, and now his movie ... the show is just too dependent on ArHi!
      I remember SGP, the lead actor did anchoring for a music show while SGP was on, and Ragini took part in a dance show - they had such a huge cast that they could easily manage!

    9. Yes true...its so unfortunate that they have to create a stupid situation for this leave business becos on utter dependency on ARHI.....
      one becos its a love story and focus away from the main leads can be difficult considering the way the story is poised right now...
      I was thinking...why can't they show Arnav going on a bus trip without the kidnapping angle and then realised that twouldn't solve the problem on why ODB is not on screen...tough tough tough...i want to shout but whom do i shout at?

    10. You know business trip would have made so much sense, both alone, missing each other, Grrrrrrr...And he could have shot all the scenes in the same hotel room aka One of the room at RM in different outfits thinking about her.

      They complicated a simple thing faltu may..

    11. shwetha, great idea!

    12. Jaya, Shweths...altho it seems a great too was wonering....but they will be constrained becos of his leave and all u will probably have is ODB in a dungeon kind of place...and Shyam twitching...what else and they will show BD of Barun....thats the whole point...
      they might have had only enuf time to can the kidnapping shots...grrrrrr!! (borrowing from u, shweths...)

  18. And a not so faltu comment ... Sanaya has a sore throat again ... hope her voice doesn't vanish at the crucial moment again. I hate the voice double even more than the BD ...

    1. remember that hideous voice double ?

    2. DAM, the timing for the rerun of the episode has changed from 11.30 to 11, missed the episode *cry*

    3. Aha Dia, now that you point it out, I realize I thought what is with the voice, is is cos she was so emotional, especially the letter reading scene.

      Ditto, hate the Voice BD. Kanjoos PH could have dubbed that scene later too right?

  19. Found the pun on 'Khudkhushi' and 'Khud Khushi' funny. Too tired to write more.


    1. opti, you were right on the 0705 thing!

  20. just caught the episode - Wow :D wow :D wow :D (big huge 36 year old grinning ear to ear!!)

    Gargi and all - finally we are discussing the episode and not the flaws!

    - yes ODB can run! :D

    - loved Buaji's - "poor boy stays with sanka devi all day - this had to happen" dialogue!!

    - loved that ODB noticed something was missing immediately - checked the note on the wall (pagal hai!! thud thud!) - tore envelope immediately - did not wait for an hour! and drew the right conclusions - finally the grand brain is back from Siberia!!! yeh yeh :D

    - ODG was brilliant today (yes Dia, as always:D)
    loved her scenes! the good bye, just wanted to hear the WT!, take care, talk on the roof and - of course - Aur Hum...!!! perfect!!! FBs, perfect (all pre-wedding! - the wedding ones only when she was about to jump!)

    - have to say this ODB was really good today too, SI is brilliant so he is always in her shadow - but he was really good today

    - and have to say the editing team did well - most of the shots were with BDs - except for some on the rooftop yet very well placed! - well edited!
    but i guess even they could not defy the laws of physics and gravity and hence just blackened the fall - how could ODB run the few feet separating them and pull her off and fall far from the wall??? physics would not allow it - so black out, added to the intensity and the surprise as well - well done

    - must say the SBBs are defiantly planted - there is no way they shot these scenes today and ran them today!! even if the only parts done were the confrontation ones (noticed how the 'wall' turned into the roadside wall when she was lying on him! ;))

    - finally - the story is moving forward -

    reactions to their actions - perfectly in tune with character -

    She : completely in love, going all out, to the extent of contemplating killing herself for the man she loves "would have moved out if you had just asked!"

    He: scared to death at the thought if loosing her - he was actually scared, he tried reasoning with her, "hum baith kar baat kar saktay hain!" - he tried telling her all was nonsense, tried everything till she was in danger - once safe - he looses his cool - its not that he cant use his brains - its just that he loves her so much that the though of her betrayal (from his POV) blinds him to reason - what if his suspicion is true - what if she does not love him - hence its so tough for him to say it out loud - till such time as it is unsaid, there is a chance he can brush it under the carpet - once she accepts she loves someone else - its death to him!

    Blog genie - please don't disappear - i am one of the most un-superstitious people on earth but even i have come to believe - BG on R&R = Good episode / BG not there = story lost!! :D

    just hope the following episodes are as good!

