31st Aug
Precap apparently had Sajan ... Nups has invited Samrat to her house ... erm, Gunji's house ... in her latest mission ... to get Samrat Gunjan together ... why do RP and missions always go together??
I have a feeling this will backfire ... lightening will strike twice ... she will see SG making out - because if they're alone, it's impossible that they DON'T make out ... And she will lose her cool, and regain her memory ... once a haddi, always a haddi ... and even amnesia cannot make her forget her haddipana ...
So tomorrow will be the unveiling of Nups' memory ... and we will finally discover why she lost her memory - it was because she lost her brain ... except for the part which controls the tongue - that part overgrew to compensate for the rest.
Am irritated with the show ... havent watched the episode, so no sensible or even hopeful comments today.
If we get a Sajan scene tomorrow, which it appears we might, will write again.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
30th Aug
Don't remember much of the episode because it was horrendous. Shukla sir seems to think so too - he has left for teerth yatra while Nups is around - probably could't stand the screeching either. So principal is back.
Some inane stuff with RoAsh and Nupur - made no sense at all ... except that Nupur is trying to gel with RoAsh ... so she sends them on a book race ... skipped all that, so don't know why ...
Ten seconds of SG after they fight ... then he looks at her hand, she's not wearing any ring ...
No head or tail in this ring story ... YET in those few seconds they manage to bring back the missing intensity of S2 ...
and then it's gone again.
As Nups decides she's going to re-unite SG ... fool, don't you know it's because of you they're apart in the first place? So it seems to be a real memory loss for her after all. Have the CV's finally decided on a track for her? Or ... judging from the precap - maybe not. Still gonna be all the "old" MN moments ... and maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a small SG story later ... but am so fed up of seeing Gunjan/Sanaya sidelined by nautanki and loud dramatics ... find RP totally unbearable now! Especially after seeing Sanaya in MC and how bubbly and bright she really is! She deserves a show much worthier of her than the crap this has become ... in exactly two weeks!!! How quickly one person can ruin a show ... no wonder CV's tried to get rid of her. And no wonder all the old crew is leaving on her return.
Miniscule Sajan scene
Don't remember much of the episode because it was horrendous. Shukla sir seems to think so too - he has left for teerth yatra while Nups is around - probably could't stand the screeching either. So principal is back.
Some inane stuff with RoAsh and Nupur - made no sense at all ... except that Nupur is trying to gel with RoAsh ... so she sends them on a book race ... skipped all that, so don't know why ...
Ten seconds of SG after they fight ... then he looks at her hand, she's not wearing any ring ...
No head or tail in this ring story ... YET in those few seconds they manage to bring back the missing intensity of S2 ...
and then it's gone again.
As Nups decides she's going to re-unite SG ... fool, don't you know it's because of you they're apart in the first place? So it seems to be a real memory loss for her after all. Have the CV's finally decided on a track for her? Or ... judging from the precap - maybe not. Still gonna be all the "old" MN moments ... and maybe if we're lucky, we'll get a small SG story later ... but am so fed up of seeing Gunjan/Sanaya sidelined by nautanki and loud dramatics ... find RP totally unbearable now! Especially after seeing Sanaya in MC and how bubbly and bright she really is! She deserves a show much worthier of her than the crap this has become ... in exactly two weeks!!! How quickly one person can ruin a show ... no wonder CV's tried to get rid of her. And no wonder all the old crew is leaving on her return.
Miniscule Sajan scene
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Slight recovery
27th Aug
Sam decides to back off ... finally! Again ... hope he keeps his word this time.
MN wake up and start fighting again ... *sigh*. I think Nupur is trying to get Mayank to forget her or hate her.
Gunjan remembering the engagement rings ka kissa ... should she or should she not wear her ring?
How did she even get her ring, anyway? Didn't she give it to Samrat's mom?
Sayank scene ... nice, serious for once. Mayank is really getting mad with Nups, Sam reminds him they're just acting, and they should give it time and have patience. He's talking about himself as well.
GuNur - Nups asks, what about engagement ring? Gunjan says, three years back, when we separated, just before and just after, lots happened between us ...
What is she talking about? Before and after? Their engagement? Their night together? and then, the accident, of course ...
but this dialogue has got me intrigued ...
if the dialogue writers actually knew what they were talking about, that is ...
Nups asks, what happened, Gunjan says, my Di was separated from me for ever. And she looks at Nups as though willing her to remember, and Nups looks away. Again, very good acting by Sanaya here.
Nups asks what happened, Gun says, because of the accident and Sam was driving. Nups says, so what, accident would have happened even if you were driving, and anyone could have died, it just happened to be your sister.
Wish she had put in the bit about brakes failing ... are they EVER going to bring that up? Esp as Mayank spent three years making a car to fix that flaw?
So Gunji starts thinkng, and asks, then what should I do?
Fortunately Nups doesn't tell her what to do, just says, figure it out yourself. But she doesn't think it's Sam's fault.
Gunji asks why, Nups says because he doesn't seem that kind of guy ... he seems very bhala ...
Dialogues again .. *head desk* ... what kind of guy?! Gunji never thought he crashed the car on purpose, but it was due to his carelessness ... what has being bhala got to do with it?!!!
Ash enters, reminds Nups about project, Nups seems to have forgotten she didn't want help. Ash and Gun will do the project. Nups makes small blooper about Gun being topper - don't know how Gun was ever topper, as she doesn't catch any of these bloopers. Or maybe she's just blinded by sister worship.
Ash says, my god, how much she talks!!! I second you, Ash ... can we just get Nups to shut up sometime?!
Next morning, Sayank ... Mayank is really back to college days, including his annoyance with Nups. Seems to have forgotten all his lowe!
Gunur see them, Nups asks Gun what she's decided about wearing her ring, Gun hasn't decided yet ... thank god it's not just about Nups' return. Says everything will have to start afresh. But she's scared of more hurt ...
Has she still not seen Sam's hurt?
Cute SayankRo scene, where Sayank learn from Ro that GunAsh have done Nups' project.
GunurAsh scene, where Ash happily tells Nups that she told Ro she and Gun did Nups' project. Nups nautanki again ... uff, this girl overacts so much! and talks so much, and bullies so much!!! Shouldn't be called Badi di, shd be called Badi amma!
Flavour of Season 2 was much more today ... no wonder episode was quite decent. And MN fights were missing, so the sreeching was minimal except for one skippable scene at the start. Sam also more like S2 Sam.
Episode link
Sam decides to back off ... finally! Again ... hope he keeps his word this time.
MN wake up and start fighting again ... *sigh*. I think Nupur is trying to get Mayank to forget her or hate her.
Gunjan remembering the engagement rings ka kissa ... should she or should she not wear her ring?
How did she even get her ring, anyway? Didn't she give it to Samrat's mom?
Sayank scene ... nice, serious for once. Mayank is really getting mad with Nups, Sam reminds him they're just acting, and they should give it time and have patience. He's talking about himself as well.
GuNur - Nups asks, what about engagement ring? Gunjan says, three years back, when we separated, just before and just after, lots happened between us ...
What is she talking about? Before and after? Their engagement? Their night together? and then, the accident, of course ...
but this dialogue has got me intrigued ...
if the dialogue writers actually knew what they were talking about, that is ...
Nups asks, what happened, Gunjan says, my Di was separated from me for ever. And she looks at Nups as though willing her to remember, and Nups looks away. Again, very good acting by Sanaya here.
Nups asks what happened, Gun says, because of the accident and Sam was driving. Nups says, so what, accident would have happened even if you were driving, and anyone could have died, it just happened to be your sister.
Wish she had put in the bit about brakes failing ... are they EVER going to bring that up? Esp as Mayank spent three years making a car to fix that flaw?
So Gunji starts thinkng, and asks, then what should I do?
Fortunately Nups doesn't tell her what to do, just says, figure it out yourself. But she doesn't think it's Sam's fault.
Gunji asks why, Nups says because he doesn't seem that kind of guy ... he seems very bhala ...
Dialogues again .. *head desk* ... what kind of guy?! Gunji never thought he crashed the car on purpose, but it was due to his carelessness ... what has being bhala got to do with it?!!!
Ash enters, reminds Nups about project, Nups seems to have forgotten she didn't want help. Ash and Gun will do the project. Nups makes small blooper about Gun being topper - don't know how Gun was ever topper, as she doesn't catch any of these bloopers. Or maybe she's just blinded by sister worship.
Ash says, my god, how much she talks!!! I second you, Ash ... can we just get Nups to shut up sometime?!
Next morning, Sayank ... Mayank is really back to college days, including his annoyance with Nups. Seems to have forgotten all his lowe!
Gunur see them, Nups asks Gun what she's decided about wearing her ring, Gun hasn't decided yet ... thank god it's not just about Nups' return. Says everything will have to start afresh. But she's scared of more hurt ...
Has she still not seen Sam's hurt?
Cute SayankRo scene, where Sayank learn from Ro that GunAsh have done Nups' project.
GunurAsh scene, where Ash happily tells Nups that she told Ro she and Gun did Nups' project. Nups nautanki again ... uff, this girl overacts so much! and talks so much, and bullies so much!!! Shouldn't be called Badi di, shd be called Badi amma!
Flavour of Season 2 was much more today ... no wonder episode was quite decent. And MN fights were missing, so the sreeching was minimal except for one skippable scene at the start. Sam also more like S2 Sam.
Episode link
Friday, August 27, 2010
Crash Landing?
26th Aug
Need to watch episode again to comment, but the first watch was NOT great. In fact, I wonder whether this amnesia is catching. First Nups got it, then the CV's and now it seems both Samrat and Gunjan are suffering from it big time.
First, dialogues all through the episode were crappy. Didn't seem to have any relation with what has happened earlier in Season 2 at all. There's usually a handover when a new team takes over from an old one, and it seems this handover was completely omitted or ignored in MJHT, because whatever was spoken today between Sam ad Gunji really had nothing to do with where they were.
He had backed off, promised he wouldn't come near her again. Then why is he asking her to come back to him? Why is he saying that Nups being alive makes everything all right? And looking at it that way, I would have expected Gunjan to say, no, it doesn't, and she did say that, but not in the way I expected. Not saying that it was her words, her guilt at causing him pain that was holding her back but saying that her focus is still her sister and till her sister is all right, she can't think about anything else. Ever heard of multi tasking, Gunjan? And how can you put one relationship on hold based on another? Are you being fair to either?
Besides which, said sister is hardly helpless and on the street. She is very much married to a husband who wants to look after her, so why are you being such a goat?
But she also says that it was he who taught her to smile, to laugh, to love? She stops at that ... is that supposed to give him hope? It does, he forgets his own words, and promises that as her sister recovers, he will make sure their love story also comes back on track.
Dude, how about backing OFF for a bit? As you said you would do? If she's confused, give her space, let her at least feel your absence, then she will make up her mind faster.
After that, it was as though CV's decided that the audience wants SG romance, so let's give them SG romance. Samrat starts their love story again with a shower of flowers, then a dance ... the dance was the only scene which gave me goosebumps, because there were no dialogues. Otherwise every scene today where there were dialogue was imbecile.
Anyway, nice dance, and it seemed for a bit the SG of S2 were back, in their intensity, their closeness, the unspoken conflict ... and in the way Sam approaches her after the dance and backs off immediately when she turns away as though to say, not ready, this far and no more yet.
Next morning ... Sam is chirpy, and looks for his ... engagement ring???? Was he even wearing it all along? And Gunji equaly chirpily gives it back to him? But tells him not to ask her to wear hers - yet. She'll wear it after her Di is all right. hello, I thought she returned his ring and pendant after the accident?
*Head desk, head desk, head desk*
So he says he'll wait for her forever ... and she stares at him ... then runs away.
One thing is for sure ... SG will not unite this time until the end of MJHT. Because if the lead pair in a romcom unites, what's left in the show?
SG episod link Most of the episode was SG today. About two minutes - the dance - was worth watching.
Need to watch episode again to comment, but the first watch was NOT great. In fact, I wonder whether this amnesia is catching. First Nups got it, then the CV's and now it seems both Samrat and Gunjan are suffering from it big time.
