Monday 24th September
Gathering stormclouds ...
And lightening strikes ...
Update later ... have guests over.
Didn't expect this today ...
Quick Update:
Khushi in Sanka Devi mode ... taking care of the arrangements for her own wedding ... she's used to doing everything in her home, taking all responsibilities, she continues the same way ...Buaji and Garima can't get over her sanak, but then Buaji accepts it resignedly ... and they also carry on preparing for the wedding.
Raizada clan - NK getting ready for the wedding by watching Hindi movies and stealing Arnav's shoes ... light moments in the RM as they all prepare for the wedding.
Khushi-Garima talk ... Garima getting ready to do bidaai of her adopted niece, the girl she adopted when her mother and father died, she was scared whether Khushi would accept her or not ...and she asks Khushi's forgiveness if she failed to measure up as a mother. Very sweet scene. But why did Garima bring up her sister and BIL's death and Khushi accepting Garima? Is their death related to Garima's affair?
And finally Arnav has had enough teasing and snatches the phone ...
Tum theek ho? Kal raat ke baad?
Humne aapke saath aisa koi pal nahin bitaya jiska humein afsos ho.
Jaldi aana. Hum aapka intezar kar rahe hain.
Main aa jaunga.
Nani tells the family that Arnav will be coming with Dadi.
Khushi is ready and as jumpy as ever. Payal tries to calm her down. Nani, NK and Anjali all arrive.
Khushi's bangles break.
And Dadi breaks the news to Arnav.
Lightening does strike twice.
Khushi was the other woman in his sister's life.
Khushi's mother was the other woman in his mother's life.
Khushi-Buaji-Garima - Khushi at her Sanka Devi best, organizing her own wedding. Quite justified too, as BG haven't even ordered the food yet, and the wedding is today! And she's organized their clothes as well as her own ...
Khushi as always, doing everything for everyone, even on her own wedding day. The responsible one, the caring one ... and always with a smile.
NK made a promise to Khushi - his kasam ... he would always stand be her side, he would always be her friend. And Arnav is Nannav, mere bhai ... his brother. A sincere well-wisher for both Arnav and Khushi.
Khushi-Garima ... beautiful scene. Garima caught in her own dilemma, her duty to her orphaned niece, her troubled past which now threatens to shadow the future of that niece ... a promise she made to her sister ... a fear that the little girl would not accept her, and would she be able to fulfill that promise, take care of that responsibility ... and then the relief at the wholehearted acceptance by an innocent child .... a thanks for that acceptance, for that unstinting love, respect, for giving her the love of a child for its mother ... for making her a mother ...
Khushi's words of many days back ... 'you don't have to answer to anyone' ...unspoken - not even to my own mother, you have been my mother ever since I lost mine. She lets in people into her heart wholeheartedly, accepts them willingly and showers her love unreservedly ... and today Garima is troubled ... she has received love unstintingly from this daughter, how can she bear it if her own past were to destroy this loving daughter's future?
I am your maasi, but I tried my best to become your mother ... if I made a mistake, if I failed you, forgive me ...
If my past comes in the way of your future, how will you bear it? And how will I be able to bear it, that I failed in my job as a mother? A mother tries to protect her children from every hurt ... here I will be responsible for the hurt.
No wonder Garima is troubled.
Khushi reassures her again ... I told you not to cry ... you are forbidden to cry ...
And Garima smiles fondly at this girl who always tries to spread sunshine and smiles wherever she goes, and hides her own pain.
RM ... Dadi praying ... that's right, woman, you'd better pray for salvation for that cold revengeful soul, which is so bent on revenge for a dead son that you are ready to sacrifice a living grandson's happiness for it, and so blind as to refuse to look at reality or face the truth ... instead determined to stay within your own bubble of self-righteous arrogance and misguided zeal.
Nani wonders at her silence ...
Arnav with brothers ... impatient as always, getting ready for the big moment
(Side note ... who the heck designed the clothes?
And where did they get the material ?? From an upholstery store?! And Anjali's jewelry ... was she advertising for a shop?!
Khushi calls and the siblings have a field day teasing Arnav and keeping him away from his Khushi ... both Arnav and Khushi getting impatient to talk to each other ... Arnav glowering, Khushi's face getting smaller and smaller with each sibling, although she tries to be polite to all of them :))
Who the heck decided that Arnav will come alone with Dadi?!!! Bad idea!!!
And Arnav finally has enough and snatches the phone ... I'll come after I've finished talking to Khushi.
Arshi phone convo ...
Khushi, tum theek ho? Kal raat ke baad?
Did we go too far? Are you okay?
She was reticent even for a kiss, he took more than that ... is she upset? Does she regret anything?
No, she's not ... she doesn't ... last night he showed her how much she meant to him, he reinforced her faith in his love, her trust in him ... she exerted her haq over him, and he gave her that haq unreservedly ... he gave her the confidence that he was indeed hers for always ...
So many times they became close, and he withdrew, he let her down ... broke her trust, broke her heart ... he never let her get too close, always pushed her away ... but last night he let her into the deepest recesses of his heart, he bared himself to her, heart and soul ... and he gave her the confidence that this time it was here to stay ... the happiness, the togetherness, the love ... He showed her love, his desire, his adoration ... How can she regret it?
And she says so ... she doesn't regret a single moment they have spent together ... she lived every moment ...
And with that, she forgives him again for all the pain he ever gave her, for everything he put her through ...
All she does is extract a promise ... come soon, don't keep me waiting today ...
And he promises ... no, I won't. See you soon.
And the two lovers smile at their silent phones ... anticipation building for the moment they will finally be together for always ... their smiles reflecting the joy building within. His smile soft, reflective, contained ... hers almost bursting out, as though she can barely contain her joy.
Anjali understands ... the last few moments of waiting are the longest. But soon his Khushi will be with him forever.
Not if Dadi can help it
The photograph is in itself fairly innocuous ... but why has Garima kept it for so long?
GH - Khushi all dressed, a radiant joyful gorgeous bride ... excitement, anticipation building in her ... Payal tries to calm her down ...
Nani and Anjali arrive to see the bride ... Khushi asks for Arnav ... sweetheart, you need to wait just a while longer! Nani and Anjali tease her, Buaji comes with more jewelry and tells Nani that Khushi has been overseeing the arrangements for her own wedding.
Nani knows ... that's what Khushi is all about. Doing everything for everyone always, that too, with a smile. That's what Nani loves about her - her selfless sunny nature.
NK still confused about which side he's on. And Buaji remarks that the ladkevalas and ladkivalas are all together.
Anjali can see Khushi's impatience, like she saw Arnav's. And says it's just a short while longer and this separation will end for ever.
So Anjali has said this to Arnav and Khushi. Would be happier if Shyam had said it, he's a more effective Cupid.

Khushi wearing Dadi's kangan, she wants to wear the bangles Arnav gave her ... but Payal says they don't match. And as everyone leaves, the bangles fall to the floor and break.
And Khushi is tense ... but tries to tell herself not to be silly. It doesn't mean anything.
Arnav has a gift ready for his bride ... and a smile on his face as he thinks of her.
And Dadi arrives ...
She's not going, and neither is he.
Arnav tries ... he really does. He is in no mood to listen to her poison. First a polite 'let's go' ... then the worried 'I can't be late, it's my wedding, Khushi is waiting for me ...' he promised her he wouldn't be late ...
But Dadi is unrelenting ... she will have her say. She has waited for many days to set this up, she has waited for years for her revenge, her hatred for the other woman who was responsible for the breakup of her son's marriage, and the death of her son has grown exponentially over the years ... she lost everything ... and she wants her pound of flesh. No compassion in her, no wisdom, no understanding of her own son's fault in all this, no understanding even of her own ... for Dadi could not have been blameless in the whole mess. No, she is blind in her hatred and bitterness ... so blind that she doesn't even see that she is destroying her own grandson's life and happiness in her quest to avenge her son ... that she is punishing a blameless young girl for the sins of her mother, and more, for those of her own son ...
Arnav doesn't want to hear anything ... he can't believe his Dadi. A few days ago she welcomed Khushi into the family, and today ... this?! But he will not fall for her lies.
But Dadi is unrelenting ... this is the truth. And you will never marry her if you know this truth.
Then he doesn't want this truth ... not if it separates him and Khushi. He will marry Khushi, and nothing Dadi says will stop him.
Dadi knows Khushi has cast a spell on him but ...
He won't listen to more. 'Don't insult Khushi. I will not hear it."
And then comes the lightening bolt ...
'So can you stand the insult to your mother?'
And strikes him silent. Listening in shock.
And she strikes while she has the chance, while he is struck speechless ... 'that other woman, due to who your mother and father killed themselves, who destroyed this home, who lost you your mother, destroyed your childhood, who made you both orphans ... do you know why I'm talking about that woman today? Because that woman is Garima.'
And she holds up the photograph. Garima and his father.
Gathering stormclouds ...
And lightening strikes ...
Update later ... have guests over.
Didn't expect this today ...
Quick Update:
Khushi in Sanka Devi mode ... taking care of the arrangements for her own wedding ... she's used to doing everything in her home, taking all responsibilities, she continues the same way ...Buaji and Garima can't get over her sanak, but then Buaji accepts it resignedly ... and they also carry on preparing for the wedding.
Raizada clan - NK getting ready for the wedding by watching Hindi movies and stealing Arnav's shoes ... light moments in the RM as they all prepare for the wedding.
Khushi-Garima talk ... Garima getting ready to do bidaai of her adopted niece, the girl she adopted when her mother and father died, she was scared whether Khushi would accept her or not ...and she asks Khushi's forgiveness if she failed to measure up as a mother. Very sweet scene. But why did Garima bring up her sister and BIL's death and Khushi accepting Garima? Is their death related to Garima's affair?
Khushi calls Arnav, phone hijacked by NK, Anjali and Akash ... finally
taken over firmly by an increasingly impatient Arnav, Khushi's face
grows smaller and smaller as she waits to talk to him
And finally Arnav has had enough teasing and snatches the phone ...
Tum theek ho? Kal raat ke baad?
Humne aapke saath aisa koi pal nahin bitaya jiska humein afsos ho.
Jaldi aana. Hum aapka intezar kar rahe hain.
Main aa jaunga.
Nani tells the family that Arnav will be coming with Dadi.
Khushi is ready and as jumpy as ever. Payal tries to calm her down. Nani, NK and Anjali all arrive.
And Dadi breaks the news to Arnav.
Lightening does strike twice.
Khushi was the other woman in his sister's life.
Khushi's mother was the other woman in his mother's life.
Khushi-Buaji-Garima - Khushi at her Sanka Devi best, organizing her own wedding. Quite justified too, as BG haven't even ordered the food yet, and the wedding is today! And she's organized their clothes as well as her own ...
Khushi as always, doing everything for everyone, even on her own wedding day. The responsible one, the caring one ... and always with a smile.
