Tuesday 25th September
Not just a blast ... a bomb blast. And it brings the promised devastation in its wake.
Arnav shattered by the explosion ...
On one side the echoes of the past ... the darkness he struggled with for fourteen years, his parents' arguments, his mother's suicide, Anjali's shattered dreams, his torn childhood.
On the other side, the promise of the future ... the woman he loves, the woman who loves him unconditionally, who turned a Beast into man ... who brought him back to life, brought him out of the shadows into light again ...
And as expected, Dadi chooses her time well ... as Arnav struggles with the explosion, she goes to set off the final blast. And exposes Garima in public. With Arnav struggling with his demons, and unable to upset her plans, the wedding will be called off.
One could ask Dadi why she stayed quiet too ... why she chose this moment to expose Garima.
The Raizadas all ranged on one side against the Guptas ... Nani lost a daughter, Anjali a mother, Mami a sister ...
But Khushi too lost both parents, Garima too lost a sister and brother-in-law ... and Khushi is firm in support of her Amma ... she does not tell lies. And Dadi already admitted to one lie ... she told another one to Arnav earlier, that she had just come across the photograph.
Loved Khushi ... you go, girl!!! And Payal rocks ... finally the Gupta sisters return!
And the burning question still is ... WWAD? What Will Arnav Do?
Some rambling thoughts here after an overnight flight ...
It's not a simple choice for Arnav ... Khushi alone is a no-brainer, he will not desert her. Not only can he not betray her trust in him, he cannot live without her.
But Khushi comes with Garima, and Khushi made that very clear today. Khushi will not desert her mother, the adopted mother who took her into her home and her heart when Khushi was lost and alone, who gave her a mother's love and never let her feel the lack of a mother after her own died ... who instilled the morals nad values in Khushi that she holds so dear today ... yes, and who never failed to scold and rebuke Khushi when she felt Khushi was out of line, or in danger of committing a mistake. No, Khushi will not desert Garima, nor will she stand for her insult and humiliation, she has full trust in her mother ... as does Payal.
Garima must have done something very right to raise two such strong daughters.
So Arnav will have to choose between Khushi and Garima together, or no Khushi. And to do so, he ... and Anjali ... will have to come to terms with the past ... they will have to accept that their parents' marriage was not ideal, and that the tragedy was not due to the other woman, but happened because of the parents themselves. His parents were responsible for taking their own lives, no one pushed them into doing so. Unless of course there is more to the story ...
Also, no other woman can shake a marriage if the foundation of that marriage is strong ... and that is what Arnav will have to accept. He has done so already to some extent ... he blames his father more than he does the other woman ... but when he comes to know that Garima too was victim of deceit the same way that Khushi was, will he be more ready to accept that she was not guilty of breaking up his parents' marriage, but was a victim herself?
I think Arnav will come to terms with it sooner than Anjali, because he has started shaking off the shackles of the past already ... he has started trying to forget the bad memories, remember the good ones and move on.
Nani, the wise matriarch ... she also asked Garima why she withheld the truth for so long, and added that they could have ... cut off quickly by Dadi, Dadi didn't want anyone to work anything out, she wanted this marriage stopped, end of story. By fair means or foul. And she used foul.
Anjali definitely the more damaged of the siblings, regresses to five year old ... why did you do this with my Mamma? What harm did she ever do to you? Is this what Anjali feels about Shyam as well? Why did Khushi do this to her, what harm did she ever do Khushi, why did Khushi ensnare her husband? Not her mother's fault, or her father's, only the other woman's.
And finally ... the part I loved ... Khushi, a fierce daughter standing up for her mother, refusing to allow her to be hurt, humiliated, called names ... she trusts her mother, she loves her, is proud of her, knows the sacrifices she has made for her two adopted daughters, and without knowing the whole story, or even needing to, she knows her mother could have done nothing wrong. And she will not stand to hear her insulted. She understands that Dadi lost a son, Nani a daughter ... Di lost parents, Khushi can understand that because she is in the same boat ... but that doesn't mean she points fingers at others, or allows them to do the same.
Not a word about Arnav, not a care for the fact that this was her long awaited wedding day, and the people insulting her mother were her in-laws ... a daughter stands tall, proud by her mother's side, solid as a rock ... and makes her parents faces glow with pride. And Payal joins her.

With daughters like these, who needs sons?
Khushi didn't need Arnav's support today to fight for her mother ... she could do it on her own, thank you very much. And neither does Payal want her husband's wishywashy support ... she stood her MIL's insults for a long time because they were aimed at her ... but not a word against her mother can she tolerate.
Nayi Soch indeed ... hope this Khushi - the old fiery Khushi ... is back to stay. And Payal too ... hope Deepali changes her mind and stays on, if this is what she's going to be like.
Sanaya rocked today
always love her in such scenes. Low-voiced, firm, respectful yet determined and strong 

Payal with her few dialogues, was great support.
Dadi was good ... she was hateful as she was meant to be ... her thirst for revenge driving her into blindly destroying her grandchildren's future ...
Why was Garima holding on to her mangal sutra? There is more to Garima's story than has been let out. She was good, especially loved the way she said so brokenly ..'maa hai hum ...' ... the reason she kept quiet, became weak ... only because of her children ... fear for her daughters' happiness kept her silent. Even now, taking all the humiliation, begging for forgiveness, not raising a finger at the man involved ... only to safeguard her daughters' happiness.
More thoughts
Loved the way Khushi's first thought for Arnav's absence was a worried 'is he all right?' Knowing that only if he was not all right would he be late today ... and cutting off Buaji for saying anything ashubh, yet unable to stop herself from asking the same question the next second.
Arnav's typical reaction when he's hurt - his long lonely night drive ... his personal retreat into his 'peetal bartan' ... hiding away from everyone else till he gets over the worst of his pain.
When Anjali had her miscarriage, he wanted to do the same, he retreated from everyone, didn't even enter the same room ... till Khushi went to him he broke down on her shoulder, and she comforted him ... I'm there with you, you have to console Anjali, you're the only one who can do it, the one she needs ...' Khushi gave him strength, refused to let him hide in his 'peetal bartan', made him come out and face the pain and anguish of his sister, and battle his own feeling of failure ... she gave him the confidence that he had not failed, he had done his best ...
Today will he remember that strength she gave him? Will he return to her because he needs her at this hour? Faced again with the demons of his past, faced with the fear that he has somehow failed the memory of his mother by falling for the daughter of the other woman ... yet the paradox is that he needs that daughter to help him fight those demons, because Khushi is his strength, only with her at his side can he battle his fears and doubts, and find the solution to his dilemma.
Still more ramblings
The way the dhamaka on the second wedding day plays out ... it should show how far the two have come in terms of their relationship with each other, and in terms of Arnav's growth.
On Payash marriage day, Arnav had barely come to terms with the fact that he loved Khushi, or rather, that he had feelings for her ... 'farak padta hai.' That was what he was going to tell her on the terrace that night ... Newly woken emotions, newly recognized feelings, the first flush of love ... the nervousness, the tension as to whether his feelings would be reciprocated or not ... Arnav that day was a young boy in the throes of his first love affair. A stage most of us go through during our teens or early twenties. But he had missed out on that stage completely, because he had bypassed that stage of life when he grew up so quickly. So this love was new, fresh, unsure ... and it stumbled and shattered at the first hurdle ... the sight of his love in the arms of another man.
At that time I wondered if Arnav had seen a similar scene with his dad and the other woman ... now it appears that he had not. But the terrace scene and the words he heard were enough to shatter that fragile new emotion, and to turn it into hate ... compounded by the fact that the man was the husband of his beloved sister, the only living link to his past, to his mother. Saving his sister was paramount ... but throwing away that love was also impossible ... so a good decision made for all the wrong reasons ... he married Khushi because he could not bear to lose her, even though he hated her for what he thought she had done to his sister. Which was doubly hurtful because it was a repeat of what had happened to his mother ... he had lost his mother to infidelity, he could not bear to lose his sister too ... Did Arnav at that time dimly acknowledge to himself that his sister was as weak and fragile emotionally as his mother?
A child of fourteen is old enough to recognize infidelity, but not mature enough to understand that there can be more than one reason, and more than one person at fault. And a son, especially a son of an adoring mother, will naturally gravitate to his mother, and be protective of her. And so it was with Arnav ... a fierce protectiveness of his mother, all the blame on his father ...
The damning words he heard from his mother 'You never loved me at all, you didn't stop to think about our marriage, even about our children ...' ... these were enough to paint a picture of his father as the one at fault, the mother as the one wronged. And he never saw the other woman, so no real feelings towards her ... although as he grew older the realization came that the other woman should share the blame for his mother's suicide.
And Khushi's feelings for him were at a similar stage ... new, unexplained, unacknowledged ... but very much there ... trust in that feeling of love was lacking, absent.
Today ...
The love has been acknowledged. So has the trust.
Promises made, exchanged ... 'Khushi, promise me, you will never leave me, I can't live without you.'
And the significance of that promise shared ... she knows all about his mother's suicide, his vulnerabilities, his promise to shield his sister from the pain his mother suffered ... she has seen the vulnerable boy under the hard coat of the man ...
He has seen how much he has hurt her, by time and again misunderstanding her intentions, by failing to recognise the real woman under the bright, smiling exterior she shows the world ... like she has blown his cover, he has blown hers. She is the emotionally stronger one of the two, no doubt ... but she has her vulnerabilities too ... her fear of being abandoned, her fear to trust in love for fear it will be snatched away is almost as strong as his.
He has started to slowly come out of the shadows of his past ... started to look forward to the future, to hope that it will be bright, with a strong woman by his side ... a woman who loves him unconditionally, who has the strength to be mother, wife, lover, the strength to help him battle his demons, his sense of failure, his almost paranoid need to control his destiny. A woman who understands him and his flaws, and who loves him despite them ... a woman with whom he doesn't have to be Arnav Singh Raizada all the time, but can be the scared fourteen year old Arnav as well ... a woman who is truly his soulmate.
And he needs her ... Arnav has acknowledged that he needs Khushi in his life, that he is incomplete without her ... then when this new storm has hit, how can he battle it alone?
So Arnav will come back to the mandap ... to claim his wife. Not his bride, his wife. His ardhangini. Because she said she would wait for him. Because she trusts him, trusts his love. And because he cannot sort out this dilemma alone, he needs her help. And he is not afraid to ask.
And she will never turn him down, because she promised. She made a promise that she would never leave him ... she will be with him, because she knows he needs her.
Not just a blast ... a bomb blast. And it brings the promised devastation in its wake.
Arnav shattered by the explosion ...
On one side the echoes of the past ... the darkness he struggled with for fourteen years, his parents' arguments, his mother's suicide, Anjali's shattered dreams, his torn childhood.
On the other side, the promise of the future ... the woman he loves, the woman who loves him unconditionally, who turned a Beast into man ... who brought him back to life, brought him out of the shadows into light again ...
And as expected, Dadi chooses her time well ... as Arnav struggles with the explosion, she goes to set off the final blast. And exposes Garima in public. With Arnav struggling with his demons, and unable to upset her plans, the wedding will be called off.
One could ask Dadi why she stayed quiet too ... why she chose this moment to expose Garima.
The Raizadas all ranged on one side against the Guptas ... Nani lost a daughter, Anjali a mother, Mami a sister ...
But Khushi too lost both parents, Garima too lost a sister and brother-in-law ... and Khushi is firm in support of her Amma ... she does not tell lies. And Dadi already admitted to one lie ... she told another one to Arnav earlier, that she had just come across the photograph.
Loved Khushi ... you go, girl!!! And Payal rocks ... finally the Gupta sisters return!
And the burning question still is ... WWAD? What Will Arnav Do?
Some rambling thoughts here after an overnight flight ...
It's not a simple choice for Arnav ... Khushi alone is a no-brainer, he will not desert her. Not only can he not betray her trust in him, he cannot live without her.
