Edited 4/08 - Sanaya is STILL in Sri Lanka?! That's a long holiday by her standards!

Post on Sanaya's IG 4/08/17 "Beach vibes"
Her captions are fun and witty ... am still laughing over the one of the elephants, and her expression change. Can't post here, the blog doesn't support IG videos :(
30/7/17 Not much news on Sanaya front :( She is now is Sri Lanka for a holiday, it seems ...

So the wait continues.
Mohit has started shooting for the afternoon SP show, Luv Ka Hai Intezaar ... sensible move, to take up this show. Visibility is all important on television. Hope the ratings improve enough to keep it, and him, on air for some time.
Still watching Naamkaran ... a bit sporadically, after my holiday and then back to work ... still holds my interest when I watch it ... so will persist for some time. The ML has improved a lot, and his character is very well drawn. Not surprised that the FL is falling for him. Speaking of the FL, it's refreshing to see an angry young woman bent on revenge on tv, and doing a good job. The last revenge drama, EHT, suffered because the FL was a very poor actress. This one is not brilliant, but she's getting there.
Lost touch with KRPK ... need to catch up.
Now for some major ROFL moments ... in the great replacement show, which was supposed to be blockbuster, apparently led by Indian James Bond. So what if the first of the franchise was a simple love story between opposites, sensitively written, and brilliantly acted? Don't quibble about details ... the third of this franchise has now become Hindu social cum family drama cum intense love story cum revenge saga ... hang on, they scrapped the last two, they weren't getting TRPs ... so we go now to Marvel comics and the Adventures of PigeonpoopMan!
A maths professor who magnetises chappals so that FL will trip and fall and throw tea all over prospective suitor PeePee (not to be confused with PPMan, our hero) ... why the FL cannot simply take off her chappals when she finds them sticking to the ground, is unexplained ... she is not a Math whiz, only a Sanskrit scholar, you see.
Followed by PPman using a remote control previously unknown to all mankind ... this remote control can direct an entire pigeon flock to fly together ... and POOP together ... on specified targets ... leaving PPMan and his SSFL (Sanskrit scholar FL) not only untouched by the poop ... but also they get showered with flower petals instead.
Please do not ask any little details about how and why did PPMan and SSFL get spared ... PPMan's remote is very specific ...
Also do not question where the flower petals suddenly apparated from ...PPMan may have a separate hidden remote which can control flowers ... if he can control the crapping habits of pigeons, flowers are no big deal, no?
All this from written updates and various articles on online sites ... I haven't had the inclination or the time to actually watch even a few seconds of the great train wreck ... oops, sorry ... the great replacement show.

Post on Sanaya's IG 4/08/17 "Beach vibes"
Her captions are fun and witty ... am still laughing over the one of the elephants, and her expression change. Can't post here, the blog doesn't support IG videos :(
30/7/17 Not much news on Sanaya front :( She is now is Sri Lanka for a holiday, it seems ...

So the wait continues.
Mohit has started shooting for the afternoon SP show, Luv Ka Hai Intezaar ... sensible move, to take up this show. Visibility is all important on television. Hope the ratings improve enough to keep it, and him, on air for some time.
Still watching Naamkaran ... a bit sporadically, after my holiday and then back to work ... still holds my interest when I watch it ... so will persist for some time. The ML has improved a lot, and his character is very well drawn. Not surprised that the FL is falling for him. Speaking of the FL, it's refreshing to see an angry young woman bent on revenge on tv, and doing a good job. The last revenge drama, EHT, suffered because the FL was a very poor actress. This one is not brilliant, but she's getting there.
Lost touch with KRPK ... need to catch up.
Now for some major ROFL moments ... in the great replacement show, which was supposed to be blockbuster, apparently led by Indian James Bond. So what if the first of the franchise was a simple love story between opposites, sensitively written, and brilliantly acted? Don't quibble about details ... the third of this franchise has now become Hindu social cum family drama cum intense love story cum revenge saga ... hang on, they scrapped the last two, they weren't getting TRPs ... so we go now to Marvel comics and the Adventures of PigeonpoopMan!
A maths professor who magnetises chappals so that FL will trip and fall and throw tea all over prospective suitor PeePee (not to be confused with PPMan, our hero) ... why the FL cannot simply take off her chappals when she finds them sticking to the ground, is unexplained ... she is not a Math whiz, only a Sanskrit scholar, you see.
