TV This Week ... continue discussions here 
Shows under discussion ...
Wednesday - Scene I loved - the brothers and sisters all lining up to pray at the gurudwara for Ranvi to find his Veera.
Thursday - Ratan turning accusingly at Guru Nanak's picture, when she hears that Veera has landed up at the same hospital where Ranvi is admitted ... as though realising and acknowledging for the first time ever, that Ranvi and Veera are truly a bond made in heaven ... nothing she does can break them apart.
Veera smiling when she sees Ranvi in hospital - that baby is soooo cute!
Ranvi coming back to life when Veera is laid down next to him ...
Qabool Hai
IPKKND (still continues!)
Shows under discussion ...
Wednesday - Scene I loved - the brothers and sisters all lining up to pray at the gurudwara for Ranvi to find his Veera.
Thursday - Ratan turning accusingly at Guru Nanak's picture, when she hears that Veera has landed up at the same hospital where Ranvi is admitted ... as though realising and acknowledging for the first time ever, that Ranvi and Veera are truly a bond made in heaven ... nothing she does can break them apart.
Veera smiling when she sees Ranvi in hospital - that baby is soooo cute!
Ranvi coming back to life when Veera is laid down next to him ...
Qabool Hai
IPKKND (still continues!)
ReplyDeleteReply to your comment on last port : progression in shows and easing out of characters.
On easing out - oh ok! but then from what you said Dev was like the Anjali of IPK right.
On prgression - yes one way to look at it is they learn with every show and try something they could not.
Flipside, they "borrow" ideas of people writing their earlier show and use it in their next. Well perhaps that is how the industry works but somewhere it denies credit to the person who originated it.
Sorry if I sould very caustic about the PH. My grouse with them always has been them claiming that they are not allowed to tell their story. I initially sympathized, wished teh channel would lay off but in hidsight I wonder if I gave teh PH too much leeway in this regard.
Plus I agree they are or at least Gul is unable to really flesh out her female characters. She expects them to float along on the generic audiecne sympathy for the abla nari of TV. Catch is her heroines are never abla naaris to begin with so midway when they want sympathy there has to be total satyanaash of the character.
They come onto IF, create a separate forum claiming to want to interact and be open with their fans but are unable to take even an iota of crtiticism. They revert saying we do not need to do this but we are so be grateful. Huh!!
They thrive on reflected glory IMO. Their strength is pitching the concept, casting well and giving it a good start pulling all stops. But when teh long haul comes in, the success is the backend team - story writers, screenplay writers, a good director and editor who keep teh magic alive. At this point the PH is supposed to monitor quality and ensure consistency and so on but I feel they loose the thrill of the chase by this point and hence interest.
Delete"She expects them to float along on the generic audiecne sympathy for the abla nari of TV. Catch is her heroines are never abla naaris to begin with so midway when they want sympathy there has to be total satyanaash of the character"......absolutely.....which is why her heroine starts looking like a washerman's u-know-what...
the classic example is the contract marriage ending track and Khushi's ambivalence to it...the narrative made us believe that K lives by it...and while i can accept the fact that K's feelings would have undergone change becos of the thing called love....why did she have to sound so strange during that entire track....might as well have accepted that her feelings have since then changed....but heck no....becos audience/channel sensibilities will question "how come?", she was made to look like an alien in that period...from scene to scene, i never understood what K was feeling.....
Rekha & Girls,
On the point of differential placing of IPK - well it started off as a family drama. The love story kicked in full force in the faraq padhta hai track around Nov / Dec nearly 6 months into teh show by which time it was an established show and SP would have been having only cursory oversight basis TRPs.
The high point was the wedding where we all felt channel intervened (maybe maybe not). From that point on not sure if channel played a role in approving tracks given that ArHi were a married couple and refused to let some things be shown.
Just as some things sound better on paper, some things sound worse on paper - imagine how the I Hate You scene could have sounded horrific on paper, almost abusive.
And if that stupid Forum 32 letter is anything to go by, then perhaps PH told SP that bunch of utter nonsense too and hence perhaps why jainesh was kindly sent on board to help them with story from drama POV. SP needed the show running at any cost. Khushi spunky rahe ya vhau bane unko kya?
And that is what cost all parties.
Like on the other posts about Redux / DC / SGH and even our decodes here at R&R, we perhaps saw beyond the scene being showed and saw the potential of what could be in the silent hints. Sometimes we used songs to visualize scenarios, sometimes myth but all of them showed us a promise of much more tahn what meets teh eye. And I am sure that was indeed the original case. Whether it went the redux way or not tehre was much more definitely in teh story if it were to run for anotehr year.
But finally in a heartwrenching move they proved to us all that all that potential was an illusion. Nonsense I say. And for this dilution my annoyance at the final decider of the story - the PH shall remain awhile.
Setting aside if marybarton is also a PH plant her DP seems to be of Richard Armitage of North and South.
I recalled this so called soothing post which basically tried to say a lot and decide nothing about BS / PH and viewers. Nothing on channel though.
Another one from her to a reponse on Dogra's tweets blaiming it all on PH and actors.�
And one last from MB on teh death scene and how Khushi will become an atheist. But she ended it with please share your views.
So maybe she is from the channel creative team and Varma Nishi is from PH. So they are having a nice little ego clash right there.
So PH is on the QH forum already trying to work up a tizzy. Interesting. At first they want to hear so much from fans and then when fans genuinely want to talk they tell us they owe us nothign and we shoudl not bother them. What rubbish attitude!
You know many of us would have actually lived with BS leaving the show - me too though I would have been annoyed and disappointed. All that was needed was a clear statement which never came. Instead tehy tried to use the power of suggestion to insinuate charges against him and his fans retaliated in kind.
The ArHi lovers also finally had enough and called out the PH on all their shortcoming in terms of plot and gripping story.
And my personal view; a storyteller who rues they never get the chance to tell their story shoudl not be askign for feedbakc from fans. People said some of the suggestion of F32 were pathetic and totally out of character for ArHi. But if they indeed have a writer's block or need a gauge on a contentious point, tehre are brilliant story writers on teh forum as well as have a simple survey and you will know. This trying to say we have arms twisted while asking for stories at the same time is ridiculous!
DeleteAnothe rpost from her saying end the show when in a subsequent one she was deriding viewers for not wanting an Arnav replacement.
Padfoot - shout out to you. Clauses to be added b/w channel and PH to safeguard against internet plagiarism / intentional sinking ship while preserving anonymity!!!
DeleteApart from all that a Ph plans for two things that a story teller/maker has to plan for defi in a television scenario
1) One of the leads not staying on for the length of the story(if there is indeed a length....if it is the YRKKH variety..then ofc u plan it if and when it happens...)
2)How much of a deviation u will have to plan for in the event of the medium not agreeing to ur storyline
The PH can't expect any sympathy on this ground, if they can't handle this...then this business if not for them..I agree the unprecedented popularity of the leads could have been a issue for them which is always hard to plan for but their conduct thruout has hardly been exemplary!!
DeletePrecisely. You plan for the known ones unless you begin with a set timeframe in mind which is know to all and easier to contarct and enforce.
Yes there may be unprecendented ones but you take them in stride - like you say cons of this industry.
I am not trying to undermine their abilities but I let myself give them more than due credit.
There may be other compulsions for deviation from planned story lines that we don't know about.
DeleteJust take a look at DABH for example ... it was meant to be the story of a woman studying for her goals, and her husband supporting her ... it has turned into a classic saas-bahu saga. Now why has that happened? There is no massive feedback from fans definitely ... channel pressure? Since the behind screen happenings are not really interesting enough to be in the news, or maybe none of us visit that particular forum ;), we don't know the reason. Or was it always planned this way? Then was the advertising false? All that Nayi Soch in name only?
Navya was meant to be a story of youngsters trying to find a balance between tradition and modernity. They made Anant's family rooted in tradition and ultra-conservative, and Navya's family very modern and relateable. I chatted with Niharika from Rangmunch and she mentioned they changed Navya's character to suit the actress, as the actress could not convey the character they had envisaged. The story after marriage basically became a saas bahu saga.
Again channel pressure? Failure of the PH? Fan pressure was there, but nowhere near as huge as for IPK - they complained about the storylines many times, but they didn't change, and TRP's started falling. When SP announced it was closing, fan pressure did manage to get the show two extensions, but it finally shut down. The second extension was at a new time - 6pm - the show lost TRP's rapidly and SP happily and quietly pulled the plug. By this time the fans didn't even bother too much - the story had gone so much downhill that they didn't care.
One of the leads leaving ... I can't fully blame the PH for that. They did get another actor on board, where they went wrong was in not clarifying to a very emotional audience that the ArnavKhushi story would remain sacrosanct.
Actually, they didn't clarify ANYTHING. That was the complaint.
But is that really true? There was a TB article that Barun was going on indefinite break. Barun and Gul interview. SBS gave the news, so did SBB. SP first said break too. Sanaya said break. Official and unofficial sources both. If you compare any other actor leaving/ taking a break, that's more than than any of the others say.
So was the main complaint that they didn't clarify what role Viraf would be playing, and that the Arhi story would remain untouched? I think that was one part. But I think the main problem was that the only thing fans would have been satisfied with was that BS was staying back. And that was the only thing the PH and channel could not promise ... rather, the only thing they knew was NOT happening. If BS had stayed on, all this noise about story going down the tubes, would have stopped.
DeleteWhat I felt went wrong with the PH is they were not sure what role Viraf was going to play. Was he for Anjali, was he ASR's replacement or was he a new character. I think if the PH were clear enough from the beginning about what role Viraf had then it would not have been this bad. There was no press release on the role Viraf was to play. Rather we got news that Barun as ASR would be "phased" out and Viraf would romance Khushi. That was what got Fandom riled up.
