Tuesday 11th June 2013 - Epi 46
Mahila Mandal aunties, who are supposedly into social work, can't enjoy a wedding if they have to do self-service and eat all their food ... while I did not really like the kids telling them to eat up, have to say they were pretty obnoxious guests, of the type that most families have a few.
And Khimji bhai lived up to my expectations, by enjoying this food, eating everything in his plate, and finishing his last gulab jamun quietly ... then praising the arrangements and the lack of ostentatious lavish overspending that is so common these days ... and compounded Umaben's annoyance by praising her samdhis and the sanskaar they had given their daughter.So the unusual wedding got a thumbs up finally ... Still felt it could have been done better ... the aunties got too much time to dwell on the negatives, and there was too little time spent on the positives.
Loved Chhanchhan's expressions during the wedding pheras ... starting off all smiles, then serious suddenly as the kanyadaan happens, and no smiles thereafter ... I so clearly remember that the kanyadaan was when the finality of marriage hit me too ... so could empathise completely. And her repeated looks at Manav, as though to reassure herself that he was there with her. And loved Manav's looks back at Chhanchhan, admiring and loving at the same time ...
Of course, Umaben disappears during the pheras ... why did she choose the middle of the ceremony to get money from Thakkarbhai? And give him a list of dowry demands?
So Kartikbhai did not hear what Umaben was saying ... otherwise that marriage would have been even shorter than Umaben planned. Or maybe not ... Manav would have walked out with Chhanchhan ... the only reason Umaben is going through all this with a smile is for fear of exactly that happening.
Bidaai was short and very sweet ... Daadi-Chhanchhan made me all teary, I love that old lady. So did CC with her mom and dad.
And I guess Manav is going to tell Chhanchhan she can bring Puch Puch as her dowry
Wed 12th June ... Epi 47 - An Unusual Grihapravesh
When I watched the episode, I remembered my Mom-in-law's words about my husband ... jab se yeh ladka paida hua hai, ghar mein kutte aa gaye hain
So not Manav, but Dadi, who asked Umaben if Puch Puch could accompany Chhanchhan just for one night ... seriously, Dadi, what were you thinking? Puch Puch at night in Chhanchhan's room on their Suhag Raat? Expected better from you ... really! What were you thinking?!
Umaben was all ready to say no ... Babuji said yes ... and Umaben cannot go against her husband in public.
Loved the way CC's mom was leaning against Dadi after CC left ... such a lovely MIL-DIL bond they have shown there.
LOL ... Chhanchhan forgot her tears very quickly in the excitement of entering her new home ... I remember my chachi telling us of a conversation between her and her mom after she got married ... her mom asked her, how long did you cry after the bidaai, and chachi said she stopped in about five minutes after she got in the car. And her mom went, most indignantly ... le! I cried for two hours for nothing then? You stopped in five minutes?!
Umaben starts breaking rules for her new laadli bahu ... allowing a dog ... doing the grihapravesh aarti herself for her new bahu ... if I was Chhanchhan, I would be getting a little suspicious at this overflowing love after the overflowing hate ...
Loved the play of emotions on Chhanchhan's face during the grihapravesh ceremonies ... excitement, happiness at entering her new life with the man she loves ... mixed with nervousness, looking around at the house inside with some trepidation ... her new home, this is where she has to live from now on ...
Why did Manav not continue holding PuchPuch during the rest of the grihapravesh? Would have made more sense, as CC was the one doing all the ceremonial stuff. Guess they had to get rid of PP double quick from the BS residence ... poor doggie! He looked adorable!
So PuchPuch does the grihapravesh even before Chhanchhan can do so ... red pawprints and all ... which means dogs are now going to be a permanent part of Manav's life!
And poor Chhanchhan has to do a most undignified run around the room to catch him ... after she does, everyone belatedly realises that the grihapravesh ceremony just got knocked for a toss. Accompanied by nasty remarks from the MM ladies and Ranjana, of course. MM ladies are very happy that CC will take UB for a ride.
Point one against Chhanchhan.
