Thursday, May 30, 2013

30/5 - Epi 40 ... Song and Dance

Thursday 30th May 2013

The usual gratuitous subtle insults offered by the boy's mother to the girl's parents on arrival ... I would be more offended with Umaben if this sort of thing wasn't universal in almost all movies and shows ... and even more, in real life as well. Was good to see Chhanchhan register every subtle barb aimed at her parents ... hope she will do something about it. Today Daadi defused the situation ... tomorrow when the barbs become less subtle, what will Chhanchhan do?

Lots of song and dance ... well, it was a sangeet after all.

The entire family on both sides performed ... are the cv's going to revive the Mansi-Rugved story as counterpoint to the ChanMan one?
And of course, Bharti dances with Manav ... FK looked most uncomfortable throughout - was his sherwani too tight, or was the man himself too uptight? 
Manav's father seems most normal ... as did the brothers ... if it weren't for that one big roadblock, Umaben, I would be happy for Chhanchhan to enter the family ... they all seems rather nice, normal people - one big happy family, in fact. Except that Manthan is definitely not happy in his marriage.
SN - Of course, this is ignoring the awful Manav ... I am trying to imagine another actor in his place, so that I can believe in the ChanMan love story.
And speaking of Manav ... I really wish the cv's would give up on that kiss challenge - in the hands of a good actor, it would be cute and naughty ... with FK's expressions it seems lewd and lecherous!!!He looks and sounds like a roadside gunda ogling a passing girl, rather than a man in love teasing the girl he's going to marry.

Umaben's stooge arrives ... most unsubtle ... Umaben's plans are really not the smartest or the most unusual ... her own son, Manthan, already suspicious of his mother's unnatural enthusiasm, is on the lookout for suspicious happenings ... and finds them in black clad James Bond impersonator.

So the episode was all song and dance ... and as per the precap, Monday the dhamaka will happen.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

29/5 - Epi 39 ... Preparations Under Way

Wednesday 29th May 2013

Chanchan's father is deeply unhappy and worried about his daughter. Wife and mother try to reassure him that Chanchan will be fine. After all, Umaben agreed to Chanchan's most stringent condition without even asking - no dowry.
Chanchan happy and excited, her mom tries to tell her that there will be a huge difference in customs and lifestyle ... CC is not worried, mom and dadi have trained her well, and Manav will be there to support her. Mom is worried ... but the rishta is now pakka.

Umaben assures her husband that she liked Chanchan's parents and she's looking forward to the wedding. Mansi lets out that Umaben has fixed the marriage date within a week. UB glares ... Mansi shuts up.
In this house, no one can say anything freely, it seems! And Umaben definitely keeps a lot of secrets from her husband.
UB's mysterious phone call ... did Manthan hear? He was trying his best ... he seems to know mom is up to something. 

So the preparations start ...
The three stooges ... err, bahus ... start planning their dance moves ... seems like they actually manage to have some fun away from eagle eyes of UB ...
UB enters and startles them ... more like scares them ... they run for cover, and she stops them ... only to shock them completely by telling them to dress up well and prepare their dances moves ...

Preparations start in Chanchan's house too with the mehndi ceremony ... they also start preparing their dance moves ... all except for Chanchan who is worrying about Manav's challenge ...

Chanchan and Manav daydream about their new life ... cute sequence, Sanaya looking so sweet and pretty in her married get up (I avoided looking at FK as much as possible, but he was not bad today). Hope she stays like this post-marriage, her look was very sweet.

And Manav calls and reminds Chanchan about the challenge ... much to her worry ...
while Umaben is making sure of her own preparations ...

Precap - sangeet already? Which means that they do shoot FK scenes right at the last minute, the scenes with the Sarabhai family post engagement breaking, were done ages ago, and will air only next week at the earliest.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

28/5 - Epi 38 ... Being Borisagara Bahu ... Trailor

Tuesday 28th May 2013

CC's parents ready to go for rishta talks ... father is still very, very hesitant and doubtful ... but has bowed under his daughter's wishes ... for now.

