Wednesday, June 18, 2014

18/6 - Epi 124 ... Re-establishing Relationships

Wednesday 18th June

What He Needs, What She Wants
What Rudra needs ... he needs to deal with his mother issues, which have been dragging for the last fifteen years, coloring his life, his relationships ... he needs to emerge from the hate-filled clouds which obscure his vision of the past ... he needs to make peace with his abandonment issues, his feelings of being unworthy, unloved ... he needs to move on.
What Paro wants ... she wants that mangalsutra ... as a validation of her position as his wife, to the world, to wipe out the memories of the hate-filled marriage, and replace them with a more meaningful symbol of the relationship it has now become.
For Paro ... the first is more important, so she deals with that first ... sometimes with thoughtful care, sometimes with as much panache as a bull in a china shop. He's lived with the burden for fifteen years, she wants it gone now ... as of this instant. It's essential for his happiness. So her immediate concern is to give him what he needs.
Her mangalsutra ... that can wait ... it's only for her own happiness ... he brought it for her, he already told her that. He will give it to her when he's ready.
So she pushes and pushes Rudra for the former ... but doesn't say a word about the latter.

That says it all about Paro. She puts Rudra first ... his happiness, his well-being. It's all about him.

And Rudra probably, belatedly started to realise that ... as his shame-faced guilty looks during the overheard Maithili-Paro conversation indicated.

What She Needs, What He Wants 
What Paro needs ... is constant reassurance of her place in Rudra's life, her importance for him, her feeling of belonging.
And Rudra gives it to her ... more and more often now. Telling her he can't live without her love, that he helps him breathe, that he needs her by his side to handle the most difficult moments of his life ... even that he brought Mala back only for her sake ... though that's stretching the truth a bit, but that's his conscious reason, the only one he will acknowledge for now.
What Rudra wants ... is to live with his wife in peace and happiness, the happiness and love she bathes him with ... the feeling of being worthy of love that she brings to him. He wants to move out of the shadows of his past ... but he's not quite sure how to. The only thing he knows is that with Paro in his life, happiness doesn't seem like an elusive fairy tale any more, it seems to be within his grasp. And one thing he's sure of is that his happiness lies with Paro. It lies in her smile, in her happiness. So he tries ... gruffly, roughly ... unwillingly at times ... to make her happy. Because slowly he's beginning to realise, that her happiness lies in making him happy ... even if the way she goes about it, sometimes infuriates him!

Paro giving up her room for Mala ... *head desk* but so typically Paro! Since Mohini has announced the two families will live separately, and since Mala obviously cannot go into Dilsher's room ... or rather, Paro can't take that decision, there was not much choice.
Dia's note ... what happened to the guest room where Laila stayed? Or where the two social worker ladies stayed? Did it disapparate into thin air? Or is this only because the cvs need to delay the big C? Probably the last! :)))

Paro's optimism ... another *head desk* moment ... does Paro really think that getting everybody under one roof is enough for them to become one big happy family?! While her intentions are good, she needs to confine herself to repairing the damage between Rudra and Mala. The relationship between Dilsher and Mala is none of her business ... nor is the one between Mala and Mohini. They're adults, let them sort it out themselves.

Just realised I didn't mention the kiss at all !!!
The Kiss ... a thanks from Paro ... to Rudra for giving her what she needs ... that reassurance that she is important for him ... that he did something he didn't want to (or so he says) only for her sake, to make her happy.
Why was Rudra so pole-axed by the kiss? More and more, I begin to doubt his 'eight years every night' claims!!! :)) 


  1. There you go Paro now you have learnt a effective way to shut your husband's mouth for good, now all you got to do is use this every time henceforth!! ;-)

    On a serious note, so is there more to Mala's story? Because she said Rudra if he does not want to hear her story she wont bother him with them anymore.

    I felt Paro was right, everybody should get a second chance in life, Mala has even profusely apologized again and again.

    Rudra unable to forgive his mother is understandable, his Father fed him poisonous words against his mother for years together since his childhood.
    Dilsher's version / history was shown to the audiences through a series of flashbacks so we know he has played an important role in what transpired between them, he never told Rudra about it. I think its time he narrates his version to his son, this will probably help Rudra in at least thinking about making amends with his past.

