26th feb episode
MN scene - expected. Arjun looks a bit spaced out these days.
Adhiraj returns - AS reunion. As unimpactful as ever! Did the cv's really think this couple could overtake SG? They leave even less impact on me than MN!
Adhiraj-Gunjan scene - another one bites the dust! Can see more feeling in Adhiraj's eyes with Gunjan than with Suhani! Sweet scene - and needed to round out the bonding.
But the gang scene dialogues were useless - no punch.
JD and YD - why are they so fixated on Nupur? Again, badly thought out track. If they kill or go after Nupur, isn't it implicating them? And the college not being on the gang's side is very unrealistic.
Foursome discussing tactics - for once, Nupur is behaving like Gunjan - calmer, while Sam and Mayank are lost what to do, though they all recognise JD's strength. Gunjan as calm, starts off saying that they have to use their brains ... acid attack on Nupur. Sam's reaction - teri to! Mayank - blank again - what is wrong with him? Nupur stops them running after the guy. Gunur hug - Gunjan petrified what if something had happened to Nupur.
Nupur tells the rest about JD's threat to kill Sayank, which was why she went to him.
Gunjan horrified - she doesn't want justice, she doesn't want the truth, if it's at the cost of something happening to her loved ones. And isn't that the way we all react? Take things lying down because we're scared of the consequences? Not for ourselves, but for the people we love. And that's how and why so many people get away with so much - by taking advantage of those fears. That's how JD is playing on Nupur too, by threatening not her, but the people she loves.
This was a GREAT scene - not least because of the sheer fear and panic in Gunjan's eyes and the way she spoke. Few words again ... stopped everyone in their tracks. Before you start a fight, you need to be sure that it is worth fighting for and that you can carry it to the finish.
And Samrat tells her - no, we have to fight, because it's already started and we have to carry it to the finish - how is it that the SG dialogues always are so much more meaningful than any others.
Gunjan clutches his hand to stop him - and looks at him pleadingly, and he understands her completely, her fear for him, but this time he cannot listen to her. The ten seconds of SG that MAKE the whole episode again! He goes with Mayank and she gazes after him, her love, her fear in her eyes ... when he comes back, is she going to be able to even pretend there's any distance between them? Or that it's 'friendship'?
Oh and why is Gunjan looking so unbelievably stunning in this scene?!!! BEAUTIFUL doesn't begin to describe her - especially the part where she stares after Samrat with tears and love in her eyes.
College scene - not very convincing. They should have had Dia and Suhani convincing the girls - that could have been a good scene, and made the track more girl-centric again, that it's the girls who recognise the threat of eve-teasing. The media has been portrayed very funnily - usually media is quite happy to attack politicians! Maybe they want to show a turnaround, but they need to put more thought into these parts to make them more logical. There are too many loopholes.
Lathi charge on the students - Sayank hurt? And what about Nupur getting hurt? How many people will be hurt before the turnaround starts?
SG part
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Well crafted episode
25 Feb
well crafted and put together episode. Starting from a worried Nupur calling Mayank and Samrat to check if they were all right, doctor's visit where she gets the threatening sms, and finally realises that she has to discard her temper and use her brain ...
And the tv show - although I wish the dialogues to show DJ's change had been more punchy, but the whole scene was very well done - right from DJ and Nupur's acting to that of the watching gang as they first were horrified, then slowly realised what she was trying to do. DJ (Imran Khan) is a very good actor!!! And Nupur was excellent as well, with her scared, humble act, and every now and then showing her true feelings, but very, very subtly, never over the top, just a hint of them and then back to the humble mode. And even at the end, once she had got what she wanted, no triumph, because she realises she and the gang have taken on a very powerful enemy. And that worry is there in her eyes when she reaches home - it's not worry as to what Mayank will say - or only partly, it's more about what she has done and what will be the repurcussions. And the whole gang realises that - it's only a small battle they have won, but the war is just starting. The time to celebrate is not yet.
And of course, I loved the small Sajan bits - these two cannot, just cannot stay away from each other, can they? They are joined by their souls, so how far can they go?
Youtube links
1-Samrat lifts Gunjan
Naveens edit - Samrat lifts Gunjan
Naveen edit - SG hospital
SG1:50,SG hug4:08
Naveen's edits - SG hold hands
SG hug
SG1:05, Nups returns
SG good nite1:20
Naveen edit - Bye chashmish
well crafted and put together episode. Starting from a worried Nupur calling Mayank and Samrat to check if they were all right, doctor's visit where she gets the threatening sms, and finally realises that she has to discard her temper and use her brain ...
And the tv show - although I wish the dialogues to show DJ's change had been more punchy, but the whole scene was very well done - right from DJ and Nupur's acting to that of the watching gang as they first were horrified, then slowly realised what she was trying to do. DJ (Imran Khan) is a very good actor!!! And Nupur was excellent as well, with her scared, humble act, and every now and then showing her true feelings, but very, very subtly, never over the top, just a hint of them and then back to the humble mode. And even at the end, once she had got what she wanted, no triumph, because she realises she and the gang have taken on a very powerful enemy. And that worry is there in her eyes when she reaches home - it's not worry as to what Mayank will say - or only partly, it's more about what she has done and what will be the repurcussions. And the whole gang realises that - it's only a small battle they have won, but the war is just starting. The time to celebrate is not yet.
And of course, I loved the small Sajan bits - these two cannot, just cannot stay away from each other, can they? They are joined by their souls, so how far can they go?
Youtube links
1-Samrat lifts Gunjan
Naveens edit - Samrat lifts Gunjan
Naveen edit - SG hospital
SG1:50,SG hug4:08
Naveen's edits - SG hold hands
SG hug
SG1:05, Nups returns
SG good nite1:20
Naveen edit - Bye chashmish
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sajan are amazing :)
24th feb
Am so tired, I don't think I'll make much sense ... will edit tomorrow! :)
Bauji asks Gunjan how she feels about Samrat, and gives her green signal. Gunjan says no. Samrat and MN shocked.
Gunur - Nupur, what happened? Gunjan tells her about Valentine's night, says Samrat doesn't believe in marriage, Nupur says he will believe in it for you, Gunjan says, that's not what I want. I fell in love with him, I don't want him to change for me. To herself, she adds, and I'm not worthy of him, even more so now.
Sayank - Mayank, what happened? Samrat says, wish I knew then I could do something about it. He tells Mayank about Valentine night, and says, I don't believe in marriage, but if Gunjan wants that, then I will do it, because I can't lose her. Mayank says, that's why she said no. Win her back. And Samrat vows he will.
Thus starts the track exactly the way I wanted. Gunjan doesn't want Samrat to marry her because it's what SHE wants, but because it's what HE wants. And again, such a wise girl ... until he accepts with all his heart that marriage is what he wants, the right to call her his own, the right to be with her ... for life, and that it WILL be for life ... they will never be happy, it will always be something niggling at them, an undercurrent, which could grow at any time into a tidal wave. No, Samrat, you have to understand what marriage means, and that all marriages are not what your parents had, marriage is the most beautiful way of being together, of belonging to each other.
College again - college students against Gunur for shutting down their college. mayank shouts that it's not their fight alone, but all of theirs. No one listens. princi comes and shoos them away - but what exactly does he say? Is he indirectly telling them something? No one listens.
Gang at home. Gunjan upset about Adhiraj being in jail, Samrat disheartened. Gunjan wants so badly to reach out to him ... these little gestures of Sajan get me every time! His body language is so defeated, and she's aching for him, because she has always comforted him whenever he's been down, held his hand, been there for him ... and now she has to distance herself.
mayank says he'll go to the police station about Raj's bail. Tells Samrat to stay there.
Nupr going to doc. Tells Samrat to bring Gunjan. Almost gets run over by Devraj - teaching her a lesson? The RDB part had better start fast.
Precap - Samrat picks up Gunjan to help her into the car. I'm melting with the precap ... what will happen in the episode? ;)
Am so tired, I don't think I'll make much sense ... will edit tomorrow! :)
Bauji asks Gunjan how she feels about Samrat, and gives her green signal. Gunjan says no. Samrat and MN shocked.
Gunur - Nupur, what happened? Gunjan tells her about Valentine's night, says Samrat doesn't believe in marriage, Nupur says he will believe in it for you, Gunjan says, that's not what I want. I fell in love with him, I don't want him to change for me. To herself, she adds, and I'm not worthy of him, even more so now.
Sayank - Mayank, what happened? Samrat says, wish I knew then I could do something about it. He tells Mayank about Valentine night, and says, I don't believe in marriage, but if Gunjan wants that, then I will do it, because I can't lose her. Mayank says, that's why she said no. Win her back. And Samrat vows he will.
Thus starts the track exactly the way I wanted. Gunjan doesn't want Samrat to marry her because it's what SHE wants, but because it's what HE wants. And again, such a wise girl ... until he accepts with all his heart that marriage is what he wants, the right to call her his own, the right to be with her ... for life, and that it WILL be for life ... they will never be happy, it will always be something niggling at them, an undercurrent, which could grow at any time into a tidal wave. No, Samrat, you have to understand what marriage means, and that all marriages are not what your parents had, marriage is the most beautiful way of being together, of belonging to each other.
College again - college students against Gunur for shutting down their college. mayank shouts that it's not their fight alone, but all of theirs. No one listens. princi comes and shoos them away - but what exactly does he say? Is he indirectly telling them something? No one listens.
Gang at home. Gunjan upset about Adhiraj being in jail, Samrat disheartened. Gunjan wants so badly to reach out to him ... these little gestures of Sajan get me every time! His body language is so defeated, and she's aching for him, because she has always comforted him whenever he's been down, held his hand, been there for him ... and now she has to distance herself.
mayank says he'll go to the police station about Raj's bail. Tells Samrat to stay there.
Nupr going to doc. Tells Samrat to bring Gunjan. Almost gets run over by Devraj - teaching her a lesson? The RDB part had better start fast.
Precap - Samrat picks up Gunjan to help her into the car. I'm melting with the precap ... what will happen in the episode? ;)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Gunji all the way
23rd Feb
Gunjan is back. The strong, tough-minded Gunjan, who can hide her hurt, her pain, mask her tears and keep everything inside, because she doesn't want to hurt her loved ones, doesn't want to see them in pain, and above all, will not make an exhibition of her hurt and her feelings because she can deal with them herself, and she WILL deal with them herself.
Her entry, smiling, happy, joking ... only she knew, and maybe Nupur, how much it cost her to keep that smile on her face, to laugh and joke, to see and keep unseen, the sadness and the pain on her friends' faces, because she didn't want their pity, didn't want them to feel sorry for her, and most importantly, SHE didn't want to feel sorry for herself. She wanted to pick herself up and move on - and she would. So they followed her lead, heart aching for her yet marvelling at the strength and courage of the most timid and quiet girl of the college ... like Dia had realised that you didn't need to look cool to be cool, so did they realise that you didn't need to look brave and strong to have the strength and courage of a lioness.
But Samrat ... who's going to tell him? Benji and Uday get that job, one which they could have done without, but they are two of his oldest friends, and they manage to break the news to him as gently as they can, unable to hide their own shock and sorrow. And Samrat breaks ... tears rolling down his cheeks ... wasn't it enough that his Chashmish went through such a ordeal, being harassed and then shot and fight for her life in hospital, and now this? All because of him ... the one person he loves most in the world, the one person he cannot live without ... why is all this happening to her?
And then he sees her ... sitting on her wheelchair ... alone, in tears. With all the others she had managed to hide them, but alone at last, they flow unchecked ... how will she do this? How will she keep herself strong and not break?
Then the voice comes which she was waiting for, hoping for ... "Chashmish."
She doesn't look at him immediately. He kneels next to her, and he's shattered ... how did this happen, you were all right yesterday. And again ... this is all my fault, if I hadn't left you alone that night. And even in the depth of her own pain she can't see him hurt or feeling guilty, so she tries to reassure him. Nupur gestures to him to cheer her up, and he tries, he really does, but she doesn't want his sorrow, his sympathy either ...
Silence ... between Sajan? Awkward silence? They can't meet each other's eyes ... his ridden with guilt, hers with her pain ... she can forgive him for leaving her alone that night, but she can't forget the words that broke her spirit, and her heart.
I'm going to make tea.
I'll help ...
I don't need your help
and Samrat knows that her hurt goes far, far deeper than the physical one in her legs ... and he swears he will heal it, will win her trust back ... because one thing hasn't changed and will never change - he can't live without her and she without him.
Kitchen - she's trying bravely to show both herself and him, that she can manage without him ... but can she? And can she lose heart so easily? How will she do this?
With Sam the genie, that's how. Her own personal genie, to help her every step of the way ... from making her tea, to making her smile again. And to rid her of her fears ... each and every one, even the silliest one - I can't see. Of course you can, Chashmish ... can you see me? Because I'm here with you - always.
Sajan don't need romantic scenes to create their magic. They do it every time they're in the same frame together.
Naveen's scenes:
Gunjan comes home from hospital
SG kitchen scene
Gunjan is back. The strong, tough-minded Gunjan, who can hide her hurt, her pain, mask her tears and keep everything inside, because she doesn't want to hurt her loved ones, doesn't want to see them in pain, and above all, will not make an exhibition of her hurt and her feelings because she can deal with them herself, and she WILL deal with them herself.
Her entry, smiling, happy, joking ... only she knew, and maybe Nupur, how much it cost her to keep that smile on her face, to laugh and joke, to see and keep unseen, the sadness and the pain on her friends' faces, because she didn't want their pity, didn't want them to feel sorry for her, and most importantly, SHE didn't want to feel sorry for herself. She wanted to pick herself up and move on - and she would. So they followed her lead, heart aching for her yet marvelling at the strength and courage of the most timid and quiet girl of the college ... like Dia had realised that you didn't need to look cool to be cool, so did they realise that you didn't need to look brave and strong to have the strength and courage of a lioness.