    1. Its possible that the actual confrontation scenes were canned after a short drive in the car..i thot i saw a car parked in SBS scene.....seems diffi to believe that they had the time to do two diff shots.....and work with the better setting....

      altho i find no reason for her to move away...but very sure that the scene in SBS was not in the terrace....

    2. no of course it wasn't - that's why i said the editing team did a good job - they must have hired the house for the shots (all single ones with BDs) and for the joint shots - the sbs ones - it was done on the road side - hence the wall is the roadside wall (when he sves her - remember even in the sbs she is lying on him in the middle of a road)

    3. BG is NOTHING without everyone's Shiddat power*hugs bey*

      Waisay Mona, we had loads of THUD moment after a looooooooong time today na:)

      And his english was awesome today too:)

      Khushi was Khushi,

      Almost PERFECT episode!!

    4. thud moments! - have been grinning like a buffoon since last night!!!

  21. Just like they are creating a kidnapping situation for BS, let them create a situation for SI's bad throat...i know i am being selfish but we have to hear SI's voice for any dialogue that K doesn't seem perfect otherwise.....

    1. yeah......why not put her in a shock thinking of how lowly ODB thinks of her......and then the kidnapping happens and she is in further shock.......hehehe.....

  22. Lovely start to the week with a shiddat realised........... Hallelujah if only the CVs keep it up, I will not complain (much) ... thanks for the tip on BS in running mode - wow *THUD*


  23. I love how we get one good episode and we're all buoyed with hope... Just goes to show how much this show has going for it! People are just craving for it to be what it was! Everyone stuck by its through a very very rough patch... Any other show and we'd have long disappeared... But with Arhi we're all happily thudding away with one good episode...

    Shiddat to the cvs- pls let us have IPK. We all have so much going on in our real worlds that IPK is a wonderful respite and now R&R serves the best virtual latte and discussion and give us tht little time to connect, laugh and gripe with like minded others . And that tiny little mushy part of ourselves that is inherently present in every woman no matter the age gets a fresh dose of fuzzy feeling... So pls CV's don't kill it. Pls pls continue like today and let us have our IPK.

    1. ditto - Gargi (except i prefer cappuccino!)
      and this was exactly what i was thinking on my way to office- earlier IPK was for IPK - now when i watch an episode i keep thinking in my head : Gargi/Dia/Shwetha/Sama will notice this, Jaya/Aaru/Rekha/HAA will say that!!

      so Dia - thanks once again for this virtual coffee shop and virtual/real friends :D

    2. true Gargi..
      after i discovered the blog..IPK just seems more i started watching 4-5 months after the show started, i used to watch the epi and check the blog to see what Dia and you guys had to say about it and used to get all happy happy!!
      a few weeks ago, i was trying to figure out some of the acronyms used here..and i wake 6 am i am brushing my teeth, half asleep, and it strikes me that PH means Production House..and i go duh y didnt i realise that!! most days my thoughts are filled with IPK..not how many articles i have to write and editing to be done..nope work is definitely not all that important esp if an episode is super duper good!!
      i keep checking the blog throughout the day ( its black coffee for moi :)) even if i dont comment to read what you all have to say...
      thanks Dia for this!!

    3. so true Anita!! its funny how the conversations stay in my head all day! (so i am not the only one here :D)

      and have been refreshing the blog all day - DIA edit pleeeeaaaaassssse!!!! pretty please!

    4. put into words my exact feelings!
      My hubby asked me one night when I was up till 2am to watch IPK and read this blog,"why do u watch so many romantic serials and read MBs?" The way he put it I understood ki actually he wanted to know if I felt the romance was lacking in our relationship that's why I looked for it outside? He was actually hurt and I spent 1 hour explaining to him how women's minds work..:-) We never grow too old for romance or mushy stuff. I can watch Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Dil to Pagal Hai anyday...I can watch n number of times the scene where Shah Rukhj has Madhuri's bangle in his hand and says,"Aur paas...aur paas".
      Anyways, I had written a really long reply yesterday and it got lost before getting posted. I had written ki one reason Khushi is so happy even though she is commiting suicide is because her heart knows that will give Arnavji his love and happiness.Also, she remembers HR dialogue where he says ki kahi ek jagah hogi jaha hum saath honge..and she feels she is going to that place as is duniya me it's difficult for them to meet.

