Saturday, July 2, 2011

1/7/11 - Epi 20 Next round

First thing which struck me when I watched Arnav's eyes pop out as he read the letter - he wasn't so shocked that Khushi had done the work, as he was that ANYONE in his office actually could work at all!!! Or he should be ... considering the namoonas he has collected there.

Anyway, Khushi, being the naive gal she is, happily told him how she had managed the challenge, probably expecting a pat on her back, and an admonition to Lavanya, to the effect that See? Use your brains, don't keep complaining about my dictation speed. But of course, ASR did nothing of the sort - getting his work done has become secondary to beating Khushi in the challenge. God help his office during these fifteen days ... though actually, not really. In the process of the challenges, he might actually get some work done - if he uses his brain in forming those challenges, that is.
And really, which office uses shorthand these days? Digital recorders are the order of the day - most bosses dictate their letters into a dictaphone while travelling, and hand it over to their secretaries in office. Guess AR hasn't caught up with the times yet!

Why is Akash working from home? I use the term 'working' loosely!

And why is ASR getting annoyed at Lame? Because she forgot to inform him Khushi has a brain and can actually work? Tsk tsk, ASR, Lame doesn't recognise what work is, so how could she have told you that? Can see ASR recalculating rapidly in his mind - he has to step up the dirty quotient if he wants to get rid of Khushi. And win his challenge.

Khushi back home, soooo reminded me of my baby when she comes home all excited about something! :))) And damn cute, the way she promptly asks Bua - pump lekar aaun? after half squeezing her to death! And the worry in her face when Bu says someone from the office has come, followed by swift chirpy - over-chirpy recovery - 'nahin toh ... now this is a normal, regular 18 year old girl!

Rather like the way both Khushi and Payal are not falling all over Shyam ... he's sweet-talked his way into Bua's good books, but Khushi and Payal are not as naive. Surprisingly. Payal is uncomfortable, and Khushi frankly asks him, are you stalking me? *rofl*

ASR at home, still pissed off with life in general, and with his defeat. And Anjali trying to hide Lavanya from Nani ... but whyyy??? 

Set up for Payal's birthday - I enjoy the sisters' scenes here soooo much more than MJHT! And Khushi's parents are refreshingly normal parents ... like the way Garima accepted her husband's reassurance about Shyam, but was clearly not happy about it at all.

Perfectionist Anjali in kitchen ... she's gonna be one nit-picking nanad! Silbatta??? Really??? Arey baba, labout saving devices were invented for a reason. I begin to feel sorry for mami! Anjali's perfection is getting a bit much!
Arnav is waiting for Khushi ... hmm, she seems to have spiced up his life already. And now he's getting mean ... win at all costs.

Part 1
Part 2

Maryada continues to grip me ... excellent acting, the showdown between Gaurav and SSP, Devyani's helplessness ...
The road to hell is paved with good intentions ... Devyani, you have to stop protecting your son in your pallu. You have no right to destroy another girl's life to protect your son from your husband. Lies leading to more lies to more ... And Devyani still hopes that Gaurav will change? That it was his father's behaviour with him that made him that way. While Bauji realises that Gaurav is the way he is, the way God made him, the way he will always be.
Vidya's acting ... again, very, very good. Desperation, dread, grief, anger ... helplessness.

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