Umaben displays a jewelry shop to her husband ... secure in the knowledge that she is never going to actually give all that jewelry to Chanchan ... Ranjana's mouth waters seeing the sparklers. Manav dikra is overjoyed at Mummee's sudden and complete change of heart.
And conveniently, Babuji has to go for a court hearing ... why couldn't they postpone the rishta talks till another day when he could be present? So his role remains unclear.

Manthan does major spot of trouble stirring ... hmm, if he had married a girl like Ranjana, there would have been trouble much earlier in the BS family, that's for sure. His own wife is a simpleton and a blabbermouth ... he can't trust her with anything.
And he points out to Umaben that never for his in-laws, or Manik's, or Mukut's ... has there ever been so much of fuss or preparation. Umaben is rather annoyed ... someone who can see, maybe not completely through her plans ... but can make out she is behaving most atypically ... she actually gives an explanation, before remembering she doesn't need to.

Chanchan's parents arrive ... and receive a welcome and somewhat of an earful from Manthan ... about Manav and Chhanchhan's earlier coffee shop meetings. Wonder whether Manthan thought that CC's family was like his own, and her parents knew nothing about her meeting Manav?

And then Umaben starts her trailor of Life as Borisagar Bahu ... very cleverly, she deals with the one topic that she knows would make Chhanchhan herself call off the rishta ... Dowry ... and then proceeds to illustrate to CC's worried parents, what kind of life their daughter will lead ... pallu-clad, not allowed to speak her mind, no need to work and earn her living, dogs not allowed in the house, and art, even as a hobby, is frowned upon and disrespected ...
And the wedding will be in a week.

I wondered that CC's parents accepted the rishta ... and didn't say, we'll think about it and let you know. It was very clear from their expressions what they felt about the whole thing ... if it hadn't been for Manav and Chanchan being in love, this would have been the shortest rishta meeting in history. Really wish CC's mom had said, we need to consult Baa about this, we will get back to you. Am sure CC's dad will explode when he gets back home, and want to call off the wedding.

And during this, Chanchan and Manav have a lovey dovey talk ... or rather Chanchan has a lovey dovey talk ... Manav ... ummm ... errr ... yikes!!! Don't touch her!!!!

From the precap it was clear that Umaben knew exactly what she was doing and saying.

Whom is Uma ben talking to on the phone? From the precap, it's not her husband. So who is the person who is privy to her dirty plans?

Monday, May 27, 2013

27/5 - Epi 37 ... Planning ... and more planning

Monday 27th May 2013

Hospital ... Umaben agrees to Manav's marriage with Chhanchhan ... and packs Manav off to tell CC and her family.
BS family rather shocked ... all except Babuji, who implicitly believes in UB's decisions ... hmmm...

CC's family deep in discussion ... Dad is all ready to send Chanchan off for a nice vacation, so that she can forget Manav ... Manav arrives just in time to nix that thought ...

CC's mom and Dadi very happy ... Dad is very doubtful ... hmm, dad is a smart man!!! They should have listened to him ... no shaadi till Manav changes ;) Face at least ... come on, CV's!!!
And plans are made to visit the in-laws the next day to talk about the rishta ...

One hilarious scene with the brothers and their wives ... as Manthan starts to pour oil and stoke some fires ... how come Manav is allowed a love marriage, while none of them were allowed? How is he allowed to meet Chhanchhan, while elder brother was not even allowed to see his wife's face till the wedding? 

Manav total dikra again ... mummee, mummee ... he seems to have forgotten his mom's drama completely ...

While Umaben sweet-talks Manav to regain his trust, CC's mom tries to persuade dad to accept Umaben ... CC's Dad, I love you, I really do, but I wish you'd put your foot down earlier and refused CC marrying into the family at all, rather than telling CC you would support her decision. Ab bhugto!

Oh well, phir show kaise chalta!

