Tuesday 8th April
The title says it all.
Will edit the episode later .. just adding thoughts as they strike me.
The title says it all.
Will edit the episode later .. just adding thoughts as they strike me.
The actress playing Maithili was awesome today ... her voice modulation and inflections were spot on as she questioned Rudra ... sweetly, politely but taunts nevertheless, delivered in the softest of voices. She is taking her role as elder sister very seriously ... am loving it. Her questions not only showed a mirror to Rudra, but also showed her protectiveness towards Paro. Loved the way she was ready to spend the night with Paro to take care of her.
Loved the way she questioned Rudra persistently ... why are you bothered? You keep saying you don't care about her, why did you bother to bring her in? Why not just leave her outside? It's her madness, isn't it, what's it to you?
Alas, Rudra is not ready to face those questions ... let alone answer them. Yet he can't be rude to Maithili, because he has started respecting her ... so he just tells her he'll handle it, thank you for your help.
And loved the way Maithili backed off the moment he said that ... nervous she had said too much ... typical of women in this situation.
So Paro's influence in Rudra's life has already seeped in .. for a man who did not believe in relationships, who called even his father by name - 'Ranawat' ... he now has baapusa, kaakusa and the latest ... bhabhisa.
Secondly, I loved Paro's nervousness today ... why is she here, who changed her clothes ... the first sign of insecurity showing as she questioned both Maithili and showed her doubts to Dilsher in her eyes. Ever since Paro accepted Bholenath has sent Rudra for her, she had no doubts about his place in her life, and her place in his ... it was worship, a divine message for her.
But today she questioned it, showed her doubts ... the divinity has to be tempered and fade, to bring in the more earthly, worldly love ... for Paro to have doubts in the face of Rudra's constant refusal is natural, much more natural than her fixed certainty about their being meant to be.
And I loved the way Paro repeated her question again when Rudra tried to run away ... Major saab, I asked you something ... in a firm, confident tone.
No, Paro is no pushover, and never will be ... she is not scared of Rudra in the least.
Which is what will make this hate marriage interesting to watch ... 
As also the fact that the entire household will know the entire scenario completely, will know what goads Rudra into marriage finally, ... and with two exceptions, are all on Paro's side.
And those two are on their own side, not Rudra's! No secrets or silly MU's here ... everything is out in the open. That itself makes it interesting to watch and pretty unique!
Dia can't agree more than what you have pointed out regarding Paro. She will never be a pushover. I'm looking forward this track. Maithili and Dilsher's scenes with Paro was good.