28th April - random thoughts on Sajan Neil track
Gunjan - shy, quiet, timid, yet an achiever, an idealist yet a realist, dreamed dreams of achieving something in life, then her dreams changed to those of love, marriage and a happily-ever-after. But she didn't give up her other dreams, she still remained the studious quiet girl she had always been, yet developed confidence in herself and her love.
Mainly due to Samrat. Her opposite, flamboyant, the eternal optimist, a dreamer, with no major goals in life, except to enjoy life, have fun, live for the moment and be there for his friends. His only dream is Gunjan, his only reality is Gunjan ... if she is there, he doesn't need or want anything else, his life is complete. She fills the emptiness in him, her loving, caring tenderness makes up for the deep lacunae left by a lonely childhood, absent parents and a beloved sibling torn from him by circumstances, not once but twice. He never suffered from lack of anything material in his life, but everything he had never made up for that one huge missing ingredient - love. And so he's content today - that lack has been made up, that missing ingredient is firmly in place and will always be there for him. Life is complete.
And then - enter Neil. Neil is older, self-assured, mature, confident. He knows what he wants and reaches out for it, strives to turn his dreams into lasting reality. He came in search of Gunjan. He found her. He manipulated her to audition. Being hard-headed, if he hadn't found her good enough for the role, he wouldn't have taken her - after yesterday's episode, I think that is certain. But he would have found another way to keep her in his life. Having found her, he is not in the mood to let her go again.
Is Gunjan his muse? his inspiration? or his love? Don't know yet. But Neil is trouble for the Sajan love story for sure. His mere presence in Gunjan's life is enough to bring Samrat's insecurities back to the forefront, to raise fears and doubts as to Gunjan's presence in his life, and whether it is as constant as Samrat thought it would be. The fear of Gunjan slipping away from him in hospital made Samrat swear that he would marry Gunjan if that was what she wanted. But that was a promise made out of fear - if Gunjan went, he could never get her back, and he was helpless, he could do nothing about it. Now, he sees her slipping away from him
to another man, a man able to give her everything that he can offer her and more, and he feels that helplessness again. But this time, he might not lose her to death, but to his own inability to give her what she wanted - a name to their relationship, a committment to stand by her always, the right to call her his in front of the world. This time, it's his weakness, his phobia that could cost him his life - for Gunjan is his life.
And the only reason Gunjan might choose Neil over him, or be forced to, is that committment that he is still hesitating about, Neil might be ready to give her. If Samrat wants his love with him forever, this last bridge has to be crossed. For Neil is as rich, as well settled, as able to look after Gunjan as Samrat is. The only difference between him and Neil is that Gunjan loves Samrat as madly as Samrat loves her.
True, as Mayank said, love is a lot, but it is not everything. But as Samrat can testify, without love, everything else is nothing. And that's why, Gunjan will never choose Neil. If the choice is left to her.
Sajan after press conference
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Gunjan and Nupur - the two faces of today's woman
Gunjan - an idealist, an achiever. Determined when she gets going. Has small dreams but has the determination to see them through. And when an opportunity comes her way, she takes her time to decide on it, with some stops and starts ... and now, it seems - all systems go. She will give it all she's got, because that's the way she is. She always dreamed of doing something, achieving something - this is not what she dreamed of, but since it has come her way, and she has finally made up her mind, she will go all out and do her best. And excel. Again, because that's the way she is.
But she also had her dreams of her life with Samrat - small dreams again, but very important to her. What of those? Will they fall by the wayside? Or will she, like all other working women, struggle to achieve a balance between home and work, falter, find her way again and eventually find her balance on her own personal tightrope. A tightrope which any working woman can understand and appreciate, because all of us find our balance on it every single day of our lives.
I understand that tightrope because I've been on it. And as a working woman, I tell Gunjan, go for it. And I hope that she finds her balance, that she can cope with the demands of a tough profession, with those of her partner in life, Samrat. As an ardent fan of Sajan - I want her to find that balance and to be with Samrat forever, walk hand in hand with him while maintaining her own identity, finding her own place in the world. Because I believe that the Gunjan I fell in love with in the show, can do it. I fell in love with her for precisely that reason, for being a girl with dreams other than those of being a good wife and mother - dreams similar to what I had as a child, dreams of being someone, achieving something. And she gives me the motivation, that if she can do it, I can too.
But as a realist, I can see a rocky road ahead for Gunjan as she struggles to find that balance. And I pray that the Cv's somehow manage to achieve that balance and don't make Gunjan give up everything for love - not just because I love Gunjan, but because that would be the worst message to give in a youth show.
Nupur - a dreamer, an optimist. She dreamed dreams all her life, those of an ideal partner and husband, fame and fortune in a fairy tale career. One dream achieved - she found her ideal partner, her husband, but in less than an ideal way, her fairytale wedding was a set of mishaps and nightmares one after the other. But as they say, all's well that ends well, and she's happily married and settled in her new life.
But her second dream was just rudely shattered and at the moment, she's at her own crossroads. Is this all she wanted from life? To be a wife and mother? To hold the fort while her husband goes out and makes his way in life? And just be his strong support, submerge her identity in his?
Again, I understand Nupur because I've been in her shoes too. And I understand her craving for an identity of her own. But 'just' to be a wife and mother is in itself a huge job, to be a good wife and mother is probably the most rewarding job of all. It doesn't bring fame, fortune, success. It brings small, priceless rewards everyday in the smile on your husband's face when you open the door for him, the hugs of your children when they come home from school, the cuddling up in bed as a family, laughing together, playing together.
I hope she finds that happiness, that sense of completeness and feeling of fulfilment in her home and family. As a wife and mother, I hope she grows and realises that the place she's in is one that many others would envy. But as a modern woman of today, as a feminist of sorts, I hope she also finds her own place in the sun, her own identity, her own personal goals in life, a new dream to replace the one that broke.
To the Cv's - I have one request. Working women have almost never been portrayed well in Indian tv or movies. Either they are shown to neglect their families, or they give up their careers and decide to stay within their four walls as strong support to their men, and no more. This is a wonderful opportunity to show that a woman can achieve a balance - I hope you use it wisely and well.
And to all the viewers - A few days ago, when Samrat told Nupur to be happy with her position as wife and mother, there was an outcry against him for being old-fashioned and against the times. And that Nupur has the right to work, find a job for herself, make a career. Yet the very next day, when Gunjan went out to work, there was an equal outcry that she is neglecting her love, and by extension, will neglect her home and family in the future, that she can't see Samrat's feelings, or worse, that she has forgotten all that he has ever done for her in the excitement of her new life.