First, dialogues all through the episode were crappy. Didn't seem to have any relation with what has happened earlier in Season 2 at all. There's usually a handover when a new team takes over from an old one, and it seems this handover was completely omitted or ignored in MJHT, because whatever was spoken today between Sam ad Gunji really had nothing to do with where they were.
He had backed off, promised he wouldn't come near her again. Then why is he asking her to come back to him? Why is he saying that Nups being alive makes everything all right? And looking at it that way, I would have expected Gunjan to say, no, it doesn't, and she did say that, but not in the way I expected. Not saying that it was her words, her guilt at causing him pain that was holding her back but saying that her focus is still her sister and till her sister is all right, she can't think about anything else. Ever heard of multi tasking, Gunjan? And how can you put one relationship on hold based on another? Are you being fair to either?
Besides which, said sister is hardly helpless and on the street. She is very much married to a husband who wants to look after her, so why are you being such a goat?
But she also says that it was he who taught her to smile, to laugh, to love? She stops at that ... is that supposed to give him hope? It does, he forgets his own words, and promises that as her sister recovers, he will make sure their love story also comes back on track.
Dude, how about backing OFF for a bit? As you said you would do? If she's confused, give her space, let her at least feel your absence, then she will make up her mind faster.
After that, it was as though CV's decided that the audience wants SG romance, so let's give them SG romance. Samrat starts their love story again with a shower of flowers, then a dance ... the dance was the only scene which gave me goosebumps, because there were no dialogues. Otherwise every scene today where there were dialogue was imbecile.
Anyway, nice dance, and it seemed for a bit the SG of S2 were back, in their intensity, their closeness, the unspoken conflict ... and in the way Sam approaches her after the dance and backs off immediately when she turns away as though to say, not ready, this far and no more yet.
Next morning ... Sam is chirpy, and looks for his ... engagement ring???? Was he even wearing it all along? And Gunji equaly chirpily gives it back to him? But tells him not to ask her to wear hers - yet. She'll wear it after her Di is all right. hello, I thought she returned his ring and pendant after the accident?
*Head desk, head desk, head desk*
So he says he'll wait for her forever ... and she stares at him ... then runs away.
One thing is for sure ... SG will not unite this time until the end of MJHT. Because if the lead pair in a romcom unites, what's left in the show?
SG episod link Most of the episode was SG today. About two minutes - the dance - was worth watching.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Nearing reconciliation ... or winding up?
25th August
Sajan locked in ... Sam promises Gunji her dinner. Goes to canteen to set it up. Back to S1 Samrat, complete with poor dialogue delivery ... slow down, for heavens sake, Mohit, you have the whole night! Seems like with the writer and screenplay writer, the director has changed too!
part 1
Blindfolds Gunjan, takes her to canteen, candlelit ... hmmm, getting slightly better. Or is it just the relief from the inane comedy that makes it seem better.
No, it is better. Gunjan opens her blindfold, thank God her hair is back to S2 style, loose and open. Already looks more like S2 Gunjan. They sit, then Sam realises that he's forgotten all about dinner ... so he runs to get it.
She says she will always remember these moments. If it was the old CV's, I would think something was coming up, now I think it's just random ... But liked the awkwardness ... they're still not completely at ease with each other, still unsure where exactly they are, where they're going. Because they both know each others' feelings ... but also what else lies between them.
part 2 - 2.50 onwards
Date - starts off as S1, teasing, laughing, roothna manana, playing games ... maybe they're just enjoying the release from the tension, and for the first time after 3 years, are able to look at each other without the shadow of Nupur coming in between, actually go back to the carefree days of college, when they were just two people madly in love ... then the fun chase, the catch and the sudden fast forward to S2, to the grown up Samrat and Gunjan, their eyelock, awareness of each other, but forgetting everything else ... where they are, who they are ... he holds her even tighter as they stare ... until they come back to themselves, and Sam is awkward again - he had promised not to go near her if she didn't want. And this tight clinch is most probably something she doesn't want.
So he releases her, both awkward, but thsi time it's she who recovers first ... and asks him for a rose. He says these are old, she says, but their scent is as sweet as our moments together. So he goes down on one knee and gives her the red rose. And she takes it.
part 3 0.48 - 1.52, 2.25 onwards. WHY 30 secs of dancing maniac robot in the middle, god only knows!
Part 4- all MN fight.
Sajan again - finishing dinner with jam sandwich, Sam wipes off jam from her mouth, again simple and sweet scene, he's awkward doing it, she's conscious, says thanks, he says, don't bring formality by saying thanks. Some relationships don't need a thank you or a sorry.
Back to S2 Samrat Gunjan. Swinging wildly.
part 5
Precap has me interested and apprehensive at the same time ... how are they going to handle this?
Naveen's link SG's dinner date
Sajan locked in ... Sam promises Gunji her dinner. Goes to canteen to set it up. Back to S1 Samrat, complete with poor dialogue delivery ... slow down, for heavens sake, Mohit, you have the whole night! Seems like with the writer and screenplay writer, the director has changed too!
part 1
Blindfolds Gunjan, takes her to canteen, candlelit ... hmmm, getting slightly better. Or is it just the relief from the inane comedy that makes it seem better.
No, it is better. Gunjan opens her blindfold, thank God her hair is back to S2 style, loose and open. Already looks more like S2 Gunjan. They sit, then Sam realises that he's forgotten all about dinner ... so he runs to get it.
She says she will always remember these moments. If it was the old CV's, I would think something was coming up, now I think it's just random ... But liked the awkwardness ... they're still not completely at ease with each other, still unsure where exactly they are, where they're going. Because they both know each others' feelings ... but also what else lies between them.
part 2 - 2.50 onwards
Date - starts off as S1, teasing, laughing, roothna manana, playing games ... maybe they're just enjoying the release from the tension, and for the first time after 3 years, are able to look at each other without the shadow of Nupur coming in between, actually go back to the carefree days of college, when they were just two people madly in love ... then the fun chase, the catch and the sudden fast forward to S2, to the grown up Samrat and Gunjan, their eyelock, awareness of each other, but forgetting everything else ... where they are, who they are ... he holds her even tighter as they stare ... until they come back to themselves, and Sam is awkward again - he had promised not to go near her if she didn't want. And this tight clinch is most probably something she doesn't want.
So he releases her, both awkward, but thsi time it's she who recovers first ... and asks him for a rose. He says these are old, she says, but their scent is as sweet as our moments together. So he goes down on one knee and gives her the red rose. And she takes it.
part 3 0.48 - 1.52, 2.25 onwards. WHY 30 secs of dancing maniac robot in the middle, god only knows!
Part 4- all MN fight.
Sajan again - finishing dinner with jam sandwich, Sam wipes off jam from her mouth, again simple and sweet scene, he's awkward doing it, she's conscious, says thanks, he says, don't bring formality by saying thanks. Some relationships don't need a thank you or a sorry.
Back to S2 Samrat Gunjan. Swinging wildly.
part 5
Precap has me interested and apprehensive at the same time ... how are they going to handle this?
Naveen's link SG's dinner date
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
24th August
First half of the episode - all about MN fighting like cats and dogs and Nups screeching like a fishwife - machhiwali was such an apt description! ... and people actually like the sight of a supposedly grown man and woman fighting like five year olds? Definitely the younger members of the forum ... enjoying the 'old' MJHT flavour again.
A small Gunur scene worthy of mention - when Gunjan wonders whether this is really her Di or not ... wonder why that was out in at all ... is there actually some interesting story to come out, or was it just random? The way the MN track is going, seems fairly random ... except that Nups is fighting even more than she used to earlier, if that's possible ... if that on purpose? Naaah ... don't think CV's ever put so much of thought into MN. Doesn't seem like they're putting much thought into SG either these days ... two months of a heavy track has tired them out, and they don't know how to carry on.
SG watching from the library window ... okay-ish. I want Sam to withdraw ... even more.
The only scene remotely worth watching ... Sam asking Gunjan for dinner, her saying nothing, he gets disappointed, then she asks, where should we go. Well done, nothing OTT, no wide beaming smiles, just small, cautious ones. Monaya seem to understand their characters inside out now - they know just how Samrat and Gunjan would react. Can't believe the same person who directed the loud, OTT, screeching fishwife scenes of MN, also directs these quieter, far more subtle ones.
What I never thought would happen ... SG also get locked inside college. Sam decides to cook for Gunjan.
Parts 3, 4 and 5 ...
part 3 - SG watching MN in library
Part 4 - SG walk, dinner
Part 5 - SG locked in
Naveen's links
Yeh lamhe tham jaaye
Samrat invites Gunjan to dinner
Episode link
First half of the episode - all about MN fighting like cats and dogs and Nups screeching like a fishwife - machhiwali was such an apt description! ... and people actually like the sight of a supposedly grown man and woman fighting like five year olds? Definitely the younger members of the forum ... enjoying the 'old' MJHT flavour again.
A small Gunur scene worthy of mention - when Gunjan wonders whether this is really her Di or not ... wonder why that was out in at all ... is there actually some interesting story to come out, or was it just random? The way the MN track is going, seems fairly random ... except that Nups is fighting even more than she used to earlier, if that's possible ... if that on purpose? Naaah ... don't think CV's ever put so much of thought into MN. Doesn't seem like they're putting much thought into SG either these days ... two months of a heavy track has tired them out, and they don't know how to carry on.
SG watching from the library window ... okay-ish. I want Sam to withdraw ... even more.
The only scene remotely worth watching ... Sam asking Gunjan for dinner, her saying nothing, he gets disappointed, then she asks, where should we go. Well done, nothing OTT, no wide beaming smiles, just small, cautious ones. Monaya seem to understand their characters inside out now - they know just how Samrat and Gunjan would react. Can't believe the same person who directed the loud, OTT, screeching fishwife scenes of MN, also directs these quieter, far more subtle ones.
What I never thought would happen ... SG also get locked inside college. Sam decides to cook for Gunjan.
Parts 3, 4 and 5 ...
part 3 - SG watching MN in library
Part 4 - SG walk, dinner
Part 5 - SG locked in
Naveen's links
Yeh lamhe tham jaaye
Samrat invites Gunjan to dinner
Episode link
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
23rd Aug
ROFL episode ... only problem is, I was laughing at the episode rather than what was going on in it. Knew Nups would wriggle out of the TP thing, but in such a lame manner - obviously no one is thinking much about the track, it's all about recreating MN fights and falls. Maybe because CV's really have nothing more to offer for MN ...
Seemed that MSG were actually enjoying pulling RP's leg all through ... couldn't make out where the acting stopped and reality started. Especially when Sam calls her a fishwife, and Mayank makes a face as though to say -'she smells!'
Only silver lining ... SG have remembered that they are not lovey dovey teens again ... now after this Govinda movie is over, we might get back to a decent SG track. Till then, it's switch off brain and wait it out ... and ROFL at the stupidity.
Episode link: episode link
ROFL episode ... only problem is, I was laughing at the episode rather than what was going on in it. Knew Nups would wriggle out of the TP thing, but in such a lame manner - obviously no one is thinking much about the track, it's all about recreating MN fights and falls. Maybe because CV's really have nothing more to offer for MN ...
Seemed that MSG were actually enjoying pulling RP's leg all through ... couldn't make out where the acting stopped and reality started. Especially when Sam calls her a fishwife, and Mayank makes a face as though to say -'she smells!'
Only silver lining ... SG have remembered that they are not lovey dovey teens again ... now after this Govinda movie is over, we might get back to a decent SG track. Till then, it's switch off brain and wait it out ... and ROFL at the stupidity.
Episode link: episode link
Saturday, August 21, 2010
20th Aug
Yesterday during the Gunur-Samrat scene, I had felt one thing was hugely out of place. Sajan's smiles. They were smiling at each other conspiratorially all through, standing close together, completely at ease ... and it was very, very strange. Till the day before, they had minimal interactions, and what was there was formal, unsmiling, serious ... in keeping with the place they had reached. They had effectively broken up for good after bitter words from Gunjan and hurt ones from Samrat. And Gunjan had seen a glimpse of Samrat's pain for the first time. But she still felt justified in giving him that pain, because he was responsible for her Di's death, and she could never, ever forgive him for that.
