2nd Feb
Something must have happened in the first half of the episode ... don't know, don't care.
Dia gets Gunjan ready - Gunjan looks wistfully at Nups' picture, wondering why her di made that peculiar demand - don't wear Samarat's gift, then says, he's done so much for me, I will wear it for him.
Samrat waits at the farmhouse, Gunjan enters and he gazes at her, his eyes not moving from her face. Goes on one knee, kisses her hand, all the while just gazing up at her face as though he can't take his eyes off her (don't blame him, she's looking so ethereal and stunning, as though she really is the angel he calls her). Says - people say dreams are beautiful but if reality is so beautiful, who needs dreams? And she's shy, moves away ... why here, Samrat?
Because this is where we first met ... Gunjan stares at him as though she can't believe it - he remembers? ... and where because of Sheena I realized your importance in my life ... the day he supported her without question, without an iota of doubt, without needing a word of protest from her - because he knew her. And that again is the sheer beauty of Sajan - they don't need words, their souls speak to each other because they're joined by their souls - mind and body come much later.
Which is why, after he showed her the I love U in the pool, there was no need for words again. And why, though I hate the original picturization in the movie, I fell in love with the song today, because I had never really heard it before, never realised how beautiful the words and how apt for Sajan.
Roshni se bhare bhare ... bhare bhare naina tere
your eyes ... filled with light
sapnon se bhare bhare ... bhare bhare naina tere
your eyes ... filled with dreams
chhooke bolein ... na chhoona mujhe
your gaze touches me, it sets me on fire with your love, where is the need for your touch
dhoonda hai dhoonda hai tujhe, aakash upar tale
I was searching just for you, in the skies above and below, my soul was seeking its twin, its other half
And he looks up at the sky as though to acknowledge that's where she came from, because someone up there was looking out for him and had sent him his own personal angel ... and I always remember the V night when after Gunjan is his friend again, he looks up at the heavens again and says 'thanks' ... for him, she is truly a divine blessing ...
shayad kisi badri mein, lipti hui tu mile
maybe i would see you, wrapped in a cloud, as ethereal and fairy-like as you ... his Chashmish, beautiful, delicate, as wraith-like and insubstantial as a cloud ... can he believe she is real and is his?
dhoonda hai, dhoonda hai tujhe, aakash upar tale
and she's been looking for him too, her soul is as lonely and incomplete without him as his is without her
shayad kisi nadiya pe chalta hua tu mile
will I see you in the waves of the rivers running by me, fleetingly, too fast for me to catch or hold, but it's enough for me that I see you, am near you ...
And she looks for him, frantic, scared that she's lost him, and then she sees him, and closes her eyes ... although she says a glimpse is enough, but in her heart, she knows it's not ...
maine samay rok ke tera pata poocha hai
I'll stop time itself to ask him where you are
Time, place, nothing has any meaning till I find you ... without you I am lost
neeli nadi se keh ke, sagar tale dhoonda hai
I'll tell the blue rivers and search you under the oceans
I'll part the waters of the rivers and dive under the deepest oceans to look for you, because without you, I have no meaning
lehron pe chalke hue, paani ke phan choote hain
splashing up from the waves, droplets of water touch me
Jaise tere haath ho, mera yeh tan choote hain
like your hands dance over my body
And the way she's lying by the side of the pool, her hand in the water, a picture of delicate grace and beauty ... she splashes water over his face playfully and I am reminded of Krishna Radha playing on the banks of the Yamuna, that's how pure and beautiful this pair are ... it's not their bodies which are so close, but their souls again ...
And he trails his hand in the water over hers, trickles water gently over her face, and she gives in completely, she is his, for ever and always ... she turns to trail her hand over his face as though to say in turn that he is hers too, she has the right to touch him and she wants to, because they are one ...
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Friday November 30th '12 Fitting somehow ... that I will watch IPKKND's last episode at around the same time that I watched almos...