This is the situation that all women face all the time - that many of you will face when in life you start working - so please - give Gunjan a break! Give her time to find her balance, and let's hope that the Sajan story stays as beautiful, as full of trust and understanding as we have always seen it to be. It won't be instant - but as most of us on this forum are girls (and women), let's try to put ourselves in Gunjan's shoes for a while and feel her struggles as much as we feel Samrat's pain.
My post is mainly centered around Gunjan - not because I'm a Gunjan fan, but because I'm a working woman, and have actually heard many of the comments on this forum in real life. As do many working women, even today, which is part of the reason why it's so difficult for women to reach the top.
But she also had her dreams of her life with Samrat - small dreams again, but very important to her. What of those? Will they fall by the wayside? Or will she, like all other working women, struggle to achieve a balance between home and work, falter, find her way again and eventually find her balance on her own personal tightrope. A tightrope which any working woman can understand and appreciate, because all of us find our balance on it every single day of our lives.
I understand that tightrope because I've been on it. And as a working woman, I tell Gunjan, go for it. And I hope that she finds her balance, that she can cope with the demands of a tough profession, with those of her partner in life, Samrat. As an ardent fan of Sajan - I want her to find that balance and to be with Samrat forever, walk hand in hand with him while maintaining her own identity, finding her own place in the world. Because I believe that the Gunjan I fell in love with in the show, can do it. I fell in love with her for precisely that reason, for being a girl with dreams other than those of being a good wife and mother - dreams similar to what I had as a child, dreams of being someone, achieving something. And she gives me the motivation, that if she can do it, I can too.
But as a realist, I can see a rocky road ahead for Gunjan as she struggles to find that balance. And I pray that the Cv's somehow manage to achieve that balance and don't make Gunjan give up everything for love - not just because I love Gunjan, but because that would be the worst message to give in a youth show.
Nupur - a dreamer, an optimist. She dreamed dreams all her life, those of an ideal partner and husband, fame and fortune in a fairy tale career. One dream achieved - she found her ideal partner, her husband, but in less than an ideal way, her fairytale wedding was a set of mishaps and nightmares one after the other. But as they say, all's well that ends well, and she's happily married and settled in her new life.
But her second dream was just rudely shattered and at the moment, she's at her own crossroads. Is this all she wanted from life? To be a wife and mother? To hold the fort while her husband goes out and makes his way in life? And just be his strong support, submerge her identity in his?
Again, I understand Nupur because I've been in her shoes too. And I understand her craving for an identity of her own. But 'just' to be a wife and mother is in itself a huge job, to be a good wife and mother is probably the most rewarding job of all. It doesn't bring fame, fortune, success. It brings small, priceless rewards everyday in the smile on your husband's face when you open the door for him, the hugs of your children when they come home from school, the cuddling up in bed as a family, laughing together, playing together.
I hope she finds that happiness, that sense of completeness and feeling of fulfilment in her home and family. As a wife and mother, I hope she grows and realises that the place she's in is one that many others would envy. But as a modern woman of today, as a feminist of sorts, I hope she also finds her own place in the sun, her own identity, her own personal goals in life, a new dream to replace the one that broke.
To the Cv's - I have one request. Working women have almost never been portrayed well in Indian tv or movies. Either they are shown to neglect their families, or they give up their careers and decide to stay within their four walls as strong support to their men, and no more. This is a wonderful opportunity to show that a woman can achieve a balance - I hope you use it wisely and well.
And to all the viewers - A few days ago, when Samrat told Nupur to be happy with her position as wife and mother, there was an outcry against him for being old-fashioned and against the times. And that Nupur has the right to work, find a job for herself, make a career. Yet the very next day, when Gunjan went out to work, there was an equal outcry that she is neglecting her love, and by extension, will neglect her home and family in the future, that she can't see Samrat's feelings, or worse, that she has forgotten all that he has ever done for her in the excitement of her new life.
This is the situation that all women face all the time - that many of you will face when in life you start working - so please - give Gunjan a break! Give her time to find her balance, and let's hope that the Sajan story stays as beautiful, as full of trust and understanding as we have always seen it to be. It won't be instant - but as most of us on this forum are girls (and women), let's try to put ourselves in Gunjan's shoes for a while and feel her struggles as much as we feel Samrat's pain.
My post is mainly centered around Gunjan - not because I'm a Gunjan fan, but because I'm a working woman, and have actually heard many of the comments on this forum in real life. As do many working women, even today, which is part of the reason why it's so difficult for women to reach the top.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Dreams vs Reality
Gunjan - an idealist and yet a realist ... she lives by her ideals, yet is realistic enough to know that her relationship with Samrat will need a name at some point. An achiever for sure - whatever she has taken up, she has achieved and well, be it her academic achievements, her singing in the TP, the RJ hunt, the play where she stayed in the background for the music, but danced and spoke on stage as the narrator as well ... A bit of a pessimist - her first reaction to something new, something outside her comfort zone is - no, I can't do it. Yet when she makes up her mind, takes up the challenge, she does always achieve what she aims for. Until now ...
Samrat - a dreamer, the eternal optimist - he's not shown to have many dreams in life, he doesn't dream of making money, of success, of fame ... his dreams are centered in the present, in basketball, bikes ... and now, Gunjan, and only Gunjan. The harshest blow life dealt him was his lack of family ... plenty of everything else, all material things, never made up for that one overpowering lack in his life, until Gunjan came along, and now all his dreams are centered around her. But the eternal dreamer and optimist that he is, he refuses to look to the future, to look ahead ... Gunjan is with him now, and that's all he cares about. Until now ...
What role will Neil play in their story? Neil appears to be a fascinating combination of a dreamer and a realist ... an achiever who has transformed his dreams into reality ... or made a start, by achieving material success, fame and popularity very young. From being one of the crowd in Morena, as lost in the crowd as Gunjan was, he's broken free, and moved head and shoulders above the rest. And now he wants to fufil another dream, achieve another goal ... Gunjan.
But he has changed from the lost-in-the-crowd dreamer, maybe he was as much an idealist as Gunjan once, but he definitely isn't now - he's a hard-headed realist, who knows that ideals and sentiment don't count for much in the real world. He wants Gunjan - but does he want her to change to what he has become, because he believes that it's the only way to success? Or does he just want her to succeed, because she is the only one who encouraged him to succeed?
Will he succeed in changing Gunjan? Will he manage to change Samrat?