      As for today....I loved arnav's expression at Khushi's reaction to his remark abt her parents.He realises that he has touched a chord and shew will respond now and he pushes her even further till she snaps and says something atleast. Loved how he softened and forgot his anger a bro and asked as a hurt lover,"Mujhe explain karna zaroori nahi samjha?" just like he asked her when she got engaged.

      Just looooove this show....

  24. hello Ladies
    this is the first time I have written. I have been reading all your comments and analysis of the episodes with great interest. have waited up to watch the re-run and as I am English and have very little clue what is being said I find the English subtitles imperative. you can't imagine my disappointment to find that there was none this time. There is something about this show that keeps you enthralled. I love the chemistry and sometimes the comedy. I look forward to each episode but also to you thoughts on the episodes. Thank you for this. I will carry on reading all your thoughts and watching a brilliant show.

    1. Hey Lin WELCOME!!!

      Plz do join in with your comments as much as you can, would love that*hugs*

    2. Lin, Hello Hi!
      welcome to the R&R cafe!

    3. Hi Lin and welcome aboard to our daily cafe....


    4. Hey Lin, welcome aboard! Would love to hear your inputs too from a non-Indian about an Indian show!

      I have some American friends who love Bollywood movies because they had no sex/violence/bad words - they could watch them with family ...
      Would love to hear what attracted you to watching this show?

    5. Hi Lin & Anon, welcome to our cosy cafe!!

  25. Hi all!
    Me too this is the first time I have written. I love this serial eventhough I'm not indian. So when I came across with your blog I fell inlove instantly. I love how you describe every bits and pieces because through that I understand as I don't speak hindi at all. Everyday I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts about the episode. thank you for taking your time literally rambling and reminiscing.

    I will miss barun, hope he had shot the scenes in advance so that we won't even know he wasn't there.

    1. Hugs to you dear and WELCOME!

      I am guessing he must have shot some of his in Captive shots and they will release that whenever people start getting restless.

      It could be him just tied up and saying nothing..just a faraway shot or something.

      And besides, they will be using tons of FBs, so hopefully he won't be missed that mucch.

    2. Hey Anonymous ... welcome, and do give us a name we can call you. A pen name is fine :)

      And as for Lin, would love to know what attracted you to watching this show!

      Yep, hope Barun has shot his scenes in advance ... otherwise I will set the BDG on him with her DANDAAAA!!!

  26. Dia,
    If Arnav doesn’t believe Khushi it may be because of the way she says it. For instance,if she says that the ‘rishta’ was over with the engagement, he will not believe it because the terrace scene happened much later. And she does not know he knows about the terrace.
    The kidnapping may be another opportunity for reinforcing the MU. Shyam will talk about the will and ASR will wonder how he got access to it. And then it’ll dawn,”Ofcourse, Khushi!”
    Maybe, there’s some hope for that bomb still!
    I feel Khushi and the rest of RM may not even know about the kidnapping, they’ll think he has gone abroad.(This theory doesn’t fit with K&A confronting Shyam @ the airport )
    And ASR will think of Khushi as co-conspirator, either escape using his shatir dimag or strike a deal with Shyam.
    When he returns, he will be even more revengeful.
    Maybe, hello hai angry young man and bye bye moony Arnav for sometime.
    @Sandy, hope U R having a good time. Totally in awe of you after the interpretation on Friday.
    @Dia, eagerly waiting for your edit.

    1. Su, I am hoping MU gets cleared at Arnav's end at least. So the next few weeks we can focus on Khushi and her feelings about Arnav.

      Remember June is nearing, so they will aim for somehting big during the anniversary week.

    2. Su darling, dont speculate so far.. your shatir dimaag will lead us all to hope for more, and they will show is something entirely sub par and we will feel let down!!

      btw, i like the direction your mind is taking.. hello hi angry young man!!

    3. Su,

      i doubt if he will blame Khushi..he may but..she doesnt know what is in that document..she just saw the file..and its under lock and key.. i am hoping that after he comes to know the whole truth..and Shyam kidnaps him..he starts thinking and will realise that Khushi's dimaag is not as "shatir" as he thought it was..

    4. @ Jaya, Shwetha:I agree. Unfortunately, what was once shatir dimag(?!) has dwindled to a featherbrained existence thanks to IPK addiction.
      So I repeat after countless others before me- Iss addiction ko kya naam doon?
      I wonder whats cooking for the ME?

      @anita, maybe theres no point in going in this direction, but even if she didn’t see the file, she had access to the keys.

