One post for the week as I will be travelling and catching up late
Monday 26th August - Epi 88 - Double Trouble
Umaben leaves for yatra, tells CC to take over ... blessings for job, but without compromising BS name ...
Rupali comes for dinner, still carrying torch for Manav, Chhanchhan jealous
Chhanchhan starts work in office, nerd man smitten ... CC hides her marital status.
Manav down in dumps and discouraged, even bhabhis are doing better than him and helping their husbands ... or rather, their family is helping ... but so what, once upon a time even Umaben's dowry saved the family.
Ranjana and Sanjana both seemed to know that they were being underhand, as they both hid the fact that their order was from their maayka. Manek admitted to the fact, his uneasiness clear. Manthan immediately sided with his wife and bhabhi - so what? Even Baa's dowry was used to save the family, this is perfectly acceptable.
Dadaji merely remarks that the competition is heating up and getting interesting.
So Manek still has his morals intact.
And Manav is the type who might give up easily if he didn't have a strong woman by his side.
Tuesday 27th August - Epi 89 - Waiting for Manav
Chhanchhan is annoyed at Manav's suggestion that her family help them financially. Before Manav can put his foot in his mouth further, Dadaji steps in and gives Manav some gyan and some much-needed dose of common sense.
Liked Dadaji's words ... more important than winning and rising in other people's esteem, it is more important to rise in your own eyes.
At office - Nerd boy continues to make advances to Chhanchhan, which she cheerfully ignores.
Mugut strikes a deal with Nerd boy's company ... without knowing CC works in the same office.
Wonder if Mugut had known, would he have scuttled the deal, so that CC and thereby Manav didn't get credit in the competition? Or would he have let it go forward to help Manav? In any case, now the point is moot, because neither did he know CC was working there, nor did Nerd Boy know that CC is Borisagar bahu.
Back home - Preparations for Janamashtami in full swing ... Kaumudi and Chhanchhan in complete partnership, RanSan can't forget the competition.
Sweet ChhanMan scene ... have always wanted to see this song on Sanaya ... finally I got it! Manav lost in texting Rupali, CC annoyed and he manaoes her
Unfortunately Rupali has awful timing ... and doesn't have to good sense not to text a guy late at night ... and Manav doesn't have the sense to know when to shut off business talk at home ... besides, he's too excited about cracking his first major deal, after all the disappointment and discouragement earlier.
So Chhanchhan goes to bed miffed ... and Manav continues texting Rupali ... I would be rather annoyed too!
Next morning, Manav takes off for a business trip to clinch the deal ... Chhanchhan again disappointed but tries not to show it ... Manav promises to be back in time to break fast together.
Chhanchhan has done her part of the preparations, the jhoola is beautifully decorated. Ranjana jealous as always. Kaumudi helps Sanjana in the kitchen ... Ranjana's patties disappear ... hijacked by the men. Chhanchhan waits for Manav's call, for Manav's return ...
Nerd boy calls to invite Chhanchhan for a movie, she refuses, and goes back to waiting for Manav.
Janamashtami night ... Aarti starts without Manav much to Chhanchhan's upset ... Manthan worried about deals during the aarti ...
Chhanchhan's mom arrives just in time to join CC for the aarti ... and Manav arrives finally ... with Rupali. Chhanchhan is not happy at all.
Wednesday 28th August - Epi 90 ... What's Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander
Chhanchhan annoyed with Manav ... and it shows in her Janamashtami dance, and in her expressions. Manav tries to manao her again but she is seriously miffed this time and leaves the dance stage quickly. Rupali seemed to get the message about Manav being lattoo over his wife all right ... but did she also see the trouble in paradise?
Later Manav still hasn't learnt ... still texting Rupali! Rupali haath dho kar peeche padh gayi hai! Chhanchhan annoyed again when Manav admits he has had dinner already ... he seems to have forgotten that he promised he would break the fast with her. So she suggests, let's go on the long drive you promised ... no, he's too tired now. And finally Chhanchhan loses her cool ... if you're so tired, why didn't you come back straight home, instead of going for dinner with Rupali?
Manav gives her a long lecture ... you also work now, stop behaving like this, if you get late one day because of work, I will understand, I won't overreact ...
Let's see about that, Manav ... all men feel their wives should understand them, yet they never seem to show them the same consideration. And Chhanchhan mentally promises to show him that.
SN - this is something like what I expected DABH to be like ... although the track will be short here, am so glad to actually see it happening in a show ... that too, with a strong woman at the helm, who won't 'sacrifice' her wishes and her job for her husband's insecurities, but will instead make him understand how a man needs to support a working wife. And how a wife needs to support her husband.
Morning - Chhanchhan still miffed with Manav, and he with her. Manek Manthan worried that Manav's deal will allow him to overtake them, Ranjana happy to see trouble in paradise
RanSan get busy with achar preparations ... Chhanchhan gives a helping hand to Kaumudi with her dupattas.
