Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Another vela post ...

Acronyms piling up here, so making a list ...

ODG - Our Dear Girl
ODB - Our Dear Boy
KJ /KP - Kameena Jija/ Kamina Pati
            Also known as RS - Reptilian Spousewa
RTR - Road to Redemption
RTRW - Road to Redemption Walk
FS - Frankeshyam
FSE - Failed Science Experiments
MIG - Mind in Gutter - add *alert* ... although we're all adults here :)) 

CSL - Creepwa Science Lab
Ahh, yes, I was trying to remember that one - thanks, Sandy :)

MIG - Mind In Gutter ... comes with *alert* =)) we are all adults here ;)
SR - Suhaag Raat 
DM - Devi Maiyya
R&R - you all know that one! ;)

More additions -
MB - Manorama Bond
DB - Dimwit Bitwa

And more :)
LG - Laad Governer
RK - Rakshas
KC - Klutzy Chamkili
KK - Klutzy Khushi
PK - Pataaka Khushi
CLG - Chui Mui Laad Governer

More :)
RRR - Resident Raizada Reptilewa- promoted from RS ;)
TF - Twitching Ferret

TQ - Tragedy Queen - Anjali
LQ - Laundry Queen - need I name her? =))
DQ - Dadagiri Queen - Buaji

More added 28/4
HH - Hotwa Hubby ... also Hot tempered Hubby according to situation ;)
paired with
BB - Boiling Biwi - as hot tempered as her hubby
B& B - Beauty and the Beast

DR and DDR - Dettol Rinse and Double Dettol Rinse - to be used for cleansing purposes when talking about RRR and ODG in the same sentence :))

SN - Side Notes
DN - Dia's Notes

DBG - Dandebaaz Genie aka Shwetha :) Also known as BG - Blog Genie ;)
BDJ - Blog DJ's - Rekha and Sandy
BOTB - Baby of the Blog - Gargi :)
BBE - Blog Blooper Expert - Jaya
BFE/BMIGE - Blog Friskiness Experts/ Blog MIG Experts - umm, all of us, I guess! =))
BSE - Blog Symbolism Experts - Opti and Sandy

Sandy - Sandhya/ HAA ... newly unveiled - much like the Raizada bahus :))

*edited 9/3/12*
More names for our favorite Reptilewa
GGm - Gormless Gander (male) - not to be confused with GGf - Golden Goose (female) ;)

DaDiDa ... Daadi, Di and Daiyya Ho ... the trio everyone loves to hate

AD - Asli Duniya
SKD - Sapnon Ki Duniya ... where all our shiddats reside ;)

WWAD - What Will Arnav Do
WWKD - What Will Khushi Do 


  1. CSL - Creepwa Science lab
    DM - Devi Maiiyya
    R&R - Ramblings and Reminiscences

  2. DBG- Dandebaaz Genie..a.k.a Sweths
    Sans- Sandhya/HAA

    ooh and please add RS- reptilian spouswa to KJ/KP it really cracked me up:-p

  3. MIG - Mind In Gutter.

    I swear on Friday when he said 6 months in the same room, same bed, I thought boy that is going to be so frustrating na bitwa. So let us have a MIG alert, whenever anyone can come up with one, lol.

  4. HAHAHA.. This is hilarious! glad you out this down as a reference for us, the newer ones :D :D
    Can we add MB - Manorama Bond!

  5. LG - Laad Governor
    RK - Rakshas
    KC - Klutzy Chamkeeli
    KP - Khushi Pataaka

    @All - flattered to feature in the acronym list :)

  6. Dia,

    this one cracked me up!

    GGm - Gormless Gander (male) - not to be confused with GGf - Golden Goose (female)

    Some more :)
    DDR - Double Dettol Rinse
    DR - Dettol Rinse
    HH - Hottie Husband (?) u penned it and also a female counterpart for this?Also some variations to this na around Holi?
    B&B - Beuaty and the Beast



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