Till yesterday, watching Gunjan so obviously uncomfortable in this new role, I almost wanted her to give up, to walk out, to tell Neil she can't do this, she can't change herself for anyone else ... be it her sister, Samrat or Neil ...
but today, I wonder ... if she walks out, what will change? Neither she nor Samrat ... not that comfortable and unreal limbo that they are living in, fooling themselves that their love is everything for today and forever ... the limbo that Mayur seemed to have been in too, till they too had that wake-up call...
So no ... Gunjan and Samrat both have to change ... to change their dreams, to focus on reality, to face the fact that life is ever-changing, circumstances are ever-changing ... the only thing which is constant is change itself ... and if they want their togetherness to be constant, then other changes will have to occur ...
And Neil will be the catalyst in this change ... and will undergo some changing dreams himself ... as he sees the ideal of the girl he has carried in his heart change shape into another dream, one which this time is out of his reach.
Samrat - a dreamer, the eternal optimist - he's not shown to have many dreams in life, he doesn't dream of making money, of success, of fame ... his dreams are centered in the present, in basketball, bikes ... and now, Gunjan, and only Gunjan. The harshest blow life dealt him was his lack of family ... plenty of everything else, all material things, never made up for that one overpowering lack in his life, until Gunjan came along, and now all his dreams are centered around her. But the eternal dreamer and optimist that he is, he refuses to look to the future, to look ahead ... Gunjan is with him now, and that's all he cares about. Until now ...
What role will Neil play in their story? Neil appears to be a fascinating combination of a dreamer and a realist ... an achiever who has transformed his dreams into reality ... or made a start, by achieving material success, fame and popularity very young. From being one of the crowd in Morena, as lost in the crowd as Gunjan was, he's broken free, and moved head and shoulders above the rest. And now he wants to fufil another dream, achieve another goal ... Gunjan.
But he has changed from the lost-in-the-crowd dreamer, maybe he was as much an idealist as Gunjan once, but he definitely isn't now - he's a hard-headed realist, who knows that ideals and sentiment don't count for much in the real world. He wants Gunjan - but does he want her to change to what he has become, because he believes that it's the only way to success? Or does he just want her to succeed, because she is the only one who encouraged him to succeed?
Will he succeed in changing Gunjan? Will he manage to change Samrat?
Till yesterday, watching Gunjan so obviously uncomfortable in this new role, I almost wanted her to give up, to walk out, to tell Neil she can't do this, she can't change herself for anyone else ... be it her sister, Samrat or Neil ...
but today, I wonder ... if she walks out, what will change? Neither she nor Samrat ... not that comfortable and unreal limbo that they are living in, fooling themselves that their love is everything for today and forever ... the limbo that Mayur seemed to have been in too, till they too had that wake-up call...
So no ... Gunjan and Samrat both have to change ... to change their dreams, to focus on reality, to face the fact that life is ever-changing, circumstances are ever-changing ... the only thing which is constant is change itself ... and if they want their togetherness to be constant, then other changes will have to occur ...
And Neil will be the catalyst in this change ... and will undergo some changing dreams himself ... as he sees the ideal of the girl he has carried in his heart change shape into another dream, one which this time is out of his reach.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
27 April episode
Gunji gives one shot - talks about dreams and goals, Mayank listening. Wonders about where his goals went - dude, in romancing one giddy brainless girl, you lost your brains as well! :D
Nupur finds a job and scholarship to apply for, Samrat tells her she should count her blessings that she has a happy home, as not everyone has that blessing, and her kids will be lucky. Tells her heroines would envy her that she can walk freely on the streets. Hmmm ... Nupur had two dreams - one to become an actress, the other to have her own home. She's achieved one - well, somewhat, and the other has been if not shattered, has received a major setback, she lost what could have been a golden opportunity. So is it time for some introspection, to step back and examine what she wants from life - is she content with what she has, or does she want more? And if she wants more, what does she want?
Samrat knows the value of a happy home - that's where he's coming from. But should Nupur give up on her dreams? Or should she start dreaming new dreams, set new goals for herself, find a new focus?
Samrat and Gunjan - as usual, he's her best friend, her support system, her eyes light up just seeing him, her fears, her doubts spill out to him - she won't be able to handle this. Nothing new - she's always been a self-doubter, but the stakes are very large here, so her nervousness is greater. Sam reminds her that she's going to fulfil Nupur's dreams ... hello, I thought it was her own dreams? Or is it her dream to fulfill Nupur's dreams?
Gang in canteen - Samrat planning a surprise for Gunjan to cheer her up. Nupur asks why would anyone do that for anyone they love? Sam says to keep love fresh, new. Nups decides to give Mayank a surprise.
Precap - Gunji messes up shot no 53, Neil shouts at her, she tells him she can't do this and no one has ever talked to her like this before. Neil is only worried about his characters. Walks off. Now I wonder what is going to happen!!!
Sam motivates Gunjan
Gunji gives one shot - talks about dreams and goals, Mayank listening. Wonders about where his goals went - dude, in romancing one giddy brainless girl, you lost your brains as well! :D
Nupur finds a job and scholarship to apply for, Samrat tells her she should count her blessings that she has a happy home, as not everyone has that blessing, and her kids will be lucky. Tells her heroines would envy her that she can walk freely on the streets. Hmmm ... Nupur had two dreams - one to become an actress, the other to have her own home. She's achieved one - well, somewhat, and the other has been if not shattered, has received a major setback, she lost what could have been a golden opportunity. So is it time for some introspection, to step back and examine what she wants from life - is she content with what she has, or does she want more? And if she wants more, what does she want?
Samrat knows the value of a happy home - that's where he's coming from. But should Nupur give up on her dreams? Or should she start dreaming new dreams, set new goals for herself, find a new focus?
Samrat and Gunjan - as usual, he's her best friend, her support system, her eyes light up just seeing him, her fears, her doubts spill out to him - she won't be able to handle this. Nothing new - she's always been a self-doubter, but the stakes are very large here, so her nervousness is greater. Sam reminds her that she's going to fulfil Nupur's dreams ... hello, I thought it was her own dreams? Or is it her dream to fulfill Nupur's dreams?
Gang in canteen - Samrat planning a surprise for Gunjan to cheer her up. Nupur asks why would anyone do that for anyone they love? Sam says to keep love fresh, new. Nups decides to give Mayank a surprise.
Precap - Gunji messes up shot no 53, Neil shouts at her, she tells him she can't do this and no one has ever talked to her like this before. Neil is only worried about his characters. Walks off. Now I wonder what is going to happen!!!