Did Chhanchhan's company move to a new office? And why did she have to fill in as receptionist suddenly?
Okay, new floor ... apparently the new deal was quite a big one!
Nerd Boy gifts Chhanchhan chocolates ... CC accepts them happily.
Manav visits CC in an attempt to make up ... CC melts and accepts ... and gets miffed again when he gets another call from Rupali! She's going to show him!
Ranjana attempts to sabotage Kaumudi's dupatta work. Foiled by her own sister
Ranjana wants to take shortcut ... Sanjana refuses, what if they get caught out? They have to do the work themselves.
Nerd Boy helps Chhanchhan locate the address for Kaumudi's dupatta delivery. Chhanchhan is impressed. Nerd Boy asks Chhanchhan to stay back for an important meeting ... she agrees very happily, after all, Manav had said this might happen, and he wouldn't mind at all. Time to call him out on that!
Chhanchhan reaches home late, Manav miffed, he was waiting for her. Chhanchhan apologises profusely, she got stuck in a meeting, phone was on silent, she forgot in the pressure of work ... all the excuses a husband gives his wife, she trots them out for him ... Manav left with not much choice but to accept with bad grace ... after all, he said exactly the same to her and expected her to understand. When a guy does it, it's okay ... when his wife does it, not so okay.
Chhanchhan knows exactly what he's going through ... she just went through the same. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Nerd Boy has progressed to the stage of dreaming about Chhanchhan ... poor guy, she needs to let him down gently ... and soon.
Dadaji puts Manek through some serious yoga ... Babuji calls all the sons to discuss progress of the competition.
Thursday 29th August - Epi 91 ... Deals and deals
Mugut and Kaumudi are leading the pack, both working hand in hand.
Manav's score hasn't started yet ... Dadaji warns him that he needs to get a move on.
In his zeal to finalise a big deal, is it that Manav is not thinking about the day to day small ones he also needs to work on? Is he putting all his eggs into one basket? And is Rupali leading him on?
Mugut and Manek are genuinely pleased for Manav if he will clinch his deal. Manthan is worried about competition.
Manav decides to tell Chhanchan in person ... he does adore his wife completely, but he has a tendency (like most husbands) to take her for granted at times!
Kaumudi is worried about the competition, its effects on family unity, and the jealousies it might incite. Babuji tells her it is important and she has to stand by her husband at all times.
Did Umaben feel the same, and was that how Matilal got estranged from his brother? As husband wife, they stood together, but the competitiveness broke up the brothers ...
Darn, this promised to be an interesting track and because the show is ending, it will be dealt with as briefly as the rest
Chhanchhan's office ... Manav runs into Vineet Nerd boy, and gives him advice about buying gift for one's girlfriend. Nerd Boy follows advice faithfully and gifts Chhanchhan a bracelet. CC little hesitant about taking it ... he insists, it's because she helped him so much the previous day.
Chhanchhan takes it and leaves quickly.
Ranjana Manek and Sanjana-Manthan ... each couple has one partner who is the moral compass for the other. Seems like after Kaumudi, Manek and Sanjana will also want to back out ...
Mugut Kaumudi discuss the competition ... it doesn't matter if Manav does get ahead, but Mugut doesn't want to let down his father's expectations as eldest son ... they hang heavier on his shoulders than on the rest. Kaumudi says it's more important to win the family's hearts than just a competition. So Mugut's stand clarified ... he and Kaumudi are on the same track.
While Manav and Chhanchhan are on different tracks for once ... Manav is angry to see Chhanchhan's gift, Chhanchhan refuses to leave her job just because a guy there is in love with her.
And in the morning, she refuses to let him drop her to office ... Manav even more miffed.
Satyanash ... he chooses to confide in Manthan of all people! Manthan is only too happy to encourage Manav to concentrate on Chhanchhan, rather than his deal.
Rupali is getting me suspicious ... deal is almost final, almost final for many days now ... when will it be actually done? In this much time, Manav could have cemented a few other clients instead!
Party planning for the entire Borisagar family ... Manav wants Chhanchhan to wear a short dress?
Monday 26th August - Epi 88 - Double Trouble
Umaben leaves for yatra, tells CC to take over ... blessings for job, but without compromising BS name ...
Rupali comes for dinner, still carrying torch for Manav, Chhanchhan jealous
Chhanchhan starts work in office, nerd man smitten ... CC hides her marital status.
Manav down in dumps and discouraged, even bhabhis are doing better than him and helping their husbands ... or rather, their family is helping ... but so what, once upon a time even Umaben's dowry saved the family.