So far, so good ... very understandable ... stirrings of guilt in Gunjan, memories of all the times he had been there for her, and the feeling that although her emotions were justified, maybe her words were not. This was the Look At Me scene ... one of the most intense and beautifully done scenes I have seen on telly.
Then Gunjan goes to Mayank and gets the first bombshell - Nupur is alive. Correction - may be alive. She's angry, refues to believe that her sister could stay away from her for three long years, and that anyone could even think that was possible. In the maelstorm of emotions this provokes, Sam persuades her to put their own feelings aside because Mayank needs them, and they need to help his search, or pick up the pieces when he's proved wrong, as they both think will happen. So a major rift, which would have been expected after such a confrontation does not happen ... because of circumstances they are forced to talk to each other, despite the hurt and pain on both sides ... and talk normally. And in all the emotional upheaval of 'is she alive, is she not alive' Gunjan unconsciously leans on Samrat again as she always has done ... and he forgets her harsh words, and supports her, because she needs him. And when she needs him, he is there. As a friend, as a shoulder, as her support.
Then Nupur is found ... Gunjan can't believe it. Her breakdown, probably her first after Nupur's 'death'. She's overcome with emotion, overjoyed.
But Nupur doesn't recognise her.
Downhill slide starts here.
Gunjan jumps to the conclusion that Nupur has lost her memory, justifiably. Samrat wonders why she's play-acting, somewhat justifiable - he's been to hell and back in the last three years, and now it appears it's for a crime he didn't even commit? So his anger mixed with confusion - also justifiable, to my mind.
Mayank thinks Nupur is playing games. No wonder I never understood the MN love story.
They try, they fail, they leave. Slide prevented?
Nupur follows them home, feeling bad for the way she treated Gunjan. Gunjan persuades her to stay for a few days, Sam adds his voice to the persuasion, not openly voicing doubts about Nupur's story, but not openly attacking her either. Just trying to look for inconsistencies.
Mayank now positive Nups is lying. Doesn't bother to think why, just wants to catch her out. Downward slide re-starts.
Thursday - downward slide steeper ... because SG are suddenly so comfy with each other. Secret glances, smiles, especially when M gets close to N and she gets uncomfortable, as though to say, see? we knew it!
Sure, they knew it. But have they forgotten they are barely on talking terms? When Gunjan first realised that Nups might actually be back, she couldn't say a word to Samrat. She couldn't even face him. So what is happening now? Yes, she's happy Nups is back, but Nups is the reason she was so harsh, so unforgiving with Samrat ... does that not strike her at all when she looks at him? If Nups got in the way of SG for the last three years, shouldn't Samrat and the pain she gave him get in the way of her joy over Nups even a little? When Nups and her 'death' was the cause of that pain?
And what about Sam? Sure, he loves Gunjan. And now he even knows that she loves him still, despite trying her best not to. But he told her he would stay away from her ... not because he caused Nups death, but because Gunjan told him that he has given her nothing but pain.
The Bhavesh scene on Friday was okay. Gunjan remembers the first time she met Samrat, the way he befriended her ... memories take over and she can smile.
But the next bit? 'You can call me Chashmish?' He's been calling her Chashmish all along, he never stopped. And the one phone conversation they had, she already tacitly gave him that permission.
And Samrat? After vowing he would not come near her again, he re-starts flirting like 3 years ago? Has he also forgotten everything that has gone between them?
Doesn't seem like Nups has the amnesia ... seems like the CV's do.
My only hope for any salvage of this SG track is if the entire SG scene was played out solely for the benefit for Nups, to get her annoyed, overprotective elder-sisterly instincts up and running as another jog to her memory. If it really was an "SG scene", it was the pits. Despite being cute ... but SG are way beyond cute scenes, and are not at the place for cute scenes. FREE FALL!!!
And I'm not even talking about the rehashed pukeworthy and very contrived MN scenes!
Ah and one more comment ... three years may have changed Samrat and Gunjan a lot, and for the better (not including today's scene) but it seems to have done NOTHING for Nupur. She is exactly the same interfering, overdominating, shrewish fishwife she had become in S1.
episode link
Yesterday during the Gunur-Samrat scene, I had felt one thing was hugely out of place. Sajan's smiles. They were smiling at each other conspiratorially all through, standing close together, completely at ease ... and it was very, very strange. Till the day before, they had minimal interactions, and what was there was formal, unsmiling, serious ... in keeping with the place they had reached. They had effectively broken up for good after bitter words from Gunjan and hurt ones from Samrat. And Gunjan had seen a glimpse of Samrat's pain for the first time. But she still felt justified in giving him that pain, because he was responsible for her Di's death, and she could never, ever forgive him for that.
So far, so good ... very understandable ... stirrings of guilt in Gunjan, memories of all the times he had been there for her, and the feeling that although her emotions were justified, maybe her words were not. This was the Look At Me scene ... one of the most intense and beautifully done scenes I have seen on telly.
Then Gunjan goes to Mayank and gets the first bombshell - Nupur is alive. Correction - may be alive. She's angry, refues to believe that her sister could stay away from her for three long years, and that anyone could even think that was possible. In the maelstorm of emotions this provokes, Sam persuades her to put their own feelings aside because Mayank needs them, and they need to help his search, or pick up the pieces when he's proved wrong, as they both think will happen. So a major rift, which would have been expected after such a confrontation does not happen ... because of circumstances they are forced to talk to each other, despite the hurt and pain on both sides ... and talk normally. And in all the emotional upheaval of 'is she alive, is she not alive' Gunjan unconsciously leans on Samrat again as she always has done ... and he forgets her harsh words, and supports her, because she needs him. And when she needs him, he is there. As a friend, as a shoulder, as her support.
Then Nupur is found ... Gunjan can't believe it. Her breakdown, probably her first after Nupur's 'death'. She's overcome with emotion, overjoyed.
But Nupur doesn't recognise her.
Downhill slide starts here.
Gunjan jumps to the conclusion that Nupur has lost her memory, justifiably. Samrat wonders why she's play-acting, somewhat justifiable - he's been to hell and back in the last three years, and now it appears it's for a crime he didn't even commit? So his anger mixed with confusion - also justifiable, to my mind.
Mayank thinks Nupur is playing games. No wonder I never understood the MN love story.
They try, they fail, they leave. Slide prevented?
Nupur follows them home, feeling bad for the way she treated Gunjan. Gunjan persuades her to stay for a few days, Sam adds his voice to the persuasion, not openly voicing doubts about Nupur's story, but not openly attacking her either. Just trying to look for inconsistencies.
Mayank now positive Nups is lying. Doesn't bother to think why, just wants to catch her out. Downward slide re-starts.
Thursday - downward slide steeper ... because SG are suddenly so comfy with each other. Secret glances, smiles, especially when M gets close to N and she gets uncomfortable, as though to say, see? we knew it!
Sure, they knew it. But have they forgotten they are barely on talking terms? When Gunjan first realised that Nups might actually be back, she couldn't say a word to Samrat. She couldn't even face him. So what is happening now? Yes, she's happy Nups is back, but Nups is the reason she was so harsh, so unforgiving with Samrat ... does that not strike her at all when she looks at him? If Nups got in the way of SG for the last three years, shouldn't Samrat and the pain she gave him get in the way of her joy over Nups even a little? When Nups and her 'death' was the cause of that pain?
And what about Sam? Sure, he loves Gunjan. And now he even knows that she loves him still, despite trying her best not to. But he told her he would stay away from her ... not because he caused Nups death, but because Gunjan told him that he has given her nothing but pain.
The Bhavesh scene on Friday was okay. Gunjan remembers the first time she met Samrat, the way he befriended her ... memories take over and she can smile.
But the next bit? 'You can call me Chashmish?' He's been calling her Chashmish all along, he never stopped. And the one phone conversation they had, she already tacitly gave him that permission.
And Samrat? After vowing he would not come near her again, he re-starts flirting like 3 years ago? Has he also forgotten everything that has gone between them?
Doesn't seem like Nups has the amnesia ... seems like the CV's do.
My only hope for any salvage of this SG track is if the entire SG scene was played out solely for the benefit for Nups, to get her annoyed, overprotective elder-sisterly instincts up and running as another jog to her memory. If it really was an "SG scene", it was the pits. Despite being cute ... but SG are way beyond cute scenes, and are not at the place for cute scenes. FREE FALL!!!
And I'm not even talking about the rehashed pukeworthy and very contrived MN scenes!
Ah and one more comment ... three years may have changed Samrat and Gunjan a lot, and for the better (not including today's scene) but it seems to have done NOTHING for Nupur. She is exactly the same interfering, overdominating, shrewish fishwife she had become in S1.
episode link
Friday, August 20, 2010
Intrigue - followed by free fall
19th Aug
Starts off decently, with Nups agreeing to Gunjan's request to stay for a week, then as MS G disappear, she makes a mysterious phone call. Intrigue? Interesting.
More Gunur, then Sam makes an appearance through the window. SaNu, GuNur, Mayu also appears ... if Nups is not the real Nups, Mayank would be creeping her out! Nothing much happening ...
Next day in college, SamMay dressed as college students ... downhill slide starts. THIS is what the MN fans wanted?!
And worse, precap - MN fall. Free fall.
Starts off decently, with Nups agreeing to Gunjan's request to stay for a week, then as MS G disappear, she makes a mysterious phone call. Intrigue? Interesting.
More Gunur, then Sam makes an appearance through the window. SaNu, GuNur, Mayu also appears ... if Nups is not the real Nups, Mayank would be creeping her out! Nothing much happening ...
Next day in college, SamMay dressed as college students ... downhill slide starts. THIS is what the MN fans wanted?!
And worse, precap - MN fall. Free fall.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Blahdom started already
17th & 18th Aug episodes
Either the CV's are very confused or RP is a very bad actress. There are two possibilities right now - either this new girl is really old Nups and is pretending to have lost her memory, or she is old Nups who has really lost her memory. There is a third - that she is exactly who she says she is, but that seems to be a remote possibility as of now, according to all the articles.
So if the story is set, and it's only the trio who are confused, then RP is a bad actress. Because she is switching between the two possibilities randomly and neither is making any sense. Unless that is what the CV's want her to do, to maintain the suspense ... but there should be some consistency of characterization regardless.
Also, the trio's reactions don't make much sense. Okay, first reaction of Samrat was that she is play-acting ... but after that, why are they acting as though they are trying to catch her out? Especially in Wednesday's episode, Mayank? As though he and Nups are playing a game of one-upmanship ...
The photos scene was nice ... I liked seeing all the pictures ... but again, Mayank attitude was funny.
The Gunur last scene on Wednesday was good, actually Gunjan's dialogues were more consistent with her character today, and with her mindset - she is puzzling, but she is not accusing, she believes it is memory loss, so she is trying to revive some memories ... I liked her dialogues, esp when she says, let me feel, even if just for a few days, that my Di is back ... and it would be a stone hearted person who didn't melt to that so I was happy Nups agreed - for once, I even liked Rati in the last Gunur scene ... esp when she puts her hand on Gunjan's shoulder and Gunjan covers it with her own ...
Sam didn't do much today except back up Gunjan, again less accusatory today ...
Mayank was very confrontational ... so I found that part very inconsistent - does he think she's playing games and he has to catch her out? And WHY would they think she's playing games? For so long? Okay as a first reaction at the bus stop, tho' even that was silly ... for her too, it was three years since she met them ... but why would she carry on playing games? Very strange storyline ...
And again, she calls him 'sadu' ... so that is proof that she is Nups? Made me laugh ... is that all the proof Mayank can think of after being married to the woman, for heavens' sake?
RoAsh scene was okay, a copy of SG earlier scenes. Rohan is okay, as good or bad as Mohit was at that time, but Ash has to be much, much better to match up to Sanaya ... watching her, I realised how good Sanaya was in those scenes - with minimal dialogues, just with her expressions, her start when she sees Samrat, her changes of expression as he teases her ... Ash didn't impress. Especially as there is such a contrast with a far better actress.
