28th December (from updates)
Adhiraj painting the wall – why exactly? Tear the pictures, burn them, stamp on them – but paint them???
Nupur with Bauji – Ekta style. Bui – more Ekta style.
Then Mayank has to ruin it all by climbing the wall and then the ladder, and Nupur adds to it by coming down the ladder and hugging him. Learn from Samrat, Mayank – that’s why he’s the love guru – never make clandestine entries when elders are in the house. Samrat’s been climbing ladders for a year – did he ever get caught???!! Kuch seekho! And Nups – did Gunjan ever climb down that ladder? Tum bhi kuch seekho – ladder love is not that easy that all can do it!
29th December
Nupur on balcony, Mayank leaving – made me laugh! Her crying was sooo Ekta-ish! Hand half held out … ouch! Now I know why MN have been indulging in so much PDA – to show the youth PDA is baaad … verrry baad. I feel no sympathy for Nupur – height of idiocy, you know your father is in the house and you climb over the balcony to hug Mayank? Where are your brains???? Gunjan never climbed over the balcony even when there were no adults in the house and look at you! Stupid doesn’t begin to describe you!
As for Mayank – who wrote his dialogues? Guaranteed to tick off any remotely reasonable dad, which Bauji definitely is … it doesn’t matter even if Bauji comes or anyone else, I’ll fight them all for you?! Seriously, he’s become more filmy than Nupur!!! It’s as though there’s a compare contrast between SG and MN – SG have changed each other for the better and MN have changed for the worse, especially Mayank – Nupur has stayed as filmy or more than what she was and Mayank’s character has gone to the dogs! Who says Nupur has improved – I don’t see any improvement, at least none that the cv’s have shown – she’s become more demanding, more filmy, more shrewish, and Mayank has become her lapdog … his dialogues were the PITS today! Even when Nupur told him that Bauji is here … I don’t know if this is intentional but Samrat and his behavior in Morena couldn’t have been a bigger contrast – if ever bauji had any doubts about Samrat, just by sheer comparison, they would disappear in front of Mayank’s behavior. Which I am feeling an unholy joy about … now if only they would remember that SG are a part of this show! Otherwise I will just write the scene!!!!
Umm … people have been talking about Arti’s acting in the episode … again, ROFL!!! Acting would be if they could have made me feel an iota of sympathy for them in the idiotic scene … all I could feel was – it serves you right for acting the way you have! Now if it had been SG and their acting, I would probably been in tears! Thanks god SG haven’t had such character destruction! I’d rather not see them than see something like this!!!
Logically, hope for the SG track not deteriorating into saas bahu melodrama …
Samrat didn't enter the house under a false name ... no deceit as far as bauji is concerned.
When he was told to leave, he left immediately ... did not try to instigate gunjan to defy her family and leave with him (true, he didn't have the threat of adharaj hanging over his head but big bad bui was very much there)
In front of bauji, he told gunjan, whatever parents do is for our good so we have to accept their decision (MAJOR brownie points for that one)
the fact that bauji handed over responsibility of gunjan and nupur to him means that bauji does already trust him and feel favourably towards him
most importantly ...
he has never (till date) been fool enough to climb ladders when elders have been in the house (except for invisible chachaji's with unknown whereabouts)
gunjan has never been fool enough to climb down ladders and hug him when she knew elders were in the house, even when there were no elders in the house ... an inhibition to PDA can be very useful in such situations!
30th december
Another skippable episode from the update :) All about Adh and his revenge plans. No need to watch. Oh no - after two Adh free days, he's back!!! In precap, Su was looking a bit like a goldfish at the start - improved later. Still don't understand the 'depth' of their love story though.
EDIT: watched - for the Sayank scene - again a good one. I like Sayank! Samrat's dialogue was touching - kehna aasan hai - he's not finding it easy to forget gunjan, try as he might :).
Rest of episode has deteriorated sooo rapidly into K-types that now I watch with same feelings as for Kserials - complete amusement, because it doesn't touch the heart the way MJHT used to earlier, and has lost all touch with any realism it ever had. And Adhiraj - really?! Wanting to marry nups for revenge? Su, ANOTHER lie? 'I don't know Adhiraj' - wonder what would have happened if she had said yes, I know him, this man made promises of love to me and now he is betraying me ... sob, sob ... would have been interesting to see Bui's face ... Adhiraj would have looked even more like a goldfish than he normally does. And Nups dropping the tea-tray ... ROFL!!! Now SHE should say - yes, bauji, i agree, whatever elders say is for our good, we'll get married whenever you like - and shoot dagger looks at adhiraj all the way - let's see you get out of that one!
Oh and can she please tell him - you want to marry me? Sure - just hope you don't regret it later! Should make him run for his life!
But they never make heroines strong ... so forget it! All that's gonna happen is that Nups and Su are going to cry more buckets wailing for their lost loves, Sam is going to try coming up with another grand 'plan' based on more lies ... why oh why, can't nupur say - I agree to marry adhiraj, even though both he and I know that both he and I love other people. Again, Bui's face would be worth watching!
Hehe ... could write at least three different scenarios for this ... maybe I will, if I have time!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Only scenes worth mentioning in the week
24th December
Only scene somewhat worth watching – the Samrat Suhani scene- started off with Adhiraj turning down Su then Samrat sambhalos her, and I thought, hey, he’s forgiven her and decided to turn it off in disgust – but wait, a SamSu scene which was good, awkward, broken silences, and Sam tells her she can stay with him. Again good scene when they get back to his house, awkward, memories of childhood, then Su ruins it all by only thinking of Adhiraj :( Mohit was really good, and I felt no sympathy for Suhani with her obsession with Adhiraj – the lamest love story in MJHT these days, even lamer than MN with the saas bahu family drama track.
25th December
Highlight was that Sajan TALKED to each other! If only on the phone. Gunjan had been keeping herself strong for her sister, but hearing Samrat’s voice finally made her break down and as usual, she couldn’t keep anything from him. Told him the whole story. and Samrat couldn’t stop himself from consoling her, telling her he’ll make things all right. First phone call – Gunjan’s breakdown over the phone, second phone call, a plea for help for her sister and Samrat says he’ll do something, and she says thanks … silence … Samrat … kaho, Chashmish … kuch nahin. Bas, thanks. And a speaking silence. No wonder they have such few dialogues sometimes – they don’t need to talk. Their silences say so much. It’s as though their feelings are flowing through the telephone lines to touch each other. How can they stop talking to each other? They just can’t. And when they talk, their feelings spill out uninhibited – she needs him, his strength, his support – she’s being strong for her sister, but she needs him even more to support her through this. And he knows it the moment she speaks, knows this isn’t the time for his anger – that can come later, because there will always be a ‘later’ for them. There will never be a ‘the end’.
Wonder why Mayank is being so adamant about keeping Samrat Gunjan apart and making sure Samrat stays with Suhani. Is it the same reason that Gunjan has – if Samrat has Gunjan with him, he doesn’t need anyone else, so to make sure he accepts Suhani, make sure she is his only source of support, not Gunjan. The only thing is, for Gunjan to feel this is selfless, for Mayank to feel this is being interfering. SG put the MN bond first, did their best to get MN together, and here Mayank is coolly putting the SG bond on the line, creating distance between Sam and Gun, to ensure that Sam accepts Suhani. I know he promised Suhani that he would bridge the gap, but in this way? Somehow it doesn’t seem right. Even if he has as much faith in the SG bond to know that it will never break, but he is causing a rift, or helping to widen it, and that is not correct. Not for any bro-sis relationship. Putting one relationship on the line for another - that's not his business.
Also, everyone is being very holier than thou in getting bro sis together, but the problem is still the same – does Samrat have a valid reason for hating Suhani? No one has bothered to ask him this, and anyway, he doesn’t want to tell anyone. Sentimentality about brother-sister bond is all very well, but he might just have some justification on his side, some solid reason to hate his sister.
Then again – he might not – cv’s aren’t known for much depth in their storylines.
Bauji sees MN hugging. Uh oh, Nups and Mayank being very unwise here. See how useful an inhibition against PDA is? If it had been SG, they would have been standing sedately 2 feet apart – nothing for anybody to take any exception to. Besides which, Gunjan wouldn’t have climbed down the ladder in the first place! Will Bauji listen to Nupur? Or will he call on Samrat? And what effect will that have on Sajan?
Another thought – will Bauji insist MN get married immediately – and that put next set of strains on MN?
Only scene somewhat worth watching – the Samrat Suhani scene- started off with Adhiraj turning down Su then Samrat sambhalos her, and I thought, hey, he’s forgiven her and decided to turn it off in disgust – but wait, a SamSu scene which was good, awkward, broken silences, and Sam tells her she can stay with him. Again good scene when they get back to his house, awkward, memories of childhood, then Su ruins it all by only thinking of Adhiraj :( Mohit was really good, and I felt no sympathy for Suhani with her obsession with Adhiraj – the lamest love story in MJHT these days, even lamer than MN with the saas bahu family drama track.
25th December
Highlight was that Sajan TALKED to each other! If only on the phone. Gunjan had been keeping herself strong for her sister, but hearing Samrat’s voice finally made her break down and as usual, she couldn’t keep anything from him. Told him the whole story. and Samrat couldn’t stop himself from consoling her, telling her he’ll make things all right. First phone call – Gunjan’s breakdown over the phone, second phone call, a plea for help for her sister and Samrat says he’ll do something, and she says thanks … silence … Samrat … kaho, Chashmish … kuch nahin. Bas, thanks. And a speaking silence. No wonder they have such few dialogues sometimes – they don’t need to talk. Their silences say so much. It’s as though their feelings are flowing through the telephone lines to touch each other. How can they stop talking to each other? They just can’t. And when they talk, their feelings spill out uninhibited – she needs him, his strength, his support – she’s being strong for her sister, but she needs him even more to support her through this. And he knows it the moment she speaks, knows this isn’t the time for his anger – that can come later, because there will always be a ‘later’ for them. There will never be a ‘the end’.
Wonder why Mayank is being so adamant about keeping Samrat Gunjan apart and making sure Samrat stays with Suhani. Is it the same reason that Gunjan has – if Samrat has Gunjan with him, he doesn’t need anyone else, so to make sure he accepts Suhani, make sure she is his only source of support, not Gunjan. The only thing is, for Gunjan to feel this is selfless, for Mayank to feel this is being interfering. SG put the MN bond first, did their best to get MN together, and here Mayank is coolly putting the SG bond on the line, creating distance between Sam and Gun, to ensure that Sam accepts Suhani. I know he promised Suhani that he would bridge the gap, but in this way? Somehow it doesn’t seem right. Even if he has as much faith in the SG bond to know that it will never break, but he is causing a rift, or helping to widen it, and that is not correct. Not for any bro-sis relationship. Putting one relationship on the line for another - that's not his business.
Also, everyone is being very holier than thou in getting bro sis together, but the problem is still the same – does Samrat have a valid reason for hating Suhani? No one has bothered to ask him this, and anyway, he doesn’t want to tell anyone. Sentimentality about brother-sister bond is all very well, but he might just have some justification on his side, some solid reason to hate his sister.
Then again – he might not – cv’s aren’t known for much depth in their storylines.
Bauji sees MN hugging. Uh oh, Nups and Mayank being very unwise here. See how useful an inhibition against PDA is? If it had been SG, they would have been standing sedately 2 feet apart – nothing for anybody to take any exception to. Besides which, Gunjan wouldn’t have climbed down the ladder in the first place! Will Bauji listen to Nupur? Or will he call on Samrat? And what effect will that have on Sajan?
Another thought – will Bauji insist MN get married immediately – and that put next set of strains on MN?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Samrat Gunjan - edited
Suhani came out after a long time, her eyes red. She looked at Gunjan hopelessly and without a word, she left, walking out through the door sadly.
Gunjan waited, her face tense, her fingers twisting with each other.
Samrat came out of his room slowly, his face blank. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Without looking at her, he came and sat down next to her, not touching her.
For a long while there was silence.
"Voh yahan kyun aayi," he said suddenly into the silence. Gunjan kept quiet. He still didn't look at her.
"Bolo?" he said, his tone aggressive. "Itne saal baad use meri yaad suddenly kyun aayi? Usne tumhe kuch reason bataya? Ya tumne poocha nahin? Uski sob story par yakin kar liya?"
"Samrat," she said softly. "Ek baar usko ek mauka to dekar dekho. Voh bhi bachi thi, tum bhi bache the. Itne saal baad bh itna gussa? Voh tumhari behen hai, Samrat."
"Mujhe nahin chahiye koi behen," he said. "Main akela theek hun. Bahut mushkil se apna bachpan peeche chhod diya hai. Ab use yaad nahin karna mujhe. Use bol do voh yahan se chali jaye."
"Samrat …" began Gunjan softly, hesitantly. He turned to look at her, a tortured look on his face.
"Tum nahin jaanti," he said. "Tum nahin jaanti, Chashmish, kyunki tumhe hamesha apni family se pyar mila hai. Tum imagine bhi nahin kar sakti ki kaisa lagta hai jab tumhare hi mom, dad, behen, koi bhi tumhe nahin chahta, tumhari care nahin karta."
"Samrat," said Gunjan, "Aisa nahin hai. Voh parvah karte hain. Sirf haalat aise ho, to sab log helpless ho jaate hain. Aur phir koi decision lene padte hain jo shayad galat hote hain, lekin uss samay lagta hai ki aur koi choice nahin hai. Tumhari mom ne bhi aisa decision liya tha, Samrat, sirf isliye ki unke paas koi choice nahin tha."
He shook his head obstinately.
"Nahin, Chashmish," he said. "Tum nahi jaanti. Suhani mom aur dad dono ki favorite thi. Divorce ke baad, …" he stopped and looked at her and she could see how difficult it was for him to say what he was saying, how it hurt him. "Divorce ke baad, voh dono Suhani ko hi rakhna chahte the. Koi bhi mujhe nahin chahta tha. Un dono ke liye mere paas koi vaqt nahin tha. Tabhi to dad ne mujhe boarding school bhej diya. Suhani ko mom ka pyar to mila, mujhe to kuch nahin mila."
She wanted to cry for him, for the lost, bewildered look on his face, for the lonely, unwanted, unloved child he had felt himself to be, for the hurt and the pain he had gone through all through his life. But she couldn't cry now, not yet.
"Iss liye tum Suhani ko itna hate karte the?" she asked very softly. She turned to him and held his face in her hands very gently. "Itne saal, Samrat? Uski galti kya thi? Problem tumhare parents ki thi, lekin suffer tum dono ne kiya, Samrat. Shayad unhone jaan boojh kar tum dono ko itne saal milne nahin diya. Shayad unhone yeh socha ki unki ladai mein tum dono already itne hurt ho gaye ho, miloge to baar baar alag hona aur bhi mushkil hoga. Ya shayad unki koi aur vajah thi. Lekin isme Suhani ki galti nahin thi, Samrat. Aur aaj Suhani ne ek koshish ki hai apne bhai ko phir se paane ki, uss bhai ko jo bachpan mein uske liye sab kuch tha. Aur jiske liye uski behen sab kuch thi."
"Voh mere liye kuch nahin hai …" he said, then stopped.
"Nahin hai to tum use itna hate kyun karte ho?" she asked him. "Samrat, sirf voh log hamein chot pahunchate hain, jo hamare liye important hote hain. Suhani aaj bhi tumhari choti behen hai, voh behen jise tum bahut pyar karte the. Aur jo tumhe pyar karti thi. Tum dono ka alag hona na uski galti thi, na tumhari. Haalat ne tumko alag kiya, lekin aaj tumhe ek mauke mil raha hai, saari purani baato ko bhulane ka, apni behen ko phir se paane ka. Aaj tumne yeh mauka chod diya, to kal tum Suhani ko nahin, apne aap ko hamesha hate karoge."
Her hands left his face and she got up. He sat still for a while, a mixture of expressions on his face and she turned to look at him.
"Ek baar soch lo, Samrat," she said. "Rishte todna aasan hota hai, lekin unhe jodna bahut mushkil. Aur yeh baat hum dono bahut achhi tarah jaante hain."
He looked back at her and got up. He came very close to her, his expression anguished.
"Rishte tootthe hain to bahut dard hota hai, Chashmish," he half whispered and she couldn't stand the expression on his face. She put her arms around him and held him fiercely and felt his head come down on her shoulder, felt the fear in him of yet another loss, another heartbreak. They stood for a long moment in silent embrace. Then they pulled apart slowly.
"Mujhe jaana chahiye," she whispered, not wanting to go, to leave him alone, but it was late and she had no choice. He nodded bleakly, understanding.
She walked to the door slowly, feeling him watching her every step of the way. At the door, she stopped, waited for a long moment, and turned around.
For the first time that evening, she saw the shadow of a smile cross his face. And then, her heart breaking for him, she left.
Gunjan waited, her face tense, her fingers twisting with each other.
Samrat came out of his room slowly, his face blank. She was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Without looking at her, he came and sat down next to her, not touching her.
For a long while there was silence.
"Voh yahan kyun aayi," he said suddenly into the silence. Gunjan kept quiet. He still didn't look at her.
"Bolo?" he said, his tone aggressive. "Itne saal baad use meri yaad suddenly kyun aayi? Usne tumhe kuch reason bataya? Ya tumne poocha nahin? Uski sob story par yakin kar liya?"
"Samrat," she said softly. "Ek baar usko ek mauka to dekar dekho. Voh bhi bachi thi, tum bhi bache the. Itne saal baad bh itna gussa? Voh tumhari behen hai, Samrat."
"Mujhe nahin chahiye koi behen," he said. "Main akela theek hun. Bahut mushkil se apna bachpan peeche chhod diya hai. Ab use yaad nahin karna mujhe. Use bol do voh yahan se chali jaye."
"Samrat …" began Gunjan softly, hesitantly. He turned to look at her, a tortured look on his face.
"Tum nahin jaanti," he said. "Tum nahin jaanti, Chashmish, kyunki tumhe hamesha apni family se pyar mila hai. Tum imagine bhi nahin kar sakti ki kaisa lagta hai jab tumhare hi mom, dad, behen, koi bhi tumhe nahin chahta, tumhari care nahin karta."
"Samrat," said Gunjan, "Aisa nahin hai. Voh parvah karte hain. Sirf haalat aise ho, to sab log helpless ho jaate hain. Aur phir koi decision lene padte hain jo shayad galat hote hain, lekin uss samay lagta hai ki aur koi choice nahin hai. Tumhari mom ne bhi aisa decision liya tha, Samrat, sirf isliye ki unke paas koi choice nahin tha."
He shook his head obstinately.
"Nahin, Chashmish," he said. "Tum nahi jaanti. Suhani mom aur dad dono ki favorite thi. Divorce ke baad, …" he stopped and looked at her and she could see how difficult it was for him to say what he was saying, how it hurt him. "Divorce ke baad, voh dono Suhani ko hi rakhna chahte the. Koi bhi mujhe nahin chahta tha. Un dono ke liye mere paas koi vaqt nahin tha. Tabhi to dad ne mujhe boarding school bhej diya. Suhani ko mom ka pyar to mila, mujhe to kuch nahin mila."
She wanted to cry for him, for the lost, bewildered look on his face, for the lonely, unwanted, unloved child he had felt himself to be, for the hurt and the pain he had gone through all through his life. But she couldn't cry now, not yet.
"Iss liye tum Suhani ko itna hate karte the?" she asked very softly. She turned to him and held his face in her hands very gently. "Itne saal, Samrat? Uski galti kya thi? Problem tumhare parents ki thi, lekin suffer tum dono ne kiya, Samrat. Shayad unhone jaan boojh kar tum dono ko itne saal milne nahin diya. Shayad unhone yeh socha ki unki ladai mein tum dono already itne hurt ho gaye ho, miloge to baar baar alag hona aur bhi mushkil hoga. Ya shayad unki koi aur vajah thi. Lekin isme Suhani ki galti nahin thi, Samrat. Aur aaj Suhani ne ek koshish ki hai apne bhai ko phir se paane ki, uss bhai ko jo bachpan mein uske liye sab kuch tha. Aur jiske liye uski behen sab kuch thi."
"Voh mere liye kuch nahin hai …" he said, then stopped.
