Veera ...
Monday 18th - the innocence of Ranvi as he tries to fulfill Veera's wish, and then is stuck in quicksand of his own making, as she asks for her Papaji to return ... and he has to try to fulfill her wish, after all, it is his Veera's wish, and he fulfills every one.
The helplessness of Ratan ... Rabba, you've turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to me, but at least listen to Veera's ardas ... she is just a child ... Chaiji ever-supportive ...
And Ranvi decides to go to Amritsar to fetch his Papaji ... and I am really scared for the boy ...
Qabool Hai
Others ... not watching anything much. PKDH became too negative for me today with the vampish Latika trying to show Adi in playboy light, and Shiela encouraging her ... will give this one a skip till the negativity lessens. Why do all shows have such horrible villains/vamps?Now I know why YRKKH does so well ... there is no negativity!
Bade Achhe Lagte Hain ... had appearance of Sanaya to promote Chhanchhan ... looking absolutely stunning in bright pink ... with major Khushi hangover in her way of speaking "Nehaji, aap aise kijiye ... "
I guess she will get over that soon enough! And I still like Vikram and Neha in BALH ... the nicest couple in the show, and the best friends to have!
Interview of Gautam Hegde .. talks about IPK. Isn't he writing Madhubala now? He doesn't mention it much.
I liked his comment - 'I don't think I have fans, but my shows do.' Very down to earth and pragmatic.
Make labour laws stringent for TV: Barun Sobti
Monday 18th - the innocence of Ranvi as he tries to fulfill Veera's wish, and then is stuck in quicksand of his own making, as she asks for her Papaji to return ... and he has to try to fulfill her wish, after all, it is his Veera's wish, and he fulfills every one.
The helplessness of Ratan ... Rabba, you've turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to me, but at least listen to Veera's ardas ... she is just a child ... Chaiji ever-supportive ...
And Ranvi decides to go to Amritsar to fetch his Papaji ... and I am really scared for the boy ...
Qabool Hai
Others ... not watching anything much. PKDH became too negative for me today with the vampish Latika trying to show Adi in playboy light, and Shiela encouraging her ... will give this one a skip till the negativity lessens. Why do all shows have such horrible villains/vamps?Now I know why YRKKH does so well ... there is no negativity!
Bade Achhe Lagte Hain ... had appearance of Sanaya to promote Chhanchhan ... looking absolutely stunning in bright pink ... with major Khushi hangover in her way of speaking "Nehaji, aap aise kijiye ... "
Interview of Gautam Hegde .. talks about IPK. Isn't he writing Madhubala now? He doesn't mention it much.
I liked his comment - 'I don't think I have fans, but my shows do.' Very down to earth and pragmatic.
Make labour laws stringent for TV: Barun Sobti
I have fallen in love with Gurbaani.. in just one episode. will definitely give this one a one week watch.
ReplyDeleteCP ing from previous post:
ReplyDeleteReply to Mona's and J's posts:
QH - and of course the friend is the shatir demagh wali villan - after all - the hero has to be the blind idiot who is stuck up in his own perceptions and has to read the heroine wrong and all that he does see has to be falsehood which his frozen demagh cannot fathom - specially after some nasha wala episodes (hloi/bhang etc etc)
SuMarch 19, 2013 at 8:55 PM
Mona, J,
Replying to J's comment above too.
Siddiqui...Grrrr...again. I thought that was a different actor- a softer look. (Hubby would know, only he'd refuse to look!)
I guess it will be, since Tanveer turned out to be Billo.
But then, Asad did not recognise Ayan's maamujaan?
Hero has not read just the heroine wrong. He has read everyone wrong. He did say this: 'At least I can trust you', to Tannu. He has a good reason to be upset with Zoya.
They both saw Rashid digging up the body. The doll spoke that he was the murderer...if after all this, she prefers to be blind and support his Ammi who has been blind ALWAYS when it comes to the man she loves...
Asad is actually disappointed that Zoya did not aid him. She tried to delay him instead of teaming up with him. She just showed that she has better faith in his Ammi's judgement than his. If he wants to have nothing to do with her after that- well, who can blame him? What proof does she have that Rashid is innocent that she is supporting him?
To Asad the world is divided into two right now. In this fight of Abbu Vs Asad- not a single one of his loved ones support him. HE IS ALL ALONE! At least he can trust Tannu, he hopes.