Sam motivates Gunjan
Monday, April 26, 2010
Dreams, love and life
26 April
Sajan - Gunjan nervous, Samrat first tells her she has to face the challenge, then gives her a purple rose. She remembers the first rose he gave her for the talent parade. They hug. Tells her to promise that she will do her best, Gunjan puts her hand in his. Neil comes, Gunjan leaves Samrat, goes with Neil, hand now in his. Neil puts the purple rose aside - says she needs her talent, not any good luck charm. Sam very upset, rose falls, he tries to get it back.
Gunjan's shot - she starts off well, Dia interrupts. Neil annoyed. She starts again, fumbles, Nups interrupts, Neil even more annoyed. She fumbles again, he gives a five minutes break.
Nups upset about Neil's treatment of her, that she was just trying to help Gunjan ... or was she releasing her inner actress?
Samrat sends Dia off.
Nissar Khan, hero of film enters. Wants to go for take, Neil says, rehearse first, Gunjan's first day. Neil asks Gunjan if she's ready, Gunjan is distracted by Samrat, Neil notices, so does Samrat. Samrat gives her thumbs up and leaves.
Mayur scene - Nups hopping mad that Neil, kal ka chokra, was far inferior to her in Morena, how dare he behave like that with her. Mayank shuts her up, tells her Neil is as focussed as he once used to be. Goes back into introspection as to what his goals were, Nups says we have love, he says, love isn't everything and goes off.
Precap - Gunjan gives her shot - sometimes love stories don't have a happy ending.
Samrat - it seems Chashmish is going away from me.
Nups - something about Gunjan living her dreams
Mayank - what about my dreams.
Gunjan - is it necessary that love always wins?
Sajan - Purple Rose
Sajan - Gunjan nervous, Samrat first tells her she has to face the challenge, then gives her a purple rose. She remembers the first rose he gave her for the talent parade. They hug. Tells her to promise that she will do her best, Gunjan puts her hand in his. Neil comes, Gunjan leaves Samrat, goes with Neil, hand now in his. Neil puts the purple rose aside - says she needs her talent, not any good luck charm. Sam very upset, rose falls, he tries to get it back.
Gunjan's shot - she starts off well, Dia interrupts. Neil annoyed. She starts again, fumbles, Nups interrupts, Neil even more annoyed. She fumbles again, he gives a five minutes break.
Nups upset about Neil's treatment of her, that she was just trying to help Gunjan ... or was she releasing her inner actress?
Samrat sends Dia off.
Nissar Khan, hero of film enters. Wants to go for take, Neil says, rehearse first, Gunjan's first day. Neil asks Gunjan if she's ready, Gunjan is distracted by Samrat, Neil notices, so does Samrat. Samrat gives her thumbs up and leaves.
Mayur scene - Nups hopping mad that Neil, kal ka chokra, was far inferior to her in Morena, how dare he behave like that with her. Mayank shuts her up, tells her Neil is as focussed as he once used to be. Goes back into introspection as to what his goals were, Nups says we have love, he says, love isn't everything and goes off.
Precap - Gunjan gives her shot - sometimes love stories don't have a happy ending.
Samrat - it seems Chashmish is going away from me.
Nups - something about Gunjan living her dreams
Mayank - what about my dreams.
Gunjan - is it necessary that love always wins?
Sajan - Purple Rose
Friday, April 23, 2010
23rd April episode
Neil waiting for Gunjan.
Sam, Benji and Uday waiting for Gunjan
Dia and Nups getting Gunjan ready.
Gang - Gunjan nervous - how do I look? They all tease her a bit, then leave her and Sam alone. he asks her, nervous? she nods, he says, I know how to cure that, and takes her in his arms. What a hug. It's a hug for both of them, a reassurance to themselves and to each other, it's a need to cling together because they know that distances will be coming up, and it's peace, it's home, it's where they both belong and that is something they can carry with them when things are darkest.
Gang comes in again, they all leave. Nups left behind, rueing the loss of her dreams. Mayank sympathises. Some MN scenes, where they talk about their life, their future ... did the Cv's listen??? ROFL!!!!
Last SG scene was utterly beautiful ...Samrat tries to reassure her again with his teasing, his jokes that she will forget him, then when she hits him - that's in my kismet now ...
then she has to go ...
and he holds her hand as she leaves, and says ... aise hi chali jaogi na, Chashmish? The fears they both shared during the audition coming to the surface in him for once - he's been hiding them for her, but they're there, will she also leave him and go like his parents, his sister...
And she knows, of course she knows ... and she comes back ... nahi, kabhi nahi ...
They hold hands and just look at each other ... just look ... love, longing, fear, anticipation, nervousness ... even a mad desire to run back into her safety zone and say no, I don't want to do this after all, I just want you, and us ...
But she's Gunjan ... she can do it and he knows it, so he tells her - you go, I'll be coming. And she leaves ...
Neil waiting for Gunjan.
Sam, Benji and Uday waiting for Gunjan
Dia and Nups getting Gunjan ready.
Gang - Gunjan nervous - how do I look? They all tease her a bit, then leave her and Sam alone. he asks her, nervous? she nods, he says, I know how to cure that, and takes her in his arms. What a hug. It's a hug for both of them, a reassurance to themselves and to each other, it's a need to cling together because they know that distances will be coming up, and it's peace, it's home, it's where they both belong and that is something they can carry with them when things are darkest.
Gang comes in again, they all leave. Nups left behind, rueing the loss of her dreams. Mayank sympathises. Some MN scenes, where they talk about their life, their future ... did the Cv's listen??? ROFL!!!!
Last SG scene was utterly beautiful ...Samrat tries to reassure her again with his teasing, his jokes that she will forget him, then when she hits him - that's in my kismet now ...
then she has to go ...
and he holds her hand as she leaves, and says ... aise hi chali jaogi na, Chashmish? The fears they both shared during the audition coming to the surface in him for once - he's been hiding them for her, but they're there, will she also leave him and go like his parents, his sister...
And she knows, of course she knows ... and she comes back ... nahi, kabhi nahi ...
They hold hands and just look at each other ... just look ... love, longing, fear, anticipation, nervousness ... even a mad desire to run back into her safety zone and say no, I don't want to do this after all, I just want you, and us ...
But she's Gunjan ... she can do it and he knows it, so he tells her - you go, I'll be coming. And she leaves ...
22nd April episode
Gunjan goes to tell Nupur she got the role. Nupur is very happy for her, but Gunjan says she will not do it. Nupur wants her to do it, to live her dreams for her, but Gunjan says she is not a doll to do what everyone else wants, to live others' dreams.
