Friday 28th September
Quick update: Am a bit nonplussed ... what happened here? No conditions, all past is left behind, Arnav wants to move on, he doesn't blame Garima, he only blames his dad ... somehow it all seemed a bit unreal. Seems some major reworking of tracks has happened almost overnight. Makes for a peaceful weekend, so I'm happy ... I thought I would spend the weekend fuming!
Good thing ... the wedding is completed with all riti rivaaz, pheras are done, Khushi is welcomed home as Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada.
Shyam twitches in impotent fury ... now that was fun!!
Dadi is dispatched back to her ashram ... after seeing Arnav's acceptance of Khushi ... even better.
Nani warns Arnav to be good to Khushi ... aww, I love Nani.
Anjali is thrilled for Arnav ... his happiness is most important ... some redemption for Anjali.
Mami gets some come-uppance from Payal finally.
Shyam twitches some more and installs a camera in Arshi's bedroom ... the man is a pervert!!!
So now what? Show ending?
When I first watched the episode on Thursday, I was left with a bad feeling.
When I did the update with the details of Arnav's flashbacks, I started changing my mind, but the last shot of the cold eyes of Arnav as he spoke to Khushi about nafrat, dard and jhooth overrode.
After watching Friday, I went back to Thursday's flashbacks and saw ... yes, the change had happened ... I hadn't put it together.
I said on Thursday that the flashback of Arnav's mother and the rose bush was very obvious, very different from the usual subtle storytelling that is the hallmark of IPK. I stand vindicated ... this is where the overnight track change happened.
So I repeat Thursday's flashbacks ...
Arnav's mom and the rosebush ... don't punish the innocent for the sins of the guilty. Sometimes we don't understand immediately what is right and what is wrong, but never hurt the ones you love, the ones who love you.
And Arnav's flashback of Khushi after that - don't keep me waiting today. His promise - No, I won't.
She is the one he loves, the one who loves him. Can he hurt her? Punish her for the fault of his father?
Flashbacks of the drive ...
The night Arnav died and ASR was born ... his father's betrayal, his mother's death, his Di's marriage broken ...
Khushi's advent in his life ... the times he put her in danger and then saved her ... punishing the innocent.
Their growing closeness ... the first person he could talk about his mother with - would his mother be happy? Teej, he broke her fast, her concern for him when he went missing, his worry for her when she went missing ...
Daadi's words briefly surface ... her maasi shattered his world ...
But Khushi rebuilt it ... she and he are meant to be ... the temple bandagement, the bangle break ... when she hurts, he hurts even more, he can't rest till he soothes her hurt ...
But he gave her the biggest hurt of all ... the forced marriage. Punished her for the sins of Shyam ...
Yet she never hated him ... the airport farewell ... the kidnapping, when she gave her all in trying to find him, save him ...
Conflict raises its head again ... which is bigger? The hatred for Garima? Or love for Khushi ... and Khushi's love and trust for him?
The last flashback ... when he thought Khushi died for him ... the flashback that sent him over the edge ...
The dead are gone ... but she is still there, she is alive ... he can't bring back the mother who left him, but he can make sure he doesn't lose Khushi ... because if he loses her this time, he may never get her back ...
The fire went out ...
Yesterday I said ... Arnav died, ASR returned. I stand corrected. (what can I do if tracks change overnight?
ASR died ... Arnav returned. Only for Khushi. Only because of Khushi.
Now moving on to Friday
Not much decoding or explanations required once Thursday is re-decoded
Married and lived happily ever after ... till the next dhamaka!
Starts with a repeat of Thursday's dialogue ...
I'm standing here today, only because of you ... where there is only pain, deceit and hatred ...
And Khushi stares at him, her worst fears coming true ... the change she saw in him when he entered, he is not the same man ...
She sways and almost falls ... he catches her ... and his face changes, softens ... yes, his decision is correct, because whatever happens, he cannot let this girl down ...
Khushi, by bringing me here, you've given me the answer to all my questions ...
Bringing him to a point where he had to stand and face his past, he had to stop running away from it ... he had to face it, mourn for it ... and then put it for once and for all firmly behind him ... and move on.
Khushi was right ... he is not the same man any more ... the black shadow of the past that always clung to him, darkened his life, is gone ...
His blood on her maang ... filmy
but effective ... his answer for the waiting family to see ... including one very frustrated Snakewa
who called instantly for reinforcements
... Creepwa, do you really think Dadi will be able to change Arnav's mind now? You are becoming as delusional as your wife!!!
I'm sorry, Khushi ... I got a little late in coming ... but I always had to come ...
And the family starts rejoicing ... Nani, Anjali ... Garima shows her heartfelt relief ... one last glance at Anjali, the other person besides him affected most by the haadsa, she nods vigorously, happily, encouraging him on ... yes, time to put the past behind them and move on with life ...
And he turns back to Khushi ... Khushi, I want to marry you ...I want to spend every minute of my life with you ...
And Khushi stares back at him, trembling happiness dawning again ... as she stands vindicated ... her love, her faith, her courage ... all led up to this one point ...
A heartfelt hug, sheer joy, love and relief in her face, peace and happiness in his ... as the entire family rejoices ... except for one fuming Snakewa again ... how much I loved his expressions today!!!
Khushi ... I knew you would come, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone ...
I told you ... I can't live without you ...
It all came down to this one truth, the biggest of them all ...
The tender loving wife surfaces ... as she caresses the wound on his forehead ...
Snakewa tries his best to sway his wife ... but loving sister is back, and she's not having any of it ... so many times in the last few days she's seen how utterly happy Arnav is with Khushi in his life, happier than he has ever been in the last fourteen years ...
Nani cautions him ... she's happy for him, but he should never do anything that might hurt Khushi in the future ...
I absolutely adore Nani ... what a Naani-saas she is!!! Exemplary ... outstanding ... perfect

Khushi shoots him a worried look, Garima also has a moment of doubt ... but Arnav is clear ... he wants to put his past behind him once and for all and move on ...
And he holds Khushi's hand and moves towards the mandap ... the past lies behind him, the future is there to look forward to ...
One last BFTP, which now turns into a WFTP - Whimper from the Past ... Daadi returns on Shyam's urging and tries to change Arnav's mind again ... stern, unforgiving ... have you forgotten her maasi is responsible for your parents' death? How can you ignore this truth?
The biggest truth is that I love Khushi ... there will always be thorns, but I can't hurt my rose because of them ... my mother tried to tell me that years ago, but it's only today that I understood it.
And he puts the blame squarely where it is due ... a married man, his father broke the trust of two women, and then couldn't face his sins and killed himself ... it was his fault and no one else's.
Glad to see blame for infidelity being placed where it is due ...
And good to see that elders can also be wrong, and be told off for it ...
Though I would like to see Dadi realise the error of her ways and especially how she has been played by Shyam for a fool.
Khushi tries to hold Dadi back ... well, that's Khushi ... it would have been surprising if she hadn't ... but Daai is as rigid as ever ... because of Khushi, she's lost her grandson ...
Errm, Dadi, because of Khushi? The entire family has accepted Khushi because they know her, your prejudices never allowed you to reach past your blinkered thinking and try to see the truth ... and you blame Khushi for losing your grandson? As blind as ever ... as blinkered as ever.
And Arnav is as rigid as Daadi ... Khushi, let her go.
Not even Nani tried to stop her
much to Shyam's fury ...
Arnav takes Khushi's hand again ... NK calls the panditji ...
Arnav and Khushi get married ... badhaiyan!!!!
In an atmosphere of love, happiness, joy and celebration ... the most awaited wedding of tellyland
Loved the way Arnav kept stealing glances at Khushi throughout the wedding ... and she at him ... Khushi's flashback of her words - our marriage isincomplete because we didn't have the pheras .... now her marriage is truly complete ... loved the hug after the pheras were done
Why was Mami so sour-faced all through?
Arnav and Garima's brief exchange was a bit off ... or maybe I'm looking for future tracks
Can Arnav really forget the past that easily? Or is this his momentary determination, the result of the hard decision taken and his determination to carry it through ... marrying Khushi was the most important thing ... the rest can be handled later.
Would love a conversation between Arshi later at night, when he tells her why he took this decision ... and if he includes a word or two about suspecting Dadi's motives, and not making the same mistake as he did with Shyam, it would be nice ...
A repeat grihapravesh ... Nani welcomes the bride ....
Mami makes some snide remarks about Arnav's happiness being most important for her ... Arnav silent, Khushi slightly troubled ... again, a sign of a new track? Too much happiness and sunshine is making me suspicious
A repeat carrying the bride ... wiping out the memories of the hatred of last time ... now filled with happiness and love ...
Itni bhi chot nahin lagi ki apni biwi ko utha na sakun ... hayyee
And they lived happily ever after ... The End ...
Oh wait, Creepwa is up to his tricks again!!!
Phew! Thank God! Otherwise I would have thought the show just ended
Quick update: Am a bit nonplussed ... what happened here? No conditions, all past is left behind, Arnav wants to move on, he doesn't blame Garima, he only blames his dad ... somehow it all seemed a bit unreal. Seems some major reworking of tracks has happened almost overnight. Makes for a peaceful weekend, so I'm happy ... I thought I would spend the weekend fuming!
Good thing ... the wedding is completed with all riti rivaaz, pheras are done, Khushi is welcomed home as Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada.
Shyam twitches in impotent fury ... now that was fun!!
Dadi is dispatched back to her ashram ... after seeing Arnav's acceptance of Khushi ... even better.
Nani warns Arnav to be good to Khushi ... aww, I love Nani.
Anjali is thrilled for Arnav ... his happiness is most important ... some redemption for Anjali.
Mami gets some come-uppance from Payal finally.
Shyam twitches some more and installs a camera in Arshi's bedroom ... the man is a pervert!!!
So now what? Show ending?
When I first watched the episode on Thursday, I was left with a bad feeling.
When I did the update with the details of Arnav's flashbacks, I started changing my mind, but the last shot of the cold eyes of Arnav as he spoke to Khushi about nafrat, dard and jhooth overrode.
After watching Friday, I went back to Thursday's flashbacks and saw ... yes, the change had happened ... I hadn't put it together.
I said on Thursday that the flashback of Arnav's mother and the rose bush was very obvious, very different from the usual subtle storytelling that is the hallmark of IPK. I stand vindicated ... this is where the overnight track change happened.
So I repeat Thursday's flashbacks ...
Arnav's mom and the rosebush ... don't punish the innocent for the sins of the guilty. Sometimes we don't understand immediately what is right and what is wrong, but never hurt the ones you love, the ones who love you.
And Arnav's flashback of Khushi after that - don't keep me waiting today. His promise - No, I won't.
She is the one he loves, the one who loves him. Can he hurt her? Punish her for the fault of his father?
Flashbacks of the drive ...
The night Arnav died and ASR was born ... his father's betrayal, his mother's death, his Di's marriage broken ...
Khushi's advent in his life ... the times he put her in danger and then saved her ... punishing the innocent.
Their growing closeness ... the first person he could talk about his mother with - would his mother be happy? Teej, he broke her fast, her concern for him when he went missing, his worry for her when she went missing ...
Daadi's words briefly surface ... her maasi shattered his world ...
But Khushi rebuilt it ... she and he are meant to be ... the temple bandagement, the bangle break ... when she hurts, he hurts even more, he can't rest till he soothes her hurt ...
But he gave her the biggest hurt of all ... the forced marriage. Punished her for the sins of Shyam ...
Yet she never hated him ... the airport farewell ... the kidnapping, when she gave her all in trying to find him, save him ...
Conflict raises its head again ... which is bigger? The hatred for Garima? Or love for Khushi ... and Khushi's love and trust for him?
The last flashback ... when he thought Khushi died for him ... the flashback that sent him over the edge ...
The dead are gone ... but she is still there, she is alive ... he can't bring back the mother who left him, but he can make sure he doesn't lose Khushi ... because if he loses her this time, he may never get her back ...
The fire went out ...
Yesterday I said ... Arnav died, ASR returned. I stand corrected. (what can I do if tracks change overnight?
ASR died ... Arnav returned. Only for Khushi. Only because of Khushi.
Now moving on to Friday
Not much decoding or explanations required once Thursday is re-decoded
Starts with a repeat of Thursday's dialogue ...
I'm standing here today, only because of you ... where there is only pain, deceit and hatred ...
And Khushi stares at him, her worst fears coming true ... the change she saw in him when he entered, he is not the same man ...
She sways and almost falls ... he catches her ... and his face changes, softens ... yes, his decision is correct, because whatever happens, he cannot let this girl down ...
Khushi, by bringing me here, you've given me the answer to all my questions ...
Bringing him to a point where he had to stand and face his past, he had to stop running away from it ... he had to face it, mourn for it ... and then put it for once and for all firmly behind him ... and move on.
Khushi was right ... he is not the same man any more ... the black shadow of the past that always clung to him, darkened his life, is gone ...
His blood on her maang ... filmy
I'm sorry, Khushi ... I got a little late in coming ... but I always had to come ...
And the family starts rejoicing ... Nani, Anjali ... Garima shows her heartfelt relief ... one last glance at Anjali, the other person besides him affected most by the haadsa, she nods vigorously, happily, encouraging him on ... yes, time to put the past behind them and move on with life ...
And he turns back to Khushi ... Khushi, I want to marry you ...I want to spend every minute of my life with you ...
And Khushi stares back at him, trembling happiness dawning again ... as she stands vindicated ... her love, her faith, her courage ... all led up to this one point ...
A heartfelt hug, sheer joy, love and relief in her face, peace and happiness in his ... as the entire family rejoices ... except for one fuming Snakewa again ... how much I loved his expressions today!!!
Khushi ... I knew you would come, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone ...
I told you ... I can't live without you ...
It all came down to this one truth, the biggest of them all ...
The tender loving wife surfaces ... as she caresses the wound on his forehead ...
Snakewa tries his best to sway his wife ... but loving sister is back, and she's not having any of it ... so many times in the last few days she's seen how utterly happy Arnav is with Khushi in his life, happier than he has ever been in the last fourteen years ...
Nani cautions him ... she's happy for him, but he should never do anything that might hurt Khushi in the future ...
