Thursday 26th September
Fultoo drama today.
Arnav continues to wallow in his sorrow ... a new flashback, his mother tells him ... don't punish the rose for the fault of the thorn. Apparently lil Arnav was as impetuous and unforgiving towards those who hurt his loved ones, as he is today. Will his mother's wisdom prevail?
Loved NK and Nani ... one a true friend, the other the wise gentle forgiving matriarch.
Sanaya was excellent when the fire went out and she sat down with that dead look in her eyes, and then started to move out as though in a trance.
Arnav's flashbacks while driving were very well done. A retracing of his past, and then his and Khushi's entire journey from the first day.
The last scene ... the look in Arnav's eyes was not nice. He has come back because he promised to ... that's all. And he will ask Khushi to choose between him and Garima. Khushi will try to convince him ... Garima will make the choice for her.
I hope that lockdown of Khushi's is coming real soon. Arnav needs to lose Khushi to learn that the dead are gone, but the living need to be taken care of.
Not in a very good mood after the episode, and also the rumors floating around. So be warned
Episode left me with very mixed feelings ... it was fultoo drama in parts, something IPK has stayed away from till now ...
Ignoring the first Tarzan bundolo call of Arnav and the furniture atyachaar
Arnav breaks down and cries like a child ... was this the first time he allowed himself to grieve for his mother?
The mother and son flashback ... very obvious as compared to IPK standards which are usually more subtle ... here the point was hammered home by his mother ... don't hurt the ones you love, don't hurt the innocent for the sins of the guilty, it's not right and you will hurt yourself too.
Does the emotionally challenged Bitwa get the message? His last flashback is of Khushi telling him not to make her wait, and his promise ... 'I won't'.
But the way Arnav threw the flower and walked off did not give me a very good feeling.
Did Arnav have anger management issues from childhood? Were there problems in his parents' marriage from the start? Or was this just an over-protective streak from the beginning? A Mamma's boy, turned into Di's boy after the death of Mamma ...
Khushi waits at the mandap, her hopes dying slowly with the dying flames of the havan kund. Yet her determination never falters ... she promised him she would wait, she promised she would never leave him ... she will keep her word, and she trusts that he will keep his. The love and the promise of the future will triumph over the demons of the past.He said in his mother's garden that she was his wife, his mother's bahu ... from that day on ... regardless of pheras, rituals ...
Loved the determination on Khushi's face, mixed with hurt and dread ... all in the eyes.
Garima apologizes ... her past has destroyed her daughter's future. Khushi tells her no, it's not her fault, she hasn't spoiled her future, Arnav will be coming any minute. Garima horrified ... she thinks Khushi has lost her senses.
And the Raizadas wait as well ... NK furiously trying to call Arnav.
Payal tries to move Khushi from her vigil by the havan kund, so does Buaji ... but Khushi will not move.
He will come. He promised me ...
Mami throws in some taunts ... why doesn't somebody shut her up?!!! Anjali actually tries ...
But Khushi is adamant ... he will come ... stubborn, determined ... she will not break her promise. He can't leave her ... eyes slowly going dead ... but one last fight as Payal tries to move her ... no! She won't go. She won't break his trust, her promise ...
Did not like Buaji's slap ... Khushi wasn't hysterical or losing it ... but Buaji is breaking down as well with grief for her niece ...
And Khushi swears she will not move till the last ember is glowing in the fire ... and she knows he will come before it dies.
Filmy ... redeemed slightly by the understated acting by Sanaya ... and her eyes ...
hopeless and determined at the same time ...
Arnav's long night drive ...
Technically a great scene ... the flashbacks on the windscreen ...
But the way he was driving, an accident was inevitable!
Arnav reliving the past ... the night it all happened, the night Arnav died and ASR was born ... Anjali's first wedding, his parents' argument, his father's deceit, his mother's death ... the shot that changed their lives ... Anjali's marriage broken ...
And then Khushi's advent into his life ... she fell into his arms, which led to his defaming her ... he sent her to the car park, endangering her life, then saved her ... he sent her to the guesthouse, endangering her yet again, then saved her ... was he punishing her for a crime she hadn't committed? The crime of reminding him that a simple middle class girl like her had destroyed his parents' lives and his? Destroying the rose bush for the sake of one thorn?
But she held on to him for the first time that night ...
And then she came closer ... the first person he shared his loneliness about his mother with, sought comfort from ... do they really become stars? And she gave him comfort in the form of her belief, her faith ...
Would his mother be happy to see him, he had asked ... she hadn't answered then. But the night they lay together under the stars had given him his answer ... or so he had thought. Yes, his mother would be happy to see him with her ...
Teej ... he broke her fast. Mehndi ... her worry when he went missing, she was concerned for him, she cared for him. Ambulance moment ... and he remembers the panic when he thought she was lost to him ...
Growing closeness, growing feelings ... he can't do without her ... what if I'd lost you?
But Daadi's words ... the other woman, the one who destroyed his home, his family, took his parents away from him ... that other woman is Garima ... her aunt. Is Khushi guilty by association? Or is she the innocent rose?
More flashbacks ... the temple bandagement, the bangle break ... and then the forced marriage in the dark silence of the temple ... with a bride in tears ...
Yet she didn't hate him ... the airport farewell when she begged him not to leave, because he mattered ... but he left her ...
The kidnapping ... she knew he was in trouble, she came to find him, she almost lost her own life doing so ... she saved him ...
Humein bharosa hai ... aap par, aapke pyaar par ...
The woman who destroyed this family, made you both orphans, is Khushi's aunt ...
Cherish the rose? Or throw out the rose bush because it has thorns?
His last flashback seems to give him his answer ... she fell over the cliff ... he thought she was gone forever ... the flashback which drives him over the edge (and into a tree
And finally her name torn from his lips ... 'Khushi!!!'
Has he made his decision? Did the remembered fear of losing her forever make the decision for him?
Waiting by the fire, Khushi knows instantly ... Arhipathy at work again ... she knows he's in trouble and she runs hysterically ... stopped by a worried, firm yet gentle NK ... he knows she's hysterical with panic ... and she stops, and looks back at the fire as though it has her answer ... it's gone out.
She was right. Arnav just died. And ASR returned.
And with him, Khushi seemed to die as well ... as she runs back to the ashes in the havan kund ... the last embers burnt out ... staring with shock and dread.
'No ... no ...' as though her last hopes died as well ...
Sanaya rocked this part ...
... the dead, defeated lost look in her eyes, the blankness, the numbness ...
And Nani rocked the next ... as that wise gentle lady forgets everything except her love for Khushi, her grief at the girl's sorrow and heartbreak ... she knows how madly Khushi loves Arnav, she's seen her grandson come back to life after fourteen years because of Khushi, seen him happy after fourteen years ... and she rushes to comfort her, give her strength, hope, courage ... the girl who never lost her courage, her spirit, who now sits like one dead ...
But Khushi rises like a living corpse ... and leaves from the mandap ... she knows he is gone, lost to her ... the marriage she was waiting for will never happen now ...
Garima breaks down seeing her daughter so lost ... and Khushi turns back for her Amma ... only to be stopped by a hand holding her dupatta.
As Khushi looks at him, it starts dawning slowly ... this is not her Arnav.
He ignores Anjali, Nani ... he even backs away from Khushi when she bursts out that she knew he was in trouble ... only when NK asks angrily 'where were you?' does he answer ... his eyes only on Khushi ...
"I was looking for answers to some questions, answers which I haven't found yet ...'
And she stares at him, her fears crystallizing ...
'Khushi, when I fell in love with you, I never knew our pasts were so connected. And I didn't know that the past I'd been running away from for so many years, I would come face to face with it on my wedding day.
Khushi, today I'm standing here only because of you ... where nothing exists apart from pain, deceit and hate ...'
Arnav has to do a U-turn for me to have any respect for him tonight. The dead are gone, the living are to be taken care of ... yes, he's been running away from his past, refusing to look at it in the face, accept it ... but today he has to make the choice ...
Can he face his past today for the first time? Look at it, accept it ... mourn for those lost ... and move on? Because life is for the living ... not for those dead.
Or will he let his past take over his present and future again? As he has done for the last fourteen years ...
Fultoo drama today.
Arnav continues to wallow in his sorrow ... a new flashback, his mother tells him ... don't punish the rose for the fault of the thorn. Apparently lil Arnav was as impetuous and unforgiving towards those who hurt his loved ones, as he is today. Will his mother's wisdom prevail?
Loved NK and Nani ... one a true friend, the other the wise gentle forgiving matriarch.
Sanaya was excellent when the fire went out and she sat down with that dead look in her eyes, and then started to move out as though in a trance.
Arnav's flashbacks while driving were very well done. A retracing of his past, and then his and Khushi's entire journey from the first day.
The last scene ... the look in Arnav's eyes was not nice. He has come back because he promised to ... that's all. And he will ask Khushi to choose between him and Garima. Khushi will try to convince him ... Garima will make the choice for her.
I hope that lockdown of Khushi's is coming real soon. Arnav needs to lose Khushi to learn that the dead are gone, but the living need to be taken care of.
Not in a very good mood after the episode, and also the rumors floating around. So be warned
Episode left me with very mixed feelings ... it was fultoo drama in parts, something IPK has stayed away from till now ...
Ignoring the first Tarzan bundolo call of Arnav and the furniture atyachaar
Arnav breaks down and cries like a child ... was this the first time he allowed himself to grieve for his mother?
The mother and son flashback ... very obvious as compared to IPK standards which are usually more subtle ... here the point was hammered home by his mother ... don't hurt the ones you love, don't hurt the innocent for the sins of the guilty, it's not right and you will hurt yourself too.
Does the emotionally challenged Bitwa get the message? His last flashback is of Khushi telling him not to make her wait, and his promise ... 'I won't'.
But the way Arnav threw the flower and walked off did not give me a very good feeling.
Did Arnav have anger management issues from childhood? Were there problems in his parents' marriage from the start? Or was this just an over-protective streak from the beginning? A Mamma's boy, turned into Di's boy after the death of Mamma ...
Khushi waits at the mandap, her hopes dying slowly with the dying flames of the havan kund. Yet her determination never falters ... she promised him she would wait, she promised she would never leave him ... she will keep her word, and she trusts that he will keep his. The love and the promise of the future will triumph over the demons of the past.He said in his mother's garden that she was his wife, his mother's bahu ... from that day on ... regardless of pheras, rituals ...
Loved the determination on Khushi's face, mixed with hurt and dread ... all in the eyes.
Garima apologizes ... her past has destroyed her daughter's future. Khushi tells her no, it's not her fault, she hasn't spoiled her future, Arnav will be coming any minute. Garima horrified ... she thinks Khushi has lost her senses.
And the Raizadas wait as well ... NK furiously trying to call Arnav.
Payal tries to move Khushi from her vigil by the havan kund, so does Buaji ... but Khushi will not move.
He will come. He promised me ...
Mami throws in some taunts ... why doesn't somebody shut her up?!!! Anjali actually tries ...
But Khushi is adamant ... he will come ... stubborn, determined ... she will not break her promise. He can't leave her ... eyes slowly going dead ... but one last fight as Payal tries to move her ... no! She won't go. She won't break his trust, her promise ...
Did not like Buaji's slap ... Khushi wasn't hysterical or losing it ... but Buaji is breaking down as well with grief for her niece ...
And Khushi swears she will not move till the last ember is glowing in the fire ... and she knows he will come before it dies.
Filmy ... redeemed slightly by the understated acting by Sanaya ... and her eyes ...
Arnav's long night drive ...
Technically a great scene ... the flashbacks on the windscreen ...
But the way he was driving, an accident was inevitable!
Arnav reliving the past ... the night it all happened, the night Arnav died and ASR was born ... Anjali's first wedding, his parents' argument, his father's deceit, his mother's death ... the shot that changed their lives ... Anjali's marriage broken ...
And then Khushi's advent into his life ... she fell into his arms, which led to his defaming her ... he sent her to the car park, endangering her life, then saved her ... he sent her to the guesthouse, endangering her yet again, then saved her ... was he punishing her for a crime she hadn't committed? The crime of reminding him that a simple middle class girl like her had destroyed his parents' lives and his? Destroying the rose bush for the sake of one thorn?
But she held on to him for the first time that night ...
And then she came closer ... the first person he shared his loneliness about his mother with, sought comfort from ... do they really become stars? And she gave him comfort in the form of her belief, her faith ...
Would his mother be happy to see him, he had asked ... she hadn't answered then. But the night they lay together under the stars had given him his answer ... or so he had thought. Yes, his mother would be happy to see him with her ...
Teej ... he broke her fast. Mehndi ... her worry when he went missing, she was concerned for him, she cared for him. Ambulance moment ... and he remembers the panic when he thought she was lost to him ...
Growing closeness, growing feelings ... he can't do without her ... what if I'd lost you?
But Daadi's words ... the other woman, the one who destroyed his home, his family, took his parents away from him ... that other woman is Garima ... her aunt. Is Khushi guilty by association? Or is she the innocent rose?
More flashbacks ... the temple bandagement, the bangle break ... and then the forced marriage in the dark silence of the temple ... with a bride in tears ...
Yet she didn't hate him ... the airport farewell when she begged him not to leave, because he mattered ... but he left her ...
The kidnapping ... she knew he was in trouble, she came to find him, she almost lost her own life doing so ... she saved him ...
Humein bharosa hai ... aap par, aapke pyaar par ...
The woman who destroyed this family, made you both orphans, is Khushi's aunt ...
Cherish the rose? Or throw out the rose bush because it has thorns?
His last flashback seems to give him his answer ... she fell over the cliff ... he thought she was gone forever ... the flashback which drives him over the edge (and into a tree
And finally her name torn from his lips ... 'Khushi!!!'