Followed by PPman using a remote control previously unknown to all mankind ... this remote control can direct an entire pigeon flock to fly together ... and POOP together ... on specified targets ... leaving PPMan and his SSFL (Sanskrit scholar FL) not only untouched by the poop ... but also they get showered with flower petals instead.
Please do not ask any little details about how and why did PPMan and SSFL get spared ... PPMan's remote is very specific ...
Also do not question where the flower petals suddenly apparated from ...PPMan may have a separate hidden remote which can control flowers ... if he can control the crapping habits of pigeons, flowers are no big deal, no?
All this from written updates and various articles on online sites ... I haven't had the inclination or the time to actually watch even a few seconds of the great train wreck ... oops, sorry ... the great replacement show.
Have you actually watched anything of this show? Just the pics put me off ...the garish, outlandish costumes, the gaunt bearded hairy uncle ML, and the multicolored FL and her various relatives wearing jewelry that could stop a tank. :)))
ReplyDeleteNot that I was much inclined to watch this at all ... would far rather watch the original, than taint my memories with this crap ... sorry, poop! :)))
Dia, not watching this masterpiece, the pics and WU themselves tell me that it will go over my head literally. This level of creativity and aesthetics not for mear mortal like me. Hello hi, bye, bye from me.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Thanks for the laugh.
D, forgot to sign off above.
With no proper characterization and story build up, this excessive, forced romance makes the hero look like character dheela. Which self respecting girl, that too from a traditional family, allows a stranger to invade her personal space again and again to rabba ve and apparently this one had some trauma too and suffers from some kind of PTSD, according to an article I read.
She forgot her trauma and PTSD in favour of RV with said dark creepy stranger. So much for tight script and solid characterization.
DeleteAnd I believe she has turned from quiet traumatised girl to chulbuli sassy heroine ... now why does that sound familiar? Oh yes ... Khushi ... Zoya ... Anika ... that DBO girl ... in short, all Gul's heroines :)
RV from episode 2??!!! In a revenge saga??? Good grief!!!
ReplyDeleteBut this is typical Gul now, she has lost the art of subtle storytelling. In IB, from the few episodes I watched, the lead pair had their Saajana song playing from first meeting, when FL was throwing gobar on ML. As though thrusting down people's throats ... THIS is our LEAD PAIR!!! They will fall in LOWE!!! So all the crap he dishes out to her is acceptable, because eventually he will fall in love with her, and she with him.
I miss the subtle story telling of IPK ... where for weeks, we weren't sure whether Shyam is positive or negative ... sigh!
D. I. S. A. S. T. E. R. Thats what this show is. watched a few episodes because i liked Barun a long time ago and gave up. This show is a murder on arts, acting, subtlety, our eyes and ears. There is nit a single redeeming quality about this disaster period. Actually there is- it has successfully reminded all & sundry that IPK without Sanaya is nothing but a pile of trash. Thanks to the makers of Pee Pee Man for elevating san's status in the TV industry.
ReplyDeleteWell said!!!
DeleteAnd I so completely agree with you on this part - "it has successfully reminded all & sundry that IPK without Sanaya is nothing but a pile of trash. Thanks to the makers of Pee Pee Man for elevating San's status in the TV industry."
DeleteUnbelievable though it sounds, I feel SP and Gul maata (and Poopman himself) actually believed that the entire success of IPKKND rested on the shoulders (and mumbles) of ASR ... even more unbelievably, they thought it was more the actor than the character. Did they not know that in any household where the show was watched, it was known as the Khushi show ... or did they all go by the online hysteria which drowned out the trp junta, who loved Khushi so much.
Well, now the TRP junta has spoken ... it wasn't either ASR or Barun alone ... and repeating the same name, the same actor, the same tune (for Gods sakes, which brilliant person came up with that idiocy expressly designed to remind all viewers of the beauty of S1, when S3 is such bullcrap?! Should be fired from his/her job!) ... the same scenes, the same postures, the same dialogues ... in short, repeating everything except the female lead of the first season ... does not make this a 'new season' of the franchise. It makes it a poor copy. And people prefer a good original to a poor copy every time.
The only saving grace is that it has revived us from our long lost stupor......