I absolutely adore Nani ... what a Naani-saas she is!!! Exemplary ... outstanding ... perfect
Khushi shoots him a worried look, Garima also has a moment of doubt ... but Arnav is clear ... he wants to put his past behind him once and for all and move on ...
And he holds Khushi's hand and moves towards the mandap ... the past lies behind him, the future is there to look forward to ...
One last BFTP, which now turns into a WFTP - Whimper from the Past ... Daadi returns on Shyam's urging and tries to change Arnav's mind again ... stern, unforgiving ... have you forgotten her maasi is responsible for your parents' death? How can you ignore this truth?
The biggest truth is that I love Khushi ... there will always be thorns, but I can't hurt my rose because of them ... my mother tried to tell me that years ago, but it's only today that I understood it.
And he puts the blame squarely where it is due ... a married man, his father broke the trust of two women, and then couldn't face his sins and killed himself ... it was his fault and no one else's.
Glad to see blame for infidelity being placed where it is due ...
And good to see that elders can also be wrong, and be told off for it ...
Though I would like to see Dadi realise the error of her ways and especially how she has been played by Shyam for a fool.
Khushi tries to hold Dadi back ... well, that's Khushi ... it would have been surprising if she hadn't ... but Daai is as rigid as ever ... because of Khushi, she's lost her grandson ...
Errm, Dadi, because of Khushi? The entire family has accepted Khushi because they know her, your prejudices never allowed you to reach past your blinkered thinking and try to see the truth ... and you blame Khushi for losing your grandson? As blind as ever ... as blinkered as ever.
And Arnav is as rigid as Daadi ... Khushi, let her go.
Not even Nani tried to stop her
Arnav takes Khushi's hand again ... NK calls the panditji ...
Arnav and Khushi get married ... badhaiyan!!!!
Loved the way Arnav kept stealing glances at Khushi throughout the wedding ... and she at him ... Khushi's flashback of her words - our marriage isincomplete because we didn't have the pheras .... now her marriage is truly complete ... loved the hug after the pheras were done
Why was Mami so sour-faced all through?
Arnav and Garima's brief exchange was a bit off ... or maybe I'm looking for future tracks
Would love a conversation between Arshi later at night, when he tells her why he took this decision ... and if he includes a word or two about suspecting Dadi's motives, and not making the same mistake as he did with Shyam, it would be nice ...
A repeat grihapravesh ... Nani welcomes the bride ....
Mami makes some snide remarks about Arnav's happiness being most important for her ... Arnav silent, Khushi slightly troubled ... again, a sign of a new track? Too much happiness and sunshine is making me suspicious
A repeat carrying the bride ... wiping out the memories of the hatred of last time ... now filled with happiness and love ...
Itni bhi chot nahin lagi ki apni biwi ko utha na sakun ... hayyee
And they lived happily ever after ... The End ...
Oh wait, Creepwa is up to his tricks again!!!
Phew! Thank God! Otherwise I would have thought the show just ended
Koi mujhe chunti kaato please!!
ReplyDeleteHum aapke liye kantaa lagaa gane pe dance kar dhikaye ... Behtar hoga sapno ki duniya se nikal ne ke liye :D :D :D
Deletemujhe bhi Sandy...all thru out i was thinking, whats happening, is he playing a trick on the serial ending.....whats wrong.......then i remembered Shyamu....
Deletei think next two months, they'll wrap up and end it b4 Barun leaves
sandy, will u release ur Pm dabba...we are not able to send any Pms to u.....
DeleteSandy ,
DeleteAap mahaan ho :) SKD sach ho gayi ...from the Fall and Catch to the end of agni pariksha :) Woh kehte hain tha shiddat se maango to qayanaat(read CT ) jut jaati hai sach karne ke liye :)
Loved it ..finally ASR grows up...closure ..Please do not let Bitwa regress..that would be crazy :)
DeleteCamera se ajeeb khayal aaya - do not want to see that happen - Shyamwa morphing Khushi's pics to discredit her :( Isse acha serial khatam kar do..
Seriously someone needs to find those cameras - I want Khushi singing with family in chorus..
Aaj mausam hai suhana,
Shyam ko dhone ka hai bahana :)
what the !! what the !!! what the !!! :D
DeleteI love how at times the title in my head is the title of your post. I was thinking of the movie Ever After and will end my comment with some dialogues from it.
Yes there was no confrontation. But I guss there will be some explanations or soem talking on Monday. It was a bit sudden but if it is for keeps can I saw I am proud of this man Arnav Singh Raizada. Over the entire pre-wedding period he kept speaking of what Khushi meant to him, he absorbed her beliefs and her value systems, he saw why it made sense to him and he just kept getting deeper in love with her.
She on her part set aside her shyness and stepped up placing her belief in him, trusting his love for her and expressed her fears, her desires and even overcame some of her social inhibitions.
He always wondered why in the big wide ocean he fell for Khushi and he finally realized that at a place where one night the woman who loved him a lot and whom he loved a lot, when he finally went back to that place, his mother who was watching over him, knw the incompleteness of his heart sent him this butterfly which kept flying back to him. She gradually broke down the weeds around him, pulled down the creepers and let the sun in making him see the memories and lessons of yore hidden in the deepest recesses of his mind.
His learning has ben coming since that day at the airport when he forced himself away from her finally to come home to her today. It was not only about her leaving him or her marrying him but him spending each moment of his life with her, him marrying her. It was always about them both. He had in his anger always in haste hurt and later regretted but she had ended up bruised in the process. Yet each time she was with him, her eyes and soul only showed concern for him. She thought of him before herself.
He had told Dadi earlier too that in the past his Dad was at fault and today Shyam was. And when he came to know the woman was Garima, he realized not one but 2 generations of that family had suffered hurt at his family's hands. His father neevr thought of his mother and today he almost repeated it by not thinking of Khushi and getting angry.
I would beleive that from here on it will be Mohabbat Door Jaane Na De, yes there will be bumps and hurdles but the love is here to stay.
Yes I was stunned at the SKD(s) coming true. Yep allt thanks to R&R shiddats..Weekly shiddats are a tradition here :)
Babe aaj toh tum bahut khush lag rahe ho.
P.S: I am off balance because I was sure soemthing horrific would happen amidst teh happiness but then it did not - superstitious I had become, it all turned out for the best it seems (dialogues I will listen to aaram se and mull over them if needed over the weekend) Till then wishing Mrs Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada and Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada a life filled with love and trust
Coming to the movie Ever After, few snippets..
DeleteTagline: Desire. Defy. Escape
Henry and Da Vinci Scene1:
Henry: Do you really think there is only one perfect mate?
Leonardo da Vinci: As a matter of fact, I do.
Henry: Well then how you can be certain to find them? And if you do find them, are they really the one for you or do you only think they are? And what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never appears, or, or she does, but you're too distracted to notice?
Leonardo da Vinci: You learn to pay attention.
Henry: Then let's say... God... puts two people on Earth and they are lucky enough to find one another. But one of them gets hit by lightning. Well then what? Is that it? Or, perchance, you meet someone new and marry all over again. Is that the lady you're supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them were walking side by side were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first or, was the second one supposed to be first? And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?
Leonardo da Vinci: You cannot leave everything to Fate, boy. She's got a lot to do. Sometimes you must give her a hand.
Yes each of us writes our own destiny by making our own choices, thesituation, life gives us options and WE CHOOSE therefore we write our own destiny.
Harry and Danielle Scene 1:
Henry: [turns to face her] In all my years of study, not one tutor ever demonstrated the passion you have shown me in the last two days. You have more conviction in one memory than I have... in my entire being
Danielle: [Smiles at him] I am sorry. My mouth has run away with me again.
Henry: [smiling] No, me lady. It is your mouth, that has me hypnotized.
Leonardo da Vinci: I know that a life without love is no life at all.
Grande Dame (towards the end of the story):By then, the truth about their romance had been reduced to a simple fairy tale. And, while Cinderella and her prince did live happily ever after, THE POINT, gentlemen, IS THAT THEY LIVED
Have a Happy Life ArHi!! Cherish what you have at each step for every step of life brings new emotions, experiences, challenges and so much more. Realities change, truths change, facts change so always hold onto to the one unchanging fact taht will be your North Star, guiding you home when you are lost.....
DeleteYou have a calling in writing :) What do you do for a living ?
Love your writing too :) Beautiful diction and expression.
Delete*blush* calling in writing...I thank R&R :)
For a living I am an analyst in the IT industry. Mostly always reading between the lines ;)
Sandy, beautifully written!!!
DeleteI was also off balance after Friday. I guess we on R&R had been speculating so much on what could go wrong that we never thought that things could go right! But yes, the entire story after marriage, and especially after he came back after the kidnapping had been leading to this one point ... that he loves Khushi, he cannot live without Khushi, and that is the biggest truth of all. Everything else is secondary.
He tried to say it during Heer Ranjha - he couldn't.
He tried to say it at the cliff top when she almost died, even then he couldn't get the words out.
But when he was secure in her arms, and her love, then the words came easily ... don't ever leave me, because I can't live without you.
And when he remembered almost losing her, that was IT for him ... that was the LAST flashback before he banged into the tree ... the ultimate truth, the biggest truth.
And he said that in so many words. This time his destiny was firmly in his hands, the choice was with him ... and he made the right one.
what a googly... OMG... GUL mata ki jai ho..
ReplyDeletestill reeling in its effect
no conditions of amma or me, garima cleared ?? papa malik only at fault?
bitwa leaving the past behind ???
no peetal bartan ??
ye kya that aaj ??? huh !!!! Am i watching IPK ??
khodha pahad aur nikla chuha ???
but happy that the marriage was done only on the bases of love.
but the sadist in me thinks there is still dhamaka left .. I so want creeps thing to come out ... CV's ?? and anjali getting her brains ?
now atleast we can have chachaaji back ??
and oh I love you nani.. for the women you are ... knowing your grandson so well and warning him not to do anything wrong with khushi later ... asking him to think twice ....
Deleteok can sandy tell me what bitwa said to Dadi about his father and mom esply his mom commiting suicide?? missed that part ... was shocked with bitwa agreeing to marry her although i was sure he would but without condition applied is too much to be true ...
Aaru, i was holding my breath when they took the aashirwad, thinking now he'll refuse, but he dint even do that....
DeleteAaru he said "its his fathers fault ... he being married played with 2 women"
DeleteI guess its not yet about forgiving Garima ... its more of accepting the past ... because either ways his mom is not going to come back but accepting past will allow him to live with khushi every moment of his life .... which matters to him the most.
I loved how he had eyes only for khushi ... everything he said &only after they agreed to move on with marriage that he looked up at others to see them happy.
DeleteLoved Nani's quick reassurance to ASR - after all, she lost her daughter - and her acceptance of khushi was important to ASR unlike dadi's - not that bitwawould have stopped but i think he needed that support:)
Even after pheras as the fadeout happened - i was like don't tell me itis Kushi's dream :) lol over analysis ka side effe t
Sri tell me about it ... for a moment when different music started after pheras and they showed NK ... I was like NOOO but they immediately resumed happy wala BG ... ROFL
DeletePrecap was much needed to make people realize that this is not the THE END ... Picture abhi baki hai mere dost.
I think we will welcome MUs now so as to assure that show is not ending !!
DeleteI am just beginning to come out of the happy waala cloud I went into yday!!
On the Bitwa Dadi bit - I thot it was about her Qn to him, can you live your whole life with a woman whose maasi was the cause of you parents deaths? Can you take the saat phere with a girl whose maasi was the reason you and your sister became orphans?
It was to those Qs he had not got his answers when he left the garden. Answers which he could only get from Khushi. Because like with Shyam, this truth affected her and how she felt about them, this wedding after knowing it all mattered (she had then told him, aap ek baar humse pooch kar toh dekhte, hum aapko sab sach bataa dete). He had already forced hsi decision on her once and in teh result got hurt himself. This time he would not repeat that mistake. So he came back to her, bearing the burden of the hate, the pain and the deceit to ask her, now what knowing what we do on the day we were to get married?
Her eyes, always her eyes for him - the emotion, the tears, her worry and concern for him, her haq onhim thru her indignance at knowing he was late due to some accident and on his words that flicker of fear of losing him and her faltering BUT most importantly that seeing her faint, seeing her weaken his ability to still care for her, feel concern for her, gave him the answers to the Qs Dadi asked him - that yes despite knowing what he did, he would be able to marry her and live with her - because all that mmatered was He loved her dammit!! (he told Khushi this on the terrace and it came home to him finally!)
Well he still wants to forget and move on - he has not forgiven and buried it yet. Plus if I am not wring he has done a parallel in Khushi and Garima's case and so has Khushi because she just heard her amma saying she did not know the man was married. Where Khushi never loved Shyam, Garima I think told Dadi that she loved Arnav's dad though she did not know he was married - did VLR hear that? - so potential conflict issue still exists.
DeleteYou mean that he was still in the throes of deciding when he came back, and seeing her love, her worry and then seeing her faint was the tipping point? The final answer to all his questions ... that despite knowing the truth, he still could not see her in pain ... she mattered more than anything else.
I like!!! :)))
Khushi can understand Garima easily because she can see the parallels between herself and Shyam ... even Nani, wise lady that she is, would understand that Garima may have made a mistake, but the final call of committing suicide was her own daughter's, not Garima's ... she saw Garima's true penitence about the whole affair, and her desperate plea that she did NOT know he was married ...
Arnav-Garima ... scope for explanation still there, conflict? Maybe until the time he hears that Garima, like Khushi, had no idea his dad was a married man, so in that sense Garima might have reciprocated ... did that drive his mother over the edge? But his dad never admitted to an affair ... not from the fb.
I do want to get a completion of this story ... what exactly happened. Don't know if they will ever tell us, or just leave it half-baked as it is.
DeleteYep, when he left the garden he left with the words of how he was hurting the rose because of the thorns. All the way to the mandap it was a replay of that and then a replay of the times she worried for him, came looking for him and then the fear he had felt at losing her forever. He knew she trustd him and believed him to do right for her and she was waiting for him. He knew he could not live without her, but could he live with her without hurting her and himself?
