Edited 4/08 - Sanaya is STILL in Sri Lanka?! That's a long holiday by her standards!

Post on Sanaya's IG 4/08/17 "Beach vibes"
Her captions are fun and witty ... am still laughing over the one of the elephants, and her expression change. Can't post here, the blog doesn't support IG videos :(
30/7/17 Not much news on Sanaya front :( She is now is Sri Lanka for a holiday, it seems ...

So the wait continues.
Mohit has started shooting for the afternoon SP show, Luv Ka Hai Intezaar ... sensible move, to take up this show. Visibility is all important on television. Hope the ratings improve enough to keep it, and him, on air for some time.
Still watching Naamkaran ... a bit sporadically, after my holiday and then back to work ... still holds my interest when I watch it ... so will persist for some time. The ML has improved a lot, and his character is very well drawn. Not surprised that the FL is falling for him. Speaking of the FL, it's refreshing to see an angry young woman bent on revenge on tv, and doing a good job. The last revenge drama, EHT, suffered because the FL was a very poor actress. This one is not brilliant, but she's getting there.
Lost touch with KRPK ... need to catch up.
Now for some major ROFL moments ... in the great replacement show, which was supposed to be blockbuster, apparently led by Indian James Bond. So what if the first of the franchise was a simple love story between opposites, sensitively written, and brilliantly acted? Don't quibble about details ... the third of this franchise has now become Hindu social cum family drama cum intense love story cum revenge saga ... hang on, they scrapped the last two, they weren't getting TRPs ... so we go now to Marvel comics and the Adventures of PigeonpoopMan!
A maths professor who magnetises chappals so that FL will trip and fall and throw tea all over prospective suitor PeePee (not to be confused with PPMan, our hero) ... why the FL cannot simply take off her chappals when she finds them sticking to the ground, is unexplained ... she is not a Math whiz, only a Sanskrit scholar, you see.
Followed by PPman using a remote control previously unknown to all mankind ... this remote control can direct an entire pigeon flock to fly together ... and POOP together ... on specified targets ... leaving PPMan and his SSFL (Sanskrit scholar FL) not only untouched by the poop ... but also they get showered with flower petals instead.
Please do not ask any little details about how and why did PPMan and SSFL get spared ... PPMan's remote is very specific ...
Also do not question where the flower petals suddenly apparated from ...PPMan may have a separate hidden remote which can control flowers ... if he can control the crapping habits of pigeons, flowers are no big deal, no?
All this from written updates and various articles on online sites ... I haven't had the inclination or the time to actually watch even a few seconds of the great train wreck ... oops, sorry ... the great replacement show.

Post on Sanaya's IG 4/08/17 "Beach vibes"
Her captions are fun and witty ... am still laughing over the one of the elephants, and her expression change. Can't post here, the blog doesn't support IG videos :(
30/7/17 Not much news on Sanaya front :( She is now is Sri Lanka for a holiday, it seems ...

So the wait continues.
Mohit has started shooting for the afternoon SP show, Luv Ka Hai Intezaar ... sensible move, to take up this show. Visibility is all important on television. Hope the ratings improve enough to keep it, and him, on air for some time.
Still watching Naamkaran ... a bit sporadically, after my holiday and then back to work ... still holds my interest when I watch it ... so will persist for some time. The ML has improved a lot, and his character is very well drawn. Not surprised that the FL is falling for him. Speaking of the FL, it's refreshing to see an angry young woman bent on revenge on tv, and doing a good job. The last revenge drama, EHT, suffered because the FL was a very poor actress. This one is not brilliant, but she's getting there.
Lost touch with KRPK ... need to catch up.
Now for some major ROFL moments ... in the great replacement show, which was supposed to be blockbuster, apparently led by Indian James Bond. So what if the first of the franchise was a simple love story between opposites, sensitively written, and brilliantly acted? Don't quibble about details ... the third of this franchise has now become Hindu social cum family drama cum intense love story cum revenge saga ... hang on, they scrapped the last two, they weren't getting TRPs ... so we go now to Marvel comics and the Adventures of PigeonpoopMan!
A maths professor who magnetises chappals so that FL will trip and fall and throw tea all over prospective suitor PeePee (not to be confused with PPMan, our hero) ... why the FL cannot simply take off her chappals when she finds them sticking to the ground, is unexplained ... she is not a Math whiz, only a Sanskrit scholar, you see.
Followed by PPman using a remote control previously unknown to all mankind ... this remote control can direct an entire pigeon flock to fly together ... and POOP together ... on specified targets ... leaving PPMan and his SSFL (Sanskrit scholar FL) not only untouched by the poop ... but also they get showered with flower petals instead.
Please do not ask any little details about how and why did PPMan and SSFL get spared ... PPMan's remote is very specific ...
Also do not question where the flower petals suddenly apparated from ...PPMan may have a separate hidden remote which can control flowers ... if he can control the crapping habits of pigeons, flowers are no big deal, no?
All this from written updates and various articles on online sites ... I haven't had the inclination or the time to actually watch even a few seconds of the great train wreck ... oops, sorry ... the great replacement show.