Thursday, July 3, 2014

3/7 - Epi 135 ... Stalking the Stalker

Thursday 3rd July

Again the writers are doing the same thing ... glossing over Paro's emotions, making her reactions superficial and childish. When the show started, and through a good part of the subsequent tracks, Paro was the more mature, sensible, calm person. Ever since she has realised Rudra's love for her, she has become more and more childish, and it does not sit well on Paro.
She is happy that Rudra saw through her nautanki about Maasa, happy that he's not angry ... but does she really think he can forgive and forget everything so quickly?
She gets over two murderous attacks on herself so quickly, and starts worrying about Rudra's clothes? And displays not the slightest nervousness in going alone to the market where she was attacked just two days ago?  And her chirpiness in the market, when Rudra leaves ... is she in on his plan, or is that yet another instance of the way the cv's neglect Paro and her emotions?

Paro is mistaken ... Rukmini is not an omen of good tidings ... she usually heralds a storm in Paro's life.

I was happy though, to see that Rudra is finally looking at someone's feelings over his own ... he saw that Paro needed maasa when she was shaken after the acid attack ... even if he says that he's being more polite to Maasa for Paro's sake, it's a start, that he's considering her feelings over his own. Of course, he wants to forgive Maasa, that's another matter ... and he can't really see even Paro insult his mother. He already defended Mala from Mohini.
And he remembers Paro's love for her butterfly friend. So he seems to be getting out of his self-obsession and starting to look at the other side of the picture. The start was when he told Mala that it wasn't her fault Paro was attacked ... when he slipped up too, how could he blame her alone.

The Samrat Maithili track is being set up well ... interesting thing, which sets Rangrasiya apart from many other shows, is that husband wife seem to communicate. Samrat tells Maithili the whole truth about his trip, and reassures her that he is with her, come what may ... Maithili confronts Mohini about the matter, and vows she will stay with her husband, regardless of child or no child ... many 'good bahus' would tearfully agree to a second marriage for the sake of a 'waaris'. Of course, this is just the start of the track ... Samrat hasn't shown much spine till date ... he might bend in front of Mohini later. But Rudra and Paro will support Maithili fiercely.

The writers are showing Maithili's emotions much better and in more depth than Paro's ... and these days, Rudra's emotions are being ignored too ... he sets up this plan putting Paro in danger, and shows not the slightest hesitation or concern? And overconfidence too ... judging by the precap ... already, his single sentry was knocked out of action.

No wonder the TRPs are going nowhere. 


  1. Firstly, Maithili, you go girl! You were right with your argument with KcM, but she is she is unfortunately an unscrupulous woman, so no point in arguing with her, I hope Maithili really does one of the two things that Sumer suggested she could to Mohini.
    Lastly, I want the makers to show/ make sure that Mohini is taught a good lesson/ gets a taste of her own medicine,it is a important social message.
    Felt so bad for Maithili today, her tears brought tears to my eyes, poor girl was shattered, thank god her husband is on her side at least.

    Coming to Major Saab, he is turning out to be nicer pati day by day, such a thoughtful gift to Paro, plus looks like he has been noticing a lot about Paro since he has laid his eyes on her!! Also he has truly started using his brains now, even figured out what Paro & his Maasa were up to!! Way to go Sherlock!! And he is not angry about it!
    And about his plan to catch the stalker in action, well looks he is way ahead of Rudra for now.
    P.S. Its from the written update that I came to know about Rudra's plans to catch the baddie red handed with the disguise and all, but online that part was never shown! Wired??

    1. I second that MB! Way to go Maithili. You go girl - show that @&*&W# a thing or two. Make her grovel!
      I felt so bad for Maithili - I was crying. Geetanjali is a good actor. She is lucky she has Samrat on her side - which is why she got the courage to stand up to her mother-in-law. Many women in such a situation don't have the support from their husband.
      Like the Paro-Rudra scene - he is softening towards Paro and Maasa.
      I did not like the baazar - mandir scene. Paro seemed too happy and carefree. For someone who had 2 very scary encounters in the last 2 days - she did not seem to be bothered at all.
      KCM ka mausam bigadne wala hai!

    2. Archana, I'm with you on Paro in the market. For a girl who was attacked on her last outing, she seemed least bothered. Had Rudra told her of his plan?

      I like the Samrat Maithili track ... am glad that Samrat has set up his business and is independent of his mother so he and Maithili can actually walk out if needed. And I hope they do.