While CC's siblings pack the gifts for the sasuraal, CC makes one pertinent remark ... her sasuraal vaalas had better give her family as much respect as her family is giving them ... YESS!!! This I want to see!
Although CC seems to have swallowed Umaben's change of heart very easily ... come on, girl, smarten up!!! Not you too! Your dad is far smarter!
CC's mom dresses all Gujju style to impress the inlaws ... much to her own disgust! 

And Umaben is plotting ... as expected, this was not a defeat ... it was merely a change of battle plan.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

23/5 - Epi 36 ... Chhanchhan's Decision and Umaben's Turnabout

Thursday 23rd May

So Umaben was not crying wolf this time ... and she was really at death's door, or thereabouts ... and of course Chhanchhan was the savior in getting her to hospital in time, then bullying the doctor to come in on time ... and Umaben gets to know of all this in double quick time ... as does the rest of the family ... who for once in a TV serial, hear exactly what they were supposed to hear ... the story of the wonder girl who saved their mother.
And Umaben promptly reverses her decision and says Chhanchhan will be her youngest bahu ... that was a fast tunraround!!!

Of course Umaben realised after Manav's tantrum that he wasn't going to give up Chhanchhan that easily, once he found out about her drama ... first battle lost, time to acknowledge defeat, retreat and regroup. And Chhanchhan helped out matters by not letting Manav tell the family about Umaben's deception, so UB could pretend CC was really her choice in the first place.

Manthan is an interesting character ... total Narad muni!!!

Liked the Sarabhai family again ... small scene, but sweet ... father still most unhappy about the state of affairs ... Chhanchhan all cheerful that she will win over Umaben in time ... (besides, if she doesn't, she won't marry Manav ... so either way, she's okay, smart girl! That was my addition, of course!)

Farhan was totally BLANK all through the episode ... exactly one expression the entire time ... except when he smiled to hear Umaben's acceptance. The contrast between his expressions and Manthan's was amazing ... the guy playing Manthan is a great actor!

Have a feeling Kaumudi loves being the martyr.
Oh, and Manav is not dikra any more ... he is now bhondu ... and will soon be joru ka ghulam :)

Weekend fun -  - Cute video, Sanaya talking about her fashion sense and shopping habits. - Forgot if I posted this ... Sanaya on JDJ opening night - Sanaya creating waves in Jhalak

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22/5 - Epi 35 ... Sarabhais and Sanaya, fabulous! Manav - good :)

Wednesday 22nd May

Chhanchhan lost in thought ... nice background song ... as she wonders what to do ... as usual, Sanaya's eyes reflect so beautifully the inner turmoil of Chhanchhan ...

Sarabhai family all worked up and worried ... till Chhanchhan enters ... worry changing to relief, expressed as anger by a helpless father, who hates to see his daughter in this state ...

I loved Chhanchhan's dad today ... his anger, his rage, his helplessness at seeing his daughter in such a state ...
Loved the Sarabhai family again as they reassure Chhanchhan, especially her dad, that whatever she does, they are with her ...

Chhanchhan goes off to her room ... and behind her, her father's helplessness bursts out ...
Manav enters ... and CC's dad directs all his anger at him, the cause of his daughter's turmoil ... and Manav tells them he has left home and wants only to be with Chhanchhan, with her family's support.

Again LOVED CC's dad here ... the way he raged at Manav, Manav stood and listened quietly, while CC's mom and Daadi tried to calm down the enraged father and allow Manav to speak ... because they knew CC was waiting for Manav's decision ... 

I really love the way Chhanchhan's entire family is so supportive and so open ... Manav, a stranger to warmth and openness and honesty of relationships in his own home, has no problem in talking to Chhanchhan's family ... a contrast he saw in his first visit to their house ... the ease with which they all share their troubles and emotions ... as opposed to the silent, hidden emotions and barely hidden undercurrents in his family, underlined always by the emotion of fear and tension.

Manav-Chhanchhan scene was nice ... the first ChanMan hug, the reassurance Chhanchhan needed so desperately ... Manav bares his heart to Chhanchhan, confesses he hid the fact that Umaben was his mother ... apparently he has recognised her nature a long time back (a real pity the actor could not convey any of that) ... and he's left home for Chhanchhan.