But Khushi comes with Garima, and Khushi made that very clear today. Khushi will not desert her mother, the adopted mother who took her into her home and her heart when Khushi was lost and alone, who gave her a mother's love and never let her feel the lack of a mother after her own died ... who instilled the morals nad values in Khushi that she holds so dear today ... yes, and who never failed to scold and rebuke Khushi when she felt Khushi was out of line, or in danger of committing a mistake. No, Khushi will not desert Garima, nor will she stand for her insult and humiliation, she has full trust in her mother ... as does Payal.
Garima must have done something very right to raise two such strong daughters.
So Arnav will have to choose between Khushi and Garima together, or no Khushi. And to do so, he ... and Anjali ... will have to come to terms with the past ... they will have to accept that their parents' marriage was not ideal, and that the tragedy was not due to the other woman, but happened because of the parents themselves. His parents were responsible for taking their own lives, no one pushed them into doing so. Unless of course there is more to the story ...
Also, no other woman can shake a marriage if the foundation of that marriage is strong ... and that is what Arnav will have to accept. He has done so already to some extent ... he blames his father more than he does the other woman ... but when he comes to know that Garima too was victim of deceit the same way that Khushi was, will he be more ready to accept that she was not guilty of breaking up his parents' marriage, but was a victim herself?
I think Arnav will come to terms with it sooner than Anjali, because he has started shaking off the shackles of the past already ... he has started trying to forget the bad memories, remember the good ones and move on.
Nani, the wise matriarch ... she also asked Garima why she withheld the truth for so long, and added that they could have ... cut off quickly by Dadi, Dadi didn't want anyone to work anything out, she wanted this marriage stopped, end of story. By fair means or foul. And she used foul.
Anjali definitely the more damaged of the siblings, regresses to five year old ... why did you do this with my Mamma? What harm did she ever do to you? Is this what Anjali feels about Shyam as well? Why did Khushi do this to her, what harm did she ever do Khushi, why did Khushi ensnare her husband? Not her mother's fault, or her father's, only the other woman's.
And finally ... the part I loved ... Khushi, a fierce daughter standing up for her mother, refusing to allow her to be hurt, humiliated, called names ... she trusts her mother, she loves her, is proud of her, knows the sacrifices she has made for her two adopted daughters, and without knowing the whole story, or even needing to, she knows her mother could have done nothing wrong. And she will not stand to hear her insulted. She understands that Dadi lost a son, Nani a daughter ... Di lost parents, Khushi can understand that because she is in the same boat ... but that doesn't mean she points fingers at others, or allows them to do the same.
Not a word about Arnav, not a care for the fact that this was her long awaited wedding day, and the people insulting her mother were her in-laws ... a daughter stands tall, proud by her mother's side, solid as a rock ... and makes her parents faces glow with pride. And Payal joins her.
With daughters like these, who needs sons?
Nayi Soch indeed ... hope this Khushi - the old fiery Khushi ... is back to stay. And Payal too ... hope Deepali changes her mind and stays on, if this is what she's going to be like.
Sanaya rocked today
Payal with her few dialogues, was great support.
Dadi was good ... she was hateful as she was meant to be ... her thirst for revenge driving her into blindly destroying her grandchildren's future ...
Why was Garima holding on to her mangal sutra? There is more to Garima's story than has been let out. She was good, especially loved the way she said so brokenly ..'maa hai hum ...' ... the reason she kept quiet, became weak ... only because of her children ... fear for her daughters' happiness kept her silent. Even now, taking all the humiliation, begging for forgiveness, not raising a finger at the man involved ... only to safeguard her daughters' happiness.
More thoughts
Loved the way Khushi's first thought for Arnav's absence was a worried 'is he all right?' Knowing that only if he was not all right would he be late today ... and cutting off Buaji for saying anything ashubh, yet unable to stop herself from asking the same question the next second.
Arnav's typical reaction when he's hurt - his long lonely night drive ... his personal retreat into his 'peetal bartan' ... hiding away from everyone else till he gets over the worst of his pain.
When Anjali had her miscarriage, he wanted to do the same, he retreated from everyone, didn't even enter the same room ... till Khushi went to him he broke down on her shoulder, and she comforted him ... I'm there with you, you have to console Anjali, you're the only one who can do it, the one she needs ...' Khushi gave him strength, refused to let him hide in his 'peetal bartan', made him come out and face the pain and anguish of his sister, and battle his own feeling of failure ... she gave him the confidence that he had not failed, he had done his best ...
Today will he remember that strength she gave him? Will he return to her because he needs her at this hour? Faced again with the demons of his past, faced with the fear that he has somehow failed the memory of his mother by falling for the daughter of the other woman ... yet the paradox is that he needs that daughter to help him fight those demons, because Khushi is his strength, only with her at his side can he battle his fears and doubts, and find the solution to his dilemma.
Still more ramblings
The way the dhamaka on the second wedding day plays out ... it should show how far the two have come in terms of their relationship with each other, and in terms of Arnav's growth.
On Payash marriage day, Arnav had barely come to terms with the fact that he loved Khushi, or rather, that he had feelings for her ... 'farak padta hai.' That was what he was going to tell her on the terrace that night ... Newly woken emotions, newly recognized feelings, the first flush of love ... the nervousness, the tension as to whether his feelings would be reciprocated or not ... Arnav that day was a young boy in the throes of his first love affair. A stage most of us go through during our teens or early twenties. But he had missed out on that stage completely, because he had bypassed that stage of life when he grew up so quickly. So this love was new, fresh, unsure ... and it stumbled and shattered at the first hurdle ... the sight of his love in the arms of another man.
At that time I wondered if Arnav had seen a similar scene with his dad and the other woman ... now it appears that he had not. But the terrace scene and the words he heard were enough to shatter that fragile new emotion, and to turn it into hate ... compounded by the fact that the man was the husband of his beloved sister, the only living link to his past, to his mother. Saving his sister was paramount ... but throwing away that love was also impossible ... so a good decision made for all the wrong reasons ... he married Khushi because he could not bear to lose her, even though he hated her for what he thought she had done to his sister. Which was doubly hurtful because it was a repeat of what had happened to his mother ... he had lost his mother to infidelity, he could not bear to lose his sister too ... Did Arnav at that time dimly acknowledge to himself that his sister was as weak and fragile emotionally as his mother?
A child of fourteen is old enough to recognize infidelity, but not mature enough to understand that there can be more than one reason, and more than one person at fault. And a son, especially a son of an adoring mother, will naturally gravitate to his mother, and be protective of her. And so it was with Arnav ... a fierce protectiveness of his mother, all the blame on his father ...
The damning words he heard from his mother 'You never loved me at all, you didn't stop to think about our marriage, even about our children ...' ... these were enough to paint a picture of his father as the one at fault, the mother as the one wronged. And he never saw the other woman, so no real feelings towards her ... although as he grew older the realization came that the other woman should share the blame for his mother's suicide.
And Khushi's feelings for him were at a similar stage ... new, unexplained, unacknowledged ... but very much there ... trust in that feeling of love was lacking, absent.
Today ...
The love has been acknowledged. So has the trust.
Promises made, exchanged ... 'Khushi, promise me, you will never leave me, I can't live without you.'
And the significance of that promise shared ... she knows all about his mother's suicide, his vulnerabilities, his promise to shield his sister from the pain his mother suffered ... she has seen the vulnerable boy under the hard coat of the man ...
He has seen how much he has hurt her, by time and again misunderstanding her intentions, by failing to recognise the real woman under the bright, smiling exterior she shows the world ... like she has blown his cover, he has blown hers. She is the emotionally stronger one of the two, no doubt ... but she has her vulnerabilities too ... her fear of being abandoned, her fear to trust in love for fear it will be snatched away is almost as strong as his.
He has started to slowly come out of the shadows of his past ... started to look forward to the future, to hope that it will be bright, with a strong woman by his side ... a woman who loves him unconditionally, who has the strength to be mother, wife, lover, the strength to help him battle his demons, his sense of failure, his almost paranoid need to control his destiny. A woman who understands him and his flaws, and who loves him despite them ... a woman with whom he doesn't have to be Arnav Singh Raizada all the time, but can be the scared fourteen year old Arnav as well ... a woman who is truly his soulmate.
And he needs her ... Arnav has acknowledged that he needs Khushi in his life, that he is incomplete without her ... then when this new storm has hit, how can he battle it alone?
So Arnav will come back to the mandap ... to claim his wife. Not his bride, his wife. His ardhangini. Because she said she would wait for him. Because she trusts him, trusts his love. And because he cannot sort out this dilemma alone, he needs her help. And he is not afraid to ask.
And she will never turn him down, because she promised. She made a promise that she would never leave him ... she will be with him, because she knows he needs her.
i loved the episode.....loved the way Khushi and Payal stood up for Garima........loved the way Akash tried to shush his mom...loved Mami for feeling heart broken........even NK was good when he ran to the car to look for Arnav........
ReplyDeleteKhushi is not gonna go missing.......atleast not at the moment..........the raizada's will leave but Khushi will wait for Arnav...tch, he will come but a lill too late.....wait kar karke she will be heart broken...and walk off n then he will enter.......
Dadi is too evil plus heels for an Ashram woman.....was she defo in ashram or did she come from Parish Fashion Industry :P
everyone was awesome...........LM, too good....
i think Gul's words bt once he realize his mistake, he will go against the whole world for her, will happen now.....Since Anjali is not gonna accept her in shantivan now, also they have Shyam to add ghee to the fire....also Nani cant do much as she is too heart broken
what i loved the best about Khushi is that without being rude, she said what she should....
DeleteGarima and Shashi were so proud of her....
lovely acting Sanaya, please take a bow....
Today was Sanaya's day for sure ... loved Khushi today, the return of the tigress!!! She won't hear a word against her loved ones ... and she can do it politely yet very firmly! I just love San in these scenes ...
DeleteHey Dia, which lie did Dadi admit to ?
ReplyDeleteshe said she had forgiven garima, and welcomed khushi with the bangles.. today, garima said "so you lied" and DD said, "yes, i did." i will never forgive you. i wanted you to feel the pain of a family shattering.
Deleteoh yeah, remembered
DeleteI couldn't help but weep today. My heart went out to the Guptas. So glad to have the two sisters stand up for Garima.
ReplyDeleteComing to the episode, the execution was flawless, couldn't have asked for more.
Dadi lied to Arnav that she found out today , he needs to know that someday. Only then will he know the extent of Dadi's wrath.
watching the sbb/sbs, i was prepared to weep.. but i love that khushi was so strong today. loved that she stopped DD every time she said something bad about her mom.. i loved the fire in her eyes. thank you CT for that.
DeleteJaya - I agree, Khushi saved teh day for me . What is sbs/sbb saying? Read something about the fire and Khushi waiting at the mandap ?
Deletethe links are posted in the comments of previous episode.. or , well, here they are
DeleteLinks for 2days SBS/SBB and E 24 IP segments
SBS- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHx5cRv38Ok
SBB- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v5a-lYSK5I
E 24- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cprXwfwrBH4
Sahana: there is an article that says Khushi will wait for Arnav at the mandap, she will not take Dadi's word for the marriage being off (which i agree with)
Delete3 possiblities :
1. either Arnav will come, and ask her to break her ties with Garima, which she won't agree to.....or
2. he won't come at all and she will realize how difficult it is for him to see Garima now, so she will leave the venue....
3. she waits for him and leaves dis-heartened and he reaches the venue after that....
i feel point 2 will most likely happen, what say, guys ?
Thanks Jaya and Geetu.
DeleteI think either 2 or 3 . Honestly I don't want the marriage to happen now. It is too much baggage for Arhi. It will be nice if Khushi goes all out to prove Garima's innocece and in the process also find that Arna's Dad and DD was responsible for her parent's death. Not sure if you guys would agree with me but marriage now does not make sense. Do not want Khushi in RM havig to deal with the evil Maliks.
