Wednesday 27th Mar '13
Who said this was not going to be an intense love-hate story?!
This is as intense as it can get!! Only thing is, the love-hate is between the saas bahu.
The guy is going to be sandwiched between two very strong women ... I feel sorry for him already.
The way it's going, Chhanchhan and Manav will fall in love without knowing the hate between Uma Ben and Chhanchhan ... without Chhanchhan even knowing he is Uma Ben's son.
Manav, NOT being Mama's boy, will insist on marrying Chhanchhan, Mommy dearest will not be able to stop him. Then will start the challenge of Uma Ben throwing Chhanchhan out in thirty days, as was written in the Sony website.
So this week will be intense, and next week things will lighten up.
Enjoyed the episode today again ... tension-packed drama! So the poor groom was not even consulted? And Purvi had not even met him earlier? Didn't think this happened in this day and age! No wonder such arranged marriages are NOT to be encouraged!
In the first episode, Chhanchhan said 'aisi saas kisi ko na mile.'
In the second, Uma Ben said 'aisi bahu kisi ko na mile'.
Well matched saas and bahu! They will both have to eat their words!
Today Uma Ben vowed she would never forget Chhanchhan. Don't think she will be given a chance!
Tomorrow will Chhanchhan say she will never forget Uma Ben?
*edit later*
My download is very slow
Will edit as soon as done. Till then, a couple of positive reviews 
DNA -Looks promisingWhat is it about: A Gujarati joint family wherein the grandmother is worried about her granddaughter Chanchan —who is of a marriageable age — not finding a groom and wants her son and daughter-in-law to start the hunt for a groom pronto.
Characters: It has a nice blend of contemporary and traditional characters. Even the professions each of them follows is out-of-the-box. The protagonist Chanchan is a dog trainer, her brother is pursuing to be a wild life photographer, sister is a tattoo artist, father's a painter and mother's a history professor. On the other hand, Supriya Pathak's character Umaben is as orthodox as can be. Her son Manav (newbie Farhan Khan) is the hero and sparks have already flown between Chanchan and him in a typical filmi manner where they accidentally bump into each other.
But it's the sparks between Chanchan and Umaben, whose house she will eventually come as a bahu that will prove to be explosive and interesting. One has to mention the four dogs, especially the fluffy Pooch Pooch who is oh-so-cute and undoubtedly the scene-stealer!
Visuals: That most serials these days have good production values is heartening and Chanchan is no exception. From the lavish house to the outdoors to the ostentatious wedding sequence, the visuals are pleasing to the eye.
Dialogue: Whether it's the casual conversation between Chanchan and her friends — which is very today — or the simmering undertones in the dialogue between Umaben and Chanchan, it's quite engaging. Worth mentioning is the one where the priest tells Chanchan that the temple is closed and cannot be opened because Vishnuji is sleeping and in the next instant is willing to open when Umaben offers him a thousand rupee note. When Chanchan cries foul, Umanben coolly tells her, 'Kya tum yeh nahi jaanti soye huye Vishnu ko Laksmi hi jagati hai!'
Way forward: It is undoubtedly a saas-bahu saga but with a difference. With Supriya Pathak's strict sarcy act providing the perfect foil to Sanaya Irani's chutzpah, this should turn out interesting, provided the pace is maintained.
Tellychakkar review ... also fairly good
Another one on iDubba (whatever that is !)
Episode update - As expected, Chhanchhan tells Purvi during the pheras aboutt he dowry demands, adds that more will be coming, reminds her of Aarti and their vow, and then leaves it to her. Purvi is caught in major dilemma, what to do ... Tough call!
Uma Ben wondering why Chhanchhan is accompanying Purvi during the pheras, Purvi's dad assures her it's because Purvi is nervous.
Purvi stops midway through fourth phera ... and wants to talk to her father in private.
SN - I loved it in IPK when the talk of breaking Arnav's engagement was done in private, and not in front of all guests ... good to see the same thing happen here.
Purvi upset ... apparently she was the shy, nervous sort, never excelling at anything, poor self-esteem ... but did her father really need to buy her a husband? Is she not even good enough on her own for that?
SN - Some script loopholes here - the dad knew Purvi had sworn against dahej, and about her friend's death ... why did he go ahead with it? They could have put in a line that the demands came too late for him to stop anything, to cover that one up.
And how come Purvi didn't even meet her fiance once? They don't look the ultra-conservative types ...a girl who did a computer course, can meet her fiance once surely?
