Wednesday 24th July
Manav is becoming blinded in his quest to prove to Chhanchhan that she is wrong about his mother. He sees that Umaben gave Chhanchhan Manav's first salary ... but he did not note that she did so only on Dadaji's say so. So true is the old saying that one sees only what one wants to see.
Dadaji is one shrewd old man ... and very observant with it ... plus he is firmly on Team Chhanchhan. He notes the tension between Chhanchhan and Manav, and acts immediately.
A good point made there - the right to a man's earnings is first his wife's - and that's what he promises in his wedding vows as well. Of course, many guys - and girls - give their first earnings to their parents, and that is quite justified too ... but most of them are not such nithallas that they start earning only after marriage, most do so before marriage.
Thus keeping both happy! 
Manav also did not see the bad grace with which Umaben almost slapped the envelope into Chhanchhan's hands. Dadaji noted Chhanchhan's graceful gesture of returning the money to Umaben with approval ... his position on Team Chhanchhan strengthens further
Did Manav mistake Chhanchhan's feelings on the whole salary issue? Or did he himself feel guilty about not giving his earnings to his wife? Why did he ask her if she felt bad about it? Was it to make a point to her that his mother was gracious enough to give her the money? Or was it also to tell her the reason he did so ... a reason which Babuji has also mentioned in an earlier episode ... that the family has seen many ups and downs, and it was Umaben's cleverness?/cunning?/ smart thinking? which rescued them time and again ...
Again the ChhanMan scene was good ... the tension still persists between the couple, but easing very slightly ... till Chhanchhan ups the ante the next day herself!
Sweet Chhanchhan-Kaumudi kitchen scene, as Kaumudi makes pakodas for Mukut because he skipped dinner ... Mukut is lucky, he just doesn't realise it!
And Mukut-Kaumudi tensions also persist ... is Mukut having an extra-marital affair? For whom was he ordering flowers - orchid bouquet, no less! No wonder he is not happy with Kaumudi, that poor girl wouldn't even know what orchids are! And Manav is an idiot ... he can't imagine his brother having an affair, or in fact even thinking of another woman, so he happily tells Kaumudi bhabhi to expect a bouquet.
And Chhanchhan decides to step on it ... not lose any time and get cracking. If she is going to find out whether her MIL is really playing tricks on her, Manav and indeed the whole family, she is going to start her investigations right now ... no time like the present! But she has two goals in mind - showing Manav the truth, and trying to keep his relationship with his mom intact ... because he did threaten to break it, not once, but twice! And he actually walked out once ... he will do it again ...
So a very staged fight between Manav and Chhanchhan - staged by Chhanchhan, of course, carefully thought out ...
SN - Ranjana's face when Chhanchhan stormed off muttering loudly about Manav's anger was hilarious - mouth open, till she catches Umaben's eye and promptly shuts it!
And Manav is totally befuddled as to why Chhanchhan is taking things so far ... poor guy probably thought he had sorted everything out last night, or pretty much so ... and suddenly Chhanchhan blows up over nothing ... he's never seen this side of her earlier!
And Chhanchhan cleverly brings in the doubts Manav was voicing about her acceptance in the family ... all for the benefit of the eagerly listening Umaben ... enough truth in what she says to ring a bell for Manav, so that his worries about her anger are all real enough ... it seems justified completely!
Chhanchhan also tells Umaben not to say anything to Dadaji or Babuji ... so obviously, she does not expect it will take very long for this showdown to happen ...
Poor Manav comes rushing down to stop Chhanchhan from leaving ... doesn't say anything to Umaben about why Chhanchhan left, subconsciously following Chhanchhan's heated order ... but Umaben can barely hide her glee. Does she really think Manav will throw Chhanchhan out so easily?
Precap - I thought Chhanchhan would bring Sonali into the equation, because Sonali is her only proof of Umaben's intentions ... but will Sonali play ball?
Manav is becoming blinded in his quest to prove to Chhanchhan that she is wrong about his mother. He sees that Umaben gave Chhanchhan Manav's first salary ... but he did not note that she did so only on Dadaji's say so. So true is the old saying that one sees only what one wants to see.