At the mandap he steps back because he had just told NK that he was looking for answers to some essential Qns. Till then he was ASR, the man running from his past. But then seeing Khushi's himmat and belief finally faltering at his tone and perhaps refusal and his reaction to her confirmed to him that yes despite the dard, dhoka, nafrat he wanted to marry her and be with her because truth and false aside all that mattered was he loved her. He had a choice to continue to run from the past or choose to try and start forgetting it, let it go. (yep Heer Ranjha all over again. Also you realize it was a superb reversal of the Khushi breaking contract with him of aapke wajah se nahi, balki aapke bawajood bhi theek hain. Then she had marked him with her blood, today he marked her with his. There was a time when he told her you will come running into my arms and hug me and accept me as your husband and she did that today even though she walked on thorns and not petals. After the kidnapping he had said he trusted her and today he finally affirmed before all that he loved her. The 1st time he had said she would have to marry him, she would have to spend time with him but today he told her he wanted to marry her and wanted to spend his entire life with her. At that time it was still about his wound but today he also saw the wound she bore.)
Arnav and Garima - he has made his peace with the past for now because all that mattered was Khushi but he is not fully reconciled with his past. So far he was avoiding it, today he has faced it and now wants to forget it and move on but maybe the past is not wholly done with him yet. Because he is yet to come to terms with his mother choosing to leave them by committing suicide. So the feel that the past and ASR have one more encounter. Perhaps when Shashi get better? and an opening for Shyam's injustice to the Guptas ro come into the light completely. Because once Khushi knows of what Shyam did to her babuji, she will never be able to forgive him that moment on she will neevr let herself believe that he can be a better person.
Oh today everything is perfect ...reel and real both!!
ReplyDeleteIf not for the last scene I would have thought I crash landed in a different show. Hero using his brain ....garima at fault or not but Papa Mallik definitely at fault no doubt there. Wah wah wah.
Dia I hope you feel better today. No conditions ... Nani asking to think through .... Di approving whole heartedly .... Payal making her Saas make sense ..... Proper respect for Khushi ... Rightfully so. Bromance and a cutsie Payash. Cvs ne dil garden garden kardiya. Wow
"Itni bhi chot nahi lagi ke apne biwi ko uta na sakoon" hayyyyeeeeeee
Sama - really curious - real life perfect - wow - what happened - hope it stays that a ways :D
Deleteas for the epi - it was good - but i missed having more flashbacks - the happy romantics times from the begining - as they were going around the agni - we saw the heavy duty ones yesterday - wanted the happier lighter ones, the dia circle, unwrapping of lights, holi, HR, type one - well i at least had them running in my head :D:D:D
DeleteAbhi sab kuch dikha diya toh ... age kya dikhayenge ... abhi toh sab milkar inhe rokenge ge ke ... abhi abhi room pe nahi ja sakte ... kuch games khelenge along with Payash ... you no ArHi dreamland .. bohot kuch dikhata hai.
DeletePhere FB was to remind most that phere was what khushi wanted with mantra & family's blessing ... which she got. I liked Anjali recalling khushi first visit. Also this time it was Nani &Mami ... Elders of the family.
it does not take much for me to be in perfect bubble ... worse than Anjali's in certain cases i'm. din't have to stay out long hours after a long long time .. slept 10 hours straight .. made new drink which everyone at home loved. changed home decor again which all approved. yup life's perfect. MashaAllah :D :D
oh i so love it if i change the decor and everyone loves it - its such a high!!
Deletestay in your bubble - May Allah bless you-
thank you :D
Deletebig bear wala jhappi !!
I said yesterday....if all goes well, serial is ending. soon....
ReplyDeleteI am not a sadist but really were u only waiting for ratna's FB to drum sense into your head bitwa.....from 14 to 28 years in a flash........
The camera in Arnav's room and the live telecast in Shyamu's room was bit too much....please Cvs, cut out the crap....
rekhs that the track change they did for trp sake or for ending the serial with shyam's creeps and deeds coming out in open...
DeleteWe wanted BFTP and they gave now they will ask us to keep quit about it .. all is well in Arhi land ..
Now its going to be Arhi against Shyam, he trying to bring hurdles which in turm will make anji see the truth and by diwali she will turn the durga and get shyam out their life and then we can have happy ever after ..
that goes well with BS giving 2 months notice, payal quiting and a long list of show waiting for air time ..
that gives a good reason for todays change of tracks , Bitwa forgiving garima.. wed being the TRP day would have made them to change the whole thing.
yes.....thats what i said....if they have not focused on Arnav's past closure which would have been a track puller ,it means the serial is ending and Shyamu can be tackled in a month or so....
Deleteanyway gud...i always thot ek din it might become a "khoda pahad nikla chuha" situation..., this happens when u change tracks and storylines, chnage writers often....continuity ya link maintain karna mushkil hota hain....
at the end of it....Gul flattered to deceive....with the fourth promo to which many were attracted...that this past was a big thing by their accounts...then it fizzled on a fb on windscreen and an FB about rose and thorn..much ado about nothing i feel cheated? yes and no....
She did render beautifully a love story....i will say that...have never seen hate in love conveyed so beautifully ever.....
now with the shyamu will be like any other serial exposing a villain...been there done that....
Yeah before i sound like a ranter, i actually felt happy for these two lovely people....they deserved to be together...all this dimag to dahi was for that purpose only...
DeleteI was just didn't expect it to be so easy....thats all..i was awwing like a lovesicj all the glances that A was giving Khushi esp when she prayed at the mandap....
yes Gul gave a wonderful love story for us to cherish...... wish teh serial end smmoothly like this and no more twists.
Deletebut does the warning from dadi to be unnoticed?
Will K try to bring her back?
Will snake be revealed soon?
Rekha ... all that happened in this week was about character growth &growth in love story that we have been screaming about!!
DeleteAcknowledging true worth of Khushi ... everyone agrees past no past ... woh aurat or not ... Khushi is Arnavs true life partner. Khushi is Khushi of Raizadas !! Haayyyeeeee my IPK soul can RIP :D :D
Uff I loved Creepwa expressions. Loved Creepali!!
Aur Dadi ko kya dhoya bitwa ne ... better than air punches at hospital I say.
Yes Sama,
DeleteI should have listened to J, and spared myself the analysis ka keeda right now having a *sheepish grin*....they proved that reel life is like real life only....we don't have so much problems in real life so how can reel life have it....
I always thot the growth in the love story will cause him to make that transition from boy to man...just was taken aback with the build up to the past and end (it pettered off in a whimper.....tho maybe it was for the best) As dia said, no can live in the past for ever, for the dead....u have to live for the living
DeleteIt is better to end at a highpoint with a flash than fade out of TRPS and peoples memories - Barun cannot afford to let his image go south with the movie coming out - woh bhi consideraation tha na - so they had to keep him on the good side of the teeny boppers :) And if he's leaving they really did not have a choice - would be difficult to replace himas people are attached to the actors as much as the characters:)
Absolutely Sri,
DeleteI am always of the opinion that u can drag a love story and the very fact that the PH managed to keep us so hooked on to it for a year is great....for many IPK was a first exp of a soap...obviously, it had something special......ARHI was a story that i was drawn to just based on how it was promoted and the enigmatic storyline.Ofc Sarun took it to a level beyond imagination, they have carried the story on their shoulders for so a great job done really.....
Lets accept, conflict is a major part in love stories but all love stories come with a shelf life...else they become run-of-the-mill everyday life instances....then u r talking of a diff set of viewership...
on the flip side, addiction ka reason chala jayega...LOL
i meant u cant drag....
DeleteIf they do plan to wind up soon, they have given us a good ending and a happy marriage we can look back on after it's all over.
DeleteDon't think it will end so soon ... will go on till December till they tie up the last loose end, that's Shyam. After that, let's see.
And R&R will be here ... open for discussions on whatever strikes people's fancy :) I used to post on other shows as well ... now nothing catches my fancy. When IPK winds up, I will find some substitutes, or you all can suggest some.
I feel like an idiot, I was distracted soo much today. Surfing R&R and IF every 10 minutes, thought of all the possible scenarios. It was a VERY happy closure.
ReplyDeleteNow I am sure the show is going to end, they changed the tracks as BS wants to quit.
In a way good..end karna hai to acche se karo
So very happy to read/see "Allz well that endz well".... I do hope they plan to end serial soon. Storyline ko itna mat keencho ke sab bore ho jayein - give it a respectable end so that everyone can then move on to new pastures. I was getting very nervous reading about change in storylines,change in tone of fb, kernal's famous comments and BS quitting - total satyanas moment!
ReplyDeleteLoved every moment of today's epi.....I was expecting a Gul ki googly today, but this was a lovely surprise.... :)... such mein dil garden garden ho gaya...
DeleteSlight variation there..All is well that begins well :)
The story began with her falling in his arms under the ghosts of the past and then their relationship was riddled with nafrat and takraar.
Today the story began again with her falling in his arms under the ghosts of the past but here on their story will be one of mohabbat and takraar
What an episode.......all rumors, predictions are on trash.
ReplyDeleteHe didnt ask K to choose.
K did t run away from mandap.
Absolutely ... this is too good to be true ... I guess they are working on shyaam exposure along with maybe a twist in past in the form of chachaji ... whatever my mind had a closure today & I almost feel like a new story will start after 3 days just like LM said.ROFL
DeleteHi Sammymas !! :D
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletehi sama!!!
Deletenow left is Shamus exposure and Chachajis revelation....hmmm
dadi ko bhi mana karna hai na?
does Ks parents death related in anyways to malik?
My gutter mind!!!!!!!
But Baruns exit news, Two week entry of LM and wedding all indicates the end of show. The end in its best way with a good TRP. so better wish no more twists and turns.
What ever in heaven today. My Kushi got her respect in all ways. It was only love reflecting in todays episode.
DeleteOnly the stupid precap, yes it s trick by CV to hold the rumor abt ending the show.
(there is some connection problem and initial replies reflected more times)
Somehow, I felt something missing...... But guess it was good to get over with the addiction!
ReplyDeleteSappy there was too much drama last few days ... I only read WU din't get chance to watch still I feel weird ... for all of you it must be even weird feeling.
DeleteThat's all. It was good ... though I can totally could have done without a creepwa drama ... better should have shown ArHi entering their bedroom ... more of a TRP puller. Chalo chado ... dheere dheere sikhenge.
entering the bedroom would be a disaster for TRPs sama... the audience would be like, bachelor party was so hot, how can we switch the tv on for SR... so nobody would be tuning in for the 8pm telecast. (all the fans will tune in 11 pm of course!
DeleteArreh aap sab abhi bhi quit drama mein ulje huwe ho. Kitni baar sabne confirm kiya - 5 reliable source plus Barun himself against 1 not reliable source lately.
ReplyDeleteSP pagal hai jo they will send SaRun to UK & charge 350 pounds from people just for dinner if show is coming to an end right after!!
Deletethe love story has reached its fruition...from all accounts unless there is a unsavoury googly somewhere....phir toh baat hi alag hain..
U think i am jumping the gun based on the epi today..If ARHi are together, then the only hardship they can show is the shyamwa expose and at the most a real background on past...absolving G....which again means that ARHI are in together and fighting it...which will make interesting doubt and TRPsense too but what after that..
will they slip into showing Arnav and Khushi settling into marital bliss...almost domesticated, teej tyohar, karva chauth, pooja and artis like all other couples in other serials, ASR ki kuch toh izzat bachaye rakho...bas mummy papa bolna hi reh gaya..
Its not about BS or anyone quitting.....i am talking about the track here...thats all..I can ofc be wrong becos i am never right.....Gul always manages googly better than the Indian spinners for sure....
arreh not to worry ... shyaam exposure ... uske bich mein Dadi ki galat fehmi dur dal denge .. and while dur karing GF they realize that past has more to it. tension nah lein aap ... ajke liye be happy that we get a weekend after long long time without any emotional attyachar.
Deletewese at the end of private marriage they had apna SR. Official SR ki preparations chal rahi hai .... IF ke khabotris ne info drop kiya hai !!
First of all, Shwetha, WOW! You really are a genie.
ReplyDeleteI mean WOW!
The perfect wedding- ASR and KKG both retained their credibility, which really is the perfect ending. These two really deserved it.
This is the conclusion I came to, after thinking about what just hit me on the screen during the 20 minutes of IPK today, not my initial response.
ANTI CLIMAX- this was my first response.Because if this was the ending they had in mind, why did they not do full justice to the wedding track? Why did the consummation have to happen one night before the wedding? Really makes no sense.
And why did Garima keep AD’s photo and look at it with regret and not anger, if she was to nod her head to everything that ASR accused his father to be- he cheated both the women, that is that. If he is a cheat, why is she keeping his photo?
When is Payal and GH coming to know that K had not ran away and got wedded, he had blackmailed her in to it? They could’ve still retained respect for ASR once he apologized for it (lo! I bet that is coming up next week in a goody goody way, pretty straightforward, like today’s episode was- in fact, too straight forward. Yes, I was prepared for marriage, but such a happy ending, no- and I did not expect the dialogues to be so filmy either- too cheesy- I hope I am not hurting anyone’s feelings, but there was no moment to cherish there- not because of the climax, but because of the WAY it was wrote and shot.)
For a split second, yes, I did wonder if IPK was ending…and they lived happily ever after…
But then the pre-cap came- Shyam with his favorite pastime.
I think I kind of know where this is leading to. Anjali or NK will find Shyam, the peeping Tom and he will be ousted next. Anji will become the white Anji, redeemed at last. SILs bonding…
After that Khushi and Payal will go about winning mami’s favour and soon after K will pacify dadi and reconcile her with her grandson…What happens after that? Shyam comes up with some new trick …Where is the love story? ASR will support KKGASR through all this…
Do I have a problem with all these?
Do I have a problem that so many Qs will be unanswered?
Do I hate the CVs because I feel they gave an anti climax, purely because it was not written well?
Am I mahaan?
Have I gone crazy?
Well…err…Arhi- crazy, that I am, still.
Basically I am writing this to show my deep appreciation to the CVs.