That's why I enjoy Veera - it never leaves these minor loopholes in the script.
The rest was good ... Supriya P was very good, smooth-talking over the 25 lakhs issue, subtle threats about breaking the alliance she has arranged ... it was a 'gift', not a dowry demand, it's for his daughter after all, it will ensure her greater happiness ... all the usual excuses ...
As Chhanchhan points out ... aren't these all the excuses people use to give and take dowry today?
Liked the line by the boy's dad that 'unki naak kat jayegi' ... thank God somebody said that one! Always wondered that if an alliance breaks at the mandap, it's equally humiliating for the boy too ... why does no one ever bring that up?
Boy's dad says, no, no, we like Purvi for her virtues ... and can't name a single one ... so Chhanchhan obliges ... methinks her dad also realised belatedly that his daughter is not that hopeless and he doesn't need to buy a groom after all ...
Chhanchhan says, we have all decided we will not give or take dowry ... we can change these traditions ...
Uma Ben not happy ... you are far too young to talk about changing society, you can't even change the color of the wall behind you ... umm, is Chhanchhan a painter?
And hello Uma Ben ... quite a few recent changes have been bought about by youngsters, don't you know ... aided by the power of the internet and technology ...
Pretty much all the elders say this too ... the young should not interfere, you are too idealistic, these things happen, don't talk in elders' matters ... can see this striking a chord with both young and old audiences.
Chhanchhan is taken aback at Uma Ben's barely veiled dislike ... you can fight corruption if you like, but don't try to battle society norms ...
Uma Ben tries to steamroll the opposition ... let's get going now ... five minutes, if you please. And banishes Purvi's friends, judging correctly where the rebellion is finding its strength. Purvi smartly holds her back.
Some subtle and not-so-subtle threats about Purvi's dad working for Uma Ben's husband ... we are old and wise, these girls are young and foolish ... don't make me lose face. And passes some rude remarks on Purvi's choice of friends ...
Manav and friend on the way back ... Manav still thinking of revenge ... his friend mooning over Simple ...
And the scene showed that Manav does not share his mother's views on the inferiority of either middle-class people or those who work for him ... his interactions with the driver are friendly and back-slapping types, with no hint of social superiority ...
Uma Ben back to call Purvi to complete the wedding ... papa says 'no thanks ... I'll work for you even harder, but am not prepared to put my daughter's happiness at stake here.'
Hey bhagwan, wish he had thought so before ... he realises this at the wedding mandap, halfway through the pheras?
Like I said, one dialogue saying the demand came late and threw him into a tizzy, would have been apt.
Purvi and Chhanchhan delighted and relieved ... while Uma Ben has no hesitation in laying the blame for the broken alliance where it belongs ... Chhanchhan. And she will double her memory pills, to ensure she doesn't forget her face.

... methinks she won't be allowed to forget her in a hurry, even if she wanted to!
Today was Supriya Pathak's day ... she is getting into character slowly and steadily. Will she be frankly evil saas, or just orthodox matriarch, strict to a fault, and intolerant of those who dare to oppose her? So far she still seems like a female ASR, now with a mix of Daadi added ... orthodox and intolerant with it, added to an exaggerated sense of her own importance, and pride in her wealth and position.
Farhan needs to improve his dialogue delivery and expressions. His character is also slowly getting defined more and more with each brief scene.
Sanaya was good as usual ... very much in character, a bewildered Chhanchhan ... who has probably for the first time encountered such strict orthodoxy, given that her own upbringing has been so different. Or encountered such open dislike and contempt for her thoughts ... again, given that her own family encourages the youngsters to follow their own paths in life, she has never encountered such disdain for the values and open thinking that she takes for granted.
Who said this was not going to be an intense love-hate story?!
The way it's going, Chhanchhan and Manav will fall in love without knowing the hate between Uma Ben and Chhanchhan ... without Chhanchhan even knowing he is Uma Ben's son.
Manav, NOT being Mama's boy, will insist on marrying Chhanchhan, Mommy dearest will not be able to stop him. Then will start the challenge of Uma Ben throwing Chhanchhan out in thirty days, as was written in the Sony website.
So this week will be intense, and next week things will lighten up.
Enjoyed the episode today again ... tension-packed drama! So the poor groom was not even consulted? And Purvi had not even met him earlier? Didn't think this happened in this day and age! No wonder such arranged marriages are NOT to be encouraged!
In the first episode, Chhanchhan said 'aisi saas kisi ko na mile.'