And I don't think people who wanted Arhi story would have objected to Viraf being ASR's replacement. I would have felt incomplete but would have accepted it. But what was really ridiculous was that Viraf as a new character romancing Khushi. That would be so not something I would relate to even if they show a time leap of some years.
And if the PH was really considering having the story on air(I strongly feel they were not interested in putting the show on air for longer) they could have gone the leap way. Kill both Arnav - Khushi and get the daughter of them to romance Viraf. The story could have lasted for 6 months. The PH didn't try any of the viable options. Sorry Dia, the PH wanted the story to close and they purposefully choose the only way which would surely kill the show - Kill ASR/phase Barun out/get a new lead to romance Viraf. The result SP pulled plug as they knew the noise would grow more if the story goes this way.
It is like Biraj once said, If you want to finish the game in chess, the best way is to checkmate and remove the king. Removing knights and pawns is not going to close the game. So PH did the exact same thing. Removed the king/Barun and did checkmate.
Sarada, Barun was the one who set the ball rolling by deciding to leave. PH didn't remove him. That is pretty much the only definite fact in the sea of misinformation and conspiracy theories.
DeleteThe ensuing mess, the PH and channel mishandled badly. And the fans would always have been divided as to what they wanted. Viraf as ASR, Viraf as new character, or leap. Fans actually didn't want any of the above, they only wanted BS, and that was the only thing they couldn't have. Because BS had taken that decision.
Fans might have accepted Viraf for Anjali. But Anjali was not the heroine of the show, Khushi was ... and it had already been made clear that depending on Anjali for TRP's did not work.
Since PH was not interested in keeping the show going, they probably chose the option which would have been the least palatable to the audience ... HOWEVER THAT IS STILL SPECULATION, as we still don't know for sure, and probably never will, what exactly they had planned.
I find it very difficult to believe that Viraf was in preparation for shoot for over a month, according to him, and it wasn't even decided whether he was ASR or not. That's why I feel he was NOT ASR, but a new character, and they would have swung the story to Anjali's or Khushi's romance depending on audience response. Another example of the wishywashy-ness of the PH. Can't take a stand and stick to it!
Anyway, all water under the bridge now, no point really speculating on what went wrong.
DeleteMary Barton cannot be from the channel.
Then she wouldn't be in the QH forum, trying to breathe life into it. (My link yesterday.)
Dia, whether BS went willingly or was thrown out, the problem is not that. The problem is the PH couldn't phase him out within his 2 months. Sushant went out when PV was on the top. Overnight Ekta got Hiten and the show is still running. That is what the PH is supposed to do. Plan a track and go accordingly. Either replace the character or go for a all together new track. You can't just start a story and keep on swinging like Tarzan in the jungle from one branch to another. You need to have a vision in your mind and work towards it.
DeleteActually if you see the last SBS of barun, Viraf was supposed to be ASR's replacement. There were some screen shots with him dressed like ASR. I seriously doubt the statement that Viraf gave. Who is he kidding. He was shooting for 1.5 months when we know that this PH hardly has a bank of episodes. I think he was roped in only around Nov beginning and maybe he was confirmed by Diwali time frame.
DeleteOh gosh I wondered why navya became a saas bahu drama eventually - That's why. The male lead seemed decent tho yeah the female lead was ok ok.
DABH I think they are finally getting to the point where hubby supports wife but after taking their own sweet time with all else. Any speeding up towards the final goal means serial on last legs perhaps.
Thats why I said plan for all known eventalities rest you take it in your stride and do your best without dhindora peeting about it.
The actor and/or character could have been sensibly phased out. Sorry but Sheetal and Aarav and the way it was handled was anything but sensible. There was always going to be halla from the BS as ASR fans but ArHi story would have balanced it for the story lovers. Some would have left, some would have joined and it would have quietly gone on. But yeah like you said wishywashyness much.
Plus that kernal note on story change drastically on IF. I wonder if the story team and the PH had different visions of the story from the start?
DeleteKernal wrote 3-4 posts during November. The first one he wrote was saying thanks and that he was quitting the show. In that he very clearly mentioned that he was hurt by the attitude of PH. His exact words were something on the lines of -'After reading the open letter on forum32 saying the story has run its course, it felt like slap on our faces - one who try day in and day out and try to create the reality and get the show on'. So basically there was creative issues with the creative team and PH. In this letter he also mentioned that most of the tracks were ruled out without any explanations. He probably was referring to Sheetal and Aarav's track maybe. But what it may Kernal's first post on his quitting did open up a can of worms for the PH. It showed that all is not good on the creative team for this show. GH was with the show from inception and if people who are from the beginning want to quit, then it shows the PH is really rotten and no 2 questions on that. No one wants to give up the fruits of their hard labor at the tail end.
The second and 3rd post GH wrote were telling the fans to preserve the ArHi story essence and fight for Arnav-Khushi end. So this means that the creative team wanted Arnav-Khushi to end together at the end of the show but Gul wanted Khushi to move on with the new lead. Especially the 3rd letter was something like 'Fans need to fight for the love story they watched for 1.5 yrs'. Even GH was egging the fans on for AK love story. So it is not only the fans but the creative team who wanted this end. Only Gul wanted a different ending. That is what happens when the management and the team don't agree. Funny thing this is what is exactly happening in my AD. Our Manager is acting like a pain in the neck and is not understanding the requirements of the project. Net result 90% of the team have quit. Now the onus is on us to take the project to finish. Do I want to do it by taking extra load. Maybe/Maybe not. But at the same time I can't fault my friends for moving on. That is what my friend was saying - Only with bad ass managers, you will learn to know and appreciate the good ones. How strange that Barun too said the same thing to Gul - Gul should happen to every actor.
2 months is a very good time to think about a track and take it to completion. Madhura was signed as exit track for ASR. But since the outrage was too much they cut short her track. But seriously if Gul thinks that ASR could have/would have walked out on Khushi for Sheetal, then she didn't understand the Iconic character she created. Somehow I felt Gul tried to twist things in a very bad manner which just flopped on her big time.
DeleteOn Mbarton oh ok - makes sense unless by trying to breathe life into forum she is actually being sarcastic and going about an eye for an eye kinds ;)
Btw why would she be called doods I wonder.
DeleteI have no real reason to doubt Viraf's statement - why would he lie? He was roped in 1.5 months ago, that's when the rumors started. Look tests, deciding the get up etc, all takes time. That's probably what he meant by 1.5 months, not actual shooting time. Sanaya's news about being signed as Khushi came about two months before IPK started airing. I got news about it in April, I do remember that. The news about Barun's 2 months notice came around mid-Sept, Viraf's name started circulating about 15 days later ...
Gul and Sanaya both indicated that he would not be ASR ... both said no one except Barun can be ASR. And Sanaya had already started shooting with him. Why would they both lie, when if they did, their lies would be exposed the moment Viraf came on screen? That would be rather stupid on their parts. Viraf on SBS - he was dressed in formals ... any businessman would be dressed similarly. You thought he was dressed as ASR, I felt the exact opposite. Perceptions vary, I guess, according to our own beliefs - they are pretty subjective in the absence of facts - which none of us really have.
The Sheetal and Arav track was stupid ... if they knew Barun was leaving, they should have given us two months of Khushi becoming Mrs ASR, including the long-awaited honeymoon, and starting her own catering business ... and then just shown an accident and then she has to extend that business knowledge to running the entire AR empire. That would have been challenge enough for Khushi, and where Viraf could have stepped in. But the PH was just not interested in keeping the show going at all by then ... they were just going through the motions. The actors were doing their best, the ones who were left behind, that is. Sad way to end such a popular show.
Kernal ... I was going through some thread on the forum where Kernal came online again, and said KERNAL was actually a name for more than one creative, it was a group of them. Am guessing all of them were pretty disgruntled by then with Gul and the storylines she insisted on showing, despite them arguing. So there was already discontent behind the scenes ... that is, if Kernal is authentic! With all these multiple spoiler elements, I don't really have much faith in anyone! They all give the stories their own spin, and the truth is probably nowhere near any of it ... or is a big mixture of everything!
Dia,I am not sure what they wanted to show with Viraf. Maybe what you are saying is true. The look tests, the character getup and storyline may take time but somehow I never felt Gul or rather the PH was interested in keeping the show going. It was like they had to make the show go on because SP had gun to their head due to SPL. They could have chosen so many different tracks and could have still done justify to their tag of Star crossed lovers story but the point is they were just not interested.
DeleteKernel is authentic according to Priya and even Nishi from PH commented warmly on his quitting posts. So I think he is authentic. Somehow I also felt that Kernal is not GH only but the creative team or rather a group of the creative team. All of them very pretty disgruntled by Gul and the storyline she insisted on showing despite the creative team not agreeing to it. I mean the last post where Kernal was asking the fans to preserve the ArHi love story and end it with Arnav - Khushi somehow I felt that everyone was against the idea of Gul. Begs the question - why did Gul want to show such a crappy storyline if all of the team were very much against it. Is it because of her ego, her justification that this is her creation or is it to spite the fandom and get back at SP for forcing it to continue the show. I am confused. Somehow feels like cutting your nose to spite your face.
Deletefair point on look tests and the setting up not just shooting if that is what he meant. But yes I cannot fathom why the Aarav Sheetal track to begin with right then when something else could have been shown. I mentioned someplace that they could even have postponed the Shyam ouster by a bit and had that as a trigger for an accident or death or whatsoever.
Kernal is a group of people. Most probably the writing and screenplay team, creative team plus perhaps some of the cast.
I recall J had once long ago drawn attention to posts from this id justifying the characters of ASR and Anjali.