DeleteShwetha, Rekha,
I got to see the LM message minutes before IPK aired.Reading that, along with Kernel’s post (Really, god bless that kernel person for giving us so many insights into how the story gets changed- that is the only reason you have all escaped a major rant from me!), I feel this.
LM said, 3 more days to go and then on to a new show. Kernel did confirm that LM is not there permanently. But I was wondering, there is no new show airing in any of the channels on Monday. So did he mean IPK itself?
Fri, sat, sun, b y Monday we have a new show? A change in the story? That is what Kernel promised too.
Dipping trps? Comparison to other shows? Fandom criticisms? PR problems?
All of the above, probably.
So now I’ll never say the CVs cheated me out of the story, because they bowed down to public demand. It looks like they’ve decided to stick on to time tested paths in serial duniya. Even then, I KNOW this team will create magic.
I KNOW this because I switched off the TV half way into the behena serial, AGAIN!
Today was the most interesting track they had till now- bachelorette party- there were some cute dialogues (WOW by behena stds)- the sister choosing her husband as the person she wants to be with every janam-really cute- and saying her sister will always be a part of her, but the bandhan with her husband is something even death canot take away- today’s IPK did not have a single dialogue to compare with this.Yet, I switched off when a stupid dance sequence with 4 men covering themselves with duppatta (so abvious) seemed to confuse the heroine- that was it!
ONLY IPK FOR ME, through thick and thin…for the team effort, the actors and the CVs.
BRING IT ON…the new season…the new show!
I wondered if we’d call this black Friday, if the wedding did not happen, instead, I’d like to call it a blank or bland Friday- the IPK looked bland only in comparison to the previous epi, never in comparison to the other so-called hit serials.
How can I not predict, even if they don’t come true.
What is Shyam trying to achieve with that camera?
Prove that they did not have consummation the first night and so when she becomes pregnant, he can say the child was conceived out of wedlock? lol.
Seriously, WTH is he planning to do?
Tells, tells, puleej! Eagerly waiting for Monday…
And a big CONGRATS to ASR and KKG- yippee…they are married.
Celebration time, gals!
Su....u said exactly wat i have in mind..a marriage that i am happy about when i think, as if someone of my family or close friend is getting married...i was clammy today half past three here..just wondering what ASR would say today and was praying that K must have her dignity intact and prayed for ASR to keep his image as well...
Deletethe funny thing both the things i prayed for happened...and then i was left wondering if am I watching some other serial...i don't watch any other serial becos like u, I can't look past ARHI
AM I MAD? ofc i am.....I HAVE TO BE!!
The actual reason for my mood to be bad is not ARHI, India lost the match to Australia very badly.....i am sore loser as u can see....LOL
Deletehugs, yaar.
I am not in a bad mood. Just a little sad, actually for Gul,, it must have broken her heart- to be not able to tell the story the way she wanted it...or whoever worked hard for this serial...I want to hug all of them if they've beeen disappointed by any of our negative comments.
I really hope the serial is not ending and that they will do justice to the future track, it can be like watching Arjun (pretty OK) and better because we love the leads...but still, why was the wedding so lack lustre?
That was simply not fair.
OK. chup. NO RANT this weekend. Yeh weekend Arhi ke naam (as are all other weekends!)
Atleast no drama tugging at my heart and like so many of us felt, addiction thoda kam ho jaayega.(Can't stop asking, WHY?)
Yes, actually i kinda ranted at gul in my post above but u r right, i actually feel bad that Gul has not been able to tell her story the way she wanted to for n considerations,
DeleteThere have been times when the story was dragging, i used to say, Please GuL come and share ur vision with us, even if u r going to read it out on frm paper...somehow even that would have been so moving in my opinion....
It only proves one thing...telly serials are not people like wonder my last serious tv viewing was Astitva....years ago..yes i have enjoyed surfing channels for a half hr slot, which has been my tv viewing time on entertainment channels all these years....bhule bhatke IPK mein aa regrets at all, enjoyed every bit of that time, due to that found R&R, this place, where i 'met' like minded people that i have done so much bak bak with...
IPK ka addiction nahin bhi raha R&R ka nahin jayega......
Am trying very hard to watch the epi as a normal viewer - not a R&R citizen - someone with no IF or R&R info on who is leaving - change in tracks etc etc - and here is my verdict
ReplyDelete- ok - so the hero had to come - of course - perfect - after all its a love story - so all hunky dory!
But - why is anji all of a sudden so cheerful all over again? a few hours of crying and she is back to being the sickly sweet one - Nani was always pro KKG - so that was fine , even mami accepted the wedding for ASR but kept her anger intact- Anji was all grin grin grin???
- and ODB actually touched Garima's feet - ok that was a but over the top - not expected
- payal says to mami - accept us both
- So in short - had i been a casual viewer, even i would have said - oh the serial is ending - infact the last shot was the perfect ending! (except for VLR issue!)
- So Sama - the precap was again on VLR to say "kahni abhi baki hai meray dost!" - otherwise all is done :D
- And Shwetha - you were very right - it was BDs yesterday - that's why all KKGs shots did not have a MG and as soon as ODB came in the same frame the MG was hanging clearly in full view - even before the wedding!
oh and forgot to add - of course we are feeling like the balloon just went pusssss -
Deleteyou see, we at R&R took the discussions to such a level that even though we wanted ASR to grow up and grow up now! we did not expect such instant gratification - he did grow up but so quickly, in one epi - it got us go "aree????"
so basically a 'good' serial with amazing leads and perfect chemistry was made into a 'classic' coz of R&R - coz of Dia & sandy & shwetha & opti & Rekha & Jaya & Aaru & Sama & Gargi & Geetu and all the rest...
isleyan we went - itni jaldi yah kya ho gaya - we had expected another full run of ASR growing up in the next few months aur yeh to itni jaldi samajh gaya!! so it pays to be the miser who cant afford airbags in his car!
me - i am happy - i did not want any more suffering - i wanted them together - Good - only disappointment - i wanted a better , more dhamakedaar VFTP - this one was justr pheeka!
DeleteAnjali always wanted the best for Chhote- was jumping up and down during the wedding track, na. If chhote can forget his past, why should she have a problem?
Her world is perfect now.
Chhote and Khushiji
Shyamji and herself.
Sweetie, very soon I believe we will not be asking any more kostens: it will all be spelt out clearly- clear monologues, clear dialogues, clear tracks...IPK on demand!
"for the people, by the people."
Hail democrazy!
(Actually I am feeling better now that you brought Anji up- will not be, next week if I have to put up with more of Shyam and Anji rubbish....Grrrr...There, I am back in IPK mode)
This too shall pass...
"for the people, by the people."
DeleteHail democrazy! - hahaha - good one
Su ... I, for one, will be disappointed if "very soon I believe we will not be asking any more kostens: it will all be spelt out clearly- clear monologues, clear dialogues, clear tracks...IPK on demand!" happens....the subtlety, tasteful and magical presentations, the clues embedded in scenes and Gul's googlies were part of IPKKND's magic which has me hooked through and through...Hope that part does not change (incl. ARHI, of course!)
DeleteI am trying to put up a brave front here, to be honest.
What you just described brought tears to my eyes...I used to wonder what will happen one day when the serial ends.
I guess it is a step by step de-addiction. But I trust the CV's magic- kuchh to rakhaa hoga, yaar.
Something different.
IF is predicting a googly, I don't have hopes for it. Let us see what they have in store. It cannot be bad, I hope the execution is better than today's.
Feeling better.
Yep, I agree with Aki, the subtlety in IPK was what drew me to it ... that' why we could discuss possibilities ... can you discuss possibilities in lamp and wick? Or behna? You KNOW Maanvi will recover from cancer, you KNOW Sandhya will save the world from the terrorist ... I haven't seen any other promos so I don't know about other shows ;)
DeleteI hope CV's manage to retain some of the magic ... am willing to wait and watch. The execution has always been patchy, brilliant interspersed with nonsensical ... part and parcel of a daily soap. But if we get gems like the guesthouse scene, the first apology, rescuing the pigeons, Khushi's resignation, the stars scenes ... oh, so many more ... I can sit through the rest.
Sorry guys but I agree with Dia...
ReplyDeleteIm really glad it worked out but felt a major disconnect as a viewer. How'd we go from the dead look of accepting his abandonment to let's all move on from my dead parents and let me marry Khushi..?
Hmmm ... Serial is definitely ending!! Lol
Anyway still enjoyed the episode...:-) especially that last line... My fav bit - itni Bhi chot Nahin lagi hain ki apni biwi ko na Utha pauu;-)
DeleteIf the serial was ending, the wedding would have been done better, or the after- rituals more elaborate?
What about games?
On monday?
Guess you could be right, slowly ending...may be over 1 or 2 months. I guess the wedding itself will be better on rewatch.
agreed Gargi - we all did - and like i said - even if i try to watch as a non R&R person- i still get the feeling that the show is ending - hence ODB being ok with teh past to the extent of taking blessings from Garima???
DeleteAnd like i said yesterday - had ODB reached this decision on his own - with his own flashbacks - his fear of loosing KKG - it would still have made sense to me - it was a typical IPK thing - build up a perfect plot (like Holi/HR/Kangan/ etc etc) and then go phusss - so if he had understood her worth on his own i would have been really happy - now to it was his mothers very clear words - dont blame or hurt KKG! - like i said teh male lead in SP serials are not allowed to think - they can only mouth what one of teh females leads have told them!
they might go on till VLR is exposed but the main story is over - the remaining is just the closing scenes - unless they do a complete googly and bring back some more BFTP
it never was a classic - R&R made it into one!
Delete"it never was a classic - R&R made it into one!"....gud one mona.....dil behlane ke liya khayal achha tha....
mona, dont say that.. see the faraq padtha hai track once again.. it was indeed a classic. yes, they had streaks of spectacular failure, but the serial is definitely worth it.. from my pov.
DeleteJaya - i love the show too - it is definitely better than anything on TV (probably one of the top serials ever made on SP) - but what i was saying - all said and done it was a simple story - a M&B style story - adn all our discussions/ comments /talk made it sooo much more interesting - R&R was the cherry on the IPK cake!
Deleteof course! no two minds about that :D
DeleteI couldn't watch it properly...AD intervened..but watched enough to see they got married, bitwa was too smiley, KHOON bhair maang *hai re nandkishore*, Bitwa is okay with Garima without her telling she was duped *HOW, WT*.
ReplyDeleteSuddenly everything very know they changed it all on wednesday after the trps Came, but couldn't they have shown a decent argument between Dadi and Arnav and Garima telling Arnav, she was duped and kept the pheras on monday?
Pata nahin yaar, I just want to say Ajeeb very ajeeb.
Anyway, they got married, bit of a damp squib..maybe it is my AD effect dunno.
Su: Believe me I was soooooooo happy when you said WOW to me, except I have no idea what I did,lol. Dimaag ka fuse ud gaya hai.
*WARNING, Rant ahead and blame it on my AD cynicism*
Kernel G IS GAUTAM HEGDE. And he basically by telling us it is OUR baby that from now on you are going to get what you want, so any screw up is on Our aka audience head. We wont take any responsibility from now on.
Don't get too impressed by it, folks.
Don't feel too sympathetic towards Gul either, fact is they blew it when they had the chance to tell their own story. Barun ya no barun, they messed with Khushi's character, Messed up all major confrontation moments, created such a PR mess that people got sick of it, Took audience for granted, insulted the audience too.
When I made the ulta decoding post in the afternoon, I Really felt very sorry for them, they needed the numbers, their lead guy was being targeted and what not. They were being targeted left right and centre.
Now I don't. Once again they gave into pressure at the wrong time. Even if they had to...they could have handled it better.
There was no need to tell anyone tracks were being changed and shirk responsibilities for their indecision and lack of faith in their product or their abilities.
Once again execution failed when it mattered most.
Sorry folks for such a negative post.
I am happy for Arnav and Khushi, but do feel slightly let down by it all.
Once again sorry people for being such a spoilsport:(
Maybe I will feel differently on Monday when I rewatch it.
Agree with you Shwets - they had the chance and they blew it - they always built up a climax but never could bring it to fruition! - i agree they should have shown reserve on his part - some distance- him touching her feet was a bit too much for me - like nothing EVER happened!!
Deletethey did mess up ASRs character - did not let him grow and then all of a sudden - made him a mahan atma???!!! - so ofcourse we all felt the disconnect
even if they have to end - they have a couple of weeks - ASR marrying KKG now and slowly accepting Garima - or at least asking her her side of the story was so needed - (even by me who did not want a separation or a broken KG!) it felt like the CVs had had it with everyone wanting to leave - so they said - challo aaj hi khatam karo kissa!
Gargi - if you have any sources - do find out what the hell happened behind the scenes??
Oh no not a spoil sport at all ... These feelings represents most of us as we were watching the episode today but we at least me ... I want to shove it off cause somewhere my mind now had a closure with ArHi ... can I be a normal viewer who will watch few and leave few just like I did with other serials ... I think I can safely say "I can". Though I felt bad for not able to watch last few episodes ... I din't get crazy over it as I used to do before.
DeleteThey could have controlled Garima part. Yes I am trying to come to terms with it but I need time types would have made sense. Rest was fine. Anjali is gone case. I forgive her just cause I got to see Creepwas frustration. That was epic.
Wasie, did GH ask us and make the miscarriage track or did he ask us when he made Khushi bring Shyam back. Did he ask us how his hero will grow up suddenly after watching FBs....
DeleteAb pachtay hot kya jab chidiya chug gayi khet.....
Phangirls will not be able to see anything other than camera angles in the love scenes of Mr and Mrs Raizadas...kis baat ke liye khush ho rahe hain? welcome to SP serial world.....
Wese Jainesh is out of the camp ... Ved Raj is back. Is that a good thing or bad.
DeleteTekha this had to happen ... they are in business and they had to come down to normality ... do you think more days of such high pitched would have survived viewers ... I am glad they are trying there level best to find a premises were they can keep resemblance to their story as well as the daily soap world.
whatever turn IPK takes trust me it won't be a TRP garner show of 3.8 that pass "teesre dhakan" talk as kidney stone. Bas.