RM - NK ready for the wedding of Nannav and Khushi, this time he's checked up on the the rasams and kasams, he wants to be involved in everything, not just act cameraman. And he's already started ... he's stolen the groom's shoes. And it has to be explained that he's on the boy's side and has to save the shoes, not steal them.
Anjali, Mami, Payal, Nani all ready for this most anticipated wedding.
NK made a promise to Khushi - his kasam ... he would always stand be her side, he would always be her friend. And Arnav is Nannav, mere bhai ... his brother. A sincere well-wisher for both Arnav and Khushi.
Khushi-Garima ... beautiful scene. Garima caught in her own dilemma, her duty to her orphaned niece, her troubled past which now threatens to shadow the future of that niece ... a promise she made to her sister ... a fear that the little girl would not accept her, and would she be able to fulfill that promise, take care of that responsibility ... and then the relief at the wholehearted acceptance by an innocent child .... a thanks for that acceptance, for that unstinting love, respect, for giving her the love of a child for its mother ... for making her a mother ...
Khushi's words of many days back ... 'you don't have to answer to anyone' ...unspoken - not even to my own mother, you have been my mother ever since I lost mine. She lets in people into her heart wholeheartedly, accepts them willingly and showers her love unreservedly ... and today Garima is troubled ... she has received love unstintingly from this daughter, how can she bear it if her own past were to destroy this loving daughter's future?
I am your maasi, but I tried my best to become your mother ... if I made a mistake, if I failed you, forgive me ...
If my past comes in the way of your future, how will you bear it? And how will I be able to bear it, that I failed in my job as a mother? A mother tries to protect her children from every hurt ... here I will be responsible for the hurt.
No wonder Garima is troubled.
Khushi reassures her again ... I told you not to cry ... you are forbidden to cry ...
And Garima smiles fondly at this girl who always tries to spread sunshine and smiles wherever she goes, and hides her own pain.
RM ... Dadi praying ... that's right, woman, you'd better pray for salvation for that cold revengeful soul, which is so bent on revenge for a dead son that you are ready to sacrifice a living grandson's happiness for it, and so blind as to refuse to look at reality or face the truth ... instead determined to stay within your own bubble of self-righteous arrogance and misguided zeal.
Nani wonders at her silence ...
Arnav with brothers ... impatient as always, getting ready for the big moment
(Side note ... who the heck designed the clothes?
Khushi calls and the siblings have a field day teasing Arnav and keeping him away from his Khushi ... both Arnav and Khushi getting impatient to talk to each other ... Arnav glowering, Khushi's face getting smaller and smaller with each sibling, although she tries to be polite to all of them :))
Who the heck decided that Arnav will come alone with Dadi?!!! Bad idea!!!
And Arnav finally has enough and snatches the phone ... I'll come after I've finished talking to Khushi.
Arshi phone convo ...
Khushi, tum theek ho? Kal raat ke baad?
Did we go too far? Are you okay?
She was reticent even for a kiss, he took more than that ... is she upset? Does she regret anything?
No, she's not ... she doesn't ... last night he showed her how much she meant to him, he reinforced her faith in his love, her trust in him ... she exerted her haq over him, and he gave her that haq unreservedly ... he gave her the confidence that he was indeed hers for always ...
So many times they became close, and he withdrew, he let her down ... broke her trust, broke her heart ... he never let her get too close, always pushed her away ... but last night he let her into the deepest recesses of his heart, he bared himself to her, heart and soul ... and he gave her the confidence that this time it was here to stay ... the happiness, the togetherness, the love ... He showed her love, his desire, his adoration ... How can she regret it?
And she says so ... she doesn't regret a single moment they have spent together ... she lived every moment ...
And with that, she forgives him again for all the pain he ever gave her, for everything he put her through ...
All she does is extract a promise ... come soon, don't keep me waiting today ...
And he promises ... no, I won't. See you soon.
And the two lovers smile at their silent phones ... anticipation building for the moment they will finally be together for always ... their smiles reflecting the joy building within. His smile soft, reflective, contained ... hers almost bursting out, as though she can barely contain her joy.
Anjali understands ... the last few moments of waiting are the longest. But soon his Khushi will be with him forever.
Not if Dadi can help it
The photograph is in itself fairly innocuous ... but why has Garima kept it for so long?
GH - Khushi all dressed, a radiant joyful gorgeous bride ... excitement, anticipation building in her ... Payal tries to calm her down ...
Nani and Anjali arrive to see the bride ... Khushi asks for Arnav ... sweetheart, you need to wait just a while longer! Nani and Anjali tease her, Buaji comes with more jewelry and tells Nani that Khushi has been overseeing the arrangements for her own wedding.
Nani knows ... that's what Khushi is all about. Doing everything for everyone always, that too, with a smile. That's what Nani loves about her - her selfless sunny nature.
NK still confused about which side he's on. And Buaji remarks that the ladkevalas and ladkivalas are all together.
Anjali can see Khushi's impatience, like she saw Arnav's. And says it's just a short while longer and this separation will end for ever.
So Anjali has said this to Arnav and Khushi. Would be happier if Shyam had said it, he's a more effective Cupid.
Khushi wearing Dadi's kangan, she wants to wear the bangles Arnav gave her ... but Payal says they don't match. And as everyone leaves, the bangles fall to the floor and break.
And Khushi is tense ... but tries to tell herself not to be silly. It doesn't mean anything.
Arnav has a gift ready for his bride ... and a smile on his face as he thinks of her.
And Dadi arrives ...
Arnav tries ... he really does. He is in no mood to listen to her poison. First a polite 'let's go' ... then the worried 'I can't be late, it's my wedding, Khushi is waiting for me ...' he promised her he wouldn't be late ...
But Dadi is unrelenting ... she will have her say. She has waited for many days to set this up, she has waited for years for her revenge, her hatred for the other woman who was responsible for the breakup of her son's marriage, and the death of her son has grown exponentially over the years ... she lost everything ... and she wants her pound of flesh. No compassion in her, no wisdom, no understanding of her own son's fault in all this, no understanding even of her own ... for Dadi could not have been blameless in the whole mess. No, she is blind in her hatred and bitterness ... so blind that she doesn't even see that she is destroying her own grandson's life and happiness in her quest to avenge her son ... that she is punishing a blameless young girl for the sins of her mother, and more, for those of her own son ...
Arnav doesn't want to hear anything ... he can't believe his Dadi. A few days ago she welcomed Khushi into the family, and today ... this?! But he will not fall for her lies.
But Dadi is unrelenting ... this is the truth. And you will never marry her if you know this truth.
Then he doesn't want this truth ... not if it separates him and Khushi. He will marry Khushi, and nothing Dadi says will stop him.
Dadi knows Khushi has cast a spell on him but ...
He won't listen to more. 'Don't insult Khushi. I will not hear it."
And then comes the lightening bolt ...
'So can you stand the insult to your mother?'
And strikes him silent. Listening in shock.
And she strikes while she has the chance, while he is struck speechless ... 'that other woman, due to who your mother and father killed themselves, who destroyed this home, who lost you your mother, destroyed your childhood, who made you both orphans ... do you know why I'm talking about that woman today? Because that woman is Garima.'
And she holds up the photograph. Garima and his father.
yeah, dint expect it today.....
ReplyDeletemore hints bt NK, tum byah kyu nahi kar lete....
also he hid the shoes, so technically he is from bride's side :P
Dadi cudnt have convinced Arnav, if she dont have the photograph....Garima dug her own grave, with that snap....
Garima-Khushi scene was very sweet and right amount of emotions....
waise i spoke to one of the spoiler giver at IF (she has some very reliable source in the PH) she said there was no concept bt NK-Khushi m kindoff chilled out :P
but i don't know how much reliable she is :P
Deletebut i did the pagal-panti of pm'ing her yesterday :P
Geetu, no NK-Khushi marriage, yaar ... no question.
DeleteToday's episode, I have to repeat Gargi's line ...
It Sucks To Be Arnav. :(
Aiyoo geetu, u r a real cutie yaar....!! tension mat le...woh harakiri nahin hoga.....
DeleteDia, Rekha....m fine, m ok....*breathe in, breathe out*
Deletei'll try to ignore all NK related dialogues from now onwards....
Geeta I always say this to my sister "agar duniya mein tension karne wali koi job hoti toh ab tak aap crorepati zaroor banjate"
DeleteAapki halat bhi humein iss mamle mein kuch esa hi lag raha hai :)))
DeleteWorry not, I joined your tension club for a while there when I noticed NK and the groom were wearing similar sherwanis...remembered you then.
But as they all said, it will not happen.
They will not want to make NK the hated boy.
Sama : totally agree with you :)
DeleteSu : logic says it won't happen....and m gonna rely heavily on that...and if logic ko goli maarne kaa waqt aa hi gaya toh, i'll be free from the IPK addiction :) wat say ? hai na pate ki baat :P
"Tum theek ho ... I mean kal raat ke baat"
ReplyDelete"Humne aapke saat esa koi pal bitaya hi nahi jiska hume afsoos ho"
Humne theek samjha ya I yet need "a" kernel for clarification .... ROFL
DeleteYaar my weekend was spent in shock after reading kernel...I got the new gyan that lovemaking and sex are different things...i am yet to recover from it..but Our boy hopefully is not asking about the kiss....or maybe he thinks K needs to recover from that too....hehehe
Rekha, Sama : i guess Kernal also got confused with all the spoilers around :P
Deletewaise i think he meant some passionate making out and not going all the way, that leads to pregnancy
hahahaha ... bechara kare bhi toh kya kare ... the way she expressed herself whenever he tried to kiss her ... it's enough to make any guy feel that that's the last thing she wants on earth ... ab tum theek ho toh banta hai !! or maybe ODB himself din't recover yet :P
Deletelovemaking and sex are different thing .. theek hai point noted ... in expression par hum theory ka kya karein ... kamaal karte hain cvs bhi.
Kernel put her(??) foot in the mouth....with that comment..i think the SP nuns would have been at their throats...clarify karo...kuch nahin hua....ROFL
Deletebut for what??? she wears his sindoor and mangalsutra, which he himself made her wear in front of DM .. 6 months hi sahi but it WAS shaadi.
DeleteSP has shown C &shaadi in couple with all the rasam done with another man and hero comes at the end and just put in sindoor, phere bhi le liye the other guy ke saat ... baat karte hain.
Geetu : kernel phir bol na tha nah ...dn't worry no preggy khushi ... that's it ... gyaan kyoun de raha tha? ... anyways din gayi baat gayi. :D
sama, once a woman puts sindoor and MS, I think it is supposed to be bad luck for her husband if she removes those.. hence khushi still wearing those. but according to khushi, they are "half married" ab tak phere nahi huve... hence i am sure SR nahi hua.
Deleteexactly we interpret it the way we want to ... I was talking to my colleague today and she too believes on the basis of their conversation that SR din't happen ... it sure was a heavy make out but not all the way. she is a general viewer.
Deleteeven todays conversation can be taken that way ... his khushi who was scared of even being kissed, sure allowed him kiss and more ... is she ok with it or DM ke samne confusion clear kar rahi hai.