I shall also admit the rumour of Khushi being made to fall for new guy seemed plausible bcos Padfoot had earlier said Arnav falling for new girl. It did not go that way on screen finally but I trust Padfoot to not be misleading.
DeleteOh and on Viraf,
I am pretty certain channel wanted to do a replacement and PH wanted him to play a new character.
The former saying character bigger than actor and the latter knowing the actor and character were synonymous.
Maybe, Sandy. But we will never know for sure.
DeleteSandy, I guess we could sympathise with the PH about channel interference with IPK, if it was a one off ... but the fact that the same thing happened with Geet, means that this is a pattern of sorts. And I don't think there would have been channel interference on Star One ... it was too small a platform. So if they had the same problem about changing tracks, leaving them half-baked and incomplete, in two of their three shows (the third has just started) it does seem to indicate that this is a failing on the part of the PH. Yes, channel pressure was there when BS left the first time, to retain him ... what about after he returned? Why the sidelining of the other characters in his absence in the first place, when they were all available and BS wasn't? What about when he was working in his notice period, why didn't they use the other actors, make alternate tracks to give them screen space and lessen the burden on the leads, build a bank to be able to run the show for another month or so in his absence? Look at Naitik, he's lying in coma and will be that way for two months. Means they have banked enough of his lying down shots with Akshara in different costumes to tide over a couple of months!
ReplyDeleteChannel pressure was there, but it's a convenient excuse for the PH to cover their own lazy writing.
And the very poor characterization of the female leads ... they start off with making Khushi brave and fiesty, and then just didn't know how to take her further. They didn't want to make her abla naari, so they made her comic. Anjali was butchered as well, making her unbelievably stupid, making her forget her miscarriage in all of two days ... the only character they paid attention to was Arnav. And a show can't work that way ... by changing all the other characters for the sake of one. Do they lose interest, or do they really lack the creativity for the long haul?
Shwethuu, good to see you back with your bak bak *HUGS* bey!!!
Am copy pasting your last post and Sarada's reply here, to continue discussions :)))
DeleteI agree. I did feel sorry for them at one point but 7 khoon maaf I cannot do. And your point on hinging the whole story on Arnav that is what eventually added fuel to the doomsday hysteria.
I till date have not understood where they really intended to go with Bubbly and Masala Mama. That was the time Payash were in focus. Showing an issue at AR that Akash needs to manage, Payal finding she cannot help turning to Khushi. One of Khushi's paagal schemes and all ending well would have been nice. And thereby Akash really getting over his grouse for the way Khushi married Arnav.
In Shwethu's post on IF she clearly mentions that if you go back to the old epis even Arnav Khushi scenes had this slow pace to them, the thehraav that Rekha and me speak of which basically totally went away since around kidnap. And hence if someone told me they were in a rush to wrap up I just might believe that person because else the pace could have been slower, the scenes more enhanced and teh show would have easily gone on. I mean come on we all were not expecting the wedding issue to come up till Diwali / Tulsi Vivaah right?
One more thot: When Arnav threatens Khushi to marry him, the for 6 months, we all felt was an addition on channel insistence. What if it was and that too due to them all agreeing for BS leave for his movie? It was pre Star Parivaar awards. Basically buying time beyond IPL for a continued absence and telling the viewers that there are 6 months in their marriage within which something needs to be done so even if it takes a while, chill guys! Then there was that 1 month anniversary and 3 month anniversary mismatch.
Agree the 4L fans may continue to follow them for lack of anything else but building a sizzling pair is their forte for the rest they need Raju Singh, Hrishikesh Gandhi and a good story writer and screenplay writer. They may have inspirations from time to time but running a daily soap day in and day out does not seem to be their forte.
BV producers have never come and defended themselves on any forum or medium neither have they given excuses. Their actors participate in other things, go on leave, fall ill and yeah the show just goes on.
In BV, the lead actress's MIL (a very young looking MIL!) has just returned after having a baby ... I don't know after how many months! They sent the character off to look after a sick aunt in the US.
DeleteBut leads leaving is more difficult to manage, you have to show them either dying/presumed dead/ in a coma ... Or you have to replace the actor. Not too many options.
But yes, running a daily soap for any extended length of time does not seem to be the forte of this PH. They spend a lot of time in building up their characters, only to forget them completely!
As you go to the top, it is very lonely at the top of the corporate ladder and the 4 lions have nt got over their pre teenage complex of wanting to be loved by all.
When I started work as a young intern, my senior manager told me, you are a manager, I am a manager, because there will be problems which have to be managed. If things are going to be run smoothly like clockwork without problems, you and me are not needed, clerical staff can run this operation at a much lower salary. So don't crib about problems and how things are not smooth.
When I started watching ipkknd, I loved it right from the first episode and I was really happy for 4 lions. They had a wonderful story, a stellar cast, a stellar supporting cast, wonderful dialogues for the supporting cast as well and most of a premium channel, and good trp's which they have never had for any if their previous shows simply because star one did not have the reach for them to get trp's despite their shows being good.
But they floundered because they the moment they faced a problem, they puffed up their faces, instead of looking for solutions, they looked for people whom they could pin the blame on.
Yes, BS getting a movie spoilt their plans and their ego was hurt that the person they made, they were not going t reap the profits on him, but isn't that true of any employer employee or any employee quitting an organisation. If I want that person, I negotiate for better terms for him, nt puff up my face that he s getting a better deal from the company. If I let him go, I announce the new person and start or for the new one, not try t get a certificate from the old employee how things are great with him and how I am the best employer in town.
Normal business practices remain the same for any business whether tv serials r corporate life. The moment BS put in his papers, why did the PH want the fans to say, oh, we feel so sorry for you, you have had such a bad deal etcetera.
Both the BS AND SI INTERVIEWS should not have happened at all. What should have happened was total silence with viraf replacing ASR OVERNIGHT. no news, nothing.
Sheetal track should not have happened. There should have been an overdose of barun sanaya as ASR KHUSHI HONEYMOON etcetera and then poof, change.
But these people were more intent on giving importance to pushing BS UNDER A truck not realising that they might also go under.
Every organisation trains employees and then let them go. Big deal. You then train another. Ou don't keep crying.
That is when these people lost me. All my anger at BS became anger at the PH AND SP.
This leak business is silly. Again they have started with wanting likes for what they are doing instead f telling their story. And it is so early for QH.
I agree with Sandy and Dia. In Yeh Rishta Naitik is out for marriage, honeymoon and Nach Baliye. He is totally out of action for 2 months. The PH has approved his leave as well as the Channel. They are showing him being in Coma and they are managing the story well. Naitik is lead in Yeh Rishta but the PH is managing so good. Same is the case of BV. They have plethora of characters and they get the characters in and out according to the story line requirements. In fact Anandi's mother Bhairavi Raichura was working on SGP and coming in for small shots of BV. That is how you manage a Saga. And truth be told BS did chip in over the weekends even during the kidnapping track. There were some very good scenes during this time.
DeleteThe thing is - PH knew that BS was going to leave for shooting as early as Feb. You mean to say you couldn't plan a track for 2 moths which would cover your lead. You could have finished the complete hate marriage and gotten the truth of Shyam out and maybe as redemption you could have gotten Arnav's accident and he being in coma just like Naitik is now. Why did the PH lose focus completely. Instead they gave irritating tracks. Rather they could have shot Barun's scenes in bulk and could have focused on other characters as Anjali, Payal, Akash, Gupta house and Mami.
The 4Lions need to have clear vision of what they want to do in the serial. They can't just create a sizzling jodi and feel their work is done. They have to think big scale and see how they can develop the story in all directions. After the leads are hit, none of the side characters got due credit. I used to feel so bad for Deepali and Akshay as they were reduced to being furniture in the show.
I agree with Usha too. I work in a networking company. On a quarterly basis we do train a lot of people but most of them leave the company after 1-2 yrs in search of better career options. So do we sit and puff at them. Do we feel jealous on them. Do we want them to glorify us to no end. Nope. If the candidate is really good, we try to retain him and sometimes we will bend to accept his wishes. If not possible we let go him and try to get in another equally qualified person on board. Sometimes we luck out and the replacement is good enough and sometimes we run bad luck in that the replacement turns out to be dud and on top of it the quality would also suffer. But hey, that is the way of life. When you have problem you solve it. That is what 4Lions need to learn and they need to learn ASAP.
4Lions can't keep on cribbing that they were shortchanged by the channel and BS and there is no way they are going to gain any sympathy for their colossal blunders. They couldn't manage the show and that is plain fact. No point in blaming Barun or Channel. And I really hope they learn with the IPK experience and stop interacting with the IF forum and learn how to give press conferences.
Usha, Sarada, Dia
DeleteI agree with you all and in my field I have faced all kinds and found my way out so crybabies are not my cup of tea. Plus if I really need to implicate someone, you should play smart. It was their need to be squeaky clean that cost them. Had they agreed to besmirch themselves a wee bit by accepting loss of focus in storytelling and them trying to do their best to adjust to this new development it would have won them more votes of sympathy. (ruthless and cold but happens all teh time. e.g Vikram Pandit's recent ouster from Citi)
The risk is higher with these people because of their style of narration especially with IPk where there is a lot of FBs and how there are story points that all come together only towards the final climax much like in a book or a movie. Plus the effort they themselves put into making the actor and character synonymous.
So either have a high financial default clause basis a certain leevl of success that bars the actor from leaving midway or it at least compensates you for the bits you end up having to refilm.
Alternatively. fix teh time gap on the serial from teh word go e.g. 9 months and give it your best. On wrap if it is well received come back to continue it if needed with fresh faces,
Either ways mitigate the risk cos it can never be nullified.
Plus it is in a way a tribute to them that actors who work in their show get recognition especially the leads such that they get noticed by filmmakers.