Umaben very happy ... CC is making UB's task easier.
And poor Chhanchhan apologises ... PP doesn't bite, but she will send him away immediately anyway.
UB passes nasty remark about cleaning the house before the next set of ceremonies ... poor CC ... Manav reassures her with a small nod .... ahhhhhhhhhhhh, what a difference a good actor makes! Or rather, what a difference an ACTOR makes ...
Loved the Sarabhai house as always ... the family down in the dumps after Chhanchhan's departure, including the dogs ...
Whenever I go away for a few days, my dog spends her time in front of my bathroom door, or firmly sitting in my room ... this struck such a chord!
And loved CC's mom when she said, with that choking voice ... it feels like CC will just walk in the door with her chhanchhan ...
Awww ... that whole 'finding the ring in the milk' scene was so cute and adorable ... loved Kaumudi bhabhi for siding firmly with CC, Mansi ditto ... the brothers on Manav's side ... loved the eye-talk between CC and Manav, the mischievous looks, the teasing glances, Manav using the opportunity to play unfair, much to CC's shock, CC telling him 'No!' with gestures and looks ... Kaumudi's knowing smile ... the whole scene was just too cute!!!!
Umaben breaks up the party ... CC is getting too comfortable too quickly ... especially with Kaumudi, who is UB's shadow and favorite ... time for CC to change and rest ...
Next ploy of UB ... gold Ganeshji for Chhanchhan ... as she is her laadli bahu ... unlike the others who got silver ones ... this one was for Mansi, but now it's for Chhanchhan. Ranjana is not happy at all. Divide and Rule on full swing.
And Chhanchhan gets the first taste of pallu rule in the BS house ... wonder how long this one will last.
Thurs 13th June ... Epi 48 - Suhaag Raat Turned Jaagran
This episode was ultra-cute ... finally felt that Chhanchhan and Manav were a couple in love! Again, how much difference an ACTOR makes!
Umaben annoyed that she couldn't stall the wedding ... simplest way would have been to find a good mahurat only after two years or so ... guess she didn't think of that one! But then ... story kaise badhti ... no logicwa in this boatwa
Cannot understand Umaben ... is she not worried about Manav's happiness AT ALL? Is she only worried about the dowry she will get from Thakkarbhai? Or does she really believe that CC will never make Manav happy? Or does she feel so strongly that individual happiness of her sons is less important than keeping the family traditions and customs intact?
Manav-CC and Umaben ... very sweet scene ... Chhanchhan clueless about her MIL's nefarious intentions, thanks her for accepting her so wholeheartedly ... Umaben's 'you gotta be kidding me, you have such a shock coming if you think that' look at that was classic!
I'm also wondering at this Thakkarbhai angle that keeps surfacing ... is there something wrong with the guy's daughter that he is prepared to pay so much to get her married to Manav, knowing what Umaben is like? Is she another Sanjana or something?
Manav is back to being a bit of a dikra ... completely fooled by Momma dearest and her sweet smiles, he thanks her for accepting Chhanchhan. So Umaben is happy, she has won his trust back .... now for the next step. Again felt it a little odd ... she doesn't think even once about his happiness ... she is so convinced that Chhanchhan is wrong for Manav, hence their marriage has to be broken.
Chhanchhan as bride ... she's trying to be the traditional bride, she really is .... but it's too hot, she feels stifled under the ghunghat, she can't see anything, why the heck is Manav taking so long
I was wondering how they would show this scene ... it was damn cute, and really funny! Including the way Chhanchhan jumps off the bed, Manav enters the room in a hurry to get to his beloved bride ... and gets a scolding for taking so long, she's not in the correct pose now!
And they remember their love story ... I LOVE the cv's ... for giving all the important flashbacks with the new improved Manav, and wiping out all trace of the loser!!!!
In one scene of two minutes, they showed exactly why that guy had to be replaced!!!
The first ChhanMan romantic scene which I absolutely LOVED ... the change of equation between the 'we're in love' couple to the stirrings of awareness between husband and wife ... loved the song too ... and the missed kiss ...