ReplyDeleteLol ... I would so much prefer more positive things to revive us ... like news of Sanaya's next show :)
DeleteBut till then ... this is good for laughs. Am trying to decide which is more ridiculous ... Gopi vhau washing a laptop... Simar turning into makkhi ... or Poop man and his remote controlled pooping pigeons.I believe Gul maata's other offering, IB, has also gone into ridiculous mode, with costume changes happening in midair ... thank heavens for my sanity, that I renounced Gul maata and her shows a long time back. Now the Wus serve only as source of amusement ... that too, till we get some better entertainment.
First they need to decide the genre, then the target audience is defined by extension. Currently they seem confused ... is Adhu superhero? math genius cum computer whiz? AYM bent on revenge? lover boy? Is Moonlight quiet shy traumatised girl, petrified of strangers? chulbuli natkhat ladki? Those are two polar opposites, cannot coexist in the same character.
ReplyDeleteI miss Khushi and her craziness ... and also Paro and her naive innocence coupled with quiet strength. Have to give it to ST ... regardless of TRPs, he never changed the basics of his leading characters' traits ... Rudra was protective of Paro from word go, despite his hatred of traitors ... Paro hated BSD and by extension Rudra, yet found comfort in that protectiveness ... we knew exactly where the characters were coming from, and how their internal conflicts arose.
Or maybe Sanaya and Ashish were just way better actors than poopman and tomar are ... that's also possible, that hobo and tomar are failing to convey the layers in the characters the way the writers envisaged, hence the confusion. Which is quite possible ... tomar has been thrown out of four shows for her lack of acting skills, and from the stills, it doesn't seem she has acquired any great polish overnight. As for bitwa, I remember the ruckus during IPK when Lalit Mohan stated clearly that hobo's looks came from good camera angles and lighting, and he needed multiple retakes for many scenes. His fans were hopping mad, but there must have been some truth in what he said. Hobo needs a very strong director and script to do any good ... and from the sounds of things, both those are strongly lacking in this show.
Again, all this from Wus ... hobo was good in IPK, but on this blog we pointed out his mumbling many a time, so that part is not surprising, his dialogue delivery was always his weakest point. I have no opinion on tomar as I have never watched her act ... but if she was thrown out in favour of the actress who ultimately did Titu, that doesn't say much for her acting skills either.
Don't you think it's a bit harsh to talk like that - sorry, scratch that bit. I used to wait for your WU for IPK 1 for hours, sure you focused more on khushi and you have every right to like Sanaya more but seriously 'Hobo', dissing Shivani for her acting skills. I won't defend Barun or try to justify his leaving the show mid-way but honestly, it was your updates that pointed me toward the all the little reflections of ASR and there is no denying the fact that it was barun who made ASR. I am visiting your block since last 5 years(it's bookmarked in my laptop) but now after this I don't think I can connect with you anymore. Of course the fact that I respected a doctor who wrote beautifully about 2 characters won't mean anything to you but I guess I lost something today, for me IPK1 was always about both the episodes and your updates(the edited ones that were published a day after the airing were used to be my highlight of the day). But alas, today I can't find a reason on how you are different from all the other people who are bashing barun and shivani on social media platforms.
Deletep.s - You'll find this amusing but I was fervently hoping against all odds that you'll start liking this season and start with those updates again and even now when I see the episode I try to imagine your reflection of the emotional scenes.
Bye, again thank you for those updates.
Hi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, thank you very much for following my blog for so many years ... I really mean that. I'm glad that IPK for you was about both the show and my posts. That show was really something special, and I will always be glad that Sanaya was a part of it. And it's really sweet of you to say my posts were highlights of your day.
I'm sorry if you felt bad about my calling Barun 'hobo' ... it's a name I gave him during the days he roamed around looking like one, with his long haired unshaven look, and the name has stuck. And if you've been following my blog, you know I used to christen people with nicknames all the time ... usually it was characters, but this time, it was an actor. I have far worse names for some other actors, but will not mention them here!
Yes, of course I have the right to like whom I want ... this blog was actually started first during DMG days, but I became more regular in posting during MJHT ... so for the longest time it has been about Sanaya Irani. So far, I have not found any other actor or actress that I have liked half as much ... if and when I do, I'm sure I will write about his/her shows as well. I do write sporadically about shows that catch my attention ... but most don't sustain for too long.