Has he made his decision? Did the remembered fear of losing her forever make the decision for him?
Waiting by the fire, Khushi knows instantly ... Arhipathy at work again ... she knows he's in trouble and she runs hysterically ... stopped by a worried, firm yet gentle NK ... he knows she's hysterical with panic ... and she stops, and looks back at the fire as though it has her answer ... it's gone out.
She was right. Arnav just died. And ASR returned.
And with him, Khushi seemed to die as well ... as she runs back to the ashes in the havan kund ... the last embers burnt out ... staring with shock and dread.
'No ... no ...' as though her last hopes died as well ...
Sanaya rocked this part ...
And Nani rocked the next ... as that wise gentle lady forgets everything except her love for Khushi, her grief at the girl's sorrow and heartbreak ... she knows how madly Khushi loves Arnav, she's seen her grandson come back to life after fourteen years because of Khushi, seen him happy after fourteen years ... and she rushes to comfort her, give her strength, hope, courage ... the girl who never lost her courage, her spirit, who now sits like one dead ...
But Khushi rises like a living corpse ... and leaves from the mandap ... she knows he is gone, lost to her ... the marriage she was waiting for will never happen now ...
Garima breaks down seeing her daughter so lost ... and Khushi turns back for her Amma ... only to be stopped by a hand holding her dupatta.
As Khushi looks at him, it starts dawning slowly ... this is not her Arnav.
He ignores Anjali, Nani ... he even backs away from Khushi when she bursts out that she knew he was in trouble ... only when NK asks angrily 'where were you?' does he answer ... his eyes only on Khushi ...
"I was looking for answers to some questions, answers which I haven't found yet ...'
And she stares at him, her fears crystallizing ...
'Khushi, when I fell in love with you, I never knew our pasts were so connected. And I didn't know that the past I'd been running away from for so many years, I would come face to face with it on my wedding day.
Khushi, today I'm standing here only because of you ... where nothing exists apart from pain, deceit and hate ...'
Arnav has to do a U-turn for me to have any respect for him tonight. The dead are gone, the living are to be taken care of ... yes, he's been running away from his past, refusing to look at it in the face, accept it ... but today he has to make the choice ...
Can he face his past today for the first time? Look at it, accept it ... mourn for those lost ... and move on? Because life is for the living ... not for those dead.
Or will he let his past take over his present and future again? As he has done for the last fourteen years ...
wow he came finally.....dont think he actually meant the last words..... Dia, you girls can explain better....
ReplyDeletewhy did he remember only Maa after the accident....when Maa said dont hurt the rose for the thorns mistake, i thought he wud go back and marry, but guess cv's want to show him more stubborn....
will he ask her to choose....cause she definitely won't...both are her lifeline, she won't choose one....but marriage will happen....
i guess her family will break relations with her...making her an orphan first marriage 360 done....and she will hurt inside for that....and slowly withdraw herself from him.....just like Sandy said, will go in a shell...
and ofcourse he realizes only when he is on the verge of loosing her, then the redemption, trying to get her chirpy self back.....
gosh, why do i keep speculating after each episode....
loved the episode.....IPK team, kudos to you....everyone was good.......
Geetu, just updated and saw that you said exactly the same as me. :)))
DeleteHey Dia, I have never thanked you properly, you always make time from ur busy schedule and open the post for us, and then let us take it forward.....
Deletealways caring for what we have to say...
thank you so much :)
Well I think he won't get married but he still has feelings for khushi and khushi's aunty will say to khushi you have to forget Arnav… if you want to know more just txt me
DeleteYou had posted options na on teh prev post and I had said if she leaves it would be because he called out to her :)
Arnav and khushi,
He agreed to get socially married for Khushi's sake. Why would he refuse to do one last ritual at this point?
Instead he would take the phere as it was a promise to his wife. But it will be the living together knwing what he does about the past that will be traumatic for him. Seeing her would remind him daily of his mothe's loss.
thanks Dia, for opening the post, was waiting eagerly, refreshing the page every minute :P
ReplyDeletei was scared when he was driving rashly....thought ab toh yeh gaya, aur khushi will think, he dint come....
at-least he came for her.....Khushi, girl, that's a big step for him... please understand if he asks to you choose....
Geetu, why should Khushi be the one to understand him always? Has she not done enough for him and his family already? Now she has to foresake her family too? He need not acknowledge Garima or may even show his resentment towards her but he has no right to force a daughter to chose between her mother and him. Would he have chosen her over his Di if she had forced such a thing? I am fed up seeing Khushi being victimised by this man time and again because he has not resolved issues with his past. I so wish she just goes away from all these mad people and start life afresh as an independent woman. She has the grit and the will. So what if her family washes their hands off her for her own good. It is no good living with a man who will keep putting her through tests after tests for no fault of hers but does not have the courage to openly admit all that he has done to this poor girl to his entire family.
ReplyDeleteOpti, the blow dealt to him is the harshest...had it been the old ASR he wud have destroyed Garima....but Arnav dint...he came back only for her....
Deletem sure he is gonna ask her to choose, or atleast expect her to break her ties with Garima....but she needs both of them to leave a happy live....
ur POV of Khushi leaving is good, but that is not her character....atleast at this moment when Arnav is going through so much pain, she won't leave not by choice...
this guy has faults, and he has done a lot of injustice to her...but he has also tried to take it away when he realized his folly...he has done a lot for her family, out of love for her....we can't refute all that just cause in his hurt he isnt able to make a decision....
I would prefer her to keep her calm (which is difficult i know) and deal with it.... don't be harsh on him... thinking that he is breaking ur ties with ur family....
Sorry did not care much for the drama in the episode...and particularly the way it ended when we almost know that he is going to say something any other show, i would have taken it as a matter for dramatic effect....but there was zero drama effect in that scene... i have only read the not sure if my premise is right...but i would rather watch tommo's epi...
ReplyDeletethe FB from mother seemed very opportune to me....imagine if he did not have the FB.....hum sab ka kya hota?
DeleteBitwa ko galiya dette, Gul ki google kahaate or firse kal agla episode dhekte.. we are hope - less like that...
DeleteAaru, i hope u had a rocking birthday....mads told us and we all left comments for u on ur big day....Wishes once again....
Sahi bola tune....i am ruing the day i got hooked to this soap yaar....imagine this is the only soap in 12-13 years or more that i have seen more than 30 episodes of any serial.....varna thats my limit of taking telly drama...
I used to watch Ajai's sinha's Hasratein and also Astitva seriously.....that too i left after some time...
then on to this IPK.....wish i had kept to this 30 epi, imagine i have watched 351 epis of IPK....I don't regret watching it but yes, i wish i could remain detached....
Sorry girls , couldn't read your wishes,just in real bad state at present.. because of the broken hand i lost lot of time for my submission.. and i still have to submit 2 more papers by 30th .. now thats taking a toll on me ..
DeleteBut thank so much for the love you girls have given me here .. was missing this after MJHT ended, so feels good to have an extended family here , where i can rant, crib ..
Thank you so much girls ..
today its just because of hubby that i was forced to come here , poor guy was taking all the crap i have been giving him for last 5 days..
rekhs i was same with MJHT so IPK is like going back to it .. yes me too wish that i can detach from this show, and i have done that few times , but i still come back , because of R & R , i come here to see whats up with the show and you girls.. and get attached to it again..
Aaru: Belated happy birthday...Try Dragon naturally speaking na, it types out when you dictate...Bit can always get it at some torrent site if you want to download it.
DeleteTwine, I was just wondering earlier today where you were..BELATED HAPPYWAALA BUDDAY sweetzz!!
DeleteHope you had a rocking day..lots of jhappis :)
And all the best for the papers and submission. Cheer up, this too shall pass!
Happy Belated Birthday Aarthi and best of luck with submitting Sandy said "Cheer up, this too shall pass!" really does, and we look back with fond memories.
DeleteTake care.
why oh cv's why you have to give such fantastic episodes when i can't even take a break for tea...
ReplyDeleteBut then i did for IPK, the last few episodes has left me stunned.. what a difference in last 7 days and last 7 months..
Geetu I think he will accept his love and marry her, he can't back now that he is here, and the FB's won't make sense along with his mother's words of not to punish someone for others mistake , so he will marry her, but i think for the true ASR he is he will ask her to cut ties with G after marriage saying I compromised now you too have prove your love,That's ASR biggest deal... khushi will not agree at first but G will do the needful.
So family cutting ties marriage 360 done.. last time also he married her not for Di as we have been saying, it was he losing khushi to shyam, today to he will marry her not wanting to lose her to fait/ garima..
But she will hurt inside and will go into her shell... by the time shyam's truth should be out ... and yes he will realize it only when he is on the verge of loosing her , yep and then the redemption ...
I so want that K telling him that today again she became an orphan just like you...
yes Aaru, thats what he will do....tell her that he is here cause of her, he can't live without her...but she will have to choose either......
Deleteand ofcourse Garima is already so guilty that Khushi is facing all this cause of her mistake....she will break the ties herself....
she will hurt and withdraw herself from everything...lill by lill, she will stop living....and when he is on the verge of loosing her, he will realize that nothing is imp then her....and he will accept Garima, for Khushi's khushi....and then come to know that she was innocent just khushi.....then he will accept her as his amma.......and give khushi the most precious gift....
I'll be grateful if somebody will enlighten me as to what Arnav said to Khushi on returning to the Mandap..I could not catch the dialogue.Please ,Dia, if you can give the exact words it will help. Thanks
ReplyDeleteAs far as I can remember, it was this ...
DeleteKhushi, main aaj yahan sirf tumhari vajah se khada hun ... jahan nafrat, dard aur dhokha ke alava aur kuch nahin hai ...
Thanks Dia.Sweet of you
DeleteDid you think the first part he actually meant, I owe my being alive to you
But my life today is one filled with dard / pain (of Mum's loss and Di's happiness lost), dhoka / deceit (by Shyam and Dadi) and nafrat / hate (for Dad and the other woman)
and yeah I hope he goes on to say love and trust only for you.
DeleteOn rewatch I feel he might go on to say, I am standing here facing my past for the first time, I can't run away from it any more. I have to face the fact that there was pain, deceit and hatred all around me and I didn't see it ... but now I know there is more to life than only that ... you have shown me that.
At least, that's what I'm hoping ... I don't want him turning back into ASR, I want him to acknowledge that he has been shutting the past out and refusing to face it, now he has no choice. And that he needs her on this journey. The last FB was about losing her when she fell over the cliff - that should be the decider ... that and his mom's words, don't punish the entire rose bush because one thorn hurt you.
Again a question of maturity, of growing up ... life never promises to be fair or free of pain ... it's how you deal with the pain that defines you. Shut yourself away and refuse to face it? Or face the facts and deal with them as best as you can.
Which means either telling her, I can't deal with your mother being the other woman ... and send her out of his life. Painful but honest ... make a clean break, both for himself and for her.
But that's not gonna happen ;)
So the other option ... it's very tough for me to come to terms with this ... I know I love you and can't live without you, but the memory of my mother is sacred to me ... give me time to reconcile to this. I will be a beast, I will be unreasonable, but for a while, till I make my peace with it.
Ok - that doesn't sound very likely either! :)
The one which will probably happen, but the one I don't want ... Garima or me.
An acceptable option ... Garima is your mother, but don't ask me to have any dealings with her.
Telling her not to shut her mother out of HER life, but only out of his.
Hmm think it's going to be pick me or your mum..,
ReplyDeleteMum will beg her to pick him, he'll silently beg her to pick him ...
But how can she forsake her mother.,, she can't she won't and therein lies the next track?
Gargi I would have thought so, but TRPs are too damn low for them to go for another separation like this.
DeleteHe will struggle yes to come to terms with Garima's truth...I dont see them separating or even the nafrat track.
The way I see it, too much SKD I know, he will confront Garima and he will give her the benefit of doubt when she says she was misled.
He will tell her whatever happened, he does not want Khushi to suffer anymore....
Garima takes a promise from Khushi to cut off ties from her and go with Arnav...and the hate comes from that from khushi's side for having to let go off her mother and him unable to love her?
DeleteFreaky bey! Said teh similr thing below though I said Griam cutting off ies will be instigated by ASR - deal fella you see. The being misled part he will accept as he feels SHyam and his Dad are same. Now question is what rwally ahppened that night and caused his mum to kill herself. So guessing one more past FB will come out - maybe Garima coming to meet his Dad?
Was a there a disclosure about something that is known only to Ratna, AD and Garima and i am guessing one more person...who could be that person...i have no idea, could be DD (but her role is idk) A secret that is more sinister than the one of G being the OW....and somehow links Khushi in some way....just rambling...
DeleteI think G is hiding something that is more dangerous than the point of her being the Ow....and somehow can't say this to Khushi....Sandy soch kya ho saktha hain?
Who is AD....I cant think past akshay dogra, aiyyo fuse ud gaya hai mera:(
DeleteSandy if the deal happens, me thinks Garima will volunteer that, marry my daughter I will go away something like that.
AD is Arnav's dad....Sr Malik...
DeleteAkash bitwa ko bhi is equation main lane ka koi mauka nahin chodthi tum....badi zabardast fan ho...waise idea bura nahin hain par bitwa thoda chota past ke equation main lane ke liye but in that situation he is guaranteed some bol do meethe bol...LOL
We are in for a googly pucca tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGeetu: He said Amma cos well he was in an accident na, that is what one does, wouldn't think much of it.
Nani was Nani today...loved her.
Akash bitwa, I want to kick you with spike shoes, grrrrrr...Chalo rant about him later...
He says I am here just for you because of you.