Of course, it had to be missed ... when has a SR taken place at the right time in a TV show? Even if the couple are madly in love?
So Umaben's next plan ... a jaagran on the wedding night ... and no one is the least bit suspicious? No wonder Umaben doesn't want a bright bahu ... how will she run her fiefdom then?
Manav and CC are nonplussed - jaagran? tonight? Sanjana just a wee bit puzzled ...
Ranjana is confused whether to be happy for breaking up the much in love couple ... or upset that she didn't merit a jaagran ... Manav is not happy at all.
Jaagran scene ... cute ... the constant communication between Chhanchhan and Manav - eyes, phone, sms ... kuch nahin choda! And the various reactions of all the family members - eldest brother is not very happy, Manthan is busy doing what he does best - keeping an eye on everyone, watching reactions and adding sparks where he can, Ranjana is frankly upset at the preferential treatment ... so in each couple there is one annoyed partner.
Precap - UB's next plan ... Manav to go to village?
Mahila Mandal aunties, who are supposedly into social work, can't enjoy a wedding if they have to do self-service and eat all their food ... while I did not really like the kids telling them to eat up, have to say they were pretty obnoxious guests, of the type that most families have a few.
And Khimji bhai lived up to my expectations, by enjoying this food, eating everything in his plate, and finishing his last gulab jamun quietly ... then praising the arrangements and the lack of ostentatious lavish overspending that is so common these days ... and compounded Umaben's annoyance by praising her samdhis and the sanskaar they had given their daughter.So the unusual wedding got a thumbs up finally ... Still felt it could have been done better ... the aunties got too much time to dwell on the negatives, and there was too little time spent on the positives.
Loved Chhanchhan's expressions during the wedding pheras ... starting off all smiles, then serious suddenly as the kanyadaan happens, and no smiles thereafter ... I so clearly remember that the kanyadaan was when the finality of marriage hit me too ... so could empathise completely. And her repeated looks at Manav, as though to reassure herself that he was there with her. And loved Manav's looks back at Chhanchhan, admiring and loving at the same time ...
Of course, Umaben disappears during the pheras ... why did she choose the middle of the ceremony to get money from Thakkarbhai? And give him a list of dowry demands?
So Kartikbhai did not hear what Umaben was saying ... otherwise that marriage would have been even shorter than Umaben planned. Or maybe not ... Manav would have walked out with Chhanchhan ... the only reason Umaben is going through all this with a smile is for fear of exactly that happening.
Bidaai was short and very sweet ... Daadi-Chhanchhan made me all teary, I love that old lady. So did CC with her mom and dad.
And I guess Manav is going to tell Chhanchhan she can bring Puch Puch as her dowry
Wed 12th June ... Epi 47 - An Unusual Grihapravesh
When I watched the episode, I remembered my Mom-in-law's words about my husband ... jab se yeh ladka paida hua hai, ghar mein kutte aa gaye hain
So not Manav, but Dadi, who asked Umaben if Puch Puch could accompany Chhanchhan just for one night ... seriously, Dadi, what were you thinking? Puch Puch at night in Chhanchhan's room on their Suhag Raat? Expected better from you ... really! What were you thinking?!
Umaben was all ready to say no ... Babuji said yes ... and Umaben cannot go against her husband in public.
Loved the way CC's mom was leaning against Dadi after CC left ... such a lovely MIL-DIL bond they have shown there.
LOL ... Chhanchhan forgot her tears very quickly in the excitement of entering her new home ... I remember my chachi telling us of a conversation between her and her mom after she got married ... her mom asked her, how long did you cry after the bidaai, and chachi said she stopped in about five minutes after she got in the car. And her mom went, most indignantly ... le! I cried for two hours for nothing then? You stopped in five minutes?!
Umaben starts breaking rules for her new laadli bahu ... allowing a dog ... doing the grihapravesh aarti herself for her new bahu ... if I was Chhanchhan, I would be getting a little suspicious at this overflowing love after the overflowing hate ...