DeleteSandy, Sarada,
Yes, I still appreciate the 4 l because they do have an x something which makes them bring out something different every each time.
I can dislike it, love it, get irritated by it but I cannot ignore their stories.
Sigh! They are the ones who taught me about chemistry between leads which is elusive in every serial I see and which then does not hold my attention. Spoilt for life.
I appreciate 4lions for IPK. Sorry, Opti and Usha, I never followed Geet, so I really can't appreciate them for that. However, the fact that you both loved it, that another couple of my friends from AD also loved it, and having known you girls for some time now, I have more faith in your judgement :) so am ready to believe it was something special. It just didn't appeal to me at all. But then liking a show is pretty subjective anyway. I don't care for QH either ... so for me, 4lions is not such a great PH. I have liked only one of their 3 shows - 4 shows, I haven't got hooked on to Arjun either.
DeleteI think more than 4lions, I appreciate Nissar Parvez. He was associated with DMG, MJHT and IPKKND ... and I followed all three shows for varying lengths of time, and enjoyed them. For me, he is the brains behind the successful love stories, and for changing the way they were portrayed on Indian telly.
Another person I am beginning to admire is Waseem Sabeer (I think that's his name), the director of Veera and Maryada. Two successive shows, and they are both very compelling ... and both completely different stories. Now that is talent and vision.
DeleteInteresting thought about Nissar. Besides he has been not much in the eye of the media either.
Found this IV of him taken by Niharika who is now with Rangmunch.
Also if I recall that Telly Tadka IV with the troika, I think Gul credited Nissar with having a good eye for casting.
DeleteSandy, Dia,
Yes, maybe I too mean NP but he is one of the lions, so I gave them overall credit. And he is the one who talks of a sexual tension between leads bing necessary for a love story to work. I too loved MJHT, Geet, IPKKND.
Delete*HUGS* for the Nissar interview.
This was the first insight I had in to IPK before I even found R&R.
I have read this iv so many times over and over is like a handbook on the working style of the PH- he gave it during Geet. They just come across as a very hard working bunch to me. IfI remember right Gul, Nissar and Gorky (Gul's husband) are friends from film school and they founded 4 lions together.
I find a lot of honesty and simplicity in these people and even Hitesh Kevalya and Arshad Khan.
Add to this team two angels named Sanaya and Barun and indeed, there is a holy connect!
DeleteI have to agree with u here about a design....for things to fall into place...
Even when the serial was taking turns that i found inexplicable, yet the narrative still managed to bind me in one way or the most times it was the ARHI magic but the constant thread was also some depth in the layering that kept peeking thru in spurts...enuf to keep me hooked.....
Padfoot posted the link of the Barun-Gul interview on the other post, and listening to it again made me realise one thing. Whether or not Gul and co. lost interest in IPK, but Barun Sobti definitely lost interest in the show, and that too, very early on, as far back as Feb 2012, when the show had been on air barely eight months. The biggest mistake the PH and SP did back then was to not let him go. After that, it seems to have become a roller coaster of who lost interest the fastest ... Gul or Barun!
DeleteAnd I see no reason for the PH to keep on having to compromise the storyline for a main character - in that case, they need to get in a new actor. A side character is okay, you can ease them out ... but IPK without ASR? Especially back in Feb, when the transformation had barely started?! Gul said very clearly in that interview that the entire kidnapping track was because of Barun's movie. They did it very well, I have to grant them that, and they were lucky they had an actress like Sanaya to work her butt off at the time ... I feel Gul and Barun still have not acknowledged the enormous contribution Sanaya made to the success of the show. The other producer, Rajesh Chaddha has ... but not these two. And for that, they lose a lot of respect from me.
If you have an Ahem of Gopi vhau going off for two months, it doesn't matter. The main action in SNS is between Rashi, Gopi and Kokila and the other two-three gaudily dressed women who float around. Ahem's shots can be canned with a few "Ji Manji" and Ji achha, Maji" and they can be played ad infinitum ... I don't think he adds much more than that to his role. He can do ten movies on the side and no one will miss him! ASR could not go missing for more than an episode or two, because IPK was a love story. And doing it once was excusable, doing it repeatedly, is not. In that case, much better to leave. And that was exactly what Barun wanted to do.
The chief problem which most IPK fans find difficult to digest is that Barun was never as committed to IPK as his fans wanted him to be, or believed him to be. Once I accept that, I find all his actions very understandable, and most of the actions of the PH and the channel also fall into place. Not so excusable - I still hold the PH responsible for not making any parallel tracks worth the name, and ignoring Payash to the extent that they both left ... and SP responsible for pressuring BS to stay on when he didn't want to, and pressuring the PH and causing abrupt changes in track ... the PH did lose interest, but all three factors were responsible for that - channel pressure, BS losing interest, and their new baby. BS can't escape his share of the responsibility for the downfall of IPK, not from me, at any rate.
DeleteI think Gul and Barun have the greatest respect for Sanaya.
That interview was not about IPK. Gul was clear about that- it was to clear the misconceptions on their working relationship. And hence they did not drag in Sanaya.
Barun has appreciated Sanaya in numerous other interviews. And the PH used to come out with remarks saying they just needed to put some eyelocks between Barun and Sanaya- the whole episode would be transformed- their way of showing appreciation for both the actors.
DeleteYes Dia, PH bungling does not in any way reduce BS lack of commitment and to the show. And to that extent he was the one responsible for the final tug and he was finally the lucky one.
Nissar has an eye for talent. After MJHT ended, I saw an interview of Sanaya saying he was the one who insisted on her for Gunjan, when even she was not sure she could do the role. But she was trying desperately to break into the Indian mould ... till then, everyone said she looked too foreign and would not be able to do a typical Indian look, so she was struggling. Nissar gave her the first chance.
DeleteSu, Barun has not appreciated Sanaya too many times. He has appreciated Gul, the writers, the screenplay, everything ... but Sanaya as his co-star very few times. Of course, he never went for any of the award functions, where he could have done so ... Sanaya picked up almost all their jodi awards and his Actor awards for him, and for the jodi awards, she always thanked him.
Gul has not mentioned Sanaya individually even once. Sanaya and Barun and their eyelocks - yes, many times. Sanaya carrying the show for six weeks during Barun's absence ... a love story surviving without a male lead for so long ... Sanaya has not been acknowledged even once for that either by Barun or Gul. For Barun, it's all about how hard he worked doing double shifts during that time, and not about the fact that his co-actors had to pick up the slack during his absence.
DeleteNissar was very much a part of Geet and was directing the show during the show's peak. Yes, he does have a eye for talent and knows how to create magic.
about barun not appreciating sanaya..
coupled with 2-3 facts where sanaya did indeed order him around in fun, and rajesh chadha said "Barun from day one has been && a man of few words. He is strong headed about his goals in life.&&& He in his own sweet ways created a lively environment on the sets with other co-actors."
well anyway, that video cured my barun sweet spot.
From Shwethu :)))
ReplyDeleteQuick thoughts, unfortunately I have lots of things to bak bak about, but Time is doing ramanchi on me, koi baat nahin, jitna hai ussay kaam chala lengay,lol.
1. Why are people trying to get sarun together, duhhhhhhhhhh!!! Sanaya and Barun both are perfectly capable of finding their own jobs, thank you very much.
2. I am rooting for Sanaya Viraf Now, Shiddat to that!!!
3. Ek tha Tiger is a Must watch.......enjoyed a hindi movie after a loooooooong time, Have I mentioned this earlier don't remember, but the best part for me was seeing Lallan for a two minute role and getting all excited and watching Hubby's WT expression*Rofl*
4. psarada: WOAH!!!!!!! That was MY post on IP Redux, you liked it*asking with a big grin*
5. Dia, nothing, just wanted to give you a biiiiiiiiiig hug for this place*Hugs*
MB bak bak:
1. I have just watched a couple of random scenes and are they nuts for dragging KC for sooooooooooooo looooooooooooong and a moon that looked like blue balloon?
2. I know the producers have money but did they really have to thopofy so much make up on DD?
3. RK is sleepwalking his role this week especially the romance ones, the one where he is arguing with his family, he is slightly better.
4. Was RK wearing the Sobtiwala SPA awards White Coat/sherwani whatever it is called?
5. RK calls Bhatiya nautanki company blah blah for pretending to be concerned when they wanted her to be thrown out - DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Bhaiyyaji forgot that some hours ago, he told MB that he wouldnt care if she starved, she is not his asli biwi, then why does he calls her biwi, why is he calling her bahu of the house, or fighting for biwi right.
Bhaiyyaji is a bigger nautanki, atleast he gets to paid for his nautanki since he is an actor in the show.
6. Dips Rocks, BAS!!!
7. They should hire Hitesh for dialogues and Arsahd for romance scenes, this director falls flat when it comes to directing romantic scenes or is bhaiyya afraid of honay wali real life biwi who monitors his acting on the sets, jo bhi ho, takes away the fun from watching the show.
8. The whole family comes in and does not NOTICE the great wall of Pillows on the bed*rolls eyes*
9. Best scene - The glass breaking scene during the KC drama, all the actors had an expression that conveyed, Oops, I hope this does not come out of my salary.
10. Bhaiyyaji's thanda reaction on seeing a daag on his face when lesser mortals would have been hyper about it:
a. Bhaiyyaji trusts his make up man/woman
b. Bhaiyyaji has no clue mehendi is green in colour.
c. Bhaiyyaji makes sure to get his mom a good synthetic hair coloring dye.
Bas, enough bakwas from me:)
General bak bak comments :p
Delete1- DITTO to that ... let Sanaya and Barun make up their own minds what they want to do! Sanaya is neither Barun's secretary, his wife or his keeper (except on SP tours where the poor guy is struck dumb) ... let her do what she wants! She's still with SP, there is NO reason for her to wait for Barun to finish his 11/28/45 days break to return this time.