But Samrat ... who's going to tell him? Benji and Uday get that job, one which they could have done without, but they are two of his oldest friends, and they manage to break the news to him as gently as they can, unable to hide their own shock and sorrow. And Samrat breaks ... tears rolling down his cheeks ... wasn't it enough that his Chashmish went through such a ordeal, being harassed and then shot and fight for her life in hospital, and now this? All because of him ... the one person he loves most in the world, the one person he cannot live without ... why is all this happening to her?
And then he sees her ... sitting on her wheelchair ... alone, in tears. With all the others she had managed to hide them, but alone at last, they flow unchecked ... how will she do this? How will she keep herself strong and not break?
Then the voice comes which she was waiting for, hoping for ... "Chashmish."
She doesn't look at him immediately. He kneels next to her, and he's shattered ... how did this happen, you were all right yesterday. And again ... this is all my fault, if I hadn't left you alone that night. And even in the depth of her own pain she can't see him hurt or feeling guilty, so she tries to reassure him. Nupur gestures to him to cheer her up, and he tries, he really does, but she doesn't want his sorrow, his sympathy either ...
Silence ... between Sajan? Awkward silence? They can't meet each other's eyes ... his ridden with guilt, hers with her pain ... she can forgive him for leaving her alone that night, but she can't forget the words that broke her spirit, and her heart.
I'm going to make tea.
I'll help ...
I don't need your help
and Samrat knows that her hurt goes far, far deeper than the physical one in her legs ... and he swears he will heal it, will win her trust back ... because one thing hasn't changed and will never change - he can't live without her and she without him.
Kitchen - she's trying bravely to show both herself and him, that she can manage without him ... but can she? And can she lose heart so easily? How will she do this?
With Sam the genie, that's how. Her own personal genie, to help her every step of the way ... from making her tea, to making her smile again. And to rid her of her fears ... each and every one, even the silliest one - I can't see. Of course you can, Chashmish ... can you see me? Because I'm here with you - always.
Sajan don't need romantic scenes to create their magic. They do it every time they're in the same frame together.
Naveen's scenes:
Gunjan comes home from hospital
SG kitchen scene
Monday, February 22, 2010
Siddhant - angry young man!
22nd Feb
Getting slowly drawn back to DMG - it has started the kind of intense love story that I like. Riddhima has to marry Sid, no, she ends up begging him to marry her - the psychotic, hysterical, over-wrought girl has finally gone ... or has grown up. And Sid waits for her to ask him, he wasn't going to take the call, otherwise later she would again blame him.
Marriage takes place to the tune of 'hamesha tumko chaha' ... very apt. AR photo falls into the marriage fire - the final end of AR, a love story I loved for nearly two years, and have not the slightest regret to see ending this way! There was nothing more left in the AR story ... now this new one is intense, poignant and interesting ... and the best part is that both the actors are very good. Sid was excellent as the angry, bitter young man today - keeping his word, but furious at Riddhima's betrayal. And she knew it - her grief over Armaan's going was mixed with her guilt over what she had almost done to Sid.
Best scene - Riddhima, after the pheras are over, walks off, burns all her old photographs, and then turns to touch her new husband's feet. Only then does she return to take her parents' blessings. Again, no dialogues ... just expressions and an intensly poignant scene, beautifully acted.
Last scene - Sid will refuse to keep any rishta with Riddhima. YuNa continues - there is a story there too, although it has got a bit sidelined.
Getting slowly drawn back to DMG - it has started the kind of intense love story that I like. Riddhima has to marry Sid, no, she ends up begging him to marry her - the psychotic, hysterical, over-wrought girl has finally gone ... or has grown up. And Sid waits for her to ask him, he wasn't going to take the call, otherwise later she would again blame him.
Marriage takes place to the tune of 'hamesha tumko chaha' ... very apt. AR photo falls into the marriage fire - the final end of AR, a love story I loved for nearly two years, and have not the slightest regret to see ending this way! There was nothing more left in the AR story ... now this new one is intense, poignant and interesting ... and the best part is that both the actors are very good. Sid was excellent as the angry, bitter young man today - keeping his word, but furious at Riddhima's betrayal. And she knew it - her grief over Armaan's going was mixed with her guilt over what she had almost done to Sid.
Best scene - Riddhima, after the pheras are over, walks off, burns all her old photographs, and then turns to touch her new husband's feet. Only then does she return to take her parents' blessings. Again, no dialogues ... just expressions and an intensly poignant scene, beautifully acted.
Last scene - Sid will refuse to keep any rishta with Riddhima. YuNa continues - there is a story there too, although it has got a bit sidelined.
Gunur and Political drama - ugh
22nd Feb
Lots of Gunur ... Gunjan breaking down, composing, coming to terms, coping.
What a girl Gunjan is ... THANK YOU, CV'S for bringing Gunjan back ... the one I had fallen in love with ...
And what a Gunur scene ... the way Gunjan starts off with - I should have known, I had it all, you, friends, our life in Morena, then friends in Mumbai ... then the slight hesitation ... Samrat ...
she choked me up ...
then she goes on ... my life, I have to live it, but please don't feel pity for me, give me your love, not your pity, don't treat me any differently ...
and then she asks Nupur not to feel ashamed, Nupur says no, Gunjan says, you haven't told anyone yet, have you, and Nupur's eyes fall. Gunjan says, don't hide it ... I will tell them all myself ...
And the last Gunur scne when Nups helps her on to the wheelchair - Gunjan's body language was perfect ... and the way she stops and looks at herself ... and now I know, she was wondering about Samrat and how he would feel, because she's still wearing the 'S' pendant he gave her ... Because Gunjan never shows the world what she feels about Samrat, it will wait till they are alone together.
And this gives me a bad feeling for what's going to happen next ... Samrat is going to be shocked, will he distance himself, or will she see the shock and distance herself from him ...
Political drama - ugh. Samrat realises that the fight can't be alone? RDB track starting.
Two days without SG scenes, Friday and Monday. De-addiction therapy. Only problem is that we get one SG scene and I get hooked again. And today the Gunjan scene was enough to hook me back.
Naveen's scene Gunjan finds out about paralysis
Gunjan in wheelchair
Lots of Gunur ... Gunjan breaking down, composing, coming to terms, coping.
What a girl Gunjan is ... THANK YOU, CV'S for bringing Gunjan back ... the one I had fallen in love with ...
And what a Gunur scene ... the way Gunjan starts off with - I should have known, I had it all, you, friends, our life in Morena, then friends in Mumbai ... then the slight hesitation ... Samrat ...
she choked me up ...
then she goes on ... my life, I have to live it, but please don't feel pity for me, give me your love, not your pity, don't treat me any differently ...
and then she asks Nupur not to feel ashamed, Nupur says no, Gunjan says, you haven't told anyone yet, have you, and Nupur's eyes fall. Gunjan says, don't hide it ... I will tell them all myself ...
And the last Gunur scne when Nups helps her on to the wheelchair - Gunjan's body language was perfect ... and the way she stops and looks at herself ... and now I know, she was wondering about Samrat and how he would feel, because she's still wearing the 'S' pendant he gave her ... Because Gunjan never shows the world what she feels about Samrat, it will wait till they are alone together.
And this gives me a bad feeling for what's going to happen next ... Samrat is going to be shocked, will he distance himself, or will she see the shock and distance herself from him ...
Political drama - ugh. Samrat realises that the fight can't be alone? RDB track starting.
Two days without SG scenes, Friday and Monday. De-addiction therapy. Only problem is that we get one SG scene and I get hooked again. And today the Gunjan scene was enough to hook me back.
Naveen's scene Gunjan finds out about paralysis
Gunjan in wheelchair
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Gunur and political drama
19th feb
Barely managed to see the episode ... need to re-watch to comment.
Edit: watched again ... comments are same! except for Gunjan ...
Ugh ... I don't like political dramas ... and the college gang seem to be way out of their league as of now with the politician ... Imran Khan is an experienced actor, so he seems an even bigger slimeball and the gang extremely immature in front of him. How will they tackle such a big issue ... RDB they took the law into their own hands and shot the guy ... and ended up dead! They can't possibly do that here! Have a feeling it will be as lame as the jail and court track - maybe worse. Why do cv's take up stories and give them half baked treatment?
GuNur scene - first Nupur standing outside the ICU wondering how to break the news to Gunjan - for one, the whole paralysis thing is so lame that it fails to really stir me, so Nupur failed to stir me too. Besides she is quite a weak character, tends to break down at everything, be it Mayank leaving her in Morena, Bauji turfing her out or now Gunjan getting paralysed. Doesn't really seem constructive - sure she will be a shoulder for Gunjan to cry on, but if Gunjan needs more than that, then Nupur is not the one. Samrat and even Mayank and Dia are far better as support systems, Nupur's smothering love for Gunjan is her major weak point.
So I think it was my general dissatisfaction with the current track that I didn't really like the Gunur scene very much - rather, it left me dissatisfied, especially Nupur's part. Hated the way Nupur broke the news to Gunjan ... as though she was telling her that Gunjan was going to die ... is this the way you break the news to a younger sister? By giving up completely and breaking down in front of her? If you've been a mother figure, you try to stay strong for her, you say we're going to deal with this, this is what the doctors say, but we know they're wrong. No, Nupur will cry for Gunjan, and she will be her shoulder, but unless she gets some support from Mayank, she will be of no other use. And hopefully, like always, it will be Samrat who pushes Gunjan to get better.
As for Gunjan - the first time I watched the scene - in very distracted circumstances, I didn't like Gunjan's reaction ... but when I saw it again, and could pay attention to her eyes, then I did. Gunjan emotes fantastically with her eyes - her strongest point. Starting from the time Nupur entered the ICU and Gunjan realised there was something wrong, Nupur breaking dow, Gunjan getting more tense, trying to comfort her older sister, instead of the other way around - that's what I mean about Gunjan being the stronger of the two ... and then, when Nupur finally breaks the news, I saw the disbelief, then the sheer raw pain and horror in Gunjan's eyes before she did break down and started crying like a baby. Still wish the scene had been better scripted and directed, but Gunjan showed all the emotions that I wanted to see. Acting flawless - as usual.
Barely managed to see the episode ... need to re-watch to comment.
Edit: watched again ... comments are same! except for Gunjan ...
Ugh ... I don't like political dramas ... and the college gang seem to be way out of their league as of now with the politician ... Imran Khan is an experienced actor, so he seems an even bigger slimeball and the gang extremely immature in front of him. How will they tackle such a big issue ... RDB they took the law into their own hands and shot the guy ... and ended up dead! They can't possibly do that here! Have a feeling it will be as lame as the jail and court track - maybe worse. Why do cv's take up stories and give them half baked treatment?
GuNur scene - first Nupur standing outside the ICU wondering how to break the news to Gunjan - for one, the whole paralysis thing is so lame that it fails to really stir me, so Nupur failed to stir me too. Besides she is quite a weak character, tends to break down at everything, be it Mayank leaving her in Morena, Bauji turfing her out or now Gunjan getting paralysed. Doesn't really seem constructive - sure she will be a shoulder for Gunjan to cry on, but if Gunjan needs more than that, then Nupur is not the one. Samrat and even Mayank and Dia are far better as support systems, Nupur's smothering love for Gunjan is her major weak point.
So I think it was my general dissatisfaction with the current track that I didn't really like the Gunur scene very much - rather, it left me dissatisfied, especially Nupur's part. Hated the way Nupur broke the news to Gunjan ... as though she was telling her that Gunjan was going to die ... is this the way you break the news to a younger sister? By giving up completely and breaking down in front of her? If you've been a mother figure, you try to stay strong for her, you say we're going to deal with this, this is what the doctors say, but we know they're wrong. No, Nupur will cry for Gunjan, and she will be her shoulder, but unless she gets some support from Mayank, she will be of no other use. And hopefully, like always, it will be Samrat who pushes Gunjan to get better.
As for Gunjan - the first time I watched the scene - in very distracted circumstances, I didn't like Gunjan's reaction ... but when I saw it again, and could pay attention to her eyes, then I did. Gunjan emotes fantastically with her eyes - her strongest point. Starting from the time Nupur entered the ICU and Gunjan realised there was something wrong, Nupur breaking dow, Gunjan getting more tense, trying to comfort her older sister, instead of the other way around - that's what I mean about Gunjan being the stronger of the two ... and then, when Nupur finally breaks the news, I saw the disbelief, then the sheer raw pain and horror in Gunjan's eyes before she did break down and started crying like a baby. Still wish the scene had been better scripted and directed, but Gunjan showed all the emotions that I wanted to see. Acting flawless - as usual.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Medical marvels! :(
18th Feb
Quick comment, will edit in detail later after watching again!
Mayank, Mayank ... naive, stupid Mayank!!! Really?! Trusting a politician?! And Adhiraj, the other cool intelligent dude, nodding head wisely and saying, yes, I'm the witness!
Mayank, you're NOT a lawyer - get a professional one - fast!!!
Samrat, the only sensible worldly-wise guy - surprisingly level headed here, recovering his head now that his Chashmish is out of danger, he can start thinking again.
Medical marvel! Bullet hits Gunjan in shoulder, just above her heart, manages to damage her spinal cord one foot away - she obviously has some unique anatomy that I've never seen before! And doc explains it with CT's and MRI's ... hey bhagwan, go back to medical college, and learn some basic anatomy, man!
And what's with the saying, she'll never walk again? WHY do they use all these hackneyed, cliched ones - when do docs ever say something like this?!
Oh well, if they don't use a medical consultant for DMG, which is a medical based show, it's stupid expecting any sense here, I guess. Go with the flow!