Loved the play of emotions on Chhanchhan's face during the grihapravesh ceremonies ... excitement, happiness at entering her new life with the man she loves ... mixed with nervousness, looking around at the house inside with some trepidation ... her new home, this is where she has to live from now on ...
Why did Manav not continue holding PuchPuch during the rest of the grihapravesh? Would have made more sense, as CC was the one doing all the ceremonial stuff. Guess they had to get rid of PP double quick from the BS residence ... poor doggie! He looked adorable!
So PuchPuch does the grihapravesh even before Chhanchhan can do so ... red pawprints and all ... which means dogs are now going to be a permanent part of Manav's life!
Point one against Chhanchhan.
And poor Chhanchhan apologises ... PP doesn't bite, but she will send him away immediately anyway.
UB passes nasty remark about cleaning the house before the next set of ceremonies ... poor CC ... Manav reassures her with a small nod .... ahhhhhhhhhhhh, what a difference a good actor makes! Or rather, what a difference an ACTOR makes ...
Loved the Sarabhai house as always ... the family down in the dumps after Chhanchhan's departure, including the dogs ...
Whenever I go away for a few days, my dog spends her time in front of my bathroom door, or firmly sitting in my room ... this struck such a chord!
And loved CC's mom when she said, with that choking voice ... it feels like CC will just walk in the door with her chhanchhan ...
Awww ... that whole 'finding the ring in the milk' scene was so cute and adorable ... loved Kaumudi bhabhi for siding firmly with CC, Mansi ditto ... the brothers on Manav's side ... loved the eye-talk between CC and Manav, the mischievous looks, the teasing glances, Manav using the opportunity to play unfair, much to CC's shock, CC telling him 'No!' with gestures and looks ... Kaumudi's knowing smile ... the whole scene was just too cute!!!!
Umaben breaks up the party ... CC is getting too comfortable too quickly ... especially with Kaumudi, who is UB's shadow and favorite ... time for CC to change and rest ...
Next ploy of UB ... gold Ganeshji for Chhanchhan ... as she is her laadli bahu ... unlike the others who got silver ones ... this one was for Mansi, but now it's for Chhanchhan. Ranjana is not happy at all. Divide and Rule on full swing.
And Chhanchhan gets the first taste of pallu rule in the BS house ... wonder how long this one will last.
Thurs 13th June ... Epi 48 - Suhaag Raat Turned Jaagran
This episode was ultra-cute ... finally felt that Chhanchhan and Manav were a couple in love! Again, how much difference an ACTOR makes!
Umaben annoyed that she couldn't stall the wedding ... simplest way would have been to find a good mahurat only after two years or so ... guess she didn't think of that one! But then ... story kaise badhti ... no logicwa in this boatwa
Cannot understand Umaben ... is she not worried about Manav's happiness AT ALL? Is she only worried about the dowry she will get from Thakkarbhai? Or does she really believe that CC will never make Manav happy? Or does she feel so strongly that individual happiness of her sons is less important than keeping the family traditions and customs intact?
Manav-CC and Umaben ... very sweet scene ... Chhanchhan clueless about her MIL's nefarious intentions, thanks her for accepting her so wholeheartedly ... Umaben's 'you gotta be kidding me, you have such a shock coming if you think that' look at that was classic!
I'm also wondering at this Thakkarbhai angle that keeps surfacing ... is there something wrong with the guy's daughter that he is prepared to pay so much to get her married to Manav, knowing what Umaben is like? Is she another Sanjana or something?
Manav is back to being a bit of a dikra ... completely fooled by Momma dearest and her sweet smiles, he thanks her for accepting Chhanchhan. So Umaben is happy, she has won his trust back .... now for the next step. Again felt it a little odd ... she doesn't think even once about his happiness ... she is so convinced that Chhanchhan is wrong for Manav, hence their marriage has to be broken.
Chhanchhan as bride ... she's trying to be the traditional bride, she really is .... but it's too hot, she feels stifled under the ghunghat, she can't see anything, why the heck is Manav taking so long
And they remember their love story ... I LOVE the cv's ... for giving all the important flashbacks with the new improved Manav, and wiping out all trace of the loser!!!!