From where I stand there is only pain, hurt and hate.
He ends it at that..
I am guessing He will tell her I am here because of you. You are the reason I am seeing hope, love and happiness.
From where I stand or stood there was only pain, hurt and hate.
I am here for answers, I am not going to do the same mistake as last time, I want to listen to both sides of the story.
I will not do the mistake I did with you. I want answers and I will ask them.
SKD Too much?
Shwetha : even i think ur SKD will come true....hipefully *fingers crossed*
Deleteoff-topic : btw i came to know today that i have been crossing the wrong fingers all these years :D
which one are you supposed to cross?
DeleteOfftopic: I Completed 10000 posts in IF today..5 years 3 much BAK (WAS) BAK(WAS)...LOL
u are suppose to cross the index n the middle....n i have been crossing the middle and the ring finger....
Delete10000 wow.....*claps* i just started after watching IPK, stumbled on IF while searching more info for Barun and Sanaya......
OMG Geetu,
DeleteYou'ev been crossing the wrong fingers :) ROFL
Tere SKD ke liye meri shiddat. I will be happily pleasantly surprised.
But I fear that even if he gets the answers, he will still want to avenge the hurt to his mum?
DeleteSoul sista moment, that he said Maa when he gained consciouness - what all us normal people do call out to Mum when hurt.
But also felt it mean from that point on he would be the boy who was left facing the ravages of teh destruction that night.
Random commentswa:
ReplyDelete1. When it comes to Sobti boy, lesson learnt NEVER fully ignore the rumors...when they showed him driving and having an almost accident, I was screaming silently Nooooooooo..My hubby just entered and asked what happened, I told him he is on his way to the mandap and meets with an accident.
Guess what was his reaction?
He burst out laughing...I am guessing at the filmIpan of it.....Easy for him, grrrrrr...
2. Barun shot his scene separately...Don't ask me how, when he spoke, it was only him...and sanaya in a different frame and ALSO..They constantly showed his back.
So I am guessing they reshot the accident may be?
3. So did Sobti boy's chutti got cancelled. Please explain to me the logic of him quitting now when the movie's release is 3-4 months away UNLESS he has signed another movie a big budget one?
I mean if he quits now, with audience having out of sight out of mentality, wouldn't it be a huge risk.
If he quits now and god forbid it does not work out, wouldn't there be credibility issues.
Just wondering out aloud...cos I guess I can do so freely here:)
I would too if it was that easy.
Hey Shwetha : he said he isn't quitting.....are there any confirmed spoilers that he is ??
Deletegeetu apparantly that zee news girl said he had put in his papers and was contractually obliged not to say anything.
DeleteRead in the Forum that someone had confirmed that he had indeed renewed his contract for another year, so he is not going anywhere.
See if he is quitting then his UK trip with Sanaya will be in jeopardy too right.
Pata nahin yaar...this MAMR is becoming a major irritant I tell you.
Deleteits wud stupid of him to leave like that, if its true....unless maybe he has signed another movie, and wants to prepare for it or something..
Deleteone thing is for sure, that m not watching MAMR at any cost...even if someone sponsors the ticket for me :P
Shwethu, tera point nahin samjhi main..i more dimwitted today than usual....
DeleteIf he has quit, how will the re-shooting of a portion help....i mean, if he moves on, the PH has to find a solution....either work around the story or end...what change from tommo to today....
If he has quit and the PH is mum, they will work around in the story or look to end..In fact, i would say if Arnav says something rosy and not ASR like, phir toh chances of him quitting gains ground...
GEETU: Ditto
DeleteRekhs: Completely separate points they rey...They might have gone for accident but TRP dekha and decided wait we cant have brought him back or something..ignore me I am double mad at Sobti leaving rumors and the writers for making Akash do absolutely nothing.
As for his quitting, god knows, the show cannot survive without him or sanaya...Unless Dograji gets to do something fantastic..then I will watch pucca,lol
Shwetha : dint find the Zee_news spoilers....but this one members frend asked the star plus executive or somebody and she said atleast she hasnt got received the papers as yet.....they are the first to get the papers if the actor quits.....also mishti said that he isnt quitting...god knows whom to believe...
Deletei would rather prefer him or the ph to take a decision and make a proper announcement...but i know they won't...given their past records about 11/28/40 days leave
It's a rumour, unless confirmed otherwise ... BAS.
DeleteAnd vaise bhi, I am so mad at Arnav today that if BS quits, I will feel Khushi can get someone better, who doesn't give her so much heartbreak for no fault of hers. So ASR can exit ... they can't replace BS as ASR, it won't work. Kill him off. The show will get a new hero who has to work to earn Khushi's love ... a new love story, a new lease of life.
naa Dia, can't see Khushi with anyone else....also Sanaya with any other actor atm is a strict no-no for me....
Deletetried watching MJHT after i started with IPK....dint like to see Sanaya with Mohit as well.....
sorry dont want to offend MJHT and Mohit fans...
waise, m not even gonna watch MAMR.....:P aur BHPH dekhne ka to sawaal hi nahi uthata
does that sound like a psycho ? :D
I'm not watching MAMR ... doesn't interest me in the least. Unless it actually gets good reviews.
DeleteWould be interested to see how BS does in a different role ... he's done wonders with ASR, but I get the feeling he is a director's actor ...
Geetu, funnily enough, now I don't watch MJHT either ... but Sanaya looks and acts so different as Gunjan there, and I loved her in that, I think I would be able to watch it ... I just don't feel the urge.
Confirmation from about twenty sources ... BS is NOT quitting.
DeleteAnd the girl who posted the news has a personal grouse against BS and is busy defaming him ... and has been fired from her position in another telly forum.
And the track has been changed slightly ... and the big C DID happen last Friday :)))
So much news ... I should change my name to Dee_News :D
Oye kuch original naam rakho apna, Dia:)
DeleteHe held her pallu...he dont want her to go back to G......
ReplyDeleteIm here for u...he means it. But u have to choose
HI Sammymas,
DeleteU new here? Welcome to R& post a small intro for us...will be nice to read up on what makes us all so crazy about IPK....
Btw, did he stop her from going to G? as in actually stop, come in the way....thats a dead giveaway than...
Could be Sammy, chose me.
DeleteRekha, he did ... he held her pallu as she was going to Garima.
DeleteSammymas, welcome. New here? Do post an intro ... we're a small bunch and we like to know each other :) overwhelmed to see the replies. Thank u rekha, shwetha & dia for a welcoming me to be a part of this wonderful bunch.
My name is indu, im from gods own country kerala living in desert land Dubai;-). Am an engineer by profession, loved reading beautiful stories, day dreaming...etc but the busy life swept all of it away......but IPKKND bring all lost characters in me. Yes thoda bahuth pagalpan, nonstop blaberring, daydreaming....yes its me another Sankadevi.
Its Kushis sankas and the handsome ruthless ASR made me love IPKKND. The only serial which made me stick on even after its 30th episode. I love the story line, character plot and the relationships.
More than the serial i loved the way it brought out some of the talented lady writers through IPKKND FF's, bunch full of wonderful stories and quite a big amount of people with same thoughts......yes i understood im not the only Sankadevi in this world
I came across this blog recently. had been a silent reader. loved the in depth analysis u guys do on each episode.i was amazed to know that there are so much meaning in each looks and silence of characters in IPKKND from u ppl. U really explore the actual thoughts of writer and director and that is awesome. i started loving the tracks more when i read ur blog.
Oooops..........too long ;-)
Hi Sammymas,
DeleteWelcome to craziness :)
Sandy aka HAA (Hopelessly Addicted to ArhI)
Hi Indu,
DeleteWelcome again...thank u for the intro...actually ,most of us here have introduced ourselves in a separate post, which u can also read in IPKKND Member intro Post as part of this know the madness that goes on in our fact u can paste this intro over there, if u wish....
welcome..there are lot of sankadevis in the Asli duniya....koi problem nahin....
hi indu, welcome to RnR!
Deletetoo long posts.. i like you already! :D
Hey indu..welcome!!!
Deleteyou will love it here!!! :D
Hey Indu, welcome!!! I was in Dubai till two years ago ... hi5!!!
DeleteSeconding Rekha, please post your intro in the Members Forum too ... you'll find the link in the top right of this page :)
Look forward to having you join the discussions!
@ rekha, Dia. ... i didn't notice the member into section. i went trough it now and its awesome....will post my into soon in that concern post soon.
DeleteSandy, jaya, anitha.....thank u.
im really exited to see active members in this blog....
Beautiful episode again!! Can our IPK team deliver if they've put their hearts into it or what? Sanaya looked beautiful , Bitwa's outfit could've been so much better.
ReplyDeleteThe CVs are doing a good job ending the pisodes at a crucial note every day. Hope the TRP audiences are tuning in and giving us the TRPs we deserve.
So all of you think he will ask her to choose ? The way I see it, if all's well and they get married, then wheer is the story? So we'll need one of them to act up for sure. My preference is Khushi.
Hi RD,
DeleteYep my vote on acting up goes to Khushi too - after all SP empowered heroine is she not ? :)
Hi Sandy ,
DeleteThis is Sahana :-) Glad to have you back this week. Love your bak bak. Such lovely insights.
If Arnav takes the upper hand this time, I'm quitting IPk . Enough of Khushi having to pay the price for things she is not responsible for.
Are you the same Sahana? :-) Our own Sahana? :)))
DeleteYep, I want Khushi to play hard to get now ... especially if he does make her choose. Let's see what Arnav does tonight.
Shweta ,
ReplyDeleteChalo maa ne phal nahin to phool to phenka ...LOL...thoda sa gyan bhi diya :)
As to the last scene the dialogue was ambiguous...
It could be interpreted to say either "I am here for you despite the hurt and hate"
or that " I am here in this hurt and hatred because of you" ...
And his step back from her touch indicated the second...
But his holding her back from going to amma - is hinting he will ask her to choose...
I do not want Khushi to choose him under that condition even if Garima says it is just morally wrong of Khushi to do that to a woman who took in an orphan and raised her - she probably had to settle for a widower because of her too ...
Ofcourse Ekta style , they will make Garima put Khushi under oath , Khushi wuill jump up and down a few days and then forget and live in blissful denial like after the forced marriage ...
Sorry rant check did not work :)
Moral of the story and lesson for all young girls out there - stay away from mentally/emotionally damaged men - there is no ego high in helping them out of their shells , all they do is drag you down as well...
Sri ... your last remark ... hell yes!!!
DeleteThis is getting emotionally draining and stupid ... I thought ASR was Gul's baby ... why is there no growth in the character at all?! And Dadi leaves all right, but leaves destruction in her wake ... basically the villain triumphs again :(
I am pretty sure this will happen, Sri ... Khushi will be forced into marriage yet again ... this time by Garima, for fear of badnaami ... but I now REALLY want that emotional lockdown Sandy spoke about. NO COMEDY from Khushi this time ... we want her as dead emotionally as ASR was at the start of the show ... he finds out the real story from Garima pretty darn quick, and starts to really WORK to EARN Khushi back. And I want him shedding blood, sweat and tears this time round!!!
Dia : shiddat to that...even i want an emotional lockdown from Khushi, such that even Mami feels bad for her.....
DeleteI am with you Dia. He really has to work his way this time if he makes her chose between him and her mom. Would he have chosen her over his Di if Khushi had asked him to, not that she will ever expect him to. He can resent Garima, not acknowledge her, even yell at her but he has no right to demand that Khushi break her ties with her mother.
DeleteOr , I want Khushi to reject him this time , basically take the upper hand. This guy has tortured her to no extent and that too multiple times. The next phase should be how he finds out the truth using his so called shaatir dimaag and then moving heaven and earth to win her over.
Deletei am too drained today...becos i thot ASR will come by with reservations in his heart for Garima, upset at the turn of fate but i never thot he would come with hate in his heart, already ready to condemn G...I felt he will find it diffi to talk to Khushi or G....but i thot the arrogance will be missing for once.....I have not seen the epi but i get a feeling the arrogance is still there....
Can somebody ask him how did the woman who said don't hurt someone for other's mistakes...did the very same to her children...ASR ur brains are not frozen, u don't have them...
DeleteHuggs. Hmm I kept sayign all I did but I wondered how would he separate Garima and Khushi so when I saw the rose dialogue I said bingo, so Arnav will stay tru to his base character and hate G - not for teh affair perhaps if he hears her out tomorrow but for being instrumental in his mum;s death as he feels. He is yet to learn that mumma chose to leave him because she was weak.
Oh the arrogance is still tehre and it will come down only when he finally can frgive Garima and let go of his past completely.
As for frozen brains, well sigh it is a daily soap that needs to keep running and running like a Duracell battery.
"Moral of the story and lesson for all young girls out there - stay away from mentally/emotionally damaged men - there is no ego high in helping them out of their shells , all they do is drag you down as well..."
Deletetoo true yaar, and not bollywood gyan either..happened too close to me for comfort. to see the once super-confident girl double checking every thought and action.. and re-calibrating to bend to his wishes... was eye-opening to say the least.
but of course, it makes for a gripping story.
DeleteIf he starts working to regain Khushi's trust after he finds Garima is innocent - to me that is not ok - its like saying I will love you if everything works out in my world the way I need it..
Especially since Gul made such a big production out of ASR trusting Khushi without evidence(????) ROFL:)...he has to love Khushi without needing Garima's innocence ot be proved or even for Garima to be innocent.
I see ASR Arrogance is a mask he has always hidden his insecurities behind. He can only let that arrognce go when he is secure and he was for a little while in her love now he's not so the mask slips back on ? :)
Oh baap re!!
DeleteI did not see all the comments here last night.
I have my fingers and toes crossed for my hero moment with ASR today cos I beleive in him.