    5. Sorry, 'wonder whats cooking for the ME?'read 'anniversary' for ME.

    6. for the Anni - don't know about you Su, but my mind is definitely in the gutter ;)

    7. Catching up late with comments - I was out, then spent ages doing the edit ...

      Supposing she gets Buaji to tell him about Shyam to clear her name, and Buaji mentions that even after the engagement broke and Shyam moved out, he's been ogling Khushi ...

      The whole question is, will the MU clear from Arnav's side tonight or not. I would guess not as yet ... but at least Khushi knows what she's up against now, and she will fight the right enemy, rather than worry about Lavanya and Arnav ki Prem Kahani.

      I DO want Buaji or someone to mention that Khushi agreed to the rishta the night of Diwali after she got back from the Raizadas.

    8. Dia,

      Unlikely that she will involve her family at this stage for reasons
      1)she still thinks its between the two of them at the moment
      2)the fact that Shyam is dangerous is not known to she will look to solve it on her own without involving sounds lame but thats the ways serials think (EHMMBH is a fine example of that!1)

      ODB can know thru various sources like Nani, Buaji, even TQ for that matter that Shyam is the name of the fiance but it will happen in a moment when the penny will drop sequence but by then, he would have killed any balance trust, that K might still have!!

  27. about the!!
    u all said everything...

    Those fb's after "aur hum..." were too good and much needed...
    Loved ARHI terrace confrontation but the small convo "what the sun ne ki ichha puri ho gyi" "humne apko maaf kr diya" was equally good...

    i feel...his anger returned after the fall when he felt her struggling to free herself from HIS ARMS...

    and, Dia please add this in next week *SHIDDAT* list - i want some holi fb/memories for either or both ODG - ODB...atleast both applying color on each other(when there was no bhang effect) if not confession part...they cant forget it just like that...that was the only good thing happened post-marriage...

    1. *DITTO* on your shiddat, ayesha.

    2. ayesha, shwetha, SHIDDAT!

    3. ditto ... SHIDDAT!!! Do you realize neither had any good memories post-marriage? All their memories were pre-marriage :(

      Time for them to build up some good memories now ...

  28. "Khushi ke taare...", "Arre aapko taake mil gaye!"

    Arnav's stars align themselves to grant him that elusive happiness he always runs after - Stars of Happiness that he has found :)

    I was soo happy to see that line that she would become a start wherein she kinda implied that she could be his star - brightest of them all.

    When Khushi started to take the plunge, it seemed as if her world had been submerged into blackness but she had just fallen into the arms of heaven!

    thanks for liking fri's bak bak

    tu rukh bey!! mere peeth peeche yeh kya ho raha hai. Gargs et tu?

    aww u r missing BDJ but so many song dedications today. Aaru love that song from Shalimar. Gargs, that song is very apt - pehle hi baat kee thi na. Rekhs, muah on ur song too.

    "Chupaana bhi nahi aata
    Jataana bhi nahi aata
    Humein tumse mohabbat hai, bataana bhi nahi aata"

    1. @Gargi - exactly am at CCD right now !! with a cappuccino and my laptop !! So yep virtual CCD !!
      @Shwets I really hope that for him, I know its difficult to do both, hence most of the others have stalled till the show ends or quit the show. So my logic is same as yours. It would be a second lead ! And agree with you on the Roja - but it sounds more better than any comedy they will show.
      @Sandy - bey - loved what you said, yes his brightest star.
      @Lin welcome
      @Opti can wait to read your analysis on "khudhkhushi and Khudh- Khushi"
      @Dia hope that Sanaya does not have a bad throat, BD's don't affect me so much because I don't pay much attention there, but a Voice over and for Sans nahhh, the voice modulation is San's high point, can't compromise on that.
      @Mona - Can I say I AGREE!!

    2. Sandy: Main ruki toh hoon,main kahan jaa rahi hoon bey?

      [quote]When Khushi started to take the plunge, it seemed as if her world had been submerged into blackness but she had just fallen into the arms of heaven![/quote]

      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Sandyyyyyyy*hugs bey for this*

    3. Sandy i generally like you looong bak baks - but today - it was short ...and PERFECT!! - wanted to quote the lines i liked best and then realized, it was the whole post :D

      but two stood out - the brightest star, his star and jumping into darkness and falling into heaven (my pov was purely physics - yours purely poetry!)