The first ChhanMan romantic scene which I absolutely LOVED ... the change of equation between the 'we're in love' couple to the stirrings of awareness between husband and wife ... loved the song too ... and the missed kiss ...
Of course, it had to be missed ... when has a SR taken place at the right time in a TV show? Even if the couple are madly in love?
So Umaben's next plan ... a jaagran on the wedding night ... and no one is the least bit suspicious? No wonder Umaben doesn't want a bright bahu ... how will she run her fiefdom then?
Manav and CC are nonplussed - jaagran? tonight? Sanjana just a wee bit puzzled ...
Ranjana is confused whether to be happy for breaking up the much in love couple ... or upset that she didn't merit a jaagran ... Manav is not happy at all.
Jaagran scene ... cute ... the constant communication between Chhanchhan and Manav - eyes, phone, sms ... kuch nahin choda! And the various reactions of all the family members - eldest brother is not very happy, Manthan is busy doing what he does best - keeping an eye on everyone, watching reactions and adding sparks where he can, Ranjana is frankly upset at the preferential treatment ... so in each couple there is one annoyed partner.
Precap - UB's next plan ... Manav to go to village?
And after the TC and Tb articles today, which I refuse to link here, I can add ... I am even more GLAD that FK has left the show!!! Not just because he was a rotten actor, but because he seems to be a rotten person too! Awful chap ... really wonder how the cast and crew stood him for so long, and how Sanaya even managed to act and give those loving expressions to him ... she must have wished for a BD instead! Good riddance to him!
ReplyDeleteAnd I really liked Anuj today ... his expressions were spot on.
Yet to see the episode, but agree, good riddance to bad rubbish! Won't say more as in my anger I might say something inappropriate!
He is Anjali's long lost twin, bas!!!
ReplyDeleteWasn't Purvi supposed to come for the wedding? Also, it seems like I am just watching for the Sanaya/Anuj scenes. I find the rest too loud and the bgm too jarring. Fingers crossed that the show tightens up and becomes contemporary. :(
ReplyDeletepurvi (the actress)had an interview at the beginning of the show , where she said she was doing a cameo. so i dont think purvi will show up, let us assume she did, alongwith a hundred guests instead of the fifteen they showed.. we IPK wale are quite adept at imagining backgrounds to suit the storyline, where the episode refuses to fill in the gaps :D
Deletei will say the photographer was right to focus on cc's face during the pheres and all..i felt SI was the only one who acted. h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶s̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶s̶
her mom looked beautiful with the pallu over.
having umaben leave the mandap during the crucial part was in poor taste, even if the design was to contrast the shaadi with the barbadi. even cc's dad missed the shadi.. (head desk)
and eww really? a written list of demands and 50 lakhs on the day of the damaad-to-be's shaadi? eww. what a samdhi-to-be. and even he looked a bit scared when umaben declared the "not even seven weeks" ultimatum.
forgive me for asking, but is it normal for the guests to eat and leave before the wedding proper? does that have any connection to muhurat and all? because where i'm from, the celebrations and food happen AFTER the wedding.
50 lakhs only? I thought with the Borisagar wealth, she would have gone for an heftier amount! ;)
DeleteAnyways, glad FK left the show........he was bad news to begin with.........Anuj's presence lends such a fresh air to the show that I have actually started watching it FINALLY!
Sorry guys, but the initial epis were too painful with FK in them....I relied on you guys to provide an update on the proceedings...........thanks for filling in the gap!
Jaya, just a quick reply ... often when the mahurat for the pheras is late at night, the jaymala happens first and then the guests eat dinner and leave, and only the immediate family stays for the pheras.
Deleteokay, that makes sense. thanks dia.
DeleteEven I felt San was the only one worth watching. Liked Kaumudi and Manthan in the Grihpravesh. The game was cute too. The sister is good, probably because she is the only one I can identify with in that family.
