Tues 2nd Apr 2013
Nice episode!!! The show is picking up well.
Tushar Bhai and Purvi apologise to Uma Ben ... not accepted. Adding insult to injury, they lose their house, through a nasty trick. Am not liking Uma Ben's character at all right now. She is downright mean and vindictive. Does she have any redeeming qualities at all?
Purvi and Tushar don't lose their dignity though ... they leave quietly. I would have emptied a glass of juice over Uma Ben "accidentally" ... And liked Purvi deciding that she will work and support her dad ... good message to convey, and done in a nice way without any preaching.
Manav-Himanshu restore the fun element ... Himanshu is so unashamedly silly, he's actually funny. Chhanchhan has a website for her Dog Training School - impressive! The vaccination details were accurate ... thank the Lord!
Enjoyed the Chhanchhan family scenes as usual ... this is becoming my favorite family after SGP and IPK ... and Daadi and CC's mom are really sweet and sooooo normal!!! Liked the way CC's mom scolded her and Purvi for laughing, and the way CC and her mom were both worried about how bad the bite was, and checked on that before anything else.
Sons of Uma Ben are normal and nice too ... I like two of the actors ... didn't see the third one. Dad is quiet ... does he support his wife's decision?
Uma Ben - Tushar bhai, Purvi. Uma Ben is a slimeball. Smile on face, poison in heart. And arrogant as hell about position and aukat, and unrepentant about the dowry demands she was happily exposing another girl to. If Purvi had died due to dowry demands, where would Uma Ben's pride in the rishta gone? Her nose would have been rubbed in the mud even more thoroughly.
Tushar bhai tries to meet Sethji, Uma Ben refuses. And connives with money lender to swindle Tushar bhai out of his house ... why would anyone be so stupid as to sign a blank stamp paper beats me. And that is why giving in to dowry demands even once is completely wrong ... it's a roller coaster which you can't get off.
Back home, Chhanchhan is shocked and horrified ... feels guilty that she was the cause of all this. She says so to her Daadi too (so nice to see a normal loving family where people talk to each other!) ... Daadi reassures her that things will sort out ... Purvi develops her spine further and declares she will work now, her father doesn't need to work any more. Good for her!!!
Chhanchhan still troubled, still naively thinking that if she apologizes, then maybe Uma Ben will relent. Because she knows Uma Ben blames her.
Himanshu with worried Manav, who seems to be a bit of a hypochondriac ...
worried about a scratch on his bum. Himanshu chadhaos him further by saying he'll need injections ... Manav gets more and more furious with Chhanchhan. Himanshu seems slightly smarter than Manav (it's a toss up here!) and first checks with a doc whether injections are needed. Liked the way Himanshu kept playing down the bite as a scratch, much to Manav's fury!
Chhanchhan has a website of her own ... impressed! :))) Himanshu is more keen to get his own love story rolling
Phone call instantly - Manav still furious ... Chhanchhan amused, especially with Simple's love story, then worried and profusely apologetic when she hears that Manav actually got bitten ... and reassures about vaccination. And offers to bring the vaccination papers across.
Manav starts planning his revenge.
Mom and Purvi with Chhanchhan - very cute scene! Girls laughing, mom scolds them ... did you say sorry?
And Purvi and Chhanchhan decide she will take bouquet, card and cake ... while mom talks again about kismat connection ...
Uma Ben with hubby and sons ... sons not very happy about the sudden sacking of Tushar bhai. Husband is quiet.
Nice episode!!! The show is picking up well.
Tushar Bhai and Purvi apologise to Uma Ben ... not accepted. Adding insult to injury, they lose their house, through a nasty trick. Am not liking Uma Ben's character at all right now. She is downright mean and vindictive. Does she have any redeeming qualities at all?
Purvi and Tushar don't lose their dignity though ... they leave quietly. I would have emptied a glass of juice over Uma Ben "accidentally" ... And liked Purvi deciding that she will work and support her dad ... good message to convey, and done in a nice way without any preaching.
Manav-Himanshu restore the fun element ... Himanshu is so unashamedly silly, he's actually funny. Chhanchhan has a website for her Dog Training School - impressive! The vaccination details were accurate ... thank the Lord!