Oops ...Rekha *kan pakad*
DeleteI mean me ne apne kan pakde.
DeleteNote to self: Read twice before posting.
Again u may think i am clutching at straws but i have seen the epi with a microscope...certifiaby ARHI mad...koi mujhe pathar se maro....
DeleteWatch the scene when Mami is giving gift to Khushi and being rude....Khushi almost looks to Arnav for stating her position....Arnav had a strange exp or rather he does not react...Khushi is almost is the first time where she expects something from Arnav....i don't know what is the reason...but the scene was odd on first view, on second view and third view...(mad ain't i)
Girls, is there a googly in store or am i faltu ka building hopes?
DeleteYaad karo:
"MY SUPER DUPER SKD DIALOGUE...Sometime later, when they are alone:
Khushi; Everyone said you will not come.
Arnav: Where else would I Go, I had to come for you. Aaana toh tumhaaray paas, tumhare liye hi tha.":
You got WOW for this, sweetie genie.
WOW to you too!We are both back in ARHI madland at the same time. Read my post below.
Hoping against hope...
Some news from Priya
Delete1) Do not miss the next few episodes
2) Tracks have changed
3) Spicy new track - don't ask what it means
4) New promo soon
5) Real SR!
well pick your take ... "change is one constant fact"
hai na .... Jhappi.
Sam bittu...tension mat le....typo ke liye kya kan pakad and all that...chill..
DeleteSama...Shoud we be happy or should we me cautiously optimistic or is that another kekta kind of twist that one dreads?
DeletePriya ki news, so i am being cautiously optimistic....i do love the different angles she views the track it has to hopefully be something to look forward to....
Now, who is Priya? Spoiler girl?
DeleteGood news, Sama- in fact the best news ever!
Oh she is Crooner girl.
Deletehers not spoilers but broad overview of upcoming track.
How does she know? Any idea?
DeleteAnd how often she comes out with these overviews?
Shweths / Rekha,
DeleteMy PM box is khaali..I keep forgetting.
And I refuse to comment on that PMSing forum. I am happy at R&R.
ANd nahiiiii Shweths me and a FF, paagal ho gayi hai kya??
No Priya from Crooner's post On IF...
DeleteSu, also watch two other scenes of today....carefully...
1) Arnav to Dadi....."Kaaton ne humesha takleef di hain lekin...."
2)Arnav to G" Acha hoga agar past aage se hamare khusiyon ke beech na aaye"
ofc he did say other things that negated the effect of these words but they can be taken in a diff context as well....
DeleteAre we both going mad?
I can see it, I don't want to believe it.
DeleteWhen I heard him say that to Khushi, I was like OMG Shwths said this.
I hear you and Mona, and it was shocking to see ASR forgive that woman. But if all is above board, I would think, he has burnt in that anger for 14 long years and in the bargain accused her daughter of the very same crime and one she never committed. And this time round he has seen how it was the man's fault so it just reinforced his dad's doing. Plus Dadi by showing him the photo again implicated his Dad.
Well perhaps the story was meant to go another way and teh intensity petered off but I guess all of us at least I was finger crossing for a happy ArHi shaadi, one where this girl gets her dreams come tru and I got it. SO for tonight I am going to just hold onto that thought. Tomorrow is another day :)
Basically, I am trying not to get dragged in to this thought because like you said, he said other things- kind of absolved G of all the guilt, said his dad had wronged her too.
DeleteAnd G nodding her head happily to it- ooh! someone hit me!
Ab monday kuch nahin hua toh....R&R ki ladkiyan humein yahan se bhaga denge ....Please Dia...maaf karo....
DeleteAs it is, I told my hubby that IPk is probably ending soon....he said "phew" like a Thank G exp......kitne din se pagal biwi jhel raha hain, bechara......must be thankful of getting a reprieve from the bitiya-bitwa puran.....which i insist on telling whether he wants to listen or not.....
I also felt that by realizing Khushi was the flower whom had been crushed due to his hate for the thorns, similarly Garima too would have suffered.
DeleteI wonder if they will show us some indication of what his decision in this context 14 years ago was - or had he like Dadi sad, chosen to mark his Dad guilt then to of deceit and betrayal and only had a minor anger for the other woman? Hence was it easy for him to fogive Garima given what he had already seen of her nature.
One thought that pauses me here is he chose to forget his past and did not want it to come in between his happiness - of getting married to Khushi, of having her in his life, in his home. But has he not totally forgiven Garima? Has the rest of the family forgiven them? Did they just keep silence today to not hurt any more the girl whose wedding day it was, who had had a horrific day, who had waited by the havan for her prince charming. Had they all paused and set the pain asude or have all of them truly moved on like they all were telling each otehr since the past few days, especially Nani, Arnav and ANjali? WIll this angle open up again later? Maybe. I will wait to see.
Maybe not. It was ust a test, A fierce test needed for the lovers to test their relationship and see clearly what mattered to each of them.
They anyway have the next hurdle in teh form of the enemy who had gained entrance in the house. Arnav is clear of his stance on him whereas Khushi thinks the snake may have become more humane. Potential conflict in their beliefs and practicality in seeing the world.
"I told my hubby that IPk is probably ending soon....he said "phew" like a Thank G exp"
Sandy ... me too thought the same not forgiving but accepting the fact that past cannot be changed and khushi is too important to let anything come in between. Both ASR & Raizadas knows how much Khushi means in their life.
Anjali and Nani together witnessed Khushis heartbreak & atoot bishwas .. how can a sis not feel happy for his brother to have such a Gulab in his life no matter if it comes with kaante ... & here they do know kaanta is the non pricking kind.
Aiyyo ... after a long long time I actually defended Anjali ... Mera kya hoga :P
DeleteI think it is the thought of the story ending that is causing more angst than anything for most...its almost like bidai - happy the girl got married but sad that she's leaving home - its a big juncture - the endof the love story and the begining of a family story for the serial too :)
I was very happy with the episode - the way he told Dadi off that her son was to blam - he explicitly made his dad the kaanta in that little story - and absolved Garima of all blame..Khushi in the same role with Shyam and all the fbs have had to pull that parallel it makes logical sense...I did have my cynicism raise its head when he said past ko beech mein na aane de - does he mean stay out of our lives ? but then though he very clearly said hum and hamari khushiyon not , main, meri I think it was clean closure ..acceptance that neither he nor Garima can change the past.
Even that Mami scene - I think it was more displeasure at Mami's reluctance but then he also understood that she needs time.Mami has been on his side all the time - he cannot just diss her like he did Dadi and he knows while she is sharp on the outside she cares for him :)
Anji too - for once I did not find a problem with her - while she was desolate at finding out about Garima, she never wanted the marriage to stop - she even stopped mami from spouting her vitriol in her own whining manner... so her happiness for Chote and Khushi ji was genuine :)
Yeah the growing up of Arnav was abrupt and needed maa's advice - but I think it was long overdue anyway - seedhi ungli se ghee nahing nikla to Cupid #2 Dadi aa gayi :)
Story aage kaise badhate hai , that is for the CVs but I sure hope they do not make ASR do a U-turn in any fashion - uski bachi -kuchi izzat bhi jaayegi :)
With Shwetha here, I do not feel sorry for the CVs that they are unable to tell the story they wanted to- they brought it on themselves. If they cannot tell a story grippingly and lose their viewership , that is their problem not the audiences's.. Show audience ke liye bana rahen hai - apne liye banana hota to independent film bana lo :) If you want audience to spend 2.5 hours a week watching this , you need to make it worth their time :)
@ Mona...As far as I know the serial will go on at least till December. The channel takes some time to develop a new show and ideally IPK should have at least 400 episodes and if the Creatives are in this period of time able to come up with a strong track it can get extended again.
DeleteThe way Indian telly works channels prefer to keep a show running on air rather than a new show. They want to get as much as possible out of a show. A new show is another huge investment of time, money and effort.
My point I think IPK will be on till at least December
gargi, i agree. the show was initially slotted for 500 episodes.. but if barun has served his two months notice, the best they can do is 400 episodes.
Deletei know they may be just rumors, but i am thinking about the story here.
i agree with dia.. the change in track came with the momma's advice flashback. when the CT issued notice that the track has been changed and all that, i think it was an apology to the symbolism analyzers.. because they did indeed give symbolisms , and they had a track in mind, but the constantly changing members of the CT and the dipping TRPs have made it impossible to keep to the original storyline that extends till 500 episodes.. and seriously, if that was the case, then i think i like the apology.
of course, i am making a lot of assumtions here, and we all know what LM said about assumption :D
@ Gargi - oh i agree its not ending as in right now - (thought the last shot could well have been the ending!) - but the story as we know it - the nafrat into love story is over - the next tracks will have a couple fighting the odds not individuals fighting the odds to become one - me ok with that - me happy they are together!
DeleteIf the last three months, Oct - Dec have Arnav-Khushi together fighting the Creepwa and cementing their own relationship, with their usual dil-vs-dimaag fights, I will bid farewell happily in December. Always supposing Arnav DOES get his dimaag back, and not merely claims to have one! ;)
DeleteBut let's stop jumping the gun here ... why are we in such a rush to wind up the show? So far there is no news that it's even under the scanner ... and even if Barun is leaving, that doesn't mean they will wind up the show, this is a question of people's livelihoods here, they won't wind up an entire show just because ONE actor is leaving. They will try to retain him given his popularity, they will try to find a replacement ... leads have been replaced in Pavitra Rishta, in Kuch to Log Kahenge, in SNS and the shows are still going on ... agreed, their heroes/heroines were nowhere near as popular as Barun, but PR was running for almost THREE YEARS when they changed the lead, and the guy WAS very popular ... he's trying his luck in BW now and has gotten a better deal than Barun has.
So bottom line, they will NOT wind up even if Barun leaves. They will change plots, story lines, maybe give a leap, and keep it running for as long as they can. Only if it sinks after the changes will they wind up. Which it might - given that the major draw is Arhi/SaRun ... but not right now.
I have one kosten.
ReplyDeletePlease bear with me.
Why did NK tell nanav that he has to ‘look happy’ on his wedding? (I think there was a dialogue like that.)
I was totally lost after watching the epi, the same feeling I had at the end of the kidnap track. And it took me few hours then also to realize this:”picture abhi baki hai”- there was more to the VLR drama than slap gate- the fact that it was not enough to convince Anjali- it took me a while to process that thought back then.
And today again, a SIMILAR situation, an ANTI CLIMAX , the biggest Q on my mind was, why was the wedding not perfect? And why did NK say that? Nanav, you have to look happy.
He was not looking HAPPY, pleasant, yes. Could it have been that he was tired?
But K was chirpy, why was ASR not beaming?
And why did NK SAY it? I mean, why a perfect dialogue for an imperfect episode?
Could it be?
He is a gentleman- a man of his word, aware of his obligations, tormented between hatred and love- took maa’s advice- accepted the rose in spite of the thorn, in the right spirit- nani asked, will you make sure you won’t hurt her- he will not hurt her , cannot hurt her- but why is the smile not there? Has something changed, in spite of him trying his best? DID A SMALL PART OF HIM DIE?
Don’t raise your hopes on this, girls, I am just so happy that I am back to asking kostens…
And OFC, the first kosten I asked in my post above.
What is VLR trying to catch with that camera? Saale saab’s expressions? His real thoughts?
Wants to know if there is any scope of one more rift? One more emotional opportunity? He will never stop trying.
Heh heh... I am definitely feeling better. Call me mad if you want, because I am grinning!
"What is VLR trying to catch with that camera? "
DeleteSu you really want answer to this, eh ?!?!?
You still did not get the kosten, he definitely DOES NOT want to see SR- it will only break his heart.
just saw an episode of BALH- and must say was quite satisfied - i saw an epi last week and was fuming mad at this stupid woman crying by her sick husband and apologizing to him for having gone missing for 5 years - but i found it unforgivable that she hid that he was a father - was really happy to see that RK is actually fuming mad at his wife and doing everything to get his daughter back!- best part - he cut his mom and friends to size - said - mom you left me - i did not leave my kid so dont come in between - found it really nice to see a male lead with a clear stance, a head and guts!
ReplyDeleteoh they are showing proper reactions without any interference by younger sister ... wow gotta watch next week then ... I really liked RK ... Their SR killed it for me. Stopped watching after that .. watched few minutes here and there.
Deletei just saw it one episode last week - and i was like "seriously this woman deserves to be scolded - not RK going all gaga over her and i liked it that he was angry" Yesterday's epi was interesting - ab puraney episodes dekhney parengay!
Deleteoh ok I saw few minutes last week where younger sister is all scheming mode to not let priya di take away her life .. something that sort!!
DeleteDid the younger sis marry RK?
If so, this is so much like that stupid serial, kasamh se.
Typical Kektaa- she will entertain you for a while and then go berserk...she is mad.
Kektaa - hahah good one
Deletei know she is mad - that's why i was so surprised to see such a strong male lead - one who is actually angry at his stupid wife!
Hi Girls,
ReplyDeleteRead thru the post and a thot popped in so sharing it here
But before that ANITA, a very happy birthday to you, sorry thodi late ho gayi ;)
WHat happened today, when I compare it to real life, I laughed at the irony. Setting aside why it is happening in reel ArHi life, each time there is trouble or a dark phase, we are so eager to get to that light at the end of the tunnel. And when we do get there, almost immediately we are concerned thsi would not last and worry aboyut the next dark cloud. SO busy about what will happen, what has happened that we forget to pause and enjoy the moment, live the moment.
Pehlse se likha kuh bhi nahi
Roj naya kuch likhti hao tu
Jo bhi likha hai dil se jiyaa hai
Yel lamha filhaal jee lene de...
Sandy, so apt- the right perspective, always makes things seem better.
Well said.. I need to internalise it Sandy...somehow i have failed miserably at it...
DeleteIts not that I did not like the moment...all this micro-analysis was for this special left me jaded but yes..i should have not killed it for others who may have liked it more than others. I need to check that instinct..So girls if i have hurt u...genuinely sorry...