What I liked - Samrat's expressions standing at the back behind the group when Gunjan recovers. Will watch again and comment in detail, but they really touched me. And his words when he came forward ... though Bauji was looking daggers at him, but he just seemed to be beyond all that ... he didn't care anymore who saw him, who heard him, he just needed to touch her, see her, be with her, see for himself that she was really back, and that nightmare was over, that feeling of numb helplessness that had gripped him ever since he saw her in that comatose state could wear off slowly, and his heart could finally start beating again ... because she was back. Sam ... he doesn't care anymore who sees him, who knows how much he loves Gunjan ... after almost losing her, he is just beyond all that ... and that's what he portrayed in that scene there - first, standing back and just watching her come back to life ... as though his own life was slowly coming back, that numbness and terror that had enveloped him ever since she was shot was only now slowly fading, leaving him able to think again, to feel again ...
and then he comes forward, and again, he doesn't care who's watching, what's happening around him ... for him, they are the only two people in the room, in the world ... and he's back to talking with her ... because he can't live without being able to TALK to her, to tell her everything that's on his mind ... and that last bit ... tum akele bahut bore ho jaati ... is just such an amazing summing up of their relationship - in the midst of the worst of times, he can lighten up the mood for her, make her smile, because seeing her smile is the ultimate joy for him ...
And Gunjan's reaction ... blank. So one thing is for sure, her memory hasn't gone! and no, she will not talk to him in front of everyone ... never ... as she comes back, she sees her surroundings, her bauji, all her friends, and she has revealed the depth of her feelings only to Samrat ... to her sister earlier, but ever since she and Samrat got together, he is the ONLY one who knows what she feels and how much ...
and the hurt is deep still, very very deep, and she will show it only to him because he is the only one who has the power to cause such a deep hurt, and he is the only one who can ever heal it ...The hurt is there, so deep that it's like a bleeding wound ... and Gunjan, being Gunjan, will not say a word where she hurts the most, she will hide her hurt and the only person who will ever see it is the one person who has the power to cause such a deep hurt in the first place.
Watching the scene again ... did Gunjan not say anything to Samrat because Bauji was there? There was no anger - she looked at him as he came close and took her hand, and then she looked down. Will have to wait till SG meet alone to see what her reaction is, but this will be after she knows about her paralysis.
gunjan comes out of coma
Quick comment, will edit in detail later after watching again!
Mayank, Mayank ... naive, stupid Mayank!!! Really?! Trusting a politician?! And Adhiraj, the other cool intelligent dude, nodding head wisely and saying, yes, I'm the witness!
Mayank, you're NOT a lawyer - get a professional one - fast!!!
Samrat, the only sensible worldly-wise guy - surprisingly level headed here, recovering his head now that his Chashmish is out of danger, he can start thinking again.
Medical marvel! Bullet hits Gunjan in shoulder, just above her heart, manages to damage her spinal cord one foot away - she obviously has some unique anatomy that I've never seen before! And doc explains it with CT's and MRI's ... hey bhagwan, go back to medical college, and learn some basic anatomy, man!
And what's with the saying, she'll never walk again? WHY do they use all these hackneyed, cliched ones - when do docs ever say something like this?!
Oh well, if they don't use a medical consultant for DMG, which is a medical based show, it's stupid expecting any sense here, I guess. Go with the flow!
What I liked - Samrat's expressions standing at the back behind the group when Gunjan recovers. Will watch again and comment in detail, but they really touched me. And his words when he came forward ... though Bauji was looking daggers at him, but he just seemed to be beyond all that ... he didn't care anymore who saw him, who heard him, he just needed to touch her, see her, be with her, see for himself that she was really back, and that nightmare was over, that feeling of numb helplessness that had gripped him ever since he saw her in that comatose state could wear off slowly, and his heart could finally start beating again ... because she was back. Sam ... he doesn't care anymore who sees him, who knows how much he loves Gunjan ... after almost losing her, he is just beyond all that ... and that's what he portrayed in that scene there - first, standing back and just watching her come back to life ... as though his own life was slowly coming back, that numbness and terror that had enveloped him ever since she was shot was only now slowly fading, leaving him able to think again, to feel again ...
and then he comes forward, and again, he doesn't care who's watching, what's happening around him ... for him, they are the only two people in the room, in the world ... and he's back to talking with her ... because he can't live without being able to TALK to her, to tell her everything that's on his mind ... and that last bit ... tum akele bahut bore ho jaati ... is just such an amazing summing up of their relationship - in the midst of the worst of times, he can lighten up the mood for her, make her smile, because seeing her smile is the ultimate joy for him ...
And Gunjan's reaction ... blank. So one thing is for sure, her memory hasn't gone! and no, she will not talk to him in front of everyone ... never ... as she comes back, she sees her surroundings, her bauji, all her friends, and she has revealed the depth of her feelings only to Samrat ... to her sister earlier, but ever since she and Samrat got together, he is the ONLY one who knows what she feels and how much ...
and the hurt is deep still, very very deep, and she will show it only to him because he is the only one who has the power to cause such a deep hurt, and he is the only one who can ever heal it ...The hurt is there, so deep that it's like a bleeding wound ... and Gunjan, being Gunjan, will not say a word where she hurts the most, she will hide her hurt and the only person who will ever see it is the one person who has the power to cause such a deep hurt in the first place.
Watching the scene again ... did Gunjan not say anything to Samrat because Bauji was there? There was no anger - she looked at him as he came close and took her hand, and then she looked down. Will have to wait till SG meet alone to see what her reaction is, but this will be after she knows about her paralysis.
gunjan comes out of coma
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Samrat's anguish
17th Feb
Adhiraj in police station finds something fishy going on
Nups Bauji - all the Nups bauji scenes have been pretty bad, not much point to them. The only thing new in this one was that Bauji says that Gunjan is chupchao but very 'dil ki pakki' ... and he's ready to do anything for her happiness. Hmmm.
Samrat with Gunjan ... after his realisation that he was in a big way responsible for what happened ... or rather his fight with her was, he is broken hearted. Promises her that his life is hers, and he's ready to marry her whenever she wants. Hmmm again ... I want him to want to marry her, not be ready to marry her if she wants ...
Gunjan starts gasping, bad voiceover again asking Samrat to go out with a shot of the outside of the hospital ... why have things been done so shoddily? Couldn't they get one extra to act as a doctor?
Samrat standing out side, looking in as docs rush around Gunjan ... why oh why, can hospital scenes not be done well? Use Sanjeevani if nothing else, at least they have the docs roaming around all the time!
Samrat's anguish turns to anger as he sees Yash ... the guy who's caused Gunjan to be in this state is roaming around freely ... and he lets loose!!! Good for you, Samrat! His anger, his rage, frustration ... everything comes boiling out as he grabs Yash by the collar. Police step in and inform that he is a mentally disturbed patient here for a check up - Yash in meek mode says - please say sorry to Gunjanji ... Sam lets loose again - don't you dare to take her name! Bauji hears.
Gunjan serious, gasping. Docs scurrying around. Flatlines
Kya hua yeh, kyun hua yeh ...
More panic. CPR. Electric paddles - shock. Stop using the paddles like an iron, fool!
dhadkanein bhi ... bin pooche tham gayi ...
No response to shock ...
THIS WAS HEARTBREAKING!!! The way the music faded away as her responses stopped ... dhadkane tham gayi ... and she's gone ...
Or is she?!
Samrat bursts in, more dead than alive, crying hysterically ... and Mohit was just fabulous in this scene, his voice breaking, tears, the panic, terror, pain, anguish ... you name it, every emotion in his voice as he begs her not to leave him or his heartbeats will stop as well ... please chashmish, ek baar aankhen kholo ... and it didn't sound like the hackneyed dialogues every second hero/heroine speaks, it sounded like the words came from the heart, from the depths of his being, were wrenched from him in the sheer horror of seeing her slip away and he being completely unable and helpless to do anything to stop her ... please come back ...
Silence. Except for his sobs as he breaks down completely.
And then a ping. Another one. The green line picks up spikes. The doctor marvels ... this is a miracle. And yes, it was. It was one soul calling to another ... or rather, one half of a soul calling to its other half not to go, because it would be incomplete, and in agony if they were torn apart. And the other half heard ... how could she not? Heart and body were broken, but her soul was still joined to his and could not leave him, because she knew he would be broken if she died. She had to come back.
Well done, Samrat!
Doc tells all to leave except two, Nups and Buaji stay. Samrat now boiling mad, he just saw his life almost slip away from him and like he said ... hosh kho gaye. Completely. He's going to get the guy who did this to his chashmish. Mayank tries to calm him down, but for once, Samrat, the always cool, even-tempered, calm guy is out of control ... Mayank wisely decides to accompany him.
Nups Bauji - Bauji asks if Samrat and Gunjan are only friends or ...
Nups, please, please don't lie this time!
Police station - Samrat in boiling rage, almost gets locked up, Mayank yells at him to control himself. Samrat asks Mayank an unanswerable question - what would you do if Nupur was in Gunjan's place? Mayank's eyes drop - no, he hasn't put himself in Samrat's place till now, and now he does, he realises what a frightening place it is. How the fear of losing the one you love most in the world can shatter you so deeply and terribly.
Precap - playing politics. :(
Youtube links
part 1 - Adhi-May, NupBauji & SG
part 2 - SG scene
part 3 - Gunjan flatlines, Samrat's anguish
part 4 - SM, NB, SM
Naveen's Sajan scenes
sam proposasl, gunjan flatlines
sam fight for gunjan justice
Adhiraj in police station finds something fishy going on
Nups Bauji - all the Nups bauji scenes have been pretty bad, not much point to them. The only thing new in this one was that Bauji says that Gunjan is chupchao but very 'dil ki pakki' ... and he's ready to do anything for her happiness. Hmmm.
Samrat with Gunjan ... after his realisation that he was in a big way responsible for what happened ... or rather his fight with her was, he is broken hearted. Promises her that his life is hers, and he's ready to marry her whenever she wants. Hmmm again ... I want him to want to marry her, not be ready to marry her if she wants ...
Gunjan starts gasping, bad voiceover again asking Samrat to go out with a shot of the outside of the hospital ... why have things been done so shoddily? Couldn't they get one extra to act as a doctor?
Samrat standing out side, looking in as docs rush around Gunjan ... why oh why, can hospital scenes not be done well? Use Sanjeevani if nothing else, at least they have the docs roaming around all the time!
Samrat's anguish turns to anger as he sees Yash ... the guy who's caused Gunjan to be in this state is roaming around freely ... and he lets loose!!! Good for you, Samrat! His anger, his rage, frustration ... everything comes boiling out as he grabs Yash by the collar. Police step in and inform that he is a mentally disturbed patient here for a check up - Yash in meek mode says - please say sorry to Gunjanji ... Sam lets loose again - don't you dare to take her name! Bauji hears.
Gunjan serious, gasping. Docs scurrying around. Flatlines
Kya hua yeh, kyun hua yeh ...
More panic. CPR. Electric paddles - shock. Stop using the paddles like an iron, fool!
dhadkanein bhi ... bin pooche tham gayi ...
No response to shock ...
THIS WAS HEARTBREAKING!!! The way the music faded away as her responses stopped ... dhadkane tham gayi ... and she's gone ...
Or is she?!
Samrat bursts in, more dead than alive, crying hysterically ... and Mohit was just fabulous in this scene, his voice breaking, tears, the panic, terror, pain, anguish ... you name it, every emotion in his voice as he begs her not to leave him or his heartbeats will stop as well ... please chashmish, ek baar aankhen kholo ... and it didn't sound like the hackneyed dialogues every second hero/heroine speaks, it sounded like the words came from the heart, from the depths of his being, were wrenched from him in the sheer horror of seeing her slip away and he being completely unable and helpless to do anything to stop her ... please come back ...
Silence. Except for his sobs as he breaks down completely.
And then a ping. Another one. The green line picks up spikes. The doctor marvels ... this is a miracle. And yes, it was. It was one soul calling to another ... or rather, one half of a soul calling to its other half not to go, because it would be incomplete, and in agony if they were torn apart. And the other half heard ... how could she not? Heart and body were broken, but her soul was still joined to his and could not leave him, because she knew he would be broken if she died. She had to come back.
Well done, Samrat!
Doc tells all to leave except two, Nups and Buaji stay. Samrat now boiling mad, he just saw his life almost slip away from him and like he said ... hosh kho gaye. Completely. He's going to get the guy who did this to his chashmish. Mayank tries to calm him down, but for once, Samrat, the always cool, even-tempered, calm guy is out of control ... Mayank wisely decides to accompany him.
Nups Bauji - Bauji asks if Samrat and Gunjan are only friends or ...
Nups, please, please don't lie this time!
Police station - Samrat in boiling rage, almost gets locked up, Mayank yells at him to control himself. Samrat asks Mayank an unanswerable question - what would you do if Nupur was in Gunjan's place? Mayank's eyes drop - no, he hasn't put himself in Samrat's place till now, and now he does, he realises what a frightening place it is. How the fear of losing the one you love most in the world can shatter you so deeply and terribly.
Precap - playing politics. :(
Youtube links
part 1 - Adhi-May, NupBauji & SG
part 2 - SG scene
part 3 - Gunjan flatlines, Samrat's anguish
part 4 - SM, NB, SM
Naveen's Sajan scenes
sam proposasl, gunjan flatlines
sam fight for gunjan justice
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Samrat redeems himself ... and finally cries!
16th Feb
Political drama starting :( Adhiraj in police station. Uff, could have done without this track ... I hate politics!
Doctor (in VERY obvious voiceover) says that Gunji has lost her will to live and needs to wake up in 8 hours ... what's with these deadlines?! :D
So gang gets busy in decorating her room while Gunji lies with eyes wide open ... wonder how Sanaya kept a straight face ... she really is a GREAT actress!!! Wish Rati had sung in her own voice, though - she has a very sweet voice and sings well.