Chhanchhan realises all this was in the heat of the moment, gives him a lecture on the importance of mothers and tells him she won't marry him. Manav is not convinced ... finally she gives in and says she will marry him ... but only with his mother's blessing.
Which seems to be impossible as of now ... as Manav points out ... but CC is not budging ... wisely so ... marrying into that family with that MIL is gonna be trouble enough, doing it stealthily is akin to showing red rag to a bull. And she promises to win over Umaben ... enough to win consent to their marriage ... though Manav is still very doubtful.

A phone call from Manav's house ... Manav is not falling for his mom's tricks any more ... CC convinces him that it might not be a case of 'cry wolf' ... from the precap, it was not ... but Umaben is going to have a tough time convincing Manav that Chhanchhan is not Mother Teresa reincarnated ...

And from the new promo, Umaben gives consent ... but she has more tricks up her sleeve. One defeat in battle doesn't mean the war is lost.

Completely LOVED the Sarabhai family today, especially Chhanchhan's dad and Chhanchhan ... also liked the Manav-Sarabhai family scene ... loved the ChanMan scene ... (can't believe I'm saying this!) ... liked the dialogues all through.

And lots of Sanaya today ... from start to finish ... good episode!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

21/5 - Epi 34 ... Manav's Decision

Tuesday 21st May

Daadi-Chhanchhan talk continues ... Daadi says children have to learn to fly, to spread their wings ... and their parents have to give them that strength and confidence ... but Manav's parents don't seem to be the type to do so ...
Chhanchhan is worried ... she knows Manav loves her, but he also loves his mother a lot ... what will his decision be?

Chhanchhan's father is adamnt he doesn't want his daughter marrying into that family ... Chhanchhan's mother tries to calm him ... let Chhanchhan make her decision, we can only support her. 

Teri Meri on Manav Chhanchhan ... okay, this is Arnav Khushi song ONLY ... so I focussed on Sanaya only during the song ... have to say, the makers did picturize it well according to the lyrics.

And Manav sheds the last of his dikrahood with some rather good dialogues ... special mention - you have such a big stature in society, in your family, and with this drama you made yourself so small in the eyes of your son ...

And he takes off for Chhanchhan's house ... main yeh ghar chhod ke jaa raha hun ... much to the dismay of his mom, who never expected such a thing to happen.
Manav was all ready to give up the love of his life for his mother unasked ... if she has said it frankly and truthfully, then he might have had a struggle, but he probably would have bowed down ... it was her deceit that broke his trust in her ...

Uma Ben stops him from leaving ... she did it all for his happiness, Chhanchhan is not the right girl for him, she will deceive him ...
Again good dialogues from him ... Chhanchhan will deceive me? But you already deceived me ... you, the person I trusted far more than I trusted Chhanchhan.
Leaving Uma Ben with no answer ... it's the truth after all.

In the meantime ...Chhanchhan's family is frantic ... where is Chhanchhan?!

From the precap, she's very much at home ... missed Sanaya today, too little of her :(

Monday, May 20, 2013

20/5 - Epi 33 ... The Bombshell Drops

Monday 20th May

The bombshell drops and Chhanchhan realises, after an interminable lecture from Uma Ben, that Uma Ben is Manav's mother. And she goes into a state of shock ... quite understandably so.

Manav dikra listens to the entire showdown ... with his mother in excellent fighting spirit ... and then sees her lapse back into nautanki of dying mode once back home ... so his backbone stays intact ... for now.

Chhanchhan's family also in a state of shock ... what to do ... the choice between their daughter's love and happiness ... vs the dread of sending her into a home where her MIL already hates her ... and has shown how manipulative and vindictive she can be.