2 or 3 for me too ... honestly, I don't blame the guy, it's a hell of a shock, but what gave me hope was that this time, his flashbacks were not only of the past, as they were during the Shyam terrace fiasco, but they also included his last night with Khushi when they bared their souls to each other and shared such a huge emotional connect. He will find it VERY difficult to give up Khushi this time.
DeleteI will not blame Arnav this time either. His heart will want to be with Khushi this time but it is better if he decides to get to the bottom of the story before jumping to conclusions. This time I expect maturity and no knee jerk reactions like last time.
DeleteDia - I agree , this is earth-shattering for him and he will need the time to recover. Poor Guy!!
I dunno guys I feel there is going to be a disconnect somewhere and Khushi will lose faith in him... Whether he comes too late or doesn't come she will still be left alone at a Mandap And I think it'll take a lot to earn back her trust then.... That to only once he's faced his own demons..
DeletePlus the number of times he made her promise not I leave him it feels almost unsaid that she will leave him- of her own volition she will be heart broken and choose to leave him.
Guys even if he gets to the bottom of the story she's still the other woman whether she knew or not hardly matters to his pov... She's the reason his mom committed suicide ... She is the reason whether or not it's her fault and there's no getting around that.
I'll go for point 3 - he will come back for her, surely. Also, I think the ASR/Khushi Terrace MU was a throwback/360 to what happened with ASR's parents and Garima - in this case, Khushi reprised the role of Garima - a near victim of a man wanting to commit bigamy. Maybe Gulji will throw us a googly and Uncle Dearest had played a dastardly role in all of this.
DeleteAnyways, ASR had one hell of a time extracting the truth out of his own Terrace MU, so (hope) his fabled "shaatir dimagh" comes back into play - once, that is, after he is over the shock.
By the way, I don't have a foot fetish or anything of the sort, but....why does DD sport red nail polish on her feet? She just spent 14 years in an ashram...I thought this stuff wouldn't hold there.....and what's with ASR's gladiator slippers .....................
eewwwwwwwww....somebody please fire his stylist!
Loved today's epi and your quick update Dia! Sanaya rocked today!!!
DeleteI will add a point 4,
What if he calls out to her and she feels an urge to go looking for him?
I hear you babe on he disconnect but somewhere I hope that they don't go the path of him breaking her trust. Besdies by trusting Shyam over her he already did that did he not?
It would be nicer to see him keep his promises to her. He is late she meantime feels him call out to her and he panics not seeing her and there is a recall of the "Dont you ever ever do this to me again?" She tells him she is angry he was late when she specifically told him not to be, he spologizes and then she says sorry for leaving when she knows how much that would hav hurt him. They kiss and hug.
Or finding her missing / avoiding his calls, he does ramanchi and pulls the one card he knows will bring her hurtling, fakes news to her of him being hurt and in some place and pulls a ramanchi oh her.
It would be more interesting to see Khushi stand up to Dadi, Anjali, Shyam and Mami this time round post wedding. Last time they taunted she kept quiet, this time she gives back.
ReplyDeletestarplus banner about two weddings :)
So glad to hear that the wedding is on....an apt song (film:Taj Mahal)for DD, the wedding breaker, to hear "Jurm-e-Ulfat pe log humein saza dete hain, kaise nadaan hain sholon ko hawa dete hain...hum ne dil de bhi diya, ahd-e-wafa le bhi liya, aap ab shauq se de dein jo saza dete hain"....except DD should be at the receiving end of saza....
DeleteLoved Pyumori mehta today.....the anguish of a mother brought out beautifully by her......Hum Ma hain....a dialogue that encapsulated it all....
ReplyDeleteand again in that moment, i had to go back to think, why did the other mum, Ratna not think that way...to protect her cubs.....
Instead, she left her children, defenceless and emotionally scarred..a girl who can never accept a less than perfect world and boy who is scared to trust any happiness coming his way....
San was wonderfully understated in her performance, not for her the jerky moments that women in dramatic sequence usually adopt....WOW San, lovely girl, was waiting to see u in this avatar, an avatar u do to perfection....
Well, WWAD... i don't grudge him his lonely ride, walk or whatever it is...he is an 28 year old, struggling to slay the ghosts of a 14 year old.....difficult when they are both the same and somehow not......
DeleteDadi has been playing dirty from the start. She said Khushi's buaji broke rishta only for Arnav to tell Nani that Dadi instigated it.
Today her lie about garima is known to Nani and Nai plays fair - she knows Arnav has found happines after years and how much Khushi means to him. Today I get a feeling that the mother who raised them will stand up to the mother who ran away and now returns to question and stake her claim. What does she know of his loss?
i am really hoping for a DD-nani faceoff but knowing Devyani Raizada, it will be private. she has class, that lady. brings my mind again to the question, why did Ratna commit suicide on her daughter's wedding day?
Deletethere was a "Ratnaaa" added over arnav's "maaa" in today's flashback. significant?
did u guys note the resolve in Anji's eyes, when she shook off Mami's hands on her shoulder when she posed the question to Garima....
ReplyDeleteBy all accounts, Anji can be quite the chameleon..wilting and towering in alternating frames
yeah.. i was expecting her to faint off any moment.. and i guess the peacock jewelry gave her strength :D
Deletethat was some peacock jewelry man....right from her mang tika...to probably her toe rings(ok i did not see that!) totally themed...bas ek mor naach hi baki tha....
Deletethat's exactly what she (DB) said on sbs(i think)
Deleteohhh ok....gud she has a funny bone all right...
DeleteRekha Jaya : she knows now everyone will hate Dadi, so is chilled out bt it :P
Deleterekha - i counted - she had 16 peacocks around her neck, 2 as earnings, 1 as tika and a few as bangles!!!!
DeleteMona...did u do that....hehehe..i am really laughing loudly at this moment, the episode is to air in a little while, i am sure to burst out laughing when i her
Deletehehehe - guilty as charged! -
Deletei never let mom watch anything in peace coz i keep bugging her aboujt how ridiculous her SP shows are!! but today i was actually defending ODB's reaction and muy mom was all for KKG - my mom thinks i have lost it - :D:D:D
DeleteWell peacocks are known to be vain ;)
Retribution that....Mona....
DeleteOkay i watched the epi and looked at the peacocks too....LOL
There is that moment when Anji says "koi mujhe batayega kya ho raha hain"...i thot to myself, whats the use u will not understand anything.....and then again...."why did u not tell us earlier".....kya fayda...how much have u processed info coming ur way....gosh....actually Is Anji a caricature now....such is the disconnect...i don't know why, i can relate to Arnav's pain but somehow i feel distanced from Anji's pain...whereas yes, the shock to her must be no less, coming face to face with a bitter memory....makes me feel bad at my own thots...
Kudos to Swati Chitnis, Pyoumori Mehta and Sanaya....Deepali too
ReplyDeleteI loved the portrayal of the scene today - everyone in perfect character. Could feel Garima's heartache as a mother, could identify with a daughter fiercely defending her mother and could sympathise with a girl who lost a mother, a Bhabhi who lost a sister and most of all a parent who lost a daughter... Somewhere even dadi's feeling though i understood and acknowledged to be wrong I could understand her thought process... I could imagine her pain and see the lack of wisdom and the grief and anger that blinds her to her mistake.
The subtle nuances of Shyam secretly relieved and gloating yet knowing his shaky place in the family and choosing to stay in the background.
A wife telling her husband who rarely stands up to his domineering mother not to bother now - she may not speak up for herself against her mother in law but she will not tolerate a word against her mother.
It's just a very well written story. I have to say they've managed to mess up somewhere on the execution but in the last month they've gotten back on track and done so with élan.
My prediction... She will wait - she trusts him. She will wait until she finally breaks. He will come too late and then will begin the next track. She will not forsake her trust in her mother for a man who broke her trust and left her abandoned at the Mandir.
I hope they show a Durga Ma esque Khushi and Payal ... Defiant and fighting not tearful and pitiable. Yes she'll be broken on the inside but I want her to put up a fight.
Guess it was just always a personal shiddat to see her walk out of his life... Preferably in a Mandir... With her words about DM echoing...
I want to see Arnav well and truly put his demons to rest. Properly and Get her back and fix it all for everyone- he is the hero after all.,, let him be the knight in shining Armani - eventually.
Don't get me wrong I still feel the worst for Arnav... I mean I know everyone is going to be like 'how could he not come!!' ... But it just makes for better tv and honestly at least Khushi gets to take the moral high ground on this ... For him there's no salvation nothing that makes this alright for him.....
For some reason the fates have picked him to play some twisted ironcal game with- they ensure that he will always love this woman and also that he will never be able to be with her..,
Gargi : i feel if Khushi walks out of Arnav's life...it won't be easy for him to think that Garima also cud be a victim....at the moment he is definitely hating Garima....for his mom....then he will hate her for making Khushi choose her (she havent done that, but he will blame her)
Deleteso i think its better that she is by his side, to help him see Garima's POV....and this marriage will again be a deal by him...to keep her by his side for himself and herself...and she wud to go away as she's scared her amma will be insulted and also her presence will remind him of Garima.....but eventually that is how he will see the other side and accept Garima with the past
by keeping Khushi with him.....
DeleteMaybe Im being naive Geetu but that feels Like a compromise...
DeleteShouldn't it be a complete total acceptance of everything this time? And that doesn't seem likely right now...
Really Gargs u should patent this line....its so true.......inspite of the drama unfolding there, my heart really went to the member of drama in absentia....thats the power of that character created for this story, flawed yet believable...a hero yet not so.
DeleteProbably something inside K will break as she waits for Arnav and Sandy's Sawaariya thot came to my mind....
Its my sense that something drastic that happens in the present will only cause him to snap out of this self-imposed exile where he wages a war with the memory of the past .....and ofc it will have to do with Khushi and her state.....
Khushi could choose to do a walkout and no time is more ripe than tommorow but somehow i don't see that happening becos altho she is fiesty when it comes to people she loves, she has only built only simple dreams for her love....
Gargi, i get ur point about compromise....but that is strange part, the last time around Khushi fought him tooth and nail....but suppose he has her by his side yet doesn't have her in spirit.
DeleteI am not in love with this scenario, i only concerned with dramatic ways in which they resolve the shadows of the past.....i can be just as easily pleased with any scenario that shows their desire to be together
Gargi - Loved your take specially the part...
Delete'I hope they show a Durga Ma esque Khushi and Payal ... Defiant and fighting not tearful and pitiable. Yes she'll be broken on the inside but I want her to put up a fight.
It has been my personal shiddat too, to see Khushi walk out of his life someday. Else how will the bandagement scene come true?
Even if there is no wedding I think their desire to be together will be there... Their and pain and longing for one another but also their respective heart breaks and how they eventually reconcile to it all...
DeleteHmmm let's see ...
But today I'm so glad they showed Khushi and Payal standing tall on either side of their mother. Sons are great and love my bro but a girls relationship with her parents is just different ... Dia said it right... A man is a son until he gets a wife... A daughter is a daughter.
all her life.
I really liked how Khushi didn't cross any lines but was still firm with dadi and how payal who never stands up to any of mami 's numerous insults to her refused to hear even a single word uttered against her mother. - best part of the episode for me
And yeah, i missed talking about Payal...she has always been one of my favourite chars ..i don't know if u remember, long ago u had started out a debate of sorts on the propriety of actions of characters when the Shyam truth was first revealed to Khushi....we had a debate going on what each character's role was in that phase....somehow i always felt Payal's character had the greatest culpability in that issue yet it was never explored...Payal has the righteousness that should have found some voice, i am glad they decided to do it today in a rather nice manner....hope they give Deepali a good sendoff with gud scenes....
DeleteSahana, soul sister moment ... I also thought about the bandagement scene and Khushi telling him about destiny and Devi Maiyya. He has to almost lose her at some point ... and this is the crux of the story ...