    3. Dia, when CVs made Paro mouth the dialogue that " you and fear do not coexist for me" I knew they will sideline her fears again and make her think about Rudra and Mala or make her cheerful as if nothing happened. It will be all about Rudra worrying for Paro from here on.

      Given up hope on this one, CVs don't care.


    4. Like Dia has mentioned many times before the writers are simply glossing over Paro's emotions, Why are they doing this? Well they alone know it, because all of us fail to understand it, they could at least show for a few seconds that Paro is trying to put a brave face on for her husband/everybody at the least.A flashback of any of the attacks on her and her trying to shake the image out of her head, anything.
      Who knows maybe they will because looks like Rudra is suddenly finding his lost brains since past two episodes, even Paro's emotions may find their own way too!!

  2. Loved Mythali today, had tears in my eyes on her heartbreak. Well executed scene and Geetanjali nailed it! Glad she gathered strength to protect what is most important to her. Can't wait to see Mythali teaching Mohini a lesson or two.

    Liked the gift scene today and a cheerful Paro and loving Rudra. Though the CVs can add a little bit of hesitancy and fear in Paro to step out into the bazaar after knowing about the threat.

    Mention of Rukmini means dark days are arriving (unlike what Paro feels).


    1. Agreed U, Mythili's scene was heartbreaking to watch bug so glad to see her gather the courage and fight for her love & life. Hope we see Samrat's business take off as it will lessen Mohini's iron hold.

    2. Uma, again I can see they're sidelining Paro's emotions ... no hesitation, anxiety when going to the market two days after she was attacked there ... no worry about the attacker when Rudra brings her food, instead she's only worried about Maasa and Rudra.

      Liked Maithili too ... the actress nailed it. Am looking forward to Samrat and Maithili teaching Mohini a lesson on this one.

  3. It was an ok episode today. Liked the Paro-Rudra scenes, especially the gift scene. Rudra acts more responsible these days. Paro is being a six year old kid. Not that I don't like seeing Paro like that, but the timing sucks. Sanaya was continuously smiling in the bazaar. May be, I am used to seeing a very reserved Paro. Nevertheless, it was good to watch Rudra take care of Paro.

    It was Maithili's day today. Her scenes with Samrat and Mohini made the most impact. Mohini is a twisted lady. Not sure, if Maithili will be able to do anything against her. Let's wait and see.

    And now to the stalker.... Is Mala the person behind the stalker attacks on Paro? Read a post in IF that suggested the same. The track doesn't make sense to me, as the real stalker has not really come out.

  4. And the whole concept of Rukmani is messed up. Isn't Rukmani supposed to foretell a bad omen? Or have I got it wrong? Agreed she is like a support to Paro in distress. Still.....

    1. Hi Madhu-Mitha, your question regarding Rukmani, you are right her appearance usually foretells some or the other bad news or her appearance is followed by a bad event in Paro's life, this is clear/shown to us audiences but to Paro, she considers it to be her friend who helps her out of her turmoil. Hope this helps.

    2. Yep, Rukmini is a bad omen for Paro. The next storm is coming. What is worrying is that this time the butterfly earrings will stay with Paro. So does this mean her troubles will be long lasting this time?

  5. Thanks MB. :)

    - Madhumitha

  6. Thank you! Paro acts like a bit of an airhead sometimes, she was not so vapid in the beginning but now more and more is acting childish! Where is that strong intense Paro from the earlier episodes? This is not someone right now who is easy to connect with. I actually find it irritating :( which sucks because I really love Sanaya but even she said in an SBS segment about how naive and dumb Paro can be.
    Also Rudra's reactions to this stalker are as you said off as well, in general, the cast are not as creeped out by this stalker as they should be!
    The storytelling is just sloppy and rushed, it makes it hard to really connect to the current track. Why are they in such a hurry all the time? Just relax, have faith in your cast and take time telling the story giving due emphasis to all the feelings involved, it is these layers which make a story enjoyable to watch,
    sorry ranting mood today :(
    thanks again for a great take


    1. Kiran, just read a post on IF which listed the high turnover of directors' by name. They do not seem to last more than a few weeks each. This kind of discontinuity is bound to affect the show's presentation and resulting disconnect. Not much of a TV buff but watch the show purely for Sanaya. Hope to see her in a show soon that does her full justice!



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