SaNu scene - for once was good, loved the way Samrat was holding on to Gunjan's hand all through as though he couldn't bear to let her go, and was just listening to Nupur's non-stop chatter - doesn't that girl ever get tired of talking?! And the Bhavesh impersonation was really good - the way he stopped and broke down ... today you redeemed yourself, Samrat. And then Nupur says how excited Gunjan was about his proposal and he starts remembering all the things he said which made her think that ...
Mayank - Bauji ... ok. Bauji still unforgiving.
Ah yes, there was a Nups-bauji scene somewhere where Bauji says anything for his daughter's happiness ... so maybe he won't oppose Samrat?
Samrat finally breaks down ... what I liked was that he broke down alone ... all through the SG love story has been very private in all its intense moments and I'm glad this was maintained. How he realises what happened, Gunjan left him because she was so heartbroken at her dreams being shattered, and he was responsible for building up those dreams and then breaking them so callously. And Mohit acted well today ... finally I saw the guilt, the regret, the anguish, the pain in his eyes that I had been waiting for. His breakdown in front of Mayank was touching too.
Precap - Samrat proposes - again, in private, but what the hell ... I'm ready to marry you?! Is that a proposal?! Don't think Gunjan will revive, from the looks of that article - and after this proposal, I'm not sure I want her to. Don't think Samrat is proposing for the right reasons yet.
Dont' like the way this track is going at all. I don't think the track will play out the way I wanted at all, with her growing stronger .. the political drama is going to take over? And I'm still not sure whether Gunjan is going to come back or not.
Better episode than yesterday ... but keeping no expectations!
Political drama starting :( Adhiraj in police station. Uff, could have done without this track ... I hate politics!
Doctor (in VERY obvious voiceover) says that Gunji has lost her will to live and needs to wake up in 8 hours ... what's with these deadlines?! :D
So gang gets busy in decorating her room while Gunji lies with eyes wide open ... wonder how Sanaya kept a straight face ... she really is a GREAT actress!!! Wish Rati had sung in her own voice, though - she has a very sweet voice and sings well.
SaNu scene - for once was good, loved the way Samrat was holding on to Gunjan's hand all through as though he couldn't bear to let her go, and was just listening to Nupur's non-stop chatter - doesn't that girl ever get tired of talking?! And the Bhavesh impersonation was really good - the way he stopped and broke down ... today you redeemed yourself, Samrat. And then Nupur says how excited Gunjan was about his proposal and he starts remembering all the things he said which made her think that ...
Mayank - Bauji ... ok. Bauji still unforgiving.
Ah yes, there was a Nups-bauji scene somewhere where Bauji says anything for his daughter's happiness ... so maybe he won't oppose Samrat?
Samrat finally breaks down ... what I liked was that he broke down alone ... all through the SG love story has been very private in all its intense moments and I'm glad this was maintained. How he realises what happened, Gunjan left him because she was so heartbroken at her dreams being shattered, and he was responsible for building up those dreams and then breaking them so callously. And Mohit acted well today ... finally I saw the guilt, the regret, the anguish, the pain in his eyes that I had been waiting for. His breakdown in front of Mayank was touching too.
Precap - Samrat proposes - again, in private, but what the hell ... I'm ready to marry you?! Is that a proposal?! Don't think Gunjan will revive, from the looks of that article - and after this proposal, I'm not sure I want her to. Don't think Samrat is proposing for the right reasons yet.
Dont' like the way this track is going at all. I don't think the track will play out the way I wanted at all, with her growing stronger .. the political drama is going to take over? And I'm still not sure whether Gunjan is going to come back or not.
Better episode than yesterday ... but keeping no expectations!
De-addiction therapy!!!
New tellybuzz article - "Gunjan slips into coma"
Time to de-addict from MJHT - have a feeling it will be much faster than from DMG, because without Gunjan, MJHT is nothing!
And IF she's leaving the show, hope she starts another one where she gets the lead role with more shades to show her talent ... oh yes, and a better co-star too ... Mohit has improved a lot, but she deserves far better. Funny, I said the same thing about Karan Wahi ... now with the Sid-Riddhima marriage track starting in DMG, that's the kind of show I would love to watch Sanaya in ... intense, emotional drama with a very good co-star - have been enjoying Karan Wahi as Sid a lot in the recent episodes. And if Sanaya does start in a new show, MJHT can go to blazes for all I care!
Time to de-addict from MJHT - have a feeling it will be much faster than from DMG, because without Gunjan, MJHT is nothing!
And IF she's leaving the show, hope she starts another one where she gets the lead role with more shades to show her talent ... oh yes, and a better co-star too ... Mohit has improved a lot, but she deserves far better. Funny, I said the same thing about Karan Wahi ... now with the Sid-Riddhima marriage track starting in DMG, that's the kind of show I would love to watch Sanaya in ... intense, emotional drama with a very good co-star - have been enjoying Karan Wahi as Sid a lot in the recent episodes. And if Sanaya does start in a new show, MJHT can go to blazes for all I care!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Disappointing - but Mohit rocked at the end!
15th Feb
When the anticipation builds up so much, there's always disappointment. At the end of tonight's episode, all I can say is - well, thank god the bauji-nups drama is out of the way, only problem is the bauji-samrat drama might be about to start instead ... plz, not another parent track!!
AND I realise why the cv's don't make nupur cry too much - she's awful!!! Ufff ... that K-serial sobbing, that screeching and shouting at the doctors .. okay that part was in character, just not a character I like! Gunjan's crying is so much more emotional and moving, she makes you feel her tears!
The first scene of Samrat finding Gunjan was far too short ... the promo scene was better with the flashbacks and Gunjan holding on to Samrat's shirt ...
Adhiraj and Suhani going to the police - sensible scene - so they are going to follow up that social message.
Samrat - first I wondered at his calm in talking about the blood and informing bauji - was he just numb, stunned, trying to think of what needed to be done, rather than think about his Chashmish lying there fighting for her life ... then the
Sanu scene - Nupur was in character, as usual letting out her fears and upset in her anger ... and Samrat ... yes, he was numb, he was half-dead, no, more than half dead at first, then that tortured expression on his face as Nupur accused him of leaving her sister alone ... the guilt was already killing him and she just added to it, and that's when he goes off alone because the emotions start flooding back.
Goondas scene was totally unnecessary ... why did the cv's put in so many half-baked scenes today and not build up any emotions at all?
Nupur and Bauji - like I said, thank god that's out of the way. I really don't appreciate crying Nupur, she's too filmy and dramatic and her dialogues also sound Kserial. Didn't appreciate the whole scene - first of all, bauji, a parent, would be far too worried about his daughter to start on how wicked the other daughter is - and as a mother, I can say that with total confidence. It's not parents who hold grudges, it's the children. And Nupur going on at him about how much she loves Gunjan too - for heavens' sake, is this a time to prove your love or to share your worry? Completely unrealistic scene - whoever wrote that is NOT a parent! Seemed to be more about their making up than their worry about Gunjan.
Last Sayank scene when Samrat is sitting alone ... ah, that's more like it ... now that should have been longer, with just music, no flashbacks ... then with Mayank ... and Samrat for the first time in the show, loses his cool completely ... AND also for the first time in the show, has tears in his eyes.
The best scene - Samrat at the door of the ICU looking at Chashmish, and the flashbacks ... and Bauji watching him ... so the SG love story will be out.
Good thing today's episode wasn't so emotional as Saturday's ... would have been a wreck again. Just goes to show ... Gunjan is the QUEEN of emotion in MJHT!!! Nobody does it better than her ... not even Samrat!
When the anticipation builds up so much, there's always disappointment. At the end of tonight's episode, all I can say is - well, thank god the bauji-nups drama is out of the way, only problem is the bauji-samrat drama might be about to start instead ... plz, not another parent track!!
AND I realise why the cv's don't make nupur cry too much - she's awful!!! Ufff ... that K-serial sobbing, that screeching and shouting at the doctors .. okay that part was in character, just not a character I like! Gunjan's crying is so much more emotional and moving, she makes you feel her tears!
The first scene of Samrat finding Gunjan was far too short ... the promo scene was better with the flashbacks and Gunjan holding on to Samrat's shirt ...
Adhiraj and Suhani going to the police - sensible scene - so they are going to follow up that social message.
Samrat - first I wondered at his calm in talking about the blood and informing bauji - was he just numb, stunned, trying to think of what needed to be done, rather than think about his Chashmish lying there fighting for her life ... then the
Sanu scene - Nupur was in character, as usual letting out her fears and upset in her anger ... and Samrat ... yes, he was numb, he was half-dead, no, more than half dead at first, then that tortured expression on his face as Nupur accused him of leaving her sister alone ... the guilt was already killing him and she just added to it, and that's when he goes off alone because the emotions start flooding back.
Goondas scene was totally unnecessary ... why did the cv's put in so many half-baked scenes today and not build up any emotions at all?
Nupur and Bauji - like I said, thank god that's out of the way. I really don't appreciate crying Nupur, she's too filmy and dramatic and her dialogues also sound Kserial. Didn't appreciate the whole scene - first of all, bauji, a parent, would be far too worried about his daughter to start on how wicked the other daughter is - and as a mother, I can say that with total confidence. It's not parents who hold grudges, it's the children. And Nupur going on at him about how much she loves Gunjan too - for heavens' sake, is this a time to prove your love or to share your worry? Completely unrealistic scene - whoever wrote that is NOT a parent! Seemed to be more about their making up than their worry about Gunjan.
Last Sayank scene when Samrat is sitting alone ... ah, that's more like it ... now that should have been longer, with just music, no flashbacks ... then with Mayank ... and Samrat for the first time in the show, loses his cool completely ... AND also for the first time in the show, has tears in his eyes.
The best scene - Samrat at the door of the ICU looking at Chashmish, and the flashbacks ... and Bauji watching him ... so the SG love story will be out.
Good thing today's episode wasn't so emotional as Saturday's ... would have been a wreck again. Just goes to show ... Gunjan is the QUEEN of emotion in MJHT!!! Nobody does it better than her ... not even Samrat!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentines day - night of heart break
13th Feb 2010
One year ago, two hearts came together. They didn't realise it at the time. They called it friendship. A renewal, a new beginning of a friendship that had started with hesitant trust on one side, with a lie on the other. Until the lie was exposed, that fragile friendship broke, and both wondered why it had become so important in so short a time. He then moved heaven and earth to get it back, she nursed her hurt without understanding why it hurt so much, till they both gave in to the pull of their souls and hearts and came back together. Friendship, they called it. One year ago.
So much happened in the next year. Friends became best friends, then soulmates, then each other's support and understanding. She being the more mature and introspective, realised her feelings first, but hid them. Because he wanted no more than her friendship. So she gave him that, always, unflinchingly, constantly, until that friendship became the rock of his life. And when he realised that, they could give their friendship a new name.
Best friends turned lovers - life was idyllic. Life was complete. They needed nothing more. In spite of their widely different backgrounds, in spite of their differing views in life and what they wanted out of it, one thing they both knew. Their lives were complete only with each other, and empty without each other. Love, trust, belonging in equal measure on both sides. That was all they wanted, all they needed.
Or was it? For her, love meant committment, living by the rules of society and her own family believed in, living within the lines drawn for society since man became a social animal. She didn't question those rules, they would apply in her own life when the time came and would set the seal on her love and committment. And for a giddy three days, she thought that time was coming soon, that the seal would be set on the day for lovers, Valentines day. And like a bird, her heart soared, she dreamed dreams and waited for them to be realised on Valentine's day.
For him, love was everything. Love was his committment. He loved her, she loved him and that was enough. The world and its rules didn't matter - those rules weren't set in stone and were fragile and imperfect. He didn't need them. Those rules hadn't been enough to keep his world intact, they had shattered it into pieces when he was very small and he simply didn't believe in them any more. What he believed in was a soulmate to whom he could bare his soul, to whom he could show himself with all his flaws and receive her unconditional love ... she was his only belief, his only need, and her love and his, their only committment.
Valentine's day. Her dreams crashed against his beliefs ... and broke. On a night when lovers come together, his words of love put miles between them. Long before that bullet entered her body, her heart broke in grieving for her dreams.
Don't know if I have the guts to download this and watch it again ... heartbreaking scene.
Sajan Vnight
One year ago, two hearts came together. They didn't realise it at the time. They called it friendship. A renewal, a new beginning of a friendship that had started with hesitant trust on one side, with a lie on the other. Until the lie was exposed, that fragile friendship broke, and both wondered why it had become so important in so short a time. He then moved heaven and earth to get it back, she nursed her hurt without understanding why it hurt so much, till they both gave in to the pull of their souls and hearts and came back together. Friendship, they called it. One year ago.
So much happened in the next year. Friends became best friends, then soulmates, then each other's support and understanding. She being the more mature and introspective, realised her feelings first, but hid them. Because he wanted no more than her friendship. So she gave him that, always, unflinchingly, constantly, until that friendship became the rock of his life. And when he realised that, they could give their friendship a new name.
Best friends turned lovers - life was idyllic. Life was complete. They needed nothing more. In spite of their widely different backgrounds, in spite of their differing views in life and what they wanted out of it, one thing they both knew. Their lives were complete only with each other, and empty without each other. Love, trust, belonging in equal measure on both sides. That was all they wanted, all they needed.
Or was it? For her, love meant committment, living by the rules of society and her own family believed in, living within the lines drawn for society since man became a social animal. She didn't question those rules, they would apply in her own life when the time came and would set the seal on her love and committment. And for a giddy three days, she thought that time was coming soon, that the seal would be set on the day for lovers, Valentines day. And like a bird, her heart soared, she dreamed dreams and waited for them to be realised on Valentine's day.