In the second, Uma Ben said 'aisi bahu kisi ko na mile'.
Well matched saas and bahu! They will both have to eat their words!
Today Uma Ben vowed she would never forget Chhanchhan. Don't think she will be given a chance!
Tomorrow will Chhanchhan say she will never forget Uma Ben?
*edit later*
My download is very slow
DNA -Looks promisingWhat is it about: A Gujarati joint family wherein the grandmother is worried about her granddaughter Chanchan —who is of a marriageable age — not finding a groom and wants her son and daughter-in-law to start the hunt for a groom pronto.
Characters: It has a nice blend of contemporary and traditional characters. Even the professions each of them follows is out-of-the-box. The protagonist Chanchan is a dog trainer, her brother is pursuing to be a wild life photographer, sister is a tattoo artist, father's a painter and mother's a history professor. On the other hand, Supriya Pathak's character Umaben is as orthodox as can be. Her son Manav (newbie Farhan Khan) is the hero and sparks have already flown between Chanchan and him in a typical filmi manner where they accidentally bump into each other.
But it's the sparks between Chanchan and Umaben, whose house she will eventually come as a bahu that will prove to be explosive and interesting. One has to mention the four dogs, especially the fluffy Pooch Pooch who is oh-so-cute and undoubtedly the scene-stealer!
Visuals: That most serials these days have good production values is heartening and Chanchan is no exception. From the lavish house to the outdoors to the ostentatious wedding sequence, the visuals are pleasing to the eye.
Dialogue: Whether it's the casual conversation between Chanchan and her friends — which is very today — or the simmering undertones in the dialogue between Umaben and Chanchan, it's quite engaging. Worth mentioning is the one where the priest tells Chanchan that the temple is closed and cannot be opened because Vishnuji is sleeping and in the next instant is willing to open when Umaben offers him a thousand rupee note. When Chanchan cries foul, Umanben coolly tells her, 'Kya tum yeh nahi jaanti soye huye Vishnu ko Laksmi hi jagati hai!'
Way forward: It is undoubtedly a saas-bahu saga but with a difference. With Supriya Pathak's strict sarcy act providing the perfect foil to Sanaya Irani's chutzpah, this should turn out interesting, provided the pace is maintained.
Tellychakkar review ... also fairly good
Another one on iDubba (whatever that is !)
Episode update - As expected, Chhanchhan tells Purvi during the pheras aboutt he dowry demands, adds that more will be coming, reminds her of Aarti and their vow, and then leaves it to her. Purvi is caught in major dilemma, what to do ... Tough call!
Uma Ben wondering why Chhanchhan is accompanying Purvi during the pheras, Purvi's dad assures her it's because Purvi is nervous.
Purvi stops midway through fourth phera ... and wants to talk to her father in private.
SN - I loved it in IPK when the talk of breaking Arnav's engagement was done in private, and not in front of all guests ... good to see the same thing happen here.
Purvi upset ... apparently she was the shy, nervous sort, never excelling at anything, poor self-esteem ... but did her father really need to buy her a husband? Is she not even good enough on her own for that?
SN - Some script loopholes here - the dad knew Purvi had sworn against dahej, and about her friend's death ... why did he go ahead with it? They could have put in a line that the demands came too late for him to stop anything, to cover that one up.
And how come Purvi didn't even meet her fiance once? They don't look the ultra-conservative types ...a girl who did a computer course, can meet her fiance once surely?
That's why I enjoy Veera - it never leaves these minor loopholes in the script.
The rest was good ... Supriya P was very good, smooth-talking over the 25 lakhs issue, subtle threats about breaking the alliance she has arranged ... it was a 'gift', not a dowry demand, it's for his daughter after all, it will ensure her greater happiness ... all the usual excuses ...
As Chhanchhan points out ... aren't these all the excuses people use to give and take dowry today?
Liked the line by the boy's dad that 'unki naak kat jayegi' ... thank God somebody said that one! Always wondered that if an alliance breaks at the mandap, it's equally humiliating for the boy too ... why does no one ever bring that up?
Boy's dad says, no, no, we like Purvi for her virtues ... and can't name a single one ... so Chhanchhan obliges ... methinks her dad also realised belatedly that his daughter is not that hopeless and he doesn't need to buy a groom after all ...
Chhanchhan says, we have all decided we will not give or take dowry ... we can change these traditions ...
Uma Ben not happy ... you are far too young to talk about changing society, you can't even change the color of the wall behind you ... umm, is Chhanchhan a painter?