    4. so good to see you ! and yes, she wants to be the brightest star in his sky.. she is sure that her love for him will shine the brightest!

      the blackout.. the hug.. the waking up.. i almost expected a sanka devi dialogue there.. was it edited out? was that why he pushed her away?

      heaven feels like arnavji's hug.. (snigger)

    5. Sandyyyyyyyy!!!!! OMG, you're here!!! *does virtual dance* Good to see your bak bak ...

      And yes, she so wants to be the brightest star in his heaven ... beautiful!

  29. And I just posted the 100th comment, apart from the weird feeling of spamming, I FEEL GREAT ABOUT THIS!!

    1. no big deal - am pretty sure we shall hit 200 today - we are over 120 already and Dia still has to edit - ;)

    2. Oye mona, my matki mat phodo re I was happy that I made the 100th comment, Aaj kal to we get shocked if we don't cross 100,lol.

  30. BTW - my favourite scene and what i found most interesting:

    Him saying - after 'i don't love La, nor ever have' - 'tum aisa sooch bhi kaisay sakti ho...' SO he cant understand how she can think he loves another woman (who by the way she tried her best to get hitched to ODB!) BUT he can think that she is in love with someone else!!! - so typically male ego!! - very interesting and true to character!

    1. Mona, wanna bet she will ask him Hum shyam say pyaar nahin kartay, aap aisa soch bhi kaisay hain Arnavji, hum toh Aa(p)....

    2. haha - i hope she does!! how can he even think that when he knows so much more about her than she did (as in his not liking La - for he claimed he wanted to marry her!! - so her conclusion was justified - his, not a chance! ggrr

      and yes it will be hum to aa...

  31. she said, aap unse pyaar karte hain... aur hum.. (aapse).

    which is why he suddenly remembers HER agreeing to his advances... her relaxing into his chest at the teri meri dance, her snuggling into his caress at the diwali almost kiss.. and hope kindles in his heart... she did??

    and she remembers him kissing her ..saving her life.. his very rare laughter...

    he is reminded of the way she gave him his hand on diwali with reluctant but full trust....her face and his feelings when he put her payal on her leg....

    she recalls his tender care when she was sick in nainital.. and the despair on her face prompts him to remember the very first time he tried to comfort her..

    (the love is almost tangible between their eyes. girls, that chalte chalte song.. PERFECT!)

    i'm all right.. i am ready...(to kill myself for you..)
    aww khushi, is there a more sentimental declaration ever???

    and turns to jump.. and then...A last look at her beloved.. and strenghtens her resolve.. you marry La and have your happily everafter.. (sanaya, Fantastic!)

    and arnav's brain lights up..
    him catching her fall..
    has to do something....

    she remembers hugging him as if he is the only one rock in desparatet seas.. one last time.. in her mind, she hugs him...

    and remembers him putting sindoor on her... her husband.... she is doing something purposeful with her life. she is sacrificing it for him.

    1. wow jaya...wonderfully put.. u give new meaning to those fb's.......

  32. One of the other "awwwwww" moments was when Khushi forces a smile on her face and insists she can do the deed herself - she doesn't forfeit her sense of independence, even here...........magar bitwa ke dimagh ki batti ka kya kya jai...... ;(


    1. Hum theek hain, hum kar lengay was awwwwwwwww

  33. Dia,

    was waiting for ur edited post....nailed it as usual and i have to resoundingly agree on ur added Thoughts....

    Hope the CVs realise this....becos this story was about the intensity and in a way to be robbed of it and we feeling as if we have been given the short shrift..

    Imagine the level to which this track could have been taken to that even when there was comedy leading up it...many of us had moist eyes.
    I am sure if it was not comedy but a gradual build up, the intensity would have hit us even more....Not to forget they have a very able lead pair..

    Initially, i was not sure of whether BS had nailed but in hindsight i realised,he had actually done a very gud job...becos ODB is not supposed to have any idea of ODG contemplating his reaction was just right!!..if he had acted more worried or something, i would have found it was understated brilliance and if he had SI throughout, he would have done even better
    SI ke kya kehne....she is amazing,the shift from naive to emotional was beautiful...I just hope the writers don't butcher her character any further.