For him, love was everything. Love was his committment. He loved her, she loved him and that was enough. The world and its rules didn't matter - those rules weren't set in stone and were fragile and imperfect. He didn't need them. Those rules hadn't been enough to keep his world intact, they had shattered it into pieces when he was very small and he simply didn't believe in them any more. What he believed in was a soulmate to whom he could bare his soul, to whom he could show himself with all his flaws and receive her unconditional love ... she was his only belief, his only need, and her love and his, their only committment.
Valentine's day. Her dreams crashed against his beliefs ... and broke. On a night when lovers come together, his words of love put miles between them. Long before that bullet entered her body, her heart broke in grieving for her dreams.
Don't know if I have the guts to download this and watch it again ... heartbreaking scene.
Sajan Vnight
12 Feb
Every time we have a 'special' episode lined up, the one preceding it is completely senseless - as though nobody has any time to think about it, so just put in any random scenes, whether they make sense or not.
1st scene - Gun asks Sam what he's planning to do - hold your horses, girl! and stop getting your hopes up! She's the only one I didn't get very irritated with, except at the end!
Sam-Ad-goonda - setting the scene kind of scene. Goonda is no great actor. Adhiraj getting angry - ah, they have to show he is also hero material.
Gunji getting hurt in locker, remembering goonda and getting nervous, Nups comforts her, goes off with Dia. Another setting scene - Sanaya still in character, Nupur impatient and more concerned about becoming queen of the ball - she is getting more and more vain and self-centered every day!
Dia-Nups - ummm ... entertaining, I guess ... somehow, not my cup of tea. Mayank's expressions were cute though, when he was wondering if his wife had lost it. And her ilaaj is a tv??? I thought they were struggling financially?! So this part is definitely not the social message part.
Adhiraj asks Su to ball and tells her he loves her - so his proposal is going to be marriage? Wow, that's fast! Will bring to an speedy conclusion this very boring love story! Thank god at least cv's have realised that one! No major twists and turns for them because no one is very interested!
Vaise I fail to understand how Gunji getting shot by an eve teaser delivers any social message at all, unless they catch and beat up the guy!
MN scene - I actually felt sorry for Rati. What rubbish they are making her do!
Last scene - okay, this made NO sense whatsoever!!! Adhiraj practicing his proposal ... agreed. IN FRONT OF SUHANI ????? How does that even begin to make sense? And obviously Sam is demonstrating for him, and is not on his own proposal - so Sam is showing his would be bro-in-law how to propose to his sister - in front of said sister???!!! And gunji sees this - and is obviously all excited ... and Sam is like "what the crap just happened?" I haven't felt this irritated with Samrat for some time !!!!
Ah - and Dia is watching - and she knows that Gunji thinks Sam's going to propose to Gunjan ... so why didn't she warn Gunjan that this was a rehearsal ... again, all nonsensical rubbish!!! But the stupidest part was that Suhani was there! So viewers are meant to think the proposal was really for Gunjan?! Then what the hell is up with Samrat's last expression?!
Precap was the only thing which touched me again - oh god, those flashbacks!!! and Gunjan's face ... and Samrat's ...
Naveen's links 11th and 12th Feb
11th & 12th Feb SG scenes
Every time we have a 'special' episode lined up, the one preceding it is completely senseless - as though nobody has any time to think about it, so just put in any random scenes, whether they make sense or not.
1st scene - Gun asks Sam what he's planning to do - hold your horses, girl! and stop getting your hopes up! She's the only one I didn't get very irritated with, except at the end!
Sam-Ad-goonda - setting the scene kind of scene. Goonda is no great actor. Adhiraj getting angry - ah, they have to show he is also hero material.
Gunji getting hurt in locker, remembering goonda and getting nervous, Nups comforts her, goes off with Dia. Another setting scene - Sanaya still in character, Nupur impatient and more concerned about becoming queen of the ball - she is getting more and more vain and self-centered every day!
Dia-Nups - ummm ... entertaining, I guess ... somehow, not my cup of tea. Mayank's expressions were cute though, when he was wondering if his wife had lost it. And her ilaaj is a tv??? I thought they were struggling financially?! So this part is definitely not the social message part.
Adhiraj asks Su to ball and tells her he loves her - so his proposal is going to be marriage? Wow, that's fast! Will bring to an speedy conclusion this very boring love story! Thank god at least cv's have realised that one! No major twists and turns for them because no one is very interested!
Vaise I fail to understand how Gunji getting shot by an eve teaser delivers any social message at all, unless they catch and beat up the guy!
MN scene - I actually felt sorry for Rati. What rubbish they are making her do!
Last scene - okay, this made NO sense whatsoever!!! Adhiraj practicing his proposal ... agreed. IN FRONT OF SUHANI ????? How does that even begin to make sense? And obviously Sam is demonstrating for him, and is not on his own proposal - so Sam is showing his would be bro-in-law how to propose to his sister - in front of said sister???!!! And gunji sees this - and is obviously all excited ... and Sam is like "what the crap just happened?" I haven't felt this irritated with Samrat for some time !!!!
Ah - and Dia is watching - and she knows that Gunji thinks Sam's going to propose to Gunjan ... so why didn't she warn Gunjan that this was a rehearsal ... again, all nonsensical rubbish!!! But the stupidest part was that Suhani was there! So viewers are meant to think the proposal was really for Gunjan?! Then what the hell is up with Samrat's last expression?!
Precap was the only thing which touched me again - oh god, those flashbacks!!! and Gunjan's face ... and Samrat's ...
Naveen's links 11th and 12th Feb
11th & 12th Feb SG scenes
Thursday, February 11, 2010
11th Feb
Didn't quite get the point of today's episode ... Nups wants to seduce Mayank? For the entire episode?! NOC?! Discussion with Gunjan?! GUNJAN??!! Of all people?! When she was getting hyper at Gunjan for getting too close to Samrat, now she wants to discuss seducing her husband with her?!
Gunjan - am getting a very bad feeling ... she is going to be heartbroken about the ring being for Suhani, she's going to walk out of the V ball and straight into stalker. Oh gosh, poor girl ... Samrat, think about your own surprise, why are you so bothered about Adhiraj's surprise, for Pete's sake!
Wonder what surprise Samrat HAS planned for Gunjan - he's obviously not going to tell anyone, including the audience, but am getting too worked up about Gunji's heartbreak ... shit, I wanted a magical Valentine's like last year, and I think it's going to be heartbreak for Gunji :( :( :(
part 1 SG and Gunjan thinking about Samrat proposing Watched the scene again, Gunjan's expressions are just so adorable - feel like giving her a big, big hug - first when talking to Samrat, the shyness, mixed with love, anticipation, asking so hesitantly what plans he has, then he mentions 'propose' and she's just melting inside ... and Samrat back to dhakkan - grrrrr ... talk about your own plans, man!!!! And new kabab mein haddi this time - Adhiraj! After the sisters, the bro-in-law starts off. Hoenstly, Sajan need a desert island to get any privacy around here! Even the farmhouse wasn't private enough!
part 2 GN conversation Hilarious GN convo - Nups asking Gun for ideas ... Don't believe it, Gun actually knew what Nups was talking about!!! Gunjan's expressions again - her blushing, smiling to herself, shit, if Samrat was remembering the date and wondering what had happened during it, Gunjan is doing exactly the same thing here ... Haayyyee!!! And she actually comes up with a suggestion - Gunji, your reading habits are getting very interesting, I must say! Sigh - she is SUCH a cutie pie!!! And the 'kya?! Dadi ma bhi ...?!' - cracked me up!!!
part 5 SG BB ct scene and Gunjan talking to ND Part of SG BB scene where Gunjan sees Samrat 'practicing' his proposal and gets all excited, then tells Nups and Dia about it ...:( this I don't like, she's going to be so heartbroken ... my poor Gunjan :(
Precap - Creepy Stalker wants a pass to the ball, Sam- Adhiraj say no?
Didn't quite get the point of today's episode ... Nups wants to seduce Mayank? For the entire episode?! NOC?! Discussion with Gunjan?! GUNJAN??!! Of all people?! When she was getting hyper at Gunjan for getting too close to Samrat, now she wants to discuss seducing her husband with her?!
Gunjan - am getting a very bad feeling ... she is going to be heartbroken about the ring being for Suhani, she's going to walk out of the V ball and straight into stalker. Oh gosh, poor girl ... Samrat, think about your own surprise, why are you so bothered about Adhiraj's surprise, for Pete's sake!
Wonder what surprise Samrat HAS planned for Gunjan - he's obviously not going to tell anyone, including the audience, but am getting too worked up about Gunji's heartbreak ... shit, I wanted a magical Valentine's like last year, and I think it's going to be heartbreak for Gunji :( :( :(
part 1 SG and Gunjan thinking about Samrat proposing Watched the scene again, Gunjan's expressions are just so adorable - feel like giving her a big, big hug - first when talking to Samrat, the shyness, mixed with love, anticipation, asking so hesitantly what plans he has, then he mentions 'propose' and she's just melting inside ... and Samrat back to dhakkan - grrrrr ... talk about your own plans, man!!!! And new kabab mein haddi this time - Adhiraj! After the sisters, the bro-in-law starts off. Hoenstly, Sajan need a desert island to get any privacy around here! Even the farmhouse wasn't private enough!
part 2 GN conversation Hilarious GN convo - Nups asking Gun for ideas ... Don't believe it, Gun actually knew what Nups was talking about!!! Gunjan's expressions again - her blushing, smiling to herself, shit, if Samrat was remembering the date and wondering what had happened during it, Gunjan is doing exactly the same thing here ... Haayyyee!!! And she actually comes up with a suggestion - Gunji, your reading habits are getting very interesting, I must say! Sigh - she is SUCH a cutie pie!!! And the 'kya?! Dadi ma bhi ...?!' - cracked me up!!!
part 5 SG BB ct scene and Gunjan talking to ND Part of SG BB scene where Gunjan sees Samrat 'practicing' his proposal and gets all excited, then tells Nups and Dia about it ...:( this I don't like, she's going to be so heartbroken ... my poor Gunjan :(
Precap - Creepy Stalker wants a pass to the ball, Sam- Adhiraj say no?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Too much happened!
10th Feb 2010
Too much happened!!! Let's see - 1st scene - GN misunderstanding not solved,
2nd scene - Goonda attack, Nups to rescue (Shehenshah??? really??? ROFL) ... and how many books does Gunji need, and why didn't she use any of them as weapons?
Gunur misunderstanding finally sorted out ... Nups ate humble pie and said she won't suspect Samrat any more ... never understood why she did, anyway, but ok ...
So the stalker is going to stalk Gunjan ...
Canteen scene ... Samrat tells Gunjan to relax, Gunji worried ... is this going to be a repeat of the talent parade with Samrat teaching Gunji to confront her fears and find her own courage for herself, like she does when she fights for others?
MN - comic and entertaining as usual ... Nups in nautanki mode about bachchas. Already?! Liked the talk from Mayank ... give Gunji space, let her grow up. So it seems this is going to be the track. Am glad they have postponed Samrat's mom now - another parent track would have been boring.
Sam Su - planning Valentine's day :)
Dia planning Valentine party
Gunji Sam ... even when he just puts his arm around her protectively, it gives me goosebumps ... *sigh*
naveen's youtube links for Sajan canteen scene
canteen gang scene
Too much happened!!! Let's see - 1st scene - GN misunderstanding not solved,
2nd scene - Goonda attack, Nups to rescue (Shehenshah??? really??? ROFL) ... and how many books does Gunji need, and why didn't she use any of them as weapons?
Gunur misunderstanding finally sorted out ... Nups ate humble pie and said she won't suspect Samrat any more ... never understood why she did, anyway, but ok ...
So the stalker is going to stalk Gunjan ...
Canteen scene ... Samrat tells Gunjan to relax, Gunji worried ... is this going to be a repeat of the talent parade with Samrat teaching Gunji to confront her fears and find her own courage for herself, like she does when she fights for others?
MN - comic and entertaining as usual ... Nups in nautanki mode about bachchas. Already?! Liked the talk from Mayank ... give Gunji space, let her grow up. So it seems this is going to be the track. Am glad they have postponed Samrat's mom now - another parent track would have been boring.
Sam Su - planning Valentine's day :)
Dia planning Valentine party
Gunji Sam ... even when he just puts his arm around her protectively, it gives me goosebumps ... *sigh*
naveen's youtube links for Sajan canteen scene
canteen gang scene
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tigress Gunjan is back - and how!!!
9th Feb
1st scene - and I got my Gunjan back! The one who is firm, knows her mind, and can get her point across without raising her voice or doing unnecessary drama. And the realistic down-to-earth girl - when Nupur takes off, Gunjan is STILL conscious of where she is and that others are watching them, and tries her best to calm the older girl, if only Nups would ever listen!!! And the way Gunjan just refuses to listen to anything against Samrat ... awww, my tigress!!!! She defended her sister when Princi attacked her, and she's there to defend her Samrat when ANYONE, be it her own sister, makes unfounded accusations. And she tells Nups, I didn't come in your way when you and Mayank, so why are you ...? Then the clincher ...i respect you but I will not listen to you insult Samrat, so stop interfering in my life.
AND being Gunji, she's sorry almost immediately ... but Nups is upset - well, tough, Nups, if you can dish it out, you'd better learn to take it as well, and not get so upset that your younger sister can speak and think independently of you. Am glad Nups said the dialogue about 'raaste alag' - and not Gunjan :) That was another mean one, and not Gunjan style at all.
Sayank - on steps. Very cute ... and they actually figured out what is really eating the two girls!!!
MN - how on earth are these two even together?