The worst part is he is not the only one who is blind to Tanveer. Dilshad has made the same mistake of trusting Tanveer, Zoya too. She simply has not given them a reason to suspect her.
hehe - Su - yeh to MU ho gaya - i agree with you and i feel sorry for the poor guy - thats what i meant - why cant Gul and the CVs not show the poor hero to have a brain and for once side with the right side - why cant he see the actual truth - why does he always stand by something that turns out to be the wrong thing! poor guy - at least once in a while let him be the hero - tel me be in the right :)
DeleteOppps meant - let him be on the right side
DeleteHi all,
ReplyDeleteAnybody watching NBT 2 and MB. Actually am liking MB a little these days. The actor who is doing Sultan is doing a good job. DD needs to show little more variation in her emotions but maybe I am watching on/off so I am not able to connect too much. But I really liked Sultan's eye expressions - especially when he comes to know that the person who he rescued after the car crash is RK - Madhu's husband. RK has sure fallen in love with madhu and now is jealous that madhu has seemingly moved on without him. His dialogue was awesome when he says - 'I tried to destroy Madhu but in the end she destroyed me without lifting her finger'. Though I can't have sympathy with RK and can't connect to him, the creatives are again doing a good job with creating sympathy for this arrogant man who brought it all upon himself.
One thing that is very amazing with Nautanki films that I have observed earlier in Jan also is that they have the whole track planned out for 1-2 weeks in advance. With VD gone for his marriage earlier too, I didn't see any body doubles in the episodes that followed in his absence - in fact if any, there was lot more of him in those episodes. Now also VD is gone for a 2 week Honeymoon but there are hardly any body doubles. So seems like this PH has canned his shots for 2 weeks and that too MB airs 6 times a week way ahead. Really my appreciation for this PH is going higher whenever I see this show. Much better than IPK ever was in all the departments.
NBT is now going on a good phase - Loving Mohan as the father who tried so much to find out for his Addu - you can actually feel for his pain and Kunal is doing an awesome job. Can't believe this guy is the same nerd in Remix. He has come a long way.
And Veera is going awesome. Loving Ratan and Veera's bonding. The creatives are taking the story were slowly and closing all the loops before jumping to new tracks. I assume this Ranvi going to Amristar and Veera/Ratan trying to locate him is going to go on for another 3-4 weeks and then we have the mystery of Nihal coming on. Though I have to admit I didn't like Kartar having love feelings for Ratan - Is it love or is it attraction because his wife now can never bear any child for him, Is it desperation ? No idea but somehow before the kids grow up I would like the creatives to address this issue. And need I say, I am loving the PH of Veera as they always are prompt on promos - you basically have the promo playing 1-2 weeks before the actual sequence airs and that is what is needed for audience to tune in for the show at the time it airs.
Diaaaaaaa *hugssss*
ReplyDeletehow r u????
u r not there anywhere except here, are you?
n u r watching these many shows??
i'm sticking myself to MB(depends on track), NBT-2(sincere loyalty from S1 n for the actors) n recently SC (Rode is yummy!! ;) )
n eagerly waiting for chanchan
Heyyyyyy Kavssss *hugssss*
DeleteI am nowhere these days ;) ... neither here nor there :))) ... was in India for the three weeks for a wedding, so I was logging in very erratically, just checking news of Chhanchhan, not much else! Family wedding, so was really caught up ... had lots of fun!
I'm not watching anything except Veera these days ... was trying to watch QH and MB, but neither managed to retain my interest ... I am tired of RK - his dialogue delivery, which I liked earlier, has become too predictable, it's always the same! The other guy is not bad ... but I haven't really followed the show at all recently.
NBT I can't stand Rimjhim, and I every time I tune in, she's there ... hey bhagwan, meri kismat!!! Not been watching SC ... should I watch it?
Indian weddings are always fun...i'm waiting for anyone to get married in my family or friends gang...n when i say the same, they look at me n ask if i'm giving some kind of
ReplyDeletei like MB...not watching much these days though...n whenever i watch it is bcoz of RK's dialogues - i never get bored of them
rimjim is cmng less these, but now she'll be back again...but for the past few weeks, we had a lot of all other imp charcaters
u should definitely try SC...try it for a week or two atleast
but considering that i'm able to watch it with JW as lead, i think u'll like it
Make labour laws stringent for TV: Barun Sobti
Hi Everyone
ReplyDeleteJust popped in to say hello to everyone.