Neil meets the gang and asks them to persuade Gunjan. They point to Samrat, saying that he persuaded Gunjan to sing on stage, he alone can persuade her. Samrat says Gunjan will do what she wants, and nobody can persuade her to do anything she doesn't want to do.
Neil asks Sam to persuade Gunjan
Samrat Gunjan - Gunjan comes back to college, Sam talks to her. She tells him, don't try to convince me, he says, I won't. Beautiful SG conversation ... SG kiss and hug.
Gunjan goes to tell Nupur she got the role. Nupur is very happy for her, but Gunjan says she will not do it. Nupur wants her to do it, to live her dreams for her, but Gunjan says she is not a doll to do what everyone else wants, to live others' dreams.
Neil meets the gang and asks them to persuade Gunjan. They point to Samrat, saying that he persuaded Gunjan to sing on stage, he alone can persuade her. Samrat says Gunjan will do what she wants, and nobody can persuade her to do anything she doesn't want to do.
Neil asks Sam to persuade Gunjan
Samrat Gunjan - Gunjan comes back to college, Sam talks to her. She tells him, don't try to convince me, he says, I won't. Beautiful SG conversation ... SG kiss and hug.
Auditions and unknown fears
21st April episode
Almost the whole episode was about the SG audition, starting with SG in their romantic scene mode, then Neil breaking it and telling them to do a break up scene instead.
Gunjan says no, she doesn't want to do that even in mock, Samrat convinces her to go ahead for Nupur's sake, Nupur is late - she's home with fever, but they don't know that, they're killing time waiting for her to come.
so a reluctant Gunjan goes ahead ... and loses herself in the part ... her own fears coming to the forefront and helping her express the pain she would feel if ever this happened between them. And Samrat is no less carried away - he starts with Gunjan, but moves into 'Chashmish' very soon - and the tears in his eyes at the thought of parting are no less real.
When they finish, she's sobbing for real ... Everyone claps, Neil announces that he's found his heroine, Samrat grins in delight and claps too ... and sees Gunjan's face, her sobs ...
and forgetting everything and everyone else, he goes to her, holds her face in his hands and tells her - this is never going to happen, I will be with you always ...
as long as I'm alive, nothing can part us.
And when they're still lost in each other, Neil comes in - and Gunjan says no. The pain she felt even at the thought of parting from Sam isn't worth going through with this. Neil persists, but she leaves.
Almost the whole episode was about the SG audition, starting with SG in their romantic scene mode, then Neil breaking it and telling them to do a break up scene instead.
Gunjan says no, she doesn't want to do that even in mock, Samrat convinces her to go ahead for Nupur's sake, Nupur is late - she's home with fever, but they don't know that, they're killing time waiting for her to come.
so a reluctant Gunjan goes ahead ... and loses herself in the part ... her own fears coming to the forefront and helping her express the pain she would feel if ever this happened between them. And Samrat is no less carried away - he starts with Gunjan, but moves into 'Chashmish' very soon - and the tears in his eyes at the thought of parting are no less real.
When they finish, she's sobbing for real ... Everyone claps, Neil announces that he's found his heroine, Samrat grins in delight and claps too ... and sees Gunjan's face, her sobs ...
and forgetting everything and everyone else, he goes to her, holds her face in his hands and tells her - this is never going to happen, I will be with you always ...
as long as I'm alive, nothing can part us.
And when they're still lost in each other, Neil comes in - and Gunjan says no. The pain she felt even at the thought of parting from Sam isn't worth going through with this. Neil persists, but she leaves.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Neilan and Sajan
20th April
Neilan - Neil convinces Gunjan for the audition. Mentions that he has dropped his specs - so he was a Chashmish back in Morena too. Also mentions that Gunjan hasn't changd at all - always thinks about others and never herself :) Audition is tomorrow.
Gang in canteen - Nups in full flow, Dia decides to audition too, then backs out. No one talks about Gunjan auditioning - taken for granted that Nupur will get the role.
1st two scenes
Random scene of MN, BD at MN's house, practicing for auditions. MN overdose today :(
Paani puri - Sajan *dreamy look* Best friends? lovers? both?
Samrat does ask why Gunjan agreed for the audition, she did it for Di. And why is he doing it - for her, of course. Loved the gentle teasing and masti - between two lovers who are also each others' best friends, who know each other inside out, who adore each other and know it. He starts coughing and she laughs at him - jhooth bola, issliye atak gaya gale mein! Just admit you're doing this for me :) So he does - and doesn't choke - and they both laugh!
Sajan and chaand - unbeatable trio. Make promises of lifelong 'saath' ... get ready for a heckuva emotional track.Hope Neil stays positive, then it will be amazing to see Sam fight his demons, and Gunjan fight to keep him from giving up, because he is not as strong as she is, he'll go to pieces if she's not with him.
Sajan and chaand
Last part - Nups falls sick, misses audition - for today, at least. Gunjan and Samrat start audition - a break up scene (precap)
precap - SG breakup audition
Neilan - Neil convinces Gunjan for the audition. Mentions that he has dropped his specs - so he was a Chashmish back in Morena too. Also mentions that Gunjan hasn't changd at all - always thinks about others and never herself :) Audition is tomorrow.
Gang in canteen - Nups in full flow, Dia decides to audition too, then backs out. No one talks about Gunjan auditioning - taken for granted that Nupur will get the role.
1st two scenes
Random scene of MN, BD at MN's house, practicing for auditions. MN overdose today :(
Paani puri - Sajan *dreamy look* Best friends? lovers? both?
Samrat does ask why Gunjan agreed for the audition, she did it for Di. And why is he doing it - for her, of course. Loved the gentle teasing and masti - between two lovers who are also each others' best friends, who know each other inside out, who adore each other and know it. He starts coughing and she laughs at him - jhooth bola, issliye atak gaya gale mein! Just admit you're doing this for me :) So he does - and doesn't choke - and they both laugh!
Sajan and chaand - unbeatable trio. Make promises of lifelong 'saath' ... get ready for a heckuva emotional track.Hope Neil stays positive, then it will be amazing to see Sam fight his demons, and Gunjan fight to keep him from giving up, because he is not as strong as she is, he'll go to pieces if she's not with him.
Sajan and chaand
Last part - Nups falls sick, misses audition - for today, at least. Gunjan and Samrat start audition - a break up scene (precap)
precap - SG breakup audition
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Start of a new track - Neil-Gunji-Sam
19th April episode
Started from the Friday scene when Gunji finds out about auditions in Excel, and the entry of Neil Oberoi ... good start, including the part where Neil could sense Gunjan near him. Neil is going to be tough competition for Samrat - good looking, successful intelligent, mature and helluva cool dude - Gunji really gets the best ones!