DeleteI think he will come to the mandap, but there will arise a situation where Khushi has to choose between her mother and her wedding ... and she will choose to not let her mother be insulted. So will Payal. So both girls will choose their adopted mother's respect over their own happiness.
Just thinking - what a contrast to Anjali ... who chose her own false happiness over everything else.
Gargs ... not my saying, yaar ... the daughter one, but I have always loved it and so have my parents. That's why I LOVED the fiery Khushi today ... the one who stood by her mother, regardless of the fact that she was speaking to her in-laws. This was truly nayi soch ... that a girl on her wedding day did NOT bow down to her in-laws and allow them to insult her mother.
And I think the wedding will not happen ... or if it does happen, it will be followed by a separation almost immediately. All I want is that if the wedding is cancelled, it is cancelled by Khushi, not Arnav ... I don't want her to face the humiliation of being stood up at the mandap.
added to that was Babuji's pride shining through his smile - on how well his daughters had grown up to be - and that kind of does justice to what i have been saying the past couple of days - G&S have been perfect parents to KKG - she really had a perfect substitute - adopted or not- they are her real parents - and that's why she is as strong as she is today
DeleteDia - Yes to each one of your points. Wedding to be cancelled and this time it is by Khushi.
DeleteI feel this sudden sense of excitement in just thinking of the potential that this serial has going forward.
Go Khushi!!!
Sahana, Dia ... I have always loved that scene even now when I spoke of her walking out I was remembering that scene and wanted a VO of that day...:-)
DeleteI agree the wedding will be called off by Khushi but majorly because he will break her trust by not coming on time and even afterwards blaming her mother and his father when it was only his fathers fault.
Sahana i can picture this moment, rubbing ur hands in glee...hehehe.something to look forward to in this gloomy scenario....
DeleteAbsolutely Mona....to me the lines are blurred or rather they are merged....its easy to go for the stereotypical portrayal....but to me, when parents adopt they take a courageous decision and that is borne out in their actions...so i am glad that they decided to keep the portrayal truer to life than the dramatic exception....
Deletei know Rekha - we are generally always ready to pass judgement - if a step mom slaps a kid - its cruel - if a regular mom does it - its part of growing up!
Deletehence i always said KKG was better off the ASR as hse really had loving parents - the only time G said i am not your mom was when Payals wedding was broken - was is not a big enough thing for any mom to loose it!
i just hope they keep buaji in character and she too stands by G
oops meant - "which IS a big enough moment to loose it!"
DeleteRekhs - he he , exactly so !! Rubbing my hands in glee :-)
Deletekhushi canceling the wedding: here is one take
ok i can see that a lot of us here want KKG to walk out but i have a question:
ReplyDelete- when ASR was all ASR and had given KKG no reason to love him (post their wedding) in fact no reason for the sudden turn of heart - from the flirtatious to the angry evil guy - She still stood by him - NOW when she knows all about him - his deepest fears, his insecurities, his love for her, his past, his secrets - AND she should know even if done without intention G in a way did lead to AM's death - How can she be angry or heartbroken - should she not 'understand' him better now?
- I basically had thought dadi will pull some MUs but she actually told the whole truth (or what she knows of it) - in her haste to gloat - she did not hide anything - meaning ODG knows why dadi did what she did - she knows what ODB knows now - so will she (or should she) not understand ASR angst well now??
on the other hand if ODB does not come for the wedding - then its back to the first wedding - where an MU lead to chaos - should he now not come and talk to KKG? after all the trust that was built up - the understanding has to come into play now - right?
I think he will come but he'll come too late... When it'll all be over...
DeleteYes she stood by him then but then she just loved him without any right on him any expectations of him .... Now she has both and that's what will break her heart... Because she understands him and has wholly accepted that he loves her she will believe that he will never abandon her not for anything... But he will break that trust and so she'll leave...
- really hope it's her choice...
but that's what i am not understanding - if she knows him - understands him - trusts his love - knows his heart so well that she completes his sentences for him - has complete faith in his love - knows that he is truly in love with her and its not just words nor is he cheating - then should she not understand his situation and give him time/chance to explain?
Deleteshould not rights and expectations go hand in hand with understanding and love - should she not know that he will come? - oh i am not saying that she should give in to her mother being insulted - all i am saying is that she should understand his position as well
of the 3 situations that Geetu presented - i wouldn't be surprised if ASR did the first - "i love you and always will but i cant accept this woman who unknowingly hi sahi but caused my mom's death - so you come with me but i cant stand her" type of thing - AND then KKG can choose to stand by her mom!
exactly mona. I do not want khushi to walk out. she knows too much about arnav.. as we said before, they have shared everything now.. he can understand her pov, she can understand his pov.. i have a feeling that the wedding will indeed happen. i am excited about how exactly will it happen.
Deletetwo weeks ago, i was completely ready to throw in the towel and quit IPK. now they have injected new life into the story, the direction, the cinematography. now if they patch up the editing and screenplay too, we have a winner again! feeling hopeful today.
chalo finally, i have someone who agrees :D:D:D - main to yahan akaili one man (woman) army ho gaee thi!
DeleteAlso with you on this, totally, Mona! S&G did a great parenting job with both Payal and Khushi - loved that they showed both daughters protective of their Mother and standing up to the in-laws!!! And Shashi's proud smile was a gem of a scene....so much said without uttering a word.
DeleteNani, too, lost a daughter but she was a class act, a true matriarch, who tried to understand. DD was just a self-centred bigot filled with so much hatred that her 14 years in ashram did nothing to pacify...hope she gets her dues!
DeleteAfter the aaja pia scenes, did nto Khushi make a siletn vachan to herself that she would be around whenever Arnav needs her? And he clearly told her that day at the farmhouse neevr to leave her. How will she walk out on him?
Taar seriously there is enough of angst that can happen but can these 2 actually not break anything of the other for a change but just agree to never say Alvida - because Alvida means the hope to meet again is dead..
...Door jaake bhi mujhse
Tume meri yaadon main rehna
Kabhi alvida na kehna...
It is time to upkeep the promises they have been making to each other. Yes they may hurt, they may rage but theu only ever are at peace when they are together.
Mona, count me in on ur side of the army....I don't want to see this as what i or anyone will do in the situation...just merely what K is likely to do..
DeleteCoz there a lot many things that K and A should have done and haven't....a lot of water under the Thames...
its just that I don't see a Khushi walking out simply becos thats not her somehow despite all her feistiness ......she might get disheartened or she may just keep hoping....
Na ye chaand hoga, na taare rahenge
Magar ham hamesha, tumhaare rahenge
Bichhadkar chale jaaye tumse kahi
To ye na samajhna mohabbat nahi
Jaha bhi rahe ham tumhaare rahenge
Zamaana agar kuchh kahega to kya
Magar tum na kehna hamein bewafa
Tumhaare liye hain tumhaare rahenge
Na ye chaand hoga
A beautiful song from the movie Shart that just came to mind when i wrote this above..
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you but I would have felt better is they had not shown ASR remembering last night with Khushi...If he had only thought of his mom and the repercussions, losing the faculty of thought in anger would have been more acceptable to me..But he did remember Khushi.. and that almost makes it a conscious decision to leave her waiting there...
If he comes to his senses after weighing the pros and cons - I question the strength of that love...sab soch ke , tol mol ke pyaar kiya to kya pyar kiya ?
Sanaya was fantastic ...I want her in that tigress mode.. against Arnav too...let him defend his copping out of a confrontation again...
Ab shaadi ki to it is an insult to her Mom and family - she is not the girl to marry into a family who cannot accept her mom.. I don't want the weepy, wimpy Khushi - ek wimpy ASR kaafi hai - let him go sulk in his peetal bartan..we saw the primary difference in the two characters today - one hides, other takes the challenge head on...
Jab Devi Maiyya saath na de to unka ishara samjho ke tumhe khud Devi Maiyya banna hai...
I loved the idea of repeating "aapke bawajood bhi theek hai" - let them part on that high note...
Sri but when has ASR ever hidden - both he and KKG have been very similar in this way - both have always fought head on for their families - yes their techniques have been different but they have never shied away from taking on challenges - that's the best part of their relationship - in this they are so alike!
Deletesri, you are forgetting the crux of the matter.. they are already married!
Deleteon rewatch, i am wondering.. where did arnav go? if the scene showed arnav shocked and collapsing onto the recliner, and dadi walking out, i would be more satisfied. right now, i am wondering.. arnav's FB showed that he remembers the betrayal of his dad, the suicide of his mom, his di with the two dead bodies..the despair.. and the love he shared just yesterday... the trust khushi placed in his love..
dadi told arnav that she found out about the garima truth just today, when she found the photo.. (what explanation will she give about where she found it?) and she cannot allow any shadow of that family to come into this family..and arnav looks devastated, not shocked.. bitwa looks soo sad.. :( he lost his mom, now he is losing his khushi..
now where did arnav go? for one of his midnight rides? to find out the truth? to iron his pagdi? i really hope he comes back from his peetal ka bartan with a solid decision.
DeleteYep a man who just sometime ago told Dadi that he did not want to hear any truth that separated him from Khushi was devastated to see her plunge the knife deeper and deeper into his heart.
He has gone to his mother to ask her what should he do? Maybe explain to her that by marrying Khushi he would not be betraying her memory.
Anger came only towards the end of the FB for Arnav and then without so much as looking at Dadi he just walked away from her and I would like to think his past too.
DeleteThere is no sterner test than the one Arnav is undergoing today.....its his agnipareeksha.
Arnav's love for K is not the matter under doubt....never was, never will.I will not believe it until the PH actually put it out in as many words......
Its his dilemma in facing the inevitable...."is he doing a disservice to his late mother's memory that is the bigger issue".....This is not as easily solved as a let me marry her to keep everything safe in the world of my loved ones.....here he is no longer in control.....he has relinquished it somewhere along the line.
This is bigger test than the one he eventually passed, the atoot vishwas one...
i would say, we can't see this serial from the "lets sit and thrash it out" kind of scenario becos unlike real life, in reel life, communication channels are naturally clogged....its a given....we weave magic within those boundaries, if we do....
rekha, very well explained.
Delete"When did he hide" ?
He has always hidden- from others, from himself, from facing the truth - he has never confronted anything unless pushed to a corner...
To give an example ..after the forced marriage - he leaves Khushi to answer his family, refuses to answer anyone's questions and locks himself in his room..when he is the person who forced it...
Yes they are already married and all this is just for the story and the drama... I do not think that really played into Arnav's mind as he walked else he would not have had the angst of the two conflicting memories - it would have been his parents versus Garima , if he took the marriage to Khushi as a given - don't you think ? :)
Yeah its a serial and they will clog every possible communication line...
And yes its a huge test for Arnav...and if he has to think or ask his mom for permission he has already failed it because he did not do either before asking her to trust him ...
Marry her or not is not the question - He owed it to her to turn up at that mandap...this is not about Garima, this is not about his mother , it is about keeping a promise he made to her..
He has already twice before defamed her - once publicly with the video release, once in the families with the forced wedding...the onus of responsibility to ensure it does not happen again is squarely on him, if he does not think twice about doing it yet again..kaisa pyar hai ?
Khushi looking at family acceptance both ways is her character- ASR has always been shown as an individualist..so it is even stranger that he lets Khushi take the hit for Garima's actions..
And girls I am sorry if I come across too strongly against ASR - guess my initial impression was so bad , thanks to Gul, that he has to work triple hard to redeem himself :) After the video release episode - I was fuming mad - to me it was the rich man's equivalent of a goonda thowing acid at a girl to deface her..so abhi purane miles redeem nahi hue aur bitwa is adding more :) Well if it lets me see Khushi in the Chandi-Durga avatar I am all for it - atleast that will be entertaining:) If they turn it into another chuhe billi ka khel between the two - gayi bhains paani mein.. sab creative team ki daya hai...