Sab theek hai C or no C pick your take ... why do PH has to do an FMD and spoil the moment.
wese spoil ka kiya ... YT abhi bhi block hai ... don't mind it though after hearing YT's statement ... hum YT se khafa hain.
he he "tum theek ho?" has so many meanings and we all take the gutter one first.. but bitiya's 100% unapologetic stance gives me hope that nothing further happened. if there was at least a blush, i'd have doubts :D
DeleteJaya, am with you on that one ... bitiya was far too cool and comfortable about the 'last night' question for anything much to have happened. She was just very happy ... as any woman would be, when her man had made it so clear he adored her so completely. And she had this new confidence with that knowledge - she had exerted her haq and that haq was reinforced by him - that's the way I read it.
Deleteexactly.. she stormed the bachelor party because his gutter thoughts should be solely her domain.. and she did indeed want that, because she did not hesitate to do an item number for his viewing pleasure( no matter that bitwa was besotted and laughing at her antics rather than getting gutter thoughts..) and she explained to him that aap pe bas hamara haq hain.
Deletenow tell me, all you married girls.. the guy youre gonna marry tomorrow, the same guy you've been living with for the past 6 months.. the one who's changed so much for your love.. thoda guttergiri toh banta hai na? why should she be ashamed? in fact, i think she was relieved that he had such thoughts.. i was having doubts myself.. :D
waqt ne kiya kya haseen sitam......
ReplyDeletetoday Arnav said, main aisi koi sach nahin jaanna chahta joh mujhe Khushi se door kare....In my mind, he is exonerated as a man who did not seek destruction....he will get deliverance from this "truth" that has been thrust on him.....
Garima-Khushi was an absolutely beautiful scene, to me she remains a beautiful mother and somehow for me she is above reproach, irrespective of her role in the past...for she has spent her life in penance......atonement......of her "sins"
Mere Humnafas, Mere Humnawa,
Mujhe Dost Ban Ke Daga Na De
Main Hoon Dard-e-Ishq Se Jaan-Valab,
Mujhe Zindagi Ki Dua Na De
Mere Daagh-e-Dil Se Hai Roshni,
Isi Roshni Se Hai Zindagi
Mujhe Darr Hai Ae Mere Chaaragar,
Yeh Chiraag Tu Hi Bujha Na De
Mujhe Ae Chhorh De Mere Haal Par,
Tera Kya Bharosa Hai Chaaragar
Yeh Teri Nawazish-e-Mukhtasar,
Mera Dard Aur Badha Na De
Mera Azm Itna Buland Hai
Ke Paraaye Sholo-n Ka Darr Nahin
Mujhe Khauf Aatish-e-Gul Se Hai,
Yeh Kahin Chaman Ko Jala Na De
Woh Uthein Hain Leke Hom-o-Subu,
Arrey O 'Shakeel' Kahan Hain Tu
Tera Jaam Lene Ko Bazm Mein
Koi Aur Haath Badha Na De!
Today, i was reminded of this ghazal sung by Begum Akhtar at the end of the epsiode....., suddenly a sense of helplessness that i felt that i can't even begin to heart goes out to these two lovely couple....while i cry for Khushi, my tears for Arnav is no less.....truly....waqt ne kiya kya haseen sitam......
Rekha, beautiful!!!
DeleteToday's Garima-Khushi scene again got me wondering ... why did Garima mention Khushi's parents? I know it's a very natural thing on the eve of her daughter's wedding, but bringing in their death and Khushi's reaction to Garima ... about how she accepted Garima as her Amma immediately ... does this mean that Khushi's mother's death was somehow related to Garima's affair and being found out?
Dia, i didn't honestly connect it like that but after what u wrote i am seeing that convo in a diff light...
DeleteAt one level i saw G as a diffident person who had taken courage in both hands while taking over the responsibility of the young kid at the time of tragedy and today she was all emotional that Khushi was open with her affection...
But ur words have put the scene in a diff light....Actually, i wouldn't be surprised at a deeper link to that accident...
Dia I have a feeling everything is connected, both his and her parents death.
DeleteOnly this way can their be peace with past ... if one is guilty and the other is not then there is no way to solve the issue without other being accused.
But together as you said earlier it becomes too deep a hurt to recover soon. sounds logical ... daily soap hai ... they have all the time on earth.
After a long time I don't feel over elated or deflated after watching an episode .... hope they keep this pace going.
Can they hide poojali somewhere just like her shyaamJi. How on earth does she manage to be more irritating with everything she comes up with ???
Now put it back to the orginal promo....where Khushi says..kaash hum apse nafrat kar pate......i know this phase has already gone thru for us but in respect of a linked past, it can rear its head again too....
DeleteYup past has always been part of their promotion ... that means it had to be good that they made their base on it. I mean the connection of devastating relations has to be neat just like present .... but inke execution pe bharosa bhi toh nahi kar sakte .... kahan we were meant to feel Khushi, Anjali and Garimas pain, pride in their effort to keep family bound together but we end up blaming them for digging their own graves. *sigh*
DeleteGarima's pain is still on yaar...if its only about photo, i would say the creative team does not challenge itself well on how to bring about the necessary twists without causing every character to look dumb
If u see, even Anji, the mistake is primarily the CVs in not conveying her well, they are not supposed to go by what the character is supposed to evoke....that is supposed to play out eventually....
Agreed ... just like when they were showing Khushi trying to figure out whether Shyaam was actually ill treated by his wife or not ... I mean why show him a PG in the first place if you want to show Guptas trying to listen to his part of the story and not show strong reactions.
Delete&why is indi telly world hell bent on showing moralistic people are very bad judge of people. It sucks big time !!!
sorry too many suppositions in my sentence...hehehe... what i meant if Anji is supposed to evoke sympathy/empathy, there were ways and ways to do it...but obviously that has not all she evokes is confusion mostly..
DeleteThey have done a better job with k & G tho....
well more to SI and PM for better job than them ... they do things in similar way - confusionwa is their granth !!!
Deletethe khushi-amma convo- i could not concentrate on what was said because i was mentally yelling at aunty to just tell khushi the past already!! (such an important thing, that dadi knows.. even if dadi forgave her, khushi has a right to know this matter! )
Deletebut that confession was good.. and garima's maternal heart was highlighted.. any woman will feel that in the heart..take an orphan ito your home.. will the child accept her as a mom? and her relief.. and khushi's joy made the scene wonderful.
Jaya : i was chanting the mantra, of dont tell Khushi, during the Garima-Khushi convo....
Deletethis information with Khushi before Arnav knowing it, is lethal to their relationship....
geetu, yeah.. that s true!
DeleteWow Dia ... nice background ... feel like we are in for a ride :D
ReplyDeleteLOVED today's episode. calling khushi "jhalli"... NK and his naadaaniyaan..
ReplyDeletearnav and his eager groom act with the phone.. so sweet!
today i loved anjali again.
and thank you, CVs, for not showing shyam today.
the bangles that broke.. aww my heart broke seeing khushi's face.
arnav eager to get to the mandap.. awww.
and finally swati chitnis, you rocked that scene, i could kill dadi right now!
one character analysis that has the approval stamp from CVs
DeleteOn that character analysis, OFC, I'll say 'perfect' until the miscarriage. After that I felt the CVs abandoned Anjali and continue to be doing so, the weird feeling I get with her on the marriage track, post miscarriage is: she seems to be sitting on a fence...when I suspect the CVs may have intended her to be on ASR's side. Even otherwise they could show her in the other camp. Right now, she seems to belong nowhere (Yes, I saw humne kabhi chhote ko itna khush nahi dekha- lacked conviction from the actor's part,; better was the returning ring to Chhote.)...even today, her dialogues could have been better.
Second u on that Su, except that i will go back to day of the rose petals incident when the butchering of Anji's char began.........yes i know u and i differ on this point but i wanted a better explanation of an Anji who was upset before at the hospital after meeting Buaji and then is all happy after the Saansein rukhne wala confession by Arnav to her....the conviction in that scene was just not there.....
Deletethe rose petals scene, i feel, was to show anjali that her brother intentionally lied to her. which was a blow to the sister who was the centerpoint of his life.. she was mad about that, not about the romancing. and arnav reassuring her that he had not lied.. made her happy. temporarily.
Deletei dont have strong feelings on anjali's pregnancy.. for a character that acted like she was pregnant for seven months without a bump, the way they treated that two weeks of bump(only after the hue and cry online) made me feel that they would indeed butcher the bump.. and that is what happened. yes, the scene of a pregnant woman falling down the steps was horrifying, but i have a feeling they added that only to spite the audience who wanted the bump. otherwise the rajma-bean pills were enough to cause a miscarriage.. no need to create extreme drama.
and DB reacted exactly as if they removed a two-week-old bump. i tell you, if she was wearing the prop for more than 2 months, she would have had more feelings towards the pillow.
and if i ignore the whole miscarriage(like i ignore the whole bubbly track) then anjali is slowly coming to terms that arnav has changed, as he should.
Deletethe wedding of her brother is indeed a happy event for anjali.. in fact, having khushi on her side has strengthened her.. even if she does not know that khushi brought back her KP into shantivan risking chote's wrath, she sees that ODB is madly in love with ODG.. and that is what she wanted for him all along. (take the story, not the screenplay) anjali found his lost ring.. anjali sees arnav happily dancing and proposing to his wife.. anjali is reassuring khushi about arnav.. the dialogues definitely could have been better.. but i think the feel of the character is still the same.
Delete"and DB reacted exactly as if they removed a two-week-old bump. i tell you, if she was wearing the prop for more than 2 months, she would have had more feelings towards the pillow.": ROFL- that is the best explanation for the post miscariage blankness, yaar.
I am not asking for hi drama on the lost baby, just one or two seconds of remembering the baby and then Khushi or Arnav or nani brings her out of the pain- hardly 1/2 a minute in two epis would've made ALL the difference for me.
I have always kind of felt that Anjali will never willingly become a KMH in Chote's happiness- the ring scene just reinforced my beliefs. I guess I was looking forward to a little more female bonding, Anjali needs it for resurrecting her character from the way she has been perceived.This almost looks like she is meant to be anti- K for a while, before she goes pro-K. If that is so, then I can explain it as Anjali still going through a turmoil btn- who can be trusted, her hubby or her SIL, and forgiving and embracing K only for Chhote's sake. She cannot bear to see Chhote's pain either, if she maintains a safe distance from his wife.
I hope the CVs have purposely made her forget about the baby, so when realisation of who did what to her hits her, she will not personally go and murder VLR.
Or maybe all the grief will pour out in one go and she will kill him. Sigh...wish they had not neglected her. The entire focus shifted too suddenly to VLR and dadi, I know why the CVs did it, they were in a hurry, but they could've spent that extra 1 minute on Anjali. And DB is looking lost. I can almost feel she is having a nervous breakdown with all the negative comments. I can only sympathise with her, even if she is the one who put her foot in her mouth. After all, this is her career and it is only entertainment for us.