Dadaji is one shrewd old man ... and very observant with it ... plus he is firmly on Team Chhanchhan. He notes the tension between Chhanchhan and Manav, and acts immediately.
A good point made there - the right to a man's earnings is first his wife's - and that's what he promises in his wedding vows as well. Of course, many guys - and girls - give their first earnings to their parents, and that is quite justified too ... but most of them are not such nithallas that they start earning only after marriage, most do so before marriage.
Manav also did not see the bad grace with which Umaben almost slapped the envelope into Chhanchhan's hands. Dadaji noted Chhanchhan's graceful gesture of returning the money to Umaben with approval ... his position on Team Chhanchhan strengthens further
Did Manav mistake Chhanchhan's feelings on the whole salary issue? Or did he himself feel guilty about not giving his earnings to his wife? Why did he ask her if she felt bad about it? Was it to make a point to her that his mother was gracious enough to give her the money? Or was it also to tell her the reason he did so ... a reason which Babuji has also mentioned in an earlier episode ... that the family has seen many ups and downs, and it was Umaben's cleverness?/cunning?/ smart thinking? which rescued them time and again ...
Again the ChhanMan scene was good ... the tension still persists between the couple, but easing very slightly ... till Chhanchhan ups the ante the next day herself!
Sweet Chhanchhan-Kaumudi kitchen scene, as Kaumudi makes pakodas for Mukut because he skipped dinner ... Mukut is lucky, he just doesn't realise it!
And Mukut-Kaumudi tensions also persist ... is Mukut having an extra-marital affair? For whom was he ordering flowers - orchid bouquet, no less! No wonder he is not happy with Kaumudi, that poor girl wouldn't even know what orchids are! And Manav is an idiot ... he can't imagine his brother having an affair, or in fact even thinking of another woman, so he happily tells Kaumudi bhabhi to expect a bouquet.
And Chhanchhan decides to step on it ... not lose any time and get cracking. If she is going to find out whether her MIL is really playing tricks on her, Manav and indeed the whole family, she is going to start her investigations right now ... no time like the present! But she has two goals in mind - showing Manav the truth, and trying to keep his relationship with his mom intact ... because he did threaten to break it, not once, but twice! And he actually walked out once ... he will do it again ...
So a very staged fight between Manav and Chhanchhan - staged by Chhanchhan, of course, carefully thought out ...
SN - Ranjana's face when Chhanchhan stormed off muttering loudly about Manav's anger was hilarious - mouth open, till she catches Umaben's eye and promptly shuts it!
And Manav is totally befuddled as to why Chhanchhan is taking things so far ... poor guy probably thought he had sorted everything out last night, or pretty much so ... and suddenly Chhanchhan blows up over nothing ... he's never seen this side of her earlier!
Chhanchhan also tells Umaben not to say anything to Dadaji or Babuji ... so obviously, she does not expect it will take very long for this showdown to happen ...
Poor Manav comes rushing down to stop Chhanchhan from leaving ... doesn't say anything to Umaben about why Chhanchhan left, subconsciously following Chhanchhan's heated order ... but Umaben can barely hide her glee. Does she really think Manav will throw Chhanchhan out so easily?
Precap - I thought Chhanchhan would bring Sonali into the equation, because Sonali is her only proof of Umaben's intentions ... but will Sonali play ball?
Lovely title and take on the epi. Definitely a fast pace but am loving it. Need to rewatch the fight and the precap. Not able to put my finger on what CC wants to achieve. Leaving the house will make Manav look at things a bit objectively perhaps? UB will definitely rejoice and play her cards early. Will Manav notice? What is the point of telling Sonali about Manav being unfaithful? Raise doubts or spur her to action? Which way will she go. We need Sonali's back story. At this point it seems like there is none. She was unaware that Manav is married till the last epi. She went along with her dad/UB because that is what she was told to do. Once she starts thinking, which way will she sway?