Sajan - WOW!!! Will comment more when I feel up to it, but WOW!!! What a couple!!! Who are the CV's who have written this couple? How do they dish out so much crap and then come out with scenes like this?! Made for each other doesn't even BEGIN to describe them ... in each and every scene of theirs, and soooo much in this one, you can see the sheer beauty and strength of the bond between them. Is it their love that makes their friendship so strong, or their friendship that gives their love such depth and beauty? They can never have any misunderstanding, because they can open their hearts to each other, expose their weaknesses, bare their very souls. Which couple can admit to each other - we went too far, we shouldn't have - without ANY blame game being played, any embarrassment, any shame - just a clear, honest look at themselves and a beautiful, soft admission and acceptance. Amazing ... just amazing! Brilliant dialogues, BRILLIANT dialogue delivery and SUPERB acting - today I can truly say I'm so proud i saw the beauty in Sajan love story so long back and became their fan.
Canteen - Nups angry yet again, no one on her side - sigh, well, obviously, girl, you behaved like a git!
Samrat annoyed at the gang,
Gunji VERY annoyed ... stop ganging up against my sister! Walks off. How I LOVE angry Gunji!!!! My tigress ...
Sam and Mayank plan now to get the girls together ... let's see if it works.
1st scene - and I got my Gunjan back! The one who is firm, knows her mind, and can get her point across without raising her voice or doing unnecessary drama. And the realistic down-to-earth girl - when Nupur takes off, Gunjan is STILL conscious of where she is and that others are watching them, and tries her best to calm the older girl, if only Nups would ever listen!!! And the way Gunjan just refuses to listen to anything against Samrat ... awww, my tigress!!!! She defended her sister when Princi attacked her, and she's there to defend her Samrat when ANYONE, be it her own sister, makes unfounded accusations. And she tells Nups, I didn't come in your way when you and Mayank, so why are you ...? Then the clincher ...i respect you but I will not listen to you insult Samrat, so stop interfering in my life.
AND being Gunji, she's sorry almost immediately ... but Nups is upset - well, tough, Nups, if you can dish it out, you'd better learn to take it as well, and not get so upset that your younger sister can speak and think independently of you. Am glad Nups said the dialogue about 'raaste alag' - and not Gunjan :) That was another mean one, and not Gunjan style at all.
Sayank - on steps. Very cute ... and they actually figured out what is really eating the two girls!!!
MN - how on earth are these two even together?
Sajan - WOW!!! Will comment more when I feel up to it, but WOW!!! What a couple!!! Who are the CV's who have written this couple? How do they dish out so much crap and then come out with scenes like this?! Made for each other doesn't even BEGIN to describe them ... in each and every scene of theirs, and soooo much in this one, you can see the sheer beauty and strength of the bond between them. Is it their love that makes their friendship so strong, or their friendship that gives their love such depth and beauty? They can never have any misunderstanding, because they can open their hearts to each other, expose their weaknesses, bare their very souls. Which couple can admit to each other - we went too far, we shouldn't have - without ANY blame game being played, any embarrassment, any shame - just a clear, honest look at themselves and a beautiful, soft admission and acceptance. Amazing ... just amazing! Brilliant dialogues, BRILLIANT dialogue delivery and SUPERB acting - today I can truly say I'm so proud i saw the beauty in Sajan love story so long back and became their fan.
Canteen - Nups angry yet again, no one on her side - sigh, well, obviously, girl, you behaved like a git!
Samrat annoyed at the gang,
Gunji VERY annoyed ... stop ganging up against my sister! Walks off. How I LOVE angry Gunji!!!! My tigress ...
Sam and Mayank plan now to get the girls together ... let's see if it works.
subtlety - thy name is not CV's!!!
8th Feb episode
Basically all about Nupur misunderstanding Samrat ...
part worth watching - Benji grilling Sam about his date, Sam refusing to say anything, and last bit, SAm wondering what the hell hit him last night during the date last night, and how is it possible for him to love Gunjan so much *sigh*
Samrat mooning
Basically all about Nupur misunderstanding Samrat ...
part worth watching - Benji grilling Sam about his date, Sam refusing to say anything, and last bit, SAm wondering what the hell hit him last night during the date last night, and how is it possible for him to love Gunjan so much *sigh*
Samrat mooning
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sajan Date
5th Feb
Sajan date - dream date - nightmare ending. Sheesh, Nupur, can you leave your sister alone??!!!
Writing this after your comment, mads ... I feel exactly the same way!!!
Nups stunned when Gunji is angry with her - Gunjan hardly ever gets angry, but when she does, it stops everybody in their tracks. It did mayank and now it stops nupur. And Gunjan refuses to say a word more, even after nups tries to explain how upset she was when Bauji kicked her out, even when she says she will always be there for gunji - Nups has said some unforgiveable things about Samrat and Gunjan is not about to forgive her so easily.
SG after MN have left ... such a beautiful, poignant scene, Gunjan in tears, says why did she say such things, how could she think that way, and what could I do, I know I spoke to her badly, he tries to tell her that Nupur loves her very much, but she breaks down and he just pulls her into his arms to hold her and comfort her, as though he wants to absorb all her pain and hurt into himself and stop her tears at all cost. And then she pulls away a little, as Nupur's cruel taunts prick her, and she says - were we too close? And Samrat drops his hand from her shoulder like he was burnt - had he done wrong by getting so close, would it have any repurcussions on her ... he says sorry, she says no, it was both our fault, and that of the 'mahaul' ... even in her distraught state, she has to reassure him that he did nothing wrong, nothing that she didn't want, she was as lost as he was ...
and I officially hate Nupur ... for turning their first real romantic date into a cheap affair, for raising doubts in gunjan's mind that what she did was not right (Gunji, if you'd seen what nups had gotten upto in the barn that night, you wouldn't bother so much about what she said) and for making her and Samrat conscious of their physical closeness, and withdraw again. After months of getting together, after spending all their time, effort and energy in Nupur's problems ever since they got together, they finally get an evening to themselves ... and Nupur has to land up there and spoil even that. She is really being insecure, over-possessive and completely unreasonable, not to mention hypocritical. She just wants gunjan to be her private property and personal doll, and cannot stand either that Gunjan can have an opinion other than what Nupur has, or that Gunjan can be closer to anyone other than herself.
MN scene - Nups cries crocodile tears, I can't see Gunji grow distant from me, mayank tries to tell her, let her go, she has to grow up and you should apologise to her because you said a bit too much.
College next day, Samrat waiting for Gunjan, the worry and tension on his face, he's so anxious to see her, make sure she's all right ... the awkwardness when they meet, their whole body language has changed, they don't need dialogues to show how Nups words are hanging in the air between them, just their eyes say it all - another beautiful and poignant scene. He tells her - just say sorry, but Gunji can be very stubborn - for once, she doesn't agree to what Samrat says. And that's because Nupur insulted Samrat, not because Nupur insulted her. And that she cannot forgive.
Dia tells Su, who tells Adhiraj his next task - deliver two envelopes to G and N, he gives them the wrong ones. N sees A with girlie magazine from Sam's bag - and of course, she's ready to think the worst again. Oh really, grow up Nupur! Just because a guy looks at girlie magazines makes him unfit for your sister? In that case, you'll never find a guy - ALL guys look at girlie magazines! The fact that it isn't Sam's is besides the point. Cv's are really sinking Nups to the depths - she is acting as narrow minded, conservative and unreasonable as Bui!
Sajan date
Sajan date - dream date - nightmare ending. Sheesh, Nupur, can you leave your sister alone??!!!
Writing this after your comment, mads ... I feel exactly the same way!!!
Nups stunned when Gunji is angry with her - Gunjan hardly ever gets angry, but when she does, it stops everybody in their tracks. It did mayank and now it stops nupur. And Gunjan refuses to say a word more, even after nups tries to explain how upset she was when Bauji kicked her out, even when she says she will always be there for gunji - Nups has said some unforgiveable things about Samrat and Gunjan is not about to forgive her so easily.
SG after MN have left ... such a beautiful, poignant scene, Gunjan in tears, says why did she say such things, how could she think that way, and what could I do, I know I spoke to her badly, he tries to tell her that Nupur loves her very much, but she breaks down and he just pulls her into his arms to hold her and comfort her, as though he wants to absorb all her pain and hurt into himself and stop her tears at all cost. And then she pulls away a little, as Nupur's cruel taunts prick her, and she says - were we too close? And Samrat drops his hand from her shoulder like he was burnt - had he done wrong by getting so close, would it have any repurcussions on her ... he says sorry, she says no, it was both our fault, and that of the 'mahaul' ... even in her distraught state, she has to reassure him that he did nothing wrong, nothing that she didn't want, she was as lost as he was ...
and I officially hate Nupur ... for turning their first real romantic date into a cheap affair, for raising doubts in gunjan's mind that what she did was not right (Gunji, if you'd seen what nups had gotten upto in the barn that night, you wouldn't bother so much about what she said) and for making her and Samrat conscious of their physical closeness, and withdraw again. After months of getting together, after spending all their time, effort and energy in Nupur's problems ever since they got together, they finally get an evening to themselves ... and Nupur has to land up there and spoil even that. She is really being insecure, over-possessive and completely unreasonable, not to mention hypocritical. She just wants gunjan to be her private property and personal doll, and cannot stand either that Gunjan can have an opinion other than what Nupur has, or that Gunjan can be closer to anyone other than herself.
MN scene - Nups cries crocodile tears, I can't see Gunji grow distant from me, mayank tries to tell her, let her go, she has to grow up and you should apologise to her because you said a bit too much.
College next day, Samrat waiting for Gunjan, the worry and tension on his face, he's so anxious to see her, make sure she's all right ... the awkwardness when they meet, their whole body language has changed, they don't need dialogues to show how Nups words are hanging in the air between them, just their eyes say it all - another beautiful and poignant scene. He tells her - just say sorry, but Gunji can be very stubborn - for once, she doesn't agree to what Samrat says. And that's because Nupur insulted Samrat, not because Nupur insulted her. And that she cannot forgive.
Dia tells Su, who tells Adhiraj his next task - deliver two envelopes to G and N, he gives them the wrong ones. N sees A with girlie magazine from Sam's bag - and of course, she's ready to think the worst again. Oh really, grow up Nupur! Just because a guy looks at girlie magazines makes him unfit for your sister? In that case, you'll never find a guy - ALL guys look at girlie magazines! The fact that it isn't Sam's is besides the point. Cv's are really sinking Nups to the depths - she is acting as narrow minded, conservative and unreasonable as Bui!
Sajan date
Friday, February 5, 2010
Sajan ... Sajan
4th Feb
Starts with Nups wanting to "save" her sister :( :( :(
Last bit of Sajan date ...mmmmmm :):):)
MN in auto "coincidentally going towards farmhouse, "coincidentally" get down for walk, and M tells N SG are here for their date. So Nups knows that Mayank knows and is cool with it, but N knows better, doesn't she???!!! She has to 'save' her sister (how I wish I had the grrr emoticon here!)
Sajan all awkward after that verrrry close moment - did they, didn't they? ;) Don't think they did. Gunji wondering what's happening to her, she never felt this way around Samrat before ... sighhhhhh, darling, you're deeply in love, and falling deeper and deeper every day - and I don't blame you one bit!!!!!
Samrat tells Gunjan - "remember always what I'm saying to you today, you make my life worth living, you're the dream I dreamed yesterday, you're my reality today and you're my hope for tomorrow."
Oh god, how MUCH he loves her ... she's his life, his reason for living, the most bright and beautiful thing in his life, she's his very breath ...
she tells him "samrat, mujhe chhodo', he tells her "I'm not holding you, chashmish, tum khud hi khinchi chali aa rahi ho" ... my stomach did about a million cartwheels here ...
She drops something on her dress, he tells her to go change ...
MN reach, Nups says let's go meet SG, M most unwilling, N lets out that she's planned this all because she wants to save her sister - shit, woman, can you STOP lying?????? If you're so convinced about your 'save my sister' mission, why are you lying to your own husband - simple, because you know it's not about 'save my sister' it's all about 'why my sister has it better than me' and if your husband got to know that, he would slap you all the way to Timbuktoo!!!
Samrat enters the room where Gunjan is changing, one shoulder bare ... and I have NEVER seen Gunjan looking so stunningly, ethereally amazingly beautiful ... pure, innocent, like a pure white rose unfurling its petals ... no wonder it's his turn to go close to her as though he can't help it, she is beautiful, she is divine and she is his ... he pulls up her sleeve, thunder and she's in his arms ... the MOST cliched scenario and my stomach just did another couple of million cartwheels again at the sight of Gunji in pure white clinging to Samrat for dear life - because she trusts him to shelter her from her every fear and every danger that could ever confront her.
he tells her not to be scared, then he kisses her forehead, her cheek ... goes to kiss her ... but Gunji is scared, not of him but of herself, and even in this completely intensely passionately romantic moment, she pulls away and says 'no, samrat, it isn't right ...' and he lets her go, because he will NEVER EVER do anything against her will, or anything SHE feels is not right ... that is the ultimate truth for him ...
MN enter ... Nups thinks she's the heroine of some C grade film - dialogues like 'thank god i came in time' and goes on to flay Samrat, you think gunjan is like all the other girls, you'll use her ... blah, blah ... Samrat tries to tell her that things are not what they look like
(MN are really a made for each other couple - they both jump to conclusions first and think later - the difference is Mayank seems to have realised his mistake, but Nupur still hasn't and is AS impulsive and hotheaded as before.
Gunjan getting progressively more upset with what Nupur is saying, Mayank is completely embarrassed ... Samrat is more and more hurt that how can Nupur, of all people think that he could do anything to hurt Gunjan ... and Nupur isn't thinking - when does she ever?!
Finally Nups says - you'll use Gunjan like all the other girls and Gunji has had enough. But she still has the decency to ask Samrat to leave because this is between the sisters - Nupur didn't have the decency to do that - first in front of the gang, she asked Gunji that question and now, without bothering to ascertain facts, she's let loose ...