"but i think the feel of the character is still the same.": definitely.
I am very poor at this but isn't the lehenga she wears a similar combo to her first meeting with Arnav (except for the white in it)....any symbolism much??
ReplyDeleteuummm don't think so ... maybe green made you think like that ... I liked the lehenga and jewelleries though. Thank god they din't go usual bride gehna ways. This suits SI or SI makes it look better. Anyways I am really happy off late Khushis overall looks much better than Anjali.
DeleteI have to say this ... I have never seen a worst dress for groom ... what was that ... looked like some stupid mid-way traditional thing with pants. BS ne samal liya warna .... Chalo chado!!!!
exactly what i wrote too - the worst dressed groom and equal badly dressed sil!!! - his thing (for suit i cannot call it) was really na yahan ka na wahan ka!!!
Deleteliked KKGs lehnga though - it was pretty
yup it is pretty but nothing compared to GP one as you stated below. well everything first is always special hai na - for good or for bad.
DeleteLike fridays "namak isq ka" ... if they do another seductive/cutesy act, it will be nowhere near. neither will be their star gazing. After long a scene I have thought of in so many ways but what I saw was different yet perfect.
I just hope by the time dulhas devdas look is over and he is ready to marry her with all important phereas ... he will look better with a clean shave ... there is no way we can get rid of that dress. I mean really no work nothing. Just plain cloth stitched. Humne kaha tha ASR ko Fashion Mughal bolke introduce karne ko ????
hahaha - "Humne kaha tha ASR ko Fashion Mughal bolke introduce karne ko ????" - perfect!!
Deletebut seriously - never been happier of boring simple and done in a jiffy nikhas! - one yes and its done - yahan to bechary have been trying to complete the wedding for the past 6 months!!
Simple nikhas are the best IMO. No heavy things no ek jage pe betho no behave karo no intezaar karo.
DeletePatah nahi logo ko kyoun bhoot sawar he itne functions karne ki.
Btw toffee wrappers are everywhere ... this weekend spend hours to please bride to be and few teenagers while they happily shopped for various toffee wrappers. Its horrible.
Have to add, I don't normally notice men's clothes so much, but I agree with you all, Arnav's outfit was pathetic! The cloth, the color combination and the length ... WT* was it ... a sherwani? a coat? a jacket? And the blue churidar looked like pajamas! Horrendous! Same with Anjali ... didn't like her saree at all today, and she was overloaded with jewelry.
DeleteI liked Nani's and Buaji's sarees.
Khushi's lehnga looked very pretty - it wasn't white, was it? I thought it was cream/golden, but wasn't sure, they showed just a glimpse.
Btw, bought some suits while in Delhi, and one Anarkali I bought, I just realised it has a tiny velvet border!!! :)))
hahah velvet borders are fine and very in - its the toffee wrapper like cloth that i cant stand that KKG's designer insists on making her wear - and that to a whole 10inch piece at least!!!
DeleteIn fact Arnav's suit or whatever it was looked like upholstery material..teamed with pants.....seriously BS hain isliye sambhal liya varna.....
DeleteNani looked the best of the lot, including her jewellery!!
So, velvet patch has reached the Delhi markets...or is it the other round, from the markets to the serials?
upholstery = exactly what i thought too :D:D:D
Deleteand velvet patch applique work anarkalis have being reigning in Delhi markets for quite a while now - its wither that short ready made qurtas with chicken pants/shalwars/palazzo - paki style
chicken pants ROFL
Deleteyes, all the boys had upholstery material.. i do not understand.. the serial has 4 minutes of advertisements for 2 minutes of episode.. yet they do not spare money for the leads' wardrobe?
and what was with the whole gaggle of peacocks for anjali? she used to be the best dressed of the lot.. haila!
see? even DB commented on the peacocks :D "if there were anymore peacocks, i'd have to do the pracock dance!.. shows anjali was truly excited about the wedding happening, but here glycerine is washing away our makeup instead!"
DeleteWow they brought that on fast -all the analysis about Garima Buaji's reaction was unnecessary :)
ReplyDeleteCouple of possible scenarios -
Scenario 1 :
ASR recovers from the blow enough to remember Khushi and leaves for the wedding anyway leaving Dadi fuming...
Shyam does his car tinkering thingy on ASR's car ...ASR stuck with no phone..
They call home and Dadi says he decided to call off
Scenario 2:
ASR gets to the mandap keeping his emotions under control
At the mandap he is faced with Garima ready to do Aarti
And then he explodes/implodes pushing the aarti thaal off , turning away from her...
While he is fuming, Dadi helpfully(?) interprets his action as calling off the wedding
NK- they are giving too many hints - has to be a red herring :)
Garima Khushi convo - I think was only to re-establish the Garima Khushi bond in the audience view so that they side with Khushi if she chooses to stick with Garima and she should - anything else would be an insult to all that Garima has done for her:)
we do unnecessary analysis all the time sri.. consider it necessary if we devote time to it :D
Deletei believe that from the beginning, ASR thought (uh.. cant see ASR in him anymore) that his dad was at fault, not the other woman. actually, that was dadi's main gripe with him after her introduction.. hence i have the feeling he will go on with the wedding.. and i have a feeling the car brakes 360 might happen.
Dia - so i take it was your guests who were unexpected? nothing in the episode seemed unexpected to me
ReplyDeleteloved the way dadi introduced his mother - hit below the belt - very good dialogues - a well done scene
Could not like ODB's horrid suit, and the horrid huge pink flower on his wall - over his bed!! yuck! Anji has to be the worst dressed with the worst jewelry ever!!
ODG, though she looked lovely today -her GP dress and jewelry were better - I guess it was the good nath and tika that made her look like a bride and her makeup them was simply perfect - she looked too stunning for words then - today was nothing compared to then
Mona, guests were unexpected, but I was referring to the episode ;) ... I thought the Dadi dhamaka would come tomorrow ... was surprised it came today itself :)
Deleteohhh that a ways - :D - ok
Deletei thought this would happen - every time ODB/G say -something has to happen in a couple of days, its usually happens the next day - such as this wedding day, Payal's sangeet day and holi - every time there was a reference to the big day happening in a few days and everytime it was on the next episode!! :D
though i totally loved the asr dadi scene - very well done
Ooh! Mona,
DeleteThe GP dress and jewellery...perrrrfect!
Today was a shadow of that dress, and it reminded me of her tears that night when he threw her out on to the terrace.
That is what sent me into a revenge mode.
Absolutely GP dress colour combo, style, jewellery was just perfect and esp when he held her and walked with her in his arms...that was a swoon worthy moment.....
Deleteis it only me? but the 'tum theek ho' did not sit well with me - no no i don't mean ODB asking - or even his expressions - they were good - ODG's tone and expressions were off = somehow - he sounded like blushing bride and she like an old hand at dalliance!
ReplyDeleteyes it sure did Mona ... you are not alone ... C or not C ... her first physically romantic moment!!
Deleteguess again they kept it open with khushis reactions ... still pondering on C issue.
or it can be taken as he is overwhelmed with her acceptance and allowing him ... of course kiss and more maybe not all the way.
&her happy and free from the fact that she does not have to hold herself back anymore from him ... neither emotionally neither physically .... she can shower her love in every possible way.
C or no C - it hardly matters - after those perfect dialogues - nothing else stands a chance!
Deleteloved to see the continued confidence in wife today - way to go ASR!!
btw - aaj kuch zyada hi sanata hai blog pay - whst izzz?
"C or no C - it hardly matters"
DeleteTrue that.
Don't know about sanata ... hardly am around and takni ramanchis peecha hi nahi chod rahi thi. today is first after a long time (had one last week I guess but only for few hours dekhte hain yeh kab thak rehta hai)that there's no disturbance in webpage and also at home. :D
I didn't get a chance to post before the new episode But I had to say something about the big C that was or was not?...
ReplyDeleteDoes it really matter?
When we say we want big C what we really mean is we want to know the characters have accepted each other wholly forever ... I never wanted a BALH esqu SR- toooo much!! It's all in the subtlety ... That's what made Teri meri work- they didn't want to be but were unable to escape the passion, which was what Friday was like but added to that was the hesitation and care. I found it very sweet and sensual too. Hope it was what we thought...
Anyway what really spoke to me in the scene was that we sort saw both of them at their most vulnerable...
For Arnav everyone he's loved left him.. His mother then his father then his grandmother and finally even his own family forsook him ... No wonder he clings onto di makes sure she is there hasn't abandoned him ... So after all this he closed up and fought fate destiny and Devi maiyya to not have to ever face the prospect of someone else leaving him ... But there are higher powers than us and Khushi is a part of him now.. Completing him and in that very intimate moment he opens up to her completely ... Don't leave me... He's opened up to her, fallen in love with her and that he cannot help ... All he can ask is that she doesn't abandon him too so he quietly tells her - pls don't leave me- it's the one thing that will break me completely
For Khushi it's all about trust... Trusting him enough to believe that he loves her - accepting that she deserves his love... She's loved and lost too.. She wasnt abandoned but she wasnt reassured either. She's never believed that she deserves anyone's love unconditionally but she craves for it so works as hard as she can and tries to earn it... With him ... She's always loved him and somewhere known that he loves her and so she stuck by him through it all. But the trust was missing she loved him but how could she trust him after all he'd Said and done ... And finally after reassuring her time and again alone and in front of the whole family just how much he loved her she finally accepted it and placed her whole hearted trust in him...
DeleteThat night she opened up and told him she trusts him ... There's no going back for her now... All she can ask is he doesn't break that trust and silently she implores him not to break her trust and belief in him - in love ...
They both lay their feelings and biggest insecurities bare ...
When I saw this episode I smiled and said they won't get married..,
DeleteI don't know what will happen but there are two things to this one more poetic and one more about family and parents..
If he were to reveal the truth to her and tell her just what Garima did ... Would she not ask her mother how she could do something like that? Once she came to know Arnav's father never told her he was married wouldn't she sympathise with her Comsiderkng the exact same thing happened to her?
Wouldn't Arnav hate Garima - because wtr the reason his father was the reason his mother killed herself and it was Garima who was the woman who his father fell for - he would hate her on principle... Her not knowing or knowing makes no difference - in his eyes she's the other woman. But for Khushi that would make all the difference - it wasn't her amma's fault - just like it wasn't hers... And for Arnav- how does fault matter it doesn't change the fact that she was the other woman.
Both are right in my opinion but they can't get married with her defending her mother and him hating her mother...
And a more poetic introspection...
DeleteI thought this could possibly happen after Fridays episode ....
Exactly what they beg Ech other not to do happens..
Arnav hesitates... He Lovea her but how can he marry her... He hesitates and Khushi is heart broken ... She silently implored him not to break her trust, her heart... And she leaves- what else is there for her here...
And the one person who he can't live without who he begged to never leave him - leaves and breaks his heart too...
Dunno why but I feel that wtr may happen this will be the end .., with him finally going after her ending the story where it began ... Sheesh Mahal, Lucknow...
well said Gargi - so basically both are right - so it sucks to be ASR & KSR!!