Either the CV's are very confused or RP is a very bad actress. There are two possibilities right now - either this new girl is really old Nups and is pretending to have lost her memory, or she is old Nups who has really lost her memory. There is a third - that she is exactly who she says she is, but that seems to be a remote possibility as of now, according to all the articles.
So if the story is set, and it's only the trio who are confused, then RP is a bad actress. Because she is switching between the two possibilities randomly and neither is making any sense. Unless that is what the CV's want her to do, to maintain the suspense ... but there should be some consistency of characterization regardless.
Also, the trio's reactions don't make much sense. Okay, first reaction of Samrat was that she is play-acting ... but after that, why are they acting as though they are trying to catch her out? Especially in Wednesday's episode, Mayank? As though he and Nups are playing a game of one-upmanship ...
The photos scene was nice ... I liked seeing all the pictures ... but again, Mayank attitude was funny.
The Gunur last scene on Wednesday was good, actually Gunjan's dialogues were more consistent with her character today, and with her mindset - she is puzzling, but she is not accusing, she believes it is memory loss, so she is trying to revive some memories ... I liked her dialogues, esp when she says, let me feel, even if just for a few days, that my Di is back ... and it would be a stone hearted person who didn't melt to that so I was happy Nups agreed - for once, I even liked Rati in the last Gunur scene ... esp when she puts her hand on Gunjan's shoulder and Gunjan covers it with her own ...
Sam didn't do much today except back up Gunjan, again less accusatory today ...
Mayank was very confrontational ... so I found that part very inconsistent - does he think she's playing games and he has to catch her out? And WHY would they think she's playing games? For so long? Okay as a first reaction at the bus stop, tho' even that was silly ... for her too, it was three years since she met them ... but why would she carry on playing games? Very strange storyline ...
And again, she calls him 'sadu' ... so that is proof that she is Nups? Made me laugh ... is that all the proof Mayank can think of after being married to the woman, for heavens' sake?
RoAsh scene was okay, a copy of SG earlier scenes. Rohan is okay, as good or bad as Mohit was at that time, but Ash has to be much, much better to match up to Sanaya ... watching her, I realised how good Sanaya was in those scenes - with minimal dialogues, just with her expressions, her start when she sees Samrat, her changes of expression as he teases her ... Ash didn't impress. Especially as there is such a contrast with a far better actress.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Stupendous Sanaya
16th August
Decent episode, elevated above the ordinary by Sanaya's stupendous performance today. In front of her, all the others just paled into nothing, their expressions all seemed lacking compared to the emotions she got into her face, her voice, her entire being.
Started with trio arriving at bus stop, looking for Nupur in vain, then they turn to leave, Gunjan stops them, saying she IS here, I can feel her.
Again head banging dialogues ... I haven't felt her in three years, but I can feel her now ... :(
So they turn, stop some random hippies, Mayank tells Gunjan - sing, Sam plays guitar, and Gunjan sings 'yeh zindagi'. And nothing happens.
They turn to leave, all dejected in the extreme - last throw of the dice and it failed. And then the wind blows ... cheesy ... and they turn ...
And she is standing there, looking at them with a blank, slightly scornful look on her face.
Nice part ... flashbacks of the accident in reverse ... nicely done ... as they all rewind to the accident that changed three lives, and now the reason for that has suddenly miraculously appeared in front of them ...
Sam's eyes ... disbelief, accusation??? He spent the last three years in living hell, abandoned by his best friend and his love, for a crime he didn't even commit? And that girl stands there hale and hearty, apparently completely unaffected by everything they have all gone through ... that he has gone through?
Mayank raises his eyes to the heavens in thanks ... he shouldn't copy Sam's gestures, cos he doesn't get the feeling into them that Samrat does. He looks happy ... something lacking ...
and then Gunjan moves forward, they haven't concentrated on her expression till now ... hope dawning as she moves forward ... she moves forward like an automaton, comes up to Nups, touches her face, her shoulders ... as though feeling her, reassuring herself that it is in fact Nupur, a real live Nupur, not a ghost, a figment of her imagination ...
and she drops on her knees and lets out a sob ... no words ...
Sam walks up slowly, accusation in his eyes, Nups stares at him ... glares?, he stares back, and she looks away ... again, cannot make sense of her emotions here ...
Mayank walks up, he's happy to see her, her face seems to soften when she sees him, then changes again ...
Sam asks Gunjan, not taking his eyes from Nups, why are you crying, you said you would be angry with Nupur? Gunjan sobs out - no.
Mayank says, you said you would support me, Gunjan sobs again, I'm not with anyone, I'm only with Di ...
And then she sobs, don't leave me, I'll do anything you want, everything will happen the way you want, just don't leave me, promise you won't leave me ...
and I could see the child Gunjan, sobbing to her sister when her mother died, don't leave me, please don't leave me ... was Nupur as unforgiving, as harsh then as she appears now? Did she play on Gunjan's fears of losing her as well as her mother to make Gunjan listen to everything she told her to do ... somehow the expressions on Nupur's face are very harsh and cold ...
And then Nups shakes her off ... and all are left shell shocked ...
Nups - what drama is this? I'll miss my bus ... leaves, MN trip and fall, lame ...
she turns to go, Sam comes after her - you're a great actress, but stop acting now ...
Left to himself, he would have probably been much more forceful, he should have been, but with Gunji there he can't ...
he asks her, you don't even remember Mayank .. she says, I don't know any of you, then turns back ... Mayank? ... and Mayank's face lights up, yes she does remember him ... this part was very silly ... he looked goofy ... would she remember him like this? Then Nups nautanki, how are you, Mr Mayank, and claims of not knowing any of them.
Part worth watching- Sanaya's scene.
Rest didn't match up. Two things I noticed - there were no SG interactions at all, and Gunjan didn't say a word after Nups pushed her away. Does Nups know that SG are not together? and what is Gunjan's next reaction going to be?
Decent episode, elevated above the ordinary by Sanaya's stupendous performance today. In front of her, all the others just paled into nothing, their expressions all seemed lacking compared to the emotions she got into her face, her voice, her entire being.
Started with trio arriving at bus stop, looking for Nupur in vain, then they turn to leave, Gunjan stops them, saying she IS here, I can feel her.
Again head banging dialogues ... I haven't felt her in three years, but I can feel her now ... :(
So they turn, stop some random hippies, Mayank tells Gunjan - sing, Sam plays guitar, and Gunjan sings 'yeh zindagi'. And nothing happens.
They turn to leave, all dejected in the extreme - last throw of the dice and it failed. And then the wind blows ... cheesy ... and they turn ...
And she is standing there, looking at them with a blank, slightly scornful look on her face.
Nice part ... flashbacks of the accident in reverse ... nicely done ... as they all rewind to the accident that changed three lives, and now the reason for that has suddenly miraculously appeared in front of them ...
Sam's eyes ... disbelief, accusation??? He spent the last three years in living hell, abandoned by his best friend and his love, for a crime he didn't even commit? And that girl stands there hale and hearty, apparently completely unaffected by everything they have all gone through ... that he has gone through?
Mayank raises his eyes to the heavens in thanks ... he shouldn't copy Sam's gestures, cos he doesn't get the feeling into them that Samrat does. He looks happy ... something lacking ...
and then Gunjan moves forward, they haven't concentrated on her expression till now ... hope dawning as she moves forward ... she moves forward like an automaton, comes up to Nups, touches her face, her shoulders ... as though feeling her, reassuring herself that it is in fact Nupur, a real live Nupur, not a ghost, a figment of her imagination ...
and she drops on her knees and lets out a sob ... no words ...
Sam walks up slowly, accusation in his eyes, Nups stares at him ... glares?, he stares back, and she looks away ... again, cannot make sense of her emotions here ...
Mayank walks up, he's happy to see her, her face seems to soften when she sees him, then changes again ...
Sam asks Gunjan, not taking his eyes from Nups, why are you crying, you said you would be angry with Nupur? Gunjan sobs out - no.
Mayank says, you said you would support me, Gunjan sobs again, I'm not with anyone, I'm only with Di ...
And then she sobs, don't leave me, I'll do anything you want, everything will happen the way you want, just don't leave me, promise you won't leave me ...
and I could see the child Gunjan, sobbing to her sister when her mother died, don't leave me, please don't leave me ... was Nupur as unforgiving, as harsh then as she appears now? Did she play on Gunjan's fears of losing her as well as her mother to make Gunjan listen to everything she told her to do ... somehow the expressions on Nupur's face are very harsh and cold ...
And then Nups shakes her off ... and all are left shell shocked ...
Nups - what drama is this? I'll miss my bus ... leaves, MN trip and fall, lame ...
she turns to go, Sam comes after her - you're a great actress, but stop acting now ...
Left to himself, he would have probably been much more forceful, he should have been, but with Gunji there he can't ...
he asks her, you don't even remember Mayank .. she says, I don't know any of you, then turns back ... Mayank? ... and Mayank's face lights up, yes she does remember him ... this part was very silly ... he looked goofy ... would she remember him like this? Then Nups nautanki, how are you, Mr Mayank, and claims of not knowing any of them.
Part worth watching- Sanaya's scene.
Rest didn't match up. Two things I noticed - there were no SG interactions at all, and Gunjan didn't say a word after Nups pushed her away. Does Nups know that SG are not together? and what is Gunjan's next reaction going to be?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
And they start thinking ... finally!
13th Aug
One of those episodes where nothing much happens, but useful for story to progress.
SG - Samrat saying we should have trusted Mayank, G quiet. He has no clue what she's thinking ... she goes off without saying a word. Is she thinking about why Nups was missing, and what it has done to all of them?
SGM - Mayank for the first time wondering, after the initial euphoria of finding Nups is over, as to why she went away without saying a word.
G says, she's alive, there must be a reason she's staying away, we have to find out.
They get M discharged, but where to go? G signs discharge papers - just an observation!
SGM wonder why Nups is missing
Nups calls - nurse gives M the phone, but he disconnects. Sam - he's also thinking now - says, caller ID, they call back, to find it's the phone number of the bus stop. Again M, does she want to come back to me at all? G says, only she can answer these questions. And we're going to find out.
The bonding scene and the walk reminded me of The Three Musketeers. And of one scene in DMG when the six got together for Shanks-Padma. I like the trio!
SGM decide to hunt for Nupur
Nups waiting at bus stop, the only interesting bit was she calls someone and says she's coming back, she doesn't like this city any more.
RoAsh - telelmarketing, then a small eyelock. They're cute, but no magic. More watchable than MN for sure, though am enjoying the trio scenes these days - they should get even better now that the three are working together.
Trio reach bus stop .. OMG, S is gonna play guitar, Gunji sing and M? Will he pass around the collections hat? Why did Nups have to come back and ruin a perfectly good story? Now the nautanki will start again - back to very public bus stop reunions!
episode links
part 1
part 2
part 3
Part4 - nothing much - Roash, trio arrive at bus stop.
Links for Monaya segments
Monaya interview
Tongue twisters
One of those episodes where nothing much happens, but useful for story to progress.
SG - Samrat saying we should have trusted Mayank, G quiet. He has no clue what she's thinking ... she goes off without saying a word. Is she thinking about why Nups was missing, and what it has done to all of them?
SGM - Mayank for the first time wondering, after the initial euphoria of finding Nups is over, as to why she went away without saying a word.
G says, she's alive, there must be a reason she's staying away, we have to find out.
They get M discharged, but where to go? G signs discharge papers - just an observation!
SGM wonder why Nups is missing
Nups calls - nurse gives M the phone, but he disconnects. Sam - he's also thinking now - says, caller ID, they call back, to find it's the phone number of the bus stop. Again M, does she want to come back to me at all? G says, only she can answer these questions. And we're going to find out.
The bonding scene and the walk reminded me of The Three Musketeers. And of one scene in DMG when the six got together for Shanks-Padma. I like the trio!
SGM decide to hunt for Nupur
Nups waiting at bus stop, the only interesting bit was she calls someone and says she's coming back, she doesn't like this city any more.