As for Barun, he's left for his wife, family, health and movie ... oh, and dad's words ... let him attend to all those commitments, and then decide what he wants to do in life! Abhi toh he seems very confused!
2- SHIDDAT to that ... am rooting for Sanaya-Viraf too! The guy from his twitter accounts, seems witty and very smart ... would be a riot to see them together off-screen. And I think they would be a good pair onscreen too.
3- OMG, Lallan is in ETT? :D
4- which post on Redux? Shwethu's posts were her wishlists - they were phamous!!! We got them here as well, Sarada :)))
5- last but not least *HUGS* back!!!!
By the way, you do realise that I sat through two episodes of MB just because of your commentary? Now you're back, I guess I will sit through a few more ... only for your bak bak! :)))
I saw that great wall of pillows ... I also wondered why no one commented on it ... then I thought they all must know the marriage is four pheras ...
By the way, Hindu wedding is complete with four pheras - it's STEPS which are seven.
Moon like blue balloon ... *rofl*
Ditto on makeup for heroine ... I felt like wiping off her lipstick when she went to bed!
I think bhaiyya here is afraid of real life biwi ... reel life biwi ke saath romance is thanda!!!!
More later! Haven't seen yesterday's episode!
Sarada's reply to Shwethu's bak bak :))) Posting again, just to say a big DITTO to most! :)))
So you are the one I used to read in IP REDUX thread. *Hugs*. Your posts were awesome. So nice meeting you here.
I agree with you Shewtha on MB bak bak. I tried to give it a chance but it fell flat for me.
Cons :-
1. Vivian doesn't look the part of a superstar. Simple as that. People used to complain about Barun not looking a Business tycoon but that was much later in the show. At least Barun look a dynamic business tycoon for the first 10 months. Vivian doesn't look like a superstar and sorry to say his clothes were not that great. I agree the sherwani he wore for KC seems to have been recycled from SPA attire of Arnav. He needs to have better wardrobe and better attitude if he has to look the part of a superstar.
2. Dhrasti was flat. No 2 questions on that. She has pretty doe shaped eyes but somehow her pathos couldn't move me. Sanaya could move me when Arnav goes to London before kidnapping. Dhrasti just couldn't nail the performance of a longing wife as much as Sanaya did.
3. Rest of the cast were average. I never like vamps so no opinion on the actress playing Deepali.
4. I don't understand the whole point of Madhu eating Sargi which was thrown in dustbin. Fine they could have shown that Deepali left the Sargi untouched and Madhu ate it because it is part of tradition - to eat Sargi before starting of the fast. I didn't understand why you should throw the Sargi in dustbin and why Madhu had to take it out from dustbin and eat it. Didn't sit at all well with me. If this is some kind of glorifying women and the extremes they go to follow the traditions, then sorry it is disgusting to the max. I couldn't even sit and hear the dialogues - wonder how the actors mouthed them. Total satyanash for me.
4. No one seems to see the wall of pillows on the bed. Strange.
5. Vivian can't say "Shhh" as sexily as Barun does. Barun's "Shhh" and "Tum Theek Ho" have to be patented. He nails them hands down.
6. The Dori tying sequence didn't have any sparks for me IMO. I was comparing to the dori tying sequence during the Mehendi rasam of Arnav - Khushi. Felt the chemistry was so-so and not breath-taking as BS-SI had.
7. Biggest grouse I have is with the writers here. Either declare RK - Madhu are husband and wife or declare they are not. What is this whole 'chaar phere waali biwi" concept. For the creatives kind information some regions don't have phere - they have mangalsutra and sindoor. You mean to say all those people are not married. I know you want to take my liberties for dramatic elements but poking fun at our culture and traditions is so not cool. Either Madhu-RK are husband-wife or they are not. Stop mouthing this 'Chaar phere waali biwi" dialogue ASAP.
1. Sets were awesome. But please there is no need to have too much make up on the actors/actress.
2. Once in a while get the whole cast to have some decent conversation and involve the whole cast. Else very soon the serial will head the IPK way.
3. Even though the KC track is good, please get over it. It has been 1 month since the actual festival happened in real life and you people are still dragging it. Finish it and move on to the other parts of the story.
All in all, the serial didn't quite excite me much. So probably will see this week and decide. Mostly will skip it.
My comments :)
DeleteMadhu (Drashti) is pretty. Her acting is decent, but unremarkable. I thought it was just that I'd seen the wrong episodes, but I've seen a few more now, and whenever I have seen her, she has been either crying or as now, doing the pati parmeshwar routine ... so has she fallen in love and completely forgotten the hate already? Wasn't that a bit fast? Maybe that's why the romance seems forced - I don't understand why after all the hate and abuse (I saw a glimpse of the scene where he makes her act as waitress), she falls in love with him so quickly. And Drashti as Madhu doesn't have the sparks that I expected.
Sets are good. But again, a fairly limited cast ... the episode I saw had only RK, Madhu and the Bhatiya family and Bittujee. Going the IPK way? Aren't there any other tracks at all? Or have I not seen enough to judge? I saw Roma, Mallik, Trishna and Padmini a lot more earlier, haven't seen them much in the last couple of episodes.
Chaar phere - I said in my post above ... chaar phere is a complete marriage. Hindu weddings can be done without phere also, Kerala weddings just have exchange of garlands and tying of taali. In Parineeta, the original one, they just exchanged flower garlands and Lalita considered herself married after that. In the new Parineeta, they exchanged a chain. So this shaadi, as well as the IPK first marriage, was complete. The cv's here need to revise their knowledge of customs and reeti-rivaz.
DeleteWoh aagayi dekho woh aagyai :P
Huggs bey!!
Lagta hai tumne Rekha ki dhadkanon ki pukaar sun li LOL
Hey Swethu,
DeleteI finally saw 2 episodes of MB -4 & 5th dec epi
its diffi to make any comments purely on the basis of two episode watch....
still aadat se i will make...padna hain to padho in that vein....
1) that wall of pillows were very neatly arranged and not focussed on so i thot it must not be very central to the story atm
2)Dips has a cutting edge to her voice...makes her an interesting vamp...but she can go easy on her expressions hardly necessary if the voice is steely...but i do agree she got my attention.
3)the mother,Shama Raj i have seen her in marathi serials but her acting seems a bit jaded now..has she been doing a lot of hindi soaps?
4)VD is gud with the dialouge delivery and exp for wat i saw...liked RK's sark wit...but without a repartee it tends to go in tat sense, Madhu being a doll doesn't help the scene much. But VD is gud...i had seen him in only a few scenes in the vampire show...
5) Was worried when RK talked about accompanying her into the washroom...i thot...ab kya hoga? how will they get out of this FIM? luckily saved by the nurse!!
6)sargi bus i did not understand and the need for MB to eat discarded stuff...even for i ffed it...and also the rest....
7)I was watching DD on screen for the first time in a serial scene,she is very pretty...i have seen her in off-screen snippets only
Btw...two faltu questions...
Delete1) Dori scene was only meant for that dori tying...there was no hidden meaning there right?
2) Is MB left handed that she could not eat with her right hand?
Shwethu...i loved ur bittuji...and i do agree in two episodes RK has given some account of his shatir dimag that 398 epis of IPK could not do for ASR!!
rekha... DD is left handed.. there was a scene last week when the whole family was scared that madhu will try to poison RK and was pusshing madhu away, and RK insisted that madhu come in and feed him by hand.. i tell you, it was so odd to watch someone feed with the left hand!!
DeleteOh....ok...that explains...well for me its not a strange situation...i am used to it...mere ghar mein left handed log bhare pade i picked it up immediately in that scene....
DeleteRekha, Sandy, Jaya and Dia, DD falls flat when emoting in MB. I thought I was not being fair but somehow I didn't feel any of her emotions in the 2 episodes I saw. I don't feel the pull that I used to have when I used to see Arnav - Khushi love scene. Both BS - SI nailed those sequences hands down.
DeleteThere are different marriage rituals in different places. Four pheras is considered a complete marriage if one is a Sikh, not a punjabi hindu as RK is. Arnav and Khushi were UP ites. So 7 pheras is the custom there too. Since they did not take it, it isn't complete as per the rites of that region. More importantly Arshi first marriage was a mockery because the bride was forced into the marriage and that too one which was supposed to be for 6 months. I don't think that can be considered a marriage in any region in the country.
It is good that the PH addressed this issue and had a proper wedding with the full consent and love between the two parties but I did not like the way it was initiated - Khushi being made aware that her marriage was not complete by what Nani said. To make matters worse she was supposedly not aware that the pheres precede SR and not succeed it. All this for a girl who was seeped in tradition and converted La into a tradtional bahu.
DeleteHow much ever I loved DD in Geet, I am not able to connect with her in MB. Too much makeup, too much crying, I don't know what.
VD/RK seems to have the better dialogues here.
DeleteOn chaar phere in MB: I don't know the rituals.
But in MB, the priest had asked Madhu to come forward for the fifth phera and RK put his foot down and said he would not follow a woman- and stopped the ritual then and there- hence the taunt on the char phere ki shaadi.
Interesting thing you talked about there being actually a chaar phere shaadi- but then there, each pherea would have a different meaning (from the pheras in saat phere) to make the marriage complete?
DeleteRecently a friend's niece got married. And it seems they have only four pheras. That is what she said. They are from Bihar. I don't know if It is a community thing, state thing or cultural thing.
I agree with Su,
DeleteRK deliberately belittled the institution of marriage to taunt and humiliate Madhu. He told her that she will be his incomplete wife who will have to do the duties of a wife but not get any rights - more like a bonded labour. He was a real monster.