Can you tell me how the best way will be to catch Sanaya's new show as I don't get Sony. I also really need English subtitles.
Please let me know because I don't want to miss out
Hey Lin,
DeleteTry this site ... I used it to download the IPK episodes, they normally upload them very quickly, within an hour after the episode airs.§ionid=18&id=2590&Itemid=159
Also the Sony website uploads the episodes within a few hours
I don't get Sony either so I will figure out where the episodes come online and let you know ... so don't worry! ;)
Rekha, if you are around, can you tell me when Chhanchhan will air UK time? I think I get the Sony UK feed on my box, trying to figure out the timing. The repeats as well as the original episode, please!
Thanks Dia, I will try these sites.
DeleteLin x
Badalte Rishton ki daasatan...Anyone watching it?
ReplyDeleteCaught the last episode. Right after SC which is boring me to no end.
What a wonderful cast! Loved AM in his new getup...the essence is the same. He seems to be negative here too- minus the mannerisms, retained a bit of the same bg music also, I felt. LOL. It was wonderful seeing him moving on to something really good. Another hard working actor like Sanaya. The show as such looks pretty IMPRESSIVE!
‘Meera is a free spirited independent girl who lives an idyllic life in the picturesque valley of Shimla. Nandini is duty-bound wife who is coping with the biggest loss and the biggest lie of her life.
The story traces the journey of Meera and Nandini who come together in the face of adversity to fight against a greater adversary thus making 'Badalte Rishton Ki Daastan' a story of one woman standing up for another... where love and unity triumph against evil!’
My type of show, I must confess. Like I said, I AM IMPRESSED on first watch!
Something to tune into on a boring weekend!
Sounds interesting. Will give it a try if the timings are convenient. Right now it is Chhanchhan and Veera for me - have pretty much given up on all the rest.
DeleteSu i watched Dastaan for a few minutes today..liked AM's look but he seemed too much like Shyam with his face twitching and all...
Deletemaybe its all in my head..will have to watch it again...
Watched the Friday episode of Dastaan ... I seem to have the attention span of a goldfish for all shows these days ... (excluding Chhanchhan!) ... liked the first scene between Aditi and Sanjeeda, and was pretty bored during the rest. Will catch it off and on. My box has added Zee shows on the recorded uploads, so I can catch up when I want! :)))
DeleteHas anyone seen BBC Sherlock? It's mindblowing! only 6 episodes so far, each of them is 90 minutes long. But I swear, its sheer brilliance in terms of acting, writing, direction and cinematography.
ReplyDeleteI have ... watched the first season. Haven't seen the second one yet. The first was mind blowing ... amazing show!
DeleteVeera ... I wonder if Ratan has subconsciously given up on Sampooran ever returning. She wants him to come back, she prays for his return, but subconsciously does she realise that he would never have left his family alone for so long, without checking up on them at least from a distance?
ReplyDeleteThis trip I had wanted to visit Amritsar ... the plan didn't materialise. Am so glad I will see it on Veera ... hopefully will make the trip myself next trip.
hey Diya....its been ages since I got a chance to read your eagerly waiting for Chanchan, so was spending a lot of time reading all the links you have put..great work in collecting them all ! :-)
ReplyDeleteAppy, good to see you here! Hope you'll be around for Chhanchhan too!
DeleteCompletely blown away by the scenes of the Golden Temple today, and the strains of the kirtans. Beautifully shot, beautifully captured. Made the episode!
ReplyDeleteThe rest was an expected hide and seek.
ReplyDeleteI hope the link is working.
Asad’s dream sequence!
Gr8 choreography and sizzling chemistry! (Had to sit through some 2 hours of Zee- Holi rubbish to catch this on TV!)
I wished 4 many song and dance sequences in IPK. I always wondered why they underutilised the dancer in Sanaya.
Anyway, they are not repeating that mistake with KSG. Killer expressions and he is a wonderful dancer too!
Wish I’d get to see Sanaya dancing with him for some show or something at least.
MB: Where are they going?
I caught a glimpse of Madhu bringing a Shirtless Sultan back to life. What is the idea? And they are already fighting like a couple over the kid’s upbringing! I hate it that they made the kid have a limp. I guess it is for a filmy sequence where Madhu will boost his confidence and make the kid run, shattering his braces!