"Nahin hai to tum use itna hate kyun karte ho?" she asked him. "Samrat, sirf voh log hamein chot pahunchate hain, jo hamare liye important hote hain. Suhani aaj bhi tumhari choti behen hai, voh behen jise tum bahut pyar karte the. Aur jo tumhe pyar karti thi. Tum dono ka alag hona na uski galti thi, na tumhari. Haalat ne tumko alag kiya, lekin aaj tumhe ek mauke mil raha hai, saari purani baato ko bhulane ka, apni behen ko phir se paane ka. Aaj tumne yeh mauka chod diya, to kal tum Suhani ko nahin, apne aap ko hamesha hate karoge."
Her hands left his face and she got up. He sat still for a while, a mixture of expressions on his face and she turned to look at him.
"Ek baar soch lo, Samrat," she said. "Rishte todna aasan hota hai, lekin unhe jodna bahut mushkil. Aur yeh baat hum dono bahut achhi tarah jaante hain."
He looked back at her and got up. He came very close to her, his expression anguished.
"Rishte tootthe hain to bahut dard hota hai, Chashmish," he half whispered and she couldn't stand the expression on his face. She put her arms around him and held him fiercely and felt his head come down on her shoulder, felt the fear in him of yet another loss, another heartbreak. They stood for a long moment in silent embrace. Then they pulled apart slowly.
"Mujhe jaana chahiye," she whispered, not wanting to go, to leave him alone, but it was late and she had no choice. He nodded bleakly, understanding.
She walked to the door slowly, feeling him watching her every step of the way. At the door, she stopped, waited for a long moment, and turned around.
For the first time that evening, she saw the shadow of a smile cross his face. And then, her heart breaking for him, she left.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My version
My version of what the Sam Suhani confrontation should have been
I have ignored Adhiraj completely as I don't feel he adds much to the story and Suhani's concentration should be on the brother she ostensibly came to find. If I need him later, i will add him.
The scene starts from the confrontation at the hospital where Samrat finds out that Nups2 is Suhani and that Gunjan knew it. This is part 1. Part 2 with more of SG will be added later. Am opening the blog to make it easy to comment.
Samrat stared at Gunjan and then at Suhani. Suhani. His sister.
His sister.
Whom he hated. Hated with all his heart, hated even more than he did his father or his mother. His father had neglected him all his life, his mother had done the same, but he had tried to protect and shelter his younger sister as much as he could, as much as a child of ten could, from all the ugliness that was happening in their home. And she had loved him, she had sheltered behind him and when the time came to choose, she had chosen their mother and gone off with her. She had known what their father was like, but she had abandoned him like his mother had. And it hurt worse, because his mother, like his father, never had time for him, but Suhani? She lived for him, for her big brother whom she idolized. The brother who had borne the worst of their parents’ taunts and even beatings, and protected her from them. She had sheltered behind him. And then she walked off with their mother without looking back.
Samrat looked back at Gunjan.
“Tum jaanti thi? Ki yeh Suhani hai?” he asked in a voice that didn’t sound like his own. She swallowed nervously and nodded.
“Tum jaanti thi … aur tumne mujhe nahin bataya?”
“Bhai … maine Gunjan ko mana kiya …” began Suhani but Samrat held up his hand and she stopped. He didn’t look at her, his eyes were fixed on Gunjan.
“How could you, Gunjan?” he asked in a very low voice.
And he walked out.
Gunjan and Suhani stared at his retreating back and then at each other, identical looks of distress on their faces. Suhani sank down on her knees, tears starting to flow down her cheeks.
“He hates me,” she said. “He hates me, Gunjan Bhai ne ek baar bhi meri taraf nahin dekha. Gunjan …”
Gunjan stared numbly at the doorway, too stunned at Samrat’s reaction to cry. He would be angry, she had known. So angry? Would he understand why she hadn’t told him? Would she be able to make him understand?
The others stared at each other. They had never seen Samrat like this before. Dia, Uday, Benji, who didn’t know the full story, were baffled. Mayank and Nupur looked at each other, identical looks of dismay on their faces.
And then there was a sound breaking the silence of the night. They all heard the sound of Samrat’s motocycle revving and then roaring down the drive and into the distance.
Gunjan looked at Suhani, decision on her face. “Suhani, mere saath aao,” she said.
Samrat’s house was in darkness, but there was a single dull glow coming from what Gunjan knew was his room. The door was open, the bike parked carelessly just outside, the engine still warm. Samrat had obviously just reached.
Gunjan made to go in, but Suhani held her back.
“Gunjan, Bhai bahut gusse mein hai. Maine kaha tha na, ki he hates me. Voh mujhe kabhi maaf nahin karenge.”
Gunjan looked back at Suhani gently.
“Suhani, ab to Samrat ko pata chal gaya hai ki tum kaun ho. Aur kitne din usse chhupogi? Aur kitne din hum jhooth bolte? Kabhi na kabhi to sach ko bahar aana hi tha … achcha hua jaldi aa gaya. Jitni der lagti, sach bolna utna hi mushkil hota rehta.”
“Lekin …” Suhani said, still very nervous, but Gunjan was determined.
“Chalo, Suhani,” she said and Suhani had no choice but to follow.
As they entered, they heard the sound of thudding from Samrat’s room, and then the sound of a crash of breaking glass. Suhani held back, but Gunjan went forward, pulling her by the hand. The door to Samrat’s room was open, and the girls looked round it carefully. The room was a mess, Samrat’s jacket was flung carelessly across his bed, a basketball lay abandoned on the floor, and there were shards of broken glass everywhere from the the mirror which had just been broken by the basketball trophy that had apparently been flung at it in blind rage. The trophy lay on its side amid the slivers of glass and Suhani gave a half sob on seeing it and started into the room to pick it up.
Samrat glared at her. Then he looked behind her and saw Gunjan. She looked back at him, her face tense and nervous, but determined and he looked away, his face closing. She came forward.
“Samrat, please … Suhani ki baat to suno …”
“Mujhe koi baat nahin sunni,” he interrupted curtly and turned his back to her.
Gunjan spoke in a softer voice from behind him.
“Meri bhi nahin, Samrat?”
He turned back at that, the anger again on his face.
“Tumhari bhi nahin, Chashmish. Tumne mujhse jhooth bola. Tumne mujhe sikhaya ki sachai kya hoti hai … aur tumne mujhse jhooth bola. Pehli baar … aur voh bhi … Suhani ke liye …”
“Pehli baar nahin, Samrat,” she said and his head whipped up to look at her. she swallowed at the anger on his face and went on doggedly. “Pehli baat to tumse jhooth nahin bola, Samrat … yeh doosri baar hai. Lekin pehli baar bhi vajah vahi thi … aur iss baar bhi vajah vahi thi … Farak sirf itna hai ki pehli baar meri jhooth bolne ki vajah tum khud samajh gaye the.”
He looked at her, puzzled, and she went on, drawing courage from the fact that his puzzlement was replacing his anger.
“Tumhe yaad nahin, Samrat? Jab maine tumhe kaha ki hamari friendship Sheena se zyada zaroori nahin hai. Tab bhi to maine jhooth bola tha, Samrat. Lekin tum Morena mein samajh gaye the ki maine voh jhooth kyun bola.”
She came closer to him, tears now starting in her eyes.
“Maine voh jhooth kyun bola tha, Samrat? Batao? Tumhi ne to mujhe Morena mein yeh sawaal kiya tha … lekin tab tum is sawaal ka jawab jaante the.”
He turned away, as though he didn’t want to answer her. But Gunjan was determined. She walked around him so that she was facing him again.
“Kyun, Samrat?”
He was silent still, his shoulders tense. But Gunjan wasn’t done.
“Kyun, Samrat? Bolo? Maine jhooth kyun bola tha?”
“Kyunki tum mujhse pyaar karti thi!” he shouted, finally goaded out of his silence by her words. “Lekin tum tab bhi galat thi, Chashmish, aur ab bhi galat ho! Main Sheena ke saath zyada khush nahin tha, voh hamari dosti se zyada zaroori nahin thi … aur yeh tum jaanti ho! Aur aaj … aaj tumne Suhani ke liye mujhse jhooth bola? Kya Suhani mujhse zyada important ho gayi? Kya uski khushi tumhare liye meri khushi se zyada important ho gayi? Ki tumne mujhse Suhani ke kehne par jhooth bola? Ek baar mujhse nahin poocha …”
“To main kya karti, Samrat?” Gunjan broke in, tears running down her cheeks now. “Tum hi bolo, main kya karti? Tumhe aakar bata deti ki yeh Nupur nahin, tumhari behen Suhani hai? Yeh jaante hue ki tum Suhani ko ek minute mein apni zindagi se bahar nikal dete … aur phir se akele ho jaate? Yeh jaante hue ki tum apne family ko itna miss karte ho … main ek bhi koshish nahin karti …?”
“Main unko nahin miss karta,” Samrat said uncertainly, looking away from her and she looked straight back at him.
“Nahin miss karte? Samrat, ab tum jhooth bol rahe ho … aur tum bhi yeh jaante ho.”
“Nahin miss karta, Chashmish,” he repeated and this time more firmly. “Un logon ko main kyun miss karun jinko meri koi parvah nahin hai? Dad – jo paise to jee khol kar bhej dete hain, lekin school ki chhutiyon mein mujhe boarding mein he rehne ko kehte hain, kyunki unke paas mere liye vakt nahin hai. Mom – jinhe apni life … aur apni beti se fursat nahin hai, yeh dekhne ke liye ki unka beta theek hai ya nahin … jab ki voh Dad ko jaanti hain. Aur meri behen …” he turned and looked at Suhani, and the anger, the hatred was back in his eyes, “… meri choti behen … jise maine nau saal tak protect kiya, taaki use mom dad ke jhagdon ki aawaz na sunayi de, unke fights aur arguments use raat mein nightmares na de, jaise mujhe dete the, use akele rehne ka darr na lage, jaise mujhe lagta tha … voh behen khushi khushi mom ke saath chali gayi, ek baar bhi mujhe mud ke nahin dekha? Ek chitthi tak nahin likhi? Ek baar bhi mom ko nahin kaha ki Bhai ko chhutiyon mein hamare paas bula lo?”
“Bhai!” broke in Suhani, “Bhai, maine chitthi likhi! Rakhi bheji! Tumhara koi jawab nahin aaya, phir bhi main har saal bhejti thi …”
“Phir se jhooth, Suhani,” he said and turned away from her.
“Tumhe kaise pata ki Suhani jhooth bol rahi hai, Samrat?” Gunjan asked quietly and the calm of her voice reached him like Suhani’s tears had failed to do.
“Kyun ki mujhe ek bhi chitthi nahin mili,” he replied. “Ek bhi chitthi nahin, Chashmish, na ek phone call … aur jitni bhi chitthiyan maine likhi, unka ek bhi jawab nahin. Aur tum kehti ho ki voh jhooth nahin bol …”
“Bhai, tumne chitthi kab likhi?” asked Suhani and he broke off to stare at her.
“Ab tum kahogi ki main jhooth bol raha hun,” he said angrily. “Divorce ke dus din baad tumhara birthday tha. Maine chithhi likhi, card bheja aur card mein likha ki main tumhe phone karunga. Jab phone kiya to mujhe bataya gaya ki tum mujhse baat nahin kar sakti. Har baar jab maine tumhe phone kiya, yehi jawab mila … aur phir mujhe boarding school bhej diya gaya. Vahan se chitthiyan likhi, uska bhi koi jawab nahin aaya.”
“Divorce ke baad main itni upset thi,” said Suhani slowly, “ki main do hafte bed mein rahi. Doctor bhi kuch samajh nahin sake. Sirf roti rehti aur tumhe bulati rehti. Kisi ne mujhe nahin bataya ki tumne phone kiya tha. Ya tumhara card aaya tha. Aur jab mom se zid karke maine tumhe phone kiya, to pata laga ki dad ne tumhe India mein boarding school bhej diya hai. Unhone mom ko school ka naam pata batane se mana kar diya, is liye tumhe chitthi ghar ke address par hi bhejti thi, yeh soch kar ki voh tumhe bhej denge …”
She stared at Samrat. Her eyes were pleading with him to believe her and he stared back at her.
Gunjan left the room quietly. Brother and sister needed to talk things out between themselves.
I have ignored Adhiraj completely as I don't feel he adds much to the story and Suhani's concentration should be on the brother she ostensibly came to find. If I need him later, i will add him.
The scene starts from the confrontation at the hospital where Samrat finds out that Nups2 is Suhani and that Gunjan knew it. This is part 1. Part 2 with more of SG will be added later. Am opening the blog to make it easy to comment.
Samrat stared at Gunjan and then at Suhani. Suhani. His sister.
His sister.
Whom he hated. Hated with all his heart, hated even more than he did his father or his mother. His father had neglected him all his life, his mother had done the same, but he had tried to protect and shelter his younger sister as much as he could, as much as a child of ten could, from all the ugliness that was happening in their home. And she had loved him, she had sheltered behind him and when the time came to choose, she had chosen their mother and gone off with her. She had known what their father was like, but she had abandoned him like his mother had. And it hurt worse, because his mother, like his father, never had time for him, but Suhani? She lived for him, for her big brother whom she idolized. The brother who had borne the worst of their parents’ taunts and even beatings, and protected her from them. She had sheltered behind him. And then she walked off with their mother without looking back.
Samrat looked back at Gunjan.
“Tum jaanti thi? Ki yeh Suhani hai?” he asked in a voice that didn’t sound like his own. She swallowed nervously and nodded.
“Tum jaanti thi … aur tumne mujhe nahin bataya?”
“Bhai … maine Gunjan ko mana kiya …” began Suhani but Samrat held up his hand and she stopped. He didn’t look at her, his eyes were fixed on Gunjan.
“How could you, Gunjan?” he asked in a very low voice.
And he walked out.
Gunjan and Suhani stared at his retreating back and then at each other, identical looks of distress on their faces. Suhani sank down on her knees, tears starting to flow down her cheeks.
“He hates me,” she said. “He hates me, Gunjan Bhai ne ek baar bhi meri taraf nahin dekha. Gunjan …”
Gunjan stared numbly at the doorway, too stunned at Samrat’s reaction to cry. He would be angry, she had known. So angry? Would he understand why she hadn’t told him? Would she be able to make him understand?
The others stared at each other. They had never seen Samrat like this before. Dia, Uday, Benji, who didn’t know the full story, were baffled. Mayank and Nupur looked at each other, identical looks of dismay on their faces.
And then there was a sound breaking the silence of the night. They all heard the sound of Samrat’s motocycle revving and then roaring down the drive and into the distance.
Gunjan looked at Suhani, decision on her face. “Suhani, mere saath aao,” she said.
Samrat’s house was in darkness, but there was a single dull glow coming from what Gunjan knew was his room. The door was open, the bike parked carelessly just outside, the engine still warm. Samrat had obviously just reached.
Gunjan made to go in, but Suhani held her back.
“Gunjan, Bhai bahut gusse mein hai. Maine kaha tha na, ki he hates me. Voh mujhe kabhi maaf nahin karenge.”
Gunjan looked back at Suhani gently.
“Suhani, ab to Samrat ko pata chal gaya hai ki tum kaun ho. Aur kitne din usse chhupogi? Aur kitne din hum jhooth bolte? Kabhi na kabhi to sach ko bahar aana hi tha … achcha hua jaldi aa gaya. Jitni der lagti, sach bolna utna hi mushkil hota rehta.”
“Lekin …” Suhani said, still very nervous, but Gunjan was determined.
“Chalo, Suhani,” she said and Suhani had no choice but to follow.
As they entered, they heard the sound of thudding from Samrat’s room, and then the sound of a crash of breaking glass. Suhani held back, but Gunjan went forward, pulling her by the hand. The door to Samrat’s room was open, and the girls looked round it carefully. The room was a mess, Samrat’s jacket was flung carelessly across his bed, a basketball lay abandoned on the floor, and there were shards of broken glass everywhere from the the mirror which had just been broken by the basketball trophy that had apparently been flung at it in blind rage. The trophy lay on its side amid the slivers of glass and Suhani gave a half sob on seeing it and started into the room to pick it up.
Samrat glared at her. Then he looked behind her and saw Gunjan. She looked back at him, her face tense and nervous, but determined and he looked away, his face closing. She came forward.
“Samrat, please … Suhani ki baat to suno …”
“Mujhe koi baat nahin sunni,” he interrupted curtly and turned his back to her.
Gunjan spoke in a softer voice from behind him.
“Meri bhi nahin, Samrat?”
He turned back at that, the anger again on his face.
“Tumhari bhi nahin, Chashmish. Tumne mujhse jhooth bola. Tumne mujhe sikhaya ki sachai kya hoti hai … aur tumne mujhse jhooth bola. Pehli baar … aur voh bhi … Suhani ke liye …”
“Pehli baar nahin, Samrat,” she said and his head whipped up to look at her. she swallowed at the anger on his face and went on doggedly. “Pehli baat to tumse jhooth nahin bola, Samrat … yeh doosri baar hai. Lekin pehli baar bhi vajah vahi thi … aur iss baar bhi vajah vahi thi … Farak sirf itna hai ki pehli baar meri jhooth bolne ki vajah tum khud samajh gaye the.”
He looked at her, puzzled, and she went on, drawing courage from the fact that his puzzlement was replacing his anger.
“Tumhe yaad nahin, Samrat? Jab maine tumhe kaha ki hamari friendship Sheena se zyada zaroori nahin hai. Tab bhi to maine jhooth bola tha, Samrat. Lekin tum Morena mein samajh gaye the ki maine voh jhooth kyun bola.”
She came closer to him, tears now starting in her eyes.
“Maine voh jhooth kyun bola tha, Samrat? Batao? Tumhi ne to mujhe Morena mein yeh sawaal kiya tha … lekin tab tum is sawaal ka jawab jaante the.”
He turned away, as though he didn’t want to answer her. But Gunjan was determined. She walked around him so that she was facing him again.
“Kyun, Samrat?”
He was silent still, his shoulders tense. But Gunjan wasn’t done.
“Kyun, Samrat? Bolo? Maine jhooth kyun bola tha?”
“Kyunki tum mujhse pyaar karti thi!” he shouted, finally goaded out of his silence by her words. “Lekin tum tab bhi galat thi, Chashmish, aur ab bhi galat ho! Main Sheena ke saath zyada khush nahin tha, voh hamari dosti se zyada zaroori nahin thi … aur yeh tum jaanti ho! Aur aaj … aaj tumne Suhani ke liye mujhse jhooth bola? Kya Suhani mujhse zyada important ho gayi? Kya uski khushi tumhare liye meri khushi se zyada important ho gayi? Ki tumne mujhse Suhani ke kehne par jhooth bola? Ek baar mujhse nahin poocha …”
“To main kya karti, Samrat?” Gunjan broke in, tears running down her cheeks now. “Tum hi bolo, main kya karti? Tumhe aakar bata deti ki yeh Nupur nahin, tumhari behen Suhani hai? Yeh jaante hue ki tum Suhani ko ek minute mein apni zindagi se bahar nikal dete … aur phir se akele ho jaate? Yeh jaante hue ki tum apne family ko itna miss karte ho … main ek bhi koshish nahin karti …?”
“Main unko nahin miss karta,” Samrat said uncertainly, looking away from her and she looked straight back at him.
“Nahin miss karte? Samrat, ab tum jhooth bol rahe ho … aur tum bhi yeh jaante ho.”
“Nahin miss karta, Chashmish,” he repeated and this time more firmly. “Un logon ko main kyun miss karun jinko meri koi parvah nahin hai? Dad – jo paise to jee khol kar bhej dete hain, lekin school ki chhutiyon mein mujhe boarding mein he rehne ko kehte hain, kyunki unke paas mere liye vakt nahin hai. Mom – jinhe apni life … aur apni beti se fursat nahin hai, yeh dekhne ke liye ki unka beta theek hai ya nahin … jab ki voh Dad ko jaanti hain. Aur meri behen …” he turned and looked at Suhani, and the anger, the hatred was back in his eyes, “… meri choti behen … jise maine nau saal tak protect kiya, taaki use mom dad ke jhagdon ki aawaz na sunayi de, unke fights aur arguments use raat mein nightmares na de, jaise mujhe dete the, use akele rehne ka darr na lage, jaise mujhe lagta tha … voh behen khushi khushi mom ke saath chali gayi, ek baar bhi mujhe mud ke nahin dekha? Ek chitthi tak nahin likhi? Ek baar bhi mom ko nahin kaha ki Bhai ko chhutiyon mein hamare paas bula lo?”