Monday - Gunji muttering away to herself in annoyance - cute!!! Bumps into principal who tells her to audition ... oneliner about Nups acting :)))
Gunji goes to the auditions - tries to call Samrat, he doesn't listen to her ... oh boy, am going to enjoy his come-uppance!
Gunji tries again - takes a pic of the auditions ... again Neil senses her presence, but she leaves ... finally gang listens - not to her, but to random guy who calls Sam ... gang rushes with Gunji but it's too late ...
Neil has lost patience - the whole day he has waited for her to show up, but she hasn't come ... oh yes, he's done this all for Gunjan, to find her again ... and now what should he do ... about the film, because it's her story, "their story" ... hmmm ... this guy is going to be tough competition!!! He is definitely in love with Gunjan.
Last scene - auditions pack up ... gang remorseful, but it's too late, Neil leaves, and Gunjan rushes after him, determined to get her Di that one chance.
And Neil finally sees her, the girl he's been waiting for ... and he tells her who he is immediately - one doubt cleared ... and she remembers him all right ... he was Chamku, so probably he was as shy and reserved as she was, and she befriended him - enough to make him all lovelorn and determined to find her when he's proved himself worthy of her. Which he has.
precap - Sam insecure - don't ever leave me, Chashmish. (Well then, don't take her for granted, dude, or you might find you're not the only fish in the sea). She says she will never leave him. I think we're going to get some pretty decent Sajan scenes out of this track - added to which, they're shooting for ZND so will have many solo scenes, minus gang.
Naveen's edited scenes from last few episodes:
Sajan nokjhok over Adi-Su 12April
Chand ki zindagi mein amavas
Neil's entry 16 April
Sajan vishwas 19 April
Gunjan Neil's first meeting 19 April
Started from the Friday scene when Gunji finds out about auditions in Excel, and the entry of Neil Oberoi ... good start, including the part where Neil could sense Gunjan near him. Neil is going to be tough competition for Samrat - good looking, successful intelligent, mature and helluva cool dude - Gunji really gets the best ones!
Monday - Gunji muttering away to herself in annoyance - cute!!! Bumps into principal who tells her to audition ... oneliner about Nups acting :)))
Gunji goes to the auditions - tries to call Samrat, he doesn't listen to her ... oh boy, am going to enjoy his come-uppance!
Gunji tries again - takes a pic of the auditions ... again Neil senses her presence, but she leaves ... finally gang listens - not to her, but to random guy who calls Sam ... gang rushes with Gunji but it's too late ...
Neil has lost patience - the whole day he has waited for her to show up, but she hasn't come ... oh yes, he's done this all for Gunjan, to find her again ... and now what should he do ... about the film, because it's her story, "their story" ... hmmm ... this guy is going to be tough competition!!! He is definitely in love with Gunjan.
Last scene - auditions pack up ... gang remorseful, but it's too late, Neil leaves, and Gunjan rushes after him, determined to get her Di that one chance.
And Neil finally sees her, the girl he's been waiting for ... and he tells her who he is immediately - one doubt cleared ... and she remembers him all right ... he was Chamku, so probably he was as shy and reserved as she was, and she befriended him - enough to make him all lovelorn and determined to find her when he's proved himself worthy of her. Which he has.
precap - Sam insecure - don't ever leave me, Chashmish. (Well then, don't take her for granted, dude, or you might find you're not the only fish in the sea). She says she will never leave him. I think we're going to get some pretty decent Sajan scenes out of this track - added to which, they're shooting for ZND so will have many solo scenes, minus gang.
Naveen's edited scenes from last few episodes:
Sajan nokjhok over Adi-Su 12April
Chand ki zindagi mein amavas
Neil's entry 16 April
Sajan vishwas 19 April
Gunjan Neil's first meeting 19 April
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hey Shona
9th April - only Sajan
Title song - Gunjan gets into Samrat's car - Samrat shows off his new sound system? He starts talking ... and talking .. Gunji listening, a smile on her face ... back to normal, back to friends, to lovers, to soulmates, two people just happy to be with each other again ... then she gestures 'let's go' ... and they drive off, still talking. Sajan and their conversations ... *sigh*
And obviously as they talk, 'sorry for not trusting you' comes up ... it HAD to! Because there is no ego between them, no holds barred - after the tension of the baby track, they need to clear everything out, so that everything is back to normal between them again. So Gunji says sorry, and Samrat says - why are you saying you didn't trust me? If you hadn't trusted me, you would never have said what you did in front of everyone - without knowing the truth, still thinking that I might be the father, you still supported me, said you would be with me ... isn't that trust? And that's all I needed. Because whenever I've been in trouble, your being by my side has helped me out.
And he means it. His loneliness is a thing of the past because she is with him always. The core of vunerability he kept so well hidden is now shielded by her unconditional, unchanging love ... a love even he, with all his insecurities about being lonely and unloved, can now believe in.
And Gunji blushes ... you give me too much credit. Does she even know how much her love means to him? She can guess, from what Suhani told her, but maybe even she doesn't know it all - because he still hasn't bared his entire story to her. And when he does, their love story will finally be complete.
So Samrat, recovering from his sentimental mood, goes back into normal flirty self - I give you bhav, but you don't give me any at all. At least say that you love me.
And what if I show you?
And Samrat stares at her. Does she mean it? After their date, she had said that she wasn't ready for more ... and he had agreed, because even he had been taken aback by how much he loved her, wanted her, desired her ... they had both been on the verge of losing control so he had understood why she wanted to back off. But now ... after everything that has happened - the shooting, her paralysis and recovery, when he laid his own life on the line to push her to recover, the whole baby track with lies and mistruths and the re-establishing of trust deeper than ever before - is she now saying that she trusts him with everything?
And then she leans forward and kisses him ... shyly, hesitantly ... and then blushes again, not even able to meet his eyes ... a kiss that for once he hadn't asked for, a kiss given because SHE wanted to ... and a barrier somewhere comes tumbling down ... a loosening of inhibitions, a giving in to pure love, to the longing to be together, to strengthen a bond that is already impossible to break.
And yes ... a 'yes' to the earlier question ... she IS ready for more ... she loves him, and isn't afraid of anything any more ... their love is everything and all she needs, as much as it's all that he needs. And they both know what that kiss means ... which is why she runs out of the car to hide her blushes ... and he looks as though he just died and went straight to heaven ...