No deals
No force on Khushi from Garima aur ASR
I loved that scene where he returns to her. Holding onto her aanchal, looking up at her his bride, his wife, his life - seeing yet again the tears he has managed to give her, a momentary flicker of happiness at seeing her. For every question his family asks him, his eyes and voice answer only to her. When Di asks him where he was, he is silent. When NK asks him, he tells her he was out looking for answers to some questions, answers heis yet to find and sees her look of understanding at the pain he must be going through. When Nani asks him how he was hurt, he immediately looks to Khushi and she answers saying she knew he was in a haadsa (there was a momentary pride and happiness there at her answer).
When she reaches out to soothe him he steps back, because he needs to feel every pain and cut manifold as he speaks. Her tears will ensure that. He does not deserve balm, he does not deserve solace but he would think (if he is a fair man) that he deserves punishment for himself. He is going to pronounce a sentence on himself - for hurting his mum, for hurting Khushi
Is he going to declare himself unworthy of her love and ask her to hate him instead? Stay with him yet day in and day out shun him just like he did to her. But before that give the entire family enough reason to undertsand what all Khushi bore over time so there are no sympathies for him?
I get a feeling during that drive back, Arnav Singh Raizada sat in udgement of himself and he has reached a verdict. Therefore when he crashed, he called out to his mum for help to ensure he gets his chance to reach Khushi to claim his sentence.
Garima may have been the reason he lost his mother but she is also the reason Khushi gained a mother. Yes, he turned out so rotten because of Garima but then Khushi turned out so well because of the same woman. It is because of Khushi who was raised by this woman that he was able to redeem himself and turn into a new, more lovable man. The day he realises this he will call Garima 'Amma' as Khushi so wanted him to.
ReplyDeleteawwwwwww opti
Deletedo we still doubt the remarriage, here's another spoiler...right from the horses (i mean Khushi's) mouth
khushi's neck i meant :P
DeleteHi dia
ReplyDeleteHate separation emotional distance so much negativtyi. Is there no middle path ? I am tired of it. The show needs some positive energy.
Get banjo up and get shyam out. Fatigued with half baked stories.
You bet, Ratna ... the constant negativity is draining!
DeleteI think for me, watching Khushi sad for more than two days in a row is the most draining ... Sanaya makes you feel her pain so much. :(
A thought ... is this what was planned after the first hate wedding ... but the track had to be abandoned because of Barun's movie, so now they're going back to it? And this time we WILL actually get an RTR ...
SKD much?
Dia, free my posts!!!
ReplyDeleteHellooo ladies, its been a long time since I came here. I had stopped watching during di's drama, started watching again. I cant seem to stay away that long!
ReplyDeleteShwetha- I was totally prepared to see a new face, when accident happened! I thought all my fears are coming true. BS quit, new ASR in
I agree with all of you, that he will make KKG choose btween him and Garima. Thats so unfair, can he leave his beloved Di..even when Di gave tantrum for shyaam ji. Too much hypocrisy ASR, not good. Garima will force Khushi to marry. And I so want the emotional distance from Khushi's side. I know it will be sad to watch, but Sans is so good in such scenes. Even during this wedding fiasco, I couldnt take my eyes off her, she is excellent in emotional scenes.
Bottom line- ASR has to learn to love unconditionally and the closure will be when he calls Garima amma, as dil ke rishte some time mean much more than blood relations
Btw may be its just me, but I find Di and Shyaam smiling very very irritating. Specially, during wedding break off, I was going, common CVs.please show Sanaya..I have no interest in Di crying.
I just cant seem to like DB AT ALL, and Cvs give way too screen time to Abhaas. Thank you DM for bringing the TRPs down, otherwise DB's negotiation would have killed the show.
Thank God sense prevailed.
Sukhi: Aiyyo It will take a long time for me to actually look at Anjali now.
DeleteMe too, I was Nahiiiiiiiiiiiin when the accident happened and the brilliant bg music added to the effect.
They are tightening up, start watching now...we watched the worst times, now I think if not the best we are in for good episodes.
Good to see you back*hugs*
First of all, did the CV s take us for a ride today?
ReplyDeleteI mean, they took us through all the 20 scenarios before they came to the climax- even the accident was there and I was like, WTH? Are we getting the damn amnesia too. For a moment I was clutching my heart saying,”gul don’t do this to me’.
So, bitwa, you did show up. YES YOU DID OWE IT TO HER.
And as usual Gul exceeded beyond my expectations. Rekha, remember the scenario we were discussing, what ASR will do when he sees a broken KKG. Instead, she gave us a stone cold ASR faced by a KKG who was still about her wits. The histrionics had ended by the time he showed up.
So, indeed, btn mother and KKG who won?
Or rather, btn hatred and love, what won in ASR’s mind?
He chose commitment, because he was INDEBTED to her for the million ways he had hurt her and the million times she had saved him. Here I am, a shadow of your lover, take me if you want?
1. The fire.
KKG knew the moment it died, something had died. For a moment she thought something happened to ASR since he had called out to her.
But she was right, something indeed had died- his love for her.
2 ASR called out KKG’s name when he was about to hit the truck, the most important person to him. But when he woke up, he whimpered, ‘maa’: I feel that is the monologue we were looking for, Jaya.
And looks like they gave us more than a momologue,they gave us a dialogue on ASR’s thought process- what he blurted out to Khushi- take me if you want. I am here only for the promise I made, nothing more.
The most poignant moment: When ASR retreated as KKG took that step towards him.
I admire you, CVs, how did you think up this perfect scenario?
So, from what I understand now, te ball is in KKG’s court now.
Say NO NO NO, girl.
We’ll get him back as good as old after his rtr, he needs it to re-learn all the lessons in love you taught him.
And indeed, ‘hum intezaar karenge’, I hope you are feeling upto it, girl.
(Afterall, you made a promise to never leave him. I’ll be glad if you forgot that promise for a few days till his rtr is over.)
DeleteGul e mere falling in arms waale SKD ka googly kar diya. I am still hoping it happens tomorrow.
Tere baaki points well said babe. I have tried to share my view below.
Back from rewatch- missed this first time around:
ReplyDelete“un sawaalon ka jawaab JO ABHI TAK MILA NAHI HAI.
*applause* bitwa, I’ll reduce rtr miles just for that one minute dialogue.
So, nothing has won over his love- he has not processed it yet- he is here NOW because he made a promise to K- and all he can tell her now is “I have only nafrat and dhoka and anger on my mind right now”- just telling her what he is feeling RIGHT NOW. Dumbo, you could’ve just told her, I need more time to think this over. ( Phir rtr kaise milta? Yeah, you made the right move! Thanks a lot. Now if KKG says no, you won’t even have to think anything over, which means you have to start from SCRATCH.Ha!)
Oh and when K walks away from the fire that had died down, she knew that his feelings were not the same. That is why she hesitated for a moment when she saw ASR there. She knew he was alright, but just did not expect him there. She almost knew about the decision he had made. Welcome back, ASR. Bye Bye, Arnav.
When he tugged at her pallu- aaaw..... how long until we get a scene like that again? I am already drained with all the hi drama.
Deleteoh su, i feel like hugging you today. the way he flinched back from her touch..uff!
Deletethe way his mother repeated.. hate the thorn, but don't hurt the rose that loves you.. that was the only thought in his mind!
so according to what he knows, garima is the thorn and khushi is the rose.. so he has come to marry her, only because she loves him..
and yes, looking at his face, we can see.. the ASR is back...(yesterday i had no sympathy for arnav's histronics.. but today's dead face breaks my heart!)
and yes, nice segue by lalit mohan.. he wanted to bring ASR back, and kill off the barun-ified version.. he did!
DeleteThe moment he stepped back made me recall of the time Khushi got Shyam back and ASR's immediate reaction to her. the distaste that of all people she, Khushi had brought back the one person he despised so much.
But he will get over it once he calms down. It was bone chilling to see his dead eyes. No anger, no softness, just blank.
Am reserving judgement on the episode till i see tomorrow's episode - was wayyy too much drama for me - BUT 3 things i will say -
ReplyDelete1) Today the CVs killed the ASR in my head! - i never had any problems with ASR placing KKG above, below or alongside Di - to me the three relationships, with Ma, Di and KKG were exactly that - three separate relationships that cannot and need not be compared - no placing of one before the other - All had their own importance!
BUT today - by showing that FB with Ma - the CVs ruined ASRs character for me - Ma basically told him everything - KKG is the innocent yet to bloom rose, she is close to your heart, don't hurt her for no fault of her own yadayada.. so basically this 'shatir demagh' can only understand concepts that have been placed in his mind by one of the three women - either Ma, Di or KKG - on his own - he cant think!! - seriously just like the female leads in movies are always cribbing about being the 'show piece' in films, the male leads on TV should be protesting too for being always equated and portrayed as the dumb bimboo!
2) i know you all were talking about KKG's emotional shutdown and ASRs RTR - I guess that's what happens in classics - the morbid Wuthering Heights types - i so hate them! - did not want that at all - there is enough heart burn in real life - on screen i wanted to see a romance that actually was a love story - not story of a bechari harassed by her zalim husband - so don't want that to happen and that is exactly what it is coming out as - Poor KKG , Cruel selfish ASR!
3) the only good thing in the epi - KKG stood her ground and did not leave (btw - whatever happened to the sensible Gupta women - they can see she is upset yet try to forcefully get her to stand up - only nani had the sense to let her hope and take time to accept what ever the truth was!)
DeleteDeep breath!!
Arey see the good effect Khushi has had on him. He is now able to recall happy moments with him mum in addition to just her loss. And gradually he will learn to live with those and erase teh bitterness.
About hurting the flower for the thorn, I thought he repented for it in the car by recalling all the many ways he had done so to Khushi since the day she entered his life right uptil when he made her his wife in that brutal manner - each time punishing her for someone else's mistake.
ON KKG mental shutdown, I also said she will be feisty Khushi then, the one who always stood up and questioned ASR's beliefs and this time he will listen to her.
ANd yeah can the drama end soon though my guess is till Tue or Wwed this will continue. My system cannot handle more. But yeah very well handled by the team unlike the Shyam khulaasa. Totally nerve wracking as high points should be. The last time this happened was when he married her
Rambling along..
ReplyDeleteOMG my 4th option of Khushi attempting to leave because Arnav calls out to her - it happened.
He bound her then and he will bind her /hold onto her now because he is not yet sure that she will not leave him.
And I firmly came down to soap reality that for a while before the Arnav can shine thru, 14 yr old Arnav or Chhote will reign.
And why will Arnav make Khushi choose?
(To me the agni in the havankund going off indicates Khushi's agni pariksha is over. It is now time for Garima's plea of being punished instead of her daughters to be heard.
Plus that scene coincided with Arnav's accident and him going Maa. Arnav is dead for a while and the man who returns will be the chotey with all teh anguish of that 14 year old boy and the man of the oast 1 year who has lived and learned to love Khushi. Now is the time to heal wounds fo the period from 14 to 28, and in trying to make Khushi happy heal himself.)
The businessman ASR would never because he knows how strong her feelings of Garima's haq are and also knows Khushi will choose parents over him.
Na, the deal is gonna be struck with Garima. She does not know the extent of Arnav's love for Khushi. She does not know that Khushi cannot live without him. She needs her daughter to be happy.
Arnav now knows she was the thorn in his mother's life. So quietly tell her in isolation that I will marry your daughter provided you break Khushi's heart and all your ties with her and refuse to attend this wedding. You will make her believe that you choose to leave her for she is now part of my family. In return I promise to care for her always. (all people thinking he is going to ask and hear to Garima's explanation and forgiveher so soon, please apne apne sapnon ke bubble se baahar nikal jaao cos then u r in for heartbreak in soap reality. He may believe her when she says she was unaware of his dad being married but for now he will want to lash back for the mother's loss for he still has not accepted that Ratna for all her wisdom was weak. She chose to leave him. The day he realizes ratna was weak is the day he will realize Anjali's psyche properly.)
Arnav can never forgive the person who causes his mother harm and Garima is now for him the other woman in his mother's life and not Khushi's amma. (In teh FBs the first set were triggered of the kind of man he became because his motehr died cos of the other woman, the second set with Dadi speaking of how he was orphaned because of Garima, Khushi's maasi but there he recalls how Khushi almost died. Today I felt he blamed Garima for him having doen what he did to Khushi and all teh hurt he had caused her from the day they met, he had hurt the one he loved and one who loved him because his motehr was ot there to remind him - because of Garima).
And Garima recently shaken from Dadi's lies and having seen the extent of Khushi's despair will agree. (last time Khushi sacrificed as she found the jhumkas for Payyal, this time Garima will as she found them for Khushi). Besides Garima knows that if Khushi's wedding breaks, Payal too may choose to stay back like she said and Mami would be more than willing. She could not allow her promise to her sister be in vain, neither would she allow heartbreak for the daughter of a man who has stood by her.
And this is the moment for the khulaasa of the fact that Garima is only Payal's foster mum and not her real mum. With this hopefully the 360 of a mother choosing to leave her children then will come to a close with another leaving hers (albeit forced).
Chances are Khsuhi is going to say something harsh on impulse when Garima attempts to severe her ies, maybe about her forgiving Garima, and Garima will raise her hand to slap the girl but this time ASR will stop her. CHalo woh 360 bhi ho gaya.
Rambling some more...
ReplyDeleteAnd Khushi will later rise to fight against ASR the day she realizes this. I want Buaji miffed at ASR for a while on this too. So he needs to patao her too in future.