RoAsh - telelmarketing, then a small eyelock. They're cute, but no magic. More watchable than MN for sure, though am enjoying the trio scenes these days - they should get even better now that the three are working together.
Trio reach bus stop .. OMG, S is gonna play guitar, Gunji sing and M? Will he pass around the collections hat? Why did Nups have to come back and ruin a perfectly good story? Now the nautanki will start again - back to very public bus stop reunions!
episode links
part 1
part 2
part 3
Part4 - nothing much - Roash, trio arrive at bus stop.
Links for Monaya segments
Monaya interview
Tongue twisters
Friday, August 13, 2010
Now Gunjan losing it
12th August 2010
Nups decides she is his wife after all, signs the hospital papers.
RoAsh and Shuklaji - cute! Shuklaji spilling beans about Sam's antics with Gunjan, while Ash listens ...
Nups wipes off khoon bhari maang.
Gunjan losing it, now thinks M might have brain tumor ... so they should counsel him? Will that get rid of it? Dialogues!!!! *head desk* Again she goes on - I have nobody else to call my own ... what happened to Ash, then?
Sam is hurt ... does she realise it? Even feel bad? God knows what they're doing to her character right now ... seems she's in for a HUGE guilt trip very soon.
Nups seems equally confused .. says I will ring M's gharvalas, lemme check the numbers from his phone - first number is 'saali sahiba'. Very strange expression on her face ... that could be one explanation of not getting in touch with Gunjan, for sure.
She gets the doc to talk to G. Sanaya is sounding and looking really pulled down, poor girl!
G gets news of accident from doc.
Nups tells doc cock and bull story of not being able to talk cos she can't handle herself. Not stopped telling stories yet. Some things never change.
Doc sends her for meds just as SG arrive, Nups goes "by God" ... G turns in disbelief ... runs, but there's no one there.
SG meet M, G again upset, M's the only family I have, Nups strolling down corridor, ok, she's back.
M regains consciousness, sees N outside, SG think he's gone again.
Doc says if that lady hadn't brought him here in time ... Sam- which lady? Doc - his wife.
*head desk* DIALOGUES???!!!!
Finally they have proof - Nups signature. So G believes - at last. The only nice scene - Majan, when she allows herself to believe, and M is happy. Yes, N is back.
Sam goes running to find her.
Nups wants to leave town. Why are they repeating the entire S2 SG track?
SG - G gets news of Mayank's accident
Nups decides she is his wife after all, signs the hospital papers.
RoAsh and Shuklaji - cute! Shuklaji spilling beans about Sam's antics with Gunjan, while Ash listens ...
Nups wipes off khoon bhari maang.
Gunjan losing it, now thinks M might have brain tumor ... so they should counsel him? Will that get rid of it? Dialogues!!!! *head desk* Again she goes on - I have nobody else to call my own ... what happened to Ash, then?
Sam is hurt ... does she realise it? Even feel bad? God knows what they're doing to her character right now ... seems she's in for a HUGE guilt trip very soon.
Nups seems equally confused .. says I will ring M's gharvalas, lemme check the numbers from his phone - first number is 'saali sahiba'. Very strange expression on her face ... that could be one explanation of not getting in touch with Gunjan, for sure.
She gets the doc to talk to G. Sanaya is sounding and looking really pulled down, poor girl!
G gets news of accident from doc.
Nups tells doc cock and bull story of not being able to talk cos she can't handle herself. Not stopped telling stories yet. Some things never change.
Doc sends her for meds just as SG arrive, Nups goes "by God" ... G turns in disbelief ... runs, but there's no one there.
SG meet M, G again upset, M's the only family I have, Nups strolling down corridor, ok, she's back.
M regains consciousness, sees N outside, SG think he's gone again.
Doc says if that lady hadn't brought him here in time ... Sam- which lady? Doc - his wife.
*head desk* DIALOGUES???!!!!
Finally they have proof - Nups signature. So G believes - at last. The only nice scene - Majan, when she allows herself to believe, and M is happy. Yes, N is back.
Sam goes running to find her.
Nups wants to leave town. Why are they repeating the entire S2 SG track?
SG - G gets news of Mayank's accident
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Mayank losing it ...
11th Aug
Boring episode, dedicated to Mayank insisting he's not losing it, and then going on to act as though he is.
Gunjan tries to tell him that he's imagining things, but he loses his temper. Again tells them that your love was strong enough to get you back together, so is mine. She tries to take him away, he tells her she doesn't care. Tells her to stop thinking with her head, and start feeling with her heart. And leaves.
Gunjan left shell shocked - am I wrong? Don't I want her to come back? For things to be the way they were before? Then why is he saying that I don't want her back, that I don't care?
Even Samrat can't say anything.
Rest of episode on M, upset he spoke to Gunjan the way he did, and going on abt Nups.
Next day, crash, repeat of accident, Nups finds him, takes him to hospital.
While watching the hospital part, I was wondering whether she was actually Nups or a different person. At the door of ICU, she looked mildly upset, definitely not as though it was her husband inside, battling for his life. Expressions were pretty blank all through. Nowhere near the depth Sanaya gets into her eyes. Wonder whether RP will be able to carry this track - first impression not very great.
Boring episode, dedicated to Mayank insisting he's not losing it, and then going on to act as though he is.
Gunjan tries to tell him that he's imagining things, but he loses his temper. Again tells them that your love was strong enough to get you back together, so is mine. She tries to take him away, he tells her she doesn't care. Tells her to stop thinking with her head, and start feeling with her heart. And leaves.
Gunjan left shell shocked - am I wrong? Don't I want her to come back? For things to be the way they were before? Then why is he saying that I don't want her back, that I don't care?
Even Samrat can't say anything.
Rest of episode on M, upset he spoke to Gunjan the way he did, and going on abt Nups.
Next day, crash, repeat of accident, Nups finds him, takes him to hospital.
While watching the hospital part, I was wondering whether she was actually Nups or a different person. At the door of ICU, she looked mildly upset, definitely not as though it was her husband inside, battling for his life. Expressions were pretty blank all through. Nowhere near the depth Sanaya gets into her eyes. Wonder whether RP will be able to carry this track - first impression not very great.
Disappointment - and Gunjan lashes out
10th Aug 2010
Mayank comes to SG, looking spaced out, holding bedraggled bunch of flowers, he says he saw Nupur, she's alive, she was buying the flowers. Gunjan is hopeful ... Sam asks, so where is she, why didn't you bring her with you. Mayank says, she saw me, she looked at me, but she didn't say anything, she went away.
And Gunji closes her eyes ... she knew it, her sister cannot be alive and not come to her, this is all an illusion, a 'vehem'.
And she sees the flowers - ones her sister hated, because her father used them for her mother's barsi ... Nupur would never buy those flowers ... it is NOT Nupur. and she feels she just lost her mother and her sister again.
RoAsh ... cute scene, where Ro finds out Ash loves Samrat. Silent heartbreak,
Mayank upset, why is Gunjan not believing him about nupur?
Ro drops Ash home, tells her she should aplogise to her Di.
Gunjan thinking, has she been unfair to Mayank? Could it be true? But three years?
Ash comes home, apologises.
SAm calls, Mayank was upset with you.
Gunjan says, I can't do any acting. This is not my sister.
Sam- How will he trust us if you behave like this?
Gunjan - I can't believe in any illusions.
Sam- this isn't illusion, it's love. and I'm supporting him.
Gunjan - your reason is different. You only want Di to come back so that your guilt is absolved.
Harsh, unforgiveable words. leaving him shocked. And he relives the accident again. No, they cannot live with each other. That accident will always be between them.
Next morning, Gunjan in class - sometimes in life, we feel we have lost everything.
And Ash says, and that's when we lash out at people we love, we hurt them.
And Gunjan says, we hurt only those we love, and those we love, forgive us as well.
And she looks up - Sam is standing outside the class looking at her.
Class over, he moves on without a word. And she runs to stop him. He doesn't stop, doesn't look at her. No, she's really hurt him badly this time.
Hands to ears - I'm sorry. I said too much last night.
Sam - without his usual smile - it's ok. As you said, we only hurt those who are close to us.
He looks away again. And doesn't try to talk further. And she's hurting even more inside. She hurts him, but feels the pain herself.
She tries to make normal conversation, make up for her words, her lack of faith. 'has Mayank come?'
He's worried about Mayank, hasnt been able to contact him.
Gunjan says, we need to make him understand this is a dream, he'll get hurt.
Sam says, but first we need to find out - is it really just a dream? Practical, sensible Mayank?
Last scene - M looking for Nups and Mayapari.
Links by naveen - SG- Gunjan lashes out
Mayank comes to SG, looking spaced out, holding bedraggled bunch of flowers, he says he saw Nupur, she's alive, she was buying the flowers. Gunjan is hopeful ... Sam asks, so where is she, why didn't you bring her with you. Mayank says, she saw me, she looked at me, but she didn't say anything, she went away.
And Gunji closes her eyes ... she knew it, her sister cannot be alive and not come to her, this is all an illusion, a 'vehem'.
And she sees the flowers - ones her sister hated, because her father used them for her mother's barsi ... Nupur would never buy those flowers ... it is NOT Nupur. and she feels she just lost her mother and her sister again.
RoAsh ... cute scene, where Ro finds out Ash loves Samrat. Silent heartbreak,
Mayank upset, why is Gunjan not believing him about nupur?
Ro drops Ash home, tells her she should aplogise to her Di.
Gunjan thinking, has she been unfair to Mayank? Could it be true? But three years?
Ash comes home, apologises.
SAm calls, Mayank was upset with you.
Gunjan says, I can't do any acting. This is not my sister.
Sam- How will he trust us if you behave like this?
Gunjan - I can't believe in any illusions.
Sam- this isn't illusion, it's love. and I'm supporting him.
Gunjan - your reason is different. You only want Di to come back so that your guilt is absolved.
Harsh, unforgiveable words. leaving him shocked. And he relives the accident again. No, they cannot live with each other. That accident will always be between them.
Next morning, Gunjan in class - sometimes in life, we feel we have lost everything.
And Ash says, and that's when we lash out at people we love, we hurt them.
And Gunjan says, we hurt only those we love, and those we love, forgive us as well.
And she looks up - Sam is standing outside the class looking at her.
Class over, he moves on without a word. And she runs to stop him. He doesn't stop, doesn't look at her. No, she's really hurt him badly this time.
Hands to ears - I'm sorry. I said too much last night.
Sam - without his usual smile - it's ok. As you said, we only hurt those who are close to us.
He looks away again. And doesn't try to talk further. And she's hurting even more inside. She hurts him, but feels the pain herself.
She tries to make normal conversation, make up for her words, her lack of faith. 'has Mayank come?'
He's worried about Mayank, hasnt been able to contact him.
Gunjan says, we need to make him understand this is a dream, he'll get hurt.
Sam says, but first we need to find out - is it really just a dream? Practical, sensible Mayank?
Last scene - M looking for Nups and Mayapari.
Links by naveen - SG- Gunjan lashes out
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sajan - apart, yet together
9th August
Starts with the Sajan hug of Friday but somewhere over the weekend the hug changed from friendship and comfort, to pure Sajan ... from a casual, relaxed 'I need you', 'I'm here for you' hug to their usual tight clinch ... they just cannot stay away from each other, and it seems that now that Gunjan has accepted her feelings, she has lost the need to even try to pretend, as though she feels she's passed the burden, the guilt over her unchanging love, over to Sam, and is left with just her love ... and with Nups imminent return, the reason for that guilt is gone, so she doesn't even care any more ... she needs him, she needs to be in his arms, she's craved them for three long years, and now she can't do without them - as simple as that. And if she needs him, he's there for her ... he always has been, always will be.
Gunjan's expressions in that hug say everything - complete and utter peace, she's where she wants to be ... as is he ... they're both equally lost.
So back to tight clinch!
But the phone rings ... and they jerk back to reality ... no, this is not what they're supposed to be doing ... they just broke up, remember?
Loved the awkwardness as they come apart ... no recriminations any more, she's not fighting him any more, and she knows she took the first step, what can she say? And he promised he'd stay away from her, but if she comes to him, he just can't. So both are awkward ... talking to Mayank, going away from her to meet him is a relief.