Ranjana and Sanjana both seemed to know that they were being underhand, as they both hid the fact that their order was from their maayka. Manek admitted to the fact, his uneasiness clear. Manthan immediately sided with his wife and bhabhi - so what? Even Baa's dowry was used to save the family, this is perfectly acceptable.
Dadaji merely remarks that the competition is heating up and getting interesting.
So Manek still has his morals intact.
And Manav is the type who might give up easily if he didn't have a strong woman by his side.
Tuesday 27th August - Epi 89 - Waiting for Manav
Chhanchhan is annoyed at Manav's suggestion that her family help them financially. Before Manav can put his foot in his mouth further, Dadaji steps in and gives Manav some gyan and some much-needed dose of common sense.
Liked Dadaji's words ... more important than winning and rising in other people's esteem, it is more important to rise in your own eyes.
At office - Nerd boy continues to make advances to Chhanchhan, which she cheerfully ignores.
Mugut strikes a deal with Nerd boy's company ... without knowing CC works in the same office.
Wonder if Mugut had known, would he have scuttled the deal, so that CC and thereby Manav didn't get credit in the competition? Or would he have let it go forward to help Manav? In any case, now the point is moot, because neither did he know CC was working there, nor did Nerd Boy know that CC is Borisagar bahu.
Back home - Preparations for Janamashtami in full swing ... Kaumudi and Chhanchhan in complete partnership, RanSan can't forget the competition.
Sweet ChhanMan scene ... have always wanted to see this song on Sanaya ... finally I got it! Manav lost in texting Rupali, CC annoyed and he manaoes her
Unfortunately Rupali has awful timing ... and doesn't have to good sense not to text a guy late at night ... and Manav doesn't have the sense to know when to shut off business talk at home ... besides, he's too excited about cracking his first major deal, after all the disappointment and discouragement earlier.
So Chhanchhan goes to bed miffed ... and Manav continues texting Rupali ... I would be rather annoyed too!
Next morning, Manav takes off for a business trip to clinch the deal ... Chhanchhan again disappointed but tries not to show it ... Manav promises to be back in time to break fast together.
Chhanchhan has done her part of the preparations, the jhoola is beautifully decorated. Ranjana jealous as always. Kaumudi helps Sanjana in the kitchen ... Ranjana's patties disappear ... hijacked by the men. Chhanchhan waits for Manav's call, for Manav's return ...
Nerd boy calls to invite Chhanchhan for a movie, she refuses, and goes back to waiting for Manav.
Janamashtami night ... Aarti starts without Manav much to Chhanchhan's upset ... Manthan worried about deals during the aarti ...
Chhanchhan's mom arrives just in time to join CC for the aarti ... and Manav arrives finally ... with Rupali. Chhanchhan is not happy at all.
Wednesday 28th August - Epi 90 ... What's Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander
Chhanchhan annoyed with Manav ... and it shows in her Janamashtami dance, and in her expressions. Manav tries to manao her again but she is seriously miffed this time and leaves the dance stage quickly. Rupali seemed to get the message about Manav being lattoo over his wife all right ... but did she also see the trouble in paradise?
Later Manav still hasn't learnt ... still texting Rupali! Rupali haath dho kar peeche padh gayi hai! Chhanchhan annoyed again when Manav admits he has had dinner already ... he seems to have forgotten that he promised he would break the fast with her. So she suggests, let's go on the long drive you promised ... no, he's too tired now. And finally Chhanchhan loses her cool ... if you're so tired, why didn't you come back straight home, instead of going for dinner with Rupali?
Manav gives her a long lecture ... you also work now, stop behaving like this, if you get late one day because of work, I will understand, I won't overreact ...
Let's see about that, Manav ... all men feel their wives should understand them, yet they never seem to show them the same consideration. And Chhanchhan mentally promises to show him that.
SN - this is something like what I expected DABH to be like ... although the track will be short here, am so glad to actually see it happening in a show ... that too, with a strong woman at the helm, who won't 'sacrifice' her wishes and her job for her husband's insecurities, but will instead make him understand how a man needs to support a working wife. And how a wife needs to support her husband.
Morning - Chhanchhan still miffed with Manav, and he with her. Manek Manthan worried that Manav's deal will allow him to overtake them, Ranjana happy to see trouble in paradise
RanSan get busy with achar preparations ... Chhanchhan gives a helping hand to Kaumudi with her dupattas.
Did Chhanchhan's company move to a new office? And why did she have to fill in as receptionist suddenly?
Okay, new floor ... apparently the new deal was quite a big one!
Nerd Boy gifts Chhanchhan chocolates ... CC accepts them happily.
Manav visits CC in an attempt to make up ... CC melts and accepts ... and gets miffed again when he gets another call from Rupali! She's going to show him!