ReplyDeleteEach episode is opening more puzzles, the biggest being Sonali...what gives...just don't want to believe she is naive and will only act as a pig-pong ball between UB and CC. This track will be explosive if Sonali is playing the other two, at least initially, won't that be interesting.
ReplyDeleteAgree Enkay we need a backstory.
Will Sarabhai' s also get involved in will Chhanchhan explain this sudden visit with a suitcase?
UB may try hard to increase the distance between ChanMan, but Dadaji will counteract that, he sure will notice Manav's anguish and Chhanchhan's absence.
Sanaya was really good today and the two places I would like to mention are, one, the argument where she balanced the whole making it seem contrived for audience and real for Manav very well and second, the scene with UB on the steps where her eyes well up with tears saying she may never come back... her expressions showed her pain, disappointment at the turn of events, infact it seemed she was hoping UB would hold her back, knowing it will not happen. It is a difficult place to be for a newly wed girl to know her MIL hates her to that extent. Well done! Of course, she was ably supported by rest of the cast, especially Anuj.
Uma and Enkay,
ReplyDeleteI am puzzled too ... what does Chhanchhan want to achieve by leaving the house?
She has two objectives - to save her marriage and to save the Manav-Umaben relationship. And at the moment, the two are looking mutually exclusive, for if Manav learns about his mother's true intentions, he has already threatened to walk out on her ... while if he does not, then the cracks will only widen in the Manav-Chhanchhan relationship. Already the trust has been eroded from his side, and to restore it, Chhanchhan has to show him that she was telling the truth about Umaben.
So a very tough task ahead for Chhanchhan.
What will she achieve by walking out? Will it open Manav's eyes to his mother's true intentions? Will Umaben try to bring out the problems she faced in adjusting to Chhanchhan less subtly than she has been doing till now? I hope Manav's eyes also start opening to his mom's true nature, alongside Chhanchhan finding the proofs she needs. He is completely blinded as of now!
Sonali will play a key role in this ... her nature and her true intentions. One possibility is that she is going along willingly with her dad and Umaben, and is ready to break up Manav's marriage, and then marry him - always supposing he is ready to do so.
The other possibility is that she was an innocent party to the negotiations - Umaben and Thakkarbhai have their own reasons for wanting the match, which may or may not be the same ... and Sonali might turn around and change the equation completely by siding with Chhanchhan. I think this will unfold only slowly ... Chhanchhan hasn't told her the true story either, so Sonali's true colors will take a while to emerge.
In the meantime, what role will the Sarabhais play? Again an aspect I am lookign forward to - seeing a supportive family for the girl, and not one which insists doli and arthi from the same house and all that crap!
I agree Uma, Chhanchhan's/Sanaya's expressions when leaving the house were really beautiful ... she was really hoping that Umaben would hold her back, and that her suspicions were unfounded. A very tough spot for a newly married girl to be in. And Chhanchhan had turned down Manav for this very reason - she had refused to marry him unless she got Umaben's acceptance. Now to find that acceptance was all a sham, is heartbreaking ... she had tried to do the right thing herself, even at the cost of giving up her love ... after marriage, after they have been together and their love has only deepened, to give him up will be so much worse. And yet she is taking the chance ... because she does not want to live a lie. She does not know about the 30 day challenge yet, but it doesn't really matter .. if Umaben has not accepted her and wants to break the marriage, then she will keep trying again and again, even beyond the 30 days, and Manav-CC's relationship will be affected for sure. It is already being affected.
I really did NOT like Manav at one point - when he gives the money to his mom - CC had no problems with that, so why that barbed remark about 'Mummy always wants the best for this family'? Anyway that alerted Dadaji to the tension, and he stepped in ... so I will overlook that for the moment ... but I am looking forward to seeing Manav grovel when he realises how wrong he was and how right Chhanchhan was!
I also hope Dadaji talks some sense into Manav ... he is very much on Team Chhanchhan and he knows that Umaben can be deceitful and is not above telling lies for her own ends.
DeleteGirls, I am travelling tonight, so will miss the episode ... will post tomorrow morning after I catch up. Hope the hotel has high speed internet and I can download it! :)))