“Bhai!” broke in Suhani, “Bhai, maine chitthi likhi! Rakhi bheji! Tumhara koi jawab nahin aaya, phir bhi main har saal bhejti thi …”
“Phir se jhooth, Suhani,” he said and turned away from her.
“Tumhe kaise pata ki Suhani jhooth bol rahi hai, Samrat?” Gunjan asked quietly and the calm of her voice reached him like Suhani’s tears had failed to do.
“Kyun ki mujhe ek bhi chitthi nahin mili,” he replied. “Ek bhi chitthi nahin, Chashmish, na ek phone call … aur jitni bhi chitthiyan maine likhi, unka ek bhi jawab nahin. Aur tum kehti ho ki voh jhooth nahin bol …”
“Bhai, tumne chitthi kab likhi?” asked Suhani and he broke off to stare at her.
“Ab tum kahogi ki main jhooth bol raha hun,” he said angrily. “Divorce ke dus din baad tumhara birthday tha. Maine chithhi likhi, card bheja aur card mein likha ki main tumhe phone karunga. Jab phone kiya to mujhe bataya gaya ki tum mujhse baat nahin kar sakti. Har baar jab maine tumhe phone kiya, yehi jawab mila … aur phir mujhe boarding school bhej diya gaya. Vahan se chitthiyan likhi, uska bhi koi jawab nahin aaya.”
“Divorce ke baad main itni upset thi,” said Suhani slowly, “ki main do hafte bed mein rahi. Doctor bhi kuch samajh nahin sake. Sirf roti rehti aur tumhe bulati rehti. Kisi ne mujhe nahin bataya ki tumne phone kiya tha. Ya tumhara card aaya tha. Aur jab mom se zid karke maine tumhe phone kiya, to pata laga ki dad ne tumhe India mein boarding school bhej diya hai. Unhone mom ko school ka naam pata batane se mana kar diya, is liye tumhe chitthi ghar ke address par hi bhejti thi, yeh soch kar ki voh tumhe bhej denge …”
She stared at Samrat. Her eyes were pleading with him to believe her and he stared back at her.
Gunjan left the room quietly. Brother and sister needed to talk things out between themselves.
Three questions
22 december
One - Is Adhiraj schizophrenic?
two - when did MJHT turn into a saas bahu family melodrama aka ekta and balaji?
three - are Sajan even part of this show any more?
Ah yes, a fourth - why am I bothering to sit through an excruciating half an hour waiting for even a glimpse of the couple I love and watch the show for?
One - Is Adhiraj schizophrenic?
two - when did MJHT turn into a saas bahu family melodrama aka ekta and balaji?
three - are Sajan even part of this show any more?
Ah yes, a fourth - why am I bothering to sit through an excruciating half an hour waiting for even a glimpse of the couple I love and watch the show for?
Monday, December 21, 2009
Can they revive it?
21st December
Taut episode again - can they revive SG? Samrat has not forgiven Suhani yet, so that's a big plus for me - forgiving Suhani within two minutes of reading her letters was what got my goat on Friday. More importantly, he hasn't forgiven Gunjan and of the two, that is the bigger hurt, and that gives me hope that SG are going to be back in the limelight, as their separation is actually going the way I thought it would initially - Samrat is the one who's hurt this time, not Gunjan. Absolutely loved his acting today - the Sayank scenes were good, and Samrat shone, again because no raised voices, no yelling, very quiet, very deep hurt and the way he kept looking at Gunjan's picture was heartrending - as though he was asking her again and again - you did this? She was the only person he called his own, had complete trust in, this is going to be a tough one.
The Bui scenes was also good, only I wish they would give everybody some dialogues - it's most unnatural that everybody stands around like statues. Nupur was good, Adhiraj was actually decent today, though the whole scene gave a very saas bahu feel. I still don't approve of the slap, though.
As for the precap - Adhiraj ready to forgive Suhani? So shatabdi express ready to take off again? So we'll get more AS scenes?! Lovely - don't have time for MJHT for next few weeks, so this is perfect timing.
But uh oh ... Samrat still can't forgive Gunjan :( The kind of tension I wanted ... hopefully the making up will make up for the separation :)
Taut episode again - can they revive SG? Samrat has not forgiven Suhani yet, so that's a big plus for me - forgiving Suhani within two minutes of reading her letters was what got my goat on Friday. More importantly, he hasn't forgiven Gunjan and of the two, that is the bigger hurt, and that gives me hope that SG are going to be back in the limelight, as their separation is actually going the way I thought it would initially - Samrat is the one who's hurt this time, not Gunjan. Absolutely loved his acting today - the Sayank scenes were good, and Samrat shone, again because no raised voices, no yelling, very quiet, very deep hurt and the way he kept looking at Gunjan's picture was heartrending - as though he was asking her again and again - you did this? She was the only person he called his own, had complete trust in, this is going to be a tough one.
The Bui scenes was also good, only I wish they would give everybody some dialogues - it's most unnatural that everybody stands around like statues. Nupur was good, Adhiraj was actually decent today, though the whole scene gave a very saas bahu feel. I still don't approve of the slap, though.
As for the precap - Adhiraj ready to forgive Suhani? So shatabdi express ready to take off again? So we'll get more AS scenes?! Lovely - don't have time for MJHT for next few weeks, so this is perfect timing.
But uh oh ... Samrat still can't forgive Gunjan :( The kind of tension I wanted ... hopefully the making up will make up for the separation :)
Gunjan and Sanaya
I was rather amused to read a post on restoring MJHT's lost charm, where in the character discussion, it said, 'Gunjan was shy and scared, now she's Sanaya'.
The topic maker apparently was unhappy with this evolution, but I wonder if she realised what a compliment she paid Sanaya's acting!
Of all the four lead characters, Gunjan's is the one which is the furthest from the personality of the actress who plays it. Sanaya even said in her introductory interview that she is not even 1% like Gunjan. And it has been over a year since she has been playing this character, only now, when Gunjan has developed a different personality, become more confident, has Sanaya allowed even a shadow of her real personality to show on screen. Speaks volumes for her acting abilities, especially given the conditions under which daily soap stars work, not enough time for rehearsals, re-takes etc. Sanaya has managed to subdue her own self completely and become Gunjan, be it dialogue delivery, body language, way of smiling, laughing, everything ... NONE of the other actors have had such a tough act to do. Not Arjun, not Rati and not Mohit - although the character he plays is also not close to what he is in real life, but then he has always been a little weak in comparison - he could never really carry off the stud personality, because he isn't like that in real life. Sanaya carried off the shy, timid Gunjan personality perfectly right from the start, to the point that I got so irritated by her character that I didn't even watch MJHT for the longest time.
Take her voice and her dialogue delivery - Sanaya's real life voice is loud, a little harsh, a typical Parsi no-nonsense voice and way of speaking. Gunjan speaks softly, her voice is musical, beautifully modulated, and the emotion she manages to get into her few words is just amazing. The voice in which she did the play announcements sounded as though she had dipped her throat in honey before speaking - a perfect announcer's voice, clear as a bell, each syllable beautifully enunciated and sweet. Her voice when she tells Samrat after the Sheena showdown - please, leave me alone just for a while - she didn't have to break down into sobs to show her heartbreak, she didn't have to show that she was barely controlling her tears in front of him, it was all in the few words she spoke and the voice she said them in. And the way she whispered 'I love you' to Samrat was just perfect - the depth of her emotion, love and happiness and shyness all mixed into it in just three soft words. It takes a paragraph for me to decribe the emotion she depicts in the few words she speaks.
Take her smile - Gunjan's sweet, gentle, always a little held back, as though she never smiles freely. And when you see Sanaya's sbs interviews, she's laughing, pulling other people's legs (mainly Arjun's and Mohit's) and getting her leg pulled very cheerfully.
She mentioned at the start of MJHT that she wasn't comfortable in Hindi, and this did show in the first few episodes - but now after a year of speaking the language, her dialogue delivery is much better, much more natural and easy on the ears. Her dialogues are more formal than those of the other three, but she carries them off beautifully - even the most cliched hackneyed ones she uses, like 'Samrat, sab dekh rahe hain' in the recent party, was so utterly natural because of the way she said it.
And take her dressing style - Sanaya is stylish, elegant and stunning, and completely comfortable in Western outfits - that's all she wears off the show. And on the show, I, for one, cannot imagine Gunjan wearing anything other than an Indian outfit. On top of which, she looks utterly, stunningly sexy in those outfits - even as a woman, I notice this, so obviously the guys on the set are all over her, be it Arjun, Mohit or anyone else (Arjun's comment - red apple, who everyone wants a bite of, was a little crude, but for guys that age working with such a sexy girl, completely understandable!).
That's probably why we all went gaga over drunk Gunjan - she was stunningly beautiful in the onion pink outfit, the thin gold belt accentuating the slimness of her waist was sexy like hell (no wonder Samrat kept grabbing her round the waist!), and when she gave that come hither smile to Samrat in the pillar scene, I could almost see how hard it was for him not to pick her up and carry her off!
Gunjan at the start of the show - the kind of heroine I can't stand. Gunjan with quiet strength, with a backbone, with the ability to make her point and put it across in a few well chosen words and the softest of tones, without raising her voice = the kind of heroine I admire the most. She has turned my opinion around 180 degrees and then managed to keep it there even through the worst phases of Gunjan character destruction.
She doesn't have the advantage of screamingly funny dialogues, of a bright, bubbly vivacious onscreen personality, in fact her on screen personality is dull, if anything. Sanaya has managed to color it into the brightest and strongest character on screen, without the backing of the script - Mayank is the hero always, and Samrat the leader - but still she has made her presence felt - and how! Creatives, please take note of the strength you gave this character, and the ability of this actress to portray that strength, and bring her back!
The topic maker apparently was unhappy with this evolution, but I wonder if she realised what a compliment she paid Sanaya's acting!
Of all the four lead characters, Gunjan's is the one which is the furthest from the personality of the actress who plays it. Sanaya even said in her introductory interview that she is not even 1% like Gunjan. And it has been over a year since she has been playing this character, only now, when Gunjan has developed a different personality, become more confident, has Sanaya allowed even a shadow of her real personality to show on screen. Speaks volumes for her acting abilities, especially given the conditions under which daily soap stars work, not enough time for rehearsals, re-takes etc. Sanaya has managed to subdue her own self completely and become Gunjan, be it dialogue delivery, body language, way of smiling, laughing, everything ... NONE of the other actors have had such a tough act to do. Not Arjun, not Rati and not Mohit - although the character he plays is also not close to what he is in real life, but then he has always been a little weak in comparison - he could never really carry off the stud personality, because he isn't like that in real life. Sanaya carried off the shy, timid Gunjan personality perfectly right from the start, to the point that I got so irritated by her character that I didn't even watch MJHT for the longest time.
Take her voice and her dialogue delivery - Sanaya's real life voice is loud, a little harsh, a typical Parsi no-nonsense voice and way of speaking. Gunjan speaks softly, her voice is musical, beautifully modulated, and the emotion she manages to get into her few words is just amazing. The voice in which she did the play announcements sounded as though she had dipped her throat in honey before speaking - a perfect announcer's voice, clear as a bell, each syllable beautifully enunciated and sweet. Her voice when she tells Samrat after the Sheena showdown - please, leave me alone just for a while - she didn't have to break down into sobs to show her heartbreak, she didn't have to show that she was barely controlling her tears in front of him, it was all in the few words she spoke and the voice she said them in. And the way she whispered 'I love you' to Samrat was just perfect - the depth of her emotion, love and happiness and shyness all mixed into it in just three soft words. It takes a paragraph for me to decribe the emotion she depicts in the few words she speaks.
Take her smile - Gunjan's sweet, gentle, always a little held back, as though she never smiles freely. And when you see Sanaya's sbs interviews, she's laughing, pulling other people's legs (mainly Arjun's and Mohit's) and getting her leg pulled very cheerfully.
She mentioned at the start of MJHT that she wasn't comfortable in Hindi, and this did show in the first few episodes - but now after a year of speaking the language, her dialogue delivery is much better, much more natural and easy on the ears. Her dialogues are more formal than those of the other three, but she carries them off beautifully - even the most cliched hackneyed ones she uses, like 'Samrat, sab dekh rahe hain' in the recent party, was so utterly natural because of the way she said it.
And take her dressing style - Sanaya is stylish, elegant and stunning, and completely comfortable in Western outfits - that's all she wears off the show. And on the show, I, for one, cannot imagine Gunjan wearing anything other than an Indian outfit. On top of which, she looks utterly, stunningly sexy in those outfits - even as a woman, I notice this, so obviously the guys on the set are all over her, be it Arjun, Mohit or anyone else (Arjun's comment - red apple, who everyone wants a bite of, was a little crude, but for guys that age working with such a sexy girl, completely understandable!).
That's probably why we all went gaga over drunk Gunjan - she was stunningly beautiful in the onion pink outfit, the thin gold belt accentuating the slimness of her waist was sexy like hell (no wonder Samrat kept grabbing her round the waist!), and when she gave that come hither smile to Samrat in the pillar scene, I could almost see how hard it was for him not to pick her up and carry her off!
Gunjan at the start of the show - the kind of heroine I can't stand. Gunjan with quiet strength, with a backbone, with the ability to make her point and put it across in a few well chosen words and the softest of tones, without raising her voice = the kind of heroine I admire the most. She has turned my opinion around 180 degrees and then managed to keep it there even through the worst phases of Gunjan character destruction.
She doesn't have the advantage of screamingly funny dialogues, of a bright, bubbly vivacious onscreen personality, in fact her on screen personality is dull, if anything. Sanaya has managed to color it into the brightest and strongest character on screen, without the backing of the script - Mayank is the hero always, and Samrat the leader - but still she has made her presence felt - and how! Creatives, please take note of the strength you gave this character, and the ability of this actress to portray that strength, and bring her back!
Friday, December 18, 2009
RIP Sajan and MJHT
18th December
Sajan are dead, MJHT is dead for me. Samrat listened to Mayank, after Gunjan had spent one month trying to get brother sister together. Suhani told Samrat that Gunjan is a very good girl. He had to hear it from her????
Rest of the episode, don't care. Neither about Suhani and her tears, nor about Adhiraj. Nor anyone else.
Edit - after reading all the comments that Mayank gave a straightforward and supportive talk, well, Gunjan could have done the same and she has done exactly that in the past - she is the only one he listens to and she can be very clearcut and straightforward when she has to. Witness the way she broke their friendship after the bet and minced no words in telling him why. Even witness the way she carried on with tutoring him for the exams after finding out about the bet, or before that when he’s rude to her on the phone – she promptly ticked him off in college the next day – I’ll keep giving you the notes, you want to read them, you read them, you want to throw them, you throw them, but I will keep giving them because you’re my friend. That was the best phase of Gunjan – why have the cv’s forgotten that? Why have they completely dropped the strongest aspect of Gunjan’s character?
MN needed mediation in their storyline at that point, it was the first time they had any mediation in spite of so many fights. But SG have never needed mediation, if ever, Benji has been the one to give Samrat help, and it would have been better if Benji had taken both Su and Gun to Samrat to talk. But best would have been if Gun had taken Su and forced her to talk to Samrat, and both Samrat and Suhani had spilled out SOME story of misunderstanding, letters not reaching, something, anything, which made that hatred Samrat had more justifiable.
But then I guess Cv's now want dramatic scene like we had of Mayank leaving in the bus and Nupur running after him - omg, are they going to have dramatic scene of suhani leaving in plane and Samrat running after her like that?!!! Or maybe Samrat and Adhiraj both? No, can't be Adhiraj because AS love story has to start now.
Am already getting ready to CRINGE!!!
Sajan are dead, MJHT is dead for me. Samrat listened to Mayank, after Gunjan had spent one month trying to get brother sister together. Suhani told Samrat that Gunjan is a very good girl. He had to hear it from her????
Rest of the episode, don't care. Neither about Suhani and her tears, nor about Adhiraj. Nor anyone else.
Edit - after reading all the comments that Mayank gave a straightforward and supportive talk, well, Gunjan could have done the same and she has done exactly that in the past - she is the only one he listens to and she can be very clearcut and straightforward when she has to. Witness the way she broke their friendship after the bet and minced no words in telling him why. Even witness the way she carried on with tutoring him for the exams after finding out about the bet, or before that when he’s rude to her on the phone – she promptly ticked him off in college the next day – I’ll keep giving you the notes, you want to read them, you read them, you want to throw them, you throw them, but I will keep giving them because you’re my friend. That was the best phase of Gunjan – why have the cv’s forgotten that? Why have they completely dropped the strongest aspect of Gunjan’s character?
MN needed mediation in their storyline at that point, it was the first time they had any mediation in spite of so many fights. But SG have never needed mediation, if ever, Benji has been the one to give Samrat help, and it would have been better if Benji had taken both Su and Gun to Samrat to talk. But best would have been if Gun had taken Su and forced her to talk to Samrat, and both Samrat and Suhani had spilled out SOME story of misunderstanding, letters not reaching, something, anything, which made that hatred Samrat had more justifiable.
But then I guess Cv's now want dramatic scene like we had of Mayank leaving in the bus and Nupur running after him - omg, are they going to have dramatic scene of suhani leaving in plane and Samrat running after her like that?!!! Or maybe Samrat and Adhiraj both? No, can't be Adhiraj because AS love story has to start now.
Am already getting ready to CRINGE!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Am happy!!!
17 December
Am very happy ... now Mayank, Nupur, Dia, Uday, Benji - the whole gang can sit on Samrat's doorstep and tell him the TRUTH, the whole truth and nothing but the truth for all I care!
Samrat called Gunjan!!!!!!!!!! As on the phone!!!!!! Mayank, you were so completely wrong!!! Samrat and not wanting to talk to Chashmish????!!! Doesn't happen - not to my Samrat and Chashmish!!!Thank you, Cv's!!!!
Episode take- Mayank continues lecture, doesn't really say anything of practical importance, more like rara the troops, but everyone is happy, group hug. Mayank says it's better if Gunjan doesn't come, for once Suhani says let Gunjan go, but Gunjan says no.
I would like to think Suhani was thinking about Gunjan and her tension with Samrat but methinks in view of the next scene, it's because she'd rather stay and talk to Adhiraj! Also maybe she knows that she won't get very cordial reception from Samrat. Mayank leaves with Suhani, Benji Uday leave (to change clothes? forgot) and Dia, Nups and Gunjan left. That's when Gunjan breaks down about Samrat and the look he gave her. I KNEW it - she will not break down in front of everyone!!!
MayankSu leave for college, taking their time about it - Su looking for Adh - seriously, who IS she here for? Am beginning to sympathise with Samrat's pov about his sister being selfish. Anyway, guess the AS track has to start. A also looking for Su, mixup of phones - not really interested.
Gun wants to be alone - touching scene where she breaks down again alone, decides to call Samrat then not, so that he has to get close to Su - Gun I love u, but stop being so selfless! Just as Samrat cools down and tries to call Chashmish, thereby redeeming himself completely in my eyes!
Am very happy ... now Mayank, Nupur, Dia, Uday, Benji - the whole gang can sit on Samrat's doorstep and tell him the TRUTH, the whole truth and nothing but the truth for all I care!
Samrat called Gunjan!!!!!!!!!! As on the phone!!!!!! Mayank, you were so completely wrong!!! Samrat and not wanting to talk to Chashmish????!!! Doesn't happen - not to my Samrat and Chashmish!!!Thank you, Cv's!!!!
Episode take- Mayank continues lecture, doesn't really say anything of practical importance, more like rara the troops, but everyone is happy, group hug. Mayank says it's better if Gunjan doesn't come, for once Suhani says let Gunjan go, but Gunjan says no.
I would like to think Suhani was thinking about Gunjan and her tension with Samrat but methinks in view of the next scene, it's because she'd rather stay and talk to Adhiraj! Also maybe she knows that she won't get very cordial reception from Samrat. Mayank leaves with Suhani, Benji Uday leave (to change clothes? forgot) and Dia, Nups and Gunjan left. That's when Gunjan breaks down about Samrat and the look he gave her. I KNEW it - she will not break down in front of everyone!!!