DeleteIsn't TkakkarBhai the one who supposedly morphed the photos? I thoujght he was the scapegoat. In that case, how did UB have the gguts to oinvite him to the wedding venue?
And how is she going to explain marrying his daughter off later to Maanav, when he has already been caught red handed?
Jaya, I know! I tried imagining what it should have been like and felt even more frustrated. Umaben I can understand being evil and all. What about Thakkarbhai? Was he so enamored by the Borisagar family that he was willing to get his daughter married to a guy who clearly loved whom he was marrying. If UB could break his marriage, what are the odds that his daughter would be happy in that family. Makes no sense whatsoever. Very poor sketching of the scenes. Arrey if they wanted to show UB scheming and such, couldn't they just show her muttering to herself or concoct more realistic scenes??
ReplyDeleteToday's episode was to the point, shaadi done and Uma Ben strengthens her resolve to break it. Wish they had not marred all the tender moments with jarring music and Uma Ben in between. Liked the wedding scenes, Anuj gave good expressions. Sanaya is always good in emotional scenes and liked the hugs and scenes with Sarabhais.
ReplyDeletePretty sure too that Manav will ask Chhanchhan to bring Puchpuch with her. The brothers are also not happy with marriage arrangements, wonder what role each will play in the CC vs.UB battle.
An OK episode and I also feel, they need to tone down the scary music, waiting to see some happy episodes and scenes of ChanMan. If you have an attractive pair use it.
Two new names have joined the writing team- Kovid Gupta and Sonali Jaffer. Sonali is doing screenplay with Kovid and also story writing with Vipul. Following is an interesting interview of Sonali about TV soap writing.
pretty amazing insight into the head of an intelligent writer.. thanks for the link, uma.
DeleteGirls, am travelling so will not make the posts for the next two days. Continue discussions on this post itself, will edit when I get back.
ReplyDeleteHave a safe trip, Dia. *hugs*
DeleteGot to see the SBS segment of CC in blue saree, sitting for some pooja- evil saas's scheme to ruin the first night...I will not ask if it is logically possible that the family or the couple does not suspect foul play...because it is yet to be aired. But I will question CC's taste in sarees- she seems to take after her MIL more than her mother...
ReplyDeleteActually the reason I mentioned SBS: Sanaya jokes with Anuj that Farhan is singing enough 'praises' of her. :D She is super cool.
On to the epis: I enjoyed 12.06 epi, even though I was skeptical about the promo showing CC doing Grihpravesh with the dog. I personally feel that was really the heights, but it made me come to certain terms with the show. I am planning to watch this as an out and out comedy and not a drama in any form. It will be easy to believe that, since there is no glycerine here. (Yay!)
Few points that struck me:
1. UB is saccharine sweet to her new DIL- awards her a rank higher than the rest, and cannot have Kaumudi (the only decent DIL, BTW) taking to CC. Her plan is obvious- she wants to alienate CC from the rest of the family. And she showers special affection and will support CC, so that she will be the only one supporting her in the end. This will be interesting to watch.
2. CC's dad meeting the other prospective FIL: He may not have heard the convo, but it could serve as the only proof that UB cooked up the whole act, later on, if the couple were to separate.
3. ChanMan: UB calls it puppy love. The way Maanav is behaving now, makes me feel the same. They did not have a proper courtship and this marriage was rather rushed. Maanav is already a wife- worshipper. Doesn't look like he suspects foul play(That way, only Manthan has inherited UB's brains.) from his mom's side.