Dia, to your question as to how did Madhu fall such a monster? She fell for him when she realised that he is not half as bad as he portrays himself to be. The first signs of his humanity came through when he came searching for her at the studio and saved her life after going down a guilt trip post that dreadful incident you mentioned (Madhu having to serve drinks in his party). He later opened up and shared with her parts of his past which made her understand his anger and resentment towards his family and in general to the world.
Having seen the softer side in him, she was emboldend to take the bull by the horns and started asserting her rights as his wife. RK soon shut her up when he threatened to take liberties with her as he would with his real wife. The sparing between the two continued till the arrival of Dips. RK then got Madhu to share the room with him (till then she slept in a seperate room) to escape the seduction of his ex-girl friend. Observing him more closely Madhu is amazed to see the real man behind the facade but I don't think the girl realised her slow attraction to the man till the Ganesh Visarjan day when her foster father shot RK. At the time she did not know who attacked him but seeing him lying lifeless woke up a fierce resolve in her to save him at any cost and she did mannath and donated her blood and when all this did not work, she shouted him to life. Since then he has become an integral part of her existence and when she came to know the lengths he had gone to keep the truth that her father was behind the attacks on his life even at the risk of being misunderstood by her.
So her falling in love has not been sudden but a gradual transformation just as RK's hate towards her turning into care and respect.
DeleteStill one the subject of what constitutes marriage and what does not. Religion,customs and legal procedures determine how weddings are to be conducted but when one or both the parties are forced into the institution of marriage against their free will, it cannot be called marriage in any religion, custom or law. by that logic both the weddings, the wedding in MB and the first marriage between RK and Madhu cannot be termed marriage.
Opti, Arya Samajis have four pheras. I did at my wedding :))) Four pheras and seven steps - saptapadi. Actually nowhere in Indian customs is there a mention of seven pheras, it's more a colloquial term. The Sanskrit term used is always SaptaPadi ... which means seven steps. In Sanatani weddings, there are seven pheras with a vow with each phera ... but in Arya Samaji weddings, the seven vows are taken with the seven steps. And in South Indian weddings, pheras may not even be part of the ceremony.
DeleteForced marriages are another kettle of fish entirely!
Thanks for the MB update ... I missed the entire softening of Madhu, and the good things RK did for her, so I was wondering why she changed her mind about him! I think after IPKKND, I am just not in the mood for any new love story ... that's why I prefer Veera.
DeleteThanks Dia, I didn't know. I will go back to my shaadi video to see if I had pheras or not. :-)))
ROFL Usha ... kya yaar, you were so lost in your wedding that you don't remember if you did pheras or not?! :D
My muhurtham was 6 am and by the time I was properly awake I had my jhoola ceremony, changed into nine yards and by 6.30 am I was married. I sleepwalked through my marriage. That is why the shaadi ka video is the only proof that I have. Though i never let anybody see it. I faced my khushi moment before my reception. I never wear makeup apart from a kajal in real life and I don't know which friend of mine convinced me that I needed to be made up on my reception. When I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror, I looked like a WITCH. I wailed and looking at me everybody wailed. So I wet a towel and wiped my face clean of all the makeup and then went for my reception. So forgive me if I do Not remember small things like pheras etcetera. There were too many mrs. India things happening at that point in time. he he he he he he :-)))))))
Delete*rofl* its very common to look the worst on one's wedding day!! sometimes i used to think that the words "radiant bride" were meant to mock...LOL
i don't know how i looked on my marriage day but i did give the makeup ladies a tuf time....i wouldn't wear any makeup and anything they put on me, i made sure to damp down with ice....i think i looked pretty much the way i would look on any other day...some part of me always thot should i have made an effort to look any different? and then when i hear stories like this..i am glad i decided against it....JUST KIDDING!! fact my sis-in-law looked very different dring the reception, markedly different from how she looked during the morning muhurtham in south Indian finery....its a day we get to seeing a diff person...
On a diff note.....i do think, a bride will always look radiant on her big or no makeup...its just that some take to it well and some don't Usha, i am sure u looked a lovely bride....pheras and all other details notwithstanding...
In tamilian weddings, the most important moment is the kanyadanam that is performed by the father, with his daughter on his lap, a very poignant part of the marriage ceremony......then comes the tying of the thali by the groom and the knot strengthened after the groom, by the sister of the groom..This is then followed by the circumambulation (pheras and Saptapadi) Others can correct me, i think the marriage is considered pretty much solemnised after the tying of thali...and the pheras part follow later right? or do they precede the thali tying? I don't know correctly (i had an arya samaj wedding) so i may be wrong too!!
Yes, the Thali tying is the main THE moment of the marriage and it was actually the mst poignant moment of my marriage which I remember till today and it was brought home to me later when I was seeing some candid photos taken by a relative where even he did not realise what a fabulous photo and moment he had captured.
My husband was tying the Thali, I was in my traditional look looking down sitting on my dad's lap and my mom and dad were gazing lovingly at their son in law with tears glistening in their eyes n in the background my mom in law, had both her hands folded and eyes closed was praying fervently, seriously. And flowers falling from everywhere. It was a beautiful moment captured for life with everybody's real emotions showing on their face. One moment later and the emotions would have changed to what is the next thing to be done etcetera.
DeleteI was lucky enough to have a photographer who captured a lot of lovely marriage moments at the cost of covering the assembled guests for which my mum gave him hell :) But I have this shot of the kanyadaan where all you see are the hands and he blew it up to a 8 by 10 print and it is my most fav of the album - much like that scnee where Arnav gives Khushi prasad just to check if she is wearing the bangles he got her.
My kanyadaan was the only moment in my entire wedding that I cried. I choked up.
And yes after that the dash to the 9 yard and tying thaali when the world around you erupts in flowers and finally holding hands you walk around the fire and for saptapadi.
Make up my only brush was a lil heavy the evening prior but then I got fab photos with the profesional so the album looks awesome :)
For the morning it was minimal ad the lady actually cribbed about my dark circles :P
Sandy, i don't know of a tamilian bride who has not cried when the kanyadanam is performed...its in the moment and i guess what bidaai is to a north indian, kanyadanam is to a southie.well i had a arya samaj wedding so i did miss out on that moment...but i remember thinking abot it during the wedding and i did have moist eyes when the equivalent was done during the ceremony...we also incorporated the tying the thali becos my mother and I wanted that incorporated in the ceremony..
DeleteRekha, Sandy, we have kanyadaan in N. Indian marriage as well ... that was the only moment during my wedding that I teared up too, it feels so final somehow, that you are leaving your parents' home for good, and things will never be the same again. I think for us, sindoor is even more important than mangalsutra - I still don't have a proper MS! And pheras and the seven steps, of course.
DeleteMy make up was much heavier than normal - I normally just wear lipstick and kajal occasionally ... but it's good for the pictures! A friend of mine got married five months before I did, she was as squeamish about make-up as I was, and when her pictures came, we realised that you need heavier make up for the photographs! So I didn't protest so much when my turn came! :)))
guess blogger ate my first comment.. so reposting the link
raises your dhak dhak
Deletedhak dhak indeed - no love for the song tho.
Check these out:
Silent strength by the poolside:
Chodo tum seh nahi paaogi:
Another silent one at pool leading up to some major acidity ;)
sandy, i dint like the song either.. but it was a good combo with the scenes. am watching your links now.
Deletethe first scene.. i am noticing how much mood is created by the music there..beautiful! this is the third time they are meeting after the airport bidaai..( there was a brief glimpse where he said i love you.. then a brief interlude where he gave up his freedom for her safety.. then the statement in front of the whole family, that he believes her..) the guilt and apology in his eyes.. the the hesitation, the vulnerability.. sigh!
DeleteMood and ambience - birds that flew the IPK nest a long time ago only to come back from time to time.
the second scene.. the way his face changes while she has her eyes closed.. hayeee!
Deletefrom stone-faced obstinate bitwa( because he was definitely bitwa here, not ASR) he slowly melts.. a hint of softness in the music.. he thinks she is adorable.. and then, the little verbal tap.. awww
he totally lost his armor there.. because there was no one else to see, not even she, who had her eyes closed... no wonder they say the character,i mean the screenplay, is well written. (stars in my eyes now!)
The magic of IPK ... even without coming back here to check which scene you were talking about, I guessed which one it was. :)))
DeleteYep, the character and screenplay well written ... and well translated on screen by the actors. Credit to all. And to the background score - for building the right moods always.
for those who want to know the story of MB without actually watching it, daily written updates:
Qubool Hai -
ReplyDeleteDia and all - oh i completely agree there is no chemistry between anyone - the only scenes i liked were asad and sister ones.
the only reason i am watching it purely to keep a hawk eye on the further spread of 'misconceptions'!
i tried watch MB but no other simply coz i just invariably compare ODC to these people and no matter how huge the eyes or good the set or how perfect the setting - nothing even remotely catches up with IPK!
Am so jealous that Qh has so many outdoor shots, in clear sun, even the couple looks bearable in that light!
if you ask me, i find the bad aunt pretty and Shireen is actually a good actress - she is coming across as dumb yet sensitive to her kids, simple/naieve yet not completely idiotic (she well understands when she wants to!) is intelligent in parts - i am assuming she is not dumb in real life - but she is portraying her role well
as for the rest of the story - the heroine is just to rude for me (but is improving)
the hero is not (so far) a very 'pro-woman' man - i don't mind him guarding his sister - that i can understand simply coz he was the only son, took over the role of the father and the sister is still in college, so understandable but so far i have not seen him say/do anything that shows he respects women (despite the fact that the mother supported the children for so long - who btw is never shown working despite references to 'mother working all her life') - so not very impressed by him either
SSW is just that SSW
Gyan part:
ReplyDeleteDia, Su - to your questions - there is no concept of a 'badi wife/first wife' kind of thing - wife is a wife -all have to be equal
now if a person has made a mistake and wants to repent - that's between him and his wife - will she forgive him - personally i doubt it but people are different
if you mean - can they get together again - if they are still married, yes (subject to wife forgiving) but if they are divorced - no they cannot get back
will God forgive him? - don't know - they say if your penance is real you are forgiven - but no guarantee
in case of the couple in QH - well he abandoned her for 17 long years - so if Dilshad had a spine she would through the guy out (even from her heart!!)