So he asks her to dance with him ... any excuse to hold her in his arms ... even in public, in full view of everyone, because they have nothing to hide, they love each other and are completely secure in that love - both of them ...
And he loves challenging her, pushing her, getting rid of her inhibitions, her fears, he's the only one who doesn't see timid, shy Gunjan, he sees only his Chashmish, his strength, his support, his love, the girl with the soft exterior and the solid steel interior ... the girl he adores.
Is this their first dance after the time with Sheena? The time he called her his soulmate ... when he knew what she meant to him, but still hadn't put the right name to it?
Hey Shona
You know what you mean to me ... you know I'm crazy about you and only you ... ever since you've come into my life, ever since I started loving you, I'm floating on air, life is wonderful life is happy, life is complete ... because you're there with me ...
You know what you mean to me ... you know what's in my heart ... even though I don't say it so often, but let me say it today ... let me tell you how much you mean to me. You're my everything, you're my present and my future, you're my life itself ...
Even when you get angry, it seems like your love ... she never gets angry with anyone, and that she can show her annoyance to him over his unconscious flirting, shows her possessiveness, that he's hers and they know it ... that she's ready to show how much she loves him, to admit to her jealousy, to pout, to sulk, knowing full well what it will lead to ... to him running after her to manao her ... a manaoing they both look forward to because it shows that they belong to each other.
Whatever I do, you take it as my love ... for a girl who hides her deepest feelings, who rarely shows them, who is as calm and peaceful as a still lake, for her to shed her inhibitions and show her feelings so openly is in itself a declaration of how much she loves him, adores him, belongs to him ... and he to her.
So stop this unnecessary show of anger, this fake fight ... just come close to me ... and whisper sweet words of love ... for that's all we need, all we want ... just each other ... when we're together, we're complete, life is complete, and that's all we need.
and he grabs her and holds her tight, pulling her to him when she tries to resist, to keep up her fake anger ... but of course she can't for long when he's holding her close, smiling at her, loving her ... and she melts right into his arms ... where she belongs ...
Title song - Gunjan gets into Samrat's car - Samrat shows off his new sound system? He starts talking ... and talking .. Gunji listening, a smile on her face ... back to normal, back to friends, to lovers, to soulmates, two people just happy to be with each other again ... then she gestures 'let's go' ... and they drive off, still talking. Sajan and their conversations ... *sigh*
And obviously as they talk, 'sorry for not trusting you' comes up ... it HAD to! Because there is no ego between them, no holds barred - after the tension of the baby track, they need to clear everything out, so that everything is back to normal between them again. So Gunji says sorry, and Samrat says - why are you saying you didn't trust me? If you hadn't trusted me, you would never have said what you did in front of everyone - without knowing the truth, still thinking that I might be the father, you still supported me, said you would be with me ... isn't that trust? And that's all I needed. Because whenever I've been in trouble, your being by my side has helped me out.
And he means it. His loneliness is a thing of the past because she is with him always. The core of vunerability he kept so well hidden is now shielded by her unconditional, unchanging love ... a love even he, with all his insecurities about being lonely and unloved, can now believe in.
And Gunji blushes ... you give me too much credit. Does she even know how much her love means to him? She can guess, from what Suhani told her, but maybe even she doesn't know it all - because he still hasn't bared his entire story to her. And when he does, their love story will finally be complete.
So Samrat, recovering from his sentimental mood, goes back into normal flirty self - I give you bhav, but you don't give me any at all. At least say that you love me.
And what if I show you?
And Samrat stares at her. Does she mean it? After their date, she had said that she wasn't ready for more ... and he had agreed, because even he had been taken aback by how much he loved her, wanted her, desired her ... they had both been on the verge of losing control so he had understood why she wanted to back off. But now ... after everything that has happened - the shooting, her paralysis and recovery, when he laid his own life on the line to push her to recover, the whole baby track with lies and mistruths and the re-establishing of trust deeper than ever before - is she now saying that she trusts him with everything?
And then she leans forward and kisses him ... shyly, hesitantly ... and then blushes again, not even able to meet his eyes ... a kiss that for once he hadn't asked for, a kiss given because SHE wanted to ... and a barrier somewhere comes tumbling down ... a loosening of inhibitions, a giving in to pure love, to the longing to be together, to strengthen a bond that is already impossible to break.
And yes ... a 'yes' to the earlier question ... she IS ready for more ... she loves him, and isn't afraid of anything any more ... their love is everything and all she needs, as much as it's all that he needs. And they both know what that kiss means ... which is why she runs out of the car to hide her blushes ... and he looks as though he just died and went straight to heaven ...
So he asks her to dance with him ... any excuse to hold her in his arms ... even in public, in full view of everyone, because they have nothing to hide, they love each other and are completely secure in that love - both of them ...
And he loves challenging her, pushing her, getting rid of her inhibitions, her fears, he's the only one who doesn't see timid, shy Gunjan, he sees only his Chashmish, his strength, his support, his love, the girl with the soft exterior and the solid steel interior ... the girl he adores.
Is this their first dance after the time with Sheena? The time he called her his soulmate ... when he knew what she meant to him, but still hadn't put the right name to it?
Hey Shona
You know what you mean to me ... you know I'm crazy about you and only you ... ever since you've come into my life, ever since I started loving you, I'm floating on air, life is wonderful life is happy, life is complete ... because you're there with me ...
You know what you mean to me ... you know what's in my heart ... even though I don't say it so often, but let me say it today ... let me tell you how much you mean to me. You're my everything, you're my present and my future, you're my life itself ...
Even when you get angry, it seems like your love ... she never gets angry with anyone, and that she can show her annoyance to him over his unconscious flirting, shows her possessiveness, that he's hers and they know it ... that she's ready to show how much she loves him, to admit to her jealousy, to pout, to sulk, knowing full well what it will lead to ... to him running after her to manao her ... a manaoing they both look forward to because it shows that they belong to each other.
Whatever I do, you take it as my love ... for a girl who hides her deepest feelings, who rarely shows them, who is as calm and peaceful as a still lake, for her to shed her inhibitions and show her feelings so openly is in itself a declaration of how much she loves him, adores him, belongs to him ... and he to her.
So stop this unnecessary show of anger, this fake fight ... just come close to me ... and whisper sweet words of love ... for that's all we need, all we want ... just each other ... when we're together, we're complete, life is complete, and that's all we need.
and he grabs her and holds her tight, pulling her to him when she tries to resist, to keep up her fake anger ... but of course she can't for long when he's holding her close, smiling at her, loving her ... and she melts right into his arms ... where she belongs ...