SC: I do like the chemistry between the leads. Gautam is perfect for this oversensitive hero. I cannot stand the twists in the story, nor the yawn- worthy catty stepmom!
Watched it ... seems like the PH has got lots of money to spend ... the dream sequence was very grand, especially for a TV show! QH is doing very well for them!
DeleteDid you know KSG took part in Jhalak ... that's where he learned his dancing, he was quite bad before that. Looking at this, I feel IPK lost out on these type of scenes because the ML could not/did not dance. How many times could they show Sanaya dancing alone? They did show her a lot with NK, as Karan G is a good dancer. So is KSG now.
I still can't like Zoya ... the contrast between Surbhi and the delicately feminine, graceful Sanaya is just too much for me, I guess.
Isn't VD off on honeymoon? So is that why they have brought in this Sultan track? I think VD is also planning to leave ... two weeks in Jan for his wedding, now two weeks in March for honeymoon :D Let us see!
Not been watching SC at all. Saw very animated discussions on the SC forum on the suitability of Kumud's outfits, or lack of ... while I agree that a girl can wear what she likes and feels comfortable in, but wearing such tiny blouses and flimsy see-through dupattas to school where she teaches young boys, doesn't gel with me. Fault in costume design - one should to dress appropriate to the occasion. Plus her dresses are so dissimilar to what her sisters wear, it does look strange. Either they should make them all dress the same way ... then it would be fine.
Surbhi and Sanaya- no comparison there!
DeleteBut I love Surbhi's looks and her dimpled smile. She is perfectly cast for the character of Zoya, loud and scatterbrained and CLUMSY to the core! And I love her height! I agree she is not graceful like Sanaya, she is more suited as an action heroine, actually. She reminded me of Catherine Zeta Jones in some pics of the Bond Dream sequence.
Outside of Zoya, I don't know if Surbhi will fit into any other character- her looks are even more unconventional than Sanaya's!
KSG in Jhalak: Yes, I knew about it. KSG haters used to highlight that phase of his life quite frequently. *wink* Didn't know he couldn't dance before that. Barun should enrol in a reality dance show then!
VD and MB : They could go any way. I don't think VD is leaving. This Sultan fellow is probably a long track- actually a good filler track. Only thing is, there is more chemistry there now. VD and DD never had chemistry of the sizzling kind. That is probably because VD is just not intense in the romantic scenes, at least for me as a viewer. I remember Madhu by herself doing the coat dance looked quite good!
It is a little different with this guy Sultan. This guy is quite intense. And the close-up shot of Madhu after she picks out the bullet- the expression is unreadable. She has declared to RK that she looks down on herself for having loved him once. If Sultan is taking over, the intoxicated sequence btn Madhu- RK does not make sense. I guess we will know in another 2 weeks when RK comes back from his vacation.
SC: Kumud's outfit- this is what I picked at from the first episode. It is done very aesthetically, but just does not gel with the story and the rest of the characters!
DeleteI don't think VD is planning to leave. The two weeks he took off to get married and the ten days now for honeymoon did not come in the way of the story. He had banked enough episodes, working even on sundays. In fact he was completely missing only in a couple of episodes in the current track and if I remember right, he was very much there on the screen all the days he was missing for his wedding. This PH plans well in advance and shoots also well in advance unlike 4 lions which was perennially scrounging in their earlier two main shows (don't know how they are fairing in QH since I don't watch it). Coming back to MB, the current track is focusing on building Madhu-Sultan-Aryan connection. Have a feeling that Sultan will act more as a catalyst in RK-Madhu love story rather than as a hindrance to it. I watch the show purely for entertainment without too much emotional involvement so the OTT plot is OK with me.
Veera is the one show which has never failed to tug at my heart strings. Don't miss a single episode of it. Another show which tugs at my heart strings these days is NBT. This PH has always been good in their story narration and the subjects they choose is sensitive and well executed. Am beginning to like the grown up Nanhi and Beera. These two are slowly growing on me. Mohan and Megha continue to be my favourites in the show, with Kunal (Mohan) holding an edge because of his superb acting in emotional scenes.
Channchann seems to be an OK show as of now. Sanaya needs to get out of her Khushi mode and etch out a separate character for Channchann.
ROFL ... okay, no further comparisons! You like Surbhi ... will leave it at that! She is pretty though ... I agree there.