Regarding IPK 3 ... I lost all respect for Barun the actor not because he left IPK midway (he had all the right to do that, even if it was a foolish decision in hindsight), but for the statements he made at the time dissing the show, daily TV and his own work. A person who does not respect his work, disrespects himself, and loses all respect in my eyes. I have been following Sanaya all these years, and while I do not diss Barun openly on social media, I do see the way his fans diss Sanaya, bash her, body shame, abuse and insult her. And I personally have been the target of some of their insults. They don't bother me, as they come from blind immature fans, but they have definitely managed to put me off the actor himself even further ... not his fault, but that's what happens.
DeleteI have seen stills of Shivani Tomar on my twitter timeline, and am yet to see more than two expressions on her face. I don't hesitate to call out bad acting when I see it ... I have always felt that the FL of KRPK is bad, the FL of NK is very average (these are the two shows I follow) ... and I have said so here. It's not bashing ... this is my opinion. And I definitely do not intend to watch the show to find out whether she is as bad as she seems, since I have sworn off Gul shows ... Gul is a misogynistic, arrogant woman, who has a single template for all her shows ... her ML is a rich arrogant guy who hates a women/all women ... and the FLs in all her shows are downtrodden and pliant, without any character or backbone. Khushi was the sole exception - I feel now Sanaya made of Khushi, much more than was originally intended - going by the rest of Gul's FLs. I also hate the regressive content in Gul's shows - I swore off her shows when I saw the Dadi in QH being hung upside down ... that repulsed and revolted me, and I will not support a producer who shows such regressive trash on screen. I actually cannot believe that the same PH who produced the beautifully nuanced IPK 1 churned out the trash in QH like chudails and witches, and is now churning out the pigeon poop crap in IPK 3.
I would even support Rashmi Sharma over Gul, since RS made a movie like Pink from the profits of her equally regressive shows ... not that I watch RS shows either! I'm very much a feminist in that sense ... I think that's pretty clear from my blog too! And I will not watch IPK 3 for another reason ... the very sexist comments Gul made about not taking Sanaya for IPK 3 ... though I am fervently glad she didn't! But then, I don't think I'm missing much, going by the written updates, that is. If the show is really good enough to draw me in at some later date, then I may write on it ... but as of now, no plans at all.
I hope I find another show at some point in time that I can write about, and you can connect to ... till then, thanks again for following this blog as long as you have done.
Hi Dia
ReplyDeleteI pop into you blog ever so often just to see if you have any news on Sanaya.
Watched a couple of episodes of IPK and can only say it made me cringe. From the clothes that Barun is wearing the appalling makeup job. In one scene he had white streaks on his face, and looked like he was ill.
I thought I would enjoy this series hoping that Barun would do justice to him character, but I am disappointed to say that it has not been so. He had some charisma as Arnav but I see very little of it here.
We shall have to wait and see if there is any improvement as the show goes on, but I won't be watching it on a regular basis
Take care, I will pop in again soon
Lin x
Hi Lin, good to see you here! The blog is slow these days ... no Sanaya news,and I'm not motivated to write on anything else I'm watching.
DeleteI've just started watching Zindagi ki Mehak, a Zee tv show ... so far so good ... the FL again is a very average actress, but the characters are well written. Naamkaran remains watchable, though again the FL is a very average actress. One Indian tv show where the ML is a really nice guy, uses his brains, and is not a mamma's boy ... so refreshing!
Haven't watched anything of IPK 3, and am not tempted to in the slightest, for all the reasons I mentioned above! :) I do hear rumblings about his acting from his die hard fans, so I guess he has not measured up to his IPK 1 ASR so far. But the story seems all over the place ... I've just started watching Mehak from the start, so I can see the difference that good storytelling makes in the initial few weeks of a show. Of course, audience can get attracted at any point ... I remember for IPK 1, people came in at the guesthouse scene, at Diwali, at the first red saree rabba ve, the rain hug ... there were so many hook points, because they were well spaced and built into the story ... the story wasn't built around them. Here it seems the makers are scrambling after the first three weeks of disastrous trps.
Rangrasiya started with lower than expected trps too, 1.7 if I remember right ... but have to give it to Saurabh Tewari, he kept his storyline and his characters intact till the end. Killed off Paro in the process, but didn't change her character.
Sigh ... all these comparisons remind me why Sanaya and her shows MJHT, IPK1 and even RR were so special.