Deletei have a feeling that some more drama regarding the past will be unveiled - for as the story stands now - both are right in standing by their respective parents - so more ammo to fight together is required!
(personally - i just hope they stay together to find out more - after all both know that they don't have their parents but they have each other - stay together - + i am a bit old fashioned that a ways - a couple should be together, distances in relationships i do not understand! - specially ODC :D)
Beautiful Gargi ... kitne dino baad you have written such a lamba wala post. I hope you continue :)
DeleteGArgi happy to see a lamba wala post, am yet to read it....will read and come bak and do bak bak.....
DeleteTrue, their situation clearly resembles a do they move ahead without compromising beliefs,notions,persons that they have held very dear all their lives.....
I want to play the devil's advocate here and put about a question....If Garima were to be the OW(all proved, charged and proved), does this mean the end of ARHI's love story. How many among us are willing to say, there is a future to the love story.....or rather which are the situations in which u can see hope for this love story....
I am not talking of a scenario where it is proved that G was never the OW....
rekha, does the situation not warrant the hope that they accept that past is past, forgive the wrongs of the ancestors and make a happy future?
DeleteGargi, beauuuutiful posts!!!
DeleteAm with you totally when you say it doesn't matter whether they consummated or not - Friday's episode was much more about 'man ka milan' than anything else. The emotional bonding was the most important ... like you said, they both let down their guards completely, exposed their deepest vulnerabilities to each other and accepted that they could not live without the other.
But about marriage ... I WANT them to get married ... I don't want him to abandon her at the mandap, that will shatter Khushi completely. For the first time she has allowed herself to trust in his love, trust that he will not withdraw it at the first sign of a hurdle ... he fell for her at Payash wedding time, withdrew when he saw the terrace scene, he acknowledged his feelings after the kidnap, and the moment Di cried on his shoulder about her woes, he took it out on Khushi and withdrew from her again, telling her he wished she had never come into their lives ... it has taken Khushi a lot of time to let down her guard and trust in him fully again, he really had to work for her this time ... it will be horrible if that is all negated.
He asked her to promise never to leave him ... will she break this promise?
She told him she trusted in him and his love fully ... will he break that trust?
I can't stop thinking about what will happen next. The cv's have built this up very well.
DeleteI asked that question but i also wanted to put my own perception in to the ring.
I have said before too that the benchmark for love in this story is very high.....THis is an epic love tale becos of that....
Blame is a easy traveller.....can be layed at any door....its breadth of perspective that lets u see an issue, a matter without being predujiced...
My fondest hope is for Arnav and Khushi to lay the ghosts of the past, specially Arnav...My hope is for Arnav and Khushi to see their love for what it see how destiny has put them in each other's path time and again, even with a complicated past....all these perhaps for them to seek a new beginning erasing the bitterness of their shared history....
Dammit !!
awww poor boy :(
DeleteWhat what?! Can't open on phone!
DeleteCrying ASR/Sobti. one sure knows how to make others cry.
Deletebtw is it new Mona or from miscarriage wale episode ... I am confused.
Deletewhat - sama - abhi say bhool gaee hamain :( - what new mona? someone else by the name on the blog? koee nahi - is miyan main do talwarey reh sakti hain :D
Deletebut this is the same old mona
Aiyyo ... MU ki hadh hai !! IPK ne dimaag ki tabahi macha rakki hai :D :D
Deletemene pucha photo nayi hai crying boy ki ya miscarriage wale episode se hai !!
oooo - that a ways - ***sheepish grin**** - blame it all on arhi fever!!!
Deleteyou are right - the pic is from the miscarriage epi - another upholstery type 'na yahan ka na wahan ka' dress !! - but that was def from the miscarriage part
DeleteThere is no blue on the sherwani here. I think it is from miscarriage.
well no YT so was not able to confirm ... thanks!!
DeleteJaya loved Rimas take ... &added with Gargis poetic explanation .... it tough not to feel for this guy no matter how ruthless his behaviour might get incoming episodes.
I think indi telly world has never shown a damaged male character to this extent. Kudos to BS for portraying every aspect of it so beautifully, where we know he is very chilled out &content with his life. MashaAllah
That photo is from the miscarriage scene for sure.....
DeleteSam, ASR is etched in such a way and the peculiarity of his situation at both turning points of his life make u feel for him perhaps even more that Khushi....and the way BS plays him, he has brought an amazing depth of feeling to that character....u can actually feel ASR's pain....
This is what Khushi + shaadi ka jodaa+ tears make me want.
ReplyDeleteI want REVENGE......
Bitwa, I don't care whether you have a valid reason or not, whether you cannot live without her or not...
If I see tears on K now...I want full blown RTR from bitwa.
And I want this somewhere in the next track-
"hum theek hai, aapke waje se nahi, aapke bawajood bhi theek hai"
and this: "Aap hamari zindagi main kyun aaye?"
This can happen, if ASR goes for his signature car ride and lands up late for the wedding, after the guests leave- a tearful Khushi demands an explanation- he cannot bring himself to break the bad news, it will needlessly hurt her too- and an angry K tells him to get out of her life.
The next track can be about her nafrath and his mohabbat...
This is only if Bitwa lands up late, if he does not appear at all, God help him!
Pata hai, honewala nahi hain- K is supposed to go missing somewhere- and madam is too mahaan to do all this.
Inhale...Exhale...(I've never made more sense to me ever since I started watching IPK)- inhale...exhale...
And for all I know, he might present himself at the right time and get married, meek as a lamb!
Moving on to epi:
Wonderful! At last, the cat is out of the bag.
Broken bangles- the last time we had that ASR had an ambulance moment-(Still in revenge mode), time for him to have one more.
I really hope it does not become a real ambulance scene.
After all the Anji drama and all the behena drama in hospital, I am really not in a mood for hospitals(though ring- shakuntala- fish connections seem to send a suspicious whiff of amnesia).
Noticed: Dadi has beautiful hands, at this age!
And that ASR- dadi scene rocked!
Was glad to miss: Shyamu. Keep him off for a few more days, please.
Still breaking my head over: What happened to DB? (not Anji)
Is this what you wear for bro's wedding?
What a horrendous collection of jewellery Anjali bitiya has. Did Dadi handpick them for Anji's first wedding?
Gul, please consider: If I see tears, I want revenge.
but Su - that's unfair - ODB is hurting too - infact he will hurt more :(
Deleteafter today's dialogues i am all sold on the boy - poor kid is stuck between a rock and a hard place -
DeleteI knew I should've written a 'forgive me Mona' when I wrote it. I expected you to react like this.
Kya karen, GP scenes ke baad- Khushi was looking so pretty and Sanaya emoted so just reminded me of the pain and anger I felt those days...may be I'll not feel so bad when the actual tears come, then I'll lift this evil spell off
You are right, he will hurt more.
Each tear from her eye hurts HIM more than her...hmmmmmm....Let me see how long he takes to get to the wedding and what ODG goes through in the mean time.
If ASR cannot give an explanation for his behaviour, and K has no clue about Garima, how can we expect her to go through the wedding? They are not supposed to have any secrets btn them, right?
DeleteAnyway, nahi hoga yaar. Gul's heroine will not make her hero suffer.
Haha can't stop smiling since I read ur post, we have never met, don't know each other in real life, would not even know if were next to each other, But, we know how each one of us react!!! Me too knew u would respond :D:D
Delete(we have never met, don't know each other in real life, would not even know if were next to each other, But, we know how each one of us react!!! )and this is why i love this blog! big hugs to all of you!
DeleteHey...I like this theory, though i prefer them to be together and fight against others...i like her nafrath n his mohabbat - it sounds drop of tear from her bcoz of him, i wouldn't mind him to beg her all his life
Delete*Hugs* R&R.
DeleteMona, I was grinning when I read your 'that's unfair' reply.Glad I could return the favour.
Hi, Kavz! Hoping to see you around more.
*hugs* all of you, once again.
I am still dreading K's tears...I know it is inevitable, yet...
Hi Su,
DeleteI hope to be around....lets see if it works out :)
Dia!!!!! Hiii!!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know till today that u were updating ur blog daily...mads told me today n here i come n find that nothing has changed...not even the size
abt the epi - my mind is struck at more than one place today - never knew that anything could be struck at more than one place at the same
"tum teek ho.....aftr last nyt" - well, u know pretty well, where this one takes my mind.....we were never the innocent kids, were we?
n then like u mentioned, G-K relationship...past n future.... this is gng to depend on what khushi always knew and how much she is gng to learn .... i wonder how this is gng to turn
the most imp of all, A-K or should i say how A is gng to react n what would be his final decision...will the previous marriage track repeat... he might plan for some revenge - which i think is very unlikely
or is he gng to something so that Khushi starts hating him while she still loves him? this might happen but still less chances...or i want it to be less
or they might actually be together n fight against all the evil spirits and past
one thing i don't want is...Khushi's heart break and more than that Khushi pleading anyone for anything....i don't want that anymore
Kavsieee!!! *hugs* Where have you been?! You watching IPK? I didn't know that!!! I've been updating this blog since Day 1 ... join in the fun!!!
DeleteNope, they did not do anything major ... Khushi was FAR too cool and blase about it ... they definitely did not go the whole way. But that scene was hot ... yet beuatifully done, sensuous and emotional at the same time. Very very tasteful ... have to hand it to the entire team, and Barun Sanaya of course.
I can't bear to see Khushi's heartbreak this time ... her pain with the hate marriage is still fresh in my mind ... Sanaya does those scenes so beautifully, she makes us go numb with pain. The first marriage was bad enough ... this will be far, far worse if he lets her down again. I can handle his distancing himself and withdrawing after marriage, but he cannot let her down at the mandap :(
*hugss* Oh! I've been alive
DeleteI have been watching regularly without any misses since pre-first marriage track and one thing that changes since the lat time we talked abt this show is - BS is good as Arnav...i like him now
It took me more than some time to forget this old paagal role but now i actually like him as Arnav...esp when he smiles or
n Arnav-Khushi are really wonderful...BS n SI are just perfect for their roles
n i'm not sure abt that dia...if everything goes well now, i mean if they are gng to be together, it wouldn't matter so much either way but if Arnav is gng to distance himself or if he is gng to ditch her on the mandap and if if turns out to be her hate and his love track, their physical relationship and to which extent they have gone is gng to effect them...effect him a lot actually...just the fact that she could trust him so much and that he hurt-ed her inspite of all that is gng to twist his heart
Wow!! This is the first time i'm able to relate with him more than Khushi....either way it is gng to be hard on them..on him
But first n foremost priority is same as mandap ditching plz
God!!! It was so different not talking abt the show, no speculating much and watching it just as it comes...i don't know which way i like more....may be too much of anything is bad
ReplyDeletesad VM, but it is beautiful.
a flashback full of angst..
and more:
now for some romance
the beginning
then the flirting
the funny
after the half wedding
and latest
a bit of sarun
why so many youtube links? because thats what i did today.
arnav has always believed that it was his father's fault that his mom died. even dadi admitted it, said (arnav tum tab bhi galat tha.. you said your dad was at fault,you did not accuse the OW) so why does it seem like a ramanchi on the audience that arnav is so shocked hearing this from dadi?