For now, how the ArHi relation will be, I would like to see how that last scene plays out. But Khushi is now part of that group for whom ASR will have dher saara pyaar while he has dher saari nafrat for others. But Ratna Mallik's dialogue of braking a flower yet to fully bloom makes me think of the blooming trust between Arnav and Khushi and how it is going to be tested when Khushi realizes what Arnav did. Rabba ve, this means it is going to be Arnav's eyes which will be anjaan for a while.
But yeah is baar jab saare taunts niklenge shaadi ke baad, toh ASR will speak up for Khushi. (warna I will hit you with Bata slippers ODB)
But yeah, I want that mental lockdown SKD for Khushi and I know now that Sanaya will ace it. Khushi would have again become anaath, but Arnav though he loves her will be unable to do anything to ase that pain, every tear of hers will hurt him manifold and I will keep my fingers crossed for the day he has to answer Khushi for how he cheated her of her mum.
And Khushi will this time know why he hates with a passion too.
Deletei don't know what is it that will make Khushi accept an Arnav who is so cold....i thot Khushi will never outstay her welcome anywhere....ok his words are not over yet but why will she accept a garimaless situation in her life..ASR ka brain mein takneeki kharabi hain. accepted..but Khushi ke brain mein bhi takneeki kharabi hain kya?
DeleteShe will not knowingly accept a Garimaless situation but ya toh Arnav tells Garima to ruthlessly break ties or just quietly go off to Lucknow for treatment or cuh - he will fund it bu she should not contact Khushi, you think Garima will tell Khushi.
Khushi will initially be dizzy with happiness that her vishwaas was maintained but when the euphoria settles, she is going to bring up amma and then the takraar will begin. And the coldness from Arnav too.
But this time she will be unbedning and neither will bbe his gusse ki mohtaaj.
Btw, Khushi ke brain main nahi dil main takneeki kharaabi hai ;)
Sandy sweetie,
DeleteBut that is ramanchi na from Arnav,makes him a hypocrite...
I was ok with him not wanting to have any truck with Garima....thats understandable in the circumstances but its hard to reconcile the deceit that is likely to come with it...Just the peculiarity of their situation would have been sufficient for distance to creep in the relationship in any case, i would think and they could have worked on that conflict frim there....
but i do agree they have to engineer a situation where K walks in reasonably happy into RM and is unaware of the undercurrents....tuf yaar...kya kya jhele to get ARHI over the line....phew!!
J and Su, u are all saying that ASR has returned in this manner....but today well..
i am not upset that ASR has been a poor student of love...flunked his exams even when he has such a wonderful Khushi....becos some students take longer to learn their lessons....thats perfectly fine...let him take time but can he go easy on the arrogance..
Arrogance in a man is nice only when backed by smart honest action...unless he is frank with Khushi tommo, the arrogance of ASR would seems hollow, breaking the myth of a do i reconcile that? can't the creatives think up a situation where the arrogance of ASR is justified and Khushi's character is not butchered? Yeh kya pooch liya maine?
DeleteRamanchi and dhoka I know - the only reason I said that was cause of Arnav saying agar Seedhi tareeke se bulaata toh kya tum aati. I am not your gulaab and naahi tumhaare ghoose ki mumtaaz.
Wild thought - if he has indeed let the flames and embers of his past agony die and laid to rest all his ghosts;
Pataaka would be:
if the dard dhoka and nafrat dialogue goes on to be explained by ASR as the pain his parents gave him by leaving him, the dhoka Shyam did to his family and the nafrat dadi did by breaking it all to him on his wedding day and trying to break his dreams and snatch away his happiness.
He who always looked out for them has found that he never really had their pyaar and bharosa.
But Khushi is the one reason he is here today because unflinchingly through hell and high water she held on to him, loved him and trusted him. So today he will take her hand while letting go of his past and all associated relationships. Lets go of the ghost of his ma, disowns his dadi for he is now firmly a singh raizada and breaks his relation with Shyam though his Di he will not force.
One part of me fears teh blank look in his eyes today and what he could do yet another part of me wants him to have learnt his lesson of love and trust and want to really be that man that Khushi keeps telling him she sees in him. Become worthy of that image.
"Iss pyaar main sahi aur galat ka koi matlab nahi hai,
Agar kisi cheez ka matlab hai toh woh yeh ki maine humeshaa humeshaa tumse...."
Tu Hi Meraa!!
And as a first step starts speaking of every hurt he has meted out to her - at Lucknow the tapes, Payal's wedding, at the office, the engagement with La and breaking her heart on Diwali, the truth behind their wedding being forced using Payash as collateral(contract too perhaps but with a mention of the rasams they did including teej), the truth of the first 6 months she spent with him, the pain and trauma she faced, how she tried to prove herself to him, begged him to listen but he left and even then she came looking for him sure that he was not ok, rescued him, saved his life and put her own in danger, came home to face humiliation, stood firm in the face of the family's denial, stayed away from his sister, tried to leave him for their happiness, again faced stigma from the family for the non pheras and despite it all still trusted and loved him and agreed to marry him again.
Basically exalt her to a pedestal from where henceforth none can pull her down from while relegating himself as the sole inflicter of dard, dhoka and nafrat that she has faced from him and others related to him. Own up to your past for wihtout facing it you can never really look to your future.
Family is shoked wants to stop it all but Khushi is stubborn and still gets married to him but then both the families decree his punishment that for what he did to her, she should be kept away from him.
ANd then they both fight for their love, fight to be together.
SKD three much ho gaya and the daily soap will shut down but agar aisa kuch ho jaaye toh what a hero moment that will be for me. He will take the blame alone because he can and because we will let him!
One last,
Deletethis has been at teh back of my mind, that knowing what she does of ASR, if Arnav tells her that he needs her but cannot forgive her parents and does not know how to reconcile the 2, Khushi actually steps up and chooses him. Becasue she knows what he told her that without her he would not be able to live. Her ultimate sacrifice without any one of their private moments coming to fore and without him threatening. She understands his heart and grants him his unsaid wish.
In the process she temporarily loses family, maybe angers her sister but Khushi being Khushi will put on her smile and manage to bring them all around for the man whose eyes haunt her and in which she has seen immense love, despair, pain and loneliness.
DeleteI feel for you girl -but as nani said ,ummeed mat chodo - ghuma fira ke hero bana hi denge :)
With Rekha completely. ASR making a deal with Garima with Khushi unaware why Garima broke her ties - totally unacceptable.It erodes ASR beyond redemptions.Think of what it will do to Khushi and her trust in him when she finds that out..And Ratna is right - it makes him all kinds of hypocrite cos he can tolerate Shyam for Di but he cannot tolerate Garima for Khushi..if he does that he simply does not deserve Khushi...but you know what , it can make the story go on forever - Khushi blissfully ignorant again about his coldhearted machination, then it gets revealed - heartbreak again, then she understands again and the cycle continues :) Viewers tolerance pe depend karta hai...
And forget the drama - if he is indeed saying my love is dead and standing here because of responsibility - let her absolve him of that responsibility and leave- completely out of his world...She has lived through one hate marriage - she does not need to live thru another.Tell him to come find her when that love's fire starts burning again.Ret ki tarah nikal jao taki ASR ko keemat pata to chale.
I said this before but I for one am sick of seeing the good pay the price continually - and I hate the fact that they show the people suffering as the devout ones too.. if evil wins again and again under the protection of Devi undermines Her.Show the person deriving strength to act from faith , not just the strength to bear atrocity after atrocity:(
And I have a feeling TRPs will nose dive unless they show Khushi rise from the ashes and take on ASR - not as a comic bride, not a sorry emotionally locked down feel sorry for me Khushi , but as "go find yourself before you come looking for me , my mother needs me "kind of fiesty Khushi:)
The lock down Khushi is too much of an emotional drain and fiesty lockdown will be too close to Anji's delusional euphoria, or repeat of Khushi post forced marriage, the comic one loses all continuity of characters _ though the teenybopper crowd may still like it but its a gamble. Doubt how many want to see a repeat of unwanted comedienne bahu winning over inlaws once again.
Wrote that comment cos I have seen that happen in real life with someone I know too - hence my dislike for bad boy heroes- they never or very rarely reform completely in real life without psychological help and portraying them in love stories like these just puts fancies in young girls minds that they have the ability to bring the change about:(
Delete"relegating himself as the sole inflicter of dard, dhoka and nafrat that she has faced from him and others related to him. Own up to your past for wihtout facing it you can never really look to your future.
Family is shoked"
Yeh hua to family ko chodo pehle mai shock se behosh ho jaungi :)
DeleteI do love your SKD though - it would be a perfect googly after the build up...
Mai yahan aaj sirf tumhari wajah se khada hoon..jaha sirf dard, dhokha, nafrat hai...In sab ke andhere mein kho gaya hota agar tumhara pyar diya banke raasta na dikhata...
Follow up with him recounting all the flashbacks he had on the windshield the like you said ...
That would be the RTR - but that would be if the knock on the head(Shweta - fruit na sahi steering wheel hi sahi ) did knock some sense into him and I will give credit to Maa because he yelped Maa coming out of it as if Maa had slapped him :)
I am certifiable for my crazy thoughts :)
Srisri...Steering wheel*rofl*...We all are mentals here, you are in good company*Hugs*
DeleteHonestly I want no deal with anyone for yes it would kill ASR for me. The growth in him Khsuhi has managed. Bu daily soap so anything can happen.
But I tell you if that SKD three much happens, I will also faint :)
He said he had questions to which he still had not found answers.
And therein should lie the choice he gives to Khushi.
Knowing what she knows about their past, knowing he will not be able to forgive her amma for what she did to his mum, would she still be able to live with him?
Liked the continuation you have penned. Yes she has been the light but most importantly, he has belatedly realized that she never left him, she always returned to / for him.
I am guessing, he will ask her Why? And then will come a simple answer.."Kyunki hum aapse bahut pyaar karte hain..."
(There was this scene in the tamil movie Dalapathi, when Surya answers his friend - Because you are my friend! Powerful because it showed the depth of his loyalty for the man who had held his hand and given him an identity, an identity that he had craved since he was a child and ridiculed for being an orphan).
And in that second set of FBs he recalled teej, the bandagement and all such rasam related incidents, I think he realized that she had been his wife for longer than he realized. And if he was her husband at teej, he breached faith by announcing his engagement to La. He neevr thought about her all those times.
You know the way he stood there holding her dupatta reminded me of a child holding onto mum'a aanchal after he has been scolded for making a mistake. So then it is time for punishment. And that is why I would think he stepped back when Khushi reached out. Because to be able to mete out the punishment to himself, he needed to be string and if she touched him, she would absolve him of his mistake for not reaching on time and he would lose the ruthless strength of ASR he needs to say his piece.
DeleteToday actually the jury is still out.....and it was my first instinct to not comment until i heard him thru....
yeah, i did not listen to my first instinct....reminded me of a friend's mum's words "first instinct the best instinct, every other one, the devil's instinct"
I will try to keep the devil's instinct at bay today...wait for ASR's words....he sure has something to say and it will be interesting to hear what he says.....
Chewing on:
DeleteWhen this track of the past started, Khushi planted a rose in Arnav's garden. She planted it with a purity of heart and a smiling hope that soon the bud would flower.
That day Dadi entered Shantivan and Khushi marked her with the muddy water. SInce that day Arnav Singh Raizada has been gradually standing up publicly and asserting his love and trust on his wife.
He even showed her the garden with the rose bushes that his mother so loved. Roses his mother's favourite flower and perhaps a reason why he neevr had them before in his garden.
But today when he was at the darkest hour in his life, he comes to his mother's embrace and realizes that he found a shadow of his mother, a girl who reminded him of his mother in so many ways, pehaps shares the same likes, loves red roses and loves him just as deeply as his mother.
But in his anger and don't care attitude, he had ended up crushing that rose just like his mother was crushed. But since teh grief flowed out today, his mother nudged him and showed him that the rose those bruised had still flowered. Though he had punished the bud / flower for the mistake of the thorn, the rose still flowered because teh girl who was witing for him had nurtured it.
ANd at that moment, I would like to think that momentary hardenign in his face was self loathing for himself.
Till date he has blamed teh world for what he has suffered. Today perhaps h realizes that it is only himself whos is the cause of all his suffering. It was he who had shackled himself in the past.
Pairon main bandhan hai
Paayal ne machaaya shor
Sab darwaaze karlo band
Dekho aaye aaye chor
Tod ke saare bandhan tu
Machne de paayal ka shor
Dil ke sab darwaaze khol
Dekho aaye aaye chor
What if he marris her, gives her all the maan but denies himself teh right to be called her pati. his haq on her which he had always liberally taken, he now feels he needs to earn it. SO he send her home to her mother?
DeleteSach main mental hopeless case
DeleteWhen he realized Shyam's truth and wanted to throw him out why did he fear for Anjali?
Did he take a decision 14 years ago to throw his dad out of his mum's life causing her to end his life because for all his faults she still loved him and did not want to hurt him? Or was it because like Khushi said on that terrace, he realized that his mother chose to end her life because she did not wnat to stand in the way of his father and his love. She loved him and could not hurt him, so she killed herself to free the path for him?
Had Dadi done a similar expose on that wedding day to his mother? Is there another FB that has been dislodged once he was able to get past that moment he lost her?
Hello ladies.
ReplyDeleteCould someone please tell me the dialogue that Arnav used at the end, didn't quite catch it and not sure what the subtitles meant.
Thank you
Hi Lin,
DeleteHe said,
When i fell in love with u, i did not know that our pasts are connected
I also did not know that the past that i was running away from for so long would be revealed to me on the day of my marriage in this fashion(in this way)
Khushi, i am standing here today only becos of u, where there is only pain, deceit, and hatred.