And then Gunjan sees Ash in the mirror ... what did she see?
Ash is shell shocked ... Di and Samrat? No, she must be mistaken ... or is she? She asks Rohan .. Rohan lets it out ... their love story is three years old ...
And Ash remembers all her meetings with Samrat, when she thought he was thinking about her ... and the last ... when he came looking for her Di ...
part 1
Naveen's link Sg and GunAsh
GunAsh ... Ash asks Gun - do you love him? Does he love you? What is Gunji to answer? But before she can, Ash breaks out - you took him away from me, you broke my dreams ...
um, Ash, remember, SG are three years old ... how did Gunji take him away from you? He was never yours. He was always hers.
Mayank calls Nups. She finally picks up. Wrong number. Grand entry of the LEGEND!
Sam tries to console him - girls like to play hard to get, keep trying. But Mayank is getting worried for the first time.
I liked the bg music for MN - same tune, but with heavy drumbeats. They did exactly the same thing in DMG when Jenni re-entered - very effective.
part 2
Gunji calls Sam, to talk about Ashwini. Sam is acting counsellor these days, looks like Gunji resigned her job!
Mayank still in shock, it was Nupur's voice (ah, he did recognise her), why didn't she want to talk?
SG - Sam shocked at what Gunjan has to say about Ash, he never dreamed she thought of him in that way. Of course he didn't, he never saw her in that way. Ever since Gunjan has been in his life, he's never looked at another girl.
Gunjan asks, you had no idea?
He says, of course not. I was so lost in my own problems ...
He stops. They both know what those problems were. And no, they will not talk about them. Because he will never tell her about the pain he went through, and she will feel the guilt soon enough, has already started feeling it, because she has seen his pain.
He asks more quietly, where's Ash? She doesn't know. She's worried for Ash.
This was a husband wife scene ... totally. Their own issues are their own, but they can be put aside for the moment, because there is always time for them. At the moment, they need to be together for Ash, so they will be. Simple.
Mayank still wondering about Nupur. why did she not want to talk? Why did she say wrong number?
Copy of Sam - kab tak bhagogi?
SG - Sam tells Ro to look for Ash. Gunji worried - everyone around her seems to be losing it Mayank, Ash ...
part 3
Gunji worried Ash will do something stupid, she knows Ash's instability. And after Nups, she's closest to Ash. She can't lose her. What about M? Stop repeating the same lines, Gunjan!
Sam tries to convince her about Nupur, but she's adamant. Her sister would not have stayed away for three years. it can't be her sister. And she doesn't want to talk about it. Running away again. from fear of it being not true, from fear of it being true. Both ways she's a loser. Either she loses Nupur and loses Samrat again, or she gains Nupur and loses Samrat again.
Sam-Ro - i like this pair. Sam tells Ro, find her. Ro says, i will.
Mayank in rain - sees Nups. Two entries of the LEGEND in one episode - wow! She runs away from him. ffwd scene - too long.
part 4
SG waiting for news of Ash. SMS from Ro - Gunjan clutches Sam's arm, what is it?
Ro's found her.
And they both realise how close they are, that she's still holding his arm. She takes her time to release it, though. Nope, never friends. Awkwardness again.
To shake it off, she asks, where's Mayank. He tells her M called a wrong number.
part 5
Naveens' link Gun talks to Sam about Ash
MN- M sees N, umbrella flies. she runs.
Starts with the Sajan hug of Friday but somewhere over the weekend the hug changed from friendship and comfort, to pure Sajan ... from a casual, relaxed 'I need you', 'I'm here for you' hug to their usual tight clinch ... they just cannot stay away from each other, and it seems that now that Gunjan has accepted her feelings, she has lost the need to even try to pretend, as though she feels she's passed the burden, the guilt over her unchanging love, over to Sam, and is left with just her love ... and with Nups imminent return, the reason for that guilt is gone, so she doesn't even care any more ... she needs him, she needs to be in his arms, she's craved them for three long years, and now she can't do without them - as simple as that. And if she needs him, he's there for her ... he always has been, always will be.
Gunjan's expressions in that hug say everything - complete and utter peace, she's where she wants to be ... as is he ... they're both equally lost.
So back to tight clinch!
But the phone rings ... and they jerk back to reality ... no, this is not what they're supposed to be doing ... they just broke up, remember?
Loved the awkwardness as they come apart ... no recriminations any more, she's not fighting him any more, and she knows she took the first step, what can she say? And he promised he'd stay away from her, but if she comes to him, he just can't. So both are awkward ... talking to Mayank, going away from her to meet him is a relief.
And then Gunjan sees Ash in the mirror ... what did she see?
Ash is shell shocked ... Di and Samrat? No, she must be mistaken ... or is she? She asks Rohan .. Rohan lets it out ... their love story is three years old ...
And Ash remembers all her meetings with Samrat, when she thought he was thinking about her ... and the last ... when he came looking for her Di ...
part 1
Naveen's link Sg and GunAsh
GunAsh ... Ash asks Gun - do you love him? Does he love you? What is Gunji to answer? But before she can, Ash breaks out - you took him away from me, you broke my dreams ...
um, Ash, remember, SG are three years old ... how did Gunji take him away from you? He was never yours. He was always hers.
Mayank calls Nups. She finally picks up. Wrong number. Grand entry of the LEGEND!
Sam tries to console him - girls like to play hard to get, keep trying. But Mayank is getting worried for the first time.
I liked the bg music for MN - same tune, but with heavy drumbeats. They did exactly the same thing in DMG when Jenni re-entered - very effective.
part 2
Gunji calls Sam, to talk about Ashwini. Sam is acting counsellor these days, looks like Gunji resigned her job!
Mayank still in shock, it was Nupur's voice (ah, he did recognise her), why didn't she want to talk?
SG - Sam shocked at what Gunjan has to say about Ash, he never dreamed she thought of him in that way. Of course he didn't, he never saw her in that way. Ever since Gunjan has been in his life, he's never looked at another girl.
Gunjan asks, you had no idea?
He says, of course not. I was so lost in my own problems ...
He stops. They both know what those problems were. And no, they will not talk about them. Because he will never tell her about the pain he went through, and she will feel the guilt soon enough, has already started feeling it, because she has seen his pain.
He asks more quietly, where's Ash? She doesn't know. She's worried for Ash.
This was a husband wife scene ... totally. Their own issues are their own, but they can be put aside for the moment, because there is always time for them. At the moment, they need to be together for Ash, so they will be. Simple.
Mayank still wondering about Nupur. why did she not want to talk? Why did she say wrong number?
Copy of Sam - kab tak bhagogi?
SG - Sam tells Ro to look for Ash. Gunji worried - everyone around her seems to be losing it Mayank, Ash ...
part 3
Gunji worried Ash will do something stupid, she knows Ash's instability. And after Nups, she's closest to Ash. She can't lose her. What about M? Stop repeating the same lines, Gunjan!
Sam tries to convince her about Nupur, but she's adamant. Her sister would not have stayed away for three years. it can't be her sister. And she doesn't want to talk about it. Running away again. from fear of it being not true, from fear of it being true. Both ways she's a loser. Either she loses Nupur and loses Samrat again, or she gains Nupur and loses Samrat again.
Sam-Ro - i like this pair. Sam tells Ro, find her. Ro says, i will.
Mayank in rain - sees Nups. Two entries of the LEGEND in one episode - wow! She runs away from him. ffwd scene - too long.
part 4
SG waiting for news of Ash. SMS from Ro - Gunjan clutches Sam's arm, what is it?
Ro's found her.
And they both realise how close they are, that she's still holding his arm. She takes her time to release it, though. Nope, never friends. Awkwardness again.
To shake it off, she asks, where's Mayank. He tells her M called a wrong number.
part 5
Naveens' link Gun talks to Sam about Ash
MN- M sees N, umbrella flies. she runs.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Mayank's hope and Gunjan's fear
6th August
Mayank tells Gunjan that Nups is alive. At first G is overjoyed, but then she hears Mayank's whole story ... he hasn't actually seen Nupur, just someone who he felt was her. And then Gunjan's doubts surface - how can it be Nupur? How could Nupur stay away from them all for three years? From Mayank, whom she loved, from Gunjan, her sister who was more like her daughter ... how could Nupur stay away from them? It cannot be Nupur. Mayank is mistaken.
Dia tells Samrat her fears - is Mayank building his hopes too high? Is that girl really Nupur? She can't be sure.
Mayank tells Gunjan, that girl has to be Nupur. I felt her. Everything in the house reminded me of her. That girl IS Nupur ...
Gunjan has had enough. He raised her hopes by telling her Nupur was alive ... but it's only his feelings? How can it be that HER Di, who couldn't live without her for 3 minutes, has stayed away for three years? Who defied her Bauji to marry Mayanak, has stayed away from him for so long? No, it cannot be her sister. It IS NOT her sister. Don't raise my hopes ... because I've lost my sister once already, I cannot go through the pain of losing her again.
But Mayank is not ready to listen. It was fate they lost Nupur, it's fate they're finding her again. He WILL believe it.
Sam, Dia, Gunjan, Mayank. Three doubters, but one believer. Whose faith in his love is unshaken - and in truth, he does come across as being a little unhinged. Mayank treis to convince Samrat ... gets angry ... you both don't understand what it's like to lose your love ... oh yes, they do. He says, you both don't value what you have ... that one hits home.
But they still to tell him he could be mistaken ... and he blows up, tells them you don't love her the way I do, don't call my feelings a 'vehem'.
SG left alone, G tries to leave, Samrat tells her,, maybe we should support Mayank. Gunjan blows up at him also ... Nupur is dead! I saw her clothes, her mangalsutra, I was the one who had to deal with that, I've spent three years trying to forget that, I cannot go through losing her again. We need to explain to Mayank that this is a dream, it is impossible.
Dia returns, talks about her signs, Samrat says it might be true. Gunjan angry again, whatever you all say or want, Di is not coming back.
Sam tries to stop her, she says, whatever anyone may think, I still love my Di a lot.
He says, so let's support Mayank, even if it's an illusion.
She says ... when such illusions shatter, they cause agony. Sam says, so when Mayank's illusion breaks, won't you want to be there to help him pick up the pieces?
And she has no answer. She has to at least pretend to hope again. For Mayank, if no one else.
Next morning in college, Sam tells Mayank they will help him. So do Gunjan and Dia. Mayank overjoyed, starts babbling about scolding Nupur when she comes back, Dia and Gunjan getting more and more worried about his mental stability. Mayank tells Gunjan they will scold Nupur together ... Gunjan can't take it anymore. She doesn't even want to think this could be true, because if it's not, the hurt will be even worse this time around. Not to have hope is easier than to hope, only for those hopes to be dashed. And she can't go through the pain of that loss again.
Not to mention, Gunjan is emotionally at her most vulnerable. After years of running away from her feelings. she finally had to face them, that she still desperately loved the person responsible for her sister's death. And she hated herself for that ... so much that she had finally sent that person away from her for good. For the last break with Samrat had been made by him, not by her. All her own attempts to walk away from him had failed, but he had walked away without looking back. And as he walked away, she knew that she had been unfair, that she had wounded him very deeply, she saw his pain, his hurt at her behaviour, her words, and that had killed her again. One loss, her sister. The second loss, Samrat, when she left him without a word after the accident. And last night, she had lost him again. And this time, he had left her. And she realised how much she loved him, needed him. Her lover, her best friend. Her soulmate. he had walked away not because she didn't love him - she did. But because HE loved her too much to make her live with her own self-loathing. So she hates herself, for loving Samrat, and for hurting him. She just lost him again ... and the reason for that loss, the only justification for her behaviour ... that is gone?!
So she runs to hide herself. And Samrat follows her.
Girls' loo, the scene of many of their meetings. But this time, only as friends, as a support. She says she can't take it any more, he says she has to be strong for Mayank. She says, i've lost di, i can't lose Mayank, he'll lose his balance, if this is false. Samrat says, so we have to be there for him. We have to show him we do believe him.
So what do I do???!!!