MayankSu leave for college, taking their time about it - Su looking for Adh - seriously, who IS she here for? Am beginning to sympathise with Samrat's pov about his sister being selfish. Anyway, guess the AS track has to start. A also looking for Su, mixup of phones - not really interested.
Gun wants to be alone - touching scene where she breaks down again alone, decides to call Samrat then not, so that he has to get close to Su - Gun I love u, but stop being so selfless! Just as Samrat cools down and tries to call Chashmish, thereby redeeming himself completely in my eyes!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Gunjan vs Chashmish and Samrat's heartbreak
When I wrote the Gunjan vs Chashmish post last week, I never dreamed it would come up again in such a big way in SG tension.
When we (SG fans) discussed that we wanted some SG tension, expected it, even looked forward to it, I didn't realise it would be so heartbreaking.
When I thought that even after hearing the truth, there is still going to be tension between Samrat Suhani, I didn't know it would be closer to hatred.
Suhani and Gunjan were heartbroken today, but for me the most poignant was Samrat's line - today I have lost my family again.
Oh boy! What an episode! Spent the first few minutes in ironing out logistics about Samrat leaving hospital :) ... Dia trying to apologise to Adhiraj was well done as she had been through exactly the same situation herself.
Then the tension! Samrat rampaging through Su's locker - did he break the lock, btw? Chucking everything, seeing Suhani, Su running away AGAIN ... there had BETTER be a more rational reason for his hatred than the one Su has given Gunjan otherwise this will be totally over the top!!!
Then the way Samrat rushed to Gunjan to let loose about Su, only to realise that Gun knew all along ... and the switch to 'Gunjan' instantly ... oh boy!!!
Again, there had better be a good reason for this hatred!
MN entry - Samrat realising they also knew - his feeling of betrayal - did the whole college know, only I didn't?!
Suhani picking up everything Samrat had thrown was very filmy ... so were her tears. Also, didn't particularly care for everyone consoling her - her first lie "Nupur" when Adhiraj asked her name the first time was actually what started this whole web of lies - so if anything she should have apologised to all the rest - at least when they all started apologising to her!
And even now she's thinking of Adhiraj!
Ok, I DON'T want Mayank to mediate ... not between SG. He can mediate all he likes between the rest but SG HAVE to sort out their tension themselves. But SG are going to be apart for come time, that's for sure, and I think - I hope - that it's only after Gunjan manages to reach out to him, after they get back together, that he finally forgives Suhani. Otherwise the way they have built up the SG bond will be compeltely useless.
When we (SG fans) discussed that we wanted some SG tension, expected it, even looked forward to it, I didn't realise it would be so heartbreaking.
When I thought that even after hearing the truth, there is still going to be tension between Samrat Suhani, I didn't know it would be closer to hatred.
Suhani and Gunjan were heartbroken today, but for me the most poignant was Samrat's line - today I have lost my family again.
Oh boy! What an episode! Spent the first few minutes in ironing out logistics about Samrat leaving hospital :) ... Dia trying to apologise to Adhiraj was well done as she had been through exactly the same situation herself.
Then the tension! Samrat rampaging through Su's locker - did he break the lock, btw? Chucking everything, seeing Suhani, Su running away AGAIN ... there had BETTER be a more rational reason for his hatred than the one Su has given Gunjan otherwise this will be totally over the top!!!
Then the way Samrat rushed to Gunjan to let loose about Su, only to realise that Gun knew all along ... and the switch to 'Gunjan' instantly ... oh boy!!!
Again, there had better be a good reason for this hatred!
MN entry - Samrat realising they also knew - his feeling of betrayal - did the whole college know, only I didn't?!
Suhani picking up everything Samrat had thrown was very filmy ... so were her tears. Also, didn't particularly care for everyone consoling her - her first lie "Nupur" when Adhiraj asked her name the first time was actually what started this whole web of lies - so if anything she should have apologised to all the rest - at least when they all started apologising to her!
And even now she's thinking of Adhiraj!
Ok, I DON'T want Mayank to mediate ... not between SG. He can mediate all he likes between the rest but SG HAVE to sort out their tension themselves. But SG are going to be apart for come time, that's for sure, and I think - I hope - that it's only after Gunjan manages to reach out to him, after they get back together, that he finally forgives Suhani. Otherwise the way they have built up the SG bond will be compeltely useless.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
15 December
Taut episode - completely as I predicted but well done.
G finds Sam missing, they all go looking. Adh with Su asks her why she's so worried about Samrat all the time. Sam materialises and asks the same thing. Asks all the questions about his childhood etc. - thought he was a dhakkan but he actually noticed all of them! The others standing like spectators, again as I predicted :)))
Afterthought - I think Samrat is the quintessential tubelight ... he only starts thinking after being hit on the head or being knocked out - be it realisation of love or realisation of sister!
Suhani begs for forgiveness. Adh's expressions were the only thing that broke the tension - I cracked up every time the camera focussed on him!!! ROFL worthy!
Sam storms off after Su finally calls him bhai and says she has no one else apart from him - Adh ROFL expression again!!! Poor guy - I didn't find him so unbearable today cos I was laughing at him so much! Thank god Suhani finally let out the word 'bhai' ... I don't blame Adh for getting all the wrong ideas from Su's dialogues!
But Samrat's expressions were spot on!!! This guy has gotten very, very good in serious scenes - his face built up the tension really well, and his dialogues - again, the expressions in his voice was spot on. Good scene. Am also glad that Adh knows Sam was as much in the dark about Su as he was - at least no more Sam-Adh stares!
Last bit of the episodes - flashbacks - Sam had no dialogues (because of his throat?) but his expressions were great again - judging from those, Su isn't going to be forgiven so easily. And there IS going to be some SG tension, especially after Samrat comes to know that Gunjan knew all along.
And finally AS shatabdi express got derailed!
Taut episode - completely as I predicted but well done.
G finds Sam missing, they all go looking. Adh with Su asks her why she's so worried about Samrat all the time. Sam materialises and asks the same thing. Asks all the questions about his childhood etc. - thought he was a dhakkan but he actually noticed all of them! The others standing like spectators, again as I predicted :)))
Afterthought - I think Samrat is the quintessential tubelight ... he only starts thinking after being hit on the head or being knocked out - be it realisation of love or realisation of sister!
Suhani begs for forgiveness. Adh's expressions were the only thing that broke the tension - I cracked up every time the camera focussed on him!!! ROFL worthy!
Sam storms off after Su finally calls him bhai and says she has no one else apart from him - Adh ROFL expression again!!! Poor guy - I didn't find him so unbearable today cos I was laughing at him so much! Thank god Suhani finally let out the word 'bhai' ... I don't blame Adh for getting all the wrong ideas from Su's dialogues!
But Samrat's expressions were spot on!!! This guy has gotten very, very good in serious scenes - his face built up the tension really well, and his dialogues - again, the expressions in his voice was spot on. Good scene. Am also glad that Adh knows Sam was as much in the dark about Su as he was - at least no more Sam-Adh stares!
Last bit of the episodes - flashbacks - Sam had no dialogues (because of his throat?) but his expressions were great again - judging from those, Su isn't going to be forgiven so easily. And there IS going to be some SG tension, especially after Samrat comes to know that Gunjan knew all along.
And finally AS shatabdi express got derailed!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Expected rona dhona
14 December
Expected rona dhona episode - I think poor Mohit is getting the rest he needs with his bad throat!!!
Felt so nostalgic to see good old Sanjeevani ... hayyeee!!! And Atul - I love his new serious avatar, but miss the rest of the gang when I see him.
Anyway, MJHT - AS centered - Adhiraj waking up from beauty sleep to wonder why Su has 'speshul' feelings for Samrat. And Su - I should be writing the script - all the points I brought up yesterday about Suhani, madam finally started thinking about! What mess her lies have caused.
Liked the first hospital scene with the signing of papers business - and am glad that Nupur stopped Su from signing, and got Gunjan to sign instead. Agreed it was to protect her lie, but G is far closer to Sam, that's not a lie. And again, the standard hospital line - aadhe ghante mein hosh nahin aaya to - when are they going to learn that doctors NEVER say this! Bollywood and tellywood both! Reminded me of Armaan's last accident scene ;)
Liked the MN scene - Nups showing regret - don't worry sweetie, if you had disclosed the truth at the party, how would today's drama have taken place?! Sab Cv's ki meherbani hai!
Leads to Su crying buckets - taken over the crying queen tag from G, much to my relief.
G at Sam's bedside - liked her lines, see, I'm not crying, wiping her tears frantically. Except for the 'bhagwan ka shukar hai' - somehow that just does not suit her!!! Rest of her dialogues were Suhani centered - as was the episode. I can see SG fans leaving this show in droves if Cv's don't wake up soon. Oh well, I now have a stock of downloaded episodes I can rewatch happily - RIP, MJHT. Funny, I said this about DMG a few months ago.
More AS ... zzz Actually, not that bad, just that I don't like this couple, but story wise, necessary scene. Just stretched too long, that's all. Wonder why they're thrusting AS down viewers' throats - I think we should make it quite clear they're not liked! As secondaries to SG/MN, ok, nothing more. If AS take over MJHT, it's bye-bye MJHT for me.
Last scene - Samrat sees visions of Su as gunjan keeps talking about Su - talk about yourself, girl! The only thing which made him redeem himself slightly was that he didn't wake up shouting 'Suhani'! That would have pissed me off! Seems from his visions that he might have put the truth together, especially if he heard what G was saying through his concussion. Wakes up, G runs to call doc, and he disappears.
Slightly disorienting - watched DMG after MJHT to see the MJHT scene - and Sam's arrival to Sanjeevani in reverse! Followed by Sam still unconscious!!! ROFL!
Waiting for this track to end and Su drama to be out! Even if they show AS romancing, Su won't be after her brother and SG scenes (however rare) will be undisturbed - hopefully.
As for AS romancing in hospital - that's a tradition of Sanjeevani! Patient kum, romance zyada!
Expected rona dhona episode - I think poor Mohit is getting the rest he needs with his bad throat!!!
Felt so nostalgic to see good old Sanjeevani ... hayyeee!!! And Atul - I love his new serious avatar, but miss the rest of the gang when I see him.
Anyway, MJHT - AS centered - Adhiraj waking up from beauty sleep to wonder why Su has 'speshul' feelings for Samrat. And Su - I should be writing the script - all the points I brought up yesterday about Suhani, madam finally started thinking about! What mess her lies have caused.
Liked the first hospital scene with the signing of papers business - and am glad that Nupur stopped Su from signing, and got Gunjan to sign instead. Agreed it was to protect her lie, but G is far closer to Sam, that's not a lie. And again, the standard hospital line - aadhe ghante mein hosh nahin aaya to - when are they going to learn that doctors NEVER say this! Bollywood and tellywood both! Reminded me of Armaan's last accident scene ;)
Liked the MN scene - Nups showing regret - don't worry sweetie, if you had disclosed the truth at the party, how would today's drama have taken place?! Sab Cv's ki meherbani hai!
Leads to Su crying buckets - taken over the crying queen tag from G, much to my relief.
G at Sam's bedside - liked her lines, see, I'm not crying, wiping her tears frantically. Except for the 'bhagwan ka shukar hai' - somehow that just does not suit her!!! Rest of her dialogues were Suhani centered - as was the episode. I can see SG fans leaving this show in droves if Cv's don't wake up soon. Oh well, I now have a stock of downloaded episodes I can rewatch happily - RIP, MJHT. Funny, I said this about DMG a few months ago.
More AS ... zzz Actually, not that bad, just that I don't like this couple, but story wise, necessary scene. Just stretched too long, that's all. Wonder why they're thrusting AS down viewers' throats - I think we should make it quite clear they're not liked! As secondaries to SG/MN, ok, nothing more. If AS take over MJHT, it's bye-bye MJHT for me.
Last scene - Samrat sees visions of Su as gunjan keeps talking about Su - talk about yourself, girl! The only thing which made him redeem himself slightly was that he didn't wake up shouting 'Suhani'! That would have pissed me off! Seems from his visions that he might have put the truth together, especially if he heard what G was saying through his concussion. Wakes up, G runs to call doc, and he disappears.
Slightly disorienting - watched DMG after MJHT to see the MJHT scene - and Sam's arrival to Sanjeevani in reverse! Followed by Sam still unconscious!!! ROFL!
Waiting for this track to end and Su drama to be out! Even if they show AS romancing, Su won't be after her brother and SG scenes (however rare) will be undisturbed - hopefully.
As for AS romancing in hospital - that's a tradition of Sanjeevani! Patient kum, romance zyada!
Tougher than it seems
Writing multiple tracks for connected characters and managing a balance is tougher than it seems. And I think most writers of tv shows land up having their own favorites, whether they acknowledge it or not. Two factors which disrupt good writing. In American series like Friends, they have a team of writers, plus the shows are once a week, so they have far more time to come up with quality and plug loopholes. Here, with the plethora of channels and shows, and the trps race, writers and actors of daily shows have hardly any time to deliver quality. And that's a fact. Plus of course, the egos of all involved - actors are the faces of the show, but it seems to me that the writers, directors have the bigger egos, and more importantly, they have the power to make or destroy the characters. Unfortunately, this power is not alwys used wisely or impartially. After hearing from various friends in the business, I have to believe this.
Not that this excuses lack of quality and the glaring bloopers that have been seen recently in MJHT. The director, the actors and the people on the sets are busy - agreed. But the writer and screenplay writer are not so busy and they should have a bank of episodes ready and in hand well in time, also isn't there someone who looks into the bloopers that show up on screen? The passport details in the Sam Suhani track are a glaring example! Also the bloopers on their age - is it that difficult to write in an age and stick to it when you're planning a track?
But the biggest bloopers, which can really destroy a show for me, are the holes in characterisation. And that's what is happening in MJHT these days. If you write a story, you should know your characters inside out - they should be living breathing people to you, you should know how they would think and react and feel, and you should write accordingly. Also you should be able to show their development in a realistic way, especially when you're writing a show about young people. They are going to change, grow, develop and this should be reflected in the initial character graph as well as in any modifications you make.
It was easy for me to write for DMG, both predictions and ff. Because the characters were well defined, their mannerisms and way of talking was distinct and unique - and the actors were very good and gave the characters life. What I wrote for Riddhima and Muskaan and Anjali was what I could visualise them actually saying, same for Armaan, Atul and Rahul. Same for most of the other older writers - niha, nia, anjaan - Their predictions were great because they too knew the characters.
In MJHT, although the characters are younger and therefore there is leeway for a lot of change, this hasn't happened. At least I can't see it. I can't predict how a particular character will behave at any time - they change too much. And this makes them much less real for one thing, and completely stops me from writing anything on them - I can't visualise them talking in my head - a prerequisite for me to write on them. And when they do become real for a length of time, something happens - some really stupid scene - and they become unreal again.
Take Nupur. What she was when she started and what she has become. I can't even laugh at her now, she has become so irritating and over the top filmy. She's been reduced to a cartoon, good for laughs but nothing else. Janam janam ka saath - belongs to a saas bahu show, not to a youth show. And Mayank has joined her. What he was and what he become. Either he's stern headmaster or he's as nautanki as her. They have really become the comedy couple of MJHT. Total disconnect. Laugh at them when they're on screen and forget them immediately when they're off.
Take Samrat. I didn't like his character when he started - now I wonder if that was deliberate, a flawed hero. But somehow I don't think Priya and the others have so much imagination. Because he had too many flaws - he lied, cheated, made fun of others, and had an ego the size of an elephant. His development has been in fits and bursts - he improved a lot during the post talent parade days in terms of character, I really liked him during the 'gunjan finds out about the bet' and post 'friendship break days'. Then he turned into an unbelievable retard during Sheena - there were about ten episodes in the whole track when I liked Samrat, the character. Anyway that was the worst phase of MJHT, the Mayank realisation and Samrat Sheena. They both died completely during that phase, and so did Gunjan as she went into weeping willow, and Nupur - I don't know what exactly was happening to her. There was no story for Nupur at that time - she seemed to be just reacting to Mayank, who was totally irrational anyway.
Anyway, I lost any attachment I had for MN, but a few gems of SG kept me watching them. Gunjan post her play rehearsal confession was one. Samrat's dates with Sheena, both dominated by Gunjan, were another. Samrat's phone call to Gunjan after Sheena's condition of break your friendship was a third. Jail track was more relief that Sheena was out of the picture than any appreciation of the track.
And of course Morena and post confession I have enjoyed.
Until the last few scenes of the last week.
It was a good track. The bro-sis meeting with Gunjan as mediator. What have they done to it? They shoot promos, then put in scenes haphazardly - kheer episode case in point. Adhiraj's character is half baked in the extreme - I see the reason for his being there, but his characterisationas per what he was supposed to be in tellybuzz and what he actually turned out to be, are two completely different things. As for Suhani, she is a bumblehead - as dotty as her brother. Is she here for her bro, or is she here to fall in love? And she's supposed to be smart - what exactly is she doing? She doesn't want to tell Samrat who she is - okay. So she's happily encouraging Adhiraj, knowing she's lying to him as well? If she was real, she would stay guarded, acknowledge her growing feelings maybe, but at least equally worried about what he would feel when the truth comes out. So there's a complete disconnect - she seems to be playing two roles, one of sister and one of love struck girl, but she's not connecting the two roles at all.
And neither, to my disappointment, is Gunjan. She, apart from Suhani is the only one who knew the entire truth - she wouldn't be too bothered about Adhiraj when Suhani has started letting it out that she likes Adh, but shouldn't Gunjan be worried about the repurcussions for Nupur if Suhani likes Adhiraj and lets him know. Shouldn't she be nipping Su in the bud and saying - look, if u like the guy, then all the more reason to tell the truth to both your brother and Adh - till you do, you're deceiving Adh, so either hold back on expressing it, or tell him now. And for Suhani to tell Adhiraj is not a problem for Gunjan as it will solve her sister's problem. She should be as concerned for Nupur if she knows Su is falling for Adh and he for her - the repurcussions on Nupur are as catastrophic as for Suhani, and Gunjan should in fact be more worried for her sister right now than for Suhani. Rather than encouraging Su to fall for Adhiraj.
As for the last scene in the mega episode - unless Samrat does something drastic to resurrect himself, he's dead for me. That was a pathetic scene.
MJHT writers just don't see the whole picture - it's much tougher than it seems to write interconnected threads and write them well - but that's their job. I don't think I'm going to like what's coming up. All to the good - next few weeks are busy - time to disconnect.
Not that this excuses lack of quality and the glaring bloopers that have been seen recently in MJHT. The director, the actors and the people on the sets are busy - agreed. But the writer and screenplay writer are not so busy and they should have a bank of episodes ready and in hand well in time, also isn't there someone who looks into the bloopers that show up on screen? The passport details in the Sam Suhani track are a glaring example! Also the bloopers on their age - is it that difficult to write in an age and stick to it when you're planning a track?
But the biggest bloopers, which can really destroy a show for me, are the holes in characterisation. And that's what is happening in MJHT these days. If you write a story, you should know your characters inside out - they should be living breathing people to you, you should know how they would think and react and feel, and you should write accordingly. Also you should be able to show their development in a realistic way, especially when you're writing a show about young people. They are going to change, grow, develop and this should be reflected in the initial character graph as well as in any modifications you make.
It was easy for me to write for DMG, both predictions and ff. Because the characters were well defined, their mannerisms and way of talking was distinct and unique - and the actors were very good and gave the characters life. What I wrote for Riddhima and Muskaan and Anjali was what I could visualise them actually saying, same for Armaan, Atul and Rahul. Same for most of the other older writers - niha, nia, anjaan - Their predictions were great because they too knew the characters.
In MJHT, although the characters are younger and therefore there is leeway for a lot of change, this hasn't happened. At least I can't see it. I can't predict how a particular character will behave at any time - they change too much. And this makes them much less real for one thing, and completely stops me from writing anything on them - I can't visualise them talking in my head - a prerequisite for me to write on them. And when they do become real for a length of time, something happens - some really stupid scene - and they become unreal again.