  34. Dia, as usual - your edit was perfect- the episode was running in my head :D

    agree with everything - specially that is was the CVs fault that such a powerful confrontation lost some of its steam - but our lead pair did a damned good job - to move from comedy to this could not have been easy!

    loved your take on the fbs:
    - Teri Meri dance, when he rescued her on stage ..
    - Diwali, the almost kiss, when he almost lost control, lost in her - the poolside kiss, her first kiss
    - the rain hug in the parking lot when he rescued her from a car
    - Diwali, walking her out through the circle of diyas, hand in hand (again a rescue!)
    - the first time she saw him laugh (again a rescue - rescue of Arnav from ASR!)
    - the time he returned her payal ... knelt to put it on her foot
    - when he looked after her in Nainital when she was sick (also a rescue of sorts)
    - the hospital, comforting her, paying her bill (rescuing her from the tensions of payment and supporting her when she needed it!)

    OK have defiantly been reading too much of the redux women!!!

    1. Rekha and Mona, yep, I really feel the cv's messed up on this one ... this was THE big moment, and it really was a bit of a damp squib. Sanaya really saved it with her acting today ... but there was too much of switching between comedy and intense ... and Barun was definitely not quite there today with his expressions ... I never really got the feeling that Arnav took her suicide threat very seriously at any point - no 'saansein ruk jayengi' types!

      The fb's alternate between hers and his - if you see, all hers are rescue, all his are attraction or the emergence of Arnav ... read alternately, starting with hers ...

    2. Dia, in a way i am in two minds about the BS thing....

      while i agree there was no saasein ruk jayengi moment, but in a way, the build up was so silly that i can empathise with Barun not going over the top with his reactions esp when we contrast this with the ambulance moment (then too, i did not think that BS had nailed it well) but somehow, i felt he toned down his reactions here and got down to reacting as if this girl is upto something!!!(but i blame the CVs for it)

      A's FBs were typically male but in way, his attraction to her, inspite of what he belives her capable of let me reconcile that he is yet to real feel the depth of his own love for her....

    3. Rekha,
      My thoughts about Arnav's reactions - he didn't realise what Khushi was up to, he thought she'd got herself into a dangerous spot without thinking, as usual ... so till then, Barun's expressions - spot on - worried, confused, what is this girl up to, good god, where is she standing, does she even know what she's doing? A bit like the ladder scene at the wedding - worried because she COULD get hurt, but not dreaming that she's actually planning to do so purposely ... so he just rushes to save her from trouble, as usual.

      Even when the first part of the conversation happens, Arnav is too confused as to what she's saying to realize that she's there to actually kill herself ... again, expressions perfect, worried but more confused ... Lavanya, what about La, where does she figure here ...why is Khushi going on about her ...?

      Where I did feel Barun faltered in expressions is when Arnav finally realizes WHAT exactly Khushi is doing up on the ledge, and that she plans to jump ... and on re-watching, I cannot pinpoint any moment when that danger strikes him. Now you could also say that sometimes people react only when the danger is over, because during a crisis they manage to keep their heads, and Arnav's total focus was on getting Khushi off the ledge before she could jump ... he didn't allow himself to think about the danger or he would have faltered ...

      But ... there should have been that split second of terror when he realised ... and that was missing ...

      As to the fbs ... there have been very few instances of Khushi actually caring for him, bechara yaad bhi kare toh kya kare?! :))) But I wish they would put in fb's of his smiles and laughs with her when he does realise how much he loves her ... not just the attraction. That they show how she slowly brought him back to life ...

  35. Spoiler pics for promo, it so seems!!
    Looks like there is a going be a change in ODB's suits when he is going on his bus looked hazy but..worth a dekko...R&R In house stylists c an tell if they approve...

    Khushi seems to be pleading with Arnav in one of the snaps...going out of my mind wondering what that is abt....

  36. hi girls.. I just read the update for the epis of the last week... don't remember when I'd watched one in happiness! Although, partially it was because of my worry for my thesis and submission etc, another was that the story wasn't really going anywhere! (ofcourse thats a mild way to put it :P) .. and then, I read abt khushi thinking arnav is out to kill her and the suicide thingy and I was - I don't know what! But then I also read there was a comic angle to it and I was a bit relived to know that this isn't the real thing but maybe just another of those mindless filler comedies! Ofcourse I am not even getting to the point of how ridiculously they have handled the issue of suicide and of bubbly portraying a 40 yr old vamp.. but m going to keep that aside..