I really enjoyed the Sarabhai family scenes ... very realistic and true to life ... how does a family make this decision ... knowingly send her into the lion's den, or break her relationship, and also her heart ... a heartache for any family, especially when the daughter is a pampered and much-loved child, and they are not in any hurry to get her married ... their only concern is her happiness.
And as usual Sanaya rocks in the emotional scenes ... her bewilderment at Uma Ben's venom-filled lecture turning to disbelieving shock as she finally puts the pieces together and realises that Uma Ben is Manav's mother ... her complete shocked silence after that as UB continues her tirade ... Simple and Ashika, the friends were good too ... so were the entire Sarabhai family, all united in their anger against Uma Ben and their worry for Chhanchhan ...
Loved the last Daadi-Chhanchhan scene ... CC's worry is centred around Manav's stand in the entire matter ... and very rightly so ... his support makes the entire difference to her decision. And as Dadi says, even if she has his support, will it be enough? For her whole life?

A tough decision to make ...
(Again ... with FK being the weak actor he is, I still say ... Run, Chhanchhan, run for your life! He's not worth it! ... But oh well ... phir serial kaise chalega?)

Re-watched the episode ... while I found Uma Ben's tirade really long again, Sanaya's expressions were perfect all through ...the initial bewilderment as to the reason for this new attack ... the brief flash of defiance and anger as UB insults her family, though still as politely as she can make it ... then as the truth slowly starts to dawn, and she realizes that UB is Manav's mother, her bewilderment changing to complete and utter shock ... and the heartbreak entering as UB declares that CC will never marry Manav ... Could almost see Chhanchhan's word collapsing around her shoulders. Here she was getting ready with a mixture of excitement and nervousness to meet Manav's mother, hoping to win her over ... and the shock she gets when she realises who she is ... and knows she will never be able to win her over, regardless of what she does.

Loved the Sarabhai family scene too ... with the entire family all worried and angry and upset for Chhanchhan, especially the father so worried for his princess girl ... reminded me of my dad ...

Also loved the worried mom-dad talk ... again CC's dad most angry and upset that he doesn't want to send Chhanchhan into that house, even with Manav's support, because UB will make CC's life miserable, and he's not ready to accept seeing his daughter unhappy for a moment ... CC's mom calmer and more pragmatic, knows that CC loves Manav and she hopes that with Manav's support, CC will be able to deal with UB, but the dad is not ready to see his daughter in discomfort at all.

And I simply loved the last Chhanchhan-Daadi scene. Sanaya portrayed so beautifully the dilemma of Chhanchhan ... a girl in love, still in shock from the revelation that the MIL she was so excited and nervous to meet had turned out to be her arch-enemy Uma Ben ... the entire future she was planning so happily and excitedly with the man she loved, suddenly now looked so doubtful and uncertain ... everything turned on its head in the span of one single encounter ... yet she was trying to hold on to the love she felt for Manav, and hope that it would be enough ... but when Daadi, an old lady, wise and experienced in the ways of the world, asked her ... 'will Manav's love be enough to overcome the troubles you will face with Uma Ben?' ... Chhanchhan doesn't know, she's not sure at all.

Beautifully portrayed by both actresses ... the old lady worried about her darling granddaughter and her nervousness ... Chhanchhan a girl who has always been confident and strong, but is now nervous and unsure and scared for the first time in her life ... this is a decision which will affect her entire life.

I think any girl who has got married against the wishes of her parents, or even more, against the wishes of her in-laws, can relate to this scene and feel Chhanchhan's nervousness and fears. I know of girls who did ... when the wedding goes ahead, in most cases, the parents come around, but sometimes after years of estrangement and bitterness.

Another good episode ... helped that Manav had minimum screen space and it was mostly Supriya at first, and then Sanaya ... these two are definitely the strength of the show ... especially Sanaya. Her expressions throughout the family scenes and with her daadi were riveting. Re-watched the episode just to watch her face. Sanaya is unbeatable in emotional scenes. Day Dreaming Broken Heart
As for FK Confused ... since it seems less and less likely that he will be replaced, all I can hope for is that after the marriage, he will be sidelined. He is still quite bad ... he holds one expression on his face through the entire scene, no reaction to the other actors at all. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

16/5 - Epi 32 ... Reality Strikes

Thursday 16th May

Today have to say ... hats off, cv's!!! Reality strikes Manav .. in such a way that he cannot ignore it. Manav renounced title of Dikrahood and acquired a brain ... and looks like he will acquire a spine too!