Take Nupur. What she was when she started and what she has become. I can't even laugh at her now, she has become so irritating and over the top filmy. She's been reduced to a cartoon, good for laughs but nothing else. Janam janam ka saath - belongs to a saas bahu show, not to a youth show. And Mayank has joined her. What he was and what he become. Either he's stern headmaster or he's as nautanki as her. They have really become the comedy couple of MJHT. Total disconnect. Laugh at them when they're on screen and forget them immediately when they're off.
Take Samrat. I didn't like his character when he started - now I wonder if that was deliberate, a flawed hero. But somehow I don't think Priya and the others have so much imagination. Because he had too many flaws - he lied, cheated, made fun of others, and had an ego the size of an elephant. His development has been in fits and bursts - he improved a lot during the post talent parade days in terms of character, I really liked him during the 'gunjan finds out about the bet' and post 'friendship break days'. Then he turned into an unbelievable retard during Sheena - there were about ten episodes in the whole track when I liked Samrat, the character. Anyway that was the worst phase of MJHT, the Mayank realisation and Samrat Sheena. They both died completely during that phase, and so did Gunjan as she went into weeping willow, and Nupur - I don't know what exactly was happening to her. There was no story for Nupur at that time - she seemed to be just reacting to Mayank, who was totally irrational anyway.
Anyway, I lost any attachment I had for MN, but a few gems of SG kept me watching them. Gunjan post her play rehearsal confession was one. Samrat's dates with Sheena, both dominated by Gunjan, were another. Samrat's phone call to Gunjan after Sheena's condition of break your friendship was a third. Jail track was more relief that Sheena was out of the picture than any appreciation of the track.
And of course Morena and post confession I have enjoyed.
Until the last few scenes of the last week.
It was a good track. The bro-sis meeting with Gunjan as mediator. What have they done to it? They shoot promos, then put in scenes haphazardly - kheer episode case in point. Adhiraj's character is half baked in the extreme - I see the reason for his being there, but his characterisationas per what he was supposed to be in tellybuzz and what he actually turned out to be, are two completely different things. As for Suhani, she is a bumblehead - as dotty as her brother. Is she here for her bro, or is she here to fall in love? And she's supposed to be smart - what exactly is she doing? She doesn't want to tell Samrat who she is - okay. So she's happily encouraging Adhiraj, knowing she's lying to him as well? If she was real, she would stay guarded, acknowledge her growing feelings maybe, but at least equally worried about what he would feel when the truth comes out. So there's a complete disconnect - she seems to be playing two roles, one of sister and one of love struck girl, but she's not connecting the two roles at all.
And neither, to my disappointment, is Gunjan. She, apart from Suhani is the only one who knew the entire truth - she wouldn't be too bothered about Adhiraj when Suhani has started letting it out that she likes Adh, but shouldn't Gunjan be worried about the repurcussions for Nupur if Suhani likes Adhiraj and lets him know. Shouldn't she be nipping Su in the bud and saying - look, if u like the guy, then all the more reason to tell the truth to both your brother and Adh - till you do, you're deceiving Adh, so either hold back on expressing it, or tell him now. And for Suhani to tell Adhiraj is not a problem for Gunjan as it will solve her sister's problem. She should be as concerned for Nupur if she knows Su is falling for Adh and he for her - the repurcussions on Nupur are as catastrophic as for Suhani, and Gunjan should in fact be more worried for her sister right now than for Suhani. Rather than encouraging Su to fall for Adhiraj.
As for the last scene in the mega episode - unless Samrat does something drastic to resurrect himself, he's dead for me. That was a pathetic scene.
MJHT writers just don't see the whole picture - it's much tougher than it seems to write interconnected threads and write them well - but that's their job. I don't think I'm going to like what's coming up. All to the good - next few weeks are busy - time to disconnect.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Mega episode
12 December
Finally managed to watch most of the episode - not all - can't take so much crap at a stretch!
First part - Dia inviting Sanjeevani crowd JP, Jiggy - random crap
MN scene - okay, Amrish Puri line was cute at end
GunSU enter, Su planning to tell Samrat the truth
Sam-Adh get trophy, make up fight, hug - rather quick, wasn't it? Ab "Josh" film ka rip off kaise hoga?
1st SG scene - Sam back to flirt mode - cute!!! Loved the way he grabbed Gun by the waist! Finally getting back to bf mode! And Gunjan not really minding it at all :)
SG MN AS all together, random crap, Nup takes Adh off to confess but goes round in circles, Gun takes Mayank off so Su can tell Sam, but Su also blathering.
Small Majan interaction - both waiting for respective secrets to break, fingers crossed - cute.
Lots more random crap - Jiggy JP Uday Benji enter as Krish and Superman - supposed to be comedy, I felt like crying. Skipped most. Result - neither Nups or Su tell Adh or Sam.
DMG gang enter - random crap. Jiggy gives champagne bottle to Uday thinking he's JP.
AS scene ... as scintillating as ever.
SG scene - cuteeee ... Sam asks Gun why she's staring at ADh. Gun asks him are you jealous :) Cute eyelock, Sam hugs her from the back ... :))))murmurs "chashmish" in a HELLUVA sexy whisper!!! Mohit, may your throat be bad again and again! Gun objecting very halfheartedly! I loved both the nondrunk Gunjan SG scenes!!! As well as the drunk Gunjan ones ;)
MN scene - nothing much, saat janmon ka saath types dialogues.
Uday mixes the alcohol into fruit punch.
Some DMG intros, Mayank drinks punch. 1 talli down, 4 to go.
Su trying to talk to Sam, Gun leaves them alone, and asks Adh for punch to keep him away from SamSu. 2 more tallis, 2 to go.
YuNa scene, Naina drinks punch. 1 more to go.
1st talli Gunjan scene - Highlight no 1 - Sid-Sam-Gunjan :))))) I'm not fine, I'm Gunjan. Samrat ki Chashmish. :))) Repeats it for good measure, in case he didn't get the point. Chashhhh Mishhhh.
Gunjan adorable. Sam shell shocked. Sid amused.
Mayank Tam interaction - Tam drinks punch. All 5 tallis on the move! Drunk Mayank with Tam - ok ok.
2nd talli Gunjan scene - Highlight no 2 - Gun calls out -I love you, Samrat! Then puts finger on his lips when he calls her Chashmish, and says, not yours, i'm samrat's chashmish. Utterly butterly cutie pie Gunjan! She then proceeds to fall all over Samrat, holding his shirt, batting her eyelids up at him, snuggling up to him. Sam torn between being thrilled and suspicious, sniffs her glass and realises she's sloshed, tells her to control, she nods seriously like an obedient five year old. He grabs her waist again and takes her off. Gunjan forgets all about Samrat and Samrat's chashmish, all she wants is her glass back.
Drunk Adh with Su - fortunately very short.
Sid with drunk Tam. Yuvi with drunk naina - Sholay inspired - didn't watch either.
Drunk M with N - cute. M says - main unhe same pinch karke aata hun.
3rd talli Gunjan scene - highlight no 3 - SG with pillar. Did I mention how much I love SG pillar scenes? This one's short and verrrry sweet. Sam asks - are you ok chashmish? Gunjan says aahaaa. He says what? She says naaahaaa and smiles up at him. Don't know how he controlled himself and didn't plant a smacker on her lips there and then - she was looking soooo adorable! Not just cute, stunningly sexy as well - with that come hither smile! Maybe the fact that she was also looking as innocent as a three year old, stopped him! And just loved the way he said 'kya kar rahi ho Chashmish' as though he was totally gone over her, but knew he couldn't do a damn thing because she was drunk ... SEXY scene!!! Not too many scenes are so blatantly sexy yet subtle at the same time ... don't quite know how they managed that one, but they did. Just their expressions gave me butterflies!
Then song starts, Gunjan smiles like an excited kid and says 'gaana'! as though it's her favourite candy!
Song - quite well choreographed and performed. I was watching only Gunjan by now with huge grin on my face as to what she's going to come up with next. Sure enough, highlight no 4 - she sways and dances around Sam, nearly falling over him (perfectly to the beat, mind you), then tries to grab another glass of punch. Mayank beats her to it and she pouts like a three year old deprived of her favorite toy :)))
Other four couples got some more screen time - MN, AS seem to be the two romantic jodis as of now. YN were cute. SidTam had a small bit in the beginning only.
MOST random part - Sam stares at Suhani, she gives him teary eyed look, he comes across and hugs her. Didn't like this bit AT ALL! Why would he be looking at Suhani when he knew Gunjan was drunk? No way! He'd be keeping his eyes completely on her. Completely out of character.
Then Su goes out mumbling to herself about 'bhai', Samrat also goes out and sees her ?hears her ... mobike coming, he jumps to save her, gets hurt, passes out. Su runs screaming inside to call the others. All come out ... shocked to see Sam bleeding ... tan taraa.
End was the pits!
Finally managed to watch most of the episode - not all - can't take so much crap at a stretch!
First part - Dia inviting Sanjeevani crowd JP, Jiggy - random crap
MN scene - okay, Amrish Puri line was cute at end
GunSU enter, Su planning to tell Samrat the truth
Sam-Adh get trophy, make up fight, hug - rather quick, wasn't it? Ab "Josh" film ka rip off kaise hoga?
1st SG scene - Sam back to flirt mode - cute!!! Loved the way he grabbed Gun by the waist! Finally getting back to bf mode! And Gunjan not really minding it at all :)
SG MN AS all together, random crap, Nup takes Adh off to confess but goes round in circles, Gun takes Mayank off so Su can tell Sam, but Su also blathering.
Small Majan interaction - both waiting for respective secrets to break, fingers crossed - cute.
Lots more random crap - Jiggy JP Uday Benji enter as Krish and Superman - supposed to be comedy, I felt like crying. Skipped most. Result - neither Nups or Su tell Adh or Sam.
DMG gang enter - random crap. Jiggy gives champagne bottle to Uday thinking he's JP.
AS scene ... as scintillating as ever.
SG scene - cuteeee ... Sam asks Gun why she's staring at ADh. Gun asks him are you jealous :) Cute eyelock, Sam hugs her from the back ... :))))murmurs "chashmish" in a HELLUVA sexy whisper!!! Mohit, may your throat be bad again and again! Gun objecting very halfheartedly! I loved both the nondrunk Gunjan SG scenes!!! As well as the drunk Gunjan ones ;)
MN scene - nothing much, saat janmon ka saath types dialogues.
Uday mixes the alcohol into fruit punch.
Some DMG intros, Mayank drinks punch. 1 talli down, 4 to go.
Su trying to talk to Sam, Gun leaves them alone, and asks Adh for punch to keep him away from SamSu. 2 more tallis, 2 to go.
YuNa scene, Naina drinks punch. 1 more to go.
1st talli Gunjan scene - Highlight no 1 - Sid-Sam-Gunjan :))))) I'm not fine, I'm Gunjan. Samrat ki Chashmish. :))) Repeats it for good measure, in case he didn't get the point. Chashhhh Mishhhh.
Gunjan adorable. Sam shell shocked. Sid amused.
Mayank Tam interaction - Tam drinks punch. All 5 tallis on the move! Drunk Mayank with Tam - ok ok.
2nd talli Gunjan scene - Highlight no 2 - Gun calls out -I love you, Samrat! Then puts finger on his lips when he calls her Chashmish, and says, not yours, i'm samrat's chashmish. Utterly butterly cutie pie Gunjan! She then proceeds to fall all over Samrat, holding his shirt, batting her eyelids up at him, snuggling up to him. Sam torn between being thrilled and suspicious, sniffs her glass and realises she's sloshed, tells her to control, she nods seriously like an obedient five year old. He grabs her waist again and takes her off. Gunjan forgets all about Samrat and Samrat's chashmish, all she wants is her glass back.
Drunk Adh with Su - fortunately very short.
Sid with drunk Tam. Yuvi with drunk naina - Sholay inspired - didn't watch either.
Drunk M with N - cute. M says - main unhe same pinch karke aata hun.
3rd talli Gunjan scene - highlight no 3 - SG with pillar. Did I mention how much I love SG pillar scenes? This one's short and verrrry sweet. Sam asks - are you ok chashmish? Gunjan says aahaaa. He says what? She says naaahaaa and smiles up at him. Don't know how he controlled himself and didn't plant a smacker on her lips there and then - she was looking soooo adorable! Not just cute, stunningly sexy as well - with that come hither smile! Maybe the fact that she was also looking as innocent as a three year old, stopped him! And just loved the way he said 'kya kar rahi ho Chashmish' as though he was totally gone over her, but knew he couldn't do a damn thing because she was drunk ... SEXY scene!!! Not too many scenes are so blatantly sexy yet subtle at the same time ... don't quite know how they managed that one, but they did. Just their expressions gave me butterflies!
Then song starts, Gunjan smiles like an excited kid and says 'gaana'! as though it's her favourite candy!
Song - quite well choreographed and performed. I was watching only Gunjan by now with huge grin on my face as to what she's going to come up with next. Sure enough, highlight no 4 - she sways and dances around Sam, nearly falling over him (perfectly to the beat, mind you), then tries to grab another glass of punch. Mayank beats her to it and she pouts like a three year old deprived of her favorite toy :)))
Other four couples got some more screen time - MN, AS seem to be the two romantic jodis as of now. YN were cute. SidTam had a small bit in the beginning only.
MOST random part - Sam stares at Suhani, she gives him teary eyed look, he comes across and hugs her. Didn't like this bit AT ALL! Why would he be looking at Suhani when he knew Gunjan was drunk? No way! He'd be keeping his eyes completely on her. Completely out of character.
Then Su goes out mumbling to herself about 'bhai', Samrat also goes out and sees her ?hears her ... mobike coming, he jumps to save her, gets hurt, passes out. Su runs screaming inside to call the others. All come out ... shocked to see Sam bleeding ... tan taraa.
End was the pits!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sajan oneliners
I know we (as in Sajan lovers) have had a rather crappy couple of weeks in terms of SG romance. With three parallel tracks going on - Mayur milap with added tadka of Bui, SamSuhani secret and Adhaani romance, there has really been no time given to Sajan the couple. And the special episode tonight may leave us feeling a) disappointed that SG were shortchanged again, b) tense if some accident happens and c) ecstatic because we got a good Sajan scene (this was in order of likelihood).
But SG have always had quality - and even in the drought of SG scenes, I found some winners that touched my heart as Sajan always do. The beauty of these is the dialogues are oneliners, go straight to the heart and have the depth of the Sajan love story behind them. So, just to make us feel better and to relive the beauty of the Sajan track -
1) 24th Nov - SG fight on bb court, Samrat walks off after calling Gunjan "Gunjan". Gunjan looks after him as he walks off and half whispers "Gunjan? Main kab se ..."
Her eyes and her voice show the depth of her hurt.
Background: Gunjan is Chashmish for Samrat. The name is his, used only by him, he's been possessive about it long, long before he ever acknowledged or even realised his feelings for her. He never let anyone else use it, not even Benji, his then closest friend - the name itself is a symbol of his possessiveness and his feeling of 'she's mine' and it always has been. It's something that just belongs to the two of them, something very private, personal, intimate. For Samrat to call Gunjan by her name is almost like calling a stranger. And when he called her Gunjan, it was far more than just calling her by her name - it was as though he was putting distance between them. That's why Gunjan was so hurt.
All this in just those three - four words.
2) 25th Nov. Samrat suhani. Samrat apologises to Suhani and says if you don't forgive me, Gunjan won't forgive me.
Doesn't say it but it's clear - Gunjan is the ruling influence in my life.
3) 1st Dec - SG in Gunjan's room, Samrat tells Gunjan to say I love you, she runs away. Then she stops, looks back at him, and in the softest of voice, with no fuss at all, says those three magical words. Her voice is amazing, the emotion she gets into those three words - love mixed with the sheer joy of being able to say 'I love you' freely to the boy she has loved for so long and so deeply. And oh - her smile! I don't blame Samrat for being putty in her hands after that smile!
4) 7th December - Kheer and aftermath. Samrat storms out of the canteen, Gunjan follows him.
'Earlier when you were upset, you would come looking for me, now why are you running away from me?'
Background - the whole SG track! Exams and the basketball camp lies, Samrat first told Gunjan his true feelings, that he was scared, nervous. Sheena's condition to stop talking to Gunjan - he couldn't tell her what Sheena had said, but he still had to call Gunjan when he got back from Sheena's house, it was as though he just had to hear her voice. Next day he fantasized about telling her, because she would put things right, then again he stopped himself. Accident and jail tracks - roused from his unconsciousness in the car, he kept asking her to stay with him. And all through his time in jail, he kept waiting for her visits. Whenever he was upset, he needed Gunjan. Now too, he needs her, but this is about a hurt he has kept hidden even from her, so he tries to hide it again - but he can't.
5) 9 Dec - Gunjan wishes Samrat for bb match. He says - remember the court case, you brought a handful of prasad, that was our trust, the trust I had in you, the trust you had in me.
He seems to have forgotten completely that he wasn't in love with her at the time. Or maybe he's just saying what he subconsciously knew all along, that it was always love he felt for her, and the unconditional trust he had in her was a part of that love.
6)Chashmish, tum palatna bhool gayi.
Background - again the whole SG track! This one has been so consistent for the entire one year plus, again it's an integral part of their story, again five words which have the depth and breadth of their entire relationship behind them. Brought up in words for the first time during the jail track, but it's been there all along almost from their first few sequences ever since they first became friends. And again, like 'Chashmish', it's a Sajan track signature.
But SG have always had quality - and even in the drought of SG scenes, I found some winners that touched my heart as Sajan always do. The beauty of these is the dialogues are oneliners, go straight to the heart and have the depth of the Sajan love story behind them. So, just to make us feel better and to relive the beauty of the Sajan track -
1) 24th Nov - SG fight on bb court, Samrat walks off after calling Gunjan "Gunjan". Gunjan looks after him as he walks off and half whispers "Gunjan? Main kab se ..."
Her eyes and her voice show the depth of her hurt.
Background: Gunjan is Chashmish for Samrat. The name is his, used only by him, he's been possessive about it long, long before he ever acknowledged or even realised his feelings for her. He never let anyone else use it, not even Benji, his then closest friend - the name itself is a symbol of his possessiveness and his feeling of 'she's mine' and it always has been. It's something that just belongs to the two of them, something very private, personal, intimate. For Samrat to call Gunjan by her name is almost like calling a stranger. And when he called her Gunjan, it was far more than just calling her by her name - it was as though he was putting distance between them. That's why Gunjan was so hurt.
All this in just those three - four words.
2) 25th Nov. Samrat suhani. Samrat apologises to Suhani and says if you don't forgive me, Gunjan won't forgive me.
Doesn't say it but it's clear - Gunjan is the ruling influence in my life.
3) 1st Dec - SG in Gunjan's room, Samrat tells Gunjan to say I love you, she runs away. Then she stops, looks back at him, and in the softest of voice, with no fuss at all, says those three magical words. Her voice is amazing, the emotion she gets into those three words - love mixed with the sheer joy of being able to say 'I love you' freely to the boy she has loved for so long and so deeply. And oh - her smile! I don't blame Samrat for being putty in her hands after that smile!
4) 7th December - Kheer and aftermath. Samrat storms out of the canteen, Gunjan follows him.
'Earlier when you were upset, you would come looking for me, now why are you running away from me?'
Background - the whole SG track! Exams and the basketball camp lies, Samrat first told Gunjan his true feelings, that he was scared, nervous. Sheena's condition to stop talking to Gunjan - he couldn't tell her what Sheena had said, but he still had to call Gunjan when he got back from Sheena's house, it was as though he just had to hear her voice. Next day he fantasized about telling her, because she would put things right, then again he stopped himself. Accident and jail tracks - roused from his unconsciousness in the car, he kept asking her to stay with him. And all through his time in jail, he kept waiting for her visits. Whenever he was upset, he needed Gunjan. Now too, he needs her, but this is about a hurt he has kept hidden even from her, so he tries to hide it again - but he can't.
5) 9 Dec - Gunjan wishes Samrat for bb match. He says - remember the court case, you brought a handful of prasad, that was our trust, the trust I had in you, the trust you had in me.
He seems to have forgotten completely that he wasn't in love with her at the time. Or maybe he's just saying what he subconsciously knew all along, that it was always love he felt for her, and the unconditional trust he had in her was a part of that love.