Samrat and Mayank leave ... Gunji tries to explain, she came of her own free will, and FINALLY Nupur's truth comes out, her real feelings, what has really been eating her up - it's not about Gunjan and Samrat at all, or about mistrusting Samrat, only one thing is eating her - SHE has been thrown out of the house, called the bad daughter by her father, for whom she was willing to give up her love, SHE has been misunderstood ... and her younger sister who has done exactly the same thing, has fallen in love, is spending alone time with her boyfriend, is getting away scot free ... is still her father's ideal daughter, while she, Nupur, is not. THAT is what is eating her - being protective about Gunji is all BULLSHIT - if her marriage had been accepted by bauji AND if Gunji hadn't shown she felt Bauji was right in his opinion, Nupur would have been completely happy and ecstatic about this date, because she knows what it's like to be in love and she's always felt Samrat was perfect for Gunjan herself. No, it's Nupur who was being completely two-faced and hypocritical about her feelings till now - finally it's no holds barred and she's told the real truth why Samrat and Gunjan's smooth sailing love story is bothering her so much! (And all the Nupur fans, of course!)
and Gunji of course realises that ... and for once, gentle Gunjan is thoroughly riled up, because Nupur has insulted Samrat so badly so Gunjan lets loose herself - okay, fine, THIS is what's bothering you, isn't it, that Bauji still loves me and not you - well, too bad, the way your wedding happened WASN'T right, it broke his heart, it broke his dreams ... and Nupur comes back with "and what are you doing? is this the way you're fulfilling his dreams?"
Gunjan interrupts - di, please!!!
WHAT is Nupur accusing Gunjan of wanting to do? or saying that she was going to do? Sleep with Samrat? Does she really think Gunjan would do that?! If so, does she know her sister AT ALL? Or is she just being Nupur - hot headed, careless, don't think before I talk Nupur ... because later when she cools down, she'll say sorry and everything will be all right?
Well, news for you, Nupur. You can't keep on and on doing that. Saying whatever comes into your head without thinking and then feeling sorry about it later. Words hurt, they leave wounds, invisible ones which don't heal so fast and if they do, they cause rifts. Go on this way and you will really cause an unbreachable rift between yourself and your sister. Sure, you were justified in jumping to some conclusions when you saw Gunjan and Samrat - but you know what? You WANTED to believe the worst - despite everything you know about your sister and Samrat to the contrary, you WANTED to believe that your sister could make the same or worse mistakes as you, because it would justify, in your heart, the hatred you feel towards her for continuing to be Bauji's favourite daughter when you yourself have been thrown out.
Now - Gunjan's pov. She loves Nupur, she believes in her love and her relationship with Mayank, of course she does - she wouldn't have been with them every step of teh way if she didn't. But she does realise that her father has also been hurt in this - being insulted by baraatis and the baraat walking out because of slurs being cast on your daughter's reputation is every father's nightmare and it happened to her father. And that is what hurts Gunjan - not the MN marriage, but that the way it happened hurt her father - only Nupur is not willing to accept that Gunjan could do anything but support her 100%. Over-possessive love - she cannot accept that Gunjan could have any point of view other than hers (Nupur's). Well, Gunjan is growing up, she has her own mind and she can use it - she always did, only it was never against her sister before. This time it is, and Gunjan has just said what she feels - she avoided saying it earlier because she knew it would hurt Nupur, but today, being riled up beyond control, she said it. And hurt Nupur again - she knows she did, but hey, Gunjan is human, if Nupur is entitled to speak without thinking and hurt Gunjan, why doesn't Gunjan have the same right?
The other thing - Why gunjan doesn't feel she is doing anything wrong in coming for a date with Samrat. Biggest point - she trusts Samrat completely. Even bigger point - she knows that Bauji has trusted Samrat enough to give him her and her sister's responsibility. And when he met Samrat again at the wedding, he repeated that he though Samrat was a good boy. So Gunjan feels she has Bauji's endorsement for Samrat. Third point - Bauji was willing to meet Mayank and make an independent judgement even after Bui's rantings - the problem was that Mayank fouled it up, not once, but twice, first with the ladder, then coming to Nupur's house in the groom's clothes - so Bauji has justification for disliking Mayank - he didn't just blindly chuck him out with a 'how dare you love my daughter' thing - in other words, Bauji is a reasonable parent, thinks Gunjan, and he already likes Samrat. Fourthly the last problem with Mayank - how will he support Nupur, where will he keep her - doesn't apply to Samrat - he's wealthy enough and has not one but two houses as of last count, so no problems there. If anything, Bauji should be thrilled at getting a damaad like Samrat - sanskaari (how I hate that word) AND rich. The only sticking point might be Samrat's broken family.
And lastly - even if something like what happened with Nupur happens with Gunjan, Samrat will do exactly the same thing Mayank did - he will marry Gunjan without a second's hesitation if he feels there is even the slightest possibility of Gunjan getting a bad name because of him. And he will do this regardless of his own demons or doubts about marriage - because for him Chashmish comes first. Gunjan trusts him completely on this one - the terrace conversation they had the night before Nupur's wedding was for that.
But Gunjan will not go too far with Samrat, for one, her own inhibitions, the second, her morals - but again, she's human, she's deeply in love, she's on her first romantic date with Samrat and he has pulled out all the stops to make it beautiful, memorable and meaningful for her ... and she's feeling the first stirrings of desire herself almost as strongly as Samrat is.
So what exactly has Nupur achieved with her breaking into Sajan's date?
- She's caused her husband embarrassment in front of his best friend, a guy who has supported them throughout and who is even now helping them with a place to stay.
- She's insulted a guy who has been a friend to her, apart from the fact that he has been her own choice for her sister, even at a time when he was dating another girl (so how come she just realised he's a casanova??!!!) by accusing him of doing things he hasn't even done, without bothering to find out the truth. If she could want to confront him about Gunjan's feelins while he was still dating Sheena, why could she not confront him now about why he's giving her sister an inappropriate gift? The answer - she didn't want to. She WANTED her sister to be the one at fault, to wear the dress so that she could catch her red-handed and prove that Gunjan is as 'bad' as Nupur.
- She's hurt her sister deeply enough by insulting her boyfriend, that Gunjan could lash out to hurt her back.
Anything positive in all of this? Not that I can see.
She's real, all right. She's just not a very nice 'real' at the moment. and you can justify blue murder if you shout loud enough. Still doesn't make it right.
All I can say is - this is a realistic track, because all siblings actually don't have the kind of relationship Gunur had, minus any fights at all. The other word for a healthy close sibling relationship is 'fight'. That's exactly what Sanaya said in her interview and she is absolutely right. So I still quite like this track, especially as my Gunjan is on the higher moral ground here.
And I am LOVING the SG romance :):):):):):)
Starts with Nups wanting to "save" her sister :( :( :(
Last bit of Sajan date ...mmmmmm :):):)
MN in auto "coincidentally going towards farmhouse, "coincidentally" get down for walk, and M tells N SG are here for their date. So Nups knows that Mayank knows and is cool with it, but N knows better, doesn't she???!!! She has to 'save' her sister (how I wish I had the grrr emoticon here!)
Sajan all awkward after that verrrry close moment - did they, didn't they? ;) Don't think they did. Gunji wondering what's happening to her, she never felt this way around Samrat before ... sighhhhhh, darling, you're deeply in love, and falling deeper and deeper every day - and I don't blame you one bit!!!!!
Samrat tells Gunjan - "remember always what I'm saying to you today, you make my life worth living, you're the dream I dreamed yesterday, you're my reality today and you're my hope for tomorrow."
Oh god, how MUCH he loves her ... she's his life, his reason for living, the most bright and beautiful thing in his life, she's his very breath ...
she tells him "samrat, mujhe chhodo', he tells her "I'm not holding you, chashmish, tum khud hi khinchi chali aa rahi ho" ... my stomach did about a million cartwheels here ...
She drops something on her dress, he tells her to go change ...
MN reach, Nups says let's go meet SG, M most unwilling, N lets out that she's planned this all because she wants to save her sister - shit, woman, can you STOP lying?????? If you're so convinced about your 'save my sister' mission, why are you lying to your own husband - simple, because you know it's not about 'save my sister' it's all about 'why my sister has it better than me' and if your husband got to know that, he would slap you all the way to Timbuktoo!!!
Samrat enters the room where Gunjan is changing, one shoulder bare ... and I have NEVER seen Gunjan looking so stunningly, ethereally amazingly beautiful ... pure, innocent, like a pure white rose unfurling its petals ... no wonder it's his turn to go close to her as though he can't help it, she is beautiful, she is divine and she is his ... he pulls up her sleeve, thunder and she's in his arms ... the MOST cliched scenario and my stomach just did another couple of million cartwheels again at the sight of Gunji in pure white clinging to Samrat for dear life - because she trusts him to shelter her from her every fear and every danger that could ever confront her.
he tells her not to be scared, then he kisses her forehead, her cheek ... goes to kiss her ... but Gunji is scared, not of him but of herself, and even in this completely intensely passionately romantic moment, she pulls away and says 'no, samrat, it isn't right ...' and he lets her go, because he will NEVER EVER do anything against her will, or anything SHE feels is not right ... that is the ultimate truth for him ...
MN enter ... Nups thinks she's the heroine of some C grade film - dialogues like 'thank god i came in time' and goes on to flay Samrat, you think gunjan is like all the other girls, you'll use her ... blah, blah ... Samrat tries to tell her that things are not what they look like
(MN are really a made for each other couple - they both jump to conclusions first and think later - the difference is Mayank seems to have realised his mistake, but Nupur still hasn't and is AS impulsive and hotheaded as before.
Gunjan getting progressively more upset with what Nupur is saying, Mayank is completely embarrassed ... Samrat is more and more hurt that how can Nupur, of all people think that he could do anything to hurt Gunjan ... and Nupur isn't thinking - when does she ever?!
Finally Nups says - you'll use Gunjan like all the other girls and Gunji has had enough. But she still has the decency to ask Samrat to leave because this is between the sisters - Nupur didn't have the decency to do that - first in front of the gang, she asked Gunji that question and now, without bothering to ascertain facts, she's let loose ...
Samrat and Mayank leave ... Gunji tries to explain, she came of her own free will, and FINALLY Nupur's truth comes out, her real feelings, what has really been eating her up - it's not about Gunjan and Samrat at all, or about mistrusting Samrat, only one thing is eating her - SHE has been thrown out of the house, called the bad daughter by her father, for whom she was willing to give up her love, SHE has been misunderstood ... and her younger sister who has done exactly the same thing, has fallen in love, is spending alone time with her boyfriend, is getting away scot free ... is still her father's ideal daughter, while she, Nupur, is not. THAT is what is eating her - being protective about Gunji is all BULLSHIT - if her marriage had been accepted by bauji AND if Gunji hadn't shown she felt Bauji was right in his opinion, Nupur would have been completely happy and ecstatic about this date, because she knows what it's like to be in love and she's always felt Samrat was perfect for Gunjan herself. No, it's Nupur who was being completely two-faced and hypocritical about her feelings till now - finally it's no holds barred and she's told the real truth why Samrat and Gunjan's smooth sailing love story is bothering her so much! (And all the Nupur fans, of course!)
and Gunji of course realises that ... and for once, gentle Gunjan is thoroughly riled up, because Nupur has insulted Samrat so badly so Gunjan lets loose herself - okay, fine, THIS is what's bothering you, isn't it, that Bauji still loves me and not you - well, too bad, the way your wedding happened WASN'T right, it broke his heart, it broke his dreams ... and Nupur comes back with "and what are you doing? is this the way you're fulfilling his dreams?"
Gunjan interrupts - di, please!!!
WHAT is Nupur accusing Gunjan of wanting to do? or saying that she was going to do? Sleep with Samrat? Does she really think Gunjan would do that?! If so, does she know her sister AT ALL? Or is she just being Nupur - hot headed, careless, don't think before I talk Nupur ... because later when she cools down, she'll say sorry and everything will be all right?
Well, news for you, Nupur. You can't keep on and on doing that. Saying whatever comes into your head without thinking and then feeling sorry about it later. Words hurt, they leave wounds, invisible ones which don't heal so fast and if they do, they cause rifts. Go on this way and you will really cause an unbreachable rift between yourself and your sister. Sure, you were justified in jumping to some conclusions when you saw Gunjan and Samrat - but you know what? You WANTED to believe the worst - despite everything you know about your sister and Samrat to the contrary, you WANTED to believe that your sister could make the same or worse mistakes as you, because it would justify, in your heart, the hatred you feel towards her for continuing to be Bauji's favourite daughter when you yourself have been thrown out.
Now - Gunjan's pov. She loves Nupur, she believes in her love and her relationship with Mayank, of course she does - she wouldn't have been with them every step of teh way if she didn't. But she does realise that her father has also been hurt in this - being insulted by baraatis and the baraat walking out because of slurs being cast on your daughter's reputation is every father's nightmare and it happened to her father. And that is what hurts Gunjan - not the MN marriage, but that the way it happened hurt her father - only Nupur is not willing to accept that Gunjan could do anything but support her 100%. Over-possessive love - she cannot accept that Gunjan could have any point of view other than hers (Nupur's). Well, Gunjan is growing up, she has her own mind and she can use it - she always did, only it was never against her sister before. This time it is, and Gunjan has just said what she feels - she avoided saying it earlier because she knew it would hurt Nupur, but today, being riled up beyond control, she said it. And hurt Nupur again - she knows she did, but hey, Gunjan is human, if Nupur is entitled to speak without thinking and hurt Gunjan, why doesn't Gunjan have the same right?