New start
12th April
New track starting ... Adhani exit and new guy for Sajan.
first half was MN ... N trying to seduce M again ... but in funny way ... Nups cannot be 'HOT' she should stop trying!
then A calls M so he goes to college ... Adhi crying coz Su is leaving ... Adhi very comical ... asks for help from guys ... no can do ... M says he can't handle his own wife, what advice can he give LOL ... am beginning to like sarky M!!! Sam as usual has a plan
Gilrs scene - N and D tell Su to break up, G tells her to work things long distance
Adhi comes and tells Su to break up ... Su cries buckets LOL
N scolds M ...
G scolds Sam ... DAMN cute scene ... the only one really worth watching LOL
Guys meet again - all was Sam's plan - A to surprise Su at airport and go with her to London
Now let's see how the new track goes ... at least it might be a track with a storyline :)
New track starting ... Adhani exit and new guy for Sajan.
first half was MN ... N trying to seduce M again ... but in funny way ... Nups cannot be 'HOT' she should stop trying!
then A calls M so he goes to college ... Adhi crying coz Su is leaving ... Adhi very comical ... asks for help from guys ... no can do ... M says he can't handle his own wife, what advice can he give LOL ... am beginning to like sarky M!!! Sam as usual has a plan
Gilrs scene - N and D tell Su to break up, G tells her to work things long distance
Adhi comes and tells Su to break up ... Su cries buckets LOL
N scolds M ...
G scolds Sam ... DAMN cute scene ... the only one really worth watching LOL
Guys meet again - all was Sam's plan - A to surprise Su at airport and go with her to London
Now let's see how the new track goes ... at least it might be a track with a storyline :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Baby track ended with Hey Shona
Links to main Sajan scenes in baby track. Although the track itself was quite stupid, it ended with a bang for SG fans, with SG trust, understanding and love deepening even further and the icing on the cake - a solo song on Hey Shona - which Sajan performed as though the song was written for them.
Naveen's links
benefit of the doubt - Samrat tries to woo Gunjan back, she agrees to give him the benefit of doubt, but not talk to him till the other girls agree.
Gunjan asks Sam out - lovely scene where Gunjan and Sam are missing each other terribly, waiting for this whole mess to get over so they can be together again, Gun knows about Sam's meeting with Tanya so she asks him to meet her instead, hoping he will not meet Tanya and confirm her worst fears, but Sam is committed and is unable to agree.
Precious memories - Samrat and Gunjan's flashbacks about their love story
Gunjan blasts Sam - after the whole Tanya seduction scene, Gun knows it was a set up - she blasts Sam for agreeing to it even though he isn't the baby's father. Angry not because she belived he was really upto something with Tanya, but because he agreed to take part in the playacting.
Gun blasts Sam for lying to her on phone - another superb SG scene where Gun blasts Sam for lying to her, he tries to explain, she doesn't listen, instead ticks him off for lying to her in the first place about the baby. Best line - I know about all your girlfriends, if i got to know about one more, what difference did it make? - meaning - I know you, faults and all, your past and all, it didn't make a difference to me then, it doesn't now.
library scene - Sam's not bothered about the competition, winning, losing - all he wants is Gunjan to forgive him, to believe in him, to trust him again.
responsible Sam and Gunji's support - ending of baby track with a bang!
Hey Shona icing on the cake SG song, love, trust, understanding in equal and mindblowing measure
Naveen's links
benefit of the doubt - Samrat tries to woo Gunjan back, she agrees to give him the benefit of doubt, but not talk to him till the other girls agree.
Gunjan asks Sam out - lovely scene where Gunjan and Sam are missing each other terribly, waiting for this whole mess to get over so they can be together again, Gun knows about Sam's meeting with Tanya so she asks him to meet her instead, hoping he will not meet Tanya and confirm her worst fears, but Sam is committed and is unable to agree.
Precious memories - Samrat and Gunjan's flashbacks about their love story
Gunjan blasts Sam - after the whole Tanya seduction scene, Gun knows it was a set up - she blasts Sam for agreeing to it even though he isn't the baby's father. Angry not because she belived he was really upto something with Tanya, but because he agreed to take part in the playacting.
Gun blasts Sam for lying to her on phone - another superb SG scene where Gun blasts Sam for lying to her, he tries to explain, she doesn't listen, instead ticks him off for lying to her in the first place about the baby. Best line - I know about all your girlfriends, if i got to know about one more, what difference did it make? - meaning - I know you, faults and all, your past and all, it didn't make a difference to me then, it doesn't now.
library scene - Sam's not bothered about the competition, winning, losing - all he wants is Gunjan to forgive him, to believe in him, to trust him again.
responsible Sam and Gunji's support - ending of baby track with a bang!
Hey Shona icing on the cake SG song, love, trust, understanding in equal and mindblowing measure
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Beginning of the end?
1st April
Thought the baby track would finish but apparently not yet :(
My thoughts - Sam Tanya Gunjan scene - although I hated poor Gunjan having to watch all that, I think - and hope - that Samrat, obviously having kept his wits, is going to ask Tanya questions which eventually which make Gunjan realise (after a couple of questions when she will say that dialogue about samrat and her ki dooriyan being because of Tanya) what exactly Samrat is trying to do. And that should solve their issues, as shown by the precap that they are standing next to each other.
MN scene was blech ... I really didn't understand the point at all. Unless it was to kill time while Sam and Tanya got on with their scene, and Mayank didn't realise that "Anita" was missing. Though it seemed totally unbelievable - he doesn't recognise his wife? And Nups acting and voice was double blech today ... don't understand at all what Nups the character is up to ... doubt that the writers do either.
Thought the baby track would finish but apparently not yet :(
My thoughts - Sam Tanya Gunjan scene - although I hated poor Gunjan having to watch all that, I think - and hope - that Samrat, obviously having kept his wits, is going to ask Tanya questions which eventually which make Gunjan realise (after a couple of questions when she will say that dialogue about samrat and her ki dooriyan being because of Tanya) what exactly Samrat is trying to do. And that should solve their issues, as shown by the precap that they are standing next to each other.
MN scene was blech ... I really didn't understand the point at all. Unless it was to kill time while Sam and Tanya got on with their scene, and Mayank didn't realise that "Anita" was missing. Though it seemed totally unbelievable - he doesn't recognise his wife? And Nups acting and voice was double blech today ... don't understand at all what Nups the character is up to ... doubt that the writers do either.
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