Sandy to your point on stereotypes hyped by media - that is exactly what has been happening and Bollywood shows exactly that - either Muslims who roam around in ghararas and are decked up head to toe or Muslims who are have no Muslim characteristics! - not only stars but all movies based on muslim backgrounds will have multiple wives (even though it is a fact that in India only 5.8% muslims (1961 census) were polygamous - the lowest in the rung)
Su - am so sorry - did not mean to confuse you (and i thought i was clearing confusions!! - talk of misconceptions :D:D) - but you get the gist - so fine
Thanks, Mona.
DeleteOn the confusion- basically it was a lot of new info- therefore. And I doubt Gul is going to use such heavy duty stuff- means you and Sama will be the star blooper finders on QH! Do educate us further.
On the question, it was not only for QH, but also for Veera. NOt the same situation there. But I wondered where Ratan was going.
She did say she'd have forgiven her hubby's mistake, but he never stayed back for her to give him the chance.
In that case, I wondered why she could not accept Veera. Would she have asked him to take the 'paap' to orphanage after having forgiven him? Any way, Ratan redeemed herself today. She folded her hands in front of the baby in the form of an apology.(Don't know if you follow Veera. Sorry.)
veera, i follow it through your posts - its a strong show with a lot of heart ache - and you know me - anything that makes my heart go heavy, i avoid - am the hopeless kinds that just don't want to use the head while watching a show - just want to watch whatever makes me go "sigghhh" (meaning IPK - even if as a revision of what i know by heart!!!):D :D :D
DeleteMy sense has always been that forgiveness is a deed not a thot or word.
One forgives well only when one forgives in deed, the forgiveness in speech and thot is at best a stepping stone or merely a resigned acceptance of something that is not welcome
I am watching veera...and to me the characterisation of Ratan has been done beautifully...she has misgivings about the whole thing. She sees Veera as an outsider,even perhaps the cause of all that went wrong in her life suddenly but she is not an inhuman person.
She had a blessed life before veera came into her life...but somewhere humanity also teaches people a different perspective about life's bitter experiences.
She went to the orphanage thinking like a practical
woman, that if she put distance between the kids,it might improve the situation..she had misgivings even as she did it. However, she may not have banked for what the experience itself will teach her about bonds that may look tenuous but are in fact tenacious...
One, is the entire premise of Veera itself of that being an anokhi i do expect that Ratan would be resigned mother, not necessarily a forgiving mother..however accepting that Ranvi and Veera were destined to share a beautiful Ratan emerges from here will be interesting to see.....
Thanks for the gyan, Monu :))) The thing which does throw me off QH is exactly that ... 17 years is a heck of a long time, I would have thought Dilshad would have thrown Rashid out of her heart a long time ago, especially since she is shown to be a strong woman. Pining for a faithless man for 17 years doesn't sit well with me!
DeleteRekha, I agree with you, the characterization of Ratan has been done beautifully. For her, Veera will always be a symbol of her husband's infidelity, HOW can she accept the baby so easily? She would accept an adopted unrelated baby happily, if she knew she could not have another herself, but this child will always remind her that her husband, whom she trusted so deeply and completely, was unfaithful to her, WHATEVER the circumstances, just by merely existing. It takes a very big heart to accept that. And to see that symbol of infidelity in front of your eyes, day in day out, will be very tough on Ratan.
I don't think she will ever accept Veera completely ... that's why Ranvi will be the anokhi ma. She will allow Veera to live in their house, only for Ranvi's sake ... but will never be able to give the child her own love or mamta. Even Sampooran, if he returns, will never be able to show Veera his love openly ... again out of guilt. One man's one mistake ... and it tears the entire family apart.
Rekh, Dia,
DeleteForgiveness is a deed and not a thought or a word:
I really have nothing against Ratan (except that I found the 'in shock' phase a little too dragging.)
Ratan said she would have forgiven him. Forgiveness is not a word. Unless she receives her husband's 'paap' with open arms...isn't she being a hypocrite when she says she would have forgiven him.
If she really did, wouldn't she treat the child as her own? Of course, the Q may not be relevant any more. And I agree she can take her time to find the courage to accept her husband's child. But women do, right?
Even if one man's mistake tears the entire family apart, a woman can knit her world back. And find perfection in the imperfect.
I really believe so. A woman doing so, does not show her to be weak. In fact it is the strength that only women have (rare exceptional men here and there, I'll agree).
In AD people think I am a feminist because I always stand up for women's rights. Not really. I just pity men because I know that women are capable of so much more. They have more of that inner strength.
And I apply the same to QH in relation to Rashid's world. The perfection he seeks- the bond that he is trying to tie back ...he is going to mess it up big time again, unless BOTH the women in his life remain strong and make sure NO ONE gets hurt in the process.
They BOTH have to be understanding about each other and his feelings for this to work out. Right now Shireen thinks he will not meet Dilshad behind her back and Dilshad does not want her heart to be broken again.
But really Ayan's and Asad's famillies are incomplete as of now. They are 5 siblings who should be living under the same roof.
This is what makes the drama interesting for they reach that balance.
DeleteI am a feminist as well, so I do understand where you are coming from. But I feel that here Ratan taking time to accept Veera is more understandable. She would take Sampooran back, even live with him as his wife, but that trust would be broken, and would be difficult to rebuild to the same extent.
There is a very beautiful Rahim doha which says it all ...
Rahiman dhaga prem ka, mat todo chatkay
Jode toh phir na jude, jude gaanth padi jaye
Don't break the bond of love, because if you do, it's difficult to rebuild, and if if it is re-joined, there always remains a knot.
Love is synonymous with trust here. Once you betray love, then even if the love is rebuilt, that memory of betrayal always remains, and the trust can never come back fully.
So Ratan might forgive Sampooran outwardly, for the sake of Ranvi more than anything else, but the relationship will no longer be the same.
And Veers is different - Veera is the tangible symbol of that betrayal by her husband. Even if she tries to forget that Sampooran was unfaithful just that one time, so a lifetime of love should not be outweighed by that one moment of weakness ... but Veera's presence will always remind her of that one moment of weakness, she will not be able to forget it as long as Veera is there in front of her.
It's not a question of forgiving Veera. The logical side of Ratan would know that it's not Veera's fault in any way. But it's what Veera symbolises that Ratan can't forget. It would take a very strong woman to accept Veera completely, and I think that is why they showed Ratan initially as being so completely in love with ehr husband. The deeper the love, the stronger the trust, the more it hurts when it breaks.
IPK - so this is how i sum it up (and i think we are all on this page):
ReplyDelete- IPK started off very well - attention to detail, characters, story and direction was apparent + Arhi ACC(the actors, characters and chemistry) made the show iconic
- somewhere later they lost the will/could not handle the story - loopholes in story telling, poor continuity etc started harming the show
- BS wanted out and said so - PH could not handle the HR situation nor communications - project management was shoody to say the least
- instead of sticking to story ( or they had not thought the story through) they started parallel half baked random tracks with no sar or pair (need i remind you of MM and the obnoxious kid - cant remember her name!)
- finally the PH failed to stay true to a story and do justice to an excellent cast - no matter how 'nice' the people are - the fact that so many of them left means that they were not delivering on the project!
- end result - we loose out on a perfect show before time - how i wish IPK was conceived as a proper X number of episode show (eg 300 odd episodes), runnign for a year or more - but with a clear story and a clear exit - then all this would not have happened - no one could have done anything to spoil the show, the motivation of the staff and the end result!
well we all learn from life - IPK has taught me what 10 years in active field work in the development sector did not - exit is as important as entry!
DeleteHugs.....well u have summed it up very well...
IPK zehan mein bas gaya hain....for it to come up as a metaphor in life is quite possible!!Thus, serial is over and we are still discussing it!!
DeleteExcellent Sum up Mona.
Exit is as important as entry. *claps*
*applause* Mona.
DeleteThe last impression should have made a lasting impression, instead...sigh...
Perfect analysis Mona. The story was created top notch and it had all signs of becoming a cult show for the years to come. But the last tail end of the show dragged this down to the level of ordinary. Instead of all this, how I wish they closed the show on a high note and went on their lives. You are so true in saying that - Exit is as important as Entry.
DeleteYep babe - you nailed it. That is why I still like the way Sasural Genda Phool ended - all characters had had a story, and then they left with a song and dance effectively saying in this avataar there is nothing more to tell.
Yes exits are imp!!
Monu, perfect analysis! Yep, PH should have used the last two months to wind up properly, leaving space of a second season, but cleaning up all loose ends, if it didn't happen. Again, I will add that channel did play dirty, first telling them the show would go on, then pulling the plug at the nth hour. So while I put the lions' share of blame on the PH, I don't absolve channel of its share either.
DeleteAdding to the last ... and I don't absolve Barun for his share of blame either ... his lack of commitment to the show was a big factor as well.
DeleteThese days I cry every night between 10.30 to 11.00. Yes, Veera makes me cry and my heart ache. The beauty of pure innocence is so brilliantly, I'm at a loss to explain what this show does to me. Even Baldev, the bad kid, showed his good side and his selfish mom too was moved to praying for Ranvi's health. Ranvi brings out the best in every individual through his deep love for his little sis.