First half of episode was spent in preparations for Meet and Greet ... on both sides. A clueless Chhanchhan gets ready for her orphanage trip, assisted by plotting friends Simple and Ashika.
A well clued-on Manav gets his mom ready for her trip to the orphanage. Uma Ben almost forgets her charade a few times, but recovers ... and leaves for the orphanage, leaving behind a dropped bottle of pills.

Sometimes dutiful over-zealous sons can be a hindrance ... Manav worriedly goes to replace the pills, and discovers they were only vitamin pills ... he goes to confront the doctor for malpractice, and gets the the entire truth in a way that cannot be ignored ... his mom was doing a drama all along.

And the precap promises more bombshells next week ... as Chhanchhan discovers that UB is Manav's mother ... and Manv discovers that UB did the drama to separate him ftom Chhanchhan.

Forgot to add - Sanaya in sunshine yellow sari ... a sight for sore eyes!

Edit ... News for the weekend

Offscreen segments of the shooting of Chhanchhan. Sanaya has hurt her foot, she's limping
Ravi Dubey visited sets of CC ... setting off more speculation

Sanaya hurt on the sets of Chhanchhan

TV This Fortnight ... 16th - 31st May

Sorry for late post ... I was out.

Am adding Badaltey Rishton Ki Dastaan ... have started watching it and it is interesting. 

Badaltey Rishton Ki Dastaan


Qabool Hai

Na Bole Tum ... another one which I have started following more regularly. Addu is back .. is he the real Addu? And am really liking Megha and Mohan, acting-wise, I mean ... I always liked Mohan, I find Megha has gotten a lot better, she is very good now. Love her eyes, they are beautiful.



Wednesday, May 15, 2013

15/5 - Epi 31 ... Preparations to Make ... and Break

Wednesday 15th May

Uma Ben starts making all preparations to break the CC-Manav alliance ... that was one quick recovery LOL
And packs off the rest of the family for a convenient wedding in neighboring town ... was that to make sure Manav has no support from the rest?

Manav agrees meekly ... what a dikra! One sad song and he's all ready to forget the girl of his dreams for a woman chosen by Mommy dearest ... who had a rather miraculous recovery from her supposed death bed ...  not that anyone is surprised. Apparently medical miracles like this happen all the time in the Borisagar residence.

Sarabhai residence ... Chhanchhan has some trouble getting her voice heard above the saas-bahu duo in her house, but she finally manages it and gives her news ... Manav's mom is sick.
Saas bahu duo are mildly perturbed, but get on with the more pressing matter of how CC is to impress said Manav's mom once she recovers. LOL

Himanshu is shocked that Manav can so easily forget Chhanchhan ... Himanshu, it wasn't so  easy Wink ... it took two bottles of glycerine, umpteen retakes and one sad song ... now Manav is reconciled to giving up Chhanchhan and is all ready for a gharelu ladki of Mummee's choice ...

Himanshu-Simple start making plans to make the CC-Manav alliance ... by making CC become the girl of UB's dreams ... not knowing that CC is already the girl of UB's nightmares ...

Chhanchhan still mooning over Manav ... she obviously saw some hidden virtues in him that we're still looking for ... Dadi and mom decide wearing a saree will do the trick ... after all, Manav's mom is very traditional. ConfusedLOL

Daadi and mom start making preparations for CC to meet her would-be saas Embarrassed Nice sis and bro scenes, including the scene of mom and CC getting all sentimental about impending bidaai ... ladies, bidaai is a long way off, lots more drama to come before that!

Himanshu-Simple- Manav ... or rather HimSim do the planning, Manav sits and listens ... and gives a silly smile at the end, which I cannot fathom. I don't believe this .. I think he's actually a bigger dikra than Ahemji!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

14/5 - Epi 30 ... Manav Bites the Bullet

Tuesday 14th May

More nautanki from Uma Ben ... and Manav finally bites the bullet and agrees to marry the girl of UB's choice ... not that she left him any choice in the matter ...