ReplyDeleteand dadi's sentence.. dont you want to know the woman responsible for your moms death... (when actually, DD hates his mom) using his pain to drive the point home..hai devi maiyya, aisa vile grandmother kisiko na do!
Daia is evil ... and clever with it . All along she has been saying her son was blameless, that it was her DIL's fault for not keeping her son attahed to her pallu, the OW's fault for tempting her son, her DIL was a weak woman for not holding her marriage intact and committing suicide ... and now she cunningly puts her DIL's pain forward to Arnav, because she knows he will be unmoved if she mentions his dad. What has that woman learned in 14 years in an ashram, that she is ready to sacrifice her grandson's happiness and granddaughter's safety for the sake of her own revenge? She is a blot on the name of motherhood!
DeleteDadi ... not Daia ;)
DeleteDadi is misguided and misinformed.
DeleteSomeone has to give her a munh thod jawaab- will it be him or her or both, through their actions?
Will she see at last that K is not an enchantress but a sita who has gone through her agnipareeksha and come out with flying colours?
On her tactics now, yes.
She knew she couldn't control her son, knows her grandson is not going to listen to 'reason' and therefore hits on his weakness- mama!
Waah! kya teer chalayi hai, if only grandson had inherited 1/4 of that shatir dimaag!
now i will definitely look at ashrams differently.. :D
Deletethinking about this from subhadra devi's point of view, as far as i know it:
her son strayed. his wife found out and suicided. he followed her. the ow came to the funeral. she confronted the ow. then, accepting her life was a failure, renounced worldly life and went to ashram. (the kids were not important to her, in the aftermath of itni badi hadsa) she has been living at the ashram, with the hate frozen in her heart... with only occasional letters to attach her to the real world.
now comes her granddaughter's husband, saying that her grandson has accused and kicked him out of the house, he wants to be with his pregnant wife again( dont know the logic of that one, dont care -J).. somehow, this touched her enough to right the wrongs of the past hadsa.. and she came to shantivan.
she is still living in her past.. but the others have moved on. she tries to bring VLR back, but khushi does it for her.. so she is sort of thankful to khushi (and her role is done).. but now she realizes that garima is khushi's amma.. and she wants revenge on garima.
hmm... looks okay from my POV... what say?
so she is sort of thankful to khushi (and her role is done).. but now she realizes that garima is khushi's amma.. and she wants revenge on garima.:
DeleteFor her, K is still the OW:
Remember her convo with Shyam before she knew who K's amma was . She says history is repeating- what happened with my son is repeating, only here I know my darling daamadji, you are blameless. I blame only the OW- which is Khushi. Therefore she still wanted the wedding to stop even after Shyam was back. She still hates Khushi for what she perceives her to be, and the fact that K's Amma has turned out to be the OW in her son's life, has added fuel to fire.
She does not want revenge- she WANTS TO PROTECT HER GRANDSON from the trap this OW family has laid out for him. I don't hate this part of dadi, because she is doing it in all earnesty, her only desire is to prevent her grandson's heart break, once Khushi 'shows her true colours'. She strayed once towards the daamad of the house, god knows who will be her prey next time around.
She is going to destroy the whole family.
Dadi is seriously misguided...
no su, if she wanted to protect her grandson, she would have gone and confronted khushi... ot at least warned garima to keep khushi away from arnav... here she is all set to humiliate and ruin khushi and thereby extract her revenge on garima.. regardless of the effect on arnav.
DeleteSu, I agree with Jaya ... I can understand Dadi and even find excuses for her for believing Shyam and coming back to 'save' Anjali's marriage ... but if she truly has her grandson's best interests at heart, she should have told him the story about Garima immediately, as soon as she found out, the way she actually intended to. Why did she not? Because she knew that Garima is NOT completely at fault, her son was at fault too, and maybe she herself ... and if she gave Arnav enough time to think, he would realize that. And definitely in all this, Khushi herself is blameless.
DeleteNo, Dadi kept quiet till the very end because she knew that once tempers cool after the initial shock, sense will prevail and no one will stop the marriage.
And that's because she wants to avenge the loss of her own son, and maybe wants revenge on Arnav, her own grandson - a terrible thought, but I think she has not forgiven Arnav for not forgiving his father and holding him responsible for his affair.
Hmmm... YOu have a point.
DeleteI am only thinking that she always wanted the wedding not to happen, even if G'secret was not out, she and Shyam were plotting together, remember.
So revenge may not be the only reason. She'd have found some way to stop the wedding even if Garima was not who she was.
But now, two birds with one stone.
And I must say, in her blind hatred, Dadi is even more stupid ... she says Garima destroyed her son's life ... well, the son was MARRIED to another woman ... so agreed, she has a point there.
Deletehere how is Khushi destroying Arnav's life by marrying him? Arnav is UNmarried ... Dadi has lost all sense of logic! It was Anjali's marriage that was threatened ...
Does Dadi think Khushi will pursue Shyam after marriage to Arnav? She has to be completely blind and brainless to think that!!!
Agree there Jaya,
DeleteAll Dadi is looking at is proving her son innocent not caring just what she destroys in the process. Her desire for revenge is so strong that she is blinded to how much it will hurt Arnav to be away from Khushi. She had her out / hint when he told her he does not want to know any truth that would seprate him from her but she ignored it and went straight ahead. Just like the father of Shekhar in Parineeta, she will now have to see Arnav go through the trauma and pain that she missed when she escaped to her ashram.
She thinks he will come back to her by her disclosing the truth. She will want to weave new dreams for him and a new life and so on only to see him further withdraw from her and go into a shell. (Get a feeling that she seemingly agreed to get Garima married to Arnav's dad and then hoodwinked him into ilting her. Just because Garima's class was no matching. If Garima was jilted at the alter then it will convince Dadi that Garima has cause for revenge and her need to keep Garima away is explained because if the truth were to come out then Dadi's underhandedness in the whole affair will be out. And then it will be she herself who caused Nani's daughter's and her son's deaths). Garima if jilted on her wedding day and then becoming amma to a young girl would be reason enough for her to have married Shashi - a widower with a child. And when the truth is out Arnav will indeed be humbled by the large haertedness of this woman who despite of knowing who he was once she saw Dadi chose to put her daughter's happiness over the betrayal she experienced at his family's hands.
hi all,
DeleteWhat i think is, Dadi detested Khushi even before seeing her and that increased more n more after seeing her...i wonder why?.... may be because A is so adamant about not listening to her...that definitely was a slap to her...that and whole surname thing....don't ask me how it is just is
She came back to set and rule the lives of her grand-children, but i didn't work out at all...n she blames khushi for everything
she never wanted A-K marriage to happen.... i don't know why she thinks that khushi is cheating and is yet to show her true colors...i really don't know...i wonder what that creep shyam told her or Anjali
Anyway, my original point was...she never wanted the marriage to happen and Arnav wouln't listen to her at any cost
Garima is the trump card she has....if she revealed about Garima earlier, she was sure that Khushi would convince him somehow and he would marry her
but if she reveals in the last moment, there would be no time for anything to happen....he would devasted, hurt, angry and would not go to the marriage...that's her prime motive...if she successful in stopping it, she is sure that she would be able to separate them permanently
so, no i don't think she wants this marriage to stop bcoz of's just another tool in her favour.
p.s: for all those who don't know me, if i can come here more frequently, you'll have to get used to my disconnected posts like this one
Sandy, J,
DeleteYes, especially when I juxtapose this with the Arnav dialogue of "main kisi ko amma nahin bula saktha", here is a woman G who despite the tragic turn of events, went on to make her life meaningful, even living the curse/the guilt that she has perhaps carried all these years in her mind. She chose to bring up two motherless children and did her best to be their mother..
What did ratna do in the face of a tragic occurence (of knowing of her husband's infidelity), she chose to abandon her children leaving them pretty much to fend for themselves...
Garima chose a more difficult path, to live her life as a penance for something that was her wrongdoing....and given a honourable account of herself while atoning for that.
I dont expect Arnav to see it in very black and white terms becos Ratna is after all his mother...but the poignancy in the comparison is actually vivid
Delete"how is Khushi destroying Arnav's life by marrying him?":
Try seeing it like this:
Khushi's innocence has not been proven to dadi- she still believes K tried to entrap VLR.
A girl who would go for another woman's husband, and that too the sister of the man you are supposedly married to in haste- what kind of a wife will she be?
Dadi sees Arnav's heart breaking in the future when he sees the truth about his wife. Right now he is blind and does not listen to his loving GM who has only his best interests in mind, but she knows it is bound to happen.His love story is going to end in a disaster like his father's did.
And she can understand why her grandson does not listen to her- his dad was the same with this Garima female...these kind of women know only how to break homes... And now Dadi will stoop to the lowest trick in the book in order to save her family from Garima and her niece- daughter.
Delete"Garima is the trump card she has....if she revealed about Garima earlier, she was sure that Khushi would convince him somehow and he would marry her
but if she reveals in the last moment,...":
Thank you for connecting the dots here. I was breaking my head over what dadi's game plan was in by just getting the weding delayed. So, the idea is to strike when the iron is hot, it will have max impact at that emotional moment- and might take ASR to a point of no return...hmmmm...dadi is a fool. When ASR feels bad about the after effects of a broken wedding in the life of a girl, the stigma, won't he try to make amends? Thank god, dadi does not think that far.
Hi su... glad to help ;)
DeleteExactly! Dadi doesn't know what's gng to happen if she succeeds in her first stage of plan...bcoz she doesn't know much about love and trust as she knows about dominance and trappings
if he doesn't go to the mandap, it will hurt khushi, but it will kill Arnav....or some part of him...he is opening his heart...he is able to smile and laugh bcoz of Khushi...she opened that door for him
and now if he doesn't go to the mandap, he will shut that door himself for what he did....seeing the hurt in Khushi's eyes will jus kill him
hey Kavz, hello hi! welcome toh Diya ne bol dia, let me add my welcome to the R&R cafe! you have come at a really interesting point in the story.. one chapter closed, new chapter shuru.. and dont worry, madcap ramblings and disconnected posts are all part of the blog!
DeleteHi Kavz,
Deletewelcome to the R&R cafe...
J said it all!!madcap ramblings and disconnected posts are really part of the blog and i am big contributor to this, guilty as charged....
somehow we want to share every one of our thots about a story that we have grown to love.....and sweet Dia lets us all have a free rein here.....
Hope to see many comments from u, i gather u took time to warm up to BS as ASR...actually i am also one who took some time and this, while i had no idea aout his earlier work.
Strangely, it took me a to see a few ads done by Barun (that i saw on YT) to see how much of an effort he was putting in to slip into the difficult role of ASR...But i do think BS has an extremely expressive face..he uses it well
I am now a fully converted fan of the theory that BS suits ASR to the T.....
welcome again....