6)Chashmish, tum palatna bhool gayi.
Background - again the whole SG track! This one has been so consistent for the entire one year plus, again it's an integral part of their story, again five words which have the depth and breadth of their entire relationship behind them. Brought up in words for the first time during the jail track, but it's been there all along almost from their first few sequences ever since they first became friends. And again, like 'Chashmish', it's a Sajan track signature.
Basketball and Bui
11th December
Gunjan and Suhani with respective brats ... oops, boyfriends.
SG scene - good as usual, but too short (SG scenes always seem too short to me!). Well, it never takes Gunjan too long to get her point across - for once, Samrat isn't ready to listen to her. And I agree, he has justification - Adh is being a prat of the highest order.
Interspersed with AS - umm ... Adhiraj needs acting classes - badly! Was Samrat/Mohit this bad when he started? Adh was ROFL worthy when he switched from being angry to lovey-dovey - I started laughing where he was supposed to be all romantic and intense! It was as though director told him - now u look angry - and he looked angry, director said - now u look tender, he tried to look tender!
And omg - Suhani squints!!! All thru their scene, I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying - not that it was worth much - cos I was just laughing at his puppydog expressions or gaping at her squint! They'd better stop giving Suhani such close-ups.
Best part - Samrat saying - Chashmish, tum palatna bhool gayi. Don't blame her for melting - I would too. Whatever happens between them - fights, disagreements, arguments, Samrat's love for Gunjan is the one steady rock of his life - unshakeable. Gives me a lot of hope for the unfolding of sister secret track coming up.
MN at home - Nupur echoed my thoughts completely!!! when Mayank started talking I was like - he sounds more like strict headmaster than boyfriend, promptly Nups says - you should have told me u were taking a class, I would have taken notes! Hehe, that's why I like this girl - she comes up with winners!
MN at bb match with Bui - ROFL!!! LOVE Bui's fashion sense - complete with hat and sunglasses inside the gym! And her laddoos! Poor Bablu!
BB match - Enjoyed it again! Never knew BB matches had such long half times though - enough time for more pep talks by GSu, including a bro-sis look. But it was fun - a good change from all the serious love and family tracks that have been going on for so long. And I liked the way they showed the transition - Sam and Adh playing together, yet not together, and then finally at crunch time, Samrat letting go of his ego and passing the ball to Adh. Am glad it happened this way around and he let Adh make the winning basket - put Sam on the higher moral ground. They didn't show them sharing the trophy though. Another sbs scene that didn't make it past the editing table - unless they show it tomorrow. Thought Sam would hand the trophy to Su? Unlikely - tomorrow will be party and lots of tension.
Another good part, when Sam and Adh join the game and Adh gives his instructions, again excludes Sam, all Sam does is grimace, as tho' to say - this guy will never change. Again Sam on higher ground here.
Loved the Gunjan nose flick! Want more Sajan scenes!
One reason to look forward to Salaame Ishq - Gunjan dancing with full verve for the first time in the show in a peppy number - Khuda Jaane was magical, but it was slow and romantic. In Salame ishq, Sanaya's enjoying herself :) And she dances well :)))
Addendum - watching SG scenes/MJHT of last December - no, Samrat wasn't this bad when he started - or three months down the line. At least his expressions in serious scenes were good. His character was irritating but the SG scenes were watchable from the start. So jury still out on AS - they've already had a month and they're still minus chemistry. Anyway, after the truth is out, they may break up and that might be when they get better - their story has been too fast to be very believable. And I never saw much chemistry in MN the first few episodes either - or for the longest time - still don't most of the time. Nope, I don't think I'm ever going to be an AS fan
Gunjan and Suhani with respective brats ... oops, boyfriends.
SG scene - good as usual, but too short (SG scenes always seem too short to me!). Well, it never takes Gunjan too long to get her point across - for once, Samrat isn't ready to listen to her. And I agree, he has justification - Adh is being a prat of the highest order.
Interspersed with AS - umm ... Adhiraj needs acting classes - badly! Was Samrat/Mohit this bad when he started? Adh was ROFL worthy when he switched from being angry to lovey-dovey - I started laughing where he was supposed to be all romantic and intense! It was as though director told him - now u look angry - and he looked angry, director said - now u look tender, he tried to look tender!
And omg - Suhani squints!!! All thru their scene, I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying - not that it was worth much - cos I was just laughing at his puppydog expressions or gaping at her squint! They'd better stop giving Suhani such close-ups.
Best part - Samrat saying - Chashmish, tum palatna bhool gayi. Don't blame her for melting - I would too. Whatever happens between them - fights, disagreements, arguments, Samrat's love for Gunjan is the one steady rock of his life - unshakeable. Gives me a lot of hope for the unfolding of sister secret track coming up.
MN at home - Nupur echoed my thoughts completely!!! when Mayank started talking I was like - he sounds more like strict headmaster than boyfriend, promptly Nups says - you should have told me u were taking a class, I would have taken notes! Hehe, that's why I like this girl - she comes up with winners!
MN at bb match with Bui - ROFL!!! LOVE Bui's fashion sense - complete with hat and sunglasses inside the gym! And her laddoos! Poor Bablu!
BB match - Enjoyed it again! Never knew BB matches had such long half times though - enough time for more pep talks by GSu, including a bro-sis look. But it was fun - a good change from all the serious love and family tracks that have been going on for so long. And I liked the way they showed the transition - Sam and Adh playing together, yet not together, and then finally at crunch time, Samrat letting go of his ego and passing the ball to Adh. Am glad it happened this way around and he let Adh make the winning basket - put Sam on the higher moral ground. They didn't show them sharing the trophy though. Another sbs scene that didn't make it past the editing table - unless they show it tomorrow. Thought Sam would hand the trophy to Su? Unlikely - tomorrow will be party and lots of tension.
Another good part, when Sam and Adh join the game and Adh gives his instructions, again excludes Sam, all Sam does is grimace, as tho' to say - this guy will never change. Again Sam on higher ground here.
Loved the Gunjan nose flick! Want more Sajan scenes!
One reason to look forward to Salaame Ishq - Gunjan dancing with full verve for the first time in the show in a peppy number - Khuda Jaane was magical, but it was slow and romantic. In Salame ishq, Sanaya's enjoying herself :) And she dances well :)))
Addendum - watching SG scenes/MJHT of last December - no, Samrat wasn't this bad when he started - or three months down the line. At least his expressions in serious scenes were good. His character was irritating but the SG scenes were watchable from the start. So jury still out on AS - they've already had a month and they're still minus chemistry. Anyway, after the truth is out, they may break up and that might be when they get better - their story has been too fast to be very believable. And I never saw much chemistry in MN the first few episodes either - or for the longest time - still don't most of the time. Nope, I don't think I'm ever going to be an AS fan
Thursday, December 10, 2009
saas-jamai vs basketball bluster
10th December
Okay, today MN were seriously boring! For once we had a decent college track of match rivalries and we have a saas bahu - ok, saas jamai episode right in the middle???!!! And is Nupur a compulsive liar or what?!
General description of MN scenes today - lifted from Tu Tu Main Main with running around looking for random mice of two-legged and four legged variety.
Back to basketball - Sam-raj scene - no eyelocks, but good old fashioned fighting! Hehe, I must have some hidden violent tendencies :) I rather liked! And am so glad good old benji followed Samrat rather than Adha-raj ... And really Adharaj - excluding your team member from the huddle?! and you say you're a national level bb player? No wonder India isn't doing too well at national level basketball!
Princi scene - good! Once in a while, Princi lands up and acts like a principal! Good decision - ban both the boys for behaving like brats in the middle of a match. Ermm, being just slightly biased, I still think it's Adha-raj's fault - as can be seen in his pulling down a winning team! They were winning before he came in, weren't they? So if they lose - kiski galti??? If the shoe fits ...
Though - just wondering - can the princi call his players for a private guftagu right in the middle of a match?
GunSu scene - so my guess was right and the girls are going to manao their respective bullheaded boyfriends ... cute scene, the way Suhani stumbles over explanations and gunjan says - I never asked you anything!
Must say, creatives have handled the bb match track rather well - they've made it interesting and pretty crisp. Am actually looking forward to more matches - probably helps that Mohit and the others actually do play bb ( am I right?) so they look good playing.
Am also looking forward to the SG and AS talks tomorrow - both girls in scolding mode?! And both boys putty in hands of respective girlfriends?! Should be fun!
Last MN scene - did I miss something or did Mayank not mention anything about Nupur being a (ahem) 'special friend'? In other words, is satyavadi harishchandra back or is the two legged mouse still around? His apology was nice - simple, direct - I found the kneeling on the ground a little OTT though. Rati is getting very filmy! Or maybe she was always that but I found it cuter earlier! And where oh where did he produce extra large Ramayan at a moment's notice? I'm beginning to think Mayank doesn't study at Excel but at Hogwarts. Bui forgave him very readily, I must say. Maybe because he didn't mention anything about himself and Nupur - whereas in Samrat's case, she has seen him multiple times flirting with Gunjan, and for an old-fashioned woman like her, that's the major problem!
addendum on Bui vs Mayank/Samrat
Bui liked Mayank in Morena as a person. Plus she had from her end done all the background checks on Bablu, so she had no objection to bablu roaming around with Nupur in garden and khet or wherever - as far as she was concerned, he was a good guy from good family, so he was allowed some liberties. And mayank's apology was frank and sincere. In spite of that, her forgiveness was a bit quick, but well, okay - the main thing was that as a person, her impression of him was good.
But the biggest point is that Mayank has so far NOT told her the complete truth - the real reason he came to Morena was Nupur. Wise on his part - taking it in stages - first clear his bad impression, then win her over further so that when she thinks well of him as Mayank, then he can break the news of their being a couple. Which actually proves Gunjan's POV - sometimes it is better not to tell the whole truth, but to wait for the right time.
Why Bui hasn't forgiven Samrat - first impression was not good, especially for a religious lady, he upset the aarti thali - Mayank gave her a Ramayana and added a lecture from it as well for good measure! Secondly, the egg pastries - again against her religious sentiments.
Biggest point where Samrat failed - Bui saw Samrat flirting with Gunjan multiple times - added to the already bad impression Samrat had made on her, and her own traditional values - if she liked a boy for her daughters, he was welcome to spend private time with them, but if she hadn't vetted the boy first, no way. Double standards, but that's the way many old women are. And correct from her own POV - she's just being protective about her girls - the only thing is, she's not giving them the respect of thinking that they could choose a good guy on their own, and accepting that if Gunjan was not objecting to Samrat's closeness, it was because she didn't mind it. Which is what Bauji did see, I think - or rather he saw that Gunjan was happy when he first came, and that she was very upset when Samrat was told to leave - so he has respected his daughter's feelings, and also her decision. Besides he was able to make a more balanced decision on Samrat because he didn't have any bad first impression of him at all.
Okay, today MN were seriously boring! For once we had a decent college track of match rivalries and we have a saas bahu - ok, saas jamai episode right in the middle???!!! And is Nupur a compulsive liar or what?!
General description of MN scenes today - lifted from Tu Tu Main Main with running around looking for random mice of two-legged and four legged variety.
Back to basketball - Sam-raj scene - no eyelocks, but good old fashioned fighting! Hehe, I must have some hidden violent tendencies :) I rather liked! And am so glad good old benji followed Samrat rather than Adha-raj ... And really Adharaj - excluding your team member from the huddle?! and you say you're a national level bb player? No wonder India isn't doing too well at national level basketball!
Princi scene - good! Once in a while, Princi lands up and acts like a principal! Good decision - ban both the boys for behaving like brats in the middle of a match. Ermm, being just slightly biased, I still think it's Adha-raj's fault - as can be seen in his pulling down a winning team! They were winning before he came in, weren't they? So if they lose - kiski galti??? If the shoe fits ...
Though - just wondering - can the princi call his players for a private guftagu right in the middle of a match?
GunSu scene - so my guess was right and the girls are going to manao their respective bullheaded boyfriends ... cute scene, the way Suhani stumbles over explanations and gunjan says - I never asked you anything!
Must say, creatives have handled the bb match track rather well - they've made it interesting and pretty crisp. Am actually looking forward to more matches - probably helps that Mohit and the others actually do play bb ( am I right?) so they look good playing.
Am also looking forward to the SG and AS talks tomorrow - both girls in scolding mode?! And both boys putty in hands of respective girlfriends?! Should be fun!
Last MN scene - did I miss something or did Mayank not mention anything about Nupur being a (ahem) 'special friend'? In other words, is satyavadi harishchandra back or is the two legged mouse still around? His apology was nice - simple, direct - I found the kneeling on the ground a little OTT though. Rati is getting very filmy! Or maybe she was always that but I found it cuter earlier! And where oh where did he produce extra large Ramayan at a moment's notice? I'm beginning to think Mayank doesn't study at Excel but at Hogwarts. Bui forgave him very readily, I must say. Maybe because he didn't mention anything about himself and Nupur - whereas in Samrat's case, she has seen him multiple times flirting with Gunjan, and for an old-fashioned woman like her, that's the major problem!
addendum on Bui vs Mayank/Samrat
Bui liked Mayank in Morena as a person. Plus she had from her end done all the background checks on Bablu, so she had no objection to bablu roaming around with Nupur in garden and khet or wherever - as far as she was concerned, he was a good guy from good family, so he was allowed some liberties. And mayank's apology was frank and sincere. In spite of that, her forgiveness was a bit quick, but well, okay - the main thing was that as a person, her impression of him was good.
But the biggest point is that Mayank has so far NOT told her the complete truth - the real reason he came to Morena was Nupur. Wise on his part - taking it in stages - first clear his bad impression, then win her over further so that when she thinks well of him as Mayank, then he can break the news of their being a couple. Which actually proves Gunjan's POV - sometimes it is better not to tell the whole truth, but to wait for the right time.
Why Bui hasn't forgiven Samrat - first impression was not good, especially for a religious lady, he upset the aarti thali - Mayank gave her a Ramayana and added a lecture from it as well for good measure! Secondly, the egg pastries - again against her religious sentiments.
Biggest point where Samrat failed - Bui saw Samrat flirting with Gunjan multiple times - added to the already bad impression Samrat had made on her, and her own traditional values - if she liked a boy for her daughters, he was welcome to spend private time with them, but if she hadn't vetted the boy first, no way. Double standards, but that's the way many old women are. And correct from her own POV - she's just being protective about her girls - the only thing is, she's not giving them the respect of thinking that they could choose a good guy on their own, and accepting that if Gunjan was not objecting to Samrat's closeness, it was because she didn't mind it. Which is what Bauji did see, I think - or rather he saw that Gunjan was happy when he first came, and that she was very upset when Samrat was told to leave - so he has respected his daughter's feelings, and also her decision. Besides he was able to make a more balanced decision on Samrat because he didn't have any bad first impression of him at all.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Some ROFL, some tension
9th December
Opens with bb locker room - princi says samrat went to get A's BB card otherwise he wouldn't have been able to play. Samrat did you have to be such a good boy? A is silent - thankfully. Of course, he has to let Sam play now. Samrat's smirk pretty justified here :)
Nupur in shower ... hey ram! Comes out in Dia's nightdress - double hey ram! Mayank waiting for her in bedroom - triple hey ram - hey, you guys aren't married yet! Cute scene of nups blushing :) followed by 9856th hug ... I don't want to sulk, but can you guys give a few of your hug quota to SG please? Balance the scales a bit!
BB court - SG - finally!!! Lovely scene - and no, he's not asking for a kiss :) Just saying how much her being there means to him. That's why I love this guy! And gunjan is amazing - she didn't bring a rose for samrat, giving suhani the chance to give him the rakhi. Really Suhani should thank god for giving her Gunjan to help bridge the gap,
Suhani wishes Adhiraj and then comes to wish Samrat. A trying his best to eavesdrop - was wondering how long it would take him to cotton on to Su's extra special feelings for Samrat! ROFL moment no 1 - A shooting dagger glances at Sam! Am sure he was relieved to hear that the friendship band was a rakhi special :) Gunjan is practically spelling things out here - but Sammy's always been a little slow on the uptake. Sweet scene again.
Nups getting ready, big bad bui arrives. ROFL moment no 2 - Mr satyavadi harishchandra does rapid transformation into chooha and hides behind sofa. Bui promptly steps on his hand. Couldn't help laughing at Mayank's expression - bechara kahan phas gaya!!!
Match - well done, creatives! Enjoyed watching it - and I'm not such a great fan of bb, but they built up the tension well. A & S score, then their rivalry starts, opposite camp figures out. I think the creatives sit with a list of SRK movies to draw 'inspiration' from - this one is directly from Chak De. My only hope - the voice of sanity, Gunjan, aided by Suhani should drill some sense onto the two bull heads either during the break or after the match - which if they carry on like this, they'll lose. And for all Adhiraj supporters - I DON'T see Adhiraj playing fair - he keeps taking over the ball without regard to team mates. Seems to be determined to prove he can win the match on his own. I think Samrat is going to come out smelling of roses here - he seems to be more in synch with the team - after all, his team. Lets see if the creatives change things around and make Sam the more selfish player later - but I'll be happy to see Adhiraj taken down a peg or two.
Oouuuiii ma - how could I forget ... cutest bit!!! Samrat raising his hand to Gunjan (?flying kiss)after his intro, and Gunjan blushing!
Precap - same promo. Thank u creatives!
On the whole, a much better episode than yesterday.
Opens with bb locker room - princi says samrat went to get A's BB card otherwise he wouldn't have been able to play. Samrat did you have to be such a good boy? A is silent - thankfully. Of course, he has to let Sam play now. Samrat's smirk pretty justified here :)
Nupur in shower ... hey ram! Comes out in Dia's nightdress - double hey ram! Mayank waiting for her in bedroom - triple hey ram - hey, you guys aren't married yet! Cute scene of nups blushing :) followed by 9856th hug ... I don't want to sulk, but can you guys give a few of your hug quota to SG please? Balance the scales a bit!
BB court - SG - finally!!! Lovely scene - and no, he's not asking for a kiss :) Just saying how much her being there means to him. That's why I love this guy! And gunjan is amazing - she didn't bring a rose for samrat, giving suhani the chance to give him the rakhi. Really Suhani should thank god for giving her Gunjan to help bridge the gap,
Suhani wishes Adhiraj and then comes to wish Samrat. A trying his best to eavesdrop - was wondering how long it would take him to cotton on to Su's extra special feelings for Samrat! ROFL moment no 1 - A shooting dagger glances at Sam! Am sure he was relieved to hear that the friendship band was a rakhi special :) Gunjan is practically spelling things out here - but Sammy's always been a little slow on the uptake. Sweet scene again.
Nups getting ready, big bad bui arrives. ROFL moment no 2 - Mr satyavadi harishchandra does rapid transformation into chooha and hides behind sofa. Bui promptly steps on his hand. Couldn't help laughing at Mayank's expression - bechara kahan phas gaya!!!
Match - well done, creatives! Enjoyed watching it - and I'm not such a great fan of bb, but they built up the tension well. A & S score, then their rivalry starts, opposite camp figures out. I think the creatives sit with a list of SRK movies to draw 'inspiration' from - this one is directly from Chak De. My only hope - the voice of sanity, Gunjan, aided by Suhani should drill some sense onto the two bull heads either during the break or after the match - which if they carry on like this, they'll lose. And for all Adhiraj supporters - I DON'T see Adhiraj playing fair - he keeps taking over the ball without regard to team mates. Seems to be determined to prove he can win the match on his own. I think Samrat is going to come out smelling of roses here - he seems to be more in synch with the team - after all, his team. Lets see if the creatives change things around and make Sam the more selfish player later - but I'll be happy to see Adhiraj taken down a peg or two.
Oouuuiii ma - how could I forget ... cutest bit!!! Samrat raising his hand to Gunjan (?flying kiss)after his intro, and Gunjan blushing!
Precap - same promo. Thank u creatives!
On the whole, a much better episode than yesterday.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Day of the B's
8th December
Big bore - AS scene to start off the episode
Bui Bomb Blast! Funny, just yesterday I was thinking that Adhiraj isn't the problem, Bui is - and lo and behold here she is!
Bro-sis scene - Samrat eating the kheer after all - very sweet. Suhani's expressions were sweet too.