The other thing - Why gunjan doesn't feel she is doing anything wrong in coming for a date with Samrat. Biggest point - she trusts Samrat completely. Even bigger point - she knows that Bauji has trusted Samrat enough to give him her and her sister's responsibility. And when he met Samrat again at the wedding, he repeated that he though Samrat was a good boy. So Gunjan feels she has Bauji's endorsement for Samrat. Third point - Bauji was willing to meet Mayank and make an independent judgement even after Bui's rantings - the problem was that Mayank fouled it up, not once, but twice, first with the ladder, then coming to Nupur's house in the groom's clothes - so Bauji has justification for disliking Mayank - he didn't just blindly chuck him out with a 'how dare you love my daughter' thing - in other words, Bauji is a reasonable parent, thinks Gunjan, and he already likes Samrat. Fourthly the last problem with Mayank - how will he support Nupur, where will he keep her - doesn't apply to Samrat - he's wealthy enough and has not one but two houses as of last count, so no problems there. If anything, Bauji should be thrilled at getting a damaad like Samrat - sanskaari (how I hate that word) AND rich. The only sticking point might be Samrat's broken family.
And lastly - even if something like what happened with Nupur happens with Gunjan, Samrat will do exactly the same thing Mayank did - he will marry Gunjan without a second's hesitation if he feels there is even the slightest possibility of Gunjan getting a bad name because of him. And he will do this regardless of his own demons or doubts about marriage - because for him Chashmish comes first. Gunjan trusts him completely on this one - the terrace conversation they had the night before Nupur's wedding was for that.
But Gunjan will not go too far with Samrat, for one, her own inhibitions, the second, her morals - but again, she's human, she's deeply in love, she's on her first romantic date with Samrat and he has pulled out all the stops to make it beautiful, memorable and meaningful for her ... and she's feeling the first stirrings of desire herself almost as strongly as Samrat is.
So what exactly has Nupur achieved with her breaking into Sajan's date?
- She's caused her husband embarrassment in front of his best friend, a guy who has supported them throughout and who is even now helping them with a place to stay.
- She's insulted a guy who has been a friend to her, apart from the fact that he has been her own choice for her sister, even at a time when he was dating another girl (so how come she just realised he's a casanova??!!!) by accusing him of doing things he hasn't even done, without bothering to find out the truth. If she could want to confront him about Gunjan's feelins while he was still dating Sheena, why could she not confront him now about why he's giving her sister an inappropriate gift? The answer - she didn't want to. She WANTED her sister to be the one at fault, to wear the dress so that she could catch her red-handed and prove that Gunjan is as 'bad' as Nupur.
- She's hurt her sister deeply enough by insulting her boyfriend, that Gunjan could lash out to hurt her back.
Anything positive in all of this? Not that I can see.
She's real, all right. She's just not a very nice 'real' at the moment. and you can justify blue murder if you shout loud enough. Still doesn't make it right.
All I can say is - this is a realistic track, because all siblings actually don't have the kind of relationship Gunur had, minus any fights at all. The other word for a healthy close sibling relationship is 'fight'. That's exactly what Sanaya said in her interview and she is absolutely right. So I still quite like this track, especially as my Gunjan is on the higher moral ground here.
And I am LOVING the SG romance :):):):):):)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sajan ... magic!!!
2nd Feb
Something must have happened in the first half of the episode ... don't know, don't care.
Dia gets Gunjan ready - Gunjan looks wistfully at Nups' picture, wondering why her di made that peculiar demand - don't wear Samarat's gift, then says, he's done so much for me, I will wear it for him.
Samrat waits at the farmhouse, Gunjan enters and he gazes at her, his eyes not moving from her face. Goes on one knee, kisses her hand, all the while just gazing up at her face as though he can't take his eyes off her (don't blame him, she's looking so ethereal and stunning, as though she really is the angel he calls her). Says - people say dreams are beautiful but if reality is so beautiful, who needs dreams? And she's shy, moves away ... why here, Samrat?
Because this is where we first met ... Gunjan stares at him as though she can't believe it - he remembers? ... and where because of Sheena I realized your importance in my life ... the day he supported her without question, without an iota of doubt, without needing a word of protest from her - because he knew her. And that again is the sheer beauty of Sajan - they don't need words, their souls speak to each other because they're joined by their souls - mind and body come much later.
Which is why, after he showed her the I love U in the pool, there was no need for words again. And why, though I hate the original picturization in the movie, I fell in love with the song today, because I had never really heard it before, never realised how beautiful the words and how apt for Sajan.
Roshni se bhare bhare ... bhare bhare naina tere
your eyes ... filled with light
sapnon se bhare bhare ... bhare bhare naina tere
your eyes ... filled with dreams
chhooke bolein ... na chhoona mujhe
your gaze touches me, it sets me on fire with your love, where is the need for your touch
dhoonda hai dhoonda hai tujhe, aakash upar tale
I was searching just for you, in the skies above and below, my soul was seeking its twin, its other half
And he looks up at the sky as though to acknowledge that's where she came from, because someone up there was looking out for him and had sent him his own personal angel ... and I always remember the V night when after Gunjan is his friend again, he looks up at the heavens again and says 'thanks' ... for him, she is truly a divine blessing ...
shayad kisi badri mein, lipti hui tu mile
maybe i would see you, wrapped in a cloud, as ethereal and fairy-like as you ... his Chashmish, beautiful, delicate, as wraith-like and insubstantial as a cloud ... can he believe she is real and is his?
dhoonda hai, dhoonda hai tujhe, aakash upar tale
and she's been looking for him too, her soul is as lonely and incomplete without him as his is without her
shayad kisi nadiya pe chalta hua tu mile
will I see you in the waves of the rivers running by me, fleetingly, too fast for me to catch or hold, but it's enough for me that I see you, am near you ...
And she looks for him, frantic, scared that she's lost him, and then she sees him, and closes her eyes ... although she says a glimpse is enough, but in her heart, she knows it's not ...
maine samay rok ke tera pata poocha hai
I'll stop time itself to ask him where you are
Time, place, nothing has any meaning till I find you ... without you I am lost
neeli nadi se keh ke, sagar tale dhoonda hai
I'll tell the blue rivers and search you under the oceans
I'll part the waters of the rivers and dive under the deepest oceans to look for you, because without you, I have no meaning
lehron pe chalke hue, paani ke phan choote hain
splashing up from the waves, droplets of water touch me
Jaise tere haath ho, mera yeh tan choote hain
like your hands dance over my body
And the way she's lying by the side of the pool, her hand in the water, a picture of delicate grace and beauty ... she splashes water over his face playfully and I am reminded of Krishna Radha playing on the banks of the Yamuna, that's how pure and beautiful this pair are ... it's not their bodies which are so close, but their souls again ...
And he trails his hand in the water over hers, trickles water gently over her face, and she gives in completely, she is his, for ever and always ... she turns to trail her hand over his face as though to say in turn that he is hers too, she has the right to touch him and she wants to, because they are one ...
Something must have happened in the first half of the episode ... don't know, don't care.
Dia gets Gunjan ready - Gunjan looks wistfully at Nups' picture, wondering why her di made that peculiar demand - don't wear Samarat's gift, then says, he's done so much for me, I will wear it for him.
Samrat waits at the farmhouse, Gunjan enters and he gazes at her, his eyes not moving from her face. Goes on one knee, kisses her hand, all the while just gazing up at her face as though he can't take his eyes off her (don't blame him, she's looking so ethereal and stunning, as though she really is the angel he calls her). Says - people say dreams are beautiful but if reality is so beautiful, who needs dreams? And she's shy, moves away ... why here, Samrat?
Because this is where we first met ... Gunjan stares at him as though she can't believe it - he remembers? ... and where because of Sheena I realized your importance in my life ... the day he supported her without question, without an iota of doubt, without needing a word of protest from her - because he knew her. And that again is the sheer beauty of Sajan - they don't need words, their souls speak to each other because they're joined by their souls - mind and body come much later.
Which is why, after he showed her the I love U in the pool, there was no need for words again. And why, though I hate the original picturization in the movie, I fell in love with the song today, because I had never really heard it before, never realised how beautiful the words and how apt for Sajan.
Roshni se bhare bhare ... bhare bhare naina tere
your eyes ... filled with light
sapnon se bhare bhare ... bhare bhare naina tere
your eyes ... filled with dreams
chhooke bolein ... na chhoona mujhe
your gaze touches me, it sets me on fire with your love, where is the need for your touch
dhoonda hai dhoonda hai tujhe, aakash upar tale
I was searching just for you, in the skies above and below, my soul was seeking its twin, its other half
And he looks up at the sky as though to acknowledge that's where she came from, because someone up there was looking out for him and had sent him his own personal angel ... and I always remember the V night when after Gunjan is his friend again, he looks up at the heavens again and says 'thanks' ... for him, she is truly a divine blessing ...
shayad kisi badri mein, lipti hui tu mile
maybe i would see you, wrapped in a cloud, as ethereal and fairy-like as you ... his Chashmish, beautiful, delicate, as wraith-like and insubstantial as a cloud ... can he believe she is real and is his?
dhoonda hai, dhoonda hai tujhe, aakash upar tale
and she's been looking for him too, her soul is as lonely and incomplete without him as his is without her
shayad kisi nadiya pe chalta hua tu mile
will I see you in the waves of the rivers running by me, fleetingly, too fast for me to catch or hold, but it's enough for me that I see you, am near you ...
And she looks for him, frantic, scared that she's lost him, and then she sees him, and closes her eyes ... although she says a glimpse is enough, but in her heart, she knows it's not ...
maine samay rok ke tera pata poocha hai
I'll stop time itself to ask him where you are
Time, place, nothing has any meaning till I find you ... without you I am lost
neeli nadi se keh ke, sagar tale dhoonda hai
I'll tell the blue rivers and search you under the oceans
I'll part the waters of the rivers and dive under the deepest oceans to look for you, because without you, I have no meaning
lehron pe chalke hue, paani ke phan choote hain
splashing up from the waves, droplets of water touch me
Jaise tere haath ho, mera yeh tan choote hain
like your hands dance over my body
And the way she's lying by the side of the pool, her hand in the water, a picture of delicate grace and beauty ... she splashes water over his face playfully and I am reminded of Krishna Radha playing on the banks of the Yamuna, that's how pure and beautiful this pair are ... it's not their bodies which are so close, but their souls again ...
And he trails his hand in the water over hers, trickles water gently over her face, and she gives in completely, she is his, for ever and always ... she turns to trail her hand over his face as though to say in turn that he is hers too, she has the right to touch him and she wants to, because they are one ...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sajan ... all the way!!!!
1 Feb 2010
Is 1st of the month reserved for ultra cute Sajan scenes???!!! Today they were soooo adorable!!!
First - GN and Sayank - cute, especially Mayank's line about 'dahej' - had thought of that one some time back, dunno in what context ;)
Then the first SG scene - Gunji all worried and tense, as usual telling Samrat everything that happened and Sammy showing amazing maturity in dealing with the situation - instead of any heavy 'don't worry, sab theek ho jayega' type of dialoges, he made the whole scene so light and cute - cheered up Chashmish and his last dialogues was the CUTEST - maine socha sad face banane se tumhara attention mil jayega' ... omg, he really is adorable!!! And, cherry on the icing - he asks her for a date, and promptly answers his own question :) :) :) Of course Gunji will say yes, how can she say no to such an adorable guy!
MN scene - cute! Short jhagda, sweet make up. They are actually maturing - especially Mayank.
GN scene - ok, misunderstanding about to start. Sanu - Sam tells Nups he bought G a gift, then Nups overhears date plan and gift in locker room. Now why does she think the worst of Sam?! Come on!!! After she's been pushing Gunji that he's such a great guy .... :(
SG again - ADORABLE scene in loo - he puts on the pendant for her. Blue is Gunjan's color - ANY shade of blue! She's looking so sweet and young and innocent - and happily in love. And romantic Sam is back ... just a little teasing, not much, but lots of romance and love ...
GN - Nups tells Gun don't go for date, don't wear Sam's gift, Gun thinks she's gone mad. Obviously. Why on earth shouldn't she? Of course, both girls go on about 'gift', never mentioning pendant or dress - subtlety, thy name is NOT the cv's, for sure.
Precap - Dia getting Gunji ready. Shirtless Adhiraj giving Su red rose. Sam sees red.
Is 1st of the month reserved for ultra cute Sajan scenes???!!! Today they were soooo adorable!!!
First - GN and Sayank - cute, especially Mayank's line about 'dahej' - had thought of that one some time back, dunno in what context ;)
Then the first SG scene - Gunji all worried and tense, as usual telling Samrat everything that happened and Sammy showing amazing maturity in dealing with the situation - instead of any heavy 'don't worry, sab theek ho jayega' type of dialoges, he made the whole scene so light and cute - cheered up Chashmish and his last dialogues was the CUTEST - maine socha sad face banane se tumhara attention mil jayega' ... omg, he really is adorable!!! And, cherry on the icing - he asks her for a date, and promptly answers his own question :) :) :) Of course Gunji will say yes, how can she say no to such an adorable guy!
MN scene - cute! Short jhagda, sweet make up. They are actually maturing - especially Mayank.
GN scene - ok, misunderstanding about to start. Sanu - Sam tells Nups he bought G a gift, then Nups overhears date plan and gift in locker room. Now why does she think the worst of Sam?! Come on!!! After she's been pushing Gunji that he's such a great guy .... :(
SG again - ADORABLE scene in loo - he puts on the pendant for her. Blue is Gunjan's color - ANY shade of blue! She's looking so sweet and young and innocent - and happily in love. And romantic Sam is back ... just a little teasing, not much, but lots of romance and love ...
GN - Nups tells Gun don't go for date, don't wear Sam's gift, Gun thinks she's gone mad. Obviously. Why on earth shouldn't she? Of course, both girls go on about 'gift', never mentioning pendant or dress - subtlety, thy name is NOT the cv's, for sure.
Precap - Dia getting Gunji ready. Shirtless Adhiraj giving Su red rose. Sam sees red.
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