I will stop ranting against ASR - aap logon ka mood kharab karne ka irada nahin tha :)
hehe - Sri - don't worry - we die hard Arhi fans are made of sterner stuff - itni jaldi mood nahi kharab hota - :D - if there is material to discuss on the blog = that means something worth watching is happening on the screen :D
Deleteok- i agree that ASR cannot dump her on the mandup - i think we all agree to it - if he did - is would be all that you said - Kaisa pyar hai yah? agreed BUT what i was trying to say was - on the other hand IF ODG walks out on him before he has a chance to explain - then too - kaisa pyar hai yah? - like Rekha said - their love is not at test here - but there is no denying that ODB has just suffered a shock - give him time is all i say - if he comes - their love and respect (for each other at least) is not at stake - if he doesn't - then we can pull ASR down with pleasure
(and as to hiding - he has not been vocal but he has not hidden from responsibilities is what i am saying - even when he married her - he was thinking of his family (and self) - since his parents death - he has taken the fall - he took care of everything and everyone - even Payash wedding - yes he was arrogant and cold about it - but he did not run from troubles - the only time he did (and that was my rant for ages with the CVs) was after his wedding when he did not tell KKG why - but i guess when his history was revealed - the sequence made sense - it was too deep a hurt and was being revisited by KKG (in his mind - she was cheating too)
so my final point - this is a love story where the love despite all odds - is mutually expressed, shared and reciprocated - (two people from different backgrounds but with similar grit and never say die attitude are so made for each other) - all i am saying is CVs please don't turn it into a "bechari majboor aurat and/or atyachri husband" type story - be different and show that mutual love and respect can actually solve issue - people can communicate! (i know i know i live in fools paradise :D)
Delete:) I am with you on the love-mutual respect-communication etc. - but I ranted against Khushi's breach of trust in bringing Shyam back - so maybe we both live in the fools paradise w.r.t to television serials...I need to get a rant meter and keep track:)
And I hate bechari majboor aurat stories too - which is why Khushi was a draw for me... :)
Rahi baki cheeze - I guess I look at love as how it manifests in how people treat each other more than the dreamy stuff...blame Erich Fromm's wonderful book Art of Loving for that - or maybe its just age- flowery words mean much less than the mutual respect, concern etc. :)
Rambliing away:
ReplyDeleteWhen you begin shooting in the dark, in your hurry to hit the enemy you forget that the bullet knows not any loyalties and may strike one of your own.
Today in the opening scene, I got a feeling that Dadi wanted to wreak havoc on Garima true but she needed Arnav to feel loss too, painful loss like she had to endure by losing a son who meant the most to her. And today when she saw him crumble there seemed a gleam of victory a sense of balm on an aching heart. She wanted to punish him for what she is certain was an erroneous decision he took by picking the wrong side; wrong by her book.
When Khushi first stumbled into Arnav's path, he was recalling the demons of his past but then her presence made him open her eyes and he snapped out of the quicksand of the past into the present - a girl who had dared to walk onto his ramp.
Today there is sadness, resigned sadness recalling all that had passed so many years ago and then he recalls a tender passionate moment with Khushi when she said I trust you, I trust your love.
With the bracelet and talk of trust, I was taken back to the episodes when Khushi's cheap bracelet broke and she had asked Arnav point blank why he was so unahppy despite his helathy bank balance. The other was the poolside sccene after Arnav broke off his engagement with La. He tried to explain but she had not given him a chance. However she did tell him about how a girl who trusts her life into the hands of a boy, shatters, when that trust is broken. Shehad told him of the pain she underwent of experiencing a broken rishta, of having to bear heartbreak.
I want my air punching moment when the hero walks in to show the slime their place with regards to Khushi. I also want my lady to never compromise but earnestly wishe that she does not walk away. As in they are apart physically but now is the time to fulfill the promies, the vachan they have been making in the course of this wedding. Him to be there with her always and her of neevr speaking of leaving him. I am ok with Khushi refusing to be allowed as a bahu at RM (by the family)provided she breaks ties with her mother and Arnav accepts her decision and does not force her to do something she does not want to.
Rambling away some more..
ReplyDeleteDadi said they could not embrace teh family but about spending his life with Khushi - she left the decision to Arnav. So technically she never had a refusal from him only silence. So technically Dadi aapne phir se jhooth bola.
And I am glad to see a precap with Dadi removing those bangles and saying you have no more relation with this family - you bet she was never a Mallik! Always and ever a Singh Raizada.
As for no rishta with Arnav well Dadi when Devi Mayya approves then which khet ki mooli are you? And Devi Mayya has done her bitiya's kanyadaan that day in the temple with the teerth water. Dadiji remember this, you could perhaps have shaken the trust of Ratna but Khushi is KKGSR. SHe is fully aware and non compromising about her haq on Arnav! So you just wait.
If the baraat goes away, I still want Nani, NK and Akash to stay back. And when Arnav comes and sees the chaos inflicted by war, let him be told by Nani about how Dadi lied. Plus Dadi showed him the new photo - that one came from a photo lab that too given by Shyam. So lets see where that goes.
I am itching for a face off between Nani and Dadi. CTs can we please have one round of jousting between Devyani Raizada and Subhadra Malik. And if ANjali starts to spout something, I want a dialogue from Nani elling her not to interfere when 2 adults are speaking. Nani already said post Shyam exposure that the galti was "damaadji's" and as for Garima keeping quiet to preseve the unity of the house, she would understand.
Arnav has already made the biggest mistake of his life and the biggest deal of his life. Perhaps it is now time for the biggest victory of his life - of finally taking that first step out of the past and learning to live with but not be overwhelmed by the pain. Recall the moments of life with Mumma and not the moment of loss.
CCKKP: EVen today Khushi's first thought on not seeing him was for his safety, oncern that nohing untoward had happened to him. She will not be able to not leave but she will be able to spend that moment of companionship always.
MY SOUL SISTA: Hugssssssss bey!!
DeleteIf the baraat goes away, I still want Nani, NK and Akash to stay back. And when Arnav comes and sees the chaos inflicted by war, let him be told by Nani about how Dadi lied.
Dadi is just as much a reptile as the snake himself. He slithers around hiding in dark corner while,she speakers with the venomous evil tonge. Only interested in inflicting as much pain as possible to a special mother and daughter. Her wound was always open and weeping but now it has erupted and she is joyous, along with her partner in the crime. Khushi ever the brave sole stands square with that mother, trusting that she will not lie and would not have knowingly caused pain to anyone. Her adopted sister stands with her supporting her mother and will not let her mother be insulted by no one, not even her MIL. Very strong women, with a proud proud father looking on and unable to do anything for his family. Arnav is in pain and this is understood, the news is devastating to him. He has to think, but he must make a decision, because Dadi is making that decision for him, and she is loving every moment of her revenge. Such a horrible women. I want her exposed as a villain along with the snake.
ReplyDeleteKhushi may be crumbling inside but she will hold up her head. Poor Khushi and Arnav, happiness only lasts a short time before it is torn away from them.
DeleteShyam thinks Dadi is under his thumb but she supported him only bcause he pangered to her ego, her sense of the family's prstige and name "face" as the Chinese say.
If Shyam's plan to separate Arnav and Khushi falls hrough then it will be fun bcause he will keep hatching plans to do so and is then more likely to trip up and show his hand to the family.
It will then be interesting to see how Anjali behaves at the mention of Khushi and the impact on Arnav.
DeleteSeriously SOMH.....*hugs*.
can u believe this....i was remembering that same scene of Khushi talking of break of trust dialogue by the poolside after the La-Arnav engagement breaks....My reason was diff tho....i was thinking of that in relation to GArima.....of perhaps a situation in her life when her trust was broken similarly by AD.....and Khushi saying this to Arnav on G's behalf at some point......
I agree, it will be interesting, because all of Shayms plans always have the opposite effect, and he will become more daring and then fall flat along with Dadi.
DeleteAnjali will now think her husband is the saint, and the misunderstanding was because of Khushi, like mother like daughter. Lets hope Arnav finds his backbone and his intelligence quickly.
Sorry Sandy, meant to post the reply to you.
DeleteLin - i could have quoted your entire passage - you have out the matter in a nut shell - something we have been discussing post after post - :D:D:D
Deleteso i know my mind is still buzzing with the story. might as well write. points, because it is all jumbled..
ReplyDelete1. today for the first time, i found no bloopers in the episode. not even camera angles. and every single bit was edited perfectly... except for the slight (necessary)overlap between ad breaks.
2. dadi rephrased her questions.. yesterday, she asked him whether he would still marry khushi.. but today, she asked about living with her forever.. taking the pheres.. someone spotted and corrected.. good.
3. NK and the singh is king phone.. made me smile. always good, that guy, even without dialogues. another KKP : NK staring down snakewa when he tries to be one of the boys. (akash is oblivious.. i dont know why they did not take him into confidence.. but.. well.)
4. the honest joy of khushi seeing his car.. and buaji picking the thread seamlessly.. directorji, finally you guys have started reviewing the editing! great!
5. at last shantivan's driver made an appearance.. for a long time, the raizada boys were the drivers.. and it broke my "businessman" concept every time i saw it.. but finally they have at least one. (but what was the overkill with orchids? does anyone in delhi/bombay decorate their cars like that for weddings?)
6. khushi as the eager bride.. but more the roothi wife.. if the DD had not opened her mouth and arnav had indeed come, i can imagine the smile on his face upon seeing her gussa.. aww.
7. dadi's statue impersonation.. usually i hate those individually shot shocked expressions.. but this time, there was movement in the scene.. and after dadi announced her verdict, khushi runs to dadi, with full haq as arnav's wife.. and after the recap expose, (he he found "mohan" in the background again)
she turns to her mom.. and waits through her silence, till she speaks. and as soon as she speaks, there is no doubt in khushi's mind.. my amma will not lie.
8. the sense of pride on her parent's faces.. shashi, who is paralysed and mute, expressed so much pride that it shined like a beacon. his reaction to dadi's khulasa was significant as well.Sanjay Batra (applause).. garima is clutching her mangalsutra... why? tell me, who is she married to?
9. khushi identifies with each and every one's pain.. she gives special mention to nani and anjali.. we can literally see nani forming her decision. wise woman, that one.
10. manorama mami. i do not want to guess what kind of overkill jewelry she had on.. literally could not look at her. and she shreiked something about gupta sisters.. and akash puts in a token protest.. but payal does not need support.. she can stand tall to support her stepmom all by herself. gosh this woman who raised two girls that were not her own.. sweet, docile, polite, ans sherni when provoked. wow. i wish to raise daughters like that someday.
11. anjali.. wants to know why the truth was not exposed before.. really? irony much?
12. arnav needs time to come to terms with the revelation that his khushi is in the middle of another chakravyuh. i know that he will be with her every step of the way if he was conscious.. but while he finds his way back to her side, what more will dadi and shyam do?
sandy, youre right, dadi wanted to hurt arnav too.for taking his mother's side, for accusing his dad, for never accusing the OW back then.
you reminded me of the bracelet.. there is something there. dadi gave her the kangans of false promises. arnav once gave her the precious mom's kangans, without telling her what they were. today, he takes a bracelet as the wedding gift. why?
khushi will not back down.. until and unless he tells her himself, she will indeed put her faith in his love.. and nothing else.
the scene of the confrontation.. the invited guests are respectfully leaving the place of the non-wedding. that was in the background of the serious scene.. added another layer to the gravity of the situation. great episode, for the 350th.
Deletei agree - even i could not notice any bloopers - infact was so engrossed in the story that i did not care
except for - could not imagine what so many guests were doing there - thinking what - "weird fancies of rich men - marrying their wives again? and how can dadi say he will not com (from guests POV) - he is already married!"