Before that ... CC still missing Manav ... and her crazy family belatedly realises they need to speak to Manav's family about the lovebirds. Not very belatedly, actually, considering it's still only been all of three days since they decided they liked each other. The love story has been rather rushed, that it's already reached marriage talks actually.

Uma Ben does all the nautanki she can ... much to her exasperation, all her worthy sons think about her dying wish is that it's related to property, business and the like ...

Manav finally talks to Chanchan, who gives him the go-ahead to do everything he can to make his mom happy ...and also tells him her family has given the nod for their rishta. Now its his turn. Little does she know the storm that's about to hit!

UB overhears the ChhanMan conversation and plays her last card ... gasping for breath, she demands her pound of flesh from Manav ... marriage to a girl of her choice ... Manav left with no choice, bites the bullet and says yes.

Monday, May 13, 2013

13/5 - Epi 29 ... UB's Family bites the bait

Monday 13th May

Uma Ben is one heck of a selfish mother. Doctor has been thoroughly doctored as to what diagnosis to give the family. And the family bites the bait ... including Manav who swiftly disproves all theories about his non-dikraness.

So contrary to expectations, Manav is a dikra ... and dumb with it.
And the actor continues to be bad ... I thought he was almost laughing when he was supposed to be crying. But I tried not to look at him too much, his expressions are painful.

Manthan seems to be the only smart cookie ... I do hope he is the first to befriend Chhanchhan. But he is cunning too ... so either they will get along very well or they will hate each other ... Interesting.

Chhanchhan's cooking exploits end in disaster ... but I love her daadi, who finds the positives in the negatives ... today CC learnt to cut the veggies, tomorrow she will learn to cook them. No wonder Dadi and CC's mom get along so well. I love CC and her family ... and her brother is a hoot!

CC/Sanaya in pink in the last scene looked SOOOOO pretty!!! Loved that suit! And love the CC/mom bond. Actually, I love the entire Sarabhai family. How on earth will CC ever adjust in the dysfunctional Borisagar house? Run, CC, run ... the guy isn't even worth the trouble ... really!!!

Precap - Uma Ben comes out with her demand ... Manav to marry a girl of HER choice ... but of course!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

9/5 - Epi 28 ... Nautanki Baa

Thursday 9th May

Uma Ben straight into nautanki mode ... locks herself into room and refuses to emerge.

Manav is a dikra ... sends one SMS to the love of his life, and proceeds to camp outside his mother's room the whole night. Okay, no further expectations from him ... Ahem number 2. And his acting just plummeted again ... Farhan, you need to find an alternate profession ... fast. Acting is not your cup of tea.

Hitesh is the smarter one ... realising UB's potential for trouble, he has already arranged to transfer self and wife to Baroda. End of Purvi's cameo. But did he not think to inform Purvi or CC that Manav is UB's son? Might have helped CC understand why UB suddenly hates her even more.

CC's family teases CC about Manav ... arey, all that is well and good ... but first find out more about the boy in question, and his family ... especially his family. You might decide to transfer CC to Baroda with Purvi!
Vaise, Sanaya's expressions were cute ... but I couldn't help feeling ... all this for that guy? What a waste!

UB's family ... we get to see all the sons and the bahus ... Manthan is definitely a trouble-maker, and not so obedient a son as the other two.

And UB gets ready for her nautanki ... she is on her death bed ... and of course wants Manav to be married to girl of her choice before she dies.
Can I hope she succeeds, and in comes a fifth brother ... the Handsome Munda we were wishing for, to take his place with CC?