    The point being, when I read that the suicide thing was going to jolt arnav out of his senses and make him reveal the reason of the marriage, I was even more disappointed! I can understand why the fear of death needs to shock arnav into making him realise..that totally and complete makes sense, because otherwise that moron is never going to blurt out any of his true thoughts and feelings! But what I don't get is, how could they have portrayed khushi so weak as to succumb to suicide.. I agree that she really was at her wits' end, she had tried everything, nothing worked..I can also see her fear of arnav trying to kill her because he wants to marry La however silly it might have been shown)...but then, exactly because of that reason, khushi, being the person she is, should NOT resolve to suicide! Never.. that's like against the basic premise of her character, which was supposed to be so feisty and full of life and who considered life to be a gift..this is coming from the girl who had declared out loud "bas..bahut ho gaya rona-dhona..ab hum ne tay kiya hain ki humari life mein sirf khushiyan hongi.." (the day of the holi, her first dialogue as soon as she wakes up) I know the two situations probably aren't comparable for her...because this time its that sorrow multiplied by almost a factor of 50 maybe.. but then, she was always shown as this girl would MAKE life beautiful.. as much as she is shown to be sacrificial, I never saw her this weak to use suicide to give up her love for him.. there could have been much better ways of making her show her sacrificial side.. I would have much rather preferred that they had repeated the accident sequence which made arnav realise that he loves her, but this time, maybe for real.. show her walking down the road after realising that Arnav loves La and wants to marry her..rain falling hard..her anxiety, her her emotions there...the FBs..her realisation - that she loves him, but he loves La..there really IS nothing left now.. yes, show her momentarily sinking into grief enough to make her think she doesn't want to live anymore.. but then make her think abt the Raizadas..her family, how they all need they all love her..and then make her re-think about her decision to end her life.. show arnav worried about her ... and goes out searching for her ... he sees her and the car approaching her..and saves her (very much like their first so called rain hug).. and then she repeats those dialogues of why he saved her..why she matters to him.. and if he loves La so much why doesnt he go ahead and marry her..and then arnav could have said that he doesnt love La..etc..and then blurts out the truth about shyam.. I think ArHi would have been fantastic in such kind of scene.. Plus, considering the fact that they had to shoot separately for Sanaya, they would have managed that too, up to some extent..

    Because in my opinion, suicide is the most selfish thing that one can do and by showing her attempting that, they have killed another one of the basic traits, which was thankfully untarnished uptil now - her selflessness.

    1. Anyway, I guess it worked for most of the viewers, so who am I to say anything... :) and I know it really worked for you guys too, so am happy, u guys got what you had wanted to see... just that it didn't work for me...and I must admit, I am yet to see the scene, but dia's description pretty much sums up everything, so I am sure I haven't missed anything by not watching the epi.. would have never dared to open this topic on IF.. but well, thought of sharing my views here because I know u guys won't mind.. :)

    2. hi madsie, how goes the thesis? missed your objective comments..

      sad to know you summed up the week into further character assassination of khushi. if you get time, see the episodes.. yes, FF through many , many parts, but some spots are worth watching. and I think suicide was not a selfish move on her part... i percieved it as the most selfless thing she could do for him.. but then, the whole track was OTT, like you said.

      your possible scenario would have made much more interesting viewing.

    3. hey Jaya, well, thesis going good...done with the submission and going to present on friday, so after that I am totally free ... and if all goes well (:P), will be a 'Master of science in biochemistry' .. :)

      and yes, I totally agree it a selfless deed in regards to her feelings for him.. (would disagree with the 'most selfless' deed part, because, like I said, there could have been several other ways) but for her family? I think she owed a lot more to them than that .. I mean, the poor folks didn't even know that she was going through a hard would have bee terrible for them, to know that she suddenly gave up her life! For no apparent reason! Anyway, don't want to think of that now...since it hasn't actually happened... :)

      anyway, you are right, I haven't watched the epis, so probably my rant would seem very annoying to you .. :P sorry, because that wasn't my intention at all.. :) hope u enjoy the epic, though.. :) Will try to watch the epis.. it will be hard to watch with the same feelings, but will deffo try once I am done with my thesis..

      P.S. dia, please don't kick me out from here because of my outburst! :)

    4. arrey mads, there is no annoyance.. i was just giving a suggestion.. and you're free to rant as much as you like, just 3 days ago i was ranting my heart out.. its all part of the masala in this cofee shop!

      and wow! good luck with the presentation!



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