But what i really liked - even though the PAyash wedding was a proper wedding and this is a repeat telecast (EMI wedding!) - the payash wedding happened at home but this one is happening at a venue = that had to happen to add more dramatic effects of dulha not arriving on time - i mean had they done it at RM (like payash wedding - like anyone would have thought for a rewedding) - then we would not have had a neutral ground for the leads to come down too -
(ok that it - i have lost it :D:D - get to work mona - get to work!!!)
jaya purple orchids looked hideos..You know the wild ones at delhi ring road...lagta hai usko pluck karkay chipka diya....duhhhhh I have seen red roses usually, chalo YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?
DeleteSUV is free...............Meaning Apna dulha will come in SUV
DeleteWhistle podu for "khushi will not back down.. until and unless he tells her himself, she will indeed put her faith in his love.. and nothing else." Je baat!
The bracelet - well that day Arnav told Khushi to tell her "fiance" not to gift her cheap stuff. And then La made that comment about how her fiance had put a ring on the left hand and a bracelet on her right and made hee hisc completely.
So perhaps time for Arnav to make Khushi his completely? Besides diamonds always remind me of the scene from Sharaabi where the lead says each tear of his lover worth more than a precious diamond...
Dadi's kangans - to me she had put it on and welcomed Khushi to their family which is the Malliks but like NK says Khushi is hone waali Singh Raizada so even if Dadi takes it back koigal nahi. There is another matriarch who will remind her pota about the kangans that his mother bequeathed to his wife and it is with those that he will truly make her his ma's bahu.
Missed the episode yesterday, just read the updates, will be back after watching the episode*Hugs*
ReplyDeleteAgnipariksha - reminded me that this was started with the title Vaidehi :) Explains the story line - Sita pays not once but twice - the first time for Ram's lack of trust , the second because Ram puts his responsibility as a king ahead of his responsibility as a husband..Sita becoming a single mother...is that where this is going ?
Well khushi cant become a single mom since apparantly they have not done it...she might become single though:)
DeleteI think wedding will happen.
TRP is 2.4....If marriage breaks again, it wont pick up ever.
They have to pick up and stick together no matter what.
DeleteArHi ki baatein Arhi hi jaanein. She has already given her agnipariksha. The one which began with that forced temple marriage. And she had come out proving herself to be 24 carat pure gold.
She will yet again pas an agnipariksha because Arnav will need to put his promise of doing his duty by his sister, his family before himself but Khushi need not go single mother yet. Besides, they say child is the father of man. Now, if Khushi stands up and fight for Garima she will almost be fighting for her cub.
The way forward should be to rsolve the issue but in their own ways - him with proof and facts her with emotions. Wanting teh same yet with different approaches.
Live commentswa as I am watching:
ReplyDeleteWT....Dadi wears heels?
Array arnav bitwa ka phone nahin lag raha toh upar jaakar bulao na...Upar hi toh hai...kanjoos PH...DID they think we will not recognize RM?
Arnav's room curtains changed to blue as in marriage blues?
Shyam trying to talk to NK & Akash and them not interested...wohoo!!
Why is Akash not wearing specs? Contacts bhai ki shaadi ki khushi may?
He spoke, he tried to stop his mom, Damn you Payal, mushkil say 1 dialogue milta hai woh bhi kaat diya tumnay, I looooooooved Dograji's reaction there...Dogra, WT, Yaar poora toh bolnay do..Akash's reaction WT Payal, Why won't I support you?
*phew that out of the way*
Absolutely brilliant Episode!!
IPK Team, when you mess up, you mess up you do mess up brilliantly, but when you get your act together, You do a Brilliant job!! Just for this episode - RESPECT!!!!
Was waiting for ur take, always the best part of the blog, trust u to notice the heels :D
DeleteLoved ur post
aaj khush to bahut hogi tun, ur boy did the honours and grew a spine! CVs please let him keep it, please (for our BG's sake!)
Mona*hugs bey*, Yaar I am waiting for him to point out to Arnav or Mami or anyone present as much he is hurt by what has happened, after all it is his what maasi/bua what dunno the hindi name of the relation.
DeleteHe is furious with the way Dadi handled the whole thing, why not come out and tell the family the moment she found out, she had ample chances, why wait till the last moment and destroy bhai's happiness?
I am in fultoo SKD wrt Akash today,lol.
shwetha, i know you love akshay, but look at that from the character's pov.. the guy saw a girl, fell in love with her looks.. dint care that she was from a different social strata, asked his family's permission.. when his mom refused, he was all set to forget her. if not for arnav's promise, he would not be married to payal now. later, when khushi was ostracized by his family, he urged payal to at least talk to her.. (means he has a warm heart)..but later, when shyam's truth was judged, he was sidelined.. and i remember him telling his wife that being a bahu was more important than her sister. he scolded payal for taking their personal fights to her sister.. somehow, he has been (however sketchily) portrayed as a traditionalist. however much he is chummy with arnav, he does not share arnav's views.
Deletemaybe he was indeed ready to break his matrimony if arnav asked.. at least, khushi believed so.
now he finds that his MIL is the cause of his aunt's death.. yes, he knows that the gupta sisters are innocent in the whole drama, and he says that.. but will he be strong enough to stand by arnav when he decides to marry khushi?
Jayu, it is Akash first, akshay later:)
DeleteAnyway he wanted to forget her only cos she refused him, he did not see any hope for himself.
When he did and his mom did not agree, he walked out of the house.
Yes, I agree, the character has not been developed fully.
His anger with Payal first was for not telling him, he is the hubby right?
the whole bahu thing, with you... And him admonishing her for taking their fight to sister was valid IMHO.
And If Akash the way I have interpreted him is correct, he will stand by his bhai and Payal in the hour of need.
To be honest, I expected Akash to be the one to drill some sense into Arnav that he was getting the Guptas wrong....woh hua nahin, hopefully this happens.
He is not perfect
aww so sweet.. and yes.. you are right, he gave up on the marriage only because she refused. i stand corrected.
Deleteanyway, he is shown as the shy yet goodhearted brother.. i really hope the CT finds it in them to get Akash to support the guptas this time.
thats one idea i got from IF today.. there are not enough good people in the show.. only the bad ones and the victims -who are helpless but to dance to the baddie's tunes.. we need a proper hero.. a strong heroine .. we need some facts to shake the baddies basement.
yes, this is not a movie, this is a daily serial, bla bla.. but when was the last time good triumphed over evil in the show? when was the last time shyam got moo thod jawab? when was the last time someone questioned dadi? err, forget arnav's angry young man act exclusively for dadi.. he only barks, no bite.. even when shyam came into his bedroom to talk to him , all arnav had were empty threats.. give arnav some intelligence, for the audience's sake! we want a hero, okay, a flawed one is fine.. but he should net be so decent that he is decent with the villain!
e lo kya se kya ban gaya post. but still shwethu, i hereby join your morcha to grant more lines for akash!
DeleteShwethu aur humse Akash ki puri biodata pooch lena.....Shwethu will specially give all the jawabs....i will provide the correct background score....
There was a time when i thot that the track for Payash would build based on that Shyam revelation....but it went totally tai tai phiss....
Unfortunately, Akash ko itna daba diya serial ki agar woh lines bole toh bhi ajeeb lagtha hain....my hubby happened to see the epi yesterday and he said...arre isko bolne bhi nahin dete ladeez.....dekho kya din aa gaye....I told him that Akash was butting in to say something but Payal has to say something today, today is her day....Akash ka bhi din aayega....isi intezar mein hoon.....
Okay more SKD from me:
ReplyDeleteArnav must have taken out his SUV for a drive, roadside breakdown probably or not.
The point is HE WILL COME BACK!!!
I saw the guests tactfully leaving...so it will be just the two families...Dadi, Shyam and Anjali might leave by then.
Nani might stay back unsure....She lost her daughter and She is the only person who knows the full truth of Arhi first round marriage.
I EXPECT Akash, NK to stay back too...Akash for Payal and Garima whom he calls as Amma and do his bit as SIL of the house.
Wanting to settle this somehow, trying desperately to contact Arnav, determined not to leave his FIL who is helpless to protect or defend his family, his wife, his MIL, his SIL who is the reason he is seeing his own brother smiling and laughing after 14 years, trying to make sense of it all.
NK will stay back for Khushi. Pure and simple.
I would love if ASR comes back and asks Khushi, Shaadi complete nahin karni WITH a determined face is if to convey I am still not reconciled but whatever happened, you should not suffer one more time........ okay too much SKD
I expect ASR to come and do what he did not do last time which is to confront Garima for her truth and when she tells him she did not know.....to give her the benefit of the doubt for now.
I want khushi to drill into him that just like History is repeating here, just like Shyam fooled them, same could have happened with Garima.
One more SKD Dialogue:
Arnav: Khushi That WAS my mom.
Khushi: Arnavji...This IS my mom and if only you will believe her, SHE (Garima) is your mom too.
Okay pucca promise one LAST SKD
Dadi, Anjali, Shyam leave.
Mami & Nani stay back...Mami for Nani and Nani for Khushi and Arnav
Arnav comes back...The marriage happens.
Arnav has his family - Akash and NK, Nani and Mami
Khushi hers - Payal, Garima, bua and bauji.
Dadi and Shyamwa gloating and trying to calm down Anjali.
Door opens.
In walks Nani and then Mami.
Akash with Payal
and then Arnav and Khushi enter with a determined look having been married.
Grihapravesh happens
Stunned look by Shyam, Dadi and Anjali
*Hayeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* kya scene hoga na!!!!
Shwetha - s**t i have boring day ahead with back to back meetings - and now after your perfect SKDs - dimagh kaam main kya khaak lagega :D:D:D:D
Deleteoh please please let this happen - will make the story perfect!!!!
Shwethu, hugs bey kahan thi kal? Tera skd kinna cute hain grih pravesh. Hayeee purane grih pravesh still fresh in mind, last time he did not look at her, this time he only looks at her. Wow skd much. Payal ko maaf kar de last chance pe dance hain. Akash bitwa ki waise bhi bolti bandh hone wali hain after payal gives an ultimatum. Bechare no bol se bolti bandh. It sucks to be any kind of bitwa. (sorry gargs)
Deleteshwetha, missed your skd these past days.. and that last scene... SHIDDAT!
DeleteShwethu, SHIDDAT!!! Kya SKD hai!
DeleteBack home after an overnight flight so will join in later.
DeleteSKD much - epis are going brilliant matlab :)
I want that bit about Arnav coming to Khushi looking at her and saying - Phere nahi lene, rasam hai right? And yes he promised her he will nibhaao all teh rasm and he will. Oh and a tiff to boot - he going how dare you leave and she going how dare you make me wait.
And yes to the Mom waala dialogues too.
I dont see Mami staying back.
And yes to the RM entry, but grihapravesh is not happening. Because those have already been done. Wahaan hoga pota dadi ka dhamaaka. And akin to Arnav throwing out Shyam, I see Anjali and Dadi refusing Khushi entry and here I want Arnav ka yeh mera ghar waala dialogue,him going beserk and Khushi clutching his shoulder, calming him down and telling him that it is ok and that even if she cannot be there she will always be with him.
And set the stage for Arnav visits to GH to see Khushi but then there is tension with Garima so even during nok jhok there is angst.
And Khushi though not allowed to stay in RM, visits Arnav and Nani. Makes her presence and stance when Dadi, Mami, Shyam or even Anji spout rubbish - and my day shall be made if Shyam tries some crap and earns a punh from Arnav in the bargain.
Oh and SKD much I know but with Shyam being nicey nice to Khushi after her wedding to Arnav jalaaoing the dimbulb in Anji's non existent cells.
Plus despite all that happens to him and Khushi, Arnav lets Shyam stay for his Di's sake still mindful of her happiness while he is yet again battling his demons with just Khushi and maybe Nani and NK. A point for Anji to chew on eventually. (Please can we NOT have an Anji going hume tumhaari har baat maani hai for your happiness and letting Khushi into RM now itself). My personal agenda - the much SKDed Arnav Anji cold vibes. She did it to him after teh first wedding, he does it to her now.
