Thursday, May 20, 2010

Misunderstandings deepen

18th May episode

Samrat Gunjan - Gunjan in tears, her reputation is in shreds, he says, I never said anything like this, but the journalist tricked me. Gunjan says, how could you disclose our personal lives to a journalist, why did you?
Because I wanted to know where you were shooting.
And he knows it's stupid, it's lame, it's inexcusable.
And Gunjan can't believe it - you did this, what did you want to prove? That I belong to you, your right over me, no one else should come near me? harsh words, but it's her reputation that's been destroyed, and her trust in her Samrat.

She goes to talk to Neil, he's distraught, the financers have withdrawn their backing because the lead heroine's reputation is ruined. She says, get a new heroine, Neil says no. It's over, the film is shelved. she says, this is all Samrat's fault, he says, no, don't blame anyone for it.

Mayank trying to find Nupur, sends song request.

Samrat pataos prod assistant, arranges cake and flowers, Gunjan comes and blasts Sam - the film is shelved because of you and your antics. Go away from here.

Poor Samrat - he needed this, needs to see the consequences of his actions, but who would have dreamt this would happen?

And again, I'm left wondering - is Neil really as straightforward as he seems? Shelving the film? His career finished? Because of the rumor of an affair? Isn't that rather an extreme response to a simply nasty bit of yellow journalism? Or is he as upset as he seems? and he really had nothing to do with it? His basic decency and Morena roots surfacing and pushing through the veneer of city polish? Just cannot decide.

Precap - Gunjan finds out about Neil's love? Will she?
This track has more twists and is more confusing than any I've seen before! And now I want it to end! Too much brain power required here!


Sam apologises to Gunjan

Benji Dia 15-17 May

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