DeleteVD and MB ... I like Sultan better than VD, I think. Don't know his story at all, but he looks intriguing, and acts well. But caught a glimpse of Madhu taking out a bullet? from his shoulder ... DD is disappointing me big time with her acting.
SC - have not managed to catch at all ... the timings just don't suit me! And am not motivated enough to catch up on repeats. Again a show where I like the guy, but was not impressed with Jenni. I liked the youngest sister - had seen her in Navya in a sweet role as Navya's best friend. Maybe she's a familiar face, so liked her! :)))
Opti, missed your post earlier. Coincidentally, I watched NBT after ages today ... caught half the episode, and I agree, it seems to be doing well now. Will try to catch it more often - as logn as I can avoid Rimjhim!
DeleteHehe, I told you I liked the actor playing Beera ... you never liked him at first. I had seen him in Mukti Bandhan and he was good - a very different character, a suave businessman. Though he was a bit of a wimp there :)
Since you have been watching it, a couple of queries ... how come Nanhi has forgiven Mohan? And why is he mad at her now?
Chhanchhan, - I think I am far too biased about Sanaya to give you a fair review. I am liking it as of now, that's all I can say ... there were times at the start of IPK (and many times in the middle as well) when I did not like IPK. And I like strong heroines. Fits my viewing standards :)))
I don't think Chhanchhan is so much like Khushi actually ... maybe if you have only seen her as Khushi you will think so, a lot of IPK fans do, while the fans following her from MJHT can see the differences straight away - they are subtle but definitely there. Will write more in detail about that some other time.
DeleteYou'll get your answer to your questions in these episodes.
Nanhi has realised her mistake in misunderstanding Mohan because of what Beera says here (watch from 11.30 onwards). The scene would have more impact if you see it than if I were to describe it. The dialogues are powerful.
Mohan was mad at her because she had earlier hurt him by asking him to leave them alone. This scene was also beautiful. Watch it here (from 8.35). Megha's dilemma of loving a man who was responsible for the loss of her son is also well portrayed in between.
By the way, did you watch yesterday's episode where Nanhi and Mohan finally makeup? It was really touching.
DeleteI just caught up with all the episodes of Balte Rishton ki daastan and am loving it. I always liked Sanjeeda right from Kayamth days. She is beautiful and a good actor. Kiran Karmakar, Abhaas and the rest of the cast are also good and the story seems to be intriguing - tow women who loved the same man without being aware of each other as long as he lived. I think Sanjeeda's character (Meera) may be pregnant with her lover's child and may be made to stay back so that the house would not be lost to the Aastans.
Thanks for the links, Opti. I will watch next week ... have four days holiday here for Easter, so I have less time online! Yes, I watched the Mohan-Nanhi make-up scene, it was really nice!
DeleteHas Tanu married that irritating girl who was milking him for money and gifts? And isn't she Beera's sister? Does Beera know who the girl is, or has he just helped Tanu out of the goodness of his heart?
I find Mohan an excellent actor ... Megha, not so much. But she is absolutely beautiful, typical Indian beauty with lovely eyes ... can overlook her acting for her beauty! And she wears gorgeous sarees.
Why do Mohan and Beera have the same long haired unwashed look? What's with so many guys on telly today - why do they look so scruffy?!!!
Never watched Sanjeeda before ... haven't had time to watch Dastaan, although the story intrigued me. Might catch it when I can.
Veera is dragging a bit now ... the hide and seek is becoming very cliched. Hope they end the Sampooran mystery now, and move on.
Tannu's girl friend is not Beera's sister (atleast I am not aware if she is). I thought Ragini who works in Datta's household is his sister. I agree with you that Kunal who plays is an excellent actor and is much better than Akanksha(Megha). Akanksha has improved over the months although she still has a long way to go. Yes, she is very beautiful.
DeleteVeera: Well written!
ReplyDeleteRanvi is going to be a victim of child- trafficking, that too by a sweet talker who promises to unite him with his father!
So realistic!
He scribbled Veera on the bench...and Veera finds it...will she be able to save her Veerji?
I suppose she will, since Ranvi is shown to celebrate Holi with his family. But very nicely done epi! These guys rock! Really nice touch with Ratan mistaking another boy for his son and then apologising...
Will Nihal tell the truth now, seeing how dangerously things can go wrong!
These are the directorial touches ... or the actors' touches? The instant apology by Ratan with folded hands - nice!