And hello Uma Ben ... quite a few recent changes have been bought about by youngsters, don't you know ... aided by the power of the internet and technology ...
Pretty much all the elders say this too ... the young should not interfere, you are too idealistic, these things happen, don't talk in elders' matters ... can see this striking a chord with both young and old audiences.
Chhanchhan is taken aback at Uma Ben's barely veiled dislike ... you can fight corruption if you like, but don't try to battle society norms ...
Uma Ben tries to steamroll the opposition ... let's get going now ... five minutes, if you please. And banishes Purvi's friends, judging correctly where the rebellion is finding its strength. Purvi smartly holds her back.
Some subtle and not-so-subtle threats about Purvi's dad working for Uma Ben's husband ... we are old and wise, these girls are young and foolish ... don't make me lose face. And passes some rude remarks on Purvi's choice of friends ...
Manav and friend on the way back ... Manav still thinking of revenge ... his friend mooning over Simple ...
And the scene showed that Manav does not share his mother's views on the inferiority of either middle-class people or those who work for him ... his interactions with the driver are friendly and back-slapping types, with no hint of social superiority ...
Uma Ben back to call Purvi to complete the wedding ... papa says 'no thanks ... I'll work for you even harder, but am not prepared to put my daughter's happiness at stake here.'
Hey bhagwan, wish he had thought so before ... he realises this at the wedding mandap, halfway through the pheras?
Like I said, one dialogue saying the demand came late and threw him into a tizzy, would have been apt.
Purvi and Chhanchhan delighted and relieved ... while Uma Ben has no hesitation in laying the blame for the broken alliance where it belongs ... Chhanchhan. And she will double her memory pills, to ensure she doesn't forget her face.
Today was Supriya Pathak's day ... she is getting into character slowly and steadily. Will she be frankly evil saas, or just orthodox matriarch, strict to a fault, and intolerant of those who dare to oppose her? So far she still seems like a female ASR, now with a mix of Daadi added ... orthodox and intolerant with it, added to an exaggerated sense of her own importance, and pride in her wealth and position.
Farhan needs to improve his dialogue delivery and expressions. His character is also slowly getting defined more and more with each brief scene.
Sanaya was good as usual ... very much in character, a bewildered Chhanchhan ... who has probably for the first time encountered such strict orthodoxy, given that her own upbringing has been so different. Or encountered such open dislike and contempt for her thoughts ... again, given that her own family encourages the youngsters to follow their own paths in life, she has never encountered such disdain for the values and open thinking that she takes for granted.
some heavy duty melodrama and I did shed a couple of tears...esp when the father stops the wedding and says he'll make up for it by working even harder... nice message to give to the audience, that if the parents stand by their kids, then they have nothing to worry about... again, easier said than done! Esp since we live in a society together and its almost impossible to ignore the insults and remarks thrown in every now and then when such things happen.. nevertheless, brave and successful attempt by the makers I would say! :)
ReplyDeleteSo umaben is all for rebelling against corruption, but not against old values and traditions...interesting! That makes her not a vamp and so the "bribery" she gave to the pandit was not a bribe, but a dakshina and she whole heartedly believes in that.. loved her in the scene with purvi-chanchan and her dad.. I am sure many elderly people would have instantly related to her with the thought of seriously aaj kal ki ladkiyon ko kuch samajh mein nahi aata types..
Maanav was minisicule in today's epi, but another facet came out, or rather enhanced his character - the fact that he treats those beneath him at par with him..unlike his mother!
tomo looks to be a little light hearted.. :))
did I say I am LOVING sanaya in this show??? Her character is much more poised and mature, like gunjan's was.. :)) Even though she disagrees with umaben, she explains her POV quite calmly.. and I hope they retain it in the future too.. :) loving the way sanaya's role is shaping up ;-)
DeleteYep, it's a mixture of all we loved about Gunjan and Khushi, and minus the hyper and OTT that we DIDN'T like in Khushi, and the painful shyness in Gunjan!!! No wonder we are happy campers!!! :)))
DeleteI am getting my intelligent heroine ... *happy dance!!!* This is what I wanted to see Sanaya do ...
Finally got to see ChanChan in peace - 3 epis in a row :))))
ReplyDeleteGood to have Sanaya back on screen & her character is well etched as is Umaben's.......however, Supriya Pathak lacks her mother's screen presence.....the Qubool Hai promo right after ChanChan just brought home the point how wonderful it would have been if "Raziya Begum" was playing the role - that would have been a true match of equals! Farhan, I think, will grow into his role......he needs time but the spark is there....