Hope to see you around ... and hope Sanaya comes back soon, so we can revive this blog!
finally someone agrees with me about the conviction in story and character gulbadan claims to have and ST actually proved that he has...I am happy sanaya got to do RR and not ipkknd 3...paro was fire in the very first 'shant' scene in the hospital...I don't want to undermine the pain of someone who was physically and probably sexually tortured too but chandni is a bit too timid...she didn't even tell her mother that a stranger sexually intimidates her in her house!I get that she is scared to actually do something herself but at least tell someone!Now of course,he still invades her private space but since their has been a change in the characters,she is attracted to him now....and there was such hallabaloo over her being educated and all...well it's not even as if she is financially independent or anything...khushi sold her bangles to get something,chandni too sold her jewellery to get something...and I am not even saying your education or degree is meaningless if you don't make a living out of it but really all in all what is better about chandni other than the fact that she pronounces her english right?
ReplyDeleteI am happy about the fact that she got ashish sharma as her co star too...I really really like sarun and if I had to choose I would choose arshi over parud...but barun is totally disappointing as advay...if this is going to continue then I would not really want barun to ever work with sanaya.So far neither barun nor the makers have made me wish that sanaya was a part of ipk3,if I say this in the forum people will think of it as a case of sour grapes but I genuinely mean it.
Hello, hello, nice to see you here! I had no idea you knew of this blog - I write thoughts here that I avoid expressing on the forum, as here I can be more frank, and can monitor and censor reactions ;)
DeleteHonestly, I have not watched a single episode of IPK3, and am not the least tempted to do so either.The promos put me off ... I am anything but a BS fan ;) and I can't sit through Gul shows - I actually gave both IB and DBO a try because I like both male leads ... but gave up, couldn't sit through a single episode of either! My comments on IPK 3 are solely from written updates from J's thread and updates from friends who do read the forum - none watch the show. Oh, and from Twitter updates - which are quite frankly hilarious, especially some of the stills I see :)))
As for Sanaya being a part of IPK 3 ... I was always glad she wasn't part of it ... though I was annoyed she wasn't even asked, as I feel she had more right to be a part of the franchise than the guy who tossed the show ... but now, I'm devoutly thankful she is not a part of this train wreck! Barun was very good the first nine months of IPK ... but he has totally lost his looks and his charm, and from the updates, his acting chops as well. His fans bashed Lalit Mohan for saying Sanaya was the better actor and Barun needed more retakes, camera angles, lighting etc ... looks like LM knew what he was talking about! So I will be equally happy if he doesn't work with Sanaya again.
hey...you forgot...I had asked for the link to your blog during mjht times and you had given it to me.
ReplyDeleteI think gul did approach sanaya....whatever his fans would want to believe....they think of sanaya refusing gul for entirely professional reasons(as sanaya said she has done many love stories and wants something different) as an insult to barun...according to them barun can leave any show whenever he wants but how can it be possible that ANY actress refuse to work with him?...but I have my reasons to believe that gul did approach sanaya...first,sbs had reported about it,then Joseph_A kind of said it too and he really does have sources and has been proven right so many times....also why would gul want to make a web show with barun when she could have made a tv show with him?it is because she could not have made a tv show with him without sanaya as SP probably would have refused...but seeing the response to tanhaiyan SP agreed for another IPK without sanaya...but looks like channel overestimated his trp pull....my last reason-why would gul bash and age shame irani without any reason?it is because there is a reason!...well gul at least thinks there is...she won't bash barun for leaving season 1,she won't hold a grudge against ksg against for refusing season 1...but she will bash and age shame sanaya...but then we can't really accuse gul khan of unbiasness now,can we?hehe
You're talking about the earlier rumors before the web show was finalised ... oh yes, I agree, Gul had approached Sanaya for something. I remember Arti of SBS tweeted that Gul and Barun were on board, they were trying to convince Sanaya. And when the web show was announced and people asked Gul for Sanaya, she replied that Sanaya was busy with another show (MM). So I guess Gul took it to heart that Sanaya had the temerity to turn her down! She doesn't mind that barun and KSG walked out of her running shows, but I guess her ego couldn't stand it that Sanaya said no to her.
DeleteAnyway, I said earlier, Gul has a single template for all her shows - AYM with tragic past and second fiddle FL ... her shows never give the FL much depth. What depth Khushi had, Sanaya gave her ... even Lalit Mohan said so.
Sanaya gained a lot from IPKKND, there is no denying that ... but she made Khushi a household name ... the show is identified as the Khushi show for a good reason. And now she really doesn't need to ... and doesn't want to ... do rinse repeat roles ... which is all Gul can offer any FL.