He says, if one's love is true, then the will to find that love becomes even stronger. And then he realises what he's saying, that it could apply to them as well. So he changes it to a general statement - for all of us. So we need to support him.
he turns to leave.
She holds his hand.
"And if what Mayank is thinking, is not true, then?"
And its her own fear showing ... if I allow myself to believe and it's not true, then? Then I will break again.
He holds both her hands, says, 'then I'll be there for Mayank.'
And for you. As your friend.
Another reassuring squeeze of her hands, again he turns to leave.
And she holds his hands again and then throws her arms around him. For comfort. For reassurance. For support.
He pats her head gently. Yes, he's there for support and comfort, for reassurance, all those things. Just not for love.
And Ash stares at them in shock.
One thing that bothered me ... when all the talk of being there for friends was going on for Mayank, why didn't either Mayank or Gunjan remember that they had abandoned Samrat when he needed his friends too? Why is no one registering his hurt? And is Gunjan going to ever see his hurt?
The good thing is, Samrat has definitely withdrawn from Gunjan. So she will feel his loss now, more so now when Nups is coming back. That she lost her sister through an accident, but Samrat through her own stubbornness and her conflicting emotions.
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
Naveen's links
Sam tells Gunjan they should support Mayank (/working?)
Sam comforts Gunjan
Mayank tells Gunjan that Nups is alive. At first G is overjoyed, but then she hears Mayank's whole story ... he hasn't actually seen Nupur, just someone who he felt was her. And then Gunjan's doubts surface - how can it be Nupur? How could Nupur stay away from them all for three years? From Mayank, whom she loved, from Gunjan, her sister who was more like her daughter ... how could Nupur stay away from them? It cannot be Nupur. Mayank is mistaken.
Dia tells Samrat her fears - is Mayank building his hopes too high? Is that girl really Nupur? She can't be sure.
Mayank tells Gunjan, that girl has to be Nupur. I felt her. Everything in the house reminded me of her. That girl IS Nupur ...
Gunjan has had enough. He raised her hopes by telling her Nupur was alive ... but it's only his feelings? How can it be that HER Di, who couldn't live without her for 3 minutes, has stayed away for three years? Who defied her Bauji to marry Mayanak, has stayed away from him for so long? No, it cannot be her sister. It IS NOT her sister. Don't raise my hopes ... because I've lost my sister once already, I cannot go through the pain of losing her again.
But Mayank is not ready to listen. It was fate they lost Nupur, it's fate they're finding her again. He WILL believe it.
Sam, Dia, Gunjan, Mayank. Three doubters, but one believer. Whose faith in his love is unshaken - and in truth, he does come across as being a little unhinged. Mayank treis to convince Samrat ... gets angry ... you both don't understand what it's like to lose your love ... oh yes, they do. He says, you both don't value what you have ... that one hits home.
But they still to tell him he could be mistaken ... and he blows up, tells them you don't love her the way I do, don't call my feelings a 'vehem'.
SG left alone, G tries to leave, Samrat tells her,, maybe we should support Mayank. Gunjan blows up at him also ... Nupur is dead! I saw her clothes, her mangalsutra, I was the one who had to deal with that, I've spent three years trying to forget that, I cannot go through losing her again. We need to explain to Mayank that this is a dream, it is impossible.
Dia returns, talks about her signs, Samrat says it might be true. Gunjan angry again, whatever you all say or want, Di is not coming back.
Sam tries to stop her, she says, whatever anyone may think, I still love my Di a lot.
He says, so let's support Mayank, even if it's an illusion.
She says ... when such illusions shatter, they cause agony. Sam says, so when Mayank's illusion breaks, won't you want to be there to help him pick up the pieces?
And she has no answer. She has to at least pretend to hope again. For Mayank, if no one else.
Next morning in college, Sam tells Mayank they will help him. So do Gunjan and Dia. Mayank overjoyed, starts babbling about scolding Nupur when she comes back, Dia and Gunjan getting more and more worried about his mental stability. Mayank tells Gunjan they will scold Nupur together ... Gunjan can't take it anymore. She doesn't even want to think this could be true, because if it's not, the hurt will be even worse this time around. Not to have hope is easier than to hope, only for those hopes to be dashed. And she can't go through the pain of that loss again.
Not to mention, Gunjan is emotionally at her most vulnerable. After years of running away from her feelings. she finally had to face them, that she still desperately loved the person responsible for her sister's death. And she hated herself for that ... so much that she had finally sent that person away from her for good. For the last break with Samrat had been made by him, not by her. All her own attempts to walk away from him had failed, but he had walked away without looking back. And as he walked away, she knew that she had been unfair, that she had wounded him very deeply, she saw his pain, his hurt at her behaviour, her words, and that had killed her again. One loss, her sister. The second loss, Samrat, when she left him without a word after the accident. And last night, she had lost him again. And this time, he had left her. And she realised how much she loved him, needed him. Her lover, her best friend. Her soulmate. he had walked away not because she didn't love him - she did. But because HE loved her too much to make her live with her own self-loathing. So she hates herself, for loving Samrat, and for hurting him. She just lost him again ... and the reason for that loss, the only justification for her behaviour ... that is gone?!
So she runs to hide herself. And Samrat follows her.
Girls' loo, the scene of many of their meetings. But this time, only as friends, as a support. She says she can't take it any more, he says she has to be strong for Mayank. She says, i've lost di, i can't lose Mayank, he'll lose his balance, if this is false. Samrat says, so we have to be there for him. We have to show him we do believe him.
So what do I do???!!!
He says, if one's love is true, then the will to find that love becomes even stronger. And then he realises what he's saying, that it could apply to them as well. So he changes it to a general statement - for all of us. So we need to support him.
he turns to leave.
She holds his hand.
"And if what Mayank is thinking, is not true, then?"
And its her own fear showing ... if I allow myself to believe and it's not true, then? Then I will break again.
He holds both her hands, says, 'then I'll be there for Mayank.'
And for you. As your friend.
Another reassuring squeeze of her hands, again he turns to leave.
And she holds his hands again and then throws her arms around him. For comfort. For reassurance. For support.
He pats her head gently. Yes, he's there for support and comfort, for reassurance, all those things. Just not for love.
And Ash stares at them in shock.
One thing that bothered me ... when all the talk of being there for friends was going on for Mayank, why didn't either Mayank or Gunjan remember that they had abandoned Samrat when he needed his friends too? Why is no one registering his hurt? And is Gunjan going to ever see his hurt?
The good thing is, Samrat has definitely withdrawn from Gunjan. So she will feel his loss now, more so now when Nups is coming back. That she lost her sister through an accident, but Samrat through her own stubbornness and her conflicting emotions.
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
Naveen's links
Sam tells Gunjan they should support Mayank (/working?)
Sam comforts Gunjan
Friday, August 6, 2010
LOOK AT ME ... and 'I'll never come near you again'.
5th August
Showdown at last. Samrat stops Gunjan .. how long are you going to keep running away. and from whom? Yourself?
She clings to him ... don't do this to me. I don't want to love you again. Don't make me. And even when she backs away, she covers his mouth with her hand ... it's still her right - to be able to touch him ...
But is it? What is she doing? She wants to go away from him, not have any rights over him. And so she speaks again, hurtful words, harsh words, accusing him ... you've been trying to make me remember, to love you again ... yes, you know me so well, I'm like an open book to you ... but I don't want to be. Because you have given me only pain.
And that hurts him like nothing else has done. Has he given her only pain? Never any happiness at all?
He tries to explain, but she says no. I don't want to talk to you ever again.
And so he loses his cool. For once. If she doesn't want to talk to him ever again, what does he have to lose? But he WILL make her listen this one last time ... make her understand that he didn't do all this to win her, but only to win back her happiness, even if that be away from him. He gave her pain, he wanted to heal it. His penance, his making amends. And she has to understand that.
Look at me.
She doesn't.
Look at me.
She still doesn't. Tries to twist her hand away, to go away, to leave, because if she stays and listens, she will weaken again, she knows.
LOOK ... AT ... ME.
And she has to. Pulled so close to him, she has finally no choice. To listen. And to see his pain for the very first time. Again a pain she has been closing her eyes and heart to.
Whatever I did, was not to make you love me, to bring you back into my life. It was only to see that smile back on your face, a smile that had disappeared because of me. I only ever wanted to see you happy. And if ... and if, by my closeness, by what i say or do, I cause you any pain ... I swear ... I will never come near you again.
And she has to see his pain now, his torment, his grief ... in the tears he is finally letting flow. She can't close her eyes to it any more. But it's too late ... as he slowly and deliberatly disengages her hands from his coat, and releases them. And the tears are running down his cheeks as he lets her go ... for the last time. And she knows he means it ... he will never come near her again. It's his final goodbye. As her hands reach out instinctively to hold the ones releasing her grasp ... as though her life itself is slipping out of her fingers ...
And he goes ... without looking back. Leaving her bereft, and truly alone. More alone than the day her sister died, more alone than any time in her life ... he was her life, he still is her life ... and she let him go.
What has she done?
If I was to rate scenes, this scene and the "Meri Chashmish" scene would fight for top spot - not only for SG but for the entire show. SUPERB scene - superb set up, emotions, dialogues ... but MOST of all, the ACTING was SUPERLATIVE. And if anything, Mohit outshone Sanaya here - she was the star in Meri Chashmish, but today was his day - a long extremely emotional speech, with a mix of multiple emotions, he was just outstanding today - simply outstanding, his dialogue delivery was amazing, voice modulation spot on and emotions simply perfect. And the last bit, where they are still holding hands, he releases her hands gently, and she half reaches out as though to stop him ... AMAZING. This scene will stay in my mind as one of the TOP scenes of MJHT - no question about that.
Mayank Dia scenes ... Mayank seeing Nups everywhere, Dia begins to think he has lost it.
RoAsh having dinner ... Ro almost lets out about SG, Ash confused.
Samrat puts away his last pictures of Gunjan ... it's over. Finally. He failed.
The bell rings.
Gunjan at Mayank's door - Jiju (back to jiju now) ... why didn't you come for the play?
Dia tells Samrat about Nupur, about her visions. And Mayank's disturbing behaviour. Don't worry, Dia, That's normal for Mayank. The moment Nups is anywhere near, M loses his brainpower.
Mayank tells Gunjan joyfully Nupur is still alive. Gunjan is shell shocked.
Samrat Gunjan confrontation
Showdown at last. Samrat stops Gunjan .. how long are you going to keep running away. and from whom? Yourself?
She clings to him ... don't do this to me. I don't want to love you again. Don't make me. And even when she backs away, she covers his mouth with her hand ... it's still her right - to be able to touch him ...
But is it? What is she doing? She wants to go away from him, not have any rights over him. And so she speaks again, hurtful words, harsh words, accusing him ... you've been trying to make me remember, to love you again ... yes, you know me so well, I'm like an open book to you ... but I don't want to be. Because you have given me only pain.
And that hurts him like nothing else has done. Has he given her only pain? Never any happiness at all?
He tries to explain, but she says no. I don't want to talk to you ever again.
And so he loses his cool. For once. If she doesn't want to talk to him ever again, what does he have to lose? But he WILL make her listen this one last time ... make her understand that he didn't do all this to win her, but only to win back her happiness, even if that be away from him. He gave her pain, he wanted to heal it. His penance, his making amends. And she has to understand that.
Look at me.
She doesn't.
Look at me.
She still doesn't. Tries to twist her hand away, to go away, to leave, because if she stays and listens, she will weaken again, she knows.
LOOK ... AT ... ME.
And she has to. Pulled so close to him, she has finally no choice. To listen. And to see his pain for the very first time. Again a pain she has been closing her eyes and heart to.
Whatever I did, was not to make you love me, to bring you back into my life. It was only to see that smile back on your face, a smile that had disappeared because of me. I only ever wanted to see you happy. And if ... and if, by my closeness, by what i say or do, I cause you any pain ... I swear ... I will never come near you again.