Thanks Jaya n Rekha for the welcome
DeleteI had to take a moment to get that R&R is Ramblings and Reminiscences
n i guess, i understand when u say that u want to share every thought of ur loved couple...bcoz that was xctly what we did with Sajan (Samrat- Gunjan...u might be knowing them anyway as Sanaya is Gunjan there) as we used to dissect every single scene and emotion (seen n unseen) they felt
I knew BS as barun since they started airing the promos... that was the funniest Acronym at that time bcoz BS generally means something else...n i saw ur list of Acronyms for ODC, ODG,
Actually, i watched few epis of his previous show, there he had some really weird and most awkward expressions i have ever when the show started, i was very reluctant towards him...i used to scare Dia n some of other frnds at that time about the guy who is gng to play opposite to Khushi still surprises me when i remember that Sravan (his old char name) and ASR are done by the same person...This guy really improved a lot
Deleteyeah our acronyms are really funny...and i better start referring to Barun as Barun not BS.hehehe.
I haven't seen him as Sravan in even one frame....but i loved him in the reliance TV ads, Ford ads....i am always impressed with any actor who can convey the highpoint of the ad within very little time and lesser words..i agree...not the best way to judge an actor but somehow actors who stand out in ads (becos they get such little time to make an impression) make me happy.....
So, when i saw those ads and saw him working on the ASR character....he took time to slip into it....he was wooden to start off...and then there was this quiet transformation....
Su, arey baba, I know what Dadi's thought processes are ... I was only pointing out how illogical she is by equating the two situations!
DeleteKavz, you nutcase, because of you I took time to warm up to BS, you really scared me off him at the start ... and he DID take time to warm up into the skin of the character ... but he has done wonders! I cannot imagine anyone else as ASR now!
kavz, "(I had to take a moment to get that R&R is Ramblings and Reminiscences)" Yoda, I am.
Deletetoday rekha said it.. small ideas, short, succinct. (Bwa ha ha.. means most of the time ppl dont understand what i mean unless it hits them in the head.. )
thank goodness we have a bunch of pretty brilliant writers here who explain each point beautifully. stick around, and you'll see. or, go back to old episodes, read the comments!
Delete"here is a woman G who despite the tragic turn of events, went on to make her life meaningful, even living the curse/the guilt that she has perhaps carried all these years in her mind. She chose to bring up two motherless children and did her best to be their mother..
What did ratna do in the face of a tragic occurence (of knowing of her husband's infidelity), she chose to abandon her children leaving them pretty much to fend for themselves...
Garima chose a more difficult path, to live her life as a penance for something that was her wrongdoing....and given a honourable account of herself while atoning for that."
I loved this insight from you ... it shows the contrast between the two characters so beautifully.
Will Arnav be able to see that difference? He idolises his Di and cannot see any fault in her, so he doesn't even blame her for wanting VLR back ...
Will he ever be able to accept that his mother's suicide was a sign of her weakness? Presuming that AD loved Garima and she loved him, Garima chose to leave him shows her strength of character ... while Ratna knowing her husband loved another woman chose the path of suicide leaving behind two children, including a daughter on her wedding day, knowing the repercussions it might have on them ... shows her weakness. And that weakness is there in Anjali too ... her refusal to let go of her dream world and her fantasy husband, her inability to face up to unpleasant facts and survive without losing her spirit.
Time Arnav saw that the two women he idolised are majorly flawed ... and accepted them as such. Recognizing and accepting a person's flaws doesn't mean you abandon them, it means you love them unconditionally ... which a son and a brother would do naturally. And this would pave the way for his acceptance of the past, realizing that all parties were at fault in different ways ... and help him make peace with it.
Deleteu r having a gud time, i realise....LOL.
I am all for a gud laugh esp if its at my expense...i am pretty generous that way....hehehe...
Absolutely. Dia.....
DeleteU remember, we were all for the track on Anji getting a better treatment....we wanted Arnav to see life in better hue..maybe the reason he did not do that earlier was for this greater revelation....for him to accept Garima's sacrifices...
And here is where i hope Nani plays a bigger role....
DeleteRekha - Plz don't stop calling him BS....that's my fav Acronym ever
DeleteI never saw him in any of those ads...may be i should check them out
Dia - Ohho! At that time i was generous enough not to show you any of those videos....if i did that u would have known my situation.... i didn't want any of u to have such a -ve start like me...but i had to warn you...
anyway, didn't he take his sweet time to get into the skin of ASR? Ofcouse, when he did it, he did it pretty well.
Jaya - i still didn't get what this meant 'Bwa ha ha.. means most of the time ppl dont understand what i mean unless it hits them in the head.. '
n by the way 'bunch of pretty brilliant writers' generally scare me.....bcoz they write really long posts...if Dia, would have updated the whole epi in details y'day itself, i'm not sure if i would have posted anything abt the epi or
very cute post
btw girls, i know most of you are on IF, can you buddy me? guturgutur
Dia..lovely background!!! looks amazing!!
ReplyDeleteabout the epsiode.. i didnt expect Dadi to spill the beans so quickly!
and why was she designated to go with Arnav and not Nani?? didnt like that!! oh well..she needed to stay back to make sure he doesnt marry Khushi...
excuse my lack of knowledge..but is bangles breaking a bad omen?
very cute teasing scenes, gotta love NK...
ab kya karega Arnav bitwa???
one doubtbulb that lighted after reading redux.. at the bachelors party, NK and aakash were both drunk. but then NK managed to come back home and watch hindi movies ? and no sign of a hangover? and now he is dumb enough to climb on a khoda with arnav(sorry, that just came out like that. no pun intended :D)
ReplyDeleteey lo.. NK ka bhi character assassination!
Deletehe watched the hindi movies with a hangover...thats the only pathetic explanation for the scene....LOL
I thought Arnav said there was no bachelor's party- meaning there was no booze- I took it that Akash and NK were play acting that drunken scene- all for K's benefit...that is why I wanted a scene where Akash explains the joke to Payal.
DeleteI think Payal was also part of their plan...not much bothered about that though
Deleteof course.. who told payal about bachelor parties? must be akash na? to lure khuhsi to the farmhouse? :D
Deleteshatir to nahi but definite sanaka dimaag!
DeleteAnd the perfect timings...NK and Akash - acting drunk xctly when the sisters comes and Arnav kissing it's-supposed-to-be-gal at the same time...Payaal, was pretty much part of the plan
All the youngsters wanted to the give the couple some time to enjoy before the marriage...few precious and memorable moments
hmm. so it was akash repaying arnav for the new years debt? i like that! :D
DeleteHi ladies,
ReplyDeleteJumping in quickly for a moment
My thot: Last time when he felt Khushi betrayed him and his family, he still bound her to him because she was his need. And then proclaimed to her that she would never be his wife only to walk the path of learning bit by bit that she was his wife in every aspect of his word - his ardhangini!
This time round when he knows Garima betrayed his mother, he will still bind Khushi to him beause she is still his need. But the main purpose of this wedding was for him was to to bring her back home. I get a feeling he will yet again proclaim to her that he will never take her home to a place where his mum's memory resides. He will marry her but not take her away. And yet again walk the path which will make him realize that it is not her home that is with him but his home that is in her heart where his mother's love and blessings reside.
The first night of their humeshaa when they came together he remived Dadi's kangans from her hands (I recalled the time he had put on his ma's kangans). The avenue has been opened when at the end of this inner jouney, Arnav will realize that Khushi has indeed borne anger and only given love in return. He will then come back to her and put on his ma's kangans and accept that she is indeed his mumma's bahu.
The bond of matrimony however skewed bound them then for 6 months and this time round it will bind them for the ages to come..for humeshaa..
It will be his eyes that will be unreadable to her and the fact that inspite of having found him in so many ways, they will not be together physically. But the mothers watch them and when they call out to each other the call is answered. They have found true love. Arnav will now make the journey to learn that his love for Khushi is greater than the hatred he has for his father and the other woman.
The seed which was in hibernation till now has grown to be a sapling and begun to have new shoots but it will be awhile before it can grow up and become a strong beautiful tree that protects. A tree which though grounded / shakled to the earth dares to reach out to the heavens, a tree that is aware of its beginnings and the marks on its body from the ravages of weather but whih still looks upward with hope, flowers and spreads its arms wide to receive the bountis of heaven.
For when he loves someone very much and can do nothing for them, he will hurt himself - and this time it will be by trying to stay separate from a woman whom he has beseeched to never leave him and she never will. But she will also not go apprach him and exercise her haq this time. Last time she did not know the reason and she kept pushing. This time she knows she is not welcome in his house and she will stay put in hers but not leave him. She will let him fly free knowing that he will always come home to her.
True love is not about binding your love rather it is setting it free knowing that like a kite however long and far it may fly it will always be connected to you by the string!
sandy, i love that your quick moments are this long! i have the same feeling.. arnav will marry khushi and hold her closer than before.. but in his mind, the chant will be "kash main tumse mohabbat kar pata" a la fourth promo..that photograph instantly reminded me of that promo..
Deletepar mohabbat toh woh karta hai!!
DeleteI had a feeling that the dialogue of Khushi asked Arnav to promise that said "we will come back to get mom's blessings after we are married" has greater significance....
Somehow Arnav will not be able to bring her back to the garden ever, perhaps thinking he is being unfair to his mother's memory and Khushi will sense the emotional distance in their relationship....
Today somethings that u said above just matched that same thot....Sandy, i really miss u
J, beautifully and succintly put....exact.....i just hope the viewers can be patient with this phase...i somehow feel that the impatience to see A and K together will stunt a beautiful story from being actually told as it was meant to be..(i know viewers are not to blame too but this is a crucial a phase as the six months after marriage)
DeleteMobabbat karna aur use khule tareeke se jatane mein faraq hain...
U love her but u are not free to love her....thats the meaning of kash main tumse mohabbat kar pata....i wish i could love u like i want to love u, unshakled, unburdened....
J, Rekha, Anita,
DeleteHuggs bey!
See that day when Mami did the naariyal trick, what did teh family think that he had called off the wedding. But he clarified that he had not. He was just miffed / annoyed / angry at Khushi. Besides this wedding is for Khushi - she wanted it so their marriage would be complete and he wanted it so he could bring her home. But he is yet to buy into and truly accept that in a true relationship where the couple does not deceive each other, these rituals serve to remind and reinforce vows that the couple needs to remember life long.
It is not the rituals per se but the belief in their goodness that Arnav needs to imbibe and he has not done that yet because to him the whole thing was to enable physical intimacy with Khushi. And Khushi willingly became intimate with him without the umbrella of pheras because of trust, her belief in him, in his goodness.