Bombshell in Blue - Gunjan! She's looking gorgeous :))) And thank god, the yellow tablecloth was only for a couple of days!
Bhaichara and behenchara (is that a word?) - Sayank and Gunur scenes respectively :)
Blustering Bully Adiraj - using our position, are we?!
MN - can't think of a B for them - except that they're going to Be in Boiling hot water soon - courtesy Big Bad Bui!
Vaise, I like Nupur, i really do, and she's very pretty - but no - she's not hot! :) she got that one right!!!
Big bore - AS scene to start off the episode
Bui Bomb Blast! Funny, just yesterday I was thinking that Adhiraj isn't the problem, Bui is - and lo and behold here she is!
Bro-sis scene - Samrat eating the kheer after all - very sweet. Suhani's expressions were sweet too.
Bombshell in Blue - Gunjan! She's looking gorgeous :))) And thank god, the yellow tablecloth was only for a couple of days!
Bhaichara and behenchara (is that a word?) - Sayank and Gunur scenes respectively :)
Blustering Bully Adiraj - using our position, are we?!
MN - can't think of a B for them - except that they're going to Be in Boiling hot water soon - courtesy Big Bad Bui!
Vaise, I like Nupur, i really do, and she's very pretty - but no - she's not hot! :) she got that one right!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Getting better
7 december
DMG2 - getting better. The comedy scenes are good - all five are doing their parts well. Sid is still a bit OTT, but pulls it off. Yuvi and Naina have improved a lot in dialogue and expressions. Tamanna needs to get a life! Aniket Hindivala is good - he's so sweet, you feel sorry for him!
DMG2 - getting better. The comedy scenes are good - all five are doing their parts well. Sid is still a bit OTT, but pulls it off. Yuvi and Naina have improved a lot in dialogue and expressions. Tamanna needs to get a life! Aniket Hindivala is good - he's so sweet, you feel sorry for him!
Upping the ante
7 December
Upping the tension meter! as expected Gunjan tells Mayank 2 more days (shot three, dubbed two! getting conscious of days!) Just a thought - satyavadi harishchandra has not yet confessed to Bui about his own lies, so why is he acting so self-righteous?
Another thought - the whole adhiraj problem is because Nupur hasn't told Bui about Mayank. So if MN tell bui, Adhiraj will automatically be withdrawn from the matrimonial lists while Bui and MN fight it out, and there's no need to tell him any truth at all. In any case, why tell him - he's an outsider. Even if after knowing the truth, he withdraws like a true gallant knight, Bui will furnish another prospect.
Girls in locker room, Samrat enters, no fight, they manage to fool him that they were talking about party. Honestly all these people in MJHT are rather dim! Canteen and kheer - Samrat hates kheer. How did gajar ka halwa change to kheer? And Suhani could make kheer at the age of nine?!!! But quite nice bro-sis scene.
Very nice SG scene - full of tension. Gunjan is upping the pressure too - samrat, face it, stop running away. Loved her first dialogue - whenever you were upset, you used to come to me, why are you running away from me now? So defines their relationship. Samrat's acting was really good - Mohit wants to do comedy but I like him much better in serious scenes.
AS scene - not bad, tolerable, as it was related to Sam Suhani.
Last MN scene - again, Mayank on his 'tell the truth' binge. Mayank, you do realise that if Nupur tells Adhiraj the truth, then your truth will come out as well - why Nupur is so anti-babloo in the first place?
Precap - So samrat is confronting Suhani.
And thank god, same dance promo, I don't want to see any more SG scenes of the dance. There won't be anything left to see in the episode! I have to say, Gunjan is really not herself. Now I will actually be disappointed if she isn't drunk! That will be character destruction!
Upping the tension meter! as expected Gunjan tells Mayank 2 more days (shot three, dubbed two! getting conscious of days!) Just a thought - satyavadi harishchandra has not yet confessed to Bui about his own lies, so why is he acting so self-righteous?
Another thought - the whole adhiraj problem is because Nupur hasn't told Bui about Mayank. So if MN tell bui, Adhiraj will automatically be withdrawn from the matrimonial lists while Bui and MN fight it out, and there's no need to tell him any truth at all. In any case, why tell him - he's an outsider. Even if after knowing the truth, he withdraws like a true gallant knight, Bui will furnish another prospect.
Girls in locker room, Samrat enters, no fight, they manage to fool him that they were talking about party. Honestly all these people in MJHT are rather dim! Canteen and kheer - Samrat hates kheer. How did gajar ka halwa change to kheer? And Suhani could make kheer at the age of nine?!!! But quite nice bro-sis scene.
Very nice SG scene - full of tension. Gunjan is upping the pressure too - samrat, face it, stop running away. Loved her first dialogue - whenever you were upset, you used to come to me, why are you running away from me now? So defines their relationship. Samrat's acting was really good - Mohit wants to do comedy but I like him much better in serious scenes.
AS scene - not bad, tolerable, as it was related to Sam Suhani.
Last MN scene - again, Mayank on his 'tell the truth' binge. Mayank, you do realise that if Nupur tells Adhiraj the truth, then your truth will come out as well - why Nupur is so anti-babloo in the first place?
Precap - So samrat is confronting Suhani.
And thank god, same dance promo, I don't want to see any more SG scenes of the dance. There won't be anything left to see in the episode! I have to say, Gunjan is really not herself. Now I will actually be disappointed if she isn't drunk! That will be character destruction!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sa Re Ga Ma - still the best
SaReGaMa - still the best reality singing show in terms of sheer talent. Also the judges and participants don't do unnecessary nautanki just for trp's. The singers are amazing. What a pleasure to watch. Was rooting for W Bengal but Assam could have easily won as well.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Good evening!
4th december
Good episode overall - precap made me forget the whole episode!!! OMG Sajan were so CUTE!!! Just for that one scene I will want to watch the song! Probably won't get much more, but that one is good enough! Sam's expression when Gunji teased him - priceless!!! And her smiles - even more priceless!!!
ok, back to episode.
MN looking for A, G looking for Su. GunSu conversation - covered the question I had - why does it matter if she's another Nupur? True, A has a really long nose and an annoying tendency to stick it into what's none of his business. And if he starts investigating Su, then her truth will come out. So ok, accepted.
MN-GSu scene took most of the rest of the episode, except for the basketball team announcement - expected, including the AS eyelock.
MN-GSu scene - good. Well written scene, the discussion of the moral dilemma was beautifully done and kept the tension and the momentum of the scene. Gunjan introduced Suhani and gave the initial explanations, but kept quiet when Mayank was talking - she knows he's right, but for once she's thinking with her heart. Am really liking Majan interactions since yesterday. Nupur trying to reason with Mayank, Suhani was good too - so that's one thing cleared, Suhani is not as dense as her brother! She knows Samrat loves Gunjan madly and that's her only hope.
Precap - Loved it! Gunjan in teasing mode :)
followed by an excellent SaReGaMa episode - what singing! and a funny scene in DMG - brainless, but funny - and I've had a good evening! Lots to rewind and watch this weekend, the precap is on top of the list!
Addendum - after discussion. In the song - is Gunjan drunk? Maybe - and that will definitely precipitate something. Can't have her getting drunk for nothing, or just for sweet teasing moments, it has to be part of the story. And definitely again, the Suhani story coming in front of Samrat will not be at a time of Gunjan's choosing, but will be something dramatic and unexpected. Looking at the MG scene again, Gunjan is very quiet after Mayank starts talking, Suhani does all the arguing thereafter, then the locker room, where Suhani says three days. My guess is that Gunjan agrees with Mayank about telling the truth, but convinces him to give Suhani three more days - maybe till the bb match, so that Samrat can play without this on his mind as it is such an important match for him. Mayank will agree to that - he will understand that logic. So the lie is to last till the bb match.
The last bit - Samrat's expression when he sees the three girls in the locker room. I don't think he's overheard their conversation. Things don't normally happen normally!
Good episode overall - precap made me forget the whole episode!!! OMG Sajan were so CUTE!!! Just for that one scene I will want to watch the song! Probably won't get much more, but that one is good enough! Sam's expression when Gunji teased him - priceless!!! And her smiles - even more priceless!!!
ok, back to episode.
MN looking for A, G looking for Su. GunSu conversation - covered the question I had - why does it matter if she's another Nupur? True, A has a really long nose and an annoying tendency to stick it into what's none of his business. And if he starts investigating Su, then her truth will come out. So ok, accepted.
MN-GSu scene took most of the rest of the episode, except for the basketball team announcement - expected, including the AS eyelock.
MN-GSu scene - good. Well written scene, the discussion of the moral dilemma was beautifully done and kept the tension and the momentum of the scene. Gunjan introduced Suhani and gave the initial explanations, but kept quiet when Mayank was talking - she knows he's right, but for once she's thinking with her heart. Am really liking Majan interactions since yesterday. Nupur trying to reason with Mayank, Suhani was good too - so that's one thing cleared, Suhani is not as dense as her brother! She knows Samrat loves Gunjan madly and that's her only hope.
Precap - Loved it! Gunjan in teasing mode :)
followed by an excellent SaReGaMa episode - what singing! and a funny scene in DMG - brainless, but funny - and I've had a good evening! Lots to rewind and watch this weekend, the precap is on top of the list!
Addendum - after discussion. In the song - is Gunjan drunk? Maybe - and that will definitely precipitate something. Can't have her getting drunk for nothing, or just for sweet teasing moments, it has to be part of the story. And definitely again, the Suhani story coming in front of Samrat will not be at a time of Gunjan's choosing, but will be something dramatic and unexpected. Looking at the MG scene again, Gunjan is very quiet after Mayank starts talking, Suhani does all the arguing thereafter, then the locker room, where Suhani says three days. My guess is that Gunjan agrees with Mayank about telling the truth, but convinces him to give Suhani three more days - maybe till the bb match, so that Samrat can play without this on his mind as it is such an important match for him. Mayank will agree to that - he will understand that logic. So the lie is to last till the bb match.
The last bit - Samrat's expression when he sees the three girls in the locker room. I don't think he's overheard their conversation. Things don't normally happen normally!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
again good
3rd December
Sign of a good episode - when you wait for the next day the moment the episode finishes.
And this was quite a good episode.
Again no AS - that is becoming first criterion! Actually Adhiraj is improving in acting, but their love story needs to wait. Uday Suhani was nice - natural acting by Suhani, Uday is always decent.
SG-MN scene - good tension, and for the first time in this entire YEAR, Gunjan showed some anger! No wonder Mayank was taken aback - he literally did a double take! Watching the scene again – that was what made his anger cool – the fact that it was Gunjan who was telling him he was wrong! Few words, but oh so effective! Paved the way for Sam to make the explanations. GM/Arnaya do make a good pair – would be nice to see them in a serial together!
MN make up scene - thankfully not dragged, because their make up scenes have nothing much left in them, they just happen too often. Hopefully this will be the last for some time. Mayank actually remarks on Gunjan's anger! Am glad they're showing some MG interaction - both are kindred spirits, except for the Mayank temper. Make up over, SG enter, cutting short yet another hug. Scene perked up once they entered - Samrat says that if the world listened to his Chashmish, it would be a better place! Hope he remembers that later!
Morning - Nupur tells Gunjan she's going to tell Adhiraj the truth - G horrified. Am glad she spoke to Suhani first before telling Nupur - would have been disappointed if she had told Nupur without telling Suhani. That would not have been Gunjan - she knows how to keep confidences. Even from her own sister - this is Suhani's secret, not hers, and Gunjan's sense of what is right and wrong is very clearcut. Anyway they both tell MN, so now ... Suhani's secret is going to be kept for a bit longer. Let's see how they carry this forward - the story is getting interesting and unpredictable. But I hope that MN just act as support system and don't have to intervene between SG - between Samrat and Suhani, they may be required. But SG are perfectly capable of handling whatever issues come up between them - they really don't need a third party.
Hehe ... almost forgot - Gunjan telling her sister, can you please come out of drama queen avatar and talk normally! :) Sam's influence again?! Cute!
Umm, why are they going to college? Thought Mayank had come for the weekend! Very dedicated students!
Re: yesterday's post about Suhani keeping her wits about her and keeping up the pretense for Adhiraj, and then today's precap - yes, of course, she was as keen as before not to reveal her true identity yet. Sometimes the creatives do remember small details - just sometimes!!!
Sign of a good episode - when you wait for the next day the moment the episode finishes.
And this was quite a good episode.
Again no AS - that is becoming first criterion! Actually Adhiraj is improving in acting, but their love story needs to wait. Uday Suhani was nice - natural acting by Suhani, Uday is always decent.
SG-MN scene - good tension, and for the first time in this entire YEAR, Gunjan showed some anger! No wonder Mayank was taken aback - he literally did a double take! Watching the scene again – that was what made his anger cool – the fact that it was Gunjan who was telling him he was wrong! Few words, but oh so effective! Paved the way for Sam to make the explanations. GM/Arnaya do make a good pair – would be nice to see them in a serial together!
MN make up scene - thankfully not dragged, because their make up scenes have nothing much left in them, they just happen too often. Hopefully this will be the last for some time. Mayank actually remarks on Gunjan's anger! Am glad they're showing some MG interaction - both are kindred spirits, except for the Mayank temper. Make up over, SG enter, cutting short yet another hug. Scene perked up once they entered - Samrat says that if the world listened to his Chashmish, it would be a better place! Hope he remembers that later!
Morning - Nupur tells Gunjan she's going to tell Adhiraj the truth - G horrified. Am glad she spoke to Suhani first before telling Nupur - would have been disappointed if she had told Nupur without telling Suhani. That would not have been Gunjan - she knows how to keep confidences. Even from her own sister - this is Suhani's secret, not hers, and Gunjan's sense of what is right and wrong is very clearcut. Anyway they both tell MN, so now ... Suhani's secret is going to be kept for a bit longer. Let's see how they carry this forward - the story is getting interesting and unpredictable. But I hope that MN just act as support system and don't have to intervene between SG - between Samrat and Suhani, they may be required. But SG are perfectly capable of handling whatever issues come up between them - they really don't need a third party.
Hehe ... almost forgot - Gunjan telling her sister, can you please come out of drama queen avatar and talk normally! :) Sam's influence again?! Cute!
Umm, why are they going to college? Thought Mayank had come for the weekend! Very dedicated students!
Re: yesterday's post about Suhani keeping her wits about her and keeping up the pretense for Adhiraj, and then today's precap - yes, of course, she was as keen as before not to reveal her true identity yet. Sometimes the creatives do remember small details - just sometimes!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Kadak episode!
2nd December
After the brainless comedy of the last two days, a good episode. There was logic to everything - a rarity in MJHT, including even Dodo today and how he stuck to AS. AS scene was actually sit-through-able today as there was no romance!
MN - misunderstanding again, underplayed by both actors and therefore the seriousness came across much more than their normal shouting matches. Liked the little touches - Suhani keeping her wits about her and moving close to Nupur so that Adhiraj couldn't figure out that Mayank was talking to Nups and not to her, and replying to Mayank's question to Nupur, again for A's benefit. Pity Mayank didn't figure that one out - thought he was supposed to be intelligent. They are really portraying his character in the love department a little strangely and irrationally - addendum below.
SG acting again as referees - wonder what's going to happen when Samrat discovers Gunjan's lie - but looking at them today and their talk to MN respectively, again I feel Samrat will land up listening to Gunjan eventually - there will be more hurt than anger. They are both far more cool headed than MN, the interesting part will be that every time they have broken their friendship, it has been Gunjan's doing, this time Samrat is the one who will be hurt and might distance himself from her - at least temporarily.
As for precap and Gunjan ticking off Mayank - woohoo!!! Go Gunjan! Yes, someone has definitely been reading all our discussions on Gunjan and her character development! And loved Samrat at the end - Miss-Understanding! Looking forward to tomorrow's episode to watch the new improved Gunjan! I thought Samrat was the only one who could tackle an angry Mayank, the rest, including Nups, were all scared of his temper, but looks like Gunjan is getting there as well. How much confidence Samrat has given her! Now this is character development! Samrat developing maturity and Gunjan developing confidence!
addendum - after many days, had a thought on MN. Yet another misunderstanding - true. But is this finally a turning point? Coincidence - the project misunderstanding was exactly one year ago. The big difference this time - Mayank was a loner then, confided in no one but his mom. Now he talks to Samrat very freely, and definitely has a lot of respect for Gunjan. In that sense, he is coming out of his isolation to having regular friends whose opinion he actually respects and does listen to, to some extent at least. Will this be an opportunity to bring out the real reason WHY is he always so quick to distrust Nupur i.e. something in his past ... maybe abandonment by his father/ early death of his father/ problems between his parents leading to separation, which leads to an innate distrust of love as an emotion, and the irrational commitment phobia he showed earlier, when he didn't want to acknowledge his relationship with Nupur, and now, his promptness to jumping to conclusions, showing his own insecurity about his relationship and her commitment to it. Is this a reflection of what happened between his parents, and therefore not really as irrational as it seems?
Guess we will have to wait and watch. His arrogance and ego has not really changed very much, but it has softened slightly. If we look back at the phone call between Samrat and Mayank after the bus scene, Samrat says - you should thank me for my plan, Mayank doesn't say thanks, instead, he says, you should thank me that I stayed back, otherwise your gf wouldn't be with you, but would be wiping her sister's tears. Yes, arrogance still there, but toning down ever so slightly. So he still has a long way to go. Maybe it is his defensiveness and his own internal insecurity that manifests as his arrogance, a chip on the shoulder kind of thing. Wonder if the cv's will take this up at all - otherwise the MN story really has nowhere to go. SG still has a lot of meat - sister, then mom dad ... parents are still the mystery element, and they come separately, not together, so that track can be stretched for months. But Mayank's mom loves Nupur, no problems there, it's only the mystery dad and his role in shaping Mayank's character that has any unknowns left in it.
If cv's take it up at all that is - they might prefer to keep things the way they are - one nautanki couple, one emotional couple and one ...??? WHAT to label AS? So far Adhiraj's character is half baked in the extreme - does he have a hidden agenda in pursuing Nupur or is he really being good obedient son and following the arranged match set up for him? And why does he hate Samrat so much? No, lots of unexplained stuff there as well. Wonder what path will be taken next.
After the brainless comedy of the last two days, a good episode. There was logic to everything - a rarity in MJHT, including even Dodo today and how he stuck to AS. AS scene was actually sit-through-able today as there was no romance!
MN - misunderstanding again, underplayed by both actors and therefore the seriousness came across much more than their normal shouting matches. Liked the little touches - Suhani keeping her wits about her and moving close to Nupur so that Adhiraj couldn't figure out that Mayank was talking to Nups and not to her, and replying to Mayank's question to Nupur, again for A's benefit. Pity Mayank didn't figure that one out - thought he was supposed to be intelligent. They are really portraying his character in the love department a little strangely and irrationally - addendum below.
SG acting again as referees - wonder what's going to happen when Samrat discovers Gunjan's lie - but looking at them today and their talk to MN respectively, again I feel Samrat will land up listening to Gunjan eventually - there will be more hurt than anger. They are both far more cool headed than MN, the interesting part will be that every time they have broken their friendship, it has been Gunjan's doing, this time Samrat is the one who will be hurt and might distance himself from her - at least temporarily.
As for precap and Gunjan ticking off Mayank - woohoo!!! Go Gunjan! Yes, someone has definitely been reading all our discussions on Gunjan and her character development! And loved Samrat at the end - Miss-Understanding! Looking forward to tomorrow's episode to watch the new improved Gunjan! I thought Samrat was the only one who could tackle an angry Mayank, the rest, including Nups, were all scared of his temper, but looks like Gunjan is getting there as well. How much confidence Samrat has given her! Now this is character development! Samrat developing maturity and Gunjan developing confidence!
addendum - after many days, had a thought on MN. Yet another misunderstanding - true. But is this finally a turning point? Coincidence - the project misunderstanding was exactly one year ago. The big difference this time - Mayank was a loner then, confided in no one but his mom. Now he talks to Samrat very freely, and definitely has a lot of respect for Gunjan. In that sense, he is coming out of his isolation to having regular friends whose opinion he actually respects and does listen to, to some extent at least. Will this be an opportunity to bring out the real reason WHY is he always so quick to distrust Nupur i.e. something in his past ... maybe abandonment by his father/ early death of his father/ problems between his parents leading to separation, which leads to an innate distrust of love as an emotion, and the irrational commitment phobia he showed earlier, when he didn't want to acknowledge his relationship with Nupur, and now, his promptness to jumping to conclusions, showing his own insecurity about his relationship and her commitment to it. Is this a reflection of what happened between his parents, and therefore not really as irrational as it seems?