Sandy, as usual a beautiful perspective...Tu FF mat likh par story toh likh.....R&R ki sabhi ladkiya kharidegi teri book... Dia too that she must chronicle the ARHI story, just like Riya had will have many takers....
rightly said Sandy, we are weird tat way, ain't we ?
DeleteHuggs Su!
DeleteYep Geetu,
definitely weird that way :)
I was not thinkign about story rather story made me think of ral life yday and I said I need to learn to enjoy my moments whenever I get them!!
And sweetz you can never kill it for others. You will say what you want. I will choose to let it affect me. If I choose yes and it kills the moment for me, my choice, not your mistake.
Story aur main - I am better off writing random snippets. Arrey R&R ki sabi ladkiyon toh free main gift dene ka pari kuch likha toh :)
I just don't know what to make of this story. I was expecting some fireworks, but got nothing. Was a nice episode, everything now in its place, but didn't seem right. I understand we have had drama from quite a few episodes, but even so this was going to the other extreme. Felt a bit let down.
ReplyDeleteReally happy that they are now married, and Dadi and her wicked accomplice lost this round. But it all,seemed so tame. Have to watch the rerun later.
I know there has been talk of Barun leaving, but there also seem to be a lot of denials. I know it has to finish sometime, but I will be very sad when it does, not only because I have enjoyed it so much but also I will miss reading Dia's wonderful posts and talking to you all here .
Lin x
DeleteASR just made a very mature decision today. We are all unhappy because we did not expect this from him. But now I feel, actually this is the best decision a guy can make in a situation like this. Forget the past, forgive and move on...We should really applaud him, only we did not know he was so perfectly trained by KKG. He got the best student award today, and as a prize he got KKG.(This is only after few hours of your first sentence in my head too)*hugs*
Su - you mean KKGSR!!!
Deleteyeah, you have to add the SR :D
Deletelin, i think we all had high expectations of drama during the wedding, but we got a happy problem-less wedding and that is indeed a derailment of the past week of episodes..
forget the fact that we at R&R analyzed the 400 possible scenarios to mess with our head till nothing else sort of registered, not real life, not any thoughts of our own future..
my sister who is a normal TV watcher of IPK was very happy today.. at last , she said, SP came through with nayi soch.. kick out the age old dadi-type attitudes and shove them in some assram(not a typo) somewhere... forgive the past, forget what happened 14 years ago.. start from here and accept the happiness that you deserve..a nd LIVE your life.. dont live in the past.
I was wondering if the accident had anything to do with Arnav's apparent turnaround. There should have been some purpose of that accident. He may have realised that life, after all is too short to waste in lamenting and being tormented by the past. Khushi was in his thoughts just before he crashed. At that point he may have only thought of his future with her. After the crash he may have realised that he cannot go forward unless he lets go of his dark past. His mind could have still been in turmoil as he entered the mandap and saw Khushi still there, a sign that she too had not given up on them. At the moment he arrived she was seen moving towards her mom and he instinctively stopped her. His distaste for their intertwined past must have risen its head, the reason why he moved away from her, when she touched him. His expression suggested that he was still struggling at that moment to come to terms with the fact that Khushi will always remain close to Garima and he has to accept her with it. Seeing Khushi faint at his harsh words, however, quickly brought him back to reality and he realised that he truly has to let go of all the bitterness if he wants happiness for the rest of his life. He just couldn't afford to lose the woman he has come to love so deeply. So I don't think the transformation was abrupt. It is only that they misled us into thinking that there will be another outburst which will tear them apart physically or emotionally.
ReplyDeleteYesterday morning I was watching the Arshi date scene where he clearly tells Khushi he will never make her do something that she would not want to do and that he loves her just the way she is. Now asking her to foresake Garima would go against that tall statement of his. If he truly loves Khushi he would accept her with her baggage (in this case Garima) and he just proved it. Granted it took some time for him to get to that point but good he got there before it was too late.
He also may have realised that Garima really is not a bad woman. After all she did raise two daughters who are not her own and that too so well. She has been nothing but courteous and caring towards him right from the first day he met her and she has shown utmost devotion to her wheel-chair confined husband. Compare this with Dadi's venomous words and an innocuous photograph which did not vindicate Dadi's stance that Garima willfully broke his family. He had not heard Garima's explanation but did not deem necessary because her present conduct proved her innate goodness. So if there is someone who should be blamed for the affair, it would have to be his father. In any case can he change the past even if he wanted to? Once the cloud of his anger moved away he could clearly see that and wisely decided to move forward.
Now is this what they had always planned, maybe and maybe not. I have a feeling that this track was to have begun near the completion of the contract period (which was initially supposed to have been around May) but Barun's film assignment had thwarted their original plans and led to the kidnapping track. Those two months in which they played the kidnapping track could have been initially fashioned to show a more gradual transformation of Arnav. They cannot risk having another hate track at a time when trps are already low. So they needed to shift gear. There seems to be two options before them, make this a family story which has better survival rate in SP or start winding up the show because SP does not suffer low trp shows. If Barun is leaving then it would be the latter, if not, it is on its way to becoming a family drama.
Opti, well said, missed you.
DeleteI was going to write something on the same lines.
As always, you say it better.
1. "They cannot risk having another hate track at a time when trps are already low. So they needed to shift gear.": *applause*
I wrote the same yesterday when I realised the majority in IF want a shaadi and they want a happy wedding with no conditions attached. And outside of Redux and (maybe) SG, I think people are rejoicing. They feel their show is back.
THE CVS MADE THE RIGHT DECISION fot the show to move forward. They did not want to kill our baby. If the baby is sick now, may be they have a medicine for it.
Ha! Symbolism: ASR hit K on the head to save her. The CVs whacked their baby, they have something better that can satisfy a great majority, hopefully we will belong there- quite optimistic, actually.
2. "Granted it took some time for him to get to that point but good he got there before it was too late.":
Yes, isn't this what we'd want from a strong hero?
I am really really happy- WE HAVE A HERO here. Where is TOI now? Why don't they applaud the hero who denied himself everything for his wife's sake- why aren't they singing ballads for the ultimate lover boy? I mean, ASR is perfect, now. He well and truly deserves a nomination for the best pati now.(OFC, the award will go to the wick only, we don't want that one)
wow opti, you said what i tried to say in one measly paragraph, right above this.
Deleteof course, trust you to make the point clear and well-supported with past and present examples.
Opti, Rekha (SOMH, u asked me about this so airing my thoughts)
DeleteWhen Arnav walked into that mandap, he still had no answers to the Qs Dadi asked him, of being able to marry Khushi and spending his enire life with her knowing what he did about their interconnected past. And yeah he had told her he would not force her to do anything.
SO he had come there to find out what she wanted and also to see if he could find answers to the Qs Dadi planted in his head. He needed to know if he could accept and love Khushi knowing that would mean accepting her with all her relationship.
And in that one moment when she faints having heard what he had to say, he had his answers - that she had waited for him because despite it all she wanted to go ahead and marry him for she loved him. And he knew that despite it all he still loved her - the biggest truth of his life. He had his answers (to the Qs Dadi posed) which he gave Khushi - that yes he wanted to marry her, yes he wanted to spend every moment of his life with her.
He has been troubled all his life by the thorns, but this time he would not be able to punish his rose, Khushi, for the thorns (he had done it earlier in haste and anger not caring for the results and had been himself hurt, but this time his mother's lesson made a timely recall and he will not knowingly and uncaringly hurt this girl again and thereby hurt himself too).
But yet again Arnav did not hear both sides of the story before reaching his decision - yes he was right in love but perhaps to be called justified in judging his Dad, he should have heard Garima's portion too. And hence Dadi's point on a possible repercussion in the future.
Arnav and Garima - yday I said someplace he had forgiven but I now think maybe not. He still wants to forget and run away from the past. His father's crime of killing himself and his stance about his father have been vindicated. The reason he became a cold ruthless ASR.
But the issue of his mother's death still remains. The reason he became an insecure, afraid of loss Arnav.
Yday to him nothing mattered but Khushi and their love. He yet again spoke of forgetting the past and not wanting it to interfere in his and Khushi's happiness. Yes he accepted he cannot change it but I am thinking he has not forgiven the past completely either.
The issue about the mother's death, the reason, the culprit will rise again in teh future (he for now assumes Garima was like Khushi. But Garima mentioned she loved the father to dadi is it not? So potential opening to weave it into the story).
However, from here on, he knows he cannot change the past, he knows his love for Khushi is above all so if and when this hurdle hits, there will be a fallout in the couple but Arnav will not let it be the cause for him hurting Khushi or it interefering in their happiness or togetherness.
If done well, this point can actually be the learning point for Khushi (like Arnav's today) to realize that not all can be forgiven always, actions have consequences whether it be speech or silence and silence is not always good. If Garima had found the guts to speak up and fight all those years ago, then in a way Khushi herself could have been saved of the pain she suffered - as a beleiver of DM's destiny for all. DM destined her for 2 questions for every answer because she had not found all the right answers yet.
In the immediate future, the problem Arnav is going to face is with Anjali. If she asks him to forgive Shyam like he did Garima, what would ASR do? And Khushi for now beleives her mum to be innocent (framed like she was) and thinsk Shyam may have reformed.
And therein lies the next moral dilemna, the conflict of beliefs in IPK land.
SN: If the track was changed to tweak it thus instead of ghisa pitaa Arnav hating Khushi and they handle the execution and lessons learnt by both Khushi and Arnav well, it will indeed be a Nayi Soch.
I don't think it would now be about Anjali asking him to forgive Shyam for what he did because he has 'forgiven' Garima. Even if she does it cannot be equated on the same plain because this man had obsessed over the love of his life and is still around in the same house, a danger to his wife. Garima does not live with them and his parents are dead. Both are just not the same. Moreover Shyam looks desperate to separate these two and can't imagine Khushi with Arnav as he is still obsessing over her. Much to my disgust I think this guy will be back to his dirty ways and try to corner Khushi when she is alone. (I so did not want Khushi to go through the mental agony living under the same roof as her tormenter). Anyway he is likely to slip and and this time Anj will be the one to boot him out. I have a feeling that this will happen around the durga pooja to co-incide with the festival.
DeleteYes, Garima's past should be properly revealed. There are still a lot of missing pieces. Why was she still holding on to that photo if she had moved on? If she still reveres him (as opposed to love him) and was really in love with chacha and not his dad, she would not have remained silent when Arnav bitterly claimed that his father was the one in the wrong. Shashiji needs to get out of the confines of the wheelchair and spill all the beans about Shyam and what he knows of the past. As long as they give us answers to all these questions in a captivating manner I am game for the show, irrespective of its duration.
DeleteI did mention in one of the scenarios to Su, that Arnav may come to the mandap in any mood but meeting Khushi in any anguish will block any negative thots and i thot they will go ahead with the marriage....the complete acceptance did take me aback but at the end of it....we did want one eureka moment for Arnav that past belongs in the past....and it did happen..realisation moments are perhaps that only.....
I would rather want that no regression happen from now on as it will kill the ASR in a someone above said, he does not do anything in half-measures, be it love or hate....he has decided to make a clan break and SO BE IT......
Now i can laugh at all those 400 scenarios.....(J, i got that) and when we look back i will have the special distinction of not having any gloatwa moments becos i mostly read the scenarios wrongly...
But i enjoyed all the wonderful SKDs that u lovely girls and I sat and analysed scenes shown on screen and wondered if thats what the Cvs meant thru the scenes, troubled Sandy most of time...and would get into to lamba discussions on Anji with Su, God i am laughing just thinking about it all now...
DeleteWhen I said using Arnav's present disposition vis a vis Shyam - Anji going yeh sab ek bahut badi galatfehmi hai - and Shyam manipulating her to think on lines of if Arnav can do it for Garima then he can for him. Ofc Shyam knows yahaan dal nahi galegi but Anji devi is still in dark nai..
And yep I am now all set to see how they get ANji to start noticing the discrepancies. She knows without dubt about how ArHi feel about each other and yes I feel Navratri will be a good time to start the kick Shyam back aandolan. And with Shyam gone, story ends :)
As for Garima and Arnav's dad - (Rekha dont laugh) my thot was they were actually in love and temple married before Dadi intervened, denied aceptance, pretended to reconcile and conned the dad to get married to Ratna (logic nahi soch Opti..daily soap hai).
So Garima was left in the lurch and years later when Khushi's aprents died, that night she came to the only person whom perhaps she could expect to help and then everytthing fell apart that night. But yep then that dialogue of G that she did not know he was married with kids makes poor sense - so like you said abhi what they have finally decided only they know :)
DeleteIn anutshell this show has been a nice escape from our ADs and R&R gave us all a chance to meet - so yes stuff for memories and fond recollection in future times :)
Opti and Sandy,
DeleteI am with both of you at different points ;) I also felt that this whole turnaround in ASR should have happened gradually after the forced marriage and was derailed by Barun's movie ... in fact, I thought the whole track would re-start after another hate marriage this time round ... but am glad that for whatever reason, the marriage was done in love. If you look back, the change in ASR has been happening slowly, subtly, so subtly that the final showdown was very unexpected ... I think it was hastened because of the TRP's because it kind of fizzled out.
But then if you look at the whole show, the PH has done this almost every single time ... built up things to a huge climax and then petered out very tamely ... biggest case in point being the Shyam exposure where ASR stood mute for three full episodes, then gave two slaps and threw Shyam out. It felt like such a letdown then.
Same thing has happened here. We haven't gotten a clear enough insight as to WHY he made this decision ... only by going through these posts and re-watching the Thursday-Friday scenes together, could I reconcile myself to the happy marriage.
Maybe we all over-analyse!!! :D Or maybe we need it spelled out much more clearly!
Anyway it's not ended yet ... let's see if we get more closure and some explanations. Otherwise we're here to find our own :)))
ReplyDeleteAaj ka din bahut shubh hai:)
Udhar SKD mein Arnav bitwa ke dimaag ka tubelight flicker karne laga
Idhar asli duniya mein -just got confirmation that mere apne bitwa ke dimaag ki batti 1000 W pe jal rahi hai - got a letter saying he has been accepted into Mensa :)
Trying to keep this bitwa's ego under control by telling him it is all in the genes :P
IQ yahan itna discuss karte hai - I just had to share this news :)
Sri, congrats, girl.