Lin, the last sentence was a bit misleading becos it is not a complete conversation) we will have to wait until tommo for the whole dialogue to be understood but I have translated word by word the entire dialogue he spoke today)
Hope this was useful...
Okay a small correction to last sentence....not much of a change tho..
DeleteKhushi, i am standing here today only becos of u, where there is nothing other than pain, deceit, and hatred.
Rekha, thank you.
DeleteSometimes things don't make sense with,the,subtitles, but as you,say,it is only part of the conversation. I will have to watch the repeat, but didn't like that look in his eyes.
ye lo! naam liya, toh gaya:
ReplyDeleteLalit Mohan - Fb update
"11 days continuously shooting IPK. songs, consummation, drama and one of my brilliant work with barun (flashback n scream), sanaya's emotions. 3 more days to go then a new show. thank you all...cut it."
-so that was consummation :D
- i LOVED the flashbacks on the windshield scene.
and mishi tweeted.. "watch tomorrows episode.. for every answer" :D
DeleteShow off,grrrrrrr....*I am very biased here so ignore me*
DeleteIt seems the other day he tweeted, he stayed up till 3 am as he was thinking about a scene that had to be shot.
Okay my question, if someone tells you they woke up all night studying, what you think?
a. Wow that person worked really hard for an exam
b. WOW, THAT PERSON, Really wasted whole of the year and cramming up at the last minute.
Do give me an answer.
Is LM a good director, yes He is. But this blowing of trumpet bugs me....very very sorry.
So he very nicely said, see I shot all of those scenes. And that explains why the screaming scene did not work for me with Barun. IMHO, Barun works great with Arshad and Sanaya and Abhaas with LM. Did you guys notice how restrained Abhaas's twitching was.
So it is a teamwork. Dunno if Arshad is gonna come back or not. LM did very well last few episodes, kudos to him.
The point of all this, nothing.....I always overreact when it comes to LM...He is going to a new show..Cut it...I mean good luck.
Now there will be pre and post LM coparision*sigh*
Kaan pakdofying for such a stupid biased commentwa:(
Shwets, am with u on this LM is too me me me for my taste! And his so called brilliant shot with ASR was bad, the cry was more of a vampire call!!(Given the light in the background and all!!! I too prefer the otther dir, he kept us hooked to a serial without the lead for 6/8 weeks!!
DeleteShwets and Mona,
DeleteAgree! What's the point of telling us about his masterpiece. They should really hire a good PR seriously!
Well his masterpiece failed big time for me - so I am hoping its the once in a lifetime masterpiece:)
DeleteI was right..He is DB ka bada bhai..
DeleteTowel dance, vampire scream and C with 2 metre distance apart.
Time for shwets to shut up!!!
DeleteLol! I lau you!:-D
*rofl* if that vampire scream was LM's masterpiece, he needs to Cut it!
Deletebut arent they working together now? yesterday in the credits i saw both arshad n LM's names..or is that just a basic credit format, doesnt really implicate who directed a specific episode?
DeleteMisha, When the show started it was LM first, AK joined later..and seniority funda too.
DeleteNow since they brought in LM only for 15 days and AK is expected to continue, they credited AK first and LM later. Simple.
for those who read (and liked) yesterday's gutter rec:
Hi all!
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone's doing fine.. been reading all your post and comments every now and then. A lot of drama happened, I just hope that love will prevail in the end. I totally cried for kkg it is truly heart breaking to see her in pain. But totally confused about arnav's reaction. What was that?
On a totally different rant, is barun really quitting? You know I was wondering if this news is true. In my view I guess there is a base on this. I'm so tired of hearing about this quitting news. It is over shadowing the show really bad. Anyhow let's wait and see..
well he says he is not quitting, SO we have to believe him. With you cheng, sick of all this quitting drama.
DeleteCompletely takes away the fun for me.
ReplyDeletehow is everyone?? i was out sick for a few days!! spent my birthday popping pills!!! sad!
i couldnt watch 2 episodes but did watch yesterday's..oh god!! was it just me or was there too much drama??
my heart went out to both Khushi and Arnav! When Khushi i have to stay so that he doesn't think i don't trust him..he should already know that she does!! kitni baar prove karegi ye ladki..
I loved the scene where Khushi tells Buaji that the fire is still burning..shows how strongly she believes that her man will come!!
i felt like i was dying inside when Khushi fell to her knees seeing the fire die..
ASR's FB's were shot really well..i was sure he would come...but did not really think he would punish her(should have expected that!!)
an angry ASR i can handle..that dead look..i was like ooohhh nnnooooo....
him holding her pallu...aaawww...
when he stepped away from her touch..i was like please dont do this to her..that hurt!!
and ASR..i understand...dard hai..takleef hai...par pyaar bhi toh hai?? u better acknowledge that pyaar hai..he better not act like he is doing her a favour by coming to the mandap and marrying her!! She deserves better!! you know she does!!
it was such a disturbing episode..dreading to see what he says today...
on a diff note..he is quitting?? jaa bhai..jaa...fed up of these rumours..i'll feel really bad if he does leave..because he brought ASR to life and cannot imagine anyone else with Sanaya but all this quitting talk is very annoying!!toh ab baatein band kar..jaana hai toh jaa....
Aaru--belated Happy Birthday!! hope you had a great day!!
Anita and Aaru,
DeleteBelated birthday wishes to you both!
Hi Anita, hope u r better now.....take lots of care.....
DeleteBelated birthday wishes.....i somehow missed the sentence that u spent ur bday popping pills.....reading it like spent the day....go for a treat when u r better, don't miss that...
DeleteCheng & Rekhs...thanks for the wishes!!
Deletei will go treat myself after i get better!! i don't like being unwell!!!
Anita, belated Happy Birthday!!! Have a good time once you get better!
DeleteThanks Dia!!
Deletebelated happy birthday anita*hugs*
DeleteWhat I don't understand is how come bi,twa has a flashback of his sweet mother giving him some good advice as a four five year old that don't punish the innocent and he goes and does exactly the opposite.If he was the hero worshipping mother son would he not try to heed her advice and make that goodness of his mother his life's motto.
DeleteBecause he viewed the cup as always half empty. He only thought of himself and his loss. And the punishment meted out to him to not have his mother with him.
oh..and loved loved loved NK..when he stopped Khushi..a true friend!! he sees how much she loves him..
ReplyDeletewas surprised to see Anji baby still there...thought she would leave with dadi dearest!!
and LM is leaving??hhhmmmm...
and that was consummation?? uummm...i kinda expected/wanted more for the hottest couple on Indian TV!!
Apparantly Gul Khan spoke to zee_news and Gul has confirmed Barun has put in his 2 months notice.
ReplyDeleteAnd we had an audio interview telling his fans that he is not quitting.
In all this you know whose credibility is going to take MAJOR HIT - Barun's.
And we have this confirmation that HE IS NOT QUITTING!!
Even if he was not supposed to say he is quitting as per his contract, now the producer goes ahead and confirms it.
What a mess!!!
DeleteExactly, you know I'm starting to think that this news has something to it. Like his movie first it's a rumor then it came true. And he takes so many leave considering the fact that he is the lead. Sanaya also does but apparently unlike him. I think they should plan to end the story on a happy note. I will note in the future not to watch his show. He's good I get that, but it's so annoying hearing news about him taking leave and doing whatever and quitting the show. I love the story and sanaya that's just it.
Sorry for the rant.:-)
i know Shwetha..its truly a mess!!
Deleteif it is true Barun needs to just shut up and not contradict it! and if its not..everyone should keep quiet!
with all one would want to watch the show and its unfair to the rest of the cast!
Shwethu.....pareshaan mat ho....
Deletemedia...double edged sword....its politics at play....zee_news appears to have an ae to grind....behind the cloak of anonymity kuch bhi bol sakte hain....dum hain toh samne aaye aur bole....
Anyway, its more important for the ASR on screen to succeed today....his image is at stake....
Show him worthy of the arrogance in his stance or show him a fine student of trust....
If he is making a deal, let the stakes be all on the table.....
If he is showing his trust in her love, let it be with humility...(his reservations for G, apart)
Let Khushi make her decision, and whatever it be, i will happily buy in to it.....
Chill, ladkiyon ... see the news I posted above.
DeleteGul Khan is not an idiot that she will announce that BS is leaving in 2 months.
Zee_News is apparently miffed with BS for personal reasons, and has been fired from her post with another telly site.
In a post I was reading, she claims that Abhaas is the USP of IPKKND, and he is a much better actor than BS, also that Daljeet is a much better actress than Sanaya. Credibility down to ZILCH after that for me. :D :D :D
Dia, i'm sorry, i didnt quite get it...did gul say that Abhaas n Daljeet are better actors? I dont have anything against DB and Abhaas, but SaRun are the lead material type...and to say that they arent better actors...someone needs a reality check!
DeleteNo....the zee girl said that....
DeleteI found out that too,And you know what All GUL had to do was make a post on IF......clarifying things, they could have avoided this mess.
DeleteWT Whn will 8PM come today.
ReplyDeleteMy brain will fuse in anticipation at this rate.
As he drives rashly going back to Khsuhi, I thought of that scene when post kidnapping he is rushing off to rescue her only to see her tied in the middle of the road, swerves the car in an attempt to protect her and bumps his head.
Today as he saw her falling, he swerves trying to reach out, to save and slams the car into a tree bumping his head. That day to save her life, he had let himself be punched. Today to save her honour, will he again let himself be pounded?
Him holding her aanchal, Recall of the poolside scene on that first mehendi. They had just together pulled out the bangle from the water, dropped it and then he took it out and handed it to her but not before a few drops splashed her face.
That was the day he first kissed her and then she had stepped back from him unravelling that aanchal. He had then told her that you cannot do eveything I do - Tum har woh kaam nahi kar sakti o main kar sakta hoon. So what is he going to ask her to do today that he would usually do but think her incapable of?
There was also talk of Tum Har Kaam Akele Nahi Kar Sakti.
Today she has held onto her belief of him coming for her, been that lone person keeping faith when he should have been with her and he has kept up his words that her trust in him could no have been proved by her alone, him coming there was needed to validate it.
At that sangeet, he told her she would never be ASR because she did not have teh dimaag but she told him that she would never be ASR as long as she had dil. Hmm will this come into play now?
ReplyDeleteA seed his mother planted and watered
A sapling his Nani nurtured
A young tree bogged down by the weeds infested in his and Di's life
But it was only when he tried to catch the flittering butterfly Khushi that he began to grow, as a tree, past the weeds and thorny vines
Today he is a fully grown tree reaching out to the sun and skies
It is time now for him to let the butterfly come to rest on is leaves and flowers while he gently holds her and protects her from storms
The butterfly may fly away when the flowers wilt, but she will always be back when there are new blooms
Sandy, aaj bas tera sahara hain....i am putting my faith in u....tumhe aana hoga.....u will have to explain ASR to me today if he fails to explain himself thru his actions.....i did not watch y'day episode, only read the updates....wilfully becos i want to see the entire dialogue play out....
Deleteisn't there a huge incongruity in ratna's words and her actions that is so so obvious...what is the CV trying to say here....Either they have to resurrect her image (show her as killed rather than as a suicide) or show Arnav strong enuf to see his mother for what she appears to be...weak....
I doubt they will show Arnav accepting weakness in his mother...not that it is a bad scenario but logon ke gale nahin what is the real picture? i am so confused.....mera sar phat raha hain....
DeleteMera toh sar phat chuka hai.
Arnav knows his mum was weak, you recall he telling NK that Khushi ki himmat nahi tooti. Arnav just does not want to accept it of his mum yet - we all put our mothers on pedestals and atributing weaknesses to them is something we do as a part of growing up beyond the teenage years but he is trying to preserve a memroy and in doing so blaming everyone around but the one person who is to blame - Ratna!
He believed love was bakwaas, belief was bakwaas because he felt it was love and vishwaas that weakened his mother.
I have been wondering the circumstances of the wedding and all I can think is Nani's comment
"Jab chote kisee se bahut pyaar karte hain aur unke liye kuch nahi kar paate toh woh apne aap ko chot pahunchaate hain"
Khushi told him that night that humaar aankhon main se nikla har aansoo aapko hazaar baar chot pahunchaata hai.
That is why he stepped back from her because he had to do thi, he had to make her cry and he had to bear the pain of those tears. Had she touched him, he would have lost all resolve.
He loves his mother immensely but is unable to leave Khushi either so what will he do now?
Last time he married Khushi, she knew nothing of his hurt and betrayal but was anyways crushed.
Rekhs (contd.)
DeleteThis time round he will be open, no more games, speak the truth he had said and he will. He promised her - they will fulfill all the rasams, that they will be together always, that she promised never to leave him - so he will do what he always does - fulfill his promises to her!!
Last time he gave her no status as wife, only hate yet he loved her cared for her. He gave her nothing yet there was love. They told each other they hated each other. She told him he did not deserve to be loved because she did not know what plagued him.
Keeping an icy hand on my heart, I wonder if this time he will give her family acceptance, honour, dignity, the status of a wife but not his concern. More importantly he will not allow her to care for him. The love will be there but he is going to try to be indiffeent so that he can feel he is doing right by his mum.
he said he could never love and forgive something that had caused his mother hurt, even if it was not directly at fault. Khushi told everyone that Arnav loved her immesely more than himself, but this one truth will flip all that love into hate for Garima and non-forgiveness for Khushi for being related to Garima. He will be able to give Khushi only his anger.
Haq on each other will come into the mix. Khushi only the previous night said aap par sirf humaara haq hai and any chudail who comes in the way she will shoo off - so now she fights this ghost of the past.
Last time she fought for her haq on his room and house, this time she will have to fight for her haq on his heart. The only thing he will withold from her in this marriage
Get a feeling he is going to ask her knowing what I just told you, will you still want to marry me?