When UB says Maanav will himself throw CC out...it may not be as harsh as that- I suspect there will be a MU between the couple, probably a separation, after which the love story will mature. (Reminded of Saathiya- Alaipayuthey here- my favorite love story. So true to life.)
highlights of the 12/6 episode:
Deleteparents ask borisagars to let cc take puchpuch for just the one day.. she will miss her bbs too much otherwise.. her brother (whats up with the actor? he seemed entirely uninterested in acting whenever i saw him) will go and get the dog tomorrow.
at the grihpravesh, they( forgot about manavs allergy to dogs and )let manav hold him while chanchan places her palmprint on the wall. while trying to take him back, the dog manages to jump into the sindoor water and put pawprints into the house. and the elder borisagar boys run around trying to catch it, finally cc in her full bridal getup and pretty red pawprints err footprints runs after the puppy and catch it.
doing the ring-in-the-milk game, kaumudi supports cc (that was heartwarming scene btw) and umaben thinks, once family starts supporting cc, it wont be easy to remove her.. with honeyed words, she stops the festivities and sends cc to rest.. and the jethanis go with her.. as they are talking, ub comes .. kaumudi puts the pallu on cc's head.. anyways, instead of the customary silver ganesha, UB gives CC a gold ganesha.. saying this is my favorite DIL, she deserves the best.
DeleteThank you for the highlights of latest episode.
I'm back to watching the show!!! :D yup, anuj did it for me... I stopped watching after the disastrous I love you and somehow couldn't build up the interest...but then I read about the ML getting replaced and I resumed watching and am I glad or what!! :)) the show just picked up pace.. its interesting to see whether at the end of the challenge Manav stands by CC and supports her or if he falls for his mother's trap and MUs her.. logciall speaking it should be the former because he did the same during the UB falling sick drama (I havent watched it only read the updates)..
ReplyDeleteI dont think this show is about CC-Manav love story at all, so we wont see their love story maturing or anything as such.. infact both were mature and old when they fell in love so it is assumed that their relationship has that certain level of maturity..Anuj manages to bring the many shades to Manav's character that FK couldnt.. in yesterday's episode one could see the mischevious, romantic, passionate as well as stubbornly childish side of him, when he was calling CC out to meet in the gardens..
UB's family's characterization is also interesting for me - Kaumudi is definitely the more poised, mature one...while Ranjana is jealous but pretty much harmless, again she is not the typical scheming SIL who cannot look beyond herself..and Sanjana is dumb and clueless.. I want to see more of Manasi and Rugved's story though and how they bring that about.. :)) Manav's brothers are pretty interesting - Manthan seems to be the type who is very much jealous of the special place that Manav holds in his parents' hearts, especially his mother's..
lastly, UB's character is actually getting very interesting too..unlike other scheming MILs who dont care abt anybody else except themselves, this one cares a LOT about her family...esp her son. One could clearly see the sadness in her eyes when Manav thanks her for agreeing to get CC as the DIL of the house..it was almost as if she was feeling bad that she is unknowingly putting him more and more into the danger percieved by her..its only CC she is against and nobody else..also notewrothy is that she respects and loves her husband immensely. Supriya Pathak had once spoken about UB that "she is just a woman with very strong principles and adamant about changing them..whether they are right or wrong is left upto the audience to decide".
I just wish now they tone down the BG music a bit, they have good actors who can convey the changing emotions in a particular scene, they dont need to use BG music for that..
Hi Mads!
DeleteGr8 to see you back.
Hmm...Mature love story..I guess a part of that thought came from having watched their previous show- Toasty and Tej were pretty mature too, but I think they ended up having a MU down the line. CC is mature, but the way Maanav went CC this, CC that- and he seems happy with the way his mom is treating her like a princess- unsuspecting bachha he is. Compare with Manthan who can read his mother very well. This bachha can be easily misled, I feel. Plus the wedding was simply rushed into, for trp reasons or others. I imagined CC would be married by the end of the first month, so I don't see it as a trp stunt at all. A hastened relationship will definitely have some issues- I have a feeling the show will touch up on that.
Manav standing by CC's side when the final showdown comes- mark UB's words- she does not say she will throw CC out..she is going to script it in such a way that she won't be suspected at all...Already 'my mom' has made so many sacrifices!
UB putting a girl through a scandal on the day of her wedding- how justifiable is that?
DeleteAnd accepting dowry on the very night of her son's wedding, scheming against a girl whose only fault was that she stood up against a malpractice, when she of all the people should know the sanctity of marriage- how right does that make her?