Sri, congrats!!! Proud mom *hugs* ... of course it's all in the genes, koi shaq?!
DeleteCongratulations Sri
DeleteCongrats to proud mother and Gods blessings to the young boy.
DeleteCongrats, this is a deserved high....hugs
wow! congratulations! give him some hugs from all the aunties(ducks all the bata/prada flying at me) at R&R
DeleteThanks all :) Hugs back to all of you - been watching IPK since it started but only stumbled on R&R in June this year- love yo all:)
DeleteJaya - He is 16 so call yourself didis not aunties :)
DeleteCongrats on this bit of great news!! And yes tell him the genes get credit too :)
Aunty ki bachchi tu ruk jaa....
congrats and hugs Sri
Deletedevi maiyya raksha karna, ye kaun kaun peeche padi hain!
Deleteew 16 year old.. no jhappi for you.. (no offense sri)
but lotsa blessings mein maangungi. mensa boy, joog joog jiyo.. sadaa khush raho.. khushi jaisi biwi pao..(aaj ke liye itna kaafi hei na?)
ROFL :)waise hum US main hain to jhappi ka koi galat matlab nahi nikalta yahan :)
Thanks for the blessings - uski hamesha zaroorat hoti hai na - Rahi Khushi jaisi biwi abhi waqt hai - I hope:)
Kids are priceless- I was just yelling at him - how can you be so stupid and he goes "I am not stupid, and now I have papers to prove that" ROFL
Sri, Mensa, the IQ society of thw world, Mensa!! OMG! WOW right now he deserves the ego high, he has earned it!! But aapas ki baat hai, u can always stake claim on the genes :D:D
ReplyDeleteMona thanks :) IQ is a gift - when he does something worthwhile with it then he can be entitled to an ego high..:)
DeleteJaise Arnav bitwa ke shatir dimaag ka manifestation dekhe to maane :)
The 'kernel' guy making confusing and sometimes condescending posts doesn't seem part of the PH as clarified by them.Link here.
No wonder his theory that what happened last friday was not consummation was upturned by the director who clearly mentioned it was. Now he is busy explaining why he said what he did. Guess people resort to anything to get noticed.
oho. now what will i base my comments on? its really bad that the CT has a ND agreement! someone should indeed tell us these things
Delete1. was it con,
2. why payal is still here even thought deepali said herself that she is leaving,
3. will shyam see their SR
4. where was barun's hairstylist during the actual wedding
and other important kostins like these! :D
did u guys see 4lions official tweet that the kernal guy is a fake
ReplyDeleteA BIG THANK YOU, for making it perfect,like we said above, whichever way the makers make it, we at R&R make it a classic!
Jokes apart, the epi really makes sense to me when I read your edit along with Opti's view. And I feel the CVs made the right decision.
LOVED that you put thurs and fri together- very sensible thing to do-
ROFL at your emoticons and this:
"(what can I do if tracks change overnight?)" !!!
ReplyDeletegreat vm!
Actually all said and done, having the marriage track, the CVs could not have ended it any other way....This was the marriage of the IT couple, how could they clouded it with any shadow of Arnav had to return, i agree from all accounts that i read above...and he had to come back with conviction...else what kind of hero would he be?
ReplyDeleteI had prayed for an ASR whose image is not dented and a Khushi whose pride is kept intact, i just realised...thats exactly what the Cvs have delivered....well maybe in a style diff from my expectation but well it was anyways their story in the first place ..they made sure that the wedding is solemnised pretty much the way K wanted......
Just keep this on....don't let them any thot process....and if u can't find more plots to engage the attention of viewers, just end it on a high note!! just like y'day.....
Like i said on Thursday (and yes i know many days before as well :D) i want a love story - not the dark kinds where two souls meant to be together actually end up parting ways and walk down lonely dark passages of time - i wanted them together against VLR - and i got it - :D:D:D so me is very happy-
ReplyDeletethe only disconnect between this ASR and the ASR in my head - the complete harmony with Garima - just a slight holding off was what i had expected but i guess ASr never does anything in half measures!
though this is exactly what i wanted - all our discussions - scenarios of what could happen - all the options - we were expecting to see more googlies and continued drama - so i guess the peaceful end (to the wedding, not the story)came as such a big surprise that we all went - "What the..." -
after all KKG and ASR have been anything but calm and content through out the story so far - together they have been fireworks - so i guess when the fireworks came to the wanted conclusion - we felt a bit empty - but they are fireworks - will start off again and soon thanks to the CIC !!!!
(for future tracks - i do want some more meat from the BFTP - dont want it to die as the WFTP (what a term Dia - perfect :D:D)
DeleteASR thinkgs Garima was a victim like Khushi but we as an audience know she loved this man but him being married was unknown. So here is more to that muck when ASR realizes that perhaps that sitaution and the Shyam Khushi ANji situation were slightly different.
I have a gut feeling that this show will wind up in a couple of months, if not sooner. This PH gives great love stories but has also shown that it cannot sustain steam for long, especially when it takes on other mega projects. It is slated to start a new show in Zee. So it requires its best talent there. Low trps must have put it under SP scanner too. Realising that it is a herculian task to compete with BV which is going strong now, they seem to be prepared to wrap this up. Whether Barun has put in his papers or not only time will tell but if past experiences are to go by, this PH has a tendency to float rumours so that it ends up becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. It did the same about GC quitting from Geet, Drashti and GC throwing tantrums etc, to discredit the actors and jsutify its shutting shop.
ReplyDeleteTo the PH's credit, they are the best in giving magical pairs who will remain in the minds long after the show has ended. Their fresh treatment of love stories sets them apart. Again going by past experience, which to me is just one show, they get the best of their actors who are not necessarily the same with other PH. Case in point GC whose chem with his lead in PV leaves a lot to be desired as does his dead pan acting in contrast to his brilliant performance and smoldering chem with Drashti in Geet. Drashti, being a talented actress is doing good in Madhubala but her chem with Vivian is not hot enough, which shows that it is to the PH's credit that they got the best out of Gurti when they were with them.
Anyway, I am fine with the show ending as long as they close all the open and loose ends and give this marvelous love story a befitting ending.
Will I watch Qubhool hai? Yes, I will for I know I would love what they will show me although I am also prepared they will trod the same path after sometime. After all there is no perfect soap which can run for years and years and still hold the same magic.
ReplyDeleteThe transition from ASR to Arnav.
One moment he was standing there- telling her ab tak sawaalon ka jawaab nahi mila,+ Dhoka, dard, nafrath dialogue- the next moment she faints,
He catches the fall this time- unlike at the kidnap scene- he cannot let her down again
and THEN he said,
Khushi tumne mujhe yahaan khadaakar mere saare sawaalon ka jawab dila diya... (because she fainted, at that spot when he held her he suddenly got the answer? yahaan, means here, now, with you in my arms?)
Transformation into Arnav, the lover...
When faced with the problem of changing a track's climax suddenly, how on earth do the CVs come up with something so clever?
If you want happy wedding, we'll give it to you, and we will get our BFTP back. Don't complain if it the re- entry of the BFTP looks silly. Just like re-entry of Shyam was not digestible. After all, we had to suddenly change our well written climax to accommodate your whims and fancies, fandom.
watching and writing
ReplyDeleteyes, arnav came. he had words of deceit and hate.. khushi faints.. he catches her, like always. and having her in his arms, answers all his doubts.. she is more important to him than everything else." i want to marry you. i want to spend every moment of my life with you"
nani is rightly concerned.. yes, you will marry khushi, but dont do anything(significant glamce towards garima) that will hurt her later.. and arnav does indeed look at khushi's amma... "nani, you always said should forget my past and move forward, i am doing exactly that" so there. he does not care that garima is involved in his past.. it is the PAST.
when dadi tries to explain to arnav again, he says your son deceived two women.. how did he know that? did he know the truth even during the original haadsa? is that why he forgave the other woman and blamed his dad even then, when he was 14 years old?
but then, why did he get so upset seeing that photo and hearing that accusation? because the past that he was running away from, came up to face him on his wedding day.. and FINALLY, he gets closure.. via a crushed red rose and his mom's old advice.
and CT, thanks for clarifying that his dad shot herself in the head.. we were hoping for a "chacha shot him in the head", but this is fine too.. see how easy it is to close loops as you go? one bit of dialogue is alll i ask!
i did not like NK's dialogue. yes, they were hoping for the wedding.. but why was the pandit not in the hall? and how come NK gets all the dialogues? does akshay dogra stutter in front of the camera or something? he is the one who jaaps bhai.. bhai.. why did he not go to get the pandit?
and ack! what was that? who's thinking of suhagraat in the middle of pheres?? ;)
awww their smiles during the phere.. nazar na lage is couple ko!
was it just me or did they make mew rasms? which marriage has "i love you" and a kiss&hug after the phere?
loved the grand placement of the IPK title tune.. but where was the "sarva mangala maangalye" that they played for both the bandagement and the half wedding? are we to assume that they were all there, but of course, iss pyar ko kyaa naam doon is more important? of course, that song made me so happy..
okk got married. now nani's blessings.. mami's blessings..nobody remembers mamaji.. not even a dialogue.. :p
aww "grah pardes".. totally distracted by mami's eyeshadow.
they remember khushi's first entry.... did mami forget that she was the one who tore khushi's sarees? taunting as if it was indeed khushi's fault! i did not expect lies from mami.. taunts okay, but lies.. after all that happened between them.. :(
and yes, perfect fotofinish to the story.
(i thought the bachelors party finishing shot (the full kiss) was almost worthy of being THE END.. and now they give us one more THE END shot? wow.)
one little doubt.. "parampara aapko poori tarah se nishaani paregi" oy vey! is that a symbolism that bitiya is expecting? :D
DeleteGiven how they handled Anji and her pregnancy and got bashed for it, I would think they will think twice before they head that way :)
ReplyDelete"thanks for clarifying that his dad shot herself in the head.":
Are we sure, it is still hearsay and ASSUMPTION (big word now), right? Who among them was there in that room and saw it to confirm it?
garima: Is her look one of relief or is there a tinge of denial?
That his dad was not all that he accuesd him of? Why she still keeps that photo? (My SKD, don't get dragged in to it.)
how come NK gets all the dialogues? does akshay dogra stutter in front of the camera or something? he is the one who jaaps bhai.. bhai..:
Hugs, girl. I am so angry with NK now, he is hogging all of Akash's dialogues. And it does NOT LOOK nice.
bachelors party finishing shot (the full kiss) : heh heh...are we back to full kiss confirmation yet?
I am waiting to see what is the verdict of that scene on the show.
I guess we'll know when SR comes...and I wish SR 'd just take us by surprise like the K/con did...let them sleep tonight. It was a tiring day...And the battery in Shyamwa's camera will be dead by the time they actually do it too.
Intriguing thoughts:
ReplyDeleteDadi tells Arnav taht his father meant the most to her and he is innocent. (ye syes in her eys but innocent)
She has a photo which perhaps she saw in the past and decided Garima is the culprit.
Garima kept telling Dadi she never knew her son, the man was married and he had kids. But a name never came up.
She tells Dadi she loved this man.
Garima seems to set store a lot by a girl's wedding not being stalled and any associated infamy with the stalled wedding.
Garima mostly came to the wake of Arnav's parents but why risk the exposure for a man who as of now seems to have deceived her? Did she feel indebted to Arnav's dad for some help he gave her or did she indeed despite the deceit come to see him one last time?
She slapped Khushi when Khushi spoke fo Arnav's mother committing suicide? Why such an intense reaction for what seems to be a fact?
Why would Garima keep the photo of a man who deceived her all these years - she seemed to remember him in gratitude - did he like Arnav fight for Garima's rights but in the end due to Dadi's stubbornness and set principles ended up losing his life?
Ratna Mallik tells her husband she saw him with a man and he decieved her but the man seems nonplussed by her statement.
Ratna who imparts such good wisdom to her son, who has Nani's genes, why would she give in to suicide?
At the end NK saying, without GrihaPravesh No Entry (Ghar Pardes) and a Parampara ki nishaani (a proof of parampara, heritage)
Payal speaks of Mami welcoming 2 bahus at the same time.
Dadi speaking of Khushi as Garima's shadow. And Dadi also in the past speaking of how a girl who had not taken pheras would be considered a bahu fo the house. Plus her question to Buaji about the presence of a bin byaahi bahu in their house?
Did Garima love a man, marry him in a temple, and for love crossed all boundaries set by society only to be discarded and denied acceptance by Dadi. Did that lead to the circumstances on Anjali's 1st wedding day? Is there a nishaani from that day which survives?
Perhaps the photo is misleading and Dadi knows it. She used it to her advantage with Arnav who would have needed proof but dared not use it with Garima who may have pulled apart her plans by stating the inconsistency?
Because Arnav needs to accept Garima eventually (like he accepted Khushi today) inspite of his mother's death. The him calling her Amma loop and her telling him that whatever he may choose to call her their relationship would not change (Rekhs, I can see u nodding your head with me here :P)
Yes I see comments on tracks being changed and all, but knowing Arnav may has not completely found closure on his past - forgiven the past and buried it, keeping in mind all the above loose ends, there seems to still be more of the past to be unleashed.
Deletemy thots on Garima are similar to yours...only, I feel dadi was misled too.
Garima- AD:
AD or someone close to him was involved in K's parent's death- AD helped K and Garima- Garima fell in love with him not knowing he was married- along came someone and told her to tell a jhooth-jhoot hum tab bhi bolna nahi chahte the- which did seem only like a white lie- hamari ki hui bhool- .....
the jhooth travelled like wild fire unknown to her, dadi knew about some woman and warned her son to keep away from her- AD laughed it off as Amma's imagination- and the news reached Ratna's ears in the form of some confirmation (she had also heard rumours) only on the day of Anji's wedding- confrontation btn hubby and wife- Ratna walks into he next room- suicide/ murder, AD follows- suicide/ murder....dadi finds out the OW is Garima, confronts her- G shaking like a leaf- hum nahi jaante the woh shaadishuda hai- had she known, she would not have told the jhoot in the first place-
holds on to the photo of the man who helped her so much and whose family she ruined in the folly of her youth.