And she has to see his pain now, his torment, his grief ... in the tears he is finally letting flow. She can't close her eyes to it any more. But it's too late ... as he slowly and deliberatly disengages her hands from his coat, and releases them. And the tears are running down his cheeks as he lets her go ... for the last time. And she knows he means it ... he will never come near her again. It's his final goodbye. As her hands reach out instinctively to hold the ones releasing her grasp ... as though her life itself is slipping out of her fingers ...
And he goes ... without looking back. Leaving her bereft, and truly alone. More alone than the day her sister died, more alone than any time in her life ... he was her life, he still is her life ... and she let him go.
What has she done?
If I was to rate scenes, this scene and the "Meri Chashmish" scene would fight for top spot - not only for SG but for the entire show. SUPERB scene - superb set up, emotions, dialogues ... but MOST of all, the ACTING was SUPERLATIVE. And if anything, Mohit outshone Sanaya here - she was the star in Meri Chashmish, but today was his day - a long extremely emotional speech, with a mix of multiple emotions, he was just outstanding today - simply outstanding, his dialogue delivery was amazing, voice modulation spot on and emotions simply perfect. And the last bit, where they are still holding hands, he releases her hands gently, and she half reaches out as though to stop him ... AMAZING. This scene will stay in my mind as one of the TOP scenes of MJHT - no question about that.
Mayank Dia scenes ... Mayank seeing Nups everywhere, Dia begins to think he has lost it.
RoAsh having dinner ... Ro almost lets out about SG, Ash confused.
Samrat puts away his last pictures of Gunjan ... it's over. Finally. He failed.
The bell rings.
Gunjan at Mayank's door - Jiju (back to jiju now) ... why didn't you come for the play?
Dia tells Samrat about Nupur, about her visions. And Mayank's disturbing behaviour. Don't worry, Dia, That's normal for Mayank. The moment Nups is anywhere near, M loses his brainpower.
Mayank tells Gunjan joyfully Nupur is still alive. Gunjan is shell shocked.
Samrat Gunjan confrontation
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Disappointing editing ...
3rd Aug
Mayank and Dia search for Nupur throughout the episode in the breaks of the play ... BAD editing, breaks the tension of the play completely.
Play starts with Shukla Sir's announcement ... with Paro and diya scene. Gunjan is tense, messing up her lines completely ... will Dev come? RoAsh prompting her, Shukla and Sam getting worried ... is she going to mess up in her tension? As she looks for Dev in the wings ...
And then he comes ... and Paro runs to the side shyly as he enters and says her name ... and Gunjan turns at the sound, for she knows his voice - Samrat? He says - I had to come, because I can never leave you.
Is it Dev telling Paro he loves her? Or Samrat reassuring Gunjan? As they slip between the two roles, meshing them with each other, it becomes difficult to tell where one starts and the other leaves off, because both couples share one thing, their deep, passionate, all consuming love ...
Then Dev turns to leave, and Paro stops him ... everyone I loved, left me ... and you too? And he says, because we can't be together, it will hurt everyone. Our being together will be more painful than our separation ... it's better we stay apart.
It would have been. If SaJan had stayed together after the accident, their being together would have hurt both of them. Like Jordan and Dana. They needed the space, the time apart. But have they done their penance?
Paro lashes out ... you're worried about everyone else, but what about me? My feelings, my pain? The years I spent waiting for you? And Gunjan cries out too ... where did I have an outlet for my pain? I spent these years waiting so that I could lash out at you ... because I can. And she remembers when she went into his arms so naturally when her emotions took over ... for once, when she let her emotions rule, the only place she needed was him.
Paro - You can't go. You can't leave me.
Gunjan - Don't give up on me. Because I need you. No matter how much I lash out, no matter how angry I am with you, I need you.
He says, no. Life has dealt us such a hand that we're helpless under the circumstances.
Paro/ Gunjan ... now the two are intertwined - I don't care about life, circumstances, I can't give up my life, my love for them.
But he still says no. You don't understand.
And she says - maybe I don't. But for the first time, i know what I want. And you don't understand. When you do, I hope it's not too late.
They look at each other. Is it Dev Paro? Or Samrat Gunjan?
Then he turns to leave.
And she puts out a hand to stop him.
BAD BAD editing!!!! We needed the play in one long scene, maximum two. It's been chopped brutally!
Acting - Mohit's acting definitely below par, esp after the last few days when he's been very good. Today he just wasn't convincing at all, though his dialogue delivery was ok.
Sanaya was lost in the first bit, when she was supposed to be tense, not very effective. She got better later, once Dev entered and she could say her dialogues naturally. The part where she says - I know what I want, but you don't understand ... beautiful. Gunjan and Paro merged seamlessly.
naveen's sbb and sbs links
SBS Dev Paro
SBB Dev Paro
SG as Dev Paro
Mayank and Dia search for Nupur throughout the episode in the breaks of the play ... BAD editing, breaks the tension of the play completely.
Play starts with Shukla Sir's announcement ... with Paro and diya scene. Gunjan is tense, messing up her lines completely ... will Dev come? RoAsh prompting her, Shukla and Sam getting worried ... is she going to mess up in her tension? As she looks for Dev in the wings ...
And then he comes ... and Paro runs to the side shyly as he enters and says her name ... and Gunjan turns at the sound, for she knows his voice - Samrat? He says - I had to come, because I can never leave you.
Is it Dev telling Paro he loves her? Or Samrat reassuring Gunjan? As they slip between the two roles, meshing them with each other, it becomes difficult to tell where one starts and the other leaves off, because both couples share one thing, their deep, passionate, all consuming love ...
Then Dev turns to leave, and Paro stops him ... everyone I loved, left me ... and you too? And he says, because we can't be together, it will hurt everyone. Our being together will be more painful than our separation ... it's better we stay apart.
It would have been. If SaJan had stayed together after the accident, their being together would have hurt both of them. Like Jordan and Dana. They needed the space, the time apart. But have they done their penance?
Paro lashes out ... you're worried about everyone else, but what about me? My feelings, my pain? The years I spent waiting for you? And Gunjan cries out too ... where did I have an outlet for my pain? I spent these years waiting so that I could lash out at you ... because I can. And she remembers when she went into his arms so naturally when her emotions took over ... for once, when she let her emotions rule, the only place she needed was him.
Paro - You can't go. You can't leave me.
Gunjan - Don't give up on me. Because I need you. No matter how much I lash out, no matter how angry I am with you, I need you.
He says, no. Life has dealt us such a hand that we're helpless under the circumstances.
Paro/ Gunjan ... now the two are intertwined - I don't care about life, circumstances, I can't give up my life, my love for them.
But he still says no. You don't understand.
And she says - maybe I don't. But for the first time, i know what I want. And you don't understand. When you do, I hope it's not too late.
They look at each other. Is it Dev Paro? Or Samrat Gunjan?
Then he turns to leave.
And she puts out a hand to stop him.
BAD BAD editing!!!! We needed the play in one long scene, maximum two. It's been chopped brutally!
Acting - Mohit's acting definitely below par, esp after the last few days when he's been very good. Today he just wasn't convincing at all, though his dialogue delivery was ok.
Sanaya was lost in the first bit, when she was supposed to be tense, not very effective. She got better later, once Dev entered and she could say her dialogues naturally. The part where she says - I know what I want, but you don't understand ... beautiful. Gunjan and Paro merged seamlessly.
naveen's sbb and sbs links
SBS Dev Paro
SBB Dev Paro
SG as Dev Paro
Monday, August 2, 2010
Ethereal beauty - Paro ... and Gunjan
First half all about Mayank missing Nups ... ffwd.
Small RoAsh scene ... copied fron Sajan, copied from DDLJ ... not bad. I actually prefer RoAsh scenes to MN scenes!
Sajan - Gunjan dressed as Paro, looking drop dead gorgeous ... sees RoAsh with yellow rose, and smiles reminiscently. Then she sees Samrat coming towards her ... they look at each other. Mohit must have fainted seeing Sanaya ... Sam just manages to look completely mesmerised. he comes up to her ... gives her a red rose, and wishes her 'best of luck'. She whispers thank you ... and looks again ... it was her imagination, because Samrat is still a few steps away. Is it disappointment she feels? Or anticipation ... as he comes up, and offers her ... a mike.
Disappointment. Acute, sharp disappointment. Which makes her lash out at him completely unnecessarily ... Mayank doesn't let anyone down.
And he follows her tear filled gaze ... to the yellow rose.
Gunjan in her dressing room, furious with herself ... why did I say that? Why did I lash out at him, why am I reacting like that to him? And she turns to her table, and her bangle falls ... and rolls to his feet.
She comes forward quickly to pick it up before he can, but as she bends, her dori unties. Horrified, she stops, then rises quickly again and backs away and tries to re-tie it ... as he starts coming closer ... and closer.
Till she puts out a hand to stop him ... a hand on his chest, a gesture familiar and known, because there were once no secrets, no distances between them, a touch which has familiarity and intimacy in it ... don't come closer, because if you do, I can't stop you any more ...
Yet he does ... he holds her wrist and whirls her round against him ... and she is gone, lost ... as he ties her dori and whispers, 'ho gaya' ...
And this scene was a scene between lovers ... erotic, sensuous, passionate ... yet tender, soft, delicate ... they both know what lies between them, and now she can't push it behind her any more.
As she comes to her senses, and pulls away ... then she asks, 'is Mayank here?'
But Mayank is missing.
"Please call him.' A safety zone, because her world has suddenly becaome dangerously unbalanced. And this time, no sarcasm, no jibes ... please. Just a small, subtle apology for lashing out earlier.
She stops him as he turns to leave.
'If he doesn't come?'
He looks at her.
'I'll bring him.'
Am still hyperventilating after the dori scene. This was a really mature scene, very subtle, very understated and very, very sensuous. Monaya really need an adult love story now, they have gone way beyond MJHT level - this college show is for kids.
Naveen's SBS link Monaya SBS friendship day
Small RoAsh scene ... copied fron Sajan, copied from DDLJ ... not bad. I actually prefer RoAsh scenes to MN scenes!
Sajan - Gunjan dressed as Paro, looking drop dead gorgeous ... sees RoAsh with yellow rose, and smiles reminiscently. Then she sees Samrat coming towards her ... they look at each other. Mohit must have fainted seeing Sanaya ... Sam just manages to look completely mesmerised. he comes up to her ... gives her a red rose, and wishes her 'best of luck'. She whispers thank you ... and looks again ... it was her imagination, because Samrat is still a few steps away. Is it disappointment she feels? Or anticipation ... as he comes up, and offers her ... a mike.
Disappointment. Acute, sharp disappointment. Which makes her lash out at him completely unnecessarily ... Mayank doesn't let anyone down.
And he follows her tear filled gaze ... to the yellow rose.
Gunjan in her dressing room, furious with herself ... why did I say that? Why did I lash out at him, why am I reacting like that to him? And she turns to her table, and her bangle falls ... and rolls to his feet.
She comes forward quickly to pick it up before he can, but as she bends, her dori unties. Horrified, she stops, then rises quickly again and backs away and tries to re-tie it ... as he starts coming closer ... and closer.
Till she puts out a hand to stop him ... a hand on his chest, a gesture familiar and known, because there were once no secrets, no distances between them, a touch which has familiarity and intimacy in it ... don't come closer, because if you do, I can't stop you any more ...
Yet he does ... he holds her wrist and whirls her round against him ... and she is gone, lost ... as he ties her dori and whispers, 'ho gaya' ...
And this scene was a scene between lovers ... erotic, sensuous, passionate ... yet tender, soft, delicate ... they both know what lies between them, and now she can't push it behind her any more.
As she comes to her senses, and pulls away ... then she asks, 'is Mayank here?'
But Mayank is missing.
"Please call him.' A safety zone, because her world has suddenly becaome dangerously unbalanced. And this time, no sarcasm, no jibes ... please. Just a small, subtle apology for lashing out earlier.
She stops him as he turns to leave.
'If he doesn't come?'
He looks at her.
'I'll bring him.'
Am still hyperventilating after the dori scene. This was a really mature scene, very subtle, very understated and very, very sensuous. Monaya really need an adult love story now, they have gone way beyond MJHT level - this college show is for kids.
Naveen's SBS link Monaya SBS friendship day
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