And what does she make of the good deed CC did to her by hospitalising her?
Well, UB is not right..that is what Supriya Pathak ji said in her interview ... she is a woman with principles who just wants to abide by them and cannot tolerate anything and anybody messing with that. Be it even her family members..I have no idea about the scandals and the drama in between, UB hospitalization etc, so will not say much on this matter...I havent watched the epis, nor do I intend to watch them...so I cannot discuss this part with you further..
Deleteabout CC-Manav love story maturing, oh I would be really glad if they touch up on that..it seems the PH is not good at building up mills and boon type of love stories, but is sensitive enough to breach through various issues... I happened to watch saas bina sasuraal epi one the other day and I was surprised to find many similarities with the way they began CC and the way that was started.. but from the very moment tej-toasty came on screen, I could feel their love.. and it was really nice the way it was portrayed throughout, as in, inspite of showing that they were two yr old couple, she did have some romance alive and at no point did it seem boring..and it was quite a normal, your couple next door type of a story.. so I think they can handle the maturity in a relationship and therefore I hope that they do that here too..I would be happy if they touch up on that, since anuj seems to be a good actor and can bring about the various shades of their relationship very well..
Am back ... hey all!!!! :)))
ReplyDeleteJust catching up ... watched the Wed and Thurs episodes, so good to be able to watch without cringing in the least! What a cute couple San-Anuj make :))) And finally Manav looks as though he is head over heels in love with Chhanchhan!!!
Will watch again and add my review of both episodes in the main post later.
Saw the new promo too ... sari vs nighty :)
Thanks for the highlight Jaya. I enjoyed the Wednesday and Thursday episodes, minus the scary BG music. They really need to tone it down, because because it constantly has a feel of impending doom.
ReplyDeleteChhanchhan did not have a regular grahpravesh or gunghat scene, so in that sense, she is different ;) Anuj is portraying the love sick groom well. What a difference it makes when there is a decent actor.
Enjoyed the bed room romance, Chhanchhan's comedy with gunghat and the jagran scene. All actors nailed it.
Su and mads, even I am hoping that the creatives handle the ChanMan relation with sensitivity and show them maturing as a couple, that will sort of address their whirlwind romance. Now that they have Anuj, they can really explore many other angles of the relationship other than just the UB vs. CC battle.
Even I think there will be a separation track because of an MU after which they can show the couple growing in their relationship. The Sarabhai's will also find a place in such a track.
BTW, I also liked the finding ring in the milk scene. UB as usual is playing on people's weakness to manipulate things to her benefit. I also agree that she is is being portrayed too black...does she have no empathy or sympathy for even her children. Are her ego and pride her only driving force and reason for doing things?
Welcome back Dia, waiting to read your take.
Updated my take on both the episodes ... and I agree, Uma ... WHAT A DIFFERENCE a good actor makes!!! There was so much aankhon aankhon mein conversation between ChhanMan ... thank God it was Anuj who could portray those emotions in his eyes, and not the blank man. Seeing a good actor makes one realise how much damage the bad one did.
DeleteAnd of course, Sanaya was spot on with her emotions ... she has speaking eyes, and they were perfect ...
Also agree about Umaben ... has she no qualms at all about breaking Manav's marriage and his happiness? Again too black ... they do need to show her thinking a little more, that she is doing this for Manav's ultimate good. That will be more understandable ... after all, we have seen that Chhanchhan is willing to face up to UB for things she believes in, and Umaben does not want that at all. But right now it seems she is only hungry for the dowry, and if there is something wrong with the girl, then it will be even more so.
Welcome back Dia!
ReplyDeletesorry i did not give highlights of the thursday episode, haven't caught it yet.
uma, i have a feeling that UB (according to the script) is not as black as supriya the actor makes it look.. her actions, taken in a broad sense, portray a naive proud lady.. if you ignore the actor playing it and focus on the actual actions, they seem much tamer.
edited to add: read your update dia, absolutely hilarious! realized that i missed your commentary a lot!
ReplyDeleteCC sbs 17th june