OMG shit...this made me fall in LOVE again...now I gotta watch it AGAIN !!! DAMMIT !!! :P
ReplyDelete@ the last bit : thats the part I adored SO SO SO much yaar ... I mean, the way he gently trickles down water on her face, actually as if he IS worshipping HER .. OMG..and u kno later on, when she rests her head down to face him, her head is on his hand ... and that speaks volumes abt HIS character ... the way he has treated her,..wit UTMOST respect and devotion...and lastly, if posssible, wit desire ... :)) SHIT, m in love !!! I soo soo AM !!!
wil watch again and then comment ...
bachchas on the forum getting on my nerves man !!! damn !!! :X :X I shudnt even hav bothered to reply in the topic...unnecessarily I spent my morning in a terrible moood !!! :((
uff, don't even talk about the topic ... this is why i stayed off IF for ages after I joined - hated these wars. And you kno, the worst part is - the more you read, u really start disliking the other jodi for something which is actually the fans' fault ... to the point that I really can't stand Mayur any more BECAUSE of all the hyper MN fans! That's why I stay off topics by ANY MN fan - they're all so super sensitive! On top of which, the way they go on about Rati - as though she's the next best thing to God or the queen or something ... sure, she's a good actress, but she's not that great!!! Try doing something like what Sanaya does - completely immerse herself in a character the complete opposite of what she is ... THAT is acting!
ReplyDeleteAnd honestly - MN pehli baar - was just a hot sequence, all body heat, no innocence ... college kids? they looked like a long married couple or something - nupur has no innocence left in her face somehow. She's becoming a shrew! Back to her saas bahu days!
Roshni se ... I hadn't heard the song earlier, I heard it just before the episode, and was going *puke* on SRK Kareena ...
and SG transformed that song into something beautiful and ethereal ... purity and passion - yes, there was passion because passion is part of love, and a beautiful part too :)
and I honestly felt that there was a need for it because it is the last part of their relationship which was missing, the physical comfort of being together, and they just hadn't had time to explore that part of their relationship. Which was actually even more difficult for them - when you've been platonic friends for so long, then you fall in love, it's stranger to move to that level than it is if you fall in love first and attraction is part of it from the start. And for a guy like Samrat to feel that was easier, for a girl like Gunjan to make that switch, even though she was madly in love with him ... omg, the way she acted, and her eyes - I could FEEL the longing, the hesitation, the wanting to give in yet scared to take that step ...
As for that last scene ... I must have watched just that part a hundred times or more - their expressions, their hands, the body language ... I cannot think of more words to describe them - they were beyond amazing :) Especially the way he trails the water over her face, and then she finally reaches up to touch his face ... the ultimate surrender - to her own desire and to him ...
OMG yes...a passion soo PURE emerging from their feelings for each other...yes, thats passion I agree, but for some reason I cannot go beyond the word PURE for tht sequence ... and it WAS missing, I believ that ... and esp for a couple like SaJan who began as friends, this physical intimacy is something tht is needed to complete their relationship...and its all arising from their love for each other...and SHIT .. sam's eyes...OMG I cud droool over and over them for ages now ... jus yest I saw the sequence yet again, and I realised I see SO SO many diff expressions when I watch it everytime...each time it tells a diff story to me ... when she goes "sapno se naina tere" u can ACTUALLY see the dreams in his eyes...flowing out..reaching to her.. and I felt it was their souls talking, it soo wasnt them ... and the lyrics too, was their souls... I never knew the CVs knew how to match the lyrics so well or I guess mayb they jus took a chance and it worked BIG BIG TIME !!! :P and the last water bit...even I dunno HOW many times I hav watched it yaar ... it is amazing, it is soo soo AMAZING !! the look on his face when he gets up from behind her...and pours water on her ... made my heart skip a beat ...
ReplyDeleteyuck and how DARE they compare this sequence to the lusty one ?? it is CLASS APART !!!