ReplyDeleteOpti, am loving Veera more and more every single day!
DeleteThere is a purity and a beauty in this brother-sister bond, it is simply beautiful, and is brilliantly portrayed. It touches something deep within me, and makes me so grateful that I have a older brother.
The way Ratan looked at the Guru Nanak picture at the orphanage, when she hears that Veera has landed up at the same hospital as Ranvi ... a mixture of guilt, resignation, acknowledgement, accusation ... final acceptance that this brother-sister bond is truly divine, forged in heaven, and nothing she can do will break it ... her complaint - why didn't you tell me earlier? At least my Ranvi would not have suffered ...
Sneha Wagh (Ratan) is an excellent actress. Every emotion is so brilliantly portrayed. I have seen her in Jyothi where she did a good job. The boy playing Ranvi is par excellence. A really good show after a long long time. Hope it stays this way.
They have started shooting with the girl back in October!
I don't know for how long the girl Veera will stay (may be that period of childhood will not last that long and the characters will grow up?), obviously the pull is towards the bhai- Bhavesh. (Wonder if they should have named it Veera ka bhai, since the story seems to be about Ranvijay till now)
The second link with iv of Ratan and Sampoorna:
Sampoorna is there only for 15 episodes and in the first segment they did mention'pita ke dehath ke baad'...the transformation of Ranveer- how he grows up to take care of his responsibilities...
I wondered from that 'chhotti' tying lesson Veera takes: Is Ratan going to be absent too or will she be a namesake mother who will just provide a roof for Veera?
I read on IF that there will be a four year leap by mid-December.
DeleteI'm trying to stay off that forum ... after IPK, I don't want to read too many 'spoilers' ... I want to watch what they're showing me and take it as it comes. :)))
Thanks for the links, Su!
"A sorely puzzled, turbid ASR walks to the window, A window which is casting back his reflection, A window which is showing him the Arnav hidden underneath, a mirror which is showing the dual persons residing in one body, when to his utter bewilderment, the long sleeping heart of ASR awakens from its slumber, awakens with all its vitality, its capability for softer emotions intact and the awakened heart breathes out one word which merges Arnav & ASR..Khushi" to whoever writes Redux...I MISS THIS!!!! haayyyeeee...beautiful writing and what an amazing scene!!
ReplyDeletethese days i wake up remembering scenes from its was "ASR aapko koi parvah nahi hai meri..pyaar nahi hai mujhse"... "Haan nahin hai pyaar"...
Dont ask me why that particular scene...
I read all the discussions about QH..i think i will stick to reading about it at R&R rather than watching it..
Been watching MB..cannot help but compare the leads with BS-SI...sigh!
Watched today's episode of Big Boss...they either cry, scream or backbite!! nothing new or interesting...
looks like i should just continue being obsessed with IPK and watch episodes in Telugu :D
Oh thank you for posting the link for Redux...such a relief after some gutter filled ones i found...
ReplyDeletei think some of these writers make up for what is not shown...but why make ASR such a despo...eeekkksss...i really should not have read some of those things!!!
Off topic but I heard this song today and thought of ArShi!
Hey Laksh, welcome! Are you new here? Thanks for posting!
DeleteActually I post as EnKay. Guess Google Mata got confused. :)
DeleteHa Ha Ha Dia,
ReplyDeleteI have been anticipating that Bas! post for a while now :)
Its thought provoking and I for one have been wondering. I even made a comment about it on the earlier TV TW post. Will think some more and get back.
Oh and on poer of fandom - was trawling IF and came across this post made in Apr this year. Irnoy in my view !
DeleteAny one watching Khamoshiyaan?
ReplyDeleteHaaye, this actress playing Prateeksha- Gauri's mom is so pretty! I remember there were some nice words about the actress' work in R&R.
Where is Mohit? Can they keep him non-existent for sometime more and send him in with San for NB, please?
What is Appa Sahib's secret? Apparently Gauri is the key to the prosperity in his life. How?
DeleteI am not watching it..just caught some snatches when i surf..
The actress playing Pratikhsha is Mrinal Kulkarni...absolute delicate beauty...i can keep looking at her when she is on screen...and when she is in simple getup...she even more beautiful...
i saw her first in her first serial in Marathi....
no idea abot where the serial is attn span is bad, i get bored easily...(IPK was an exception) even with a great cast ensemble...i am not able to watch that serial altho if i am surfing, and i see Mrinal k or Suhas Joshi,i do stop ..i think they have a decent background score and the title song is lilting, i have saved that song, i do listen to it once in a way.
i don't much care for family dramas...i can't follow the twists and turns well..
DeleteI saw one epi last week or earlier this week. I have liked the past work of the cast who play:
Appa Sahib - he has worked in marathi language serials before
His Mum? - the widow in red
Prateeksha - she was part of chattan on Zee eons ago along with Shammi Kapoor and Kiran karmakar
Have stopped following it ... political shows don't appeal to me at all! And I'm not really a fan of Mohit's acting!
Deletei saw an episode of khamoshiyan(today?yesterday?) and was intrigued. killer plot, nice directing.. should i watch?
Deleteand gauri's real mom was Sonpari.. i grew up during that time, so i remember.
DeleteThis was a show that was promo-ed massively. With cut outs and all- and remember the promo on TV- the BREAKING NEWS bit.
I have a feeling there is something to it.
Not looking for romance here. I think it is about Gauri and her mother. The promos did not highlight Mohit.
Deletethe cast is u may enjoy it if u like plots with twists and turns...
They have been pretty gud with production values from what little i saw..
the sarees worn by the ladies, the jewellery is pretty athentic for the region they claim the story to be, including the deity they worship...
the important thing would be how long will they keep the plot engaging...Appa saheb seems to consider Gauri a lucky charm (perhaps) and Pratiksha is believed by him to cause bad luck or her being close to G may upset his how long can they stretch this idk....romance toh dur dur tak nahin dikh raha, unless they bring him as a sheet anchor for G
Thanks, Rekh.
ReplyDeleteI am a bit like you in not getting drawn to family drama. Romance in little bits have to be there for me.
Latest on Khamoshiyaan in case anyone is wondering like me- There was an attempt on Gauri's life. What is with SP and these rural dramas?
I have to struggle to connect with them. Wish Gauri had stayed back in UK.
Dabangg 2:
This is what I was waiting for.
Promotion of a Sallu movie!
And here it comes...too late!
Khushi's Salmanji has to tolerate the boredom named DABH.
They'd have had a ball in IPK- on screen and offscreen.
Anyone watching PKDH? I think they've given up on the lead heroine ... she's been relegated to the background! It's more about the family drama now, but Avantika is waking up to her brother and bhabhi's tricks, so it's getting more interesting now. I like the Adi-Dad-Dadi scenes, they're cute together.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is the leads have no chemistry whatsoever! I don't mind family drama if there's humour along with the drama ... but some romance should be there. Here it's nonexistent!
Her and there.. But it is better than behna and DABH for me- I don't get the itch to change the channel until commercials come.
DeleteThe leads are aware of their feelings, but they are yet to confess to each other. Pankhudi was aware of it much earlier on, when Aadi had not even given love a thought. And she got his attitude.
NOw Aadi has acknowledged that the feeling he has is love (thanks to a lot of decoding from dad and grandpa)- but he feels Pankhudi looks up to him as a friend and he is scared to come out with his feelings lest it upset their equation.
Very soon the couple might move out together- Aadi has put his foot down and told his ma his decision is to live separately with his wife. (Actually Aadi and his dad deserve the best husband awards- Aadi for defending his wife and dad for still being so understanding and tolerant of his ghamandi wife...)I also love Avantika's dad and sis. All in all, it is not a bad serial. They are pretty consistent. The hero is a gentleman, less boring than Suraj- but I guess IF sways towards bad boys.
talking of nissar..
obviously, you have parts one and two, google it!
Thanks a lot, J.
DeleteGorky says 75 % of their time (Gul's and Nissar's) is spent peace- making!(with the channel, within the team, with the ratings!!!)
No wonder the quality of the show comes down once in a while...
Sigh...such sweethearts...all of them.
its not just about peacemaking.. i think they , being the creative types, get influenced very easily. no wonder everyone gets mad at them ..
ReplyDeleteThe week that was, I am really enjoying not beng addicted to any serial.
It s fun to catch up on junoon and qubool hai in fast forward in the weekend. Veera of course without fast forward. I seem to have got my life back.
Enjoyed all three but thankfully not addictive.
YRKKH was a letdown. I really thought I will like this track but instead of showing how akshara took over the office they have gone on to child parenting issues which is a BIG NO NO for me. So struck it off immediately. Thank god. My DVR cannot tape 3 programmes at 9.30 pm, only 2. So I will stick to junoon and QH
Veera is all heart and tears in the eyes. Each character is so wonderful, moti chaiji, chotachand, ratan......
JUNOON. - I like the father and aditya redij aka prithvi but have never liked mouni Roy. But still not bad.
QH. - KSG is growing on me. And i like Zoya. And i like the dialogues especially of shireen, zoya, KSG. allah miyan what's wrong with me! He he he he
Caught up on the one episode of zindagi gulzar hai, the Pakistani serial I have started watching. It is only one episode in a week and 23 episodes in all. So they won't deviate too much I think.
Now I am free for a week. :-)))))))
DeleteOh I forgot madhubala. I am loving RK's dialogues. Especially against his family.
When will we ever have a heroine on Indian tv with spunk. Or even a hero with spunk. Who will not be proved wrong by the end of it, who will not be shown that to have spunk is wrong. Sigh! Not in this janam, I guess.