Enjoyed the Chhanchhan family scenes as usual ... this is becoming my favorite family after SGP and IPK ... and Daadi and CC's mom are really sweet and sooooo normal!!! Liked the way CC's mom scolded her and Purvi for laughing, and the way CC and her mom were both worried about how bad the bite was, and checked on that before anything else.
Sons of Uma Ben are normal and nice too ... I like two of the actors ... didn't see the third one. Dad is quiet ... does he support his wife's decision?
Uma Ben - Tushar bhai, Purvi. Uma Ben is a slimeball. Smile on face, poison in heart. And arrogant as hell about position and aukat, and unrepentant about the dowry demands she was happily exposing another girl to. If Purvi had died due to dowry demands, where would Uma Ben's pride in the rishta gone? Her nose would have been rubbed in the mud even more thoroughly.
Tushar bhai tries to meet Sethji, Uma Ben refuses. And connives with money lender to swindle Tushar bhai out of his house ... why would anyone be so stupid as to sign a blank stamp paper beats me. And that is why giving in to dowry demands even once is completely wrong ... it's a roller coaster which you can't get off.
Back home, Chhanchhan is shocked and horrified ... feels guilty that she was the cause of all this. She says so to her Daadi too (so nice to see a normal loving family where people talk to each other!) ... Daadi reassures her that things will sort out ... Purvi develops her spine further and declares she will work now, her father doesn't need to work any more. Good for her!!!
Chhanchhan still troubled, still naively thinking that if she apologizes, then maybe Uma Ben will relent. Because she knows Uma Ben blames her.
Himanshu with worried Manav, who seems to be a bit of a hypochondriac ...
Chhanchhan has a website of her own ... impressed! :))) Himanshu is more keen to get his own love story rolling
Phone call instantly - Manav still furious ... Chhanchhan amused, especially with Simple's love story, then worried and profusely apologetic when she hears that Manav actually got bitten ... and reassures about vaccination. And offers to bring the vaccination papers across.
Manav starts planning his revenge.
Mom and Purvi with Chhanchhan - very cute scene! Girls laughing, mom scolds them ... did you say sorry?
And Purvi and Chhanchhan decide she will take bouquet, card and cake ... while mom talks again about kismat connection ...
Uma Ben with hubby and sons ... sons not very happy about the sudden sacking of Tushar bhai. Husband is quiet.
ReplyDeleteHow are you all ...thought of you all as I watched yesterday's epi of Chanchan :)Great to see Sanaya again ...
Read thru all your posts and on Uma Ben and Mr.Uma ben characters... here's a hint/rather a give away . Read somewhere Chanchan is inspired by the movie Khoobsoorat ( the old Hrishida film)..
I think Supriya is playing a role her mother played to perfection in the movie (the rigid conservative disciplinarian), mr.Umaben should then be the fun loving Ashok kumar in hiding ...I love the movie so I am looking forward to Sanaya doing the "Sare niyam tod do" routine :)
Sri, good to see you back *hugs*
DeleteYep, enjoying watching Sanaya on screen again ... TV watching has become enjoyable again!
We heard that the show was loosely based on Khubsoorat ... but I don't think Dina Pathak was ever evil, she was merely very strict and rigid. I do remember that she stopped her eldest DIL from continuing dance, which she loved - the DIL was played by Durga Khote, if I remember right ... and Rekha encouraged her to start again. But I guess there was a limit to how evil one could show a saas in a three hour movie, and Hrishida's movies were always very light ... for a serial, they will have to make things a little larger than life, to stretch the show for longer. I loved the movie too ... it was really cute!
I hope the husband is like the fun loving Ashok Kumar ... that will be fun! I liked the first look of the sons, two of them were decent, the third seemed a Ma ka bhakt ... it will be interesting to see the characters unfold.
The eldest daughter in law was shashikala :-)
And Dina pathak was strict, not evil. I remember by grandmother loving Dina pathak's character.
DeleteAnd I did not like it when they laughed at the dog bite. My children have had to take anti rabies shots even when they were licked by stray dogs. Because the saliva of a unknown stray dog is also dangerous. I lost a friend in my teenage years to rabies. He loved dogs and died a horrible death.
And I am not sure now but the anti rabies first shot has to be taken within 24 hours.
Okay, this was a pet dog but you don't laugh at people who are scared of dogs. Period.
DeleteThanks ... I thought I remembered Durga Khote, but you're right, it was Shashikala.