Because he loves her he will give her this exit, but Khushi's himmat has never broken, and she will say is sab ke bawajood bhi hum aapse shaadi karenge bcos for her only one truth holds -that today is their wedding day and she loves and trusts him immensely.
But this time, she will be unable to hate him like in the past because she knows he is hurting inside, hurting when he sees her tears, hurting beneath all that aloof exterior. And she will recall his request to never leave him and her promise of a humeshaa. Knowing if he lets her hand go, if she opts for the exit route he will be lost forever. So she is going to bear this eclipse and keep waiting for that moment when the diamond hidden beneath the coal shall emerge.
Did not her mother in law leave a message (those kangans are coming) - bear the anger and return the love manifold. Because her mother in law will tell her daughter in all that her son beneath all that anger holds immense love. This time Khushi Kumari Gupta will battle ASR but she will have her weapons, love, trust and unwavering faith. Where everyone else sees despair, she will see hope.
That day she told him that aapko jab bhi humaari zaroorat hogi huma apke saath honge. And today she will stand by her man.
but like today, as she is keeping faith waiting for him to come out of thsi abyss, she will begin to wilt and at that time, it will be her wilting, the loss of spark in her eyes that will realy truly make him give up the ghost of his past, set free his mother and really truly come into the present and hence the future.
Today more than ever, Khushi is going to need to remember that his love if not shown does not ned proof of existence, that it is still there. And that she would not ask him to leave her beause she then stands to lose him forever.
Why Khushi you ask?
Well she is the lead heroine and she will be the quintessential one who bears it all on her shoulders. She wil lrescue her man from darkness again and again. She will always be his guiding light.
And this time she has the info she needs to do that.
P.S: I get the feeling ASR is going to be getting miles added on R&R very very soon. Sigh!!!
DeleteKeep getting a message that access to site is not permitted.
Btw,for small mercies, let me have my SKD of him restoring her honour in front of all and then when he puts forward his proposition of you but not your family, it is in private, he send them on saying he needs to speak to Khushi for a bit and tells her that if she did not agree he would tell the family about their nigth out session. That would break their hearts and perhaps cause her mum to take her life like his did. (Becasue he needs to have her in his life).
He has a thorn down his heart, he will pierce hers too and this time he will tell her he is doing it. (unlike the last time)
DeleteLater realized I should have said, in spring when he has leaves and flowers bloom, butterflies come to the tree but in aumn whne he stand shorn of all the leaves then in that pathjhad what buttefly will come
Jinhe milna ho kuch bhi ho aji mil jaate hain
Dilon ke phool toh pathjhad main bhi khil jaate hain
Le main saiyyan aa gayi saari duniya chod ke
tera bandhan baandh liya
saare bandhan tod ke
ReplyDelete“ not story of a bechari harassed by her zalim husband - so don't want that to happen and that is exactly what it is coming out as - Poor KKG , Cruel selfish ASR!”: yes, if that is going to be the story now, I’ll shoot Gul.
I want a DIGNIFIED heroine, mind you NOT REVENGEFUL OR SPITEFUL- I just want her to admit her defeat- that she was a poor teacher since her student flunked (Hugs, Rekha for the analogy- I think of them like that too)- walk away with dignity- you want me to enter this relationship only for MY sake, because you feel you are INDEBTED to me- I am releasing you of all bondage willingly- Go and live your life as it pleases you- I just want you to be happy, with or without me. I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF- main har kaam akele kar sakti hoon, kyunki karna hi padta hai, yaar. YOU JUST BE HAPPY- you know, like ‘if you love something, let it go- if it is yours, it will come back to you’.-only I hope she is expecting it will not come back- I want her to give up on HIS feelings for her, knowing fully well that she can only forgive him and never forget him and NEVER STOP LOVING HIM- but she will have to HIDE her feelings from now on, put up a brave front, because the moment she shows it, he will feel indebted and offer up on the wedding again, purely for HER SAKE again- the commitment issue. Saala ASR, when he realises his feelings are still there but with KKG hiding her feelings, WHAT WILL HE DO?...My SKD.
Su, Mona,
DeleteKhsuhi will never be a bechaari. She is the girl whose himmat never broke. Because she would not let it break or because ASR would not let it break when she weakened.
Today he weakens under teh blows of fate so Khushi will be the himmat for both of them. That is why the last 2 days of vishwaas and waiting for Arnav - holding strong until the last ember burns.
Last time he pushed her away she accepted cos she also wante dto say faraq nahi padhta. Now it is going to be all about "humaara haq hai". He wanted her to exerise her rights on him, his family, his house - she will do exactly that. And empowered with that haq she will be the tigress Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada - ferocious than before. A woman who will finally realize that burying problems is not the answer rather facing them head on is.
And this task of bringin Arnav back from the abyss - finding that bangle submerged in the pool she cannot do alone - she will reach out her hand to him, but she will need him to take it so she may bring the pearl to the surface.
She will no longer hide her feelings because she is not embarassed by them. She will not even hide her desires and feelings for him anymore. She loves him mind, body and soul - Hume aapke ssath jiye hue koi bhi pal se afsoos nahi hai (no regrets) balki har pal hum jee uthe.
She will be sanka devi personified but the Raizada bahu too. Badi bahu in fact - a mother to Anjali, a daughter to Nani, a wife and lover to Arnav, a sister to Payal and Akash, a friend to NK, a daughter in law to Mamiji.
Khushi thy name will be WOMAN!
Delete"She will no longer hide her feelings because she is not embarassed by them. She will not even hide her desires and feelings for him anymore." :
I said she will hide her feelings because she assumes he has no feelings as he clearly said that the situation has changed, his feelings have changed...
She will hide it because she does not want him to feel BOUND by her feelings- she does not want to be a RESPONSIBILITY- she wants to be his other half, and he seems to have cut her off now- seems to prefer not having her around anymore...but he is willing...for old times sake...
I am loving all the discussions here ... really don't know which way this will go. I also feel Arnav will hide away from her ... he will feel that in honor of his mother's memory he CANNOT allow himself to love her, yet for the fault of her aunt, he cannot punish her by dishonoring her with the stigma of a broken marriage and abandonment at the alter.
DeleteSo marriage happens ... not a hate marriage, but an honor marriage if there is such a thing ... she kept her word of waiting for him, not leaving him 'Khushi, mujhe chhod ke mat jaana, main tumhare bina jee nahin paunga' ...
he kept his promise of not betraying her love ... 'humein aapke pyaar par vishwas hai' ... so he came back to give her the social approval she wanted, needed, but he cannot give her his love.
Last time she didn't know the reason for the hate marriage ... now she knows the reason why he cannot allow himself to love her. She will flower into a woman, her maturity will bloom, she will take over her role as his wife and Raizada bahu because she knows that this is her position for life. She understands her man, she knows this is difficult for him, but the fact that he was unable to make that clean break and cast her out of his life completely, will give her hope.
He came back when the fire in the havan kund had died ... but the Phoenix rises from the ashes ... so will the fire of their love be rekindled ... from the embers still smouldering deep inside ... When it appears that the fire has died, if you stir the embers, sparks still persist in the dying embers. Those sparks will rekindle their love story.
DeleteI am loving this SKD of yours...really sweet...can you write FF on this? Please...
secodning that Su....and while you are at it, I have not forgotten about your ME update of my fav episode. I am waitingggggggggggggggg:)
DeleteSandy re, have you thought of writing an FF?
ReplyDelete. can't the creatives think up a situation where the arrogance of ASR is justified and Khushi's character is not butchered?:
Where is the arrogance? I felt he was being BRUTALLY HONEST with her- fully JUSTIFIED, since HE OWES IT TO HER- he cannot marry her under the pretext of love, since HE FEELS(idiot!) his feelings for her have changed. (But remember he has really not come to a conclusion, HE IS ONLY TELLING HER WHAT IS ON HIS MIND RIGHT NOW- it will change in a matter of days, when he realizes his life is EMPTY without her. He does not realize the value of WHAT HE HAS IN HAND, right now. When he loses it, he will know and confess that he did not KNOW THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE FOR HER)….I hope……
DeleteHe owes her nothing and she owes him nothing. They are husband and wife even before this wedding - have they both not claimed it loudly?
And what is the main thing in a marriage - fulfilling the promises, being interdependent.
ANd therein will come the contrast of teh ANji Shyam relationship. Anjali said she needed Shyam as a crutch. She could neevr be strong for him - a one sided relationship.
But ArHi will not be that. This time it will be a deal they will make between them before all but no one else will be allowed to interfere or used as hostage. It will still be between them. Khushi took him by his horns for 15 days, 6 months and now for a lifetime.
His feelings for her have not changed - he still loves her that is why se started wit Khsuhi mujhe jab tumse pyaar hua tha, (this time the relationship began with love on the terrace scene unlike the last time but nafrat has seeped in. Again nafrat will try to grow but it will eventually be too shameful in teh face of such pure mohabbat)
He knows her value - she is his very life breath. Today he held onto her aanchal because he could never let her go. He stepped back from her because he needs to be ASR to amke sure that he succeeds in the biggest deal of his life - Khushi!
For somewhere deep within he knows that as long as she is with him, he will never stray afar because she will nto let him
"Neither could die while the other survives"
"They are husband and wife even before this wedding - have they both not claimed it loudly?":
Deleteyes, Sandy.
But he said clearly, when I felll in love with you things were not like this and today, I get this news on your link to my past- and some things have changed...I have to take a step back (I am backing out from my feelings), I'll hold your hand if YOU WANT to take a step forward???
Because...I just got confirmation what we had that night was consummation...duh...
OK, at least now he has the moral responsibility to be bound to her.
Perhaps Su, u misunderstood my post, i said what would be that silly arrogance if he uses underhand methods to keep Khushi with him...(it was in relation to something that Sandy and I were discussing based on a scenario if he were to ask Garima to get out of the scene without Khushi's was a passing thot for Sandy based on "seedhe tarike main bulata toh kya tum aati)"....
DeleteI haven't changed my mind about ASR,
i can take him as a man who puts the cards on the or whatever
I will take an ASR who says i can't feel it for u anymore
I will take an ASR who says I love u, khushi but i come with baggage, be warned...I don't forgive ur mother, he can even be non-committal,
just let him not lie...thats all....
I have no expectations that he must say i have learnt what it is to love and blah blah...if he says that....i would say that the serial's end is near.....for sure...
Khair...lot of churning happening at the CVs don't know what to expect...will wait for today....
DeleteOops! Sorry.
You mentioned Jay anad Su just above this, so I thought...
"just let him not lie...thats all.... ": YES.
Sandy, I think he stepped back cos he wanted to make sure she and the others heard and understood why he was here and what was his decision in all this.
DeleteOkay the kernel guy who gave us the definition of Love making not equal to sex is back. He is apparantly from IPK Team
ReplyDeleteLink to his post:
Our livelihood is dependent on this show. TRPs are low, ab netwalon ka hi sahara hai.
We started small, it became enormous as big as our egos and we didn't know how to handle it and goofed up.
It is not our baby, it is yours too as in if we screw up in terms of tracks from now on, we will put the blame on you guys saying you wanted it.
As for C - As always we overreacted and did not think through fully. We were so smug with that C scene knowing it will fetch us 4 trp on that day only to realize that of the entire week that day's TRP was 2.0..As we were dumb enough not to atleast show it in precap and took your tuning in for granted.
Now that we have the Trp, We realize our mistake and hence we are making this lame excuse of reaching out to our international audience who might not know the language, when the same audience used to understand our show perfectly with subtitles or take some help of the friends who knew hindi.
And you see C is so complicated that we have to spell it out lest there is some confusion in the audience heads just as we always are confused as to who the leads are, why the audience watches this show, what the audience wants, our own overrated brilliance, etc..
We have to show our gratitude cos the only reason Star is putting up with our immature professionalism is cos of the overseas audience, so Thank you so much and appreciate that this is the first post from our side which is genuinly nice and polite unlike our earlier ones which were dipped in sarcasm and arrogance.
We have been a bunch of lazy dumb idiots and we are rectifying our mistakes...You have supported us this far please do not ditch us now.
Our As* is on fire now.
As for offscreen drama, we try our best to put a lid on it or we try to get max publicity since we are kanjoos and we don't promote it ourselves even though we can always shoot promos, interviews and create a new you tube channel for this purpose, but we don't.
Jo bhi hai jaisa bhi hai, it is driven by economics and accounts, please do not get too attached to it and make our life miserable. Fact is we have learnt our lesson and as long as the show is on air, 2 months or 2 years we will try to do our best from now on and not to take the viewers or the show for granted.
Tracks are changed, please support us now, You see Star plus keeps a very close on India forums and the web reaction matters a lot.
So calling our show crap, CVs idiots even if it is sometimes true is not going to help us.
Support us, we humbly ask you.
Support us, we humbly ask you.
DeleteShwetha, *applause* on your decoding.
BTW, wanted to ask you why you don't like LM. I've not been to fb and all and all the info I get on him is from here or IF.
I came across this old iv, and he came across as an OKish guy. I wouldn't call him humble, but at least the iv made sense. Not too much of his ego there- seems like a man who had humble beginnings. (Don't worry, I am not a LM fan.)
Hmm... he did not mention Sanaya or Barun. Now that is a grudge I have against him.
AK- I like him too, he seems more relaxed, I hope he is still very much there as his name comes before LM's name on the credits.
"The future track of IPKKND has been changed and reworked so please don't lose hope and please enjoy the show. Promise it will be worth it!";
DeleteUH OH!
Whither is my RTR? boo..hoooooo...hhhoooo
Inhale Exhale...