    1. Well put, MB ... both Rudra and Paro are right in their place. Rudra is finding it difficult to forgive and forget ... besides, from what Mala said, and from Dilsher's flashbacks, he doesn't even know the whole story yet, so it's difficult for him to move on.

      Paro on her side, is right too ... unless he listens to his mother, and hears her side of the story, he won't know the truth. He has been fed a watered down version of it all these years, a bitter, poison-filled one-sided version ... Mala obviously had her share of hurt and pain, but she is not embittered like Dilsher, so she can give Rudra a more unbiased version of what went wrong and why she left.

      Both Dilsher and Mala need to sit down with Rudra and tell him exactly what happened all those years ago. And Rudra needs to shut his mouth and listen!!! Paro had the right thought there!!! :)))

    2. Exactly if he would only listen, but then if he did the serial would end in that episode!!, so they have drag it out with all the misunderstandings, miscommunication, and villains using this for their advantage........ he he ;-)

    3. Rofl Dia... Rudra's reaction after the kiss.... I had the same thoughts. Did he really have an eight year long relationship with Laila? And the scene where Paro and Rudra walk into each other just before the end. He was looking everywhere except at Paro. Sabbbaaaaa..... Rudraaaa....... So, Maithili acts as cupid again. This time, unintentionally by asking why they had quarelled. This conversation will prompt Rudra to give the Mangalsutra to Paro. And Rudra doesn't want to hear his mom's version of events. Not sure when we will get that chance to know her story along with Rudra. Mohini is one hell of a lucky woman. She got lucky with her murder attempts on Dilsher and Rudra. Now, it looks like Rudra will accept his mom without hearing her version of events. Just because of his suppressed, oppressed, depressed love for mom. And when it is time for this serial to end, Mohini's true colors will be revealed. I really hope it does not happen. We want (and Rudra too) to know the juicy story of the older Ranawats. That would help the poor guy Rudra put things in the right perspective. Lets hope for the best.

  2. He will hear Mala's version soon enough.............he has to...........the generous soul that Paro is, she has once again sacrificed her bedroom .... aarrrggghhhhh ........ when will this girl learn?!@#?

    Waiting to see how they unfurl Mohini's role in the back story - should be interesting as Dilsher has lost his capacity for witty one-liners and walks around with a guilt ridden expression these days.

    I really do like the fact that Ashish is participating in JDJ - perfect excuse for all the other characters to get some well deserved screen space and the story has a richer hue now.

    1. Lol ... Aki ... agree with you about JDJ ... the story was too heavily Rudra-centric, now there is more balance, now that they are giving all the other characters space. The story telling is better ... but they are still dragging the Mala revelation ... I guess because that's the crux of the story. Considering the way they rushed through many tracks, this seems really slow!!!

    2. good point aki and dia. the hero centric storytelling was a bit much, now almost all parallel heroes get screentime :D

      "Why was Rudra so pole-axed by the kiss? More and more, I begin to doubt his 'eight years every night' claims!!! :)) " soo true!!! what was ashish thinking!!

      rudy should have had a cat-with canary smirk when she came back for the tea tray. (how perfect was paro's walk in that comebackfortheteatray scene!) and she should have given him his teacup and bhaagoed to maasa's room. (see, even i can direct those scenes!)

  3. Hey Dia you beautifully summarized today's episode, lovely take.

  4. Thank you Dia for your beautiful insights into RR - one of the main reasons I remain addicted to your blogspot.

  5. Dia loved your take . Beautifully written.

  6. Dia - awesome take as usual. Thanks!

  7. SN did you guys see the ashish JDJ dance number promo? uff hawt!

    ps dia, wonderful update as usual. (i get tired of saying the same thing everyday, so might not write that,, but please read the prev sentence everytime a post a comment :D)

  8. Thanks, girls ... thanks, Jaya ... your comment made me laugh!

    Yep, saw the JDJ promo ... can't miss it, it airs in every break! It's hot!!!
    But why is Colors not using the opportunity to also air some RR promos? I thought the whole point of sending Ashish to JDJ was to get some publicity for RR? Colors is crazy!



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