Ranjana attempts to sabotage Kaumudi's dupatta work. Foiled by her own sister
Nerd Boy helps Chhanchhan locate the address for Kaumudi's dupatta delivery. Chhanchhan is impressed. Nerd Boy asks Chhanchhan to stay back for an important meeting ... she agrees very happily, after all, Manav had said this might happen, and he wouldn't mind at all. Time to call him out on that!
Chhanchhan reaches home late, Manav miffed, he was waiting for her. Chhanchhan apologises profusely, she got stuck in a meeting, phone was on silent, she forgot in the pressure of work ... all the excuses a husband gives his wife, she trots them out for him ... Manav left with not much choice but to accept with bad grace ... after all, he said exactly the same to her and expected her to understand. When a guy does it, it's okay ... when his wife does it, not so okay.
Chhanchhan knows exactly what he's going through ... she just went through the same. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Nerd Boy has progressed to the stage of dreaming about Chhanchhan ... poor guy, she needs to let him down gently ... and soon.
Dadaji puts Manek through some serious yoga ... Babuji calls all the sons to discuss progress of the competition.
Thursday 29th August - Epi 91 ... Deals and deals
Mugut and Kaumudi are leading the pack, both working hand in hand.
Manav's score hasn't started yet ... Dadaji warns him that he needs to get a move on.
In his zeal to finalise a big deal, is it that Manav is not thinking about the day to day small ones he also needs to work on? Is he putting all his eggs into one basket? And is Rupali leading him on?
Mugut and Manek are genuinely pleased for Manav if he will clinch his deal. Manthan is worried about competition.
Manav decides to tell Chhanchan in person ... he does adore his wife completely, but he has a tendency (like most husbands) to take her for granted at times!
Kaumudi is worried about the competition, its effects on family unity, and the jealousies it might incite. Babuji tells her it is important and she has to stand by her husband at all times.
Did Umaben feel the same, and was that how Matilal got estranged from his brother? As husband wife, they stood together, but the competitiveness broke up the brothers ...
Darn, this promised to be an interesting track and because the show is ending, it will be dealt with as briefly as the rest
Chhanchhan's office ... Manav runs into Vineet Nerd boy, and gives him advice about buying gift for one's girlfriend. Nerd Boy follows advice faithfully and gifts Chhanchhan a bracelet. CC little hesitant about taking it ... he insists, it's because she helped him so much the previous day.
Chhanchhan takes it and leaves quickly.
Ranjana Manek and Sanjana-Manthan ... each couple has one partner who is the moral compass for the other. Seems like after Kaumudi, Manek and Sanjana will also want to back out ...
Mugut Kaumudi discuss the competition ... it doesn't matter if Manav does get ahead, but Mugut doesn't want to let down his father's expectations as eldest son ... they hang heavier on his shoulders than on the rest. Kaumudi says it's more important to win the family's hearts than just a competition. So Mugut's stand clarified ... he and Kaumudi are on the same track.
While Manav and Chhanchhan are on different tracks for once ... Manav is angry to see Chhanchhan's gift, Chhanchhan refuses to leave her job just because a guy there is in love with her.
And in the morning, she refuses to let him drop her to office ... Manav even more miffed.
Satyanash ... he chooses to confide in Manthan of all people! Manthan is only too happy to encourage Manav to concentrate on Chhanchhan, rather than his deal.
Rupali is getting me suspicious ... deal is almost final, almost final for many days now ... when will it be actually done? In this much time, Manav could have cemented a few other clients instead!
Party planning for the entire Borisagar family ... Manav wants Chhanchhan to wear a short dress?
Hey, are any of you watchibg ipkknd ek baar phir with tge new characters. Doubt it will be anywhere near as good as original but the leads seem like good people and good actors. Check it out if you havent already and let me know your verdict! Take care!
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched it at all and won't be watching at least for the next month ... am travelling, so I catch up with CC online, and that's all I can manage.
DeleteThe only other show I will catch up with over the weekend is the Indian Idol Junior finals on Saturday and Sunday ... I love all the kids, it's difficult for me to choose the winner.
ReplyDeleteThank you Diya for the updates despite a busy schedule. Wishing you smooth shifting and safe travels. Will be back shortly to write more thoughts.
ReplyDeleteNot watching IPK 2 inclination yet...later maybe...
i watched IPK2 for 2 days.. burst out laughing at some scenes.. then decided to leave the imitation product for those who will like that type of thing.
ReplyDeleteyes, the story is a tad bit different.. the direction (the scenes, the chemistry-making, even certain expressions) is full out photostat..and like any photostat copy, it is not half as good as the original.
if it was in the hands of a different director, the whole feel would have been different. actually, i like the story.. the storytelling is not in any way up to the mark.
the actors look good, their expressions do not. how can a seasoned actor look so uncomfortable doing a molar-crunching angryface, i do not know. maybe because he is not convinced of the role he is playing?