Sandy, *hugs* bey! I was wondering how after marriage Khushi would stay away from RM ... this is a perfect scenario. Dadi and Shyam poisoning Anjali so she forbids Khushi entry, Mami gangs up with them, and Arnav sees red ... Nani tries to placate but to no avail ... it's left to Khushi to make the decision to stay at GH, because she wants to get to the root of the story as well. Yep, no need for Grihapravesh - that rasam has been done ... though am sure Arnav will have NO objection to carrying his wife into the house and straight to their room!
DeleteAnd SHIDDAT again to Khushi visiting RM with full HAQ ... enforced by Nani and Arnav, and Akash ... usko bhi kuch role de dete hain! :))) I really want to see her being the mistress of RM, the one in charge, the true lady of the house.
I want Shyam's role to emerge in front of Dadi slowly ... don't know if Swati C's role is short or long ... but if she's doing a cameo, then her reason to return to her ashram should be the disclosure of Shyam's truth in front of her and her realisation that in her blind quest to avenge what she believed was injustice to her son, she nearly destroyed the lives of both her grandchildren.
And yes, I want some cold Arnji-Arnav vibes ... Arnav has to grow out of his blind Di worship and start accepting that Di has her flaws and while she is his responsibility, her 'happiness' is not more important than her well being. So giving in to her tantrums all the time is not the answer.
Though to be fair, last time, HE held strong, it was Khushi who gave in to Di's blackmail ;)
DeleteI know yaar. This scenario allows for Khushi to be strong, Khushi to decide her return to RM and to some extent truly say no to the life of comfort and luxury she could have as Arnav Singh Raizada's wife.
Better yet, I have been wondering how they will do a recall of the scene where Arnav bulldozes her and tells her she has to marry him. So this time it is a deal of sorts from her end, yes I will marry you but I will not come home with you.
And at the mandap in front of all Khushi says she is not going to have a bidaai and Garima perhpas raises her hand to slap Khushi but this tme (3rd time) Arnav stops her and does a you have no right to hit my wife.
I get a feeling Swati will stay till the end, till the actual past truth unravels and her undoing will be Shyam's unmasking knowing how she had let evil again into Anjali's life. She will repent and go back to her ashram towards the end for another round of penitence. This means Shyam ki band bajegi (thank god, I was scared they will try and make him a good samaritan somehow).
Plus Khushi choosing to stay back - eventually it will link back to that dialogue about how Arnav in his anger could have lost his Di and how her happiness matters. And her happiness means Arnav is happy and so Khushi is happy. So Khushi tells Arnav that Di with all that she has borne may be better off not seeing her for a while (Or Nani says this like the last time and Khushi complies, Arnav sees red but Khushi stays firm and tries to make him see reason.)There another vote for Khushi about how she always has had Di's happiness in mind.
Ok Shweths, retracting my RM scene for a bit, Arnav walks in last and alone and Shyam and Dadi begin to gloat about how his decision is right and so on and so forth and then Arnav calmly bursts their bubble. SLAP!!
He did get married, thee were witnesses (in case Dadi refuses to accept the marriage), and Khushi is his wife and has all rights on him, his family and this house. SHe will not be there yet he will keep her presence alive at RM in her absence. And at this point in time if he manages to tell Dadi about why he married Khushi initially ina brutal manner just to start shaking her foundations - I will be in dreamland. Anji is in room fainting and all so missed the drama.
Similarly, buaji will be miffed at GH and when Arnav is not around, Khushi will bat for him.
Ok SKD overload ho gaya. This is what happens when you work late, sleep less and are unable to fous on anything during the day.
Yesterday’s episode evoked so many emotions in me, so many questions I am still not able to process.
ReplyDeleteMy only thought afte r the epi ended- where is Arnav Singh Rizada? The man who claims to be married to Khushi- the man who asserts that all the rasams are for her and the society alone- the man who accepted her as his wife in front of his mother – the man who vowed not to leave her ever again- where is that man?
Now that I know the answer, I am not angry with him any more…he is still a boy- a sweet little lost boy for whom time stopped the day his mother died. Emotionally, he did not grow from then on- he did not process his pain so far- he buried it under a mask of indifference called Arnav Singh Raizada and as of now, he is just a boy still struggling with his mother’s death and his father’s betrayal. No, I cannot blame him, though he did not rise up to my expectations. And I can still love this hero, in fact he is closer to life now- thanks Gul.
Arnav’s 2 fbs:
The fb he has of Khushi- why did he choose to replay that memory?
Because it is still fresh in his mind?
Because it is a memory of her trust in him?
*Because it is a memory about a night of passion that he compares with a memory of his mother being betrayed?- Did he betray his mother once more?
I am not sure what that fb is meant to be.
Why did he not remember the sindoor and MS that he put on her forcefully, all the pain he had given her, all her tears- why this memory of a kiss?
*Was it a reminder that he cannot go back on his word now- he is supposed to be committed to her?
I really can’t decide on this one…the implications of that fb is very vague- like ASR’s mind now.
Anjali- Khushi:
Khushi handles the situation in a very mature way- someone lost a son, someone lost a daughter, someone lost their parents- yes, she can understand the pain of losing both the parents.
But does she understand the pain of losing both the parents on the day of your wedding, your life being thrown into an abyss after that- 2 orphaned children who really could not turn to anyone after that, a grandmother who neglected her duties following the death of her son, a chacha who cruelly threw them out of their house…and the person who started this chain of events is standing right in front of Anjali…she has every right to ask, “why? Why? Why?”.
It is not the same as losing your parents in an accident- the 2 siblings never recovered from that haadsa, and to this day, the repercussions haunt them both.
Valiantly fighting for her mother, joined by Payal.
And fighting for her love- bitwa, I wish you’d be there at least to see this- how she pleads with your GM not to put out the fire - she has made a promise to you, that she’ll never leave you, she is trying to stick to her end of the bargain when you seem to have already given up. Really wish you could see the gentle Khushi pleading with dadi for Arhi- she is the only one fighting this battle for both of you…you tied that thread forcefully, yet she forgave you and loved you- don’t betray her again, please.
DeleteA lovely point of expression for Arnav's FB......
I meant to say this to Sri for a post above, but will mention it here instead...
As u said, Arnav is still that 14 year old boy somewhere deep inside and while Love has knocked down many barriers, one is still up...of what the past is really about, he needs to come to terms with what he could have done and what was not in his control...Thats a very essential part in any closure.....forgiving oneself....I think Arnav has not done that....
Which is why, this flawed hero will come to the mandap only after a struggle....with his demons....and he may not overcome them becos frankly this hero will overcome it with Khushi by his side.....he will come for whatever, for now.....let it be an indvidual interpretation to that moment when he comes and its not an IF....its a WHEN
Deletehe needs to come to terms with what he could have done and what was not in his control...Thats a very essential part in any closure.....forgiving oneself...:
But, isn't he angry? With his father and the other woman. I feel he does not hold himself responsible for what happened to his parents or how khe lived his life after the haadsa.In fact he still continues to blame his father for the past, I always felt Khushi will help him come to terms with the demons in the past- help him forgive his father.
In fact, her speech yesterday on 'someone has lost a son....', I felt showed a woman mature beyond her years- the same woman who forgave Arnav for all that he did to her in the name of a MU- I felt this is the woman who will stand by Arnav, and gently guide him to come to terms with the memory of his father.
I was reminded of the garden yesterday. She will pull out each and every weed that clutters his mind, clear up the space that is around that the great tree that is Arnav.
And once the weeds are out, there will be more space for the gardener to plant other beautiful plants - a space for his and her relatives.
But right now, she is that rose bush he cannot bear to be apart from, there are many thorns on her due to no fault of hers, that he will learn to embrace.
Like you said, it is a WHEN.
DeleteFirst on Anjali Khushi - yes Anjali had the right to ask the reason why the truth was hidden. But by only believing Dadi who has not been in their lives and hanging the Guptas by their tos is not a sign of maturity.
Losing parents in whatever form is traumatic. Besides given the age disparity, Khushi was much younger when she lost her parents whereas Anji was almost to be a wife. Khushi has immortalized her parents as stars whereas Anji has hidden away the memories of her parents - buried them. Khushi was also rendered homeless when her parents died. And if Khushi had Garima and Shashi, Anjali had Nani and Mamaji. SO to m it is just teh stark contrast between them - like Nani says, one mature for her age the other very fragile and not so mature for her age. (I am not going into the why's or other reasons)
As for the FBs,
since that day at the hospital, there is a slight change in that last FB. Before the boy cries out Ma, the husband calls out to his wife Ratna. I was reminded fo Harry Potter coming in contact with Dementors and in the process, the only memory he had of his parents starts to reveal more and more each time he has it.
Interesting are teh dialogues taht his mother tells the father
How could you give me dhoka?
Did you not think of me or our children?
You never loved me...
That last line to me is teh crux of the matter. Seeing Dadi I get a feeling, the father may have been palyed by her. She is repeating her play but her grandson will foil her plan; fate intervenes. She was in an ashram and ashamed to face ehr family especially the grandson who went repeatedly to call her and herbest friend because she had done wrong by them (my instinct & Arnav telling Dadi that she did not know what was right for them then and she does not know what was right for them now)
And if she had played the situation finally resulting in Ratna's death no wonder she qas sequestered for 14 years - time akin to a murder sentence in India.
Nice thought about the weeds. They say nothing an gow in the shade of a tree (not enough sun). No wonder our lady is a titali :)
On Garima clutching her MS:
If Garima indeed is the 3rd person in Arnav's parents lives, then she would not have had an affair as Dadi states. She would have had a temple marriage (Dadi does not give credence to binpheron ki shaadi). But Dadi did not accept nor approve. There are 2 ways to play this
1. This happened after Ratna married Arnav's dad in which case the dad is out and out rotten
2. Dadi is the culprit and the timing of the relationship Garima had with Arnav's dad is being misrepresented by Dadi. She can lie and Dadi's conviction that her son was right and he is being judged wrong. Plus her dialogues to Shyam about the photo and all is not what it seems.
Garima says she did not know the father was married (so either he hid it or he really was not)
Garima said she kept silent for the sake of her children's happiness. And she also told Shashi that she had said a lie in the past. SO she is protecting someone. In all possibility a child who still lives I would think.
DeleteOfc he is angry with his father....that anger is understandable too and it requires breadth of perspective if he has to forgive his father....i focused on his need to forgive himself becos thats the easier part of the closure....u remember he kept saying at the hospital, i tried so hard.......
he needs to come to terms with that effort and results....of what can be controlled and what cannot be....realistically....he needs to know that instead of cottonwooling her, for one it would have been far better for Anji to face up to reality....he needs to face to one more bitter truth....that perhaps ratna chose an easy way out as there are other ways to deal with heartbreak like K has shown time and again.....
I am not saying that the serial will explore all this, its just the way i perceive his situation....
Interesting point Sandy,
Deletejust wondering about the Fb that DD had on when she met G, was there any indication on the timeline of that event, was it after the death..meaning did the fb mention the suicides...to me it appears that it was an old FB....(co-inciding with what u mentioned above) if she has not talked of the suicides in that fb....also interestingly, there was no FB from G on that aspect...did u note that....what could the reason be?
DeleteThe team is keping it vague. The gogly there is Dadi's dialogue about Garima not being mindful of him being married with kids.
Or in that does she only say shaadi shudaa? If only shaadi shudaa, Dadi is capable of even referring to a childhood betrothal as shaadi as long as her purpose is met.
true..and that gives credence to ur theory.....hain na?....skd much...??? i have not given up on that theory yet...i will hold on to it until they say otherwise...
DeleteI'll never compare Anjali with Khushi- it is not fair, I've always said it.