Anyone noticed how similar IPK's beginning was/is to CC? Both start off on a marriage broken off due to dowry demands........followed by the ML in aviators....hope that's the end of it!
And girl on scooty ... you forgot that one! :)))
DeleteSupriya is a good actress, Aki ... give her time, I think she will definitely settle in. The first two episodes she was very black ... today, she was more sternly orthodox and set in her ways ... her character is grey, so will take a little more time to establish.
:D :D :D yeah, I forgot the "girl on scooty"... thanks for reminder.
DeleteI do not doubt Supriya's acting skills and I am sure all of us will settle in over time and enjoy the show for what it is. Also glad that Sanaya chose such a different show to do from IPK - now we compare ASR to Umaben........heh heh heh........humara kuch nahin ho sakta!
It's just that having caught what a firecracker "Raziya Begum" is kinda makes me wish it was her doing the role of Umaben. Blame it on IPK or any other movie(s)/play where you get two strong actors of equal capabilities together who are on the same wavelength and then it is rapturous to watch.
Hehe ... ASR and Uma Ben ... what a comparison!!! Today Uma Ben was a mix of ASR and Daadi ... orthodox values thrown into the arrogance and pride mixture. Complete with the HAND - the Stopwa Ve!!!
DeleteAgree, the actress playing Raziya is excellent ... ever since I heard she is Varun Badola's sister, I have an even healthier respect for her!
But am hoping Uma Ben won't be pure black. Somehow that last dialogue of hers was very funny ... I will double the dose of my memory pills so that I don't forget you :D And she delivered that line superbly ... Sanaya looked positively scared :) And I couldn't help laughing!
i totally enjoyed today's epi....n not jus bcoz of's chanchan, purvi n her father....the made everything so real n inspiring
ReplyDeletethe fact that they are brought the dowry topic n treating it so maturely itself impressed me a lot...this is so damn close to reality
n also in y'day's epi, they showed the real reason why, the grp of frnds are so anti-dowry...that was very good, otherwise, it would have been jus one of the present generation gals, like any of us, saying we r anti-dowry....we are opposed to dowry, but a stronger reason like this, would have more impact n keeps the elders from saying, ' u don't know anything, this is also so common' sort of blah blah
We watched many shows, fighting against some or the other present day crime...this one was showed in more realistic way n it sure as hell, had an impact....heroine and the other supporters didn't look like they were giving bashans...jus stating the facts n their POV n previous ya, i loved it.
all this aside...Sanz is dng an amazing job (well, when did she not do that??) n Supriya ji is very good in her role....can't wait for more of their scenes...such an bang on in the beginning itself...i'm not sure abt the love story b/w CC n Manv but these both are gng to put our screens on fire
neither raised their voice...but they made their statement (such a relief aftr all those 'saas'es)
n the guy, farhan is looking good....but still need to improve his acting, but i'm not really worried abt that....we already saw what SI can do to her co-stars...we have MS n BS as live examples ;)
Kavs and such a long comment ....
Delete*Dia faints*
*Dia recovers*
DeleteAs usual, I agree with you, Kavs :))) Liked the treatment of the dowry issue, it was a bit dramatized with the last minute thing in the middle of the pheras ... but apart from that, I liked the entire confrontation between UB and the rest. Very power-packed ... UB didn't raise her voice even once ... neither did Chhanchhan when rebutting ... a good scene! And I liked the way Purvi held on to CC's hand to stop her from leaving ... and her father agreed, so Uma Ben could do nothing. Although CC never spoke a word after that, but her presence was enough.
i wrote such a long comment!! *shocked*...remind me to preview my post before's a matter of my image here
ReplyDeleteYour image is now gone ... live with it! :)))
Deletebtw, did the group already lose a friend in today's episode? Yesterday, there were 5 friends taking an oath, today only four were together at the wedding.....what happened?
ReplyDeleteI was thinking exactly the same thing ;) maybe she was out walking the dog ... Puchpuch was missing today in all the drama as well! :)))
DeleteHi Dia
ReplyDeleteit was so good to see you posting again. Even though I can't speak the language, I have read the written updates and along with your comments and the postings here I sort of know what is going on.
Sanaya looks really stunning, not sure about the leading man just yet but as you all say it takes time to get into the skin of the character. I hope for Sanaya's sake that it works out.
I am just happy to be watching and meeting you all here again.