Chalo, I'll have to re-analyse after today's episode.
On consummation- huh? huh? WHY?
I just don't understand this kind of goof up, had not decided it seems....
"So calling our show crap, CVs idiots even if it is sometimes true is not going to help us."
Oh! OK.
DeleteWhy are you ignoring bey!!!
Oh great so now I am reasonably prepared for today's episode. And I can pack up all my SKD thoughts for another day!
I wondered Arnav saying he considered her patni, his mum's bahui, them having done all the rasam - because that night is going to come up.
Arnav will tell her he can accept her but not her family. (So yeah Khsuhi gets to choose as you all have been saying). Khushi defers, protests but would Arnav let her go so easily, nahi so he will bring up the night at the farmhouse. (Damn I did not want him to do this but looks like it is happening. That way Khushi again loses brownie points with all the family). He ensures she is isolated and he is the only island in sight because losing her is not an alternative.
(This is true blue ASR, the badhtameez but aiyya so much ground gained will be lost this way)
OR OR OR He speaks to her alone and tells her he will let her family know of their night of passion should she choose to break her promise to marry him at thsi stage. (ASR hedging his bets, not wanting her to take her motehr's side but not maligning her with his family either)
Of course a less painful alternative is he paints a gruesome life ahead of her but reminds her she has promised to marry him and will she now dare back out? This makes the family convince Khushi to leave him but Khushi does not agree to leave him. She sticks by him (yep perhaps thinking of that night wherein she has crossed her limits, sigh). She justifies his pain of losing his mothr and Garima is stunned this girl would still think of him when her happiness is at stake - and Garima burns in hell for being unable to secure Khushi's happiness
Arnav's strategy - You indirectly push the person to come to you. That whole aman deal and seedhi tareeke se bulaao funda...
Another possible slap from Garima (ASR stop this one ok!) and a disowning from Buaji like before.
Lo ho gaya satyanaash as Dia would say!
Shwethu, just in case I haven't mentioned it before ...
*Rofl* Rofl* Rofl*
"So calling our show crap, CVs idiots even if it is sometimes true is not going to help us."
Me too thought ... hey this is a very polite humble post from the high and mighty PH ... ab suddenly the online audience is not 'dekhna hai toh dekho'?
Sandy, I have a nasty feeling that if he does ask her to cut ties with Garima, and she refuses, then he WILL bring up that night in the farmhouse ... Arnav kabhi kuch kaam seedhe tareeke se karta nahin hai!!! *head desk*
DeleteChalo, let's see what happens tonight ... apparently tracks have been re-worked at last minute, so they might ... just MIGHT ... have given Arnav a brain transplant!
Sandy - What "tell the family of their night of passion" - hello? - the family has been thinking of them as a married couple in any case - so what difference will one night make - they have been together for 6 months!!!
DeleteSeriously....the bed already broke remember in RM?? that deal doesn't make sense...khair Cvs ka pata nahin aur brian transplant ke liye kuch toh khichdi pakani padegi....growing brains overnight is tuf work yaar...
DeleteTrue, I forgot that one ... yep, the family thinks of them as a married couple already, one night more is not going to be anything much to hold over her.
DeleteHUGS everyone for liking my ulta decoding.
DeleteThat night will not come up in the convo. It has to be that he will tell her where he stands now there is pain, hatred whatever because he is alone.
But with her, it has always been hope and happiness.
he is not going to make her suffer for something she did not do.
MY SUPER DUPER SKD DIALOGUE...Sometime later, when they are alone:
Khushi; Everyone said you will not come.
Arnav: Where else would I Go, I had to come for you. Aaana toh tumhaaray paas, tumhare liye hi tha.
ReplyDelete"so according to what he knows, garima is the thorn and khushi is the rose.. so he has come to marry her, only because she loves him..":
*hugs* , girl, i did not get the symblolism although I got the thought process. Thanks.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSorry had too many typos - edited and re pasted!
ReplyDeleteSandy - thanks for trying to lighten up my mood but i am not upset with KKG or ASR - i am upset with the creators!!
So this was a very sweet story - ODG - 'darti hai par karti hai'.... gutsy, chirpy, confident, dram-e-baaz, stands up for what she thinks is right, sanakari, caring, loving, life revolving around her family - a family that loved her and her sanaks too - near perfect girl -
Thus a girl with a lot of +ves - but with flaws too - she could get too moralistic, took on more than she could chew, her ideologies had to be accepted to be accepted by all
ODB - rude, arrogant, don't care a damn for people, 'i alone create my own destiny' kinds, ruthless businessman, stone-heart - many many flaws but some +ves too - he cared for his family to bits (providing for all members) - did everything for them even if he did not believe in it (La, Payash wedding), protector of family and Di, caring and kind inside (freeing of pigeons for the little girl, helping KKGs dad, buying her house) - so in short - had +ves but were hidden and visible to a very few (the few he cared for)
so.. these two who were so different, yet so similar -
both cared more for their families than themselves (if she married for her sister - he was trying to save his!),
both gutsy (after all he had built an empire and she had the guts to stand up against him!),
both arrogant about their feeling for each other and about asking help from each other -
and that's why they were perfect for each other - I would have loved to see the story develop in a way where each helped the other improve - if he helped her be more accepting of other peoples' viewpoints, of asking for help from people who were her own etc and She brought out the good in him - out to the fore for all, not just his family, out of his complexes and insecurities.
right now its more like she is the sataee huee and he is the worst thing a woman could ask for - and no, i am not saying that she will not fight her way through - what i am trying to say is what she is doing is no 'sacrifice' - she loves him, he loves her - so its no sacrifice - its not 'stooping down' to help a damaged person! - they have to help each other, right - she has to understand him just like he has to understand her
SO at this juncture - both characters have to grow - not go back in circles!
But am reserving judgement till today's episode
(and in any case if ASR is leaving - the story will probably take some stupid tv style turns - separation, pregnancy, leap type of stuff - stuff that i am not interested in - so good if i start weaning off now)
from the stories perspective (i cant stand dark romances - yuk!) i want them to be together and fight the bad guy - not go down dark lonely paths on their own! sheesh!! -
if after all this, such a perfect virtual couple cant stay together - to hum kis khet ki mooli hain! - then as per the story, love means nothing! In that case - no thank you, i prefer to stop watching and keep my faith in the feeling that love makes the world go round!
ReplyDeleteSo, what is happening today"
IF seemed to be in a mood that wedding will happen, plus spoilers saying it will happen plus IF will go mad if wedding does not happen...story has been re-written...
ASR talks the talk- the ball is in your court Khushi- Khushi accepts his offer for the sake of her family's honour- and once the wedding is over tells him she will stay back in GH until he finds her acceptable?
Was this someone's SKD?
We have discussed so many scenarios and I am getting confused now. LOL.
I guess the wedding is bound to happen for all the so many reasons, if it does not, will it be called a black friday in the history of IPK? God, it is a weekend and IF will explode in rage- I hope the CVs know what they are doing. All the best, guys!
DeleteYor write up,excellent as always, made me do you do it? The beauty ,the flow of the language ...just breaks my heart..I
Wish I could express my feelings on your writing but words fail me..
Wish you all the best and hope someday when IPK is all forgotten people will still remember your write ups..may be some sensible, enterprising publishing house will publish it to show later generations what heights were reached by non professional writers whose main profession was medicine..
Am I right ?read on your blog that you are a doctor with two PhDs.Take a bow..nay several..
May God bless you with all the happiness in the world for all the happiness you have given us..
HUmmm am really pissed off right now - nothing to do with IPK - on the work front! - yes i know there is actual life around that sucks right now :(
Delete*hugs* hope you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteSANDY..........YEEEEEEES....kar pm dabba empty...meri last post badi shiddat se banayi...ab himmat nahin ki wapas type karoon.....
4th time it is happening oye, my lamba bak bak gets swallowed.
DeleteMeri ma sandy, daily IF may tfs, thanks for sharing, good post sirf yeh message post karo, then your pm dabba limit will increase
hamaray par raham karo
Sandy....mera ek aur post kha gayi.....Bittu...please....
DeleteIs it Shwethu?, i have not posted a single thing on IF....abhi tak, only like SG's and Crooner and ur posts....kabhi kuch likha nahin....
ReplyDeleteAmazing-SOMH - last night that was exactly my thought- the self-loathing in ASR...of all the FBs the one that struck me was him asking Khushi - Is my maa happy with what I have become ?
Hence the remark I made about the yelp in response to being slapped by maa- that to me was the most logical thought process of the sequence of FBs...his realising his maa would not approve of what he did (Mona- sorry- mama's boy)
And then he said "past se bhaag raha THA" clearly to past tense...he is ready to face it..despite the non-answers.
The other thought was - maybe he feels Khushi has already paid twice over for Garima's crime - or that if Garima destroyed his mum's life , is he any better since he destroyed Khushi's for no fault of hers - does he have any moral ground to hate Garima ?
That may be SKD much - I will be really happy if he atleast got to the firs- if he goes into peetal bartan now - after telling khushi his insecurities - it should work for all audiences :)
But maa not happy would be a copy from Madhubala - where RK changes aftr his mum tells him that his dad would be ashamed of him for how he treate MB:) chalega..after all hamesha woh kyon copy karen
Deleteagree Arnav going to peetal bartan now is acceptable too becos the burden of past as he sees it will not allow him to live peacefully....only thing it will not be evidently visible to Khushi that he is withdrawing..which is perhaps how the marriage will happen is the big question....somewhere i think the CVs have been caught on this.....their dilemma is how to make Arnav get into the marriage and then withdraw emotionally without compromising a character traits....esp if RTR is still some time away....
I feel bad for Cvs yaar today....
DeleteWhat do the CVs do when they want to save ASR?
Put it all on Khushi!
I have a feeling he will leave the decision to her (like Shyam re-entry) and IF will erupt on Khushi's character assassination...expecting quite a few patakha here too...Sri..(kidding...)
Su: I did not even know who LM was. Like Anjali I only saw Arshad on the credit as I had watched his previous show and he was fabulous there.
ReplyDeleteThe problem started with the arrogant posts and I am great type posts on FB..I have never been a big fan of such behavior.
One should be proud and not arrogant about their work.
What was the need for him to say he was quitting especially when such an important episode is going to be aired today.
And I did this did that...meh..nothing personal re.
I like Arshad's work a lot, He has flaws, I am the first one to admit and point them out, but that does not mean I will watch whatever his next show is, I will wish him best of luck and will watch only what interests me.
So all the people on IF, who want LM back in IPK, Who think LM is the ONLY reason the show is good, why dont they watch the show he is directing, why not watch phir subah hogi which he was directing or the new one with KSG?
If he is that good, go ahead and see his work in the shows he is working, why undermine and devalue the work of others?
That is my biased irrational maybe grouse,lol.
DeleteI don't watch it any more.
I thought LM was also on Suvreen Guggal- another 4 lions project, right.
So, maybe they keep shuffling their creative team btn their shows. If LM is arrogant, YUCK!
They do keep him shifting him around as they consider him the best..he might be..But I find him a bit arrogant. And he made ASR do the towel dance and vampire scream.
DeleteSame scream Arshad shot, see the difference. The situation is almost same. Chodo...3 more days and I hope Arshad delivers big time.
Arrogance...I have a feeling he has a major inferiority complex, I mean in that iv I posted above- he was asked about the actors and he only mentioned newcomers- like he was not comfy with Sanaya and Barun as people- though I think in FB, he applauded their acting.
DeleteActually, I feel pity for such people- they constantly try to project themselves because they need constant approval- not confident of their worth...
The fight in IF over LM and AK- I wonder if it is IF's own making.
Even if LM is arrogant, AK comes across as a really sweet person- the kind that would turn a blind eye to arrogance and take it all cool- really mature.
So, I hope all is well in CVland.
My SKD is
ReplyDeleteafter all this gadbad gondhal settles down, let Khushi get to the bottom of this FB business...basically she is only one with brains of any kind in this set up so let her follow her instincts (darti hain par karti hain) and find out why Ratna ma did what she did if she at all did and why Anji is always humare this humare that...and please put us all out of our misery....becos Arnav pe toh kaam chodna bewakoofi hain....
DeleteIn the midst of all this, you can think about Ratna and Anji?
'why Anji is always humare this humare that?':
Seriously, why do we want to know?
Aren't we breaking our heads enough on Bitwa, or have you got him all worked out? *hugs*
No Su,
DeleteSince i can't crack ASR in seven lives and only Khushi can...
just giving Khushi some extra home work...while at the ratna mystery, let her crack the anji one also....bitwa toh apne aap hi crack ho jayega under the bhar of all those findings *evil grin*
btw, i read on the SG post that there were people on IF thanking Khalil on the Kernel post....ROFL
DeleteAll this becos Kernel ended the post with a Khalil quote.....aiyoo pavaam....
Somehow this Kernel seems to be the "dekhna hain to dekho" hunch from the words used in the post
He is the dekhna hai toh dekho guy..I have read his offscreen explanation for MJHT, LNMDJ AND now this show.. it is indeed Gautam hegde. The moment I read it I knew, don't ask how. Some tele(serial)path(etic) connection, lol.
Delete"The appearance of things change according to the emotions and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty really are in ourselves
Delete- Kahlil Gibran"
If it is GH, why does he have to play hide and seek?
He is one wicked guy, and if he quoted Kahlil Gibran,
I'd wonder if i needed to decode that too.
On a serious note, the way Kernel responded to Zee News did not seem like he was GH. This guy had too much patience ...may be he is taking anger management classes. Hey girls, I have nothing against the guy. He just amuses me and I like his work, that's all.
tele(serial)path(etic) connection!!!
DeleteShwetha, you are three much! ROFL.