Interesting read ... Articles this weekend ...
IPK mentioned
Now can fans ask for IPK 2 please? Minus a hero who is going to go brain dead after six months/ go AWOL/ take 11/25/45 DAYS leave for movie shoot ... basically I want the Sanaya-Viraf story that was planned, as an IPK Season 2 ... or as a brand new show a la Punar Vivah 2 ...
If SP had any sense, they would start planning that one ASAP, and sign up Sanaya in advance already. If they had any sense, they would have done it already ... IDIOTS!!!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8/5 - Epi 27 ... Dhamaka Number One

Wednesday 8th May

There are three dhamakas lined up.

Today, the first one hit.
Uma Ben gets to know that the love of her suddenly disobedient son's life is none other than her arch-nemesis, Chhanchhan.
Again, Uma Ben is very shrewd judge of character ... knows that Chhanchhan is the driving force ... and Simple spills the beans about the Manav- CC angle.

Good thing the marriage is safely done and over with.

CC doesn't know yet that Uma Ben is Manav's mother. And Manav doesn't know yet that CC is Uma Ben's arch-enemy ... those two dhamakas are yet to come.
But CC does know that Uma Ben was madder today than she has ever seen her before.

Now the kwostin is ... WWUBBD ... What Will UB Do?
And the show just got interesting ... the UB-CC eyelock was more intense and spoke far more than any CC-M eyelock ever did!

7/5 - Epi 26 Proposal Accepted ... Now To The Real Story

Tuesday 7th May

Manav's ILU sounded more convincing in CC's thoughts than on his face! And CC's confession was far more convincing ... as were her expressions!
She looked adorable!
And Farhan's expression improved after that first scene ... so hopefully once all he has to do is to look adoringly at CC, and not much else, he will be tolerable.
(Am ignoring that 'my heart is broken' part ...I want to forget it!)

Uma Ben keys up her chamchis to protest against Hitesh's perfidy in sending his parents for chaar dhaam yatra and using the opportunity to fulfill his own wishes .. in direct contrast to filial son, Shravan ... and is successful ... her chamchis are all ready to stop the wedding the next day.

Ishq Wala Love ... as CC and Manav recall their confessions, CC with the most dreamy look on her face, Manav with stupid smile ... oh well, most guys look quite stupid with that moonstruck expression ... Farhan is no better. If only they would show more of CC, rather than him ...

CC interrupted in her pleasant thoughts by Simple ... Farhan by Ranjana ... again, they should stop these mirror image scenes, they show up the difference in acting levels too starkly ...

CC- Simple get Purvi ready ... Again a sweet scene where the girls get alternately emotional and teasing ... 

Uma Ben on the warpath ... umm, eating breakfast ... Himanshu arrives and UB takes the opportunity to do some more ferreting out of information on Manav's girlfriend ... Himanshu informs her that things are progressing well, but Manav is getting very impatient, so he told the girl ...
Manav makes very timely interruption ... what he told the girl is left unsaid ... so UB asks for a lift ...
Manav declines, UB is even more suspicious, he's never said no to her before ... she needs to step in there ... but after stopping Hitesh's wedding.

In the court room ... gang of seven getting ready for the wedding, and UB arrives ready to stop the proceedings ...

Precap - impending DHAMAKA!!!! The real story will start now!

Monday, May 6, 2013

6/5 - Epi 25 ... Super Fast Confession

Monday 6th May

Manthan tries to set up Uma Ben ... Uma Ben is too clever for him.
Why is Manthan so interested in property matters and the court case? Or was he trying to set up Manav?

Simple and Himanshu set up Manav ... Manav falls for their trick ... and in dirty vest, phatichar shorts and chappals, sets off in top gear to confess his love to Chhanchhan.

Chhanchhan seemed very shocked all through ... not surprising ... why did he climb a ladder, why the strange clothes, why at this time of night ... and then babbling what sounded like utter nonsense ... poor CC was flummoxed ... 'what the heck have I done?! And why exactly has this guy lost it?' 
Song is nice ... but went on for too long for just one expression on the faces of CC-M... Manav/Farhan cannot do eye locks, he shouldn't even try ...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

TV This Fortnight - 1st - 15th May

Will catch up with what I'm watching later ... discussions can start here.

Qabool Hai


Na Bole Tum

Zindagi Gulzar Hai 




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