And she cannot share the truth because then the secret that AD was trying to hide will be out...
When ASR knows his dad was not at fault, and that he was misled into believing his dad had wronged him, hated him for nothing...will he hate garima, if she still vows to protect the secret? Whew!
DeleteI think you are overthinking this. If she was not involved in a romantic fahion with the man, Garima's first line of defence would never be that she did not know he was married and a father of two. If it was not a relationship - why should she feel guilty about that?No other relationship requires him to be unencumbered.
If they want to paint AD and Garima both innocent they have to contort the story significantly..
Let's see how they spin it :)
DeleteAD was surprised when his wifebrought up OW.
Garima seems to admit to having had feelings...this is why I thought up this. It will be some time b4 BFTP comes again...I am wondering about the letters in G's box...hope they will not scrap a whole lot of the original story.
Any way, no point complaining,since they want the trp audience back.
All the best to the team!
Looking forward to mon.
DeleteSuffice to say I feel ASR Garima chapter is not fully closed. It may come up again when Shashi gtes better but I feel he still needs some mmore closure there to totally let go of the past. From avoiding it he has moved to facing it and thinking of moving on. Now he needs to let go of it and bury it where it belongs. (if that makes any sense)
Yep Sri,
waiting to see how they spin it because after that hospital scene where Arnav tells Khushi, the OW and my dad together killed my mother - he just mentioned today wanted to move on but this is ASR and he has been hurting a long while so I will not be surprised if the wound wrt his mum opens up at the next toofan of some sorts.
And yaar by sitting here and writing this much - I am already over thinking ;)
Hmm, so you called you son stupid and got shown proof he was not - ROFL!
ReplyDeleteI think we should wait to see what they have in store for us because second guessing them and squeezing out brains is not going to get us anywhere. If Garima was in love with Arnav's chacha and not Arnav's father, and A's father actually helped rather than hurt her, then why did she keep quiet when Arnav very clearly said he blamed his father for duping two women? Should she not have tried to defend the man? Is she so much of a coward, she'd rather let an innocent man take the fall for her? Arnav has already made it clear he will not hurt Khushi for what her maasi is supposed to have done. So she cannot use Khushi as the excuse for her silence.
The problem with us is that we try to find logic in an illogical show. If the show was based on logic, could we have a track where Shyam lives in GH for months and still Khushi could not prove his guilt? Could we have a ridiculous MU track where the shatir ASR did absolutely nothing to get to the bottom of the truth inspite of any clues? Could we have the unexplainable behaviour of Anj who changes colours at the drop of a hat and no one bats an eyelid? My experience is these people take on heavy themes but don't bother to work out the intricate details of the tracks which given some logical connect.
DeleteI hear you. No second guessing bas these were swirling in my mind so put it out there. Baaki yep we will see how they go from here.
Illogical about Anj - well to me they messed up with execution like Bubbly. Great on paper, pathetic in delivery.
As for logic in illogic well I tell you at least kuch toh logic nikal hi aata hai which is better than most others.
And I like this show because by thinking some things thru, I get to introspect on some things in my personal life and perhaps get a new perspective to it..Bas :)
If you go back on R&R, yep we can get mini novella out :) And am sure this PH will manage tomake at least 3 serials with all this :)
I too like this show Sandy. Check my post above made at 8.52 pm (my posts still get swallowed and come up much later when Dia frees them, so you could have missed it) Only I have stopped having expectations of their taking logical routes for their story telling. Anj's mindset could have been better explored but as I said they falter when they have to sensitively handle a complex subject.
DeleteHaan rey Opti,
DeleteAnji's mindset and loss of baby left a lot to desire.
Logic well I am happy there is even this much logic. Like Dia said somewhere above, most otehr shows I know the female lead will be the rescuer, the superwomna at least here I keep guessing and sometimes she does fall flat in her plans. SO theek hai keeping in mind daily soap, the illogics are also taken in stride.
ReplyDeleteIf we compile all the the story lines from R&R - I think we can get a couple of serials out of it - so many different branches the story could have taken :)
BTW, my mom watches PSH - I did not know it was LM directing it - now the common locations make sense - there was a shot in the same place as the Arshi CPR as the the kidnap.. cannot stand that serial :)
Looks like there is going to be more celebration - reception?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you say that - the pics were old right - one's from preeto's wedding...
ReplyDeletesee it.. you wont regret it.
It is a beautiful ttrip down memory lane :)
DeleteYaar tum ladkiya still at scenarios.....i thot all that is now dried and dusted....I thot kuch zaroorat nahin hain dimag lagane ki anymore, have been detoxing and i get back and see u all still working out if and buts.....why tells tells
ReplyDeletebtw, what is this brouhaha on IF....some Ph apology..could not make head or tale of it? kya yaar, yahan there is greater off-screen drama than on-screen...anyways..see ya girls on R&R tommo if possible...
Ok, couldn't resist...I read the post from some link and god i am fascinated with the language used in the post...It was meant to be some clarification post and the only thing i understood from the post is that people actually use words such as "Honest to god...Swear on my mother" in clarifications...illuminating it was....after those words, the actual purpose of the post was incidental to me....
DeleteJust curious...What are the qualifications one needs to land jobs like these and what would be the age of the post maker?
It came on the 4 lions website, so it is authentic.
DeleteI understand Kernel was right, whtever she said about the story being changed, Kiss- con left open was TRUE. That is exactly how the team had planned it.
Whoever commented on FB that kernel wasan impostor did not know that Kernel was in touch with Gul. Heneded to apologise with this post to both kernel and fandom since he created a confusion without checking with Gul.
This person feels like the fandom is eating his head- TOO MANY MISUNDERSTANDINGS ha ha ha- hence using HTG and SOMM- and has realised that there is nopoint coming out with any info- everything gets MISINTERPRETED- hence no clarification on Barun- admin is just FED UP- ha ha ha- That means we can go by Kernel's word- BARUN IS NOT LEAVING THE SHOW.
Ever heard of PRO, 4 lions?
The opening line of that post- classic eg. of MISCOMMUNICATION- mother of all misunderstandings...
Kernel, OFC, knows how to communicate better.
Does this mean she lost her job along with her credibility, thanks to this fellow's carelessness? Oops!....
Qualifications- I guess'd be any one with basic English and comp knowledge- they are not professionals- this guy is just an amateur managing the website - probably an odd jobs man in the techie world-it is not his main job , age I guess is around 24 or so...I am not expecting maturity and professionalism because he himself said it is not his job to be managing a website and giving clarifications. (Looks like Gul gave him a heavy dose, thats why he remembered his mother.)
There is a lot of comedy going around 4 lions- no wonder they want to show us comedy!
No Su, the clarification was for Zee_News another spoler giver who claimed that Gul tole her that Barun was quitting. Kernel guy has been discredited by 4 lions. Now they say they did not know what news Zee News gave and they only confirmed that she was in touch with Gul. Apparently Zee News (or Zainab) used her past connections with another online site to talk to Gul and has given this Barun quitting news. Whether Gul had said such a thing or not or whether it was Zainab's own version, nobody knows. What is perplexing is that the PH is not denying the news outright but is asking the viewers to keep in touch with their website to know about it next week.
DeleteSmoke without fire or smoke with fire? No one knows as of now.
By the way here are the latest FB spoiler pictures of SR and the morning after.
Hehehe - because my horoscope says - i shall discover great insights of people i care about, specially on the 30th of September (so what if i have been trying to frame this post for the past 2 days!)...
ReplyDeleteAm i reading you ladies wrong - or do i think a little differently on the final ASR KKG scene before the final wedding??
i don't think he came there AND THEN got his answers - he had them before - what i mean is this:
"...i was looking for answers...
...when i fell in love, i did not know our pasts were linked... here only for you, where there is only deceit, hatred and pain... making me stand here, i have found my answers..."
i think here KKG felt he was talking about his coming back at that moment - and deceit being in terms of Garima - hence she almost fainted - after all it did seem like he was saying what she most feared - that her love was not enough
BUT i think what he was saying was not in context of just that evening - he was talking about this crossroad he was on...
(that he loved her, he had no doubts, not for a sec - she was his life, he could not live without her - that was a fact he KNEW - no ambiguity there!)
the answers he was looking for were more on the lines of - 'do i let the past go? without disrespecting my mother's memories' ..not 'do i love KKG enough to accept G'
meaning - he was always running from the past - hiding from it - because he could find no closure there - he could not fight the man who caused all this pain.. (So he kept the pain alive and did not trust people, not let them come close - the pain was still a living dragon)
I have often noticed, though women talk of honour - it is men who act on 'honour', more so then women - when they hurt, the worse kind is when their family honour has been compromised - even for him - he was hurting coz his mom was hurt - and he could do nothing about it coz the person hurting her was dead too - who could he fight?? so the pain lingered on
when he fell in love, he did not think that KKG would have forced him to think - to face this crossroads in life - choose to let the dead sleep and move on without disrespecting the mother
Hence he found the answers - letting the dead be, by knowing that KKG was his life and knowing that loving her was not disrespecting the mother - knowing that by forcing him to stand here at this crossroad, where he had to choose more than love of his life vs the memories of his mother - he had to choose the present over the past - KKG had forced him to finally accept that it was time to move on - hence his statement "by placing me here (at this juncture in life) you have helped me find my answers" - he could now bury the dead without guilt of letting old painful memories go - she did not force him to choose between mom and her, she placed him in a position where he had to choose between the past and present
Hence his complete 'ok' attitude towards G- he really had accepted the past and moved on - whether she was innocent or guilty - he let it rest!
OK - i know i am rambling and cant write like most of you - but well this was bothering me for so long - thought i should just give it a try :D
DeleteI am not saying he made a samjhauta for her sake.
Up till the accident, he was not sure- her memories were tormenting him and that is why he could not drive straight.
He had still not made the decision. And that ASR look when he moved back as she tried to touch his can be taken as him planning to surprise her- but that is almost unkind, after all the pain she had gone thru...but the moment she fainted- the decision was made- like you said, he decided to let go of the past.
And that speech forgiving garima, again, did he make it up on the spot or was that his thinking on the OW issue all the time? Dadi used to say so, so, I guess it is easier for hm to forgive the OW than his dad... like you said, 'he let it rest' for now?
I feel the CVs have left it like that so they can pick up the thread later on if they desire, and if we allow...
Slightly rambling reply ... it's a long weekend, and am thinking as I write this ...
DeleteWhen did he make the decision? Did he make the final decision with his mom's fb? Or while he was driving and he had all Khushi's fb's, including the one of her almost dying? Or when she fainted in his arms?
Dadi asked - can you bear to take the pheras with Khushi, spend your life with her knowing her aunt caused the death of your parents?
Answer to that was in his mother's flashback ... don't punish the rose for the fault of the thorns. For it was very clear that Khushi was not at fault for her aunt's mistake ... he still doesn't know Garima's side of the story. But he's going back for Khushi, because he can't punish her, let her suffer for Garima's fault. But the anger with Garima and with the past is not gone yet ... his first fb's are those of the past, of the night it all happened.
Then as he's driving, the fb's change to those of Khushi, and how he's unknowingly, unconsciously been punishing her all along for the mistake of the other woman ... a middle class low aukat ki ladki ... the times he put her in danger and then saved her ...
Why did he save her every time? Why could he never complete the punishment?
His answer - the first person he spoke to about his mother, breaking her Teej fast, her worry for him, his worry for her ... the bond was there right from the start, the pull, the attraction ...
More conflict - Dadi's words ... can you bear to live with ehr?
Fb's ... he can't live without her, he and she are meant to be - he hurts if she hurts - the temple bandagement happened when he told her to get out of his life and he never wanted to see her again ... next minute after she left he realised she was hurt and he ran after her ...
she hurt herself with the bangle, he couldn't bear it, he had to soothe the hurt immediately ...
The forced marriage ... he punished her for a fault she never committed ... can he punish her for Garima's fault? IS IT AT ALL Garima's fault? Because he knows it wasn't Khushi's fault ...
And then the fb's of the airport farewell, her saving him ... and his anguish when he thought he lost her ...
That was the last fb ... his anguish when she went over the cliff ... when he called out her name ...
So he knew then he could not lose Khushi at any cost ...
And the fire went out ...
Was it the fire of anger in his heart that died? Because he said to Dadi, I can't change the past ... meaning, by punishing Garima, Khushi ... and by extension himself, because living without Khushi is punishment for himself too ... by punishing them all, he can't change the past. He can't bring his mother back ...
And that was a final farewell to his mother, that he had not been able to say till now, but now he had.
I said on Wed/Thursday that when he cried for his mother, it felt as though it was the first time he had allowed himself to cry ... to grieve. And to grieve is important before you can finally accept the inevitable and move on.
And seeing Khushi waiting for him faithfully, not giving up on him, made him realise again that she WAS the most important person ... validated his decision to return ... banished the last of his anger with the past and enabled him to finally put it behind him.
Will that be permanent? Or will Garima surface again? I think not for a little while ... they will be busy with Shyam now, from the spoiler pics ... after that, if the show is continuing, they can always go back to that.
Also, long time back, I had said that when Shyam is kicked out from the house, when Anjali sees his true colors, he will become an enemy from the outside. For that, Shyam has to be kicked out now.
spoiler pics
though i have to admit i do not like the idea that a bahu automatically has to wear sarees! so what was khushi these past 6 months?
Khushi wore saree after her hate-based marriage, although borrowed from Anjalee. The trend continued till the water fight with ASR in his office. She came back in the evening wearing her tent and subsequently Buaji sent all her antiques to RM.
ReplyDeleteKhushi did wear sarees in the first couple of days after the first marriage too (up to the pug phera day). Must be part of RM tradition. At least they are not making her cover her head with pallu as other SP bahus are forced to do.
but that was because khushi did not have her own clothes.. she was wearing anjali's sarees and on pug phere day, her bua brought her clothes, then after that, she wore her own clothes.. of course, considering they were neither net nor beautifully embroidered, i wonder how the director expected us to believe they were anjali's sarees...