Take care
Hey Lin,
DeleteGood to see you back! How are mother and baby doing?
I will try to post in more detail so that you can follow what's going on ... so far it has been fairly easy to understand from the expressions. It was all about the dowry system in India, and the young girls deciding to take a stand against it, because of their own personal loss of a friend.
And the elders still feel that this is a custom, and cannot/should not be changed, as long as it is not "demanded". The problem is of course, that it is difficult to determine when the expectations turn into demands. Which is what Chhanchhan was saying ... sometimes it is called 'gift', sometimes 'custom', sometimes parents give it wishing for their child's happiness ...
Fortunately the stigma is now enough that the word 'dowry' has very negative connotations, and no one likes to admit to taking it ... but as a 'gift for your own child' ... that's a different matter. And that is why it still persists.
thanks for review links enjoying the show...i was just sooooo bored of not watching any TV for the past 3 months, so my frame of mind is like...thanks Sanaya for coming back to the tube :-) I am welcoming her with open arms and making sure I tell people about the show ;-)
ReplyDeleteCaught the epi very late.
ReplyDeleteI went through IF yesterday and also saw your comment on your mom’s response. If I am the only one who felt they rushed in with this, well…that’s fine with me. So long as the show does well. (BTW, saw Varma Nishi at CC forum too.)
What I liked most was actually Purvi’s little speech to her father. Short and sweet- and exactly what a girl feels about dowry, when she knows she has been measured not by her merits, but her father’s assets. Terrible thing! I am actually angry with the father for having brought things this far and then having a change of heart. He knew of the oath she had taken, had kept the money a secret from her, now had to be reminded by CC about the oath so that he can stop his daughter’s weding halfway through! Very human! The only unpalatable thing for me (sorry) was CC holding Purvi’s hands and taking the phere with her in front of the whole crowd and the phere still going on. I thought at least the priest would ask her what she was doing there and stop the phere! This is the bit I call melodrama! I guess it is inevitable in a serial! Seriously would have appreciated A LOT if this happened before the actual phere!
Also loved CC’s speech directed at the groom’s parents- on Purvi’s merits…actually brought tears to my eyes…think it would have struck a chord with every woman out there! Good one! It is an impassioned speech any girl in that situation’d make- very realistic! Makes me wonder again, what is wrong with the dad- did he look at only the groom when he decided to marry off his only daughter? No thorough background check on the family? And no dimag ki batti he moment the groom’s dad brought up the 50 lakh dialogue (We actually needed 50L, but since Umaji told us to settle for 25 L)…there was no boo of a dahej there? I guess he is too much of a simpleton….and I must agree it is realistic, because this is how well meaning fathers send their daughters to the grave! Anger directed at all fathers out there who feel a daughter is a burden until she is married off…the un- liberated men out there!
Uma Ben becoming clearer and clearer…that dialogue at CC- about her not being able to change even the colour of the wall behind her…chilling…reminded me of CC’s dialogue from epi 1: Aise ssas kisi ko bhi naseeb na ho!STUBBBORN! And then I laughed when I thought of CC’s shock when she realizes this woman is indeed going to be her MIL! I think she will not know for a long time that Manav is Uma’s son…I think Uma Ben will faint when she knows she does not have to take memory tablets any more! LOL! Or she will start taking tabs to forget her DIL!
Purvi: I feel bad for her. Loved the way she clung on to CC- she knows she will fall weak without her support- she needs her around more than her dad- and her dad silently acknowledges the bond she shares with her….sweeet!
Loved the actor playing Purvi’s dad. Purvi is also good!
Will she get married? With these kind of heartless in- laws, I hope not. If she has to, I wouldn’t create a fuss, because this is how life is – as realistic as it gets! You don’t get married in to a perfect family- everyone has to adjust a lot…even with the imperfect people around!
Maanav: I don’t like his side view…I hope he grows on me. May be he is a better actor than Mohit, like you all say, but there is a certain charm that Mohit has which this guy lacks…Liked Maanav’s dialogue in the car; friend looking a little less buffoonish too!
I hope Sanaya is having a good time!
Happy Easter, girls! case I don’t see you all till then!
Hey Su...I also liked the way Manav jokes with the driver as well...goes to show that the makers are keen on showing him to be a rich but very down to earth guy!
Deletehappy easter to you as well! its long weekend for us in India (friday, saturday, and sunday :-))
Diya..just read ur replies on IF..good one! :-)
ReplyDeletewhat's with these prediction fever on IF...hope u got my pun in that ;-)