I agree with you, rabies is a horrible death ... we doctors say it is the worst possible death - so really sorry to hear about your friend. That must have been terrible.
I attended a rabies patient on my last night shift before my marriage ... I had to take anti-rabies shots on my honeymoon, much to my husband's befuddlement - we were searching for a doctor in the remote areas of Bhutan to give me my shots! I hate monkeys more than dogs ... dogs are still predictable and even a stray dog is not so scary for me ... if you don't run from a dog, it will NEVER chase you. Only a rabid dog will, because it is already suffering.
But monkeys are completely unpredictable, they will pounce regardless of what you do, and their scratches also mean rabies shots ... and NO monkeys are vaccinated!
We had this very funny experience in the village we were posted as interns, where a little kid was nipped by his pet dog, who was vaccinated ...and the dog died within 24 hours, but not from rabies, he was run over by a tractor. We were then wondering whether the kid needed rabies shots, because the dog had died ... our write up on that case was so funny that our Senior Resident burst out laughing ... but erring on the side of caution, we vaccinated the kid anyway. Rabies is a disease for which there is no cure ... so it's much better to be safe than sorry.
Yes, the first shot has to be taken within 24 hours, and preferably, the gamma globulin shot as well. But the earlier series of 30 shots in the stomach is now out-dated, my grandfather was bitten by a dog when out on his walk and he had to take those. Now it is only five shots, which are much less painful.
wow that is a lot of info on rabies.. thanks dia!
Delete(cannot believe you fudged a dogbite report :D )
am very glad that manav tracked down cc and her website.. at least, keeps it real.
and i love cc's mom, with her head in the clouds.. reminds me of bella's mom renee in twilight (terrible comparison, i agree.. but somehow, cc being more responsible than her mom rings similar)
Dia, I think you are wrong about "if you don't run from a dog, it will NEVER chase you"... if a dog is trained to attack and if given an order to attack or trained for certain scents it will attack. recently there are many cases of the pit bulls attacking due to negligence of their owners. I felt the whole dog chase and girls laughing very juvenile sort of comedy.
DeleteNo, we didn't fudge the dog bite report ... Going into more detail - if you get a bit from a pet dog that has been vaccinated, you give the first injection and observe the dog for 24 hours. If the dog has rabies, and has done an UNPROVOKED bite because of that, then the other symptoms set in within 24 hours, and the dog usually dies within that time. So then you have to complete the full course of injections for whoever he has been in contact with, saliva or bites which have broken the skin. If the dog survives and shows no sign of rabies, then you can discontinue the injections.
The problem we had was that the dog was vaccinated, it had died, but not of rabies, so we couldn't observe it for 24 hours ... so we had to give the injections. But the injections were expensive and this was a village and a farmer's kid we're talking about ... they had paid money to vaccinate the dog so it was quite sad to tell them that they had to pay for the injections as well. And we couldn't take a chance, although vaccinations are very effective in the case of rabies.
If it's a bite from a stray dog, which you can't trace, you don't take any chances ... you vaccinate.
DeleteMonkeys and bats are also carriers of rabies ... those animals are untrainable and unpredictable ... so I'm far more scared of them.
And yes, pit bulls are one breed who are exceptions ... actually any dog can be trained to attack, especially the hunting dogs and breeds like Rottweilers and Alsatians ... but normally most breeds don't, unless specifically trained to do so. Pit bulls are a nasty breed, though ... I remember reading some of those reports too. They caused a lot of controversy because the owners were pretty obdurate. If dogs are trained to attack, they really should be kept under leash all the time.
DeleteLike for kids ... there are no spoilt kids, there are only bad parents ... similarly, there are no bad dogs, there are only bad owners. I've seen such badly trained dogs in people's homes, the owners just don't know how to train them.
"We couldn't take a chance, although vaccinations are very effective in rabies" ... by that, I meant, the pet dog would most likely have been free of rabies, and a single injection would have been enough for the kid ... we probably would not have needed more if we were able to observe the dog. But because it died, we had no choice but to complete the course. Sometimes medicine is not only about what is the right thing to do, but also the alternatives you have.
All the above info was so informative and interesting. My Sons have both had to take rabies injections twice. Even for rabbit bites :-)
And congrats on the successful installation of Sony :-P