Guess we will have to wait and watch. His arrogance and ego has not really changed very much, but it has softened slightly. If we look back at the phone call between Samrat and Mayank after the bus scene, Samrat says - you should thank me for my plan, Mayank doesn't say thanks, instead, he says, you should thank me that I stayed back, otherwise your gf wouldn't be with you, but would be wiping her sister's tears. Yes, arrogance still there, but toning down ever so slightly. So he still has a long way to go. Maybe it is his defensiveness and his own internal insecurity that manifests as his arrogance, a chip on the shoulder kind of thing. Wonder if the cv's will take this up at all - otherwise the MN story really has nowhere to go. SG still has a lot of meat - sister, then mom dad ... parents are still the mystery element, and they come separately, not together, so that track can be stretched for months. But Mayank's mom loves Nupur, no problems there, it's only the mystery dad and his role in shaping Mayank's character that has any unknowns left in it.
If cv's take it up at all that is - they might prefer to keep things the way they are - one nautanki couple, one emotional couple and one ...??? WHAT to label AS? So far Adhiraj's character is half baked in the extreme - does he have a hidden agenda in pursuing Nupur or is he really being good obedient son and following the arranged match set up for him? And why does he hate Samrat so much? No, lots of unexplained stuff there as well. Wonder what path will be taken next.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
SG first scene ... awwwwww :)))
1st December
1st scene today and the best - SG ... awwwwww! This couple is too cute and so full of genuinely cute nautanki! Not the brainless slapstick stuff that happened during the rest of the episode. Gunjan gets out of the bachpan ka basketball ... but i felt Samrat's suspicions were aroused - his chashmish really can't lie to save her life. But then he's a bit slow on the realisation front ... so can't decide. Anyway, he got busy in teasing her thereafter and the "say ILU" was soooo cute! Best part - she says it! :))) How adorable is her smile! No wonder Sam is fida!
The rest of the episode was a merry go round of making coffee and not drinking it ... fairly retarded. And Nupur is lying to Mayank ... yet again! More misunderstanding?! The Sajannups scene was cute too - samrat and nupur squabbling over whose coffee it was - and nupur's 'vahi to!' reminded me of the lady from Office Office!
Why is Adhiraj such a chipku - why is he even in the house at this late hour anyway? After being asked some six times to leave! And why is he asking Gunjan how she got in - it's her house, she lives there - how she got in is her problem, not his! Nosy parker!
Oh well, this week is going to be fultoo brainless nautanki - but if we get a cute SG scene once in a while, I'm okay! Just had a thought though, are they leading up to breaking both the secrets at the same time, now that all the couples and the world's worst secret keeper are in the house together? Happened in DMG last year - we had a few really crazy nautanki episodes, followed by the bomb track which was the best set of episodes tension wise.
1st scene today and the best - SG ... awwwwww! This couple is too cute and so full of genuinely cute nautanki! Not the brainless slapstick stuff that happened during the rest of the episode. Gunjan gets out of the bachpan ka basketball ... but i felt Samrat's suspicions were aroused - his chashmish really can't lie to save her life. But then he's a bit slow on the realisation front ... so can't decide. Anyway, he got busy in teasing her thereafter and the "say ILU" was soooo cute! Best part - she says it! :))) How adorable is her smile! No wonder Sam is fida!
The rest of the episode was a merry go round of making coffee and not drinking it ... fairly retarded. And Nupur is lying to Mayank ... yet again! More misunderstanding?! The Sajannups scene was cute too - samrat and nupur squabbling over whose coffee it was - and nupur's 'vahi to!' reminded me of the lady from Office Office!
Why is Adhiraj such a chipku - why is he even in the house at this late hour anyway? After being asked some six times to leave! And why is he asking Gunjan how she got in - it's her house, she lives there - how she got in is her problem, not his! Nosy parker!
Oh well, this week is going to be fultoo brainless nautanki - but if we get a cute SG scene once in a while, I'm okay! Just had a thought though, are they leading up to breaking both the secrets at the same time, now that all the couples and the world's worst secret keeper are in the house together? Happened in DMG last year - we had a few really crazy nautanki episodes, followed by the bomb track which was the best set of episodes tension wise.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cute today - DMG2
30th November
Today seems to be the day for funny episodes - DMG today was quite cute too. Liked the Tam-Naina interaction ... and the Sid-Naina interaction was too cute! Really nice humor and liked the way they both easily and happily acknowledge their crushes. I like Sid, though he does tend to overact a bit, Naina is becoming better and better, Yuvi is tolerable ... only Tamanna's dialogue delivery is still the pits! Now this is one Riddhima where I wouldn't mind a change.
Today seems to be the day for funny episodes - DMG today was quite cute too. Liked the Tam-Naina interaction ... and the Sid-Naina interaction was too cute! Really nice humor and liked the way they both easily and happily acknowledge their crushes. I like Sid, though he does tend to overact a bit, Naina is becoming better and better, Yuvi is tolerable ... only Tamanna's dialogue delivery is still the pits! Now this is one Riddhima where I wouldn't mind a change.
Masti and coffee!!!
30 November
Today's episode dedicated to coffee! Speaking of too many cooks spoil the broth ... what happens to too many cooks and coffee???
addendum - ek anar sau bimar. So what happens with ek coffee aur itne peene vaale?
Second dedication to bhoot! ... trailing far behind, though!
Honorable mention (VERY honorable mention) - Sajan Mayur and Uday ... they were toooo cute!!! Played second fiddle to the coffee though!
Samrat and his 'meri chashmish bachpan mein kaisi lagti thi' stole my heart - how much he loves his girl! Apart from frequent references to his seedhi vaala pyaar - dude, have you forgotten, you weren't in love with her for the last year! Hmm ... you do seem to have forgotten that! Or maybe you realised (finally!) that you were!
Mayank's one liner of the day - Bhushan family aur drama ka janam janam ka saath hai!
Minimal screen space, hence actually tolerable ... AS. Vaise, I liked Suhani's line ... are, main kya karun, voh khud hi apne aap ko invite karta rehta hai! Too true - agree completely!
Completely brainless and enjoyable episode - screen space should henceforth be in this distribution only! AS can alternate with Benji Dia or Uday can share his screen space with Benji Dia, and limit AS to last two mintes of each episode, that is more than enough for them!
Addendum - aren't the guys - Mayank and Samrat - making themselves very much at home in the Bhushan home? Are they planning to become ghar jamais? :)
Precap - Samrat - Chashmish, agar tumne I love nahin bola to main ubal jaaunga!! How can he even say these lines and get away with them! Only he can do it!!!
Today's episode dedicated to coffee! Speaking of too many cooks spoil the broth ... what happens to too many cooks and coffee???
addendum - ek anar sau bimar. So what happens with ek coffee aur itne peene vaale?
Second dedication to bhoot! ... trailing far behind, though!
Honorable mention (VERY honorable mention) - Sajan Mayur and Uday ... they were toooo cute!!! Played second fiddle to the coffee though!
Samrat and his 'meri chashmish bachpan mein kaisi lagti thi' stole my heart - how much he loves his girl! Apart from frequent references to his seedhi vaala pyaar - dude, have you forgotten, you weren't in love with her for the last year! Hmm ... you do seem to have forgotten that! Or maybe you realised (finally!) that you were!
Mayank's one liner of the day - Bhushan family aur drama ka janam janam ka saath hai!
Minimal screen space, hence actually tolerable ... AS. Vaise, I liked Suhani's line ... are, main kya karun, voh khud hi apne aap ko invite karta rehta hai! Too true - agree completely!
Completely brainless and enjoyable episode - screen space should henceforth be in this distribution only! AS can alternate with Benji Dia or Uday can share his screen space with Benji Dia, and limit AS to last two mintes of each episode, that is more than enough for them!
Addendum - aren't the guys - Mayank and Samrat - making themselves very much at home in the Bhushan home? Are they planning to become ghar jamais? :)
Precap - Samrat - Chashmish, agar tumne I love nahin bola to main ubal jaaunga!! How can he even say these lines and get away with them! Only he can do it!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
27 november
BB court - am getting very tired of Samrat Adhiraj standoffs - thank god this one was short and faded into Samrat's memories.
Nupur and Mayank nautanki - usually is amusing and entertaining, today it was neither. Mayank's acting was bad - he was completely unconvincing as an old man. And for once Nupur wasn't that great - the expressions were somehow over the top. The only part that was nice and looked natural was her smile when she ran to hug Mayank.
BB court with SG - again touching, he is good in emotional scenes and getting better. Gunjan - soft, calm, firm support - dialogues could have been better, (please stop saying - tum chinta mat karo!) but loved the way Samrat leaned against her - again cut short to switch to nautanki Nupur. I guess they needed the time after three weeks apart, but it could have been done at the cost of a very boring AS scene, rather than the SG scene.
AS scene - very boring and getting more boring by the day as their length increases. Suhani tries to put down Adhiraj then softens - how can you fall for a guy like that in three days, or a week or however much it's been?
Song - miniscule Sajan part, they had no scope to make any impact - yet they still did. AS - boring again - why couldn't SG had had more of their part if the sulking MN fans had to be appeased? MN - nice, far better than their ROFL first date. At least they had some relevant stuff going on, coffe, paneer pakodas, tv - earth shattering emotional connection, but that is what they have in their relationship so that's what's relevant for them. Dunno where Mayank organised the dream house at a moment's notice, but that's hardly the most unbelievable thing that's happened in MJHT (case in point - fountains and multi-purpose date room in Excel :)
Anyway, I have no need to run down anybody else just to prove that SG are great ... there is really nothing in the other stories that I want for SG. The other two couples may be great actors ... or not (!) but SG are the only ones who touch my heart.
All in all, disappointing after the build up. If MN have been earmarked for nautanki and passion and no emotional moments, then SG seem to have been earmarked for emotion but no passionate moments at all, and that is getting equally annoying. Though thank god the kiss part wasn't stressed at all. Well, SG were hardly there in the song to stress on anything.
promo - Nupur's boyfriend. Now we have the reason the AS track was proceeding at breakneck speed - to establish A as S's bf before Mayank got back. Can we slow down now? At least decrease the screen space being given to this very boring couple?
addendum: Jaskaran to play Hanuman for Nupur - that just confirms it... MN are nautanki jodi and SG are emotional jodi! Rather amusing - means we'll get some fun moments while the emotional family track is on! Good balance, creatives, just minimise AS, that's all!
BB court - am getting very tired of Samrat Adhiraj standoffs - thank god this one was short and faded into Samrat's memories.
Nupur and Mayank nautanki - usually is amusing and entertaining, today it was neither. Mayank's acting was bad - he was completely unconvincing as an old man. And for once Nupur wasn't that great - the expressions were somehow over the top. The only part that was nice and looked natural was her smile when she ran to hug Mayank.
BB court with SG - again touching, he is good in emotional scenes and getting better. Gunjan - soft, calm, firm support - dialogues could have been better, (please stop saying - tum chinta mat karo!) but loved the way Samrat leaned against her - again cut short to switch to nautanki Nupur. I guess they needed the time after three weeks apart, but it could have been done at the cost of a very boring AS scene, rather than the SG scene.
AS scene - very boring and getting more boring by the day as their length increases. Suhani tries to put down Adhiraj then softens - how can you fall for a guy like that in three days, or a week or however much it's been?
Song - miniscule Sajan part, they had no scope to make any impact - yet they still did. AS - boring again - why couldn't SG had had more of their part if the sulking MN fans had to be appeased? MN - nice, far better than their ROFL first date. At least they had some relevant stuff going on, coffe, paneer pakodas, tv - earth shattering emotional connection, but that is what they have in their relationship so that's what's relevant for them. Dunno where Mayank organised the dream house at a moment's notice, but that's hardly the most unbelievable thing that's happened in MJHT (case in point - fountains and multi-purpose date room in Excel :)
Anyway, I have no need to run down anybody else just to prove that SG are great ... there is really nothing in the other stories that I want for SG. The other two couples may be great actors ... or not (!) but SG are the only ones who touch my heart.
All in all, disappointing after the build up. If MN have been earmarked for nautanki and passion and no emotional moments, then SG seem to have been earmarked for emotion but no passionate moments at all, and that is getting equally annoying. Though thank god the kiss part wasn't stressed at all. Well, SG were hardly there in the song to stress on anything.
promo - Nupur's boyfriend. Now we have the reason the AS track was proceeding at breakneck speed - to establish A as S's bf before Mayank got back. Can we slow down now? At least decrease the screen space being given to this very boring couple?
addendum: Jaskaran to play Hanuman for Nupur - that just confirms it... MN are nautanki jodi and SG are emotional jodi! Rather amusing - means we'll get some fun moments while the emotional family track is on! Good balance, creatives, just minimise AS, that's all!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
superfast express!
26th November episode
canteen scene - had thought it would be amusing and it was - quite cute. Time pass, but cute. Suhani has her wits about her all right. And of course brother Samrat to the rescue - am surprised Adhiraj isn't getting annoyed at the tender looks Suhani bestows on Samrat - all sisterly of course, but he doesn't know that!
Agree completely with Nupur though - aren't AS going at superfast speed?
Locker scene with Nupur and Gunjan - Nupur is back in character and is fun to watch. Gunjan is also back in character, loving, caring, sweet. And protective in her own way - are you sure you want to go out with that guy? We can get you out of it - after all, we don't know anything about him. Very 'bhabhi' style :) Nice sisters scene.
Adhiraj Nupur interaction - not quite sure where they're leading, but maybe somewhere. Didn't really see the point of the conversation, it was entertaining but ...
Song is tomorrow - all three couples.
canteen scene - had thought it would be amusing and it was - quite cute. Time pass, but cute. Suhani has her wits about her all right. And of course brother Samrat to the rescue - am surprised Adhiraj isn't getting annoyed at the tender looks Suhani bestows on Samrat - all sisterly of course, but he doesn't know that!
Agree completely with Nupur though - aren't AS going at superfast speed?
Locker scene with Nupur and Gunjan - Nupur is back in character and is fun to watch. Gunjan is also back in character, loving, caring, sweet. And protective in her own way - are you sure you want to go out with that guy? We can get you out of it - after all, we don't know anything about him. Very 'bhabhi' style :) Nice sisters scene.
Adhiraj Nupur interaction - not quite sure where they're leading, but maybe somewhere. Didn't really see the point of the conversation, it was entertaining but ...
Song is tomorrow - all three couples.
Gunjan character development
Gunjan character development – in the Wednesday episode, there was more Gunjan development (and now I’m sure someone is reading our discussions – Gunjan is going exactly the way we want her to!). First, her statement to Samrat – I can have friends other than you – the Gunjan at the start of the show didn’t talk to anyone apart from her sister, and was alarmingly prone to burst into tears if anyone spoke to her ;) … to have her reach here really shows how she has developed from a timid shy small town girl to becoming confident in her own self. And her experiences over the course of the show – the talent parade, the RJ hunt, becoming Valentine princess, being in charge of the music for the play – she took up all these roles slowly and very quietly and unobtrusively and they have all helped her grow. If you don’t follow her story, you might wonder how she reached here, but look at all the events in her life over the last year and how she has handled them, and you find the explanation. And of course, the biggest factor has been her love life – even the Sheena phase showed some growth – she went through heartbreak not once but thrice – first on Rose day, then when Samrat first started liking Sheena and confided every detail to Gunjan, then when she confessed during the play and he didn’t get it, Sheena proclaimed Gunjan loves you, he still didn’t get it … all those heartbreaks also didn’t shatter her … she cried, then picked herself up and continued with her friendship, reasoning that something is better than nothing – that itself takes some doing. And the final major contribution to her growth has been again Samrat and the fact that he loves her so much – that has over a few short weeks given her so much confidence in herself and so much growth in her character – she has become bright, smiling, confident, able to stand up for what she believes is right, confident enough to disagree with the gang and even Samrat, without going into major histrionics over it.
Samrat and Gunjan – how she handled the disagreement with Samrat (can’t even call it a fight). If you look at the characters of Samrat and Gunjan, they are polar opposites – he has a confident, almost arrogant exterior which hides a very vulnerable and lonely interior and she is the opposite, shy and underconfident with other people, but inwardly strong, sure of herself, her values and ideals, what she believes is right and wrong. So they are not just opposites - they are complementary to each other - his weakness is her strength and hers is his. He helps her to deal with the world, and she helps him to deal with himself. That's why they make such a beautiful couple.
Also she has always been sensitive to other people’s feelings – except maybe when she was in the weeping willow phase – and here she is very sensitive to Samrat, especially now that she has started learning about his childhood and his insecurities. The way she spoke to him was an unspoken reassurance – I don’t mind if you’re angry with me, you have the right to be – reassuring him that I won’t leave you regardless of anything that happens between us – for Samrat, with his history, that itself is all he needs. He’ll apologise to Nupur2/Suhani – hell, he’ll even stand on his head if required, because Gunjan is still with him. Not only does it show their bond, it also shows how dependent he is on her. And he reiterates it to Suhani – if you don’t forgive me, Gunjan won’t forgive me.
Samrat and Gunjan – how she handled the disagreement with Samrat (can’t even call it a fight). If you look at the characters of Samrat and Gunjan, they are polar opposites – he has a confident, almost arrogant exterior which hides a very vulnerable and lonely interior and she is the opposite, shy and underconfident with other people, but inwardly strong, sure of herself, her values and ideals, what she believes is right and wrong. So they are not just opposites - they are complementary to each other - his weakness is her strength and hers is his. He helps her to deal with the world, and she helps him to deal with himself. That's why they make such a beautiful couple.
Also she has always been sensitive to other people’s feelings – except maybe when she was in the weeping willow phase – and here she is very sensitive to Samrat, especially now that she has started learning about his childhood and his insecurities. The way she spoke to him was an unspoken reassurance – I don’t mind if you’re angry with me, you have the right to be – reassuring him that I won’t leave you regardless of anything that happens between us – for Samrat, with his history, that itself is all he needs. He’ll apologise to Nupur2/Suhani – hell, he’ll even stand on his head if required, because Gunjan is still with him. Not only does it show their bond, it also shows how dependent he is on her. And he reiterates it to Suhani – if you don’t forgive me, Gunjan won’t forgive me.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Fastest make up?! :)))
25th November episode
I think we need to start clocking the SG fights - which one is the shortest!!! They barely fight and they make up!
Samrat is too cute! He just can't stay away from Gunjan ... as for fighting with her, it makes him so miserable ... he's really a cutie pie! And when Nupur is there too, adding her comments, it's icing on the cake!
But I don't care for the testosterone laden scenes with Adharaj!
And Suhani, you're here for your brother, why are you getting involved with Adhiraj? Concentrate on your brother ... and keep giving that arrogant fellow some put downs!
Nupur's scene with pp guy - forced humor again.
Samrat apology to Suhani - again very cute and liked the way he made it clear to her that Chashmish was the ruling influence in his life!
Last scene in canteen - has the potential to be cute - have to wait til tomorrow.
Precap - SG rain song, am not keeping ANY expectations now that there are three couples.
I think we need to start clocking the SG fights - which one is the shortest!!! They barely fight and they make up!
Samrat is too cute! He just can't stay away from Gunjan ... as for fighting with her, it makes him so miserable ... he's really a cutie pie! And when Nupur is there too, adding her comments, it's icing on the cake!
But I don't care for the testosterone laden scenes with Adharaj!
And Suhani, you're here for your brother, why are you getting involved with Adhiraj? Concentrate on your brother ... and keep giving that arrogant fellow some put downs!
Nupur's scene with pp guy - forced humor again.
Samrat apology to Suhani - again very cute and liked the way he made it clear to her that Chashmish was the ruling influence in his life!
Last scene in canteen - has the potential to be cute - have to wait til tomorrow.
Precap - SG rain song, am not keeping ANY expectations now that there are three couples.
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