Plus when he sees Khushi daily, he should not recall his mother dying rather he should recall the moment Khushi says his mum will be happy he found true love., happy that he found a woman who is strong nough to face life with him and never leave him. And yes somewhere he needs to reconcile that his mum was weak. She chose to leave when she could have stayed and fought. Nothing against his mum but well it is the fact. (unless she was killed)
P.S: NK once said jo sach hai wohi mooch hai; are his dialogues indictaive of Shashi in the past?
the wedding is indeed for the tradition lovers.. he and she have both accepted that they are wed. he is indulging in the nautanki only for her happiness. as long as ASR does not believe in the rasms, they dont hold any power over him.
Deletearnav is not doing this whole wedding rasm thing for himself, he is doing this for the elders in the family.. including his nani and di. in his mind, he is already married to khushi.. so NOT marrying khushi should not even be in his mind. but him facing garima would be another matter. and the family's reaction to his delay.
this thought is enough, because i have a feeling that this aniclimax will carry over the whole week.
CT, prove me wrong!
Sandy, love your quick thoughts ... want more! :)))
Delete*hugs* sooo good to see you back!!!
As usual, I'm with you ... last time he thought Khushi had betrayed him and ruined his sisters life, yet he could not let her go ... when he didn't even know how much he loved her. Now he thinks Khushi's mother ruined his mother's life, will he be able to let Khushi go, when it is clear that this is in NO WAY her fault? I don't think so.
But the conflict will arise exactly the way you have mentioned ... how to reconcile the woman he loves to be the daughter of the woman who tore his mother from him, the mother he idolised? Will he be able to see her in his home, will her face not remind him every day of the woman who took his mother away from him? So yes, he may not take her home just yet.
Also this time Anjali and Nani are equally hurt ... this is about Anjali's mother and Nani's daughter. What will their reactions be? Will they play a role?
What about Khushi's reactions? And Payal's? Will Khushi stand up for her mother, proclaim her innocence? From the SBS, it seems Garima admits to the affair, so Khushi may not be able to defend her very much.
Another thought - if Arnav does ask Khushi to break all ties with her mother, Khushi might protest, but Garima will be the first to agree to that condition ... for her daughter's happiness she will be willing to give up her own claim to Khushi. And that might be a 360 of what Garima did fourteen years ago ... when she learned that AD was married, she immediately cut all ties with him, to try to save his marriage. But then it was too late ...
excerpt from a hilarious FF:
From: Singh Raizada, Arnav
To: Singh Raizada, Khushi
Subject: Tum Theek Ho?
Kaal raat ki baad?
From: Singh Raizada, Khushi
To: Singh Raizada, Arnav
Subject: Of Course
More than just 'theek'. I am buzzing.
You've awoken a sleeping beast.
It is time to suffer the consequences.
wanna read what happened before?
and yes, that "tum theek ho" is on my mind. expect another post soon.
Deleteu wicked girl.....*hugs*keeping us all away from the impending gloom in ur inimitable fashion....
PH ko pata nahin hain woh scene dikhakar kaun kaunse sher ko jagaya hain....ROFL
Today when Khushi's bangles broke, I was reminded of how the vicious cycle of karma - birth and rebirth breaks and a soul attains mukti.
ReplyDeleteAatmahatya is said to be a brutal act wherein the normal course of a soul from one being to another is interrupted and the soul is left hanging in a trishanku like state. It died with some wishes unfulfilled and hence it is said to be a bhatakti aatma (chudail). The only way to give it mukti is to ensure its wishes have been fulfilled.
I hope with the breaking of the karmic cycle, Ratna's soul which berated itself for breaking a son's promise and snatching away a mother from him finds peace and solace in knowing he has found true love that will never leave him and a mother in Garima.
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned ek chaadar maili si and I wonder if they end up showing something similar here - 2 Mallik brothers; elder is a womanizer and gets killed and the younger one takes over the family responsibility giving up his love. And if they want to go bollywood much, the brothes were twins ;)
Sometimes I really wonder if Nani's damaad who she despises and Dadi's son whom she protects are 2 different individuals.
Anywasy for now it is just thoughts.
The first time this thought came to mind, it was when Arnav told Khushi his mother committed suicide and his dialogue of the way Ma left me made me think of Dalapathi (a Tamil movie) where the male lead forever rues the fact that his mother "threw" him away because she did not love him enough only to realize the depth of her love and guilt when he learns the truth years later. There the male lead gives up his love to his younger brother and takes on the responsibility of a woman and her child whose husband he had killed.
DeleteOne of my fav momemts of that movie - the male lead tells the girl he adopted about how his mum threw him away because he was garbage.
Hey HAA,
DeleteEven i think that there is some kind of mis-communication there...not just about garima but also about Arnav's father....i can't think of all the links ryt now, but that's how i think it'll turn out to be
Arnav's father not being guilty and Arnav learning about all this and starts loving his late-father then - that would be another opening for him, ryt?
on side note - I really like Dalapati movie a lot...actually the songs...i don't remember the movie that well bcoz i watched it when i was very small but my mom says that it's a good by male do u mean, Rajni or Mammootty?
Sandy meant Rajni...mamooty was his mentor and Rajni almost was Karna in that relationship with his mom, played by Srividya....
DeleteBut Kavz...according to me, in the scenario u have mentioned above, thats an easier help Arnav achieve closure thru removing the cobwebs, as it were. painting all the people he hated as good people....thats fine but where is the conflict?
After knowing that everything is fine, u can accept anything...the struggle here will be to accept when its not so may become rosy later is another matter.....I somehow see Gul's narrative going that way....Arnav accepting despite all that and then maybe the real truth comes thru (if at all)
After knowing everything, it would be easier to accept others, but it would be hard to face one's own-self for being to rude n harsh with everyone ....that's very little compared to how he treated others....he hardly treated them as humans...esp khushi
Deletehow can he not hate himself ....wouldn't that be more harder than not hating others?
n thanks abt dalapati
DeleteDon't know about the movie you spoke about, but my thoughts -
DeleteI did think there was a miscommunication and Garima would be innocent ... but like Rekha says, then where is the conflict? Also from the SBS, Garima acknowledges her guilt in front of everyone ... so she did have an affair with Malik sr. The only extenuating feature is that she did not know he was married ... and that is a pretty big extenuating circumstance. Same thing with Khushi - she got engaged to VLR without knowing he was married, the moment she came to know, he was thrown out bag and baggage.
Arnav's dad has to be guilty ... because a) Arnav thinks he is guilty and hero is never wrong ;)
and b) Shyam is guilty, and for Dadi to learn her mistake, Arnav's dad has to be guilty. The whole premise of Dadi trusting Shyam is her atoot vishwas in her son, and her belief that the damaad has been misunderstood the same way as her son was. So her zeal is to clear her son's name as much as to protect Anjali's marriage ... as for Arnav, she's made it clear that men are kachha, so they can get swayed by a pretty face, it doesn't mean anything. Arnav will survive if he loses Khushi.
I would like it if an alternate scenario comes in ... I think Sandy has mentioned it below (am just catching up with all the posts) ... that Dadi was instrumental in precipitating the tragedy in some way, which is why she retired to her peetal bartan (it must run in the family) ... for 14 years, and when Creepwa approached her with his sob story, she interpreted this as her chance to right the wrongs of the past - maybe including her own mistakes. Which are not the ones she actually made i.e. absolving her son and blaming her DIL and the OW, but the mistake of not being firm enough with the OW. So her zeal to crush Khushi completely ...
So the solution may come through Arnav realising that just as Khushi was blameless in the whole Creepwa epiosde, which he HAS accepted, similarly Garima was blameless in his parents' suicide and in fact did her best to save his parents' marriage by stepping out of the way as soon as she came to know. And Dad pursued her regardless, same as Shyam pursued Khushi ... mom came to know, and this precipitated the suicides. Though I still don't understand why Dad committed suicide :)
DeleteI somehow see Gul's narrative going that way....Arnav accepting despite all that and then maybe the real truth comes thru (if at all)
With you on this, girl.
Somehow, irrespective of what happens today, it will come to that, I feel.
dia, if that is the case, the photograph becomes a question.. why was it preserved in garima's treasurebox? why did she take it out on haldi? of course, it was for the snakewa to latch his greasy hands on it, but why was she gazing so lovingly at it? she should have been accusing..
DeleteJaya, she kept it because she did love him ... she admitted that to Dadi, but she didn't know he was married. When she came to know, she snapped all ties with him ... but the love remained. And he wanted to leave his wife and take her away, but she refused, and got married to Shashi in a hurry to throw him off ... Garima had to have made some sacrifice in all this to justify her.
DeleteWeak, I know ;) Let's see how they explain that one :))
Yes, Su .....that is my benchmark for this love tale, anything less than that would be sacrilege....I don't know about trp considerations, viewer sensibilities that will govern this tale from now on...but just staying with that thot.....*hugs*
DeleteThe creative did not challenge itself on how the photo could be found but having said that....i won't call that act an act of disloyalty to her current partner....that's not how the relationship has ever come thru to us till irrespective of how they paint G in this drama, to me she is a woman who has definitely given a better account of herself in dealing with life's blows than Ratna or for that matter Anji.
yes, she has kept things hidden from Khushi but no diff from what Khushi did when she sought to hide things from Anji...
DeleteU said exactly something that i wrote about a few days ago on what is a better scenario to be have closure for one's hatred or for closure for things that are beyond control...
Interesting thot....some of the strange things about life really...nothing abot right or wrong.....
Scenario 3 and this is my hope - the CV will throw a perfect googly- after all this build up - the omens etc - ASR will say GTH to Dadi and go ahead with the wedding - after all Gul's liberal thinking should negate chudi tootna etc - woh toh purani soch hai
ReplyDeleteWith you rekha on the return to the garden... Shadi ho jaye then they can work thru difffs :)
Su- with you girl on revenge if he ditches her or is late enough to cause her to suffer again :)
Mona - sorry but bitiya has moral highground - she has never caused his pain , he has always caused her pain ...ab bhi reform nahi hua to retribution banta hai
spoiler alert!
ReplyDeletetodays sbs
lo kardiya satyanaash. even if we all knew it would come, when i see it, i cry. thanks for the warning, sbs!
sorry that was sbb
Deletesbs here:
this has the bigger spoiler, almost the full scene.
DeleteOkay shaadi toot gayi - now all I need to know is what was Bitwa doing when Dadi was wreaking this havoc..saw only the first link..
If he was busy licking his own wounds letting Khushi face Dadi's symphony alone - woh to gaya !!
He hid in his room and left her to face the music after the forced marriage, he let her take all the flak exposing Shyam withouth breathing a word that he had first hand evidence that shyam was lusting after Khushi...
If he hides once again - he is irredeemable ...
Hope Khushi turns Chandi - Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - lets see some fire :)
well, talk about instant gratification :D
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ReplyDeleteI really wish, we have LIKE tab in blogs as well...i used to escape writing half the time by liking the posts on IF
ReplyDeleteStop being lazy ... I used to tell you that before too! :))
DeleteWhat I miss here are my emoticons :))
I asked u to learn how to make small posts...but...:(
DeleteWe jus can't leave our trademarks behind us, u know! ;)