In fact, every character, even Garima and nani will pale in comparison to her.
I'll agree with you that Anjali has not handled her loss well, I'll not defend her on that. However, sometimes I wonder if she has handled it beter than Arnav, because she has no trouble bringing up her mother- in fact she mentions her mother more often than K(purely because the script comes like that in the siblings scene, whereas K does not have anyone other than Maasi to discuss her parents with), what I am trying to say is: she has no problems celebrating Maa's B'day, reading Maa's letter, getting Maa's conch...unlike ASR who freaks out at the very mention of either of his parents.
For me, more interesting is the comparison of how the siblings have hanled their common loss. Here, I remember the post RB scene- the talk btn Khushi and Anjali- where Anjali says, "I've seen how the past can change you- I've seen that in Chhote"- in a disapproving tone, obviously she is not happy about the way ASR has decided to hate his father...could be because he is the one who witnessed it, also because he was at that age when a mother is everything in the world to a son- also why he sees his mother in Anjali?
Dadi- lying about the timing- since Garima admits that had she known he was the father...- I feel dadi is not doing ramanchi there- she tells small lies like she told Arnav for the greater good of the whole family- to keep Garima and her niece away- and we also have that solid fb of Dadi- Garima where she points fingers at her after the haadsa.
Garima- AD: it is getting interesting by each day, I am waiting for the whole truth ...and I love the way they have got us all totally hooked up.
DeleteIf you are saying that ASR will compare Anjali and his mother to Khushi and realise that they fall short in comparison to her...we are asking the man to compare the three women in his life- and obviously if we start comparing , K is the brightest star. I don't know if that is the issue- I bet even Arnav knows by now thta he cannot compare his wife with his di and I don't even know why he should compare them... sorry,I am lost here.
So he realises they should all attain K's maturity- Anjali should learn to behave like Khushi, his dead mother should've behaved like Khushi or Garima...I mean, what about the original people that they are...Can he not love and accept them with all their FAULTS, shouldn't that be what Khushi should be teaching him?
I feel ASR does not place Anjali and maa on a pedestal-
he knows di is flawed for demanding Shyam back, his maa committed suicide- the mode of death itself is horrifying to him, only the anger is towards the man who caused it- in fact, I feel ASR does not worship either of them- he loves them in spite of who they are, always will- but K, he will worship for a life time and beyond.
Delete"in fact, I feel ASR does not worship either of them- he loves them in spite of who they are, always will- but K, he will worship for a life time and beyond."
That he does and as a loving son ,brother, lover, he should....i would not expect anything less from the hero
But Su, if he has accepted that they are flawed, i would be seriously concerned with his dilemma....becos what is then the dilemma for Arnav? In that case, i would say...Khushi just run.....as fast as ur legs can carry u....for u there is no hope if G is indeed the OW...
he was 14 years when that happened....and lets accept, while he has grown up, he is emotionally that 14 year old boy.he has not accepted that there were things that a 14 year old could not have processed...it would take an adult's perspective to see an adult problem....Which is why, when he first encountered the Shyam Khushi angle, he chose to deal it with the warped knowledge of a young boy protecting a sister's happiness and at the same time, an adult reaction of keeping his desired with an intention to thwart...
I agree comparisons are not only odious, they will not help solve this dilemma....Arnav needs to see it from all three angles, his father, his mother and the third angle, for the moment Garima...
When i said that people have faced heartbreak better, it is only a statement of fact....that Khushi has done is also only a matter of fact...not necessarily a comparison yardstick....he needs to accept that people can face problems meeting them head on, and buckling under is not necessarily an option to be exercised at the first sight of trouble...I also said that i am not sure the serial will explore this angle...becos its a tuf thing to do.....
A thought on Garima:
ReplyDeleteGarima clutching her mangal sutra...and Shashi silently looking on, a helpless husband.
And Garima holding on to that photo of Arnav's father's memory...
I feel more and more now, that inspite of Garima saying she did not know AD was married which is a n acceptance of the relationship- the very fact that she clutches her MS: it means that the relationship btn her and AD was pure- even if she had feelings for him, it was an infatuation that was not reciprocated- something she is glad about?
And her relationship with her husband is also pure- the phot and the person in it does not come in btn her and her MS.
Saying the demise of her son ruined her...Couldn't help wondering, what about the Chacha? Is he not her son too? Or she disowned him long back, even before the haadsa?
something to smile:
something to think:
something sensual
Just a query - why did not anyone from the Mallik/Raizada clan question Dadi about non-disclosure? Why did they all gang up on Garima? Anjali and Arnav grew up as part of Raizada family and adopted the surname so there was no way that Garima would have known they were AD's kids. But Dadi met with Garima on the day of Sangeet and accepted Khushi in front of the whole family - should SHE not have been the one to disclose the information to all, especially since she is the "elder" of the family? Where is her proof to point fingers? The picture of AD and Garima together was a very innocuous one :P.
DeleteThis where I am hoping for a face off scene between nani and dadi. nani has been observing quietly all thsi while and has only kept quiet for her grandchildren's happiness. But when she sees the life she has painstakingly built for them crumble thanks to Dadi's blows, I am waiting to see her challenge Dadi's non-disclosure and under handedness in this whole matter right from the way she entered the house.
totally agree....ek confron toh banta hai between Nani and Dadi.....
Deletefiery Khushi to mil gayee, ab fiery Nani chahiye
Really look forward to that confrontation taking place Sandy AND I hope Nani gives even better than she gets... Dadi has no right to come into someone else's home and wreck the happiness of its inhabitants or Nani's hard work over the past 14 years just to slake her thirst.
ReplyDeletesomething to think about.. this is how arnav explained his love to his sister.. why?
hilarious OS
here's a sneak peek :
Delete'"Khushi, where are you going? I thought we were getting married!"
"Yes, we are. But I have to post the spoiler on IF first. So that no one misses the marriage of the year."'
"Nanheji, you are cute. And you looked hot in that suit during sangeet. But last night, at the farmhouse, Arnavji and I did something. I'm not sure what, but according to IF , I should marry him to avoid something called 'consequences'."
Delete"Whenever Mami insults me or Jiji, take away her makeup box."
"Never ask me to sleep by poolsides, or drop me from top floors."
"Khushi, if I do none of those things, what will I do in every epi ?"
"Oh, don't worry. LM is back, he'll think of something. "
On ArHi meeting after this storm:
ReplyDeleteDadi told Arnav the past and speaks of breaking off any alliance with that family.
Arnav recalled his past and the moment when Khushi tells him how she trusts him and his love and walks away...
Dadi tells Khushi the past and eventually breaks off the alliance by taking back the kangan.
Khushi recalls Arnav from when he told her his mother committed suicide, how his dad and the other woman caused her death, how each time he sees VLR he is reminded of his dad and finally the previous night when he asks her never to leave him for he cannot live without her and she walks away wondering what is to be done...
Both go away and ruminate. Recall the events of the past when indifference ruled, then hate pevailed and finally their journey of accepting their love ending with the promises they made - for him her mention of how she would be waiting for him and her trust on him; for her the moments when he told her never to leave him or even speak of it - their deepest fears breach of trust and going away of a loved one.
Propelled by these thoughts they BOTH RETURN to the mandap committed to living up their promise to the other and take the pheras. By this time I am guessing only Buaji, payal, Nani and NK will remain. A sister and bahbhi to do the gathbandhan, a brother to do the puffed rice rasam, a buaji to give away her daughter and a nani who would welcome her chote's bahu.
To me both returning is a CCKKP because I think we are now entering the 'mohabbat door jaane na de' phase of this story. In the earlier phase Khushi had a dialogue about how their relation was one of hate and Arnav recalled their horror love story. By the end of this phase, Khushi would have had a dialogue about their love that withstood teh storms and Arnav will have a tale of tru love to narrate. Earlier love for the family kept them close while there was nafrat between them but now it will be the mohabbat between them that will keep them close while they face the nafrat of loved ones.
wow Sandy, will be so different then the typical serial, if it happens this way *shiddat to your post* DM and LM please let it happen this way
DeleteAdding my "shiddat to your post" also Sandy....that (amongst other things) is what keeps us hooked!
ReplyDeleteHate the thought of pregnancy too :) khushi will clear Garima's name by herself - she cleared her own name by herself with NK too - though Gul ne saara proof gul kar diya just to give bitwa the trust moral ground :)
Arhi - shaadi is critical for TRPs - else the teeny bopper crowd will shift to madhubala which is in that realising / falling for the other phase :) have to see how it comes over - like the scenario you portrayed :)
'.becos what is then the dilemma for Arnav?' :
ReplyDeleteASR was ready to tell Di the truth about Shyam- he did not want to shield her- that was HIS way, yet, he decided to keep it a secret. Why?
He knew he had to break it to her slowly over the course of time, unfortunately that did not happen. It had to come out like a dam broke for Anjali.
Again, once the truth was out, he could not tell her the entire truth. Why?
He simply thought that Di had accepted HIS word against Shyam's words.
He should've felt betrayed when she put her foot down and said,"Chhote I've never questioned your decisions, but here you have to give me my husband back".
He did not feel betrayed, neither did he get her what she wanted.
It was Khushi who did it for Anjali, and ASR ddd say sorry for shouting at her. Why?
Because he would have never allowed Shyam in, even if K had indeed consulted him, he would've refused.
Yet, he said sorry, because he knows if he had stuck to his decision he may have lost Di. So, I hate it that you had to bring that man back, still I know this was Di's demand, and you did it for her. So, thank you for doing it for my sis and sorry for saying all those mean things to you.
Still, in spite of Di demanding and loving that hated man, he loves her. The boundaries of sibling and Spouse are clear to ASR. And, hopefully it is clear to Anjali too- that she should not come in btn Chhote and K. If she does not know it yet, she will realise it soon enough.
On Maa Vs Garima, ASR is never going to go against his maa, I feel. May be he can forgive Garima out of his love for Khushi. If he forgives it will not be for Garima the mother who brought up K, it will be for K her daughter he loves. I am wondering how long he will take to realise this.
The dilemma: is not to choose btn Anjali and Khushi, or btn Amma and Garima, the dilemma is whether his love for K is strong enough to overpower the negative effects these women supposedly had in the lives of his sister and his mother. In K's case, he knows now, in Garima's case, will he learn to accept K as the OW's daughter, or will he wait till he knows what is the truth, in case, Garima the OW was not the one responsible for the death of his parents.
I'll end with what you said, I don't know if they are exploring this, but if ASR fails to show up, this is the only way I can justify him as of now.
To Rekha.
DeleteWhen i say that flaws need to be recognised, it does not mean u have disown becos of that....it means u get to the crux of the matter....u see a situation more clearly....and ur decisions for ur loved ones are more informed choices
In the case of Anji, i agree, Arnav has been biding time...but again i wouldn't say its with the complete knowledge of how entrenched Shyam is in her life...he still believes that he can drive Shyam away after she gets better but he has yet to recognise that Di is ok only if Shyam is around.....if he has realised that he would have worked to get him out of his Di's life in a clinical manner.
Now, if he has to forgive Garima out of his love for Khushi, i would say let him not do this favour....becos i don't think Khushi will be happy knowing that Arnav forgave her mother for her.....she is too self-respecting a person to make that choice her basis for love......
Su, there is really no perfect way to deal with this...and its about individual sensibilities...I feel strongly about closures becos to me thats some baggage that is difficult to carry around in life...if they have truly not moved on....it will always be a damocles sword hanging around their neck, threatening to break the bond....
the rather unsavory aspect of this story is that if Arnav's love is conditional on Garima being proved innocent, or his magnanimity towards Khushi in forgiving Garima, it just takes away the sheen of the ARHI love story....If u ask me what would have happen if this was a true story, i would hate to comment this freely becos its a complicated situation..I am doing this bak bak only becos its a fictional tale and I do believe that love is an emotion worth epics.....